#havolina oneshot
fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
Hello, I saw your post about being open for prompts and I had an idea about havocs gf in Central being Rebecca after all before they get relocated, could be angsty as hell, so if this might vibe with you... Just a thought
aaaah thank you sm!! this was a fun one bc i’ve not written havolina in a long time! thank u for getting me back into it with this wonderful idea hehe 💖 i hope you enjoy this lil sprinkle of angst  
Jean closed his front door with a dejected sigh. Movement came from inside his apartment, so he knew she was already here. His eyes closed briefly, an attempt to collect his thoughts and steel himself for the upcoming conversation. It would be hard as hell.
“Hey,” Rebecca greeted him, popping her head into the hallway to offer him a beautiful smile.
Turning, he hid his forlorn look and paused, taking in her bright expression upon seeing him and the way her dark hair tumbled over her shoulder. An apron clung to her body and was dotted with red splashes of sauce. She was in the middle of cooking them dinner.
Jean’s chest tightened but he forced a smile through it, returning her greeting.
“I’ll be back in a few,” he stated. One of his hands lifted to grasp her waist lightly as he pecked her cheek. “I’m going to get changed.”
Rebecca said nothing but he could feel her eyes on him as he left her in the doorway to his kitchen.
“Okay…” She knew something was off, but then again he’d never been perfect at hiding his emotions. By God, did he try, but when it hurt this much it was hard.
Changing out of his uniform took far longer than it should have, mainly because once he’d changed, Jean sat down on his bed and didn’t move for ten minutes or so. He just stared at his bedroom wall, trying and failing miserably to come up with the words he needed to tell Rebecca he was being transferred away.
They were in the Academy together with Riza. The two of them had hit it off right from the start and he’d been smitten with her for years. They’d fooled around more than once… Multiple times. It was all fun and games though. Nothing serious. Not friends with benefits but not a relationship. It was casual, which suited them both, but recently Jean had realised that he didn’t want to be casual anymore. Neither did she.
For a few months they’d had something resembling a relationship. It was budding but it had been beautiful. That was also when Jean Havoc realised he’d fallen for Rebecca Catalina years ago but had never admitted it to himself. Even after fooling around and she’d dozed off, Jean had been content just to watch Rebecca sleep for a while and marvel at her features. He’d stroke her face and press a kiss to her forehead, a ritual of his after every night together in each other’s bed, then fall asleep.
And now, after finally coming together, they were being ripped apart.
He blinked and returned to the present, finding Rebecca’s face right in front of his. She looked wary and worried at why he wasn’t moving, just staring into space in his bedroom. Shit!
“What’s wrong?” she asked. Her voice was even and controlled as she tried to discover the root of his suffering.
The words froze in his throat. If he voiced them aloud then it would become a reality. And he really didn’t want to leave her to go to Central.
“Come on,” she urged gently. Rebecca’s hands grasped his biceps and nudged him to stand from the bed. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
“Rebecca,” he whispered as emotion clouded his voice. Damn it! Don’t lose it now!
“Dinner is almost ready,” she repeated. One corner of her mouth quirked up. “I’m known as a shit cook and I don’t want to add any more fuel to that fire by burning our food.”
“I – I have to tell you something –” Jean was standing now, turning to face her as she gently but firmly made him walk out of the room.
“Later,” she promised. “Dinner first.”
“I can’t –” he started to argue. He couldn’t sit there in an uncomfortable silence because the weight of what had happened to him that day was hanging over him.
“You’re not the only one who works at Eastern Headquarters,” she reminded him softly.
A pained look crossed her face and Jean froze. She already knew.
“When a you, up and coming officer like Mustang gets promoted to Central, news travels fast,” she explained.
Rebecca walked around Jean to re-enter his kitchen. She busied herself over the stove as she turned dials and began to dish up.
“So, you already know?”
Rebecca nodded. Jean could tell by the set of her shoulders that she wasn’t happy about the news and that made things even worse. This was hurting her.
“We’re going to sit down to dinner. Have you washed up?”
Jean stared at her, watching her move. Why wasn’t she more upset about this? Or angry?
“Rebecca –”
“Have you washed up?” she asked, her tone more forceful than before.
Jean nodded. “Yes.”
“Then come and help me dish up the food.”
It smelled delicious and his stomach rumbled loudly, but it also twisted painfully, affecting his appetite.
“We are going to sit down to dinner,” Rebecca stated as she lifted her own plate and gestured for him to sit at his table. “Because I put far too much time and effort into it for us not to. Then,” she added, taking a deep breath. “We can talk about it. Although I don’t really know what there is to talk about. It’s going to happen and that’s a fact. Regardless, you clearly want to.” Her eyes lifted to meet his once she was seated. “So, we can,” she smiled.
“I don’t want to leave you,” Jean whispered. His food was forgotten before him, which truly was a crime because like Rebecca said, she’d spent time on this for him. No, for them. She’d made them dinner and had it ready for him coming home from work. He’d never had a girlfriend who’d put such an effort in before. They mostly just wanted to order in or expected him to cook instead. Rebecca had gone out of her way to make them something from scratch, and he found it to be a lovely gesture.
“I know,” she admitted quietly as she took a bite of her food.
“I tried…” he trailed off. “I tried to ask if you could come too but…”
“That would never happen,” Rebecca finished.
“No,” Jean conceded glumly.
“Well, we’ll just have to make the most of the time we have left,” she reasoned, her voice determined. Glancing up at him, she gestured towards him with her fork. “Eat,” she prompted. “Please.”
Jean picked up his fork and took a bite just to appease her, but found it was very tasty. He took another.
“Is that what you want?” Jean asked as he swallowed thickly.
“Want?” Rebecca frowned.
“Well, I mean, you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to –”
“I’m not going to let you finish that thought,” she interrupted.
“Because of course I want to stick around!” Rebecca exclaimed. “How could you think I wouldn’t?”
“Because…” Jean floundered. “I don’t know,” he admitted. He dropped his eyes to his plate. “I just wanted to give you an out,” he mumbled. “In case you wanted it.” His shoulders rounded in on themselves as he tried to hide from the painful feelings creeping in his chest. He had to give her that chance just in case she wanted it. He’d never ask her to wait around and wouldn’t expect it either. She was smart, quick-witted, and absolutely gorgeous. Rebecca was way out of his league, so he had to give her a chance to leave. He was nothing special to pine over.
Rebecca stood from her chair. She knelt beside him and took his face gently in between her hands. His head was turned to face her. “Of course I want to stay. I love you, Jean. And I’m willing to see this through if that’s what you want.”
“See this through?” he echoed, feeling something like hope creep up his chest, dousing the fire of some of the pain already residing there.
