#he NEEDS Dale's forgiveness
callmegaith · 8 months
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Was it worth it?
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fountainpenguin · 18 days
Went down a very specific research pipeline last night, and now you get to share it with me:
Does Dev have hypoglycemia?
Low levels of blood sugar that - when they drop - can lead to irritability, confusion, headaches, exhaustion, shaking, rapid heartbeat, blurry vision, passing out, seizures, or even death. Blood sugar can drop about 2 to 4 hours after eating; snacks and additional small meals are very needed; sugary foods like hard or gummy candies can give a quick boost, as can juice or soda. I'm continuing my research after this post, so please forgive/inform me if I've mixed up details between different types of hypoglycemia- or just got something totally wrong.
FOP: A New Wish is set in modern times (i.e. not the far future). He's allowed to have drones in the classroom with him- They're acknowledged as his assistants and the teachers know about them.
Potentially, they may function under similar rules to service dogs- another sentient creature that would be allowed in class (ignoring that Dev is sometimes away from them, or that they went into the halls on their own in "28 Puddings Later").
We know Dev is self-reliant enough to get by without his au pairs. They help him, but they're not something he needs 24/7.
Insert joke about the au pairs needing off-duty time like service dogs and sometimes they just go play. Union rules...
We know they have the capability to "alert on Dev" like service dogs... or at least, this one looked at Dev and beeped when scanning a paper, and even projected an exclamation point to catch his eye:
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The visual-verbal cue combo is definitely an intentional feature (And it's not like it greeted him by name- it just beeped and he knew what it was conveying).
We know that at the end of "Lost and Founder's Day," this au pair - despite being a machine - recognized Dev was sad (or at least low energy) and patted him on the head.
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Au Pair: I would hug you, but I do not have human arms or warmth.
Earlier in this episode, we see the au pairs respond to people based on data they were being fed through sensors people were wearing on their wrists. Dev might have one here, though we know he was upset to find out his dad was using them to zap people and he's sad about his dad not loving him, so it's likely he's not wearing it.
This implies the au pairs don't have enough data about most people, but they DO have internal data about Dev. If not internal, they can read him well. We do know they're good at reading cues- They get embarrassed during the festival when they find out problems have been corrected before they got there and we didn't see the Dimmlets shock anyone to prompt the au pairs to acknowledge the situation changed. What does it say about the au pairs if they're implied to be Dale's creation and they see sad Dev and think "I should hug him."
The Off Puddin' brand of pudding is so desirable that the whole class became addicted; they had withdrawals when Hazel changed her "unlimited pudding" wish to be "pudding after we take our class picture" wish- Just like everyone else, Dev was one of the affected individuals and ate all the pudding he could get his hands on.
If the pudding is that delicious, it's interesting Dev kept some (even if this is a new batch from a different pudding day) and snacked on it in Fairy World... and didn't give into impulses to eat it some random day beforehand:
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I guess we can't prove it's the same brand, but it's presumably the same model from "28 Puddings Later." I think it's the only item we know he brought to Fairy World beyond clothes and one au pair that he stands on. He doesn't even use his tablet in this episode (which he's normally glued to outside of school).
We can confirm Peri didn't poof this up for him (or at least, it's very unlikely since that would've been weeks ago). Dev eats this pudding after Irep ditches him to hang out with his dad- Extremely doubtful Dev got Irep's attention for his snack. Or Dale's, for that matter (if his dad brought some).
Canonically, the principal gives Dev lots of pudding because his dad made a "generous donation" to the school. It's possible he does this often since we know Dev hoards pudding every pudding day...
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... which is interesting, because in "Stanky Danky," the news describes Dale as "billionaire non-philanthropist." Investing in his child's future for the sake of good education doesn't seem to be his M.O.... although he does send Dev to a private school, so maybe.
We know Dale hates losing money, and we know he's not the best dad to Dev... but we also know Dev has an official allergy card that names him in 3rd person-
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- which could imply he got this card when he was young. That's not guaranteed, but I looked at some IRL cards and some use first-person, so it's food for thought.
Possibly, his dad even took him to the doctor for official diagnosis. Lactose intolerance can be hereditary, so if Dale has it, he may have identified it immediately after Dev's first reaction. For all Dale’s faults, Dev IS still alive and not starving to death - and still lives with his dad - so it's not improbable Dale's aware of his son's food needs. On a darker note... given Dale's abusive childhood, I feel like lack of food is something he has trauma around. Also, if Dale is lactose intolerant, I'd be curious to know how Dev found out he was, as I'd assume Dale wouldn't keep dairy in the house if he can't eat it. The two logical options here are "Dale took him for an allergy test" or "Dev ate dairy outside the house and got sick, so he told his dad / the au pairs." Maybe he found out in preschool?
Dev's au pair bringing him a snack! Their boy needs to eat!
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Anyway, this was all leading up to these screenshots of Dev having no fun on the walk to Signal Hill that I found funny:
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No energy... need sugar... Exercise did a number on him... Hazel takes a breather by crouching for a second, but Dev just slams his face in the grass and I think that's great.
Despite Dev not liking to walk, he and Hazel stopped their treasure hunt before the final clue and walked back to the Dimmadome place for food, so that's neat to think about (especially in the context of him snacking before he left the house... How long were they out? Did he even finish his snack?)
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Dev's au pair was preemptively wearing a chef's hat when he and Hazel came back to the house, so I wonder if that's his routine lunch time on weekends. The au pairs are good caretakers who know their boy's schedule and needs...
Immediately after this scene, Dale asks what Dev and Hazel are up to "this fine afternoon," so it's probably after 1 pm. Noon at the earliest, but surely not an early lunch at 11 AM. Interesting consideration for the timing of Dev's snack... It makes sense if he was out with Hazel for 2 to 4 hours before he had to go home and eat, even though they were on the final riddle.
Come to think of it, one of the things we know about Dev's house is that there's a cereal bar and Peri brings him cereal... and the woozy Peri hallucinating about bringing Dev "his favorite cereal" (during the finale) seems to get to him one way or another.
Consider... Cosmo and Wanda poofed up hard candy when Peri came over because Dev needed sugar I DID wonder what they were up to considering sugar gets Fairies inebriated...
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tl;dr - I like to think the reason on paper that Dev gets his au pairs in school is for medical reasons. They track his blood sugar and keep him from, y'know... going into a seizure or passing out. I can't imagine Dale would like that happening to his son at home either (if for no other reason than because it would be a huge distraction he has to deal with).
If this is something Dev's been dealing with since he was little, that plays into the au pairs accompanying him through his early years... We know he's both lactose intolerant and extremely picky, not liking any of the cupcakes Peri poofed up despite this many attempts:
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- which I cannot imagine Dale had the patience to deal with long if he was Dev's primary caretaker in his earliest years.
I was gonna make a joke about Dale hiring someone to watch Dev - and let's be real; he probably did - but also... do you think this cocky guy would spend money when "It's a baby; how hard can it be? I also eat daily- This is just efficient use of my time!"
POV: Tired single dad who's not yet finalized his au pair design walks into grocery store with baby, buys cupcakes, leaves. Confuses every parent in the parking lot when he has a fussy Dev sitting on the back of the car and he's spoonfeeding him icing. They did not go home. Next stop will be the park, where Dale falls asleep on a bench while Dev eats bugs. Some parent sees Dev eating a chocolate bar and strikes up a conversation with Dale about what a big moment it was when they treated their child to chocolate and Dale's just like "I've been feeding him that his entire life." Dale pouring a soda in his toddler's sippy cup: Don't judge me.
At a certain point, when you're a billionaire single dad running multiple businesses and you're good at robotics, there comes a time when "It would make things easier if my young child (who's a very picky eater and can't have dairy) had a drone to follow him around, alert him when his blood sugar is about to drop, or assist if he passes out" makes a lot of sense. Especially if you have major trust issues from abuse and prefer relying on your own inventions.
It was a very relieving day for Dale when he finally had a reliable au pair to leave his son with, I'm sure. Didn't accidentally kill his son!! #Not as big a jerk as you could've been!
During my original liveblog for "Battle of the Dimmsonian," I was confused about Dev going from "I need to talk to Hazel" to trying to spook her and her friends by summoning ghosts. I'm definitely not excusing his bitter attitude in general as a hypoglycemia thing, but this is an episode that would make this headcanon funny:
Peri, internally: Listen here, you little brat- I've read your file. Now eat your freakin' cupcake. Icing is good for you. Dev: These are terrible >:( I'll go without. Peri: WHY? Dev later that day: If I tell Peri I need sugar, he'll be SUCH a pain about it. I opt to suffer...
Anyway, I think it's interesting and I'm going the "au pairs help Dev with a lot of things, but one of them is hypoglycemia" direction in my City Lights AU :)
If anyone's curious, I'm doing growth hormone deficiency that also lands him with a weak immune system- another thing the au pairs help him with. My full character profile for Dev will go into extra details about his life... Fun times.
Dale, planting his whiny and sick child on the floor by his desk and handing him a tablet, juice, and a bunch of hard candy: Big Boss has a work meeting. Don't go outside or you'll die. At this point, you're sunk costs and if I lose you, I'm gonna make it everyone's problem.
Bonus Theory:
Are Doug and Dale also lactose intolerant, and did Dale kill his dad's cows?
In Season 5 - "Mooooving Day" - Doug runs a business called Dimmadome Farms, which produces extreme amounts of milk from genetically modified cows. He uses this to keep the population of Dimmadome Acres totally happy and obedient.
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Doug seems convinced the milk makes people happy and that it's a good thing, but he doesn't personally drink it. It's kind of funny to think he went the route of milk because his family is full of lactose intolerant individuals who won't accidentally drink it.
Genetics - Lactose intolerance is inherited in the autosomal recessive pattern- This means either both of Dev's parents are lactose intolerant, or they personally aren't but carry the gene.
Additionally, Dev will only pass lactose intolerance to his kids if his partner also has the gene- either intolerant or a carrier.
There's a chance Dev developed it without genetics, but it looks like there's a lot more variety there than I can cover in a single post. From what I've read, it's "uncommon in babies and young children." He's 9 when "Peace of Pizza" takes place, which might strengthen the argument that it's genetic in his family.
One of the businesses Dale lists as under his possession in "Lost and Founder's Day" is Dimm-'N-Out Burgers. Presumably this is a parallel of In-'N-Out Burger, which use beef patties. Notably, this is a business made up for A New Wish- It's never been portrayed as under Doug's ownership.
If Dimmadome Farms already existed in Dale's youth, it makes sense Dale would use the cows from there- You have to do something with the ones who aren't producing milk, so why not make money?
Technically, Dimmadome Acres was wiped out by magic, but it's possible Dimmadome Farms itself was outside premises of the suburban neighborhood, so maybe there were other cows.
We know by A New Wish, Dale has established himself as a tech mogul, but he probably wasn't one straight after being rescued from 7 years of abuse, which is heavily implied to have started when he was 9 (give or take). Consider:
Doug: I'm making drinks from a labor force of enslaved individuals I've trapped underground :) His son, who recently escaped a life of being forced to make drinks for 7 years underground: This is incredibly insensitive, actually.
Hey, there's something SUPER sus about Dale's underground lemonade stand abuse starting at age 9 when his dad's milk factory is also underground in a big trapdoor and relies on trapped people for labor... Do you think Vicky found the cows when she was a kid and lured Dale down there, but he was lactose intolerant and couldn't drink mind control milk, so she moved him somewhere else... I'm connecting the dots...
It's worrisome that Doug's instinctual response to Timmy saying he didn't want to drink milk was "What a baby," and then he jumps and corrects himself to "Aw, shucks"... What conspiracy am I uncovering... Doug, let me in- I just wanna talk about the home your son grew up in.
I mean, the alt theory is that Doug built his underground dairy farm and trapped people to work in it BECAUSE Dale told him where he'd been for the last 7 years and he went "Oh, that's brilliant!" and that's also terrible??
