#have fatigue and chronic pain! well we cant have that can we why dont we -scramples my brain hardcore despite being on high doses of meds-'
the-silent-hashira · 1 year
having PMDD is probably the worst thing i can think of that i have because everything else will be FINE and then i spend a week wondering why reality is so wonky and why i cant sleep and im reminded afab bodies are literally just. fucking SHIT
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femmascthing · 2 years
sorry for another vent i need to get this one off my chest ( cw for ableism )
i really. feel bad for my family. 3/4 of the people in this house are disabled or very likely disabled. my brother is epileptic and cant work because of it, i experience chronic leg pain, chronic fatigue and an extremely weak immune system that makes me feel like im always sick, and my mom experiences pain in her right side of her body nearly all the time as well as having a weak immune system. it doesnt help that my grandmother is in the hospital and mom and i dont think we can visit her because my mom thinks shes sick and i always feel sick. it doesnt help that my anxiety is extremely high. my current therapist im seeing had me do an anxiety test. average score was ~25, i got in the 60s. my anxiety makes me hate going to school, making calls, hanging out with people, standing up for myself, etc. nobody will believe i am chronically ill. ive been told its just because im out of shape, but nobody ever thinks "why is she out of shape? why is she unable to exercise without feeling ill? why does she struggle to walk some days? why is she unable to go out in the cold without feeling sick?" nobody will ever believe me because im not visibly disabled. i dont need a wheelchair or cane most days but some days i surely feel like i do. nobody will ever take my mental disabilities seriously either. because my hormones and mood swings are high, i may not ever get a bpd diagnosis. i may never have my autism taken seriously because im on the "high functioning" side of the spectrum. i may never have my psychosis taken seriously because im "creative and imaginative." im so tired of everything at this point. im in highschool, my final years. thinking about this makes me want to cry. i want to be able to hang out with people, i want to be able to attend school regularly, i want to be able to understand concepts despite me being absent when they were taught. i hope that if i am able to attend university or college, i will be able to be taken seriously. but on the bright side, im medicated for at least anxiety/depression finally. its been helping a lot, which im very happy about. but if theres one thing i dont want a diagnosis for its my did. i dont want to experience constant fakeclaiming by others and especially professionals because im the main fronter unless we are experiencing high stress or a traumatic event. i dont want people to avoid me because of my disorders. but to everyone in my school, im the weird art kid who likes anime and fashion that has anxiety that everyone thinks im faking. its clear im not but honestly i dont fucking care if people think im faking my anxiety. its my issue, not theirs. they arent the ones who get so stressed out a huge rash appears on their skin and doesnt go away, its me.
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Okay, so updates
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So results of the heart Monitor came back, on top of having POTS (which we already know) we learned that I also have Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia which means my heart beats faster than it should and when it goes up because it should (activity, sitting up, anxiety etc) it goes up way higher than it should and then stays up for too long and then my Autonomic Dysfunction kicks in and it's like yo heart whatcha doing stop that and then it goes from rapid 170 bmp to 40 bmp in a second which is why I pass out!!!! So on a heart med, supposed to increase water and sodium (something about how my body retains water) so ya.
Next, after all the hoops my doctor jumped through to get it scheduled, the feeding tube surgery is CANCELLED. Well kind of, postponed? He is wanting to reconsider at a later date after we do a crazy diet to check for multiple food intolerances/sensitivities which we can't do right now because we cant risk cutting the nutrition I am currently able to get as it is already not enough. So we already know I am lactose intolerant, he thinks I may also be fructose intolerant and have a non celiac gluten sensitivity.
My doctor as well as other specialists on my medical team are very much pushing for me to drop weight (I am overweight due to being bed ridden most of the time, plus the gastroparesis causes chronic constipation, Plus the fatigue, chronic pain, frequent subluxations and dislocations w activity etc) so now I am dieting and exercising.
The exercise I swear is literally going to kill me, I get pre syncope or actually pass out at the gym. Frequently. (so now I have to get a fucking Medical alert bracelet) but its kind of aweful cuz like I be passing out and can't breathe and my legs turn purple but I love working out!!!! I feel so happy and I enjoy pushing myself but then like I am down ALL DAY over it, its funny cuz with the autonomic dysfunction, the POTS and the IST they all cause an exercise intolerance but here are multiple medical professionals being like we know this isnt whats best for you BUT healthy is equated to thin in Modern Day society so get thin no matter how it harms you. (Obviously they dont actually say it like that to me. Thats me paraphrasing what they beat around the bush to say)
This has hardcore triggered my ED thoughts which of course I feel like I cant talk to my doctor about as he has told me if I ever relapsed symptomaticlly with my Anorexia we would have to find me another doctor because he cant handle that (he had alot of ana patients on his case load at one point and it almost caused him to leave medicine) and I was like no problem, sustained remission and weight restored for like 7 years and now here we are, according to my therapist EDs are really common in people with autism due to the hyperfixation and black and white thinking but I feel really guilty that I am struggling again so Im trying not to get to stuck on it and just like, I dont know, I dont wanna get sick like I was back then. Im sure my long time followers remember the hospitalizations, the many inpatient treatment stays and then the multiple feeding tubes, twas not a good time.
I finally got my adaptive shoes!!!!
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They zip on so I don't have to tie them!!!!!!!!!! I can do it all by myself!!!!!!!! #SmallVictories (Notice the red legs? Autonomic Dysfunction + POTS = Lobster Limbs)
Anyways, if anyone wants to help me with wishlist items that'd be cool. It has my usual incontinence protection, some vitamins and nutrition supplements as since they opted not to do the tube I am back to square 1 with my malnourishment and failure to thrive and some other seemingly random health related items. Any help is appreciated, love you guys lots!!!