Rebecca nodded. “Absolutely. We have phones. We have letters. God, that would be so romantic,” she winked. “And we have annual leave. Central isn’t a million miles away from here,” she reminded him gently. “There’s trains. I will absolutely come visit.”
Jean wrapped his arms around her tightly. “I love you,” he whispered.
Rebecca gripped onto the back of his t-shirt tightly. “I love you too. I’m not going to give you up this easily, Jean Havoc!”
He pulled away, cupping her cheek lightly. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“Did you expect me to leave?”
He nodded, somewhat nervous. “It’s a lot of effort, long distance.”
“You’re worth it,” Rebecca promised.
Jean pulled her in tight again, but his face was a grimace. Despite having her on board and willing to try a long-distance relationship, it would still be hard. He didn’t know when they’d be leaving yet, so Rebecca was right. He had to make sure every moment counted. He would ensure he cherished every little moment they had left together, because after the move he had no idea when he’d see her in person again.
i know he goes on to “date” lust but ehhhh let’s call it undercover dating bc this is cute uwu (makes things even angstier tho bc he’d probably tell rebecca abt it to get the ok from her… oh boy, more relationship angst!)
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queenwinry · 7 years
Do you have any oneshots you have read in the past 2 months that you enjoyed? Either royai or fma in general?
Oh a ton, problem is I’m the actual worst about saving them but here are a few that I’ve been losing my mind over lately. 
The Sun Rises by @capthawkeye, royai 
Anchor by Janieshi, royai + mama!hawk
A Tremor Took Hold by @lightsaberss, collection of royai oneshots with some havolina mixed in 
Tuneup by Lucibell, edwin 
Get a Kick Out of That by @the-flame-and-hawks-eye, royai 
Trust Me by @daethberry, royai 
There are a bunch more, but I’m getting tired of digging everything up lol. Definitely check out all of the author’s stuff because they’re all good, these are just a sampling of my faves!
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villainanders · 7 years
Hey guys! It’s Review Saturday and I’m checking out and reviewing some my favorite fics rn, but I am also unfortunately going to take a moment for some Shameless Self Promotion: 
Aglionby prom! What? But Chloe, almost none of these kids would willingly go to their senior prom! I agree; find out why they did anyway (5.7k. Pynch and side Sarchengsey.)
A Pynch “Soulmate” AU where everyone is born with the tattoo of a flower on their wrist that blooms when they’re emotionally ready to fall in love (1.2k. My most popular fic.)
Lan Fan and Winry are gay as hell and have some bonding over Lan Fan’s automail (626. Winfan.)
A Havocai oneshot that explores the problems inherent in Riza having a physical relationship with someone who doesn’t know her past (1.4k.)
FMA set in the Hunger Games universe. Former victors Roy and Riza talk about the past and the grimness of the future (1k. Royai.)
An ongoing multichapter where Roy is turned into the new Lust. A la Ling becoming Greeling, Mustang is now Lustang (20k. 11/14 chapters posted. Royai and Havolina.)
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fullmetalscullyy · 6 years
teachers au // green-eyed epiphany
ok so @flourchildwrites sent me this prompt with the option of doing it for royai or havolina and i couldn’t not do it for both so.... here you go! hope you enjoy it!
“He’s so cute though,” Riza replied to Rebecca’s snort. They were currently in the staff room enjoying a cup of tea in between classes, which just so happened to overlook the physical education department. The summer sun beat down on the poor students who had to run laps around the running track on the grass. “And buff.”
What they were really looking at was the P.E. teacher, Jean Havoc. The usual black hoodie he wore was off, revealing a tight, grey, sports t-shirt which showed off his well-defined arms and shoulders perfectly.
“Look,” Riza gestured as Jean bent over to pick up his whistle that had fallen from his pocket. “He’s sculpted like a Dorito. Who wouldn’t want a piece of that?” She sighed quietly to herself, causing Rebecca to stiffen slightly.
“Would you?” she asked, trying to act casual. Trying, being the operative word.
“Oh, yeah,” Riza replied enthusiastically. “I mean… Look at him. Mustang looks good, but he has nothing on Jean Havoc.”
Rebecca frowned. Riza had just been on a date with Mustang two days ago, and now she was going after Jean as well? She was her nearest and dearest friend, but Rebecca wasn’t particularly happy about that. Riza knew Rebecca had been interested in Jean for a while, but they had never moved past friends… Well, friends who fooled around once or twice. Those nights were Rebecca’s favourite. But to have Riza to blatantly reveal her interest in Jean? Something was fishy here, but Rebecca was becoming too irritated to try and figure out what it was.
“You just went on a date with Mustang,” she reminded Riza, who shrugged.
“I know. It was just a date though. I think I might try my luck with Jean instead.”
Rebecca felt her irritation grow. What was she talking about? Riza never normally acted like this. She knew Rebecca liked him and –
Rebecca’s eyes widened. Riza’s smile grew on her face as she watched realisation dawn on Rebecca’s face. The knowing look on her face was very telling. “Did you just…!” Rebecca exclaimed. Riza grinned back at her. “Did you try to make me jealous so I would realise… that?”
“It worked, didn’t it?” Riza winked, taking a sip of her tea.
“Well, yeah, but… Oh my god,” Rebecca replied, feeling the colour drain from her face. It scrunched up in annoyance as she heard Riza laughing. “Don’t laugh at my misfortune!”
“I wouldn’t call it misfortune at all, Becca. He’s such a nice guy and a good friend of mine. I have it on good authority that he likes you,” Riza replied, waggling her eyebrows.
Jeez, first her date with Mustang and now she’s trying to set me up with Jean. The woman is acting like frickin’ cupid lately.
“I… I don’t know,” Rebecca replied, turning to look back out the window. She had to admit, he looked fine out there in the sun. Tanned skin was a good look on him, his well-defined arms and chest straining against hi t-shirt. Normally Rebecca wasn’t a fan of guys who wore t-shirts that were a size too small for them, but Rebecca would make an exception for Jean. His blonde hair ruffled in the barely-there breeze, falling across his forehead. It must have been irritating him because Jean pushed it off his forehead. She’d loved to run her hands through that hair right now…
“Oh my god,” Rebecca uttered, a familiar feeling pooling in her stomach.
Riza chuckled to herself. “Ask him. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Rebecca turned to her friend. “Did you do that?”
“Of course,” Riza replied, as if was obvious. “You can’t expect them to do it themselves. We’ll die of old age before that happens.”
“You’re right there,” Rebecca muttered. Jean liked to think he was a womanizer, but he was hopeless and as far as she was aware hadn’t had a girlfriend in years.
Since he started here and working with her. It was a possibility… He might actually feel the same way as her.
