#harry and ginuary bingo
velvethopewrites · 3 years
Bingo #7 - one more and I have a bingo! Today’s is a HBP missing moment. The prompt was: "I don't know what made me fall for you.""My charms, perhaps?"
Also on AO3 for reviews and kudos.
"You know, I don't know what made me fall for you, at least, not at first," Ginny said as she ran her hands through his hair, the gentle pressure of her nails feeling oddly pleasing to him. Harry momentarily closed his eyes and savored the shiver and pleasant sensation he always felt when she touched him.
They were lying outside, with Harry's head in her lap, sharing a private moment for once. Everyone else on the grounds was leaving them be, and he had no idea where Ron and Hermione were. Usually, they were both around – Hermione harping at them to revise and Ron wanting to make sure he and Ginny didn't get up to anything. And while, like Ginny, Harry enjoyed pushing both their buttons, it could get tiring. So it had been an almost perfect afternoon break for them. Even the giant squid was lazily floating across the lake, enjoying time above the water. And the late spring sun was illuminating the Hogwarts grounds in brilliant light, making everything warm and toasty for a change.
Harry opened his eyes again after thinking about it and glanced up at her. "My charms, perhaps?"
Ginny snorted, and he raised his eyebrow at her.
"Well, it certainly wasn't because of your ability to perform charms, that's for sure." She nodded at his untouched Charms book and essay that was still barely removed from his knapsack. Harry kicked it with his foot, pushing it even further away from him.
"I have no idea what you mean," he said, closing his eyes again.
Ginny giggled, and he felt her lips brush against his forehead. "Maybe it was your steadfast dedication to learning and your never-ending work ethic. That must be it."
Now it was Harry's turn to snort, and he opened one eye to look at her. Her face was an expression of amusement as her hair fell over them, blocking most of the light. He felt as though he were tumbling inside the color red – warmth and happiness filling him as he counted the freckles across her nose.
"No, you know it was my fit body and fine humor."
"At the age of 11, Harry?"
"Hmm. Good point. Okay, well, how about my suave way of making sure no one noticed you put your elbows in butter dishes or tripped around me or turned as red as the setting sun?"
"Oh, you," Ginny said, laughing. She pushed at him playfully and lifted her head, letting the light back in. Harry sighed as the rays of the sun warmed him once more.
"Maybe it was when you saved my life."
Ginny's voice had suddenly grown somber, and Harry reached up to take her hand into his. They didn't say anything for a moment, just looked at each other, a feeling of mutual understanding stretching between them.
"That was one of the worst days of my life," Harry heard himself say out loud before he could stop himself. Ginny's brown eyes softened as she gazed at him fondly.
"Wasn't one of my better ones, have to admit," she said lightly, but he knew she was serious underneath it. He sat up and put his arms on her shoulders.
"I get a little crazy sometimes when I think of how I could have failed and lost you without knowing you, without ever knowing…this. This is…Gin…" Harry suddenly found his words had left him, and he felt a tight knot growing in his chest. She shushed him and leaned forward, resting her head against his.
Harry shut his eyes tightly, compelled to make her understand how much she meant to him – in such a short time, she was already the best thing that had ever happened to him. If anything went wrong – if she were ever in danger again…he shuddered when she touched his chest, her hand warm and small.
"It's all right," she murmured, and her always flowery scent hit him as he breathed in a large rush of air.
Harry didn't say any of the words he wanted to, and perhaps that was for the best. Because he was sure once he started, he wouldn't be able to stop, and he didn't want to embarrass himself that much. Not when it was such a beautiful day out.
Ginny grinned at him as they broke apart and turned to pull something out of her bag. Harry returned her smile when she offered him some chocolate.
"You came prepared, then," he said, taking a piece.
"Got to be with you as my boyfriend."
Harry felt a swoop of pride move through him at her words. He could still scarcely believe it…Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, boyfriend and girlfriend. The chocolate felt warm and sweet against his tongue as he chewed and he gazed at Ginny. He wanted to remember everything about this moment. For later. Because Harry wasn't an idiot – he knew darker days were coming, and it was days like this – just the two of them – that he knew would keep him going far into the night.
"It's good, yeah?" Ginny asked, holding up the chocolate.
Harry nodded as he watched the sun play with the red highlights in her hair. "Yeah. It's the best."
"I was talking about the chocolate," Ginny said, pushing her shoulder into his, teasing.
"I wasn't," he said softly, and her eyes widened just briefly at that admission.
"Ah-ha, so you do have some," Ginny finally said, mischief alighting in her eyes.
"Charms, Harry. That was almost down-right romantic."
Harry laughed and linked his fingers with hers. She had no idea. But he would enjoy spending the rest of whatever life he had left surprising her and making sure she knew she was his everything.
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
FFN and AO3
@harryandginuary BINGO drabble event!
Prompt 51
“You really don’t want to open that door.”
Ginny walked up the stairs to where Ron and Hermione were standing by Ron's room. Their heads were close as they spoke in hushed tones, Ron's arm wrapped protectively around Hermione's waist as her good hand absently slid along her bandaged arm.
It wasn't until the top step squeaked under her weight that the couple turned toward her.
Ron looked back at the door and then to her.
“You really don’t want to open that door.”
"Trust me, I do."
"He's not doing well at the moment," Hermione's voice was just a touch sullen, but all of their demeanors had been off in the last few days.
"I know," Ginny moved to the door and put her hand on the handle. She didn't hesitate, turning her back on the couple at the top of the stairs and opening the door.
Harry sat on the floor, back against one of the beds, head thrown back on the mattress. He didn't even turn to look at her, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, unseeing, like they had been when she thought him dead.
Ginny shut that thought out as she shut the door and joined him on the floor. He didn't move, didn't acknowledge her. She picked up his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders.
It was then that he pulled her into him.
"I hate myself."
"No, you hate that for a moment your emotions got the better of you."
"I don't want to yell at anyone."
"I know."
He fell silent again and Ginny pulled his bent up leg into her chest in a hug.
"I'm not going anywhere."
Harry pulled her closer, both arms cinching her to his chest.
"Thank you."
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theresthesnitch · 3 years
The one where Ron begs for a memory charm
A/N: I've never written a drinking contest before, and I don't think I'm going to again. TW for alcohol and discussion of sex/roleplaying. Thanks to @harryandginuary for the Bingo prompt!
O 75. “I don’t know what made me fall for you.” “My charms, perhaps?”
Read it here on AO3.
“Okay, Ginny. You’re next.”
Ginny looked at Hermione through hazy eyes, the drinks she had already taken clouding her mind. “Alright, hit me with your best question.”
Hermione grabbed a card off the table and began giggling before she even asked.
“Oh Merlin,” Ron said. “How bad is this question if she can’t even read it.”
“Oh, it’s bad, Ron.” Hermione wiped her face with her free hand. “You’re going to hate it.” Hermione shook the hand holding the card as though preparing herself, and began to read: “What is the weirdest role-play you’ve ever done?”