Anyway, Doug's thing is that he's constantly jumping from one business to the next, never staying consistent (beyond the beloved Dimmadome stadium).
Knowing how he's always go-go-go, it's very probable he'd get his son involved in business young. Maybe Dale started with a burger joint until the robotics work paid off! A spiteful direction for Dimmadome Farms indeed...
Me, having a sudden realization and looking up from my notes theorizing both Dev and Dale have OCD and ADHD, then glancing at my second monitor where I have references from "Moooving Day" of Doug's meticulously arranged town of pink houses and people wearing matching outfits:
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... Ah.
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months
So, um, I guess that awkward dinner between the Wellses and the Fairywinkle-Cosmas is more likely to happen now
Angela and Marcus: so, Peri, what is it you do for work?
Peri, who spent the last three nights sleeping on his parents' couch: well I *starts sobbing into the homemade french fries*
In all seriousness I have so many thoughts about this episode and that scene and these two and Imma use this ask to get them out. Spoilers below
So like, we all saw this coming, right? Dev has never treated Peri all that well and Peri became frustrated with him two seconds in. I sincerely hope Peri stays Dev's godparent because they are such a fun duo with so much potential, but wow they were both screwed over when they got assigned each other. A lot of people have pointed this out, but it really isn't fair that Peri got assigned a hard case for his first godchild. He should've been given someone like Hazel or maybe even like Chester from the original series -- a kid that needs someone for emotional support, of course, but is also arguably well adjusted otherwise. Dec, meanwhile, does not need wish fulfillment -- he's rich, wishing for the "perfect cupcake" won't make him happy when he can just as easily have his robot au-pairs doordash him some cupcakes. He needs a therapist, and to be removed from the harmful situation he's in (IE the neglectful, emotionally stunted, and emotionally abusive father)
Part of why Dev wishing Peri away is so sad is because Peri is actually trying. I don't think he dislikes Dev, even if he's out of his depths dealing with him -- he looks overjoyed and relived when he hugs Dev in the Fairy World episode, and once it becomes clear Dev's birthday was a bust, he offers to do what he can to make it better.
The other reason why its so sad is because Dev can't accept that Peri is trying. He's a miserable child who's never had anyone even try to to teach him emotional regulation. He's understandably hurt and pissed off and probably freaked out when he finds his fathers "secret evil lair," and so he lashes out before anyone can explain things to him. He also probably lashes out because he doesn't know how to handle friendship and support (which Hazel and Peri were offering) and even if he did, they aren't the ones he wants it from, Dale is (they're also safer options for him to lash out at that Dale. Hazel has been kind and forgiving, and Peri is magically bound to try and make Dev happy. He knows on some level that they won't hurt him, and so he knows that they won't hurt him back)
And, well, maybe controversial opinion, but Cosmo and Wanda probably contributed a little to things falling apart slightly. Peri had problems with Dev before he knew his parents were around, but his parents definitely add to his frustration -- they treat him like a little kid, undermine his authority, and probably add to the tension he feels, while also being two people he wants to impress. He spent the beginning of O:BT clearly disengaged with things while Cosmo, Wanda, and Hazel greet Dev, before he whisks them away to show off his new digs. He's such a delightful and relatable take on a young adult who's low contact with their parents while also clearly loving them and wanting to make them proud (He turned off his equivalent of Find My iPhone and was terrified of them finding out about him becoming a godparent, but he also specifically calls godparenting "the family business," choosing it over what would've likely been a more lucrative career with the Tooth Fairy)
(Plus like, Dev constantly being around a set of parents who love their kid while his father is more loving to his boots that his own child has gotta suck)
That said, I don't think Cosmo and Wanda are at fault -- they need to learn boundaries and to come to terms with the fact that their baby isn't a baby anymore, but otherwise, they're loving and supportive. They're more experienced that Peri and could probably give him genuine guidance. They just gotta step back and let Peri do his thing, grow his confidence and learn from his mistakes (which he is making and will continue to make -- he's new, to both godparenting and likely to childcare in general. Plus, even though the show hasn't explored it -- yet -- Peri likely has a unique perspective on godparenting given that he was born to a set of active godparents and raised alongside their human godkid as siblings).
Dev and Peri as a duo are a delight because of how messy they are -- the traumatized iPad kid who's honestly an asshole but an asshole for a reason, and the underprepared and underestimated grown up Baby Of The Family, both of who have family issues that almost clash in how different -- but valid -- those issues are
...Returning to the original point, I wanna see both of them interact with Angela and Marcus, if only to see how they interact with a set of reasonable parents who respect their children as individuals and have largely positive relationships with them
(lastly, really quick, I wanna shout myself out for a moment here for making a comic about the Sad Rich Kid Rival of Cosmo and Wanda's godkid being upset about the whole two fairies vs one fairy thing months before ANW aired. I got the kids in question wrong but I was right in guessing someone would think it was unfair)
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deansapplepie · 10 months
Till THE DEAD do us part |Chapter 14
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A/N: This story will take place in all the seasons, but it’s not exactly a rewriting cause I’d have to re-watch everything to use the exactly lines of the characters, also I think it’s better if I tell a side story without changing the main facts of the story. This story has a Female Reader, but I don’t describe her appearance, so anyone can identify with her.
Chapter 13 Chapter 15
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Chapter 14: We’ll not lose each other
Summary: The group buries Dale and decide to honor his memory. The day that they would fulfill his wishes, chaos ensues and the day ends in fire, growls, screams and gun shots.
Warning; inner swearing, little angsty, mentions of violence, mentions of death, walkers are killed, grief, forgiveness. Minors do not interact.
Paining; Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader (Rick’s Sister)
Word Count: 2,151
Extra notes: I proofread the text, but English is not my first language, so feel free to correct any mistakes, of course with love. In this chapter we finish Season 2, I’d like to have written more about the final part, but honestly I thought it wouldn’t have anything that would make a difference in the story. Before the 8 months jump, I’m going to make some extra stories about them on the road.
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The day wasn’t cloudy, but you felt just like it was. Everybody were silent, just talking when it was necessary. You did a funeral for Dale, everyone that wanted said a word about him. Rick decided to do things like Dale wanted and prove that you could be humans. When it all ended, you decided to talk to Andrea. You stopped her gave her a hug. “I’m sorry.” You said.
“For Dale or punching my face?” She asked a bitter smile on her face.
“Dale, and I have lost my temper very easily with you.” You broke the embrace, still holding her forearms. “The punches you deserved.”
“I’ve been reckless too, stubborn… trying to hurt others, just because I’m hurt.” She confessed. “I’m sorry.”
“Dale was important to everyone, but I know he had a special spot for you and Glenn. If you need anything, you can count on me, ok?” You hugged her one last time before each of you go your own ways. You were still upset at Andrea, but you realized you cared a lot for the people of the group and life was short. You’d hate if something happened to Andrea and you weren’t good.
Following this line of thought, you should also talk to Shane, but there was a whole different situation. You had already talked to him before and nothing worked, also after it he had hurt your blood brother, wanted his life for him… it, you couldn’t forgive. Not now, and you didn’t know if one day you’d be able to.
Hershel decided it’d be better if all of you moved to the house. He thought that more walkers would come because of the animals, also it was starting to get cold. You started to disassemble everything and bring what you needed to the house. As everything was kind of settled everyone started to do their chores around the house and organize all that needed to be organized.
Rick and Daryl were on the porch planning to take Randall to a town and leave him there. You wanted to go with them, but you couldn’t, they needed you around the house. Also, you knew they wouldn’t let you if you asked.
A long time had passed when Rick and Daryl decided it was time for them to take Randall to this other city and let him there. Rick asked T. to pick Randall so they could go, but T. came back worried saying that the guy wasn’t there. Holy Shit. All of you ran to the small room where he was locked, T. explained it was locked, no one forced it. It was very strange. Soon Shane came from the woods, blood and bruises on his face. Telling a story that Randall escaped the cuffs and forced him into the woods.
“It looks like not only you can’t identify vital signs, you also can’t fight against a slender boy like him. You’re not the same anymore Shane… thank God the world ended, or you’d have to retire.” You couldn’t hold your tongue inside your mouth and had to speak, because impossible nobody thought the same.
“I was taken by surprise, I wasn’t expecting.” He said and you tried really hard not to roll your eyes.
It was decided Rick, Shane, Glenn and Daryl would go in the woods to look for Randal, before they went you pulled Daryl aside. “Be careful, I don’t trust him. Everything he said, screams bullshit for me.”
“I know. I didn’t buy it too.” He said and he didn’t know what to do in the moment so he gave a little squeeze in your arm before entering the woods with Rick, Shane and Glenn.
It got dark very fast, and you couldn’t help the unease feeling while they didn’t come back. You stayed on the porch looking at distance for any sign of them. Soon Maggie joined you, nervous , fidgeting by your side.
“They’ll be ok.” You said, you didn’t know if it was for Maggie or for you. “Glenn and Daryl are badasses, Rick is a survivor, he survived when he wouldn’t. They’ll come back.” You side hugged her and she held your hand.
After some time Daryl and Glenn came back, you got inside the house with them, everyone waiting to know something.
“Are you ok?” You asked looking Daryl for any bruises, cuts, god forbidden bites and scratches. He had nothing.
“ ‘m good.” He looked at you, a little anxious to deliver the news.
“Where’s Rick?” You asked, worried.
“We thought he and Shane had come back.” Fuck. Did they separate? No.
They explained they found Randall, turned, and on top of that he wasn’t bitten. He had his neck broken. Shane. You knew it. But it didn’t answer why the boy turned if he wasn’t bitten.
You headed outside, you’d go with Daryl to find them. Worry consuming you. But when you got outside you saw something terrifying, a gigantic herd of walkers. You all started getting guns and setting plans to try ending with them, but you knew it was impossible, you’d need to fight them just so you could escape. You took one of the bigger guns and stood besides Hershel trying to protect the house and the ones that were still there.
Daryl jumped on his bike, Jimmy took the RV and together they tried to attract the herd to a place far from the house, Maggie and Glenn took a car to do the same while he shoot from the window and T. and Andrea took the truck, Andrea responsible of shooting the walkers.
The barn was on fire and you didn’t know who did this but you prayed it was Rick and not Shane, or both of them… but by all that happened you were afraid it would be only one of them. Everybody was running and fighting to get from the walkers and go to a safe place. Lori shouted for you and Hershel, but Hershel ignored. So you decided to stay there with him the maximum that you could, and try to convince him.
“Hershel, we need to go. There’s no way.” You tried reasoning with him while fighting the walkers.
“I’m not going. I’ll die protecting this land.” He stubbornly affirmed one more time.
“Don’t you think about Maggie and Beth? They need their Dad.” A walker fell in front of you as you shoot it.
“You can go.” He said one more time.
“I’m not going without you.” You said, and you didn’t want to, but it made you remind of what Dale did for Andrea.
Hershel’s ammo ends and he was going to reload his gun, there were too many walkers and you couldn’t cover him, when a Walker was too close and would bite him, Rick showed up and killed it. You pleaded Hershel to go with you, but it took Rick to convince him to go. You went to the car and you were relieved to see Carl, but… you thought Luna was with Carl. You couldn’t leave without her.
“Where’s Luna?” You asked before entering the car.
“She was with us, but she ran. I have no idea where she’s” Rick said, door open, waiting for you to go in.
“I’m not going without her.” You said turning to leave and go after her, but Rick was faster. He took you by your waist and pushed you inside the car, put the car lock and closed the door.
You tried opening the door, but it wouldn’t open. The fucker had locked it. Before you could go for the door on Carl’s side he started the car and left the farm. “No! Why Rick? Why?” You cried.
“I told you we wouldn’t lose each other, we’d not separate. I’m not letting you lose your life because of a dog.” He said, eyes on the road, hands firmly gripping the wheel. Carl hugged you and you hugged him back.
