#have i mentioned yet that i love pinestar?
wc-confessions · 2 months
No one asked me but I’m gonna rate the warrior cat novellas because I love the novellas
1: CloudStars Journey, pretty good book and I loved CloudStars character, his wife BirdFlight should get a super edition. 11/10
2: HollyLeafs Story. I read this before reading PoT and I thought this book is actually super good with how it makes HollyLeaf reflect on her actions, I love how it connects with her leaving the tunnels too. 10/10
3. GooseFeathers Curse. I absolutely hate Stormtail and he totally meant to hurt Goosepaw. GooseFeather is a great character I wish we saw more of him. 9/10
4. Pinestars Choice. A lot of people hate PineStar, but if StarClan kept telling me to kill my newborn son I think I’d also just leave. Also, I like how they mention Mapleshade at the beginning and how OakStar talks about his two other kids and how it’s effected him. Pretty cool, 8/10
5. BlackFoots Reckoning. Im a sucker for backstory’s like this, and I love the format of how each chapter is a memory that came with his new life. Question though, how come he’s getting this treatment and not evil murderer Tigerstar? 7/10
6. LeafPools Wish. I joined the fandom when the opinion on this book was that LeafPool manipulated Squirrelflight to take her kits, and not StarClan. I liked the book otherwise, 7/10
7. TigerClaws Fury. This book is so edgy it’s epic, I liked the part where TigerClaw hid under a twoleg house for a couple days 7/10
8. RedTails Debt. I really liked it, I liked getting more backstory on RedTail and finding out that he actually looked up towards TigerClaw? That’s heart breaking, but cool. 7/10
9. MapleShades Vengeance. I should probably reread it, it was alright but I think I may have misinterpreted some parts of the book. 6/10
10. Pebbleshines Kits. Had no clue who she was but I thought the book was pretty good, I liked when she was on the farm with Bug(?) and Bunny(?). Though, she chose to stay as a ghost to watch over Twig and Violet, did she ever return to StarClan? 6/10
11. I read part of RavenPaws book, DoveWings book and TawnyPelts book so idk much of what’s going on yet
12. MistyStars omen. I hate this book so much. She constantly berated MothWing for being an atheist, meanwhile she has a perfectly capable medicine cat who can contact StarClan so why does it matter? MistyStar denies her own son help because waaa MothWings an atheist. Then her brother needs to come down and be like “Hey, cut that out.” And suddenly everything’s fine again. 3/10
13. SpottedLeafs Heart. I don’t have to rate this. 0/10
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bonebabbles · 1 year
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I have mixed feelings on the Nightheart return. Generally positive but still mixed.
I really do not like the implication that this is the tipping point for Sunbeam to get radicalized by Berryheart... on one hand, she's now more open minded to her from being upset and that is understandable
On the other hand im not really liking how it's setting up Sunbeam, Scorned Woman, to have a villain arc
That sure is a writing choice, to have 3 protags related to legacy with strong influences (mothwing to tigerstar having just lost her apprentice thanks to StarClan's lack of help, Needletail, Firestar) and choose a broken romance to be what radicalizes Sunbeam
I also am just... generally not fond of Nightheart coming back yet. I don't think he HAS learned his lessons.
He did NOT have chapters and scenes examining his rashness. We didn't delve into his problems with authority. He never had a reckoning with how he was the biggest problem in his own relationships.
ThunderClan was NOT judging him for being related to Firestar. He was snapping every time they mentioned his name in his presence even when they were trying to soothe HIM about his insecurities
He didn't learn anything about wrecklessness or putting his life in danger, his major character flaw
I really did enjoy myself reading his Task Chapters, they were fun and creative! But they didn't show a progression of his character.
He just kinda went to ShadowClan and got better.
And on the positive hand...
I was hoping for this exact moment;
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And I got it, which is incredibly rare for this series.
They loved him the whole time and he's finally realizing it. Thank god
I really love the way Squilf invited him back in. Stern but still caring. I adore her.
Bramblestar stepping down is IDEAL. Get OUT.
The memory of Pinestar is excellent. Thank god the cats are remembering things
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
You know what?
I'm actually happy that Henry was mentioned in passing and never brought up again. He deserves to be obscure and not because I don't like him. I actually do love him to bites and wish he and Purdy met.
I am happy he's never brought up because this series is an absolute train-wreck and we were taught to hate kittypets and dislike anyone from the outside and love the clans despite glaring flaws.
Also, despite the clans being treated like a community, so many cats in the clans are like strangers to each other and don't have any form of connection and it's weird because they're all trying to survive and it's like, "Oh hey! You met Vineslash yet?" and they're all like, "Oh them uhh.. never talked to him outside of patrols and stuff."
Like I get it but also don't get it?
Also, I'm so excited to see Henry again from your sneak peek art!!!
I love your art and you give justice to the deserving and it's so goood!!!
Yeah I get that, as much as I would have loved more Henry stuff, I know that they'd only use him for more fatphobia. But it's funny you mention him and Purdy because I headcanon that they're brothers, Henry is the eldest brother and Purdy is the youngest brother. Not from the same litter though.
It's definitely odd that while they're viewed and treated as a community, they barely know each other. This is a fault of the writers of course, remember how much the deaths of characters impacted everybody in Arc 1 compared to TBC, remember how devastated FireHeart was when he sat next to a dying YellowFang and spent her last dying moments sitting by her and talking? You do? Good, now remember when RosePetal died and BristleFrost was just like "Oh no, RosePetal!" and didn't go beyond that. Do you notice the whiplash between the two comparisons? The Erins never write any meaningful relationships anymore and we're reminded of that anytime a character dies.
