#harry carlyle x ryder
vorchagirl · 20 days
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I stole this awesome Kinktober prompt list from @alyssalenko , who made it based on @starsandskies prompt list.
I'll be taking drabble requests for my usual pairings! I'm keen to write, so please submit asks or message me with requests if you're equally keen.
I'll pop my favourite pairings in the tags. But I'm open to other pairing requests and other kinks not listed!
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fereldanwench · 9 months
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tfw you get them to clip just right ⸜( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )⸝♡
⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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hunnybadgerv · 5 years
Ruby Red Delicious | Mass Effect: Andromeda
Harry hummed contentedly when Cassie’s arms slid around his waist. She buried her face in the crevice of his spine near his shoulder blades and gave him a tight squeeze.
“Good morning to you, too,” he replied, turning to try and glance over his shoulder while patting the hand on his ribs.
She replied with what he assumed was probably a mirror of his greeting, though it was so muffled he could not be entirely certain. He smiled and laughed lightly as she moved with him rather easily.
“Breakfast is almost ready,” he told her.
She just hummed.
“Want an apple?” he asked, grabbing one from the basket on the counter and holding it back toward her.
Ryder’s hand retreated from his ribs; Carlyle regretted its absence almost instantly. Her head also rose from its hideaway along his spine opening him up to an unexpected chill when she plucked the ruby treat from his grip. She was silent a moment.
“Actually, I try to avoid them,” she said. Before he could peek over his shoulder at her, he heard the fruit bounce dully against the tile.
“Cass!” His tone was shocked, almost scolding.
“You know the old adage,” she replied, slithering around him to pin herself between he and the counter. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” she teased, her hands moving to the side of his neck as she stretched up on her toes. “Wouldn’t want that, now would we?”
Harry laughed, leaning toward her as her insistent grip guided his mouth to hers. “Definitely not,” he agreed, sealing their kiss and embracing her tightly.
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amarmeme · 7 years
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
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Written for Leather & Lace 2018. Today’s prompt was “trapped together.” Before Day 5 ends, please accept my Habitat 7 AU where Harry Carlyle and Lyssa Ryder get stuck in a cave. 
The jarring sound of male grunting snaps Lyssa awake. The stranger’s determined efforts assault her eardrums despite her helmet, sore head pounding in time with her heartbeat. Lyssa wheezes as she rises to her elbows in caution, unsure if she’s injured. Her body hurts, a deep ache that echoes through bones, as if she's still falling, still hitting the ground over and over. The landing lights of the shuttle strobe on and off in time with her misery. Blue then green. Blue then green. What's visible in front of her is less than helpful. Her eyes follow the moss-covered rock face up, up, up to the crack in the cave ceiling where their shuttle wedged its way through. The small, white ship rests crumpled in its place, one side missing a wing and a door and the nose smashed inwards.  
The pilot...
Lyssa swallows her concern and eases her stiff body around to see who makes the racket behind her. This is not the time to get emotional, but practical. A giant palm-like tree obstructs her view and all she can identify is the person’s back. The entire Pathfinder team wears the same white and blue suits -- it could be any of her father’s crew. Except him; Alec Ryder always suits up in red. She thinks dimly that she should be concerned about not remembering who was in her shuttle.
“Hello,” she shouts. “Are you okay over there?”
The grunting stops. “Lyssa, is that you?”
Lyssa smiles to herself despite the situation. She knows that gravelly voice. “Yea, Doc, it’s me.” She tests getting up, taking it one movement at a time. Nothing feels broken, but if something is amiss, at least she’s stuck with a doctor. “Need some help over there?”
Harry grunts then sighs, sitting on a large rock as she stands erect at last, wavering like a new calf. “You could say that,” he deadpans. “I’m pretty sure I’m too old for this.”
Lyssa pshaws, creeping beneath the alien palm tree. “You’re not even as old as my dad. Stop complaining, Doc.” That comment gets her another undignified grunt, and Lyssa can’t help but laugh. She knew Harry would hate that.
“That man’s superhuman. Probably could get a door off his own damn leg.” A shuttle door indeed rests on Harry’s left leg, trapping him between that and a rock. She walks over, crouches down to inspect the scene, and sits back on her heels as Harry stares down at her. “It's not broken,” he gruffs.
“Let me try,” she says. “SAM?” The AI doesn’t respond. It seems her implant is useless in the bottom of this deep cave. It's up to her to figure out the best place to lift.
