#he also played Mr. V and Mr. Z
crodfoller-t-rhubarb · 6 months
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I *just* realized that Gregg Berger aka Cornfed Pig from Duckman aka Jecht from Final Fantasy X aka Cutthroat Bill from Curse of Monkey Island... also worked on the widely syndicated, St. Louis-produced PBS phonics show "The Letter People," which taught me to read by the time I was three. In addition to playing several letter people himself (including Mr. V, the smoothest, suavest motherfucker in the alphabet in his Violet Velvet Vest), he also had a standout performance as the poor experimental word machine that Miss O fucking tortured by forcing it to try applying conventional short vowel logic to words like "cold" or "to" or "word" despite his literal *constant* pleas for her to stop as he belches smoke all over the laboratory. Girlboss gets the goods as usual. It's all on YouTube. Seriously, check out that Mr. V episode. Wait for his introductory song to wrap up, then listen as that velvety sum'bitch learns your ass on what the voiced labiodental fricative is all about.
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stffed · 2 years
promise me - yoichi isagi (prev. reo mikage) x male reader
warnings: comfort, angst (reo)
a/n: to that one commenter on reo’s post, alright bet (tried tagging you but it didn’t work lol)
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you don’t understand why you got picked for the blue lock project at all: your skills were nowhere near as high level as reo’s or nagi’s. you only played football so you could hang out with reo more after he decided to spend all his time with nagi. somehow, someway, some higher being deemed you a great enough player to be part of the blue lock project.
at the first meeting, you saw reo. he was stood with nagi - all of his attention was focused on nagi. you wanted to walk over and be with him but you stopped yourself. this project meant you could show yourself - show reo what he was missing.
and so you became part of team z. it was a colourful team with an angry blonde who wanted to play sexy football, a ginger superhero with a mean left foot, and lemon. there was no sense of teamwork whatsoever for the first few matches in the round robin but that didn’t mean it wasn’t any less fun.
but there was also isagi.
the two of you clicked straight away. while bachira brought out the monster in isagi, you managed to round out his weaknesses. and he did the same for you. if he couldn’t score a goal, isagi knew that you would be able to do it. it was seamless teamwork which transferred off the pitch.
both of you trained together, ate together, your futons were placed next to each other. no one else in team z could deny that there was something going off between the two of you. the connection between you and isagi was magnetic. it was almost as if you were made for each other.
two strikers that brought out the best in each other.
isagi listened to you as you told him of your history with reo and nagi. he had bumped into them in the canteen before the team was told of the final match against team v. isgai saw how you tensed up seeing that they were the top two scorers in the stratum and he followed after you when you promptly walked out. he sat down with you in the training room and held your hand as you told him how reo ignored you for nagi despite your history with him.
“don’t think about them anymore,” said isagi. “you are your own person and i can say with confidence that you’re a better striker than both of them combined.”
you chuckled. “not hard for you to say, mr monster. you’ve not seen how reo controls nagi. the hold he has on him. i’m nothing to him.”
isagi held your hand tightly, rubbing comforting circles. he let you lean against him, let you use him to calm down.
“when we beat them,” he started, “promise me that you won’t think about them anymore - that you’ll only think of me.”
the confidence in his voice made you smile. you couldn’t explain why but it made you feel better. isagi always made you feel better. that was something reo could never do - he just left you to fester in your own emotions while he went off with nagi. isagi, however, let you talk and did what he could to make you feel better, as you did with him.
“guess we better not lose then.” you stood up, isagi following after you. he smiled widely. both of you headed back to the team room.
you held each other’s hand tightly, not separating until you needed to.
the day of the final match came. you and isagi stood side by side, opposite reo and nagi.
reo could only stare at you with wide eyes as you breezed past him, focusing only on isagi. he tried to talk to you, tried to get a word out at least, but he couldn’t. his heart clenched as did his fist.
after starting blue lock, reo realised how much he missed you - how much he needed you. he swore that when he next saw you, he would apologise and do whatever he could to win you back. but seeing your smile directed at isagi made him realise that there was nothing he could do.
he had already lost you.
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eastern-lights · 2 years
(once again, english version follows)
(Link to part 1)
(Link to part 3)
Další random fakta, která jsem se o našem prezidentovi dozvěděla z audioverze jeho životopisu, za kterou jsem ochotně vysolila 300 korun českých:
páně prezidentův pan otec Josef Pavel zásadně odmítá, že by synovi v armádě poskytoval jakoukoli protekci. Jako plukovník měl ale kancl hned naproti kanceláři Petrova velitele, a tak se vždycky dozvěděl jako první, když neměl poručík Pavel správně uklizenou skříňku. Petr po čase otce obvinil z toho, že s takovou tam nevedou velitelství, ale spolek rodičů a přátel školy.
jednou měly jednotky obou Pavlů společné cvičení, přičemž Pavel junior a jeho výsadkáři hráli roli diverzantů a celou noc se v lese leželi v listí a číhali. Panu Josefovi se jich zželelo, protože byla noc a tma a hlavně 20 stupňů pod nulou. A jak sám přiznal, to, že tam mrznul i jeho Petr mu taky fuk nebylo. Zašel tedy za kuchařem, vzal několik termohrnců párků a teplý čaj a vyrazil za nimi. Na místě se mu dostalo vřelého přivítání v podobě tlupy z ničehož nic se objevivších umouněných paragánů, kteří ho okamžitě začali “píchat bajonety do ledvin”, načež se Pavel starší hájil slovy “Nechte mě, vy pitomci, nesu vám párky!”
během mise v Jugoslávii, když Pavlovu jednotku zajali Srbové, a hnali ji před sebou jako živé štíty až k přední linii, strávil tehdy už podplukovník Pavel celou cestu zpátky na Srbskou základnu (během které mu drželi u hlavy samopal) tím, že svému vězniteli sprostě nadával. Když dorazili na místo, zařval na onoho Srba “Dej už to do hajzlu!”, otočil se, odkráčel za srbským velitelem, po cestě odstrčil stráž se slovy “S tebou se bavit nebudu!”, a velitele zjebal na tři doby, že se nechovají jako civilizovaný národ, a že jestli se budou k mírovým jednotkám chovat takhle, tak všichni půjdou před válečný soud. Velitel nechal Pavla i jeho jednotku okamžitě odejít.
More random facts I learned about Petr Pavel from the audio-version of his biography, which I have purchased for 300 czech crowns:
Mr. president’s father Josef Pavel has categorically denied having provided his son with any protection during their time in the army. As a colonel, however, his office was right down the hall from the office belonging to Petr’s commanding officer, so he was always the first to know whenever lieutenant Pavel failed to properly clean his locker. After a while, Pavel junior accused his father of running a parent-teacher conference instead of a military command.
on one occasion, the two Pavels’ respective units had a shared military exercise. Pavel Junior’s paratroopers played the role of diversionists, so they spent the whole night lying in wait on the forest floor. Mr. Josef ended up pitying the boys, because it was the middle of the night, it was dark and, most importantly, negative 20 degrees celsius. And as he later admitted, the fact that it was his Petr freezing his butt off there also played a part in that. So he went to the field kitchen, got several pots of sausages and some hot tea and went to the “enemy’s” position. His welcome came in the form of a dozen filthy paratroopers appearing out of nowhere, who immediately “started pricking at my kidneys with bayonets”, at which point the colonel defended himself with the words “Stop that, you idiots, I brought you sausages!”
during the UNPROFOR mission in Yugoslavia, Pavel and his unit got captured by the Serbs. Having been forced to drive all the way up to the front line and ordered to turn back under croatian fire, the relatively newly minted lieutenant-colonel spent the whole trip back to the serbian base yelling profanities at the man holding an assault rifle to the back of his head. On arrival, he shouted at his captor to “Shove that thing up your arse!”, stormed off to talk to the serbian commander, shoved the guard out of his way with the words “I’m not talking to you!” and proceeded to dress down the commander for not behaving like a member of a civilized nation and tell him that if his men kept treating the UN soldiers as they had, they would all stand before a war tribunal. The commander released him and his men immediately.
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sacredasexual · 6 months
Age Regressor Alphabet Headcanons with (Age Regressor)Inosuke!
(Invented by me!)
A - Affection: Yes! He's extremely affectionate and always wants hugs.
B - Bath time: He absolutely LOVES bath time. Sometimes its a struggle to get him out.
C - Clothing: Pastel colored clothing that's soft or silky. He really loves getting his hair done and having cute hairpins in his hair.
D - Diapers: Yes. They help him feel little and helps him stay in his little space.
E - Express: He is very good at expressing how he feels when he's regressed, surprisingly.
F - Favorite: Food: Apple Slices or DIno Nuggets | Drink: Apple Juice | Toy: Blue shark stuffie | Show: Paw Patrol
G - Giggles: He laughs and giggles a lot even if it's just a simple word he finds funny (If you really wanna make him laugh just blow a raspberry on his tummy)
H - Happy?: He's very easy to please and gets happy at lots of things
I - Items for Comfort: His yellow sunflower pacifier and his blue shark stuffie that he named "Mr. Sharkie"
J - Jealous: YES. He wants all attention for himself and he'll get fussy when he doesn't get attention right when he wants it
K - Kisses: He loves forehead and cheek kisses, he might cry if you forget to give him one
L - Little Age: 1 to 3 years old
M - Mischievous - At times, but its never something extreme like hitting or throwing tantrums, he just likes to play
N - Nicknames: His favorites is "Little Sweetheart" and "Little Devil". But he also likes to be called Sweetie, Sweetheart, Sweet pea, and Angel
O - Ouchies: Surprisingly he doesn't get them too much, but when he does he cries a lot even if it's just a little cut
P - Pouty: VERY! He'll pout a lot even if nothing is wrong and just wants attention
Q - Quiet: Only during Naptime. Any other time he's loud and very energetic, but he's a good boy nonetheless
R - Rage: Surprisingly, opposed to how he is normally, he doesn't get angry that much when he's little. Only if he's being mistreated, but if you're treating him right, he never really gets angry
S - Stuffie(s): A Blue Shark Squish mellow he named "Mr Sharkie" (As stated earlier)
T - Tantrums: He doesn't throw tantrums all the time. But when he does it's usually because hes experiencing emotions and feelings he doesn't know how to properly express instead of him just being a brat
U - Uppies: He loves being picked up. No matter when or where, if he's little he'll be begging to be picked up
V - Verbal: He can talk, but most of his words are in baby talking (Ex, Hello = "Hewo" and Please = "Pwese")
W - Weeping: He cries A LOT. Something he doesn't like? He cries. A bad dream? He cries. He just wants attention? HE CRIES!
X - X...tra?: Despite his need to be constantly looked after, reassured and affection, he's a good sweet boy nonetheless
Y - Yummies: He loves fruits of any kind, his favorite being apples. He also really loves those crackers that you can dip in cheese.
Z - Zzz: He resists Nap time almost all the time, He'll need convincing with extra playtime in order to get him to take a nap.
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zorosdimples · 2 months
hi kae!!! can i get Z for yuji & Q for zoro?
