#he also hides weapons in the fluff of his gauntlets probably
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
I once more return to my Mothman Au but also What If Creachur.
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ivegotthefanficinme · 4 years
Freedom Part 8 Mandalorian X Reader
Summary: An escaped slave owned by the Hutt clan, with the knowledge of dark clan secrets.  A bounty is set and the best hunter in the parsec is hired, The Mandalorian. Two vastly different paths cross. Both are scarred physically and mentally by their past. Can they ever truly be free? *SLOW BURN*
Warnings: Blood, Mentions of slavery, PTSD, Rape implications, FLUFF, Language
Words: 3.3K
Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 (You are here), Part 9, Part 10
Din grabs you, shielding you from the sparks that fly from the dash.
“What the fuck?” He grunts once it stops. He lets go of you, your heart racing.
He quickly sits back down in the pilot’s chair, flipping switches as he grabs the wheel, knocking his helmet onto the floor to get it out of his way.
“Shit,” Din mutters.
“What is it?” You ask, setting a hand on his armor-clad shoulder as you look out into space.
“Sit down and strap in, grab the womp rat and hold on,” he says gruffly as he swiftly turns the ship.
You quickly sit down, pulling the straps across your body.
“They are following us, those bounty hunters after you. They are trying to shoot out our engines.”
You grab the child, holding him close to you with one arm as you clutch the armrest with the other hand. 
Din takes evasive maneuvers, trying to avoid their guns.
Suddenly the ship shakes again as another shot finds it’s target.
“Damn it. Hold on tight.”
He throws the thruster lever back, cranks the wheel and the ship whips around facing the opposite direction. Flipping a switch, he shoves the thruster lever back to full.
As the ship now flies backward away from the assailants, he lets off a few shots taking out one of the engines on the enemy ship. There’s a loud boom as they also manage to hit your ship.
“Shit,” Din exclaims. 
They start to slow as Din turns the Razor Crest back around. 
“I’m going to have to land. We can take shelter on a planet nearby. We can disappear then,” he says.
“Why can’t we jump to light speed?” You ask.
“We took some damage. I’m afraid the ship might break apart if we tried to jump,” he sighs.
You perse your lips, “Will we be safe?”
“Honestly?” Din asks, “I don’t know. But I’ll do everything that I can.”
You clutch the child closer to you as Din flies the ship to the closest planet.
You fear for the child. You fear for its life, its future, its safety.
Din looks over, seeing you holding on to the child for dear life. He reaches out, resting his gloved hand on your knee. 
“We’ll make it,” he reassures. 
Din brings the ship down onto the small icy planet. 
He sighs, “This is just going to have to do.”
“Do you think they followed us?” I ask.
Din is silent for a moment, then he answers. “They probably did.”
You look back down at the child in your arms.
“What are we going to do little one?” 
He just stares up at you with his big round eyes. 
“Come on, we have to get ready to take a stand,” Din sighs.
You rise from the chair, shaking in fear, in anger at the world, at yourself. Din picks up his helmet off the floor, holding it in one hand for a moment. 
“Hey, we’ll make it,” he whispers. He puts his helmet back down into his chair.
Opening his arms he beckons you into him, but he allows you to choose.
You press yourself against him, holding the child against you with one arm while wrapping the other around his midsection. He holds you in his warm protective arms for a moment, his eyes twinkling as he stares down at you. 
You glance up, catching his eyes. 
“We will be okay,” he tries to reassure you again. 
He leans down, pressing the softest, most tender kiss to your lips, then your forehead, tucking you under his chin against the fabric that hides his neck. 
The three of you stand there for a few moments, reveling in the closeness of your little family. He holds you and the child in the safety of his arms. Here. Here it feels like there could be nothing else in the universe.
He lets out a sigh, his warm breath washing over you. 
“Let’s go.”
His arms drop away from you. You shiver at the sudden loss of heat as he grabs his helmet, slipping it on, his face hidden from you and the rest of the world once more. 
“Go on and head down, I’m going to tuck the kid away so he’ll be safe.” Din’s modulated voice crackles as he takes the child from your arms. 
You climb down the ladder and punch in the passcode, opening the doors to the not so small armory that Din kept on the ship. You just stand there, staring at the weapons. 
Finally, you try to come to terms with the fact that this may very well be the last day of your short-lived freedom. 
“Oh maker…” you breathe, reaching out a hand to the door of the armory to steady yourself. “I’m not ready to go back though. I don’t want to go back.”
“Then we find a way to make it out, or we die here fighting,” a modulated voice comes from behind you. 
“Fuck, Din. Please don’t. What about the kid?” You turn to him, looking up at him pointedly, trying to shove all the sadness you feel right now as deep as possible.“When you have to make the choice, the choice between him and me, you better choose him. No matter what happens, he has to get out of here safe. Do you hear me Din?”
“Y/N it’s not going to come to that. I won’t let it.”
You bite your lip, glaring at him. “It will. So you better make sure that your sorry tin can ass can fly so you can get out of here.”
Suddenly something beeps on Din’s gauntlet, he glances down at it. Slowly, he lifts his helmeted head back up to meet your gaze, “They’re here.”
“What do we do?” 
“Let’s have a conversation first.”
You were ill-prepared for the cold, icy climate of this planet, much more used to arid dryness. The wind chilled you to the bones through your thin cloak as you stood at Din’s side, watching as seven figures made their way through the now blizzard towards you.
Your heart suddenly stopped beating and lept to your throat, your stomach doing flips, as you clutch Din’s arm. “It’s Grahvix.”
You can feel his cold, unnerving eyes settle their gaze upon you. A tall, scrawny man in fine robes, his looks wouldn’t invoke fear at first glance, and although his build made him look weak, his skills in inflicting pain didn’t need brute strength. He only needed the right nightmarish weapon. 
Din sets his hand over yours that clutch his arm, gently he removes it.
“We have to play this right…” he breathes, “Follow my lead.”
Grahvix and his six huge and heavily armed guards stop just a few paces away from you and Din.
“I believe you have something of mine,” Grahvix says, his eyes still haven’t left you.
“Yours?” Din scuffs.
“That slave girl. She is mine.”
“Really?” Din laughs, “That’s funny.”
“And why would that be?” You could tell that Grahvix was starting to get annoyed.
“Because she belongs to me,” the Mandalorian hisses.
“And what use does a Mandalorian have with a slave like her?” Grahvix sneers.
Suddenly, Din pulls you roughly up against him, his hands clutching your hips.
“The same as everyone else,” Din laughs as he grinds his hips against yours to prove his point.
You don’t fight Din, taking his movements like you had been trained to do, but you weren’t going to lie that you didn’t hate him when he did it. You actually somewhat enjoyed his lewd motions.
He shoves you away from him out of nowhere. “Kneel,” he commands gruffly.
You do as you are told, facing your ‘master’, your head bowed as you kneel in the cold snow, shivering and missing the heat Din had created when he had been grinding into you.
“She was just too good to let go of.” He pats the top of your head with his gloved hand, leaving it resting there. “I really quite like her. I think I’ll keep her, thank you. How much?”
You choke on your breath, did he just ask that?
Grahvix seems to be just as surprised as you as his chilling gaze moves to Din.
“What was that Mandalorian?” 
“I asked you how much for her. We can settle this in a civilized manner or…” Din trails off, his other hand hovering near his blaster, “Or I can kill all of you, collect the bounties that are inevitably on you and keep the slave.”
Grahvix’ cold stare moves back to you, his lips curling in hatred, “You stupid little bitch, trying to run off and gain your freedom only to fall right back into slavery. No.”
Your heart clenches. 
“No, she isn’t for sale. She has to pay the penalty for trying to escape,” Grahvix finishes.
You feel like you are going to pass out, even with Din’s hand still sitting on top of your head as reassuring as it could be in this situation. 
“I wasn’t asking,” Din growls.
“Neither was I,” Grahvix sneers.
You fall forward catching yourself, Din’s hand had slipped from on top of your head. Now you crouch on all fours next to Din, your head spinning with dizziness. 
“Kill him and get the stupid slave. Then we get off of this frozen hellscape,” Grahvix commands.
The six guards go to draw their weapons, but before they can even get their blasters out of their holsters, Din has stepped in front of you, drawn his own blaster and shot down three of them.
But the other three were already upon him. 
“Run, Y/N!” Din grunts with a blow to the chest.
You scramble to your feet but arms wrap tightly around your waist before you have the chance to take off back to the Razor Crest.
You scream as they start to drag you away from Din. The two that he was fighting were far stronger than him. Every blow sent him reeling in one direction or another. You scratch and pound at the arms holding you. You twist and kick, throwing your head back to try and hit something. 
You find yourself next to Grahvix, watching as Din tries to fight off the two large guards.
Grahvix yawns, “I grow tired of this.”
He draws his own blaster from his holster and holds it against your temple.
“Now, you scream nice and loud just the way I like it,” his hand trails across your cheek. 
You shake your head, if you can give Din enough time he will find a way out of the situation. 
Grahvix smirks as he roughly grabbed your breasts. 