The table laughed while Ron’s head hit the table with a groan. “Please, Ginny. I’m begging you to take a shot.”
Ginny winked at him. “You wish, Ronnikins.” She sat back in her seat for a moment and thought hard. “I guess it would be… when he was Godric and I was Rowena. It was a beautiful cross-house love affair.”
The laughter nearly covered the groan from Ron.
“Take a drink, Gin,” Harry said. “It’s two shots for lying.”
“Ohh, called out,” said Seamus. “You can’t lie here. Tell us the truth.”
“What are you talking about, Harry?” Ginny looked thoroughly confused.
Harry didn’t answer. He fixed her with a stare and slowly sipped his beer. Ginny’s face suddenly fell and she turned beet red.
“No, I forgot about that.” She covered her face.
“How did you forget about that? It’s seared into my memory?”
“I think I blocked it out. Can I block it out again?”
“If I don’t get to forget it, you don’t get to forget it.”
All eyes at the table volleyed between them like an intense tennis match.
“What was it?” Lavender finally asked.
“No, I’m not telling.” Ginny reached for her shot glass.
“You have to, it’s the rules.” Dean said.
“No, we never established that as a rule,” Harry said with a shudder. “No one needs to know.”
“Oh, it’s definitely in the rules.” Parvati replied.
They put it to a vote, resulting in a a 6 to 3 vote in favor of telling the story.
“Ron, why did you vote no?” Neville asked.
“Listen, I know you all want to embarrass them, but that’s my sister. I do not need to know the answer to this.”
“Too bad! You get to anyway.” Lavender turned to Ginny. “So, what did you do?”
Ginny took another shot. “Harry, why couldn’t you just let me lie? I don’t even know why I fell for you right now.”
Harry snorted. “Maybe it was my charms. Or my charming smile.”
Ginny fixed him with a look that would have sent him cowering if he wasn’t so drunk. “No, stop it. You do not get to make jokey references to this. Not tonight, not ever again. Not if you want to sleep with me ever again.”
Harry winked. “Like you could resist me for long.”
“Oh my Merlin. Just tell us!” Parvati said.
Ginny rubbed both hands over her face. “Okay, okay, fine.” She took another shot. “I’m not drunk enough for this. So, to start off, we were gifted this book of ways to enhance your sex life -”
“We all got that book from Luna,” Hermione cut in.
“- and one of the suggestions was to roleplay one of you as a celebrity.”
The table went quiet until Dean finally cut in. “I don’t get it. You both are basically celebrities.”
“Right, which made it really fucking weird. Like how were we supposed to act. So we started going really…. stereotypical.”
Hermione clapped her hand over her mouth. “No, you didn’t.”
“I don’t get it. Am I missing something?” asked Neville.
“If you are, then I am,” said Seamus.
Ginny’s head dropped. “Think of who first comes to mind when you think of stereotypical celebrity interactions.”
“Oh. My. Merlin.” Parvati said before busting out laughing. Slowly the realization dawned around the table, with roaring laughs and blushing faces.
“I still don’t get it,” Ron said. “But I’m really trying not to think about it too hard.”
“Fame is a fickle friend, Ron!” Harry said.
“Celebrity is as Celebrity does,” added Dean.
“Would you like to help me answer my fan mail, Ron?” Lavender asked sweetly.
Ron’s jaw dropped. “You two roleplayed Lockhart?” The table roared with laughter.
“To be fair,” Harry added, “it didn’t really work out.”
“Nope, nope. Too many details.” Ron took another shot. “Didn’t need to know that.”
“Well, I need to know more,” said Lavender. “Who was Lockhart?”
“How did it get there?” asked Pavarti.
“What made you stop?” asked Hermione.
“No, no more! Definitely no details.” Ron covered his face. “I hate you all right now.”
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Baby Room
that was my prompt from yesterday, but a few things happened and i couldn't post, but here we go! :) hope you liked it, tell me what you think <3
“Have you ever used a hammer before?” Ginny bit her lip, not wanting to laugh.
"And why should that stop me?" He looked at her, sitting on the floor of his house with several pieces of wood scattered around him, a sincere smile on his face. "I said I would do it, didn't I?"
‘Yes, but… is it the best idea? I mean… We could use magic.”
“But it wouldn't be that much fun, and I don't want Teddy to think I'm not capable of putting together a crib. What comes next? I won't know how to help him play with a puzzle? Am I going to be unable to nail a picture to the wall?” Harry snorted, rolling his eyes and going back to reading the instruction manual, holding the hammer as he seemed to think about how he put the boards together.
"He won't think you're incapable." Ginny chuckled, sitting down beside him and pulling out the instruction manual and trying to figure out how it worked.
'Will he like it?' Harry asked, pacing in front of his fireplace, there wasn't much decoration on the walls yet and the apartment looked a bit empty, but he had rented with Ron a few months ago and the only tidy environment so far was Teddy's bedroom.
"Of course he will." Ginny soothed him, sitting on the sofa Hermione had made Ron buy at a thrift store, it was beautiful, and as much as there wasn't so much foam and it wasn’t the most comfortable thing, Harry was willing to tidy up and renovate. She had found that when he was anxious he liked to do everything the Muggle way, as a way to silence his mind.
Harry had spent three days tidying up Teddy's room, choosing paint that didn't smell strong for baby, making sure the paintings were firmly on the wall, there were pictures of Remus and Tonks on top of the dresser, new clothes folded and washed in the drawers, and even a dedicated place for Harry to change his diapers.
Ginny knew that Hermione had helped him think of everything a baby needed, now and in the near future, and she understood his nervousness too. It was the first time Teddy had spent the night with them.
"It's going to be okay," she said for the tenth time.
They had already spent the day with Teddy, they went to a park, Harry almost lost his mind when Teddy fell in the sand in his failed attempt to stand up, and they had a very nice day. Ginny used to be together at those times, but there were also other times when it was "men's time" - as Harry liked to refer to - and Harry was alone with him for hours, sometimes with Ron too. And in all of them Teddy was fine, so there was no reason to panic.
Of course, staying the night would be different, because that meant they probably wouldn't sleep - Harry certainly wouldn't - and that it would be a totally different routine from what they used to have, but Ginny thought it would be okay.
'He's going to sleep with us, I've already prepared the bed so that there's no way for one of us to crush him, and neither of him fall... of course, he'll sleep in our midst, but you never know.' Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair again. "I'm glad Molly let you stay the night, I think I'd be freaking out without you here."
"I'm sure so." She laughed, getting up and going to him, planting a kiss on his cheek. ‘We'll take care of it, don't worry. Besides, Mom is just a fireplace away.”
‘Yes, that’s important too.’
"Have you ever used a hammer before?" Harry bit his lip, thinking it sounded too much like deja vu.
"And why should that stop me?" Teddy looked at him, as if daring him to contradict him.
'We could use magic to assemble this crib.' He sat down beside him, taking out the instruction manual and thinking that it now looked so much easier than it had been nearly thirty years ago.