And it's so funny because when we see more into Twolegplace, they feel like more of a community than the clans do, cats actually know each other, they have pasts with each other, cats have reputations good or bad. Even with Warriorclan, you feel that great sense of community. Bone actually knew Boulder beforehand, most cats still knew about each other in Bloodclan. It's ironic that the biggest senses of community we get in Warriors are from groups of cats that are both not even real clans and have either brief appearances (Warriorclan) or an entirely antagonistic role in whatever story the Erins want to write (Bloodclan). The Twolegplaces we briefly see have more community than the clans ever had, which is sad because the entire series centers around the clans.
Also thank you so much! Henry is a major insignificant favorite of mine and I wanted so badly to integrate him into PineStar's Choice. I wish that book was a SE instead of a Novella because I would have loved to see more stuff in Chelford, we could have gotten a Henry appearance, we were robbed. Henry and Pine have a close bond with each other in the rewrite, and it's funny because it started out not the best. Basically, PinePaw scented a Kittypet and when he found the source of the scent, it was Henry who had caught a robin. PinePaw was furious and chased him out of the forest. Later on they meet again and Henry goes "Oh wait, I know you! You chased me out of the forest over a robin, haha!" and PinePaw's sitting there sweating nervously. Henry apologizes for taking the clan's food because he didn't realize it wasn't good to do that but PinePaw splutters out that Henry shouldn't be apologizing, and he says sorry to Henry. PinePaw, well, to say the least, feels really bad about that whole thing. But they grow closer nonetheless! If making art of insignificant Kittypets was a job I'd be rich, thank you so much again dude, I appreciate it!
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tuxalfredo · 2 years
Warrior Cats brainrot rant about the first arc(s). Mainly about Pinestar.
Pinestar is my favorite character in all of WC, my #1. He was the smartest character of any character, and honestly still very much is the smartest. It's because he left, he realizes how useless the things the Clans fought for were. He was 100% right about everything he told Bluefur while coming back from the Moonpool.
"They'll forgive us for the attack, then hate us for some other reason. Just as the other Clans will. The four Clans will be enemies till the end. ... and yet we all want the same things; prey to hunt, a safe territory, and peace to share our dreams with our ancestors. Why must we hate one another over such simple desires?" - Pinestar, the most based mf to ever live.
Everyone knows how problematic his forced relationship with Leopardfoot was, but that wasn't Pinestars fault in any way. The authors were just very ignorant with his character writing. Leopardfoot and Pinestar literally had NO chemistry WHATSOEVER.
Pinestar shouldn't have been given a mate at all. The guy has so much aroace energy, literally he was randomly given a she-cat to have a kit with only so Tigerstar can have (very meaningless) daddy issues.💀
Pinestars character was very neglected by the authors and thrown to the side when he had so much more potential. He should've influenced Bluestar way more, Bluestar should've thought back on him more throughout her leadership. He definitely had a huge impact on her upbringing. It's honestly sad how poorly he's written because of how much potential he had, he could've changed a lot about the Clans. Or, he could've at least influenced someone to change the Clans because he didn't have the strength to do it himself.
Going back to my brief mentioning about how Pinestar is aroace; yeah I said it. I said what everyone else was too afraid to say. My manns had the most aroace energy EVER, the authors forcing him to have a mate literally got me so angry like WHY BRO WHY?! HE DIDN'T NEED A MATE OR KITS AT ALL, IT'S LITERALLY ONLY THERE FOR TIGERSTARS BENEFIT AND THEY REALLY DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITH THAT LORE ANYWAYS???
A n y w a y s . . .
I have a lot more to say, but will leave this here due to braincell leakage. Here's a sketch I made of my manns that deserved way better than what he got:)
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I love him. He deserves the world and not to be written so shittily]:(
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Crown - Pinestar Heavily inspired by this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk4bx2LKMfo
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jayfrost-designs · 4 years
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This is also from December of last year.
I've had a new idea in my head for Darkstripe for a while now, and after getting all those other ref sheets that I needed to do done, I decided to run with it.  You may have noticed a change in the name of his father in his bio. Don't worry about that just yet.  I'll get to it after talking about the design.
The reverse side of his design can be seen here.
On his wiki page, Darkstripe is described as a large, lean, sleek, and thin-furred tom. I misread the "thin-furred" part of his description as "thick-furred" when I started designing this, so he ended up with a rather thick pelt. Oops.  My explanation/excuse for this is that the thin-furred description comes from his appearance as a Dark Forest cat, so as a living cat he had sleek, thick fur, but after dying he started going all patchy and ragged and his fur started to get pretty thin in places. So that's my half-baked excuse for that.  I went pretty free-hand with this design, but he's mostly based on Turkish Vans, and is meant to be decent-sized and muscular, with a thick mediumish pelt. He has a smaller version of his mother's ear tufts and a decent amount of scars, since he was always pretty aggresive.
For his pattern, Darkstripe is described as a dark gray tabby tom with black stripes and yellow eyes. I completely changed his design from his old one and went for a smoke tabby look for him this time around. His black stripes don't stand out as much as on his old design since the rest of the pelt is darker now, but they're still there, and he's overall a very dark-looking cat, so Dark- fits him well as a prefix. I played around with his design a lot before I was happy with it, but I'm really happy with the end result. ^^ I came up with a fresh shade of yellow for his eyes as well. ^^
Now for the fun part. Since Tawnyspots is no longer listed as his father on the official family tree, I decided to come up with a new headcanon for who his father is. I considered a few cats from ThunderClan at first, but none of them seemed to fit. But then I had a really interesting idea for his father - and for the reason he's a smoke tabby. I'll explain everything below - starting with Willowpelt's story. Apologies in advance for the length. ^^
As a young cat, Willowpelt gets lonely sometimes. Her sister is busy training to be a medicine cat, and Redtail throws himself into his warrior duties so much that he doesn’t spend as much time with her as either of them would like. She doesn’t begrudge either of them their ambitions - she knows Redtail wants to be the best warrior he possibly can (and later has his eye on the deputyship), and Spottedleaf will make an amazing medicine cat. But she doesn’t share their ambitions. She’s always been a much more relaxed cat, content to do her duties as a warrior, but not pushing beyond that, preferring to spend her time racing through the forest on the wild excitement of the hunt, and spend lazy days sunning in the grass, rather than busying herself with constant patrols and duties.
