#hbc surprise drabble challenge
tuiccim · 4 years
Apple of my Eye
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader     Word Count: 1178
Warnings: A little angst, then fluff
Prompt: Apple Pie  Summary: Trying to get Bucky’s attention, you make his Fall favorites.
A/N: This is for HBC Fall In Love Drabble Challenge! @the-ss-horniest-book-club​​
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“Hey Steve! What’s your favorite Fall pie, pumpkin, sweet potato, or apple?” You ask when you run into the Captain. 
“Apple. Why?” Steve asks with a smile. 
“I'm making pie for dessert tonight, but I wanted to know what everyone likes best.” 
“Sounds good. What are you making for dinner?” Steve says.
“Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls.” You smile.
“That’s quite a menu.” Steve laughs.
“Well, it’s officially fall and I thought a hearty fall dinner would be great for team night.” You grin. 
“Bucky will be happy. He loves turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy.” Steve narrows his eyes at you. 
You feel heat rising in your face as Steve stares at you. “Yeah. He told me that.” You bite your lip. “Do you know what pie he likes?” You fidget.
“Apple.” Steve tries and fails to stop his grin. “So, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?”
You feel the heat in your face flame higher. “I hope if he has feelings for me it’s not just that I’m a decent cook. Just trying to show I listen to him, ya know?”
“I understand. You're a sweetheart.” Steve gives you a one armed hug and whispers, “Don’t worry. He’s sweet on you, too.” Steve presses a kiss to the top of your head. 
You giggle as you give Steve a squeeze. You both miss the dark haired supersoldier’s shock and quick retreat after seeing your embrace.
That evening you are excited as you put the dinner spread on the table for everyone. The slices of turkey looked juicy, the gravy was spot on, the mashed potatoes were smooth as butter, and the green beans were crispy perfection. On the counter sat two golden crusted apple pies. 
Everyone began to drift in and you waited to see the face of Bucky when he saw the spread. You glance at Steve when Bucky still hadn’t appeared ten minutes later. 
“I’m going to go get Bucky. He must have lost track of time.” Steve says and makes a bee line for Bucky’s room. His knock is answered a few seconds later. 
“What?” Bucky grouses. 
Steve’s eyebrows furrow, “Uh, dinner is ready.”
“Not hungry.” Bucky says and starts to slam the door. 
“Hey!” Steve stops the door with his hand. “She made this dinner special.”
“Then you go eat it.” Bucky shoves Steve back and slams the door. 
Steve stares at the door in shock. He knew Bucky liked you and was confused why he would refuse to eat the dinner you made. He made  his way back to the dining room. “Uh, Bucky’s not feeling good. Let’s go ahead and eat.” Steve feels bad as he sees your face fall. 
You spend the dinner trying to be cheerful. Everyone raves about the food and eats happily. Sam lets out a whoop when you bring over the pies. You serve everyone and take the rest of the leftovers into the kitchen to make a tray for Bucky. You pile it high with everything and include a large slice of pie. 
“Your turn for clean up, Sam” You chuckle when he groans. “I’m going to take Bucky a tray.”
You knock on Bucky’s door and are surprised when it flies open. 
“I said I didn’t want any-” Bucky yells and then stops at your wide eyed expression. 
“Oh, oh, sorry. Steve said you weren’t feeling well. I just, nevermind. Sorry.” You turn away trying to hide the tears in your eyes. 
“I thought you were Steve again.” Bucky says. 
“No. I just wanted to bring you some dinner. I made it for you.” You whisper and try to wipe away the tear on your cheek with your shoulder. “Anyway, I’ll go put it away.”
“Why did you make it for me?” Bucky asks. 
“You told me this was your favorite food for fall and…” You shrug.  
“I saw Steve flirting with you earlier.” Bucky says accusingly.
You turn to face Bucky. His heart twists seeing the tears in your eyes. 
“Steve’s never flirted with me. Why would you say that?” You look at him incredulously.
“I saw you two. He was hugging you and kissed you…” Bucky trails off.
“He kissed me on my head like I was his little sister, Bucky. He put his arm around me because he was telling me something in confidence and didn’t want anyone to overhear. But I’m not so sure he was right.”
“Right about what?”
You sigh and shove the tray at Buck who takes it from you. “That you’re sweet on me. His words. He caught on to why I was making your favorite dinner and I asked him about your favorite pie.”
“Apple.” Bucky looks down at the tray in his hands.
“Yeah, but um, obviously he had misinterpreted your feelings. Sorry.”  You walk away. 
“No!” Bucky all but yells and you wheel around to face him. “No, I... Damnit” He says looking down at the tray. “Will you come in please?” He sees you're about to decline. “Please.” He says again. You nod and precede him into the room. He sets the tray down on his desk and turns to you. 
“You should eat before it gets cold.” You cross your arms. 
“It can wait. You’re more important.” Bucky says softly as he approaches you. "I'm sorry."
You fidget with your hands for a minute trying to form a response.
"I saw you and Steve earlier and I was angry. I thought he was flirting with you and that you were… ya know."
"We were just talking, Bucky." You say softly. 
"I know. I'm sorry." 
"Sooo… you were jealous?" You smirk and Bucky looks down, blushing. "You do like me."
"Yeah. And you..."
"Spent basically my entire day making someone's favorite meal. Hoping he'd notice how much I like him. Only to have my heart broken when he refused to come to the meal after his best friend assured me of his feelings."
"He sounds like a real jerk."
"His best friend does tend to call him that." You smile.
Bucky chuckles, "Thank you for making my favorites and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I was such a jerk to you. Can I make it up to you?"
"How?" You ask.
"Go out with me tomorrow night?" Bucky closes the distance between the two of you to put his hands around your waist as he waits for your answer. 
The close proximity is too much for you. As you look into his gorgeous blue eyes, you grab his shirt and pull him in for a kiss. His lips meet yours tentatively at first. A light brush of lip to lip, but electricity crackles between you as soon as contact is made and the kiss deepens. Lips meld, tongues twine, and hands press. 
When you finally pull back you smile at him, "That was a yes, by the way." 
"That was the best yes I've ever gotten." Bucky laughs. "Can I have another?"
"As many as you want." You say as you lean in again.
Permanent: @bubbabarnes​ @badassbaker​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @cherthegoddess​ @buckyluvrs​​ @sherlocksmanwatson​​ @cap-n-stuff​​ @finleyjayne​​ @caplanreads​​ @connie326​​ @daydreamerinadazedworld​
Divider by @whimsicalrogers​
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wolfs-hunt1 · 4 years
Breakfast in bed
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word count: 351
Warnings: fluff, sorry for any typo
A/N: Drunk drabbles for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ Finally it is time for sweaters and cold weather! 
--- --- --- --- ---
Bucky could feel the empty space next to him in bed even before he turned around, arm going around the cold pillow bringing it closer to him, inhaling the sweet scent of her that still lingered on the plush fabric. He laid there for a while longer, until he felt he should get up.
He threw the blankets to the side and walked to his set of drawers, picking up a new pair of boxers and putting them on, then grabbing his sweatpants from the floor and making his way down the stairs, heading to the kitchen where the smell of freshly made coffee was wafting from.
Once he rounds the corner he stops, taking a good look at the sight in front of him. His baby girl, wearing some skintight leggings and his red sweater from last night. She was moving about in the kitchen, flipping the eggs and bacon on the stove and taking the toasts out of the toaster to plate the breakfast.
"Oh... you're up." she says, disappointment dripping from her honeyed voice.
"You don't sound so happy to see me, doll." Bucky wraps himself around her, resting his chin on top of her hair, arms hugging her thigh to his strong chest.
"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed." he chuckles and lets her go, so she can flip the bacon once more before it burns.
"That my sweater." he comments, walking to the coffee pot and pouring two mugs for them.
"Now it's my sweater, it was too cold once I left your side."
"You are practically swimming in there you know." he laughs, leaning on the counter and watching her move about. He loved seeing her in his clothes. It made his chest swell with pride that she was his. That he was her's. "Let's go back to bed, that way we can have breakfast there. And then I can have you for dessert." he growls the last part, approaching her and groping her ass with his big hands while he nibbled on her ear making her moan deliciously from the action.
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shaynawrites23 · 4 years
Girlfriends and Leaf Piles
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Header is by @pcseidcnsvoid, go check out her fics as well, I promise you won’t be disappointed!
Word count: 953
Prompts: “My mom asked about you again.”
“I want to marry you.”
“Three words, eight letters- say it and I’m yours.”
Written for @pit-and-the-pen’s writing challenge, as well as @writingevents’s September 2020 event and @the-ss-horniest-book-club’s Surprise Drabble challenge, with the theme Fall In Love!
Bucky ambled down the street to your home, Royal, your golden retriever, bounding ahead of him. He breathed in deeply, relishing the smell of autumn and the crisp, fresh air.
Royal trotted up the driveway, toying with the red and orange leaves sprinkled all over the ground. They crunched under Bucky's feet and Royal's paws, while more drifted slowly down from the trees.
Upon unlocking the front door, Bucky tossed his keys onto the cupboard.
"Doll, I'm home!" he called. When you didn't reply, panic surged through him. It was unlikely, but what if something had happened to you? You always announced your location whenever he came home, knowing it helped appease his worried mind.
He threw open the doors to all the rooms, searching them one by one. Empty. All of them, empty. If something happened to you, he knew he'd never be able to forgive himself.
