#have fun with the pain my friend lmao 😂😂😂😂😂😂
alltimefail-sims · 6 months
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Okay friends I need to talk about this little girl for a second because Shereé is so!!!!! freaking!!! cute!!!!! I can't stand it!!!
I didn't want to take the spotlight off of Terrance in my main submission post, but let's talk about Shereé a little bit!
Fun headcanons about the Chapman family below the cut! ❤️❤️❤️
When I was dressing her up and adding little details to each outfit category I wanted the baubles in her hair to be different colors to reflect my vision of Shereé sitting cross-legged on the living room floor while Terrance sits on the sofa behind her, swapping each one out to match her outfit for the day. 🥺💕
Also you can't really see them super well in the screenshots but she is wearing diamond studs in the shape of her favorite cartoon character, Hello Kitty! I imagine they were her first "big girl" earrings - the first ones she got to switch the standard piercing studs out with - and they were a birthday present from her dad!!
Speaking of ear piercings: when the Claire's associate pulled out the piercing guns Terrance was more scared than Shereé was lmao. He might have shed a tear or two because (1) when she initially flinched at the pain he nearly died and (2) he was hit with the overwhelming feeling that his baby girl is growing up waaaaaay too fast!
Shereé is kind of a picky (and bougie) eater and that's what got Terrance into cooking in the first place!! He was a chronic doordasher before she came around! When Shereé tries something at a restaraunt and likes it, Terrance enjoys the challenge of making the dish at home "but better." He's successful about 45% of the time 😒 (lol).
I said in the OG post that Shereé wants to be "a superstar" when she grows up and that's because she loooooooves to sing, dance, and play her piano! I imagine she would be a drama club and choir girly, but if ballet was a thing in game she would do that as well! I also imagine she goes to weekly private piano lessons. She's just super damn talented and Terrance will tell anyone and everyone in the vicinity about it!
Terrance lets Shereé try out her new nail polish colors on him and sometimes they will even play spa, dress-up, makeover, fashion show, etc. Terrance does not GAF about boy game this girl game that he's just gonna play and make his daughter happy!
Like her peers she was not immune to the TikTok influencer Stanley cup madness unfortunately, but she is "Way too mature" to bully anyone! But tbh if Terrance found out she was being a bully over a damn cup he would toss that shit in the trash with a quickness anyway 😂
Shereé can be heard saying "You're too grown for that daddy" at least once a day. He will never escape the childish allegations, not even from his own daughter lmao.
When I went into their household in game the first autonomous thing Shereé did was complain about the heat... so I guess she doesn't like summer very much and especially doesn't like hot weather 😂
Also I got an ask about how to pronounce Shereé and I would pronounce is SHER-RAY as opposed to SHER-REE, if that makes sense. (I couldn't find a video with this specific pronunciation but if you've ever seen The Real Housewives of Atlanta I believe Shereé Whitfield pronounces it like this as well!!!)
Okay I'm gonna shut up - I've gotten the oversharing about these characters out of my system (for now). I'll end this with the cute popups they got about each other in the literal miniscule 5 mins I spent in their household:
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Obsessed with them, genuinely and truly. My heart can't take it
***Please ignore that her accented 'e' is missing from the whims. I was just testing the household. Her name is correct now <3 These sentiments were too cute not to share though
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alienoresimagines · 1 month
Honestly? Something very cliche and romantic. Post war domesticality, Mutual pinning, enemies to lovers, highschool/college AU and fluff and smut. And preferably bottom!Gale. I love those cliche kdrama tropes too like rich businessman and poor employee. Basically something I don't have to bang my head to understand the universe
Akdif that is so real anon, sometimes you just want a nice read that doesn't have worldbuilding so you can dive in immediately 😩
It's so fun to play with all these tropes with Clegan (although I don't think I've ever seen Enemies to Lovers with them? Strangers to Annoyed to Friends maybe but it's a fun thing to think about! Though it's a bit hard for me because I can't see them not in love or pining from the start lmao, so the closest I can get is Academic Rivals in Flight school, but the tension of them being enemies with both of their competency kink gping haywire when they see the other? Chef's kiss)
Post-war domesticality!!! That's the good stuff 🥹 Them finally getting the end they fought for and survived for, that one light that kept them walking through it all 🥹 They deserve it so bad, I understand why you'd want to see more of it 😭 All the fluff and the sweetness 🥰
Mutual pining is my absolute jam, even if it's painful sometimes but it makes them finally being together so much sweeter 🥹
It's really fun to put them in worlds other than canon, to explore how they'd be both as individuals and together without the trauma of war 🥹 We're lucky to have really good HS/College AUs in the fandom but there's never enough, there's too many possibilities to explore 😊
Who can say no to fluff and smut ? They're so in love with each other, it flows in every word 🥹 Luckily for us, their ao3 tag has plenty of wonderfully written smut 🥰 Ahh, I feel you with Bottom!Gale, I personnaly prefer it too (personal hc, ofc) so it's mostly what I try to write/imply but there are some awesome fics with Bottom Gale on ao3 too 🤗
I don't watch K-dramas but I hear the slow burn is really slow so it's perfect for the Buckies 😂
But you're absolutely right, we need more "romantic clichés" for the Buckies, because they could fit it so well, and it's so much fun to escape canon every once in a while 🥰 The possibilities are endless and are all so good, you're a genius Anon ❤️
And so a friendly reminder to everyone that just because it's a "romantic cliché" doesn't mean you shouldn't write it! Write what you want to read and what you have fun with, even if it's been written or explored before because your story will always be different than what's already out there, and there will always be someone to read it 💕 and honestly, who can resist a good romantic cliché ?
What are some tropes/hc you'd like to see more of in Clegan fics?
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teach-or-trav · 2 months
Hope you win that sh*t. 💯
The other day a friend ran out to check on me after a long night out. I stormed out angrily to take a walk and to my surprise she followed me out there.
She could tell I wasn’t about to open up about anything so she lead with vulnerability and told me about some of her struggles she has had over the years. Then of course she brought the conversation back to me and my feelings. I was clammed up.
This is not my wife (whom I was upset with at the time) so I felt guilty, wrong for even thinking that I could emotionally open up to her. Even though at that moment, i truly did feel all alone in the world. Yall know that feeling right?!? I mean this is. Tumblr after all lmao 😂
I deflected and asked her more about her own situation and effectively “got out” of talking about my feelings.
Afterwards though, i really thought about it. There were a lot of folx around but she was the one to come out and check on me. I needed someone to even if I didn’t say it. Normally im the extrovert of my friend groups. The solid one. The one you go to for guidance, wisdom, and also to have fun and laugh. I love to smile and make others smile as well.
I texted my friend and told her it meant a lot that she checked ✅ on me, but more importantly i think i walked away with a better understanding of the types of people and depth of understanding i would like to have around me more.
Those of us who have to largest smiles know the most pain. Never forget that.
These are my thoughts 💭 on what im thinking 🤔.
Peace ✌🏾,
- Teach_or_Trav
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silviakundera · 9 months
Lighter and Princess ep 36 - the finale!
What Gao Jianhong explains is honestly what I had assumed: Li Xun's sister's death and the ramifications ruined 2 lives, not 1. Geo Jianhong obviously never expected her to die at that hotel. (It was an accident, not even Fang's fault either as much as a POS he is.) But just like LX wasn't thinking clearly, neither was GJH- he was panicked and also consumed with guilt. Objectively, it was an unconnected accident. But she wouldn't have been at that location if not for Gao. So he just triples down on being the villian. Ok, I'm a monster. So be it. I'll play that role to the limit. Maybe this is how I finally win. After all these years, I think he's still been feeling guilt over Sister Li Lan's death. He can't stop being the villain because he doesn't believe in his own redemption. And this gets all mixed up with the resentment and hate that persists because of his inferiority complex.
This doesn't absolve him of anything, btw. He's a bastard who has stolen from & stepped on more amateur game designers; caused Li Xun mental anguish, betrayed his trust in a disgusting manner; abused his wife, blackmailed Zhu Yin with 'social death'... He tried to send Li Xun back to prision. Objectively a trash person.
But it's consistent, layered characterization. It's an explanation. I was glad to see the subtext I'd interpreted become explicit text.
gawwwwdd but I'M EVIL in that it's so satisfying for Gao Jianhong to hear that Li Xun has the inner strength & capacity to forgive him and let go. ("Impossible! It's me. It's me who wanted to step on him. It's me who stopped from from standing up.") BWAHAHAHAHA you fell short yet again, you pathetic man child. He bests u in everything. ❤ And now you're living for him, at his command.
