#haru Okumara
strife-and-discord · 2 years
Hey so strikers showed us that Haru, who is normally quiet and well mannered, goes mad with power when put behind a steering wheel
I would like to propose that Akechi, who is normally mad with power, gets really cautious and slow when put behind a wheel and the thieves give him just as much shit about it
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pinkelotjeart · 2 years
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How I think the phantom thieves would draw themselves, Was really fun to do
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arabesquecat · 1 year
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commission for @alexilulu from way back when, for her fic Black and Red. it’s dope as hell, you should read it
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rose-void-789 · 1 year
So I'm currently starting the third semester in Persona 5 Royal, and one thing that got me thinking is that the whole depth of mementos was like Mona's whole story and arc. Cool every phantom thieves has a palace that develops their character.
So can someone please explain to me what the writers at Atlus were drinking when they decided to give that much importance to Morgana in the Okumara arc? I love that scene where Mona is standing up to Yalabalth while everyone's down but it sort of pisses me off how he also had that moment in Okumara's fight when that should have been Haru's moment.
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oraclememehacker · 9 months
Haru and Futaba’s Bonding Moment
“I’m surprised that you’re still around Futaba. Usually, you’re squirreled up in your room at this point.” Sojiro remarked with a good-natured chuckle as Futaba was sitting at one of the booths with her switch out. Who knew what she was doing but apparently it was important as she was laying on her back and playing it pretty intently. Her mind was an enigma to the old man, but she mattered to him immensely. “Oh, I’m here for a reason. One of the others is coming over.”
One of the others meant her friends, the group that she hung out all the time. Sojiro knew that much anyways. “Ah. Which one?” He was more curious than anything, and with Futaba, he never knew what the answer was going to be. “You’ll know when they arrive.” She told him in a casual fashion as she was playing on her switch still. As always, she wanted to be cryptic. Oh well. “Should I prepare them the usual then?”
As he asked, the familiar chime of the door could be heard as the door opened, and who was it? None other than Haru Okumura, who was here for the express purpose of seeing Futaba. They had chatted via text about meeting up, and now was the time. There was a warm radiating energy coming off Haru that seemed to have the ability to cheer up even the most disheartened individuals. It was like a superpower really.
When Haru saw Futaba at the booth, she immediately got more excited. “Futaba-chan!” Futaba put her switch on the table and got up, seeing the floofy woman. “Haru!” The two rushed towards each other and gave each other a big hug, getting caught up in the moment as the two were simply really happy to see one another. It had been a little bit, and now they were going to just chat it up. Whilst playing Stardew Valley, which was the main plan.
“You want the usual, Okumara-san?” Sojiro asked and got a little nod of confirmation. “Coming right up then. You two enjoy yourselves.” The two of them let go of the hug and were beaming. “I haven’t had a chance to play this with you in a while Futaba-chan. I’m glad we’re getting back together for this.” Whilst Haru didn’t play many games, Stardew Valley really did hit the spot for her, and playing with a veteran like Futaba made it all the better.
“I know. I’ve been making sure the farm is doing alright. Just a few little things, don’t worry. We haven’t missed any major milestones or anything. Okay, let’s get to it then.” They would sit in the booth, getting ready as Haru joined via local play. Then they would start things up, tending to their farm which was coming along quite nicely with it still being the first year and all that. As they were chatting amongst themselves about their plans for the rest of fall in game, Haru spoke up.
“So, how have you been Futaba-chan? Has school been well for you?” Haru figured with a genius like Futaba, she probably wasn’t having much trouble academically speaking. The problem was with the socialization. She had heard about how much Futaba was bullied in school growing up, it was part of what lead to her to being so anti-social after all. “Yep, school’s been fine. Honestly, I think it’s been quite dull.”
“Well, I guess dull is better than having a bunch of bad stuff happen. Are your grades doing well?” When she got the answer of yes, that made her feel good. “Good. I bet you’ll be top of your class easy. You’ve taught me so much about computers and other assorted things.” Like the fact that booting didn’t mean kicking it with a boot. Though the term did come from bootstrap, so it had more to do with a boot than one would expect. Along with just some other basic computer maintenance stuff.