“It’s not a dog, it’s Luna. She’s my life.” You said turning your look for the window and crying all you could, trying to remain silent. Luna were with you in your worst, she was the one that made you smile again. A gift from your brothers and now, she was gone… lord knows where. You didn’t know if she was even alive. It wasn’t your fault, but you felt as if you were abandoning her.
“Maybe someone got her. We don’t know. You could stay and never find her. Let’s go to our meeting point in the highway. I’m pretty sure the others are going there too. It’s the only place all of us know.” Rick looked at you on the rearview mirror, he felt your pain, but he couldn’t go soft on you, he couldn’t have let you risk your life like that.
The rest of the drive was silent. The sun rose and you arrived at the spot where you left the sign for Sophia. She never got to find it.
All of you got off from the car. Hershel talked with Rick about he taking Carl and leaving to protect the kid. While that you followed Carl around, telling him to stay close. After some time, Rick talked about leaving, but before he could take any action, Glenn and Maggie arrived in a car, they got off and came to meet you. No Luna. The truck arrived with T., Lori and Beth. Again, no Luna. They were your last hope, It left Andrea, Carol and Daryl. You didn’t see Andrea and Carol around in the last minutes, so you didn’t know if they made it. Daryl wouldn’t bring her in a bike. Daryl, where was Daryl?
Some time after, Daryl arrived on his bike with Carol. You felt relieved to see them, especially Daryl. He stopped the bike close, Carol got off of it, Rick approached Daryl to greet him, he was happy to see he made it. Daryl got off the bike and you didn’t waste any second and hugged him. He didn’t waste any second to hug you back, damn the fear of being judged about PDA, you just survived a hoard of Walkers. He was relieved.
Nobody saw Andrea, Daryl wanted to go back for her, but Rick didn’t allowed he said it was too late to find her. The group decided to continue their way on the road. Daryl saw on your face that you had cried, but he decided not ask about it. He didn’t see Luna around, but he thought it’d be better if he didn’t ask anything in the moment. “Are ya comin’ with me?” He asked.
“Yes, of course.” You answered and as soon as the group parted from the highway you were on Daryl’s bike holding onto him and resting you head on his back. ‘And to think that last time we were leaving he made some excuse to not take me.’ You thought and also felt that there wasn’t anything more comfortable than being with him.
Andrea was left alone, everyone had taken the cars and she had no way out of the farm. She tried calling for Rick to wait for her, but she wasn’t heard. Her only option was to flee from the farm by herself. She took the guns bag from the ground, at least she was armed and could defend herself she moved in the woods trying to go opposite from where the walkers were going, even though she knew she would find walkers eventually, but she hoped not so many.
Deep in the forest she heard a bark and when she looked she saw a german shepherd, the dog from her mate from her group. The dog was barking at a walker, keeping distance but ready to attack. Andrea took a gun and shoot on the walkers head, making it fall motionless to the ground.
“I see you were also left behind.” She said getting closer to the dog and petting her. “I think it’s just you and me now girl.”
The dog was happy to see the face of a friend after seeing so many ugly faces of the walkers, she bumped her cold nose on the human hand to show her appreciation while swinging her tail.
“Come on, Luna. Let’s get out of here.” She said continuing her way into the woods trying to survive and who knows maybe re-encounter her group again.
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Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325
Till THE DEAD do us part Taglist: @sunnybunnyy2 @royaltysuite @isakyakiisak @milopenne @murdadixon
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splat20 · 5 months
Another part of Icewind Dale that's been fucking grueling so far though... Ngl a part of me is actually fascinated by the historical fantasy worldbuilding done by A Certain Kind Of History Dude who clearly has no idea how history has ever actually worked. The hoops they jump through to convince you that history has never been what might be called "political" is, in its own way, kind of impressive.
Conflict has never been about stuff like colonialism, it's all about nebulous human themes like Tradition. Conflict is about Economy and Economy never involves anything like class or culture. Only trout. The entire machinations of this society revolves ONLY around trout. (I'm now genuinely harping about the trout, it's just really dumb ok.) Conflict is about different groups just being fundamentally different, usually with a clear evil one. Conflict is about all groups being greedy about THEIR FUCKING TROUT because it's just a nebulous human condition to be greedy. Racist also. And poor people are just poor because they aren't ambitious, as a little aside.
It's so...... ashistorical but also deeply uncurious about our own actual real life world right now.
So many "high" fantasy books are like this. The Certain Kind Of History Dudes have too much power in this genre. They get praised for their worldbuilding and it's just the most shallow understanding of how anything works ever.
And more nefarious is the way this seemingly innocent ignorance so quickly and easily justifies stuff like "well, it's totally chill for good guys to kill bad guys... because they're from a bad guy society." Drizzt will tie himself in knots if he has to kill the worst human you can possibly imagine, but swats down random orcs no problem. The way that seemingly creates no cognitive dissonace at all for these writers needs to be studied in a lab. It's all fun and games when we're talking about monsters, but then you think about how that translates into the real world using the exact same mechanisms and that isn't fun at all is it? The ways racist men can tell themselves they are good people follows similar mental gymnastics. Why are "humans" deserving of infinite grace and forgiveness even at their most evil but "orcs" are understood to be inherently a lost cause? Why really? What is that mechanism really? It's been particularly egregious as I'm trying to slog my way through The Crystal Shard because, like, we can generously say that the "barbarians" are based on vikings, but ngl all I'm getting from this dynamic is Salvatore playing "cowboys and indians" but with white people. The general underlying vibes... And maybe that's what I'm trying to get at with what I'm describing in the fantasy races too. If you take off the mask, it all just feels like "cowboys and indians." A trope so deeply embedded in American genre fiction which has always just been incredibly racist this whole time.
These books are such whiplash because unfortunately I do love the characters but boy I wish I could save them from these books sometimes. The Crystal Shard has been soooo much worse than the other books so far imo, so I'm hoping the series chills tf out again generally.
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paledarklight · 3 months
Do you think Beth's first love is Daryl? As in she only ever really liked Jimmy and Zach but they were not serious romances where her heart was touched deeply. With Daryl there seems to be a deep connection between them.
Beth doesn't seem afraid of Daryl or intimidated like a lot of people are. I think people at the prison appreciated him because he took care of them, but initially his own group were negative to him and then obviously the Alexandria community apart from Aaron and Eric were judgemental of Daryl. I think Daryl is the stereotypical mean redneck at first but Beth seen past that.
Carol tried to be 'more' to Daryl in the early days maybe trying to find a real love/first love as Ed doesn't really count. She saw Daryl was kind and considerate it to her but he only meant it platonically.
Daryl just does what needs to be done. People tend to use him to carry out the dirty work though like Rick and don't consider his personal feelings.
Yes I do think that I think that both Jimmy and Zac were very nice sweet boys but they never made her hungry, they never made her soul cry out in yearning the way she felt with Daryl.
You hit the nail on the head, I 100% think they were more then willing to take his meat and his service but didn't wanna associate with him
Beth, Emily Kinney said in a interview for season four that her character is willing to go head to head with Daryl, she isn't afraid to fight him which is very different from how most people view him
ANDREA ...sigh, in the deleted scene of the Vatoa she doesn't think very highly of him accusing him of not being able to read
SHANE THINKS he smokes meth all day.
DALE excused Daryl getting shot by saying that everyone wished they could shoot Daryl as if to say no one is going to hold her accountable
They benefit from him and his skills yet at the end of the day would rather not share the drinking fountain with him
(and yes I meant that reference because I could make a whole separate speech about how poor white Appalachian people where treated as animals but that's a whole other thing)
I think Carol 100% saw him as a potential lover, this new world isn't kind to woman even before the turn so she saw he was young and strong and a provider she really did consider hitching her star to him.
Daryl didn't feel the same , Norman has said he feels very motherly towards her .
I think Beth was in turn the very first person that he loved and had feelings for (as said by Norman Reedus in his bio about the character)
Beth was innocent and Daryl needed someone who wasn't harden by life yet to show him the beauty of the world
Beth in turn needs Daryl to show her that being naive will get you killed and that she needs to learn to fight, that killing to survive isn't always a sin because " God will forgive you"
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 5 months
Pockets Full of Gold
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield x town of Dale x dwarf company (Bilbo and Tauriel)
Fandom: The Hobbit - Richard Armitage
Lyn's Writing Event Day 6
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May 6th: Week 1: Leprechaun                               
Characters: Thorin x townsfolk of Dale x Dwarf company (including Tauriel and Bilbo)
Fandom: Thorin Oakenshield (HOBBIT) – Richard Armitage
(The character of Thorin Oakenshield was created by J.R.R. Tolkien)
Timeline: AU Post (BOFTA) – No one dies, everyone lives
Warnings: drunkenness, embarrassment, anxiety, disorientation, scorn, angst, unaidable hiccups, mild nudity, shape changing, leprechauns.
Word count: 2.1k
Disclaimer: I am aware that even in the AU this violates rules of Tolkien, so I am hoping the 2 ladies and guardians of this lore will forgive me a little prank story, because it is a little funny. Enjoy!
              It was dusk, in Dale, the rebuilding was well underway, and part of the company was celebrating a workday well done. Thorin had been overseeing some of the reconstruction over Bard’s request. Bard offers the dwarf company ale and food to their fill for the evening. And of course, chaos ensues, this gives our prankster an opportunity to spike Thorin’s drink. (But who would want to embarrass or otherwise humiliate Thorin?) Bilbo steps away from the riotous eating, which he knew too well would end in a mess and walk out to the look out on the river leading to Lake Town.
Thorin was sitting watching the revelry and a wench set down some ale for him. He nodded at her and took a sip. Bofur winked at him and tipped his own ale to him, “To many more glasses of merriment” Bifur, Oin and Gloin, Nori and Dori and Fili also cheered. Kili was away towards the water with Tauriel, discussing plans for their new future. Thorin knew this would get out of hand if he didn’t stick around. Balin had already gone back to Erebor, leaving him to get his nephews and the rest of the company home. There wasn’t much to protect right now, and Thorin drank avidly letting the ale hit his palette and quench his thirst. He knew, now as King not to imbibe too much, but he was a dwarf that could hold his ale better than any man.
              Bofur grabbed another tankard and set it before Thorin, “Come on brother, let’s have another!” Thorin looked at him, quizzically, “Are you trying to get your King drunk?” Bofur chuckled merrily, “No, I’m trying to get that grimace of your face, your far too serious” he chuckled, “Its nearly May day, spring has sprung!” Bofur started to sing and bang his fists on the table and the company joined in. Thorin sighed, at the end of the table and sipped again.
Bilbo came back into the inn, and sat next to Thorin, “So, Master Baggins, how long will you be staying with us?” Bilbo, nervously, “Oh, probably a few more weeks, ya?” Thorin finished his tankard and reached for the second one, a loud clatter from behind made him turn, and Bilbo moved across the table to grab some cheese off a platter, passing over Thorin’s tankard. Thorin looked back as he sat down. And started to drink the second tankard. He stood up to speak to the company, “I wanted to thank you all for working with the Children of Man, I know that we are a proud lot, and as your, official leader, I am confident we can maintain a fair relationship with them”. The company cheered again, creating others in the inn to reply in kind. Thorin sat down and spoke conspiratorially to Bilbo, “Master Baggins, do you think you can cover me, I, (burped audibly) need a moment outside”. Bilbo nodded, “of course, of course”.
Thorin rose and left the table, feeling a bit strange, but not drunk. He finished the second tankard and set it down on an empty table as he left the inn. The streets were darker now, alleyways stretched and bent in his vision. Thorin gripped the wall of a building, steadying himself, “I don’t *hic* feel well *hic*,” Then Thorin fell to his knees and passed out, landing face first.