“Just go for it,” Riza pushed, standing to walk over to the sink to wash her mug. “Jean loves you. He’s not going to say no.”
“… Loves me?”
Riza winked. “Oh yeah, big time.”
Rebecca was stunned. “How… How do you know that?”
“Because I’ve had to hear about it for years. So has Roy, and Maes, and Heymans, and Vato. Kain might have escaped it but only because the poor kid was too oblivious half the time to figure it out. We’re all sick of his moping, to be honest.”
“Really?” Wow. That was… unexpected. Riza’s words “you can’t expect them to do it themselves” rang in her ears, taking on a whole other meaning.
“He’ll probably kill me for telling you, but I think I’ve done him a service.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Rebecca exclaimed suddenly. She was thankful the room was empty because no doubt everyone would be getting an earful of her current situation. Not that it would be a change. They were all aware of Kimblee’s suspension after almost blowing up a classroom during a chemistry experiment. This staff room had more secrets and gossip than the cliques of this school.
“I wanted to see if you would figure it out. Jean never lost hope, but you were intent on seeing other people and I could see it wearing on him.” Oh, shit. She’d only done that to try and temporarily forget about Jean. To see if it was just a fleeting feeling or if it was something real.
It was definitely something real.
“Especially after last weekend,” Riza continued. “So, we hatched a plan to try and push you two together finally. It’s been interesting to watch it develop but for god’s sake Becca, you’re blind.”
After a moment’s pause, Rebecca wracking her brain for all her and Jean’s interactions to try and determine if he had revealed himself at any point. There was the time she had a crisis after losing – replace losing with accidentally deleted – her marking notes on her computer and he stayed back an extra hour after school to help her recover it. Then, he dropped what he was doing to help her set up for an assembly in the hall.
She had been fretting all afternoon because she was due to give a speech to the female students about participation in sport and the janitor was dealing with two kid’s who had puked in the hallway, so she didn’t have anyone to help her set up. However, Rebecca still needed to organise her notes and run through her speech, as well as put out two hundred folding chairs. To say she had been stressed was an understatement. Jean had been passing by and, like the saint he was, offered his help. Rebecca thought he was just interested in the topic, never mind her. It was a real issue, and one he was genuinely interested in improving the statistic for, but it never occurred to Rebecca he was just happy to spend time with her and do her a favour. That stressful lunch hour had turned into a rather enjoyable one as he cracked jokes while they were unfolding chairs.
“I am blind,” Rebecca finally stated, realisation hitting her like a train.
“Told you.”
“All right,” she admonished. The P.E. class was coming to a close, the students tiredly trailing back into the building to get changed. Jean remained outside for a few moments longer, looking around the running track, contemplating something they weren’t privy too. Rebecca watched as his shoulders rose and fell in a sigh before bending down to retrieve his hoodie from the grass. The way his muscles rippled under the cotton made her mouth water.
“You’re drooling,” Riza laughed.
“Shut up,” she pouted, but a grin appeared on her face a second later.
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fullmetalscullyy · 6 years
Hee! These are amazing. Circus AU and Proposal. Hear that evil cackle, Emma. Pairings : Royai or Havolina or both.
ohhh nice! you tempted me with both (and omg now i do want to do both) but i’ve decided to mix it up and go for havolina
also, let’s be real, only armstrong would havethe flair to pull off being a ringmaster of a circus
circus au //proposal
Rebecca watched from the side lines as the Ringmasterannounced her act. The trapeze artist bounced on the balls of her feet for amoment, letting out a long, slow breath to relax herself. This was closingnight and they were expecting a big show. Armstrong had informed her there werescouts in the audience specifically looking at the acrobats and the talentpresent here tonight. If she entered their good graces, then she could possiblyfind herself with a scholarship to a dance school. She could become more than a trapeze artist in an airytent. She could be performing to sold out concert venues.
She was incredibly thankful to Armstrong and all that he haddone for her over the last year. He had taken her in when she was at her lowestand built her back up again. Food and a bed had been all she asked for andRebecca had found so much more. Friends now surrounded her, colleaguessupported her and wanted Rebecca to become the best person she could be. Not tomention a certain blonde-haired colleague she spied across the ring, watching her.
Letting out a final breath, she finally felt a calm washover her. Jean watched every one of her performances and to be perfectlyhonest, felt like her good luck charm. If the scouts did provide an offer, sheknew she wouldn’t want to leave Jean behind. His easy grin had won her over immediatelyand the way he looked at her, touched her… Rebecca shivered.
She shot Jean a quick grin before she walked out behind thecurtain and into the spotlight. Her ten minutes to stun her audience was here.She better make it count.
*          *          *
Jean Havoc watched as Rebecca astounded her audience. He toowas rapt by her performance, the same feeling of pride swelling within him ashe watched night after night, never missing her show. Rebecca Catalina neverfailed to deliver, and Jean knew she would go far.
An uncomfortable feeling tightened in his gut, reminding himthat if the scouts here tonight liked what they saw, she’d be gone on the nexttrain out of Central. Squashing down the feeling, he pushed off the supportpost he had been leaning on as he watched from behind the curtain. It wasn’t likehim, but Jean shoved his hands in the pockets of his overalls and walked awayfrom the ring.
He told himself that if he didn’t watch her, he wouldn’t fallunder her spell. Again.
He had never told her how she felt. They had fooled around, sure,but it hadn’t been anything serious. On the road you really got to know the peopleyou travelled with. Rebecca was a terrible flirt, but only really showed himthat side of her, and Jean was helpless to return her advances. Not to mentionhopeless, when it came to her. Hopelessly in love.
Many performers came and went, but Jean had been with thecircus since day one. He was the Animal Wrangler, in charge of the horses. Theyhad six in total and they were his pride and joy. Rebecca had breezed into hislife two years after he joined and was still with Armstrong’s circus, a year later.Many didn’t stick around for longer than a few months and it left Jean wonderingwhy she was still here.
The roar of the audience reached him outside the tent. Theair was cool as he began to move hay for the horses that would be returningshortly. He had been topping up the trough with fresh water when he heard hercall his name.
“Jean!” she shouted, smile bright. Rebecca ran over to himand threw her arms around his neck. Too surprised to do anything but catch her,Jean was stunned as she laughed happily, arms squeezing him tightly in herhappiness. “They loved me,” she told him before pulling away, eyes dancing withexcitement. “They loved me so much! I got two offers to head west to Creta andstudy at a dance school! Can you believe it?” she laughed.
His stomach plummeted to the floor. The hands on her waistslipped lower in his shock, coming to reside on her hips. Of course, he triedto put on a brave face and be happy for her because this was what she haddreamed of all her life.
