#have had a wacky few days so this is just. so nice
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hey Quil!
There's literally so much to say here my dude. Like-I just physically cannot put into words as to how much I love what you do for this fandom.
I have never in my life, met such an incredibly talented creator like you. /gen
The way that you can put words down on a page is so elegant, it's a talent that is just simply unfathomable to me. You just kind of suck me in with your writing--I have to clear a time to read the next chapter of the wings au because of how deeply you're able to weave your words to pull me into the narrative.
The world that you've built in your head, and the ideas that you churn out onto the page are so very incredible. And that's not just about writing either.
Seriously!! When I found out you could draw my reaction was pretty much. Well I guess it's over now, Quil's over here, hoarding all of the talent and stylistic choices of writing and art. /lh
I remember vividly when I first saw the wings AU. I was actually on my phone, at school, in the hallway (no shame apparently) and I saw Shattered Upside Down on the list of things. And I read the description and I sat there for a minute and I went.
Huh. That seems kind of weird. And I clicked off of it.
Can I just say!!! How funny that is!! Like I think I've been this invested in two fics ever, and my first reaction to seeing this was "eh I'll pass" ?!?!?!
Past Tobi this is literally right up your ally. It is dystopianizing + dragonifying your kotlc. Why the fuck would you want to pass on it????
Anyway, it was only three days later that I came around and gave it a shot (after seeing the one chapter and the word count.) And let me tell you. I knew I was hooked.
I knew it.
I remember so well sitting in the dark, on vacation, excitedly stimming on my bed after the fourth chapter came out. I had the Wiggles from a story!!! This had never happened before. I'd gotten squirmy yes, but I had to stand up!!! Because whew this story was really fucking good!!!!!
And Quil. Quil I cannot tell you how much the wings AU means to me. Like as a story but as an idea as a whole. And ik we're getting to the ah ha moment, and I know this means that it's ending, and while I'm so sad to see it go I'm also really excited to see how you write a conclusion to this.
Anyway if you want to see my shitty doodles of the wings AU from like...omg over a year now. (Quil it's been over a year since I drew those) just let me know.
Anyway, enough talking about my lord and savior (Shattered Upside Down) /hj
Thank you so very much for inspiring and writing every day. You're honestly such a cool human being, and it's been so fun getting to see you create on here <33
Oh my gosh this is so incredibly kind of you I'm at a loss of where to start to try and articulate back how much this means to me and how much I appreciate it.
Hearing that my words just kinda suck you in because of how I weave my stories makes me laugh a little because it feels wildly out of proportion with my writing approach. I think I've said this before, but I basically don't edit like at all. Everything you read is what I first wrote; it is the first draft. So you saying is both greatly appreciated and also amusing because I'm just winging it
And thank you for the compliments on my drawing, as well! You're not the first person to say that (discovering I could draw later on), which is wild because there was a time in the fandom where I was foremost considered a fanartist compared to...whatever I am now.
I love that you clicked off the wings au because if I am being 100% honest...I probably would do the exact same thing. I think if I saw the wings au out in the wild, I wouldn't read it. I'd go "huh, I don't really like aus, and this is too long" and just move on. Because it's true! I don't really like aus (they're great! just not for me most of the time) or long fics, so if it wasn't my story I'd absolutely skip right past it without a second thought.
I'm incredibly flattered to hear you were hooked, like that is such an amazing thing to hear as a writer than someone is that invested in your story--and giving you the wiggles!! You are giving me the wiggles right now as I'm reading through this just in awe. I'm thrilled you think the story is good because it's truly expanded beyond what I ever thought it would be, which is terrifying, but also so excited to watch (I say as if I'm not writing it). And I can't believe you were reading it on vacation like please enjoy your vacation the wings au can wait
Tobi. I cannot explain to you how much it means to me that the wings au means something to you. I started this story purely self-indulgently after I started mindlessly associating characters with wings, making the joke "well no fandom is complete without a wings au" to cover up how invested I was getting in such a "silly" concept. Like really? A wings au? Could it get any more basic?
And while the story is starting to come to a close (there's a lot left to write but like timeline wise...we're getting there), I really hope that I can live up to the rest of the au and the expectations. I've known what I wanted the final message, the final hurrah to be since I started; it's all been working towards that, but I don't know exactly how we'll get there or what shape it will take.
I'm both terrified and ecstatic to see what the wings au will become and I just hope I can do it justice.
Also I would absolutely love to see any doodles you're comfortable sharing. Seeing art of the wings au always makes my day and I'm incredibly honored that my story inspired you to create something.
Thank you so much for everything you've said, I don't know how to explain my appreciation for this. I hope to continue creating things and sharing them and having fun with everyone here for as long as possible, so thank you for being so receptive and encouraging about it all, this seriously made my day <33
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pastryfication · 3 months
Hey hey hey! So, I was wondering if you could work your magic on this request? We all know Oscar LOVES sleeping whenever he can but what if he has a girlfriend with quite frequent insomnia such as moi? Maybe the piece could be about him searching for all kinds of serious and wacky methods to help her sleep - white noise, sound apps, black out blinds, counting actual sheep, a cold bedroom etc and eventually something so simple such as snuggling together after he's washed her hair or something soppy works? Thank you, you're an angel!
thank u for the request!! i hope i did it justice but i have no idea how insomnia works so feel free to correct me if i’ve written something wrong 🫶
5 things that didn’t help you sleep and the 1 thing that actually did | oscar piastri
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pairing: oscar piastri x insomniac!reader
warnings: mentions of insomnia and the use of melatonin
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oscar piastri treasures every moment of sleep he can get. cuddling up under the covers, catching up on much-needed rest between races, training sessions and team meetings is his sanctuary, a place where he can recharge. it’s entirely different for you. sleep often feels elusive, insomnia visits you regularly, and after trying to take melatonin, you feel like there truly must be something wrong with you when you’re still left you tossing and turning while oscar dozes peacefully beside you.
one particularly restless night, as you lie awake staring at the ceiling, you decide you’ve had enough. oscar, sensing your frustration, turns over and looks at you with sleepy but concerned eyes.
“another bad night?” he asks softly, voice groggy.
you nod, feeling guilty for disturbing his rest. “i just can’t seem to fall asleep.”
determined to help you find the peace he enjoys so effortlessly, oscar spends the next day researching every possible solution for insomnia, and he ends up with a list. 5 things that have helped others who are suffering from the same problem, and over the next few weeks, he convinced you to try it all, hoping to find the one thing that will finally help you sleep.
1. white noise
the first thing he tries is white noise. researching the best possible brand, he buys a white sound machine and sets it to a gentle hum when you go to sleep one night. the constant noise fills the room, creating a soothing background sound and drowning out any distractions.
it’s nice to lay and listen to, and at first, you think it might work. you close your eyes, snuggle into the covers to find the best position and takes oscar’s hand in yours.
you try, you really do try your best, to let the sound lull you to sleep. everything is nice and calm, but after a few nights, it’s clear that the constant noise only makes you more restless. you lie awake, feeling like you’re trapped in a static-filled void, and you just want to cry.
2. sound apps
oscar is quick to notice your disappointment, and he therefore quickly moves on to the next point on the list.
he downloads several sound apps on his phone, experimenting with everything from rainstorms to ocean waves to forest sounds. he tries different combinations, adjusting the volume and mixing the sounds in various ways, bringing out his inner dj to make you as comfortable as possible.
you appreciate the effort, but none of the sounds seem to do the trick. you lie awake, feeling more like you’re in a nature documentary than trying to sleep. the sounds that are supposed to be calming just keep you more alert, your mind unable to quiet down.
3. blackout blinds
oscar then orders blackout blinds, thinking that maybe the slightest hint of light is the culprit.
the blinds plunge the room into complete darkness, blocking out any external light. at first, you think it might work. the darkness is comforting and you hope it will help you relax, but instead of soothing you, the darkness feels oppressive. you lie there, eyes wide open, feeling the walls close in. the complete absence of light only makes you nervous and the two of you quickly have to give up on that as well.
4. counting sheep
you insisted that counting sheep was silly. there was no way it was going to work and you told oscar exactly that. he didn’t agree though, and with the use of his best puppy eyes, he convinced you to try.
he decides to buy a small stuffed sheep and as you lie in bed one night, he starts an impromptu counting session. you giggle at the sight of him hopping the little sheep across the bed.
“i don’t think this is gonna work.” you hold back a laugh as he makes the sheep take a particularly long jump across your duvet.
“not even if he gives you a little kiss?” he asks, holding back his own giggle as he moves up to you on the bed, making the sheep “kiss” you all over your stomach.
you laugh at the ticklish sensation, and the two of you have to realise that the sheep counting feels more like a silly game than a serious attempt to help you sleep.
5. a cold bedroom
the last thing on oscar’s quickly disappearing list is sleeping in a cold room.
to make that happen, he insists on making the bedroom as cold as a freezer. he cranks up the air conditioning and piles extra blankets on the bed so you don’t freeze to death.
the room quickly becomes chilly, and you snuggle under the covers, head on oscar’s chest as his arms snake around you, trying to regain some body heat. you’re really hoping the cold will help you relax, but you find yourself shivering more than drifting off. the cold air makes you uncomfortable, and instead of helping, it only adds to your restlessness.
the 1 thing that actually did help
after trying numerous different methods, you’re ready to just give up.
“maybe i should go to the doctors,” you eventually suggest. you wish the problem would go away by itself, but it doesn’t seem like it will.
oscar finds himself running out of ideas too, until something dawns to him one night when he’s on facetime with his mom.
entering your bedroom with a book clutched tightly in his hand, you raise an eyebrow at him. “so mom just left to read to read my sister a bed time story, and i thought: why don’t i read to you as well?” he suggests.
you raise an eyebrow, skeptical at the suggestion but at this point you’re willing to try anything.
oscar shuffles across the bed, helping you adjust so your head is pressed against his thigh as he begins to read. his voice soft and steady, keeping a calm pace to his words and you can’t deny that it’s nice.
he plays with your hair as he reads, gently running his fingers through the strands and massaging your scalp. the combination of his calming voice and the soothing sensation of his touch begins to work its magic.
you feel your body relax, the tension melting away. his words become a comforting background noise and his fingers in your hair provide a gentle, rhythmic motion. for the first time in what feels like ages, you feel yourself drifting off, your eyelids growing heavy.
oscar continues reading until he hears your breathing deepen and become steady. he smiles, closing the book quietly and turning off the light, but he doesn’t move, terrified to wake you after you’ve finally found the peace you desperately needed.
sitting against the headboard starts hurting his back, but he still stays beside you, his hand continuously playing with your hair, ensuring you stay asleep.
as the nights go by, oscar’s bedtime stories and hair-playing become your new routine. you find yourself looking forward to bedtime, knowing that sleep is no longer a battle but a peaceful journey.
in the end, it’s not the gadgets or apps that help you sleep, but instead oscar’s gentle presence and unwavering support. his love is your ultimate lullaby, guiding you into the restful sleep you’ve been longing for.
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ideas-4-stories · 5 months
One piece story idea where Buggy has had medical issues since he was a baby, but most of them went unknown, undiagnosed, or not caught early enough to "make a difference".
Buggy with an autoimmune disorder of some kind (leaning to fibromayalgia bc I love projecting on my baby blue blorbo, but also the overactive nerves would tie in nicely with his devil fruit)
Buggy with hypermobility at the very least, possible Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, but it's damn near impossible to properly diagnose due to his DF and the tech available by and large.
On the Oro Jackson, few genuinely believed when Buggy would say something hurt or felt wrong or when he was more foggy headed than usual. Shanks could always read him like an open book. Roger could hear the changes in his youngest's Voice. Crocus did the best he could, but his options were limited and his attention was split. It was Roger, Rayleigh and Shanks who were Buggy's main support system.
Roger absolutely cried the first time Buggy got injured in a big fight and casually relocated a joint with just a soft hiss. That alone had been jarring, but Buggy's response to Shanks' worried question of "are you okay, does it hurt-," left the captain biting back tears. How else is a father supposed to feel when his little boy simply rolls hod eyes and says "not much more than normal"
When Roger disbanded the crew, the plan was to leave the boys on Drum. It had good doctors, Buggy would get more support, and it was rarely an island under siege due to the medical renown it had. They of course did not tell the boys as such, and it was only through a series of wacky events that lead Kureha to meeting them and taking a liking to their sparks. Shanks wasn't the most interested in medicine but he learned some things, specifically first aid and some things to help Buggy. He actually found psychology pretty interesting when he had the patience and attention span to spare. Buggy on the other hand took to it all like a fish to water.
They were there for almost two years when the newspaper was delivered and both boys lost their SHIT when the headline announced the execution of their captain, their father. Kureha sent them off, arguably with more supplies than they needed, and gave them her Denden number to reach her if they needed anything at all. She couldn't go with them, but she refused to send them truly alone.
They have their fight in the plaza, but it doesn't end with a monumental break up. They meet back up the next day, and they bite the bullet together and talk.
They take some time to come to a decision moving forward.
They ultimately decide to go with the co-captain avenue but with careful misdirection and smoke and mirrors. To the world at large, they will seem completely independent and unrelated. In truth, they will be leveraging their independent skills to further themselves and each other. The brains and brawn, as it were.
It works out in their favor for a good deal of time until the cluster fuck that is marineford. Secrets are out, identities revealed, and Buggy is having 6395716 panic attacks stacked up like Legos.
He and Shanks roll with it as best they can, trying to salvage what they feasibly could.
Two years later, Cross Guild is formed and begins rolling. Buggy's crew knows of his illnesses/disabilities, but he has a strict set up to address them. It's on a need to know basis.
Crocodile and Mihawk just so happened to swirl in like a hurricane and never got the memo until there was an attack on the island.
Somehow, someway, Buggy got absolutely soaked in sea water, but he's still fighting, knives in hand, bobbing and weaving with a trail of blood in his wake. It's as he pivots to lunge that Mihawk catches sight of him suddenly paling, a minute flinch, but beyond that, Buggy doesn't react, instead throwing the knife, reaching down and making a strange move at his knee before he cringed, took a sharp inhale, and dove back into the fray.