Now you scream. It’s piercing and shrill. Your skin crawls under your clothes as he reminds you of all the pain he can cause you.
The fighting stopped. Now Din and the guards stand statue-like as Grahvix speaks. 
“Now, she is mine.”
You can see Din’s shoulders slack in hope and in pain as he holds his side, his visor trained on you.
“Take your hands off of her,” Din growls.
Your eyes fill with tears as you struggle while Grahvix explores your body with his rough calloused hands. Your eyes don’t leave the Mandalorian throughout this. 
“Say goodbye to your slave Mando, for we have proven that we are stronger than you,” Grahvix sighs.
“Let her go.” Din replies pointedly.
“My property, the H on her back says so, so no I don’t have to.” Grahavix gives a nod to one of his men.
He fist connects with Din’s helmet with a loud clang.
Your eyes go wide as you let out a shrieking wail, finally, you stomp on the foot of the guard that had been holding you, he lets go of you as he groans in pain.
Din crumples to the ground as you race to him. Grahvix holds his hand up, motioning for the guards to wait, watching you.
“Din?” you whisper, shaking him gently, “Din you have to wake up.”
You move around in the snow, setting his helmeted head in your lap. He groans lowly through the modulator. 
Tears stream down your face now, your sight blurring.
“Y/N,” he breathes.
“You’re gonna be okay, it’s okay,” you tell him, also trying to convince yourself.
You take his gloved hand in your own, holding it tightly, holding it like your life depended on it. 
“You will be okay,” he repeats back to you. “I’m sorry…. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
You shake your head, whispering “Din, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
A rough hand rests on your shoulder now, trying to pull you away from him. 
“I’ll find you,” he says, pulling his hand from yours. He starts to push himself up into a sitting position and gets there, rather wobbly.
You move once more so that you are next to him, trying to push the guard’s hand off your shoulder. 
“Din don’t. Just forget about me.”
You can feel his eyes resting on you through his visor. “I’ll find you. That’s my job you know… finding people.”
Fingers now dig into your shoulder, telling you that you don’t have much more time. You pry the hand from your shoulder, then move, wrapping your arms around Din’s neck. 
His arms wrap around your waist, bringing you up against him. His warmth interrupts your shivers of cold and pain. You stay there for a moment, in the safety of his arms. 
He pulls away slightly, looking down at you. He leans down, the cold beskar of his helmet where his forehead would be meets yours.
He takes a deep breath, you now notice that he too, is shaking. “I love you,” he whispers for the first time.
Your heart clenches in your chest.
“I love-” Another blow lands on Din’s helmet with a clang. He collapses, his arms falling limply from around your waist as his upper body hits the ground with a thud.
Rough hands grab you, hauling you up and dragging you away from Din’s unmoving body. “No!” You scream, unsure if he was actually dead this time.
You continue to struggle against your captors as they drag you back to their ship.
“Just knock her out,” Grahvix sighs.
A fist slams into the side of your head and the world goes black.
When you come to you find yourself on the cold floor of a cell. You shiver, glancing done at your body.
A sob escapes your lungs, your clothes are gone, replaced by the skimpy garment you hated so much and chains, clamped tightly around your wrists and ankles. The very things you had tried so hard to escape. 
You crawl over to the closest wall of the cell, leaning up against it you curl up into yourself, your thoughts wandering back to Din.
If he does what you told him to do, you will never see him again. There is no way you would be able to escape again, let alone find him if you did. Your heart sinks at that thought. Deep down, deep down you hope that he comes for you. Even though he will be placing everything on the line for you. 
But he should be smarter than that. He would be risking both the child’s life and his own.
“I love you.”
Din’s words echo in your head. He can’t have meant them, he was hurt. A nasty blow to the head can really mess with a person.
But you?
You meant every word that left your mouth before he was knocked out again. You loved him with every fiber of your being. Something, you realize now, you should have told him ages ago.
These thoughts just break your heart. You had never loved anyone more than you loved him.
You jump when the door of the cell is opened. Fear settles in your stomach when you see Grahvix.
“It’s time for you to return to your duties. Limax will be very happy to see you,” he says.
A guard comes into the cell, grabbing your upper arm and hauling you to your feet. He shoves you out of the cell, your movement constricted by the shackles on your limbs. 
You are led down the dark twisting hallways of Limax’s palace. Then you hit stairs. Up and up you climb, out of the cold darkness. Into the hot dryness that is Tayips, a dry, far outer rim planet where there was no rule of law except for that which was created and broken by Limax.
Within a few more moments you are stopped in front of Limax’s throne. The slimy yellow Hutt grins widely, its tongue licking its thin lips.
“You kneel before your master, slave,” Grahvix hisses.
“Limax,” you avert your eyes, as you drop to your knees.
The Hutt grumbles in a deep voice. It seems that although upset with you having escaped, he is happy to see his favorite pet again.
“Go join your master,” Grahvix shoves you forward.
You rise back to your full hight, wincing as your bare feet carry you across the rough floor. You settle yourself in the curl of Limax’s slug-like tail, just as you used to sit. Grahvix takes his place on just the other side of Limax’s tail. 
“Your hair is longer than it used to be,” Grahvix whispers, tugging on a lock as court begins for the day.
As Limax and Grahvix see to the current issues of the planet, disputes, creditors, debtors, and their own plans to amass an empire, you close your eyes and let your thoughts wander back to the nights you would spend with Din. Curled up in his strong arms, against his warm chest, you were safe and happy. 
The occasional cold hand would run down your leg as Limax used his pet to get what he wanted. He would promptly kill them after they gave him what he desired, never fulfilling his promise of letting them have their way with you. 
Finally, when court was done for the day, the music and feasting began. It was almost always a party in Limax’s palace, but that meant that you were the entertainment. 
The shackles were removed from around your ankles and you were turned out onto the middle of the floor in front of Limax, Grahvix, and their guests. 
Your body swayed with the lusty music, your heart pounding as you felt every eye examining your body and the way it moved.
You closed your eyes again, trying to imagine Din. Imagining the features of his face, his dark brown eyes, curled hair that stuck to his forehead with sweat every time he removed his helmet, and his chapped plump lips that could send shivers down your spin with just the slightest touch. 
Your dance ended, and the time you had been dreading the most had arrived, it was time for Grahvix to have his way. 
The cycle went on for several weeks, court with Limax, entertain at dinner, escort Grahvix into the night.
Your once healed body was now covered in hidden bruises, the wounds fresh on your back as punishment for escape, and you still hadn’t received all of your punishment, according to Grahvix.
Your hope that Din was coming for you started to wean as Grahvix broke you again and again. 
Until one night when Grahvix hadn’t been satisfied with your performance at dinner or with him after. He decided that you should receive lashes both as the continued punishment for escape and as punishment for being unsatisfactory.
You were slouched against the pole, hanging by your chained wrists since your legs had given out several minutes ago. 
You were so delirious with pain and blood loss that you didn’t even hear a blaster shot or feel a gloved hand at your waist holding you up as your arms were released from above you.  
A glint of armor caught your eyes as the person lifted you up into their arms.
“Din?” you breathe.
Your eyes slip shut and you go limp before he has the chance to respond.
To be continued...
Wow ya’ll... that was one hell of a chapter... Let me know what you think...
Tags: @lokilover-39 @fleurdemiel145 @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @just-a-casual-fangirl-011 @70sgubler @pascalisthepunkest @ispilledmyink @imaginebeinlovedbyme @fastidious-and-a-mess @taman-a @yumisaru @whos-too-bi @frantheseer @retrobhaddie @aeryntheofficial @renreypoe
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blueyemxn · 5 years
Protector of Man
Chapter One: Last Man Standing
Notes: So this is like the fourth try in doing this fan fiction, but I think this might be the start of something I actually finish considering how enjoyable the third game was and I’m excited at the fact that a fourth and fifth could be in the possible future. I’ll be posting this on Ao3 as well under the name Blueyedemoness.
WarxOC (Platonic/Possible Romance in the future)
Warning: Foul language, PTSD, blood, gore, violence, angst, and fluff.
The glare from the sun reflecting off the metal was dull and undignified. There were scratches and uneven groves planted across the surface, painting a clear sign that the weapon had been used many times through its creation. Mari almost felt bad taking it from the hands of its’ owner, but the demon had been dead for a while and she needed something to protect herself. It hadn’t even been more than a couple of days since she emerged from her dreamless sleep and she had seen more demons then she thought she ever would in her lifetime. Before they were a myth her parents talked about to keep her and her sister in line, but now she was forced admit that that wasn’t true anymore.
