#harry martinson
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"My first meeting with my Doris beams / with light to make the light itself more fair. / But let me simply say about my first / and just as simple meeting with my Doris / that now it forms a picture all can see / every day before them in all the halls / sluicing refugees to lift-off zones / for urgent excursions to the tundrasphere / these present years, when Earth, become unclean / with toxic radiation, is accorded / a time of calm, repose and quarantine."
Read it here | Reblog for a larger sample size!
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ma-pi-ma · 1 year
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Se possiedi due monete di rame, disse Li-Ti durante un viaggio, compra una pagnotta e un fiore. Il pane è lì per saziarti Il fiore che compri è per dirti che la vita vale la pena di essere vissuta.
Harry Martinson, Il consiglio di Li-Ti, da Le erbe nella Thule, 1958
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lill-klippen · 8 months
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Tommy Körberg - Aniara
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forislynx · 1 year
Försök till räddning genom tankeflykt och överglidningar från dröm till dröm blev ofta vår metod. Med ena benet dränkt i känslosvall det andra med sitt stöd i känslodöd vi ofta stod. Jag frågade mig själv men glömde svara. Jag drömde mig ett liv men glömde vara. Jag reste alltet runt men glömde fara - ty jag satt fånge här i Aniara.
Harry Martinson, Aniara
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aokuro-san · 1 year
Sci-fi movies I saw yesterday.
Concepts that I love united in a single post thanks to these three films that I had the pleasure of seeing yesterday.
Well, the pleasure. Some more than others, I'll warn you. Because, for example, there is NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU. Put by the clouds even by the prompter, it is the biggest piece of crap I have seen in quite some time. A film that offers the same thing as always, with an irritating protagonist to the extreme and a story, in general, to which I do not plan to dedicate much more time because… There is nothing more to extract from it, except boredom.
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A 1/5, and I'm taking a chance!
Although, luckily, in the world we also have things like NOPE, which unlike the first, was harshly criticized and I still don't understand why (just like the character of Kaluuya, who was my favorite (even though they are all very well introduced)! Do you dislike serious and intelligent people who know what they are talking about? Interesting xD). When we talk about NOPE, we are talking about a fantastic adventure film, with a pure horror sequence in between, with a simple rhythm and script, but more than effective, since its messages and ideas are clear from the very beginning and It is capable of keeping you hooked. But we also talked about his original "antagonist" and the brilliant UFO theory he offers in this regard. Brilliant idea and staging that I can't go below 4/5. Well, EVERYTHING (even the humor) FITS PERFECTLY.
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Just like in ANIARA. Without a doubt, THE BEST ON THIS LIST. A forgotten beauty that must be remembered more, since we are facing the most realistic and fascinating space adventure that I HAVE EVER SEEN. Based, also, on an epic poem from the last century that I reading to do immediately, because with just its first pages, it has conquered me as much as its film adaptation!
A ship on its way to Mars that leaves its orbit and is left to its fate in the immensity of space, and the psychological and existential impact that this has on its crew. A long journey that stays with you FOREVER. Just like its ending.
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A thoughtful legend that you have to SEE NOW.
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metabotulism · 2 years
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manuelamordhorst · 2 months
Montagsgedicht: Harry Martinson
Ajna | Manuela Mordhorst | Durchmesser 20cm | 2017 | SOLD | Gips, Pigmente, Beize, Schellack auf Leinwand Sommer Die Gräser verfingen sich ineinander, fielen sich in die Arme, begannen, sich in Gewölben zusammenzuflechten, die den Bach unsichtbar machten. Abgesenkt im Gewand des Sommers floss er, ohne dass man ihn hörte, schimmerte bloß hervor, gleich einer Silberkette. In des Sommers Mitte…
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mayolfederico · 1 year
Harry Martinson - Sandemar ritorna
Hilma af Klint, Buddha’s Standpoint in the Earthly Life, No. 3a, (1920) … La verità è che non sappiamo niente. E per questo ci stanchiamo dell’una e dell’altra cosa. È perché siamo insicuri. Visitiamo tutte le cose immaginabili coi nostri sensi e i nostri pensieri, ma non sappiamo mai esattamente che cosa siano, o che cosa implichino.    Nel 1948 appare Vägen till Klockrike (La strada per…
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prendredes · 10 months
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Not been very productive this week, but the snow is pretty so..