The fear was beginning to consume him when he heard laughter. Your laughter, mixed with barking. He nearly flew to the window, pressing his face up against the glass in order to see better.
You stood in the garden, safe and sound, a rake in your hand and Royal prancing around you in circles. The zippers on your brown leather jacket clinked together as you bent down to pet the dog, and Bucky let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding in.
Bucky made his way downstairs, stopping in the doorway that connected the kitchen to the garden. God, you were so beautiful. He couldn't stop the smile spreading across his face as he watched you and Royal.
If someone would have told him three years ago that he'd be in a happy relationship with you, he'd probably have laughed in their face. Yet here you were, happy as could be with him, and he thanked whatever deity was listening every day for having you in his life.
"Buckyy," you whined when you noticed him, "how long have you been standing there?"
"Just a few moments, doll." He sauntered over to you, hands immediately coming to rest on your waist as he leaned in for a sweet kiss.
You reciprocated, arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled him closer. You loved him more than you could express, and you were reminded of that every time you were in his presence, not to mention whenever he kissed you.
You pulled away and immediately saw the worry on his face. It disappeared instantly, however, as soon as he saw the wide grin you sported.
"Come on baby, work first, kissing later!" And with that, you thrust a shovel into his arms.
He chuckled, rolling his eyes, but you both knew he didn't mind the work. After all, it would give him more time to admire you or to just bask in your presence.
He began digging a hole big enough for the apple tree you were planning to plant. Well, if you could even call that little sapling a tree at this point. Royal leapt over to help him, paws rapidly scraping at the soil.
As the hole got bigger, he started glancing over at you every now and then. You were busy raking up all the leaves that had fallen onto the lawn, and he guessed you were probably also regretting planting so many trees.
"You know," you spoke absently, "my family called just now. My mom asked about you again."
"Oh yeah? What did she want to know? How long before we give her grandkids?"
He only chuckled when you shot him the most menacing glare you could muster, which turned into a full blown laugh when you nearly tripped over your rake simply because you were flustered.
"Shut up, Barnes. No, she wanted to know if we'd be coming for dinner this Friday. I think she misses you."
"That's fine by me, I'm free. And when did I become Barnes?"
You didn't have to look at him to know how widely he was grinning. He just loved teasing you like that.
"You're Barnes whenever you become a cocky flirt," you quipped back. "And I already told her we'd be there."
“Maybe I shouldn’t be the only Barnes here,” he mused.
You froze in your place. Did that mean what you thought it meant? You slowly turned to face him.
“What? You want to invite your niece over?” You didn’t intend to joke about it, but you couldn’t resist after seeing that insufferable cocky smirk.
“Doll, that’s not what I meant and you know that,” he huffed. “God, I want to marry you.”
He... oh god was this real?
“What do you say, sweetheart?” he hummed, calmly strolling over to you.
Oh good heavens was this his proposal?
“I’m still going to propose properly, doll. After all, I’m old-fashioned. I’m just wondering if we’re both on the same page here...” he trailed off, that same grin never once leaving his face.
It seemed your brain finally decided to come back from vacation, and you finally found yourself able to think straight again.
“I’ll say yes... under one condition.”
You did your best to keep your poker face on, but his confused expression was making this incredibly hard.
“Three words, eight letters- say it and I’m yours, baby.”
And with that you turned around, humming to yourself as you reached for the rake you left leaning against the wall of your house. Before you could take hold of it, though, he grabbed your wrist and spun you around, backing you up against the wall and effectively pinning you there.
“I love you,” he breathed. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whispered, right before he pressed his lips to yours.
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nano--raptor · 4 years
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Pairing: Viking!Bucky x Reader
Words: 310
Warnings: Love and softness, talk of battle, kissing, implied smut.
A/N: A short contribution today for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ 24 Hour Surprise Drabble Challenge - Traveling Through Time. The day got away from me, but I still got in some time for a moodboard and a drabble to go with it. Today we’re off to the Viking Age, enjoy!❤ Divider by Firefly Graphics
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“Bucky,” you whispered his name into the dying light of the candle-lit room. “Do you really have to go, my love?”
He held you close, wrapped in his arms, strong and comforting against the chill of approaching winter outside. Safe and warm under the furs of your bed, where he loved you as if it were his last day. 
“Yes.” A simple, but heavy reply. Off to battle in the morning, a journey that not all would return from. “I must go, darling, it is my duty.” You sighed against his chest, pressing your lips to warm skin. Then his lips were on your skin again too, limbs tangled together once more.
“I’m coming with you.” You finally said, firmly, no room for argument in your mind. He chuckled, a comforting sound that rumbled through his chest and against yours.
“No. It’s too dangerous.” He kissed the top of your head and you sighed.
“Maybe so. But I simply cannot bear to be away from you.” You gazed up at him and he tilted your chin, looking deep into your eyes. A small smile pulled at the corners of your mouth. “I’m good with a sword, you know.”
He laughed then, pulling you close to kiss your lips. He kissed you deeply, and when it broke, he stroked your cheek gently, warmth in his eyes.
“I know. But if anything were to happen to you-”
“If anything were to happen to you!” You cut him off with his own argument. “I could not go on.” “Nor could I,” he countered.
“Then I’d rather us be together than apart. That’s all. I simply love you too much.” He smiled, holding you close and reconsidering your request. You didn’t care what he would say, you weren’t letting him go off without you. Hell or high water, you’d fight by his side, right where you belonged.
* * * *
Tags ❤  @moonybarnes @skkye @cristie24 @msmarvelwrites @L8nitereadingmaterial @sfreeborn @jobean12-blog @crushedbyhyperbole @mannatgalhotra @bubbabarnes @buckysthing @marvelgirl7 @ikaris-whore @aesthetical-bucky @littleredstarfish @godofplumsandthunder @winterboobear11 @stuckyinamoose @our-whitetulips-us @throwmyheartawayagain @jesslovesyouall @my-own-private-library @hawksmagnolia @peaceinourtime82 @infinity-saga @kenzieam @sallycanwait68 @hailmary-yramliah  @ballyhoobarnes @earthworthies  @tinymalscoffee @thefandomimagines @kianifan @dark-academics-and-florals @buckys-henley @wearemisunderstoodlove @mrsbarneswillseeyounow @palaiasaurus64 @starlightcrystalline @thehumanistsdiary @addikted-2-dopamine @drabblewithfrannybarnes @Mackevanstan80 @harrysthiccthighss @lady-pswrld  @wiccanmetallicrose @buckysbunny @railmetom @fl0ating  @littlemissirish @whisperlullaby @chucklebucky @softboibarnes @purselover23 
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jewels2876 · 3 years
Coming Home
A/N: And not to leave them out, here’s another HBC Secrets Day post - this one for @the-th-horniest-book-club​ - this is also part of my lovely Tom Hiddleston family, another peek into their lives before the kids
Square filled for @marvelfluffbingo: Carving initials in a tree
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader
Word Count: 360
Divider by the lovely @imerdwarf​
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Your eyes were covered with his grey silk tie. You tried to rely on your other senses to figure out your location: the sun’s rays were still warm on the exposed skin of your face, the wind danced around you, fresh-cut grass tickled your nose as you licked your drying lips. “Come on,” you whined. “Are we almost there?”
“Patience,” he warned. You could hear his smile as he gently teased you. “I know, not your best trait, as you continue to remind me.”
“Then take off this blindfold and let me in on the secret!”
His fingers grazed the sides of your face and you sighed deeply. “I like that,” you murmured. His lips chastely brushed over yours; you whined again. His chuckle was low, making you clench your thighs in desire. “Please,” you begged.
“Mmm, I love hearing you beg but I promise the wait is almost over.” His fingers dug into the tie and pulled it down. 
Your eyes fluttered, getting used to the light. You looked around in confusion. “Where are we?” Tom now stood behind you; you stared at a large oak tree. “Are we trespassing?”
Tom’s laugh was loud in your ear before he moved around you, taking your right hand and guiding you to the other side of the tree. You could feel yourself melt as you stared at the initials carved into the tree. Your unoccupied hand stretched out, marveling at the rough and smooth textures. “If you don’t mind my presumptiveness, I thought maybe this could be ours.” His right hand gestured towards the house he had been hiding. Your left hand raised to your mouth, gasping.
“Seriously? But we’re…” He turned you, covering your mouth with his; the kiss was gentle yet probing. You pulled back to catch your breath; Tom rested his forehead to yours.
“I know where we are. That’s why I chose it. I go where you go. And we can grow our family here.” His gaze followed up the three-story house. “And there’s room for a guest suite. And we could consider putting in something out here; a pool?” You silenced him with a sweet kiss.
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For @the-ce-horniest-book-club 24 Hour Surprise Drabble Challenge - Conversations With A Stranger Drabbles! I'm using the prompt "school pickup" and turning it slightly on it's head - with an AU of Single Dad!Andy Barber (no DJ characters). All credit and love for this AU inspiration goes to the amazing @uncafeavecbarnes (and you should totally read her take on Single Dad!Andy)
No Warnings but my blogs are 18+ spaces always.
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It's just you and one other man waiting outside the principal's office, and you have to keep reminding yourself to stop tapping your foot every time he glances up at you from his phone.
Finally he takes pity on your obviously agitated state and smiles a little before attempting to make conversation.
"I knew having a boy would probably mean visits to the principal, but kindergarten seems a little early."
You huff out a laugh, too out of your element to offer much more of a response. Still, he puts his phone in his suit jacket pocket, leaning forward towards you.