“Congratulations, Rebecca,” he managed to get out, wrapping hisarms around her once more. She froze for a second, before her hands returned tohis back. If this was the last time he was going to hold her then he wanted tosavour it.
Jean didn’t want her to go.
He would miss the excitement she brought, the fresh, newideas she pitched to Armstrong. Rebecca Catalina had been a breath of fresh airfor all of them, her stubbornness and honesty a welcome change.
“You’re coming with me, right?” she asked, pulling back tomeet his eye. Her hands rested on his biceps, her no-nonsense gaze eyeing himcritically.
“Wh – What?” he stuttered. Rebecca had never been afraid tovoice her true feelings, unlike him.
“Well, if I’m going you haveto come with me. I’m not leaving without you,” she added, as if it was obvious.
“Rebecca… I… What?”
She shrugged. “If you’re not coming then I’m not going to acceptthe offer.”
“This has been your dreamfor years –”
“Years pass,” she interrupted. “And you find new dreams.”Her gaze met his and Jean felt his stomach tighten, but it wasn’t unpleasant thistime. His skin broke out in gooseflesh, anticipation coursing through him. This…This couldn’t be happening, right? Rebecca had never told Jean how she really felt,and vice versa. For someone who broadcasted how she really felt about almostevery situation, Rebecca had hidden those from him during their time together.
Well, he supposed, she was doing it now. When it mattered, his brain thought.
“Are you saying…?” he asked in disbelief.
Rebecca nodded. “Where you go, I follow. It’s as simple asthat.”
“Are you sure?” The hands on her waist tightened, wanting tohold her in front of him even if she said no.
“Of course.” The certainty in her tone left him reeling. “I do love you, I don’t know if you’ve noticed,”she grinned. “And to be honest I don’t want to live my life with anyone else.Lightly, she punched his shoulder. “You’re my good luck charm. What kind of performerwould I be without you?”
“Are you proposing to me?” he asked, a slow smirk spreadingacross his face.
“It depends on your answer,” she retorted with a wink. Rebeccalaughed as Jean pulled her against his body, silencing her with his kiss.
i love havoc but heis hopeless when it comes to women we been knew
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fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
i love your fics! do you have any other royai fic recs? maybe some nice one shots that are easy to read but still feeling like them, if thar makes sense?
thank you anon! :’) <3 i do! i have some nice royai oneshots for you. 
alternatively you can check out my fic rec tag but that’s a mash up of lots of royai fics, not just fluffy oneshots. i totally get it if you don’t want to trawl through it all though lol
i’ve absolutely forgotten some of my faves for this list, i can tell you that now lmao my memory is so bad. but these should keep you ticking over for now
here comes the sun by @megthemighty - deals with roy regaining his sight and what he experienced going through the gate. absolutely wonderful fic with beautiful royai moments in it as well
fireworks by megthemighty - a very cute fic where they watch fireworks together. it’s so sweet and fluffy :’) meg always writes royai romance so beautifully
silk by @hirayaart - a wonderful undercover piece. royai in high society and being sexy and cool <3  truly worth a read!
here we lie, oblivious by @firewoodfigs - young!royai sick!fic. and roy vs carrots. what more could you need?
of confessions and cocktails by firewoodfigs and hirayaart - an absolute treat of a drunk!riza fic. it was so enjoyable to read and had me laughing along with it
a nice holiday by @notkorras - some lovely christmas fluff with young!royai too :’) so sweet and lovely!
on the ballroom floor by @vadeofspades - this does have two chapters now but it’s still a very good and a very fun read! ballroom dancing and havolina too! good stuff
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fullmetalscullyy · 5 years
Uh Hi! So I am new to the Royai fandom and I am looking for fics and honestly I don’t know where to start :( Do you have some writer recs or fics recs for me? Thankyou!💕
hey anon!! welcome!! yo there’s so many good fics out there you’re in for a real treat!!
i have far too many to choose from but i guess i can choose a top 5? 10? 15? we’ll see how long this list ends up being lmao
Vacuous Heart of Blood by MoonStarDutchess - supernatural au with roy as a vampire? sign me the fuck up. this is 100% one of my all times favourites and i very highly recommend reading it! the world building and the relationships are phenomenal. it’s ongoing and has been for years but i’ll follow this fic until i die i’ve read it like eight times already sdkfnd
In His Bed or Mine by Pokypup49, Rando29 - royai swingers au with havolina thrown in there too! oh. my. god. the way pokypup49 writes royai makes me melt on the spot i’m not even kidding. they’re so in love with each other in this fic (and!!!! there’s an ongoing prequel to this fic too!!! Only You) there’s smut, there’s exquisite romance, and there’s beautiful angst. it’s literally got everything!
The Trickster and the Lionheart  by  LadyAureliana - THIS FIC. OKAY. SO. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. it’s one of my all time faves. fbi agent roy is on the hunt of thief riza….. oh hell i’ve read it about five times i won’t lie. just… please read it. it’s so worth your time.
Best Kept Secret by MoonStarDutchess  - another one from this author which explores what would have happened in canon if royai had been secretly married from the start. top tier angst in this fic too
may i feel, said he by bergamots, haganenobeato - smut for days and good smut. porn with plot? real life consequences and conflict about what the characters are doing? excellent relationships? this fic has it all. a college au where professor mustang and student hawkeye have the hots for each other and it is /chef’s kiss
Ex tempore by Tasia (ruikosakuragi) - historical/gangster au where riza gets transported back in time to meet mobster hughes and roy. ongoing and still in the early stages but oh my god there’s so much going on already and i adore it
City of Stars by Tasia (ruikosakuragi)  - another one of tas’ fics! this one is a modern au with aspiring actor roy meeting upcoming songrwriter riza in la. the setting and the progression of their relationship is beautiful ;_; it’s my go to comfort fic when i want to feel warm and fuzzy inside
Breach of Contract by Stockholmsyndrom  - victorian au 👀 marriage of convenience 👀 the pining!!! 👀 it’s heavenly. definitely worth a read!
Unexpectedly by waddiwasiwitch - college au where riza finds out she’s pregnant and who does she confide in?? her best friend roy of course! the pining!!! the denial (“we’re just friends”)!!! the aaaangst i love it sm
Where is Our Gravity? (Hunger Games AU) by the_musicalbookworm - fuck me up the royai in this is phenomenal. it’s a mix of edwin and royai but omg read it. please read it. it’s so beautiful. it says its ongoing however they are oneshots and are mixed up in the timeline so it’s not like there’s an ending missing
Our embalmed hearts, our desolate kingdoms by spooky_bee  - neon genesis evangelion au! this… this fic had me binging it immediately. the relationships in this are perfection
Royai kid by ohmytheon  - now, this is a series on ao3 and i urge absolutely everyone to read it all!!! oh god… basically post canon events where royai had a kid. the angst… oh my god. it gets me man. it’s perfect. if you want to cry and scream (”close your eyes, bug”) then read this part of the series: i would part the sea
Atlas by Tasia (ruikosakuragi) - historical/espionage au!! yooooo tas nails the history aus again. she’s an expert and the amount of thought and thoroughness she puts into these fics realy brings them to life. they’re so real and you as the reader really feel like you’re there with royai. well worth a read!!