They got the name back \o/
The biggest surprise in this drama is how I ended up loving class president Fang Shu Miao. Just a minor character but it's fun that she grew up into an awesome lady and good friend.
smh but up to the very end, this drama still trying so hard to convince me that ML is handsome lmao sorry I have eyes, no. Love u anyway rat boy 😍🐀😍
The Flying team scenes in the finale really were too perfect and made me so emotional. Mr Dong is still the boss! They're all shareholders! Eating ice pops again, the sacred tradition 😂😭
Mr Dong: "Your daughter is my boss now. She works for herself."
asdfghjk (whispers) it's true tho
99% of the time I dislike the "this company is my found family" storyline tbh. I've seen a lot of toxic situations in rl, especially young lgbt who were rejected by their families and had nowhere else to go, only to be taken advantge of. But this drama has been a big exception to that. A group of odd balls who aren't loyal friends at the start (originally out for themselves) but go thru adventures together. My favorite flavor. And now Mr Dong is defending Li Xun as an elder, when he has no one else to bring to the table. This drama earned it! (And it helps that the protagonists are clearly the leaders of this gang now, no power imbalance.)
"Mom, this is our home. You have no right to interfere. You have no right to make the decisions." 👏👏👏 i love herrrrrrrrrr
After Zhu Yun's mother makes an absolutely disgusting declaration (to an orphan whose parents & sister are dead) that she must marry her daughter to someone "with a happy family" of an equal social status, and invites him to bring his parents to meet them... It's now Li Xun's turn to be an absolute badass and instead of centering his own pain and insult, simply points out that he knows Zhu Yun has the ability to change the world, but her parents just want ZY to obey them. It's her parents that are wronging HER most of all and he sees that. Maturity!
I love how they roll. She suggests they have a baby because 30 is the right age, but then they'd need to get married. He's like ok, let's have a baby. And then a couple days later buys them a house. She's basically quasi proposed to him and then they just decide to get it done. Very them.
The marriage certificate guys' FACE. "You have many family members." !!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
The marriage was absolutely perfect. Loved the final group picture and that their friends gathered to support them in lieu of blood family.
I normally don't get attached or care too much for supporting characters. But Lighter & Princess and A Journey to Love broke that mold for me. Sorry Ren Di, though you are smoking hot I never could care about your angst. But the friend group really endeared themselves to me.
What a truly fantastic story from beginning to end. Never falters. I feel like modern cdramas have a bad rep compared to kdramas but there are some real gems. note to self: make a modern cdrama rec post this year
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the-fictive-haven · 3 months
TL;DR: Fuck ableists disguising themselves as allies and traumatizing people, we're better off without them and grateful they tend to rip off the band-aid showing their true colors all at once.
Just wanna put it out there that pain and trauma are dynamic; your feelings towards it don't have to stay the same. Let's normalize reframing our traumatic experiences, if that's how we're able to cope or even if we just want to after working through it. The universe is doing its best to help you in the long run, even if it feels bad now and you just can't fathom finding any positives! Changing my "painful always = bad" mindset has genuinely helped me and our system so much.
For example, I am so grateful for being banned from one particular Sonic-themed alterhuman server for petty reasons by a butthurt and power-tripping mod (you intolerant motherfuckers know who you are if you see this LMAO) when I was!! We had fun there, were making friends and felt comfortable before suddenly being cut off from everyone with no warning, and it triggered a huge breakdown for me. I was so shaken and upset I cried in a store for like 15 minutes after simply seeing a Sonic themed poster.
But you know what, with time and a lot of self reflection and discovery, as well as learning of the polyfragmented nature of our system and my recent diagnosis of OCD, it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm so glad to be out of there. The way some of those people acted towards someone clearly struggling and had little to no patience for the social ineptitude that comes with all my issues? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 It was so stupidly toxic and made me feel like being in a minefield. Even all of our Sonic universe headmates are glad to be outta there 😂
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
A drabble for Honesty with Yuno and Muu for @amugoffandoms! Thank you for the request -- not only was I really inspired by the concept, but writing this FINALLY made everything click in my brain about Muu's character. As Yuno is making realizations about her, so am I lmao 😂
Yuno was good at breaking people down. Given a bit of time, she could pick them apart -- what they wanted, what made them tick, what was going on behind the scenes. There were many methods to get them to give in and open up to her. Milgram had given her a challenge, though. Try as she might, she could not break Muu Kusunoki. And boy, did she try. 
As soon as they met, Yuno could see her for what she was. The two were the same, she thought with a bit of satisfaction. Yuno saw a bit of herself every time Muu read the room and responded accordingly, nudging people in a certain direction to get what she wanted. 
She tried everything in her power to connect. After all,  they were just two actresses trying to make it through this ordeal. But Muu never seemed to reciprocate. She delved into personal secrets in the hopes of seeing the other unmasked as well. She offered attention and praise. She grew chatty. She shut up and listened. She became more forceful, asking questions about her crime. Each time, Muu was far more focused on Haruka than anything else. There was something going on, and Yuno would get to the bottom of it.
Yuno knew there was only one option left to try. She’d always hated the honest route, though.
The pair had just seen Haruka off with sweet smiles. They had a quick moment to themselves in the dining hall. Yuno rested her cheek on her palm.
“Why do you do that?”
Muu took a sip of her drink, avoiding her eyes. “Do what?”
“String Haruka along like that.”
“He’s Muu’s friend. Of course we hang out.”
“He won't do anything for you in the long run. He can't.”
“Do anything…?” She giggled sweetly, knowing exactly how to angle her head to appear oblivious. “Isn’t being my friend enough?”
Yuno sat up straight. She was tired lying in circles around each other.
“Come on. Just be honest with me. What are you trying to gain in all this?”
Her face scrunched in confusion. “I told you, I want a friend. Someone who likes me and treats me well. Haruka gives Muu lots of attention. He tells me I’m pretty, and nice.” She smirked, but it was the kind of smile that showed she knew she was pretty and nice. “And I like him, too! He’s cute. Like a sad little puppy, you know? I’m less lonely with him.”
At that moment Yuno was hit with a sudden and painful realization. It was a rare occasion in which she had been wrong about someone: unlike her, Muu was an honest girl. 
All of their past conversations made sense, now. Muu never lied, she just stayed quiet. She didn't twist any truths, she just offered different ones. She may have been giving others exactly what they wanted, but she never had to fake parts of herself to do so.
Muu squinted at her. “Don’t you have friends that are just… well… friends?” Yuno’s gaping expression must have gone unnoticed, because she simply laughed. “You’re funny, you know that?” 
The two sat in awkward silence. Well, it was to Yuno. Muu seemed perfectly untouched as she finished her drink. 
She stood. “Muu is going to go see what the others are doing.”
“Alright, have fun,” Yuno said distantly. “It was nice talking with you.”
“Oh, was it? I thought it was kinda weird.”
A dry laugh escaped her. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” 
Muu made it to the doorway before Yuno blurted. “Hey.” She had one last question, and knew she’d get an honest answer. “Why did the warden forgive you? I heard it was a really tough decision for them.”
“Hmph, I still think they should have forgiven Muu very easily…” She tapped a finger to her lips, thinking cutely. It was a practiced pose of Yuno’s, but she made it look effortless. It probably was. “I guess they finally understood that what I did was to protect myself, and that I was worth it. I mean, you were forgiven too, so you understand.”
She left with a dainty wave. And that’s when Yuno was hit with a second painful realization. Another rare occasion: she was jealous.
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chrimsonfoxdon · 6 months
Would you be willing to rank the konoha 12 from worst to best?
Actually yes I would LMAO!! I assume you mean like… my own personal favorites between the konoha 12, rather than something like which I think are the strongest.
I do wanna also state that I don’t hate or dislike any of the konoha 12, in fact I kinda like them all?? So please don’t think that I don’t like the lower rated characters. But if I have to rank them, from least favorite to most favorite… (list under the cut!)
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12. Shino Aburame
(Sorry tumblr limits me to only 10 images so the lower ranked ones aren’t getting pics I’m sorry)
I… I just don’t really feel that attached to him?? I’m sorry 🫠 his insect and bug abilities can be pretty neat tho.
11. Kiba Inuzuka
It’s kinda a similar thing as Shino. Just not that attached to him as I am to other characters. He does have a dog though, which is almost always a positive point for me not gonna lie.
