#hate sneezing
sneezelover76 · 1 year
I've decided that I hate sneezing. I hate the way it sounds, the way people faces change when they need to sneeze, the hitches, the gasps, and everything else about it.
I also hate snot. Oh my gosh I hate it. It's one of the GROSSEST thing about sneezing.
In fact, sneezing should be banned. If you sneeze you should get ay least 20 years in jail.
Sneezing is just a terrible thing.
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Steve hates February 14th.
It's a constant reminder that he is alone, that no one ever wants to stick around with him long enough to celebrate Valentine's Day. Most of them leave after one night together.
It's also his birthday. The former heartthrob of Hawkins High was born on Valentine's Day, but he can't even get himself a date. Or a birthday party. Every year that they were around, his parents would go out for their annual Valentine's Day dinner and leave Steve to celebrate his birthday on his own. He stopped associating the day with his birthday by the time he was 13.
Now, he spent the day giving out roses and chocolates to all his friends so that they feel special, so that they don't feel as left out and forgotten as he did for his whole life.
Dustin and Mike fake gag when he gives them both a box of their favourite chocolate and Will blushes and stumbles through a thank you while holding his chocolates to his chest. He got Max and Lucas a big box of chocolates to share on their date.
Robin smacks a dramatic wet kiss to his cheek when he gifts her a bunch of sunflowers (her favourite flower), she also slips something into his pocket when no one's looking and whispers, "Happy birthday." He pulls her into a tight hug and thanks her quietly.
Steve spent a lot of time debating what to get Eddie. Their friendship felt like something more, but neither of them has put a label on what the hell they are to each other, so he decides to keep it simple. He rocks up to Eddie's new trailer with a box of chocolates under his arm and a small bunch of roses clutched tightly in his hands. He's so fucking nervous he forgets to knock.
After gently knocking, the door is pulled open and Steve nearly stumbles down the steps because Eddie is wearing a fucking suit. An all black three piece suit with his hair tied up. He looks hot. So hot all Steve can do is stare.
Eddie groans and runs a hand down his face, careful not to smudge his eye-liner. "Damn it, Harrington. You're not supposed to be here." He sounded... disappointed.
Steve takes in Eddie's outfit again and the pieces slowly start to come together in his mind. How could he be so stupid? "Shit, sorry, Eds. Are you on a date with someone? Nevermind. I don't want to know. I'll just, uh, go. Sorry to interrupt." He turns away as quick as possible and hurries down the few steps.
He should have known. Eddie doesn't want to spend Valentine's Day with him. They're just friends. God, he's so stupid.
A hand gently grabs his arm and stops his hurried retreat. "Steve, wait." Eddie stands in front of him, his heeled dress shoes making him slightly taller than Steve. "I don't have a date with anyone."
Steve finds that hard to believe. He's in a suit for fuck sake. He's even brushed his hair and styled it so nicely. He's lying to make Steve feel better. "Whatever, Eds. I really don't care– "
Eddie surprises him in that moment. He reaches out and holds Steve's face so, so gently in his hands. Steve doesn't know what to do, he's frozen in shock and unable to look away from Eddie, who's standing so close now. He brushes a thumb gently across Steve's flushed cheek. "Steve, I don't have a date because I was on my way to your place. To ask you."
"Ask me? On a date?" Steve is struggling to wrap his head around the situation. Having Eddie so close is causing all coherent thoughts in his head to disintegrate. All he can focus on is the smell of Eddie's cologne and the cool sting of his rings on his skin and the slight shine on his lips because, fuck, he's wearing lip gloss.
Eddie laughs and steps even closer, their noses almost brushing as he invades Steve's space. "I've been wanting to ask you out for weeks, Stevie. I thought today would be the best day. I even bought you a birthday present."
Steve wants to cry. He wants to cry and laugh and kiss Eddie Munson until he can't breathe. "How do you know it's my birthday?" Dustin doesn't even know it's his birthday. Hell, he's pretty sure his own parents don't know it's his birthday.
Eddie sighs and rests his forehead against Steve's, the intimate action steals Steve's breath away. He's too nervous to move, to even breathe. They've never been this close before. Eddie closes his eyes and just breathes for a moment before answering Steve's question. "Dude, I've been madly in love with you for an entire year. It'd be pretty shitty if I didn't know when your birthday was." He says it so casually, so easily, like he's talking about the weather.
Steve can't even be angry that he called him 'Dude' in the middle of his confession because Eddie is pulling away, his eyes full of worry as he takes in Steve's shocked expression. "Fuck, that was too much. I'm sorry –"
Steve drops the roses and the chocolates, grabs the collar of Eddie's suit, and shuts his rambling up with a kiss.
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sneezeta · 8 months
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Aiura Mikoto and Saiki! Gotta be some of my fav gay people.