There is a demon at 10 o’clock. A voice that could only be described as gentle as a light breeze by the most pompous of poets filled the caverns of her mind.
Mari peeked from behind the concrete wall of the partially caved-in building and saw another ugly-faced demon with curled horns stalking around the perimeter. His weapon was identical to hers and many other grunts that stalked the area as his beady eyes scanned the environment.
She stayed crouched with bated breath, not daring to exhale until he was clear of earshot before scrambling to higher ground. ‘Do these guys ever rest?’ she thought to herself as she painstakingly dragged the weapon with her up the surprisingly durable set of stairs. A few wheezes went through her mouth and every few steps she had to pause to catch her breath. Despite the defined muscles attached to her arms, the sword-axe still weighed a ton, more than it should have in her opinion. Though indisputably it was made for demon hands and strength and not for tiny humans who were at the edge of adulthood.
Demons do not require rest and only do so out of luxury.
“Yea, well if they like luxury so much they should go have an orgy or something; I haven’t had an opportunity to go find food since I woke up!” Her stomach growled lightly and Mari took a moment to pause and pat it reassuringly, as if that would do her any good.
Reaching the top of the mostly bare second floor, the young human let go of her weapon and temporarily sat on the frayed carpet next to a rotting wooden desk. She lazily opened some of the drawers in a vain attempt to scrounge anything of use, but ended up with nothing but a few spare papers too faded to be legible and pens that had all but dried out. Useless.
Taking time to rest after going most of the day using her excellent stealth skills to carefully maneuver herself through collapsing buildings, Mari closed her uncovered eye for what seemed like just a few moments. She tried to recall what life used to be before everything went to hell, how life should have been catered to helping her grow up to be an adult. Instead, her mind flashed back to the terrifying moments that haunted her nightmares.
Car alarms blaring, the screams of fellow humans running from the terror, the smell of smoke coming from innumerable amounts of fires caused by the destruction. It suffocated the both of them and running became more difficult as the two had attempted to flee somewhere other than the crowded streets. There was no guaranteed safety from the hideous creatures that were let loose in what seemed to be a premature apocalypse. They tore people apart, ate them and made their bodies nearly unrecognizable before jumping to the next victim with an endless hunger. There was no satiating them and if those dog-like monsters were bad, the humanoid, behemoth demons were even worse. They bellowed out a roar that could destroy eardrums and lifted buses full of people with such ease that Hercules would be put to shame. Instead of hunger, rage was their motivation and the presence of humans seemed to set them off the most. But they were more avoidable then the dog demons at least.
Elsewhere, churches were filled by the dozen, overflowing with so many people the doors seemed to be ready to burst at any moment. Those who couldn’t get in stood outside, hugging the walls and cowering in fear or calling out that the end times were here and humanity was to pay for their sins. Her parents had been part of those people and despite their cries and pleas, Mari turned away and ran in the opposite direction with her sister in tow. She believed the best thing to do was to hide in an obscure place, a place with few humans, few demons and a small space where only they could hide easily and be protected by the towering buildings made of concrete. Olivia had voiced her objections as well, but Mari ignored them just as she had ignored their parents. Olivia was only seven years old and while particularly bright for one her age, she was still only seven years old. Camping at any church or holy place in the city was a death trap and she would be damned to let them hide in such obvious hiding spots. They’d only be waiting to be slaughtered and she refused to die so easily.
They ran for a long time, so long she began to get blisters on her feet. No matter where they turned, demons were there with the few angels that survived the initial collision. Mari had gotten frustrated and, for a split second, thought about going back to the church where their parents were, only to be blocked. Where the road once was, giant thorns erupted from the ground, causing the street to rumble and crack where the helpless humans stood. They had no choice but to go forward now and hope that safety was within reach.
All of a sudden Mari jolted up from her unintentional nap at the sound of something large crashing nearby. Her breath hitched and she had to take a moment to let her panic settle down and her hands to stop trembling. When she came back to her senses, the human slowly rose from behind the desk and peered through one of the broken windows.
Not far off, in one of the few intact parking garages left, a big gaping hole had opened up and smoke rose up from inside. She was reminded of the craters made from the arrival of demons and angels and wondered if these were reinforcements, or something else all together.
“What was that?” asked one of the demons down below in a garbled tongue that she could barely understand, even with Seth’s help.
“More soldiers, probably. Never can have too many under The Destroyer’s command.”
“For what? All the humans are dead now aren’t they? What else could they be here for?”
“Were you even listening? The Earth belongs to Hell now! With this foothold we’ll be able to increase our numbers until we’re ready to storm The White City and squash any angels that are left on this Creator forsaken rock.” They sounded like the typical disgruntled soldiers, but their words were worrying, especially the part talking about all humans being dead. Mari hoped that wasn’t the case, she hoped her sister was still alive somewhere.
Carefully, she slid away from the window and back to where her heavy weapon lay on the tiled floor. Despite fear rising in her stomach, Mari decided that the best course of action was to head where the crash was. She didn’t know why and blamed her lack of logical explanation on her instincts that had been growing more refined as time went on.
The demons are moving away, if you’re going towards that crash, it would be best to go now.
Heeding Seth’s advice and gingerly touching the patch covering her right eye, Mari gripped her weapon in stinging hands and descended out into the destroyed streets.
Navigating without getting caught was one thing, but trying to be stealthy and drag a huge sword-axe the whole way was exhausting and stress inducing. It took everything for her not to scream in frustration whenever it got caught on something or it would slip out of her hands and land on her foot. She wouldn’t have had any trouble if she had some sort of scabbard to hold the damn thing, but she had yet to see anything that could help her achieve that. Thankfully, though, she was almost to her destination.
Once she got closer, Mari started to pick up sounds that bounced off the normally silent, concrete buildings. She slowed down and hugged the wall, creeping towards what she perceived to be a library that towered over most of the other buildings. Her other hand gripped her weapon just in case she needed to use it to defend herself. She then cautiously peered over the corner.
Across the square were groups of green skinned zombies shambling about with the occasional large demon. Most were inactive, but there was a group that was running and charging at something struggling in the middle of them. At first she thought it was another demon, but then noticed this person was fully clothed in armor and when the light hit just right she could see the same color of skin a human wore under the red hood covering the face.
Mari was obviously curious, though not just because he was something other than a demon or angel, but also because his sword was massive. It was nearly the size of his own body and it cut demon and zombie alike as if they were made of paper! She wanted nothing else but to get her hands on it and trace every detail, but reserved herself due to the fact the guy was slaughtering the enemies with no problem and could probably do the same to her if provoked. Instead, she stayed where was. 
The stranger was killing everything like it was nothing and a slew of colors would burst out every once in a while to go inside the larger of his two gauntlets. Mari was certainly entertained, so much so that she had completely forgotten that she was utterly starving. She would have been content to watch him work that blade all day, but, alas, all good things must come to an end. Everything in the vicinity had been slaughtered and the stranger put his sword on his back and made his way towards the center of the square.
Mari pulled her head away, not willing to risk exposing herself any longer and gain the stranger’s attention. Unless he had already seen her, he was heading in her direction. 
About to shuffle away to possibly find another building closer to the giant, a loud yelp emerged from her throat when a zombie popped out of nowhere and had nearly swiped at her with its’ gnarly claws. She was knocked off balance and hit her back against the brick wall with barely enough time to dodge another attack. Mari kicked it in the legs, causing it to buckle and took that opportunity to get some distance between them. Unfortunately the moment she started to sprint, another appeared and managed to slash at her cheek. She tried to use her weapon, but realized she had dropped it after getting spooked.
“Fuck,” a curse passed through her lips at the realization that she was cornered by two intellectually deprived zombies and only had a small window to turn the situation around. The two lunged at her at almost the same time and Mari dived as far as she could before rolling and getting on her feet. She only got a few seconds, however, before her back was assaulted by two swipes that tore at the back of her hoodie and suddenly found herself on the ground once again.