10. Ino Yamanaka
She also just doesn’t leave much of an impression on me in general. I’m kinda sad that her jutsu is just… kinda lacking?? BUT she seems like she’d be a good friend and fun to hang out with. Also she’s pretty.
9. Sasuke Uchiha
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Fun fact when I first started watching Naruto he was my favorite during the land of waves arc! But then we saw Team Gai and the way I threw him to the side SO FAST 😭😂 I do still kinda think he’s a jerk for abandoning all the people who care about him for power. Is it because I take the Sasuke retrieval arc personally?? Maybe. BUT he was right about the konoha elders. In general I just find him very fun to bully. But I GUESS he’s strong and such…
8. Naruto Uzumaki
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He’s the main character so I feel like he just gets points with us just being exposed to him the most in the series. I do find it kinda harder to like… I don’t know, be attached to him the farther in Shippuden we get. I guess it’s cuz of the constant power creep, but that’s more of a shonen issue than anything to me. Rewatching the series as an adult, his backstory definitely breaks my heart 🥺 poor kid just wants to be loved and doesn’t understand why the village hates him. It’s hard not to root for him honestly. I cried when he became hokage even though I wasn’t watching the series at the time I can’t lie.
7. Sakura Haruno
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I used to not like her much, but that’s cuz Kishi can’t write women let’s be honest. I’ll always be super impressed with her growth as a ninja herself, particularly as a medical ninja. The Kazekage Rescue Arc really shows how amazing she can be and what she’s capable of. I loved her fight with Sasori. I also relate to her constantly wanting to catch up to her teammates and just feeling like dead weight. Girlie I love you and you deserve happiness 💖
6. Hinata Hyuga
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SHE’S A SWEET GIRL SHE’S DOING HER BEST SHE’S TRYING TO FIND HER PLACE IN THE WORLD AND I!!! SUPPORT THIS GIRL!!! She’s also super cute with one of the best designs in the series. Her fighting Pain is so emotional like. She’s risking her life for the guy she loves and admires most in the world. I gotta give her props for that. She’s not the strongest obviously, but I do enjoy her character a lot.
5. Shikamaru Nara
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My brother’s favorite, so I feel a lot of secondhand happiness about Shikamaru!! His shadow jutsu is… well, basic, but very versatile (I kinda wish ino’s jutsu got a similar treatment). His strategies make him a really fun character to watch from start to finish. His arc with Hidan was so cool. Very good character in my opinion.
4. Choji Akamichi
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Ok so not gonna lie he’d probably rank lower on my list when I was younger, but again, rewatching as an adult I just love the guy!! He’s such a kind soul and works to protect his friends. His backstory also just kinda speaks to me as a kid who was often excluded from activities with my peers (sometimes also cuz of my size). I’m so glad he found shikamaru and is best friends with him. He deserves so much love. He’s a good lad!
3. Rock Lee
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GODDDDDDD HIS CHARACTER IS SO GOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!! I remember liking him even as a kid, but now that I’m older, it’s just amplified. To see someone with uh… no natural talent whatsoever get so far as a shinobi is just so satisfying to see, especially since I can relate nowadays. If anything, seeing him struggle and still fight for what he believes in has made a bigger impact on me now than when I was younger. I REALLY wish he had more fights though. Fights where he won mainly on his own. Also his fight with Gaara in the chunin exams is ICONIC YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND THE WEIGHT SCENE CHANGED MY 9-YEAR-OLD BRAIN CHEMISTRY!!!
2. Tenten
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I!!! LOVE!!! THIS!!!! GIRL!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!! There’s just something about how her strategy is to overwhelm her opponents with so many powerful ninja weapons that just… speaks to me. Her design is cute, I find her personality fun, and she’s my favorite female Naruto character. I wanna be her friend so bad. Also her journey in letting go of a childhood dream just… HMMMMM SPEAKS TO MEEEEEE as a very depressed adult. She makes me smile and laugh and cry and I just want her to know how amazing and special she is. She’s… a 10/10 😎
1. Neji Hyuga
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WOOOW OMG WHAT A SHOCK RIGHT??? Man what can I say about Neji that I haven’t already. He just really awakened something in me way back in the day, and he still occupies my mind to this day. I think there’s just something about seeing a character suffering quietly for so long and taking it out on others (and himself) grow into a person who tries to better himself and look more so on the bright side of life, despite what life has thrown at him. (Again that’s kinda something that means more to me as an adult than when I was a kid) he deserves so much love and happiness and I am so proud of him Neji Hyuga I love you so much
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sugar-omi · 2 months
(swiftie asker) "he was the sweet lemonade you wanted for a summer but cove was the water you needed" OH OKAY. OH OKAY. YOU LITERALLY COULD'VE JUST TAKEN MY STILL BEATING HEART AND THROWN IT INTO A FOOD PROCESSOR AND IT WOULD'VE HURT LESS THAN THAT. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK DUDE
the idea of baxter filling the "other woman" archetype is so bittersweet because he doesn't even show any hints that he's upset about it. he's just so very good at reassuring others that everything's fine, that the day is meant to be about them and that he's here to make their special day perfect. but who's going to be there for him? who's going to be more than just his summer love? who's going to realize they still love him in the fall?
reminds me of some of taylor's new music from ttpd ... fortnight (the first track) is such a baxter song because like . fleeting love? the one that got away? "thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up" referring to baxter ghosting mc for five years? "i took the miracle move-on drug; the effects were temporary" referring to baxter trying to make himself as temporary as possible so mc would forget about him easily - and it not working? "i love you, it's ruining my life"? "i touched you for only a fortnight"? "all of this to say, i hope you're okay - but you're the reason"? "and for a fortnight there, we were forever"???? i'm sorry but it's literally him.
ahhhh i don't mean to constantly send in walls of text but i've been a fan of yours for a long ass time and i'm so glad you like my silly little ideas!! i look up to you a lot as a writer so it makes me really happy that you're willing to entertain my thoughts haha
"who's going to realize they still love him in the fall" OH MY GOD.... just snatch my heart up n squeeze it omg...
that song is so him. i listened to it like 3 times and it's so HIM. also "i love you, it's ruining my life" is the best fucking way to describe how I FELT AFTER PLAYING BAXTER'S DLC. the pain, the way he delicately then cruelly rejects you when you ask for more.
that'd be exactly what he was trying to avoid. it's why he didn't go further with you in the cabin, and it's why he keeps up the appearance of someone put together and strong, mysterious and a whirlwind. so much so you can't put up with it for more than the summer.
gives you the glitter and flare of a summer fling, gives you fun and excitement but deprives you of the intimacy, dodges the sensitive questions...
but you're too kind. always reaching out for him, pulling him into your small world, and he's too much of a sucker. falls for your sweet smile, your insistence that he joins your friends or family for activities. falls for you insisting that you need him, that you like him...
jfc i cannot ramble again, if anything im the one yapping your ear off LMAO. please i can ramble about baxter for DAYS. i love him but this man is the perfect angst bank and i can drag on for ages...
and please don't worry about writing long messages, even if i take awhile to respond, i love reading em so much. i was actually looking forward to what you had to say about my last response lol <3
n plus you know much more about taylor swift than i do, and the songs n stuff better. i mean i do check the lyrics n associate em n associate songs n stuff but i love how enthusiastic you are, it's very refreshing to me 😊
and omg you're so kind... ngl i cried a bit LOL i've never had someone say they look up to me n i didn't expect that, that's very sweet and i'm glad i'm good enough to be inspiring, i'm very happy to hear that🥹🫶
n i'm more than happy to listen to everyones thoughts, i think everything yall have to say is worthwhile and it's like you pluck some things straight out of my brain too 😂 i wish i could spend all day answering yall's thoughts and stuff, i get excited seeing more asks even though i cannot respond quickly
so thank you for sharing your thoughts <3 i look forward to more, n don't be afraid to dm me!!! yall are too sweet, so feel free to ask me anything 🥰
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taegularities · 2 months
i am guilty of not remembering muchhh bc of my short term memory 🤓🤠 so i skimmed the previous chapter and was refreshed hehe ANYWAYS wow it really has been a while since the last chapter but while reading blooming and starting palette,,, i felt this sense of familiarity with them and it's hard to describe but it's so good!!! It's like fav dramas/series/books that even when you forgot some details or a lot 😅 u have this instant bond/happiness and u still have these amazing feelings for the characters and the story!!! I'm not sure if ur getting me Rid aha it's the yapper in me but i guess the tldr is that i felt that "WE ARE SOOOO BACK MY BESTIES" like i REALLY felt it lol. And i was really happy to read cmi again ❤️‍🩹
While I do agree with others that this is also my new favorite chapter,,,,, I think that's also not true for me??? bc every chapter is my fav!!! It's really really really literally the whole story since then and everything u write is a favorite 💜
Aside from all the fluff that i loveeee, so much love for this chapter which included their friends and in a trip setting bc it's so wholesome and in relationships esp if ur the type to always go out with friends, it's fun to see everyone getting together 🫶🏼
Nowww some of my fave lines:
His attention is directed towards Jimin, the main organiser of your trip; everybody’s been posing questions today as if he’s studied the town and journey to the tiniest detail. Jimin rubs a palm over his tired eyes, sighing before he speaks. this is so funny bc MOOD
“People climb mountains, watch the world from above, need to see forests to figure out how good life can be. And that it can be worth living,” he says, his voice velvety soft. “But I feel that way with you every day, you know? I do… I do love you so much.” 🥲🥲🥲
“Huh?” he breathes out, moving to look up at you. His eyebrows still suggest slight pain, but there’s something so loving in his worn voice when he says, “You want kids with m—” I LOVE HIM PLSSSSS
And a lot more but those are what I instantly copy pasted lol. Also the "fight" at the end starting with jimin was so chaotic and funny to me lmao. It was all just so real + with oc and jk sorting it out in the middle of the road lol.