"Should we guess what they had a fight about?"
Your head snaps to him. "Excuse me?"
"Our kids. What do you think they fought about? That has to be why we're here, right? Our sons must have had a little playground disagreement."
You shake your head. "I have a daughter. Of course, I wouldn't put it past her to pick a fight with anyone."
He chuckles a little at your resigned expression. "Mine is a handful, too."
It's quiet for a moment, and then you don't know why, but you're confiding in this man sitting next to you in the elementary school principal's office. "I can't imagine how hard it is for her, with only me, and babysitters and my job and all that - I knew things would be hard but like you said, not so soon."
He had such an open expression, and he's listening to you intently. "I get it, I'm in that boat right with you."
You give him a tiny smile. "You too?"
His smile is wider, and he offers you a simple, firm handshake. "Andy Barber. I'm Adam's dad."
The light of recognition dawns in your eyes. "Wait, Adam's dad?"
Now it's Andy's turn to look confused until the principal's secretary pokes her head from the now open office door.
"Okay, Adam's dad and April's mom, we're ready for you."
Andy's face turns back to yours and the expression on his face shows you he is very aware of who your daughter is. "Excuse me, I didn't know I was meeting my son's future mother in law."
"Oh no, what did they do?"
You walk beside Andy into the principal's office, and he holds your chair for you as you sit opposite the big desk. The principal is a kindly looking older woman, and she waits for Andy to be seated before beginning. "Thank you both for being here. I realize that once you hear what the problem is you may think we overreacted."
"What exactly is the problem?" You can't stop yourself from asking, especially now that you know who's here with you.
"Adam's my boyfriend."
"Baby, you're five."
"So? We're getting married."
"Did they get married at recess or something?" Andy asks, completely serious, and you bite back a laugh. You kick him and he kicks you back, both of you barely holding it together.
"I see you're both aware of their attachment."
Attachment? Is this a Jane Austen movie? "I believe they have both mentioned each other outside of school, yes." You manage to say the words without laughing but this whole experience is becoming more and more funny to you.
"The children's teacher has requested that I meet with you, to ask you both to remind them how to behave in school."
"The hand holding? I talked to Adam."
"I had a talk with April about that too."
"It worked for a few days," the principal leans back in her chair. "But today they've moved on to kissing."
"Kissing? They're kissing each other in school?" Now you're a little surprised. Andy, however, chuckles beside you and shrugs when you turn to him.
"They were at the front of the lunch line together and held up recess for the other children because they refused to be separated."
You cover your face with your hands. "We will definitely have a strong conversation with them about appropriate behavior in school." You drop your hands and look over at Andy. "Right?"
"Of course." He still looks amused, and you can't help smiling back.
"Well," Andy says as he walks by your side, down the hallway to collect your kids, "it was nice to have someone else to share that amazing moment with."
You laugh out loud, looking around to make sure that no one else is in earshot. "Yeah, but we have to stop meeting like this."
"I hope we keep meeting, though."
Andy gives you a little sly look, and you look straight ahead as an odd feeling starts to bubble up inside you.
"Me too."
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eurynome827 · 3 years
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For @the-ss-horniest-book-club 24 Hour Surprise Drabble Challenge - Can't Live Without... Drabbles!
This is just a cute little glimpse at Boss Lady and Hot Coffeehouse Guy ❤️ I couldn't resist visiting Barista!Bucky with this! This includes one of my favorite lines of dialogue from Gilmore Girls ever.
No Warnings, but my blogs are 18+ spaces always.
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You've been addicted to Bucky's coffee for longer than you've been in love with him. He likes to tease you about it, of course, but you don't care as long as his handsome face is in the kitchen making you coffee.
Even though your broken coffee machine was what brought you together, once Bucky was spending more time at your apartment you went out and bought a machine - "whichever one you want, babe," you insisted - and treasured the cups made just for you.
You still loved getting your morning fix from the coffeehouse on your way to work, but there was just something special about Bucky bringing you coffee when you were still tucked into bed in the morning, hugging his pillow still warm with his scent.
"Your coffee, ma'am," Bucky voice greeted you from the doorway, still husky with sleep.
"Say that again, please, slower and with your pants off."
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wolfs-hunt1 · 4 years
Friends with benefits
Pairing: TJ Hammond x reader
This is for the  HBC Surprise Drabble Challenge, the prompt I picked is ‘Friends With Benefits’ with TJ Hammond. @the-ss-horniest-book-club​. Just something silly that poped in my head. Sorry for any mistakes encountered.
Word count: 2497
Warning: angst, mention of smut, fluff
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gift not mine
You wake up slowly, head pounding with the remainder of yesterday's party.
You screwed your eyes shut tightly and turned slightly around, burring your head deeper into the silk sheets of the pillow. A heady musk, not entirely unfamiliar, permeated your senses until you felt it. Or rather, until you felt him.
Drunken memories from last night came rushing to you once you felt his heavy harm wrap around your middle and pull you closer to him.
TJ. Your best friend, the one you had vowed to never fuck again because being friends with benefits with him was nothing but trouble. Because being friends with h meant you had to suppress your feelings because he was just making sure he was still gay.
You two had started being friends with benefits last year but had paused it because he wanted to date a guy, so you stoped and vowed yourself you wouldn't do it again. And here you are, trying to get out from under his vice grip on you and collect your scattered clothes to put them on hastily to try and sneak out. But your efforts are proven useless when you hear him turning on the bed and groggily call out to you by your nickname.
"(Y/N/N), came back to bed, babe, it's too early." He rasped, scrunching up his face when he opens his eyes right in a sunbeam. You take a moment to look at him sprawled on the bed, waiting for you to join him once more.
Taking a deep breath with a shake of your head you tell him " I can't stay, I'm gonna be late for work." And rush out of his apartment, putting your uncomfortable heels on the way out and not giving him a chance to talk you out of it.
The rest of the morning goes by fast, only leaving you enough time to go home for a shower and a change of clothes before you have to go into your shift at the café. Your head is killing you throughout your entire shift, the heavy pulsating behind your eyelids reminding you not to follow TJ into one of his rabbit holes of booze ever again.
Last night had been a mistake. You shouldn't have let him seduce you into having sex with him. Not when you had told him that last time would have been last time. You had ignored all his calls, firing an angry message his way saying you were busy at work and he was distracting you. That had made him stop, suspiciously fast and your slowly increasing mood came crashing when he walking in the cafe and sat in one of the tables in your section.
You take a deep breath and go to him, notepad on the ready, "What can I get you?"
"Well, for starters I would like to know why are you avoiding me, and then I would like a coffee, I have a killer headache and the coffee you make is the only I like to drink." He's looking at you with a mixture of pissed off and slight pain in his face. Your hands lower, fingers barely keeping their grasp on the notepad.
"I'm at work TJ, I can't just stop to go and talk on the phone, I've already been reprimanded for being late enough times, I don't want to also get fired." you huff a small puff of breath and half turn from his table "I'll get you your coffee."
TJ doesn't leave the cafe, even after he's done with his third cup of coffee and the afternoon is giving way to the night. He will look your way occasionally, and you see what he's doing. He's waiting for your shift to end, giving you no way to escape the impending talk he wants to have.
The clock ticks by ever so slowly, and you finally let out a sigh when the coworker that will take the shift after yours arrives, making you dash to the small employer locker room to take off your apron and let your anxious heart beat for a while before having to face TJ.
He's waiting for you right outside the cafe door once you leave, almost scaring you in the process.
"TJ, you've been waiting all day just to talk to me, I'm sure you must have had better things to do with your day than wasting it with me." You start walking down the sidewalk, not looking back at him, knowing he'll just follow you until he get what he wants anyway.
"Why do you keep avoiding me?" he asks, his exasperated tone making his voice almost break at the end. "Why are you running away from me?"
You turn abruptly "I'M NOT…" you tug his arm pulling him to the side so no one can eavesdrop "I'm not running away from you TJ." you try to calm down, this outburst of emotions making you head race with thousands of things you would like to say, but you know you cant. "But you can't expect me to keep falling in your bed whenever you smile at me. We stopped being friends with benefits so we could date other people. Besides, I can't keep doing this."
"Doing what?"
"This!" you wave around the both of you, not looking into his eyes. "I can't keep being your sex buddy whenever you are too high or too drunk to get a dude to bone, or whenever you just want to assure yourself you are still gay." you know now you are just being cruel with your choice of words, but your heart his done being played with. If you can't have him, then you will have to stop deluding yourself just to get your heart broken once more whenever you wake up naken in his bed.
You can see if eyes start to shine, unspilled tears gathering in them.
"Is that really what you think we are? What you think I'm doing? Using you to…" he can't even will himself to say the words, his throat clogging up along with the tears that want to spill from his eyes. He shakes his head and takes a step away from you, your heart breaking for having made that look appear on his face. You whisper his name and try to reach for him, but he only shrugs away and takes one more step from you. "You know what? I won't bother you anymore." he turns around, ignoring your calls of his name, and soon he is completely out of your sight, leaving you stunned in the sidewalk.
You can barely sleep that night, TJ won't answer any of your texts and you even rush to the club to see if he's there only to be barred by his security, telling you he didn't come there that night and that without him you couldn't go up to his office.
After days with no sighs from him, you are starting to get anxious, and all the more when Dougie leaves a voice mail with a frantic tone on the other side of the call.