Buried Alive by rizahawkaye - riza kicking butt? riza stealing the show? riza in general being an absolute badass?? this fic has it all. an au where she fakes her death to go undercover to infiltrate the group who tried to kill her. the group? based in ishval. the ocs and the villiaaaans omg they’re perfect in every way
Reign and  Sovereign  by  sarabethloves  - fantasy au where riza is the queen of aerugo and roy is the king of amestris. that description is excuse enough to read it for me bc fantasy royai aus own me. there’s pining, there’s romance, and there’s angst!!!!! my faves!!
The Amestrian Revolution by  LadyAureliana - roy and riza are on there way to fuck up fuhrer bradley!!! an au where they’re members of the resistance who are fighting against bradley’s 300 year rule of tyranny. the action is /chef’s kiss
ok so that was so many lmao but i can’t pick a few. all of these are my all time faves, although i’m sure i’ve missed some!!! if you want anymore just hmu i’ve accumulated a collection over the years haha
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fullmetalscullyy · 6 years
read on ao3 and ffnet
"I was wondering if for your royai and havolina oneshots you could write something where rebecca can't understand why Jean trusts and follows roy and why riza loves roy until she sees roy take a bullet to the chest for riza and how upset and hysterical riza is about it. Later, Havoc explains that mustang would go to great lengths to protect anyone of his subordinates and how mustang had saved his life once and rebecca finally gets why they all trust mustang so much?" - Patsy Koala
Rebecca Catalina couldn’t understand it. Why did Riza Hawkeye follow Mustang so readily and without question? Just by looking at them, she could tell they shared a bond, but why? Curiosity always got the better of her. Every time she tried to set up a date for Riza they only lasted one or two before her friend would shrug and tell Rebecca she wasn’t interested in them. Rebecca had been frustrated as time wore on but seeing Riza and Mustang together she could see why Riza’s attention was always elsewhere.
However, it didn’t explain the trust and love. It was clear as day Riza loved him. Every time Rebecca would mention him, especially by first name, a small smile would appear on Riza’s lips and her gaze would shift, staring off into the distance for a fraction of a second.
Mustang always appeared to be sleeping around though. Rebecca knew, she had seen him. He got very cosy with the women he met up with in the evenings at this restaurant and that bar around the East and Central. This had been going on for years, but why did Riza love him so much, and not question that behaviour? Not react to it? The one thing Rebecca didn’t want was for Riza to get her heart broken by him.
But as she watched Riza clutch a dying Roy Mustang in her arms, she finally understood. She had gotten the wrong end of the stick for years, but seeing them both in this situation, everything slotted into place. Jean’s words echoed through her head at that precise moment, still frozen in shock from what she had just witnessed.
“Mustang acted like he didn’t care,” Jean had told her, when Rebecca questioned – in frustration – why Riza followed Mustang so readily for years. “And that was exactly it, just an act, to throw off the higher ups and alleviate the suspicion such a young officer in such a high position would hold.”
“What do you mean?”
“Think about it, Mustang acted lazy and played dumb, yeah? It was so he wasn’t seen as a threat. Back then, if the Generals had any idea about how he really was, and what his true goals were, he probably would have been restricted in his movements, kept in the same place so they could continue towards their plan for the Promised Day.”
“Okay, that makes sense,” Rebecca agreed. “But I don’t get why Riza followed him so blindly. She could have done so much more.” So much better, Rebecca had also thought at the time.
“Oh, definitely,” Havoc agreed without hesitation. “But after Ishval they both made a promise to each other, to reach the top and prevent anything like the genocide of the Ishvalan people from happening again.”
“That’s why –” Rebecca cut herself off, finally realising.
Havoc nodded. “That’s why they did what they did. If they’d pulled the same stunt as Armstrong, the homunculi would have succeeded on the Promised Day.
“Make no mistake,” Jean added gently. “He cares about all of us, not just Hawkeye. He loves her so much. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it before, and the feelings are mutual, which is why she is top priority to him, and vice versa.”
Rebecca understood that now as Riza stood over her commanding officer, feet straddling his bleeding body, firing off rounds in quick succession, two assailants falling like dominoes. There was a coldness in her expression that Rebecca had never seen before.
The four of them had been enjoying drinks at Madame Christmas’ bar that Friday night. Rebecca was behind the bar, looking after the place while the Madame took a night off.
After the Promised Day Rebecca had found her new calling in life after meeting the infamous Madame Christmas. Deciding this line of work was more thrilling than the military, she had been taken under the Madame’s wing, and had begun to learn the way of information gathering. Plus, all the eye candy that came through the door was also a nice bonus. There was only one man on her mind nowadays though.
And her first shift overseeing the bar? Four armed men had entered the bar, firing shots.
As the door banged open, Mustang had turned sharply, even before Riza.
“Riza Hawkeye?” On instinct, she begun to turn, a frown on her face as she didn’t recognise the voice.
Rebecca couldn’t comprehend what her mind was seeing. Seeing the metal glint in the lamplight, Mustang’s stool fell as he launched himself out of it to wrap his arms around Riza’s midsection, his black coat billowing out behind him like a cape. If only it had moved upwards, covering them both from view. He pulled Riza into his arms as two guns fired, the bullets entering his body. Mustang fell to the floor with a thud. Before he hit Rebecca already had her gun out and fired at the man closest to her. She was rusty with a firearm, being out of the game for so long, but she could hold her own.
However, nothing could have held a candle to Riza Hawkeye, even when she was calm. This Riza had nothing but cold fury to fuel her, and that was much more terrifying. The assailants never stood a chance.
When Riza hit the floor, Mustang’s dead weight on top of her, she sprang to her feet beside Jean – who fired at another shooter – taking out the other two. This Riza was anything but calm. Before Rebecca could blink the two assailants were on the floor.
Then the screaming started.
“Roy!” one of Christmas’ girls screamed. Another poked her head around the door to the back, a hand flying to her mouth as she took in the scene. Rebecca quickly barked an order at them to hide upstairs, still unsure of the situation and how secure the bar was.