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fairieboywhump · 3 years
Would you like to share ur thoughts on oc’s and mobility aids :3c
lets start with the first oc i ever gave a mobility aid to. trevor ! he has a wheelchair and crutches because he has very severe chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as POTS, so standing up can be a complete nightmare and he often needs something to help keep him upright. (pots causes fainting and blackouts when you stand) trevor has covered both his crutches and his wheelchair in stickers. misti helped.
cathal, at some point after hes rescued is going to need a cane occasionally and im thinking he might also use a rollator sometimes because he can hold onto it with both hands and not have to lift it off the ground, as well as rollators have a seat so when his leg or his joints start to act up, he has somewhere to rest. hes also going to have finger splints to help how his fingers on one hand will pop out of place (thanks nicholas) and compression gloves and socks for his terrible circulation. and knee braces. for when his knees act up. he spent a looong time kneeling, that fucks them up
your ocs are the ones im most excited abt im not even gonna lie to you.
cain obviously has his cane (i keep fucking mixing up the spellings this is hell for my brain fog) but since both legs were damaged i think forearm crutches would be a really good fit for him as they'll support you from both sides instead of just one, and put less pressure on your wrists than just a cane will because of the part that supports your forearm. he would also benefit from compression clothes i think, but there is the double side of those sometimes hurt too and that would be a choice you have to make on your own of whether theyre smth he would use. i think he would also benefit from a wheelchair on days where its especially bad, i mean he was left to sit with his injuries for a while so thats inevitably going to fuck with how well he can heal, and i mean we both know its not realistic to just go Oh well hes rich he can fix his legs entirely and never have another problem with them again. thts a cop out i see so often so ppl dont have to write mobility aids and it makes me soooo mad. anyways. thts not relevant.
i also think ! that zander is going to need them! i think he would benefit a Lot from compression gloves, it kind of feels like theyre holding your hands together so they dont just completely fall apart and i think especially on the hand tht he had surgery on it would be a great help. and a back brace. he could use a back brace. that poor man. im trying to decide what actual. Mobility Aid specifically would help him and i think a cane or crutches would be good but especially with the way tht zanders pride and self esteem is i cant imagine him ever going for anything more noticable. i think cathal would have to argue with him to make him use one at all tbh. he probably doesnt think he deserves to use one but cathal would tell him that what he actually doesnt deserve is to be in so much pain and suffering so much because he needs these aids and refuses to use them
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Fibro Blog #9 - Guilt
I had to stay home from classes today, and as usual, I find myself feeling guilty about it.
I only have two class days a week this semester, with days in between that I can usually use to rest, but sometimes it’s not enough. Or sometimes I try to be productive on my days off and push myself too far. One way or another, there are days that I wake up and I just know I’m not well enough to go. The pain and fatigue are too much.
I feel like there is so much pressure in school and work to be there every day, on time, for the whole day, and that is just not possible for some of us. Most normal people don’t even think about trying to go to school when they feel sick. Why should the chronically ill have to agonize over the decision?
For normal people, who are used to a 0/10 on the pain/discomfort scale, they start getting pretty uncomfortable with a 3 or 4, or maybe a 5 if they’re a bit of a badass. They feel those unpleasant physical feelings, whatever they are, and they think, “There’s no way I’m going to make it into school/work today. I’ll just stay home.”
But what happens when your baseline is around a 5? It doesn’t make a 5 feel like a 0. It still feels as uncomfortable and painful as a 5. But when you feel like that every day, you can’t stay home every day if you have obligations. So you learn to fight through it. That becomes your new normal.
And what about those days when the pain or other symptoms flare up? When you’re in more of a 6 or 7 or 8 in terms of your overall discomfort? But you remind yourself that society expects you to be there, and you should be there if you can. You don’t want your professors to think you’re not trying, or your lazy, or you’re using your illness as an excuse. Sometimes you even think those things about yourself.
But you have to remember that those things are not true. You try harder than just about anyone else, because you fight that pain, fatigue, whatever it may be, every single day. You are allowed to have exceptionally bad days, and on those days you are allowed to forgo things you (and others) expected yourself to do.
We must teach ourselves to resist the guilt and shame we feel when we ‘give in’ to our bad days. Even if those bad days are frequent. Even if people accuse us of not trying. We must remember that we are allowed to feel the effects of our illness and give ourselves rest to try to recover from bad days. We can’t try to force our illness aside just because society wishes we could.
I am allowed to have bad days, and to do nothing but rest on those days if I need to.
Say it once. Again. Repeat it until you believe it.
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How much is health insurance for a 55 yr old women??
"How much is health insurance for a 55 yr old women??
i live in southern ca and we are looking on getting a affordable health insurance for my mother she is 55 yrs... around how much will we be expecting on paying mothly... and what good health insurances are recomended??
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much is car insurance?
im 16 and live in ny and i want to get a car.my mom said she would get me a car but car insurance would be too high.what would the cheapest company to use be for a teen driver?what would the price be?shes saying 3k a month for insurance.
How much will car insurance cost?
i know you cant exactly guess the costs but can you give me an estimate? i live in va im 17 years old i have 3.81 GPA i am a female how much does it cost a teenager each month?
What insurance company provides the best rates?
So I just bought my Volkswagon Beetle and need to insure it. I'm looking for the most affordable and most reliable insurance company out there. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
Urgently need help on car insurance !!?
Hello. I jut got my licence last week, im 18 years old and want to straight driving straight away, have about 5k or so to do so. But ive been researching and that will just about cover insurance !!! Im looking for a decent group 1-3 car Can someone help me !!! Confused!!!! Where can i get the cheapest insurance/car combination etc Would really like any kind of advice on what to do ! Thanks!""
How many hours do you have to work in California to be eligible for health insurance?
I work 35 hours a week, and have no health insurance. Am I eligible? Should I question this?""
How much is car insurance for a new driver that will be driving a used car? in IL?
the car is already payed for, and i will need to be paying for insurance for a 16yr old, how much is it per month/yr?""
Insurance costs for a 19 year old with a street bike in Nebraska.?
I am 19 years old and live in the state of Nebraska. I have never received any speeding tickets or traffic violations. I want to buy a Kawasaki ninja 650 or a Yamaha yzf-r 600 and I would like to know about how much insurance would be for that per month.
What medical insurance companies will not cover sport injuries?
I am writing a report on insurance coverage and sport injuries. I know that most medical insurance will not cover an injury that occurred while playing on an athletic team. I want to know which specific companies and their policies
How Much Does Insurance Cost For a teenage driver (16) in texas?
my 16 yr old son wants a sports car. i was wondering how much it would cost for insurance and what is the best company for teen insurance.
