#harry styles disneyland
Hope We Grow Old, But We Never Grow Up
(Harry Styles x Reader)
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Summary: It’s Harry’s birthday and you’re determined to make him feel special. (Also I’m v sorry this is only a blurb. Things have been rough so I haven’t had much energy)
Contains: Fluff fluffy vomitness
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! WE LOVE YOU! Thank you for coming into my life when I needed you. I've met so many amazing friends because of you and I wouldn't be me without them.
“Y/N, come on! Where are we going?”
I laugh and shake my head as I focus on the road, Harry unable to see due to the blindfold I made him put on.
“Calm down! You know we’re in California and that’s all you’re getting until we get to our destination.”
He groans and grips my hand, most likely due to my clumsiness and he doesn’t trust that I’m not going to lead him into a pole.
I lead him to the entrance and walk behind him, removing his blindfold. He lets out a small gasp and I smile. He turns around and pulls me into the tightest hug.
"We're at Disneyland?!
I laugh and pat his back until he pulls away. We walk hand in hand into the park. Our first stop is one of the shops, where I of course have to buy him birthday ears and a button to wear, despite his arguments. We walk out in our new gear and make a plan on where to go from there.
For a good part of the afternoon, we make our way around the park until we finally make it to in front of Aurora's castle. My nerves make my stomach twist in knots as I build up my courage to do something big. While Harry gazes at the castle, I pull the ring box out of my pocket and get on one knee. It takes him just a minute to notice me and when he does, his jaw drops.
"Look I know this seems crazy but- I love you Harry Edward Styles. I have since the day we met. These 2 years... They've been the best of my life and I-.."
He smiles and gets on his knee as well, a ring box in his hand.
"I've had this for a few weeks... Just carrying it around, trying to find the right time. I know you're not one for big proposals- especially because they make you cringe-."
I laugh as I tear up.
"Yes you big dummy. I'll marry you. Only you could read my mind and pull this at the same time."
He laughs and slips the ring on my finger before I slip the one in my hand onto his. He stands up, pulling me into his arms and kisses me passionately as I smile into the kiss. Cheers, applauds and whistles echo around us as we kiss. He finally lets me go and he grips my hand.
We stay for the California adventure fireworks show and we decide to watch from the ferris wheel.
"Y/N, how long have you been planning this?"
I smile and shrug.
"The proposal? A few months. Your birthday? A few weeks. You were really upset about turning 30 and I wanted to make you feel like a kid again. And i knew once I finally set everything together that it would be the best day to propose."
He pecks my lips softly and I smile.
"It was perfect... But you know- I wouldn't mind growing old with you- As long as we never grow up."
I laugh and shake my head.
"With you? Never."
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Tag List
@be-with-me-so-happily @swiftmendeshoran @babyiamperfectforyou @freedomfireflies @kaminokatie @harrysmimi @violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @cupidsdolll @rafaaoli @kimmi-kat @erggggggggg @cayleyhannha-blog @acesofspadess @that-mcu-fan @styles-barnes-bitch @purple9950 @justmystyles @itslottiehere @cinnamonone @gurugirl @ameliascreampuffs @mouthfulloftoothpasterry
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
Daddy (4)
in which Y/N's daughter accidentally calls Harry daddy and the whole world goes crazy...
Face claim- Dakota Johnson
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liked by Harryfan1, Harryfan4, Harryfan2 and 5,987,021 others
harrystyles Chunky loved mum's farm a bit too much I fear. @/yourinstagram we would have to move.
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Harryfan1 WHAT. THE. FUCK
Jeffazoff HARRY🤦
Harryfan3 Was this supposed to be on his private account?
Yourinstagram Harry wrong account! wrong account!
Harryfan2 Holy shit
~~~~~~~~~~~~ this post was deleted ~~~~~~~~~~~~
On twitter-
Harryfan1 Did you guys see that, or did I dreamt it?
505 likes 21 quote retweets 30 retweets 45 comments
Harryfan2 Oh no, I definitely saw that
Harryfan3 It was meant to be on his personal account, which means he has more posts like this😭
Y/Nfan1 Jeff probably got a heart attack lmao💀
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liked by harrystyles, Yourinstagram, Y/Nfan3 and 5,987,120 others
Zendaya Happiest birthday to my best friend, my sister and my twin flame! I love you and Mimi so much<33
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Y/Nfan1 Happy birthday bestie💕
Yourinstagram Stop I love you too😭❤️
Harryfan1 Okay but her outfit😩🤌
Y/Nfan3 Harry we can see you liking her pictures. It was posted 2 minutes ago! get a grip💀
harrystyles story-
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On twitter-
Harryfan2 He said hbd ily😭😭😭 god me when?!