So while her siblings are busy with their work, Willowpelt seeks out companionship elsewhere. She’d always been curious about twolegplace, hearing stories about how their last leader had left to live there, and decided to check it out one day. She doesn’t find Pinestar - but she does find some friendly kittypets who welcome the visit of a real wild Clan cat. She continued to visit occasionally over the moons, whenever she’s feeling particularly lonely. She’s never swayed by the thought of becoming a kittypet herself - she loves her Clan, and her freedom, too much - but she’s happy to visit her kittypet friends whenever she can.
She grows particularly close with a sleek, handsome smoke tom called Sparky. A few moons later, she finds herself expecting the tom’s kits. The two aren’t in love, and Sparky rejects Willowpelt’s offer to join ThunderClan and help raise the kits, but it’s all very amicable and the two remain on close terms. Willowpelt is perfectly happy to raise her kits alone. She later gives birth to a single tom, Darkkit, who looks remarkably like his father. The Clan gossips a little about who the father could possibly be (Willowpelt covers her tracks visiting Twolegplace better than Featherstorm had), but overall they’re just happy to have another kit after the nursery has been empty so long, since White-eye’s last litter.
Willowpelt plans to tell Darkkit about his parentage when he’s old enough, but the young tom grows bitter after moons of some of the stricter cats whispering about his unknown parentage, and the loneliness of being the only kit in the nursery. Willowpelt always assures him that there’s nothing wrong with him and is a fiercely loving mother, but her laidback attitude about borders and rules bothers him - other warriors take these things seriously, so shouldn’t she? A kernel of doubt begins to weed its way onto Darkkit’s mind - what if Willowpelt won’t tell anyone who his father is because his father doesn’t want him? What if it was because he isn’t good enough to be this mystery tom's son? Willowpelt longs to comfort her son that his father does care and does want to be part of his life, but she’s not sure he’s old enough to understand the truth about his father, so she waits.
With all this doubt and bitterness swirling inside him, it’s no surprise that upon becoming an apprentice, Darkpaw immediately attaches himself to the first cat who seems ready to take him seriously and see some potential in him - his new mentor Tigerclaw. To Darkpaw, Tigerclaw is everything a warrior should be. He has the strength of TigerClan, the courage of LionClan, and  is the wisest, most loyal warrior in the entire Clan in the young tom’s eyes. He can’t believe his luck in snagging such a skilled and brave warrior as his mentor, and quickly learns to worship the ground Tigerclaw walks on. A secret part of his heart wonders whether Tigerclaw is his father. They both have dark tabby pelts and fur that grows darker at the points, and while Darkpaw isn’t nearly as tall and long-furred as the older tom, he’s still broader and taller than his mother, and could have inherited that from Tigerclaw. He works tirelessly to mold himself after Tigerclaw’s image and takes all of his training to heart - including his views on loyalty and cats from outside of the Clan.
Willowpelt had intended to tell Darkpaw about his father a moon or so into his training, but the longer he trained with Tigerclaw, the more disdainful he grew of cats outside of the warrior code, especially kittypets. She worries about how much the tom has changed, but he doesn’t seem willing to listen to her anymore, so there’s little she can do to curb Tigerclaw’s influence on her son. She resolved to continue hiding the truth of his father, as Darkpaw is probably happier not knowing the truth, and resolves to keep an eye on her son. It’s not all bad, she assures herself. Tigerclaw has taken the fatherless tom under his wing just as Thistleclaw had done for him, and he seems genuinely proud of his young apprentice - in his own stoic way - and is molding him into a strong warrior. As long as Darkpaw is happy, that’s what matters - right?
Though Darkpaw, then later Darkstripe definitely grows more scornful of others and more conceited over the moons, Willowpelt tries to stay optimistic. He’s a bit of a jerk, yes, but otherwise he seems like a perfectly loyal and happy warrior. But that illusion starts to chip away little by little after Tigerclaw’s exile as Darkstripe continues to show an unhealthy attachment to such a traitor, and then comes crashing down completely the day that Darkstripe tries to poison his own half sister. Unbeknownst to the rest of the Clan, Willowpelt sneaks out after Darkstripe as he’s departing the territory for his exile.
Rage and heartbreak bubble under her pelt in equal measures as she faces her eldest son. Something inside of her is wailing at the loss of the son that she’d loved, and her failure to protect him from becoming this, but the rest of her feels an icy calm. She faces Darkstripe, coldly informing him that if he’s fool enough to follow Tigerstar on his rampage against “impure” cats, then he’d better hand himself over as well for being impure. He’s the very thing that he’s always hated, the thing that he has been relentless in mocking Firestar for being - he’s half kittypet. Darkstripe flies into a rage, shrieking that it isn’t true, it can’t be true, that Willowpelt never loved him and is just lying to make him doubt himself. He tries to attack his mother, but she dances out of range, still glaring at him with icy calm while her heart continues to wail its pain inside of her. She tells him that she loved him with all of her heart, and that if he’d let go of his bitterness and his unhealthy devotion to an admitted traitor long enough he would’ve seen that, but that now it’s too late. She’ll always love him, but she will never forgive him for what he’s done to her daughter. She leaves him there on the border between ThunderClan and TigerClan. He hesitates, but only for a moment. Then he slips into TigerClan territory.