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nametakensff · 3 months
As mentioned the other day, here is a wav of sneezing whilst reading I had to cut short because my bloody doorbell went!! Thought I would go for the topic of 'sexually induced sneezing' since off the top of my head I couldn't think of much else :')
It's SO hard to try and read with a noseful of chhinkni and I commend anyone who is able to do so lol
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clockwork-ashes · 1 month
i imagine eris and helion will love annoying each other
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whump-and-suffering · 3 months
Thoughts on "ATISHOO!", "AHTISHOO!" and similar as sneeze spellings?
I feel like atishoo is the "traditional" way to spell a sneeze, but I rarely encounter these kinds of spellings in fics (and even outside of kink stuff, modern writing seems to use "achoo!" more and "atishoo!" less than older stuff for some reason). Are they just viewed as "boring" like "Achoo!" sneezes sometimes are?
I...kind of like them? It comes across more dramatic than "achoo!" to me since it's a full three syllables, and I also just like that it sounds like "a tissue", means you can do silly dialogue like "I...I need a--ah--AHTISHOO!" or whatever. But I can see why the associations with maybe cheesy old-fashioned stuff might make people like it less.
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vulgarcunt · 1 year
Maybe YOU aren’t the bitch with aspd/npd/bpd that’s a bad person but I am
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snzluv3r · 1 year
maybe a sneezing while hiding scenario? your stifled fits are so cute
scenario: we’re somewhere we aren’t supposed to be after hours and have to hide in a dusty storage closet to avoid getting caught—as long as my allergy to dust doesn’t expose us first
thank you so much for the request and the sweet compliment :) i haven’t done a more scripted wav like this in forever so i am very nervous and more than a little rusty—i hope that’s okay.
lots of hitching and stifles to a few let out sneezes at the very end. not as much sneezing as usual because i was trying my veryyyy best to hold back, which also made my stifles sound a little weird. i hope you like it <3
inspired by every sneezing while hiding scenario/wav/fic ever literally thank you to all those before me who did it so much better 🫡
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kawaii-kushami · 7 months
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hiii this guy still rules my mind.... i love inducing its so hot when both nostrils are being tickled simultaneously... 🥵
also heres him getting sneezed on while getting fucked !
a little preview to entice you:
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bonebabbles · 7 months
Tigerstar body count:
Bluestar (last life)
Clear Sky body count:
Rainswept Flower
I will charitably count every indirect death at the First Battle, an event which was 100% his fault, as only 1 (Falling Feather, Jackdaw's Cry, Hawk Swoop, Frost, Fircone, etc)
Tiny Branch (refused to let Acorn Fur get fully trained or fetch help until it was too late)
Willow Tail
Wind Runner (1 life)
I could also point out that Tom the Wifebeater, Moon Shadow, Storm, Petal, and Bright Stream died as a result of bad calls or terrible choices he made. Not to mention his long history of physical assault, abandonment of the disabled, and emotional abuse.
This is fine because the writers like him. "He just made some mistakes," but also he should totally forgive himself because it was always foretold and thus not really his fault
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sneezysubbyboi · 25 days
I love how my tastes in men and women are blatantly reflected in my tastes in their respective snz
my love for powerful fem sneezes reflects my love for masculine women 💪
and my love for soft, high-pitched guy sneezes reflects my love for feminine men 🐱
and coincidentally I am uninterested in hyperfem women and masculine men, just as I am partial to dainty fem sneezes and dad sneezes from men
in other words, my snz kink knew I was bi before even I myself knew 💀
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solisstars · 28 days
the voices are telling me I need Spencer Reid I can't argue with that send him my way
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farthertothemoon · 8 months
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@dr-ground-zero's super good looking vampire man!
so sorry I took so long for just a sketch the college burnout is killing me also I don't know why turned out looking like sephiroth I was having a time
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clovesnz · 1 month
Okay so I know sometimes we talk about hearing someone sneeze for the first time, but do y’all ever have a ✨moment✨ when you hear someone say bless you for the fist time?
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veersnz · 5 months
Germaphobia is so hard like wdym the thing I like to choke the chicken to makes me want to die ???
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plzsnz · 1 year
someone dating a germaphobe and coming down with a cold and just being so so so apologetic. they try to hide/suppress every symptom, stay a few feet away, maybe even wear a mask because they feel so gross and they dont want to upset their partner..... theyre able to stifle every sneeze up until the peak of their cold, where theyre given no choice but to sneeze (messily) all over their sleeves, their hands, their towels, anything they can get their hands on to cover because theyre trying so hard to keep it contained but they just cant & eventually their partner is like "hey i dont care... im getting sick anyways" and pushes past their fear to do as much caretaking as they can because their love just looks so miserable
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