906 likes 201 retweets 112 quote retweets 99 comments
Harryfan1 Sleeping on the highway tonight😭
Harryfan2 I'm bringing sleeping bags😭
Harryfan3 Take me too😭
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liked by Y/Nfan1, Y/Nfan2, Harryfan1 and 985,225 others
DailyMail 'As it was' singer, Harry Styles spotted with model Y/N Y/L/N and her daughter at Disneyland on model's birthday. Is this a new flourishing relationship or just a tactic by their management to promote the model's new line of clothing brand?
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Y/Nfan1 Fuck off DailyMail
Harryfan1 Mimi looks so cute🥺
Harryfan2 her sister is wearing tpwk hoodie aww
Y/Nfan3 Harry better treat her right or there will be roit
Harryfan4 Fake!
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liked by Yourinstagram, annetwist, Y/Nfan3 and 7,987,125 others
harrystyles Home❤️
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Harryfan1 H😭O😭M😭E😭
Harryfan2 god me when?
Yourinstagram 🏡❤️
Y/Nfan1 Our ship sailed guys😌
Annetwist Enjoy kids!
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liked by Annetwist, Yourinstagram, Jeffazoff and 34 others
dottycatlookalike Good night
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Annetwist Oh she's so cute❤️
GemmaStyles This account gives me anxiety cause your post go from cute baby posts to possibly posting a nude
dottycatlookalike that was one time! on accident!
Yourinstagram Thank you for the wonderful day H! I can't believe I found you❤️
dottycatlookalike I can't believe I found you both❤️
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liked by Zendaya, harrystyles, Y/Nfan3 and 8,765,998 others
Yourinstagram Thank you for the best birthday ever! ily. goodnight❤️
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Y/Nfan1 oh to be harry styles
Harryfan1 Look at Harry and mimi🥺
harrystyles Prettiest❤️
Y/Nfan2 @/harrystyles can you fight?
Harryfan3 they're cute I take everything back😭
Zendaya Sexy😩
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liked by Y/Nfan1, Y/Nfan3, Harryfan2 and 7,986,435 others
Vogue "Yes, we are dating but there is no rush. Emilia (her daughter) adores Harry like crazy. If we're not hanging out she be hanging on my shoulders asking when we're going to meet him and he loves her the same. Always spoiling her with different food and gifts, if she asks for anything he be up at 3 a.m. to make it for her." The model laughed talking about her and her daughter's relationship with singer and actor Harry Styles.
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Harryfan1 He gets up at 3 a.m. to make food for Mimi🥺
Harryfan2 Dadrry strikes again!
Y/Nfan1 she looked so good in this photoshoot🥵
Harryfan3 everyone thank mimi for calling Harry daddy cause now we get this😌
And the end
Taglist- @venomsvl @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @harryspirate @iamahallucinationnn
Please Like, Comment and Reblog!
Talk to me here♡ the requests are closed for now
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avatar-anna · 1 year
can we have some content of the twins relationship with each other?
sure!! maybe i can do a profile on all of the styles children
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader
Julian and Maeve for sure give off that unhinged, middle child energy.
Y/n loved dressing them up in matching clothes when they were babies like this, this, or this. But as they get older, she lets them develop their own style, as is the Styles family way. And for no other reason than to make their parents heads spin, Maeve and Jules switch clothes from time to time—shoes, jackets, shirts, etc.
Maeve is the first one to call Julian JuJu.
Simone loves playing dress up with the twins and painting their nails. And when she's old enough to drive, she picks them and Collette up from school to get ice cream right after she gets her license.
The first time they join Harry on tour, they wreak havoc. They run around during rehearsals, sometimes in just a shirt and a pull-up, or whatever Y/n was able to finagle them into before giving up and tossing clothes at Harry when she sees them and says, "Good luck," before walking off with the rest of her kids.
Harry holds Maeve and Julian on either side when they go to the beach. The water is a little choppy and cold and they're afraid to go in, but Harry holds them and jumps with each wave and lets them down when they feel better. Then he helps them dig for crabs and shells and build sand castles.