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-> hi fallon!!!! ty ty for playing <3
q - quiver what’s something they do that makes the other flustered?
zoro and i are both easily flustered when it comes to one another; part of it stems from our personalities, the other part from our obsession with one another. something as benign as me biting my bottom lip in concentration or pouting when i’m frustrated really gets to him... similarly, he can simply yawn and stretch like a tired cat and i’ll be across the room, hyperventilating...
v - vanished what would they do if the other vanished one day?
i would rejoice! sing from the rooftops! throw a party! reenter society! okay maybe i would worry about him and miss him just a teeny tiny bit. mr. harbinger on the other hand... is it too extreme to say that he would dedicate the rest of his life to finding me? because that’s exactly what he would do. he would genuinely drive himself insane on his search for me; there’s not much else to say than that.
z - zzz how do they sleep together?
i prefer to sleep on my side of the bed with 0 physical contact with my lover because my body is like a furnace and i get so overheated! i also have a difficult time falling asleep, so i tend to toss and turn a lot when i’m settling in. anyway, yuuji is horrible at keeping his hands—his entire body, really—to himself. he likes to lay on top of me like a cat. he’s huge and also generates a lot of heat, so i constantly wake up sweating and dying in the middle of the night :’-)
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pantoneyoongi · 2 years
associative property | kth
title ; associative property
description ; every morning, taehyung drives you to school. and every morning, taehyung annoys you - until he doesn’t.  
cast ; taehyung x you
word count ; 3.4k
tracklist ; this is how u feel - loote, take a chance with me - niki, trust - thuy ft. rini, crema - youngjae 
tags ; popular!taehyung, cranky!y/n, high school!au, fluff, they’re not enemies but y/n does think he’s annoying and taehyung has no qualms with it, i don’t know a single thing about video games please forgive me, idk where this came from honestly, also this is unedited so sorry in advance 
for the record, you don’t hate kim taehyung. what you do hate is mornings, and unlucky for him, he is among the first few faces you see almost every single morning. it’s an associative property sort of thing. 
“that’s bullshit,” jimin counters, trading your pickle for some of his french fries. “you see me every morning and you like me just fine.” 
“do i?” you arch your eyebrows and he narrows his eyes back, earning a small amused twitch to your lips. “he’s just annoying, what do you want me to say?” 
jimin glances over to where taehyung is, surrounded by a myriad of friends and admirers alike. taehyung does well in a crowd - grins wide and enjoys the attention and the company. if you look close enough you might see his tail wagging, but you’re uninterested in all of that. 
“i just think you should give the guy a chance,” jimin says, corners of his lips curving upwards in a friendly smile when taehyung spots him and waves happily. “he’s actually a really nice guy, you know.” 
you bite half a french fry and mull it over for a second. 
taehyung is older than most of the kids in your class, since his birthday is at the very, very, very tail end of december, meaning he missed the cut-off to be with the kids born in his year. which means taehyung got his driver’s license before anyone else did, and being that he’s your neighbor and your parents are friends, he therefore becomes your ride to school every morning. 
so, every morning, you put up with him at the ass crack of dawn for a full ten to fifteen minutes, while he yammers away in your ear at an exhausting pace, topics rolling off his tongue without a care for the way you sink lower and lower in his passenger seat, mentally begging red lights to turn green. 
you’d think a decade of taehyung walking with you to bus stops would train you to tune him out but for some reason you’ve never been able to. you now know an absurd amount about pubg and overwatch, and while you can’t recount any of it directly if asked, you can relay the message of, this one guy’s name is StringBeanz and honestly fuck this guy, first of all who is still using a z-
it was one of few days when you’d actually respond to taehyung, interrupting him halfway. “it’s just a vegetable,” you bemoan. “what even is your username?” 
“t-h-underscore-v,” taehyung says simply. you’re at a red stop light. you loll your head towards him and squint. 
“v,” he reiterates, holding up a peace sign. “victory. i always win, y/n.” 
your eyes roll back and you thank every deity you can name that the light turns green. 
most days taehyung knows better than to approach you in school. most people do leave you alone - “you have an intimidating aura,” jimin once told you. “it makes people avoid you.”
“good,” you’d retorted back. 
you like being left alone. you like being nose deep in a book without anyone else to ask you about mundane things like the calc homework or if you saw the football team play last weekend. you don’t give one fuck about the football team. mostly because you hate their coach, who is a sexist, racist, piece of-
“hiii,” taehyung slides into the seat next to yours. most days taehyung knows better than to approach you. not all days. 
you spare him a glance then go back to your book. “hi, tae,” jimin gives him a reprieve, smiling at the boy beside you. “what brings you to us today, mr. popular?” 
taehyung grins shyly. he knows he’s popular, he’s just not so good at being told to his face that he’s popular. “my mom made fishcakes,” taehyung says, pulling out a container from his backpack. “the kind you like, y/n. i packed an extra box for you.” 
you try not to look. he doesn’t seem to mind that you’re ignoring him, just presses on. “i’m not staying late today, so i’ll drive you home. just give it back to me then, okay?” 
he doesn’t wait for an answer, just pulls out a set of disposable chopsticks and leaves it on top of the box, then bids jimin goodbye before hopping away, immediately intercepted by someone from the basketball team. 
“he’s gone, you can stop pretending now,” jimin says as he pops open the lid to the box taehyung brought you. 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” you mutter, and jimin snaps the chopsticks apart. 
“you haven’t flipped a single page since taehyung showed up.” 
you lift your eyes to look at him. he grins smugly. 
you suck your teeth and snatch the chopsticks from his hands. “shut up.” 
he whines. “at least share??” 
you flick your eyes up to him. 
jimin thinks you’re being over-dramatic when you say driving to school with taehyung in the mornings is borderline unbearably painful, and maybe most of the time you are - it’s not your fault you’re not a morning person - but you know for a fact taehyung is doing this on purpose. 
his car trudges along at a snail’s speed, as taehyung belts out but iiiii can’t heeeelp falling in loooooove with yoooouu in as deep a voice as he can muster. maybe if you had even a semblance of caffeine in you, you might be impressed by exactly how low a register he can hit, but it is 6:42am and if he doesn’t step on the goddamn pedal you might just take over his car and do it yourself. 
there’s no other cars on the road right now, which is the only reason taehyung can get away with this. you’re one more syllable away from snapping, head twisting to glare at your designated driver when his eyes catch yours, and he raises his voice back to a comfortable pitch. “take my hand, take my whole life, too,” his eyes are soft, voice smooth and warm. your heart does the unthinkable and stutters in your chest as you freeze, lips parted and eyes widening a fraction. he smiles. 
then he hits the gas, throwing his head back and bellowing as loud as he can get, “FOR I CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE WITH-” 
“taehyung, for the love of god if you don’t shut the fuck up-” 
you’ve known taehyung since you were little. he was the kind of kid who pulled on your pigtails and ran away screaming, but then also came back ten minutes later with an outstretched hand, offering a cookie for your patience. and since at the time you had the attention span of, well, a five year old child, you accepted, settling yourself down on the sidewalk curb next to him to munch on your cookie. 
over a decade later and you’d like to think you have a little more reserve than to be bribed by a cookie, but judging from the way jimin is desperately tamping down on his laughter and the fact that you do, in fact, have a cookie - a brown butter chocolate chip cookie, practically fresh out the oven - in your mouth, maybe you haven’t changed as much as you’d like to think. 
taehyung looks rather pleased with himself, fluffy brown hair falling into his eyes as he beams, watching you as you eat. you might not notice beyond your treat, but jimin sees the way taehyung stares at you with nothing less than overwhelming affection, gaze gentle and bright. the three of you sit at taehyung’s kitchen counter, but jimin can tell taehyung can only see you. 
“take some home later,” taehyung is already packing a box for you, stacking almost all the cookies he’s made into it. “i-” 
you make a noise to stop him. “won’t your family want some?” 
taehyung pauses. “that’s okay,” he resumes. “i can always make more.” 
when he smiles at you, you ignore the shift in your chest. he presses down the clamps on the box and slides it over to you. “just give me the box back later, okay?” 
taehyung drives you to school every single day. he doesn’t drive you home as often, since he usually stays after school for one club or another, but some days he does. either way it means you see taehyung every single weekday, every single morning. 
[9:24pm] taehyung: hey i dnt thnk im going 2 skool tmr
[9:24pm] taehyung: thnk im sick
[9:24pm] taehyung: can u tk the bus pls
[9:27pm] y/n: sure
you don’t know what taehyung has against vowels. you peer at the messages, rereading until it hits you that taehyung is sick, so you won’t be seeing him tomorrow. you don’t think he’s missed a single day of school since the eighth grade when he caught the stomach virus that was going around. 
you frown. your mind replays the few glimpses you saw of him earlier today. he was fine in the morning, and seemed okay throughout the day, but he’d driven you home today quietly, only the radio playing to cover the silence. you’d just figured he was upset about something - it was the only time taehyung ever really got quiet - but now if you think hard enough, you can picture the exhaustion on his face when he’d parked in his driveway and murmured goodbye. 
you glance at your clock. nine-thirty is a little late to be making noise in the kitchen, but not too late. still an acceptable hour, and your parents are still up. you climb out of bed to wander downstairs, gathering pots and ingredients. 
when morning comes, your alarm goes off earlier than usual, and you curse yourself for it. but you force yourself out of bed, running through your morning routine with bleary eyes before heading to your kitchen, heating up what you’d made last night and throwing it all into a thermos before heading to taehyung’s. 
his mom opens the door, surprise coloring her expression before she spies the thermos in your hand. “did you come to bring that for taehyung, honey?” she smiles warmly. taehyung looks more like his dad than he does like his mom, but his mom reminds you more of him than his dad does. she’s friendlier, always smiling. the kind of person who is friends with the whole block, the same way taehyung is friends with the whole school. 
“i just came to drop it off,” you hold it out to her, but she ushers you inside. it’s still early - much too early for the bus. 
“go on upstairs, i know it’s early but i think he’d be happy to see you,” she guides you towards the stairs. “go on, it’s okay.” 
which is how you end up outside taehyung’s bedroom door, staring at it with your hands wrapped around your thermos. it’s not that you haven’t been here before - you’ve lived beside taehyung for almost your whole life, it’d be impossible to not have seen his room - but you suddenly feel awkward standing here, at six in the morning. you’re hesitant when you knock on his door, letting it creak open when you hear him tell you to come in. 
as you peer in, the only thing you can see in the darkness of his room is his hair, wild and wavy, the rest of him buried under a mass of blankets. you creep inside, setting the thermos down on his bedside table. 
“sorry for waking you,” you mumble. “just wanted to drop off some soup-” 
taehyung whirls around fast for someone who is sick. he winces a little and you grimace back, feeling sympathetic. he really doesn’t look so good. 
“y/n,” he breathes. “you made me soup?” his eyes are wide and innocent and grateful. taehyung’s always been earnest with his feelings, the kind of person who doesn’t really hold grudges. he’s always shrugged it off whenever you ignored him, or acted cold towards him. he just moved along, happy little smile and bounce to his step. 
