#hastag pride
autism-corner · 1 year
everytime i see it i get so happy =w= i love this game
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keysandcrosses · 2 years
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Happy Pride Month from my ocs!
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
i was fully gonna fuck that guy just cos i like his mum shes so nice im honestly a lil sad i feel like i could have built a relationship with him purely so i can hang out with his mother
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unethical-gender · 2 years
Tntduo pride week 2022
June 18th: Sharing a bed and/or first kiss
Some Pogtopia era for the soul. For being p short I kinda like it. I love not writing dialogue.
(645 words)
Sometimes it was best, this sort of baseless solace. In rooms carved from rough stone underground, made in Pogtopia's permanently damp walls, nothing was real if it was behind closed doors. In a place built upon a foundation of temporariness, there was no commitment behind any action. It's how Quackity could feel so comfortable with Wilbur.
In such a sad excuse for a bedroom (Quackity had grown accustomed to well-built luxury rooms that didn't contain the same scent of dirt; this was quite the downgrade) Quackity was still relieved to have a place to rest, arms bruised and legs tired. He hadn't expected to be taken in or to recive any ounce of understanding. Despite his pride, he was prepared to be more than happy with pity.
But it wasn't even pity. It was an immediate look in Wilbur's eyes that knew it wasn't the time. It was careful, awkward touches meant to convey something that had either been lost along the way or muddled to begin with.
It didn't matter. It didn't have to matter because they ended up in a sad excuse for a bedroom carved from rough stone that smelt of dirt and water, completely wrapped up in each other. Quackity had ended up being pulled into Wilbur's lap, half sitting and half laying down, a thin blanket slipping off him.
Quackity fully hid his face in Wilbur's shoulder, eyes shut tight. He wasn't crying, just sulking, giving himself a night to wallow in his misery freely. He was sure Wilbur was doing the same as he rocked back and forth, gently sighing sadly into Quackity's ear.
It felt like something. Something they either didn't want to acknowledge or couldn't find the right way to. It was comforting, yes, but something bubbled just below the surface that threatened to kill them both from the inside.
Quackity didn't realize he was being pulled down slowly until they both hit the mattress. Neither let go of each other, but Quackity moved himself to lie on his side. He didn't look Wilbur in the face, keeping his eyes mostly shut. He kept his focus on where Wilbur put his hands; he could feel the apprehension radiate like heat.
Quackity's arms were higher, one hand on Wilbur's chest above his heart and the other over his shoulder, fingers grazing over the ends of the hair near his neck. He felt Wilbur looking at him, boring holes of adoration through his bangs. When the gaze never left, Quackity lifted his head and opened his eyes more. Wilbur didn't stop looking at him.
Wilbur's expression still didn't change, he still looked at Quackity as if he was something holy that had fallen down into his lap, injured and frightened. In a way, something did.
On pure impulse or at least some fleeting rush of freedom, Quackity moved his hand to sit on Wilbur's face, stroked his cheek with his thumb a few times, then kissed him.
Wilbur made an immediate note of how aggressive of a kisser Quackity was. It felt like it was meant to be something soft and tender, but executed with too much force. Wilbur really didn't care. He wasn't entirely sure if he was even dreaming or not. With all the time he had imagined this, the times he had dreamt about ripping the gold wedding band from Quackity's finger and taking him away from someone he was sure would never quite see the beauty they had been blessed with.
Wilbur, in a sad excuse for a bedroom carved from rough stone that smelt of dirt and water, completely wrapped up in Quackity and kissing him until he got too tired to kiss him anymore because he could never get sick of the feeling, had been proved right. He didn't care if they would pretend it never happened in the morning. The memory was enough.
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More spidersona content!! Ugh I loved how this turned out!!! She’s so silly and cute I wanna put her in a shoe box👹👹 I wanted to render this but it’s been literal months since I rendered anything I forgot how and I need a new method cuz my halftone brush is being a bitch so just have flats for now!! But I love how this turned out sm
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Also that bear she’s sleeping next to is called mr bear and she’s had him since she was little and takes him everywhere like she will just stuff him down her suit when she’s doing Spiderwoman stuff, he is like an inanimate object but he will turn up in places she didn’t leave him
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jadeofblades · 1 year
Are you still into Club Penguin and Gadgetpack?
A little! The fixation aint as strong as it was back in like,,, 2020-21, but every now and then ill read through the tags and all and see what my besties are up to
Gadgetpack will always have my heart regardless tho, they've been a part of me since my childhood and have gotten me through Certain Times, no matter what im in to ill always adore that funky little scientist and jetpack wearing penguin pair
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gorgugplushie · 1 year
Oh God someone get a bucket @gorgugplushie is on fire!!