The bread is for your nourishment.
The flower you buy means
that life is worth living.
- Li Tis råd, Harry Martinson
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mariacallous · 5 days
Disgraced, convicted and now sentenced, a chapter has closed: there will clearly be no return to public life for Huw Edwards. But what of his employer, the BBC, whose reputation allows the greatest recognition and respect to those it considers stars, possibly more than any other broadcaster?
The ability of well-known, powerful figures, usually men, to abuse the trust placed in them is not unique to the BBC, of course. But the BBC’s history, as well as the universal funding mechanism it is currently fighting to continue, makes it imperative that, this time, the corporation learns the lessons of past scandals. The BBC’s lowest point was clearly after the revelations about Jimmy Savile, who had been allowed to hide far more atrocious sins in plain sight and to die a hero. But it must still ensure that it is in a strong position to weather further scandals.
The corporation announced an independent review into its workplace culture in August, after Edwards first pleaded guilty to possessing indecent images of children. With the review panel not yet appointed, it seems as good a time as any to look at what the corporation can do to avoid another scandal involving its best-known and best-paid staff.
So many of the scandals that damage the reputation of the BBC involve “talent” – men such as Edwards but also Rolf Harris, Savile and far lesser offenders who nonetheless broke the rules, such as Martin Bashir – given special treatment because they happen to be good on the telly. These are men not only paid enormous amounts of money, but also placed on the sort of pedestal that silences dissent. Any review of BBC culture must first give its less powerful employees a genuine avenue to raise any concerns or complaints.
The success and fame of Edwards, and all “front of house” presenters, rely on teamwork, yet researchers, producers, technicians and others are seen as far more expendable – with many believing it will be career-ending if they complain.
The power imbalance does not just affect junior members of staff when it comes to stars such as Edwards, whose career outlasted those of many of his bosses. The relationship between managers and presenters afforded public acclaim is unlike those in other, more hierarchical, jobs. The talent is often paid more and treated with kid gloves, which makes tough questions harder to ask.
The psychiatrist’s report cited in court traced a turning point back to 2018, when some BBC editors did raise concerns over Edwards’ social media activities after he took to posting images of himself bare-chested boxing on what was described as a “thirst Insta account”. Yet nothing much seems to have been done, even though the court heard that Edwards took two months of sick leave in 2018 “following an anonymous denunciation”. To be fair, BBC bosses did not know the reason and could not enquire into mental health concerns he had not been open about.
Yet it does again raise questions about the lack of action between 2018 and Edwards’ arrest in November 2023 – an arrest after which he continued to be paid a salary amounting to £200,000 until he resigned.
No star should be afforded the sort of long leash that allows them to become both very grand and unmanageable. The power imbalances that insulate on-air talent at the BBC must be addressed, and no employee should be above scrutiny if there are complaints or concerns over their conduct.
The BBC has now allowed a roster of great presenters including Clive Myrie, Reeta Chakrabarti and Sophie Raworth to replace Edwards on the News at Ten. It should also ensure, going forward, that the image of a wise and trusted presenter is not always a male one.
But the change that BBC management will find hardest to make is that of the siege mentality it adopts when criticised. Under attack from commercial rivals, headline-hungry politicians and an ageing army of loyal licence-fee payers, many scandals are met with a circling of the wagons rather than an honest appraisal of the difficult decisions that have to be made. Whether over Strictly or Edwards, this approach tends to leave newsroom staff so furious at being left in the dark that the ensuing coverage of internal problems takes on the tone of a tabloid witch hunt.
The crimes of Edwards are his alone, not the BBC’s, as should be the punishment. Child safety organisations have spoken of a “hidden pandemic” of sexual exploitation and abuse in our society, a warning that suggests the problem is far from one that affects hubristic presenters alone.
