#nok nok
stolenlandsshitposts · 3 months
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Although it didn't wind up finished until over a week after the date, happy belated Sunwrought Festival! This is something of a more joyful follow up to my 2022 art- something I'd wanted to do last year but didn't have the capacity for due to life circumstances. I hope everyone enjoyed their solstice!
(some of the process stuff under the cut.)
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iwoszareba · 2 years
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there is banter in kingmaker where Nok-Nok eats Octavia's lipstick and neither of them is happy about it
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depresanesfreetime · 2 months
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popsartattic · 1 year
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I have had Nok-Nok for less than a day but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this barony and then myself
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daisymeade · 2 years
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NG Grance at his Lawful bestie and wife like, "Blease, he's just a littol guy." 😂
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
I have no horse in this race, I just believe in equality and in the interest of fairness, I added Maegar as he is romanceable in Varnhold's Lot.
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eris1521987 · 7 months
A gif of Nok Nok in pixel form, this was for an old project. I hope y'all like it.
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Owlcatober 2023 + Boss Battle
Hello again! Here is my prompt submission for #28 - Boss Battle Game: Pathfinder Kingmaker Characters: Nok Nok, Hyland, Baroness Nona Currminder Rating: G Wordcount: 1,776 Summary: After recruiting Nok-Nok at the goblin village, Baroness Nona Currminder finds herself overwhelmed by the goblin's antics. Things escalate when Nona's beloved animal companion, Avchak, gets dragged into the mix. Warning for being a silly fic and for humans being rude to Nok-Nok. You can read it here on AO3 as well!
The knock on her bedroom door comes heavy and swift. Nona Currminder raises her head at the sound. Waiting to see if it goes away, she flips a page in the book she is struggling to read. The letters still do not translate themselves easily to her mind. Once it comes again, more urgently, she sighs and sets the book down on her bed. There had been horribly little down time since the Baroness and her companions had settled the matter of Lamashtu and the goblin village. Books were not something she could spend time on anymore.
“Your Grace… you will want to see this.”
It is Hyland’s voice, rife with concern. The human’s face is equally lined with concern once she opens the door to look up at him.
“What is it,” she asks, unable to hide the annoyance in her voice.
“Well… erm.. I… it… it is your bear, Your Grace.”
“Avchak? Is she alright? You haven’t fed her anything bad for her have you? I told you she’s not supposed to have pastries!”
With a wince, Hyland shakes his head, “No! No! It’s going to eat the goblin!”
Goblin? What goblin? Nona purses her lips as she tries to remember if she knew any goblins. Then with a sickening feeling, she remembers: Nok-Nok. The little goblin had taken great interest in Avchak. While the others rode horses, Nok-Nok had tried to clamber onto Avchak. This had led to the bear growling and throwing Nok-Nok off with such force that Nona had worried his spine had snapped. Luckily he had jumped right back up and continued his pestering. Whatever was going on, it had to be between those two.
“...Alright. I’ll handle it. You won’t be able to stop her,” Nona states matter of factly. If her companion was in a blind, animalistic rage, there was nothing any bystander could do. As a druid, her ability to tap into Avchak’s emotions should aid her. If it didn’t… well… Nok-Nok would probably turn into goblin steak and she would be very sad to see that. Even if the little guy was sometimes too energetic for her tastes, she still enjoyed having him around. It was like having a little brother.
Nona quickly grabs her gear and heads out the door past Hyland. The human follows her through the hall, hot on her tail. As they get closer to the outdoors, the sound of yelling and cursing increases. Nona groans at the sound. If all of Tuskdale thought Avchak was just a wild beast, she might have to leave her poor friend outside of the walls for a while. The thought of not having a big, furry lump to cuddle at night is disheartening. Regongar might be a big lump to cuddle, but furry he was not.
In the field by the castle, Avchak has Nok-Nok by the collar of his jerkin. The great bear shakes the goblin roughly, whipping him back and forth like a dog’s toy. A gaggle of guards surround the two, halberds and spears held nervously in human hands. Not a one seems brave enough to approach. Nor do they seem brave enough to flee and risk their baroness’ wrath. Instead they stand in limbo as Avchak throws her weight around.
“Avchak, drop,” Nona yells in halfling. The bear starts to shake Nok-Nok harder. Nok-Nok’s curses come as a jumble of unintelligible words and screeches. Risking getting hit by one of Nok-Nok’s flailing limbs, Nona steps toward the side of the bear’s head with hands outstretched. She purses her lips and raises her eyebrows, pointing to the ground in a short, jerky movement.
“Sidekick! HeEeEeElLlLP!”
Drawing itself to its full height, Avchak towers over Nona. Stories are written about clashes like this between the tiny and the massive. Nona growls with frustration. The bear clearly doesn’t want to give up its prey. In her pocket sits one last, natural weapon. She slowly backs up, maintaining eye contact with the beast, and reaches in.