Upon asking why, hours later in the meeting tent, the swordsman and mafioso present blink when Buggy shrugs and says "oh, my knee cap tried to dislocate. Couldn't disconnect with the sea water so I had to push it back by hand."
"Hm?" Buggy glances up from where he's brushing some dried remnants of the battle from his locks, one eye shut against the debris. "What?"
"What caused the injury? I did not see any attacks to your legs in the chaos."
"Oh, it just happens sometimes," Buggy says casually, as if this were knowledge the other two ought to know. "I'm used to it."
They are not sure what to do, nor how to respond. They let it rest for the time being but they do keep a closer eye on their chairman following this.
They learn Buggy is rather adept at working with and around his unusual burdens, either disconnecting a joint or alleviating pressure on it until it can be addressed, even chop-chopping the offending area back to the proper place. They catch sight, now that they know to look, of hints of braces, wraps, the way Buggy occasionally presses his iced drink to a knee, a wrist, on an ankle in movements familiar but exceedingly casual, never belying their true purpose.
It is then that the two dark haired men realize there is much more to their clown than they first assumed.
I agree that overactive nerves would tie nicely with his Devil Fruit. Buggy having medical issues that went unknown, undiagnosed, or wasn’t caught early enough would make sense after all if the HC that Buggy was with the Roger Pirates as a baby or even if he wasn’t with them during his infant stage. These are pirates, how are they supposed to know that they need to look for things that could be wrong with the two babies they now have?
I’m sure some of them have things that have went unknown and undiagnosed. Anyway, back to Buggy, I had to look up Ehlers Danlos Syndrome because I didn't know what it was. I agree that it would be nearly impossible to diagnose properly because of no good tech around, as well as the fact he is on a pirate crew, I assume for the most pirate crews they don't stick around island for very long. I HC that Buggy swallowed the Bara Bara Fruit when he was nine.
Poor Buggy, I want to think that more people on the crew understood that Buggy has problems but didn’t how they could help him. Because acting like Buggy was fragile would make Buggy become angry because kid doesn’t want to be treated like that.
Poor Roger, having to watch that without saying anything, with all the other times it happened. Then after he disbanded the crew. Leaving them on Drum Island is a good choice and it makes sense that they didn’t tell the boys (I feel like they don’t tell the boys many things that should of been talked about, but this might be a good thing they didn’t say anything about. But who knows)
I wonder what the series of wacky events were to the meeting between them and Kureha? To me, they seemed like it there in this AU.
I think anyone would lose their shit if they see someone, they really love is getting murdered in front of so many people. I feel that Kureha only let them go because she knew they would go anyway, and this way let’s her give Buggy and Shanks the supplies they need.
I believe that with all the stress and pain of losing someone they hold dear in their hearts. I think Buggy wasn’t in the right mind set nor was Shanks in a way. Anyway, Love that they came back around to talk about it. I think the smoke & mirrors co-captain route they have… or is it more like Buggy and Shanks are allies? They have their own crews, but they still have each.
Then Marineford happened, poor Buggy and Shanks. I hope in this AU that Ace lives, but it was never stated so I don't know.
The idea that Buggy's crew knows about his illnesses/disabilities makes me feel that his followers would say he so strong to overcome them or we just talking about Buggy's crew from East Blue. Then yeah, those folks definitely know about his illnesses/disabilities.
Mihawk and Crocodile coming in without any knowledge and it took a battle to find out. I can see Buggy is nonchalantly about it as Mihawk did a doubletake when he said ‘Pardon?’ Crocodile did a doubletake too, because with those two didn’t know.
Once Crocodile and Mihawk know about what’s going on with Buggy, they see that the signs were always there. It’s just they didn’t paid attention to those signs, but they are.
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mmjmmj · 6 months
Huskerdust ticklesss!!!! Lee husk if possible ;) please and thank you
(No pressure my darling!)
Ohohoho don’t worry my friend, Lee husk is DEFIANTLY possible!
Keep a note this is my first fic that I’ve wrote in 8 years so I hope he succeeded in making this the best fic I could possibly write so thank you! <3
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Your fuckin’ ticklish?:
Hazbin hotel | tickle fic|
Husk had seemed more moody than usual, mumbling under his breath as he worked, that negativity didn’t go unnoticed, especially to Angel dust.
Angel dust watched Husk work as the rest of the Hazbin hotel group spoke with one another, until the others began to conclude to do their own things such as Charlie and Vaggie going to their room to nap, Alastor manifested into the shadows and disappeared into thin air to go god knows where, Nifty running off to go clean the hotel some more and finally Sir Pentious slithered away to go work on some wacky invention. This left the spider sinner and the miserable looking bartender to themselves though the two were barely interacting.
Angel decided to break the silence between the two, walking over to the bar and sitting on a bar stool, resting two arms on the bar and resting his head on his hands.
"What’s gotten in you today?" Angel asked, he couldn’t help but feel a little concern for Husk as he usually wasn’t this groggy at all.
Husk had his back turned, cleaning a bottle with a cloth that he uses to clean everything with.
"What do you mean?" Husk grumbled, that response was very clear enough that something was wrong with Husk today.
"I don’t know, you seem.. how do I put this..? More grouchy than usual,you know? Is there somethin’ up" Angel asked, it was a surprise to Husk that Angel wasn’t trying to dish out little flirty remarks to the bartender.
Husk turned to Angel, reaching under the bar and pulling out a bottle that he had near by, taking a big swig before his black and yellow eyes met Angel’s.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about." Yeah bullshit, something was defiantly up and Husk just didn’t want to admit it.
"Is it because you been missing me Husky?~ cmon! You can admit it, you know." Angel grinned leaning over the bar a little.
Husk scoffed before turning away, he thought too soon about Angel not flirting with him.
"Oh fuck you." Husk hissed.
Angel’s grin faded a little, deciding now probably wasn’t the right time to be trying to flirt with Husk, seeing as he did not want to hear it.
"Are you sure you don’t need a break or anythin’? You’ve been on your feet for hours. Cmon, come have a seat." Angel offered, patting his hand on the empty barstool next to him.
Husk thought for a second, he was getting tired, mentally and physically, bartending is not a very easy job when you’ve been working without a break for a good few hours. Husk took the offer, putting his bottle down, making his way around the bar to sit next to the taller sinner.
"Fine but not for too long, I still have things that need to be done before I can finish work." Husk told Angel, having a break kind of felt wrong to him, he never really took breaks, he’d only usually take one if Charlie would pretty much force him too, seeing him work for too long wasn’t a nice sight for Charlie either, In this case it was Angel to made him take a break.
".. hey, are you not gonna pour me a drink before you take your break?" Angel asked, Husk immediately went to get up but was stopped by Angel, placing his hand on Husk’s lap and pushing him back into his seat.
"I was jokin" Angel assured Husk. Husk sighed and relaxed into his seat, this kind of felt very comfortable.
Angel’s next move was try and get in to the bottom of this case to see why his alcoholic friend was in such a bad mood today.
"So, are you gonna tell me what’s up? Bad day, or are you just not in the mood today?"Angel asked, crossing his four set of arms as he waited for an answer.
Husk’s eyes narrowed a little, he didn’t really like talking about things that was stressing him out or putting him down, but seeing Angel this concerned for him made him gave in to speak.
"I just.. didn’t really feel like working today.. that’s all.." Husk mumbled reaching for his bottle to take a few swigs before finishing his drink, practically slamming it back down on the bar.
Angel frowned a little, he didn’t like that, Angel knew how stressful it was not wanting to work but having to anyway, though the two’s line of work was completly different but still work is mentally DRAINING.
"Maybe you should start taking more breaks, your overworking yourself a little, I mean your up awake before anyone else is just to work, you deserve more then one break, you know." Angel gave Husk some reassurance.
"Works the only thing I know.. there’s nothing better to do anyway." Husk grumbled, that negativity quickly coming back, oh Angel did not like this at all.
"Ohhhh bullshit! There’s more to this afterlife then workin’ even I have days off, so should you!" Angel reached over and lightly scratched his fingers under Husk’s chin.
Husk suddenly pulled away, a soft little chuckle escaping his lips which he couldn’t hold back, fuck. The room went silent, Angel’s eyes winded as he pulled his arm back.
"What was that?"
Husk immediately tried to cover up, stuttering over his words as he spoke.
"T-that was nothing! You should really keep your fucking hands to yourself." Husk muttered, his fur stood a little out of embarrassment.
Angel didn’t know what to make of it, he never would have expected that reaction from Husk, he was expecting more a low like purr then a chuckle, then the realisation struck him, no there’s no way, is Husk ticklish?
"… are you fuckin’ ticklish?" Angel asked in a surprised tone, this made Husk panic and tried to cover it up, there was no way he’d live that down, nevermind the group knowing he’s ticklish but one person? That was enough for him.
"F-fuck no! I’m not fucking ticklish! I don’t know where you would get that assumption from!" Husk trembled over his words, the stuttering only made things worse for him.
Angel couldn’t hide that grin that was now growing on his face, standing up as he looked down on Husk.
"That assumption is coming from that little chuckle that came from you when I scratched that little furry chin of yours’ whiskers! I was expecting some purrin’ not some fuckin’ chucklin’." Angel purred, Husky stood up backing away a little from Angel.
"You know.. i really should be getting back to work thanks for the break but you can go n-" Husk was cut off when two long arms grabbed the bartenders wrists and pulled him to close to Angel, pulling them up and holding both hands above his head.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Husk hissed, tugging at his hands that were now stuck above his head.
"Well I’m trying to help you lighten up! And I think I found just the way to do that, Whiskers~" Angel cooed, Husk had felt his nervousness hit the roof.
"A-And how are you going to do that? Come on, Angel this is fucking stupid, let me go!" Husk begged, he could feel his fur puffing and standing up when Angel said he was trying to lighten him up, knowing damm well what was going to coming his way next.
"Well I’m gonna tickle the moodiness out of ya of course! Now let’s see a smile!" Angel rose his voice, his lower set of arms reaching out for Husk’s sides, starting off the tickle attack with some quick paced ticklish squeezes to them, this made Husk jump immediately feeling his knees go jelly as he tried to wiggle his torso away from the tickles hitting his body.
Husk tried to hold in those giggles that were building up in his throat, threatening to escape through his lips once they opened, shaking his head at what Angel said about seeing his smile.
"Ohoho? Not breakin’ yet? Not to worry! This tickle monster is gonna eat you all up!~" Angel playfully growled, drilling his fingers into the little pressure points in Husk’s sides. The teasing and drilling was the right technique to make the grouchy, old bartender break and let those giggles slip through the passage that was now his open mouth.
Husk squealed out, beginning to giggle away at the ticklish sensations that were refused to leave his sides.
"A-Ahahahahahangel! You fuhuhuhuhuhuhucking bahahahahastard! Stohohohohop this!" Husk giggled away, his laughter sounded so different to his normal voice, Husk’s voice was low and raspy, his giggles were way more high pitched.
"Awww look at that! Looks like you’re just not some old boring bastard after all! Your a adorable little kitty!" Angel continued with the pet names, this actually made Husk feel his face burn up from embarrassment, Angel was tickling him and teasing him?! This was fucking heaven torture
"Dohohohohohohohont fuhuhuhuhuhucking cahahahahall me thahahahhat! Quhuhuhuhuhuit it!" Husk tried to sound serious but the tickling was preventing that, making the former overlord sound all silly and giggly.
"Quit it?" Angel asked
"We’ve only gotten started how c- oooooooh I see what the problem is, you want me to tickle somewhere else, don’t ya? Make my little whiskers laugh till all his problems have faded, that’s what you want, don’t ya?" Angel cooed, his fingers began to move up to scribble into Husk’s armpits, earning a now sharp squeal from the shorter sinner.
"EHEHHEEHEK! T-Thahahahahhaahahats n-nohohohhoot whahahahhat I fuhuhuhucking meant!" Husk whined; Husk was actually fucking whined! Seeing Husk like this warmed Angel’s heart up to the touch, circling his fingers on Husk’s armpits with enjoyment, Angel was definitely gonna have to do this to husk more often.
"Then what did you mean hmmm? It seems like to me you’re already enjoying this too much! Listen to that handsome laugh and how big that smile is! You’re adorable!" Angel teased, succeeding in making Husk get more flustered by the second he spoke, already aiming for a new spot, his wiggly fingers traveled down from Husk’s armpits to that soft, white furry tummy of his.
This made Husk shriek, immediately falling weak to the tickles. "FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK AHAHAHAHAHANGEL NAHAHAHHAHAT THEHEHEHRE!" Husk begged, Angel went down with Husk, pinning the overlord to the ground, seating himself on his waist, letting his fingers do the work as they squeezed, scribbled and prodded away at Husk’s tummy like there was no tomorrow!
"Awww did I find a sweet spot? I think I diiiiiiid~ coochie coochie coo, Husky!~" Angel couldn’t help but laugh along with Husk, finding Husk go from the grumpy old bartender, to a now happy little ticklish kitten at his mercy to his wiggling fingers was adorable to him.
Angel wasn’t that evil as a tickle monster, so he decided to give Husk a break, not wanting to completely destroy him… yet.
"There I stopped, now catch ya breath before I resort to let my claws tickle away at that tummy again" Angel purred, letting the bartender catch his breath.
"Ohohoho f-fuhuhuck.. t-that was ruthless.." Husk panted out, though husk was exhausted already a little sound could be heard rising from the back of his throat, Husk was purring!
Angel’s eyes widened, not expecting this at all from Husk, this to him was fucking adorable. "Are you fuckin’ purring?!" Angel exclaimed, Husk’s fur stood proud as his face now burned up with blush as he panicked to try and cover it up.
"N-no I’m fucking not purring, your hearing things!" Husk claimed, uh huh, his purring was still very loud and could be heard.
"You like this don’t you?" Angel purred, Husk became a lost for words, the room quiet, the only thing to be heard was Husk purring uncontrollably and loudly.
"Awww, don’t be embarrassed! That’s adorable!" Angel teased, giving a few pokes to Husk’s tummy. Husk giggled through purrs, trying to suck in his tummy.
