sivvan · 6 months
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@kdramaspace 2023 YEAR IN REVIEW | Scene Stealer
↳ Kang Sang Doo / Lee Uk (Castaway Diva)
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withacapitalp · 2 years
The kids cannot figure out which of them is Steve’s favorite. 
At first, they think it’s Dustin. Dustin was the first one after all. And it’s true that Dustin and Steve have a secret handshake, and when Steve counts the Party off by number, Dustin is always number one, but they all have special little things. 
Steve drives Max to PT three times a week, and she stays at his house from Thursday to Sunday so her mom can get a bit of a break and work on herself. He plays basketball with Lucas whenever he asks, and is always finding tiny ways to include him in every conversation. Will gets new art supplies pretty much any time Steve sees him. El was the first one that Steve called his sibling, casually slipping the words little sister in one day when he asked her if she wanted to get a waffle at the diner. Erica will always have their ice cream days
Even Mike, who was sure he was the only one who was out of the running, sometimes feels like he might be the favorite. When the world starts to close in on him, and he can’t make anything feel safe, he can call Steve. Steve always comes right away, and they drive around Hawkins for hours and hours. Steve doesn’t talk, but Mike does. And whatever he says never leaves the car. 
The secret is Steve doesn’t have a favorite. He loves them all in different and important ways. He might feel closer to one or the other on some days, but they each have the same size piece of his heart.
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anitalianfrie · 29 days
both serious and delulu thoughts, whatever you'd like to share
What's interesting about marcmarc to me is bezs side of the story (because Marc. Doesn't rate him at all. sorry bez)
Like. You are marco bezzecchi (maybe repressed) bisexual extraordinaire loyalty sworn to the cult and your supreme master valentino rossi but still. Marc marquez generational talent does have a pull on you. Bez does have a deep desire to be liked, and to be loved (see when he retreated his comments post valencia backlash) BUT ALSO he believes inside himself he's like a man of solid principles and unchangeable mind. Once he hates you he hates you and doesn't need your approval. Which is so comically FALSE i have the need to laugh right now because bez isn't a hater at heart he's a LOVER. He might trash talk and say things like can I be mean for a moment and then be the meanest bitch on heart and talk behind people's backs with his friends but he's still a lover. He loves people he falls in love with people and as much as he tries to believe this isn't the truth marc marquez isn't an exception. ESPECIALLY him.
Like there's two wolves inside of bez one that spits putrid shit about marc and how he ruined the sport and how he's a dirty rider and the devil reincarnate and the other that admires marc deeply because how can he not when he's a rider and marc is marc.
send me a ☕ + something and I will tell you my opinion about it
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dayurno · 23 days
coming straight from the Seth/Kevin feminization fic to say kevjean feminization fic.. I need you
lowkey i feel like kevin could also feminize jean. like do you see it with me. we can kiss because its ok for girls. ill let you borrow a skirt. do you want me to put some makeup on you? let me do it. DO YOU SEE IT or am i deranged and rotted and perverted. its ok jean its normal for girls. more on this later
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mishapen-dear · 11 months
baddddddd. he's giving pomme first pick of their dungeon loot rn. he's so NICE. not just to the eggs but in general (i am always thinking of those elegant letters). but the eggs are the only ones who he will quickly and easily show vulnerability to. with everyone else it's like there's a layer there, a wall of silliness he keeps up on purpose, but it just. isn't there with the eggs.
there's something about the way that he cares that I can't put into words. like he cares so much. so fucking intensely. look at dapper. look how kitted out that egg is. look at how much time bbh has spent with the eggs, and look at how much time and effort he puts into figuring out how to keep them safe. he goes HAM when it comes to caring for the eggs, but it comes so naturally to him. it feels like caring for people with his whole entire soul is his default, but he doesn't want it to be. or, maybe want play a part in it- maybe it's too dangerous to care so much so quickly. maybe that puts other people he loves at risk. maybe it scares people. but that wall between him and other people is one that he built, and it's bbh, so he built it strong, so even when he's surrounded by people who have proven over and over that they care for him (that they care for the eggs, that they will not hurt them), he can't fully believe it.
im just. bad knows foolish so well. he knows that man wouldnt on purpose kill any eggs. but pomme killed foolish and bbh, dying of laughter, having the time of his life, told her to "put your armour on. just in case."
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travisdermotts · 4 months
mitch mentioning bunts and tys in his post game ooooo my heart can't take thissss
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painsandconfusion · 7 months
Can I send Ethan a party sized pizza?
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sapphickath · 1 year
more ares as a caring and loving god. thank u <3
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wecanbeperfect · 1 year
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Mark 10:52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith made thee whole.
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*waves* Hello Doctor. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. My name is Jessi and I just... I really need to know... what is your favorite country song? In know you love music so much and country gets such a bad rap, but everyone has a favorite country and western song. Anyway, and I wanted to say I think you’re incredible and I hope we can be friends.
W...Whatever it takes...Kenny Chesney...
Thanks....you seem to be a nice person.
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spookyboywhump · 2 years
Same anon
Zander calling cathal his starshine I think that’s p cute
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wiirocku · 2 years
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Psalm 11:7 (NIV) - For the LORD is righteous,    He loves justice;    the upright will see His face.
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suiheisen · 1 year
i watch baseball for the side quests (ps: this baseball player also makes fruit cocktails midgame)
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kavaleyre · 2 months
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• The Hanged Man •
“Compared to what Falin went through? This is nothing.”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Expertise can't help you here.
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wasabi-gumdrop · 2 months
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local ladies man’s signature move totally useless against autistic monster enthusiast. more on Kabru’s fumble era at 6
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