‘And what would be the fun? By the way, if I can't assemble my son's crib, what else won't I know how to do?” He snorted, rolling his eyes at Harry. ‘Come on, I know you’ve done this four times, help me… How do I do this?’
'It's easy, don't worry, look, I did it when I was much younger than you and I managed to keep everything in place, you just need to follow the instructions…' Harry began his explanation, leaving Teddy to do the heavier work, happy to be there to soothe him and advise him for the arrival of his first child.
His and Ginny's first grandson.
Yeah, they were getting old.
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harryandginuary · 3 years
The Harry & Ginuary BINGO Event Calendar
we will update this each day throughout the month as a way for everyone to keep easy track as needed.
July 1: I 29. "Alright, I admit it, this was fun." "I knew you'd love it!"
July 2: O70. “Take a walk with me,” He whispered in her ear. “I have to tell you something.”
July 3: I 23. "Why are there zucchini all over our kitchen?" "Do you not like zucchini?"
July 4: N 41. "We're in a museum together and trying to come up with the craziest back story for the artifacts that we're looking at."
July 5: G 51. “You really don’t want to open that door.”
July 6: B 5. "Unless I screw this up, I'm going to marry you." "Well, you better not mess this up."
July 7: O 63. “I’m having the worst day and you've just handed me an envelope with...”
July 8: B 8. "I have moves you've never heard of." "Yeah, because you're basically a senior citizen."
July 9: O 68. You invited me to your brother’s/sister’s wedding as a plus one because we’re hella best friends but we end up making out at the afterparty and now everyone thinks we’re together so ...you want to go out for a drink sometime? Try this whole couple thing out?
July 10: B 1. "It's just that he has a great reading voice. Who wouldn't want to sit in on storytime?"
July 11: N 32. "Is that flammable?" "We're about to find out."
July 12: G 58. “You are the crown prince of collateral damage."
July 13: O 73. You've dared me to do this as a joke but there's no way I'm backing out now.
July 14: B 10. "The problem is," he said as he leant in, "if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."
July 15: O 64. Carrying out a practical joke together.
July 16: B 13. "You know you're my favorite, right?" "I better be."
July 17: N 37. We’re taking shelter during a big storm and you’re really close to me and I’m just going to casually move closer and cuddle with you...
July 18: G 60. I've accidentally confessed that I've dreamt about you…
July 19: I 16. "Awfully confident, aren't you?" "I mean, history says I kind of have the right to be."
July 20: O 75. “I don’t know what made me fall for you.” “My charms, perhaps?”
July 21: I 27. "I vote cake." “That wasn't one of the options…" "Cake is always an option."
July 22: N 42. “I want to go to the beach.” “It’s the middle of winter.” “I don’t care.”
July 23: O 62. “Why are there bubbles everywhere?” “Don’t ask questions.”
July 24: G 55. “Have you ever used a hammer before?” “And why should that stop me?”
July 25: N 33. Fighting side by side, staying up all night chatting about nothing, other friendship things, I’ve fallen in love with you.
@matrixaffiliate gets the BINGO here! From here on out, anyone participating is welcome to play for a full house, just for fun!
July 26: I 17. "Is that my jumper?" "No…?"
July 27: B 15. "Whatever possessed you to do that should possess you more often."
July 28: O 71. “Will you stop flirting with me? You just got seriously injured and I'm trying to tend to your wounds and I don’t care that I look cute when I’m concerned, you’re lucky you’re not dead!”
July 29: B 6. "How do we keep getting into these situations?" "Eleven years of marriage and I still don't know."
July 30: G 47. “Rumor has it, I make you nervous.”
July 31: G 54. You’ve come out ready for an event and I swear I can normally speak but you’ve rendered me momentarily speechless.
August 1: G 46. You’re overdue on this book and I want it so I’m tracking you down!
August 2: I 19. "Too crazy in there for you?" "Honestly, I just wanted the chance to look at the stars with you."
August 3: B 4. "I never said thank you, did I?" "For what?" "Well, for everything I guess."
August 4: N 35. I told my sibling/parent/friend I have a bf/gf so they’d stop trying to set me up with people but now they’re coming to visit and I’m in too deep I need a fake bf/gf ASAP!
August 5: B 12. "You came back." "I promised, didn't I?"
August 6: O 67. We're guests at a wedding that's asked the guests to help take pictures and we're in some weird competition now to get the craziest candid shot.
August 7: I 30. "In my defense, I've learned my lesson."
August 8: G 57. You’ve run into me and knocked me on my back and in your panic you asked if there was anything you could do to help and in my dazed state said “How about a date?”
August 9: O 72. “So I may have made an impulse purchase and we now have a…”
August 10: I 22. "How did you get here?"
August 11: N 36. You’ve caught me checking you out in what I thought was a subtle way too many times and now you’re calling me out on it. What do I do?
August 12: B 7. "Why do you put up with me?" "Because you're fire, and I've been cold my whole life."
August 13: I 26. "Admit it, I'm your trophy spouse."
August 14: I 31. We’re dating but everyone thinks we’re just very affectionate friends...
August 15: O 74. "Dare I ask how you ended up leaving your empty mug in the freezer?"
August 16: N 39. Characters are trying to keep their relationship a secret, but they accidentally kiss as one walks away from their friends, so now they’re kissing everyone else too...
August 17: B 9. "Have you ever really wanted to kiss someone but you can't?" He asked. "Well, what's stopping you?" She turned to him. He didn't have an answer, so he kissed her.
August 18: N 40. "You dared me to try a yoga class and it was buy one get one free so guess who now has a free yoga lesson? We're in this together, sucker."
August 19: I 43. Character A berates character B for putting themselves in danger.
August 20: I 18. "Comfy?" "You are my new pillow, get used to it?" “As long as I'm useful."
August 21: B 4. He sighed and walked up the stairs to his flat, but stopped at his door. A woman was sitting with her back against it. "Took you long enough," she said as she looked up at him.
Our final BINGO call:
August 22: G 59. "Rule books are meant for kindling."
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blinkngone · 3 years
Written for the Ginuary Bingo organized by @harryandginuary
Prompt: "Take a walk with me," he whispered in her ear. " i have to tell you something. "
(I just changed the tense, :P)
The Burrow is silent. If a pin were to fall, it would echo in the house which is consumed in grief, saturated with pain.
Ginny Weasley, sprawled out on the battered couch where George had once lain after his ear had been blasted off, is fast asleep, her mouth wide open. Her face is darkened by Harry's shadow as he stands over her.
He hovers over her lean body, mind-blowing even in sleep. Sometimes he can't believe he has her to anchor him to the world which is so full of destruction that he sometimes wishes he had died. But the thought dissipates as soon as it is formed as his girlfriend stirs. 
His girlfriend. 
His girlfriend.