"Shuhuhuhut up!" Husk whined, finding this all very overwhelming to comprehend. Angel retreated his fingers, a big playful looking grin on his face as he stared into the bartender’s eyes.
"Alright your break is over! Let’s get back to tickling this very ticklish tummy of yours, shall we~? alright imma count to 10 and when I finish countin’ I’m gonna make you shriek!" Angel cooed, his fingers twitching in anticipation.
Husk could not argue with any of this, feeling unable to get the words out, if he tried to speak he would just be a flustered, stuttering mess.
"Ten… nine… eight.. Seven.." Angel began to countdown, lowering his now wiggling fingers to Husk’s tummy, slowly, threatening to tickle him with every inch of his life.
"Six… five… four… three two one!" Angel counted down to end his counting, his hands’s shoot down and squeezing all over Husk’s tummy, making him shriek loud enough to possibly shatter a window.
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHNGEL! EHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!" Husk screamed out, cackling away once more, kicking his little legs under Angel desperately, trying to get free, though he was actually enjoying this, but there would be no way he would admit that.
"Awwww listen to that laugh! Such a handsome little kitty I have here, don’t I?" Angel teased, his wiggling fingers scribbling up and down Husk’s tummy, making it quiver and suck in, trying to get away from those evil fingers that were attacking it with tickles.
"EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEK! THIHIHIHIHIHIHIS IS FUHUHUHUHUHUCKING EHEHEHEHEVIL!" Husk whined, his face burning up with blush, squeezing his eyes shut hoping this would make the tickles more bearable, which didn’t work at all.
"We’re in hell! Course this is evil! You’re my little victim who can’t escape out of my web! Meeeeow~" Angel cooed, now laughing along with Husk once again, having too much fun with all of this.
Angel’s fingers scribbled all over Husk’s tummy with pleasure, making Husk wheeze out and cackle away under the wiggling fingers that were attacking him, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, unable to take this anymore.
"EHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHHAA OHOHOHHOHO PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! MEHEHEHEHEHEHERCY! MERCY! NOHOHOHOHHOHO MOHOHOHORE STAHAHAHAHAHAP!" Husk begged, Angel immediately stopped, not wanting to push any boundaries, letting go of Husk’s wrists.
Husk was a messy, flustered pile of giggles, giggling away as the purring came back straight away. "Ohohohohoho f-fuhuhuhuck.. t-that was brutal." Husk huffed out, Angel reached out and rubbed his hand on Husk’s tummy, helping him get rid of the phantom tickles that was still attacking his tummy.
"I’m glad you had fun too." Angel winked, knowing damn well Husk enjoyed all of this.
"O-oh s-shut the fuck up.." Husk whined, his purring rising louder from the tummy rubs, Angel was being very caring for Husk and you know what? This was actually cheering him up.
"Do you plan on going to work or are you gonna call it a day?" Angel asked, cocking a brow in question.
Husk calmed down a little, feeling capable to speak properly without stuttering now. "I’m.. probably gonna finish my jobs tomorrow now" Husk told Angel, Angel nodding in approval to that answer.
"Good… hey, since you’re not working now, would you wanna.. maybe go back to my room and watch a movie or somethin’?" Angel asked, standing up off of the bartender and reaching out to help him up.
Husk took Angel’s hand and stood up, he couldn’t help but smile, feeling very much cheered up, all thanks to that spider.
"I… I would love that.." Husk told Angel, which earned a big smile back from Angel.
"That’s great, cmon! Let’s go, I have a good taste in movies!" Angel claimed as he grabbed Husk’s hand and began to drag him to his room.
"Only if you’re not talking about your movies." Husk joked, earning a snort from Angel.
"Nah of course not!" Angel giggled, feeling very happy that he cheered up Husk, he was defiantly going to do this again if he catches his favourite bartender down in the dumps again.
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its-a-me-mango · 5 months
Hi I've had several people ask me for my opinions on the movie so instead of answering them all individually, I'll give my honest opinion here. (There's a few focused one I'll answer but this is just my general feel for it)
Ok so, I'll be honest, not my favourite SMG4 movie, don't get me wrong I still enjoyed it, I enjoyed it a lot, but as a few people said, it felt more like a long SMG4 episode than a movie. I think if you see it like that then a lot of the flaws with it kinda melt away, at least to me lol.
We know the team can do absolute bangers (Western Spaghetti is still my favourite SMG4 movie you can fight me on it), I think they just missed the mark a bit this one, especially for someone as important as Mr Puzzles. You'd think if this was a finale to him they'd maybe, I dunno, show him more? It's hard for me to say personally what I would do differently, but I think what they did wasn't the best for him. I'm hoping he shows up again maybe, that'd be nice and would make the movie feel less anticlimactic for me and probably a few others.
Then again we've seen him non stop for like a month so I don't feel like complaining too much lol.
The gags though were super fucking funny and that's what I love most about SMG4, I ultimately don't care if the story is lacking, as long as I'm having a good time then the story can do whatever the hell it wants. I'm not a South Park fan AT ALL and even I was crackling at the South Park skit. The references and jokes, the live action bit, MEAT MALLET?! It's stupid shit like that that makes me love watching SMG4.
I do genuinely think a lot of you would be happier if you took SMG4 less seriously, no offence to any of course it's fun to take silly shitpost shows seriously, but at the end of the day they are shitpost shows, they're meant to be stupid and make dumb jokes, again this felt way more like an SMG4 episode than a movie and I'm fine with that.
Anyone saying SMG4 fell off or were horrifically let down or something like that is being silly, you can say you didn't vibe with the movie it's ok, subdue your expectations and watch Bob make a pickle rick joke with me, you'll understand my vision then.
I get the impression they wanted the movie to be more silly and stuff instead of serious like previous movies, Mr Puzzle is a villain yes but he's a horrifically cartoonish one. His main goal was to control the world though the TV or something like that, like compare that to Wren's goal, there's a clear difference in tone between the both of them.
Regards, I still enjoyed the movie, yes it was a bit over hyped but it wasn't a total letdown for me, it gave us Mr Puzzle characterisation which is nice, again it was REALLY funny, and I always love to the see the team try new and silly ideas! I hope they do more weird and wacky stuff like this in the future because you can tell the team was having fun with this! That's more important to me than anything else.
Also that song was an absolute BANGER, certified bop!!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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wolfgirlboyjester · 2 months
KHOC Week Day 6 - Journal Alternate Universe
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(Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 - Day 7) ( @khoc-week )
I have experience working in small professional and community theaters and had just finished a job as a stagehand when my Kingdom Hearts hyperfix hit. So, naturally, when I made a modern AU for Xiglam, I made it a Theater AU.
Xigbar has a long and weirdly complicated backstory in this AU, but eventually he ends up learning how to do lighting tech and design for film and theater. He's recruited by Xemnas to join the Organization XIII Theatre Company in Radiant Garden (in this AU a city analagous to like, Chicago, in that it's known for its art scene).
A few years after getting his Bachelor's in Theatre from Radiant Garden University, Lamia gets a job with Organization XIII as a stagehand. Later he starts getting rides home with the weird annoying middle-aged lighting tech, who lives near his apartment complex. On one of these rides home, Xigbar casually asks what Lamia ate for dinner. Lamia replies that he had a granola bar.
It quickly becomes routine for Xigbar to take Lamia through a drive-thru on the way home from work. Lamia tries to protest that it's too nice of him, especially since Xigbar claims not to have an altruistic bone in his body, but Xigbar waves it off by saying that if Lamia passes out on stage moving a setpiece, the whole company's gonna look bad. Over time they become work buddies and develop a playful antagonism with each other, and eventually (after much drama) start dating.
I like having a relatively low-stakes and completely mundane AU for these characters. It's a fun writing exercise for me, imagining their dynamic in different real-world scenarios—flying together to a theater conference and getting stuck in a long layover; accidentally running into each other at a gay bar; getting snowed in together; Lamia teaching Xigbar The Sims and Xigbar teaching Lamia Wing Commander 3.
(Also, a "fresnel" is a type of light used in theater. This AU is also a way for me to put Xigbar in 1 million wacky novelty T-shirts.)
(Also also, my partner who also did khoc week also replaced a day with Alternate Universe and also did my theater au!)
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
soccer royalty | trevor zegras x reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: Trevor Zegras x Latina!reader where she’s the daughter, sister, and granddaughter of three famous soccer players from Mexico but when her dad retired they moved to the states to raise their family. Maybe shes very private with her life due to how famous her last name is in the Latino community, and when Trevor announces that they’re dating everyones freaking out because he’s dating soccer royalty and he’s just like “huh?” Because she never brought up who her family is. 
note: i know nothing about how soccer works
word count: 0.8k
soccer was in your blood. your father, grandfather, and brother were all accomplished and famous players. when your dad finally retired from the mexico national team, after helping mexico secure their first world cup win, your family name became cemented into the latino community. 
you grew up playing soccer in california, which came to no surprise to anyone. however, after an injury in your freshman year playing for the california golden bears, you were forced to quit the sport. after your injury, you sort of dropped of the face of the earth. you had felt so much pressure from your family, and families fans to be good at soccer, that now that it was all over for you, you were glad to just take a step back.
therefore, when you started dating pro athlete Trevor Zegras, you didn’t rush to tell him who your family was. he knew about your injury, and that your brother was on the mexico national team, but he didn’t know how famous your family was in the soccer world. 
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liked by ynuser, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, and others
trevorzegras night out🌃🔥
tagged: ynuser
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ynuser ❤️❤️
trevorzegras ❤️❤️
fan2 does he even know who she is…
jackhughes congrats man🔥🔥
trevorzegras thanks jacky wacky
fan3 jacky wacky??😭😭
jamie.drysdale where was my invite??
ynuser you’re coming next time
jamie.drysdale next time where ditching trevy and going out on our own liked by ynuser
trevorzegras jamie.drysdale 🤔
fan4 hard launching yn ln is crazyy😭😭
Trevor sat next to you on his couch scrolling through his insta comments. he read through all the comments talking about your family and how famous you were in the soccer/latino community. 
“hey … yn” Trevor started, tilting his phone so you could read his comments. you froze, completely unaware of how Trevor was going to react now that he knows the truth about your family. “why didn’t you tell me about your family?” he asked, switching over to google so he could search your family name. 
“I was going to tell you I just… i dont know” you trailed off which made Trevor snap his head in your direction and drop his phone on the couch.
“oh baby i'm not upset!” he announced, grabbing onto one of your hands. 
“i just, my whole life i’ve been attached to my familys name and i just… i don’t know. after my injury and everything i’ve just wanted privacy away from it all” you explained, and Trevor nodded along to your every word. 
now that he knew, you explained everything to him. the pressure you felt, the injury, your family's fame. he listened and understood, holding onto your hand the whole time you were talking to him. you weren’t ashamed of your family by no means, you loved them and you loved your community, it was just nice to have privacy. 
a few days later you walked into Trevors room for your weekly movie night. 
“what are you watching?” you asked as you laid down next to him.
Trevor set his phone down but you still heard the audio. 
“are you watching my dads soccer highlights?” you laughed, succeeding in grabbing Trevor's phone from him. on the screen was a twenty minute compilation of your dads “best moments”. 
you laughed again and Trevor huffed, grabbing his phone back from you. “what? he’s good?” Trevor said as he lightly gripped your waist and pulled you in to cuddle with him. 
“you’re cute” you smiled, pulling away to place a kiss on Trevors nose. Trevors smile lit up his face and you felt butterflies rising in your stomach.
“You’re cuter” he replied, pulling you down to place a kiss on your lips, his hands trailing down your sides. 
“mhmm, and by the way my family wants to meet you” you pulled away from Trevor who looked at you with wide eyes.
“they what?” he asked a little frantically which made you giggle.
you hummed in response, “yeah my brother is playing a game in a few weeks and since it’s off season for you…” 
“oh my god i'm going to meet your family,” Trevor said, pulling away from you and sitting up. “AND we’re going to a soccer game? what do i wear to a soccer game? do you think they’ll like me? where’s the game at? okay but what if-” Trevor went off on one of his tangents, nonstop asking you questions about your family, and how meeting them would be like. you answered his questions once he slowed down, happy that he was excited to meet your family.
ynuser just posted !
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liked by yourbrother, trevorzegras, and others
ynuser trevors first pro football (soccer) game🫡⚽️
tagged: trevorzegras
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yourbrother trevorzegras so cool to finally meet you!
ynuser yourbrother you have to come up for a hockey game now!
yourbrother ynuser i’m down
trevorzegras yourbrother it was cool to meet you too! loved the game⚽️💯
fan1 trevor meeting the family🔥
jamie.drysdale looking good trevorzegras
trevorzegras had the best time! thank you so much for bringing me! I love your family❤️
ynuser i love you😭❤️
trevorzegras i love you more❤️
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elennemigo · 1 year
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Benedict Cumberbatch: Sherlock actor's ice cream delight in Woodbridge.
The owner of an ice cream shop hopes Marvel actor Benedict Cumberbatch will sprinkle a little stardust after photos of his visit became an online hit.
Ugur Vatar was amazed when the Sherlock star came into The Creamery and Deli in Woodbridge, Suffolk with his family.
The businessman spent about 30 minutes chatting with "nice guy" Cumberbatch about tough trading conditions.
"It was him who said 'come on, let's have a photo', with the idea it would help," Mr Vatar said.
"I was gobsmacked, we chatted for about half an hour and, would you believe it, not one passer-by noticed him."
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It is believed the Doctor Strange actor was staying locally with his extended family, including his wife and children, when he popped into the Market Hill ice cream parlour.
With a star in his midst, Mr Vatar seized the chance to get the A-lister's take on his wacky flavours, including black garlic and charcoal and peach and jalapeno.
"He said 'you're crazy man, how do you even come up with this?' He absolutely loved it," he said.
"He was so interesting, in that he was interested in you."
"He said 'this is the best ice cream I've ever tasted, I'm not pulling your leg', but using stronger wording.
"I explained I just use local milk from Bungay, we've been making it for generations, I work seven days a week."