“Nobody move!” Rebecca shouted. She vaulted over the bar and sprinted for the door, pistol raised and ready to fire. Jean was before the door right after her. Shooting her a quick look, his expression grim, she nodded. He kicked the door open and exited through, gun raised and ready to be trained on anyone who would dare shoot at them. The street was empty, save for a black sedan parked haphazardly outside.
“I’ll keep watch,” Jean announced, voice tight. “Get an ambulance.”
Rebecca raced back inside, only to come screeching to a halt. Mustang was on his back, a worryingly large pool of blood spilling onto the wooden floor. Riza was bowed over him, her eyes boring into his own. Rebecca saw something fall onto his face. A second later, she realised it was water.
Riza was crying.
One of the girls was already on the phone for an ambulance, speaking with such a calmness, it suggested she had done this before.
“No, no, no,” Riza whispered over and over. Her hands were spread across his torso, putting pressure on his wounds. One was near his shoulders, the other down near his waist. “Roy,” Riza called to him, voice broken. It made Rebecca’s breath catch in her throat. It took her a few seconds to get moving, but Rebecca eventually crouched by Mustang’s side and gently moved Riza’s hands. Her friend’s eyes tore away from Mustang’s, flashing in a challenge.
“Let me,” Rebecca urged, placing her own hands over the bullet wounds.
After Riza removed hers, she brought them to Mustang’s face.
“Riza,” he groaned, the coughed. Blood spattered on Riza’s face, and she flinched, but didn’t appear to be bothered by it.
“I’m here,” she replied. Her bloody thumbs stroked against his cheekbones, making bile rise in Rebecca’s throat. She had seen death, seen bloodshed, but this was so much worse. Mustang had never been her favourite person in the world, but she didn’t dislike him. Rebecca had always admired his drive and ambition to change this country for the better. When she had discovered he was leading the coup against Bradley – and why – her respect for him only grew. What she hadn’t liked, was the way he acted, especially towards Riza. It had been clear from very early on that Riza was smitten with Mustang. It was hardly a surprise when Riza admitted it to her in confidence years ago.
Rebecca had struggled to figure out their relationship – and Mustang’s feelings – ever since.
Riza looked distraught, broken, terrified, right now, emotions Rebecca would never have associated with Riza Hawkeye. But when it came to him…
Where the hell was that ambulance?
“Good,” he muttered, eyes closing. “Good…”
“Stay with me,” Riza begged, shifting on her knees and readjusting the grip on his face. it caused his eyes to flutter open and that was enough for her. “Roy, stay with me! You don’t get to die, not like this.” They remained closed, not reacting to her words. Rebecca watched as the panic begun to rise in Riza. “No! Roy, open your eyes! We have so much left to do. You promised…” she whispered, tears falling thick and fast now. “You bastard, you promised!”
“I love you,” he replied, voice barely above a whisper. Rebecca had to strain to hear it. “Remember that…”
“Roy!” Riza screamed.
“Riza?” Rebecca called urgently to her, trying to break through her hysteria. To be perfectly honest, she was terrified. Rebecca had never seen Riza react this way to anything ever. Seeing the wild panic, the fear, the hysteria, Rebecca finally understood why Riza Hawkeye followed Roy Mustang.
She loved him, and he loved her. Pure and simple.
Mustang coughed underneath Rebecca, his body shuddering with the effort. Rebecca’s hands shifted, slick with his blood, and she fought to keep them in place.
“Get… somewhere safe… please.”
“I’m not leaving you,” Riza shook her head. “I’m never leaving you.”
“We’ve got the place on lockdown, Roy,” Rebecca told him. His head rolled, his unfocussed eyes looking in her direction. “There’s nothing to worry about, we’ll take care of you.”
“Thank you,” he breathed.
“Just – Just stay with me, Roy. Please,” Riza begged, a hand moving up to his hair and stroking it down. The same hand made its way back to his face, cupping his chin. “I can’t do this without you.”
The door burst open once more and a teary eyes Riza Hawkeye lifted her firearm without hesitation. Rebecca’s gaze snapped up, but she relaxed upon seeing the paramedics. What she didn’t miss was how much Riza’s hands were shaking.
Riza had a death grip on Rebecca’s hands all the way to the hospital. Jean drove them behind the ambulance, weaving in and out of traffic, the emergency vehicle never leaving their sights. Rebecca didn’t think anyone would dare stop General Mustang’s car as it raced after an ambulance, in which he lay dying.
The worst part was not knowing his condition.
Despite their urging, Riza refused to leave the waiting room to return to her apartment. Mustang had been taken into surgery eight hours ago and they had yet to receive any word. The rest of the team joined Rebecca, Riza, and Jean in the small waiting room, each looking exhausted but worried. It had been midnight when Jean made the calls and here they were, at eight o’clock in the morning on a Saturday, still all gathered in silence as they awaited Mustang’s fate.
Breda had sat in a chair for most of the night, lost in thought. His elbows rested on his knees, hands clasped together, covering his mouth, he stared at the linoleum tiles below him. He was the only one who regularly broke the silence. He asked questions regarding the shooting. “Why did they target Hawkeye?”, “Were there anymore?”, “Was this over?”. Rebecca watched his brain run a mile a minute trying to figure out the mystery. After an hour or two – Rebecca lost track – Breda left for a while. When Rebecca got up to stretch her legs, she heard him on the phone down the hall, speaking in a low voice, asking someone to go to the Madame’s bar and secure the area and collect evidence.
Fuery looked desolate when he entered the room, eyes fearfully finding Riza’s stricken and tear stained face. Apparently, that was all he needed, and the young man nodded in understanding. He looked at Jean for a few moments, who shot him a look and Fuery nodded again, exhaling. He took up a chair next to Riza, the one Jean had recently vacated to pace instead. Rebecca had watched as his hands itched in his pockets, no doubt fiddling with the packet of cigarettes he held in there. She knew he would be dying to smoke but refused to leave the room.
That was what surprised her the most, adding further understanding to her initial question, was just how worried they were about Mustang. Each person in that room cared about their commanding officer a great deal, and Rebecca had been a fool to think Mustang didn’t care about his staff. Loyalty and respect went both ways, especially with these men Rebecca had come to learn, so it spoke volumes that they had come to the hospital as soon as they heard and refused to leave until they knew he was going to be okay.
Even Falman had phoned twice through the night, asking about Mustang’s condition and if there was anything he could do to help. Breda told him there wasn’t, but they would keep him updated as soon as they knew the situation.
“Riza Hawkeye?” a doctor asked, entering the room. All eyes snapped up to the doctors, the woman looking slightly taken back by the response. Her gaze found the two women in the room, eyes asking which one was Riza. She stood wearily, as if the entire night had weighed down her body. The doctor took a deep sigh, a sympathetic look on her face, and that was all Riza needed. Rebecca’s heart stopped, plummeting into the depths of the earth.