Anywaysss wow i think it took me 2 hours + to read and im not complaining bc i had fun savoring every word. I think i always say this but i (and i know the others too) am really thankful that you're here and continuing to share your ideas and writing with us 🫶🏼 the writing is always topnotch, its crazyyyy, good crazy 😇 and ig in behalf of us who aren't always here and even from the silent readers, thank you!! You'll always have our heart and support. I hope that during times that it gets quiet here (and i hope it wont) you remember that there's a lot of us who adore you 🫂
kAT 🫂 it's okay lmao even i forgot a lot and had to reread 😭 there's just a lot of info in those 370k words. and yeah, i totally get that… time may pass, but once we return to the fictional world we love, it feels like coming home. i was so relieved, too, once i dove into cmi again 🥺 and pls yap away, i vibe so much with yappers 😂
yes, ikr!!! i was so damn excited to write this chapter bc of the new dynamics and deeper friendships. this trip really brought them a lot closer. and babe, your favourite lines plsss 🥹 the mountain one has my heart… i think i wrote it literally months and months and MONTHS ago :') and i see, the kids one is really affecting people 😂 the fight was skfajksdf she was just so tired and it affected her mood and then jimin's just an idiot, too lmao 😂 ty for literally copy pasting lines??? this is always so flattering to a writer 😭
2 hours is still pretty fast, tbh!! it took me days to edit the chapter, so hahaha :') thank you so so much for providing me with this much love and warmth, kat. i appreciate your words to bits, like :( the last paragraph, i'm gonna sob 🥹 i adore you sm, too, ty for always being here, love 🤍
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safyresky · 11 months
Hello, I need to drop this in here before Season two of TSCS drop kicks me in a few days.
But I've had Fusion Au on the mind. In the brain. And I just frankly wanna know more about it. Whatever other information you can give I will GLADLY take. (Maybe even drop the fusion height chart 👉👈 if it is to be found)
Steven Universe has permanently altered my brain chemistry and I just wanna hear you talk about this silly little au that has been fluttering around lately.
F E L T. I have been hitting the ground RUNNING for Crystal Springs just to give myself decent AC for when the series picks up again (not sure if I'm gonna post the same day of the new episodes or the day AFTER, but New CS will be there to comfort me and maybe others in my our time of need).
I am not ready. I NEVER will be. I hope and pray that the Council isn't butchered, bc if we've got three confirmed Legendary Figures, I can't see us NOT getting the others. Or, maybe it WILL just be Sandy and Cupid and EB 2.0!! But idk. Idk man. Idk. I really want the snowball that gets thrown in Scott's face in the trailer to be courtesy of Jack. I know it won't be. But I fucking WISH and HOPE and AH.
I have a height chart floating around somewhere, but it is a stick figure doodle, so I will ATTEMPT to give you a proper?? Chart???
I think I said that Berline is about the size of two Elles stacked on top of each other (sitting on her shoulders) so I kinda eyeballed it based on that??? (me retconning so much about heights knowing that I had Berline pick Elle up and seat her in their palm lmao) So here we go, the main line up:
Tumblr media
I eyeballed the SHIT out of this??? I may boost them all a whole ass foot lmao but Richard was liek "DANI. SEVEN FEET IS TALL!" and I was like I GUESS.
Also, as an aside??? The height chart site has a 3D one?? That actually disturbed me??? Thank GOD I was able to switch back! If I find the shitty lil stick figure height doodle I will edit to add it. Or reblog to add it, lol. ANYWAY.
Some info, you request? Okay! Let me marinate it in my head and see what I can do throughout the day:
If the entire frost fam fused they'd be called Frost and they'd be a DELIGHT. They don't talk much except for to be polite and they will throw melty molten rock at you at the drop of a hat, so it's a GOOD THING that Jackie doesn't exists when Frost does! Because they WOULD drop their hat on purpose just to see a fire show
Frost probably freezes in place a lot while thinking since there's 6 whole ass sprites in there having a discussion, which is a very funny mental image--just this blob of ice and fire BUFFERING and then suddenly some asshole gets pompeii'd lol
They're very sweet! Very polite. Always say please and thank you!
When Fino and Fiera fuse, Fire is just the opposite of the THERE'S TWO meme. There's ONE. And they are making it YOUR PROBLEM (they also do unfuse in my head very similarly to the THERE'S TWO meme)
Fire is also the most humanoid looking fusion, for sure!
Diteline really likes flower crowns. She will make you a flower crown or a lil grass bracelet if she's left alone with no threats and a bunch of nature. She's a big old sweetie, an absolute delight
Diteline kids, meanwhile, are a pain when they learn about fusion, and incredibly hard to keep track of once they master it. Those three lil buggers will bounce from fusion to fusion, going from helping to causing trouble to wreaking havoc to trying to fix something as simple as "oh shit, mom and mater will be home soon and we DIDN'T CLEAN THE KITCHEN LIKE THEY ASKED"
Inter season squabbles take on a whole new meaning when it's "shoulder season" time, as 9/10 times it's because the two seasons have fused and are still doing their jobs 😂😂
Of all the Frosts, Fino is the least likely to fuse! It's fun but not like, a big deal, y'know? Orc Friend (who's name is, in fact, Ken, and then I saw Barbie and. Well. But I can't not see him with any other name! It's short for Kenothy) was tres relieved about this, had a whole crisis about if they'd have to fuse at all and of course, overthought it in leaps and bounds 🫠🫠🫠
Fiera and Normal Man (His name is Norm bc I am a SUCKER for a PUNNY NAME) probably would equate to the Stevonnie plotline lol. Like, they'd fuse and Fiera would be like "I DIDN'T KNOW ORDIBEINGS COULD DO THAT! WOW!" And they'd be so excited and have a regular time, bc the normal and absolutely unhinged wild crazy balance out :)
I think their fusion is named Norma lol
Blaise and Pyros never fused, ever. They were not allowed to bc it "wasn't proper" for royalty to resort to something like that
(King and Queen Frost had a very hands-off approach with...messier conflicts. There's a reason they managed to scrape by when The Call happened)
If a redemption arc ever happened for Pyros, it A) wouldn't be one like Jack's, it'd be a more "oh so this was a fucked up upbringing and I need to stop blaming others and confront myself and maybe fix my shit or maybe get worse, who's to say" kind of thing, and B) there'd deffs be a fusion related plotline in Fusion AU, potentially involving murder of parents and/or falling into a volcano.
I think, somehow, of ALL the fusions, Elline (Elle and Jacqueline) are the most chillest one. She is SO chill. She probably always has sunglasses on or on her person. She's got great advice. She'll go with you for ice cream any day! She has such good vibes it's unREAL.
I want to/am in the process of giving the inter-season fusions names. So far we've got:
Flora: Spring/Summer
Fauna: Spring/Autumn
Mud: Spring/Winter.
She's very insistent on this name presently, but I think a wintry plant would be cuter, like Winterberry or Poinsettia or Snowdrop (my personal fave tbh) but NO. She's like "I make Mud therefor I am mud."
Everyone calls her Snowdrop and she's like "No, just Mud for short is fine" It's like. None of those letters are even IN "Snowdrop" Mud, the FUCK? CAN'T YOU CHARACTERS BE NORMAL. TO A POINT.
