#haywood magee
guy60660 · 3 months
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Haywood Magee | Lost Glasgow
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undr · 1 year
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Haywood Magee. Edinburgh Street. 1954
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inthedarktrees · 2 years
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A girl from Wakefield Seaside School practicing cartwheels on the beach at Hornsea
Haywood Magee, “Wakefield Goes to Sea,” Picture Post, Aug 7, 1948
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arutai · 2 years
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Gina Lollobrigida (1950s) by Haywood Magee
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fidjiefidjie · 2 years
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Bonjour, bon Dimanche à tous ☕️ 🥐 🍇
Couple en lune de miel sur la plage de Jersey 🫂 1950s, îles Anglo- Normandes
Photo de Haywood Magee
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ratlingrun · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time a YouTube personality who went by Ryan was revealed to be an asshole I would have *at least* two nickels
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paolo-streito-1264 · 5 days
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Haywood Magee. Fruit Seller, London, 1947.
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mybenia1 · 1 year
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by Haywood Magee
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mzminola · 1 year
Because something superhero comics, noir, and fanfic all have in common is leaning into soap opera convolutedness, @alexmaybe & I have come up with the Bruce Wayne Spawn Shell Game AU, in which the middle kids are all biologically Bruce’s.
(Dick really is John & Mary Grayson’s, and Damian is Talia’s direct clone.)
No one finds this out until Batman!Bruce & Robin!Damian are fighting a magic user who has heard rumors that Robin is Batman’s son (rumors started by Damian’s not so quiet comments about being The Blood Son). The mage gloats that they’re going to use a “teleport everyone with X trait to me” spell to yank Robin over, and use the disorientation of teleportation to take him hostage. “I will summon Batman’s direct blood descendents! Mwa ha ha ha!”
Cue Damian staying firmly at Bruce’s side, while Cass in street wear with bubble tea, Jason doing gear maintenance, a random college student studying for exams, and Tim in his pajamas pop out of the ether all within a yard of the mage.
The mage regrets their life choices.
Now, how did we get here?
Firstly, during the years Bruce is doing his world tour of Learning Batman Skills while still swinging in and out of Gotham, Bruce is seeking physical activity to make his brain shut up, and also seeking intimacy but keeping too many secrets to let himself actually get close to people, so he is sleeping with Even More People Than In His Batman Years. He remembers condoms but always doesn’t use them perfectly.
Bruce meets Sandra & Carolyn Wu-San at their dojo in Brooklyn. Some time later when David Cain coerces Sandra into reproductive sex, she seeks out every male martial artist she vaguely respected or thought had potential to sleep with them too as a Fuck You to undermine Cain’s scheme without openly breaking their deal.
Bruce has a one-night stand with pre-transition Willis Todd, both of them just giving their first (legal) name, no contact info. Figuring out several months later that he’s pregnant but no clue how to find the other father, Willis, who does want kids someday, weighs the pros and cons of “having trouble making ends meet right now, can I support a kid?” with “everyone says pregnancy would be harder later in transition,” and opts to have Jason now.
Sheila Haywood is either a friend or a bribable hospital worker (or both) who agrees to put her name down as the mom so Willis can legally be his kid’s dad without any complicated paperwork. Willis and Catherine never got around to telling Jason before both of them died. When Jason showed up at the camp thinking Sheila was his bio-mom she rolled with it, figuring she could get details of why he thought that later, and then unfortunately [canon ensued].
It won’t be until the spell incident happens that Bruce puts together one night stand Wilhelmina with Why do the pictures of Willis Todd look kinda familiar? Because he definitely never slept with Catherine or Sheila.
Bruce meets, befriends and sleeps with Janet Drake while going on an archaeological research binge. He’s also still having a lot of random bar and nightclub hook-ups.