Unfortunately, Darkstripe’s reception at the TigerClan camp is chillier than expected. It was true that Tigerstar had once felt genuine pride and companionship for Darkstripe as his apprentice and as a fellow warrior. He’d always known that Darkstripe was a bit of a suck-up, but he was still strong and a powerful warrior in his own right, and Tigerstar had been proud of the efforts of his first run as a mentor. However, his opinion of Darkstripe had lessened after the tom refused to follow him into exile, and had dropped even more sharply after one of his Twolegplace allies had told him about a smoke kittypet who’d mentioned being friends with forest cats. Tigerstar had taken the chance to spy on the kittypet from a tree one day, only to be shocked at the sight of a cat nearly identical to Darkstripe.
After that, Tigerstar had put together the pieces and realized that Darkstripe was the son of a kittypet. He tells Darkstripe as much when he arrives in TigerClan, glaring down at the groveling tom with a sneer. That kittypet blood has tainted him with weakness, he claimed, weakness that had kept him from following Tigerstar into exile, that had made him fail again and again at Tigerstar’s commands as his spy, and that had made him fail at the simple task of killing one insignificant little kit. Darkstripe quivers before the tom, protesting that it couldn’t be true, though with Tigerstar’s account of the smoke kittypet, he’s starting to realize that it must be. He wails that he’d never known, that Willowpelt had hidden it from him, that she is the true traitor. He didn’t care who his father was, he whimpers - his loyalty was to Tigerstar, it had always been to Tigerstar, and it always would be.
Tigerstar watched the sniveling display with disdain. The tom was undoubtedly tainted by the weakness of his blood, but he’d always shown devotion to Tigerstar. Perhaps he could be given one last chance - but only one. He tells the tom that if he is ever to be anything but the sniveling son of a kittypet, he must prove himself willing to eradicate any disloyalty in the new Clan and pledge himself entirely loyal. He considers ordering the tom to hunt down his kittypet father and slay him, or to sneak into ThunderClan territory and kill his treacherous mother. But there are more pressing concerns facing his Clan right now, and he can’t have one of his warriors off on some lengthy mission to get one well-guarded cat alone when TigerClan is on the verge of conquering the other Clans. Such tests of his loyalty can come later. For now, perhaps a simpler task will do. He still needs someone to take care of those halfClan prisoners after all...
Of course, Darkstripe fails in that task too, and Tigerstar’s rage at yet another failure from his half-kittypet lackey is fearsome to behold. It is only the need for every fighting warrior available for the battle to come that keeps Tigerstar from punishing Darkstripe more severely. A worse fate may have awaited Darkstripe after the battle’s end, had Tigerstar not fallen under Scourge’s claws. And yet, Darkstripe continues his nearly obsessive devotion to the cat he still thinks of as his true father, even if he isn’t a father by blood, and he ends up dying in his quest to avenge the murderous tom. And yet, even a death in service to Tigerstar isn’t enough to truly raise him in the tom’s eyes, and he spends his seasons in the Dark Forest being overshadowed by a Tigerstar’s true sons, until the end of the Dark Battle leaves him to wander alone in the darkness forever.
Anyway, that’s my mini-essay on Darkstripe’s father and life story. XD Overall, I'm really happy with how his design turned out, and I had a lot of fun coming up with his parents' story and his story in regards to thinking of Tigerstar as his father. I also like how silhouette-wise, he looks a fair bit like Graystripe, but their patterns make them decently distinct from each other.
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oh you get it
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian Gender Headcanon: i dont get trans vibes from her sorry lol shes just a boring cissie A ship I have with said character: Hnnngnggggg Hey Have I Told You Guys I Ship Her And Yellowfang Yet? Have I Ever Mentioned That? I Dont Think I Have /s A BROTP I have with said character: bluestar and goldenflower, also spottedleaf A NOTP I have with said character: pinestar -_- A random headcanon: tigerclaw isnt actually biologically her kit, though he isnt aware of this. nightkit and mistkit were hers and still died in the same way as canon, although tigerclaw is only biologically pinestar’s kit (which tiger knows), and was “””gifted””” to leopardfoot by him, not really explaining where the hell this child he seemingly pulled out of nowhere is from, and funnily enough only dropped him on her shortly before he up and ran away. General Opinion over said character: i love her so much i wish she was alive in tpb -_- the potential drama of it all
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victorianwarriors · 6 years
OwO I love your designs!!! I just noticed you have requests open, can I request Pinestar? If you already drew him I can't find him through the tag search sjfdkgd
AH thank you! I’m glad you like them! Anyway, I love Pinestar and I mentioned him on Tigerstar’s post but hadn’t actually done him yet, so here you go!
34. Explorer Pinestar.
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I’m in love with how this came out tbh. Also I don’t know how helpful the search thing will be, it’s kind of annoying
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tallstars-rewrite · 6 years
Deconstruction: All of ShadowClan
Right, I forgot I wanted to get this off my chest real quick and it didn’t fit into any of the character posts. SO here is essentially my call out post for the whole of ShadowClan throughout this book because, and pardon my lack of attempts at sounding professional, what the ever-loving fuck were these guys even doing??
I know ShadowClan is an easy fall back for whenever the authors want some quick battle drama to fill time, but this was a bit excessive. I’m not just annoyed because I have a bias towards ShadowClan, but I did just read Pinestar’s Choice where they did this same thing. ShadowClan just invades one day for no real reason and without much consequence because…??? I don’t know, maybe they were just bored? No really, what was ShadowClan’s motive here? They brutally attacked WindClan, not once, but twice in the same book (and get their asses kicked incredibly quickly both times.)