No one passed that alleyway, and after some minutes Thorin groaned, and pushed himself back to rest on his knees. He looked at his hands and they were smaller, he was wearing a dark green coat, with intricate gold trim along the lapel and collar. He stood up and barely made the 4th brick, “What the –“ he murmured, and scratched his chin, only to find a thicker beard there, and a when he saw himself in the moon’s reflection of a puddle, he saw it his hair was reddened. Thorin hiccuped and put his hand to his face, “Oh, Dwalin,” muttering Khuzdul under his breath, “I’ll kill him”. His head throbbed and he couldn’t figure out why he was so short, so much shorter than he was when he passed out. He was also wearing dark green boots that had pointy toes, “This is nuts” he mumbled. And as he started to walk, he heard the jingle of coins and felt the weight of them in his pockets, “Oh no..” he muttered, and as he started to walk, he jingled, and hiccuped, and then jingled again, coins started to spill from his pockets, and he scrambled to quiet the sound and pick them up.
Two men ambled by, and nearly bumped into him, as he scrambled to grab a coin, the gold shone in the moonlight and flickering torches, “Hey what you got there little guy?” One asked, Thorin gritted his teeth up at him, “Woah! Nevermind” and they both walked swiftly away. Each step that Thorin took he made more and more noise, and gold coins still spilled out, leaving a trail behind him, “I’m going to kill him,” was all he said. Until some children peaked down from a window hearing the jingle, “Mama! Mama! Look it’s a leprechaun come to help us!” Thorin looked up, his fright palpable, “Oh no, Mahal" And several boisterous youth came bounding out of a hut and scooped him up shaking him wildly. Thorin hiccuped uncontrollably and shouted for them to set him down. They collected the coins and dropped him scurrying off. Thorin huffed, wiping off his pants and readjusting himself. His pockets felt lighter, and then suddenly refilled, weighing him down again, “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me”, he rolled his eyes.
Thorin attempted to make it back to the inn, but what would he do? How would he explain how he looked? Several more men and women came upon him, stooping down to his very small stature and inquiring to his gold. “You look like that King from the Mountain, is that where you got all that gold from little man?” Thorin gritted his teeth, “Surely” A women looked back at her husband, “Maybe this is his offering, a little lad that looks just like him, did the King have kids this quickly, or maybe he always had some tucked away”.  The women caressed Thorin’s scruffy beard and picked up some coins that were scattered around him, “Well don’t mind if I do your highness” She grinned and patted him on the head. Thorin hiccuped again, trying to quiet the queasiness in this stomach. He dug into his own pockets and threw handfuls of gold coins at the passersby. “Here! Just take it! I’m sick of this!” Thorin sounded like a petulant child to them with his shrunken form. But the more he emptied his pockets the more they refilled. And finally he just stormed off again towards the edge of the little lake, by the riverside.
Fili was walking back from the lake with Tauriel and stumbled past Thorin as he jingled and hiccuped heading towards the water, “Uncle?” Fili questioned. Thorin did not stop. He shucked the jacket, boots and pants and jumped headfirst into the river. Tauriel looked just as puzzled, “Was that Thorin?” Kili shrugged, “Sure looked like him, but why is his hair red, and look at these coins”, he picked up a handful. He picked up the clothes that Thorin had discarded, and more coins fell out of the pockets, “But well, to go the spoils, aye?” Tauriel rolled her eyes, “We should go after him, he seemed distressed”. Kili picked up more coins and pocketed them. Tossing the clothes back down on the walkway, “Right, right”. Kili’s sweet smile drooped when he saw Thorin wading in the water, at full size. The water was still cold and Thorin felt everything against his body, wearing only a shirt that hugged at his dwarven muscles. His diaphragm seized again, in hiccups, as he swam against the current of the river. Thorin pushed himself out of the water onto the fishing pier where Kili and Tauriel stood.
Thorin flopped onto the pier and Fili stood over him, Tauriel looked away as Thorin was naked from the waist down, “Uncle what happened?” Thorin groaned and put his hand out to be pulled up, Kili responded immediately. Taking off his coat and offering it to him, “Thank you”, the hiccups subsiding, his hair and beard back to normal. “I drank something I shouldn’t have”, he looked towards the Inn, “apparently”. Tauriel looked concerned, “A potion of some kind, you looked like a Leprechaun, a faeish creature of the West”. Kili looked at her, “Do you think your kin did this to humiliate him?”  Tauriel looked shaken, “Oh my no, must have been someone around here, but who bears ill will towards you?” Thorin started to walk with them, back towards the Inn, “Only my men, and half the town, of course”. Tauriel looked embarrassed, “But surely not after you have made good on your claims to restore the towns”. Thorin smirked, “It doesn’t take much, you of all kind should know how fickle men can be”. Kili huffed, “Come on, don’t say that, I’m sure it was something harmless, a prank, maybe”. It is nearing May Day, we usually celebrate in surprising ways. Thorin looked down at him, “Well then maybe I should strip you down to your bares and let you dance under the full moon is that it?” Kili’s shoulders’ drooped, “I didn’t mean it like that,” Thorin ruffed up his hair, and hugged his shoulder warmly, “I’m kidding, kadan”, Kili warmed as they entered the inn.
Bilbo saw Thorin first and rushed over to him, “Thorin, my god! What happened?”  Thorin looked at him, eyes softening, “I would like to know, Master Baggins”. His smirk faded as Bofur turned towards him, “Oh.. look who decided to come back! And what pray tell has happened to your clothes?”  bangs on the table, “Look men, he's been robbed by a wee lass off the piers now,” Thorin gritted his teeth again at Bofur, and clamped his hand on his collar, lifting him to his face, “Did you do this to me?” Bofur put his hands up, “Never, never would I, I swear it”. Dwalin was keeping to the shadows, and he stood, approaching Thorin. Thorin looked to Dwalin an accusation at his lips, Dwalin cut him off, “I did not, my King, either”. Thorin set Bofur back down on the floor.
Thorin spoke to the company, “Does anyone know who put something in my ale?” The rest of the company was silent and looked contrite. Bilbo was still standing a few feet from Thorin, looking down, and mumbling. Thorin turned to Bilbo, “Did you do it?” his anger rising again, “You little pest!” Bilbo put his hands up, “Thorin I can explain, it was a,” Thorin grabbed him up by his shoulders and lifted him off the floor. “Don’t you realize what could have happened if I remained that way for longer than I had, do you?” Bilbo tried his best to explain in his soft tones, but all he could do was start to chuckle. Thorin’s eyes shifted from anger, to something akin to understanding as he set Bilbo back down to the floor. “You really are a pest you know that, what was that about anyways”. Bilbo, “Happy May Day?” he offered. And got a fresh tankard of ale. Thorin looked at him, “And what is this one going to do to me?” Bilbo’s eyes went wide as the King under the Mountain gulped it down strongly and wiped his mouth off with his sleeve. He let out a battle worthy cry, and slapped Bofur on the back, starting to sing along, “Come on, there once was a man..” then stomped his feet, still pants-less in the inn. Within a few moments Dwalin brought him some spare clothes from his saddle bag. Bilbo sat down, wiping the sweat off his brow, nervously as Tauriel stepped to him, “That was pretty risky, Bilbo, what was your plan?”  Bilbo placed his handkerchief back in his vest pocket, “Oh I just wanted him to feel smaller and maybe spread some cheer around”. Tauriel looked at him, “But why, he is your friend is he not?”
Bilbo looked at her, “yes of course, and sometimes in brotherly love we all need to be taught humility”. He chuffed, and she stood proudly again, “I see, well, your lucky that Thorin respects and cares for you, that you can play such pranks on him”. Bilbo looked at Thorin again, clothed and merry, “I am indeed yes, he is a good dwarf, as well as a good leader, I will remember that”. Tauriel spoke to him as she watched Kili and Thorin dance arm in arm, “But I see what you mean about him being so serious. Its nice to see him smiling with his kin”. Bilbo looked up to, “Yes, yes it is".
Hope you all enjoyed.
@legolasbadass @middleearthpixie @lathalea @riepu10 @evenstareedits @scariusaquarius @littlesweetdressmaker
@fizzyxcustard @enchantzz
#Lyns writing event 2024
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vab9919 · 6 months
Possible Spoilers
So this should be my last (I may add comments if I rewatch tonight) post about Lisa Frankenstein but I thought I should maybe do a better job at giving my thoughts on it. As someone who lost their mom in a tragic and unexpected way i personally can relate to Lisa a little in that way and i think that’s why i absolutely can’t stand Janet. Lisa went through one of the worst things someone can go through and Janet was just a shitty person about it. And while I don’t think she necessarily deserved what she got, it was a really big case of what goes around comes back around. But when taffy mentioned Janet’s earrings I almost lost it. And then there’s what happened to Doug was pretty much some intense justice. While I obviously don’t condone what they did to him he was obviously on his way to doing some pretty horrific stuff to women and needed to be stopped before he escalated. And then there’s Michael. While I’m glad he tried to be friends with Lisa he ultimately was kinda shitty. He should’ve told Lisa how he felt. I don’t think he deserved what he got though. Then there’s Taffy. Honestly I can forgive her for the whole Michael thing because she really did care about Lisa and tried to be a good sister. And Dale, he’s basically just there. He doesn’t really do or care much about anything. And finally Lisa. I definitely don’t think she’s a good person. Overall it’s a fun romantic horror comedy with characters who are pretty shitty people.
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nightmareofthelake · 8 months
rabbit's foot and deer antler (Part 2/2)
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The aftermath of Part 1
David looked down at his glass filled with liquid amber and ice. He'd never been one to drown his feelings, but today seemed like a good day to try. “Why the long face, my friend?” The magician looked up at Aldous, who was cleaning some of the glasses. “Do I deserve to be forgiven?” The answer was no, David knew that, but he really needed to hear it from someone else. Maybe then he would finally stop overthinking everything. “That is solely in the hands of the person whose forgiveness you seek.” That wasn't what David wanted to hear. “Please don’t get my hopes up, Aldous. I wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
David raised his glass and took a sip. Although he may not have consumed much alcohol in the past, even with his limited knowledge, he knew there was something wrong with the whiskey. It wasn't as strong as what he had drunk in the past, but a feeling he could only describe as TV static ran through his body. David looked at the glass skeptically before looking at Aldous questioningly. “Please be honest, old friend. Are you diluting the alcohol?” Aldous just shrugged. “It’s a lot of effort to bring all the bottles to the island. That’s why we have to make good use of what we have at the moment.” “So you dilute the alcohol to make it last longer?” "Yes indeed!" David took another sip from his glass, but something was still bothering him. “Aldous,” he began, looking suspiciously at the bartender. “What do you dilute the alcohol with?” “Don’t worry about it, my friend.” “Now I’m definitely worried! What's in there?"
But David wouldn't get his answer as a throat clearing behind him caught the two men's attention. When the magician turned around, he saw the familiar feathered face of Harvey. The parrot looked annoyed. “Harvey, my dear! How can I help you?" David greeted him, hoping he wouldn't lecture him about anything David had done today. “I’m here to bring you your new room key, Mister Rabbit,” the parrot announced, holding out the familiar skeleton key. David immediately noticed something was different. He took the key and looked at it more closely. Instead of the usual tag, part of a deer antler hung from the key. “I ran out of room number tags because no one here can keep an eye on their keys. That's why I had to improvise a bit," Harvey explained with an annoyed tone. This reminded David of something. “Is this why Detective Vandermeer has a rabbit’s foot on his key?” "Yes, that's right. I also hoped it would give him enough good luck to stop losing his keys. He currently holds the record for the most lost keys."
David breathed a sigh of relief. After seeing the rabbit's foot, hundreds of questions and theories ran through his mind. But hearing that it was just a good luck charm and not a revenge totem or something similar took some of the weight off his heart. The thought of Dale now having to carry a rabbit's foot still made David a little uneasy. It made his heart race and a strange feeling settle in his stomach. He had to try not to think about it. Instead, the magician turned his attention to his own key. The antler was four inches long and judging by its appearance, it was part of the crown. A really nice specimen. But David noticed something much more important. “How am I supposed to carry this around with me? It doesn’t fit in my jacket pocket or my trouser pocket!” Harvey simply shrugged. “That’s your problem,” he replied before turning around and leaving the room.