Some months later, while Jack is out of town on a business trip, Janet complains to Bruce that Jack really wants a son, but the latest ultrasound shows a female fetus. Janet really doesn’t want to deal with pregnancy ever again, but Jack isn’t open to adoption, and ugh if only Janet could just swap this one for a male infant. It would be so easy to nudge Jack into an archeology dig closer to the due date, he’d never have to know!
(No, neither Bruce nor Janet have thought maybe Bruce got Janet pregnant instead of Jack.)
“You’ve got this knack for finding odd things at just the right moment, Brucie…”
Janet knows it’s a long shot, and dubiously ethical because adoption records exist for good reason, and if they can’t find a baby that works she’ll just have to dig her heels in with Jack against trying for a son, but if Bruce could find a baby…
Bruce makes no promises other than keeping an eye and ear out.
Anyway, Bruce isn’t Batman yet, but he’s home between tutors on his World Tour and venturing into the city in various disguises to learn more about Gotham’s underworld, and getting into trouble. So it is Bruce Wayne with a fresh concussion, not a drunk Brucie, who stumbles into an alley to vomit and finds a baby in a dumpster.
It’s a very full dumpster, one half of the lid broken off. An orange cat (who may or may not be Teekl returning a future favor) is curled around the newborn baby boy. The infant has a shock of hair as dark as Janet’s.
Concussed Bruce walks all the way to the Drake townhouse marveling at the tiny hand gripping his finger so tight.
Janet schedules a C-section. Bruce forges Timothy Jackson Drake’s birth certificate and arranges the adoption of Janet’s daughter by a family in Oregon. He keeps tabs on them over the years, preparing a Wayne Foundation scholarship to the college of her choice someday.
Back to the magic incident: Nightwing and Batwoman were on their way there as back-up when the mage cast the summoning spell, so Dick is able to hug Damian as the kid bluescreens about Not Being The Blood Son.
Bruce awkwardly explains that yes, he ran Damian’s DNA when Talia dropped him off, but when he realized Damian was Talia’s direct clone, he also realized Talia was taking steps to ensure her child escaped the League of Assassins, by attaching him to one of the few people on the planet who can go toe to toe with (and even defeat) her father. Bruce opted to go along with Talia’s choice.
Kate has gotten popcorn from somewhere, munching on it while Bruce desperately thinks back to his Mega Ho Years to figure out how everyone else happened.
Cass is feeling a vindictive sort of smugness about not being David Cain’s bio-kid. He’s still her dad, but he only got part of what he wanted from Shiva.
Jason is pissed at Bruce for not figuring it out earlier, but kinda relieved that Sheila wasn't actually his mom.
The freshman college student from Oregon is really annoyed, she was at study group and she CANNOT fail this class!!! Now she’s on the entire opposite coast???
Tim is having some feelings about how fucking soap opera his origins turn out to be. Bruce slept with his mom Janet, but also she wasn’t his birth mom, he was adopted and no one told him??? Who the heck is his other birth parent??? What were the odds of his apparent bio-parent Bruce being the one to find him??? Wait, was finding baby Tim in a dumpster why younger!Bruce suddenly had Wayne Enterprises put money into improving and proliferating Safe Drop-Off Sites in Gotham???
(He is Not Thinking About his complicated relationship with Jack.)
Tim, when things are just starting to quiet down: “Wait, so does Talia have XY chromosomes, or does Damian have XX? Because I’ve done a lot of of cloning lab work, and—”
Damian: “Don’t talk about my mother’s chromosomes, dumpster baby.”
Tim: >:(
Bruce, very tired: “Damian, don’t call your brother a dumpster baby.”
Damian, indignant: “But you just told us you found him in a dumpster as an infant!”
Freshman college student: “Dude, it’s still fucking rude? Like how would you like being called a test tube baby?”
Damian: /draws sword/
Dick, pushing sword back into sheath: “No drawing weapons on civilians. Or calling Tim rude things. Tim, I think any chromosome questions are Talia and Damian’s personal medical business, so please don’t speculate on them.”
Tim, sarcastically: “Sorry, I forgot medical privacy exists after how you all reacted to the spleen thing.”