Lyssa walks around the battered door and Harry, sizing up the best place to leverage her strength. Had her scanner been working, SAM would have said where to exert the right amount of force. Head still garbled, Lyssa fumbles around until she finds it on her own. The suit takes a portion of the weight, but her insides still hurt like hell when she lifts. Harry scrambles back though and she drops the door quick, folding over after with hands on her knees.
“Don’t... think... I... have... that... in me... again,” she pants.
Sit down, kid,” he says. Harry pulls her gently by her elbow and Lyssa plops next to his side.
She turns to face him. “Don't call me that.”
“What? Kid? You're half my age--”
“I don't call you old man.”
Harry lets out a deep breath and pulls her in a single-armed embrace. “I feel it though.” He squeezes tighter. “Kirkland didn't make the crash. Neither did Greer.”
Some of her memory returns now; getting on the shuttle with Harry last minute instead of with Cora, the electric charges in the atmosphere, striking the cliff face sure they were going to die. Apparently two did. Three including the pilot.
Harry interrupts her thoughts. “How are you doing physically? Any specific pain?”
Her body still aches, but falling will do that to a person. The suit only absorbs so much. “I think I have a concussion?”
“And here I was complaining about a trapped ankle.” Harry drops his arm and swivels to look at her through her helmet. “What's your full name?”
“Lyssa Jane Ryder,” she says.
“Armed Combatant Specialist.”
Lyssa narrows her eyes at Harry, shaking her head slowly. “Really?”
“Sorry, he says. “Old habits die hard. I'd do a few tests, but I've already seen your reflexes, your coordination. It's probably a mild concussion at most. You got lucky, Lyssa.”
“Huh, then why don't I feel it?”
They sit silently after that, looking around the cave and its abundance of flora. Green shoots out of every square inch, swaths of moss covering the rocks, the floor. The twisted, reflective metal of the shuttle is out of place, jarring. So are the bodies of Greer and Kirkland, broken over a jagged shelf maybe ten feet up. Lyssa shudders. How had she missed that fate?
“Your comms work?” She asks.
“Not a bit,” he shrugs. “Yours?”
Lyssa shakes her head. “Maybe we should get out of here. Doubt anyone's going to find us hidden away like this.”
Harry nods, gesturing towards his ankle. “You're going to have to help me. Damn thing’s twisted. Can't really do much for it either.”
She helps him up. Harry leans into her and their helmets clack. “Sorry,” they both say at the same time. Lyssa takes his weight as best she can and they hobble over uneven ground. Once the strobe of the shuttle fades away, they turn their helmet lights on. The cave straightens out helpfully, yet the tunnel to the surface seems to be monstrously long.  
“What did your dad talk us into?”
Lyssa can't justify an excuse. She’d been asking the same question for months before the trip and now that they're here... It's too depressing. Levi’s not awake, members of her team have died, Habitat 7 is a complete bust. Instead of feeling sad, anger courses through her.
“Fuck!” she snaps. Her veins even feel hot. “Let's talk about something else. You got a wife, Harry?”
It was the first thing that came to mind. Once it's out, she feels a bit guilty.
He laughs though, teetering next to her as they climb over a log. “Never have.”
She smiles. For some reason that answer makes her feel a little better. “Consummate bachelor? Scam too many ladies in one galaxy gotta break hearts in another?”
“Hardly,” he says. “I’m in the business of fixing hearts, not breaking them.”
“Come on,” Lyssa teases. “With a voice like yours and that salt and pepper look? I guarantee someone's cried over you before. Plus, doctor.”
“Is that... hot? I thought that was reserved for people in uniform?”
She snickers. The way he says it, “hot,” as if it's some trendy term and not what people have been calling men like him for centuries. Harry is hot. Smoking hot in a way that's always distracted her. He'd been the one to put her under in cryo, and after his face was the last thing she'd seen, Lyssa would swear she'd been having sex dreams about him for the last 600 years. She’d followed him into the shuttle on the Hyperion after all. Not onto Cora's like she was supposed to. Harry had that pull on her and he really had no idea.
“Harry, your patients aren't coming to see you just for your medicine.”
“Whatever you say.” His words are dismissive, but he sounds slightly pleased.
They fall into comfortable silence for a long time, taking it as steady as possible. She's never been this close to him before, and although the situation sucks, Lyssa likes the feel of him there, arm over her shoulder, hers across his back. If only there weren't suits between them. She imagines he smells good. Something smoky with a little spice. He stumbles on a root and squeezes her hand tight. A flutter of stupid, stupid nerves run up her arm at it. Lyssa needs to get out of this cave before she acts any more like a lovesick kid.