But the BBC is too important to be allowed to just shrug its collective shoulders and kick the issue into the long grass of yet another review. A genuine rebalancing of power structures and behaviour is urgent, especially for a new generation who are increasingly choosing not to pay the licence fee, yet need the BBC to continue as this nation’s most trusted voice more than ever.
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ma-pi-ma · 1 year
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Tra la poesia che vive nel tuo cuore e il papavero c'è un contratto scritto dal vento e firmato dalla distruzione.
Harry Martinson, Le erbe nella Thule
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paralaxpolarity · 1 month
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"​🇮​'​🇻​​🇪​ ​🇸​​🇪​​🇪​​🇳​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬​​🇸​ ​🇾​​🇴​​🇺​ ​🇵​​🇪​​🇴​​🇵​​🇱​​🇪​ ​🇼​​🇴​​🇺​​🇱​​🇩​​🇳​'🇹​ ​🇧​​🇪​​🇱​​🇮​​🇪​​🇻​​🇪​… ​🇦​​🇹​​🇹​​🇦​​🇨​​🇰​ ​🇸​​🇭​​🇮​​🇵​​🇸​ ​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇫​​🇮​​🇷​​🇪​ ​🇴​​🇫​​🇫​ ​🇹🇭​​🇪​ ​🇸​​🇭​​🇴​​🇺​​🇱​​🇩​​🇪​​🇷​ ​🇴​​🇫​ ​🇴🇷​​🇮​​🇴​​🇳​… ​🇮​ ​🇼​​🇦​​🇹​​🇨​​🇭​​🇪​​🇩​ ​🇨​-​🇧​​🇪​​🇦​​🇲​​🇸​ ​🇬​​🇱​​🇮​​🇹​​🇹​​🇪​​🇷​ ​🇮​​🇳​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇩​​🇦​​🇷​​🇰​ ​🇳​​🇪​​🇦​​🇷​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇹🇦​​🇳​​🇳​​🇭​ä​🇺​​🇸​​🇪​​🇷​ ​🇬​​🇦​​🇹​​🇪​. ​🇦​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇴​​🇸​​🇪​ ​🇲​​🇴​​🇲​​🇪​​🇳🇹​​🇸​ ​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇧​​🇪​ ​🇱​​🇴​​🇸​​🇹​​, ​🇱​​🇮​​🇰​​🇪​ ​🇹​​🇪​​🇦​​🇷​​🇸​ ​🇮​​🇳​ ​🇷​​​​🇦​​🇮​​🇳" - Blade Runner
This is Daffy, using any pronouns albeit with a preference for they/them, writing in UTC-6/MDT or UTC-7/MST, depending on the timezone shenanigans. I write 571401-TR/ "Tobs Ri", who’s the primary focus of this introduction, as well as Kanti Jagx, who’s intro is already up. To find starters or interactions for my characters, the format will be [characterfirstname]: starters or [characterfirstname]: interactions. This is a standard format across the blog for all musings, mirrors, etc., and as I start introducing these tags, I fully intend to make a directory, which will be linked HERE.
To get an idea of Tobs, I’ve included a bit of the app, specifically that first part!
[ fin argus, nonbinary, they/them] Look who just landed! 571401-TR “TOBS RI”, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as an UNDERBOSS of THE SKELETON CREW. The city has plenty of spots for a 25 year old ANDROID like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE ESOTERIC, being STRAIGHT-FORWARD and ODD.
Full Name: 571401-TR Nickname: Tobs, Ri-ri, T-R Date of Birth: June 25th, 2380 Gender: Nonbinary Pronouns: They/them Sexual Orientation: Asexual Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Current Age: 25 years. Modification: Android Affiliation: The Skeleton Crew Birthplace: Akumu Slums, New Jakarta Current Neighbourhood: Akumu Slums Occupation: They work as the underboss for the Skeleton Crew, while working to develop new variations of the drugs the gang sells. Known Languages: 571401-TR, being based on an academic research model, speaks most common languages in New Jakarta, including Martian Sign, Japanese, Mandarin, Bahasa Indonesia, Javanese, Hindi, Bengali, and English. However, Tobs doesn't have a language learning software, so they're unable to learn new languages without a full system adjustment, taking them out of commission for a hot second.
