#harry styles net worth
zot3-flopped · 1 month
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chaoticloving · 10 months
Harry styles x actress!reader
Summary: Harry worries something is wrong during a family trip to Italy, turns out your just horny
Warning: sex to get pregnant lol
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Italy, it was always Italy.
As two high profile A-listers, Harry Styles and Y/n Y/L/N-Styles could never go anywhere without being caught. Once in the car, another in the street, and of course at concerts and premieres.
Vacation was another highly intense time for the couple, but it was only amped up to the max because of the Love on Tour's ending.
The night of the final show, Harry had his wife, mum, and sister in his dressing room. As the tour has lasted literal years, he figured he owed everyone some sort of gift: gift giving was his love language. He got the lovely couple of the band, Sarah and Mitch, and the little love-bug, a couple of odd-ball things he knew they would all like. He got similar items for the rest of the crew, personalizing them for the recipient.
His wife though, along with his mum and sister, he believed were owed some time with him. Call him selfish but Harry really did miss being with his family, and it was clear from the thousands of messages and voicemails that they all missed him deeply too. So he figured, why not Italy?
Italy is his go to place for relaxing, despite the constant paparazzi, it was quite peaceful when out in the water or in his shared home. Not only that, but his mother truly adores the country and the history; he feels he owes it to her for putting up with all of his shenanigans when he was younger, he knows he wasn't as easy as Gemma was, and stardom really did exacerbate it. But he's better now--Y/n has whipped him into shape--and he's wealthy enough to go to Italy as much as Anne wants.
Gemma just loves the opportunity to gossip with Y/n, along with the chance to sun bathe on the yacht. She was a simple person to please, and would be appreciative for a coffee and croissant.
Y/n, though, his love, isn't one that can be shown love to through gifts, at least expensive gifts. Her net worth is the same as his, but beside all of that, she is extermly picky about what she wants. All of her brithday gifts are something she specifically told Harry, from brand to color, nothing was left for interpretation.
He thought the vaction would be good though. Y/n likes the quality time between them, how they could just be themselves with nothing stopping them.
The yacht was a perfect hit though. Anne and Gemma both loved the salty breeze of the mederterain sea, but he didn't think it was enough for Y/n. He needed something that was more of a wow factor.
Harry was nervous, biting his nails as he took Y/n down to the docks for a midnight boat outing. He planned this a bit ago, but now was second guessing the whole ordeal.
"I love the smell of Italy." Harry said, holding his hand with his wife. "Something about it...just isn’t it perfect?"
"Is it the cigarette smoke?" Y/n joked, sneaking a quick peak at the corner of Harry's mouth. "Why are you taking me to the docks?"
Harry cleared his throat. "A midnight trip since I wanted some one on one time with you."
They had reached the docks by now, and were slowly getting on. He felt Y/n's hands get tighter around his hand, squeezing every now and then while the life guard was untying the rope connecting the yacht.
Harry looked over to his wife, watching her to make sure she was enjoying herself. She was looking beautiful, hair down while her face was pointed up, looking at the night sky's stars. Her outfit was loose, a simple dress that she threw on after showering to get the sea off of her. It was one he picked out long ago, around their 6 month anniversary, and it was still beautiful.
Her wedding ring completed the look though.
A beautiful antique ring, one that looked as though it was carefully preserved throughout history, looked ethereal on her.
"Hey H?"
Her voice was beautiful too. It was no kidding she was a movie star, her voice draws you in and cages you so you could never leave--not that Harry would want to.
"Yes, Love?"
"You're staring."
Harry blinked, not what he was hoping she would say. He hates to be called out.
"Just wanting to make sure you're happy." He shrugged. "I love you s'much, and I want to give you the perfect gift."
Y/n smiled, a warming one that made Harry's legs feel like jelly. She could never get over the love she felt from Harry, his passtion ratiating from him at all times was truly sickening to the loveless.
"Harry, I love this trip." She brushed her hand through his hair. "Everything you do makes me happy."
"But, earlier, on the yacht you seemed...off."
Y/n bit her lip, looking down to the sea beside them. She didn't mean for Harry to feel disappointed in himself, but she knew exactly what caused it.