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Mr Vatar revealed his shop had just had a "disastrous" week, taking what he would expect in the slow winter months, while facing soaring energy costs.
"He said 'I feel so sorry for you'. He was so down to earth - I've met a few celebrities here, but none like him, this was totally unexpected.
"We were chatting for so long; he was practically dragged away by his wife."
While Cumberbatch is not on social media, his adoring fans have shared Mr Vatar's photos of the star's visit after he posted them on Facebook.
"It's been shared so thousands of times and I've had messages from Japan - it's crazy," he added.
He said he believed he had made a new friend, as he had seen Cumberbatch since and the actor's family members had already returned to buy ice cream.
"I heard a car beeping the next day, and I looked up and at was him, driving past, giving me a wave." 🚗👋
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Such a lovely article, about our lovely man! 🤗🥰
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twothpaste · 3 months
thinking about how the hell porky managed to get a few hundred people to go along with being timetravel-relocated to a post-apocalyptic island, and why they just go about their daily lives as if nothing's horrifying or strange about that. writing it off as "he ran every single person through the mind control goo in the nice person hot springs" feels too easy to me, and less interesting, and kinda less meaningful too. i like considering all the forms of coercion that might've gone into it...
i think some of the ordinary civilians porky brought to populate the islands were brain-gooped, but others didn't necessarily have to be. they may be wholly in their right minds, just deeply misled about their displaced predicament. porky's probably got all kinds of stories he spins for them. kidnapping people who were traveling to a new place anyways, and convincing them they've arrived at their destination. coaxing people with promises of lucrative new careers or cheap real estate. some scientists might've been bribed with his wacky sci-fi technology, and promises they'd get to work on revolutionary futuristic projects. in dcmc's case, he scavenged a shitty indie band that couldn't find success, and promised them fame and fortune. etc. porky probably particularly targeted people who were down on their luck (and people who might not be missed...). those who're grateful for their newfound circumstances find little reason to question or protest.
i also imagine some pigmasks were more "brainwashed" than others. like? some of 'em were freaked out and/or rebellious when porky had them time warped to nowhere, and had to be dunked into the "hot springs" to be re-conditioned into serviceable soldiers. but others were easier to control via force, manipulation, and lies - no mind control goo necessary. and some (though perhaps a small few) were content to follow his orders without any coercion, for reasons of their own. happy just to feel important & powerful, and to push others around, unperturbed by the void of any coherent ideology or purpose.
i've got a hc that porky's most trusted soldiers & scientists were told a load of propaganda that goes like this: this really is the future, and humans really did destroy the world. porky's trying to rebuild society from the ground up, and he needs your help. all his efforts on nowhere are secretly a last-ditch effort to save humanity from itself. he pulled only the bravest and noblest souls from the timeline to help him with this task, so really, it's an honorable duty he's bestowed upon you. but y'gotta keep it a secret - if the riff-raff find out, it'll be anarchy in the streets 🫢
there's probably this awkward mish-mash where some folks can clearly remember their families & former lives, and wholly believe they'll return to them one day. or even that their loved ones remain alive and well, that they're still in the same time period, just halfway across the globe. while others have mysterious amnesia, or fabricated memories of serving master porky all their lives. everyone's got different levels of conditioning going on, different reasons for playing along, and different struggles in unlearning it later.
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justkennadi · 10 months
Armin if he was 🖤Goth🖤
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Notes: Got this cool idea in my head abt a grown up version of asot armin 🤔 (it’s really cause i saw these pictures on pinterest tho) if u don’t know what asot is it stands for A slap on titan which is parody type series on youtube. 👍🏾👍🏾 but sorry if this isn’t quite accurate to what being goth is like i’m honestly still in my baby’s bat phase so i don’t know much 😭😭
Context: Modern Asot!Armin x Fem Goth!reader
Warnings: mention of ritual attempts but that’s it
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- You first saw him in middle school on the first day of 8th grade. This new blond kid just transferred in and everyone was excited to meet him!
- Well that didn’t last long.
- While you weren’t present but apparently he started spewing crazy things and started talking to himself (or a cat, everyones stories was different) and while he did good in class teachers didn’t appreciate his out bursts.
- People were QUICKLY frightened and bothered by him. He had no friends.
- You were dipping your toes into the whole gothic subculture yourself at the time but you weren’t too interested. However it seemed this new kid was in love with the whole thing. He wore all black all the time, sometimes a bit of eyeliner. He had the whole vibe to him.
- So something about him interested you.
- However, before you got the chance to go up to him, he ended up getting expelled and put in a mental hospital for attempting to perform a ritual on a 6th grader? Yikes.
- He made the news and that’s when you learned his name. Armin…
- As the years went by you slowly forgot about him. But how could you fully? He was your craziest story to tell to friends. A funny and wacky memory to reflect on.
- Now you are in your 2nd year of college. You have decided while you aren’t fully goth(at least you thought) you liked the idea and did get into some of the music and fashion but you stuck to causal clothes most days. And you never got into the heavy makeup you see most goths wear. You learned it’s more about the music anyways which helped.
- You had a slight fascination with darker things and had to constantly tell people you aren’t depressed even if you looked the part.
- One day, while in the library looking for an Edgar Allen Poe book for your book report you accidentally bumped into a slightly taller boy.
- “Sorry! My bad-“
- You realized as you looked at his face…well, did you realize? Is this him?
- “It’s fine.” The boy quietly replied.
- Oh.
- He had blond hair…blue eyes… this could be any white boy honestly. Plus his hair was shorter? And he looked more….put together? He wore a plain brown suit get up with polished brown loafers.
- “Is something the matter?” He asked looking at you.
-“Sorry…i’m sorry you just look.. familiar?” You say squinting your eyes slightly but you realized you might be acting weird so you start to go around him after apologizing again.
- However, before you can…
- “Let me guess. You remembered the crazy, sadistic boy from your childhood and i look like him.” He says stopping you.
- You slowly nod.
- “Yeah, well, it was me.” He looked away for a second. Possibly embarrassed?
- “Armin? Well, you clean up..nice…” You say taking in his appearance once again.
- “Well, a few years of a mental hospital and therapy can do that….” He chuckled. “I see you’re looking for an Edgar allen book too?”
- “Yeah…we get to choose and author and analyze their writing style for my English 2020 class….” You say looking at the shelf.
- “Mhm…I did that last year.”
- “Can i ask what happened to you?” You say abruptly.
- “Y’know…I’d rather talk about that over some coffee.” Armin says laughing once again. “If you don’t mind?”
- This Armin was a now refined gentleman. He leads you to a small coffee shop on campus after helping you pick a book. He even holds the door open for you. From what you remember he used to spit at girls, asking them bizarre personal questions, now he’s holding open doors and pulling your chair out.
- After you two get coffee he tells you everything.
-“So after the therapy and being in a crazy house for years they finally broke me. I started talking about my feelings and whatever and how my when my parents died i lost it and my grandpa wasn’t paying attention to me and blah blah blah. And i guess it was just a phase…well not fully.”
- “How so?” You say sipping on the coffee you got.
- “Well, i may not look it, but i consider my self to be a bit…how do you say..gothic?” He smirks.
- “Yeah i never would’ve guessed. You look more dark academia like.”
- “I don’t dress in all black all the time, you know it’s more about- “
- “The music?” You interrupt.
- Armin smiles. “Yes. Exactly. How did you know? Unless…”
- You smile a bit while nodding your head. Well here’s finally someone you can be yourself around! Everyone else either thought you were weird or a poser. Most just ignored you.
- After that day you and Armin start hanging out. He shows you his room which had many gothic band posters on them like Sisters of mercy posters and Siouxsie and the banshees posters and other plain ones with just bats on them. His room was a bit dark also being mostly black and gray and brown.
- You two loves making goth like inside jokes or thrifting for new accessories or even weird things.
- Armin liked to collect really weird things like taxidermies bugs and mini skulls or halloween themed things.
- He was also a night owl but he had to be awake in the day too so he did end up having slight eyebags and a constant yawn.
- He was really serious about looking presentable though. So as a result he normally just drink a dark coffee everyday. You tried it once and immediately spit it out. “This is so BITTER!?” You say in disgust.
- “Like pure caffeine.” He says taking his cup back and smiling.
- Sometimes you’d two match outfits or at least tried to coordinate them.
- People started to think you two were dating at one point. You never thought of Armin like that but the idea didn’t hurt…
- Sometimes armin tells stories from his past. Explaining how he thought he was a “crimson king” for a while or how he’d sacrifice animals like squirrels. He seems horrified with his old self but not horrified to the point where he can’t laugh about it.
- He was your favorite gothic person now honestly🖤🖤
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kaliido-s · 1 year
Well, the kaiju ship I ship most is Mothollante, but everyone’s already given their thoughts on that so yeah. Has a lot of the pros of Mothzilla with few of the cons, as well as the wonderful aesthetic of a genetically-engineered abomination and a goddess of nature. There’s also the obligatory puns about flowers and butterflies, and Mothra-based hurt/comfort and fluff which is one of my favorite kaiju fan plots.
Mothzilla’s… alright when handled in a certain way, but it’s a “the ship is fine but why is it everywhere” type of thing. And with the MonsterVerse especially, their relationship is better if it’s platonic. All in all, I don’t really ship it, unless a particular person’s take leans to the “humanity’s sins and nature’s virtues” aspect of both of them.
Gong’s pretty good. Tired old men being tired together.
Rodorah’s pure arson and anarchy and I value it for that, but no way is that dynamic anything approaching healthy. I ship it for the lolz.
I’ve jokingly shipped Legion from Gamera and Destroyah together before. Two big buff arthropod ladies.
Angzilla has the same benefits as Gong, really, but with more Showa craziness. I find Kongzillra to be a funny threesome, esp. because GvK would have been over in ten minutes if Mothra was there to slap some sense into Goji, to calm Kong down, and to alert the humans to Mechagoji/Ghidorah.
2MUTO is the kaiju ship I like second most, it gets points for being the only canon kaiju couple I can think of outside of the two OG Rodans, and also because I just love the MUTOs in general. Fr though, those two bugs were so sweet together, and I do think they had as much if not more chemistry than the human leads. Anyone who says that Femuto would have committed mate cannibalism on Hokmuto can face my wrath. MUTOs are clearly designed to fight, hunt, and live in pairs (therefore it makes no sense for her to kill and eat him), and it’s entirely possible they’re like crocodilians (i.e. female raises the kids and protects the nest, male brings her and the wittle babies food. Babies stay with the parents for several years until they can live on their own, and may stay within the parents’ territory for several more years. But now I’m going on one of my MUTO ecology headcanon rambles again…)
That’s all I can think of for now, have fun with these and have a nice day!
ooh this is a long one
- I think the funny thing about the hurt/comfort fluff is I only really like it with the Heisei Mothra. For some reason, maybe because she starts out as a larva, she always seemed a bit less like a goddess to me and more like a really caring person just fighting for what they love. While I read other Mothras as more closed off and unsure in social situations because of their attachment to world peace, Heisei Mothra feels more sociable and peppy, and thus capable of committed relationships
- continuing that, Mothzilla I have never really been a fan of, and I think Goji and Mothra being friends is far more interesting. They care so much and mean so much to each other, but it’s because they value their friendship, and neither of them have really had a relationship like that before. They started off as a business relationship and got closer over time, and I think their friendship is very sweet.
- Kongzilla is (usually) very relaxed old man yaoi and I like that a lot
- If you read my other previous ask about Rodorah, you’ll know how I feel about it. Very wacky very goofy very arson.
- Y’know what, I totally think Legion could get it. She’s pulled tons of arthropod ladies before.
- Again, relaxed old man yaoi, I like that a lot. For them it’s way more like, they’ve been friends for so long and have only gotten closer over time, and everyone’s wondering whether they’re official or not, and maybe they won’t say it out loud cause they don’t want the attention, but they are.
- I had a pretty brief Kongzillra phase and that was pretty fun. Mostly used for laughs and silly shipping dynamics where there’s no bad blood. They’re a power throuple.
- The MUTOs are so cute to me, the part where they meet each other in Chinatown, call to each other, nuzzle, and sync up their vocalizations when they kiss lives in my head rent free. It’s too bad Godzilla hates straight romance, because they were a very adorable and committed couple. (I also would be super into any MUTO ecology posts if you’re offering)
(this clip. this clip right here. the sound design, the cuteness, chefs kiss.)
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rain-lavender-rain · 1 year
A Thoughtful Cake
Warnings: None. Use of y/n. Female reader.
Reader decides to make a cake recipe she found on the internet to surprise Bucky. (This cake is often called Depression Cake or Wacky Cake and was made during the eras of WW2 and the Great Depression. It's likely Bucky would have known about it or even eaten it.)
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Y/N liked to bake, but hadn't had much time between all the missions, and reports lately. The leftover time was used to sleep, eat, train, and hang out with Bucky and Sam. However, Bucky wasn't around- going on a mission you didn't get called in for. The urge to bake something creeped up on you in the late afternoon, and with your idea, it would cut close to the time Bucky was supposed to be back.
Pouring the batter in the greased pan, you finally put the cake into the oven to bake. Now, all you had to do was clean up the mess of ingredients that were all over the counter while waiting for the desert to finish.
Starting to clean, the silence was interrupted by one of your best friends.
"Dang hun. What's that amazing smell?" Sam asked, walking into the kitchen with a grin.
"A cake." you responded simply.
"Is there a special occasion I forgot about?" He asked.
"No. I just wanted to do something nice for Bucky when he gets back." You replied, cleaning the rest of the counter off and washing your hands.
Sam hummed a reply and plopped down in one of the seats at the counter, setting up his computer to type out mission reports.
"What are you doing?"
"Mission reports. Figured I'd keep you company, plus I can enjoy the smell of fresh cake!" Sam said simply as he began to type.
This went on for a while before the oven finally beeped. Taking a toothpick to enter it into the center- it came out clean with a few crumbs. Perfect. That's what it was supposed to do.
You took the cake out and the smell of chocolate continued to waft through the kitchen, just in time for Bucky to walk through the door. His face was filled with fatigue, only being able to hide some of it, but Bucky's eyes lit up immediately. Walking further into the space, he saw Y/N slapping Sam away from something.