And then they bury him in sand.
When Harry comes home from the separation, the twins are little (about two) and he takes it upon himself to be Superdad™️. One of the things he does is sing to the twins every night before bed (he reads to Simone and Collette). And it's usually the same song, so when they're old enough they sing along with him.
For their seventh birthday, the twins desperately want a trip to Disneyland with the whole family. Harry and Y/n of course are unsure because that's just asking for trouble. They have to sit down with the twins and tell them that Daddy can't go because too many people would crowd them and it wouldn't be safe. Jules and Maeve are obviously upset, but Harry promises that they can have whatever they want at Disneyland and even though he can't go, he takes the day off so he can call and FaceTime the entire day. It's not perfect, but it's the best they can do, and the twins grow to appreciate how Harry did so much for them with their unique situation.
Maeve definitely gets sent home from school one time for punching a kid that was teasing Julian.
The twins are also unironically fans of One Direction, and they beg Harry and their uncles for a reunion. They are spearheading the movement for the reunion tour.
Speaking of 1D, Y/n sends an invite to the twins' baby shower. She's already done the "just girls" party and thinks it's a load of crap because it should be a party for both parents and all that. 2/4 come (I'll let you pick who went).
After the documentary comes out, the world obviously knows that Harry has a family, which means a lot of press. One time they're all out as a family, and they use their usual tactics to hide their whereabouts, but everyone is on high alert to see Harry Styles out with his wife and kids. And there's a big crowd when they leave a restaurant and the twins are terrified and since Y/n is dealing with shielding Natalia and Geneva, so Harry tells Simone and Collette to hold hands while he picks up Julian and hugs Maeve close to his side.
It's safe to say after that incident Harry hires security for whenever they go out as a family, or just for when Y/n and the kids go anywhere. They have a family bodyguard, who the twins love to make laugh. Or try to, anyway. He's very big and very stone-faced, but Maeve and Julian make him play with their stuffed animals and wear princess crowns and hold their hands when he walks with them.
The twins have separate rooms at home, but sometimes (especially when they're little) they have sleepovers in each other's rooms).
Julian is the first person Maeve tells anything, and he's the same. She tells him when she has her first crush, who she got for Styles Family Secret Santa, when she fails a test and she's scared to tell their parents, when she kisses a boy for the first time, when she kisses a girl for the first time. Everything, they tell each other everything.
All they ever need is each other, and sometimes Y/n and Harry worry that their other kids feel left out, and sometimes they do, but all the Styles kids have different relationships with each other, like all siblings do.
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hlficlibrary · 3 months
hi, how was your trip to disneyland?
did you read any Larry storie during your holiday?
Hi, anon! I had an amazing trip! Thanks so much for asking! My kids had such a good time and I got to meet up with one of my fandom friends while we were in Orlando, so that was so fun, too! I actually really enjoyed most of the rides and roller coasters, but the new one in Epcot, Guardians of the Galaxy was way too intense for me and I'll never be riding that again thank you. lol. I did actually read a couple fics on the plane ride there and back, but that was really all I had time for as far as reading fic goes...they were both really great and I highly recommend reading them! (I think I might have mentioned here before that they were both at the top of my to read list...)
with venom on your tongue by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze
While Louis had to try so hard to stay focused and be the best, Harry somehow did the same things with ease and confidence. He hated how Harry glided through life, carrying happiness on his shoulders like it was nothing when it was arduous for Louis. His carefree demeanor made Louis feel crazy.
But that feeling just motivated him to always keep his eyes on the prize. Number one in the class rankings every year and the valedictorian spot the next year when they graduated. He was so close he could taste it. And if the only thing in his way was Harry Styles, then Louis was willing to up the stakes to figure out what made him weak just to beat him.
“Whatever,” Louis eventually said to Liam. “He’s a fucking cliche.”
or a boarding school AU where Harry and Louis are academic rivals until they realize they’re more similar than they thought.
Get Out Of My Head (and I'll get out of yours) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter
“You really that desperate, are you?” Despite it being a shitty thing to say, Harry didn’t mind too much, as the bitterness in Louis’ tone sounded like music to Harry’s ears. Harry was winning tonight. “Can’t find anyone new to be interested in you, so you try to hit on Zayn.”
“I can’t find someone interested in me?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. “You’re having a laugh, mate.”