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callmegaith · 5 months
Not a big fan of "it's all gloom and doom in Rusty Lake" which is one reason I created Down the Rabbit Hole, because there's hope in suffering. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Like an anon once pointed out, Dale tried to kill David and it didn't heal him. It didn't fix him. So maybe ... He needs to forgive him instead.
In the same way I think Rusty Lake is about how hurt people hurt people, characters pass off their own traumas onto other characters. A cycle that is waiting to be broken.
And that's why I like to believe that Albert won't be a bad father to Rose. He's not the best, obviously. But he's not the worst either. He tries, because he knows what it's like to be a hated neglected child. He knows what it's like to hurt and suffer. And he wouldn't want that for Rose. He finds redemption in her. And I prefer to believe even a ""monster"" could love, even he could have a second chance.
Probably an unpopular opinion but idc, because to me Rusty Lake is about the horrors of trauma, but not only that, it's also about healing from those traumas. Being reborn, a new person, metaphorically, without the damages of your old self. And now Albert is reborn, a new person.
It doesn't erase his past sins. But he now has a second chance. And tho idc much about the Vanderbooms, I am looking forward to seeing what he'll make of this second chance.
There's beauty in Rusty Lake, in a sense that pain breaks us, and the memories of the past hurt, and sometimes our pain causes us to hurt others. But the cycle will be broken. There's hope under all the misery. You will pick up the broken pieces, and create a new you, ready to hurt and love again.
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jessread-s · 4 months
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I honestly didn’t think anyone could ever make the surprise baby trope work, but Elsie Silver is truly exceptional!
Almost free of her toxic marriage, Winter Hamilton has sworn off men entirely in “Reckless”. Enter Theo Silva, a rowdy bull rider and notorious ladies’ man who is looking at her like she might be his next meal. No matter how hard Winter tries to freeze him out, he melts her icy exterior and pulls apart all her defenses. Unable to resist temptation, Winter agrees to spend the night with the man she never thought she'd say yes to. It was supposed to be a one-time thing. A secret, but that little plus sign is going to make it impossible to keep.
Winter is a very layered and complex character. In the other books in this series, she was portrayed as villain of sorts, but I quickly became heartbroken when I learned that her icy exterior developed as a result of being made to feel unloved by her awful ex-husband, her spiteful mother, and her absent father. It made me so happy when Theo came into the picture because he gave her the attention she deserved, became someone she could lean on, and helped her open up about her struggles. I loved watching her character develop the closer she became with Theo. I think motherhood played a huge role in her development as well. Her relationship with her daughter Vivi is so wholesome and in a way it helped Winter reconnect with her half-sister Summer. I enjoyed watching her grow as a person and heal.  
Theo! Dale! Silva! This man is the blueprint! He is such a great father and partner. It was truly devastating to see him come to the realization that he had missed out on so many “firsts” with his daughter—including her birth—all because of miscommunication, but he didn’t let that get in the way of stepping up to be a fully present father and I admire him so much for that. He also steps up for Winter too. He is protective of her, prioritizes her, and makes her feel lovable. I appreciate that he actively avoided being controlling (unlike her ex-husband) and came to her defense when she needed him to. He made sure Winter knew that she didn’t need to change or fix any aspect of herself by loving her unconditionally.
The exploration of motherhood, self-acceptance, finding happiness, forgiveness, and moving forward is what makes “Reckless” so much more than a cowboy romance and set this book in cement as my favorite of the Chestnut Springs series.
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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mythica0 · 29 days
🎂:Fop a new wish
🧁/🍫: N/A
Summary: Hazel uses her rule free wish so none of her friends forget Fairies and Fairy world, including dev. He wonders why she’s still being nice to him.
A/N: so! Ending of the Finale! So spoilers! Obviously! Hope ya’ll enjoy! ;3
“You are next!” Jorgen’s booming voice rang, as he pointed towards Dev and his father. “And then the girls friends!”
“WAIT!” Hazel shouts, stopping Jorgen as he pointed his large wand towards the Dimmadomes.
“I still get one rule free wish, don’t I?”
“Yup!” Wanda replied, hovering over the much larger fairy. “For one million wishes! Well, one million and one now, after restoring everything.”
“How are you getting that?” Cosmo asked, “from 999,999..” Hazel moved on as he mumbled about math and numbers under his breath.
“And for my one rule free wish, I wish that me and my friends, including Dev, get to remember fairy world forever!” She emphasized the words of the wish(for dramatic effect)
Jorgen seemed shocked and slightly angry, and colors and words like a cartoon background (hmmm) appeared around him. “WHA- I- YOU!!”
“Sorry Jorgen, rules are rules!” Wanda smirked “And in this case, no rules!” Cosmo finished for her.
Afterwards, Jorgen wished Dale’s memory away and poofed him back to the human world. And, begrudgingly, did not wish away the memory of Dev, Antony, Winn or Jasmine.
The group of friends on the side cheered and hugged, happy for the victory. Dev looked down at his shoes as he walked over to them.
He took off his shades, revealing the tears in his eyes. “W.. why did you help me, forgive me? How do you still consider me a friend? After all of that?”
Hazel softened at his words.
“Oh, Dev…. You don’t want to hurt people, you’re lashing out in hopes of making your dad notice you… because all you truly want is his love. But he will never care about you more than his business, no matter how hard you try. And that’s not your fault. It’s his. And You have all the family you really need, right here.” She gestured to the group around them.
Dev sniffed, tears still in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. “Thanks Hazel. I needed to hear that.”
She smiled. “Hey, having a therapist for a mom makes me preeetty good at this sorta thing,”
The comment got a wet laugh from dev as he wiped his eyes.
All 8 people sat on Penny-farthing dirt bikes in the sunset.
“Are you ready to go godkids? And friends of godkids? What do we call that?” Wanda asked, stopping for a moment.
“Like I said before,” Hazel smiled, “family.”
Then they rode off into the sunset, leaving a trail of odd sounds and Pennies on the ground.
———THE E-
“Are you kidding me?! They ended this on a fart joke! We better get a season two!”
———THE END————————————————
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myocsfanfictions · 9 months
The Road Ahead of Us - TWD (Season 2)
The Walking Dead Fanfiction
They had left Atlanta behind, trying to reach Fort Benning; but during an apocalypse nothing ever goes at it is planned. Sarah and Nicolette will have to face new challenges and dangers. How will they survive?
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Chapter 27
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They didn’t need that too. Not so soon.
The plan was perfect, he would have survived, why would he risk everything right now? If they’d found him, they would have killed him now. Shane would have without blinking and eye, he seemed eager to get rid of the guy and now no one would have opposed to that.
“It’s getting late,” Sarah said folding her own hands as she paced the house, “They should be back by now.”
Outside the sun had disappeared, the sky were now dark. And that sight that she had grew so used to had become gloomy and creepy, maybe remembering what had happened just the night before.
“I’m sure that they’ll be back soon,” Patricia said moving next to Sarah rubbing her arm.
“Maybe we should go find them,” Carl suggested, but Lori shook her head at his son.
“No, we are not moving,” she said, before pointing upstairs, “Go in Maggie’s room.”
“Mom, they could need our help!” Carl protested but the woman wasn’t having it.
“Go, Carl! Now!” She exclaimed and Nicki observed the boy’s lip tightening before walking upstairs.
“It’s dark,” Sarah said again nervously, “Daryl never follows traces in the dark, he said that!” Nicki stood up, as Andrea went to her sister trying to convince her that they were safe. But everyone believed it. Nicki looked up the stairs again, taking a breath before making her way upstairs. She looked around, then going towards Maggie’s room. And when she opened the door, she saw that Carl had opened the window and he was ready to climb out.
“You’re nothing if not predictable,” Nicki said closing the door behind her back.
Carl scoffed, “What?” He said, “Are you gonna tell my mom?”
Nicki crossed her arms, “That her son is playing Spider-Man to sneak out of the window?” the she tilted her head to a side, "I'm sure she'd love that."
“What do you want?” He asked after taking a breath.
Nicki shrugged her shoulders, “Preventing you from breaking your neck seems like a good start.”
But Carl shook his head, “I have to help my dad,” he said strongly. Nicki observed him. He had always been the kind of person that wanted to help the group, she knew. But there was something different.
“What if he’d rather have you here?” She asked, observing the boy reaction. He seemed nervous, jumpy.
“If I’m here and he dies,” he said finally, “I would never forgive myself.”
Even Rick would have never forgiven himself if his son'd die for him.
Nicki moved towards Carl, “And what's the plan?” She asked, “Throw rocks at Randall?”
“I don’t know yet,” Carl answered looking down.
“That doesn’t seem like a good plan,” she said with a frown, keep looking at him.
“You don’t get it,” he said shaking his head, “I have to.”
She observed him silently for a moment, his eyes at the ground, covered by the hat as he didn't want for her to see him.
“Why?” Nicki asked. And Carl took a breath.
“I can’t… let this happen again,” He muttered, and that made her only frown more, not quite catching what he was implying.
“What?” She asked.
Carl set down on Maggies bed, with a deep sigh.
“Dale,” he admitted finally, looking up at her. His lips quivering a little, “It’s my fault if Dale died.”
How could it be his fault? A walker had killed Dale.
“Yesterday I went outside,” he said, “I took Daryl’s gun and I’ve found a walker,” Nicki listened in silence as he kept talking, “I was going to shoot it, he was stuck. But… he got free and I… ran away,” he took a deep breath, “It was the walker that killed Dale,” Nicki looked down at what he had just said to her.
“It was my fault. Because I didn’t do anything,” he repeated, “I could have end it there, but I didn’t, and now Dale is dead…” he took a breath, “I won’t let this happen again. I want to know that I did everything I could.”
Whatever we do or not do will affect the group, Nicki had been repeated that to herself over and over, since that day on the highway. Everyday. She understood.
“Come on,” she said gesturing for him towards the door.
“What?” He looked up at her with a frown.
“Let’s be smarter,” she said taking a look at the corridor, making sure no one was there.
“Where are we going?” He asked from behind her, as she made her way to Hershel’s room.
“Out,” she said closing the door behind him, then she went to the window to open it, “But from a place we can’t kill ourselves,” from that window the roof was less sloping, and if they were lucky, since that room was at the other side of the house from the entrance, maybe no one would have noticed them.
"We?" he asked.
"Yeah," Nicki answered simply, "Come on."
Carl was looking at her, with wide eyes, and that made her frown.
"What's with that face?" she asked, pointing at the window, "Get your ass out."
Carl was quick to climb out of the window, making little noise as his feet hit the roof. Nicki looked at the door, before, handing Carl her bow. He took it in her hands and then she climbed out the window herself. Once her feet touched the roof, Nicki turned to close the window.
"Alright," she said, before the two of them started to run on the roof.
"We could climb down using the porch," Carl said, looking down, "I'll go first," Nicki nodded her head.
"Give me you hand," she said reaching out her hand to him.
"I can do it myself," he was about to turn, when she grabbed him by the hood of his shirt, stopping him.
"I ment it when I said I'm not gonna let you break your neck," Nicki said, "Now man up, and give me that hand."
Carl scoffed, but he took her hand, letting her help him to climb down the roof. When he seemed secure enough against the wood of the porch, she let him go. He managed to climb down. Once he was on the ground, Nicolette hang her bow around her shoulders, starting to climb down as well. She could see the light from inside the house. Sarah would have freaked out if they'd figure out they were gone. But maybe they would have found Rick before that.
"Alright," she whispered once on the ground, "Let's go."
They ran towards the woods, where Rick and the others had disappeared. As they were sorrounded by the trees, not even the moon was helping them seeing where they had to go.
"Why are you helping me?" he asked from next to her.
Nicki took a breath, taking her time to answer, "I understand," she said finally, "What you were talking about..."
"Sophia?" he asked and she nodded.
"She ran out of my sight," she said, "I didn't ran after her, and she died," she thought about that moment everyday since it happened, expecially after knowing that Sophia had turned.
"You were right, when you said I'm blaming myself," she kept saying, "I can't stop thinking about it."