Freshman college student: “Spleen thing?”
Tim: “Don’t worry, it’s not genetic. Speaking of, B, you’re gonna have to update, like, all our medical history now.”
Bruce, even more tired: "Hn."
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A List of Works Influencing and Referenced by IWTV Season 1
Works Directly Referenced
Marriage in a Free Society by Edward Carpenter
A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
Cheri by Collete
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
La Nausee by Jean-Paul Sartre (credit to @demonicdomarmand )
Complete Poetry of Emily Dickinson edited by Thomas H. Johnson*
Blue Book by Tom Anderson
The Book of Abramelin the Mage
Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti with libretto by Giovanni Ruffini
Iolanta by Pyotr Tchaikovsky with libretto by Modest Tchaikovsky
Pelleas et Melisande by Claude Debussy
Epigraphes Antiques by Claude Debussy
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
Nosferatu (1922)
The Graduate (1967)
Marie Antoinette (1938)
On the Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin
De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis by Michael Ranft (1728)
Emily Post’s Etiquette
Bach’s Minuet in G Major (arranged as vampire minuet in G major)
Artworks referenced (much credit in this section to @iwtvfanevents and to @nicodelenfent )
Fall of The Rebel Angels by Peter Bruegel The Elder (1562)
The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt (1633)
Three Peaches on a Stone Plinth by Adriaen Coorte (1705)
Strawberries and Cream Raphaelle Peale, (1816) credit to @diasdelfeugo
Red Mullet and Eel by Edouard Manet (1864)
Starry Night by Edvard Munch (1893)
Self Portrait by Edvard Munch (1881)
Captain Percy Williams on a Favorite Irish Hunter by Samuel Sidney (1881)
Autumn at Arkville by Alexander H. Wyant 
Cumulus Clouds, East River by Robert Henri 
Mildred-O Hat by Robert Henri (Undated)
Ship in the Night James Gale Tyler (1870)
Bouquet in a Theater Box by Renoir (1871)
Berthe Morisot with a Fan by Édouard Manet (1872)
La Vierge D’aurore by Odilon Redon (1890) credit to @vampirepoem on twt
Still Life with Blue Vase and Mushrooms by Otto Sholderer (1891)
After the Bath: Woman Drying her Hair by Edgar Degas (1898)
Bust of a Woman with Her Left Hand on Her
Chin by Edgar Degas (1898) credit to @terrifique
Backstage at the Opera by Jean Beraud (1889)
Roman Bacchanal by Vasily Alexandrovich Kotarbiński (1898)
Dancers by Edgar Degas (1899)
Calling the Hounds Out of Cover by Haywood Hardy (1906)
Dolls by Witold Wojtkiewicz (1906) credit to @gyzeppelis on twt
Forty-two Kids by George Bellows (1907)
The Artist's Sister Melanie by Egon Schiele (1908)
Paddy Flannigan by George Bellows (1908)
Stag at Sharkey’s by George Bellows (1909)
The Lone Tenement by George Bellows (1909)
Ode to Flower After Anacreon by Auguste Renoir (1909) credit to @iwtvasart on twt
New York by George Bellows (1911)
Young Man kneeling before God the Father
Egon Schiele (1909)
Kneeling Girl with Spanish Skirt by Egon Schiele (1911)
Portrait of Erich Lederer by Egon Schiele (1912)
Krumau on the Molde by Egon Schiele (1912)
Weeping Nude by Edvard Munch (1913)
The Cliff Dwellers by George Bellows (1913)
Church in Stein on the Danube by Egon Schiele (1913)
Self Portrait in a Jerkin by Egon Schiele (1914)
The Kitten's Art Lesson by Henriette Ronner Knip credit to @terrifique
Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion by Francis Bacon (1944)
New York by Vivian Maier (1953)
Self Portrait by Vivian Maier (Undated)
Self Portrait by Vivian Maier (1954)
Slave Auction by Jean-Michelle Basquiat (1982)
(Untitled) photo of St. Paul Loading Docks by Bradley Olson (2015)
Transformation by Ron Bechet (2021)
(Untitled) sculpture in the shape of vines by Sadie Sheldon
(Untitled) Ceramic Totems by Julie Silvers (Undated)
Mother Daughter by Rahmon Oluganna
Twins I by Raymon Oluganna
@iwtvfanevents made a post of unidentified works here.