He can't even remember asking her out (again), just remembers her holding him every night when he wakes up shivering and whimpering. And that kiss, the first kiss after almost a year . That kiss in the kitchen of the Burrow, not passionate, not fierce, but incredibly tender. And full of love, something he has never known.
But as the sun hits Ginny's face and she wakes up, smiling at him, her eyes bleary, this still unfamiliar love swells within him, inflating not just his heart but his entire being.
She offers him her hand and he takes it, lowering onto the floor.
“ Watcha doin' Potter?” she says in a sleep tinted voice.
“ Watching you sleep,” he smile, then tucks a piece of hair behind her ears.
“ Get bored?”
“Mhm, not much to do now that Voldemort's gone, is there?” he asks.
“ nuh, but c'mere,” she says tugging his hand. He leans over and kisses her mouth, firm and hot. She still tastes like the roast chicken they had for lunch, and it makes him happy that soon, he will taste like her. They kiss and kiss, the sunlight and Mrs. Weasley's pots and pan their only witness. Somehow it feels wrong, feeling happy when they've lost so much. But that’s the thing about Ginny, she can make him feel on cloud nine even when the world is crumbling around them.
When they pull back, both their faces are flushed.
He leans forward, pressing a kiss to her earlobe.
“ take a walk with me,” he whispers in her ear. “ I have to tell you something. “
He wants them to go outside and watch the sunset, something they had done in their brief but magnificent dating spell at Hogwarts.  And maybe, just maybe he will tell her about that Christmas Eve in Godric's Hollow. They talk about the past year in chunks, too overwhelmed to do it at once.
But she doesn't get up. “ I want to tell you something, too.”
“ What?”
“ You're my world.”
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but-now-imyourdaisy · 3 years
my third chapter in the Harry and Ginuary BINGO event! The prompt is I 16, "Awfully confident, aren't you?" "I mean, history says I kind of have the right to be."
Hovering on their broomsticks in the orchard, Harry reached his hand out to Ginny. He watched as she smiled devilishly, eyes lighting up and face brightening. She spat into her hand and grasped onto Harry's. He tried not to blanch—normally, he admitted to himself, the idea of Ginny's saliva was appealing. But something about it on his hands made him feel… annoyed.
"That's how Weasleys shake on a bet," she explained, grinning.
"That's bloody disgusting," he told her, wiping his hand on his trousers.
Ginny shrugged, broom bobbing slightly up and down as she did so. "Bill came up with it and passed it all the way down to little old me."
Harry just shook his head. "You lot are barmy. And I'll prove it, too, when I win this."
"Awfully confident, aren't you?" Ginny asked.
"I mean, history says I kind of have the right to be."
"Oh, do you mean because of the one Quidditch Cup you won yourself, or because you're the Chosen One?" she asked glibly.
"Oh, definitely because of the Quidditch Cup," Harry said.
"I've got two championships," Ginny told him. "I'll steamroll you."
"I'd like to see you try!"
"Are you ready, then?" she asked.
Harry nodded.
She pointed her wand at the Quidditch chest, and the golden snitch rose of its own volition, fluttering about as if deciding which direction it would like to go in.
"Ready, set, and go!" Ginny called.
on AO3
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raywritesthings · 3 years
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Summary: All my prompt fills from my BINGO card for the @harryandginuary event. Fifteen short fics in total spanning from Hogwarts years to adulthood.
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whathefawkes · 3 years
My first entry for the Harry and Ginuary Bingo Event hosted by @harryandginuary trying to fill the prompt: "I have moves you've never heard of." "Yeah, because you're basically a senior citizen."
(All drabbles added to this collection are unrelated and born out of fun to write something silly and self-indulgent).
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ao3feed-romione · 3 years
Harry and Ginuary Bingo
Harry and Ginuary Bingo by WillowGS
A collection of drabbles for the Ginuary Bingo Event.
Words: 533, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32421625
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Harry & Ginuary Bingo
I just realized I have not been posting my Hinny one-shots on tumblr!!  So here are a series of unconnected H/G one-shots, all canon universe so far, based on prompts that are part of @harryandginuary ‘s BINGO event.
Harry & Ginny
Snippet from yesterday’s because it makes me laugh the most:
Harry pressed Ginny up against the shelves in the broom cupboard, molding his taller body against hers as well as he could while he kissed her. He just needed to feel her, he didn't care how or where. As long as his lips were against hers and her hips -- or breasts, or bum -- were in his hands, he was the happiest man alive.
Apparently, she felt a little differently. She let out an "oof!" as her back hit the shelving, then giggled against Harry's lips. "I really wish there were better places for us to snog."
Harry chuckled, noting the contrast to his own thoughts, and wiggled his eyebrows at his girlfriend. "You mean you don't find this cupboard terribly romantic?"
Read that one here or the whole thing at the link at the top!
Also, check out other people’s awesome BINGO entries here!
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velvethopewrites · 3 years
My last bingo - Today’s prompt was “Rumor has it, I make you nervous.” I‘ve had this one-shot sitting in my files since last year, but never got around to cleaning it up. The prompt today seemed like a perfect fit, after a bit of editing. A HBP missing moment, but from Ginny’s point of view. She’s still with Dean, but me thinks not for very much longer. ;)
Also on AO3 for kudos and reviews.
Ginny had agreed to study with Hermione in the library that afternoon, and so, that's where she was. Except she wasn't getting much done. For some reason, her mind just kept wandering all over the place. And she knew why.
Ginny wasn't exactly sure when it had first crossed her mind that Harry might fancy her. One day, she was just Ginny Weasley, a friend of many, Gryffindor Quidditch player and Ron's little sister, just going about her daily business. Then the next day she was full of curiosity and questions and…she felt as though she was noticing everything. Maybe it was something Harry had said or done that she'd finally picked up on. Maybe it was something else entirely.
Truth of the matter was, was that Dean was being a pain again. He kept trying to claim ownership of her in little ways. Opening doors and trying to carry her books was the least of it. It was all in the way his hand would clamp tightly around hers and never let go; the way he'd always swing his arm around her shoulders if anyone else was nearby, watching them. As though he were staking his claim. Then there was the way he insisted they always be together. All the time. She was fifteen years old, for Merlin's sake – she wasn't ready to be tied down! She liked Dean, she really did, but sometimes she honestly thought he was mental. His ideas about girlfriend and boyfriends felt so…old-fashioned and cloying. She didn't get upset if she saw him talking to another girl. She didn't get upset if he spoke to Harry or one of his other friends.
Ginny didn't know what she was going to do about it. But she knew she was getting tired of having rows.
And then…then there was Harry. Harry, who seemed to always be looking away when she would happen to glance at him. Harry, whose cheeks would turn a rosy pink sort of color if she stood next to him or talked to him for too long. And the other day, she could have sworn she'd noticed him breathing in the scent of her hair as they stood in line together to get into the Great Hall for dinner…
It's just your imagination, a voice in her head whispered, and Ginny nodded to herself. Yes. Just her imagination.