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noridoorman · 7 days
Dear Tumblr users with a Twitter account, the German LGBTQ community needs you!
The far right party AFD has invented something called "stolz monat" which is basically pride month translated into German, but it's supposed to spread German nationalism and homophobia instead of what pride actually spreads.
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They spread this cringe as fuck flag with the hastag #stolzmonat to attack against the LGBTQ community.
However, if we spam the stolzmonat tag with the progressive flag instead, we'll be able to drown out the homophobia and reclaim the hashtag for the German LGBTQ community and show the AFD that they fucking suck.
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Let's do this!! /nf tho
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Upcoming Event for the TCM fandom!
After the success of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fanworks event back in December, this blog has been relaunched for a new upcoming event!
For one week in July, there will be a corresponding series of prompts and themes relating to disability and disabled characters in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1, 2, and the game. However, as long as disability is the primary focus of the piece, there is no requirement that these prompts must be followed.
By piece, this means that all kinds of fan content are accepted. Fics, art, writing, playlists, covers, edits, moodboards, and so on. Anything you can dream of. I simply ask that no AI generation is used in the process of the creation.
Then, when it’s time to post, participants just use the event hastags! #tcmfanevent AND #tcmdisabilityweek
Additionally, dark and disturbing content will be allowed due to the nature of canon, but with limitations. My harsh limitation is that no proship pairings be featured. This means absolutely no family x family or adult x minor ships. In the case of past trauma or references to unwanted events like these, I ask that the piece be tagged and adorned with warnings accordingly.
If a participant has any questions on limitations or otherwise, this blog is open for messaging and inbox submissions, as well as the moderators own blog @charleslee-valentine. I will answer from any of those places if questions arise.
Finally, I want to clarify that this event is neutral on disability. I am disabled myself and find joy in my life in different ways because of it. Please do not use this event as an opportunity to bash a disabled identity. This is a celebration of the canonically disabled characters in universe first and foremost, like Bubba, the Sawyer twins, and Franklin. Personal frustration, ableism, and difficulty are obviously allowed, and the content doesn’t have to be all sunshine and rainbows, as long as the line into intense and unresolved self-hatred isn’t crossed.
Again, if this leads to any questions, please just let me know.
Onto Prompts! The image below has a least for ease of saving, and there is also a text version down below.
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Disability Pride Event Prompt List
Day 1- Alternate Communication
• Bubba Sawyer is nonverbal. What other ways might they speak with their family?
Day 2- Weird Lookin’
• Nubbins Sawyer stims and plays freely, but faces ableism. Feature his relationship to disability in this piece.
Day 3- ‘Nam Flashback
• Chop Top Sawyer has PTSD and head trauma. Explore his experience with disability.
Day 4- Gonna Be A Fun Trip
• Franklin Hardesty is a paraplegic wheelchair user. Highlight mobility aids for him.
Day 5- Victims
• Stretch, Sally, Franklin; How might TCM victims be disabled after their time with the Sawyers? Remember the Sawyers themselves may also be victims in the right context.
Day 6- Underestimated
• Times when a disabled character wasn’t taken seriously.
Day 7- Headcanon Disability
• Your favorite headcanon/interpretation for TCM character disabilities.
The reason this event is limited to TCM 1 (1974) and TCM part 2 (1986) and the 2023 game is for ease of moderation, since these are the only TCM media I, the event runner, am familiar with.
With that said, I hope you’re all as excited as I am for this event during disability pride month! See you July 1st-7th!! No sign-ups required! Just create and post if you’re interested!!
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autism-corner · 2 days
most stressfull minute of MY LIFE.
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hey-name-arya · 2 months
Okk so just random thoughts i had while i was repeatedly listening to empire now by hozier i am not sure if anyone will read this but will still add hastags in hope of finding people who i can maybe talk with
The lyrics go so well with the current situation of the world i mean i know it was written about the irish independence but the lyrics resonate to me so much about palestine and the current situation of manipur and kashmir and every place going through oppression around the world i was hoping for some edits for palestine to pop up on this song but sadly saw none and not only palestine it goes so well with the stories of so many places taking in the example the native americans or may it be the british colonisation in India the song was written for the hearts of all the people who at one point of time saw what it was like to not have what was their's.
Some of my thoughts with these lyrics
The lyrics
"Sun coming up on a dream come 'round
One hundred years from the empire now"
Made me think how the current comforts i have and live with right now, the peace and freedom that i can enjoy was something my ancestors fought for it was a dream for them which let me have it their struggle in the past has brought the privilege i have in the present and now the same comforts i am enjoying is a dream for the people in palestine fighting for their land, it is a dream for the people i manipur of my very own country whose people are bleeding it is a dream for the people of ladakh who are losing their land to industrial plants while i sit here writing all these are people bleeding, straving, fighting, struggelling to keep what is THEIR'S.