“You didn’t make it easy though.” Futaba told Haru with a sweat drop. “No offense.” Of course, there was no offense taken. “But you learned pretty well all things considered. I tried to teach some people on the internet through forums and it was like trying to teach a cat how to not hate water. Some people can be so dense and stupid I swear.” That just got a good hearty laugh to come from Haru. “Anyways, yeah, things are going well. How about you?”
“Me? Just fine all things considered. I’m getting ready to head to college for business. That way when I take over the company properly, I’m well versed in the ways of keeping the company going. Plus I want to open those cafes and keep growing my own food.” For Futaba that was like learning Greek, but she was quite proud of Haru for all of that. They both had goals and were heading towards them. It was quite nice.
Sometime would pass, and they kept playing, Haru eating her curry that was prepared by Sojiro, getting towards the end of fall in game. They loved their little bonding session, as it was a way for them to just relax, and for Haru to not have expectations placed upon her. As they were playing, a curious question entered Haru’s mind. She wasn’t sure why it did, but it was nagging at her and if she didn’t at least ask it, it would probably bug at her heavily. “Hey Futaba-chan, I have a question. It’s a weird one, but I’m curious.”
“Hmm? What’s up?” Futaba had an inquisitive tone to her voice as she was wanting to know what this weird question was. “I know boss is your father basically at this point, but have you ever wondered about your biological dad? You only seem to talk about your mom after all.” Well, that was certainly a weird question anyways. And one that was out of left field.
But it wasn’t like she hadn’t thought about it before. Hell, it was something that she asked her mom a long time ago. She had seen plenty of parents with mothers and fathers, but Wakaba was an only mother. Even when Sojiro was in the picture, they just stayed colleagues for most of it, even though it was clear there was quite a friendship, and had circumstances been slightly different, possibly been together romantically.
It took her a little bit to get over her surprise of the question before shaking her head. “I haven’t really put much thought into who my actual father was. Because my mom only told me he was “a scumbag who didn’t want anything to do with her” and told me not to worry about it.” Haru was slightly dumbfounded by that, but also curious. “Huh, she must have had her reason for that.”
“Yeah, she did go into a bit more detail about it.” Now that Futaba didn’t have the truth of things clouded from her mind due to all the guilt, she remembered so much more from her childhood. Even things that didn’t really think about all that much before her death. This was one of those things. “My mom had gotten her master’s degree and was planning on working on a doctorate when she met him and ended up getting pregnant with me.”
She went on to explain that whilst the pregnancy wasn’t really in the cards at the time, and she was worried about how this would affect her future, in the end Wakaba found that taking care of a child could be a good challenge, and that she wasn’t planning on having an abortion or anything like that. And then apparently, he told Wakaba that he wasn’t going to take care of said child and they got into a massive argument and left. From there, they never spoke again and of course, that was the story of how Futaba was born. Hearing that made Haru frown, but she also understood, at least a little bit.
But that didn’t make what that guy do acceptable, at least in Haru’s eyes. And she now understood fully why Futaba’s mom didn’t really want to bring it up. “Yeah, I get it. Sorry if I brought up anything uncomfortable.” She didn’t want Futaba to feel bad or to ruin the mood or anything. It just popped up in her mind after all. “Nah, I was young and after the explanation she gave me, I mostly stopped thinking about it. That’s why I said I didn’t put much thought into it.”
Though now that she was thinking about it, the thought about Haru’s father came up. How he had put her in that awful arranged marriage, how he treated his employees like they were robots, and his unfortunate death thanks to Akechi killing him, all for the sake of putting a target on the Phantom Thieves back. She wondered how Haru was feeling still, since the pain of that was farther away now.
“You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, but how do you feel about your father and what happened to him, Haru?” That definitely changed the subject a bit, and Haru just let off a sigh. “Now that I’ve had time to really think about it, I mostly still just feel angry about his death.” It was a perfectly reasonable feeling to have, considering the circumstances.
“When I think about all the awful things that my father did, you would expect for me to hate him. And there’s definitely a part of me that does. There’s however a bigger part that knows that he wasn’t always that way and needed to be showed the errors of his ways. That’s why I don’t regret helping you all change his heart. And it seemed like he was going to have to face all the sins he did head on.