"Hermione," Ginny said now, looking at the girl reading next to her. "Do you know if Harry fancies anyone? I mean. If he's said. Or mentioned someone?"
Hermione pulled her eyes away from her book, looking confused for a moment. "What? No. Wait. Harry? No…he hasn't. Oh. Oh." Hermione's eyes widened a fraction, and then she gave Ginny one of her trademark know-it-all-grins.
"You can stop smiling like that, you know," Ginny said grumpily and almost winced at how defensive she sounded.
"What smile? I'm not smiling."
And indeed the other girl wasn't. At least, not anymore. Ginny turned her attention back to her own reading, determined to keep her mouth shut if it was the last thing she did.
"Although," Hermione continued, utterly oblivious to the promise Ginny had just made to herself. "I have noticed he has seemed a bit preoccupied lately. And not just about the fact that he thinks Draco Malfoy is the next Dark Lord, either." Hermione tapped her nails on the desk, and her eyes sparkled at Ginny's.
Ginny stared steadfastly at her book, not saying anything. Hermione finally chuckled next to her.
"You've noticed it too, then. Don't deny it."
Ginny closed her book and met her friend's eyes. "Noticed what, exactly?"
"How he can't seem to stop staring at you or watching you with Dean. He's especially interested when the two of you are having a disagreement."
"He's concerned about the status of my relationship," Ginny heard herself say. "That's what friends do."
Hermione snorted and then put her hand over her nose and mouth, looking around the library as though Madam Pince was lurking nearby. Ginny rolled her eyes.
"You know Harry thinks of me as a little sister, Hermione," Ginny said, hating the defeated sound of her voice. She was over this. Or she had thought she was. Why was she thinking about this stuff again?
"Hmm," Hermione said, completely noncommittal. Both girls were silent for a bit until Ginny sighed and fixed her eye on the other girl.
"All right, out with it."
A faint trace of a smirk crossed Hermione's face as they both put their books down, neither one of them under the pretense that any studying would get done.
"Well, I've just noticed he gets awfully warm in the face when you're around. Haven't you?"
Ginny waved her hand as though to push the observation away. "Yeah, but that could be any number of things. Maybe he just needs some Pepper-Up Potion."
Hermione gave her a look so full of derision that Ginny merely blinked back at her in response.
"Right. Okay. Some physical ailment that causes him to blush in your presence. Sure. Well, how about the fact that he gets tongue-tied around you sometimes? You make him nervous, Ginny. You've seen it. I know you have."
Ginny shook her head. "Harry just doesn't like speaking in front of large groups of people."
"Yes. You and Luna sitting at the table the other day talking constitutes a large group. Uh-huh."
"Maybe he fancies Luna?" Ginny said, feeling stubborn, suddenly. "He did ask her to Slughorn's party!"
Hermione rolled her eyes upwards as though she were counting to ten and then met Ginny's eyes. "Harry doesn't fancy Luna, Ginny. You know he went out of his way to make sure she understood it was just as a friend."
Ginny suddenly felt her emotions get to her and leaned closer to her friend.
"Hermione, I don't understand you. You've always told me to get over him and go on with my life. Now you're telling me to start over-thinking everything again!" She knew she had practically hissed at her friend. But she felt worked up, all of a sudden.
Hermione sighed, shaking her head. But she gave Ginny a kind look and then patted her hand. "Oh, I don't mean to tease you, but honestly, Ginny. Something's changed. Can't you see that? Harry doesn't tell me everything, goodness knows, and if he does fancy you, I am sure he has his reasons as to why he hasn't done anything to let you know. Maybe it's because you're still with Dean or, who knows, maybe he thinks Ron wouldn't like it, I don't know. Boys are stupid. But so are girls sometimes."
Hermione gave her a significant look and then packed up her books. She patted Ginny on the arm again. "Please don't think I'm giving your false hope or anything. I really do think he likes you now. I mean, he's always liked you. But you know what I mean."
Ginny nodded her head absentmindedly as Hermione left. The whole conversation had left her feeling very unsettled. It was a little while later, after she had pulled her Charms book out again, that she felt a strange sensation at the back of her neck. She glanced around and then thought she saw Harry quickly disappearing down one of the aisles. Frowning, she got up and tried to catch him, but apparently, she'd imagined it. She headed back towards her table and bit back a laugh as Harry sat down in the seat across from her things. He shooed away one of the younger Hufflepuff boys who had apparently been about to go through her bag. Maybe Ginny would give Harry a test. She waited until the Hufflepuff slinked away and then approached the table.
"Protecting my books now, Chosen One?"
Harry turned his head sharply and looked at her, the first signs of his blush already appearing. He met her eyes and then glanced away, growling slightly.
"You shouldn't leave them unattended. I think that Hufflepuff kid wanted your Quidditch Through the Ages. I told him it was your own copy and didn't belong to the school."
Ginny smirked at Harry as she sat down. "Then I owe you my thanks. What brings you to the library, Harry?"
Harry blinked owlishly back at her for a moment and then shrugged. "I um, was looking for, um, a book." He then seemed to scowl at himself and looked upset. Ginny decided not to go for the obvious and take the piss out of him about the library being the best place for that.
"You just missed Hermione," Ginny said lightly, pretending she hadn't noticed anything.
"Yeah, I know, er, I mean, did I? Hmm. Shame."
Ginny smirked as he busied himself with his own books. So he had been watching and waiting to come over. She wondered if he had overheard them at all, but then figured not even Harry was that brave.
"So, Harry," Ginny began after a moment, trying to be nonchalant. "Fancy anyone?"
"What?" Harry exclaimed loudly, his book falling from his hands with a thud. Ginny bit her lip as he frantically looked around the library. Again, the specter of Pince failed to materialize.
"You heard me."
Harry frowned at her and took in what appeared to be very deep breaths of air. The pink tint to his skin seemed to be growing by the moment. He looked anywhere other than at her. Ginny felt a strange swooping sensation in her stomach that she, unfortunately, knew all too well from years of experience. He does, she thought as her heart started to thud loudly in her chest. He bloody well fancies me.
"Um, why would you ask that?" Harry eventually blurted out, his green eyes finally meeting hers before they swept over her face, as though memorizing it for later analysis. It was a surprisingly heated look and Ginny felt her stomach swoop again.
Ginny wondered if she was blushing as hard as she thought and looked away. "Just making conversation. Rumor has it that I…er, someone, makes you nervous." Ginny paused and took a deep breath. She looked back at him, noting in some perverse part of her mind that he was now staring intently at her. Rather too intently. But she forced herself to continue. "But I mean, Harry, if there was someone you did fancy, then…maybe…I don't know. You should tell her. Maybe she'd like to know."