"I just had a lot on my mind..." She said, not giving much up which Harry was not happy with.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
"I ran out of my birth control about a couple weeks ago, and my hormones are really messing with me." She said, hoping he would get the hint.
"So you're horny?" Harry laughed, a boy-ish grin forming on his face. "I can deal with that."
Y/n laughed and pushed his kissing face away from her neck. "Yes, but since I haven't been on birth control in a few weeks, my doctor thinks I could get pregnant."
Harry's jaw dropped, which then formed into another smile, this time one of excitement and hornieness. "So, you mean...we could start trying for a baby?"
Y/n just nodded. Harry put his hands on her face and kissed her. Her hands moved from his hair down his arms then under his shirt. Harry, bless his soul, was a little nervous to move his hand down, but when Y/n broke apart this kiss so she could strip out of her dress he had no problems.
Harry followed and took off the white shirt he was wearing before, alog with his pants. He got pushed down to a long cooler seat. Y/n strattled his hips and startedkissing him more. Harry started to trickle down to her neck, leaving a hicky closer to her boobs so no one could see. He loved the moans coming out of his love, the way he knew she was feeling good was getting himjust as turned on.
"You were horny." Harry snickered, getting back to work soon after. “Sitting on the yacht; you knew I’d fuck you if you asked.”
"I would've done something about it if my in laws weren't in the vicinity."
"My bad." Harry said, but it was half hearted as now he just really didn’t care.
The conversation didn't last long, soon enough Harry's boxers were off and Y/n bra and panties were somewhere else on the boat. "You sure? I got a condom somewhere."
"If I wasn't sure I wouldn't be off the pill." She reminded him. "What about you?"
"I've wanted a kid ever since you said 'I do'." They kissed, softly now, but Y/n soon sat on Harry's hard cock and they both moaned in ecstasy.
Harry was a little shocked to be honest, rarly they have sex without any foreplay or lube, and he doesn't think he's ever felt her so wet--he had to make sure not to cum too prematurely.
Y/n was focused on Harry and her breathing. Sex felt different now knowing they are activly trying for a child, she knows Harry's dick is the same, but something about it just made it better.
She begain to bounce, Harry's arms coming up to squeeze her boob while the other grabbed her ass. He positioned his legs and pushed up into her, again, again, and again. The repative motion was made all the diffference by one of his hands coming down to her clit to make her feelmore pleasure. She gapsed when he pintched her clit, mouth then forming a smile as he looked down to Harry's.
"Babe, I think-I think I'm gonna come." Harry groaned. "I wanna get you pregnant and it so fuckin' hot--come with me. Are you close?"
His voice was fast passed, he rushed through his words as he tried to hold off from coming. Y/n was feeling the same way though; the love, the passtion, and the idea of being pregnant was too much.
"Har, I'm about to." She groaned as Harry's hips shot up in a more paniced order. He felt crazy, moaning and looking just at her made him want to exploed. "Come with me."
Her voice trailed off and turned into a moan as Harry came inside her, no protection. It felt like heaven to the both of them, forgetting the sweat that clang to their bodies.
"I love you." Harry whispered. She was still on his dick, just collasped over him now, but she knew he said it out of love. Sex changed after marriage or after any new step within a marriage; after marriage was so loving, and they had a sense of understanding that truly could be sourced from empaths.
"I love you too." She whispered back. Giving one small kiss to his lips.
"If you get pregnant, I don't know how I'm going to top that gift." Harry jokingly sighed.
"Hm, you could give me another one." She chided. "I want a bunch of Styles babies."
"I'll love any amount of kids you want." Harry decided. "Even if its twenty."
She laughed. "No way am I going to carry twenty, maybe we'll just get some pets."
"What happened to a whole bunch?"
"Only if they're just like their daddy."
"Damn, I only wanted them if they're just like their mummy." Harry joked being distrought, groaing with faux aggrivation.
"Maybe they'll have the best of us."
"My beauty, and your personality." Harry joked, which Y/n didn't like so she jokingly shuved him. "Maybe not your personality."
