#haunted fort
The daily weird news roundup for Sat, Dec 3, 2022. Check out the International News Service wherever you get podcasts.
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worldtravelfacts · 2 years
Bhangarh, India
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mosspapi · 6 months
To this day I am Plagued by this one fucking furby website I saw when I was like. 5. I saw it on my parents PC in the basement in like 2008 or some shit and it had like... one minigame or activity or smth on it and a decently large collection of images of furbies, and it was absolutely captivating to my tiny little brain. I vividly remember there was one picture of a Santa furby pulling a sleigh team of 8 reindeer furbies across someone's basement floor. I printed that fucker out I thought it was so cool. I never found the website again after that first visit and have yet to find any archives of a similar site or even just similar images. I want to say it had a light blue background and maybe like a map or something on it but idk. I don't remember what the game/activity was either. All I remember was the site existing and scrolling thru at least a couple dozen images and that one specific Santa furby picture . It haunts me. Where did they go. Does anyone still have them. What fucking site even was it. Bcuz I don't think it was the official site.
EDITING TO ADD! The exact site was found/shared by furby-junkie :D
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raticalshoez · 7 months
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Green, Crimson, Gold
i've been following @autumnwhistles' Last Life Musical project and i've been going INSANE over the song concepts and ohhhhhh the song about joel going red really caught my attention because joel is one of my fav loserboy lifers
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year
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Hospital Ghost Photo
Fort Douglas Hospital – Salt Lake City Utah
Supposedly an apparition of a person wearing a straitjacket. He wasn’t there when the photo was taken.
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pan-gya · 1 year
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i FINALLY started playing fgo this year hhh fujimaru(s) be on the mind i care about those dumb kids
Reblogs welcome
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clove-pinks · 7 months
I complained about not enough Fort Meigs content on Bluesky, and my hero Tom Fournier of History Symposium came to the rescue!
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He shared this lovely composition with two reenactors, looking like a glimpse into 1813. And a very atmospheric and ominous shot of Fort Meigs in the mists of the Maumee River:
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tvshowfreak · 1 year
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All New silhouettes and many more available in my etsy shop ✨✨ https://www.etsy.com/shop/Momentsofshadow
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~LE GASP!~ An Evil Boop?! REVENGE!!! REVEEENGEEE!! *boop* <3
I love it when my fellow Tumblrinas understand the assignment!
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fanelectricboogieloo · 7 months
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ok so my current fort I'm messing around with is one with the set goal to resurrect a bunch of dead folks using this custom dfhack script that dips into curse tomb mechanics to tap into the revive and reanimate interactions. a bit more in depth in the read more
before we get to that part there been a lot of stuff that happen since the site swap showcase post... site-swap and the later army view script I work on didn't really work out given the whole flaw with site-swap wasn't fixed so I took a break from that and went into figuring out how tombs work which led to some deep poking and writing a series of scripts that poke into assigning corpses, interactions, and zone placements for activating the interactions for tombs. then realizing the vanilla interactions don't work well on mangled bodies that often... flash forward to this session
the session is a bit more dfhacked as it starts with the mobile nano void fort with heavy use of nomad and finally figuring out a way to get around the hidden location even if you reveal it in dfhack ordeal.
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this new reveal site uses embark notes to map where the hidden sites are while revealing them so the player... gets assaulted with a blinking light for locations they may or may not want to visit. so I learn this is a one time use script as it permanently sets the sites and embark notes on the save. the navigation of the world map while I do void fort stuff got a bit easier because of this and I been traveling the world for locations with old dead bodies and possible interesting people. the journey ended up with seeing a kobold encampment which I scoop up with a petition script and the kobolds in the fort were a major part of the workforce. later ended up finding some lairs that had a name dingo called egun lurchedglory and a named giant cougar called spitefulvalleys.
which led to the spot that spark me making this tumblr post a desert titan lair which had 2 skeletons and said desert titan SquidRivers the snarling rain. after moving in the desert titan into the fort and scooping the bodies I went into prepping the curse tomb set up for resurrecting them. the end result was uhh
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getting utag resurrected and finding out what happens when you use an revenant/intel undead resurrection on a mostly skeletonal body. right after petitioning them to join the fort I notice utag wasn't really moving which led to a quick examine that the game treats them as wounded and needed treatment so I went and set up a quick hospital bed and assign a kobold to be head medical chief for the task. tried to assign the desert titan but they proceeded to not do the task
the kobold doctors operated on the skeleton by cutting off the remaining rotten flesh which led to utag having a series of straight scars all over the bony body.