“it’s just soup,” you mutter. “just - you drive me every morning so the least i could do-” 
taehyung’s fingers wrap around your wrist, gently tugging you closer to him. “thank you,” he whispers, and even though the only light coming through his room is the hallway light at your back, you can see in the dimness that he really means it. so genuine for something so small. 
it makes you shrink back, embarrassed. but you don’t want him to see that, so you try to tug out of his grasp, but surprisingly, he doesn’t let you, tightening his grip ever so slightly. his eyes glance to the clock on his bedside table. “there’s still some time till the bus comes,” he says. “just stay a little. it’s cold outside.” 
maybe it’s because you’re still sleepy. or maybe it’s because he’s sick and you don’t want to be the person who says no to a sick person. whatever the case, you stay, let him tug you so you’re sitting on the edge of his bed while he scoots in closer to his wall to give you some space. 
you clear your throat a little. “how are you feeling?” 
he laughs, the sound a little hoarse. “like shit,” he grins crookedly. “but a lot better ‘cause you’re here.” 
you scrunch your nose. 
“turns out you do have a heart in there somewhere,” he teases, poking at your side lightly. you scoff. 
“all i did was make soup,” you push his hand away but there’s no real force behind it. 
“you could’ve just given it to my mom,” he points out. 
“she forced me up here.” 
taehyung snorts. “like you haven’t said no to her before.” 
“it’s - “ you sputter a little. “associative property, or whatever. it’s morning and - and i guess mornings are meant to be with you.” you duck your head to hide your face. 
taehyung chuckles. it’s odd. you know taehyung’s handsome. it’s part of the reason he’s so popular. but even when he’s sick, rumpled and pale with bags under his eyes you somehow still agree with the high school populace. kim taehyung is handsome. 
his voice breaks you out of your staring. “associative property is a math property, y/n.” 
you turn away from him. “you know what i mean.” 
“i do.” his voice makes you turn back to him. it’s rough and he looks quite frankly awfully sick and sweaty but all you can really focus on are his eyes, the way his gaze doesn’t leave yours, a knowing smile on his face. your cheeks feel hot when he looks at you like that. “i know you,” he murmurs. “if you really hated me you would just take the bus.” 
it’s despicable, how much you like that stupid teasing quirk on his lips. how you kind of want to run your fingers through his hair, push it back and away from his forehead. how maybe it would even be nice to curl up beside him, let yourself be surrounded by his warmth. people have always called you cold. you’re aloof, you hold people at arm’s length. it makes them shy away from you, the way you have sharp eyes and a sharper tongue, but taehyung’s never been scared of you. you try to keep him at a distance and he barges right on through, completely disregarding anything you say in favor of engulfing you with his warmth. 
“maybe i just like the free ride,” you argue back to him, just for the sake of it. 
his smile widens. “and the cookies.” 
you huff out a surprised laugh. “and the cookies.”
his hand comes to curl around your wrist again, palm warm against your skin. his thumb brushes back and forth soothingly, a comforting touch. he blinks slowly, sleepily. “you’ve got a soft spot for me, y/n,” he sounds tired and his words sort of slur together, but he also sounds certain. “in the shape of a brown butter chocolate chip cookie.” 
taehyung knows a lot of things about you. more than you think he does. it comes in part due to being your neighbor for over a decade, but also because you’re easier to read than most people think. 
you don’t talk much. not with words, anyway. but you do a lot. you do things like sit next to him at recess in the third grade when you realize the big kids think taehyung’s a fun target because he’s a little small for his age. or you slip a pencil onto his desk when he can’t find his in the fifth grade right before the history test. or you hold up the bus in the eighth grade by asking the bus driver a million questions because taehyung is running late. 
you don’t really like talking much. but you listen, because every year your family and taehyung’s family spend the holidays together and every year your parents give taehyung a perfectly curated gift that even his parents didn’t know he’d wanted, but you do. you remembered when he had a lego obsession and talked about the different kinds every day on the walk to the bus stop. you remembered when he went through a gundam phase. it was always you. you listened to everything he said, every morning, without fail. 
you say you don’t like taehyung, but every year you leave a birthday gift for him with his parents in spite of his birthday being right after the holidays, mumbling, you always get one for me, it’s just polite whenever taehyung brings it up the next time he sees you. you say taehyung’s annoying and too loud but if he asks, you’ll always show up to any of the events his club hosts even when you’d told him you didn’t want to go - claiming jimin forced you to come with. you say a lot of things like that, but even when your eyes are narrowed at him in warning, he sees it. fondness. affection. 
you care about him. 
taehyung’s always been patient with you. he’s waited quietly for you to realize that the irritation you claim to have against him is actually endearment. that there’s no one else you would let bother you every morning the way taehyung does. he’s waited years, giving you just enough space, until you figure it out yourself. 
“i guess you’re all better,” you say as you slide into his passenger seat. taehyung always gets up earlier than you, so he can heat up his car during the winter mornings before you exit your house. 
“hm,” taehyung hums, then shifts himself across the console, the sudden movement startling you backwards. a smile grows slowly on his face as he watches the tips of your ears turn pink. 
you’ve figured it out. 
“i’m missing one thing, i think, before i’m all better,” taehyung leans in a little closer, eyes twinkling in mischief. 
“personal space?” you remark back, one eyebrow arched. 
his smile widens into a grin. he turns a little, so his cheek is facing you. “kiss it better.” 
you sputter, and the scoff you let out comes just a beat too late after. you’ll swear up and down it’s because you were caught off guard, but taehyung knows. he turns back to face you. “you like me,” he beams, relishing in the way the pink has now started to color in your cheeks. 
you face scrunches, but words don’t come out. his eyes shine and you’re enraptured by them, breathless when he comes even closer, the tip of his nose almost touching yours. 
“you should just drive, kim,” you whisper, but he shakes his head, eyes crinkling in the corners. 
“say you like me, y/l/n,” he whispers back, and you stare at him, like you’re gauging how serious he is. his eyes fall to your lips before he can help himself. 
you take that split second of distraction to plant one on him, a quick peck that lasts less than a second before you shove him back over to his side of the console, taehyung falling back with an oof and a stunned expression. 
“i like the free rides,” you say, settling back into your seat. taehyung grins. 
“and the cookies.” 
you glance at him from your peripheral. your lips twitch into a smile. 
“and the cookies.” 
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taehyungsgrowl · 3 years
omg pleaseee do an nsfw or sfw alphabet for xavier
hi babie :')
ofc! i feel like i hardly write anything for xav 🥺
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i think aftercare w xavier looks a lot like him pulling you close... letting you rest your head on his chest and just having him hold you for as long as you like... sometimes talking... sometimes dozing in and out of sleepy kisses... sometimes getting a little high... soft and hazy...
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
xavier's favorite body part on their partner would be their legs/thighs. he's the kinda bf that loves to lay on top of or in between his partners thighs. especially being a dance instructor, he's learned to uh really appreciate a good pair.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
oh! i've for sure talked about this before, but mr. plympton is definitely into some cum play. i think specifically because i dont think breeding k!nk would be his thing... so like... pulling out and covering you in his cum would be so hot to him
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
hmm.. i think.. canonically... his secret would have to do with the porn videos he made but thats getting angsty so uh... i think he has a habit of hooking up with some of his aerobics students in the locker rooms - he likes the rush of the threat of being caught. word kinda gets around and more people sign up for the after class special than the actual classes...
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
you on top!!! absolutely loves it when you rise him. especially on a lazy morning just slow and steady... would have his hands propping his head up... just watching as you work yourself on his cock
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
this was is an obvious one - xav is honestly a big clown... honk!honk! almost to a fault... sometimes doesnt catch on to when he should be serious... but never fails to make you smile! even during sex. giggly... touchy... clumsy sex with him is a frequent occurence
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i feel like he would keep things pretty tidy down there not too sure what was "in" in the 80s but i do think he'd keep it well maintained lmfao
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
i think w his long term partner he'd be really intimate... soft kisses... holding their hand... almost a little gentle. i dont think that is always that case w his hookups though - intimacy is reserved for his special person
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
xav loves some mutal masturbation - hear me out: he thinks he's clever and found a "loophole" in margrets "no sex" rule (although we know he has no intention on following it! but im imagining him sneaking into your cabin or pulling you into the showers... gets you all hot and bothered and guides you as you both masturbate... he'd be like, "we're technically not making purple... yet.."
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
he's into some roleplay in the bedroom and you cant convince he otherwise - and you've definitely taken it out of the bedroom too
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
idk about his "favorite" but it might be the most common (which i guess by default is a favorite) but his van! if he doesnt take you out in the back of the van, he'd sliding his seat back and asking you to ride him right on the front seat.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he likes knowing you want him. doesnt always have to be begging (although that does really get him going too) but just like... letting him know how much he's turned you on... telling him what you want him to do with you = he's in love
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he's really not into daddy kink (or mommy kink) -bad taste in his mouth from blake :/ but even without that, just not really his vibe
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
receiving! not to say he wouldn't be into giving it as well, but... with just a promise of going down on him - he'd do anything.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it really depends with xavier because he can give you both - and he can do both really well. like i said earlier, he loves when you ride him all nice and slow - but can definitely show you something a little.. rougher. no one gives switch vibes like xavier
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
omfg loves a little quickie in the van or in the dance studio! probably more often than not!!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
loves having the risk of being caught. as far as other "risks" he takes... it would be more dependent on what you ask of him. always down to try things you suggest but doesnt always suggest "risks" himself
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
hehe idk but i love the thought of desperate and whining xav that... finishes too soon because he cant handle much more of your teasing
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
xavier said pegging rights! so he'd let his partner use toys on him. i also think he'd be open to using toys on his partner too...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he isn't the best at folling through w his teasing because he gets sooo needy and gives in + he's a little too impulsive to really drag it out.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
lots of sounds! not a ton of dirty talk but thats because he gets soo blissed out all he can focus on is how good you make him feel - which results in lots of pretty moans and groaning
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
i know we give dunc a lot of credit for best ass (of the cody boys) but you cant tell me aerobics intructor xav doesnt have a nice booty
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
im gonna say he's got a good 7 inches going on. not super thick but has good length
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
xavier is horny on main. i think he has a pretty high sex drive (hence the result of a lot of quickies)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
surprisngly, doesnt fall asleep right after! he's too high strung to fall asleep right after lmfao
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
happy birthday saeran choi!! my love!! him!! anyways i did a fluff alphabet for him <3 under the cut
also its technically the 12th here :( sorry
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- mod kichi who yes is a 707 kinnie too
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
your kindness, you respect towards him in trusting him and letting him make choices. in terms of physically he likes your lips, and your eyes.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
its canon he wants a baby, either biologically or via adoption :) i feel like he'd want to wait though, he has healing to do and he wants to experience life a bit, and then raise a child. he would be a very gentle father, and make sure they experience everything he didnt get to.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
he likes being face to face, getting to see you - sweethearts cradle if im not wrong? but honestly? he doesnt mind
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
he has a lot he wants to see, and he'll want to take you everywhere,, a lot of cloud gazing (gave me flashbacks to UP), nature dates,
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
"you are my life / soul / world / happiness"
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
God, he knew when you were both in that damn cult. and he hated it, he wanted to deny it, Unknown wanted to deny it, Ray didn't understand it. but his racing heart and pink cheeks said otherwise
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
so gentle! especially since he feels a lot of guilt over how suit saeran treated you. even if hes being playful, like tickling you or tough housing, theres always this softness to it
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
he loves it! he always has his hands brushing against yours, wrapping a little finger around yours. its like silent love
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
that you were pretty but a bit too trusting, or perhaps you didnt care much what happened to you... you interested him
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
he trusts you, however there will be moments he doubts himself and his worth. he may stay silent, or he may gently explain his feelings - not in a way to make you feel bad or cut ties with someone but just to communicate
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
canonly you did! hes not a very good kisser, youre his first, but they're sweet anyways :) and he gets better with time !! there's always this softness to them, like he sees you as something so precious you may wilt away if he's too rough
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
i feel like it was him canonically? it was a lot for him, it may just be words but it was new and it was terrifying
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
probably the first while after his after ending, just you him and saeyoung, finding his freedom for the first time. it was a rough time, but his first tastes of happiness
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
he's not exactly rich, despite saeyoung insisting they share the money he's saved up, but i feel like he would get you things! little things, flowers, jewellery youve had your eye on, small but meaningful gifts he hopes you'll enjoy
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
probably your favourite colour/s
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
darling, love, my love, sweetheart, flower, petal, different flower names, my hope
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
books, flowers, etc,, honestly he prefers most non modern things
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
honestly he likes the rain, he'd use his time to find something to do - read a book, watch something. he has so much he wants to experience he doesnt get bored in the rain.