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tiktaalic · 2 months
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saintsenara · 1 month
Another eager follower of your blog here - checking it is always a highlight of my day! I can't think of any ships atm, so instead, thoughts on a trope?? In my youth, I read a lot of FF net era fics where Hermione Isn't Really Muggleborn - usually her parents are Bellatrix and Voldemort (and she ends up becoming the next dark lady), although I've also seen various other purebloods, like Regulus, suggested (1/2)
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thank you very much for the ask, anon - this is extremely kind! and i'm delighted to expand from unhinged ships to unhinged tropes!
although i'll be honest that this specific trope has never hit for me.
i understand the appeal - we all love a bit of the princess diaries-style "ordinary person doesn't realise they're actually important" glamour - but i just really don't enjoy anything which implies that the blood-supremacist viewpoint which voldemort espouses is the correct one.
it always seems to me that the main thesis underpinning the "hermione isn't really muggleborn" trope is that she couldn't be as good at magic as she canonically is without wizarding blood. obviously, this undermines the entire central point of the harry potter series, which i don't think is great even in fanfiction - but the more important point is that it's not even an interesting way of undermining the series' central premise.
there is a lot which can be done in a "voldemort wins" scenario with the fact that - right on the canon page - the order of the phoenix is a profoundly unradical group committed to defending a vision of wizarding society which is just the status quo with a couple of minor adjustments. it's incredibly striking in canon that the non-human communities of magical britain - goblins, werewolves etc. - overwhelmingly support voldemort, as do the sort of working-class wizards who sign up for the snatchers, and his coup in deathly hallows [and his politics during the first war] can be written surprisingly easily as populist ones. i think you could hook hermione into his messaging, for example, by making him someone who appears - when he's around her, at least - to care about house elves...
equally, voldemort's commitment to pragmatism - which many people might also describe as a commitment to hypocrisy - can be used to write him as willing to make an exception for a muggleborn hermione, who is by far the member of the trio who would make the best death eater. something very interesting can be done with the fact that she would, i think, be possible to corrupt into a "dark lady" - especially one who held the viewpoint, as dumbledore did, that muggles should be subjected to wizarding control for their own good...
and i also think - as someone regrettably invested in the concept of a bellamort baby - that the "this kid was born hermione riddle" [except they'd have chosen a worse name] concept could be interesting in the right hands. we know from voldemort's own experience - as well as harry's - that magical children who are orphaned and/or adopted into muggle homes and institutions have a pretty grim time of things, and the journey of figuring out their life-story which all adoptees go on has an extra tangle of threads caused by the division between the two worlds. that hermione's relationship with the drs granger is canonically quite distant is always worth thinking about - and examining that relationship through the lens of them being adoptive parents could be a fun way of doing it.
but i will never be convinced that the alternative - "hermione is a secret pureblood and that explains why she's so clever and hot" - is interesting in the slightest.
great crackfic potential though.
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hedgehog-troops · 25 days
ur hilarious (good hilarious not mocking hilarious)
also i hate all celebs ever- you get that high up in the industry, that rich, and you’ve for sure fucked over basically everyone (with like one or two exceptions, somehow)
also why the fuck r none of them talking about palestine. like yeah spend 75k on a fucking met gala ticket and wear a giant flower or something, who gives a shit. how can u have a platform and not try and help people with it.
so yeah- rich selfish assholes, all of them. that’s my rant.
ive BEEN saying this.
heres the kicker. to sit at the table, they have to pay 100k more.
and theres also the fat that alot of these celebrities are single, and if not single with another celebrity.
now one or even two people alone, how much money can you need? ig you coukd say 5-6 mil for your kids and shit. like even keep 10 mil but MANY of these celebs net worth is more than 15 million. WHAT do they do with the money??? why do they have sm????
i can fathom having that much money and choosing to not only stay silent but then at the threat of getting blocked asking my FOLLOWERS (yk those people who usualky work 9-5s or are children) to donate. (👀lizzo)
like girl bffr. and those who are just silent. i dont even want to understand how their brain works like i need to them to just. cease to exist.