Primal instincts took hold; Mari flailed her legs against the creatures that were trying to kill her and was met with some success. Her long legs connected with the stomach of one and sent them tumbling away while the other was only slightly hindered; stumbling somewhat before moving forward again. It slashed wildly, but she managed to back away fast enough to dodge it, only to hit the wall of a building seconds later. The teen cursed at herself at her incompetence and braced for a painful impact as the creature charged forward with a hellish screech of a wild animal.
Feeling something being sprayed onto her face was the last thing Mari expected within the next few moments, along with the sound of flesh being pierced and the screeches of the zombie fading away. Daring to take a peek, Mari found herself staring at the end of of a large blade with a niche at the tip snuggled in between the chest cavity of the zombie. She was so stunned into silence that she couldn’t utter the most terrified of squeals or keep her hat from sliding off her head. It felt like her heart just stopped beating and that her death was to come soon after.
“What’s this? A Human?!” said an irritating and grating voice as the blade slipped out of the body with ease. The dead zombie fell to the floor and towering before her was the stranger she had seen earlier, along with an inky black creature floating near him. The creature floated a bit too closely as the black, mouth less face permeated her vision and squinted its’ six glowing eyes. “How unfortunate, it seems to have died from shock.” Its tone mocked her stunned silence and the gall to do so roused her.
“I’m not dead!” Mari proclaimed, baring her teeth before forcing herself up with shaking legs and using the wall to support herself.
“No, you are alive.” The stranger said slowly and clearly, his voice resembling a growl with each word he spoke. Now that he was in front of her, Mari could tell he was at least a few heads taller than the average human male and seemed to be built like a tank with his sturdy armor and beefy appearance. Most of his face was darkened from the inside of his hood, but she could see the long white hair spilling out from inside and white eyes staring down at her. She would have thought he was an angel if he didn’t lack the wings.
A scowl then appeared at his words; was this another attempt to mock her? “No shit Sherlock, I wouldn’t be breathing if I wasn’t!” She told him before wiping her face with the sleeve of her yellow hoodie before looking up at him defiantly.
His face made no visible change from his stoic expression, though she could have sworn that it did twitch for a split second. “I was lead to believe the Third Kingdom was lost.” He said, looking over to his companion as if he owed him an explanation.
“Of course it is! I’m not sure how this little mouth-breather survived, but just because its’ here doesn’t mean Man is saved!” The floating being, or Inky as Mari had immediately started to call him, seemed adamant on his claims, almost suspiciously so.
“If one survived, there could be others.”
Inky scoffed. “You’re wasting your breath on a fantasy! The Charred Council graced you with an opportunity to ‘prove your innocence’ War! Not looking around for humans that don’t exist! I suggest you head back to Vulgrim and ‘feed’ your curiosity before I have to remind you whose in charge.” To prove his point, Inky extended his arm and a blue ring surrounded the one he called War, pinning him to one knee as he grunted in pain. It only lasted a moment, but it was enough to get Mari’s blood boiling.
“What the hell did you do to him?!”
“Just reminding him who holds the leash, wretch. And if I were you, I’d mind your own business lest that tongue of yours get ripped out!” He gave her a threatening glare from all six eyes before collapsing into a mist and retreating to War’s larger gauntlet.
“Are you okay?? What was that bastard’s problem?!” She asked after he had disappeared, unable to understand what had just happened or why, but knew in her gut that it was wrong.
War ignored her questions, though despite his lack of response, she could see him clench one of his fists, only to relax it a few seconds later. He turned his huge body away and began to leave without so much as a single word. And, perhaps, if she were older, Mari would have been content to leave him alone to march on his mission. But she was a stubborn, fiery and determined seventeen year old who needed to look for her little sister and hanging around a guy who could cleave through anything in his path sounded like the best course of action she could take. So she followed him.
They didn’t go far, only to the center of the square where a platform decorated in runes sat and a tall demon floating above it. The skeletal face was unnerving with the lack of a nose, the exposed teeth in an almost permanent grin and beady, cyan eyes watching their every move. Mari kept behind War to keep from the demon’s sight, but she had a feeling he had seen her long before she had seen him.
Without a word spoken between them, War lifted his gauntlet and a blue stream shot out of decapitated skulls that rushed into the demon’s mouth as if guided by an unknown force. The demon gave a satisfied hum.
“Mmm, excellent~~” There was a small pause before she saw him moving to the side slightly until they were both in view of each other. “And what about her?” He asked, daring to get closer to the human and Mari backed away at War’s side, almost pinning herself against him as she tightened her grip on her weapon. “Surely you are aware how much a price a human could offer--”
“I’m NOT for SALE!” Mari’s defiant voice cut him off through the pale imitation of a snarl and she looked ready to lift her weapon to clock him over the head. Even though it was too heavy to lift off the ground for more than a few seconds and she would more likely hurt herself trying, but her only means of defense was making it seem like she could.
“My, my, a tenacious one aren’t we?” the demon sounded all too eager and not the slightest bit put off by her bark.
“Who knows how to get to the Destroyer?” War asked almost impatiently, moving his body to face the demon once again and conveniently putting himself in front of her once more. Whether he did it on purpose or not, Mari wasn’t sure, but was thankful nonetheless.
Forced to comply, Vulgrim left her alone-- for now. “These ancient gates have a mind of their own, but with this, you may reach an… understanding. Beyond the gate, seek out Samael’s prison.” Out of his clawed hands appeared an item that was curved like a horn and had two heads to make up the mouth. War took it without issue and didn’t look back to the demon as he walked towards the large gate blocking the library. “Once, he was close in power to the Dark Prince himself; some would even say a threat. You will find he’s no friend of the Destroyer, and may even help, for a price. Seek me out when you’ve gathered more souls, I’ll make it worth your while~”.
Giving an eerie laugh and grin, Vulgrim slipped back into his portal and War continued on as if he never existed. For a few seconds Mari stared, petrified that he may come back to quickly drag her away at the last second. But found that, at least for now, the demon’s interest in her was gone. Not willing to risk him popping up the moment War left, however, she went after him, heavy weapon in tow, towards the gate blocking the way.
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Sparrow // Stiles Silinski x Guardians of the Galaxy
Summary: Following the events leading up to the formation of the Guardians of the Galaxy with your brother Peter and new friends, you make a decision. Needing time away you leave to Earth where you crash and find friends and a love you’ve never felt. Comfortable in Beacon Hills, your world is turned again at the arrival of the Guardians
Characters: Stiles Stilinski x Guardian!Reader, sibling!Peter Quill, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Malia Tate, and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Words: 3680
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or Guardians of the Galaxy or the characters involved. I only own the plot behind this but I also do not own any gifs or images involved. Our desktop theme automatically provides the owner for the gif. Image that does appear, I couldn’t fine the original poster on google images.
Warnings: Swearing, allusion to death, space ship crash, little angst, and fluff.
Requested: Yes. Anonymous.
Author: Caitsy
A/N: Requested forever ago and probably won’t have a second part. I can’t remember the last time I watched Guardians of the Galaxy and I haven’t watched Vol. 2 either.
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You never had the same connection or time on earth that your brother Peter had growing up but you shared the same temperament. Your birth father Ego had allowed you to stay with your biological mother was the first year of your life to ensure you had the healthy beginning of life. In other words he was pro nursing and knew a year would suffice before you were brought to space by the Ravagers. When you learned how to pilot a spaceship you left to be alone.
You were kept away from Peter growing up to stop any bonding that possibly appear and kept hidden from Ego. Which was understandable given that there was about fourteen years of an age difference between Peter and you. Once he became aware of you he took you under his wing and you worked together.
“I’m heading out.” You interrupted Peter and Rocket from their conversation.
“Where you headed?” Peter asked concerned.
“I’m an independent person Peter.” You smirked over at him, “You knew this when you met me.”
“You were ten years old.” Peter supplied, “I still don’t know much about you.”
“For good reason. Look we’re a group of outlaws that banded together. I’m used to being on the good side or the bad side to be honest. We have no criminal backgrounds anymore either so I need time to think.”
“Don’t you dare go into hiding.” Peter pointed his finger at you, “It’s what you did last time.”