i can see him going out at least once, getting his clothes soaked and having to have a bath afterwards, at risk of getting a cold the next day
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
he bottles up a lot, tries to seem happy,, he'll slip back into his irritable moods at rare times, and you'll find him hidden away in corners with tear stained cheeks. he has panic attacks a lot too
however, he does get therapy and help, ans he will try his best to explain his feelings to you as well. a few times he may want you or saeyoung with him, or even just waiting outside.
when you're upset he'll take tips you gave him back to you, if you dont want to talk then try distract you and etc
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
everything! seriously! his passions and hobbies, yours, everything and nothing, he loves it
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
his flowers, being with you, baths, cooking
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
his flowers!!
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
he'd want to discuss marriage, make sure you want to and you're both ready. he'd take you on a nice date, somewhere you like, buy you ice cream, and he'd ask you once you were alone, with a bouquet of hand chosen flowers, each with a special meaning.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Line Without A Hook
Mr Loverman
Meant To Be Yours (not healthy but)
Him (james marriott's one!! its one of my favourite songs!! especially reverbed and slowed)
And more i cant think of
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
yes!! especially since its something his parents never did (i dont even think they dated?), it feels like securing something, a reassurance you'll be together.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
,,bias again its a cat. cats are perfect for him, they need attention and care and play at times, but equally not a huge amount and constantly,, especially if its one that likes sleeping on his lap
they might dig up his plants though :(
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divinerulerluvr · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet w/ James Patrick March
Requested by @frankenkyleluvr
Fasten your seat belts, my horny friends. This'll be a wild ride.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He probably doesn't care about any sort of aftercare to be honest.
Would probably just fall asleep with you.
Maybe shower with you after.
Nothing fancy.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
JPM is definitely narcissistic so his face is his favorite part of his body.
I just know he enjoys looking in the mirror at himself.
Maybe his chest/abs.
He has a very nice body.
He likes your ass.
Definitely an ass guy.
Likes to slap it and spank it during sex.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Loves cumming on your face or tits.
Would probably take some of the cum off your chest and open your mouth to have you suck his fingers clean.
He's a kinky bitch.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This is kinda weird but I have a feeling he gets turned on by imagining killing you.
He'd never do it, but he'd think about it.
Uses his omnipotence to spy on you all the time. (Post-death of course)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Super experienced.
Could get you shaking within minutes.
He knew how to use his fingers like a fucking god.
And he knows he's good, too.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Likes that position where he holds you and pushes you against the wall so he can fuck into you. (Idk what it's called)
The one where your legs are on his shoulders.
Really likes bending you over tables and his desk and fucking you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Super serious.
Puts all his energy into making it feel good for you.
Never jokes about it.
This man takes sex very seriously.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Dark and limited is all I'll say.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Eh it depends.
On one hand, he could be sweet and caring.
Soft touches and sweet praises.
On the other, he could be fucking you into the goddamn mattress.
Taking any sort of anger out on you.
And you'd let him.
Cus he's hot.
Pretty privilege bitch.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jerks off while spying on you.
This man has no idea or concept of boundaries.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dominating you.
Knife/gun play
Fear play
Power imbalance (having you tied up)
Blood kink
Humiliating you
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Over his desk
Anywhere in the hotel.
Literally anywere.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you bite your lip.
Wearing revealing clothing.
Addressing him as "Mr. March"
When you get needy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There is absolutely nothing James wont do
As long as the power dynamic stays in shape, it's fine.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Face fucking face fucking face fucking face fucking.
Lives for the face fucking.
Holds you against the wall as he brutally fucks your mouth.
Likes the look on your face while he does it.
But he's also very good at eating you out.
It's his specialty.
Besides his fingers good lord
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough 90% of the time.
Like I said, a very aggressive person.
But he does it so good, can you really complain?
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not his favorite but they're fine.
Unless he cums in you and makes you keep it in you as you go about your day.
Especially if you were going to go down to have drinks with Liz.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He makes risks his bitch.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
The best stamina ever.
Can go really long and then once he cums, it's easy for him to continue.
Not a pussy when it comes to prolonged sex.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Prefers no toys but will always use rope.
Ties you to the headboard with rough rope so it leaves marks that'll remain there for days.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Very very very much unfair.
He'll graze his touch all over your body, watching the goosebumps on your skin break out and watching how your shiver.
Says the most taunting things ever.
"There's my good girl,"
"Is that any way to treat the man who touches you?"
"If you're quiet, I'll give you a reward,"
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Literally just deep groans and profanities.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He has a god complex.
You cannot tell me otherwise.
Loves making you scream.
Like, the scream that'd have hotel guests suspicous.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ungodly high.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I have the odd feeling he's an insomniac.
I don't know why but I just get that feeling, ya know?
Never sleeps unless absolutely fucking drained.
Is awake when you fall asleep and awake when you wake up in the morning.
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7-wonders · 3 years
A O V Y for Mr. Vogel! - xavierplympton 🪨
A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?)
Being that he's a park ranger in an isolated area, he's alone a lot. He's also horny...a lot. He has pictures and videos of you, but his cell phone is often so finicky in the woods, and he tries to use it only for emergencies. Thus, he has what is arguably the most romantic form of nudes--Polaroids. All sorts of different Polaroids, whether they be your solo nudes that you send him tucked in his monthly care packages while he's on rotation or the ones of both of you having sex in all sorts of positions, the images all taken creatively, that he snaps before he leaves for work. He can never say that he's lacking in erotic material to jerk off to.
O - Outdoor sex (have they ever done it in public? would they? where?)
He's a park ranger. He's also kinky. Of course Stan has had sex outdoors. Of course, it's not "public" in the way that one would expect, because he sees maybe 20 strangers a week during the offseason. Instead, it's in the forest, probably against a tree. Sometimes he takes you for picnics, and you'll do it there; other times, it's in your tent in the quiet of night, far away from the feral people that allegedly stalk the woods.
V - Voyeurism (do they like to watch, or are they more hands on? are they more of an exhibitionist?)
He sees so little of you when he's on rotation that Stan can't not have his hands on you when there's any sort of sexual activity happening. Sometimes he'll sit back and watch as you lay under him, but even that only lasts for a couple of minutes before he's all over you again.
Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?)
Stan's not really into the whole 'daddy' or 'sir' bit during sex. He much prefers that you moan his name. You call him Stan, Stanny, baby, babe. You also sometimes call him Park Ranger or Mr. Ranger or Ranger Stan when you're trying to rile him up or spice things up with a bit of role play.
Stan calls you baby, love, and sweetheart, usually.
Dirty A-Z headcanon game
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laketaj24 · 4 years
Chris Evans: Kink Alphabet
Author’s Note: I wanted to post more during my vacation, but I was literally busy every day! I did, however, get this, and another work is done! I hope you like it! This tag list is short and it is open, hit the ask or below if you are interested; I tagged some forevers. If you would like to be added or removed, let me know! I found these gifs via Pinterest search!
Warnings: All Smut below the CUT.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
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A – Anal
Yes. But it always happens spontaneously with Chris, and you still love it. You’d be snuggled up on the couch with him. His cock throbbing against the hem of your short shorts, and there would be no way you say no. Chris likes to take things slow when going through the backdoor, though. He’d know precisely how to work you up, starting with your clit all the way to the pillowed entrance of your throbbing pussy. It wouldn’t take too much to get you to say yes to it, and the pressure of him sinking into your ass would be enough to forget whatever you two were watching anyhow.
B – Bondage
Bondage for Chris would be the sporadic, occasional incidents, like being stuck on an elevator, and all he has is a tie – he’d definitely use the time to tie you up. He’d bend you over and use the secure knot to hold your hands while he guided you back to him.
C – Creampie
All for it likes to watch them drip from you—literally gets him ready to start right over again.
D – Deepthroating
You’re talented at this, so not taking advantage of your skills would be rude of him, and therefore he makes sure he does every chance he gets. He’d have his fingers laced in your hair as he guided you down the shaft of his cock, making sure you took in every inch until hit the back of your throat. When you gagged, it’d only make him harder, make him want to fuck your throat deeper. But he knows precisely when you’ve had enough, which when you’ve drunk every little ounce of his cum.
E – Exhibitionism
He wouldn’t be into other people watching him fuck you, but he would film the two of you just so you could watch later. Posted up in the bed watching the way he made you arch your back for him and call him daddy every time he fucked you good. Your face would be red, but it’d only end up in another fucking session, which is… grade A aight… let’s face it.
F – Fingering
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Of fucking course, Chris is talented with his fingers, but he prefers to use his mouth. He’d use his fingers to get you warmed up, though, even allowing them to ride them while you’re stuck in traffic, biting your lip and trying not to cry out too loud. He knows how to fuck you right just by the curve of his fingers and the way he demands that you cum when he thrust into you.
G – Gags
Chris has some tricks up his sleeve, this isn’t one. He prefers you screaming his name, and the only time he really gagged you is when you two slipped away in his parents’ house and fucked in that closet.
H – Hair
He knows that you don’t like people in your hair, particularly when it’s freshly done, but it doesn’t stop him from gripping it when you two are in bed. Mr. Evans can’t seem to control himself when you ride him, bucking your hips on him as if he was a stallion. He’d try to control you, pulling you to him by your curls and then kissing you.
I – Intimacy
This is his specialty, but who’s surprised? Right… He’s down for some intimacy, and he knows just when to bring it out, making sure you feel worshipped like the goddess that you are; he’d kiss every curve of your body, idolizing you while he gave you deep strokes. The slower fuck, the better for him; he liked it when he could lay inside you and feel your warmth enveloped around his dick. All perks for him.
J – Jizz
He’d rather cum inside of you, either it’s your mouth or pussy, but if he can’t, he’d be a gentleman coming in ribbons on your stomach, gently wiping it off afterward.
K – Kneel
The only person kneeling is Chris, he can’t get enough of the taste of your pussy, and unlike most men, he doesn’t prefer you lying on your back. He wants you to ride his face. He’s even been known to catch at the door when you get home from work, lifting your skirt while you’re standing in the high heel and kneel… just so you can take a seat on and let him eat
L – Love
He’s professing every fucking day, but when he’s deep in your pussy, and he wants to get fucking deeper, he can’t stop saying it. “I fucking love you, shit, I love you.”