Ginny stared down at her book, willing her heartbeat to remain calm. On the periphery of her line of sight, she watched as Harry's hand lay flat and still on the table. He was quiet for so long that she didn't think he was going to answer her and that he was simply going to get up and leave, the question still hanging between them. She frantically searched her mind for a way to make it all a joke, yeah, that was it, she was just having a go at him, nothing more – nothing less…
She saw his fingers flex tightly on the table as though he wanted push his fingers through the wood and then watched as his fingers slowly relaxed. Ginny released a deep breath, drawing on all of her courage and made herself meet his eyes. Whatever her brain had been about to say remained unsaid as she saw the look in his eye.
"Maybe she's seeing someone else right now," he said, and it was so soft that it took a while for her brain to understand his words. "Someone who's a mate. Maybe it's…complicated."
Ginny blinked at him, and she wasn't sure how long they would have sat there, staring at each other if Dean hadn't decided to make himself known just then.
"Gin!" Her boyfriend said rather loudly, and this time the physical visage of Madam Pince had finally been summoned.
"Enough! I have heard all sorts of noises and yelling coming from this section. Out with the lot of you! Yes, even you Mr Potter! The library is not a place for frivolous noise and diversion!"
All of them knew better than to grumble, and Ginny and Harry started packing up their bags. Dean threw his arm carelessly around her shoulders, and Ginny fought the deep urge she suddenly had to move out from under it.
"Sorry, love," Dean said as they all exited the library. "I came to get you for our walk, remember? By the lake?" Ginny saw him frown when he looked at Harry, who was still walking with them. "Er, shouldn't you be going back to the common room, Harry?"
Harry looked at them as though he'd just noticed he had joined them as they headed towards the outside and looked embarrassed. He nodded at Dean.
"Right. Reckon so. Have fun, you two."
To Ginny's ears he sounded absolutely miserable, and she wanted to reach out and tug on his arm as he passed them. For what reason, Ginny didn't know – to reassure him? To let him know she understood? To say that maybe they could try to un-complicate things? But Dean was pulling her rather roughly in the other direction, and she finally turned on her boyfriend, shaking his arm off her back. Merlin, it felt as though he just weighed her down every time he did that. When she finally turned back around, Harry was almost at the main staircase, but he turned back at the last moment and she saw the light hit his glasses as he looked at them. She nodded her head slightly and he raised his hand in goodbye.
Dean was already blathering on about something or other, completely oblivious to what was going on and Ginny sighed. He held the door for her, as always, and even though Ginny knew it was ridiculous – it was only a polite gesture- after all, but still, it bothered her. Her thoughts were full of what Harry had admitted back there in library. She looked at Dean and tried to remember why she'd chosen to be with him. And Ginny felt a heaviness fall over her, because right now, if she were completely honest with herself, she couldn't remember a single thing. And that wasn't Dean's fault. She had honestly liked him, once upon a time. But now…now all she could see in her mind's eye was Harry's face as they'd gazed at each other and remember how much she had always loved him.
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
FFN and AO3
@harryandginuary BINGO drabble event!
Prompt 70
“Take a walk with me,” He whispered in her ear. “I have to tell you something.”
He'd been watching her all evening.
Ginny rather enjoyed the attention. She'd missed it while he'd been away for work. And it would be just her luck that he'd get back a few measly hours before they needed to be at a team event to rub shoulders with sponsors.
Harry locked eyes with her across the room and the heat in his gaze left Ginny grasping at the memory of breathing.
He held her gaze as he walked towards her, barely managing the polite nod to the sponsor representative that had cornered him and a few other people.
Harry stepped behind her and casually brought his hand to the small of her back, running his thumb lightly against the fabric of her shirt.
"Take a walk with me," He whispered in her ear. "I have to tell you something."
Ginny didn't manage to hide her smirk as she nodded to yet another sponsor rep and her teammates before Harry led her out of the room. Once in the corridor, he managed to get them around a single corner before pressing her against the wall and capturing her lips.
"Harry," Ginny sighed as she surrendered to his kiss.
Harry hummed and he tangled his hands in her hair and began kissing along her neck.
"I thought you had something to tell me."
Harry slowed and moved back to her lips for a slow, breathtaking kiss. He pulled back just a fraction to whisper against her lips.
"I missed you."
Ginny's lips curved as she wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck to pull him closer against her.
"I missed you too."
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theresthesnitch · 3 years
A/N: another entry for @harryandginuary BINGO. I had a lot of fun with this one. I hope you do too.
Did you know that Charlie Chaplin once came in third in a look alike contest?
Read it here on AO3.
Prompt: O 73. You've dared me to do this as a joke but there's no way I'm backing out now.
"You don't have to do it."
Harry scoffed. "Of course I do.
"Listen, mate," Ron said. "I realize I'm the one who dared you to do it, but you don't have to actually enter the Harry Potter look alike contest."
"You may have meant it as a joke, but I'm committed now. I'm going to do it."
They stood in line at the registration table, and Harry looked around the room. The costumes were really bad. Did people think he really dressed like that? Looked like that?
The person in front of him moved, and Harry stepped up to the table with a nervous smile. "One entry, please."
"You can't charm your eyes green."
Harry, confused, replied, "I didn't?"
The witch sitting at the registration table narrowed her eyes at him. "It's against the rules of the contest. You can charm the scar; you can't charm the eyes."
"Solid rule. Good catching this one," Ron said from just over his left shoulder.
She pointed her wand at Harry's face, and his hand twitched for his wand before she said, "finite incantatum." Harry stood there staring at her, eyes unchanged. "Fine, whatever, it's not the right color anyway, so it won't help you."
Harry wondered briefly if Ron was going to die of laughter. "Er, right. Okay. Can I enter now?"
The witch rolled her eyes. "Name?"
"Harry Potter."
The witch fixed him with such a glare that he was sure he was going to implode under it. Ron, meanwhile, was struggling to breath.
"Obviously, buddy. But I need your real name to register for the contest."
Harry blanked. "But, my name really… James. James Evans."
"Alright, James. You're going to be number 4. When the time comes, they'll call you on stage."
"Right, thanks."
Harry walked away with Ron wiping tears from under his eyes. "Merlin, I'm glad you did this. It's going to be so fun for me."
Harry smiled. "I've never been so anonymous in my life. No one's even looking at me!"
"Of course not, mate. You don't even look like Harry Potter."
"Yeah, apparently I got the eyes wrong."
Ron looked around the room that was slowly filling up. "I can't believe you let my sister judge this."
"First off, if you think I let Ginny do anything, you are very much mistaken about how our relationship works. And never let Ginny hear you say that I let her do something. Second," Harry shrugged a shoulder, "it's for charity."
"Alright, I guess that's-"
"Your scar is crooked."
Harry turned around to face a slightly short, wiry man wearing a number 6 with blond hair and the most elaborate lightning scar he had ever seen. Do these people even know what I look like? "Excuse me?"
"Your scar is crooked," not-Harry 6 said. "You messed up the charm, and it's not even straight. Sloppy work."
"Huh," Ron said, looking Harry straight on, "your scar is a bit crooked."
Harry chuckled before turning back to not-Harry 6. "Thanks, mate. Good looking out."