Evergreen: Autumn/Winter
Sunflower: Summer/Autumn
(I was torn between something plain and obvious like "Harvest", or a silly crop related pun like "Melony", then I remembered that in SDV Sunflowers grow in Summer and Autumn, you know, like they do in IRL and went OH THAT'S PERFECT!)
Summer/Winter fusion is definitely the poster fusion for vacations, lmao. Probably I'll think of something like THAT for their name. Maybe Snowbird? Bc that's what they call people who fly south for the winter on vacations? Lol
(smacks head of Season sisters) These ladies can fit SO MUCH PUNS in 'em
Blaise and Winter I don't think really fuse with the kiddos, not until later years. I know for sure Winter and Jacqueline on occasion have! She's called Flurry and has the MOST energy ever always and is a sentient storm's WORST NIGHTMARE
Blinter the fusion. Can deffs. Pull other fusions apart. They can just pick up a fusion and be like "nope" and separate their asses. They do not abuse this power; it is just something they can do and it came in handy a LOT during the War of Succession
Which is probably actually when they first appeared! Trauma bonding 🥰🥰
So that's what I managed in a day! The heights are...average, I'd say. Not gospel, but like, the differences between the fusions? Solid. I eyeballed it 100%. I'm like MAKE EM BIG but then I'm like I WANT THEM TO BE SNEAKY AND BLEND IN WHEN THEY CAN AS JUST VERY TALL PEOPLE HUEHUEHUE. For some of them. SO YEAH. I HOPE THIS SATISFIES THE LIL ITCH? THE LIL TICKLE? THE LIL FUSION BUG??
I gotta like. Tidy Fusion AU up now that I've got Crystal Springs tidied up, too! It'll make it easier to write the Jackie Frost instalment, lol.
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astroyongie · 1 year
Ok yongie I did my homework!
* Sun: Soobin - why you guys are enemies?
Soobin THOUGHT he was the king of girl group random dance plays, but not on my guard honey… His ego didn’t recover after being out danced during Likey 😔🫰🏼 would be awesome if this turned into enemies to friends though bc I like him a lot and we could have fun together 🥺
* Moon: Jungkook - how did you react to the confession?
Oh he’s SO not my type I’m sorry 😭😭😭 I ain’t got time or energy to raise men I didn’t give birth to… As a fellow Virgo sun & Leo moon, I know we can be such a pain in the ass if underdeveloped 🙏🏼 But it was a gentle rejection I swear… wouldn’t want to hurt him 🥺 Maybe try again in a few years when he’s worked through his trauma?
* Mercury: Taehyun - what you gossip about ?
With Taehuyn??? Man, tea is served piping hot EVERY👏🏼SINGLE👏🏼DAY👏🏼, with pastries on the side… But not because we’re mean, I just think we both share a certain “human beings as interesting study subjects” perspective and would have fun analyzing the psychology behind each cup of tea… Also I think we’d both enjoy gossip for the sake of *knowing more* because knowledge is power and in this industry you need as much of that as you can lmao 👁️
* Venus: Xiumin - how's your relationship going ?
Ok so I literally looked up edits of him and asked my exol friend about Xiumin, and I liked him a lot??? He seems to be the cutie type and his goofy ass is SO my type 😂😂😂 Is this a new bias??? Who knows… 🙈 Anyways, according to his birth chart, he has his Venus and mars in my 11H and his Jupiter in my 4H, so I think there’s the potential to actually have a lot of fun? However our placements are LITERALLY on opposite sides of the chart, so maybe we’d grow apart due to different life perspectives and approaches? Definitely would try to keep him as a friend though, he just seems so funny and I need more of that in my life 🥺
* Mars: Jihoon - why was it your best one night stand?
Ok I also looked this boy up and you know what? I can see the vision 👀 I have such a soft spot for Cancer moon boys, because I have Cancer on my 4H, and his mars is on my 1H… so I think there would be this “softness” I most definitely need if I’m to get busy with someone, but also a good amount of attraction at first sight… he has a stellium on my 12H so I think he might ghost me later?? 8/10 would do it again if he doesn’t disappear from my life forever.
I’m an Aries Rising 💃
The way he roll his eyes every time u get on stage EVERYONE KNOWS IT !
Uhhh I don’t think he was very happy to be rejected but it happens
No but your chats with Taehyun must be extremely interesting to listen to !!!
Nooo the most cute romance 🥹 even if you guys get apart the fact u can still be friends is amazing
He definitely ghosts you after your one night stand xD but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t gooooood
You will marry Soobin !!! Enemies to lovers trope and one day I guys just have to dance together and bam.. it happens
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Blue time :D I’m watching H
We love the confidence :))
H is hungover, this can only go well /lh
Dave 3v1!!!
Callum is MCC’s collective imaginary friend, real and true
H sounded like such an angry parent when he said Shane’s name lmao
Callum: “Hello team!!” Kara and Sausage: “Hello” Callum: “and- and others others” H and Pete: “that’s me!!” I love this pre-event practice amalgams of a group :)))
Callum telling Shane he can’t name two things Callum is better at than him and Shane just calling him handsome
This is so chaotic, I’m so happy right now you guys
Tubbo is such a menace
“I didn’t even know it was freaking March” “it’s May” “ITS MAY?!???” realest thing tubbo’s ever said lol
This call is such a mess /pos
Oh this team is gonna be so chill, I’m so ready
Eret being so confused about Krinios “winning” $1.5k
Ryan breaking their monitor with a controller 😭😭😭
Rocket Spleef
Them talking about how Jojo was on both the first all-women and all-spanish teams
“Who do is still need to collect?” “Collect?!? Like they’re trading cards” “They are trading cards to me” 😂😂😂
I could totally see H doing a TCG pack opening stream
“I don’t think, I just do” *immediately falls to the bottom of the map*
I agree with H saying RSR is a bad first game, it think belongs mid-event
“No one’s dead yet, I don’t like that” “I’ll be the first if you want” Ryan 😂
I actually love the compass idea so much
HOW did H die there??? Lmao
Eret movement game anti, as she should
That was a solid third round
Everyone being so happy for/proud of Ryan getting top ten :))
Talking about the lack of game music “Alone with the demons in my mind” Ryan 😭
The Krinios puns are so bad /pos
“I’m gonna say it, I’m gonna say it” “Say what?” “I hate tgttos” the entire team: *surprised pikachu face*
I never wanted to hear “sexy chicken, baby” come out of Cub’s mouth, ever
Parkour Warrior
“God, I love that logo” based!!!
Philza made minecraft, real and true
Are you “I need music in my brain 24/7” adhd or “forgot music existed for two weeks once” adhd
The twitch rivals shade 😂😂😂
I too love the moving platforms but I also feel like I could cry if I was trying real hard and couldn’t get it
The absolute silence after “‘the edgy posts’ follow me on twitter” 😂
The “hi Cub… bye Cub” is sending me
“Don’t explode Ry- uh, Eret” “I’ll try not to” “I will, however, explode” Ryan 😂
“That’s my bad, guys” “What do you mean it’s your bad, it’s our bad, we both suck” Eret my beloved
Parkour Tag
Parkour tag my beloathed /aff
H did so good against lime!! He got all three in 35 seconds!!!
H’s comms are insane
I love how there’s not really a designated leader here, like H might be the default assumption but they’re really all equals in how they interact and communicate. It’s not a given that a certain person in is igl, they ask/say “ok I’m gonna take charge here” when applicable, I love them
Cub don’t know his lefts and rights /lh
Cub’s jukes!!!
H getting onto Ryan for not carrying hard enough 😂
Grid Runners
I’ll say it every single time, grid runners is a freaking amazing game
Eret immediately crashing oh my lord
That was painful to watch 😬
“Sorry about that guys” “Nah, now we have fun” I love H, he’s not taking any of Eret’s apologies
Good comms :)))
Listen to Eret 😭😭😭
H misunderstanding the task and talking over everyone else, that’s my streamer /lh
Best grid runners in history lmao
I too would die for HBomb94, so true Ryan
Awww lime flanked
Yeah that was a solid play
Eret going through it, rip
That was such a good fight against orange
Ayyyy first place!!!!
H’s flank there was INSANE
The purple/Purpled distinction messed em up lol
One of the most fun meltdowns I’ve seen :))
Eret needs to stop beating herself up about not getting better at movement, doesn’t she have dyspraxia? They literally can’t help it
Survival Games
Ryan just wanting to sot with H :((
I was gonna say it’s impressive that they all got out of that alive and then bam
H hyping up sand keepers, as he should!!!!