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M - Multiple orgasms
They are always coming- pun intended. Chris would be embarrassed if he only made you cum once. His whole plan is to make sure that you are overly satisfied, and with that being said, he would make you cum however the fuck he could, leaving you well satiated whenever and however you wanted…. Like that time you went out of town for the weekend, and you didn’t leave the bed for three days. Your legs quaked, and your pussy throbbed so much you swore it was broken…
N - Nipple play
That’s all in the foreplay; sucking on them is his favorite; he takes it slowly, taking his teeth to the hardpoint of your nipple until you suck air through your teeth and rake your nails down his back. But he’s known to pay special attention to them; every part of you gets attention with him
O - Orgasm Denial
Mr. Chris “Baby Dady” Evans ain’t denying you an orgasm… next.
P – Panties
He has a bad habit of keeping them tucked in his pocket after you fuck, especially in public. No, he isn’t fond of people watching you, but you can bet he will slip them panties off--- like that time you were in the club… see the next
Q – Quickies
You two are down to fuck whenever and with that being said, Quickies are the way of life. A night out with your friends turns into you two fucking pressed against the club’s glass wall while people are below. Graced by the dim lights, you’d cum on his dick, nearly screaming his name and grateful that the heavy thud of the bass cloaked you moaning for him.
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R – Roleplay
Chris is down for some roleplay, secretary boss—hell yes. And there are even times when he likes to be a doctor and him the patient he’s down to let you take the lead. As long as you both end up naked, he doesn’t even give a damn
S – Spanking
When he’s behind you, watching his cock slip into you, he likes to slap your ass. The bounce of it on and the mewl you make him wild. Not to mention when he spanks your ass, you get a little freakier.
T – Threesome
He doesn’t mind sharing you, would prefer it was a girl, but even then, he gets territorial… so it’s a soft yes that melds into a no
U - Underwear
Chris is wearing Boxers, snug to his body and but also readily able to slip out of just because he is ready at any time!
V – Vibrations
He’s down for adding a little vibrator to the mix—he doesn’t need it, though, and if you give it too much attention, he throwing it away quickly. Also, he tried that cock ring vibrator and was like done in three minutes—vowed never to use it again
W - Whispers (Quiet sex)
Quiet sex is hard for him because he will moan, growl, and talk all during sex. But he can do it- you know because he fucks you in public all the time… he got to have some control. The dressing room was the place he had to learn profound control; while you rode him and he watched in the mirror, he nearly lost his shit. Mumbling nasty things in your ear as you came and he took control, he barely kept it together.
X - XXX (The Kinkiest experience they’ve ever had)
The Kinkiest experience they ever had was when you two decided to try a threesome with one of your friends, and he watched as you got fucked.- wasn’t turned off but never wanted it to happen again
Y – Yes
He’s never going to tell you no, not unless you are literally a brat, and even then, he is okay with spoiling you in the bed fucking you until the only you can say is yes-daddy maybe the words aren’t even that clear.
Z - Zoo (call this the wild card and send any question you like! And I will try to get them as soon as I can! Thanks, yall!)
Chris Evans Taglist: @littlestarfighter03 @titty-teetee @thetaoofzoe @richonne4life @hopester08 @chaneajoyyy @robhimblind @augustgardenias @artemiseamoon @magdelen69 @sagittarius-flowerchild @brattyrogers @persephones24  @supernaturalvikingwhore​ @sagittarius-flowerchild​ @maeleeme​ @october505​ @boomhauer​ @pocimaginesaesthetics​ @ajspencer1892​ @jovanaprime​ @zejess93​
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dxvilmanlev · 3 years
nsfw alphabet for my beloved candleman, please? thank u! (if u feel like you can't do it then sfw is fine!!) :)
Galdino/Mr.3 N/SFW Alphabet
N/SFW Minors DNI
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
he’ll clean you up and bring you some tea, while you two talk about anything
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on his partner, their hands, he likes holding them during sex, or having them leave scratches on his body
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
thick cum, he likes to come on his partners back or stomach
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He has some experience from past relationships
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
missionary or over a desk
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’s more serious but if you crack a joke he’ll chuckle
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
well groomed, he doesn’t like too much hair on him down there
dare i say it’s also shaped like a 3
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Sex is intimate with him, he wants to show you he loves you, will light candles for you
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He should probably do it more often
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Dare I say wax play, i mean he is a wax man
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
the bedroom, he likes to keep things private and intimate
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
whispering in his ear that you want him, i also see him inot praise and overstimulation
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything that involves hurting you
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
doesn’t have a preference, he likes giving and receiving, he may need a little help but when he has it down he’s good
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
slow and sensual is his go to
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
prefers longer sessions, not much for quickies but won’t complain
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
I dont see him as a risk taker
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
i give him about 2 but the rounds last a good chunck of time
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
he’s not against it, if you would like to add some toys,
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
depends on his mood and if you rile him up
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
he moans, he tries to hide it though
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
it’s a good size, not too long, like average size and a decent girth
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I don’t see it as very high, he can go without
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He likes to talk with his partner afterwards, takes him a bit to actually fall asleep
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this was a challenge but I did it
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amxranthiine · 4 years
c i c a t r i z e (aragorn x reader) pt. ii
cicatrize (v.) to find healing by the process of forming scars. Pronouns: She/Her 
 A/N: Welcome to part two! I’ve been working on this part for three days and it was getting a little long, so I saved Weathertop for chapter three. This chapter is 2.7k (or more) words. I hope you enjoy! Warnings: Some swearing, alcohol consumption, Nazgûl, the usual. Summary: Y/n is Aragorn’s childhood best friend. However, when they got older, Y/n’s feelings towards her long time friend changed, but he is infatuated with the Evenstar. Out of heartbreak, she leaves Rivendell and sets off on her own, leaving her love and all she ever knew. When Elrond’s Council takes place, Y/n is forced back to her home and everything she ever knew.
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙  Present Time Y/n POV Ale dribbled down my chin as I gulped down what seemed to be my hundredth Pint. In truth, I lost count after my... sixth? Seventh? I needed to drink away my sorrows after the day I had. I received a letter from Gandalf the Grey when the sun was at it’s peak, babbling on about the One Ring, how it was in the hands of a Hobbit named Baggins, and how I needed to make my way to the Prancing Pony in Bree as soon as possible. And, of course, that I needed to keep a look out for the Hobbit in the Prancing Pony, and bring him to Rivendell. What a way to start the day, I had only awoken not an hour prior!
Gods, I needed a drink. After the initial shock of knowing that the One Ring had indeed been found, I, not so happily, packed my few possessions into a warn out bag and went on my merry way.  After leaving Rivendell almost seven decades ago, I had travelled all across Middle Earth, never staying in one place for too long. Though it’s been sixty-seven years since I left my entire life behind (in more than one way), I was still frightened- or was it ashamed? Ashamed. Yes, that was it. I was ashamed of how I left, why I left. Just leaving everything I’ve ever known because I was jealous and heartbroken. Over a guy! Only, he wasn’t just any guy. Yes, he is. I am and have been over him. Are you absolutely positive? No. Exactly.  Fine, I admit! But how could I get over someone I’ve known since I learned how to walk? Not so easily, it seems. Perhaps that was why I was sulking in the Prancing Pony, downing ale after ale, trying to ignore the pure dread of having to see him again. Maybe he won’t be there? Maybe his adventures led him elsewh- My “what if’s” and “maybe’s” were cut short by a large shadow looming over me. Peering up at the owner of said shadow with the mug raised to my lips, I nearly choke at the sight. There he is, the man who has haunted my dreams for sixty-seven years. And, oh Valar, he aged like the finest Mirkwood wine. Sobering up immediately, I quickly placing the mug on the table and wipe my mouth with my sleeve, I greet him with a quiet “Hello?” Though, it sounds more like a question.