"(Y/N), please you have to come over, TJ isn't doing any good, he won't leave his apartment and he won't even let me in. You're his best friend, you have to help him call him to reason." you rush out of work once you hear his call, and make your way to TJ's apartment as fast as you can.
You forego the elevator, deciding to climb the start two at a time would be faster, and run the length of the hallway into TJ's door, when you get there, completely out of breath you notice Dougie stand up from his stop on the floor.
"I'm glad you could make it (Y/N)." he hugs you tightly but when you stiffen he gets back to look at you, "What is it?"
"It's my fault…" you whisper barely audible.
"I think it's my fault he's like this."
"What do you mean?"
"I said….. I said pretty nasty things last time we were together. I doubt he'll listen to me at all."
"We have to try it (Y/N), he hasn't been answering any of my calls, or even getting out of the apartment, but he's in there, I can hear him occasionally. So I know he asnt….overdosed" he whispers the last part, afraid of its implications.
" He's been getting better you know? He barely does it anymore. I know it's ideal, but it's better." you sigh, and shouldering off your purse and dropping it to the floor you reach closer to the door. You knock softly and wait for an answer that doesn't come. You look at Douglas, he looks at you as if saying 'told you so', and so you knock again, this time saying with a soft tone "It's (Y/N), TJ. I wanted to make sure you were okay in there… you haven't been taking my calls and I'm really worried about you."
A few seconds go by until you can faintly hear soft padding on the floor until they stop in front of the door. You know he's listening, even if he doesn't say anything or opens the door. You let out a shuddering breath before slipping down his door and sitting down on the floor, soon followed by Dougie, leaning on the wall by your left.
"I wanted to… I wanted to apologize for what I said the other day. For all of it." you hear a small snort on the other side of the door. Well at least he was somewhat whiling to hear you out or he would have left already. "I was a jerk, and I can now see that the words I used were not the best. I just…" you look shily to Dougie trying to keep things vague so that he doesn't get to know stuff he shouldn't. "I've known you my entire life, and we've been friends since forever. I've known things about you sometimes even before you knew them. I guess what I'm trying to say is, what I said to you last time, was just me trying to not get hurt. And I'm an idiot, so of course, I pushed you away. and I can't really say much more on it cuz Dougie is still here…" your rushed words were interrupted by the loud clicking of his bolt and you rushed to stand on your feet.
"I'm fine Dougie, ok? Just go home." TJ says, voice gruff from disuse and probably from crying if his red-rimmed eyes arent from something else. He grabs your hand and pulls you against him into his house "I promise I won't do anything stupid, besides, (Y/N/N) is here now to stop that from happening." he waits until his brother relents and nods, going down the hallway after a few seconds telling him to call him later so he would relax.
TJ pushed the door close and takes a few steps from you, almost as if just the close proximity hurt him. Then he moves to his couch and just slumps on it, hiding his face beneath his stretched arm. You are just standing still at the door, awkwardly shuffling your feet around.
"I'm sorry." you wring your hands together and give a tentative step forward stoping when TJ moves his head under his arm to look at you from the corner of his eye.
"I'm sorry too." that comes as a surprise to you.
"For what?"
"For the way I've made you feel. For how I made you feel like you were nothing more than just a checkup for my sexuality. I didn't realize that was how you felt."
"It…it isn't really…I… I was hurt and I just wanted to get out without having to talk about my feelings, so I just took the short cut of saying the first thing that came to mind."
"Guess we were both idiots then… not talking about our feelings and just… walking around them."
"Guess we should talk then." you say, getting the courage needed to walk up to the couch, raising his legs and sitting down, resting them on top of yours. "Were should we start?"
"Probably by the first time we even had sex."
"We were extremely drunk that night." you laugh, reminiscing of it. "I think we started making out at some bar and then just, went for it in the bathroom. And then again once we got home…" you are blushing with the memories of your first time together.
"And then after that, we just kept fucking whenever we got together. We never really talked about it, we just… went for it."
"Pretty much, yeah, we became friends with benefits after a drunk night, and then we just kept coming back to each other." he's looking at you now, while you are absentmindedly playing with his shoelaces.
"But you thought I was just reassuring myself over my sexuality?" his tone his hurt and you can see the wince he made before he managed to hide it.
"I just… I just thought you preferred guys, and so I was a bit hurt when mornings came around…" your voice is small, barely audible, and after a long silence, you finally look TJ in the eyes.
"Yeah, I do prefer guys, but you? you were the only girl that actually ever got my attention. We'd been friends since forever, and I guess I never really managed to separate what we had for love. For me, it was always clear, even when I didn't know what it was."
"I just thought that if I hid my feelings for you, we would be able to just be together, even if there was nothing more from it."
"So… we've been two idiots pinning for each other without admitting it."
"Oh no…" you giggled "I admitted it, just not to you." this prompts him to lightly slap your thigh laughing with you soon after.
"So… do you wanna try going steady? I mean we already do all of it, we fight, we have sex, we know each other's dirty secrets… But I'd like to be able to call you mine if you would like to call me yours." this makes you bite your lips for a few moments, looking at his baby blues until you nodded slowly, watching the grin break out on his plump lips.
"I would love that." once he hears those words he scrambles on the couch, straddling your hips and kissing you deeply, whispering sweet words while reassuring you you are everything he ever wanted and more.
You wake up in his bed the morning after, a sweet ache between your legs and a warm arm pulling you closer. It might have taken you both years to admit it that you loved each other, but you were happy to be finally waking up with TJ and be able to cuddle closer without having to sneak out afterward.
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bugsbucky · 4 years
Cotton Clouds
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Request: Hiii lovely! Could I kindly request a Bucky x plus!size reader - she is really shy and insecure about her body weight and is more like the chef to the avengers (cooking breakfast and dinner for them and that kind of stuff) she is also being secretly bullied by a lower rank agent and one day the bully shoves her and she falls over, hurting herself and Bucky saw everything and just!! Protective Bucky is my life. Please don't rush! There's no pressure from me 🖤 love you!!
Warnings: Angst, body shaming, insecurities, bullying, asshole agents, protective!Bucky, protective!Steve (kinda), language, broken noses, a little pussy that probably shat his pants, fluff, happy endings.
Word Count: 3,007
Authors Notes: thank you dear anon for sending in this request. I’ve combined this request for the @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ 24 hour surprise drabble and Summer Loving Challenge and I chose Rooftop bar/restaurant.
If anyone ever makes you feel this shitty, you just tell them to fuck off and mind their own business. Nobody, NOBODY has the right to degrade you for your weight or anything else for that matter. If they are bullying you, it only means there is a problem with their own reflection and it’s not actually you. You’re loved and James Buchanan Barnes loves and worships you so much. 
My taglist is actually open so if you’d like to join please feel free to send me a message/ask :)
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Since becoming a part of the Avenger family as their personal cook, you’ve established strong bonds with just about everyone on the team. They accepted you for who you were and never once made a disrespectful comment or snicker about your soft belly or thick thighs. Of course, it didn’t stop you from wishing you had a figure like Nat or Wanda, but the team didn’t make you feel less of a human and despite their kindness, you often still felt out of place and insecure about your weight. The one person who made you feel extra special was Bucky Barnes. During movie nights his fingers would circle your soft waist, his hugs also lasted a lot longer than what was considered necessary. Over time, the two of you became close friends. You ended up developing a small crush on him, imagining yourself waking up in his arms every morning and reminding you just how beautiful you are.
Around them, you were shy and barely spoke a word other than a good morning greeting or an ‘enjoy your meal’ as you dished out their food you had cooked. You were preparing some bacon and toast in the kitchen when James, an agent on the lower rank pranced into the kitchen, puffing his chest out and grinning at your shock of seeing him.
“Can I ask you a question?” he asks and takes a step closer, forcing you to take one step back. Your eyes flicked over his shoulder and saw 3 other of his friends snickering near the doorway.
“S-sure.” your voice croaked, ignoring the splutter from the coffee pot.
“Do you sleep in a bed like a normal human being, or do you sleep on the beach like a whale? I’m not sure where whales your size sleep.” The laughter behind James formed a lump in your throat. 
“Morning folks! Uh James, you’re not supposed to be in here.” Steve walked in with his Captain America suit on and warned. His hands just above his belt as he took the burning bacon off the gas.
“Sorry Captain. Just had to ask Y/N for something.” James winked and smiled innocently at Steve. You never told anyone about the things James would say to you. They were far too embarrassing and you were secretly scared they felt the same way but just didn’t have the heart to say anything.
“No problem. Just don’t let it happen again.” Steve warned as James left, reaching up in the cupboard for a mug. He looks at you briefly, concern washes over his face as he saw you were batting tears away. “Hey are you okay? He didn’t do anything to you did he?” Steve wondered, folding his broad arms across his chest. 
“No no! I’m fine really. Breakfast won’t be too long.” you lied and busied yourself in the kitchen that Tony had put in especially for your needs. 
“Okay well look, if he or anyone is giving you any problems, you come to me alright? We don’t tolerate harassment here.” Steve gave your shoulder a squeeze, the words on the tip of your tongue that this has been going on for months. You want to tell Steve that but you’re hesitant and bite your tongue, just nodding and thanking the captain for caring so much. You quickly pull yourself back together and resume the task of breakfast.
Your hesitancy didn’t go amiss by Steve. He knew you wanted to say something but you were so shy he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He didn’t want you suffering either and since the team were leaving for a one month mission, he chose to ask Bucky to stay behind to keep an eye on things. Since Bucky was sidelined from an injury to his flesh arm, he wouldn’t have gone on this mission anyway.