Would the health issues I have impact my insurability or rates for life insurance?
I'm a 51-year-old female. I've been on disability for six years for chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and panic disorder. I also have mild hypertension. I'm on meds for all these conditions. BUT I've never had, nor have any family history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, any sort of breathing problems or major organ dysfunction. I would think it might even be a plus in terms of insurability that I rarely leave my house!""
Insurance help plzzz???!!!!?
could someone please describe both perfessional indemnity and public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very much
Car hit by uninsured driver - how to recover the costs?
My stationary car was hit by an uninsured driver in March 09. The insurance company made me pay 500 excess and said that this will be fully recoverable as the other driver was at fault. The car was then written off and I was paid the value of the car. In December the other driver was found guilty of driving without insurance, fined and given penalty points. Even though my policy gives me legal cover, it has now been 11 months since the incident and they do not seem to be very active. Also, my policy expires next month and as the claim is still open, the insurers assume that I lost my no claim bonus and quoted me twice as much for the renewal. I'm confused now, is there anything I can do to get my 500 back? I hope you can give me any ideas on what to do. Thanks""
Does my parents insurance still cover me?
I'm 19(turning 20 on Dec 1) & I live in California(southern CA) Not in school right now, still looking into trade schools will attend school in spring '11. My parents have health insurance but since I was 18 it stopped covering for me. Insurance covers almost all costs though sometimes we have to pay a small percentage. Now this new bill has passed & I was wondering if it will cover me? Or should I apply for Medicaid? Currently looking for my 3rd job. Previous jobs did not give me health insurance. Thanks""
Wife is pregnant and we have no insurance?
Hi everyone. Just found out last night that the wife's 7 weeks pregnant (yay!) but we don't have health insurance (boo!). I live in California and was told there is something called Medi-Cal (?) that helps people who are low-income and don't have health insurance in their pregnancy needs but I don't know if I qualify. My gross monthly income is $3000. Also, if I don't qualify I heard there is a low cost insurance called AIM? Anybody who's ever had dealings with Medi-cal or AIM your pointers and experience will be muchly appreciated!! Thanks! Excited but scared of becoming a daddy!! AHHHH!!!""
""Toyota celica, my first car?""
so im getting a 2004 toyota celica gts as my first car and im wondering how much my insurance will go up just by having this kind of car and being a teenage male? also what color is best, i cant decide between silver or black. i love black cars but i think the celica looks great in silver too. are black cars really a pain to have to clean all the time and which would look best? and does anyone know if they are well built cars""
Who offer the cheapest car insurance? liabiliy or collision only?
Liability or collision
Where to get kids checkups when you don't have insurance?
My twins are 2.5 years old, and because of changes in our employments, currently do not have health insurance. When we did it didn't cover much, but it did cover yearly checkups. ...show more""
How much is Insurance for a 17 year old on average?
I'm 16 and I didn't take drivers ed, i just got my license, and i just wanna know on average, and maybe the cheapest i could get insurance in the state of texas?...""
Can mississipi call and verify if you had auto insurance?
Can mississipi call and verify if you had auto insurance?
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
""I have aetna health insurance, and i was wondering?""
ok, my aetna says it covers 100% of procedures, and i just have to pay the co-pays. i was thinking about going to mexico (i live in california) and having a gastric LAP-band procedure done. will my insurance pay for it, seeing as how its in another country? by the way, it is not an elective surgery, my insurance says it will pay for bariatric surgery if i have a bmi over 40, which i do. i just need to know if they wont cover it because of where it would done at.""
Should insurance cover repair cost?
My cars engine is having a problem. It takes like two tries to start it up and it's a new car. So will my insurance cover the cost of repairing the car?
Insurance if you are rich?
ok i dont know much about insurance, just wondering if you need insurance if you make 4 million dollars per year?""
Why do men pay higher car insurance?
I have to type a 1,000 word essay on why men under the age of 25 have higher car insurance rates, and it's due on Friday, I already the majority of it done, I just need some answers and links to websites giving a detailed explanation to why younger have to pay more. thank you :)""
How much is health insurance for a 55 yr old women??
i live in southern ca and we are looking on getting a affordable health insurance for my mother she is 55 yrs... around how much will we be expecting on paying mothly... and what good health insurances are recomended??
How can i sell truck insurance?
appointed agent to sell truck insurance
Car insurance help please?
Hello I just turned 17 I want to do my driving test soon .. And I already have a car .. so I just want to know soon as I pass my driving license How much will insurance cost . - Peugeot 107 - 1.1 - 2008 Straight answers only please .. and can you please suggest cheap insurance company's or ways to make it cheaper .. thank you ..
Can my mom get insurance?
we live in Lo s Angeles, California, and shes getting really sick possibly with cancer.i figure her medical bills will be around 98000 dollars by the end of the year without insurance. In California, can already very sick people get insurance?P.S.shes over 45""
""First time buyer buys a new car, how much was your interest RATE?""
Maybe I mean insurance instead of interest, I'm not sure, I don't know that much. I've heard that first time buyers, when buying a car, had little to no interest simply because they've never bought before. Is this true? Please give examples.""
Who can give me the name of some good health insurance companies or health insurance assistance programs?
Please tell me your monthly payment, the company name, your deductible, whether it's an individual or family policy, and if a family policy, how many family members in the plan. This info will help me decide who has the most affordable insurance for my budget. I just got layed off and my $60/mo medical insurance will cost $900/mo to keep it going. Like how the helll am I supposed to pay $900/mo; that's $225/wk! They must be dammm crazy!""
How much dwelling coverage is sufficient for a home owner's insurance.?
My current insurance covers $480,000 for the dwelling (bot house for $1 mil but i'ts probably worth 700K now). It's 1500 sq feet. I got a really affordable quote for $240K coverage, but is that too low? The salesman said anything more is probably over-insured. The home is in a nice area, has upgraded plumbing, electrical, newer roof but the structure itself is extremely old.""
Cheap Family Insurance?
I am looking for an affordable insurance for my whole family. We dont qualify for medi-cal or healthy families. In our family its my husband and I and 2 young children. If you have any suggestions, thanks!""
Cheapest Car Insurance in California?