He doesn’t greet me in return, much to my pleasure. He just gestures to the seat next to me. “May I?” I numbly nod, though my eyes don’t leave him. Once he is seated, I glance down at my hands and take a deep breath. “What are you doing here, Aragorn?” My tone takes him off guard, it’s cold, hostile. As if I was talking to a stranger, which, in a way, he was. His face holds nothing but shock, with traces of hurt within the grey depths of his eyes. “Business from Gandalf,” Aragorn mumbles as he waves down a waitress. I look at him again, but this time I notice everything that’s changed about him. His hood is up, covering his eyes for all but me. His face is more defined, and there is a trace of stubble along his sharp jaw. He’s buffer, too. His muscles are prominent even under his many layers of clothing. I would be a liar if I said he didn’t look good. However, he also looked... nostalgic. Memories upon memories rushed to the front of my brain as I relived what we used to be.  Oh, Mandos, I think I’m catching feelings. Again. “It’s been a while, Y/n.” I blink, looking away from him with a blush. You foolish woman, Y/n! He most definitely knows you were checking him out.  Clearing my throat, I simply say “Yeah,” and look around for the Hobbit I’m supposed to be watching for. I could his gaze burning into the side of my head, watching my intently.  “You left without saying goodbye,” he mentions with an edge to his tone. I sigh and close my eyes, I really didn’t want to have this conversation right now. Or ever. Never would be good.  “Didn’t think you’d care.” I said, shrugging. Good going, Y/n. Is that really the only intelligent thing you could come up with in that tiny head of yours? In my peripheral vision I see him tense, and his eyes widen considerably. What did he expect me to say? That I was sorry for leaving all those years ago? That I was so desperately in love with him that the sight of him embracing Arwen Undómiel was too much to bear? No, my pride could never admit that, especially not now. “You didn’t think I would care? Y/n, are you ins-” Aragorn starts with what sounds like a hiss.  I hold my finger up to shush him as four Hobbits walk into the Inn, soaked to the bone. The leader, a tall-ish Hobbit with curly black hair, approaches the bar and I can practically feel the evil radiating off of him in waves. I knew he was the one I was looking out for, he was Baggins.  Aragorn gives me a ‘we will talk about this later’ look, yet still follows my gaze. His body language changes drastically when he spots the small men and I instantly know we were sent here for the same reason. “Gandalf sent us on the same quest, it seems.” I mumble as my eyes follow the Hobbit’s every move. Something was... off about them, ignoring the presence of the Ring. They seemed nervous, as though they were waiting for someone. Baggins, or Underhill, as he was called, looked exhausted. The true weight of the Ring was finally making itself known.  As the four sat down at a table in the middle of the room, my eyes wandered over Underhill’s companions. The blonde next to him was on the bigger side, he had unruly curls as all Hobbits do, and he seemed the to the more cautious one out of his companions. The two across from him carried a carefree and youthful energy, both with almost golden hair.  The blonde one looked around the room with distrust before his eyes landed on Aragorn and I. We were watching them carefully, Aragorn had his pipe in his mouth, and I held my mug snuggly within my fingers. I suppose our watchful gazes set off alarms in the small Hobbit’s head. He elbowed Underhill and whispered something to him, nodding his head towards the two of us. Underhill eyed us, I could see the suspicion and fear growing within him as he took in our appearances. Suddenly, he gestured to Butterbur as he passed by, and over the loudness of the Inn, I barely heard him ask, “The two in the corner, who are they?” Butterbur glanced at us warily before replying, “They’re two of them Rangers; dangerous folk they are, wandering the wilds. What their right names are, I’ve never heard, but round here they’re known as Strider and Randir.” Underhill looked at us again, “Strider and Randir,” he seemed to whisper as he nervously played with something under the table. Time seemed to slow as the younger one of the golden haired Hobbits seemed to yell for all the world to hear, “Baggins? Sure I know a Baggins!” Every pair of eyes flew to the young Hobbit, but he seemed oblivious for he kept speaking.  “He’s over there, Frodo Baggins!” He pointed to Underhill, “He’s my second cousin, once removed, on his mother’s side and my third cousin, twice removed on his father’s side... if you follow me.” I sighed deeply and watched as Frodo raced to the golden haired boy, gripping his arm and shouting, “Pippin!” “Steady on, Frodo!” Pippin says, then pushes Frodo away. Frodo stumbled back, losing his balance on one of the many pairs of feet crowded around him. He falls, the Ring flying out of his pocket as gravity takes control. Aragorn and I watch with steady eyes, we could not let anyone near the small, childlike creatures. You never know who may be a spy, waiting, like a jaguar, for the precise moment to pounce. A small hand reaches out to grab the evil jewel, but it just slips through his fingers a moment too late. I wince as Frodo hits the ground, a loud “oomph!” leaving his mouth at impact. Though, my eyes never leave the jewel that seems to be calling my name, tugging at my heartstrings, as it made it’s graceful down a child sized finger.  The owner of said finger was none other than Frodo, and the entire Inn gasped in horror as he vanished from sight. There is complete silence for a moment, and Aragorn and I jolt up, preparing ourselves for the chaos that is to come. And chaos it is. Excited, and slightly horrified, chatter explodes throughout the Prancing Pony. I look to each of the Hobbits once more. The blonde hobbit is as pale as a ghost, looking deathly ill with panic. Pippin, who seemed to realize his folly quickly, sobers up quickly. The unnamed one seems to be a mix of the two, a look of complete and utter bewilderment clear as day on his features. Aragorn and I spot Frodo as he reappears in a dark corner, shaking like a leaf and as pale as the wraiths that hunt him. Hidden in the shadows, we stride over to him, unseen by all in the Inn. The man reaches him first, however, and grabs Frodo by the cloak and drags him up the stairs to a dark room. “You draw far too much attention to yourself.. Mr. Underhill.” Aragorn hisses. I roll my eyes at his actions. “You could have been a little kinder to the poor boy, look at him! He looks like he’s seen Sauron himself.” I point out with a small grin, but it vanishes in a second with the look Frodo gives me. It was wide eyed, portraying the terrifying truth in my words. He had, indeed, seen Sauron himself. Aragorn ignores my statement and draws the attention back to himself as he looms over Frodo. “What do you want?” The quiver in the Hobbit’s voice is prominent when he asks this. Estel turns away for a moment to put out the bright and blazing candles. “A little more caution from you, that is no trinket you carry.” He replies.  “I carry nothing,” Frodo lies. I watch the situation with interest, though I say nothing. The terror of the Ring was clearly effecting him, and having Aragorn and I practically kidnap him was likely not helping. “Indeed?” The taller man hums. “I can avoid being seen if I wish. But to disappear entirely? That is a rare gift.” He states as he finally reveals his face and the mess that is his hair. I gape at him as I take in his aged features, this time I really inspect him. His grey eyes, his lips, his hair...  He was seemingly flawless. Stop it, you stupid girl! You have a task at hand! Shaking my head to clear those impeccably true thoughts, I barely hear Frodo whisper, “Who are you?” “Are you frightened?” This time, it was I who spoke, bringing the attention of both males to me. I say those words with a slight edge to my tone, and it could sound like mockery if we weren’t currently in a dire situation.  Frodo looks me dead in the eyes. “Yes,” he says honestly, I almost laugh. “Not nearly frightened enough,” I uttered lowly, and narrowed my eyes. “We know what hunts you.” Aragorn adds, making me grimace. The Nazgûl were nasty, terrible creatures who should have stayed dead and rotting in their tombs. A noise from the corridor bursts our eerie bubble, and the three of us jump towards the door.  In come three determined Hobbits carrying a chair, a candlestick and fists as weapons. I had to admit, their bravery was to be commended. The blonde one bellowed, “Let him go or I’ll have you, Longshanks!” I couldn’t help it, but I burst into laughter, giggles spewing from my mouth as I recounted what just happened. Maybe it was the ale, or maybe the fact that I haven’t spent more than thirty minutes in another persons presence in sixty-seven years, but that comment was the funniest shit I’ve heard in a long time. Everyone in the room turned towards me with bewilderment and confusion written all over them, making me laugh even harder. I had tears rolling down my face and my cheeks and stomach hurt from my sudden chortling.  After a few moments, my hysterics died down a bit, demoting themselves to light chuckles every so often. “I- I’m sorry,” I babbled. “Please, go on,” I smiled and waved my hand in a dismissive manner. The five men looked utterly disturbed and puzzled, but it was Aragorn who finally said something, though it was quite dark and ominous. “You have a stout heart, little Hobbit, but that alone won’t save you.” He turned to Frodo, “You can no longer wait for the Wizard, Frodo. They are coming.” After that we quickly devised a plan, and quietly made our way to the Hobbits room and stuffed pillows under the sheets to make it look like little people sleeping. Then, we grabbed all of their packs and brought them to Aragorn’s room, and we waited for the inevitable.  It had to have been two hours of silence before a single word was said by any of us. The Hobbits had already gone to bed, snuggled side by side on the large mattress. Aragorn and I sat across from each other by the window, watching for any sign of the dark servants.  I was playing with my dagger, twirling it between my fingers and stabbing it into the wood of the window sill, lost in my many degrading thoughts.  “Why did you leave?” Aragorn finally asked. I looked up to see him watching me intently. I stilled, dumbfounded. Out of all the things he could have said, he asked that? Gracious me, we are supposed to be watching out for the Black Riders, not sharing sob stories!  Trying to think of a semi-intelligent, semi-vague answer, I finally came up with “My heart led me elsewhere.” It wasn’t a lie. But it wasn’t the truth. Before he could respond, however, I spot four Nazgûl riding into Bree. “Aragorn,” I call out and point to them as they make their way inside. The air thickens as heavy footsteps come up the stairs. I hold my breath, as does Aragorn, even the Hobbits seemed to stop breathing. Please, Valar, let us go unnoticed. It seems fate was feeling generous, the Ringwraiths strut right into the trap. And they stab. Over and over again, right into the pillows we set up just for them. I wince when I realize that it have very well been the Hobbits in place of those pillows if we hadn’t done something. Suddenly a deadly screech fills the air, followed by three others. No doubt they discovered the trap, and were positively pissed. I listen intently as they fled the Inn, and as they mounted their black steeds and left Bree, I hear multiple identical screams in the distance. My shoulders drop and I instantly breathe a sigh of relief. It worked. Our plan worked.  “What are they?” Frodo’s quiet voice questions from behind me. I look back to see him wide awake and seated on the edge of the bed. “They were once Men. Great Kings of Men. Then Sauron the deceiver gave to them Nine Rings of Power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness. Now they are slaves to his will.” Aragorn answers grimly. Sensing that he wasn’t going to say any more, I add on to his statement. “They are the Nazgûl, Ringwraiths, neither living or dead. At all times they feel the presence of the Ring, drawn to the power of the one...” I trailed off. Our two voices fill the air in unison as we conclude,  “They will never stop hunting you.” ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙ TAGLIST @entishramblings (please tell me using my ask box if you want to be tagged in future chapters)
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soulmatesabroad · 3 years
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Soulmate Prompts:
Since this is a fic fest about soulmates, we are in need of prompt suggestions! Please send in some prompts that have to do with soulmates! You do NOT have to be writing for this fest to send in prompts!
More info can be found at @soulmatesabroad​!
A: The One au. The One is a tv series that's sort of dystopian in that it explores a reality in which you could suddenly apply to this program that will match you to your soulmate and it follows how specific people deal with that.
B: Where you wake up with a tattoo after meeting your soulmate. Larry are vacationing at the same hotel, they meet and then every day for 4 days after they both gain a new tattoo. When they meet again, they realize their tattoos match perfectly. Rope & anchor, compass & ship, heart & arrow, rose & dagger. 
C: Ziall soulmates au where their first words to each other are tattooed somewhere on their body. Both of them have the phrase “fuck you” on their arms. Of course the first time they meet they both say...
D: in uni, prof is giving a lecture, his student is his soulmate, figuring it out over the semester
E: reverse Wellington: Larry meet, drunk Louis shouts "soulmate" at Harry, then they get to know each other and fall in love
F: Larry please- soulmates who meet in dreams and appear the way they see themselves so that irl one doesn’t recognize the other because he sees himself as plain/boring
G: Larry please - One of them either doesn’t want to meet his soulmate and has been doing everything to avoid meeting them. He gets stuck in a time loop (like Groundhog Day) until he meets and acknowledges his soulmate. 
H: One of them is a surfer, the other is a photographer and they meet somewhere warm. They're 26 and kinda gave up on finding their soulmate but then it happens.
i: any pairing: universe in which soulmates recognise each other by having the same song stuck in their head. cue person a hearing person b humming the song under their breath in location x
J: Larry please - fic where each year you get opportunities to meet your soulmate and live life with them but as soon as the clock hits 00:00 on Dec 31st your memory resets in regards to who your soulmate is. There’s no way to go around this...or is there?
K:  A is a hopeless romantic who has always dreamed of meeting their soulmate. Unfortunately their remote location means they see the same few people every day, none of whom is their match. When Character B arrives and A falls in love with them, the question arises: are they soulmates? Or does A just want them to be?
L: Food is love, and supposedly your soulmate's cooking will taste better than anything you've ever eaten before. Too bad Character A is hopeless in the kitchen. Character B is the chef who promises they can teach anyone how to cook-- is that the only reason A finds their food so delicious? Or is there something more at play?
M: Characters A and B are working together on a yacht. They share a room, and as crew they also happen to share most of their working hours and duties as well. Is that the reason they're so drawn to one another? Regardless of their connection, they're both determined to keep it professional. 
N: It's not only humans who have soulmates, apparently. At least if the pet psychic Character A has consulted about their dog's depression is to be believed. The psychic claims the pup met his soulmate at doggie daycare. Now A is trying to see if she's right by seeking out every possible dog from the playgroup. Will helping a dog find it's soulmate lead Character A to the same thing?
O: Hybrids aren't accepted many places, but in a few countries they have full rights and equality, even if prejudice still exists. Character A was raised in an anti-hybrid country and is now studying/working in a hybrid friendly place. Character B is the hybrid neighbor who they feel drawn to in ways they've heard are typical of soulmates. The possibility is as frightening as it is enticing.
P: Nontraditonal ABO: it's generally accepted doctrine that alphas and omegas are made to go together. Character A has always been attracted to people of their own secondary gender, and has therefore run away from the concept of finding a soulmate. When they meet character B, who shares their secondary gender, and find that the two of them share a soulmark-- the sign of a true mate --their world is turned upside down.