"Get out of it Sam! You can have some if Bucky let's you."
"What am I letting Sam have?" Bucky asked, making them both turn to face him.
"Buck! You're back!" Y/N beamed.
The man smiled, but it didn't quite meet his eyes.
"Yeah..." Bucky trailed off before a glimmer of recognition appeared. A smell that was oddly familiar, filled with a warm kind of memory that had otherwise been tucked away. His eyes scanned the kitchen counters until they landed on a pan with some chocolate frosting.
"Y/N, did you make Depression Cake?" Bucky said, with a lighter tone.
"Yeah. I found a recipe for it the other day, and figured I'd make it for after you returned from your mission. I know the original probably didn't have frosting, but the recipe said you could add it. But if it doesn't look right-"
The man cut her off quickly. "No. It's perfect." He wanted to say more, but couldn't quite verbalize how he was feeling at the moment. Instead, Bucky walked around the counter and gently gave Y/N a hug. His arms wrapped around her torso for a few seconds before releasing.
"Thank you." He murmured.
Y/N smiled, and nodded. She knew he could be a man of few words at times, but the girl was good at reading between the lines when it came to Bucky. He was genuinely grateful.
As soon as the cake hit his tastebuds, Bucky had a satisfied smile.
"This is so good. Tastes almost identical to my mom's." He reminisced for a moment, before kissing Y/N. That was quickly disturbed by Sam coughing.
"Y'all are so cute. It's disgusting. But seriously you two, stop getting all mushy. It's gross."
Bucky turned around with a grin. "Well then you might want to leave Samuel. Take one piece and leave, so I can have some time with my girl."
Sam coughed again, but quickly took a piece and making a beeline to his room.
"If I catch you having another piece later, or stealing any of my cake, I'll throw you out the window without your wings on!" Bucky yelled.
"Whatever!" Sam yelled back, disappearing into a different hallway.
As soon as Sam was out of site, Bucky looked down at Y/N with affection in his eyes.
"I missed you so much, doll."
"I missed you, too." You replied softly, before Bucky captured your lips with his.
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thomase1 · 2 years
Two broken make a whole
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What would happen if you were an assasin with the Avengers? What would happen if Loki became one of earths mightiest heros too? Can you two become friends? Or even more? Will you be able to move on from your past? Will he be able to move on from his?
Marvel AU; all Avangers are alive, Ragnarok happened.
Slow burn, talks of past abuse and trauma, angst, loss, randomness, a lot of humour, missions so fight scnes, later smut; a LOT of smut.
Every chapter will have individual warnings. 18+ chapters will be marked as such.
-The character Medusa from the Marvel Comics is not this one, I forgot about that character.-
Also, this is going to have a lot of things not matching up with the actual movies, just an example: I still use Jarvis as the AI even though Vision exists in my story. (Friday just isnt as iconic, sorryyyy :D)
I can tag you if you want, just tell me in the comments and I will tag you! ♡
First chapter below.
Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Warnings; a bit of cursing, yelling, comedy, bit of Loki thirst, wacky attempt to capture the Avangers characters.
Wordcount: ~3000
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It was a normal day when they arrived. Well, normal for you at least.
You were standing in the common room, half living room, half kitchen. It was early in the day, not long after 1pm, so like any normal adult, you went to make yourself some cereal. This is breakfast for you.
You dont have a mission today, so you obviously slept in.Saying that, you were hopeing for a nice, relaxed day, however your wish was not granted. Your peace is beeing disturbed. Not only with their arrival, but also with a lot of Avangers here to welcome the now additions. Most were at least quiet, but Tony and Steve bickering and bitching like little kids is something else. You also know that with Sam beeing here, you will have to hide your snacks. That guy is always hungry. And Scott can be just as bad, him beeing able to shrink to ant size really makes it difficult to hide stuff from him.
As you reach the cupbord, after climbing onto the counter to reach it, they arrive.
Not quietly of course, no, it was with a loud boom of thunder, almost makeing you fall.
You guessed it, the beloved god of thunger and his infamous brother, the god of mischief, here to join earths mightiest heros. You knew Thor ever since you got here yourself, you are good friends. He could be a bit dull sometimes and very oblivious to, well, about pretty much eveything, but he really is just a giant teddy bear.
You never had the pleasure to meet his brother Loki however. Now, you say pleasure, you havent exactly heard good things. Given that the Avangers are your family and he mind controlled Clint, threw Tony out the highest point of the tower and attacked with an army of freak aliens,... To say you arent that fond of him would be the nicest way of putting it.
There was a whole briefing going on to be prepared for their arrival. Lokis arrival. A few members, such as you, have not been part of the team when he attacked earth, that was the reason for the briefing. So everybody got a list of his abilities and such, something that looks like a wanted poster.
-Lokis powers-
Teleportation, Shapeshifting, forming Energy blasts, casting illusions.
Able to read minds and project his thoughts to others, no physical touch needed.
Skilled in magic (seiðr), skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Genius level intellect.
Heritage: Jotunn.
You have memorized the list of his powers, it worried you. Not only that, no, his whole person worries you, god of mischief and lies, a frost giant. You would be toothless against him. Your weapons would have no effect on him, normal daggers wont pierce his skin. Bullets only leaving bruises. So even your trusted Kunai would fail you. Yes, it worries you.
What also worries you is that his is so damn good looking.
While Thor did assure that "Loki is a changed spirit. He no longer wishes to bring suffering to midgard.", nobody was fully convinced. But you promised Thor to give him a chance; for him. You know he loves his brother, even though they dont really express it too much in the crazy relationship they have.
So now you stand here, in your PJ's, pink fluffy socks and hair up in a very messy bun. So much for first impressions.
The others swarmed around Thor, who was booming with delight to see his friends again, hugging his old pals way too tightly. They look like those anti stress balls with eyes that pop out in his giant arms.
Loki on the other hand stood two steps behind his brother, seeming pretty annoyed by the whole ordeal. It appears he isnt one for big gatherings either.
You get away from the cabinet and lean onto the kitchen island, listening to the things Thor has to say. He ends up talking about new Asgard, which is where they came from right now.
After they successfully stopped Thanos, they went to new Asgard, help build the new kingdom further. Everybody thought Thor would, naturally, become king of new Asgard, with both Odin and Frigga dead. But he renounced his claim to the throne, leaving Valkyrie and Heimdall to be voted as the rulers of new Asgard since Loki was voted out by the people.
"Why dont you take that throne already? Oh blondie...", Tony claps him on the shoulder, shakeing his head. "I do not wish to rule, I only wish to build a peaceful future. Possibly with a family of my own." "Let me guess...", Tonys lips thin in a upside down smile. Several people, in unison, answer for him, "With Jane.". Thor nods solemnly and proceeds to tell the others about going to meet Jane later, seeing if they could be able to reconcile.
Poor guy still loves her.
It is the same old story; any time you two really have a chat, you end up at the talk of how much he misses her. You do feel bad, but youve heard it so many times by now. At some point you lost interest and went back to retreiving your cereal, only to realize somebody put the empty box back into the cupbord.
This really took the cake; your day officially ruined. You snatched the empty box and stormed to your roommates and teammates, doubting it was your roommates Nat and Bruce.
"Ok, which assh-" "LANGUAGE!", Steve heckles. You shoot him a fuming, warning, look and continue, "WHO ate all the cereal and put the empty box back?!", you look through the small crowd of people.
Nobody speaks.
Peter looks terrified, but you know he wouldnt, hes just a little timid. Then you spot it, the slight panic in Tonys eyes. You point at him, "You! I see the panic in your eyes, you did it!", you stride towards him. As you do, your bun loosens and plaps down the side, Tony smirks and reaches for your hair. You snap your head towards him, "Do you want to lose a hand today?" He hurriedly pulls back, "Ok ok I did it. I was hungry ok? I'll buy you some later.". You pout, "So am I! This is my day off and all I wanted was a relaxing day and now I cant even have my breakfast!".
"Its after 1 Y/n.", Nat says matter of factly. "What didnt you understand when I said 'day off' and 'relaxing day'?"
Clint looks at you dead serious, "No thats actually the perfect day off. I'm with you on that one." "You also love hanging out in your jammies and pink fluffy socks with your hair in a bun, stuffing your face with snacks all day?", you ask him in play seriousness. He nods, "Yes of course, normally I do paint my nails and put on a nice face mask too.", he plays along. "I always make myself a nice salad and go shopping.", Scott joins in with a nasal tone.
You three break character at that point and fall into laughter. Nat just shakes her head with a grin. Its a real talent of them, they always lighten the mood.
Your stomach growls, "I'm so hungryyy.", you whine. "Cant you just eat something other than cereal?", Sam asks. You think, "I mean, I do have some leftover food in the fridge and some cooki- Why are you looking at me like that?". Sam's jaw flexed when you mentioned the cookies and Bruce looked away when you said leftovers. "Oh come on! When did you even eat my cookies? I saw you come in, thinking 'oh, Sam is here I need to hide my snacks'.", you pout again, but now you are actually a little sad, feeling betrayed. "When you put your hair up. I'm sorry ok? I didnt know it was your day off and you wanted to relax.", he says a little guilty.
"And I didnt know it was your left over food. I'm really sorry.", Bruce says. Oh man, you cant be mad at Bruce, he probably worked late again and forgot to eat until he almost passed out. It has happened before, Tony found him. Ever since that day Jarvis is able to tell the heart rate and general well beeing of people inside the tower.
You sigh, "Its ok guys, just... ask in the future ok? I just remembered, I should have some waffles- oh god please no...", you see Scotts smile drop and know exactly what that means. "I thought they were Tonys, I'm sorry.", he exclaims. "Hey! I'd be very careful Tumbelina. If I held a grudge, I could, litrally, smash you like a bug.", Tony looks at him through hooded eyes.
You sigh and awkwardly sway on the balls of your feet, "I'M HUNGRYYYYY!". That got everybodys attention, all eyes are now on you and you blush a little.
You arent just hungry, no, you are hangry. A dangerous state for an assasin to be in.
"Ok. Lets just settle this. Pizza on Tony?", Steve looks at Tony. He rolls his eyes but nods. Just as you happily turn away you realize how rude you actually are.
"Oh and-", you walked to Thor, giving him a big hug which he happily returns, "Welcome back thunder.". "Y/n, havent lost your wit I see.", he says with a chuckle as you pull apart. "No, I havent. You got to with these scatterbains.", you chuckle too. You hear several offended noises in the room which only seals your words.
You turn around to Loki who still looks pretty detached, but also so unfairly handsome. "Havent had the fortune of meeting you up to now. Y/n, alias Medusa.", you put out a hand to shake, looking into his eyes.
His eyes remind you of dense treetops; a dense green through which the bright blue sky shimmers. He looks at you for a second before stepping closer, giving your hand a firm squeeze, "Loki, god of mischief. I am certain you have heard only the very best of me.", he smirks.
He smells of leather, mint and winter. Like fresh snow. Devine. You bite your tongue to distract yourself.
"Yes, precisely. Like throwing Tony off the rooftop.", you smirk back. "Alright, thats it! Go order that Pizza before I change my mind!", Tony interrupts with an offended hand at his hip. "Lets order together then.", you suggest, squeezing onto the couch next to Peter. You like the kid, you are only 4 years older than him, so you get along quite well.
After 20 minutes you finally ordered all 11 Pizzas. Took Thor a bit to convice Loki to give it a try, saying 'it tastes like Valhalla in a box'. And you agree with that analogy wholeheartedly.
You took Peter with you to collect them from the lobby and going straight back to the common room. You didnt even have time to announce the feast before Sam and Thor snatched the boxes out of Peters and your arms. Its a mistery how they didnt scatch up your exposed skin. "You guys act like you havent been fed in weeks!" "I have not eaten in five hours! I am practially starving. It takes substance to maintain this physique!", Thor tries to reason. Loki rolls his eyes, one of the first emotions you saw on his face up to now. "So you have a reason for nearly takeing my arm, but that one just stole and ate my cookies!", you point to Sam who is already opening every box to find his Pizza. Hearing you he just shrugs and continues looking.
You sit down again, next to Peter who sat back in the same spot he just left. After a few moments everybody is seated and has their Pizza.
To Thors joy, Loki enjoys the food he was praising to him. Not openly of course, but he couldnt keep the corner of his mouth from twitching up. Everybody knows, no complaint is praise enough.
"So, where will you guys live?", Steve asks to break the silence. Loki just looks at Thor, who swallows audibly at the question, "Well, we would need to look for a place to stay except- You know, if we could take residency in your noble castle Stark.". You stop eating, giving this your undevided attention. "I mean sure, theres enough space. Just dont call the Hammer through the walls; better yet, dont break stuff at all. And behave!", he looks directly to Loki at the last part. He raises his hands in mock surrender, "I wouldnt dare.". "Dont worry Stark, I wont let the goat mistreat your benevolence. Thank you for your kindness to not leave us without shelter.", the blonde god bows with a teethy smile.
Your eyes wander to Loki who is seated on a hassock, jaw clenched at the nickname Thor just called him. Mighty lord above, that jaw- You swear something inside you just ignited. And those thighs, wait. Why the hell are you staring at his thighs? Why must that armour of his be so tight in those places? I bet he purposefully got them made like that. God get a grip woman! You pinch yourself and peel your eyes away from that sinful eye candy which now even lives here. Ugh, thats gonna be a challenge.
"I know, I'm such a self less guy, right?", Tony says, shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth. You scoff at him, and even Bruce raises an eyebrow at him.
Which reminds you of bounderies that have yet to be set. "No takeing my stuff and no going in my room without permission!", you raise a pointer finger, pointing between both of them. "Of course lady Y/n.", Thor assures you, to which you narrow your gaze. As long as there is enough pop tarts your food should be safe from Thor, but Loki?
You will have to see what happens.
That dude can teleport, shapeshift, he could go into your room without you even knowing. The thought makes you tingly, NO! Get your mind out of your panties Y/n! Hell, he could probably even shift to look like Nat! You nearly spirall down the lane of paranoia but you shrug it off. You panicking would only encurage him.