I just moved to Los Angeles and I'm wondering what is the cheapest car insurance company in general? Thanks in advance!
Insurance or Laywers Office??
Insurance or laywer payout? Not sure what to do at this stage. Insurers are willing to compensate me for a fall. Am getting conflicting advice. Some say go to laywer for sure, insurance will rip me off. Others say don't go to laywer as they will take a chunk of your compensation and you may be left with far less than the insurance offer. In general which one do you think accept, laywer or insurer""
How much would car insurance range for a 16 year old?
I am 16 years old, going to be driving a 1992 Ford F-150, I don't have great grades, I just wanted to get an idea of what I looking at for insurance.""
Whats the best cheapest insurance in fresno?
i just had my first speeding ticket, im 20 going to school n working n i am going to finance a 2011 cruze LT, i want a good but affordable insurance, any suggestions?""
Question about car insurance?
What is the average price difference between full coverage and the lowest coverage? What exactly do they cover? And are there options in between? I know it differs from company to company, but I would like to know what the average difference is. I have enough money for a car, but as soon as I find a job, Im going to buy one, but I need to know what im going to be paying for insurance, and what is right for me. Im going to be spending between $1500-$2000 for the car if it makes a difference, thank you.""
Is it true that you MUST purchase health insurance?
So, President Obama says you MUST purchase health insurance or face fines by federal government. How do you feel about that? (Also, wondering how many actually care about their rights being trampled on by Obamacare.)""
The affect of points reduction on auto insurance?
I am looking to lower my auto insurance. The state approved defensive driving agencies I have researched offer two possibilities. Option 1. Lower auto premium DD course and Option 2. Points reduction DD course. Option 1 seem to be at the discretion at the auto insurance company but does option 2 also have an affect on insurance? Does point reduction remove traffic violations from your record and therefore results in lower insurance premium due to less violations?
Anbody have Good2go auto insurance?
My fiance and I recently found out that our policy has been cancelled (literally had no idea) so we have to find a cheap car insurance fast. Good2go is known for being cheap- but does anybody have it??? Please let me know how you like it- it almost looks a little sketchy lol. If anyone else knows how to get CHEAP car insurance in NJ please speak up! We just had 21st Century. He has a perfect driving record, I have made some mistakes in the past- which is why everything is so high for us. If anyone knows a loophole or anything let me know! Thanks!""
How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?
How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?
Car insurance coverage help!?
Currently I have a financed car. And is still currently paying for it monthly. After doing some research and purchasing my car insurance coverage - State Farm. My dad insisted he will help me with all the process. However, after he and I got done with everything. My coverage are, A - Liability P20 - Personal Injury Protection U, W uninsured and underinsured And finally these two: D - 500 Deductible Comprehensive G - 500 Deductible Collision which I learn online it is OPTIONAL to have: ( SO WHY DO I NEED IT EXACTLY THEN? my dad try explaining it but it didn't get through my hot head. ) So can anyone please tell me is it a requirement for me to have those to coverage D & G, if not I would really like to get it off and save some money instead of throwing it out the window. Thanks.""
Looking For New Car Insurance Company. HELP!!?
I need something with the fewest complaints yet the cheapest rates. For two cars and only half coverage we are paying over 200...
Car insurance is abnormally expensive for me (18yrs old)? What am I doing wrong?
I go on gocompare, confuse.com, comparethemarket, etc. to check prices of different cars but I keep getting insurance at the price of 7,000+?! And the crazy thing is, it was for a Peugeot 2002 106 which is like 1.1 litre. which came to the lowest I found. Which was 7,000+. I fill in the details truthfully, such as locked home garage, very low miles per year, etc, but I can't seem to get cheap insurance? Everyone online says they get insured for around 2,000 on a Corsa, Peugeot 106, Citroen C1 and on like 1.4L+ cars etc. HOW TO HELL? Should I just buy my 1st car then insure it on my parents name then ask me to be put on as a named driver? My friends do that and pay around 1,000-1,200 on 1.6L cars.. Also, can you recommend me a good 1st car? (England) Thanks!""
Car insurance?
I have a 94 camaro and I was wondering how much insurance would cost under my parents name. I'm 16 and a good driver, I don't know if that matters but I want to save some money""
""If my mum is insured to drive my car, does she still need insurance on her car?""
My mum has been driving for 30 years and she currently has her own car with fully comp insurance. I have just bought a car and want to go under my mums insurance. If I do this, can she cancel the insurance on her car and still drive it (if the cover has a policy that says she is insured to drive any car). In other words will her fully comp insurance cover her on both cars? If not if there an option to add another car onto the policy without having to get a completely different quote? Thanks for your answers""
What is your car insurance coverage like?
like what do u have where its like 25/50/25 or 100/300/100 what is reasonable do you really need 100/300/100? im getting my own insurance now and my company said almost everyone has 100/300/100 i dont want to screw my self over by not getting enough coverage but i dont my insurance company to tell me i need more than i really do just so they can make money off of me. Any suggestions?
California parent trying to decide whether to purchase/register car in California vs. Arizona?
I live in California and my child goes to college in Arizona. I am trying to decide if I should buy / register the car in California (and have her under my policy - lower policy cost) OR buy/ register the car in Arizona (under her own name - to minimize my liability. We've been checking Craigslist and within our price range, the cars in California have much higher mileage and more expensive than cars in Arizona. What are the pros and cons of both options?""
Health insurance in Texas for low income families?
My dad recently lost his job, but has an existing medical condition, an ex-wife, and 5 kids to support. I don't know much about the health insurance options in Texas, but I'm looking for a program that will allow my family to be insured for cheap... something like Arizona's AHCCCS health insurance for low income people""
Got a fine for no car insurance.?
I got a fine for no car insurance in nj, but I do have insurance i just left it at home what will possibly happen to me? do you know how much is gonna cost me""
How much is health insurance for a 55 yr old women??
i live in southern ca and we are looking on getting a affordable health insurance for my mother she is 55 yrs... around how much will we be expecting on paying mothly... and what good health insurances are recomended??
Car insurance in Arkansas?
I know there are so many factors that play into car insurance but I need help. I am 18 years old.
I will be 17 soon and i don't know the cheapest insurance for cars?