“No,” Riza whispered. Rebecca’s heart tore in her chest at the thought of Roy dead. No, he couldn’t be. He was too stubborn to die. He –
The bastard, he couldn’t leave Riza behind like this. They had so much left to do!
“You are named as legal guardian, should General Mustang be unable to answer any questions himself. He’s stable – for the moment – but still in intensive care.” He was… alive. Rebecca thought Riza was going to collapse. The hand on Rebecca’s forearm tightened considerable, Riza’s fingernails digging into her skin, hard. “At the current moment, he will appear to make a full recovery.” The air in the room relaxed as the boys drank in the doctor’s words like she was giving them water in the desert. “There’s still risk of infection, but we are hopeful. If you can, Captain Hawkeye, could you please walk with me? We have many things to discuss and it’s hospital policy that only family or named guardians are to be present.”
Two hours later, Riza returned to the waiting room, eyes red and raw from crying.
But she smiled.
The air appeared to fill with air as everyone collectively exhaled in relief.
“He’s okay,” she whispered, voice hoarse. “He’s going to be okay.”
Jean enveloped Riza in a bear hug faster than anyone could blink. She returned it equally as fiercely, eyes squeezing tightly closed as she clutched her friend, a desperate need of comfort. Breda placed his hand on her hair, ruffling it as he chuckled in disbelief. Fuery was crying silently, crowding around the rest of the team as they all revelled in each other’s comfort.
So. now, Rebecca knew exactly why they followed Mustang without question.
They all loved him, whether it was romantically in Riza’s case, or platonically like the rest of the boys. There was a lot of care, respect, and loyalty between them, something which took years to develop and earn. There was no doubt in Rebecca’s mind that it had all been an act.
Mustang cared deeply about his team. It was evident in the way they reacted to the news he was still among the living.
*          *          *
“You’re… okay?” Roy asked, somewhat confused. His voice was hoarse and low, unable to speak louder than a whisper.
“I’m all right. Are you?” Riza asked, clutching his hand tightly.
“Sore,” he mumbled, eyes fluttering closed in pain.
Riza was up and out of her seat in a second, unable to contain herself any longer. That had been the longest ten hours of her life and she didn’t want to ever go through something like that again.
Just as her eyes closed, she saw Roy’s eyes pop open in surprise as Riza pressed her lips against his. There was a quiet sigh beneath her as she clutched the front of his hospital gown desperately.
“You saved my life,” she murmured. “At the risk of your own.”
“I saw it coming. Of course, I had to.”
Riza chuckled, a tear falling down her cheek. “That’s supposed to be my job.”
“This stuff goes both ways, Riza,” Roy replied, a smile forming on his face. His nose rubbed hers, Riza refusing to move too far away from him. Their breaths mingled together intimately. “Especially when you love someone.”
Riza smiled, kissing him again before pulling back to look in his eyes. Dark circles plagued the skin under his eyes. His face was drawn tight in pain but didn’t show any complaint. He wasn’t out of the woods, but he was alive.
That was all that mattered to Riza after her night.
He was alive and still with her.
To you, I will always return, Riza heard in her mind, and she smiled to herself as Roy shifted, eyes fluttering closed in his exhaustion.
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fullmetalscullyy · 6 years
If you have the time, could you write a royai oneshot where a mission for ed and al goes wrong and they find nothing on getting their bodies back and they narrowly avoid getting killed, so ed is angry and blames mustang and says that he'll eventually get his whole team killed and that no one really trusts him and Roy's upset about it so Riza comforts him? By the way, I really love your royai oneshots and your havolina oneshots. I have a guilty pleasure for both royai and havolina
oh my goodness thank you so much for this!!! i love this request akjgfnakefjg i hope you enjoy reading!
i’ve never written anything like this before, so thanks for the new challenge! also, prepare for angst (as per usual with me khgfsd)
“Edward –”
“No!” Edward growled, expression twisting in anger as soonas Roy spoke. “Don’t “Edward” me!” he yelled, his tone mocking as he repeatedback his own name. Roy blinked then frowned at the sudden anger. He couldunderstand why he was angry, but this reaction was bordering on ridiculous.Then again, this was Edward Elric he was talking about. If one was to look up “violentverbal outburst” in the dictionary, Edward’s picture would be there. “You blewthis for us, you bastard. I hope you understand that!”
“Ed –” Roy sighed, tired of this argument already. The wholeride back to Central HQ, Edward had silently fumed in the backseat of the carafter yelling his distaste at Roy’s interference as a serial killer was soclose to killing them. So, sue him, for not wanting the two brothers to die.Was that such a crime? He effectively got them into this mess with themilitary, the least Roy could do was look out for them as much as possible.
“Why did you arresthim? Is it because you just don’t want to ever see us get out bodies back?”Edward raged. “Why even bother toassign us under you if you aren’t going to help?!”
“Major Elric,” Roy barked, his patience almost gone. Hawkeyestiffened beside him, shifting her stance slightly. “Control yourself.”
“One day,” Edward stated, eyes narrowing, his automailfinger pointed menacingly at Roy. “You’re going to get your whole team killed,and I doubt you’ll even be sorry about it.” Hawkeye opened her mouth to reply,but Alphonse didn’t give her the chance.
“Ed!” his brother cried in shock. His fists clenched by hisside, stance shifting in disapproval. “Stop it!” However, Edward wasn’t listeningto any of them, Roy realised it now. He was a teenager throwing a tantrum becausehe didn’t get his own way. More like a fucking toddler.
Fine, let him have his tantrum. It would be the last time Roytried to fucking help him.
“Mark my words, Mustang,” Edward continued, voice ice cold. “Youwill get them all killed one day, justlike Brigadier General Hughes –”
Roy’s blood ran cold. There was more than one gasp from therest of the team behind him. Hawkeye stepped forward, but Roy threw his arm outto stop her. No, if Edward had something to say, Roy wanted to hear it. He wasa masochist that way. This was what Roy deserved.
“Ed!” Alphonse shouted. This was the angriest Roy had everheard him. It was not an emotion that should be associated with Alphonse Elric.
“None of them even trustyou, that’s why –”
“Ed, shut up!” Alphonse shouted. That seemed to get throughto his brother, because Edward finally stopped his tirade, rounding on hisbrother.
“What, Al? It’s true!”
“That’s it!” Ifthe situation wasn’t so serious, Roy might have laughed as Alphonse dragged hisspitting angry brother out the door to the office by his shirt, the doorslamming loudly behind them, shuddering in its hinges. They could still hearEdward yelling down the corridor, demanding Alphonse let him go.