Once breakfast to the Avengers was served and they were happy, you quickly untied the apron from around your waist and hung it on the hook. The kitchen was cleaned and you headed back to your room for a much needed shower and break. You would normally join the team for breakfast but after the question James asked, you quickly came up with an excuse why you wouldn’t be joining them today.
Your gaze was kept to the floor as you walked and your shoulder bumped into someone else’s. Before you could apologise, an obnoxious laugh pierced your ears. 
“Watch where you’re going you glonk!” It was James and you sighed. 
“Sorry.” you muttered and steadied yourself. Pulling your baggy shirt away from your stomach.
“Wouldn’t bother doing that. Unless you can stick a bag over your head and hide your ugly mug too.” James snickered, encouraged by the roaring laughter of his friends standing behind him, throwing the occasion comment in your face too. 
“I said I was sorry!” hot tears rolled down your cheeks, leaving behind a wet streak in the process. “I’m sorry for everything!” you crumbled under the pressure. Apologising to this asshole for what exactly? For being softer than the other girls who worked in the compound? For being too shy to stand up for yourself? For not being good enough? In truth, you didn’t know why you were apologising. You were doing nothing wrong.
“Apologising won’t mean shit to me!” James taunted walking behind you and giving you a hard shove. You fall forwards, your knees hitting the hard marble floors first. Your hands stop your face from smashing against the floor. 
“HEY!” a loud voice and footsteps echo through the hallway. The friends of James all scattered and ran down the hall as Bucky stalked towards you. “What the fuck are you doing?!” you recognised Bucky’s voice, of course you did. It was your favourite voice in the compound because it belonged to your crush. Bucky was a sweetheart, always making sure you felt better about yourself. He was quiet just like you, but the confidence he would give you made you feel so much better about yourself. Of course, it didn’t work so well since James started bullying you.
You peeked up. Bucky’s nostrils were flared, his jaw clenched and his eyes insanely wide, anger swirling around behind his irises. His metal arm whirring down by his side as he clenched and unclenched his fist. He saw what this jerk had done to you and no woman should be treated like that.
James remained silent, looking like a deer in headlights. Bucky wasn’t impressed by his lack of answers and with his metal arm, shoved James against the wall and his hand wrapped around his throat squeezing his windpipe slightly. 
“You gonna talk now huh? Where have your fucking balls gone?” Bucky spat in his face, his flesh arm in a sling pressed against his chest.
“I- I am sorry!” James was gasping for air and Bucky eased off his throat just a little. 
“How long has this been going on?” Bucky wanted answers, and he wanted them now.
As their confrontation was just getting started, you pushed yourself up off the floor ignoring the aching in your knees as you stood next to Bucky. Your hand on his metal arm to try and diffuse the situation. It was no use, Bucky hated bullies and he wasn’t going to let go of this guy’s throat until he had the answers he was asking.
“HOW LONG?!?!” Bucky roared, saliva spraying James’ face. You have never seen Bucky like this, so enraged and protective. It was almost like something or someone had woken The Winter Soldier up inside of him. 
Bucky liked you a lot. He liked your soft belly,  thick thighs and rosy red cheeks. Your disheveled hair in the mornings and your cooking was absolutely amazing. To him, you were the perfect wife. Without you even knowing, Bucky would often daydream about the two of you living in the country with your children and you baking some homemade pies. The two of you were like the perfect balance in his eyes, you were soft and fluffy and a sweetheart and he was damn sure no man or woman was going to ever hurt you.
“Months.” James gasped out. This angered Bucky more as he growled in his face. 
“Bucky.” your voice was quiet as you pleaded with him, his eyes momentarily flicking down to yours with your soft eyes staring back at him that he loved so much. Bucky released his grip from his throat, but not before punching him square in the nose. The audible crack made you cringe and you brought your hands up to cover your mouth as blood dripped from the obvious broken nose.
“Let me tell you something you little shit. If you EVER approach Y/N again, if you EVER breathe in her direction or lay one dirty finger on her again and I promise you, not only will I break every finger on your hand and your legs but I’ll make sure you’re kicked off the team. Do you understand me you fucking asshole? You touch or speak to her ONE MORE TIME and don’t you dare test my patience.”
“Y-es Sergeant Barnes.” James was full on crying, either from the pain of his nose or the threats Bucky was spewing in his face or the combination of the two, you weren’t sure but as soon as Bucky stepped back and pulled your body close to his, James took off staggering up the hall, occasionally glancing back to make sure the winter soldier wasn’t following him, leaving droplets of blood as a trail.
“Are you alright sweetheart?” Bucky’s softer voice took you by surprise. His metal appendages stroked your warm cheeks and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
You shook her head and Bucky’s eyes narrowed. Your knees were badly bruised and he clicked his tongue. His arm wrapped around your shoulder and he walked you back to your room in silence. The anger was still radiating off him, just his very heavy breathing filling the silence. His disbelief that any human could hurt you the way James did. If you were not there, he most likely would have ripped him a new asshole. But since you weren’t a fighter, he didn’t want you scared or panicked.
When you eventually got back to your room, Bucky marveled at how beautiful, neat and tidy the space was. Books scattered over a couple of shelves and your computer neatly placed in the middle of a white desk with your pink and white office chair. You reminded him of a fluffy pink cloud with some chunks of marshmallows. 
He loved the aesthetic comfort it provided.
“Wow this is so beautiful.” He complimented as you sat on the end of your bed. You smiled back sheepishly, feeling the warmth of the blush creep back up your neck and cheeks. 
“Thank you.” you sighed. Bucky’s eyes were soft and so blue. You could stare into them for hours.
“You’re welcome doll. He won’t bother you again and if he does, you tell me immediately. I won’t be so kind next time.” 
“I know. I’m just… ashamed.” you dipped your head and fiddled with the hem of your shirt.
“Doll, let me tell you something.” Bucky sighed as he took a seat next to you, throwing his arm back over your shoulder. Nuzzling your face into the warmth of his chest, breathing in his fresh sandalwood scent. “As a man who grew up in the really old days and a man who was given the best eyesight. I can honestly say, with my hand on my heart that you are really gorgeous, beautiful and so special. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, the fault is with him, not you. Maybe he’s jealous because he doesn’t have killer thighs or something.” you chuckled into his chest, his heart pounding against your ear. 
“You think I’m special?” your question was muffled but he heard you clearly. Your eyes glancing down at his thick thighs.
“Of course I do. You’re the first person I look for when I enter a room doll.” 
“Thank you Bucky. You’re just amazing in every way.” You pulled away with a triumph toothy grin on your face and pink tinted cheeks. 
“Don’t have to keep thankin’ me doll. Though if you really wanna say thanks, accept my invitation and come to dinner with me tonight.” he cocked an eyebrow and your anxiety washed through you. 
“There’s this rooftop restaurant Sam recommended and I really want to go but I don’t want to go alone.” he smiled sheepishly, rubbing the hairs on the back of his neck. “Please?” and out came the puppy eyes. You chuckled and nodded your head.
“Sure. Of course.” Bucky grinned and leaned in and pressed a kiss to your rounded cheek. 
“Thanks doll. I’ll pick you up at 7pm.”
A few hours later
A loud knock - metal on wood sounded at your door and you sighed, checking out your attire for this evening. After hours of wondering what to wear and taking Nat’s advice and smoothed the dress over with your hands, giving one final look in the long mirror. You slipped into your expensive heels and opened the door. You gasped, Bucky was wearing a dark navy sweater with a collar, one arm missing as he kept it under the sweater and dark clad jeans matched with his combat boots. You saw the silver chain shining around his neck and you assumed he was wearing the dog tags he recently retrieved, his hair slicked back into a low bun in the nape of his neck, a day old stubble peppered his chin and cheeks and you were tempted to run your fingertips over the prickly hairs. While you were busy ogling his attire, he was also checking you out. Your choice of dress was gorgeous and it hugged your curves just perfectly, revealing just the right amount of cleavage that Bucky knew he would have a hard time keeping his eyes off during dinner. Your makeup was nothing too crazy, opting for a natural look. 
“Wow doll, you look amazing.” Bucky gulped and shifted on the balls of his feet. 
“You absolutely do too, Buck.” you exchanged a smile and walked down the hall with him, occasionally stealing glances at one another. When the two of you stepped out of the elevator into the lobby, he offered his arm and you gladly took it. 
The restaurant Bucky took you to was absolutely perfect. A single candle in the middle of the 2 seater table with a rose in a vase. Champagne in a bucket of ice. 
“People are staring.” you stated as Bucky pulled your chair out for you. He leaned down and kissed your cheek lovingly, causing an eruption of tingles in the pit of your belly.
“Let ‘em stare. Probably just jealous because I’m with the most sexiest woman here.” he spoke nonchalantly. You giggled and hid behind your hands. The city lights illuminated both of your features as you sat and talked about everything and anything that came to mind.
Bucky told you about the new music he was listening to and how he didn’t like it. You laughed and agreed and told him to listen to some 80s with a promise you’ll personally create him a playlist. Bucky told jokes and you laughed heartily. Exchanging flirty glances and smiles every now and then. The one thing that really set your soul on fire was when you caught him glancing at your chest and licking his lips. You were grateful to Nat for the suggestion of a push up bra to push your boobs together and made a mental note to thank her later. 