You shook your head remembering when you managed to avoid being detained by Nova Corps and placed in the Kyln. Not that it mattered you had already been detained and escaped when you were sixteen. You were already waiting in the Milano when your brother escaped with your new friends.
Flash forward to the heartbreaking scene of Groot sacrificing himself you save you all, you decided you needed time away. Realizing you had changed yourself to care about other people than just you and Peter it shocked you.
“I won’t. The minute you actually need help. Call.” You smiled slipping into your small spaceship with a wink to Rocket.
Naturally you had been to most of the inhabitable planets in the universe but there was one place you had never really explored. Earth.
You spent the better part of three days exploring the world to find a location you would settle in for a short amount of time. You were humming when your ship started to shake out of control, buttons flashed before you crashed into the ground.
“We should call Scott.”

“I need to be independent.”
“Liam, we need to call our Alpha. She literally just fell from the sky and crashed hard.”
You slipped in and out of consciousness were god knows how long before your eyes blinked to see yourself in a forest. You caught sight of a group of teenagers off to the side speaking from two of them stood above you.
“Where the hell am I?” You groaned crawling to lean against a tree.
“Where did you come from?” The interesting coloured young male asked. His skin dark and abnormal compared to Gamora’s.
“Who the hell…” You shook your head scanning the area for your ship Sparrow coming up empty, “Where the fuck-“
You were caught off guard when you were shoved to the ground by a tall male close to your age. You stumbled into the tree before struggling to find your weapons. Gamora had gifted you with a Godslayer when you kept stealing it to try it out. It was in your ship of course but the you didn’t have time before you kicked the boy in the chest to send him onto the ground.
The other people let growls out as they crouched low. You muttered a curse before patting your side to find your custom gauntlets before the ball of metal elongated around your hands. The metal material were intricate swirls that went from your wrist to the middle of your fingers. The strip of material wrapped around your middle finger on each hand. They looked like jewelry but after mastering could send out a blast of energy in any strength you wanted.
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You twisted your hands to hit the the younger male teenager with a modest blast that sent him into the nearest tree. He grunted laying there recovering from the shock as the others bound towards you with a snarl. You twisted and moved elegantly before they were each on the ground recovering from the electricity.
“Are we done?” You questioned standing straight. When the first attacker came towards you, you turned your hand palm up before using the energy to lift him in the air.
“What are those?”
“My name is Y/N.” You spoke flicking your eyes on each of them.
“Scott.” One of the older teens spoke.