Yes, it would have been funny. He might have laughed. Instead,Roy stood there as Edward’s words washed over him, shame, guilt, anduncertainty following close behind.
“Sir –” Hawkeye began, tone low, with an edge of anger toit.
“Get back to work,” he commanded, leaving no room forargument. Roy walked over to his desk, although even he had to admit it feltwooden. He was still too busy reeling from Edward’s words.
They don’t trust you.
You’ll get them all killed.
How often had it happened now where he voiced those thoughtsin his own head?
*          *          *
Mustang barely said a word to anyone else for the rest ofthe afternoon. Instead of his usual milling about the team’s desks, hoping tofind conversation and therefore a way out of his paperwork, he remained at hisdesk and actually did his work.
That was why Riza knew Edward’s words had affected him.
Edward had been… justified, somewhat, in what he said, althoughRiza didn’t approve in the slightest. In fact, she had felt angry towards the oldestbrother, her eyes flashing in response to his words. Not only because they weren’ttrue, Mustang did care about them all,no matter what Edward appeared to believe, but because she also knew Mustangwould take it to heart. He had only been trying to save the boy’s lives, andhad succeeded, but because they lost a solid lead to their newest connection tothe Philosopher’s Stone, Edward saw it as a personal attack against them. Hewas understandably frustrated, they allwere for the brothers, but that verbal lashing was unwarranted, especially themention of the late Brigadier General.
Alphonse was the complete opposite. He had been horrified tohear Edward talk in such a way to Mustang and had angrily told Edward to comeback and see them when “he was no longer acting insane”. The youngest brotherhad waited with them all afternoon, but eventually, and apologetically, leftfor the evening around an hour ago. He was ashamed of his brother’s actions,that much was true. Breda had explained to him why Mustang interfered.
The man they had been pursuing, Arthur Commons, was a serialkiller in Central. This was unknown information to Edward and Alphonse. They hadn’tmentioned a name when they revealed they were pursuing a lead, but when Fueryheard over the radio that Commons had been spotted, and Edward and Alphonse werewith him, Riza had put two and two together – at the same time Mustang had – andthey were up and out the office within two minutes. The last thing they neededwas a serial killer who targeted children luring the two brothers in with falseinformation about the Philosopher’s Stone.
Once Alphonse found that out, he stewed silently for a whilebefore leaving, probably to find Edward.
Five o’clock came and went and Mustang made no move to leavethe office. The other men left, shooting their commanding officer concernedlooks, while Riza reassured them quietly that she would take care of it.
“You trust me, don’t you?”
Riza hadn’t expected that to be his response, but how couldit not be? Her posture relaxed and she rounded his desk. Mustang sounded so…dejected. She couldn’t let him wallow in this any longer.
“Do you even have to question that? At this point in our lives?”
“I told myself that was the last time I helped them.” Heexhaled forcefully through his nose, as if trying to laugh. “But I know it won’tbe. I couldn’t to do that to Alphonse, no matter how much of a little shit Edwardis.”
“I know, sir,” Riza replied. “He was just frustrated, that’sall. We all knew the plan, but they didn’t. From the outside, I could see whyEd reacted the way he did. He had no idea Commons was a serial killer. I still don’tthink he does.”
“He wouldn’t have let me get a word in edgeways, either,” hemuttered under his breath, scrubbing at his face tiredly.
“Are you okay, sir?” Riza asked, noticing the darker circlesunder his eyes.
“Yeah, it’s just…”
“What, sir?”
“I…” He sighed, sitting back in his chair. Mustang tippedhis head back and gazed up at the ceiling as he spoke, rather than meeting hereyes. “I keep thinking about what Ed said –”
“Sir,” Riza warned, gearing up to tell him it wasn’t true. Allthe men on his team trusted Mustang with their lives, he should know not toquestion that by now.
“Let me finish, please. I kept thinking about what I did inIshval, and how I betrayed your trust.” His gaze lazily made its way down tomeet her own, as if afraid he would see validation for his own fears in her eyes.
“Sir, we’ve talked about this,” she reminded him gently,moving so she was closer. This was a moment of comfort, and Riza was wiling togive it to him. She always would be. She placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I know, but today reopened a fresh wound.”
“You did what you had to do.”
“You were so angry, though.”
The hands that had been playing absentmindedly with his rankstilled. “I was.” Her reply was simple, cautious. “Only because I didn’t understand.Once I’d heard Bradley had decreed the murder of the Ishvalan people, only thendid I understand. We both did horrific things. I won’t justify it to say we didit to survive, because we didn’t. Not really. It wasn’t a life or deathsituation. We were ordered to murder innocents, plain and simple.” Roy’s handlifted to cover her own, his skin a welcome sensation on hers. “We did it becausewere too young and stupid to know otherwise. However, now,” Riza inhaled,placing her other hand on his other shoulders, giving them a quick squeeze asshe stood behind him. “We fight to ensure nothing like that happens again.”
“And there’s no one in this world I trust more to head thisfight, than you.” She felt Mustang relax under her hands while he gave them aquick squeeze, his thumbs stroking the backs of her hands. “Please,” she added,tone softening. “Don’t doubt my trust in you again.”
“I always knew you trusted me, I just wanted to make sure itwasn’t blind.”
Riza chuckled softly. “You should know by now that couldnever happen. You gave me permission to shoot you, should you ever divert fromthe right path, so it wouldn’t do if I was blind to your actions.”
“I suppose your right,” he smiled up at her. Her heartfluttered happily in her chest. She was pleased she had been able to soothe hisfears for the moment. When Edward came back, however, that would be anotherbattle they needed to win.
A knock at the door interrupted their quiet moment. Rizastraightened and moved towards it, smiling back at Roy as his hand outstretchedto follow her own, clearly wanting to hold onto it for as long as he could.
When Riza opened the door, Alphonse’s metal arm shot pasther, holding Edward by the scruff of his jacket, and shoving him withoutceremony before her. Riza blinked at the older brother, slight disproval on herface. How could he have doubted Mustang’sloyalty to them all?
“Ed has something he wants to say to you,” Al announced,sounding like a mother rather than Edward’s brother.
“Can I… Can I talk to you?” Edward mumbled, eyes cast down tothe floor.
Riza looked back towards Mustang, who’s expression wasschooled and controlled. He leaned back in his chair, eyes scrutinising Edward.He certainly looked sorry for what he said, and Riza supposed that was something.
“All right, Edward.” Mustang’s voice held a coldness to itand for once, Riza wasn’t opposed to it. She watched Edward shuffle inside theroom, her own cold eyes watching him. Like a dog with its tail between itslegs, he stopped before Mustang’s desk.
Riza closed the door behind the Elrics and moved over to thecoffee pot. She had a feeling this was going to be along evening.
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