Q: (larry) They have been penpals for years now, sharing their little creative thoughts with each other. Will they ever meet? A new job, a different city, some crossed paths and fate might help.
R: Louis is 30 and the CEO of his family business in Toronto and he has hired a new assistant, Harry, 27. A lot of sexual tension, business trips, coincidences and ‘if he my soulmate or I just have a stalker and also a big crush?’
S: Strangers to friends with benefits to lovers larry; Louis and Harry has finished college and they both are doing a tour across Europe visiting different countries. They start from different cities in and meet in the second/third country they’re visiting. They get along quickly and have a one night stand because they think they won’t meet again. But they meet again in the next city or in the trip to the next city. Is their connection due to their sexual attraction or because they’re soulmates?
T: Louis and Harry are both Niall’s friend but they don’t know each other, however they meet in Niall’s wedding (with his soulmate) in Ireland (or another country if the author prefer another place for the wedding)
U: Larry: Soulmates have a special connection, they have visions of their more important events of their life - both sad and happy but they can’t see their faces, bodies or their friends/families faces. Louis and Harry know everything important that happen to them but they haven’t met yet, they live in different countries and they know that but they don’t know the country they live in. How will they meet? What will happen?
V: Larry: Exes to lovers - People have their soulmates mark in their 18 birthday. Harry and Louis were together during high school and break up before Louis 18 birthday because person A was afraid of not being their soulmates. Louis goes to travel aboard so they don’t know about their mark. They meet again some years later when they’re in their 20...
W: Larry enemies to lovers: Both of them work for the same company and has the same job position but they hate each other because the first time they met it wasn’t “meet cute”. All their coworkers think they are similar and would make an amazing couple so they try to get them together. Most people don’t believe in soulmates anymore, they think it was a legend or maybe it’s not a legend and they’re soulmates?
X: Untraditional soulmates !! For example, a pairing (or poly) comprised of people who aren’t soulmates but are in love anyway. Maybe their “true” soulmates died or just didn’t work out for some reason. Maybe their “true” soulmates are platonic and separate from the romantic relationship. But ultimately the theme being something like “i am choosing to love this person” rather than the world telling them who to love :) 
Y: Character A is a writer who pours their heart and soul into everything they write, though their focus on the soulmate trope is underappreciated. They go away on a writer's retreat to give it one last try and meet Character B, a person who seems to have stepped right out of one of their novels. Is this their soulmate or a figment of their imagination, or have they truly had one of their characters come to life?
Z: In a world where you see in color after hearing the sound of your soulmate's voice, Character A doesn't remember seeing in black and white. When they realize they're different, nobody can explain the reason. It isn't until they meet Character B, a stranger with the same affliction, that they begin to put things together. Or: A and B hear one another's cries as babies, changing their vision from black and white to color before they could possibly have realized it.
AA: Characters A & B somehow keep running into each other inexplicably all over the world. Maybe they happen to study abroad together then have a work conference in the same city then vacation in the same city, etc. Eventually they realize they've been seeing each other all over and maybe the universe is trying to tell them something.
BB: Louis gets a call from an unknown number from across the world. When he answers it, he's asked if he is a Mr. Harry Styles' previous employer and to give a recommendation on his performance. Amused, he pretends he is Harry's old boss and gives a glowing recommendation without knowing who he is. The job that this Harry is going for must be quite intense, because a few days later Louis is asked to fly out to interview in person to attest to Harry's character, where he ends up meeting Harry and falling for him.
CC: OT4/5 platonic soulmates with all the main characters being aro, ace, demisexual, etc. A soulmark appears when you meet a soulmate-- whether they're a platonic, romantic, or sexual soulmate(or sooner combo of the 3) is something each person has to discover for themselves. OT4/5 are grateful to find soulmates who are excited to experience beautiful and deep platonic relationships.
DD: Soulmarks are a trait that most humans have lost. Character A is a vampire who was born in a time when they were far more common. Imagine their surprise when they meet Character B, a human, whose soulmark complements their own.
EE: Larry: An AU where magic exists, Louis has always thought he’s a dark wizard and Harry doesn’t know if he’s a wizard or a normal human. Spoiler: he’s a wizard! They meet when they are 18/20 in a trip and they find more than themselves.
FF: Larry: Louis and Harry are friends of Zayn and Liam but they haven’t met yet. Ziam is having a wedding and their bachelor parties in Hawaii, they meet them.
GG: Louis and Harry haven’t met yet but they meet in a reality show that consists of traveling around the world. The rules of the reality show: Choose a person in the first program to travel with them (Louis and Harry travel together) and spend as little money as possible.
HH: Louis and Harry have been working in the same building for years but they haven’t met officially although they’ve seen each other around. They officially meet when their boss decided to do a work trip to Sydney
ii: Louis and Harry go to Orlando to visit the amusement park. They meet when they’re waiting in the queue for one of the rides and they spend a lot of time together because their other friends are tired of visiting different amusement park and they want to chill.
JJ: Famous/Non-famous larry: “Every time that you and your soulmate are in the same city, you’ll have a mark in your wrist. If one of you leave, the mark disappears” Person A is an actor who loves love but is tiring of two things: fake pr-relationships that make the general public believes that he’s not interest in having a soulmate and traveling. Person B wants to find his soulmate but he knows it’s not in his city so he’s traveling around. They have been in the same place several times but they haven’t met. How many countries will they visit until they meet?
KK: larry please: It is well known that the first time soulmates touch they leave a vivid mark on their partner's skin.  Well one morning Louis wakes up with a bright stripe across his cheekbone and no idea what happened.
LL: hl au: harry is a well-known anthropologist from england but he’s requested to join the discovery of an ancient palace in mexico city. louis is a historian that has lived in said city for several years now, so he’s almost a local. the discovery they both take part of includes a blue greeny jewel that holds a legend about soulmates.
MM: Zouiam ot3 matching soulmate tattoos
NN: A and B are childhood friends and have known they're soulmates since they got their marks in their early teen years but they never develop romantic feelings for each other but they Do want to spend the rest of their life together. Bit of conflict / comfort.
OO: Lirry Shrek au. Harry Fiona has always expected their perfect soulmate to break their curse. Liam Shrek is tired of playing the role of the ogre and being rejected by prejuices. They meet.
PP: Zayn is travelling with his van, he picks up some hitchhikers along the way. They stargaze and bond with each other. They find out they are soulmates when some dangerous situation arises.
QQ: ot5 1d era au. A slowly finds out they are soulmates with each of the others while in the bus or travelling/staying abroad together.
RR: Ziam: In a world where magic exists but soulmates are rare, Liam and Ziam met in the same Magical College and have an instant connection. In history of magic, they learn about soulmates and Character A know that they (Ziam) are soulmates but he’s  afraid and tries to avoid Character B all the time.
SS: Larry - Louis needs a break of his job and travels to a place where Harry lives and Harry needs a break of his past relationships. They meet in a pub and after too many drinks, they decide to do a road trip around the country. The author decides how people know who is their soulmates.
TT: Zouis: they discover they’re soulmates in Zayn’s wedding. Louis is the boyfriend of one of the best mates
UU: Larry - A reality show is trying to prove that soulmates still exist and Louis and Harry are participants in it
VV: HL Monday AU with Harry as Mickey and Louis as Chloe (but with a happy and not toxic ending please!)
WW: The voice you hear your thoughts in is your soulmate’s but you don’t know who they are until you hear them speak for the first time
XX: You’ve been sketching your soulmate’s face since you were old enough to pick up a pencil, the drawings become more realistic through the years as the day you meet comes near
YY: Red strings of fate au. Person A cuts their string. Person B is devastated to find their string has been cut but moves on with their life and finds love with, you guessed it, Person A who doesn’t believe in soulmates. When Person B finds out that Person A cut their string they’re so angry because they know how devastated they were to find their cut string. And Person A is confused at first because they thought Person B didn’t believe in soulmates either and didn’t realize that it was because they had no way of finding their soulmate. And then it hits Person A that there might be a slight chance that Person B IS their soulmate. So they nervously show up with their string and ask if Person A wants to see if the ends fuse together or not. Up to writer if the ends fuse or not.
ZZ: Person A reads tarot cards and while reading Person B’s cards, Person A can see that the cards are telling them that the two of them are soul mates
AAA: Soulmates can hear what their soulmate is singing.  Harry grows up with a soulmate who exclusively sings a weird blend of Oasis, Green Day, and the odd Light Killers song.  Louis grows up with a soulmate who mostly sings Fleetwood Mac and Peter Gabriel. They both hate their soulmates taste in music.
BBB: Every person is born with a golden string on their finger attached to their soulmate.  Everyone but them can see it but it is considered highly rude to tell people without prompting (like taking away a coming of age experience).  Or Harry and Louis fight a lot and everyone looks at them knowingly until one of them cracks and asks someone about it.
CCC: Character A runs a clothing boutique of some kind and one day uses a steamer too close to the smoke detector and sets off the fire alarm. Character B is one of the firemen to respond. Character A is very embarrassed that they did this in front of a super hot fireman, but the firemen are super nice about it. It just so happens they have to come back the following week for an annual inspection of the building and Character A jokes around/flirts with B. Soulmate aspect up to writer. (One idea could be matching soul marks?)
DDD: When soulmates touch for the first time, an electric shock goes through each person. They can’t touch each other without a shock...until they fall in love with each other. Too bad Character A & B hate each other and are not thrilled that when they touch by accident they finally feel the electricity they’ve always been waiting for. 
EEE: The color of your eyes act like a mood ring and changes according to your soulmates' mood. The first time you make eye contact with your soulmate, they turn the same color.
FFF: Reluctant soulmates where one or both of them keep their soulmarks covered at all times because they want to fall in love without the person soulmates
GGG: AU where your soulmate smells like HOME only they’re both too dirty and disgusting to smell like anything other than yuck
HHH: Older Larry AU where they’re both in their 40s or older and still haven’t met The One. Embracing this, they each go on a trip alone, but wind up meeting
iii: Fleetwood Mac/ Rumours AU - Larry as Stevie and Lindsey, Ziam as Christine and John. A breakup and a divorce while recording and touring an iconic album. Endgame Larry. Lovers to exes to soulmates.
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tsukkisbean · 4 years
haikyuu nsfw alphabet series | oikawa tōru
please block #claras steamys if you don’t want to see this type of content!!
warnings: sexual themes (bondage, power play), mentions of sex, fem!reader
a/n: (1) based on post time-skip!! (2) not edited (3) i debated about this for a long time let me know what your opinions are bc obviously these are headcanons!!
return to nsfw alphabet series masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
despite his “mr cool popular guy” exterior i think he would be a very gentle lover and thus great at after care. after sex, he’ll lay down with you for a little, gently stroking your cheek while you catch your breath. after he’ll grab two wash cloths, one cold one to wipe your forehead to help you cool down, one warm to wipe down your legs and what not and ofc water so you can rehydrate. once you’re both clean, he’ll slip a new shirt on you and you’ll cuddle while he gives you little kisses all over your face
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on him his hands!! they’re long and slender and surprisingly pretty soft. loves when you mindless play with them, or better yet when you suck on them
your hips/thighs/legs!!!!! doesn’t matter where you guys are he’ll wanna attach himself to you in any sort of way. standing? hand on your hip. sitting, you bet one of his hands is running up and down your thigh giving it a squeeze every one in awhile!!!!