Yuval, a jewish content creator, who initially did not speak up, recently spoke up because his followers were asking him to go somewhere and do something. all he said was if all of you reach this goal of 200k, ill go to england. WITHIN 24 HOURS THE GOAL WAS MET.
and that is just a content creator. now inagine someone like TS or harry styles speaking up.
thankyou for coming to my ted talk
oh and also thankyoubfor calling me cool
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wh0refornikolailantsov · 11 months
Prompt: "I know you love him, and I will not ask you to change. I only ask... is there any part of you that could love me too?"
Song: "As It Was" - Hozier
For Inej x Reader please!!
A Place For Me - Inej Ghafa
Content Warnings: Canon Complaint Threat And Violence. Mentions Of Feeling Second Best, Insecurities, Being Enough Or Not Enough. Discussions Of Unrequited Love. Not Beta/ Proof Read.
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Watching her, it's like watching the sunrise. She is this bright light that brings everything around her into this abundance of colour. Inej is nothing short of pure sunlight, she is where your days begin and end. She is where every single one of your thoughts begin and end. From the day you two met, you were reduced to a creature that wanted to be in her presence. Or at least that is how you have described it, at length to Wylan.
Wylan nods, wiping some soot unintentionally across his brow. "You love her," Wylan says, reaching across the table for a vial of something. It's not an observation, just a simple statement, one he has made many a time.
Your smile is doleful, but there isn't a shred of remorse in your chest, nothing could bring you to regret your feelings for her. They had never been intentional, but they were not unwanted, you would not choose to feel any other way about her even if you could. She deserved to be loved, endlessly, devotedly, unconditionally. She deserved depths of love that she had not seen in years. Depths of love that Inej wasn't sure she would ever see again.
"That's not news Wylan," you remind him. Wylan chuckles, a small controlled burst of light rising up from what he is mixing.
"Okay, not that," he mumbles to himself before looking back at you. "You are looking for answers in me," Wylan looks away before finishing, "when I am not the one who can give them to you."
"Says the boy fawning over the sharpshooter," you say a little too quickly.
Wylan bites down on his lower lip, and his tone is somewhat sarcastic as he replies, "I am not digging in the wrong cemetery."
"I am not digging," you argue.
"Then why is this the same conversation we have had eight time?" Wylan asks.
"Because what else do I do with my feelings, bury them like Kaz?"
"Now we are getting somewhere," Wylan says.
"No, bringing up Brekker is not progress."
"Isn't it? Isn't that really why you and I are walking these circles? I think this whole thing has everything to do with Brekker."
Wylan's words are swimming around your mind and they're almost drowning out the soft sounds of Inej's whispering. You watch her steps, seeing how she moves but doesn't make a sound, every step like she is walking that tight rope, like she is preforming for a crowd and yet no one but herself. She doesn't work with a net, she is endlessly graceful and boundlessly powerful in her capabilities, but by the Saints she has you falling every time, every height is endless, every edge a precipice, every single step a fall risk. You fall every time.
But she is in love with him. You know that. Of course you know that. You cannot see Inej in every shade of light and not notice. Kaz Brekker captured a heart long before he had the power to realise it, long before he could even question if he deserved it. Kaz Brekker had caught the only thing in Ketterdam worth a damn. You knew it, he knew it. She knew you knew it too. She knows that you're smart enough to be able to see it, even if she tries to keep it away, even if she tries to make it not true. He is a weakness she never intended to have. He is a heart she never wanted to want for, to reach after, to desire. But against all her logic and all her wants, all her best intentions, Kaz Brekker had saved her, and she wanted to save him in return. One minute he made her blush and the next he made her want to commit murder, but nothing seemed to make her feelings for him falter. Kaz Brekker, The Bastard Of The Barrel, a man you could never envy for any other reason, but for this one the green inside you glowing, filling every part of you. You have never wanted for anything that was not yours, except maybe this, except maybe her. She could never be yours, she could never be anyone's, and you would never want her to be. She belongs to no one but herself and her Saints and you would make sure you did everything in your power to keep that true for as long as you draw breath.