“Yeah, well, where are they, then? Because from what I’ve heard, you’re here alone.”
“As if I’d bring anyone to somewhere I knew you’d be. I wouldn’t wish your presence on my worst enemy.”
“Aw,” Louis cooed in a way that made Harry want to slap him. “You’re saying I’m not your worst enemy?”
“For someone to be an enemy, you have to give a shit about them. So, no. You’re not even on the list.”
“Oh–kay. Well, it’s been lovely as always, gents,” Zayn said before knocking back the rest of his drink.
Or the one for the Bottom Harry Fic Fest where Harry bottoming is more of a side plot, because angst got in the way--but it doesn't really matter because the fest stopped existing when I was halfthrough.
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diorleclerc · 2 years
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 + 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐢
* smut
♡ personal favorites
all drabbles can be found using the #diorleclerc drabbles tag in case i forget to add any here :)
first masterlist | third masterlist
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wet dream*
fireworks + beach date
baby’s first race ♡
self care day
pregnant ♡
first time*
physical touch
daddy + spanking*
harry styles concert
new york
birthday masterlist
fuzzy socks
naughty or nice*
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pillow fight
movie theater*
sex tape*
stuffed animal
truth or dare (ft. charles leclerc)*
anxious flyer ♡
tired of walking
thigh riding*
dirty talk*
early morning
ex boyfriend!pierre*
pierced nipples*
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karting (dad!daniel)
thigh riding*
christmas eve
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doggy style*
first win
teasing + thigh riding*
breakfast ♡
bad day ♡
sitting on his face*
pictures + videos* ♡
breeding kink*
wedding night*
searching for your hand
birthday masterlist
frosting* ♡
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team principal’s daughter* ♡
thigh riding*
kicking ♡
sleepy kisses + thigh riding*
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kiss me
morning blowjob*
birthday masterlist
castle of sheets
kiss me
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sleeping ♡
long distance* ♡
morning sex*
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still awake
ring ♡
come back to bed
jacket ♡ / sick
ice skating
five more days and i’ll be home
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pre race*
advent calendar*
christmas movies
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months
3, 7, & 8 for the happy fic writer asks!
3. Have you received any bookmark notes? Which is your favorite and why?
Absolutely! Just a few of my many faves include: the person who bookmarked fae prince Henry with the note "Alex is a peasant boy and Henry is a faerie who is very much into consent" which is both completely true and just such a hilarious summary of that fic. So, so many incredible bookmark notes on the actor AU that made me weep, and one hilarious one that said something about printing it on papyrus and handing it down to their children—I hope desperately that that person discovers ficbinding. The Schitt's Creek pole dancing/pole instructor AU has one that's like "the concept that shouldn't work as well as it does". So, so many more, probably, but those are the ones that stick out.
7. What do you love most about being a fic writer for your fandom?
I started rambling about the fic community as a whole and then I realised this question specifies "being a fic WRITER" so I'm pulling it back lol. So: I love how much depth and richness there is to the RWRB characters which gives me so much to explore as a writer. I used to be someone who really struggled writing full AUs, but I find that I have a really good sense of what makes these characters who they are and so whether I'm writing them in college, as actors, as fae princes and peasants... whatever it is, I'm still writing THEM. And that's a really lovely feeling as a writer.
8. Talk about any friends/connections you've made as a fic writer.
God where the fuck do I START. This is gonna be like an Oscars speech where I inevitably forget some really important fucking people lmao. @ships-to-sail my dream team collaborator and someone I will fight DoorDash at 3am to send soup to their house when they're sick lol. @celeritas2997 was the first person to reach out privately when I started writing RWRB—I'd only interacted with her in the comment section of my fics before that and now she's a very dear friend. @clottedcreamfudge is someone I just clicked with immediately and now talking to her bookends most days (timezones are a scam lol). I went to Disneyland and Noah Reid with @nontoxic-writes @lilythesilly @reginahalliwell a few months ago and it was AMAZING. @minerforaheartofgold we discovered very early in our shared Schitt's Creek space that Aotearoa is SMALL and there was one hell of a venn diagram overlap between our friends, and now they're someone I'll always go out of my way to see when we're in the same part of NZ (and go to Harry Styles with).
But also like... all y'all? Anyone I've ever had a back and forth with in the comments section, flailed in the reblog tags with, DMed... fandom is community, I'll bang this drum until the drum breaks, and every single one of you makes my little corner of this community better.