"If there are two more residents now, we really have to start writing down groceries. This cant keep on happeing, or somebody's gonna get shanked." Tony looks at you annoyed, "Just tell Jar what to get. It will show up in the app. As I've told all of you at least ten times.". "Hey! Dont get pissy with me! At least I try to make a homemade meal every now and then, everybody else just orders food! No wonder Fury orders annual fitness exams!", you lay an offende hand on your chest. "Just tell him in the future!", Tony rolls his eyes.
"Fitness exams? Well, that is new.", Thor laughs. "Oh yea, these [you point at Tony, Sam, Scott and Clint] have got cought one night, throwing something which can only be described as a grease feast.", you tell the god who hadnt been here for a few months. The culprets avert their gaze, clint starts whistling and Scott clears his throat. "That sounds revolting and yet I want to be part of a feast like that.", Thor mutters, makeing you face palm yourself and Sam clap his shoulder with a nod. "Well, you will have to do it secretly, Fury is onto all of us. Which reminds me, we have to burn the evidence of this right here or he'll make us do burpees again.", the memory makes you shudder.
"Oh come on, a bit of exercise would be really good for all of us.", Steve says sternly, earning several annoyed grunts. "A bit of exercise?! Have you forgotten what Fury did last time?", Tony says in a higher than usual voice. "It wasnt that bad-", Steve tries to continue but several people cut him off. "NOT THAT BAD?!"
"Thats easy coming from the super soldier!", Nat speaks up. Yes, even she struggled during the Burpee incident. "I had to wear my suit to even go to the bathroom! Do you know how much Pepper mocked me?!", Tony bores his fingers into Caps chest, furious from the reminder of those days.
"Three days I couldnt move! And the following week was hell on earth, every movement hurt! Even the hulk was out of it!", Bruce whines. You swear you heard Loki snicker and whisper "Server you right.". Brucy was in so much pain, the hulk broke out, but even he couldnt move. It was a pathetic sight, the unbeatable hulk starfishing in the hallway, whiped out by some burpees. If Loki knew, he probably wouldnt stop laughing, given his and the hulks history.
"I couldnt lift my arm to press the elevator buttons! I CRAWLED to my room, THATS how bad it was!", you damn near cry at the memory.
"You are all just out of shape!", Steve shakes his head. "Shut up!", Nat throws a magazine at him but he, of course, catches it.
"I'm so glad to not be an official member yet. I think I would have died that day, I'm not even kidding.", Peter says small. "Lucky.", you mumble.
There is a few moments of solemn silence, until Thor says, "So when are we doing the next grease feast?", earning himself a room full of offended glares.
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creepypast-stories · 3 months
Toby "Ticci Toby" Rogers
Disclaimer: This is not my story, nor my art.
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The long road home seemed to go on and on. I hope the road isn’t a metaphor for this story. The road continued to outstretch in front of the vehicle endlessly.
The light that shone through the branches of the tall green trees danced across the window in random patterns, every once in a while, obnoxiously shining in your eyes. “This lead to multiple car crashes.” The surrounding was full of deep green trees forming a forest around the road. Yeah, this forest is going to get torn down to make way for a strip mall. The only sound was the sound of the cars engine as it traveled down the path. It was peaceful and let off a serene feeling.
Although the ride seemed like a nice one, it lacked every form of ‘nice’ for both passengers. “They both hated each other, and were stuck together due to wacky twists of fate.” The middle-aged woman behind the steering wheel had neat short brown hair that fit her complexion quite well. She wore a green v-neck t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Diamond stud earrings decorated each of her ears which partially showed from behind her hair cut. She had deep green eyes which were brought out by her shirt, and the lighting seemed to make them more noticeable. Everything here is so green. There wasn't much significance to her appearance. She just looked like any ‘average mother’ that you’d see on TV shows and such, but one thing for sure made her differ from those ‘average mothers’ and that was the dark bags under her eyes. Have you not met mothers?
Her facial expression was gloomy and sad, although she genuinely looked like one who smiled a lot. “Of course, the reason she smiled was because she was pulling the wings off of butterflies.”
She would sniffle every once in a while, and occasionally glance back in the rear-view mirror to look back at her son in the back seat, who was hunched over partially, his arms held tight around his chest, and his head pressed against the cold window.
The boy lacked any normal appearance, anyone could blandly see “Blandly see?” Yes, I see so blandly, it’s kind of boring. that something was wrong with him. His messy brown hair went in every which way, and his pale, almost gray skin was brought out by luminescent lighting. Hey, don’t hate on him. He just sits inside and plays video games all day. Nothing wrong with that. His eyes where dark, unlike his mother’s and he wore a white t-shirt and scrub pants that had been provided to him by the hospital. Well, that was nice of the hospital. The clothes he had worn before where so shredded and blood stained, that they weren't ‘wearable’ any more. “He had been playing ‘Knife Twister’.” The right side of his face bared a few cuts along with his split eyebrow. His right arm was bandaged up all the way up to his shoulder, which had been shredded when his right side had hit the shattered glass. That must’ve been a pain the glass. Yeah, sorry.
His injuries appeared to be painful, when really he couldn't feel a thing. He never could feel a thing. “Except an urge to become the greatest interpretive dancer the world had ever seen.” That was just one of the glories about being him. IT’S SO GLORIOUS TO BE TOBY! One of the many challenges he had to face growing up, was growing up with the rare disease that caused him to be completely numb towards pain. Novacainism? Never before had he felt himself get hurt. He could have lost an arm and felt nothing. Well, he wouldn’t have felt anything from that arm, at least. That and another major disorder he had faced, was the one that deemed him many insulting nick names in the short time he attended grade school, before he was moved to home schooling was his Tourette Syndrome, which caused him to tic and twitch in ways he couldn't control. Ok, am I the only one who has that South Park episode in their head? You know, the one where Cartman pretends to have Tourettes? You know what, Cartman should be the voice of every Creepypasta character. That would be perfect. He would crack his neck uncontrollably and twitch every once in a while. The kids would tease him and call him Ticci-Toby and mock him with exaggerated twitching and laughing. And, of course, the teachers did nothing about it. It got so bad he turned to homeschooling. It was too hard for him to be in a common learning environment with seemingly every kid poking, or more like stabbing fun at him. Then why don’t you stab them?
Toby stared blankly out the window, his face was empty of any depict-able emotion, and every few minutes his shoulder, arm, or foot would twitch. “Son of a twitch!” he yelled. Every bump that the car tires hit, made him stomach turn.
Toby Rogers was the boy’s name. Mr. Rogers procreated? I guess there was more going on in the neighborhood than I thought. And the last time Toby remembered riding a car, was when it crashed. That’s got to be awkward when driving around.
That's all he thought about. “That, and why they were in a forest. Wasn’t their house the other way?” Unconsciously replaying everything he had remembered before he blacked out, over and over again. LET’S DO THE TIME WARP AGAAAAAAAAAIN!
Toby had been the lucky one, when his sister hadn't been so lucky. When the thought of his older sister came, he couldn't help but let his eyes begin to tear up. The horrible memories replayed in his mind. Her screaming that had been cut off when the front of the car was smashed in. It all went blank for a moment before Toby ope ned his eyes to see his sister’s body, her forehead pierced with glass shards, her hips and legs where crushed under the force of the steering wheel, her torso pushed in from the late inflated air bag. This was the last thing he had seen of his dear older sister. Um, can I make a joke here? Um…yeah…moving on…
The road home continued on for what seemed like forever. It took so long to get home due to his mother wanting to avoid passing the sight of the crash. Are there no other routes outside of car crash area and the wilderness?
When the surrounding gave into a familiar neighborhood, they had both been more then ready to get out of the car and step back into their own home. Ah, home sweet home. And considering this a Creepypasta with a young protagonist, it’s probably going have an abusive parent or two.
It was a older neighborhood, with quaint little houses all next to each other. The car drove in front of a little blue house, with white window panes. So they live in a neighborhood from the 50s?
They both quickly noticed the old vehicle that was parked in front of the house, and the familiar figure who stood out in the drive way. Slender Man? No, wait, that’s later in the story. Toby felt automatic anger and frustration take over him at the sight of his father. His father who wasn't there. Wait, he’s angry at the sight of his father, but his father isn’t there? I’m confused.
His mother pulled the car up into the driveway beside him before turning off the engine and preparing to step out and face her husband.
“Why is he here?” Toby said quietly as he looked back at his mother who reached to open the car door. “Because he wouldn’t leave me alone. He’s rather annoying like that. If you ever go batshit insane, you should totally kill him.”
“He’s your father Toby, he’s here because he wants to see you,” His mother responded with a monotone voice, trying to sound less shaky.
“Yet he couldn't have driven up to the hospital to see Lyra before she died,” Toby narrowed his eyes out the window. So, this is number three on the “Weird names from Creepypasta stories that start with ‘L’”. We got Liu, Lonnie, and now Lyra.
“He was drunk that night honey, he couldn't drive-” Why not call a cab or something? 
“Yeah when is he not,” Toby pushed open the door before his mother and stumbled out onto the driveway where he met his father’s gaze before looking down at his feet with a stern expression. Wait, his father is Tony Stark?
His mother stepped out behind him and met her husbands eyes before walking around the car. His father opened up his arms, expecting a hug from his wife, but she walked passed him and put her arm around Toby’s shoulder and influenced him to begin walking inside. Rejected! “Connie,” her husband began to say under a raspy voice, “What no welcome home hug huh?”
“No, and no welcome home fuck either.”
She ignored her husbands obnoxious words and walked passed him with her son under her arm. Other obnoxious words he says: fasbender, egregious, rectal exam. He’s weird when he’s drunk.
“Hey, He’s 16 he can walk by himself,” his father began to follow them in. 16 AND LIFE KEEPS COMING!
“He’s 17,” Connie glared back at him before opening the door to the house and stepping inside.
“Actually, I’m 25.”
“Shut up, Toby.”
“Toby, why don’t we get you in your room to rest okay? I’ll come get you when dinner is ready-”
“No, I’m 16 I can walk by myself,” Toby said sarcastically, and glared back at his father before stumbling up the small stair case and turning into his room where he slammed the door violently. “Also, your cooking sucks!”
His little room didn't have much in it. “Just the heads of his enemies. They make good decorations.” Just a small bed, a dresser, a window, and his walls had a few framed pictures of his family, back when they where a family. 
Before his father became an alcoholic, and acted violently towards the rest of his family. Before his father became Tony Stark and started rounding up unregistered superheroes. Toby remembered when he was arguing with his mother and he grabbed her by the hair and shoved her to the floor, and when Lyra had tried to break it up, he pushed her and she hit her back on the corner of the kitchen counter. Oh, ouch. Toby could never forgive him for what he did to his mother and sister. Never. Has anyone called the police on his father? Have they tried kidnapping him and sending him to AA? Toby didn't care how much his father beat him down, he couldn't feel it anyway, what he did care about was how he intentionally hurt the only two people he cared about. Shaq and Bob Marley? And when he waiting in the hospital, where his sister took her last few breaths, the only person who didn't rush there, was his dad. Well, he was drunk, and didn’t think to take a cab, or ask for anyone to drive him there, or…
Toby stood by the window and looked out onto the street. He could have sworn he saw things out of the corner of his eye, but quickly blamed it on the medication he had been put on. Side effects include hallucination, violent tendencies, minor spelling and grammar errors, and the embracing of an insulting nickname. Consult with your Operator to see if Proxicen is right for you. When dinner time had come around and his mother called up to him, Toby came down the stairs and hesitantly sat down at the table across from his father, and in between his mother and an empty chair. The real reason he didn’t want to be there is because his mother was serving broccoli.
It was quiet as his parents picked at their food, but Toby refused to eat. Instead he just watched his dad with a blank stare. “I’ll make you uncomfortable, if it’s the last thing I do!”
His mother caught onto his stare towards his father and elbowed him slightly. Toby looked over at her slightly and look down at his uneaten food, in which he didn't touch. “Instead, he stared blankly at that too.”
Toby laid in bed, he pulled his covers over his head and stared at the window. Oh, that was random. A transition might have been nice. He was tired but there was no way he would fall asleep. “Jeff the Killer could bite him.” He couldn't, there was too much to think about. He had been debating on whether or not to follow his mothers directions and forgive his father, or continue holding a grudge with his boiling hatred. “On the one hand, there’s forgiving him and moving forward. On the other, there’s holding a lifelong grudge that will consume me until I go insane or die. Yep, totally going with grudge.”
He heard his door creak open, and his mother padded into the room and sat on the bed next to him. “Honey, Clockwork won’t be the only story with incest.” She reached over and rubbed his back, which had been turned to her. “I know its hard Toby, trust me, I understand, but I promise you it will get better” she said softly.
“When is he going to leave?” Toby said with a innocent tone in his shaky voice.
“When we banish him back to the 6th Dimension. That might take a while though.”
Connie let her gaze fall down to her feet. “I don’t know honey, he's staying as far as I know,” she replied. Couldn’t you get a restraining order or something?
Toby didn't respond. He just continued to look forward at the wall, holding his damaged arm near his chest.
After a few minutes of silence, his mother sighed, before she leaned in to kiss his cheek and stood up to walk out of the room. “Good night,” she said as she closed the door. 
The hours passed slowly, and Toby couldn't quit tossing and turning. I TOSS AND TURN, I CAN’T SLEEP AT NIGHT! I USED TO RUN TO YOU. NOW I RUN FROM YOU. THIS TAINTED LOVE YOU’VE GIVEN, I GAVE YOU ALL A BOY COULD GIVE YOU. Every time he let his imagination take over, he heard the screeching of tires, the screaming of his sister, and he could uncontrollably jerk in bed. Well, the jerking is from the Tourette’s, which has not really been mentioned at all since the beginning of the story. He threw off his covers, laying on his back, he pulled his pillow over his face and cried into it. He could feel his chest rise and fall as he let out each shaky breathe as he cried. He could hear his own pitiful weeping. He would have been screaming and crying if he didn't press his pillow over his face. “However, putting the pillow on his face had the unintended effect of smothering himself.”