But of course, that wasn’t the case, and he died, live on air. While she was understandably upset at it, the fact of the matter was, in her mind anyways, she saw this as an escape for him. It was a way for him to ultimately get away from dealing with his guilt. It was like a get out of jail free card and that made her more frustrated than anything. She just wanted him to get better and deal with the consequences of his actions.
And instead, he was robbed of that. It made her grit her teeth momentarily before she calmed herself down. “All because of Akechi. I know he’s a victim just like the rest of us but…he still willingly did what he did. It wasn’t like Shido put a gun to his head and made him do all of those stuff.” A sharp exhale escaped her nostrils before she managed to calm herself down fully.
“Yeah…” Was all that Futaba could muster, at least initially anyways. Her feelings about Akechi were complicated as well. On one hand, he was someone who was incredibly talented and smart, and she could respect him for the stuff he managed to do. But on the other hand, he hid behind masks and his true self rarely showed. And who knows if the Akechi they saw whilst Maruki had the ideal reality going was his true self.
As Haru said, even though he was a victim like them, he made his choice when it came to that. He did what he did in order to gain favor with his illegitimate father who was merely using the power that he acquired in order to gain more and more power, and to ultimately put Japan in ruins. Futaba could never claim that she would willingly want to be friends with Akechi, but she wouldn’t outright state how much she hates him. Merely mess with him in the way that she always did.
Futaba then did pull Haru into a hug as the two were calming each other down. The conversation had gotten quite personal and upsetting, so they needed this. “Let’s just agree that Akechi was a complicated person, like a heavily multi-faceted person, and agree that we don’t hate him, but can’t exactly forgive him either.”
That seemed to be one thing that they both agreed on. They could never forgive him, not fully for the crimes he committed, but wouldn’t downright hate him either. That would be the way they would feel about him for the rest of time, since he seemed to not be coming back, due to being well, dead. But if he did somehow come back to life, that’s how they would feel.
Pushing that aside, they finished playing Stardew Valley, and had to stop as their Switches were going to die. Plus Haru had to get home so nobody would be worried about her. They both got out of the booth and gave each other another tight hug. They really did enjoy their time together like this. And Haru even gave the orange nerd a kiss on the cheek. That made her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink.
“Thanks for having me today Futaba-chan. We must do this some other time, sooner rather than later.” An agreement was made on that. “Oh and thank you for the meal boss.” Sojiro shrugged it off like it wasn’t all that big of a deal. “I’ll see you later, you two!” And with that, she was off, back home. Futaba just let off a little happy sigh before heading back to her house as well, opting to lay on the bed in her room and just think about things. A lot of things.
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malware-program · 1 year
It’s been a while since I’ve done Persona 5 headcannons
- Yusuke dyes his hair blue
- Ryuji and Yusuke dye their hair together
- Haru after Okumaras space ship and before his death brings everyone treats as a thank you
- Akiren has accidentally called Sojiro dad
- Sojiro cried because that’s his kid right there
- Futaba has hacked into everyone’s history for blackmail
- if Akiren is from Inaba he definitely sneaks Morgana into Junes, gave a certain employee a jumpscare when the cat talked
- Makoto doesn’t know a lot of memes so she’s so confused when Ryuji posts them
- Ann gets drafted to help Ryuji and Akiren study for English tests
- Akechi has tried to convince himself that he hates Akiren while basically giving him heart eyes
- Zenkichi and Sojiro are definitely saved as “Wolf dad” and “coffee dad” in Akirens phone
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rpking99 · 7 days
Victory And Fun
DedSpec Phantom Saga
Chapter 7
Closed with @the-blackbird-roleplays
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The weeks since the victory of the Phantom Thieves, and Nolan moving to Japan, had been honestly wonderful for everyone involved.
Relationships having been growing a lot between all of them in oh so many ways.
Sojiro had let Nolan live in the attic while setting everything up, although he had to do a few odd shifts in Le Blanc in exchange for rent.
And life... Life had basically gone back to normal for the Phantom Thieves.
Currently Ann was in the middle of Shinjuku doing her modeling work, Futaba was sleeping the day away, Makoto and her sister where out for most of the morning until the evening, Haru was at Okumara foods, Ryuji was spending time with his mother, Yusuke was doing art stuff and had gone silent.... And Morgana was right Rin, who was at Sojiro's house
Leaving Sophia and Nolan alone, the red head ai humming within Nolan's glasses as she awaited him to finish his mourning routine
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viosvisions · 6 months
Haru is sitting all alone, does Rui approaches her?