Light floods their footfalls. Cracks of thunder echo through the widening cave. Together they shuffle forward faster; green is replaced by grey but they fail to notice. At the mouth at last, Harry stumbles, almost crashing to the ground. Lyssa strains to hold him up. Outside the electric storm rages, a burst of lightning strikes down nearby. It's a horror scene. Harry's wheezing, coughing. Confused, Lyssa wheels around in front of him, taking his head between her palms. A crack in the visor is finally visible in the light of day.
“We gotta go back,” she says, pulling him up again. Harry can't breathe enough to argue, but his body doesn't fight her. Scrambling, she half carries him to the point where the plants flourish again. His grip on her is vice-like and she grinds her teeth together, insistent on getting him back to breathable air.
At a certain point he refuses to move further, stiff arming the rock wall. “Lyssa, I'm fine,” he says. “I’m fine.”
She drops to the ground then, collapsing in a pile of relief.
“You have to leave me.”
She glances up too quick, horrified at the suggestion. Her head swims a little. “I'm not--”
“Look, you said it yourself. No one is going to find us hiding in this cave. I trust you'll not leave me here to die.” Harry slumps down next to her on the floor. “You'll be okay. Find Cora -- your dad. They'll know what to do about this.” He flops his useless helmet on the ground. They both stare at it.
She's sure they're both thinking the same thing, but Lyssa can't make the words come. But what if everyone else is dead?
Harry takes up one of her hands and squeezes it reassuringly. If she can't find anyone -- if no one's left... At least at the end she’ll be with someone she cares about. She’ll crawl back to Harry, tell him how she feels, has felt about him since they met more than 600 years ago, and then hopefully they'll screw themselves into oblivion while the whole planet destroys itself.
Before she can think better of it, Lyssa removes her helmet. Harry starts to speak and she covers his mouth with a hand. Replacing her gloved fingers with her lips, Harry whips his head back, shocked. They're laying basically intertwined, his right leg and both of hers in a tangle.
“Just let me,” she insists. He blinks slowly and she surges forward again, kissing him deeply. He doesn't pull back this time, but angles into it, placing his hands on either side of her head. Heat coils up inside her, races up to flush her face. They find themselves getting more and more tangled with one another, Lyssa practically sitting in his lap.
He pulls away first, stroking her cheek gently. “What was that,” he murmurs in amazement.
Lyssa grips his shoulders then realizes she should climb off his lap. “Ahh...” She laughs nervously. What had she been thinking? They aren’t dying yet. “Maybe we shouldn't tell anyone about that.” Harry lets her go regretfully, hands following her path away from his body, grasping air.
“Especially not your dad,” he says. Lyssa flinches, cringing at her dad finding out what she’d just done.
“Don't worry,” another voice calls out. “I’m certainly not going to be the one to tell him either.”
So hot a moment before, a cold flush floods Lyssa’s entire body. Hair prickles the back of her neck. “Oh shit.”
“Yeah,” Cora says, hand resting on her hips in judgement. “But at least I came to get you alone.”
Weeeeeell, thanks Cora. :D
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starsandskies · 3 years
For the WIP game: Chocolate? 👀
Mmm, this one is a suuuuuper old prompt I got back in mmm I’m not sure, 2018? for Harry Carlyle and my Sara Ryder. I think it was something like chocolate + wine + undress with teeth.
This is how it starts (they’re messaging each other, but I’m still not sure how I should format it). Thank you for asking! ♥♥
‘Hey Doc, are you free tonight? I’ve got something for you! >;)’
‘You here?’
‘Yep. We just docked : D’
‘What about Kadara and that… thing you told me about?’
‘The Architect? What about it?’
‘Thought you guys still had to deal with it?’
‘We already did! Easy peasy. Just in time to celebrate my boyfriend’s 47th birthday :>’
‘Oh yeah? Such a lucky guy, that boyfriend of yours. 47, though? A little older for you, don’t you think?’
‘Oh, he might be old, but my God, the things he does to me :3’
‘What? It’s just the truth you silly x_D See you in your apartment. Don’t be late, old man.’
‘I won’t. Make yourself at home, okay?’
‘Sure thing <3’
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natsora · 4 years
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Bulldog - Chapter 1
Art by @seokanori and beta-ing by @ainzaphir
Tags: Violence, Gang violence, tattoo, street fights, nudity, origin story, teacher-student sex, smut, first aid,
Summary: Harry Carlyle, a man, a doctor, an enigma. He joins the Andromeda Initiative as a doctor. He travels 600 years from the Milky Way. But who is he really?