I am 17 in December and hoping to pass my test i would like a white car and did want to get A white ford focus Zetec but they are way to expensive for insurance, i would like a nice car as everyone is judged from where i am from i would also like it to be white. Does anyone know where i can get a good enough, white car? where i can afford the insurance? :) Thanks for your help in advance.""
Can i get full coverage insurance with a suspended drivers license?
Can i get full coverage insurance with a suspended drivers license?
Speeding ticket in D.C. (4 points) affecting Virginia driving record and insurance rate?
I received a speeding ticket (42 in a 25-mile/hour non-school zone; 4 points according to the D.C. DMV website) a week ago. I'm licensed in Virginia. I assume D.C. will notify the Virginia DMV and will trasfer the four negative points to my driving record. I haven't had a ticket since 2003 and currently have five positive points on my record. It is the maximum number of positive points allowed in Virginia. QUESTION 1: Will my State Farm insurance policy go up? Even if not, I will take a safe driver course to offset the four negative points. QUESTION 2: Do I want to wait until the four negative points post on my driving record before I take the course? Thank you in advance for taking the time to reply.""
How much does insurance go up in a wreck?
Im a 16 year old male, get good grades, and i drive a 91 firebird. i recently got in a crash, my car was fine but the other guy had a scrape along the side of his car etc. how much can i expect my insurance to go up?""
Insurance for quad biking abroad?
I'm going on holiday in a couple if weeks and have already bought travel insurance that covers everything apart from the use if quad bikes. It's likely that me and my group will want to use them at some point, and I'm wondering if its possible to either buy insurance out there, or buy insurance online for quad bikes only. I don't want to buy a whole new insurance policy as this will cost another 20, and I am already covered for everything else. Thanks.""
What happens if a 16 year old in NC is caught driving without being on the insurance policy?
The owner of the car has insurance on the car but his daughter is not listed as a driver on the policy.
""Why is it called the Affordable Health Care Act, but it does very little to make health care affordable?""
there were many ways to make health care reform work, but all that this bill does is make the insurance companies richer.""
How cheap could i get insurance?
im 17, gonna be 18, no parking violations tickets or accidents whatsoever. the reason i ask is because the state i live in requires insurance.""
Will my insurance go up due to points on my license?
I am a 22 year old male. Was cited for going 25.5 miles over the speed limit on a freeway. Plead guilty. And 4 points were assessed on my license. This is the first time any points have been on my license. My question is will my insurance go up do to this and if so how much could I expect? Thanks Also, if anyone knows of anything I can do to keep my insurance from going up, please let me know.""
What would my monthly insurance be?
For a - -'07 Cobalt coupe -'08 tiburon -'04 ford mustang I'd like one of these but i'll be paying for my insurance so I'd like to have an idea on what it would be a month....any help is appreciated :)
Car Insurance Help!!!?
k my problem is my parents wont put me under there insurance or let me use theres so i have to get my own car insurance got some quotes and all of them want to charge me 400 to 500 dollars a month its crazy. can you guys help i was researching on how to insure my own car couldnt find anything how can i do that or how can i start my own insurance company so i dont hav to pay these money hungry bastards
What is the best..or cheapest...?
Car insurance? I wanna know the best. And i wanna know the cheapest. Thanks!
""In NC, do you have to be added to the insurance to get the license?""
Also, do you have to pay a single yearly fee for insurance or is there a monthly rate?""
How can I get cheap insurance?
I am 19,and I am thinking about doing my theory test for my full licence,but insurance are so expensive,especially for my age. Do any of you guys know how can I get cheap insurance? Do any of you guys know of any cheap insurance companies? Thank You all""
Car insurance rates for a new teenaged driver?
So we have State Farm car insurance and our 17-year-old daughter is attempting to get her license. She has straight A's and is doing their Steer Clear program. Does anyone have an estimation of how much this will increase our insurance rates?
Cancel Geico Insurance Online?
Is it possible to cancel my insurance online?
What used vehicle has the lowest insurance costs?
What used vehicle has the lowest insurance costs?
Is auto insurance cheaper if I live with my parents or on my own?
Is auto insurance cheaper if I live with my parents or on my own?
Interest rates for a rental property?
I've been told that I can expect a higher interest rate when I buy a house to use as a rental property than I would if it were a primary residence. What sort of a difference are we talking? 1%? more? less? Also ditto that for insurance. I can only assume that it would be more, but how MUCH more is the question.""
Insurance companies messed up!?!?
Over three years ago, a pick-up truck crushed the entire back-side of my van. Of course, it wasn't my fault and I took care of the situation by calling the truck driver's insurance company. However, when I was going through my auto insurance profile, I saw something weird, a driving history stating that I was at-fault for that accident three years ago. It's very weird because I claimed an accident not on my insurance company, but the truck driver's. What can I do to fix this? Was I paying more premium because of this mistake? Thank you""
Fast cars with low insurance costs?
id like 0-60 inunder 6 seconds but low(ish) insurance rates for someone under 21. New, used, whatever.""
I am trying to find the type of car with the cheapest car insurance for my age and details?
Where online can i find details on lots of cars as gocompare.com etc... need you provide details on a certain car
Insurance co is saying my car is totalled?
I have an 11-yr old car with 106K miles that runs well. Last night I was rear-ended quite hard while waiting at a red light. Both the other driver and his insurance co immediately admitted liability. The damage to my car is pretty bad. I went to the auto body shop recommended by the other guy's insurance co - they told me the car will have to be totalled b/c it will cost more to repair than what the car is worth - he estimated the car is worth $2K and repairs will be at least $4K. So the insurance co is saying they'll give me a check for $2K and I have to get rid of the car (apparently that part is New York law). But I cannot buy another car - at least not one I'd trust to drive! - for $2K. The accident was completely NOT my fault - how can the insurance co not pay to repair it? Has this happened to anyone else out there? Is there anything I can do? I don't want to give up my car! :( Please help?
I need afforable health insurance.?
I don't even know how to look for insurance but I need to find an affordable individual insurance policy in Nevada. I am a 22/female. However I am asthmatic (only mildly) and I take birth control for medical reasons (I am not sexually active). However I have never smoked, done drugs, and if I drink it will only be like one glass 1-3x a year, so hardly at all.""