To try and make sense of this, let’s step back and look at the lead up to the first vicious battle between WindClan and ShadowClan….Or we would do that, if there was any lead up. The attack was completely unprovoked and came right out of left field. The ONLY thing we had seen of ShadowClan was the brief encounter Tallpaw had with all of the clans at the gathering. We saw his awkward 5 second conversation with a couple apprentices, and that was about it. RiverClan and ThunderClan had both been mentioned more often than ShadowClan prior to this fight, and neither of those clans even do anything in this story! At that gathering there was no abnormal amount of tension between ShadowClan and WindClan. In fact, they were unusually friendly if anything-at least the ShadowClan elders were. Those aforementioned apprentices were a little annoying I guess, but that was literally it. There was no hints at WindClan and ShadowClan having issues with each other.
And then one day out of the blue, ShadowClan launches a full on raid on WindClan. And this wasn’t just a little border squabble, they went hard. The deputy ran into their camp yowling “spare no one!” these fuckers were out for blood, and they succeeded (R.I.P Brackenwing, we barely knew you.) I can’t tell you how confused I was reading through this the first time, I thought I had missed something! There isn’t even an attempt at explaining why ShadowClan would do this. It was the middle of green-leaf, no clan is going hungry so it couldn’t have been out of desperation for more territory. There were no border issues, no lost territory, I'm just so completely baffled.
There was a quote somewhere from Talltail along the lines of “why would ShadowClan do this? Does their hatred for WindClan run deeper then we imagined?” I assume this is an attempt at foreshadowing how ShadowClan will drive WindClan out of the moor completely in the future, but…that makes no sense. Cedarstar is the current leader of ShadowClan, and nothing we’ve seen of him in any book suggests he is particularly cruel or power hungry. Granted we don’t see a lot of him, Yellowfang’s Secret is all we have to go on, but he seems like an alright guy and a pretty normal leader. In fact, I think this is the only significant fight we ever see him get ShadowClan involved in? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression ShadowClan’s future hatred of WindClan was meant to be caused mostly by Brokenstar? This was nowhere near Brokenstar’s time, he hasn’t even been born yet! and neither have most of the cats who help drive WindClan away! I thought the point of Brokenstar was that he took ShadowClan down a dark path of unnecessary bloodshed that no clan had seen in a very long time, not that ShadowClan is just like that all the time?
It is not normal or accepted for a clan to just casually try to drive another clan out of their home, that’s part of what made Brokenstar so messed up and horrible. Does everyone remember that part of Bluestar’s Prophecy where ThunderClan launched a full scale unprovoked attack on WindClan? Timeline wise, it was close to the same time as this. Remember how that was portrayed as a really horrible and messed up thing for any clan to do? RiverClan and ShadowClan were ticked off about it; they acted cold and wouldn’t even cheer for ThunderClan’s new warriors and apprentices at the following gathering. And ThunderClan wasn’t even trying to kill anyone directly, just mess up their medicine. Which is bad, but “spare no one” when attacking a camp seems to clearly imply “including queens and elders.” Not to mention the “we could hunt on these moors as well as you” line implies they were literally trying to drive them out. I feel like that is all a lot worse then messing up herb stores.
This sort of thing does not fly in the warrior code. ShadowClan is still a clan, and they live by that same code as everyone else. If they didn’t, the other clans would rise up against them. They haven’t been corrupted by Brokenstar or Tigerstar or any of that garbage yet, so there is no logical excuse for them to have done this. And on top of that, there is no impact from it? Yes Brackenwing dies and Talltail has some undeserved sad guilt about that for a while, but after a bit it stops mattering. WindClan doesn’t even retaliate from what I recall.
Talltail’s main conflict was just his dad dying and dealing with the loners, the entire mess with ShadowClan could have been cut completely and very little would be missed. Or at the very least they could have provided an explanation for it. It’s not like it would have been hard! maybe WindClan took some territory from them recently and they wanted it back, there’s a million things the clans could be fighting about. Or heck, they could have had Brokenstar be around! We could have seen him either as an apprentice or a young warrior goading his clan into fighting WindClan like we see him do in Yellowfang’s Secret. That could have been happening at the same time.
But I’ve gotten off track; point is, ShadowClan’s role in this book was dumb and made zero sense from every perspective. It’s not that they can’t be more aggressive than other clans, but they still need a reason and proper motivation to be so. The way it’s written here, it was just a waste of time that added little to nothing and distracted from the main plot of the book. I have a feeling they just needed to fill time to reach a page quota. It felt like a lot of things happened in this book just to fill time.
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houndleap · 5 years
Pinestar’s Choice | Chapter 4
He had been forced to watch his Clanmates starve around him as first floods then snow destroyed what little prey there was. Goosefeather’s idea of burying fresh-kill to preserve it had failed dismally when rain turned the clearing to mud and rotted the food before the cats could take a single mouthful. As the deputy of ThunderClan, Pineheart had felt painfully helpless, and as terrified as a kit.
i forgot he had been mentioned as the deputy during the big depressing famine in goosefeather’s book! i really love the continuity in this novella, honestly, and how it ties to the other ones - the fact that mapleshade is acknowledged is still pretty cool, even if i don’t agree at all with how she’s acknowledged, and i love that goosefeather is as well
it would have been interesting to be able to see goosefeather and pineheart interact more i think but oh well
Mistpelt grunted in agreement, and Pineheart felt a pang of sorrow for his former mentor. She had watched her denmate Nettlebreeze starve to death, along with many others in the long, harsh leaf-bare.
poor mistpelt ):
i like her a lot even if we didn’t get to see too much of her - i would have loved to see more interactions between pinepaw and her, though of course since this is a novella it’s not surprising that we didn’t
it’s interesting that she’s already an elder here! i hadn’t realised she was so old by this point; even with pinepaw, i had kinda assumed she was a younger new warrior, rather than one that was ready for retirement 
though then again, pineheart’s also been a warrior for a long time now i think - long enough to have raised his own apprentice and become deputy, long enough that oakstar has long kicked the bucket and doestar is probably going to die sometime soon as well, so maybe it’s just that we had a super long time skip
He may have grown scrawny, but he was still one of the tallest cats in ThunderClan, and his ears brushed the roof of Doestar’s cave.
i also really appreciate this little detail of him being a super big kitty - little mentions like this are really fun for comparison and shit
also suggests that this is why the authors always write tigerstar as being so big too, having that genetic inheritance
Doestar turned her head away. “Put it on the fresh-kill pile,” she rasped. 