[The Happy Fic Writer Ask Game]
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sturnioloshacker · 2 months
wasnt sure if my first ask was sent to you since it didn’t say “sent” so if it did you can ignore and delete this one!🤍
3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 🫶🏻
first ask wasn’t sent baby but it’s okay no need to stress! thank you for so many questions 🫶
3. favourite quote?
“the most important thing is to enjoy your life-to be happy-it’s all that matters”
5. what is your middle name?
i don’t have one
7. what is your love language?
i’d say all of them but physical touch is a big one
9. three places you want to go to
greece, italy & disneyland
11. what’s the last song you listened to?
as it was - harry styles
13. chocolate or vanilla?
vanilla (yes i’m basic don’t judge me!)
15. you can only wear one colour for the rest of your life, what colour is it?
that’s hard! i think i’ll say black
17. if you are in a fight, which tumblr account are you getting to help you?
i feel like all my moots would help me in a fight
19. what’s your dream career?
social media content creator
21. describe your style/aesthetic
i’d have to say girly girl as i wear dresses and skirts but i do love my oversized hoodies and leggings
23. what’s your favourite day of the week and why?
probably friday as it’s the end of the week, i go out on most fridays and it’s one step closer to the weekend
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retrosofa · 7 months
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This week let's take a look at Cutie Honey episode 6: "The Black Scissors Shred Dreams."
Screenwriter: Masaki Tsuji
Art Director: Eiji Ito
Animation Director: Kazuhiko Udagawa
Director: Tomoharu Katsumata
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The shot where Honey is looking up at the sky thinking about her father was originally animated differently. The original version zoomed out further and had Honey's expression changing. For whatever reason, this was changed on the home video releases.
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Scissors Land is most likely a parody of the renowned Disneyland. It could also be a reference to the more Japanese familiar Nara Dreamland. 
One of the first establishing shots of Scissors Land’s popular attraction, the “Coffin House'' shows a hallway full of ghoulish hands reaching out from the walls. This is a nod to Roman Palanski’s 1965 horror film, Repulsion, namely the iconic scene in which the lead character Carol (played by Catherine Deneuve) walks down a hallway while male hands reach out for her from inside the walls.
Later in the episode we see a collection of wax mannequins modeled after historical figures, celebrities and popular fictional characters. Among them are The Beatles, Marylin Monroe, Napoleon Bonaparte, Tarzan, Medusa and others.
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Dirty Marry’s hilarious snot-nosed design is based on early artwork for Zuuko Kazami, who would’ve been Seiji’s little sister (in place of Junpei). Zuuko's design had her wearing a diaper, a bib, and Japanese styled sandals called geta. The name “Dirty Marry” probably comes from the 1971 Clint Eastwood film, Dirty Harry. Dirty Marry was voiced by Yoneko Matsukane, who would go on to play Jeanne de la Motte in The Rose of Versailles. 
Mastodon is a wet nurse, which is a woman who breast feeds and cares for another person’s child. This is especially funny when you consider “mastodon” means “breast-tooth” or “nipple-tooth.” Her name also refers to her large body size. Mastodon was voiced by Kimie Nakajima, who did minor voice work in Tomorrow’s Joe, The Gutsy Frog, and other series from the 60’s to 80’s. 
The Principality of Toreador is a fictional place. “Toreador” is the word for a bullfighter.
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The style of Honey’s large x-ray vision glasses are known as “dragonfly glasses.” Despite being a handy gadget, Honey only uses them once more in episode 14, where they have red frames instead of black.
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Danbei introduces himself by singing a well-known Japanese folk song called Kuroda Bushi or “The Song of Kuroda.” The song originated in Fukuoka City during the 1590’s and is often sung during drinking parties known as nomikai or at karaoke.
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There seems to be a deleted scene from this episode. The back of the second laser disc features a screenshot of Honey (disguised as Marie Antoinette) that does not appear in the actual episode.
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dinoshaverights · 5 months
For all the older Gen Z and young millennials out there feeling nostalgic this week, here's a modern version of Jimmy Buffett's Pencil Thin Mustache. I'm sorry.
To the Tune of Jimmy Buffet's Pencil Thin Mustache:
Now they make new movies in old C.G.