"Me too," Carl muttered. Nicki looked over at him.
"I don't think it's your fault, what happened to Dale," she said as they walked in the woods, "But it's not a good place to be... the guilt," she took a nervous breath "It doesn't matter how many people say that it's not my fault, what happened to Sophia. I don't believe them."
"I know what you mean," Carl said, "Both Dad, and Shane said that it was not me, but... I feel like that," he looked up to meet her gaze. It was not the fault that was bothering her, but the uncertanty of what could have been if she had done something else. Maybe nothing would have been different, or maybe it would have been. Those thoughts were so noisy in her head.
She groaned, "I hate feeling confused."
That made Carl chuckle, "You're a control maniac, that's why," she glared at him with a smirk.
"And you are a constant pain in the ass," she fired back but that made him chuckle more.
"Thank you, for helping me," Carl said after a moment, "I appreciate it," Nicki felt her lips turn up in a smile, before nugging his arm.
"Don't be that nice," she said, "It creeps me out," Carl chuckled.
Suddenly though a gunshot echoed in the field. Nicki brought her right hand to take an arrow, as Carl pulled out his gun.
"Did they found a walker?" Carl asked.
"Or Randall..." she said, "Where was it from?"
"The fields," Carl said starting to run. Nicki coursed before starting to follow him. They ran out of the woods, towards the fields where Dale had lost his life. And the only thing she could pay attention to was the silence. Why it had been fired only a single gunshot? If Randall had attacked them, why the others weren't shooting. And if he had ambushed them, they were four people, why shot once? A walker? Could it be possible? But they had checked the perimeter that morning, searching for any gaps in the fence.
"Nicki, do you see that?" there was a person in the distance. He pacing back and forth, and the more they got closer, the more they noticed that there was someone else on the ground.
Only two peaple. But the one standing didn't seem a walker.
"That's my dad," Carl said as they ran.
Now Nicki could see better, and that man was in fact Rick, but why was he alone? And who was on the ground?
Nicki stopped when both her and Carl were few meters away from Rick, that now had knelt down next who now she realized it was Shane. Nicolette's eyes widened.
"Dad?" Carl exclaimed, his body stif, looking at the man on the ground. What the hell had happened? Was Shane wounded? Was he dead?
Rick turned to them, with wide eyes. He then slowly stood up to move in their direction. He called his son name, but a movement caught Nicki's attention. It was Shane. His hand twitched. That movement made her frown. It was strange. But what happened after froze the blood in her veins. Now Shane was slowly getting up, growling. That was Shane no more. It was a walker now.
Nicolette's body froze. Shane was a dead. Like it had happened to Sophia, he had turned into those things. And she knew. She knew he was not Shane anymore, she knew he was dangerous, but for some reason her body wouldn't move.
Carl aimed his gun though. He was crying, but he was still aiming at the man.
"Just... put the gun down," Rick was saying to his son, he had tears in his eyes.
"Rick," she found herself whispering.
"It's not what it seems, please," Nicki frowned at Rick's words, but Carl shot the gun hitting Shane at the center of his head. He immediately went limp, falling to the ground. Carl was breathing heavy, and she noticed tears in his eyes as he ran to hug his father. In the mean time, Nicki moved towards, Shane. Why didn't she took the arrow? He was no more Shane, she knew. But it had Shane's face, his body...
Why did she stop?
Poor bastard, she thought. He must have been bitten, while they were outside. But where was the walker? And Glenn and Daryl?
"Nicki, come here," Rick's voice made her turn, eyeing one last time Shane, before walking towards Rick and Carl, that had gotten closer. Rick passed by her, looking at the body of his best friend, laying on the ground. While Nicki went to Carl. His eyes were wide, tears were coming out. That was the first walker that he had put down, and it was the person that had had such care towards him. It must have been so shocking for him.
"I'm sorry, Shorty," she muttered, putting a hand on Carl's shoulder.
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stuckonmain · 2 years
The Aftermath (And Normal Blueprint-maker Math)
 ROTTMNT Donatello x Yokai!reader
A loose part three to The Junkyard at the End of the World and Midnight Comics.
Part four is here, and part five is here.
This takes place in the bad timeline, a bit after the Krang invasion.
A lot of stuff happens in this chapter, although I imagine you can probably read it out of order? There is a loose plot to this 'series', but it's mostly just apocalypse shenanigans, light angst, and found family stuff. Reader is forced to play DnD, and Raph gets a cat.
4.1k words
 I swallowed as I read April’s mission report from last night. She had led a party of four and come back with just two, herself included.
  There were two casualties, that being Dale and Jamie. April had gone to high school with them just months ago.
  Which wasn’t a lot, technically, but it certainly felt like it…I’d seen them off, too, and now they were gone. 
  “Hey (Y/N).” Said April from somewhere behind me. I looked up from my phone and nodded at her, and she pulled up a chair next to mine.
  “Sup.” I smiled lamely. “Do you uh…want some…uh…well, I was gonna make grilled cheese, but I got distracted before leaving the kitchen, so I apparently only made toast?” I frowned, staring at my plate. “So uh…help yourself to some toast?”
  She shook her head. “I’m good.”
  “That’s fair. I really don’t want any either.” I said, wrinkling my nose.
  “(Y/N), I…look, I just wanted to thank you for helping out last night.” April said, giving me a forced smile. “You…you did good.”
  I forced a smile in return, feelings about last night still painfully raw. “Yeah…yeah. Um. Of course. I’m…sorry about how your mission went.” I finally managed to say. 
  April sighed, slouching a bit more. “I just wish I had been….like, I don't know, better. Um. Y’know. Obviously!”
  I patted her shoulder. “Hey. April, it’s…well, it’s basically a war, innit? And we’re way way way outnumbered. So honestly…I’m just surprised we’ve lasted this long without any casualties.” I paused to breathe. “Um. That came out way more pessimistic than I meant it to, but the point is, you survived, and Cass survived, and the mission was a success. Our team members weren’t lost in vain.” I finished.
  April shook her head and made an expression that almost looked like a smile.
  “Oh, are we gathering for lunch dudes?” Said a weirdly…surfer sounding voice?
  I looked up to see a turtle-shaped drone hovering a few feet above us.
  “Actually I was just about to go check on Cass. See you guys in a bit, ‘kay?” Said April, hopping out of her chair.
  “Ohmigod, are you SHELLDON?” I grinned, remembering Donnie’s mention of a robot.
  “Oh-ho-ho, I see Don’s already told you about me?” Said the drone, seeming to smile.
  “Yeah!” I nodded. “Well, he’s mentioned you.” I added as an afterthought. 
  “He’s mentioned you too!” Grinned the drone. “You’re the dragon who can build stuff!”
  I blushed. “Well, I mean, kinda. I’m no engineer though, just a kid who can draw.”
  “Donnie can probably teach you if you want.” Said SHELLDON matter of factly.
  “Nah, I’m sure he’s busy. I wouldn’t want to get in his way unless he’s finally ready to fangirl over Atomic Lass.” I shrugged.
  “SHELLDON!” Snapped Donnie as he dove out of the hallway. “What did I say about staying in the lab?!” He hissed. 
  “Oh, speak of the devil.” I commented.
  “Why should I? I met your lab partner!”
  “Because I said so-No.” Donnie corrected himself, shaking his head. “Listen, SHELLDON. When you ignore my very clear  instructions, I feel angry.”
  SHELLDON ducked behind me. “I wanted to meet the dragon, Donnie! And it’s boring there!”
  Donnie took a deep breath, clearly trying to stifle his frustration. “Nonetheless, your wiring is still pretty raw. Forgive me, but I’d prefer not to rebuild you for a third time. And you don’t need to meet (Y/N). You probably would have today anyways.”
  “Oh what? We would?” I asked.
  “Yeah, you’re coming to work, right?” Donnie frowned.
  I honestly hadn’t planned on it, assuming that Donnie was busy with the safe.
  “Uh…I mean, I can? Can I? Because I’d like to, I just wouldn’t want to be a disturbance.” I stuttered.
  Donnie shrugged. “If I didn’t want you there, I’d have stolen your keys to the engineering building.”
  “Oh. Cool.” I said, unsure if he was joking or not. “Um. Also…Sorry about last night. For being all…short with you and all.”
  He shook his head. “It’s…fine. Obnoxious, yes, but…admittedly understandable. Last night was….”
  “Well, it was…last night.” I finished, smiling weakly, because what else could be said? Harrowing? Painful? Scary? I couldn’t say any of those without sounding like a complete wuss.
  He nodded, giving a weak smile.
  “Oh, speaking of which, I believe I owe you this.” He said, tossing me a bottle of iced tea. 
  “Oh, thanks ‘Tello!” I grinned. “You really didn’t have to-”
  “Well, I wanted to. I’d prefer not to be the only one in the lab suffering from caffeine addiction.” He shrugged.
  “Oh, so there’s an ulterior motive. Well played.” I said, as slyly as I could muster.
  “Nah, he just wanted to give you tea.” Said SHELLDON. 
  “SHELLDON…” Donnie seethed, grabbing the drone. “Go back to the lab.”
  “Make me.” Sassed the drone, and I was pretty sure Donnie was about to punch something if the expression on his face was any indicator. 
  “Hey SHELLDON, I’ll tell you what:” I began, standing up. “If you head back to the lab, Donnie and I will go with you. And once we’re done working for the day, we can all watch something or have a crazy drone race or something in the engineering building….Do we have a deal?” I smiled, holding out my clawed hand cheerily.
  To my surprise and relief, SHELLDON smiled and knocked into my hand with his propeller. “Sounds like a deal, bro!”
  “Rad.” I smiled, looking over to Donnie. He was staring at me with his eyes wide, and when SHELLDON turned towards the hall, he leaned towards me.
  “How the heck did you do that?!” He whisper-shouted, seemingly  in shock.
  I shrugged. “Growing up I was always told ‘something-something-cooperation-something’, which I think just means to negotiate and or manipulate your way towards making people like you?” 
  Donnie shook his head. “Oh, wow. I…I am going to retain that information.”
  I grinned impishly, nudging him. “Yeah, it worked on you too, actually.”
  “No it didn’t. I already respected and liked you, I just also thought you were annoying.” He said, frowning as though he was surprised that I didn’t know that.
  I smiled, a warm feeling rising in my chest. “Oh, that’s…that’s sweet, ‘Tello.”
  “It’s just the truth?” He said, raising an eyebrow.
  I shook my head, still smiling. “I’m glad we’re friends now.”
  “Me too?” He said, still looking slightly confused.
  “Alright, order in the court, Mad Dogs! Meeting time, commence!” Said Leon, clapping loudly.
  I sighed, shuffling into the office and plopping down on the chair between Raph and Donnie.
  Donnie waved. “Hey (Y/N). Meet me in the lab later- I made some new LEDs, they’re sound activated. They’ll work for your project, unless you find you require something else.”
  “That sounds great, Dee-”
  Leo clapped again, glaring at us. “Order in the court, Donnie and (Y/N). That means zip it while your handsome-gorgeous-and-clever leader talks, yeah?”
  I gave him a salute. “Okay, okay, ‘Captain’.”
  “Ooh. I like that. Captain Leo- no, wait, Commander Leo!” He grinned, and April flicked him.
  He coughed. “Right, okay. So you’re probably wondering why I’m calling this meeting at three in the morning, right?”
  He was met by a unanimous chorus of groans.
  “Okay, okay, jeez. Tough crowd, huh! Well perhaps you’ll understand why I called this meeting when I call up our good old friend- Hueso, you have the floor, sir.” Leo said smugly, and out from the shadows stepped…the owner of Run of the Mill Pizza? I hadn’t even noticed he was there. Huh.
  “Thank you, Leonardo.” Began Hueso, his voice grave. “I am here because our base at Run of the Mill has been taken by these aliens.”
  Leo nodded. “So obviously, I invited him and the other survivors to join us. But unfortunately…we’ve run into a problem. There just isn’t enough space to house everyone- the dorms are all full. If we plan on saving more people and keeping humanity and Yokai alive….well, space is gonna be an issue.” He concluded.