Find out who he is before the man you see now. Trace his story to his earliest days and find out what makes him the person he is now.
Read Chapter 1 on AO3
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ellenembee · 4 years
Fic masterpost
Original Works
Short Stories
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Scythe of Heaven in Press: An Original Anthology, Volume 2, pg. 69 Rating: Teen | CW: violence, mild gore & body horror, character death After an alien invasion, one broken man has the power to give the human race a fighting chance.
One Becomes Two Rating: Teen | CW: None After a disillusioned merman saves a handsome ship captain, he becomes enamored with the brave captain’s beauty and brash confidence. Lucky for him, the feeling is mutual.
Drabbles/Flash Fic
"How Dare You" | Rating: Gen A drabble about two people who have very different ideas about love.
"Righteous Fire" | Rating: Gen A friends to enemies (to friends?) flash fic.
Prompt Fills
Hanahaki | Rating: Teen (CW: mild blood and gore)
Assassin Double Life | Rating: Gen
Creative Nonfiction/Poetry
Moon Milk | Rating: Gen
Fan Fiction
I’ve got some fan fics as well. Here's a complete list of everything sorted by fandom.
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The Wayhaven Chronicles (In Between Series)
A series of stand-alone one-shots of moments not covered in the books featuring stoic, emotionally stunted detective Ophelia Maven.
Relationships: Female Detective/Nate Sewell, Female Detective/Adam du Mortain (love triangle)
Aftermath: Rating: General | Words: 2.3k | Status: Complete In the wake of her kidnapping and transformation, Detective Ophelia Maven does what she can to regain a sense of safety and normalcy in her life.
Safety: Rating: Teen | Words: 2.2k | Status: Complete Ophelia calls Adam for help when the supernaturals from the carnival attack her in her home.
Research: Rating: Teen | Words: 3.3k | Status: Complete Ophelia heads to the warehouse for a second day of research with Nate, and while there, she finally realizes maybe Nate isn't just being friendly. Panic ensues.
Choices: Rating: Teen | Words: 1.9k | Status: Complete After the battle to save Sanja, Ophelia can't rest until she makes sure Adam is truly healing. She returns to his room, and Nate is there to reassure her.
Bruises: Rating: Teen | Words: 4.3k | Status: Complete After being attacked by Trappers after the meeting with Falk, Ophelia tries to go about her day as usual. Luckily, she's got Tina (and Adam) to help her through the memories dredged up by the attempted kidnapping.
K.I.S.S.: Rating: General | Words: 6.6k | Status: Complete When Nate, Farah, and Ophelia volunteer to make Valentine cards at a local retirement home, Nate puts on the charm while Ophelia panics. Bonus Adam POV!
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Mass Effect: Andromeda (Across Galaxies Series)
Relationships: Female Ryder / Harry Carlyle
From Here to Mars: Rating: Teen | Words: 4.5k | Status: Complete When Dr. Harry Carlyle shows up to her mom's party with his current girlfriend on his arm, Nivan knows it's time to let go of her long-time crush on her father's friend, but years of habits are hard to break.
Old Friends, New Beginnings: Rating: Explicit | Words: 19.4k | Status: In Progress After the tragedy of Habitat 7, Dr. Harry Carlyle offers Nivan Ryder a shoulder to lean on. A look at the quiet moments between Andromeda events and the strain of leaving and of being left behind.
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Dragon Age
The Revelation of All Things Relationships: Female Lavellan (mage Inquisitor) / Cullen Rutherford (and a plethora of minor background relationships) Rating: Explicit | Words: 608.3k | Status: Complete (possible epilogues pending) Surrounded by new people, Evana Lavellan discovers a wider world than she'd ever imagined with her clan - a world in which she has the power to improve the lives of both elves AND mages. (AKA - a ridiculously long novelization of DA:I)
Truths Half Told Beget Lives Half Lived Relationships: Knight Captain Rylen / Female OC Rating: Explicit | Words: 218.3k | Status: In Progress Even after months bearing the Inquisition colors, Rylen feels out of place. When an unexpected woman arrives, children in tow, she throws everything Rylen ever believed into question... and she just might steal his heart, too. Art by @tanaleth
Give a Heart, Get a Throne Relationships: Alistair & Female Warden, Eventual Female Warden/Leliana Rating: General | Words: 10.7k | Status: Complete A collection of short drabbles to fill in my Warden Surana's backstory in the Revelations World State. No game content included.
Various and Sundry Revelations Relationships: Varies by chapter Rating: General | Words: 7.7k | Status: Complete A place to put all the bits and pieces that don't fit in with the larger stories within the Revelations world state. Head canons abound.