Pineheart crouched beside her. “There is plenty of food to feed the Clan,” he told her. “I caught this for you.” 
The leader shifted so that she was looking up at Pineheart. “The fresh-kill pile is full?” 
Pineheart nodded. “Every cat on my patrol caught something. New-leaf is here, Doestar! Everything is going to be okay.” He pushed the squirrel closer and Doestar bent to take a bite. Goosefeather met Pineheart’s gaze over the leader’s head, and nodded in satisfaction.
the touches of characterisation here are delightful too - i like how just this gives some of the interaction i was just mentioning i wanted with goosefeather and pineheart, and we get to see how much of a caring leader to her clan doestar appeared to be in life
the latter of which, i think, will be even more interesting contrasted with what i think i remember hearing about that tigerkit warning
In the clearing, his Clanmates had gathered in little groups to share the fresh-kill. The pile had vanished, but Pineheart forced down the jolt of alarm in his belly. We will catch more tomorrow, he told himself. And the day after, and the day after that. ThunderClan does not have to starve anymore.
i do like that the starvation has left some trauma on his psyche too - he’s still used to being stressed out and worried about where to find food, so even this little thing from the freshkill pile being gone again due to everyone getting their food makes him scared for a second
A scuffle beside the apprentices’ den dragged Pineheart back to the present. Rabbitpaw and Moonpaw were squabbling over the ears of a rabbit. Pineheart trotted over and placed his paw on the contested scraps. Before the great hunger, prey ears would have been buried in the dirtplace or used as playthings for kits. Long moons of starvation had turned them into highly prized treats.
it’s just rlly interesting seeing the aftermath of this famine and the toll it took on everyone
to the point that these scraps of skin and fur are considered something worth fighting over, and pineheart has to tell these children who have known this suffering for as long as they can remember that they don’t have to feel like this anymore, and that they won’t have to worry about starving again
As he turned away, he saw Cloudberry watching him. The medicine cat was so frail that Pineheart could hardly believe she had survived the hunger. Somehow she had clung to life, eating bark and dry leaves with the rest of the Clan when prey had vanished altogether. And here she was, still caring for them all, still fussing over her Clanmates as if they were her kits.
god she’s just a fucking MAMA
i already know her from goosefeather’s story of course but i really like seeing her here too.... even if i know she’s gonna die in a bit [which is funny considering pineheart was literally just like woa she’s still alive] because the timeline has already said so, it’s still nice seeing her
“You’ll be fine,” Cloudberry meowed. “You are a brave and skillful warrior, just like your father was. ThunderClan deserves to be led by a cat like you.”
lads i feel like i keep needing to remind you all that his dad fucking sucked
do i have to bring up the three dead kits again!! i’m starting to feel like the ‘don’t make me tap the sign’ meme
“Ah, no,” sighed Doestar. She wriggled deeper into her nest, which was lined with glossy black rook feathers. “Deerpaw was here just now. Did you see her?” 
Pineheart froze. Deerpaw was Doestar’s littermate, who had died during her apprenticeship. Had she come to take her sister to StarClan? “I don’t see her now,” he mewed carefully. 
“Good,” Doestar grunted. “She was bugging me to go somewhere, but I don’t feel like leaving my nest today. Maybe tomorrow I’ll go with her.” 
Please don’t! Pineheart thought. I’m not ready to become leader! Stay until the Clan is fit and strong again!
i like this little touch of doestar just being like ugh i don’t feel like dying today. maybe tomorrow
i also like that pineheart is intensely worried and anxious about being leader - he doesn’t feel ready, he doesn’t want to be leader yet, maybe he doesn’t want to be leader at all
i don’t feel like we see much of that sort of view in warriors so that’s nice
The she-cat reached out and rested her paw on Pineheart’s foreleg. “I am so pleased that you will take care of ThunderClan after me,” she mewed. “It was an honor to serve your father, and I am only sorry that I won’t be here to watch you lead the Clan as well.” 
“But that won’t be for a long time. . . .” Pineheart started to object, but Doestar silenced him by gently pricking his leg with her claws. 
“We’ve known each other too long to tell lies now,” she meowed. “I have reached my ninth life sooner than I expected, but ThunderClan will be safe with you.
Don’t Make Me Tap The Sign!!!!!! stop praising this bastard cat jeez
i do love how doestar softly stabs him with her claws to when he tries to say that she’ll definitely still be around for ages - i would have loved to see more of them interacting as leader and deputy, they seem like they’d be a fun pair
you can tell they really care about each other a lot and it’s sweet
Your father never trusted RiverClan, remember.” Her eyes blazed in the dusky light.
yeah to the point that he killed kids for being half related to riverclan cats huh!!!!! we’re all just gonna accept and ignore that huh!!!!!!