  I frowned, leaning back in my chair. 
  “Well…the whole campus is protected, so we should be able to build pretty much anything so long as it’s within the boundaries. That said…” I sighed, picking at my scales. “We don’t really have any means of making some big new structure, far as I know.”
  Donnie nodded, tapping on the table. “Obviously my usual brilliance would usually pull us through right about now, but our main means of construction is just whatever they sell at hardware stores. And a big dorm made of Home Depot sheds just isn’t structurally sound.”
  Home Depot sheds…I used to beg mom to let get one to turn into a tiny home. Ha. 
  I jumped up, slamming my hands onto the table. “Guys! Home Depot sheds!” I grinned, flipping my sketchbook open to a design I had made back in the Before Times. “Have you guys ever heard of Tiny Homes?” I said, holding up the illustration of a compact house design. “We can make small structures, so more people can have private space!”
  Mikey snatched the sketchbook, staring at the design. “Ooh, I love this! Look at the colors!”
  Donnie frowned. “It’s a graphite sketch, Micheal. There are no colors. That is an inacurate statement, and give me that-”
  Angelo shook his head, holding the sketchbook over his head. “Just because you can’t see the amazing potential color stories for this doesn’t mean that I can’t.”
  Leo nodded thoughtfully, looking over towards Donnie. “Is this…uh 'mathematically feasible’ or whatever you nerds call it?”
  Donnie nodded, finally having got his hands on the design. “There’s a few obvious pros and cons, but I think it seems…doable! Plus that way we could cut some of the kitchen space and commons, since each of these would theoretically have individual kitchens and small living areas, correct, (Y/N)?”
  I nodded, grinning. 
  “So…yes, it is actually mathematically feasible. Boom.” He concluded, giving me a fist-bump with his metal hand which I accepted with vigor.
“So Hueso, whaddaya say? Tiny living?” I said, holding out my hand.
  He glanced at the designs. “It does look more…dignified than your dormitories.” He said, and shook my hand. 
  “Aaaand (Y/N) saves the day! Yuuuss! I’m the champion of everything forever, you’re welcome universe.” I beamed, pumping my fist.
  April flicked my shoulder. “You’re startin’ to sound like Leon!”
  I flicked her back. “Your catchphrase is your own name, April O’Neil. We’re both a bit Leo-adjacent.”
  “Touche.” She surrendered with a slight smile.
  Leo scoffed.
  I sighed as I rifled through the mostly empty shelves of what had once been Home Depot. April and Raph stood a few feet away, messing with the stacks of plexiglass, and Donnie hovered above us to grab things from the highest shelves.
  We were on another supply run.
  Now one might wonder why we would do this. After all, it had only been a week and a half since the supply run that led to two deaths and the injury of Cassandra Jones….And the answer was that, well, we needed supplies. 
  Donnie and I had taken on the massive project of building all the new tiny homes, and our current line of thought was that the sheds from hardware stores around NYC could work as easy to build bases. This would not only cut down our workload by knocking off the blueprint and design phases, but it was also accessible to anyone who knew how to hold a power drill.
  Which meant we could force everyone to help us, naturally. 
 Anyways, it would be okay this time, I reassured myself, because we were armed with new weapons.
  I squeezed the handle of my new chemical crossbow nervously at the thought, though.
  (I was honestly very proud of the crossbow. I had DIYed it, using my old pencil-made crossbows from childhood as a jumping off point.)
  (Obviously Donnie had fixed up the design, which he did obnoxiously rub in my face, but it was probably all in good fun.)
  “Hey Donnie, maybe you should scan for Krang zombies again?” Said Raph, sounding as on edge as I felt.
  “No, I did that already. There’s about a 98.5% chance that we’re completely safe, and that is accounting for any possible genetic mutations or evolutions of the alien matter.” He answered absentmindedly, flicking through the DIY shed kits. “Plus, I’ve got my eyes on my totally existent hack-into-every-camera-in New York-app.” He added sarcastically.
  I opened my mouth, but he cut me off. 
  “And that’s not sarcasm. I actually do have it pulled up.” 
  I closed my mouth. I apparently stand corrected. 
  “M’kay…” Said Raph, still sounding unsure. Which was fair. I trusted Donnie’s tech, but being out here was….well, scary. Every time I heard a creak or unrecognized sound, an image of Cass flew into my head, bedridden and covered in stitches. 
  Or even worse, a vision of humans with Krang infections as they slowly melted and  mutated into shambling piles of flesh and ooze and organic matter and oh I was gagging-
  Why couldn’t we just have a normal apocalypse with normal zombies, darn it! This was all too…Lovecraftian for my taste!
  “Uh (Y/N), you good?” Said April.
  “Hm? Oh. Yeah, yup.”
  “Uh…’cause you’re making like weird noises-”
  “Don’t worry about it. It’s just….” I frowned, and decided to steer away from heavy conversation. “It’s just…don’t tendons freak you out? Look!” I said, pointing at my wrist manically. “It’s like…you can feel it, and it can tear. I don’t like having it attached to me, so every time I remember that it’s there, I feel like throwing up.”
  April frowned. “Uh…no.”
  “Yes! Finally someone understands!” Donnie exclaimed with a shockingly theatrical tone to his voice. He landed on the ground next to us. “They’re just…..ew.” He said with a shudder.
  I nodded, holding out my fist. “Nice. Another member of the hating-unusual-sensory-things-club.” 
  He knocked his fist  into mine, nodding hard. “Obviously.”
  Raph snorted, and April shook her head.
  “Whatever happened to you guys like…hatin’ each other or something?” She chuckled.
  “We never hated each other, what are you talking about?” Donnie said nonchalantly. 
  “Uh…yeah you did? Were you even there at those meetings?!” April scoffed.
  “Hm. No, not ringing any bells. Must’ve been….a different brilliant genius and creative person.” Donnie shrugged.
  I snorted, before faking seriousness. “Ooh yeah, April, you good? Did you hit your head or something? ‘Cause that doesn’t sound like us at all-”
  “Uh…Donnie, your wrist thing isn’t meant to be glowing red, right?!” Raph exclaimed, cutting me off.
  Donnie froze and slowly looked at the flashing red. 
  “No…not unless the cameras are down…” He swallowed. “Which would be bad…considering that would mean we have no way of knowing what is going on outside…if I didn’t plan for this and send SHELLDON on patrol!” He grinned. “Cue the maniacal laughter, if you will, Raphael?”
  “Uh…Donnie?” Said SHELLDON over the comm link. “Bad news, bro…I’ve spotted Krang zombies movin’ towards you. They’re kinda far right now, but-” His voice cut off. 
  “SHELLDON? SHELLDON, come in! SHELLDON!” Donnie panicked, yelling into the comm link.
  April Raph and I made uneasy eye contact, and I squeezed my crossbow a bit tighter. 
  “Well…That can’t be good…” I whispered.
  Donnie scowled and put his goggles on. “Okay, it’s gonna be fine, I’m using the thermal setting to scan for organic life…”
  “Smart.” I nodded, looking around fearfully. 
  “Okay.” Raph said weakly. “Cool. Cool, this is great. Just…scannin’ for life….fine! BUT WHAT DO WE DO IF THERE IS LIFE?”
  “Uh…we barricade the entrances? Er…or we could all fly with Donnie’s jet-pack thing…” I offered.
  Donnie shook his head. “There isn’t enough battery for all four of us! You’re magic, do you know any spells?”
  “No! I’m not a good magic person.” I sighed, scratching my arms nervously. 
  Magic was about commanding feelings to your will…and I was absolute rubbish at that. Controlling the chemical reactions that caused emotion was not something that came naturally to me, and I typically logic-ed my way out of despair and insecurity rather than using self-confidence or hope or anything…So magic was, long story short, hard. I had the capability to do it, but…it always went horribly wrong.
  “Barricading the entrances it is.” April said, grabbing a hammer from the rack and a few boards.
  “No, no, no no no. Use screws you cretin.” Donnie ordered, knocking the hammer down. 
  She rolled her eyes, but complied.
  I frowned, grabbing a drill hesitantly. 
  “So here’s a plan, I guess…” I began, heading towards a door. “We’ll hide out in one of the back rooms, so that we can barricade less and work less. And then we’ll come out once the zombies move on. That way we’ll avoid provoking them, right?” I suggested.
  “Good plan.” Said April, following me in.
  Donnie grabbed a few other drills and a pack of screws, while Raph grabbed the planks of wood.
  I sat on the spinny chair in the center of the office, going through the stuff in the drawers.
  “Anyone need a six-month-old granola bar? It doesn’t expire till next year,” I said, glancing at the unimpressive lineup of things I’d found.
  Raph grunted and held out his hand. “I’ll take it.”
  I nodded and tossed it to him, spinning around in the chair and playing with some water I’d summoned.
  April and Donnie were pawing through some drawers on the far end of the room, their occasional commentary keeping things vaguely interesting.
  “Ooh, whoever worked here had an impressive collection of parking tickets.” Donnie whistled, holding up a handful of paper.
  “Hm, maybe it was you, Don-Tron.” April teased, and he shoved her. 
  “Scoff. I’m an excellent driver, sister of mine.”
  “Hm, I don’t know, the NYPD would probably beg to differ-” Said Raph, smiling a little.
  “Ignore my family of little faith.” He said, slinking towards me with his head held high. “They are jelly that I am yet to receive a single parking ticket.”
  “Boo! That’s because you burn them and then hack into the records. …We’re onto you.” Said Raph.
  Donnie blushed. “No…I do….n’t?” 
  I snorted, shaking my head. “Sure, sure. Very believable, Donald.”
  “Ooh! Ooh, lookit!” April exclaimed, pulling a box out of the drawer. “They have Dungeons and Dragons!”
  “Oh, cool.” I smiled, rolling over on my chair. “We should definitely keep that and play it sometime.”
  “Sometime? (Y/N), we are trapped in a tiny room while avoiding horrifying remains of our fellow humans- erm, well, our fellow people. The perfect time for DnD is now.” She declared. “I’ll even DM, I have a few stories we could use.”
  Raph Donnie and I shrugged.
  “Okay?” Said Raph, opening the box. “I guess I’m down.”
  Donnie frowned, raising his hand. “Question: Can we do a sci-fi campaign? And -follow up- can it be set in the Jupiter Jim universe?”
  “Ooh, yes April, please?!” I begged. “I wanna hang out with Atomic Lass!”
  Raph nodded. “And I want my character to help Jupiter Jim himself!”
  “Yeah!” The three of us chorused, high-fiving each other and grinning.
  April sighed, shaking her head. “You guys are crazy, you know that, right? You’re lucky that I…also wanna do a Jupiter Jim campaign! Woo!” She grinned, pumping her fist. “Alright, roll up your characters!”
  I beamed, grabbing my sketchbook to take notes. 
  M’kay. I shall play a…hm. A…sorcerer? Hm. No, it’s sci-fi. Uh…maybe a ranger? From like…a made-up planet…Oh no. I smirked. I should be a bard. 
  Donnie sat on the ground, chewing on a pen. “I’ll play a…rogue…scientist.”
  “Shocker.” Coughed April.
  “Hm? No, it’s actually kind of predictable. I always play a rogue.” Donnie said, missing the sarcasm. “You should get more observant.”
  April shook her head, but smiled. “Right, I’ll work on that. 
  Raph nodded. “I’ll be a fighter-”
  “-Shocker-” April coughed again, smiling.
  “...Oh. I see. You were using verbal irony.” Donnie realized, frowning. “I retract my previous statement.”
  “And I’ll be a bard.” I said, smiling.
  “Oh no.” Raph muttered.
  “Also -as a part of my backstory, of course- can I be friends with Atomic Lass?” I smiled innocently.
  “Why…?” April said suspiciously.
  “Uh- non-specific excuse.” I said, crossing my arms.
  “Eh, I’ll allow it.” She shrugged. 