After a few seconds he threw the pillow off his face as well and sat up, hunched over, holding his head and breathing roughly, tears streaming from his eyes. He couldn't help but cry. He tried to keep it in, but he couldn't help but whine and whimper as he sat there shaking. He inhaled before he stood up and walked around his bed to the window and peered out, taking deep breathes trying to calm down. He rubbed his eyes and looked out at the group of tall pine trees across the street. “There he saw a flash mob.”
He stopped suddenly, and his gaze slowly centered on something standing under the street light. He heard ringing in his ears and he couldn't look away. The figure stood beside the street light, about 2 feet shorter then it, long arms draped at it’s sides as it stared up at him with non-existing eyes. That is probably the dumbest description of Slender Man’s face I have ever read. The figure had no features what-so-ever. Except for, you know, the suit. No eyes, no mouth, no nose, yet it held Toby’s hypnotized stare, seemingly peering into his very being. Slender Man watches you at night, Toby. He knows what you do in the dark. He sees you masturbating. The ringing in his ears grew louder and louder each second he stared before suddenly it all went black.
The next morning Toby woke in his bed. He felt different. I thought he couldn’t feel anything. He wasn't tired at all, and when he consciously woke up, it felt like he had been lying there, awake for hours. He had no thoughts flowing through his mind. “A slight breeze went through one ear, and out the other.” He sat up slowly and stumbled over to the wall, but when he stood up he automatically felt dizzy. So he can feel nothing except for different and dizzy? He stumbled to the doorway and walked down the stairs. His parents where sitting at the table, his father was in-tuned with the small TV that sat on the counter top, and his mother reading the newspaper.
“Damn this Kenyan-Muslim-Satanic-Communist-Terrorist President. We need better presidents, like Ronald Regan! Yes sir, he was the reincarnation of Jesus, and did everything right! ‘MURICA!” Toby’s father said.
“Oh, don’t mind him, Toby. He’s just been watching FOX News.”
She quickly looked over when she felt Toby’s presence looming behind her.
“Well, good morning sleepy head, you’ve been sleeping forever,” She greeted him with hesitated smile. “Seriously, we had to get a prince to grope you while you sleep to get you to wake up.”
Toby slowly looked over at the clock and noticed that it was 12:30 p.m.
“I made you breakfast but it got cold, I was going to wake you, but I felt you needed sleep,” her expression fell from happy to worried as her son resisted responding to her. “Are you alright?”
“I don’t know. I don’t feel…anything.”
Toby stumbled over and sat by his father. He felt as if he was on idle, and had no control over his actions. “Or at least that’s what he said at the trial after he killed his father.” He was seeing everything he did, but it didn’t seem to register in his brain properly. He reached out to to his fathers arm, but his hand ended up getting slapped. His father turned to him abruptly and pushed his chair over with his foot. That’s a dick thing to do.
“Don’t touch me boy!” He yelled. Ok, either he’s telling someone not to touch his kid while he speaks in a Scottish accent, or he’s telling his kid not to touch him. I personally prefer the first one, but that’s just me.
His mother stood up, “Alright knock that off! I wouldn’t say that, Toby’s father might take that too literally. That is the last thing we need!” The days went by, and things continued on as they where. That was an abrupt change. It went from, “Stop abusing the kid” to “things continued on as they where.” (By the way, “as they where”? Come on.) Connie spent most of her time cleaning up the house, and her rude husband spent most of his time ordering her around. “But all of that would change when Connie was bitten by a radioactive spider.” It was just how it used to be before the crash. So nothing changed except for the loss of a kid?
Toby never really left his room. I do the same thing. He would sit by his bed, and tremble. TREMBLE, MORTAL, BEFORE THE GREAT FOUR WALLS! KNEEL AT THE DÉCOR! His mind would wonder, but his thoughts changed too fast to be remembered. He would pace around his small room like a caged animal, or stare out the window. The unhealthy cycle continued.
Connie continued to be pushed around by her husband, being way too submissive to him So she’s not a dominatrix, I’m guessing, and Toby remained in his room.
Before he could think twice, he would begin to chew on his hands, tearing the flesh from his fingers. Compulsory cannibalism is a thing, apparently. He would gnaw his hands until they bled. When his mother walked in on him while he was doing so, she reacted horribly. “Young man, stop chewing on your hands this instant!” She rushed him downstairs and grabbed the first aid, wrapping his hands in it. She demanded that he wouldn’t leave her side from then. “And that’s how Toby became a mama’s boy.”
He isolated himself so much that he grew to hate being around others. I feel you, man. His memory grew glitchy as well. He’d start missing memory of minutes, hours, days, and so on. Apparently he has Alzheimer’s too. He would begin talking nonsense, about things completely unrelated to conversations he would have. “I need scissors! 61” He’d go off about seeing things, sharks in his sink as he washed the dishes, hearing crickets in his pillows, and seeing ghosts outside his bedroom window. That’s got to be annoying. Wait, twitching a lot, hallucinating about bugs…is Toby a meth addict? All the nonsense landed him in a counselors office. His mother grew too anxious about his mental health, she decided it would be good for him to talk to a professional about what he was feeling. Well, he can’t feel anything.
Connie walked Toby into the building, holding his hand and guiding him in. She walked him up to the front desk and began talking to the lady who sat behind it.
“Mrs. Rogers?” The lady asked.
“Yes that’s me,” Connie nodded, “We’re here to see doctor Oliver, I’m here with Toby Rogers” 
“Oh, good, you have the virgin sacrifice. Right this way. Cthulu will be very pleased with you.”
“Yes, right this way,” The lady stood up and lead them down a long hallway. Toby looked at the framed artwork down the halls and tuned in to the sound of the lady’s high heels on the hard wood floor. The artwork is from Rob Liefeld, by the way. Talk about inappropriate décor. 
She opened the door to a room with a table and two chairs. 
“If we can get him to sit in here for a few minutes, I’ll get the doctor, “Matt Smith, your 10 o’clock is here!”" She smiled and held the door open. Toby stumbled into the room and sat down at the table. He looked over at his mother and the lady before the door slowly shut behind them. He looked around the room before he held up his tightly bandaged hands and began to bite at the bandages to unwrap his hands, but was interrupted as the door swung open and a young woman in a black and white spotted dress and light blonde hair stepped in, holding a clip board and a pen. “Crap, can’t be a cannibal in front of the hot chick,” he thought. 
“Toby?” she asked with a smile.
Toby looked up at her and nodded. He didn’t mean to nod; it was just a twitch.
“Nice to meet you Toby, my name is Doctor Oliver.” she put her hand out for him to shake but hesitantly pulled away when she noticed his bandaged hands.
“Oh, “This is awkward.”" she smiled nervously before clearing her throat and sitting in the chair across the table from him.
“So I’m going to ask you a few questions, try to answer then as honestly as possible okay?” she placed her clip board down on the table. “First, are you a bad enough dude to save the president?” Toby nodded slowly and held his restrained hands in his lap.
“How old are you Toby?”
“Old enough to have a good time with you.”
“17” he responded quietly.
She wrote that down on the paper that was clipped to the clipboard.
“What is your full name?”
 “Fluffy, the Destroyer of Worlds, Jr.”
“Toby Erin Rogers.”
“What is your birthday?”
“June 6, 1966.” 
“April 28th”
 “Who is your immediate family?” 
Toby paused for a minute before answering her question, “My Mom, My Dad, and…” he stopped, “M-my sister. “Well, not my sister anymore.”"
“I heard about your sister dear… I’m really sorry,” her expression faded into a sad, pity-filled look.
Toby nodded.
“Do you remember anything from the crash Toby?” 
Toby looked away from her. His mind went blank for a moment. He looked down at his lap, and in the surrounding, he heard a faint ringing sound. “His Tinnitus was acting up again.” His eyes widened and he froze in his place.
“Toby?” the counselor asked.
“Toby are you listening?”
Toby felt a shiver go down his spine until he froze once again and slowly looked over out the little window through the door, where he saw it. A dark feature-less figure, peering in at him. “Yoooooo, Toby, wassup?” Slender Man yelled. He stared, eyes widened, the ringing growing louder and louder until suddenly the loud voice of the counselor broke his trance.
“Toby!” She yelled.
Toby jumped and fell sideways out of his chair and back up into the corner. Doctor Oliver stood up, holding her clipboard to her chest. A surprised look in her eyes. Toby met her eyes again, his breath hitching as he twitched. Oh, there’s the mention of his twitching. It took quite a while.
That night Toby laid in bed. His eyes dazed as he stared straight up at his ceiling. He could feel himself begin to doze off, when he heard the scattering of footsteps down his hallway. He sat up and looked towards the doorway, his door wide open. “His mom never closed the door when she left his room.” There was no light, everything was lit by the luminescent blue glow of the moon through his window, leaving a cold lighting. So there was light. He stood up and slowly made his way towards the doorway, when suddenly the door, which was previously wide open, slammed in his face. Slender Man, stop trolling future proxies. He gasped and fell back.
His was out of breathe I think you mean “out of breath.” I could be wrong, I mean, what do I know? when he hit the ground AND NOW I’M LYING ON THE COLD HARD GROUND! TROUBLE, TROUBLE, TROUBLE. and he began breathing heavily, his eyes wide open. He waited for a few seconds before getting back up on his feet. He reached out and grasped the cold door handle How did he know it was cold? I thought he couldn’t feel anything with his bandaged hand and creaked it open. He looked out into the dark hallway and tiptoed out of his room. The window at the end of the hallway lit up the darkness with blue moonlight as he padded his way down. He could hear footsteps rustling around him, and faint giggling let by the pitter patter of small feet, which sounded like a child had run in front of him, giggling and running around. Ugh. I hate small children. The hallway was a lot longer then he had remembered. It seemed endless… like the ride home from the hospital. You know what else seems endless? This story. He heard a door creak in front of him.
“Mom?” he called out in a shaky voice.
“Oh, I’m not your mother. I’m Satan. Nice to meet your acquaintance.”
Suddenly a door slammed behind him and he jumped and turned around. Behind him he heard a long eerie groan from behind him, that sounded to croak right in his ear. He turned around as fast as he could and was suddenly face to face with none other then his dead sister. “Yo, Toby, join me. The after life is awesome!”;; Her eyes where clouded white, her skin pale, and the right side of her jaw only dangling on by tissue and muscle, glass protruding from her forehead, and black blood leaking down her face, her blonde hair pulled up back in a pony tail as it always was, wearing her grey t-shirt and athlete shorts which where dirty and spotted with blood. Wait, is she…a zombie goast? Oh god, it’s “Half-Life: Full Life Consequences” all over again! Her legs were bent in ways they shouldn’t be. “At 90 degree angles.” She stood, emitting a long croaking noise, only an inch away from Toby’s face. Toby yelped and fell back.
“AW!” That was a weird thing to shout. he started to crawl backwards away from her, not able to break the eye contact he held with her, blank, dead eyes. He dragged himself backwards until he backed up into something. “That something was his father.” He stopped for a second. Everything was dead silent except for his heavy breathing and crying. He slowly looked up to meet the blank face of a tall dark figure that stood over him. Behind the tall dark mass where rows of children, looking to range from 3 to 10 years, their eyes completely black and dark black blood leaked from their eye sockets. “Behold, Toby! The children of Eyeless Jack!”
He screamed and stood up as fast as he could only to be tripped by dark black tendrils that wrapped around his ankle. “Tell me, Toby, have you ever seen hentai?” He fell straight on his stomach and got the wind knocked out of his chest. He tried to scream out but he couldn’t make a sound. He wheezed out, before it all went black.
Toby woke up with a start. He screamed out and sat up as fast as he could, completely short of breathe. He wheezed out and held his chest with his bandaged hands. It was just a dream…. just a dream. That was a weird ass dream. He laid back down on his bed and rolled over on his side. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted off his chest as he took in deep breathes. He stood up and padded over to his window. He saw nothing. Nobody was out there. No ghosts. No figures. Nothing. No, Toby, the zombie goasts are still there.
He heard the rustling and coughing of his father out the doorway. His door was closed. He walked over and opened it. Looking out into the hallway once again. He padded down the hallway and into the kitchen where he found his dad standing and having a smoke in their living room. Wow, an alcoholic and a smoker! At this rate, he’ll kill himself before Toby does!
Toby waited a second and watched him from around the corner before a burning feeling started deep in his chest. I thought he can’t feel anything. Also, you took the “weird feeling” thing from “Jeff the Killer.” Shame on you.
Deep, boiling, anger took over him. He heard the little imaginary voices in his head.
“Collect string in boxes! Kill the president! Coocoocachu, Colonel Sanders!”
“Do it, Do it, Do it,” they chanted.
He turned away and held his arms. He felt like he actually had control over himself, unlike he did for the past few weeks since he got home from the hospital. Well, don’t say that at your murder trial. He actually had complete thoughts for just moments before they where clouded by the chanting of the little voices in his head. Those little bastards wouldn’t shut up.
“Kill him, he wasn’t there, he wasn’t there, kill him, kill him,” they continued on. Well, if you kill him, he won’t be there ever again. Toby trembled. No. No he wasn’t going to do it. Pussy. What, was he going crazy? Well, yeah. No. He won’t kill anyone. He can’t. He hated his father, but hated no way he was going to kill him. That sentence made sense up until the comma. That was it. The last thought he had before he fell into an idle state once again. The influence of the voices in his head was too much. See, this is the problem with having voices in your head. They make you kill people and stuff. It’s very annoying.
He began to silently walk up behind his father. “Prepare your anus, father.” He reached over the counter to the knife holder in the kitchen and pulled out a the largest knife that had been resting in the case. He gripped it in his hand. He felt a sensation take over his chest. Again, I thought he couldn’t feel anything. He let out a snicker.
“Heh… heheh… hehehehehe! HAHAHAHA!” What’s so funny? he began laughing so hard he had to gasp for breathe. There is a difference between breath and breathe. Breath is a noun; breathe is a verb. His father turned around abruptly before he felt a brute force shove him to the floor. He grunted as the hair was knocked out of him. Where will you be when baldness strikes?