Pineheart backed out of the den, unable to take his eyes from Doestar. Please don’t leave me yet! ThunderClan still needs you!
i just really appreciate how not ready pineheart is to be leader, and how much he’s begging for her to stay. this being the last sentence of the chapter also sets up for an easy cut to her death - which, while checking to make sure this was the last sentence of the chapter, i caught a glimpse of
five chapters in, and pinestar will finally come to being. and he will not be even a little bit ready, f
this was also another longer chapter, so i feel like i had a lot more to say
also i get the feeling i just ramble a lot in general
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y3llowf4ng-blog · 7 years
20 warriors questions
(note: these 20 questions are a tag made by butterflyidentity on youtube! even though i myself wasn’t tagged, i decided to answer these questions just so ya’ll don’t ask later :’) ) 
- how did you get into warriors? whooo boi, let’s go back to 2012, where i was obsessed with watching animations on youtube. i stumbled across  some rad cats fighting each other, then i got deeper into the fandom, spoiling myself even more, then i decided to buy in the books in norwegian but since the names were so badly translated (example, willowpelt is aquamarine in the norwegian books, do cats even know what an aquamarine is??) so i decided to purchase them on amazon in english! i’m currently on power of three, but i already know a lot of stuff. - favourite arc? out of all the three i have read (haven’t finished the third yet), definitely the first, original arc, the prophecies begin. everything’s really nice, tigerstar being the main villian of the first arc, us learning about all the clans and duties, it’s just amazing! imo the new prophecy is very boring, i mean, they’re on the go for 3 books, then they kinda get used to the territories and blah blah blah...
- favourite book? (excluding super editions, mangas, and novellas) forest of secrets!  so much stuff happens in that book, like silverstream dying, we find out who killed redtail, the battle with the rogues and tigerclaw getting exiled, i love it.
- favourite super edition, manga or novella? yellowfang’s secret!!
out of all the super editions, mangas and novellas i have (firestar’s quest, bluestar’s prophecy and the rise of scourge), yellowfang’s secret is definitely the best one. it’s probably because it’s set in a whole different clan. but when i first read the first chapters, i was enchanted! the description of the enviornrment (even though it was leafbare like 80% of the time) was amazing. it felt as if i was actually there, in shadowclan camp, and yellowfang’s exile broke my heart :’( 
- favourite clan? my fam riverclan (ironically i’m scared of swimming in rivers, oceans and lakes irl lmao)
- favourite character? MY GIRL YELLOWFANG!! i love her so much you have no idea, my lil grump (surprisingly i dislike jayfeather haha) <33 yellowfang will always be no. 1, but i also like russetfur, hollyleaf, tawnypelt, leopardstar,brackenfur, longtail and manyyyy more!
- least favourite character? foxheart. i DESPISE her. when reading yellowfang’s secret, she was probably the first character that i was really happy to see die and i just wanted to rip her guts out?? i mean gosh, she was the biggest bitch ever, getting under raggedstar’s paws 24/7, but i mean, he made foxheart deputy to make yellowfang jealous which is really bitchy too, but i don’t dislike raggedstar as much as foxheart, even though he was a dick sometimes. i also dislike spottedleaf, i mean jfc, firestar was wondering who to pick out of sandstorm and spottedleaf even though sandstorm was who he had kits with, and she stayed at his side every time, and spottedleaf was just a “childhood crush” of his, was it even ever mentioned in into the wild that he really liked her?? he just kinda said “goodbye my sweet spottedleaf” when she died, even though im pretty sure it never mentioned how he felt about her? correct me if i’m wrong, i still hate spottedleaf though, mooning over firestar from starclan.
- most aesthetically pleasing cat? mmm, goldenflower, tawnypelt and heatherstar i suppose! when it comes to goldenflower, i’m a sucker for golden tabby she-cats (i also have a lil headcanon that she wears a small flower behind her ear ovo). tawnypelt, i loveeeee pale tortoiseshells!! she’s a beaut. lastly, heatherstar! if you haven’t read any of the super editions you’re more than likely confused about who this is. she was a windclan leader before tallstar! pinkish-gray cats sound really cute to me, and i just cant really describe how i like her design?? jayfeather’s also cool when it comes to his design i guess *shrug*.
- favourite leader? my boy sunstar! he was a really good leader, sadly, his leadership didn’t last long because of stupid pinestar who had to leave thunderclan and because of that sunstar had 1 less life :/ he was also a very good mentor to bluepaw/fur/star! he’s a goof that i love :’)
- favourite villian? bad boy brokenstar. all the things he did, training kits under 6 moons to become apprentices, drive out the elders from camp into the forest, kill with no hesitation, yet i still like him. he’s great for some reason! 
- favourite medicine cat? i’d say yellowfang, but since she’s already my favourite character out of all, i’ll go with cinderpelt or goosefeather. cinderpelt because she’s also another goof, with a sad backstory (her leg), yet she’s still okay with it. goosefeather on the other hand, he’s another grump that i like! i have spoiled myself a lot already on goosefeather’s curse, and i’m guessing that he received alotta prophecies at once (idontreallyknow)? he already knew that tigerkit would grow up to be the danger of the forest even when he wasnt even an apprentice.  - overrated character? oh gee... scourge. that edgelord is overrated as heckk. i’m not the biggest fan of him, but i don’t hate him. i guess jayfeather is also overrated. some people even refer to him as “jaybae” which is um, bizarre i suppose.
- underrated character? good ol’ runningwind. he’s a great character, not to mention he’s actually mousefur’s brother, which i totally forgot about. tbh his death was kind of sad :/ STILL, i demand more fanart of runningwind >:(
- favourite minor character? thrushpelt, rosetail and brackenfur. they don’t get all the love they deserve which is really sad?? rosetail’s death was only mentioned like ONE time in into the wild, which sucks!! thrushpelt got rejected by bluefur, which is kinda sad, but he still promised her to keep her kits safe even though they weren’t his, which is very nice of him to stay strong even after getting rejected. brackenfur’s just someone who i liked from the beginning. he always stayed at his sister’s side (brackenfur & cinderpelt are one of my favourite silbings, only with ashfur and ferncloud in the front!).