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then done the same on the other skeleton who name is quogub so there's like two skeleton bowwomen that just got cool scars. and suddenly after loading in the save to check on quogub's description uhh they are both gone. so now there's two historical figure resurrected skeleton hunters with surgery scars on their bones out in the wild of this savefile.
figures they were too cool to be in my fort any longer, I think one of them was a mom also.
here's the historical records of utag and quogub
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robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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sky full of embers
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girl4music · 2 years
Why is the only piece of lesbian or WLW media that ever makes it passed one season always a fucking period piece or futuristic? Like, I have nothing against them but… I like to relate to and resonate with the experience the characters are having and I can’t do that if it’s either dated or way ahead in time. It’s like…
I don’t want period piece
I don’t want futuristic
I just want here and now.
Because the here and now is where I live and I can actually understand the characters that live in it too.
Like as far as I know it, the only lesbian or WLW TV show that’s set in modern day is ‘First Kill’ and I only know that because they use cell/smart phones a lot. But it never made it passed one season so…
I’m open to any suggestions or recommendations of lesbian or WLW TV shows or movies set in modern day. I don’t care about where - only when - because I want to relate and resonate with the characters in it.
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29daffodils · 8 months
everyone in the fandom : please bring me the chef's special.
vegas theerapanyakul : sure. deep fried balls it is. crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside.
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ghostlytales · 11 months
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Fort Worth Museum Hauntings
In 2015, Kevin Brown snapped a series of photos on his iPad while he was at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History in Texas. Brown, who was there with his niece and two nephews didn’t see anything strange about the images at the time they were taken. It wasn’t until later that day that his niece noticed something very unsettling in one of the photos.
The photo appears to show a withered old hag dressed in dirty rags floating above the floor with outstretched hands.
“That is the first time in my life I’ve actually had the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It freaked me out. It freaked (my niece) out,” Brown said in a newspaper report.
‘I’m positive I would have noticed something like that and it was strange.’ Brown added, It wasn’t noticed until we looked at the pictures.’
The museum has a history of strange occurrences particularly when it played host to a Titanic exhibition. Security guards have reported unusual shadows showing up on cameras and objects mysteriously moving around by themselves.
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popculturelib · 8 months
Haunted States of America: Ohio
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Ghost Hunter's Guide to Haunted Ohio (2000) by Chris Woodyard
You may recognize this author's name from our introductory post to this series: Chris Woodyard, from whose Invisible Ink Collection most of these books come. Woodyard is the author of the popular Haunted Ohio series, as well as a variety of history books about death and death culture in the Victorian era. She describes herself as a Fortean, named after Charles Fort, an American researcher known for his interest in anomalies and skepticism in the scientific method as the source of all knowledge of the universe. For more about Woodyard, visit her website at http://hauntedohiobooks.com/.
Ghost Hunter's Guide to Haunted Ohio focuses on haunted places in the state that are accessible to the public, such as Mansfield's Ohio State Reformatory, the Golden Lamb Restaurant & Hotel in Lebanon, OH, and the Taft Museum of Art in Cincinnati.
Our collection has the first four Haunted Ohio books (I, II, III, IV) by Woodyard, as well as her Spooky Ohio: 13 Traditional Tales (1995). For books about ghosts in Ohio by other writers, check out:
Ohio Ghost Stories (1993) by Shelley Pearsall
Tristate Terrors: Famous, Historic, Female Ghosts of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky (1996) compiled by Anne Oscard
Ghost Stories of Ohio (2001) by Edrick Thay
If you would like to know more about Charles Fort and Forteans, we have the books:
The Complete Books of Charles Fort (1974) introduction by Damon Knight
The Fortean Times Book of Close Shaves and Amazing Luck (1999) compiled by Steve Moore
Charles Fort: The Man Who Invented the Supernatural (2008) by Jim Steinmeyer
as well as multiple magazines and fanzines:
Doubt: The Fortean Society Magazine (1970s-)
Fortean Times (1976-)
INFO (1970s-) by the International Fortean Organization
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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