“What!” he looked up at the boy who stood over him, grasping the kitchen knife in his hand. “What what what what. I’m gonna beat some kids, got twenty dollars in my pocket. I’m a drinking, getting drunk off my ass. This is fucking awesome.”
“Toby what are you doing!” he went to sit up and put hand arms out in front of him in self defense but before he knew it Toby was on top of him. He went to grab at his neck, but his father reached out and blocked his hand by grabbing onto this wrist.
“Stop! Get off of me you little fucker!” he yelled and with his other hand he threw an off center punch towards Toby’s shoulder, but he didn’t stop.
The look in Toby’s eyes was not sane. “It was crazier than Charlie Sheen and Jenny McCarthy combined.” It looked as if a demon had taken control over him. Mephisto: screws up marriages and kills abusive parents. He yelled back and went to stab the knife into his father’s chest but he blocked him and grabbed onto his wrist once again. Toby, you suck at murder. He went to shove him back, but Toby kicked out his feet in front of him and landed a hard blow straight to his face. His father recoiled and pulled his arms away to cuff his face, but Toby got back up and drove the knife straight into his shoulder. “I now pronounce you man and knife!” 
His father let out a loud cry and went to pull the knife out, but before he could, Toby threw his fist straight into his face. FALCON PUNCH!
He began to pound his fists into his head, laughing and wheezing. Ha ha ha, patricide is funny! He cracked his neck and grabbed the knife and ripped it out of his shoulder. He drove it deep into his dad’s chest and repeatedly stabbed into his torso, blood spilling out and getting splattered everywhere. This is overkill, man. Literally. He didn’t stop until his father’s body went still. He threw the knife over to the side and leaned over his body, coughing and panting. “The douche in dead! Long live the douche!” He stared at his smashed in face and sat there twitching, until a loud scream broke the silence. He looked over to see his mother standing a few feet away, covering her mouth, tears streaming down her eyes.
“Toby!” she screamed, “Why did you do that!?” she cried.
“You’re welcome.”
“W-why!?” She screamed. 
Toby stood up and began to back away from his father’s bloody corpse. He began to back out of the kitchen. He looked down at the blood soaked bandages on his hands and looked up at his mother one last time before he turned and ran out of the house. Run, Forrest, run! He ran into the garage and slammed his hand against the control panel on the wall and pushed the button to open the garage door. Before he ran out his father’s two hatchets that had been hanging on the tool rack above a table full of jars, filled to the brim with old rusted nails and screws. That sentence made no sense.
One hatchets was new, it had a bright orange handle and a shiny blade, the other was old with a wooden handle and a old dull blade. He grabbed both and looked down at the table and his eyes met a box of matches, and under the table was a red gasoline tank. RED GASOLINE TANK, I LIFT YOU UP! LET’S HAVE A PARTY! PROCEED TO PARTY! He held both of the hatchets in one hand and grabbed the matches and gasoline before running out of the garage, down the driveway and up the street. As he approached the street light that he could see out his own bedroom window he heard police sirens in to distance. I hope the justice system makes more sense here than it did in “Jeff the Killer.”
He turned around and the red and blue flashing lights came rushing down the street. Toby stood for a second, before he pulled open the cap on the gasoline tank and ran down the street, spilling gasoline all over the street after him and he turned to run into the trees. “He also spilled some on himself, which he would end up regretting.” He poured the last bit of gasoline out before he reached in his pocket and pulled out a match. He struck it against the box and immediately dropped it. In an instant, flames burst out around him. The fire caught onto the trees and bushes around him and before he knew it, he was surrounded by fire. Smokey the Bear is going to be pissed. Also, to finish off the “Half-Life: Full Life Consequences” joke: “so he blew up the house and killed the zombie goasts so they were at peace.” The silhouettes of police cars where visible through the flames as he backed away into the forest around him. He looked around but his vision was blurred, his heart was pounding and he closed his eyes for a moment. This was it. This was the end. No, there’s still a few more paragraphs left.
Toby felt a hand on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked over to see a large white hand with long boney fingers that rested on his shoulder. That’s not the only part of him that’s bony, if you know what I mean. He followed the arm that was attached to the hand up to a towering dark figure. It appeared to be wearing a dark black suit, and it’s face was completely blank. It towered over Toby’s small frame and it looked down on him. Tendrils reached out from it’s back. This is getting dangerously close to yaoi territory. Before Toby knew it, his vision blurred and he was surrounded by the sound of ringing in his ears. Everything went blank. That was it. That was the end. That was how Toby Rogers died. Oh. I did not expect that.
A few weeks later Connie sat in her sister’s kitchen. Her sister, Lori sat next to her drinking a cup of coffee.
About three weeks ago, Connie lost her husband, and her son, and a few weeks before, she lost her daughter to a car crash. “And then she found out she had cancer, and a long lost sister. Except that sister died long before Connie could meet her. Connie’s life sucks.” Since then she moved in with her sister. The police where keeping her busy, they had just finished cleaning up the case, and the story had been released two weeks ago, and the focus of the world seemed to have shifted to completely new stories. Yeah, that’s the news for you. Lori switched on the T.V. to a news broadcast. On the T.V. the news reporter began introducing the new headline.
“Breaking news: Marvel Studios acquires Spider-Man. Fanboys everywhere go into catatonic states of orgasmic bliss and hype.”
“We have breaking news! Last night there has been a reported murder of 4 individuals. There are no suspects yet but the victims where a group of middle school kids who had been out in the woods late last night. The kids had been ‘bludgeoned’ and stabbed to death. “Investigators think the kids might have been ‘killed’ with ‘sharp objects’. The investigators had discovered a weapon at the crime scene which appears to be a old, dull bladed hatchet, as you can see here” No I can’t. This story has no pictures. The pictured changed to show snap shots of the weapon exactly as it was left on the crime scene.
“Investigators had pulled the name of a possible suspect, OJ Simpson Toby Rogers, a 17 year old boy who a few weeks ago had stabbed his father to death and tried to cover up his escape by setting a fire in the streets and the forest area around the neighborhood. Great way to cover up your escape: create more attention on the fact that you’re leaving. Although they had believed the young boy had died in the fire, investigators suspect that Rogers may still be alive, due to the fact that his body was never found. “And now to Bob with the weather!””
16 notes · View notes
rubykgrant · 8 months
(found some old notes I had for the RVB story-line where they have normal people shenanigans on Earth, so I'm sharing it again~)
-Everybody tries to “retire” again, but this time on Earth so they aren’t just alone with themselves on a moon. Whatever clown organization that calls itself the government has decided to basically just let them live rent-free in some big building in some city (some wacky made-up place that can be in Texas, because that's funny).
-Most of them find new ways to chill, and they don’t really get recognized by civilians since literally nobody has seen their faces before, and they go by first names in public. They all find hobbies to try. At some point, Dr Grey gave Wash the advice to keep a video journal to help him remember various events. Andrews suggest this could help the others record their thoughts for any future interviews, so they join in
-Donut gets a job at an a pet shop/animal rescue center (he eventually brings back two kittens for Wash). He doesn’t really need the money, he just enjoys it and needed to find something to do (sometimes he helps with more serious animal injuries and emergencies for large creatures, because he was a farm kid)
-Donut also becomes BFFs with Kai; they just have lots of fun together, he helps her pick out clothes (since she’s colorblind and he’s color-coordinated), she’s really supportive of his "mean streak", and he’s also a great wing-man when she goes out to flirt (Tucker tries to tag along, but he still needs to... refine his flirting technique. he's trying, he really is!)
-Caboose also wants to get a job, because otherwise he’s just home all day waiting for everybody else to come back. He starts working at a mall... and he constantly gets shuffled around from one place to another (did you ever see that show 6teen? OK, that, but it is all just Caboose). The manager of the mall knows who “Michael” really is, and is trying to be respectful by helping out a space hero... but also, this guy is VERY accident-prone. Eventually, Caboose finds a niche as a costume character who entertains people for special events
-Sarge is trying to find new ways to deal with boredom without declaring war on gravity, so he decides to write a book about his life... this leads him to seek advice on the internet (once Simmons shows him how to use a computer). The result is, Sarge discovers thousands of ways to argue with every single troll online (jokes on them, he’s even more annoying than all of them put together)
-There is an on-going problem of Sarge trying to tell his boys from Red Team that he actually cares about them, but he keeps on backing out from it at the last minute. He really WANTS to be nice, but he’s been gruff and grumpy for so long, and it is hard to change the behavior everybody expects from you (this is actually a WHOLE THEME for a few characters)
-Doc FINALLY decides to try and an ACTUAL degree in medicine (he also makes a few new friends this way, and it becomes important that he’s doing this later. one character at the med school is like 19 and got pushed into this by over-achieving parents, so Doc basically adopts them as a younger sib)
-Lopez gets to make friends with the neighbors they have, and not only does this give him a chance to have a life outside the group of danger-magnets, it also makes everybody kinda miss having him around, so they take more of an interest in him (they even get him a motorcycle)
-Grif and Simmons are roommates again, but Grif is making a legit effort to be less annoying, which Simmons appreciates (Kai keeps nudging her bro to try and have another talk with the dude he’s been interested in for more than a decade, but any attempt Grif makes to get Simmons to understand how he feels goes unnoticed. Grif finally gives up and insists that he’s more comfortable with their relationship being the way it always has been... but his sister still catches him YEARNING)
-Tucker kinda feels lonely... everybody else is figuring out ways to enjoy their time/keep busy, but he hasn’t found his groove (he can't fall back into old habits because the Character Growth definitely happened, as much as it bothers him). He tries to go and contact some of kids he thought he had on Chorus... which is when he discovers there was a mistake. Turns out a lot of files got accidentally deleted, and thanks to a glitch, Tucker's info got auto-filled in as the father in ALL the DNA tests. He in fact does not have any biological kids on Chorus, and he’s a little disappointed by this (he's not even mad about paying child support) He tries to find the one kid he KNOWS is his, because he misses Junior so MUCH, but isn’t able to get in touch...
-Carolina is BORED. She doesn’t know what the heck to do with herself. When the others finally notice she seems kinda down, they start inviting her out to do stuff. At first she’s not even sure how to just have “fun”, but she finally gives in. Eventually, they take her to a karaoke bar, sing a very bad group-performance of “Sweet Caroline” to her, and she about dies laughing. This becomes a favorite thing for her, so they all go back and sing something there maybe once or twice a week (this also becomes a fun activity for her and Tucker, who she didn’t think she’d really bond with, but he’s chilled-out on being a perv, they’ve both been sort of lost... and they both share Church stories with each other)
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gladoswantscake · 3 months
Yakuza - Kiryu Kazuma Dating HC's
Warnings: None
Available on AO3
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💗 You were being taunted and harassed by a group of men on your way home from the store. It wasn't long until Kiryu stepped in to dismantle the group. (literally)
💗 The one badly beaten remaining man crawled to you, pleading for help, and profusely apologizing only to be dragged away by his ankles. The man lets out a high pitch scream as he gets swung and thrown into a vending machine.
💗 They took off. Cursing amongst themselves became faint the further they made distance between you and the man who saved you: Kiryu. He helps pick up your dropped food items and returned them to you. The paper bag filled with fresh food products was destroyed all thanks to the delinquents. He felt terrible, so he offered to buy you dinner.
💗 Later that night, you hand him your phone number and invite him for some lunch as a way to thank him. Even though Kiryu assured you that you did not need to pay him back, you still insisted.
💗 A warm smile from you was enough to get Kiryu flustered. He wasn't sure if the strange warm fuzzy feeling he was experiencing was normal. A day later he musters up enough courage to send you a text. Within several exchanging text messages, the two of you establish a date.
💗Kiryu manage to slowly break out of his shell to become more comfortable being around you. And over the course of time, the two of you establish an official relationship.
💗 Kiryu really wanted to spice things up with the next date. He figured a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant and a gift would be perfect.
💗He scouts out a few stores in town to find the perfect gift. Nothing too expensive or too cheap.
💗 In this mind, he was freaking out. He honestly had no idea what gift he could get you. Were you more of a jewelry person? Necklace or bracelet? Or maybe flowers? Would if they don't last long? What about sweets?
💗 His patience was wearing thin and his anxiety was creeping up on him. He didn't have much time left before he picks you up. Then suddenly an arm was thrown around Kiryu's shoulder.
💗 "What is my 'lit-tle' Kiryu-chan up to?" A huge grin plastered on Majima's face. "It's unusual to see you wanderin' around the shopping mall." Kiryu hesitates. "I'm just looking around is all." "Now I know that ain't the truth." Majima wags his finger in his face. "You've been walking around here for a while now. What are you really up to?" "I-I um... I was-" "You've got a special person in mind, don'tcha?" Majima interrupts him. Kiryu responds with a nod. His face was starting to feel hot. Majima wipes away a fake tear from his eye. "I can't believe my Kiryu-chan has already grown up! He rejoices. "I've raised ya well!" "Majima-san can I ask you a question?" "Of course! You can ask me anythin'." "Well, I'm taking them out for dinner, and I really want to give them a good impression, but I don't what gift to get for them. "Ya know I have an idea or two up my sleeve!" He playfully elbows Kiryu. "You can fight me so that way you can impress em'." He suggests. Kiryu shakes his head. "I don't think I would want to scare them." "Oh nonsense! They'd be fallin' harder for ya if they saw someone protecting them."
💗 Majima would honestly be the last person to seek advice from considering how creative and wacky his ideas have been in the past. But within certain times where Kiryu needs help and doesn't have anyone around, he may cautiously ask Majima under condition.
💗 Majima will most definitely tease Kiryu about being head over heels for you. He only does it to poke fun at him for being so sheepish around you.
💗 If you just so happen to like pocket circuit, he's going to be giddy. If you're new to it, he'll help you out with upgrades and give you tips on how to win races. If it's the two of you racing, he'll purposefully lose just to see you smile.
💗 He really likes bringing home knick-knacks that he found in lockers. You had no idea how much he can carry in his pockets.
💗 Since he has relations within the Tojo clan and has enemies, he makes it his priority to keep you far from the Yakuza. He's lost people he deeply cared for in the past and doesn't want to make the same mistake again.
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