#PMDD = premenstrual dysphoric disorder
the-silent-hashira · 1 year
having PMDD is probably the worst thing i can think of that i have because everything else will be FINE and then i spend a week wondering why reality is so wonky and why i cant sleep and im reminded afab bodies are literally just. fucking SHIT
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living-with-pmd · 3 months
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Comic from the Washington Post
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If your periods/menstrual cycle correlate with
- Depressive Episodes
- Self Harm
- Suicidal Thoughts
- Severe or Increased Anxiety
- Sudden or Intense Mood Changes
Please consider asking your medical practitioner about Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. I had no idea that the emotions I was feeling were beyond the regular levels. I was always told by media that periods made you irrational, emotional, and even depressed. While it is true that many of us who menstruate will have those side effects, they should not ever be severe. If they cause you significant distress you may be struggling with something different. I found out only after my periods were stopped by testosterone that I was never supposed to suffer that much. If you may be experiencing this speak up, you aren’t alone and you have options!
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adhdstudybitch · 11 months
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Kinda niche, but I've spent the last five days feeling like I'm losing my mind so here are some PMDD memes. However bad you think it is based on these memes, it's worse.
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vodid · 2 months
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kota-corner · 8 months
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THIS EXPLAINS SO MUCH??? (Speaking about the Autism and PMDD statistic specifically)
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strawberricum · 1 year
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judgmental-eyebrows · 4 months
one of the worst things about having PMDD is how embarrassing it is. like, I know I’m going to Not Be Me for part of the month. I think I’m ready for it, that I’m prepared and this time, I’ll be in control! and then in the moment, the world is ending. everyone hates me. I’m paranoid. there are tears. there’s rage. my mood swings around in a whole damn circle. and then my period comes and I’m fine and sane again!
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throatgina-sausage · 3 months
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Solidarity, fellow comradettes 🥲
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I was recently diagnosed with an incredibly rare neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a genetic mutation on the PPP2R1A gene. The disorder is so rare it doesn't have a fancy name yet 😅 the worst symptoms of my disorder is the mental illnesses I deal with. Add onto that childhood abuse targeted at me because of my undiagnosed issues and I got the shit storm of mental health.
I have been diagnosed with C-PTSD, ADHD, OCD, PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), Borderline Personality Disorder, Excoriation Disorder (severe skin picking), and Sensory Processing Disorder. Informally diagnosed as Autistic.
My entire life, I just thought I was a broken human being. Turns out I just have a genetic disorder that literally causes me to lose my mind 🤣 I always knew that mental illnesses liked to come in groups, but I got hit with the one-two punch that has left me unable to function on my own
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living-with-pmd · 6 months
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violetdisasterzone · 5 months
they should invent a pmdd that doesn't fucking exist
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biteofboredom · 1 month
Intro post
In all honesty I don't really know my name yet so send me suggestions if you've got some.
He/they pronouns. AuDHD, binge ed, PMDD Queer, transmasc, aroace-spec.
I'm a queer, neurodivergent, mentally ill guy with a lot of things to say and not enough words to say them in. Eloquence is not my strong point so bear with me if some of my posts sound like word mush.
I'm totally new to tumblr. I haven't a clue what I'm doing. I just like the text based format because it means I can ramble.
Asks are open. Tell me anything. I'm bored and have no one to talk to.
What you'll find here:
My intention for this blog is largely for it to be a space where I can share my thoughts on mental health and the world in general. This is neither a recovery nor an encouragement blog for things, it's just my thoughts and experiences.
I'd also like to find a community of people I can relate to. (if you relate to things on this blog, please interact!!!)
There will be posts about EDs, sh, neurodivergence and mental illnesses; primarily Binge ED, autism, and ADHD, as these are the conditions that I have. None of these posts will be graphic. There will be no pictures or any talk of numbers. I hope to keep this space as trigger-free as possible.
I'll also cover stuff about my gender and sexuality because I'm isolated from a lot of irl communities and I need people to relate to or I'll explode.
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going to go to the doctor soon to start getting my PMDD diagnosis! (like in a few minutes gonna leave to go there)
(and also hopefully be pointed in the direction of diagnosticians who can diagnose my AuDHD and my other undiagnosed stuffs that are covered by our insurance, IF there even are any)
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gummmy · 1 year
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Hi!! We’ve been curious, does any other system see an increase in switching & general headmate activity linked to a menstrual cycle? Our body struggles with pmdd and we feel really embarrassed about mental illness symptoms being exacerbated by it. We’ve even had an alter appear specifically linked to helping us cope with severe period pain. Honestly we’d be super interested to see anyone talk about how they cope w periods linked to plurality.
-🌈☁️, origin unknown
oh yes, we absolutely experience this. we tend to get really blurry when we’re on our period. we’re also a mostly nonbinary-transmasc system, and we have a fem alter who fronts a lot during our period to help alleviate some dysphoria. we also have some parts who our gatekeeper keeps from fronting during our period in order to prevent more harm.
having pmdd (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of. us folks with periods deserve to be able to openly discuss the often intense physical and emotional pain that comes along with menstruation. our own system experiences intense symptoms when we’re menstruating, including debilitating cramps and body aches, nausea, lightheadedness, migraines, major fatigue, and severe depression and mood swings. it’s rough. we pretty much live a week of hell once a month, which we’re sure many many other folks also experience.
as far as how we personally deal with this…
- go easy on ourselves. sometimes we take a day or two off of work if we can afford it. we may ask for additional help from our partner system. we try to recognize our limits, and not push ourselves too far.
- hydrate and medicate. we try to drink plenty of water and take pain relievers as necessary. naproxen sodium (aleve) has been quite helpful for us in the past. we also try to make sure we’re eating fruits and vegetables, which really do seem to have a positive effect on us.
- rest, rest, rest. we go to bed early. we take naps when we can. we break up household chores into tiny parts that we can do in pieces.
- we do our best to practice gentleness, forgiveness, and compassion to each other inside. we try to do this all the time, but when we’re on our period, it’s especially important. sometimes parts lash out, get frustrated, or struggle to cope with the pain, and we try to show each other some grace and understanding during these difficult times.
we’d encourage anyone who wants to please join in on this discussion. we shouldn’t ever feel embarrassed or ashamed for talking about a normal bodily process that no doubt affects many of us. how does menstruation affect your system? and how does your system cope with the challenges that periods present?
🌈☁️, we’re wishing your system comfort and rest whether or not you’re currently struggling with your pmdd. thanks for reaching out, and take care of yourselves!
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