Works Cited by the Writer’s Room as Influences
Bourbon Street: A History by Richard Campanella (as it hardly mentions Storyville I think interested parties would be better served by additional titles if they want a complete history of New Orleans)
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino (This was also adapted into an award winning opera)
poetry by Charles Simic (possibly A Wedding in Hell?)
poetry by Mark Strand (possibly Dark Harbour?)
Works IWTV may be in conversation with (This is the most open to criticism and additions)
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, uncensored (There are two very different versions of this which exist today, as Harvard Press republished the unedited original with permission from the Wilde family.)
Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
Warsan Shire for Beyoncé’s Lemonade
Faust: A Tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
La Morte Amoreuse by Theophile Gautier
Carmilla by Sheridan LeFanu
Maurice by E.M. Forster
Sailing to Byzantium by Yeats
The Circus Animal's Desertion by Yeats
The Second Coming by Yeats
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (credit to @johnlockdynamic )
1984 by George Orwell (credit to @savage-garden-nights for picking this up)
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
Gone With the Wind film (1939)
Hannibal (2013)
Beauty and the Beast by Gabrielle Suzanne de Villenueve
Music used in Season 1 collected by @greedandenby here
*if collected or in translation most of the best editions today would not have been available to the characters pre-1940. It’s possible Louis is meant to have read them in their original French in some cases, but it would provide for a different experience. Lydia Davis’ Madame Bovary, for example, attempts to replicate this.
** I've tagged and linked relevant excerpts under quote series as I've been working my way through the list.
Season 2 here
Season 3 here
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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Addio signora!
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anneliesengland · 7 months
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Having a good time, in 50's England
By Haywood Magee
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sunbentsky-archived · 2 years
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Hi hello 🤠 I have a solid chunk of my new muse list figured out, but I'm on the fence about a couple of muses, some old that didn't see much interaction and some brand new. Here's the provisory list, with the last two groups being the ones I'm uncertain about. So, please help a fella decide and vote on this poll with which muses you'd like to see. You can select as many as you like, but I'll go with the top choices. Thank you!! 🧡
Saskia - canon, the witcher
Letho - canon, the witcher
Oles - oc, the witcher
Villen - canon, the witcher
Bogdan - oc, red dead redemption / western
Ecaterina - oc, red dead redemption / western
Myr - semi-canon, the witcher
Raymond - oc, fandomless / western
Ursule - oc, fallout: new vegas
Fred - oc, the outer worlds
Legion - canon, mass effect
Kaska Tomicka - oc, the witcher | dwarf, artist, fabric dyer, painter, art and literary forger
Mercer - oc, fandomless | hacker, DYI bio enthusiast, biopunk, organ harvester
Sidney - oc, fandomless | salvage diver, pirate, fence, con artist, ordinary thief, the soul of a magpie
Felix Millstone - canon, the outer worlds | dockhand, rebel without a cause, big-time dreamer, sportsball fan
Jolly Shepard - oc, mass effect | lieutenant-commander, spectre, butcher of torfan, savior of the fuckin' galaxy, overworked, dead woman walking
Nika Kader - oc, dragon age | dwarf, ex-general of orzammar's army, ex-queen consort to king endrin aeducan, mother of prince bhelen aeducan, would-be usurper, grey warden, warden-commander of ferelden
Rory Amell - oc, dragon age | human but barely so, blood mage, necromancer, goth, mortalitasi, arch-mistress of the mourn watch, sometimes the hero of ferelden
Mike Haywood - oc, far cry 5 | musician and composer, member of project at eden's gate, devoted to faith, angel "herder" and "mc" (he's in charge of the music which controls faith's angels), almost an angel himself
Maddie Kouvatsou - oc, far cry 5 | singer and bass player, repentant sinner (allegedly), ex-member of project at eden's gate, one of the young women who took on the mantle of "faith seed" before rachel jessop, deemed unfit for the role