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Rui walks over to her to try and get her attention. "Excuse me.But...re you, you are Haru Okumara correct?"
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synt4x-3rr0r · 5 months
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the virus brings you..
[a gender based off haru okumura specifically from persona 5 tactica.]
{ID: a flag with 7 equal horizontal stripes. from top to bottom, the stripes are black, dark gray, light pink, white, light pink, dark gray, and black. in the centre of the flag is an image of Haru Okumara from Persona 5 Tactica. end ID}
id by @radiomogai
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personachampions · 23 days
Ken + Ango vs Funky Student + Nozomi Yosuke + Eri vs Chidori + Junpei Keisuke + Futaba vs Margaret + Okumara Sayoko + Teddie vs Guernica + Haru Akane + Yu vs Kanami + Izanami
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narrators-journal · 1 month
Persona 5 Haru x Male Reader request smut:
Kink: Face-sitting, asphyxiation, ass worship, sniffing, clothed.
Whenever Haru is around reader and often bends over when picking something up, the reader can't help but often stare at her fat ass that's Hidden under her fluffy shirt.
At first Haru, doesn't often notice that the reader is always and intentionally behind her. Then she slowly can't help but get a bit suspicious, until one day she gets close to a reflection and finally notices the reader staring at her ass.
Then some small teases happens, then one thing leads to another and bam!
Face-sitting happens as "punishment"
She and the reader still have clothes on while doing it cause it was a sudden surprise attack by her.
I wrote this far too late last night, when I got a creative burst. Is this good? Idk, I’m exhausted and delulu, I am not trustworthy. But, I tried to polish it up and edit it a bit, so we’re just gonna. Hope for this one.
CW: Clothed sex, ass worship, some light to moderate breathplay, boss x assistant dynamics, face sitting, and mayyyybe a bit of scent kink? Idk if I got the whole sniffing part down good, but I tried.
“You’re staring. Again.” Haru Okumara hummed, amusement laced into her soft voice like a playful dog weaving through a corn field. Which, caused your face to turn a healthy pink and your eyes to tear away from the way her short dress fell around the curve of her plump ass so teasingly while she was leaned forward to fill out the last bits of her day’s paperwork. “S-sorry, ma’am. I-I-um, I didn’t know.” You tried, but the lie only seemed to earn you a raised eyebrow shot over your boss’ shoulder. “Really? I know you space out, but let’s be honest here. We both know you’ve done this a few times, haven’t you?” She asked as she straightened, a smile on her soft, pink lips. “You can be honest, do you like my ass that much?~” The playful tone of the question was like a shameful arrow to your dick. So, you kept your eyes to the carpet of Haru’s office as you fidgeted and squirmed beneath her gaze, whether or not if you were taller than the small brunette.
The day had started off so normally. You’d come into work, you’d organized paperwork and sorted out the day’s most important things for Haru to sign, and you’d managed to catch her before she left for some summer meet-up with some old friends of hers. Things were going so smoothly! Of course I had to fuck it up and get caught! You thought while you and the woman stood in silence behind her desk. Her beautiful hazel eyes bore into you, as ruthless as they were sweet, and you could feel yourself crumble the longer you stood there. “Um...well…” You started, heat in your cheeks as you toyed with the bottom of your work shirt. “Don’t worry, your job won’t be at risk if you admit it.” She assured, “Uh, then yes ma’am. Your rear is...y’know.” You muttered, her giggle like a sweet bell in your ears, “Cute? Sexy? Tempting?~” She supplied, her voice’s sudden drop into a more flirtatious tone at the last word a bitch slap from left field that finally got you to look back at the woman. Is she into it?! Is my boss gonna fuck me for being a pervert?! You thought in a panic, unsure of if you should be scared from the stories you’d heard about Haru Okumura’s personality, or if you should’ve been excited to finally sleep with your boss.
However, before you could work through the conflicted mix of emotions that scenario dug up, Haru spoke again. “I find that very flattering, I assure you.” She said simply, turned to fully face you and lean back against her sturdy, paper-covered desk. “But, you are my employee, and I don’t really enjoy being ogled at work. So, I do think you’ll need to be punished to some extent.” Scared. You should’ve been more scared. Especially with how her autumnal eyes glittered with that same predatory glint that she got when she was close to breaking an ingredient vendor down to a discount. Except, now, that look was focused on you.