With the type of endings, no one wants to see
So if you find yourself in that nostalgic rage
Honey, jump right up and show your age
I wish I had a handlebar mustache
The early 2000s kind
A two-toned MCR jacket
And an autographed picture of Harry Styles
I remember bein' buck-toothed and chubby
Wearing T-shirts with that ol' Justice monkey
Oh, I wish I had a handlebar mustache
Then I could be a hipster too!
Then it's handstands, Disneylands, growin' up fast
Limited afternoon T.V.!
Oh! Hot Topic scaring everyone's mama,
And it was super illegal to be smokin' marijuana!
Yeah, I wish I had a handlebar mustache
Then I could be a hipster too!
Curly, Twirly, handlebar mustache
Then it's black top, gravel rock, scapin' my knee
Wrestin' on the livin' room floor, so sore
Yeah, send yourself to college,
try to gain a little knowledge.
When all you wanna do is not be poor!
Yeah, but now I'm gettin' on, don't watch Voltron
I'm deep in dept and I'm on the run,
But I can jump on Minecraft and still have fun!
Just the way that it used to be
That's why I wish I had a handlebar mustache
The early 2000s kind
A two-toned MCR jacket
And an autographed picture of Harry Styles
Oh, I could be anyone I wanted to be
Maybe suave Flynn Rider or ol' Barry B.
If I only had a handlebar mustache
Then I could do some web surfin' too
Yeah, it's not the same, but we don't really mind
Oh, I could do some web surfin' too
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babyonboardfloyd · 2 years
other things that bob is a fan of that i won’t elaborate on:
-mamma mia
-harry styles (he is up to date on the don’t worry darling drama)
-taylor swift
-any of the lego video games
-star wars
-bubble baths
-‘girls night’ w phoenix
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ao3feed-larry · 1 year
(Reach out and find your) Happily Ever After
by thetommoway919
Harry drags his new fiance and their three best friends to the happiest place on earth for a week of excitement, love, sunstroke, and funnel cakes.
The One Direction boys in a non-1D world visit Disney World together, and Harry, Niall, and Liam are very excited and Louis and Zayn pretend not to be
Words: 380, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne
Additional Tags: Disney World & Disneyland, One Shot, OT5 Friendship (One Direction), One Direction One Shot, Cute Harry Styles, Feminine Harry Styles, Engaged Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Amusement Parks, Roller Coasters, Fluff, Humor, matching shirts, those come up a lot you'll find, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Basically one direction in disney world, it's gonna be short and sweet, funnel cakes, Fireworks
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/iNogfzw
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ahauntedcowboy · 1 year
Eri happy February 💌 💕 I just got back from a Disneyland trip for my momma’s birthday and I met the walk around Din Djarin that’s there in Star Wars land and the amount of embarrassing photos of me just staring at him like 😵‍💫 is ridiculous (I only got one actually good selfie of me smiling next to him and then I ran away) and I knew I had to tell you but the first time I tried to go up and talk to him he flat out and I swear on my Harry styles cut out he said-
“You seem nervous, relax you’re with the best bounty hunter here”
I wanted to S C R E A M!!!! They even made him sound kinda like the actual show Din with the voice modulator and I’m pretty sure I blacked out after that
If I could I would use a magic genie wish for everyone to experience that because oh my goodness it was something 🫠
But I hope you’re having a wonderful week and if not I’m wishing you kinder things to come and cheer you up!!
Also that new TLOU episode??? OOOOOF 🫠😭
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corrodedhawkins · 2 years
Tagged by my babes: @bayouteche
favorite time of the year? the fall
comfort food? probably french fries or potato chips
favorite dessert? brownies!
things you collect? snow globes and obsessions
favorite drink? apple juice
favorite musical artist? I guess Harry Styles
last song you listened to?
last movie watched? Rogue One
last series watched? The Last Dance
currently watching? going back to watch season 4
current obsession? Eddie Munson and Joseph Quinn 😬
dream place to visit? Disneyland Paris and Shanghai Disney
place you wanna go back to? Disney World
something you want? for Joe to come to a damn co Venti on on the east coast
currently working on? part 1 of the Eddie kink series
I’ve seen a lot of ppl on my dash do this so idk if you didn’t do it and you want to say I tagged you
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Sarah, please tell me you've seen Harry Styles' look at TIFF today because GREEEEN!!! (also, I'm really sorry but I kinda made me also think of Peter Pan :x , but he looks incredible!)
I did and I died!!!!!!! So many tonal shades of greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen.