“No leave! Leave NOT helping!”
“Hold on, Nok-Nok!”
The guards scurry out of her way as if afraid she might call down an unholy inferno on them all. Hyland only gives her a questioning look before he too, removes himself from the range of her ire. One of Nok-Nok’s foot wrappings flies off as if it is attempting to alleviate the tension. She ignores it and pulls the jerky she had been saving as a snack out of her pocket. From the way the wind bends around Tuskdale, she is certain the jerky’s earthy smell hits Avchak’s nose directly. A bear’s stomach is usually one of its greatest weaknesses.
Glowing like amber in the light, Avchak’s eyes immediately fixate on the jerky in her hand. Time ticks by slowly as both parties consider their next action. A guard coughs, breaking the standstill. Avchak’s paw swings forward lightning-fast and knocks the jerky out of her hand. A rumble comes from deep within the bear’s gullet. Where Avchak hit her stings and Nona pulls her hand back, sticking a sore knuckle into her mouth. What in all the planes did Nok-Nok do? The jerky falls into the dirt.
“Are you being serious right now,” Nona asks the bear in halfling. She raises her shoulders and hands in a questioning, unbelieving look.
“Should we strike the beast, Your Grace,” Hyland asks her, his hand going to the pommel of his sword.
“No! No! Let us… retreat for a moment.”
She leads them away from the struggling Nok-Nok to where she knows her bear will not be able to hear them. A plan formulates in her mind. One that relies on the speed of her men and the natural, not druid-addled instincts of a bear. With the guards standing around her, Nona explains that she will distract Avchak with one of her spells and that when she does so, she will need the men to jump in and grab the goblin. Immediately the plan is unpopular.
“What if it bites us, Your Grace,” one of the guards asks, face a wrinkle of worry.
“Is… is that blasted goblin really worth it,” asks another, shifting from foot to foot.
“What if the bear is right about that little freak?”
Nona rolls her eyes. She should have known they wouldn’t make it easy. Many of the guards are new to the role. The shimmer of their armor in the afternoon light is enough to tell her that.
“Look - if I am to protect this kingdom, I need as many companions as I can get. I know he is abrasive, but he is damned good with those knives. We have to save him and that’s final.”
With that, Nona immediately starts to stomp back toward Avchak and Nok-Nok. She does not look to see if they are following. The bear has brought itself back down onto its haunches. Nok-Nok kicks hard at Avchak’s broad chest, feet disappearing into the clump of thick fur there. Nona brings herself to stand before Avchak, hands outstretched before her with fingers splayed. She narrows her eyes and calls upon the magic that bubbles within her gut. Please… something bright and loud… please.
A loud pop claps between her hands. Bright, vibrant light explodes before the bear’s face. Flare. One of the first cantrips she had ever mastered. Avchak roars, jumping to its full height once more. The guards follow her orders and leap forward, hands stretching out for Nok-Nok. One gets a fist to the jaw. Another receives a flying foot to their stomach, knocking them back. Feeling the goblin being pulled, Avchak takes a step backward. Nok-Nok now hangs suspended like a bridge between the bear and the guards who stare up at Avchak with wide eyes. Without thinking, Nona slams her hands together again and wishes for the world to stop. The magic rips through her like a torrent. It slams into Avchak and encircles the bear with a sickly green glow.
Hold Animal as a spell was typically taboo to her. Dominating the wills of other beings disgusted her. And yet here she was, casting the spell on her own companion as if Avchak was nothing more than an ant on the side of a forest path. All parties stare at one another, unsure of what to do. Then Nok-Nok’s wriggling increases in violence causing the guards to rip him out of Avchak’s maw. The little goblin falls with a great thud.
Nona walks over to where Nok-Nok’s foot wrapping lays on the ground. She picks it up gingerly and turns to Nok-Nok, holding it out. He immediately grabs it and returns it to his foot. Then he looks back up at Nona, mouth thin in a wide frown.
“Ought to give big beastie a nok on snout!
“Do that and you’ll be right back in that big beastie’s maw, Nok-Nok.”
“Big beastie stupid! Great Lamashtu protect Nok-Nok!”
She shakes her head and rubs between her eyebrows. Something told her Nok-Nok could very well be the death of her one day. She spares a glance for Avchak. The bear remains frozen in place, muzzle stuck in a stiff grimace. If she didn’t free her companion soon from the spell, she might be the next one in Avchak’s dinner bowl.
“What did you even do to my bear,” she asks.
“Nok-Nok do nothing!”
She raises an eyebrow and places both hands on her hips. There was no way Nok-Nok was getting out of this without some sort of explanation.
“Oh really now? So Avchak just snatched you up to play with? There was no reason at all,” her voice drips acid. Nok-Nok gives her a sheepish look. In response, Nona taps her foot impatiently.