“Scott! We don’t just-“
“Quit. This is Lydia, Liam, Stiles, Mason and my girlfriend Malia.” Scott pointed to each person. You hummed relaxing more, “How did you end up on the ground unconscious?”

You bounced on the balls of your feet before biting your lip debating on if telling them was a good idea. Peter preferred the Guardians not being entirely well known for the safety of everyone.
“My name is Y/N Quill.” You spoke up, “I was born to a woman in an unknown location and a father I don’t know. I never had a last name so I took my recently discovered half brother’s name. I’m part of a group that protects the universe."
A snort from Stiles brought your eyes to him as he rolled them in disbelief. You shot a pointed look at the male before returning your attention to their leader.
“I recently decided to take a vacation from my duties as a Guardian. I crashed here and woke up to see you all here.”
“You’re insane.” Stiles muttered.
“Your friends just grew magical hair, teeth and claws. Are aliens really that shocking?”
“I don’t believe it.”
You huffed spinning on your feet to search the area to find the ship you had concealed to eyes of others. You glimpsed a glint near a tree stump before rushing over.

“Oh my poor Sparrow.” You wept as you coaxed the ship to reveal itself to you.
The scratches broke your heart but the dent nearly destroyed you before you opened the door to the ship. Smoke came from the dash but when you heard the gasp right behind you it made you jump.
“Star Wars.” Stiles gasped paling as he hurried to look over piece of the ship, “Am I dreaming?”
“No.” You mumbled sitting down on the seat, “I have room if you want to take it for a spin.”
You were sure Stiles was going to faint as he scrambled to the hatch door with excited coating his expression. It lifted and it was barely finished moving before he had planted himself in the copilot seat.
“Stiles can direct you to my house.” Scott said as Stiles tossed his keys down to Scott.
“Drive carefully.” Stiles warned before the hatch closed and all outside sounds evaporated away.
“Buckle up.” You grinned grabbing Stiles’ hand to place on the dash. The dash changed to a holographic image and quickly displaced the location from Stiles’ head.
“What the hell?” Stiles screeched cradling his hand to his chest.