This is also mildly hilarious but a coworker of mine is going to Disneyland this week and I was literally just telling her about how when I was in Disneyland I spent three days trying to track down Peter Pan to get a photo (his character, unlike others, does not have a designated photo spot because he's Peter freaking Pan and does what he wants!) and I never found him so if she does to say hi from me!
From the ask: Getty
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squideo · 6 months
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Squideo’s Favourites: The Jungle Book (1967)
The last animated film made under the creative directorship of Walt Disney before his untimely death in 1966, The Jungle Book (1967) marked the end of Disney’s Silver Age. It has become an interesting milestone in the company’s history; reflecting the studio of old while showing the first signs of the company it would become without Walt Disney at its helm.
The Jungle Book has also been resurrected by Disney’s live-action remake series, the first of its modern remakes to adapt a non-Disney Princess story. The 2016 live-action and CGI film made changes to the plot of the 1967 version to correct outdated cultural depictions, but neither can be called faithful adaptations of Rudyard Kipling’s book of the same name. Like the 1967 version, the 2016 remake shows the progression of the Walt Disney Animation Studios and how it continues to innovate while preserving its founding principles.
We’re diving into the production behind this animated film, exploring the style and techniques which came together to create this compelling story.
Creating a Story
The Jungle Book, by British author Rudyard Kipling, was published in 1894. This collection of stories were inspired by Indian folklore and Kipling’s experiences of living and working in India; but Disney’s adaptation of this popular children’s book reads very differently.
Throughout the 1950s and early 1960s, Walt Disney had drifted away from the animation department. He had been focused on Disneyland, the creation of WED Enterprises (later named Imagineering), live-action films and the development of Disney’s television programmes. The underwhelming performance of The Sword in the Stone (1963) compared to the success of One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961), however, encouraged him to check in on the studio’s next animated feature film: The Jungle Book.
According to Brian Sibley, “what [Walt] found was that the team headed up by Bill Peet had come up with quite a sombre, dark, serious story – much more serious than any films they’d done in animation since the days of Pinocchio.” Peet and Walt Disney disagreed with the direction of the film, which ended in Peet leaving the company and Disney ordering work on The Jungle Book to be restarted.
Most of the original work was scrapped, with the exception of the song The Bare Necessities which was written by Terry Gilkyson (the song was nominated for an Academy Award). When Walt Disney assembled his new animation team, he asked if anyone had read Kipling’s book. They hadn’t, and Walt Disney said “the first thing I want you to do is not to read it."
He brought in the Sherman Brothers, who were enjoying newfound fame as a result of their work on Mary Poppins (1964). These songwriters were tasked with creating a lighter, family-friendly tone for the film. Meanwhile, the new animation team started production of The Jungle Book in 1965.
Like Disney’s other 1960s features, animators used xerography on the film. Ub Iwerks had adapted the Xerox process, first introduced during WW2, to work on film. This copying technique allowed animator drawings to be printed directly onto cels, massively speeding up the production process. It was first trialled on Sleeping Beauty (1959), and was used by Disney throughout the 1960s and 1970s. The technique also let the studio recycle cels, repurposing them for other animated films. Several cels were repurposed from The Jungle Book for Robin Hood (1973).
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Animation Style
When character redesign started, animators wanted to base their characters – not on the descriptions provided by Kipling’s story – but on the voice actors. Similar to 1920s animation which used rotoscoping to trace motion picture footage of a human performer to create animated characters with life-like movement. The idea was to employ household names like Phil Harris (a bandleader and comedian) and Louis Prima (a jazz musician) and create characters which reflected their personalities. Additionally, while The Beatles ultimately didn’t appear in the film, the vulture characters were based on their mannerisms and the animators included their mop top hairstyles.
For one of the musical numbers, ‘I Wanna Be Like You’, animators used footage of Louis Prima and his band performing which they based the monkeys’ movements on. This song was later updated by Robert Sherman for the 2016 live-action adaptation, to address outdated cultural stereotypes and to incorporate plot changes. The 2016 version is much more sinister in comparison to the jazz-inspired 1967 song, reflecting an overall shift in the film’s visual style which aligns more closely with Bill Peet’s original idea.