“I have something for you.” Bucky said, putting down his glass of champagne and reaching into his front pocket of his jeans. He pulled out a small black velvet box and put it down in front of you. He laughed at the look on your face. “Don’t worry, it’s not an engagement ring.” he clarified and you blew some air out. Picking up the little black box, you gasped when you flicked the lid open. Wedged between the slit was an expensive looking silver ring with diamonds. 
“Bucky! Oh my god! What is this?” Was he sure it wasn’t an engagement ring? The two of you weren’t even dating, surely he wouldn’t.
“It’s a promise ring. I was going to give it to you on the weekend when I was hoping you’d go to dinner with me when we were alone in the compound but things changed.” his chuckle turned into a smile and you mirrored it.
“It’s absolutely gorgeous!” removing the ring from the box, you slip it onto your finger and it fits like a glove. How he guessed your size was anyone’s guess. 
“Doll. I promise you that I will be here to protect you. Nobody will ever dare speak a bad word to you again. But I also promise to take care of you and make you smile and laugh every single day. I care about you so much and I mean everything I’m saying. If you’ll have me of course.” 
Tears pooled in the corners of your eyes as his words sank in. He really did mean them. 
“My weight. It really doesn’t bother you?” you bit your lip with your eyebrows raised. 
“No it absolutely doesn’t. And if you’d let me, I’d really like to spend a long time proving it to you that I love you and your body the way it is. I’ve waited a really long time for you doll. So, will you be mine?” 
“Always.” Bucky reached over and grabbed your hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. 
“My doll.”
“My Bucky.” 
“Forever your Bucky, doll. Let’s order dessert then we can go home and have some real dessert.” he winked and you chuckled, dipping your head and blushing for the hundredth time today. 
Taglist: @jobean12-blog​ @marvelgirl7​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @hawksmagnolia​ @crushedbyhyperbole​ @deanthedemon​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @emilylyoness​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @littleredstarfish​ @kitkatd7
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Welcome to a HBC Surprise Drabble Challenge ACROSS FOUR BLOGS! Sebastian Stan Characters HBC, Chris Evans HBC, Tom Hiddleston HBC and MCU HBC are all participating in this collaborative challenge!
This challenge will continue until Sunday September 27! The Theme is Fall In Love! A prompt list is below but feel free to create your own prompt for a drabble or moodboard that's all about being romantic in autumn.
Rules For Fall In Love Drabbles:
You do not need to reserve a prompt.
You do not need to tell us which prompt you're writing.
You can write as many or as few as you'd like, and there is no word minimum or maximum.
You may write for one blog or all four blogs, your level of participation is entirely up to you! Just make sure to send links to the correct blog for the masterlist.
Smut/Fluff/Angst/any combo accepted, please adhere to HBC Guidelines.
To get on the masterlist, DM the link to your drabble(s) to the correct HBC for your chosen character - All Fall In Love Drabble links received by midnight EST Sunday September 27 will be added to the masterlist.
HBC Fall In Love Drabble Challenge
Prompt List:
Food/Drink Prompts:
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Apple cider donuts
Pumpkin pie
Apple pie
Hot cocoa
Mulled wine/cider
Pumpkin beer
Activity Prompts:
Corn maze
Apple picking
Pumpkin patch
Haunted house
Raking leaves
Nighttime ghost tour
Football game
Color Prompts:
Autumn Leaves
Blood Red
Brown Sugar
Candy Apple Red
Harvest Gold
School Bus Yellow
Or Choose Your Own!
If you want to do headcanons/moodboards/art instead, PLEASE DO and tag us/DM the link!
Have fun playing!
Love, The HBC 💋
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cherry-gemz · 3 years
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I'm participating in @the-ce-horniest-book-club's 24 Hour Surprise Drabble Challenge: Pool Day.
Summary: You find yourself enjoying the sun and solitude during your summer break. What happens when you're not the only one enjoying the cool waters?
Rating: I'm no prude, but my blog is 18+, so minors DNI even though this is PG-13
Word Count: 500
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Finally. Summer Vacation. You were going to unplug, unwind, and wine. You set your drink on the poolside table and tossed your new book you were excited to start.
While you were stuck in quarantine and not on some tropical beach location like you had anticipated, at least your family had taken advantage of the downtime and upgraded the pool and landscaping to your liking. Wasn't that bad being stuck with online uni now was it?
Thank God your parents were out of town seeing your crazy aunt. Your older brother was out golfing for the day with buddies and typically that meant he'd have a good number of beers in him by the time he came home. Which equated to alone time to yourself, so you were feeling extra cheeky and decided to work on your tan by going nude.
You peeled off your swimsuit, giggling to yourself at how daring your little escapade was. You never really showed skin in public, but it was nice to have your own oasis to do so. The sun had heated the pool well and you slowly tiptoed into the warm water. Your fingers glided across the surface of water as you sank down into the shallow end. Your hair dipped into the waves and you held your breath to go under water.
Suddenly you heard a large figure plow into the waters and you opened your eyes and saw a man. Your eyes widened as big as they could under the water and you let out a scream which just created a big bubble. You pushed yourself up to the surface with your feet and wiped your hair from your face.
That's when you saw him wading in the water with the biggest grin imaginable. Chris Evans. What the hell was Chris Evans doing in your pool? And then you immediately screamed in realizing you were naked.
"Whoa!" He reacted to your screams and held his cut arms up. His tattoos were visible as he stroked his arms in stride through the water to reach you.
You quickly swam away, without thinking that your bum was bobbing up from the surface as you headed towards the steps. You were making a fool out of yourself, you thought. But seriously, what the hell? You knew your brother was a friend of a friend with his crowd, but what in the world?
He shouted for you to stop, that you didn't need to be afraid. As you approached the steps, you turned and held onto your breasts, finally able to take a breather.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" You panted as he slowly waded through the water.
His hands disappeared for a second and then he held up his drenched shorts in a fist. He arched his brow and tossed the shorts like a quarterback does with a football, landing on the grass with a thud.
"Just trying to catch up," he winked and your heart stopped.
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jewels2876 · 3 years
Introductions - Neighbor Tom series Part One
A/N: So not only do I have photo inspiration I also worked in the Idioms challenge from the HBC, which is bolded below for @the-th-horniest-book-club
Summary: Tom has moved in next door but the two of you haven’t met...yet
Series link
Word Count: 863
Divider by the lovely @imerdwarf​
I would love any feedback/reblogs/love in general but my work is *NOT* permitted to be used in any other way, on any other sites, nor translated for other sites without my express permission  
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“Is the lawnmower sitting outside?”
“Yes, but I don’t see him yet.”
Your best friend, Sarah, tried to push you out of the way to get a better look. “I’m jealous you can stare from your window. I would have to set up a chair in my front lawn.”
“And prove to be the stalker you are?” You chuckled as you took a sip of your coffee. 
“Damn straight! If I weren’t married with kids…,” she sighed wistfully before bumping your hip with hers. “Why aren’t YOU trying to climb him like a tree, like everyone else in the neighborhood?”
The subject of your gossiping stepped out of his garage, a loose t-shirt hanging off of his lithe frame. He saw you and waved, offering you a generous smile to boot. You smiled and waved back as Sarah stared at you in awe. “Seriously?? Come on, you need to GET ON that!”
You turned away from the window for a moment, letting the fantasies run rampant in your head as you spoke. “Leave me alone! I barely know him except to say hi or wave. I’m not desperate enough to throw myself at him, like other people we know.” A few neighbors’ names crossed your mind at the comment but you held your tongue.
“Nancy and Jill have moved in for the kill.” Sarah rolled her eyes as she held the curtain back. “Wanna go rescue him?”
You turned back to the window, watching as the two mentioned neighbors held his attention, talking animatedly and brushing their hands on his arms. You watched as his gaze looked back towards you for a moment before pulling back from the two women. They seemed oblivious to his discomfort and pressed in on him. You rolled your eyes and backed away from the window, heading towards your side door, throwing caution to the wind. Sarah waved her arms over her head silently cheering, as you exited the house.
“Hi, y’all!” You plastered your best smile on and approached the group. You tried not to stare at your hot neighbor as you turned to the other women. “Nancy, Jill! Haven’t seen you guys in a while! How are the kids? Nancy, how’s Don feeling; I heard no one saw him for a few days last week.”
Nancy gave you a once-over then sniffed before turning back to your handsome neighbor. “If you ever need anything,” the words dripping from her ruby lips, “call me.” Nancy gave him a wink then trounced off, pulling Jill along with her. Your jaw hung open at the brazen implication; you rolled your eyes before turning to him.
“I’d apologize for them, but I’m not sure there’s an apology large enough to cover… well...,” you sighed. “Hi, I’m y/n. Glad to finally meet you.” Your gaze landed on his moss-green eyes and you tried not to swoon.
He stuck his hand out in greeting. “Nice to finally meet you too y/n; I’m Tom.”
Your tongue darted out to moisten your suddenly dry lips. “So what brought you to Atlanta, Tom?”
His grin was easy as your hand met his; his grip was firm yet gentle. “Acting. I’m taping a few things downtown. I fell in love with the neighborhood on a drive not that long ago. So here I am!”
Before you could think of anything clever, Sarah burst out of your side door. “Whew! I thought those two would never leave! Hi! I’m Sarah, I’m on the other side of y/n. She and I are best friends.” Sarah stuck her hand out that Tom quickly took, glancing between the two of you.
“One of my sisters is a Sarah so you will be easy to remember,” he teased, his eyes sparkling. “I hate to be rude, but I would like to get this yard into some shape before the rain starts.” He pointed to the northwest, the light grey clouds gathering.