Sot antis only take Ls
Sands of Time
H encouraging Walli <333
Ryan getting full on yelled at for saying they’re gonna offhand carpet 😂
I don’t like how quiet Eret’s being but I trust him
They’re all so attentive and on top of it :)))
“It’s the last game, Ryan, have a little fun” “okay” “Play a little risky, have fun” “okay” his freaking voice
“I trust you” “Youre good a minecraft, I believe in you boss” “really?” Ryan is peak 🥹 energy
They’re swimming in sand
We’re having so much fun here
That felt so freaking good, I’m so happy man
They’re all so excited for red :))
People predicted blue low?? I placed them first lol
“I’ve never actually spoken to Wallibear, so I’m gonna say that I hope he’s a great guy”
The confusion over Capitan’s skin is killing me lol
“We english speakers SUCK” real
Hi Illumina :)))
H gently elbowing Cub into believing in himself lmao
Let’s all team with Illumina
They’re like kids fighting over the most popular toy
I would actually love to see a 5-player team event, it would be so fun and so scuffed if they just barely changed anything
Great vibes great times :)))
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dotster001 · 2 years
May i request a Romantic TWST Match? :D. My Personality Type is ENTP and i speak multiple Languages! Im about 5"3 and im kind of the Therapist Friend who needs Therapy. I love sketching, painting and any form of art. Sleep is also highly vallued. I also have a skincare routine that i really Value. I have an Hourglass Bodytype and im a bit on the curvy side. I tend to make Jokes about my Childhood Trauma and myself. Zodiac Sign is Gemini! Im really damn affectionate and my love language is physical touch. I also have kind of an Oral Fixation and show love by randomly biting someone lmao. I can get pretty shy if flirted with, but i always jokingly Flirt with my Friends. My Pronouns are she/her and im bisexual! Ma fav bodypart of mine is probably my chest. It does give me alot of backpain. (the E cup struggle) . Stay hydrated🍵 Love youre work btw💕💕
(DD here, I feel your pain, literally 😂 also, all of you guys calling me out on my hydration habits? Uncalled for! I did drink water today, definitely because I wanted to not because you guys reminded me so I was thinking really hard about your match, and then I just got the cutest vision, like oh my gosh, I really like this match)
I match you with Epel Felmier.
First off, he's a feral gremlin, so I can totally see once you start affectionately nomming on him, he quickly starts to do it back. He's waited his entire life to learn that he can bite the people he loves. It's like a whole new world has opened for him!
He is in the first year gang so you're friends before you date. He thinks it's so cute how you used to flirt with him, and now that you're dating, if he flirts with you, you get all flustered. You're so precious, he just wants to wrap his arms around you and protect you!
You're joking about your childhood trauma, and he's joking about how he wants to kill Vil. You both are having fun, and everyone around you is concerned. It's a win win!
Literally, who needs therapy when their boyfriend owns an apple farm in the country, with his family there cooking homemade meals every day, and him there giving you love and affection? I do. I need therapy. But not the point when your stress starts to add up, that's when he takes you back home to just relax and snuggle with him. The love and air in his hometown just hits different, you know?
Epel is a boobs man. I will not be taking criticism on this matter.
You're an unstoppable duo. With your artistic skills, and his apple carvings, it was only a matter of time before you teamed up.
You sketch intricate designs, he carved them onto apples, and then you sold them at a ridiculously high price to the rich kids at NRC and RSA. It made even the great Azul Ashengrotto jealous, your little business.
On the side, Epel had been teaching you how to carve apples. Although....
"Ya keep diggin' in too hard, I'll help."
He seemed to be using this as an excuse to wrap his arms around you from behind, set his head on your shoulder, and hold your hand, guiding its movements.
"Hey, Epel," you were about to call him out on this, when he started to kiss along your neck.
"Mhm," he hummed, causing a ticklish vibration to your skin.
You were quickly losing focus, as your boyfriend pressed you closer to him, and nibbled a spot near your ear. Of course you're apple carving that Epel was "helping" with suffered from it.
"Aw, did ya mess up again?" Epel giggled, his smile pressed to your neck. "Guess we'll have to start over."
Needless to say, your affectionate boyfriend continued to help, but none of them came out quite right. Oh well, he was patient when it came to you, and can teach you again tomorrow!
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lightlycareless · 2 years
Chapter 27 - thoughts.
Heya everyone!
As promised, here are chapter 27’s notes! (which you can read over here! Please do so, to avoid spoilers)
This chapter was… frustrating as it was fun to write, because I got to introduce certain aspects of my life that drive me crazy 😂😭 and they seemed to have the same effect on her—who would’ve guessed that this story would turn into a slice-of-life (satire)? ahahahahah
So… let’s start by the beginning. (warnings: spoilers ahead!)
While writing this chapter is when I realized that I had only covered Y/N’s situation through the perspective of her family… her friends had yet to know why she had disappeared, and that was something that Hinata hoped to avoid as much as possible, because being the bad news bearer for her family was painful as it was, doing the same with your friends just added another layer of unnecessary turmoil.
I think that all of your friends in the sorcerer world would’ve already known what happened before being informed by Hinata. Whether because they overheard someone speak about it, or by connecting the pieces by their own (Zen’in heir married, Y/N gone)
I wasn’t sure of how close I wanted to make Shoko and Utahime to Hinata, Y/N and Ren—Mei Mei was like the easiest one to decide actually haha she’s the complete anti-thesis of Hinata, so I don’t think she would actually get along with either of Y/N’s siblings or Y/N herself… besides, I always got weird vibes from her, so yeah 🤣 name dropped her because why not.
From there, Shoko was someone that I knew would be friends with Hinata due to them studying together. Hinata would like her because she wasn’t all too compliant to Gojo’s and Geto’s antics, however, she would probably be a bit… discouraged by Shoko’s take of her own technique.
Your sister’s like: omg you can heal?! That’s amazing!!
Shoko: I mean... [I think this would obviously change when she's older, Shoko might be like: actually, you're right. I am the shit]
And don’t even get me started with her smoking habit… I think Y/N would’ve tried to hide if not replace her cigarettes with the candy ones lol.
Utahime on the other hand, I envisioned she was a bit apprehensive at first towards Ren (they first met at Kyoto!) and subsequently Hinata and Y/N because of their relationship with Gojo, but after getting to know them she was pleased to see that even if they were friends, they were not like him at all. Utahime really wonders how Hinata could even live with the fact that she’s going to marry him (or was; She might’ve tried to throw a party after hearing that the engagement was cancelled, but obviously didn’t because it wasn’t a happy decision to make to begin with 😥)
If I had to make a list of the friendships that went on (outside of the canon ones), this is how it would look:
Gojo, Geto, Y/N. (Hinata hates this relationship the most, Y/N might be a bit annoyed with Satoru from time to time, but deep inside, she looooves going along with his antics too haha)
Geto, Hinata.
Shoko, Hinata, Y/N.
Utahime, Hinata, Shoko, Y/N.
Utahime, Y/N. (They like going to the Karaoke a lot, Y/N is so proud (and maybe a bit jealous haha) of Utahime’s talent to the point where she almost signed her up to a contest but eventually removed her name when she recognized Utahime would be essentially cheating with her technique haha)
Also, it slipped my mind that Ijichi was a student at Tokyo when Gojo and the gang were there, and he’s Y/N’s age too! (that one panel where Satoru was a complete *hole to him was 💀 anyways…) his career later on in life made me wonder just how the academic program was like for the people that decided to follow the administrative path of the jujutsu world—they probably shared the same classes, but not many. At least not for Y/N and Ijichi to become friends.
Besides, it’s been stated that he doesn’t like partaking with Gojo out of the necessary and he’s somewhat fearful of Nanami (I can’t believe he said he’d cry if he got scolded by him lmao but same), people that are in essentially in Y/N’s life so... yeah.
Y/N tried to get along with him tho, even attempting to show him that Nanami wasn’t as intimidating as he appeared to be and Gojo could be somewhat nice… but he was like nope, I’m good thank you. (Maybe he foresaw he was going to have a tough time in the future and decided to save his energy for until then? Lol)
Anyways, now that I caught my mistake I was intending to fix it was Y/N being virtually alone during her school years because there never was a relationship between the two, they just had different career goals and rarely intertwined with one another because of that. I apologize for this mishap 😭
Moving on from that, I decided to write down a point I wasn’t so sure if anyone was interested about, which is… where is Nanami?