Rightfully so.
"Darling, I wouldn't sell the world
The way that things are turning
If it falls
I would hold on for all it's worth"
These lines remind of how in the past my ancestors found the land that was exploited, that the land they were refused to have freedom on was deemed unusable that the west had deemed backward, the land the west had pride on occupying, and still found for it cause it
It made me think of all the people who are making sure to keep records of the truth of what is happening in the world like bisan, before oct 7th i never knew who she was now i check for her updates just to know she is alive to know what is going on in gaza and always hoping for some positive news to come the fact that i was blind to all this before 7th oct it took soo long for people to realise what is happening there makes me sad. It makes me mad at myself for not having learnt all this before. It made me think of sonam wangchuk who has been restlessly posting and fighting for the people of ladakh for their demands to be heard for them to get what they require and deserve.
"The future's so bright it's burning"
I took this one line separately cause when i hear this one particular line unlike the others i can't make a connection to the past i only connect with my worry for what the future has in hold, is mother naturw going to surivive that long will we humans kill each other till no one is there to exist just cause me hate each other and keep finding differences among ourself even though at the end of the day we are all human i don't know i feel like we are just killing our future not letting it to stay and we will be the reason our earth will end.
"Martyrs of our revolution
Their spinning caused the earth to shake"
Today even after years have passed from our freedom struggle we remember the names of the brave hearts that fought for our country that gave their blood sweat and tears in hopes of seeing a freeland there are so many people who were involved in the struggle and their names have become immortal even after them passing away
In the same manner the names of the people who are now struggling for freeing palestine will become immortal in the future while it may seem like there is no impact from them the content they have put up and are continuing to put up is the record of history and what the future generations will be learning about cause they are the true heros
Motaz azaiza
Plestia alaquad
Saleh jafarawani
And many more names are the ones keeping palestine alive right now for the very existence of the palestine people is making the earth shake cause for them existence is resistance.
In the same manner sonam wangchuk is keeping ladakh alive, who is letting us know how the people are and what they are doing putting forward peoples demands and educating people about it this man is not only a person but is an educational reformed and teacher to us and hope for the people his name should be one that should remain in history.
"The problem brought its own solution
They power now the world we've made"
It has happened in the past the one who colonised thought they were doing a favor by solving the problems of the people who were captive when really them leaving would have been the greatest gift and it's happening in the present with isreal acting as if they are the one that actually own the land they don't and influctung suffering on the indigenous palestine people as if they have any damn right to do so they don't they never had they never will they are the problem and they cannot play the victim.
"Sun coming up on a world that's easy now"
The sun is shining on us all who are now comfortably sitting in our homes enjoying the freedom we have my ancestors dreamed of this world for their future generations, today i am the future generation who is living it in the same way the people of palestine and people of ladakh and the people of manipur are going through the struggle so that some day in the future the sun will shine for the same comforts i am living in
I really wanted to write a bit more about manipur but from what i have researched i only know the conflict has not ended but other then that i have no information while i was only able to write about what i know i want to dedicate this to all the people who are suffering and i pray for a peacful world.
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batesmotelofficial · 4 months
Asks open 𓇽
Taking a shower, be back in a bit (hopefully)
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TW: graphic violence, sadism, drinking, D.I.D., bipolar behavior, sensual behavior, matricide, obsession, drugging, mentions, death, other mental problems, Norman and Norma should be a warning themselves rip
(there's probably more but whatever you get the
Happy Pride Month to all who celebrate
Lmaooo that break lasted for 20 minutes
Asks accepted:
Ms. Bates: open
Norman: open
Newman, Robert: open
Mod also happily takes asks, and loves being asked about books, current-past cosplays and pretty much anything.
Daily post limit has not been reached 💀🔪😱🚿
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This is placed around the 1st psycho movie (2, 3 and 4 don't exist, except for the occasional reference to Nathan (Norms son) Norman died in the psycho 2 book by a car lit on fire, so let's just say he died that way
(Gif by @/the-watcher-in-the-sky)
(Divider by @/ghuleh-recs)
Please don't kill off characters without permission, and please don't get mad when I point it out
Check the ask & answer hashtag before making an ask (if you've seen one more than once, I've seen one more than once)
All blogs are minor friendly, but with implications, so don't be shy
Gorey fighting asks are accepted, because we're all older than 13 here yeah? Anywho go crazy, I love gore.
The flag in my pfp is ARO/ACE and will mainly be here for Pride Month 💖
Crossovers are accepted :)
Blog hastags!!