How much is health insurance for a 55 yr old women??
i live in southern ca and we are looking on getting a affordable health insurance for my mother she is 55 yrs... around how much will we be expecting on paying mothly... and what good health insurances are recomended??
Woul insurance rates change depending on transmission type?
would automatic transmission cost more for insurance or manual? or does it not matter curious to know....
""Is anyone with Endsleigh for their car insurance, and has done pass plus?""
How much did you save? I am 18 and am about to buy my first car after using my mums. I did pass plus but on confused.com quote it doesn't ask if i have it. Well anyway, endsleigh is the cheapest quote but i was wondering how much i will save when they know i have pass plus?""
Car Insurance pay out when vehicle written off?
My car has been written off and my insurance have offered my 1,250 for it. They said they use some Glass Vehicle Valuation thing so I went on it's website n had the car valued myself n there's 5 categories for pricing the vehicle: Trade-in Excellent condition - 1,376 Trade-in Average condition - 1,210 Trade-in below average condition - 1,066 Dealer sale price - 2,640 Private seller price - 2,221 Which is the price I should get for my car? It was an 02 plate Renault Megane Coupe Privilege + in excellent condition! I found the same car in a different colour on Auto Trader for 2,000. I think I should get the private seller price as I am effectively selling them my car and not trading it in!? My car was set on fire btw! Awoke at 3am to the thing in flames just a few feet away from my house! ='(""
What is the cheapest life insurance a 66 year old man from california can get?
My dad is currently with AAA, signed up for life insurance for the first time, this month... he is paying 350 a month which is making it hard for him to have money for food. I'm looking for a cheaper plan for him. No health problems.""
Can a 16yr old register a car in his name in TEXAS and can he still be on parent's insurance?
Does anyone know for sure if it is legal in TEXAS for a minor to purchase a vehicle in his name? The car lot said it was okay but my insurance company says that it must be in my name for him to be on my policy. Is that true?
Best car insurance for 16 y.o. boy that is getting his license?
Cheapest car insurance for the coverage you get? discounts for grades?
""Two Cars, Two Insurance Companies?""
I'm 17 and I just got my G2 Licence. I'm thinking of getting my own car, however it is going to cost me a a fortune to insure my own car. Is it possible for my father to have 2 cars but with 2 different insurance companies and put me as a secondary driver for one of the cars?""
How much would the insurance of a 125 cc Honda Innova cost in Ireland ?
I'm 17 turning 18 in december and want to start driving the bike .
2003 Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe. Insurance price?
So I'm a 17 year old girl.I'm getting my first car. Idk if where I'm from makes a difference, I'm from texas. Would a 2003 Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe be considered a sports car on the insurance? If so, how much more would it be vs. a normal car? Please help me!!!!""
Help need car insurance I am 21 and dont want the black box :( help please?
anyone knows where i can get cheap car insurance from like 150 to 200 a month let me know am desperate please.......
How much is it to insure a replica car ?
Im looking to buy a replica lamborghini Aventador but was wondering if the insurance would be to high to handle. I live in Ontario, Canada Thanks""
What are health insurance claims?
im confused and dont know what health insurance claims are..i need to know its for school i need to know what is it, what is it used for and why...please and thank you!! :)""
How is mandating health insurance like mandating auto insurance (according to Obama)?
Auto Insurance: If I don't want auto insurance, I don't have to drive. Auto insurance is a CHOICE. Health Insurance: Will be the only thing somebody HAS to pay simply for being alive in America. Some people do NOT agree with ANY main stream health practices like myself. I would NOT go to a doctor even if I was on my death bed. Comment: Does it concern ANY of you that this mandatory health insurance will be the FIRST thing the government REQUIRES you to buy. Even Taxes are a choice. Some people chose to work for goods and barter (Amish). Isn't this America, where I can choose to seek alternative health rather than be forced to pay for something for merely being alive? Also, what about Church of Christ Scientists - Why force people who are religiously opposed to our health care system to buy health insurance. Many Christ Scientists will die before they seek main stream health. This plan makes me sick.""
How much is car insurance for a student?
I am going to get a BMW 328i 2011 soon and I was wondering how much insurance would cost? If it was connected to my moms insurance. I am turning 16 by the way. Please answer back, I really need to know asap""
Will my insurance?
well my insurance pay for i iud.
If a 16 yr old totals her new kind of expensive car how much will insurance go up?
what if the car was already paid off would that matter
""If I already have health insurance, but my deductible is way to high $4000?
and I am eligible for medi-cal...am I supposed to cancel my other insurance or how does that work?
How much does boat insurance cost on average for a 28ft boat?
How much does boat insurance cost on average for a 28ft boat?
Affordable Care Act?
My wife is 54 with diabetes (insulin) and high blood pressure. I care about my wife and want to act to buy her what i can afford which is up to 200 dollars a month. I can not fine an insurance company that will take her. What do i do when she won't qualify for medicaid either.
How long does it usually take for insurance to approve surgery?
Im about to have chest surgery to remove cartilige due to horrible pains, and i was just wondering how long does it usually tai for insurance to approve surgery?""
Cheapet Cars To Insure For A 18 Year Old?
i am 18 years old living at home, i have 1000 pound and i am looking for a cheap run around to get me to school and back,, does anyone know any cheap cars to insure tanks""
Speeding tickets and Insurance rates (read details)?
I received one speeding ticket back in February 2010, I took a driving class for it so I would not receive points on my license and consequently my insurance provider would not be able to raise my rate. However, I've received two speeding tickets in the past week (both only 9 miles over the speed limit) :'( which would result in 6 points on my license. I live in Florida, and I have State Farm insurance. Does anyone have any idea at all what will/could happen to my insurance? :(""
Caught without car insurance.?
I was caught failing to stop completely at a red light right turn. The cop stopped me and asked for everything. I gave my driver's license, and my dad's insurance. the cop wrote me a ticket afterward and that's that. however, the thing is that i don't have insurance myself. is anything going to happen? note: this just happened 3 days ago and it apparently takes the count 2 months to enter the citation into the database""
How does the whole car insurance thing work?