"It's so quiet," Inej whispers, but her voice doesn't carry on the wind, even the air daren't carry her words too far from her. Even the air is selfish in wanting to keep her close.
"I am in love with you," you say, matching her quietness but not bothering to disguise your words, not playing with your tone, if Inej was anyone else her footing would have slipped, but she is Inej Ghafa. So all of the unsteadiness stays within her walls.
"You..." Inej pauses. "What?"
"I know you love him, and I will not ask you to change. I only ask... is there any part of you that could love me too?" You say.
Maybe she had known, a part of her had known, she supposes, in the way a person knows things that they never really have the time to shine the light on. But to you Inej is all light, all the time, and you'd never entertained the idea that she might know, so you find your own words surprising but you suppose inevitable.
Inej looks at you and it is not unlike her memories are falling around the two of you like parade feathers.
"I love that one," you tell her, offering her a slice of toast across the table.
"That what?" she asks, taking it without a second thought.
"That smile," you grin to yourself, "the one like the world doesn't weigh you down, the one that feels like it belongs to a different lifetime."
She blinks. "I..."
"Maybe a star," Inej says, looking at the sky. You follow her gaze upward.
"Any particular one?" you ask her, charting out the constellations in your mind.
"I don't know, what star would you have me name myself after?" she asks, as if this game was something just the two of you were sharing, as if Jesper and Nina weren't a few steps away complaining about the bitter night air.
"Well if you were to take on a name of a star in this fancy new life of yours where you're someone entirely new, would you wear different colours?" you ask. Inej laughs, tracing a hand over her clothing like she is dusting off armour.
"I don't think I could," she admits. You point out a star and offer up it's name to her as a gift with a wicked smile. She stares at the star, rolling it's name over her tongue, she likes it, but she doesn't understand how you could choose a name for her so quickly, with such confidence. "Why?"
"It's the star of freedom," you tell her, and as you see the star reflecting back in Inej's eyes, you know you're right.
You hear the tap of Kaz's cane on the stones and you reach out to Inej who is stood in her memories, like a gallery she had been awaiting a walk through for some time. "Inej?"
"I do not think-,"
"If you're about to say anything about Inej's skillset not being suitable, you certainly do not," you snap back. Kaz glowers at you, and you know his concern for her safety isn't to be dismissed, even if he will deny that is what it is. But this isn't about that. Inej can do this, Inej was born to do this, and you will not let the barrel rat let her think any less of herself.
"We won't have time for a net or any type of precaution," Kaz says through gritted teeth.
"I don't work with a net," Inej says. She looks at you, searching for the smallest amount of doubt, but you show none.
"Inej can do this Brekker, if you have any doubts then you clearly do not understand your crew."
"I understand my investments perfectly, otherwise I would not undertake them," Kaz says, getting more irritated by you by the moment.
"Then let her do this," you say, "she's Inej Ghafa, have you seen a single thing she cannot do?"
"This whole time," she says, blinking back into the moment.
"Kaz is waiting," you say.
"This whole time?" It's a question now, and the question cannot go unanswered.
"Yes," you tell her, "this whole time." She doesn't know what next to say and you barely give her the chance. "Kaz is waiting."
"He can wait a moment more," she says, "he said he didn't need me, remember."
"And he is a fool," you say, "I don't think he has ever needed you more."
"And you?"
"I can wait, I am very good at waiting."
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https://www.tumblr.com/seasurfacefullofclouds1/746160099444342784/i-dont-believe-harry-louis-were-ever-involved I don’t agree with anon at all. It was absolutely obvious that young Harry was completely infatuated with Louis (Larries didn’t just make this up from no where.)
I don’t know what happened between them whether it was management or outside forces (I tend to think it was later 1D Harry picking fame, power and money over any emotional connections. But early 1D I can absolutely see management getting involved.) but just normal mutual dislike does not cause Harry to obsess the way he still does to this day. Harry seems to be the type of person who dislikes a lot of people (including the other 1D members. Zayn absolutely embarrassed Harry and put a dint in his solo plan and control over the entire situation by leaving.) yet Harry isn’t personally invested in any of the other members or anyone else, the only person he takes out time to obsess so much over even after so many years is Louis. It gives stalker ex who wants your attention no matter if it’s good or bad. Harry can’t seem to shake Louis off completely while Louis is living his best life not even thinking about Harry or rising to his pettiness. Harry would not be doing what he’s still doing after so many years if he never cared and was never seriously emotionally invested.