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First Choice: A Harry/Sara one-shot
It’s the twins’ birthday and they are expected to perform the little song and dance at their AI’s official birthday party. Both of them soldier through it, looking forward to their private party at the Tempest.
Sara hates the spotlight and cannot wait to escape her public Pathfinder persona to spend the time with her friends and her partner, Harry.
Sara’s POV. E for especially suggestive language.
Birthday gift for the awesome @ainzaphir. 
Read on Ao3.
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vorchagirl · 4 months
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Saints and Liars - Epilogue
Months on from the death of the Benefactor's agents, Reyes decides on a path for himself now that he no longer has to hide his identity, and Cerys, Reyes and Harry make some big decisions about their future together.
Art by @beemot @savbakk and @thedandiestoflions ♡♡♡
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fereldanwench · 8 months
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⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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coverartbyseokanori · 4 years
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story by @natsora @mellowcornryder belongs to @seokanori
Interested? Read ‘Splintered Minds Hype Post‘ for warnings ;)
song: Massive Attack - Paradise Circus
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jessicamariana · 4 years
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starsandskies · 3 years
I finally finished rewritting this old one-shot from 2018. I’m still not able to write anything from scratch, but it’s something! Especially considering that it’s only the same plot /and setting) as the old one, everything else is completely new. 
I wasn’t going to share it again, to be honest, but yeah, no regrets. You all already know me, lol.
Little Black Dress
Pairing: Sara Ryder/Harry Carlyle. E-Rated.
Prompts: Caught masturbating, little black dress and maybe dirty talk. It’s so old that I’m not 100% sure, though.
 AO3 (Kudos, comments and love are always welcome! ♥)
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Harry entered his apartment, then shut the front door closed after him, trying to catch his breath, a very untimely erection straining against the front of his black jeans. He turned the ambient lights on, letting out a loud sigh as he fell down on the couch, mortified by his behavior. Not appropriate for a forty-five-year-old grown man by any means. He looked like a horny teenager unable to contain himself at the mere sight of his—what was he supposed to call her? Fuck buddy? His friend with benefits? Whatever. Ridiculous for someone who might as well be her dad.
That was, to his dismay, the unwanted effect Sara Ryder had on him. Well, Sara, that too-tight little black dress and her damn hot performance on the dancefloor. And while Harry had tried to keep it together, the moment he had laid eyes on her, his body—his dick, actually—had decided to play solo, reacting in the most embarrassing possible way.
At least no one—as far as he could tell—had noticed his hard-rock problem. He had managed to slip out the Vortex before he might end up making a fool of himself in front of her, the woman that had had him wrapped around her little finger since day one.
Continue reading on AO3.
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hazelestelle · 5 years
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I was lucky enough to get a spot in @emegustart‘s Valentine’s commissions, and I couldn’t be happier! Look how beautiful and wonderful and soft they look! Thank you so much!
Also tagging @obvidalous, because you said you like hearing about my Scott and Harry :D
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natsora · 4 years
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Ryder paced, sweat beading across her forehead, collecting on her upper lips, trickling down between her breasts and her spine. She was uncomfortable and irritable, but that’s a given for being planet side. Elaaden was hot and activating the vault hadn’t changed it that much. She still needed her armour when she stepped out into the open. Dry winds always hit her in the face like a punch whenever she stepped off the climate controlled shuttle after a job. 
Still there was something to be said about being planet-side and not stuck in a rattling tin can of a shuttle. No amount of modding or fixing she did on that thing would improve how it flew. That was beyond her skills and wallet. 
But she was pacing, in the small two bedroom prefab house she shared with Drack, not because she was hot and sweaty but because she was scared. Their quarters were set in New Tuchanka, gifted to them by Morda. “As a welcome present,” the leader of the krogan colony said upon her arrival. 
Ryder wasn’t stupid enough to think this gift didn’t come with strings, but at least Morda was straight forward. And krogans were just way easier to deal with than assholes like Tann and Addison. 
Read the last chapter on AO3 | Read Splintered Minds from the start
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ellenembee · 3 years
Hi, I have fallen madly in love with your Harry and Nivan Ryder Story. It makes me very happy so thank you for writing it. I hope you have a wonderful day 😊
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OMG!!! I'm crying. Thank you so much!! This makes me so happy!!!! I can't imagine anything better, honestly, than knowing something I wrote gave others joy. Thank you for taking the time to write this (and the comments!). You are amazing. ♥️♥️♥️♥️
No really, so much love.
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