I am a 19 year old boy. My parents are buying me my first car. It is a nice pre-owned car. How does the insurance for the car generally work? Is it required? I will be in college next year. Can they take care of my car insurance? How does it work? I heard that they can put my car under their insurance. Is this true? Please explain.
About health insurance....?
If u have 2 health insurances, whatever your primary doesn't cover, your secondary will? My primary insurance sucks, but then i have the Unions insurance as secondary.""
How much is health insurance for a 55 yr old women??
i live in southern ca and we are looking on getting a affordable health insurance for my mother she is 55 yrs... around how much will we be expecting on paying mothly... and what good health insurances are recomended??
0 notes
rileypayne955-blog · 7 years
Why Am I So Tired? Fixing Extreme Fatigue (Hint: It's NOT diet and exercise)
Its the middle of the day and you feel sluggish and tired. You cant focus on work or an important activity because the fatigue seems to weigh you down. Worse yet, in the morning when you wake up you dont feel rested at all. Whats going on? If youve been to the doctor its likely you learned it could be caused by a number of things. Many different illnesses can cause fatigue, so it can be quite a jigsaw puzzle to put together. Three different infections, Epstein-Barr virus, Ross River virus, and Coxiella burnetii, are all considered as possible suspects that cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. About 10 percent of patients who are recovering from those illnesses develop extreme fatigue, according to the Centers For Disease Control (CDC). Stress, allergies, weight gain, depression, and environmental factors can contribute to fatigue symptoms. It can be a long process to figure out what is happening inside your body. So the big question is what can you do to start feeling better now? One thing we know is that fatigue is usually a result of the immune system working overtime. The immune system can use a lot of your bodys energy in combatting what is ultimately creating your fatigue. Nearly every illness and disease within the body generates toxins in your body called free radicals. Free radicals create oxidation stress. Youve likely heard of free radicals and the damage they do to your cells and immune system. Think of an apple right after you cut it in half. The apple starts to rust within a few minutes. Thats oxidation stress. That is what happens to your body when free radicals attack. Your immune system is under assault during these periods of greater oxidation stress. It needs to help to fight back against these free radicals. You also may have heard that anti-oxidants can help fight free radicals. However, most anti-oxidants are not as effective as you would hope. The problem with most is that the anti-oxidant molecules are much too big to enter cells and neutralize free radicals inside the cells, where they do the most damage. In this case, size does matter. However, there is one anti-oxidant that is able to penetrate the cell. In fact, this anti-oxidant is so small it can even penetrate into the DNA of the cell. This anti-oxidant is actually the smallest molecule in the universe. The molecule is hydrogen, known as molecular hydrogen for our use. The way hydrogen works is that it can be ingested through hydrogen-infused water or inhaled through molecular hydrogen gas. Once in your body it will attach to free radicals and convert them instantly into water, rendering them harmless. Molecular hydrogen has been tested extensively by hospitals and universities in Japan, with over 300 different studies on the effectiveness on different diseases and illnesses, with strong results. When using molecular hydrogen, the free radicals are quickly eliminated and your immune system can begin to fight the actual cause of your fatigue. The body can be very effective at defeating illness when it is not compromised by oxidation stress. Many people experience significant increases in energy and attentiveness when they use molecular hydrogen as part of their daily routine. Their fatigue symptoms disappear as their body begins to recover as their immune system does its job. So whats the best way to get molecular hydrogen? Below we review three products that produce molecular hydrogen for consumption to guide you in your selection process, but more importantly so that you understand how they would fit your needs and potential outcomes. Hydrogen Tablets or Sticks These are described as effervescent tablets that dissolve when put in water and essentially split the existing water molecules in the water to create the hydrogen gas in the water. The only method of consumption is to drink it. Pros Tablets are easy to carry and can be dropped in a bottle of water to consume right away. Cons 1) These tablets are magnesium and over time you will consume more magnesium than you should. 2) Many of the sticks are made in China, and well, enough said. 3) The amount of hydrogen in the water is actually not a lot and dropping more tablets in the same cup wont produce significantly more hydrogen 4) Can be pricey to continue to use every day. 5) Can only drink it to ingest the hydrogen. 6) Can produce alkaline water, which you should discuss with a doctor before consuming. Water Ionizers These are containers that you fill with water and turn on to produce hydrogen from electrolysis of the water. The only method of consumption is to drink it. Pros The bottle is small and easy to carry. Produces hydrogen gas better than the tablets or sticks. Cons 1) The garbage in/garbage out principle applies here. The amount of hydrogen produced can vary greatly depending on the kind of water. Spring water is what is recommended. Tap water is not recommended. 2) Most recommend boiling the water before putting it in the bottle for ionization. That makes it very time-consuming to use. 3) Frequent cleaning is required or the water develops an unpleasant taste. Portable Molecular Hydrogen Generator This is a machine that uses an internal electrolysis system to create hydrogen gas, and also provides three different methods to consume the hydrogen. Pros 1) This machine generates a significant amount of hydrogen gas in a short time. 2) Gas can be consumed through nasal cannula, a direct-to-skin applicator, or infused into your own glass or bottle of water. 3) The water you drink has not been ionized, it is instead infused with nano-bubbles of hydrogen gas and generally will hold more gas in less water much faster. There is no special prep needed for the water to be infused. 4) The nasal cannula allows you to move around or do other things while breathing in the hydrogen gas (or even while sleeping!). This means you will consume 300 times more hydrogen benefit than just drinking the water. 5) Direct application to joints can relieve pain and inflammation as well. 6) Nothing else to buy to continue to use and get hydrogen for years. Cons 1) Must plug into a wall socket. It cannot fit in a purse or small bag. 2) You must infuse water in an aluminum water bottle to take your water on-the-go. (Aluminum can contain the hydrogen for a much longer time than other containers.) When considering the three options you really have to consider your usage needs. Consuming so much magnesium and the lower output of hydrogen seem to make the tablets and sticks not worth it. Using the ionizer bottles may seem like the middle of the road solution, however the time involved in buying the right water and prepping it for ionization, not to mention the alkaline nature of the water, make that a less attractive option. The hydrogen-generating unit seems to be the best long-term answer because you have so many options for use on-demand. Having the ability to use the cannula for inhalation is a big difference in that for people who suffer from illness this can be a game-changer. Infusing water is preferred to direct electrolysis of the water for best results. Its certainly worth the difference in price when you consider all the pros and cons. Whatever you decide using molecular hydrogen it really can help your fatigue and get your body back to healing itself naturally.