I think one of the issues with Harry is that he did care a lot and was effected by Louis and he absolutely hates it which has made him extremely bitter and angry. I would even go as far to say that some twisted part of Harry still does to this day with the way he carries on. But Louis is such a better person who has a whole different life now, who’s completely over what happened in the past.
I’m just kind of laughing with all those Y/N fics written about Harry Styles (After, The Idea of You) getting published, making it onto bestseller lists, and made into movies, but the only one that he’s ever obsessed like that about isn’t even one of the girls.
Yes, he’s talked about Taylor Swift for years, but that was an arranged marketing plan from day one and it has stayed like Capitalism 101 forever. Even the songs they write about each other are like YA made-for-TV musicals.
No marketing plan has ever motivated the obsessive stalking and passive-aggressive bitchiness directed toward Louis. It screams, “Louis, look at me!”
Is it ex-romantic relationship or deranged hero worship? Louis is 32 and Harry 30, but Harry Styles (net worth ~$200 million, a Kardashian and Azoff insider) is still giving homage to 16-year-old Louis Tomlinson. Louis really did make him feel a certain sort of way.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 10 months
Harries are writing tags like employers to lovers///
If they're celebrating this then they're massive hypocrites considering how much they disapproved of Olivia being his boss. And the power imbalance between Harry Styles (world famous, worth 150m) and Brad Gould (his personal trainer, unknown outside the fandom, net worth less than 500k) is much bigger than between Harry and Olivia Wilde.
It's the exact same thing--a power imbalance is a power imbalance. I'm not going to start being a hypocrite now.
That being said: he's not fucking his trainer.
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zot3-flopped · 20 days
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
My first fandom, huh. I remember my much older sister writing fanfiction and her introducing me to FF net, how blasted I was by the idea that people publish stories based on other stories. Granted, I couldn't speak English back then and have to ask for help trying to remember using FF net by heart, but it was so worth it.
And so, my first fanfic was from Harry Potter and first thing my 13 years old self did was going for experimenting style and failing. It was still fun, though. I also got a comment from one of fandom veterans which was really huge to me.
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entropyfolk · 2 years
I am calculating the net worth of the Once-ler and Harry Styles against current US wealth distributions.
They are both in the top 1%.
Stop making excuses for those that hold over 30% of the country’s wealth smh
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You know I’m tryna stay unbothered and not bring up the twitter drama but… When y’all are millionaires the twitter girls are gonna be real embarrassed. Anna Todd she wrote those Harry Styles fanfics and she got a book and movie deal off of her writing and she has a net worth of $1.5-5 million dollar. So keep writing because that my be you all.
No that's the worse thing ever 💀💀💀 making fanfictions into movies and actual books is cringy af. I'll make millions another way 😆
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bisexualhobi · 2 years
Sorry this isn't about kpop but that anon saying Harry styles is not as popular as Justin bieber??? I'm sorry but no, Harry is wildly more popular than Justin at this moment in time. Net worth does not equate to popularity. Harry appeals to a far wider demographic than jb does and is at the height of his career right now, whereas I would argue Justin's heights were a good few years ago. I'm sorry but Harry definitely wins out on that one regardless of money.
I am not about to get in the bieber vs. styles debate..... i hate them both
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wardnoer98 · 6 days
The World's Most Unusual Classy Casual Outfits For Guys
In a nutshell, you get easy accessibility to your necessities whereas traveling. While parents may not listen to a woman who gets gifts of sterling silver or Austrian Crystal jewellery, they will certainly query how & why she received gold jewellery. Whereas the again design includes a pocket completed off with zipper and flap closure. These are extra bigger in sizes and have a big essential compartment with a sleeve and one small interior zipper pocket. Amongst all the colours that can be found for males's bracelets, brown leather-based bracelet is the most well-liked one. As against it, males's tuxedos want really good dressing.