“M-ma’am, I am so sorry, really-” The brunette silenced you when she grabbed the collar of your button-up and yanked you towards her. Her voice seductive and low as she growled, “Either you take the punishment I give you, or I fire you for sexual harassment. Those are your options, sir.” “P-p-punishment, please.” You squeaked.
And, just like that, your boss let you go, and her smile was back on her glossed lips. “Good boy! Now, come over here, I know just how to teach you a lesson for ogling.” She chirped, before she pushed off of her desk to move over to a full body mirror she kept in her office.
Is this...this is surely a worse form of sexual harassment, right? I could sue her for this. You thought while you hesitated by her desk for a few more heartbeats. I just looked at her ass, she’s...she might beat the shit out of me...which would be kind of hot… Which, the more logical part of your brain realized was a dumb dick-thought, born from nowhere but the boner that strained against your waistband. But, it was a damn strong thought, so, you did follow your boss obediently. “Lie on your back in front of the mirror.” Haru ordered as she straightened her strawberry-patterned dress in the mirror. And, you did as you were told without a word of complaint. Which, got a hum of approval from the woman who wrote your checks before she moved so that her feet were on either side of your head and she could look down at you with a sugary smile, “I’m sure you don’t need any instructions on what to do next, right, you’re a smart man, right?” She asked, and you blinked, but managed, “Um...yes ma’am?” You said tentatively, which got Haru to smile wider before she lowered herself onto your face without much more fanfare. Her plush thighs and plump ass easily able to muffle your yelp and leave you unable to say a word. Even if you had tried, the vibrations of your voice would do little but give Haru a fun bolt of pleasure, so all you could do was stare up at Haru’s smile with wide eyes for a long moment.
Though, it didn’t take long for the first hint of sweet arousal to invade your nostrils with how close her cunt was to your face. Like a hypnotic fog, the fragrance broke down the last remnants of your common sense to make your cock twitch against your belly. And, she was right. You were a smart man.
And, while the weight of Haru’s body on your face was measured, it was crushing at the same time. Her pink panties all but suffocated you with the intoxicating scent of her arousal, the taste of slick already on your tongue when you mindlessly gave a tentative swipe over her clothed cunt. In response, Haru gave a low moan of approval, but repositioned her hips so that your tongue could reach her ass rather than just her pussy. Which, simultaneously allowed you to get a better sniff of her excitement, so, there were no complaints at her wordless request.
At a slow pace, to start, you pressed the flat of your tongue against her asshole as best her pink panties would allow. And, while the fabric of her undergarments kept you from full contact, Haru still rewarded you with another moan. The small sound quiet, but able to be felt while you worked at her with your mouth.
That simple encouragement like a bolt of lightning down to your core while you worked. Each swipe or careful prod of your tongue hard to do thanks to your boss’ panties, but the way the fabric restricted your breathing only seemed to make your neglected cock twitch, and your head swirl with a fog that you couldn’t identify as pleasure, or the encroaching threat of black out.
Regardless of that threat, though, you kept your tongue at work. Lavished your boss’ ass in as much attention as you could until she lifted her hips to allow you to gulp down some fresh air. “Are you okay down there?” She asked, just as breathless as you from such simple and restricted attention. Which, sent a fresh shock of excitement down to your cock, though, this time with a twinge of pride mixed into the carnal excitement. “I-I’m fine, ma’am. Promise.” You assured, which got you a giggle and a sweet smile, “Well then, just remember not to enjoy yourself too much. This is a punishment for being a pervert, remember?” And, before you could offer any comment, she replaced her ass over your mouth.
So, you obediently returned to your work. Your tongue ached from the fight against her panties, and the scent of her pussy pushed against your nose kept you from the fresh oxygen you needed for life. But, you didn’t give a shit. You’d happily die beneath your boss’ ass.
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theafrochick · 2 months
What did we do wrong?
WEVE BEEN SHITPOSTING THIS WHOLE GAME how can we lose sight of our goal if we NEVER HAD ONE. There was never an end game. Morgana doesn't know that blasting through places will actually make him human, we don't really actually give a fuck about the mental shutdowns, like we as a group could have done small shit like mementos until the end of time and it's basically the same thing as the game.