"You can't really expect to compete if you don't put in the effort. Better luck next time." Not-Harry 6 walked away and left Harry standing with his mouth hanging open and Ron, once again, dying of laughter next to him.
"Ron, I think I might lose the Harry look-alike contest."
"Harry, your fiancée is judging." Ron clapped Harry on the shoulder. "You're absolutely going to lose the look alike contest."
"Welcome, everyone, to this year's War Orphan Carnival. We're ready to start our Harry Potter Look-Alike Contest. Can I get all the contestants on the stage?"
Harry walked on stage with a handful of other contestants, and lined up next to a witch with a number 3 around her neck. Harry did a double take looking at her. She looked remarkably like him. He looked out to where Ron was standing in the crowd with a dumbfounded expression on his face. He raised an eyebrow in question. It has to be charms, right? Ron shrugged in response.
"Now everyone, we have a very special guest judge for our contest this year," the announcer said. "If anyone can tell us who the true Harry Potter look alike is, it would be her. Let's give a big round of applause for Ginny Weasley!"
Ginny walked on stage and immediately locked eyes with Harry. He shrugged a shoulder, and her eyes glimmered with mischief. She walked to the microphone, said a few words, and then was walking down the line of contestants. She chatted briefly with not-Harry 1, who was a tall wizard wearing Gryffindor robes, and not-Harry 2, who wore red and gold Quidditch robes and carried a broomstick.
Ginny stopped in front of not-Harry 3 and looked her up and down. She looked over at Harry with wide eyes, then back to not-Harry 3. “That’s a really impressive costume. Did you use charms?”
“No,” said not-Harry 3. “I’m Harry Potter.”
“Right, of course,” said Ginny. “It’s very good. Is that your natural hair?”
“Yes.” Not-Harry 3 was not very talkative.
“Great!” Ginny seemed a little lost now. “Well, good luck!”
Ginny stopped in front of Harry and looked him up and down. “Tell me about your Harry costume.”
Harry smiled. “Apparently I got the green eyes wrong and the scar is crooked.”
“Idiot.” Not-Harry 6 was apparently listening in. “You don’t tell the judge how you messed up the costume. Amateur.”
Ginny looked up to Harry’s forehead. “Huh, it is crooked.”
“Told you,” mumbled not-Harry 6.
“Maybe I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself,” Ginny said with a coy smile.
“Oh?” Harry asked. “What do I have to do?”
“Just answer a few trivia questions.”
“Were we supposed to memorize Harry Potter trivia for this?” asked not-Harry 2 to not-Harry 1. “I don’t remember seeing that in the rules.”
“Anyone can do Harry trivia,” Ginny went on, poorly concealed glee on her face. “I’m going to ask you Ginny trivia - things only the REAL Harry would know.”
“Alright,” Harry said. “Give me your best Ginny trivia.”
“Favorite color?”
“She’ll tell you it’s blue, but it’s really green. Green like a fresh-pickled toad.”
Ginny shook her head. “Favorite food?”
“French toast, but only if it is served with powdered sugar and not syrup.”
“Favorite number?”
“Favorite season?”
“Favorite flower?”
Harry froze and his jaw dropped. Did she have a favorite flower?
“I - uh - Gerbera daisies?”
“What, no. That’s Hermione’s favorite flower.”
“It is?” said Ron’s voice from the audience. An echo of laughter went around the crowd.
“It is,” Ginny said over her shoulder. “One more chance. My fiance would absolutely know my favorite flower.”
Harry racked his brain, but he couldn’t think of a single other flower. “Lily?”
Ginny snorted. “No. Daffodils. Nice try, but you are clearly not a very good Harry Potter.” She winked, and moved down the line to not-Harry 5.
Not-Harry 5 was a little child who barely came up to Harry’s waist. His hair was rumpled, and he wore black robes with a stuffed white snowy owl on his shoulder. Ginny squatted in front of him. “Hi, sweetie. What’s your name?”
“Hi Connor. I like your owl.”
“Thanks. I have a wand, too.” He held up a stick that had tape and glue around the end for a handle.
“Where did you get that wand, Connor?”
“I made it,” he said. “See, I put glue and tape, and it goes swish swish.” He waved the wand around.
“It’s very good. I was afraid I was going to have to tell Harry you had his wand. It looks so much like his!”
“Thank you. Mummy drew a scar on my forehead too. See.” He pointed at his head.
“I see. Your scar is not crooked, Connor.” he nodded his head. “Connor, do you know what Harry Potter’s favorite spell is?”
“Expelli-arms!” Connor waved his wand around when he said it, and Harry’s heart melted.
“Very good! You’re a very convincing Harry.”
“Thank you. He’s my favorite.”
“He’s my favorite, too. I’ll see you later, okay Connor?”
“Bye, Ginny.”
Ginny stood up and moved down to not-Harry 6, who was now sporting a black Harry wig. Not-Harry 6 regaled Ginny with an explanation of how his clothing choice was authentic and how he had done extensive research into the kinds of clothing that was preferred by Harry when he was at Hogwarts. Harry rolled his eyes and hoped no one was taking notes on this.
At last, Ginny walked back up to the podium. “Ready to make your choices?” the announcer asked.
“I am.” Ginny conferred briefly with the announcer, then stood to the side
“In third place, Number 6!” Not-Harry 6 walked forward to accept his medal, and returned to his spot. Harry could hear him grumbling slightly.
“Second place, Number 3!” Not-Harry 3 accepted her award quietly to a smattering of applause from the crowd.
"And finally, our grand winner in our Harry Potter Look-Alike Contest is, drumroll please," The announcer paused everyone in the room drummed their hands on their legs, "Number 5!”
Connor lit up like it was the best day of his life, and walked forward to grab his trophy. He tripped over the edge of his robes a bit, causing not-Hedwig to wobble on his shoulder, and then stood next to Ginny.
“Congratulations, Connor.”
“Thank you, Ginny.”
“Connor, would you like to meet the real Harry Potter?”
Connor’s eyes were as big as saucers, and he nodded emphatically. Ginny turned back to the announcer. “Roger, I happen to know that Harry is here today, and I think I can convince him to come up and say hi.”
The announcer’s face lit up. “Oh, ho ho! A special treat indeed. Mr. Potter, are you here today?”
The crowd went absolutely silent, and Harry waited for a beat before walking forward.
“Not you, you wanker,” not-Harry 6 said. “Get back in line!”
Harry continued forward, and shot a wink over his shoulder. He walked straight up to Ginny, dipped her dramatically and pressed a kiss to her lips. The crowd went wild. He set her upright before breaking the kiss and heard, “Oh merlin. I just called Harry Potter a wanker,” from somewhere over his shoulder.
Harry knelt in front of Connor, who looked like he couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him. “Hi Connor. Congratulations on winning.”
“Thank you, Mr. Potter.” His voice came out at barely a whisper.
“Can you call me Harry, Connor?”
“Yes.” Still a whisper.