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celebritydecks · 8 months
Noah Beck
Noah Beck Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Biography, Family and Girlfriend
Noah Beck is a well-known American social media influencer and TikTok sensation. He gained fame for his creative and entertaining content on TikTok. Let’s explore Noah Beck’s life and career, covering his age, height, biography, family, career, net worth and relationships.
Noah Beck Biography/Wiki
Noah Beck was born on May 4, 2001 in Peoria, Arizona, is a well-known TikTok personality from the United States. He was a midfielder for the Portland Pilots men’s soccer club in 2019. Beck is well-known for his work as a Fashion and Fitness influencer on social media, where he rose to fame at a young age. His funny TikTok content has won him a desired badge, and he is also known as a “muser.”
Beck had 33.8 million TikTok followers, 8.5 million Instagram followers and over 1.53 million YouTube subscribers as of October 2023. He was also designated one of TikTok’s ‘Top 10 Breakout TikTok Creators‘ in 2020.
Early Life and Passion for Football
Beck’s fascination with soccer ignited during his school days at Ironwood High School. His dedication led him to play for the SC del Sol club football team in Phoenix. From 2014 to 2017, he proudly served as a team captain in the U.S. Youth Football Olympic Development Program. During his final two high school years, he made a pivotal move to Utah and joined the Real Salt Lake Academy.
In 2019, Beck pursued higher education at the University of Portland, earning a soccer scholarship. As a midfielder for the Portland Pilots men’s soccer team, he showcased his talent in the U-19 category before unforeseen circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic led to a change in his academic plans.
Noah Beck’s rise in social media began in 2020, when he began posting on TikTok. His content connected with viewers, and he soon grew to over 10 million followers in a matter of weeks.
In June 2020, Beck joined ‘The Sway House,’ a group of social media influencers that includes Bryce Hall and Josh Richards. Initially engaging with its members, he finally left to pursue his own creative projects.
Beck underwent a transformation in 2020, which was characterized by both his tremendous social media growth and his participation in the NCAA Division 1 playoffs. It was also a year that generated controversy when he started charging fans for duets, which he later justified as a way to obtain brand deals.
His journey expanded beyond TikTok. In 2021, he ventured into acting, taking on the lead role in the AwesomenessTV web series ‘Noah Beck Tries Things.’ His charismatic presence also caught the attention of the fashion world.
In March 2021, he graced the digital cover of VMan, garnering comparisons to style icons like David Bowie, Prince and Harry Styles. His association with high-end brands, including Louis Vuitton, further solidified his presence in the fashion industry.
Beck also appeared in Machine Gun Kelly’s Love Race music video from 2021.
Beck joined with the Creative Artists Agency (CAA) in 2022, proving his dedication to multiple achievement.
He also fulfilled his passion for soccer by taking part in the Soccer Aid World XI 2022 charity event. Fans demanded that Beck be signed by English teams like Manchester United as a result of his league play.
When Beck participated in the Sidemen Charity match in September 2022, he demonstrated his charitable nature by helping to raise more than £1,000,000 for a variety of charitable organisations.
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This both surprises me and doesn’t surprise me.
With the rise of streaming and being able to stream music album, sales died down. And with that came celebrity is really investing and doing more tours, and selling merch and brand partnerships because it was their way of making money. But when people saw Rihanna and Fenty beauty and how much money she made but also how that was another huge opportunity for income. That was the route that a lot of celebrity started to take. I like to call it the Fenty effect. Selena Gomez, Jennifer Lopez, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, and all these other celebrities harry styles, machine gun Kelly all started brands on the road. Specifically beauty brands. They all saw what Rihanna did and wanted to emulate and copy the exact same thing. Rihanna‘s net worth before she started Fenty was almost $200 million and now Rihanna is worth $2 billion. Every single celebrity wants a piece of that pie specifically singer is because making music isn’t cutting it anymore. 
Mmm... interesting. That does make sense, though, having now knowing this! I guess Rihanna is just a trendsetter, and I love that for her. I apologize for my ignorance, but by "stream music album", do you mean using Spotify or Apple Music?
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