“No problem!” you answered quickly. “It was nice to meet you; I’m sure we’ll talk again soon.”
Sarah shot Tom a quick smile. “I should get back home too; Derek is picking the kids up from soccer practice and should be home before long. See ya, Tom!” She turned to you quickly. “Drinks Saturday?” You nodded and she walked down your driveway and towards her house.
Tom chuckled and shook his head. “Does everyone around here have a big personality?”
“Not me,” you answered honestly. “Unless I’m drunk.”
“Well maybe I should join you two for drinks this weekend?” he teased. “It was lovely to meet you, y/n, and thank you for the rescue.” He started up the mower, an easy smile still plastered on his face. You smiled back and waved, heading back inside.
Just before the side door slammed shut, you turned back around to watch Tom peel off his shirt. Your breath caught as you stood there, staring at his pale torso, muscles clearly defined from his pecs to the tight v-formation just above his jean shorts. You bit your lower lip as your eyes traveled back up; you locked eyes with him and you felt your face warm in embarrassment. You waved sheepishly and let the door close. Tom chuckled to himself and started mowing.
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,263
Summary: Bucky has a rough night and afterwards he needs some reassurance. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ 24 hour surprise drabble challenge: Inspired By Song Titles and @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ Hamilton Lyric Challenge and the prompt: I’m never gonna stop from Guns and Ships. Also, my beautiful friend @nano--raptor​ had sent me a request for a Bucky fic based off of the song Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls so I thought it was perfect for this. I love this song and I hope you love this! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤ PS I PROMISE IT ENDS HAPPY :) 
Warnings: Angst at first but it’s soft and filled with love and the end is fluffy mostly and it has a happy ending! :) 
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“Steve. Steve!” You hear him fumbling with the doorknob and you wait with a knot in your stomach for him to open the door. He yanks it open, almost too hard, and stands there looking disheveled and half asleep. “What? What’s wrong y/n?” Your fingers hurt from wringing your hands together and your voice is hoarse from crying, “I can’t find him. I don’t know where he is.”
Steve’s forehead crinkles in worry and he takes your hand, pulling you in for a hug. “When did you see him last?” Your body shakes with your tears and Steve patiently waits while you to catch your breath. “Everything seemed fine last night. We had dinner, watched a movie and read together before bed. But then he had a nightmare. He hasn’t had one is so long. And when I woke him up, he looked so scared and broken. I thought he had gone back to sleep but when I woke up this morning he was gone.”
You can feel Steve’s shoulders sag, your own already bowed under the weight of your worry, “ok, it’s ok. I think I know where he might be.” Wiping your eyes with the back of your hand you sniffle loudly and pull Bucky’s hoodie tighter around your body. “Just gimme a minute to change.” You nod and wait on the couch. Your heart is in your throat and you try to stop your body from trembling with each breath.
“Ok. Come on.” Steve leads you out the door and onto the street. He walks fast, his arm looped through yours and his hands in his pockets. When you reach the small park Steve stops and looks down at you, his eyes soft, “he loves you. More than anything. You have to remind him that you see him for who he really is.” You squeeze his hand, “thank you Steve.” He watches you walk into the park, “call me if you need anything. I’m not far.” You wave and turn the corner, sucking in a breath when you see Bucky sitting on a bench, his head dropped low.
“Bucky?” You can barely hear yourself over the beating of your own heart but when he looks up it’s as if everything comes back into focus. He stands and starts to move toward you, his long legs making the trip short as you launch yourself into his open arms. He holds you so tightly to his chest you can’t breathe but this time it doesn’t feel like you’re dying, it feels like home.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He says it over and over and you hold onto him like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do. “I shouldn’t have left. I’m just scared. I’m still broken. I can’t lose you.” You can feel his large body shake with emotion and your heart breaks all over again. “Bucky. I love you. I love you more than anything in world. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
He walks you to the bench and sits down, pulling you into his lap, “you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I want to be everything you need but I’m afraid people will think I’m not good enough. They only see me as one thing.” The tears that fall from his eyes match your own and you touch his face, brushing the stubble that lines his cheeks before gently running your thumb along his lips. “I see you Bucky. I see every piece of you, and I know who you are.” Your hand slides down his neck and rests against his chest, over his beating heart.
His metal hand covers yours, his thunderous heartbeat slowly becoming steadier, “I don’t wanna go home yet. Can we stay a bit longer?” Your lips touch his in a barely there kiss, your eyes locked on his, “I want to be wherever you are Bucky. You’re all I need.” His lips are warm when they meet yours, his hand curling into your hair and tugging you closer. “Bucky, I love you. I’m never gonna stop.”
Resting his forehead to yours he lets the words sink in and wash over him. When his eyes meet yours again, they look clearer and more alive. “Thank you. Thank you for loving me.” Your brush the hair away from his face and cradle his jaw, stroking your fingers along his cheek, “that’s all I want to do.” He leans into your touch and closes his eyes before he kisses the palm of your hand and curls his own around it.
You sit quietly, just breathing in each other and letting the world melt away.  It isn’t until you hear the loud bark of a dog that you lift your head, smiling when a large fluff of white bounds toward you. The dog’s tail is wagging a mile a minute and Bucky reaches out to pet her, quickly pulling his hand back when he realizes it’s his metal one. You take his wrist and pull him forward, letting the dog sniff it. The dog’s nose wiggles this way and that before she nudges her head under Bucky’s hand for pets.
Bucky beams and scratches behind the dog’s ears, laughing when she positions her butt between his legs for more pets. “She definitely likes you.” A young man comes rushing over, panting and trying to catch his breath, “I’m so sorry guys! She loves the park and got away from me in her excitement.” You smile brightly and notice he’s wearing a shirt from the animal rescue nearby. “Oh, it’s no problem. She’s an absolute sweetheart! I think she loves my boyfriend.”
Bucky gives your waist a little squeeze and continues petting the dog. “I can see that. It’s great because to be honest she’s been really shy around most men, so this is really good.” It’s hard to tell who’s happier and you ask, “is she available for adoption?” The guy nearly bursts with joy, vigorously shaking his head yes. Bucky looks up, first at you, your eyes excited and hopeful, then to Winter. “Want to take a walk?” You jump off his lap with a squeal and the volunteer hands Bucky the leash, “she’s a great girl. I can tell you more about her while we head back.”
You walk hand in hand with Bucky, listening to Winter’s story and how she came to the rescue. You can tell Bucky is smitten and Winter clearly reciprocates the feeling. His shoulders seem lifted and his smile is genuine. When you reach the rescue Bucky pauses, handing the leash back to the volunteer, “can you give us minute please?” Winter whines but goes inside and Bucky takes your hands in his. Holding your finger to his lips you quickly speak, “before you say anything I just want you to know that dogs are an excellent judge of character.” Bucky smiles and dips his head, “I know. “I just. I need to say this. I love you. You’ve found parts of me that I didn’t know existed and in you I found a love I no longer believed was real.”
It’s hard for you to find the words to respond, your eyes now wet with fresh tears, so you kiss him and hope that all you’re feeling comes through with it. When you finally pull away for a breather, Bucky’s eyes are still closed and he brushes his nose against yours, his whispered “thank you,” telling you everything you need to know. Later that afternoon, you make your way back home, now a family of three.
@addikted-2-dopamine​ @bugsbucky​ @bisousbucky​ @buckstaybucky​ @breezy1415​ @buckys-henley​ @book-dragon-13​ @chuuulip​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @hawksmagnolia​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @ikaris-whore​ @jhangelface0523​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @lorilane33​ @lookiamtrying​ @lokilvrr​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @yansi1923​ @sassenachsansa​ @nerdypinupcrystal​
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Prompt: “Hey doll. A little birdie told me I make you nervous. Is that true?” “N-n-no.”
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x shy!Reader
Warnings: None, just some fluff :)
Words: 645
A/N: drabble written and moodboard made for the @the-ss-horniest-book-club surprise drabble challenge and I took the Comfort prompt and combined it with a prompt sent in by @prunes-said-bucky​ ♥️
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Friday night. You loved them. 
Every Friday evening you would head to the kitchen to prepare some caramelized popcorn to take back to your room for a movie night.
You loved your cozy bedroom in the compound. String lights hung from the ceiling down your walls and wall-to- ceiling windows. Your favorite scented candles flickering around the dimmed down room.
You loved it. And tonight was no different.
The other members of the team went to the club to let loose. The party scene wasn't your taste. You would much rather stay back at the compound in your pajamas and read a book than to get all dressed up so horny men could grind all over you. Gross.
You prepared your popcorn and hummed a happy tune. You were flicking through the titles in your mind so you had some idea of what you were going to watch when you eventually got back to your room and settled down for the night. You picked up the delicious bowl of popcorn and turned around, almost dropping the sweet stuff when you collided with a muscled chest with s gasp.
How was it possible for him to walk in so quietly?
"Hey doll." Bucky smirked down at you. Your hands shook and your eyes darted all around the room. "A little birdie told me that I make you nervous. Is that true?"
You licked your lips nervously and try to catch your breath. It wasn't that you were scared of Bucky. It just didn't help that you had the biggest crush on the hunk.
His thick thighs, big biceps that you've daydreamed wrapping your fingers around. His shaggy hair that you wanted to run your fingertips through. His pecs that you wouldn't mind holding onto as he buried himself in your -
Bucky cleared his throat and cocked an eyebrow. Your heart was beating quickly in your chest and then you remembered, he asked you a question.