- favourite pairing? either brightheart and cloudtail, or firestar and sandstorm. both pairings are cute as heck, even though both the toms kinda ignored their mate at some point (cloudtail & daisy and firestar & spottedleaf)
- least favourite pairing? leafpool and crowfeather. honestly it’s as if the erins just added it to make leafpool a more “interesting” character?? they chill out together away from the clans for like less than a moon, then leafpool gets back, few moons later, poof! kits! it’s a really bad “couple” ugh
- favourite friendship? good ol’ fireheart and greystripe! it’s like they were destined to be bffs, or bluestar maybe got a prophecy to send out graypaw to spy on rusty?? nah jk i’m not that stupid. but those two before power of three would do anything for each other. love em. 
- favourite moment? the daylight gathering in the sight! that was probably the best thing in the book. even though it was short, it was really snazzy! i loved the fight between heatherpaw and hollypaw, and the leaders announcing the “winners”! thanks squirrelflight, love ya gal *smooch* i also love the moment where hollypaw tells brook that she no longer wants to be a medicine cat apprentice, and brook’s like “go ahead, tell leafpool, it’s okay!” i love both of them so much hhhngh
- most tragic death? okay, not gonna lie, i cried for about 2-3 hours straight after yellowfang’s death. buuuut i gotta admit, snowfur and moonflower’s deaths were also pretty sad, except i only cried at moonflower’s death out of those two. hawkheart was pretty serious about keeping windclan’s herbs safe tbh.. OKAY BUT LET’S NOT FORGET SWEETPAW. she was the sweetest (no pun intended) :(
- favourite battle/fight scene? the hawkfrost and brambleclaw one in sunset was pretty intense, though i probably like the bloodclan battle the most even though whitestorm died then :(. it was so intense like omg?? 
so there!! finally!! 20 questions answered! this took me probably an hour oops, i just thought over my answers a lot. so yeah, credit goes to butterflyidentity for making these questions and making it possible for me and many others to answer them! i doubt anyone will read this, but w/e, i still had fun writing the answers :’)
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melodyharp · 7 years
Lit Reviews: Pinestar’s Choice
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Book Title: Warriors: Legends of the Clans: Pinestar’s Choice
Author: Erin Hunter (Vicky Holmes)
Spoiler-Free Verdict: A pretty impressive choice, when you realize the reason behind it.
My rating: 3.25/5
Complete, spoiler-ridden review under the cut:
There were so many fanfictions of Pinestar’s decision to become a kittypet that I felt exasperated that the Erins were trying to make a canon version of it. Regardless, I was interested in this novella mostly because I like to see what the Clans looked like in terms of Allegiances.
I have to say: as far as Legend of the Clans go, this was my favorite. There was no Dark Forest intercepting Pinestar’s own decisions, and no supernatural powers that made his character weaker than it already was.
What is interesting is how Pinestar’s father is Oakstar, the father of Birchface, who played a prominent role in Mapleshade’s Vengance. We got to see this ThunderClan as the villains during Mapleshade’s story, but now we can see them as the friendly cats we’ve expected from ThunderClan. It’s also fun that we get to see what happened to Mapleshade’s story- elders are now telling it to the kits and apprentices the tale.
I’m wondering why good cats were telling the younger cats about the Place of No Stars and yet it seemed like a new realization that it existed in the main series. Of course the Dark Forest was a new invention as of the second series so I can’t really find fault with it. Regardless, it would have made more sense if the Dark Forest was kept secret by the living cats who visited, and all other cats had no idea it existed.
The time leap between Pinepaw saving the mother kittypet and him being deputy was a little sudden and confusing, but because this is only a novella I will forgive it.
There is a glaring mistake during Pinestar’s nine lives ceremony: Pearnose is called a male.
The interaction between Pinestar and Jake is adorable, and we get to know more about Jake’s history. We also get some characterization of Quince, who was just a minor character in everything we’ve seen. I still don’t understand why Jake, who was chasing Quince through a lot of the novella, gave up and went with Nutmeg (Firestar’s mother), but at the rate the Erins are going I’m sure there will be a novella about her soon enough.
The fact that everyone had a warning about Tigerkit was insane. Why would you tell someone to kill their own son? I honestly don’t blame Pinestar for leaving; clearly he is a more peace-driven cat, and both his medicine cat and StarClan were telling him to murder his child. That alone would be reason enough to make me leave.
Yes, I believe Pinestar should have stuck around and guided Tigerkit into becoming a less-bloodthirsty warrior. But it would not have fit his characterization.
When Pinestar decided to live with Shanty’s Twolegs after she died, I almost felt admiration for him. He could have stayed with his best buddy, Jake. He even could have been a loner. But he decided to suck it up and let the Twolegs he was scared of pet him.
Not all of the novella was perfect, of course. As I mentioned before, the pacing is terrible. I would have loved to know why Pinestar was so against fighting; maybe showing his warrior life and his deputyship could have helped with that. The fact that both Pinestar and Goosefeather knew about Tigerkit’s future and neither of them did anything about it made no sense. Shanty’s death was sudden- too sudden for me to feel any grief for her poorly-characterized character. The Erins also introduced a cat, Tyr, and never did anything about him. Is he supposed to be Sasha’s father or something? I don’t understand why he’s there.
I also don’t understand why Thunderstar was at Pinestar’s ceremony. Why would he give a life to a cat who would leave his Clan, and not to Firestar who would save all the Clans many times?
This was one of the better books of the newer Warriors books. It’s refreshing to read Holmes’ writing, which is much more mature than the other two Erins.
These are, of course, my opinions and definitely do not reflect the opinions of the entire fandom. I’m always interested in hearing a disagreeing opinion! I mean no disrespect to the authors or the fans, and only wish to express what I thought of the books.
That’s all I have to say for Pinestar’s Choice. Happy reading!
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