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
since he’s all about aftercare he doesn’t mind getting messy so he likes to cum on your tummy and spread it around, making a mess out of you and telling you how pretty you look :-)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
when you’re not looking, he steals one of your panties to take back to his apartment with him. it happens so often that he probably has a collection at this point and you’re confused bc you keep running out of underwear lmao
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
has probably had a few casual partners before you, but nothing that’s lasted too long. knows the basics of how to get a girl off (and where the clit is thank god)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
missionary but likes to have your legs over his shoulders. that way he can grip your thighs and fuck into you nice and deep and see your fucked out expression
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
definitely more serious. maaaaybe if something out of the ordinary happens he’ll try to make a joke out of it but that’s usually not the case
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
not bare, but not unkempt. probably trims it every once in awhile so it doesn’t get too wild
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
romantic!! will kiss you along the jawline and tell you how pretty you look all fucked up just for him. whispers sweet nothings in your ear and just makes you feel super loved and appreciated. unless he’s super needy or in a rush then he’ll literally just fuck you without saying much
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
asked you if he could record the two of you having sex on multiple occasions so now he has an album full of photos and videos of you to use when you’re not available
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
oikawa has an inferiority complex and although i think he’s learned how to control how he compares himself to others, it’s still there just not as prominent. so basically he loves anything that gives him a good confidence boost but top 3 are probably:
praise (receiving). this one is kind of obvious given the above but anything that tells him you’re having a good time. telling him how good it feels, moaning, clenching around him, tugging on his hair
i could definitely even see some power play. he loves it when you’re all desperate for him to fuck you but he won’t give it to you bc he’s milking the fact that he’s in control and you can’t do anything about it
going hand in hand with power play, bondage. likes to watch you struggle while you’re tied up just begging him to fuck you. knowing that he’s in control is a MAJOR ego booster
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
i don’t think he has a particular favourite. as long as it’s private enough and the two of you are comfortable that’s good enough for him
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you tell him that he’s the only person that can make you feel good. making the first move. confidence!! booster!! will take you right then and there
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
degradation (receiving). again with the whole inferiority thing i think he can’t let go of his pride and it’s just something he’d rather not bring into the bedroom.
threesomes. doesn’t wanna share you with anyone else or feel like someone else is making you feel better than he does
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
its probably 50/50 for him mainly because he has power in both positions. likes when you go down on him bc he can grab a fistful of your hair and control the pace. also thinks you look pretty when tears are streaming down your face while you’re basically choking on his dick
ask him to and he will go d o w n on you. wraps his arms around your thighs to lock you down and will just lap at your arousal until you cum but he won’t stop bc he enjoys your squirming and begging
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
will ask you what you want but is usually slow and sensual. like i said before he likes to make you feel loved, so he takes his time with you
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
doesn’t mind them but also not his favourite. he’ll go for a quickie if he has to but rather take his time with you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Down for whatever you are, as long as you feel comfortable and you guys have a safe word in place
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
LOTS AND LOTS OF STAMINA. I think this goes for basically any haikyuu character just because they have to keep their fitness in check. Definitely can go for at least 3+ rounds if you can keep up. may need a small break in between but not long
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
probably something like handcuffs, and maybe a vibrator or two but prefers to use his own skills to get you off
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
lots!! will do shit like kiss your neck while you’re doing something simple like washing the dishes and pretend he didn’t when you look at him. or brush his fingers along your thighs when your shirt is a little too short and then tell you its YOUR fault for wearing that
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not like freakishly loud, but not quiet either. probably close to speaking volume cause he wants you to know how good you feel. some grunting, and moaning, likes to say your name and swears a lot when he’s about to cum
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
when you guys meet up after being apart for a particularly long time, he’ll set up a bubble bath for you guys complete with rose petals and candles. he’ll turn on the weekend or a similar artist and you guys will just relax in the tub, drinking wine and catching up, stealing kisses here and there.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
definitely on the longer side, but girth wise is probably a little on the thinner side or average at best, definitely veiny
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
normal sex drive. with volleyball he’s learned to keep his emotions in check so it doesn’t interfere with his performance. but when you two are together he’s gonna wanna fuck at least once a day (with multiple rounds) before he has to leave you again
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
once after care is done, he’ll lay with you in his arms and cuddle you until you fall asleep. once he’s sure you’re asleep he’ll settle down before drifting off
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Fluff Alphabet - Harry Wells
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Pairing: Harry Wells x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: None
Summary: A fluffy A-Z with Harry Wells!
A/N: These are really fun to do, so if you’d like to see more, let me know! (Also, if you would want others, let me know who you’d like to see)
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Harry loves your smile and the way your face lights up around him. Knowing you’re so happy because of him makes him feel special.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Harry already has Jesse, and since he’s on the older side now, he’s not particularly looking to have another baby. That being said, if you really want a child, he could be talked into it, and when you get the news you’re pregnant or have been approved for adoption he’s overjoyed. 
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Harry never admits in public that he likes to cuddle, but when you start dating, you quickly find out he does. He’s a big fan of spooning, the protective beast inside him soothed by having an arm wrapped securely around your waist. 
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Dates tend to be lowkey with Harry. He’s pretty private on both Earth-1 and 2, so usually it’s either dinner out at a quiet restaurant, or a shared meal at home the two of you cooked together.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are my heart.”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
One night while you were visiting Earth-2, Harry came home late to find you asleep on the sofa. You had a blanket draped over your lap, and an open book barely clutched in your hands. He realized you’d tried to stay up for him, and that was when he knew. The love he hadn’t felt in years was back, and it left him a little breathless, and if he was to be honest, a little scared. Which is why he sat on his feelings for a while before saying anything.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Harry doesn’t tend to be that gentle. He’s not just rough around the edges. But sometimes he is. If you’re upset, or even worse, hurt, his hands will be gentle on you, careful not to inflict further pain, searching for ways to make it better. And, in the late hours of the night, or the early hours of the morning, when you’re laying in bed together, he’ll gently trace as much of you as he can, committing every inch to memory.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Harry isn’t really one to hold hands. PDA isn’t his thing, and he’d rather keep affection in private. But sometimes, when you’re on the sofa watching something together, he likes it when you slip a hand into his and snuggle a little closer. One time, during a Team movie night, he slid his hand over yours instead. You didn’t say anything, but the two of you shared a private smile, and no words were needed.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Harry wasn’t entirely sure what to make of you at first. He met you along with the rest of the Team, and at the time his only thoughts were how could you help him save Jesse? As for you, you were with the rest of the Team and thought he was a sexy dick. 
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Not always, but sometimes. He knows you’d never cheat or do anything to hurt him, but occasionally he’ll see you with someone else, laughing, happy and at ease, he’ll feel the jealousy start to creep in. He tries to not let on though, since he knows the only reason he’s jealous is because a part of him still believes you deserve someone better than him.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
The first kiss was pretty much mutual. It was late, and after a long day, you stayed behind at the Labs to join Harry for a drink and unwind. A couple of drinks in, you were both pleasantly tipsy, and Harry was more relaxed than normal. One thing led to another then you were both leaning in to kiss. Neither of you could have imagined it being better. Harry’s kisses tend to be intense. He pours all the emotions he doesn’t know how to say into them. Sometimes, they’re more passionate, rougher, because his mind is swirling and he’s desperate for you. Other times, they’re slower, deeper, his hands on your face, keeping you close. Either way, they’re always intense.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You say ‘I love you’ first, and when you do, you have to be prepared for him not to say it back immediately. Harry had never imagined finding love again, and he isn’t one to wear his heart on his sleeve, so it would take him some time to gather the courage to say it in return. When he does say it, it won’t be when you expect it. It’ll be during some quiet domestic moment when he sees you doing your thing, and gets hit with the realisation that he can’t keep his feelings hidden any longer. 
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
One day you and Harry had volunteered to go out and get Big Belly Burger for the Team, but on the way back a sudden downpour caught you by surprise and forced you both to take shelter under a shop doorway. Both soaked already anyway, you had started laughing when he grumbled and pushed wet hair out of his face. Harry was taken aback by how beautiful you looked, and it was the first time he realized that he cared for you.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
It depends on whose Earth you’re on. Harry doesn’t have much on Earth-1 so he can’t spoil you, but he likes to make up for it when you visit Earth-2. He doesn’t go overboard, but if you spot something you like while out sight-seeing, he’ll get it for you.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Black. The association has likely less to do with you, and more to do with the few occasions he let you drape his black coat or jacket over your shoulders. Now whenever he looks at them, he’s reminded of you. 
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Harry keeps it simple. ‘Sweetheart’ or ‘Honey’ are usually his main goto’s, but when you’re alone he also calls you ‘atom’ because you make up his world. Just don’t tell anyone that.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Harry’s no musical savant, but he does love vinyl still. Collecting them is a guilty pleasure of his. Watching you dance to them is also a pleasure. Just less guilty.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Harry spends most of his days rainy or not in his lab anyway, so it doesn’t make much difference to him. However, he does secretly like it when you drag him out and make him cuddle with you on the sofa while you binge watch something.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Since Harry is Mr. Broody, he doesn’t do a thing to cheer himself up. He just lets it sit and dwells without telling anyone anything. You learn the signs though, and when you know he’s down, go to cuddle him, because that’s the one thing you know will cheer him up. As for you, he’s not very good at knowing how to cheer you up either. He wants to, he hates seeing you upset, but if it’s not a problem he can physically fix, he ends up being at a loss. Tell him what he can do though, and he’ll do it without question.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Science, obviously. He’ll readily go on about whatever he’s working on at length. When you’re comfortable together, he likes to talk about Jesse as a child too, and his life prior to the Particle Accelerator. 
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Honestly, not much. Harry’s pretty much always tightly wound, but you’ve found that a back massage or even just hugging him from behind, helps him to unwind. 
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
His intelligence is the main one. Jesse is the other.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Harry did put a lot of thought into the proposal, and even consulted Iris, Caitlin and Jesse on it. Grand displays aren’t his thing, but if it’s your first time getting married, he wants to make it special. He ends up taking you to Earth-2’s Atlantis for a mini break and pulls out all the stops. You get the best hotel with the best view, and Harry makes sure you have the best time. In the night, you order room service, and sit out on a balcony, to watch the city from up high. It’s a beautiful sight, and as time goes on Harry starts to confess how much he loves you. It’s clear to see that he struggles to find the right words to articulate his feelings, but he does, and, when he’s done, gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring box.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Harry wouldn’t say he has a song in particular. But, on the first morning he stayed at your place, he caught you dancing to the radio in the kitchen, and now the song that was playing can often be heard in his lab too.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Harry had no plans of ever getting remarried, but after being with you for some time, he realised he wanted to. He knows it’s an antiquated thought, but he wants to see a ring on your finger so everyone knows you’re his, and he’s yours.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Harry would want something low maintenance. A large aquarium would be nice. You could also talk him into getting a cat if you really wanted one, and if he took a liking to have said cat sleep on his lap while he worked, he’d never admit it.
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