0 notes
jacobmurphy668-blog · 7 years
Why Am I So Tired? Fixing Extreme Fatigue (Hint: It's NOT diet and exercise)
Its the middle of the day and you feel sluggish and tired. You cant focus on work or an important activity because the fatigue seems to weigh you down. Worse yet, in the morning when you wake up you dont feel rested at all. Whats going on? If youve been to the doctor its likely you learned it could be caused by a number of things. Many different illnesses can cause fatigue, so it can be quite a jigsaw puzzle to put together. Three different infections, Epstein-Barr virus, Ross River virus, and Coxiella burnetii, are all considered as possible suspects that cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. About 10 percent of patients who are recovering from those illnesses develop extreme fatigue, according to the Centers For Disease Control (CDC). Stress, allergies, weight gain, depression, and environmental factors can contribute to fatigue symptoms. It can be a long process to figure out what is happening inside your body. So the big question is what can you do to start feeling better now? One thing we know is that fatigue is usually a result of the immune system working overtime. The immune system can use a lot of your bodys energy in combatting what is ultimately creating your fatigue. Nearly every illness and disease within the body generates toxins in your body called free radicals. Free radicals create oxidation stress. Youve likely heard of free radicals and the damage they do to your cells and immune system. Think of an apple right after you cut it in half. The apple starts to rust within a few minutes. Thats oxidation stress. That is what happens to your body when free radicals attack. Your immune system is under assault during these periods of greater oxidation stress. It needs to help to fight back against these free radicals. You also may have heard that anti-oxidants can help fight free radicals. However, most anti-oxidants are not as effective as you would hope. The problem with most is that the anti-oxidant molecules are much too big to enter cells and neutralize free radicals inside the cells, where they do the most damage. In this case, size does matter. However, there is one anti-oxidant that is able to penetrate the cell. In fact, this anti-oxidant is so small it can even penetrate into the DNA of the cell. This anti-oxidant is actually the smallest molecule in the universe. The molecule is hydrogen, known as molecular hydrogen for our use. The way hydrogen works is that it can be ingested through hydrogen-infused water or inhaled through molecular hydrogen gas. Once in your body it will attach to free radicals and convert them instantly into water, rendering them harmless. Molecular hydrogen has been tested extensively by hospitals and universities in Japan, with over 300 different studies on the effectiveness on different diseases and illnesses, with strong results. When using molecular hydrogen, the free radicals are quickly eliminated and your immune system can begin to fight the actual cause of your fatigue. The body can be very effective at defeating illness when it is not compromised by oxidation stress. Many people experience significant increases in energy and attentiveness when they use molecular hydrogen as part of their daily routine. Their fatigue symptoms disappear as their body begins to recover as their immune system does its job. So whats the best way to get molecular hydrogen? Below we review three products that produce molecular hydrogen for consumption to guide you in your selection process, but more importantly so that you understand how they would fit your needs and potential outcomes. Hydrogen Tablets or Sticks These are described as effervescent tablets that dissolve when put in water and essentially split the existing water molecules in the water to create the hydrogen gas in the water. The only method of consumption is to drink it. Pros Tablets are easy to carry and can be dropped in a bottle of water to consume right away. Cons 1) These tablets are magnesium and over time you will consume more magnesium than you should. 2) Many of the sticks are made in China, and well, enough said. 3) The amount of hydrogen in the water is actually not a lot and dropping more tablets in the same cup wont produce significantly more hydrogen 4) Can be pricey to continue to use every day. 5) Can only drink it to ingest the hydrogen. 6) Can produce alkaline water, which you should discuss with a doctor before consuming. Water Ionizers These are containers that you fill with water and turn on to produce hydrogen from electrolysis of the water. The only method of consumption is to drink it. Pros The bottle is small and easy to carry. Produces hydrogen gas better than the tablets or sticks. Cons 1) The garbage in/garbage out principle applies here. The amount of hydrogen produced can vary greatly depending on the kind of water. Spring water is what is recommended. Tap water is not recommended. 2) Most recommend boiling the water before putting it in the bottle for ionization. That makes it very time-consuming to use. 3) Frequent cleaning is required or the water develops an unpleasant taste. Portable Molecular Hydrogen Generator This is a machine that uses an internal electrolysis system to create hydrogen gas, and also provides three different methods to consume the hydrogen. Pros 1) This machine generates a significant amount of hydrogen gas in a short time. 2) Gas can be consumed through nasal cannula, a direct-to-skin applicator, or infused into your own glass or bottle of water. 3) The water you drink has not been ionized, it is instead infused with nano-bubbles of hydrogen gas and generally will hold more gas in less water much faster. There is no special prep needed for the water to be infused. 4) The nasal cannula allows you to move around or do other things while breathing in the hydrogen gas (or even while sleeping!). This means you will consume 300 times more hydrogen benefit than just drinking the water. 5) Direct application to joints can relieve pain and inflammation as well. 6) Nothing else to buy to continue to use and get hydrogen for years. Cons 1) Must plug into a wall socket. It cannot fit in a purse or small bag. 2) You must infuse water in an aluminum water bottle to take your water on-the-go. (Aluminum can contain the hydrogen for a much longer time than other containers.) When considering the three options you really have to consider your usage needs. Consuming so much magnesium and the lower output of hydrogen seem to make the tablets and sticks not worth it. Using the ionizer bottles may seem like the middle of the road solution, however the time involved in buying the right water and prepping it for ionization, not to mention the alkaline nature of the water, make that a less attractive option. The hydrogen-generating unit seems to be the best long-term answer because you have so many options for use on-demand. Having the ability to use the cannula for inhalation is a big difference in that for people who suffer from illness this can be a game-changer. Infusing water is preferred to direct electrolysis of the water for best results. Its certainly worth the difference in price when you consider all the pros and cons. Whatever you decide using molecular hydrogen it really can help your fatigue and get your body back to healing itself naturally.
0 notes