Sinclair Stoyanov - oc, far cry 5 | prizefighter, boxer, animal liberation front activist,  mama's boy, eden's gate brawler, not a chosen, not a vip, just some guy, although he'd appreciate the promotion, ironically, vegan
Will Douglas - oc, fandomless | zoologist (herpetologist), gator wrangler, wildlife rehabilitator, guitar player, rowdy cowboy without a horse
Arthur Morgan - canon, red dead redemption | you know him, we all know him
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inthedarktrees · 2 years
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A girl kneeling by her bed saying good night prayers in the dormitory of Wakefield holiday school at Hornsea
Haywood Magee, “Wakefield Goes to Sea,” Picture Post, Aug 7, 1948
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theswandragon · 1 year
Poem today was a vent and I don't feel like sharing, so instead I'm gonna ramble a bit about writing characters, something I've done a bunch of this past month
Specifically, four different characters. Little rambles about each?
(Characters in this case are for D&D, but for most of them I designed the character first and then made the game fit my vision)
(If you're one of the other players in these campaigns, these blurbs are spoiler-free)
Haywood Titanforce, a human life cleric with some secrets and quite a bit of history. I first created her for a metagaming-encouraged dungeon crawl, but recently gave her new life in a proper campaign. When I was fleshing out her story, I wanted to honor her previous life, and found little ways to incorporate moments from the dungeon crawl as events in her life. Part of that was an offhand joke about what god she worshipped, and I named one outside of the Life domain. Well, I wanted to keep that idea, but also have her still worshipping a Life domain god. So, how could I make a cleric who followed two gods? I ended up with her traveling far away from her home, and picking up another faith—a god from a completely different pantheon, with a different portfolio, as a part of how she gains power.
Kraktar Bone Cleaver, an orc bruje who was immortal for a pretty long time, but recently lost most of his magic and is trying to get it back. In the meantime though, he's trying to reconnect with the Old Ways of using magic, until he can once again master chronomancy. For writing him, I wanted to blend a few concepts together, spawned from the idea of having a character with incredible base stats and very little actual power at the start. I also wanted to make another old character, but not someone from a species that would normally live that long. His name is itself part of the story—the title he was given centuries ago by his tribe. He's also older than the regional mage guild, which was pretty funny to plan out with the GM.
Flora Cetea, a Luskara conjuration wizard (Luskara are a homebrew race designed by a friend of mine, basically humanoid sea monsters who can transform to human/elf to pass while on land). He's fun because all of his magic is done through plants. The idea came from a discussion on how copying spells works with 5e's rules, specifically the thematics behind it, and the discussion involved how each wizard's spell formulas are somewhat unique to the wizard. So I jumped off that to someone who doesn't use normal formulas at all, and landed on using specific plants to create consistent magical effects by channeling power into them. And he's a Conjuration wizard because that would be a lot of plants to carry around everywhere.
I don't have a name for the last one yet, and I don't have a ton of story for her either. What was fun for her though is the setting is one the GM has been running for a while, which gave me a lot of hooks to tie into. I needed someone simpler, and the party would benefit from a tank, so I took one of the hooks they gave me—a mercenary guild with some...problematic history and a minor cult issue—and put together someone trying to escape all of that, after they got in way over their head. Also she's trans, the guild she's leaving is almost exclusively male, so I get to play with that dynamic a little bit.
Edit, a day later: Her name is Heather
Mm, sleepy character rambles. Might edit for clarity in the morning. Not looking for critique, but if people have questions or comments I'd love to hear them.
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mariaangels · 2 years
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Haywood Magee
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