“It going looking for locations. That’s it.” You soothed the boy, “It doesn’t take memories or dreams from you. It just takes locations for the places you’ve been.”
He was quiet when the ship took off a lightning speed the point where you were close to blinking and just being there. Sometimes you forgot to turn that feature off.
“Can I drive.” Stiles questioned almost timidly.
“No.” You stated fast, “Not even Peter drives Sparrow and besides I have to fix the ship still.”
You landed the ship in the backyard using the invisible feature to keep prying eyes from it. The house was interesting to all the homes you had seen. Peter and you didn’t have a home to be honest, you were more of the cram everything in the ships and go types.
“This is a house?” You breathed wincing as Sparrow chirped to signify it locked. Stiles snickered thinking of the ship and Roscoe in terms of horns.
“You don’t have one?” Stiles asked confused.

“You were pretty much in mine.” You blinked at the boy, “I’m from outer space. We don’t have houses floating around.”
“That one show with the two kids and that girl from Twilight did.” Stiles muttered. You shot him a confused look before shaking it off and being lead to the house.
Within a few minutes of being in the house you were enthralled with the the concept of human life on earth. In your eighteen years you had been shielded by the natural culture teenagers experienced even if you did catch a few tv series and movies.
“Is that you?” You questioned pointing to a little boy in a picture frame on the wall.

“Yeah. That was a few days before I met Scott.” Stiles nodded to himself, “I miss those days.”
“How come?” You asked tilting your head to look at him.
“Life was really different.” He shrugged shoving his hands into his pockets thinking back on the changes.
He seemed to be saddened by the conversation and you understood when the pictures went from him and his parents to dwindling to pictures with his Dad or alone until there was barely a picture on the wall. You took that as the knowledge his mother was no longer in the family whether it be by passing away or some other cause.
“I live with my brother most of the time.” You spoke up tracing your finger along the minor crack in the wall, “He rescued me from a clan when he heard about me. We were kept away from each other.”
“What is it like in space?” Stiles asked as the sound of the jeep parking came in through the window.

“I’ve only ever known space.” You hummed avoiding his gaze, “It’s adventurous and lonely sometimes.”
The door was opened by the group of teenagers from the woods with hesitant concerned expressions. You curious about them all but you had to fix your ship in case shit hit the fan again and the Guardians needed you.
“You’re here.” Liam was dumbfounded having thought you would have left with Stiles.
“I am.” You snickered blinking at the young boy, “Having a lovely conversation too.”
“Are you an alien?”

“Not really.” You trailed off remembering the news you got before leaving.
“Not really?” Malia asked.
“It’s not something I want to talk about right now.” You mumbled lifting your hand to your neck where a simple chain laid on your chest.
You fell in love with Beacon Hills and the normal life they led, other than the supernatural aspect, in the small town. It was summer on earth in which Stiles explained school was on holidays until the fall. He had quickly explained that Scott, Lydia, Malia and him were graduated and in their second year of university which was another thing you didn’t completely understand.
“How old are you all?” You asked the boy sitting on his bed beside him. His hand tightly holding yours.
“I’m nineteen.” Stiles grinned, “Malia, Lydia and Scott are my age.”
“What about the others?”
“I don’t worry myself about Liam’s age.” Stiles waved off as he furrowed his brows, “Different topic but where do you go at night?”

“Sparrow.” You replied, “Why?”
“You sleep in your ship?” Stiles practically shouted just as Noah came to the door.

“Your ship? You said you had a good place to stay.” Noah frowned coming into the room more.
“I do. My ship is comfortable and good.” You firmly nodded twisting the comforter on the bed in your hands avoiding their eyes.
“We have a room you can stay in.” Noah offered, “It’s a smal-“
“It’s called the Doghouse.” Stiles smirked looking at his father. Even if it saddened the Stilinksi men it didn’t change the room that Noah stayed in when he got in trouble with his wife.

“When my wife got angry or we fought I would sleep in the small spare room.” Noah explained tapping his fingers on the door frame, “Stiles here bribed or blackmailed the shop teacher to make a sign to put on the door.”
“It was up every time he had to sleep in there.” Stiles looked down at his lap.
“She loved that sign.” Noah cleared his throat, “Supper is on the table with your ready. Burger and fries with a salad for Stiles.”
“No that’s for you.” Stiles protested following his Dad downstairs continuing the argument.
It had been a few months or so that you were staying in Beacon Hills for a variety of reasons from the crush you harboured for Stiles that slowly developed into a relationship. It was the reason you made the excuse that it took a long time to repair Sparrow when truly you didn’t want to go back to being a Guardian of the Galaxy.
“You coming?” Stiles shouted as you appeared at the foot of the stairs.
“Here.” You smiled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead before dishing up food for himself. You noticed Noah staring in shock at the two of you before he shrugged it off with a simple mumble.
“First a werecoyote, then a banshee, now a space human.”
“Half alien.” You smiled at the older man. He blinked, Stiles blinked, you blinked before you felt like the sound barrier exploded from the excited sound.
“You’re an alien?!” Stiles screeched in complete shock, “You’re like Zam Wessell!”

“Who?” You questioned confused.
“A mercenary in Star Wars who shapeshifts.”
“I don’t shapeshift.” You noted watching your excited boyfriend.
“Can we go to space somet-“
“No.” Noah practically shouted shaking his head, “Werewolves, magical de-aging, kanimas, dara…dark druids are what I can take. My son going to space?! No!”
Noah plastered a severely stern expression as he dug into his burger to ignore the conversation and tension he had left. You had heard the stories when you originally met the pack but hearing it come from a severely exhausted officer was a different thing entirely.
“You should never meet Rocket or Groot.” You calmly spoke, “Gamora is understandable because I’ve seen humans paint their skin before.”