“You know, you get to go home and tell all your friends that you beat Harry Potter in a Harry Potter look-alike contest.”
“Yeah,” Harry parroted. “I like your Hedwig.”
“Thank you.” Connor’s voice was a bit louder now. “You’re my hero.”
“Want to know a secret, Connor?” He nodded emphatically. “You are my hero.” An “awww” went up from the audience. Connor’s face lit up and he threw his arms around Harry in a hug. “I bet your mom is here. Do you want to take a picture with Ginny and I?” He nodded again.
A few minutes later, they finished a round of pictures with Connor’s mom, and a few more for the Prophet with all three winners.
“Thank you, everyone,” Roger the announcer said. “Congratulations to our winners, and let’s hear a round of applause for Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley!” The crowd roared, and Harry and Ginny made to leave the stage when they heard a gasp.
“Oh my merlin. I told Harry Potter that his scar was crooked!”
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Red Lipstick
one more - delayed - prompt for BINGO! I love writing about Hinny's kids, hope you like it too <3
'What are you doing down here, Albus?' Ginny asked, surprised when she saw him sitting alone on the living room sofa.
She had gone out for a few minutes to buy some medicine for Harry, who was ill, leaving James - aged 10 - in charge of keeping the whole house and everyone alive. It would be quick minutes, it didn't last more than twenty, but suddenly it felt like an eternity and from the look of Albus something had gone wrong.
'Nothing.' He got up from the couch, but his green eyes didn't lie, he looked scared.
'Where is your brother?' Ginny dusted Floo's shoulders off her shoulders, then headed for the stairs, but Albus stepped in front of her.
'He…hm…grandma called.'
'I'll call her later. Was it urgent?' She knew he was lying, because aside from his cheeks being extremely flushed and his eyes wide open, Molly was with George and Bill shopping at the mall, so she had no way of calling Ginny.
'Yes. She needs you to call now.” Albus despaired when Ginny didn't go downstairs and go to the fireplace, but continued up the stairs. 'Mum!'
"Albus, your dad really needs this medicine, please." She continued to walk, even though Albus tried to interfere with her steps. ‘What did you and your brothers do, huh? I'm starting to get more worried. Your dad is missing?’
"It was Lily!" Albus blurted, as she knew he would as soon as she pressed a little.
"What Lily did?" Ginny stopped when they reached the second floor, sighing and thinking that the girl was only six but already managing to be worse than ten-year-old James. Although she was learning a lot from him, so…
"I told her you'd be mad and-" Albus jumped in front of her again, his small body coming to a stop in front of her and Harry's bedroom door, as if that would keep her from opening it. "You really don’t want to open that door."
'Whatever it is, I'm not going to fight with you, now let me see your dad and give him his medicine.' Ginny tried to open the door, but, she assumed, there were two kids sitting on the other side, making the work not so simple. "James, Lily, let me into the room."
"Promise you won't freak out," James said, his voice low probably so as not to wake Harry. Well, at least they were worried about their dad.
"I'm not going to freak out." Ginny wanted to laugh but remained serious, looking at Albus who now looked more terrified.
"Al, didn't I tell you not to let her up?!" Lily's bossy voice sounded louder, and soon a 'shhhh' from James was heard as well. 'Didn't I tell you not to let her up?' She whispered now.
"I couldn't," Albus whispered against the door, looking over his shoulder at his mother who still had her hand on the door. Ginny didn't believe this was happening.
"Get out of there or you might get hurt, I'll open the door." She warned, and this time the door opened easily, and her two kids were standing there, looking much more suspicious than Albus.
James was better at lying, he was older and had more time to learn from Teddy about how to do it, so his cheeks were less flushed and his eyes weren't as bulging. Lily, however, seemed to have been born with the gift, because she smiled docilely at her mother, clutching the hem of her dress as if she hadn't done anything wrong.
"What did you guys do?" Ginny looked at the two of them, and then looked at the bed at the end of the room, where Harry was still sleeping.
"Nothing." They both shrugged, and Albus rushed to stand beside them, letting Ginny into the room.
The three walked with her to the bed, all very suspicious, their hands behind their backs and their eyes locked on Ginny. The room was tidy - the best it could be with three kids in the house - and there was nothing broken except that a drawer in her dresser was ajar, but Ginny was pretty sure she hadn't opened before leaving the house... It was her makeup drawer, and she hadn't done makeup today.
When she got close to the bed, she had to choke down the laugh that rose in her throat, looking at a Harry who was now painted all over, with red lipstick, eye glitter, and much darker, thicker eyebrows now that they were painted with black pencil.
Jesus fucking Christ.” Harry was a mess of makeup and accessories on his head, the sheet he was covered with was also smeared with eyeshadow and lipstick, and what shocked the most was that he was still sleeping. Probably because of the sleeping potion she had given him before leaving.
She looked at her children, who were still at her side with their hands behind their backs, trying their best to look innocent.
"He woke up and did it himself," Lily shrugged.
"Yeah, it was scary." Albus nodded, his cheeks flushing even more.
'I think Dad is sleepwalking.' James said, and the other two nodded.
Ginny couldn't believe it, she wasn't even angry, just shocked. She wanted to laugh too.
"He's the one who's going to freak out when he wakes up," she warned them, taking the medicine out of her bag and laughing as she looked at her husband lying on the bed, looking like he'd dressed up as a clown. 'Get the camera, let's make this moment eternal.'
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harryandginuary · 3 years
Sign-ups for our second Harry and Ginuary event are available now!
How do I know which prompts to write?
Every morning, we’ll announce that day’s prompt. You’ll have until 24 hours to post it!
How shippy do the drabbles/flash fiction have to be?
Each prompt has to be centered on Harry and Ginny as a couple.
Does it matter if it’s canon or AU?
Prompts can be fulfilled with both canon and AU scenes.
I ONLY like to write smut. If it isn’t NC-17, it ain’t got my name on it. Are you going to freak out about that?
Nope, NC-17 does not freak out the GinnyLovers. Smut is encouraged but not required! Any rating is fine.
Is this going to be judged?
This isn’t a competition as to who is the best writer or anything! If you fulfilled the prompt, it counts! Anyone can win.
When do we begin? Prompts start getting called on July 1. We’ll call one a day until we have a winner.
But if there are 75 prompts and my BINGO card only has 25 spaces, doesn’t that mean that some days I won’t have a prompt to write? Yes! Due to a prize (or prizes) being involved, we had to style the rules after Grandma’s BINGO. It will be a bit of a gamble, but we’re hoping that’s what makes it fun! Otherwise, the winner would be who can write the fastest? With the addition of a bit of chance, it levels the playing field. Just know that the cards will be totally random, as will the prompts we call on any given day.
Do I have to do anything special with how I post these? Do I have to wait for a certain time?
Nope. As soon as you get the prompt, you’re free to post. We just ask that each prompt or flash fiction be part of a single story and posted as separate chapters (especially on ao3).
What if two people win BINGO on the same day?!
The first person to post wins the prize.
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