I genuinely feel like the arc after futaba needed to be completely rewritten to actually get us to where we are because that Morgana running away shit ate up too much time and was literally worthless in the end.
Yusuke said it himself okumara was a mistake and no shit it was. Harus whole character is a plot device. She should have been introduced way earlier for me to feel otherwise I just.
Who wrote this shit bro. This game hits like every single beat you'd expect it to for a story like this in the most predictable way and like I wouldn't even care that it's predictable if it actually wanted to commit to the story it was telling and it obviously doesn't when anytime a deeper question if ethics is brought up the person mentioning it gets told to shut up. Ryuji and Akechi are literally the only two people who have strong convictions when it comes to character motivation. And Yusuke and Makoto are the only members of the phantom thieves who aren't weak links. (Not counting Morgana because nobody else can understand him). So like. Why do I actually care they're backed into a corner? When they've been backed into a corner like three times already.
I want to call this game good but like it feels like I'm playing two different games at the same time. The story that they wanted to tell and then all the other shit that had to get added in because it had to be a persona game and the runtime was too short.
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fattybattysblog · 5 months
Haru Okumara!
Heya Beep! Thanks for the ask.
Here's Haru's Bingo Board
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She's a fun character. It's unfortunate that her introduction sits within Morgana's temper tantrum, but she makes up for it by being a cutie with a violent heart, hahaha.
Here's a doodle of her!
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thebibleofdreams · 1 year
Finishied Persona 5 Royal, here are my very silly and all over the place thoughts:
10/10 game. Honestly the way the story developed was so cool, that the mystery unfolded for us at the same time as for joker was awsome and even though i knew some spoilers i was constally surprised with were the story was heading. It's impressing when the game is soo long! And obviously Marukis palace was a bit of a twist, but w it being extra material i'm fine with that even though it felt a bit out of place, aswell as Kasumis whole arc. My favorite palace was probably Saes or Shido, and least favorite might be Kamoshida because it was so aesthetically unpleasing, i didn't think it looked good.
Confidant wise i maxed out Ruyji, Yusuke, Makoto, Akechi, Maruki, Hifumi, Kawakami and Mishima. I didn't particualy enjoy Ruyji or Makotos confidant stories, i just found them a bit misplaced i guess, especially Makotos friends boyfriend problem, but it paid off in the end cuse i love them as characters! Akechis confidant was my favorite because i'm annoying lol, it was the drama of it all! The glove duel! I love him so much. But Yusukes was sweet as well. I'm sad that i didn't get further with Futaba and Haru, i got to level 7 with Futaba and i do really like them both, but because this was my first playthrough i think i wasted alot of time doing unimportant stuff. I'm also pissed off that i didn't get further with Sojiro! It took such a long time to up my kindness level and i became angelic the day before i met up with Maruki and my free days were over :') so annoying!
I dated Makoto this time, i thought i dated Kawakami but i accidentally called it off because i' stupid. In the end it all worked out cause with the chrismtas date and valentines date i really thought Makotos storyline was moving !
Worst parts were Okumaras boss battle which nearly made me go crazy lol oh my god it was so hard! I had to play easy mode after that which is a bit embarrising.
But yeah! Good game! Justice for Akechi and Jokers gay romance! I enjoyed the extra angst during Marukis palace but i wanted more of the star crossed lovers!
I'm gonna play persona 4 now :)
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nightlightbrothel · 10 months
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Muse Suggestions, Zinnia from Pokemon ORAS, Stocking Anarchy, Hex Maniac, and Haru Okumara
Zinneia and Haru are definitely candidates. I've never watched Panty and Stocking so I'll have to pass on Stocking. Hex Maniac... She's hot but I'm not sure if she'd fit in a brothel setting.
I would be open to doing trial RP's with Zin or Haru if you'd like.
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I wasnt kidding when I said that I had a RP Hit List of Characters I’d like to RP with.
Ranked from most wanted starting from the top:
Haru Okumara (P5)
Team Skull Grunt - Female/Punk Girl - SM/USUM
Zinnia - ORAS
Klara - SWSH (In a Love/Hate Senario)
Vanilla the Rabbit - StH
And that’s pretty much it.
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