I think I might’ve made it a bit sappy, but you know what? We deserve it, more so after all the things Naoya has done towards us 💀 We deserve to feel special!! (More I mean, cause Naoaki is back there at the estate hehe)
Anyways, I tried considering many situations regarding Nanami and his involvement, and I just… well, it seemed natural that Hinata wouldn’t want him to know. After all, she’s being very careful with the people she’s informing with Y/N’s situation—if the Zen’in decide to retaliate against those they suspect could interfere with their plans, he could easily be taken out. And that’s something that would make your sister feel far guiltier—so she resorted to keep him away from the truth.
At the end of the day… it sucks to think that Nanami doesn’t know what’s going on with Y/N at all, but if I had to make a guess as to what he would think, he would undeniably be angry… and would do his best to help Hinata in anything she needed.
It makes me wonder the kind of relationship he had with Naoya 😂 they probably met at the exchange event at one point in their life since they’re of the same age, even fought against one another? Maybe. But it’s more than obvious that Nanami would not like Naoya at all, and not solely because of his treatment towards Y/N (although that would be a huge factor down the road) but because he started saying some off-putting things such as comparing himself to Gojo as respective heirs, strong sorcerers, that kind of shenanigans.
Besides, rumors about his personality follow him everywhere, so…
Moving on from Nanami… we get to the jewel of the chapter: Hinata’s endless desk work torture.
This is the part that I drew inspiration from my personal life 😭 it was absolute agony revisiting the things I had to go through because of my business 🤣
Starting by the bureaucracy behind it all.
It’s… surprising just how easily people can have you going around on circles for no apparent reason—I had a basic idea of it thanks to what I’ve been told/seen growing up from my relatives and friends, but it wasn’t until I started my business that I saw just how horrible it truly was.
There are some many requisites that you need to complete before, you know, engaging on actual activities... And it’s not that I complain about having to do it, but rather how it’s supposed to be done 💀
It’s a bunch of having to go to actual offices in different places of the city to get things done(when most of them could easily be done online! But even then… it’s a tedious hell to sign up and get access to those online services, the pandemic certainly hastened some modernization but still…)—wait in line until it’s your turn, expect some bad service 😅 or not being able to do anything at all because it’s time for them to close 💀
Yeah, it’s bad. And the location for these places are so random too… some of them are in the city, but others are just like so out there, they don’t even have the right kind of structure that doesn’t endanger the citizens going/living there.
I’m not kidding, there’s this one area that’s essentially known for this long highway that goes from one city to the other, through hills and whatnot. It’s filled with houses and what not on the sides (you literally step out of the house and the road is right there haha). Now, you’d think, well, certainly there’s going to be bridges or something for people to go from one side of the road to the other, right? Or at least some stops or traffic lights, right?
Nope. You wanna cross to the other side? Let’s hope you’re a good runner because you’re about try your luck by avoiding cars that go 65+ mph for no reason, as if you were frogger or something, and hope for the best—it’s that bad.
And… the main inspiration in putting the office Hinata had to go to a bit rather, way farther than she expected. Some would say that the reason behind putting offices on distant places were made to avoid clustering people in one location and what not… but at least make it accessible for everyone 😭 one could say they’re appealing to those that have their own car with all these peculiarities :^)
From there… the unnecessary requisites. Will explain more of the permit further ahead, but for now, let me tell you where this idea came from.
Because I live on the border of my country, and it’s somewhat easy to just cross to the other country, it’s really accessible to buy stuff from over there, import it without having to pay taxes (as long as it’s less than a certain amount), and make good profit over here.
Dear tax administration caught wind of it, thus in order to get some money out of those transactions, whatever you want to send has to be declared at customs. Yeah, even if it’s made inside the country or whatever, gotta declare it.
And gotta pay taxes (over taxes) for it 😭 even if you already did and whatnot. Sure, I get it… trynna make people responsible and pay their taxes because there’s allot of informal business doing their thing without paying…
But even if you show proof that you’re doing everything right, they don’t care :’) and that’s not even the end of it hahahahah there was this one time where I was trying to send a shirt, and since I make my own labels for it I kind of got rid of the original one that came with.
I went to get the product declared, and they were like nah you gotta have the other label. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something that shows where it was made and the cost and what not.
To say that I was irritated is… well, and understatement hahah I was really annoyed by it cause I had all of my paperwork to show that it was from my brand (local), I paid taxes for it but whatever, if that’s what they wanted me to do then I would 😭 I returned the next day and… they didn’t ask for anything 💀 they made me lose a day just because … very disappointing indeed.
Or the 4 hours in line at customs every time I wanted to send a parcel via express service… a nightmare.
From there, the last thing that inspired me to push Hinata into this hell was my experience with trademarking my brand. It was an online process because the nearest office to do that is like 2-3 states away so… I felt very anxious about doing it in the first place, but I did it anyways.
I submitted my request and paid the fee for it… and then, I realized my logo was all messed up 😭 I don’t know what happened during the upload process but it was just not good—and since the only way I could contact them was via mail (which have the reputation of never getting answered, or maybe like in 5 months) or schedule a 30min call…. Yeah, I was really nervous that my brand was going to be registered wrongly.
They eventually contacted me and they were like: you gotta pay for the whole process again 😭 I was like noooo!!! Just… let me change the image, it shouldn’t be that much! But they didn’t want to because apparently it was my fault 💀 instead, they offered to just register that one (at least the name) and just file another request for the actual correct logo.
I managed to defend myself though, because there were like 3 different versions of my logo in their system and I told them that I just wanted to know which one was going to be registered since there were like different interpretations hahaha
I didn’t hear from them for a while, and suddenly, I got an email saying that my logo and name was successfully (CORRECTLY!!) registered. Lmao. The audacity of wanting to charge me more…
So yeah, I could really go on about the many things that inspired me to have Hinata going around in circles. She already disliked doing paperwork… now she hates it 😂
Anyways… to the good part :> picking up from the last chapter, I wanted to actively contradict Hinata and her faith on the system.
The way she said that she still trusted HQ to not allow any kind of corruption (or at least that blatantly) was really… saddening tbh. It’s like that audio that’s going around on tiktok (and remember kids, next time somebody tells you the government wouldn’t do that, oh yes they would) the realization that those who are supposed to serve/protect don’t really… it’s heartbreaking.
Gege has been quite explicit with the type of issues that the jujutsu community is plagued with, starting by allowing 3 families to essentially make decisions for the rest 💀 from there, the entitlement coming from members of said family, and the discrimination of those they consider less.
Hinata is someone who fortunately never had to endure most of those issues, however, as much as she wants to call herself self-made… she’s not, at least entirely. Writing about her privilege is something that I’m sure she would’ve rather kept a secret because she’s so embarrassed/disappointed about it. Like she would never admit that she had all those shortcuts, you know? Because she’s always tried her best to work hard and earn them, unfortunately, because she is in this bubble way different from the rest, living with people that are of the same fabric, she never noticed such things until her engagement ended with Satoru.
Her siblings could’ve pointed it out… but they decided not to because they felt she was already trying her hardest to make a space where they didn’t feel as if she were their competition… and if she had the facility of obtaining something without having to work that hard for it… then why not allow it? Let her enjoy a few things you know? 😭
But yeah, I know stated Hinata to be a somewhat normal sorcerer compared to Gojo, in the sense that she’s no longer getting any benefits from them, and will be put aside whenever possible.
To think Naoya was somewhat right by saying that she got benefits through her relationship with Gojo… (BUT NOT IN THE WAY HE MEANT THO, THAT NEVER HAPPENED AND THAT WAS JUST HIM TRYING TO RILE Y/N UP EW)
Anyways… Gojo genuinely didn’t know about the permit, I know he’s an idiot from time to time (always) but he would never intentionally mess up something as serious like that. He want’s Y/N back too 😭
Now… the permit 👀
Let’s say that the permit was not needed at all… for a grade 1 sorcerer like her.
The permit is supposed to be for sorcerers of lesser rank. Hinata could’ve easily entered the archives and just get what she needed had it been anyone (righteous) to help her out.
And if she needed a permit, she could also get it there at the school… or so I think, since the schools are apparently used for many things, and I imagine that they must be more than capable of issuing various kinds of documents, a simple permit should be easy.
And as stated in the end of the chapter… all these obstacles were placed to keep Hinata as busy as possible, and even push her to give up 😅
The expiration date, the proof of id and license, were just excuses to not let her in, made by the people involved: Machiko and Nakamura.