Quote: "Do not compete with what is happening. To compete is to prepare for failure. Do not be trapped by the need to achieve anything. This way, you achieve everything." - Dune: Messiah
Label or Archetype: The Magician
Tropes : Do Androids Dream? Eccentric A.I., Reluctant Mad Scientist
Media Parallels: Andy (Alien: Romulus), Roy Batty (Blade Runner), Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Ash (Alien)
Theme Song: We Must Be Killers by Mikky Ekko
Written Aesthetics:
Aniara by Harry Martinson
We're slowly coming to suspect that the space
we're traveling in is of a different sort
from what we thought whenever that word "space"
was decked out by our fantasies on Earth.
We're coming to suspect now that our drift
is even deeper then we first believed,
that knowledge is a blue naiveté
which with a measured quantity of insight
imagined that the Mystery has structure.
We now suspect that what we claim is space
and glassy clarity around Aniara’s hull
is spirit, everlasting and impalpable,
that we have strayed in spiritual seas.
Sight: The flash of bright blue in a pitch black room, screens so broken no one else can read them. The way neon looks when it rains. The instant fear the fortunate feel when meeting the mechanical for the first time. Sound: It clicks, clicks, clacks in the middle of the night, the motion and sound so frequent it marks the start of a day and the end of a night, so steady who needs a clock? Click click clack. The sound of innovation, of constant movement, of death. Taste: Iron and metal and the burn of it all, old pieces and new combined. Old and new and bright and dark and bitter like coffee overbrewed. You cough and red stains your mouth. Iron and metal and the burn of it all. Touch: Smooth and cold and crisp like water from Olympus. Hard to hold and harder to remember, but they are nothing but water and winter made real. Thought: Find. Work, Adjust. Find. Change. Solve the problem. Find. Adjust. Test. Test again. Adjust. Test. Try. Adjust. Change.
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iranondeaira · 1 year
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« Je ne voyage pas pour arriver quelque part ; je voyage pour le plaisir de voyager . »
- Robert louis Stevenson
« Nous ne voyageons pas pour le plaisir de voyager, que je sache . Nous sommes cons, mais pas à ce point-là.»
- Samuel Beckett
Un grand nombre trouvera une opposition entre ces deux auteurs😔
« Nos vapeurs font le tour de la terre six fois plus vite que les navires de croisière de l’ère de la marine à voile. Notre aventure est à base de changements constants, de vitesse et de distances . Si l’on est éveillé et affamé, on voit une quantité fort pénibles de choses . Si l’on est indifférent et amorphe, peu importe le nombre d’horizons qui se glissent dans vos jours . » ( Kap Farväl ! 📚)
- Harry Martinson
Voilier : Le Renard de Surcouf
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forislynx · 1 year
För första gången på alla mina resor runt jorden har jag hemlängtan. Men så har jag också någon att längta till. Dig, du min älskade.
Harry Martinson, Poetiska törnbuskar i mängd : Brev 1929-1949
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kobiamu58 · 4 months
Nobel Laurate 1974 Harry Martinson
1974 Nobel winner Swedish writer Harry Martinson's renowned works include "Aniara" (1956), an epic poem cycle delving into existential themes aboard a drifting spaceship, and "Flowering Nettle" (1935), a semi-autobiographical novel portraying rural hardships and societal injustices. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1974 for his profound ability to encapsulate the human experience and reflect the vastness of the cosmos through his literary works.
The controversy surrounding Swedish writer Harry Martinson's Nobel Prize in Literature in 1974 stemmed from allegations of favoritism. Critics raised concerns due to Martinson and Eyvind Johnson, the co-laureate, being members of the Swedish Academy at the time of the award. Harry Martinson faced numerous personal struggles throughout his life, including battles with depression and alcoholism. Despite his literary success, he grappled with these challenges, ultimately culminating in his tragic decision to end his life through suicide in 1978.
Learn detail from World Literature blog
Learn detail about him clicking above link - Sharpen your knowledge.
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