  “What?! But April- you never let me do that!” Donnie protested.
  April shrugged again. “I’m in a good mood?”
  “Scoff. Then -as part of my backstory- can my character date Atomic Lass?” He said, smirking.
  “No!” I exclaimed. “Ahem, I mean- that’d be pretty weird, Atomic Lass isn’t the type to date a rogue, she’s too lawful-ish.” I said with a cough.
  “...Touche.” Donnie said, narrowing his eyes. “Well just you wait, I’ll- ahem I mean my chracter Othello Von Ryan, the brilliant rogue scientist- shall win her over.  You’’ll see.”
  “Hm, unless my character -uh…what’s a good sci-fi name- unless my character, Yue Lunarshard, best storyteller and singer in five worlds, beats you -I mean Othello Von Ryan- to her affections.”
  “Oh yeah?” 
  “Hm, I ‘unno, did I stutter, Othello?”
  Raph coughed. “Guys, we’ve been playing for five minutes now.”
  “Oh. Yes, of course, sorry. Proceed.” I smiled lamely, hopping off my chair and onto the ground next to them.
  “Alright. So as I was saying, your characters were recently saved from the prison cells of Jupiter’s moon Callisto by Atomic Lad and his crew.”
  “Boo.” Donnie groaned.
  “Ew, Atomic Lad.” I scoffed. “Best Girl deserves so much better.”
  “Definitely.” He nodded in agreement. 
  “Uh…April, can I roll to ‘accidentally’ shove Atomic Lad out of the airlock?” I asked, raising my hand.
  “No, you cannot.” Said April.
  “Darn.” Said Donnie. “Can I roll to ‘accidentally’ hit him with my tech bo? Er- Othello’s tech bo?”
  “Not this time, Donnie.” Said April.
  “What. A. Shame.” He said through his teeth.
  “So. Your party is on the ship, and-”
  There was a weird and almost wet sound from outside the barricade.
  I swallowed and April closed her mouth slowly.
  Raph winced as the sounds of grossly squishy footsteps sounded from outside, and Donnie flicked his goggles back on. 
  “Shit.” He whispered.
  “Language, Donatello?” Raph hissed, nudging him. Donnie sighed. 
  “Shh.” He pointed at my sketchbook, and I shrugged and handed it to him.
  He jotted down something on the page, holding it up.
  According to the thermal optics, they’re out there and we need to zip it if we want to not get forcefully turned into ghosts today.
  I nodded, saluting, while April gave a thumbs up.
  The sounds outside grew louder, as though the gross messes of organic matter that had once been human were moving towards us. I swallowed and stood up, my limbs trembling with the effort of trying not to make any noise. I slunk across the room to grab our weapons, just in case.
  I froze at the noise.
  It was coming from inside the room. 
  I stepped back, not taking my eyes off the dark corner, and I saw the rest of the group flank me in my peripherals. I glanced over to Donnie, who raised his staff and gave me a nervous shrug. 
  Do you see anything there? I mouthed, hoping he caught the meaning.
  He glanced back at the corner, then back at me again, and nodded.
  I swallowed, aiming my crossbow, when-
  “Mrrow.” Said the thing in the corner, stepping into the light.
  Its ears were triangular, its body a weird off-white color, and its nose ears, paws, and tail were all grey. Its body was long and wiry, and covered in mangy fur. 
  My shoulders sank in relief. A cat. A Siamese cat.
  The cat had its teeth bared and its claws unsheathed, but as it looked around the room it began to relax.
  Raph hesitantly held out his hand to the cat, kneeling down so he was closer to its level. 
  And to my surprise, the cat bumped its nose against his hand and started to purr.
  I guess it was probably a domestic cat before all…this, I concluded, and I petted the cat. It was dusty, and yet, it clearly took care of itself as evidenced by how soft its fur still felt.
  “Hey Dee! The zombies have moved past ya, bro!” Blared SHELLDON over Donnie’s tech-y bracelet, and we all took a collective sigh of relief. 
  “Oh thank god.” April sighed, and I got to work un-drilling the screws in the barricade.
  “Raph, what are you doing?” Sighed Donnie, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Raph trying to put the cat into April’s backpack.
  “Givin’ uh…Cat here a nice safe spot to rest while we take her home.” Raph answered.
  “Ooh, we need to work on your ability to name things, brother.” Donnie snorted.
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01131974 · 25 days
Hey yo, I really like your hc and they look like mine like two drops of water! And I have a juicy question... What was their first time like?
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gonna mash these two asks together cuz they're similar in nature!
it's hard to say how it would start. i think it would take a while for lee to warm up to dale as a constant presence in her life, let alone feel sexual feelings towards him. though maybe it wouldn't take that long. maybe those feelings were in lee all along, just sitting dormant in her until she's actually fully alone with dale, then all that repressed sexual frustration bubbles up in her.
the shame would eat her alive first, before anything else. how could she ever forgive herself if she let him do something like that do her? after all he's done? the guilt would swarm within her until it becomes curdled into want, the humiliation of it all contorting itself into a sick taboo desire.
it starts off slow. she starts reciprocating the little bits of affections he gives her, leaning in to his hugs and letting him play with her hair without putting up the usual fuss. then she's actively seeking him out, going down into the basement to ask if he needs anything and ending up hanging out with him on his bed, watching him play guitar and tell stories about his brief time on stage.
as soon as dale finds out dirty things fluster her, oh, that's all he ever talks about after that. he loves slipping in something obscene in the middle of a casual conversation, turning every little thing lee could say into a foul innuendo. if she keeps up her stoic nature, he just goes further and further; eventually he's groping himself and moaning like a pornstar if the other stuff doesn't get lee to crack. seeing her face turn white to crimson is everything to dale. it's hell for lee, though. it doesn't make her feelings towards him any better. especially when his dirtiness go from jokes to actively flirting with her.
dale had already resigned himself to a lonely fate. he would've never expected lee to actually respond to his dirty talk... his sweet little angel, being fond of someone like him? he'd be floored! what would he do with himself if lee said something filthy back to him? responding to one of his quips with something equally as sinful... ooh, how could he ever control himself around her when she acts like that! when she leans into his touch and looks up at him with those dirtsy flirtsy ol' angel bitch eyes, with her perfect little mouth muttering something lewd.
he doesn't deserve her. he could never ever do anything to her without her say-so, but lee is so awkward and passive that she can't muster the courage to actually initiate anything, so for a while it's this playful back and forth. the sexual tension between them during this time was so thick you could cut it with a knife. eventually something actually comes of their little game...
either way, it'd be slow, and wordless, they already understand eachother so well they don't need to speak outloud about what they're doing. little touches here, and there, gently peeling the other's clothing off. i like to think that it would take them a while to actually have sex. the most they do for now is french kiss in dales bed and grinding against each other to completion. sooner than later one of them is gonna break the kiss and ask the other if they're ready... i have to wonder which one it would be!
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lucigoo · 3 months
Bagginshield-tober series Masterlist
So in light of me having finaly finished my Bagginshield-tober series I will link them all here with there summary. Each are stand alone (ish) but also follow one from one another. My love is vaster than all of Arda
Summary: Bilbo is sick in Lake Town, he doesnt want to be here at this pathetic excuse of a feast. He decides to take himself outside, lucky for him, the dwarf he loves follows.
We Can Heal Together
Summary: Its after the BOFA and Bilbo can see healing every where he looks.
Battle Dreams
Summary: Bilbo awoke with a terrible feelng in his gut, he had to check on his dwarves, his family.
Riddles in the Dark Brought into the Light
Summary: Bilbo had tried to be better at sharing his Battle Dreams, the nightmares that chased him throught the day. But one, one specific one followed him throughout the shadows of Erebor, a boggy man from his nightmares, one he was trerrified of becoming.
The Final Gift Before We Mix Our Lives
Summary: Its time for Thorin to give Bilbo his final courting gift, hopefully it will be good enough to show his hobbit they can mix their lives so a hobbit can live comfortably under the mountian.
Alstroemerias and Germinis for Forgivness: With a Bouquet for your Heart
Summary: Thorin has to find a way to make sure Bilbo knows he is loved, that he is wanted and what do dwarves do best? Craft!
So now he has to craft something to show his apology, his love for Bilbo and start courting him properly, with no sickness or shame between them. Its a good job he has good friends outside of the mountain who are willing to help him in his newest quest.
Forever and ever: You are my One and only
Summary: It is Bilbo and Thorin's wedding day. Thorin is slighty drunk and super sweet and Bilbo has no clue what half of the pet names he is giving him mean, but each one fills his heart with joy. After all, he has just married his dwarf.
A Decloration of Love
Summary: Bilbo has to go to Dale, not only for Harvest talks, but because that is the closest green space for his hobbity needs. Thorin is not impressed with this fact.
So What Exactly Is A Consort?
Summary: Bilbo has been blissfully married to Thorin for 4 months, so why is he only just finding out what a Consort is, and why is he doing all the paper work?
A Royal Breakfast
Summary: Bilbo wakes alone to find his husband gone and without having eaten breakfast. That wont do, that wont do at all.
No Wars on my Watch
Summary: Thranduil has come with a ridicoulus demand, Thorin is ready to argue, of course Bilbo has to sort it out, again.
Oh, He Plays The Harp Too
Summary: Bilbo is on a misson to find his dwarf, he missed a meal and every hobbity part of Bilbo says that isnt t be born.
Bilbo's going to give him a piece of his mind, and his picnic ......well he was.....
Turns Out Everyone Is A Lightweight
Summary: There is a dwarven feast and somehow Gaffer Gamgee's Hooch gets dragged into the occasion. Sadly all the other races in Middle_earth are lightweights and Bilbo will be the last man standing, At least if he doesnt die of embarassment when The Company are deep in their cups and open their big mouths.
The Bunny Under The Mountain
The first Ball to be thrown in Erebor since before Thror's madness is happening. Somehow Dis has convinced The Company to make it a Masquarade Ball and dress Bilbo as a bunny.
Thorin better apprerciate the things his hobbit does for him, and his subjects because he is NOT a bunny even if Dori made him a tail and ears
Hoot like a Barn Owl -
Summary: Bilbo and The Company are just enjoy time together, they have been working hard to ressuract Erebor and these moments mean everything to Bilbo.
Unitl his dwarves open their mouths of course, they often forget how hobbits thrive on gossip and social interactions. Even the Princess of Erebor cant talk around a hobbit.
Dragon Rot
Summary: There is a plague in Erebor. One that the dwarves cant control. Its up to one scared little hobbit to call on his friends and allies and ask for help. Ask for a miracle as his husband, Thorin, King under the Mountain is also sick. Bilbo will do what he can for those he loves, especially his husband.
There and home again
Summary: Bilbo has been gone for 14 months. Thorin understads. His husband had a faunt to bring home, but 14 months without his hobbity husband is hard and he cant wait for his boys homecoming.
Dwarven Tickles make Hobbits Prickle (and cry)
Summary: The Company of Thorin love their hobbits, especially Frodo, but some times they dont listen. They forget that he isnt a pebble, he is a faunt and he doesnt like it. So why wont they stop tickling him?
Flowers and Gems
Summary: Bilbo has no child for the night (thank you Aunty Dis) and wants to do something special for his husband considering they havnt had much time together recently.
What better then to write him a poem and have a picnic, a date worthy of a hobbit.
I Planted My Trees, And Watched Them Grow with You
Summary: Bilbo is 141 years old, much to old for a hobbit and he feels it.
Hobbits were giving a gift by Yavanna. They know 24 hours before their time is up.
This is Bilbo's time to say goodbye to all those he loves and all who love him.
Ereborian Pride
Summary: On the afternoon of Kili's 18th birthday, Thorin and the rest of the company and their families) remembeed their past lives. Their quest, living in a thriving Erebor.
Thorin remembered loving and losing Bilbo. 4 year later there still hasn't been any word from their burglar. Thorin needs to find the other half of his heart. Hope you all enjoy them <3
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