#rp starter
#Norms art
#ask & answer
#Norms speak
#bates family photos
[More notes]
I will not answer anything I deem inappropriate or intrusive, if you want to start an rp that is completely alright
You can also ask their opinions on stuff, like movies and pop culture and etc. But politics will be ignored, because that is something I try to avoid on this page
Dms are closed.
Please don't make decisions for my characters, and if I don't know what to say in an rp please don't make fun of me, I try my best :)
Also please don't ship Norman with your character, friends are encouraged, but nothing serious, trust me, if they try Norma will kill them on spot.
I know psycho didn't give an accurate representation of D.I.D., but I'll try my best to make it as realistic as possible.
[Fandoms I'm in]
Pretty much any horror movie
Stephen king
Ghost (band)
Midnight mass
Moon knight
Lisa frankenstein
Phantom of the opera
Final fantasy
[More ask blogs stuff]
This is my main ask blog, and I won't answer asks for other ask blogs people (hannibal, Lisa, Jess, pat)
I apologize if I'm ever deemed 'out of character' when I answer something, but if it's a complicated question I will have trouble getting my point across.
Cussing is a no-no
If you have a specific question PLEASE tell me who it's for.
My yt channel is @/normanandnormabates, I mainly post edits and stuff but I mean 🤷‍♀️
(And mb if I'm dry when talking, I've got ALOT on my mind, and I don't socialize lol)
[Top 10 horror movies, constantly changes]
1. Psycho (1960)
2. Donnie Darko
3. Creature from the black lagoon
4. Black christmas (1974)
5. American psycho
6. Silence of the lambs
7. The shining
8. People under the stairs
9. Misery
10. Breakfast at Tiffany's
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sleepy-vix · 2 months
hi do you have any book recommendations it’s so hard to find any that arent from “booktok”
ahh idk what to recommend, it depends on what genre you're looking for :,) i'll recommend you my current read: the poppy war trilogies by rf kuang (i love it sm) or my other current read: pride and prejudice by jane austen (its meh so far imo T-T tho im only 30 pages in)
also as for the "booktook" thing, i suggest searching a genre hastag that you like, for example #classicliterature then following content creators that post from there and your feed should turn around
i totally get the booktok repetitive books problem, but ive learnt to find a side of it that is more catered to me and i really love it :)
i hope you find something 🙏
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deithe · 2 years
i swing wildly between "actually im ok with casual sex and nothing serious until I'm like 26" and "if I don't get a girlfriend within the next 5 minutes I'm blowing my brains out" and I think that's just hastag gay pride moments
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yankeesshirt · 4 months
yankees shirt
Calling all baseball aficionados, especially those with an unwavering devotion to the legendary New York Yankees! Welcome to Yankees Shirt, where your passion for the sport meets a curated collection designed for true enthusiasts. As fervent fans ourselves, we take pride in offering more than just typical fan apparel. Our store is a reflection of your deep love for baseball and your dedicated allegiance to the iconic New York Yankees. Contact: Website: https://mechsunshine.com/sport-gifts/mlb/yankees-shirt/ Address: 655 W Irving Park Rd Chicago, IL 60613, United State Phone: 4802367753 Mail: [email protected] Hastag: #yankeesshirt #yankees Social: https://twitter.com/yankeesshirt https://www.flickr.com/people/200025837@N08/ https://issuu.com/yankeesshirt https://www.youtube.com/@yankeesshirt https://www.pinterest.com/yankeesshirt/ https://www.twitch.tv/yankeesshirt/about
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nouvettecom · 5 months
Nouvette - Best gifts your whole family
Nouvette.com is your online destination for sophistication and uniqueness, where you can explore and experience luxury in every product. We curate a collection of high-quality fashion and accessories from renowned global brands. Our mission is to provide the ultimate online shopping experience, focusing on uniqueness and personalization. Browse our website to discover a unique fashion museum, carefully curated to ensure quality and style. We take pride in bringing you the latest fashion trends, from personal design collections to industry-leading names. Nouvette.com is not just a shopping destination but an endless source of inspiration. We are committed to offering an unlimited online shopping experience with dedicated and professional customer service. Each product at Nouvette.com tells a story, and we hope you find your own story in the fantastic products we offer. Join us on the journey of discovering beauty and style at Nouvette.com. Website: https://nouvette.com/ Phone: 0983445111 Address: 760 Johnson St, Gary, IN, 46402 Mail: [email protected] Hastag: #nouvette Socials: https://twitter.com/nouvettecom https://www.reddit.com/user/nouvette https://500px.com/p/nouvette?view=photos https://www.flickr.com/people/nouvette/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/nouvette/ https://www.youtube.com/@nouvette https://flipboard.com/@nouvette/nouvette-tv3vp5t1y
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