"Umm.... N-n-no."
"Then what were you daydreaming and drooling about huh?" He smirked. His eyes lit up mischievously.
"No-nothing." You swallowed thickly. The air around you seemed to be evaporating and it was harder to breathe.
"You having a movie night? Can I join?" He asked in a calm and collected manner.
"S-sure." You couldn't stop stuttering. And you refused to make eye contact with him.
"Great. I'll order some pizza and we can keep the popcorn for later."
You couldn't concentrate on the movie that was playing.
You and Bucky were sitting side by side, shoulders and thighs touching on your bed with your backs against the headboard.
The pizza was long demolished and the popcorn was in between his legs. Your hand had to get close to his crotch area to pick some of the sweet stuff up.
And if you accidentally dropped some on his jeaned crotch? He would pick it up with his own fingers and feed it to you.
And you would blush every single time.
"Am I making you uncomfortable by doing that?" He asked when it happened again.
You shook your head no and smiled.
"No it's not uncomfortable."
"Good. I'm glad. I just wanna comfort you, you know. You're such a shy, quiet girl."
A blush crawled up your neck to your cheek and you looked away from him.
"There's that shyness I adore so much." He chuckled and rubbed your warm cheek with his finger. "You're so cute."
A giggle slipped through your lips and you hid your face in your pillow. You never really knew how to accept compliments.
Bucky giggled with you and lifted the now empty bowl of popcorn to the floor next to your bed and rested his head on your back. His arm slithered its way to your tummy and he held you close.
Seeking the comfort the two of you never knew you needed until tonight.
My teensy-weensy Taglist: @jobean12-blog​ @finleyjayne​ @nano--raptor​
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hannahshattuck · 3 years
Pairing: Destroyer!Chris x Reader
A/N: A prompt sent into @the-ss-horniest-book-club that I combined with the 24 hour challenge “Comfort”. The prompt from the challenge will be in bold. Italics is a flashback. Send in an Ask or DM to be part of my Taglist or a request. Enjoy!
Warnings: PTSD, flashback of a car accident, descriptions of injuries, anxiety attack, comfort, emotional
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Chris is taking you out to dinner and you really wanted to go but your mental state didn’t want you to do anything. The whole day has been cold and raining off and on. You used to love the rain until that one night.
You grabbed a sweater and black pants to wear out of your closet and put them on. You went and stood in front of the full length mirror. Turning to look at your left side you couldn’t help but stare at the scar that runs down the side of your neck. You felt numb as you continued to looked at it and your vision started to blur at the edges.
“Hey.” You jumped when hands were softly placed on your shoulders. “Oh I’m sorry. I thought you heard me come in.”
Your vision started to clear as you saw Chris in the mirror with a smile on his face.
“It’s okay. I zoned out.” You turned to look at him.
He gently traced the scar with the tip of his finger. “It’s looking better.” You hummed in acknowledgment and walked out of the bedroom.
You got your shoes on, grabbed your purse and waited for Chris at the front door. You fiddled with the strap of your purse while waiting. The restaurant was a good walk but doable even with weather but it would be quicker by car, which you still were anxious around.
Chris came jogging down the hallway. “Okay. Ready?” You nodded a small smile on your face. “Do you want to walk or drive? Don’t push yourself if you don’t think you can do it.” Chris rubbed up and down your shoulders.
“Can we walk? I don’t think I’m ready just yet.” You looked down at the floor ashamed. “I’m sorry.” Your voice cracked.
“Hey. It’s okay, love.” Chris pulled you into a hug. “Walking might do me some good anyway. Been having one too many beers lately.”
You pulled back with small smile on your face. Chris stepped back and held his hand out for you to take. The two of you stepped out the front door, with your coats of course, and started the walk to the restaurant.
About 10 minutes later, you made it to the restaurant. Chris and yourself walked up to the hostess and said you had a reservation. She found it and led the two of you to a table near the back but also near a big window.
Chris pulled your chair, “For m’lady.” You giggled and rolled your eyes but thanked him. He sat across from you and smiled before picking up the menu in front of him. Your cheeks heated up as you picked up the menu in front of you.
While trying to figure out what to eat a sound caught your attention and made you drop your menu which knocked over the glass of water. Chris looked at you and could tell you were in your head.
“Babe? Baby?” Chris got out of his chair and knelt beside you. “Sweetheart. You’re here with me.” You could barely hear him. Your mind was elsewhere.
You were driving home from a friend’s house after a little get together with other people you know. It started to rain but nothing that wasn’t unusual for where you live. You drove cautiously knowing other drivers wouldn’t. The rain fell harder making it harder to see. You slowed down wanting to make it home safe.
A car was speeding down the road and lost traction which caused them to crash into you. Your car spun, hit a curb, and rolled over multiple times. The seatbelt cut into your neck. Glass cut up your hands and arms. You tried to get out of the car but didn’t have the strength before you passed out from pain.
You woke up in the hospital to Chris by your side and IVs in your arms. Chris told you that not only did the seatbelt cut into your neck but metal from the car cut you very close to your jugular vein. After a few days in the hospital you went home. When you got to Chris’s car you had a panic attack so bad that the nurses had to sedate you so you didn’t hurt yourself.
“Hey. Baby. C’mon. I need you to look at me. Look at me, focus on me - just breathe.” Chris was on the verge of pleading. A few people came over to see if he needed help but he just brushed them off keeping his focus on you. He kept on hand in your arm and one on your knee coaxing you back to reality.
You gasped for a breath as you came back. You looked around seeing people at other tables watching you. Chris was kneeling on the floor next to you looking up at you with concern in his eyes. You felt your eyes well up with tears.
“I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t mean to. I just heard tires squealing and...and...” Your voice trailed off as you grabbed at Chris.
“Hey it’s okay. I heard it too. Do you want to stay or get home? It’s up to you. We can even get the food to go if you wanted.” Chris cupped the side of your face wiping the tears that rolled down your cheeks.
“Can we go home?” You asked quietly. Chris nodded.
“Do you want to get food here?” He asked. You shook your head. “Okay. We can order something when we get home.”
A waitress came over to see if you two needed anything. Chris answered as he helped you stand and wrapped an arm around your waist. He thanked the waitress and the hostess as you two left.
You two made the walk home, your legs shaking the whole time. Chris stopped a few times to make sure you were still alright. The moment he walked you in the door he took you to the bedroom and helped you change into a sweatshirt of his and leggings.
Chris walked you to the couch and sat down pulling you into his lap. You cuddled close to him and he got his phone.
“Pizza, Chinese, or Mediterranean?”
“Chinese please. Can we get soup too?”
Chris kissed the top of your head. “Of course darling.” He ordered the food and let you know how long it would be. You continued to cuddle into him thinking about the evenings events.
“I’m sorry I ruined the night.” You hid your face in his chest.
Chris rubbed your back, “No you didn’t honey. You didn’t. You can’t control when anything happens. You didn’t ruin anything. We just take it one step at a time. That’s all we do.”
Chris rubbed your back while the two of you waited for the food to be delivered. Once the food was delivered, Chris doled out the food and turned on one of the shows you two watch.
Even though the night didn’t go as Chris planned he couldn’t complain. He got to spend the night with his girl in his arms. Chris made a vow to you the moment you woke up that he would help you whenever you needed him and he wasn’t going go back on that when things got tough.
Tags: @patzammit @sherlocksmanwatson @katiew1973 @bugsbucky @rocketrhap3000 @marvelgirl7 @anaissolitt14 @harrysthiccthighss
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buckstaybucky · 4 years
Pamper Your Bucky
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky has always pampered you in the past and now it’s time to return the favor.
Warnings: NONE lotsa fluff though :)
Word count: More than 100 and hopefully less than 500.
Author’s Notes: Moodboard and little Drabble for @the-ss-horniest-book-club’s Pamper Your Man Drabble challenge ❤️
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It’s been a long week. Mission here and there for Bucky. He hasn’t been home much, usually he caught a quick nap at the compound and got right back to work again. But he called you earlier to let you know he’d be home tonight.
His voice sounded tired, exhausted mentally and physically. It always did when he didn’t get much sleep.
You’d already prepared a hot bubble bath with his favorite scent and lit some scented candles in the bathroom. The light was off to create a relaxing atmosphere.
Tonight would be about Bucky. He’s treated you with the same love and attention in the past, now he deserved some pampering too.
Right on cue, Bucky walked in the front door and toed off his combat boots and threw his jacket over the coat stand.
“Hi honey!” You greeted, pecking his lips when he walked like a zombie over to you. He greeted you back with a half smile. His usual bright blue eyes were dull in color. “Take off your clothes. There’s a hot bath ready for you.” You told him, his eyes narrowing towards the door.
“In the bathroom?” He asked somewhat confused.
You rolled your eyes playfully and chuckled. “No honey. See while you were gone I moved the bathtub into the kitchen.” Your tone sarcastic. Bucky laughed, oh how you missed that sound. He pinched your butt and pecked your lips.
“Still sarcastic I see. Thanks doll, I’ll see you in a bit.” He said, already halfway towards the bathroom. The scent hit him in the face as soon as he entered. It was his favorite, you remembered.
This was only the beginning. You had the whole evening planned out; Back To The Future, homemade hot chocolate with marshmallows, a back massage and finally, some quiet reading in bed and then cuddles.
Taglist: @jobean12-blog @marvelgirl7 @godofplumsandthunder
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