“Nok-Nok… maybe try see what beastie eating…”
“Seriously, Nok-Nok? You should know better than to mess with an animal that is eating! Gee… Just… Just go do something else. I might let Avchak eat you if you stick around.”
The goblin scampers off, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. Nona quickly dismisses the guards who return to their posts. All that remains is her frozen friend. She approaches slowly, keeping her eyes on Avchak’s. Then with a flick of her wrist, Nona dismisses the spell. The ground shakes as Avchak falls to their paws. The bear casts a suspicious glare at her.
“Hey! I’m sorry. I had no idea Nok-Nok wanted to mess around with you that bad. Would a shank of lamb make you feel better, old friend?”
The bear seems to grin, baring its teeth at her. Taking it as such, Nona smiles back.
“Alright. Let’s get to the kitchen.”
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evilhorse · 1 year
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This is Aaron Stack, the fabled Machine Man
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nikoco11 · 7 months
(having mildly hard time drawing) i hate doing this shit i’m never doing it again (having mildly fun time drawing) i love this shit it’s what i was born to do (having mildly hard time drawing) i hate this shi
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Thanks to @mountainashfae for consulting on this. I love being enabled.
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betasuppe · 9 months
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A gift thats been in the works for a crazy long time for my mate @tomorobo-illust for their Emmet & Lone Cub AU!
It's a silly before & after of Emmet & his lil Zora... & then BIG doggo Zora once she's evolved too! Love them so much & thank you for treating us all to such a marvelous journey so far! I don't want the journey to end, but I can't wait for more as we get closer to the closing, just the same♡
It's been such a treat & I hope these were one for you too, bud! :3c
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f0x-hunt · 1 year
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some long studies with Nok
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2023 is over, so it's time to find out which one of our top 12 most obscure characters is the people's champion. The list was put together by taking the last six characters from the "by percentage" section and the last six from the "by number of votes" section, skipping duplicates. This time, vote for whoever you want to win, regardless of whether you know them or not! Make sure you read all options carefully before voting because you can only do so once. Have fun and may the best obscure character win!
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Types of Traditional Thai Dance in Man Suang
We see two styles of traditional Thai dance-drama (Lakhon Ram) in Man Suang: Lakhon Nok and Lakhon Nai.
Lakhon Nok
The film opens with Khem performing the role of Sang Thong in what looks like a local event for a lord.
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And we also see him in the iconic golden outfit for his performance as Phra Lor.
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Lakhon Nok is traditionally a folk style dance drama performed by commoners.
The theatre took place away from royal palaces and was often performed at temple fairs.
Originally, Lakhon Nok was an all male dance style but these days women perform it too.
The stories are fast paced and the movements are typically more relaxed and not as refined as those you would find in Lakhon Nai or Khon, the two dance styles most associated with royal performance.
Costumes can be very simple or more elaborate.
The stories are often based on Buddhist Jataka tales and folklore with fantastical creatures like ogres, mermaids and spirits in abundance.
Traditionally any kind of story could be told except The Ramakien, Inao and Unnarut, which were reserved for royal performances of Lakhon Nai or Khon.
Popular examples of Lakhon Nok include:
Sang Thong
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Phra Lor/Law
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Phra Aphai Mani
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Lakhon Nai
Wichiendej asks to see Khem as Inao, the hero of the Lakhon Nai dance drama.
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Lakhon Nai was originally performed exclusively for the royal court by an all female group.
We do overhear Mae Kru Phikul arguing about this in the background of one scene. Shortly after this time period men would be allowed to perform in Lakhon Nai as well but I imagine it was still quite a transgressive act in this tumultuous time frame.
Only the king and members of his court were allowed to watch but during this time period, Rama 3 turned against royal dance as an art form and ordered a stop to both Lakhon Nai and Khon performances. This is likely the reason that Mae Kru Phikul ends up at Man Suang.
Characteristics of Lakhon Nai include extremely refined dance movements, adhering to traditional Thai aesthetic principles.
This is why we see Khem going to such drastic measures in his training montage, because he would be required to dance to a much more technical higher standard than he would have had to do when performing Lakhon Nok plays.
Costumes are elaborate and exquisite as befits a royal court.
The plots of Lakhon Nai come from three stories:
The Ramakien (a Thai version of the Ramayana)
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Inao (The prince of the Panji tales.)
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Unnarut (stories of the son of Krishna.)
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There are other types of Lakhon dance styles but these are the two that are showcased in Man Suang.
I was a little surprised we didn't see Khon, the famous masked dance drama style of Thailand but it was another dance form originally exclusive to royal courts so I can also understand why it didn't show up in the film.
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eris1521987 · 7 months
So this is a little doodle of a character I made, and have used in various projects to practice my skills. Since it's been awhile I decided to share this little goober with y'all. His name is Nok Nok and he is a Yokai, specifically a Tsuchinoko. He can breath fire and he has a hypnosis ability, he's also as big as your basic Tsuchinoko. This will begin me sharing my original stuff.
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