While new animators had been hired to work on The Jungle Book in 1965, a lot of old hands remained. Most prominently were the members of Disney’s Nine Old Men. These animators were hired in the 1920s and 1930s, and all of them had worked on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). They worked on every feature film until Peter Pan (1953), and six worked on The Jungle Book: Frank Thomas, Ollie Johnston, Milt Kahl, Eric Larson, John Lounsbery and Wollie Reitherman.
Both Thomas and Johnston – who acted as directing animators for the film’s main characters – went on to write Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life (1981) after their retirement from the company; which is still considered a key textbook for animators.
Despite the longevity of these animators, Walt Disney still told them when he thought a film was going wrong. Which included their work on The Sword in the Stone: “Walt was not a fan of the previous film in terms of styling. Walt thought there was too much colour in the backgrounds. He would even say in these notes [he wanted] a more monochromatic look for the backgrounds, a nice backdrop for the characters.”
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This role of Walt Disney and his Nine Old Men kept a consistency in the company’s animated films for thirty years, and there are parallels to be made between their first film together – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – and their last: The Jungle Book.
By contrast, the live-action remake of The Jungle Book shows how vastly the company has changed since Walt Disney’s death in 1966. The company made its last 2D animated feature film in 2011, and its biggest hits of the 21st century – such as Frozen I and II – have been created with CGI. It also puts a lot more stock in film sequels, which Walt Disney resisted making. The Jungle Book didn’t get a sequel until 2003.
And yet the film also signalled what was to come. Employing well-known voice actors, including pop culture references, and releasing a soundtrack with several hits instead of one major song. The Jungle Book stands on the precipice of the Disney studio of old and Disney the multinational conglomerate.
“At the end of the movie Mowgli wakes from the dream of jungle boyhood and steps into the human world. This threshold moment is followed by the bittersweet departure of Bagheera the panther and Baloo the bear back into the forest, a curtain call on the final film of Walt Disney himself and the achievements of 60 years of dedicated pencil animation.” David Surman
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sturnioloshacker · 11 months
Hi my love,this pre birthday surprise present I will ask 22 favorite things about you I hope I can put this for your surprise before on the day of your birthday so here we go.....
1. What is our favorite hoilday destinations we are going next year in the northern hemisphere? ✈️✈️
2. What is your favorite stuff toy?
3. What is your favourite animal?🐱🐶🐋🐬
4. What are you doing for your birthday this year? 🎂🎂🎂
5. What kind of a date What we want for our birthdays and anniversaries and what locations that are we going to? ✈️✈️✈️
6. Do like a cupcake or a birthday cake what you want on the day of your birthday?🎂🎂🧁🧁
7. What is your favourite song that you reminds of us? 🥰🥰🥰🥰
8. How's everything for you aside from tumblr?
9. In the future, would like on the date in the beach plus camping? 🏝🏖🏖🏕
10. What is your favourite part for being 22 this year?
11. Do you wanna go any festivals in two in Ireland and which festival that we will want to go in Europe in 2024?🎪🎪🎪🎪🥳🥳🥳
12. What is your favourite aussie slang?
13. I described you sweet,romantic and hottest girl I ever met? 🥰😍💐💐💐
14. Best childhood memories?
15. Are you a one direction fan before?
16. Favorite aussie city? 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
17. What is your favourite city in Europe (not country) 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
18. What is our dream wedding look like and where will be our location in Sligo or in Melbourne? 🤵🏻💒💒💒💒👰🏼‍♂️
19. Where are going on our dream honeymoon?
20. How we been together for a year or 2 years? (Use the bold front on the answers?🥰🥰😇😇🥰
21. Do you love me until I'm 30? (Yes🥰😘 or No 🤢😢)
22. What is the definition of "together forever as one" means
I love you so fucking much baby i hope this pre surprise will be the best 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
- greece, hawaii, portugal and disneyland!!!
- harry the teddy bear
- i love all animals but since i have two, i have to go with cats
- a big massive party where i’m gonna get super drunk hahaha
- cute picnic dates at the park
- birthday cake for sure
- adore you - harry styles
- really good! i could be going into a new job soon!
- yes!
- becoming more independent
- yes!
- g’day mate!
- awwww 😍
- cousin sleepovers and creating home videos
- always have and always will be until i die
- gold coast queensland
- athens greece
- one in melbourne and one in sligo
- bora bora
- i think it’s been two years but i could be wrong
- of course i will!
- we’ll be together forever and no one will separate us. we’ll be stuck to each other like glue on paper!
love you so much princess 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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