The only reason why Hinata was able to get out of that loop was because of the woman that was in Nakamura’s place that day. She was a bit… confused as why she was getting a permit to begin with (and in Nara, of all places, since she wrote down she was from Tokyo), but since she just wanted to go back to finish all of the piled up work, didn’t question the why behind her action and just handed her the document.
If Nakamura was there, he probably would’ve lied about the system being down again… which he thought was more than enough to push her into not coming back, but when she returned for the last time, he was like fine here, have the permit whatever (Machiko warned him about Hinata growing suspicious so he had to be careful)
Also, he was the one responsible before the Kyoto typo— Hinata did write Kyoto in the permit but he decided to intentionally mess it up in order to fumble her attempts. 😭
That’s all I got to say about Nakamura, now Machiko… she’s someone I consider much more interesting.
THERE’S A THOUGHT THAT I COULDN’T GET OUT OF MY HEAD WHILE WRITING HER SCENES WHICH IS: Hinata being like oh damn this receptionist is kind of cute HAHHAHA
PICTURE THIS: Naoya and the gang needed someone to infiltrate the schools and inform them if the L/N siblings do something, right? But they just didn’t know who… that is, until someone was like “I heard through the grapevine that Hinata’s type is a girl with [x] [y] and [z]. Why not place someone that matches that description to distract her?!” and everyone kind of just agreed hahaha thus, Machiko was placed there to act like some kind of honeypot!!! And Hinata fell for her! (a bit)
Her personality was also another requisite for her to have the job, she had to be rude, condescending, overall, a hard person to get along with so Hinata could struggle even more. And even then… she was like “I can fix her” ah, silly Hinata… 😔 to think that she actually felt bad for her deceit (the family thing was another lie, which is why she was acting weirdly when Hinata brought it up) and wanted to make amends with her! Ugh.
However, Machiko far from being interested in being loyal to the Zen’in, she just wanted to get the money and move on. So maybe she can still be redeemed hahahah
And talking about romantic interests and relationships—I was very happy to finally (partially) introduce Ren’s girlfriend! She was planned from the very start; however, I didn’t have a name for her or any more development. (My mind keeps suggesting me I should make her part of the Inumaki clan, but I’d rather not) I’ll talk more about her on the character profile sheet (if that’s the right name) I’m making for everyone so :> I envision Ren to be very affective with her (thanks to Minako and Eiichi haha) to the point where Hinata is like 😳 I must look away. Aw, at least he’s in a happy relationship compared to his sisters…😭
Circling back to the call… the Zen’in knowing what Hinata is doing (or trying to do) is something that I already hinted before in previous chapters. I don’t remember which one exactly, but if I recall correctly, I think it was right after Y/N was sentenced to death and Naoya was like wtf —still trying to process what happened— but then Ogi came along and was like ok she’s going to die, so what? that happens, I sometimes wish my wife was dead, that’s the married life, big deal! Her sister, however, has been doing this!!!
I wonder who she was contacting though 👀? As well as what is the Zen’in planning to do once they have the basic idea that Hinata is actively investigating them? Oof.
Let’s hope she’s able to do much before it’s too late ☹
Anyways, this was just to show once more how busy Hinata has been, and what she did when she was away. She’s been so busy trying to find a way to get Y/N out of the estate that she almost missed the exam she was supposed to help out 💀 poor Hinata, I seriously want to get rid of some of the pressure but… well, my role here is to torture every character :^)
I’m excited to announce that the next chapters will be about Naoya, Y/N and Naoaki :> I hope you like them!! There’s like 2 scenes that I want to show you guys gkashjgksahgjahgjkahgkjla aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Well, thank you so much for reading these notes, as well as the support you’ve given me for the main story 🥺❤❤❤
If you have any more questions about the chapter in general, please let me know! I’ll do my best to answer them without spoiling the story mwahahah
Take care, have a wonderful week, and hope to see you soon ❤
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dirty-bosmer · 2 years
Ahhh I'm finally all caught up on your Oblivion fic!!! I absolutely devoured it and I am so scared but so excited for the ending. It was such a journey D: anyways, I hope you don't mind if I come by to ask a few questions?? This fic just kind of eats away at my brain. I have so many thoughts. 1) Who was your favorite character to write and why? 2) which chapter was your favorite to write? 3) why do you enjoy making all your characters so sad </3 running out of space now. I love you okay bye
Omg anon, I am so sorry for this late reply!! One of my friends sent me a dozen troll asks and this totally got buried lol. BUT I am glad you have been enjoying the fic, and thank you so much for reading! It’s truly more than I could ever ask for, to have someone read that beast from start to finish 😅
Now for your questions:
Hmmm, for a long time it was Lucien, but now that I'm this close to the end, his scenes are draining me lmao I know what needs to happen but the words are stuck in my brain. Other than that, I have always really enjoyed writing Raminus and Mathieu. Raminus cause he’s an awkward nerd and provided some relief from how smothering Lucien was. Mathieu cause he’s a troublemaker and exceptionally tragic (I am a glutton). Mathieu’s friendship with Nim was a joy to write. They are really quite similar in a lot of ways and by the end, they really did care for each other. I tried to add some levity to his POV scenes, and it tickles me pink that people have told me he’s actually likable in the story (or at least sympathetic) despite the overwhelmingly negative sentiments he garners post-canon quest line. In another life (one that did not involve the purification) Nim probably would have sided with him over Lucien lmao
OH MAN what a question. Maybe the party scenes from early in the fic, where I introduced Arquen and Mathieu. I miss the whimsical days of this story where I could write ridiculous things like that. It was fun. If it’s something more recent, I’d have to say  Chapter 67: A Small Death. It was the first chapter I wrote from Nim’s POV post-chaos-in-the-Night-Mother’s crypt, so there was a lot of erm... dissolution of the self to explore. It was really challenging to wrangle with her ascent to godhood while still trying to keep her character consistent with the Nim we followed through the story. Also Nim and Lucien trying to care for each other in the aftermath of the... well, the everything (lol) never fails to amuse me. They’re so pathetic sometimes. 
Honestly, I’m not sure 😂 I’m actually living a very fulfilling life and in a very healthy relationship so idk why everything I write is so full of misery and toxicity and pain. I just enjoy making messes but only in a well-contained space so I guess it’s like why I enjoy consuming horror media, gotta live vicariously through the suffering of others 🤷‍♀️  Thanks for the ask, anon! Hope I sated your curiosity :))
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
As someone who’s turning 20 soon, do you have any advices on what to expect or not to expect in your 20’s? Just the thought of turning 20 is already making me mad lmao
Ooh, Happy Early Birthday angel. 🎁❤️
Also, thank you for thinking me worthy of such a question, I’m a bit of a basket case myself, but I also have lived many a life in my 26 years so I feel I have some thoughts worth listening to.
I might be resistant to aging myself, but I promise the fear shouldn’t hit you until you’re 21 going into 22, that’s when everything felt weird to me 😂. Aging is beautiful, and with every new year the world becomes a little easier to understand.
* Youth(20-23😉) has a tendency to leave you vulnerable, and the world is full of people ready to take advantage of that. Trust your gut; if something feels wrong then get yourself out of the situation.
* Not everyone is your friend, even the ones you’ve known for a lifetime. Be wary of other’s intentions, but don’t be so wary that you forget to live/laugh. Just be forewarned that friendships will come and go, and from experience they’re some of the worst breakups to be made to process.
* Make a five year plan, (maybe this is the Virgo in me), and do your best to keep up with it, but also don’t beat yourself up if you don’t. It’s more like a guideline to keep you as on track as possible, it’s likely 5 years from now everything you wanted now will be different anyways.
* Travel the world when/if you’re able. Even if you can only drive a couple of towns over, it’s all about those new experiences, and making memories outside of your norm. Some of my best moments were spent outside of my hometown.
* I pray you don’t rush into things, take your time, get a feel for the world on your own time and no one else’s. The best of things comes to those who wait, and I know it sucks, but rushing will only ever tend to get you into trouble/hurt.
*Be careful with your heart, it has to last you a lifetime ❤️
* That being said, keep yourself open to all the world wants to offer you. Love—if you’re looking for it, is out there, and it can be one of the most liberating, albeit painful experiences. Embrace it whenever it’s there for you, be prepared for the potential downsides, but do not dwell on them. Nothing will go far if you keep yourself rooted in the fear/potential pains. Basically, opening yourself up to love is also opening yourself up to pain, and I’m saying don’t close yourself off to any of it. Life’s all about learning honey, so a failed relationship is really just a lesson learned.
* Have fun 💋
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