“Rocket and Groot?” Stiles asked looking at you.
“Not important.” You waved off as the pack began to walk into the house without knocking, it seemed pretty typical now.
“We should do a movie night outside.” Liam spoke up, “It’s one of the nicest nights out this week and we have the projector and blanket.”
In agreement everyone got more things together to place outside all the while Stiles was complaining nobody wanted to watch Star Wars. You had just gotten the sheet up when something crashed into it and skidded a few meters.

“Jesus christ!” Scott gasped struggling to push himself away.
You groaned recognizing the ship from multiple adventures and lessons to drive. The ship door opened to have Gamora step out in her badass glory while Rocket immediately went for the projector to look it over.
“No.” You whined practically collapsing to the ground in annoyance, “Peter!”
You ducked when the blasted flew over your head and a loud cry was heard before a bird fell off the tree in the neighboring backyard.
“Jesus Christ!” You screeched landing hard on the ground before rolling out of the way when Gamora’s  sword went deep in the ground.
“Hey sis!” Peter grinned jumping out of the ship onto the grass. You sighed collapsing further into the ground in sheer exasperation.
Stiles came over and helped you up all the while he stared in shock of the ship to the weapons and the new people. He must have died and gone to heaven because this was crazy similar to Star Wars, even if it was entirely different also.
“I’m done!” Noah spoke shaking his head and quickening his steps to the house, “I’m packing and you are taking me to Eichen!”
“Oh come on Dad!”
“I am Groot!”
You gasped seeing the tiny Groot smile from the door way of the ship shifting as he caught sight of you. The tears flooded your eyes as you raced to the edge of the ship and collapsed onto your knees in front of the little guy.
“Groot!” You shakily spoke giggling as he nestled into the crevice of your neck.
“I am Groot.” Groot said with a stern expression and tone.
“I’m thought you were gone. It’s my fault.” You cried as Groot placed his tiny hand on your cheek and shook his head.
“I am Groot!”
“Okay!” You shakily laughed wiping your tears away as he climbed onto your shoulder. If you had to choose someone in the universe you were the closest with outside of your blood family than it would be Groot.
Since you met him he had become a close friend and when he gave you that last look before he died. It had destroyed you sending you into a desperation to get away and while it was tragic, it brought you to Stiles.
“What the heck is that?” Malia asked looking at Groot.

“These are my friends and my brother.” You said as Peter pulled you into a headlock. You resigned to it instead of the traditional wrestling.
“Star Lord.” Peter said with a wave.
“Star what?” Stiles asked squinting.
“His name is Peter.” You sighed rolling your eyes at him before pointing to the rest of the team, “The rest of them are Gamora, Drax-“
“The Destroyer.”

“That sounds way too similar to Deucalion’s ‘Death, Destroyer of World’” Stiles announced while Lydia walked closer to the ship to look at every aspect. Even after opening a gate to save Stiles this was her holy grail.
“This is Rocket Racoon, and my best friend Groot.” You finished gesturing to every single one of them, “We’re the Guardians of the Galaxy and we protect the Galaxy from threats.”
“How does someone named Dax the Destroyer actually be a good guy?” Liam asked crossing his arms.
“We weren’t…aren’t…? good guys.” You frowned looking over at Peter, “Holy shit. We’re the good guys now.”
“We saved a planet.” Peter rolled his eyes.
“You’re a bad guy?” Scott questioned stepping more in front of his pack.

“We used to be intergalactic outlaws.” Gamora supplied standing straight beside Peter leaving you with a subtle smirk.
“You lied to-“
“No I didn’t Stiles.” You coaxed stepping closer to the male, “You never asked and I never told. It’s not something I wanted to talk about, you’ve told me about the things you’ve faced.”
Stiles stayed locked in his position as you gently placed your hands on his cheeks as you pressed a lingering kiss on his lips.
“Have I ever tried to harm anyone of you?” You asked earning a shake of his head, “Did I ever make you uncomfortable?”
“No.” Stiles mumbled leaning his forehead against yours. His hands grasped yours in his as you turned to pay attention to the Guardians.

“What brought you here?” You asked your brother.
“We have a lot of talk about.” Peter nodded sharing looks with the other Guardians, “We need your help. We’ve been given the job of protecting batteries in exchange for Nebula.”
“That sadistic bitch again?” You groaned, “Can I kill her this time?”
“No.” Scott spoke in reflex not even realizing.
“I can’t leave.” You softly told your older brother, “I have a life here Peter. I like it here. I love Stiles.”
“You promised.” Peter reminded you, “I haven’t asked for your help since you left months ago. I need you sis.”
You went to open your mouth before Stiles tugged you in the house up to his room oddly more quiet than usual. Leading you to the bed he crouched in front of you ensuring you were looking right at him.
“You should go.”
“I can’t leave you.” You whispered caressing his cheek smiling as he turned to kiss your palm, “I love you.”
“I know. I love you too.” Stiles whispered grasping your hands in his as he turned his head down, “I need you but the universe does too. I go back to Washington for the year. Summer’s almost finished and I know you don’t like heavily populated places.”
“Especially when I’m close to the White House.” You joked with a watery smile, “I’m pretty damn close to slaughtering Donald Trump before he gets in office.”
“I’m sure we can talk. You can visit during the holidays and come back for the summer.” Stiles quickly said, “I love you. I love you so much that I know we won’t let anything get between us.”
The great thing about your ship was that it was able to connect onto the belly of the Milano as a customized build on. It was definitely needed when you were part of a team and spend the duration of flights conducting plans. Everything was good to go especially when Stiles smirked understanding you had been prolonging fixing Sparrow.
“I knew it.” Stiles chuckled shaking his head.
“Are you sure?” You asked clutching your guantlet balls squeezing the cold metal in your hands.

“I’m sure.” Stiles replied as you nodded.
You stepped into the ship after your friends and brother hesitating to look over your shoulder before rushing back to Stiles. A searing kiss before he walked you backwards until you were the ship.
“I’ll teach you how to fly Sparrow.” You smiled as he returned it.

“See you soon.”
“See you soon.” You echoed before the ship closed and raised off the ground. With matching tears with you boyfriend you became quiet.
Stiles watched as the Milano became speck until it was just gone. You were gone and he missed you so much already.
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