#he asked me when I dropped out and I said last year december which is true
fruitysoupy · 11 months
#vent#(for blacklist)#i didn't know my mother wanted me to lie to the doctor so now everyone's mad at me#she gave me a sheet for the doctor to fill out#he asked me when I dropped out and I said last year december which is true#my mother wanted me to say summer this year#I didn't know that. Now she's stormed into my room and yelled at me that because I said december last year they owe thousands to some#big official state thing I don't even know what it is#I didn't know that and I didn't want them to lose money either... all I did was answer a question and that was enough to financially destroy#my entire family. It's all my fault and I didn't even know that would happen#I didn't know they've been lying about my status all this time#maybe that's why they wanted me to sign a paper giving them the right to speak on my behalf#I didnt want that because I was afraid it'd make me not a person anymore in their eyes but I think I never was to begin with#now I don't know what to do anymore... I screwed up everything. none of this would've happened if I just wasn't there#they didn't want me from the start but they could've dealt if I didn't also turn out to be disabled and fucking stupid#I hate this I hate that I understand nothing and I hate that I keep messing up because I'm so damn clumsy and stupid#I'm 21 I should know how these things work but when they start using big words it's like I don't understand german anymore#I answered one question a creepy doctor asked me and with that I basically killed my family#now we might not be able to afford groceries anymore and my mother will hate me even more#I should just do them all a favor and try again maybe this time I won't be such a coward
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coco-loco-nut · 6 months
Miss Americana
Pairing: Lando Norris x American!Reader
Summary: Moments with Lando and his silly, American, girlfriend
a/n: i wrote this super quick bc the ideas were bombarding me at work and it is not proofread. it’s also silly and stupid as an apology for my last oneshot which seemed to break y’all.
requests are open! masterlist part two
Lando didn’t mind you were American, in fact, that might be why he loved you. You poked fun at his britishness, even trying to copy his accent. It’s almost like a joke with you two.
“Baby, where are you?” Lando whines from his gaming chair, needing attention, having texted you a minute ago asking you for cuddles.
“I’m declaring my independence!” You yell back, your voice coming from outside. He pauses his game and trudges towards your voice. The two of you are spending time in your American residence, near Miami. He spots you near the pool, holding something out.
“Baby, what are you doing?” He spots your camera recording.
“Happy December 16th!” You grin, dropping a box of tea into the pool. Lando’s brows furrow, thinking back to the book he read about the Revolutionary War. Needing to have some sort of reference for your jokes, he bought a book with the basics to read on the flights to races.
“Oh… I get it. Babe, we aren’t even IN Boston,” Lando says after a minute, and after you start laughing, he does too. Lando quickly grabs your phone and pushes you in the water too.
“Rude,” you huff, grabbing the tea box and climbing out of the pool. If it weren’t for your grin, Lando would be running away. You grab your phone and Logan pops out from behind the bushes as Lando’s phone dings.
“Wait, I thought you were recording,” Lando says, his eyes narrowing at Logan.
“Nope,” you pop the p and walk inside, the video quickly going viral and spreading around the drivers group chats. Logan makes his quick escape, leaving Lando to wonder why he agreed to associate with Americans.
“GO GO GO GO! YES! TOUCHDOWN!” You yell, seemingly oblivious to the cold. Lando surprised you with a trip to your alma mater’s biggest football game of the season. He asked Logan for help with the surprise, but the Floridian didn’t mention, well, how much of a cult the school was.
“Logan said it was going to be cold, but not this cold,” Lando grumbles, taking a cute pic of you cheering.
“Babe, he has terrible taste in schools, why would you take his advice? Also, this is the northeast, it’s obviously going to be way colder than Austin will be next week,” You snort before joining in on a chant. Lando was only slightly regretting choosing seats right beside the student section, however, he could get behind the drinking. Especially tailgating. When you drug him out of his nice warm bed to hang outside the stadium at 9am with your old college friends, he was skeptical. All it took was one freshly grilled meal and a beer to turn that around. He is planning on creating an American tailgate for the race next week in Austin.
“American universities are... something else,” Lando smiles at you. Seeing as you are only one year removed from college, you had plans for the weekend.
“Just wait until we go to the bars later. Oh! And the frat party tomorrow, it’s family weekend and my cousin is getting us in,” you smile back at him. It was indeed a long, drunk, weekend, but Lando couldn’t help but admit that he would be more than happy to come back for more games throughout the year.
Austin was something else the next weekend. You and Logan were quick to jump on board with Lando’s idea for a tailgate, and you all gathered at the Airbnb that you rented the night before the race, right after qualifying. The team’s socials loved the idea as well as the Formula One social media team, so you paid for nothing as the drivers and friends gathered at the Airbnb for your and Logan’s tailgate. You made sure there were multiple coolers full of alcohol, soda, and water while Logan manned the grill. You wore a NFL football jersey while Logan repped a Miami Dolphins jersey.
“Why are those two arguing,” Max asks Lando, observing you and Logan fight about whose team is better.
“Either college football or pro football,”
“American football, mate,” George says, standing on the other side of Max.
“All I’m saying is that you have TERRIBLE taste in teams!” You huff in Logan’s direction. He rolls his eyes, turning his focus to the grill as you grab a beer. Lando, who is sporting your alma mater’s football jersey, walks over to the two of you.
“She’s not wrong, Logan,” Lando chuckles as the blonde boy throws his arms up in the air in frustration. Honestly, the only thing that can top the bickering between the both of you is when you pull out the jell-o shots and people start grabbing food.
Half an hour later, you turn on the projector to the screen, a Disney logo behind you. You take position in front of the screen, remote in hand as a microphone. The crowd turns their attention to you. Lando’s lips twitch up in amusement.
“I just got three things to say. God bless our troops. God bless America. AND GENTLEMEN. START YOUR ENGINES!” You yell as you hit play on the remote.
“Okay, focus. Speed. I. Am. Speed.” The voice says over the screen. You and Logan decided to culture everyone, making the end of the tailgate partly a movie night. Eventually, everyone finds a seat in the lawn chairs scattered in front of the screen. Lando grabs your hand and kisses the back of it when you sit down.
“I love you, y/n,” he smiles softly as he nurses his beer.
“Love you more, Lan, but not as much as America,” you chuckle, teasing him. He playfully rolls his eyes, knowing you are jesting.
“Are you always so… American?” Daniel laughs as he sits in the open chair beside you.
“Shut up before she drunkenly sings the national anthem,” Lando hisses, cringing at the time he mistakenly took you to a karaoke pub in London on July 4th. Honestly, he should’ve known better.
“I hate you all,”
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merlinssassybeard · 1 year
'Ex' Husband Gojo - Better without me
Part 2 || series masterlist
Tags- gojo x fem reader, angst, fluff
Synopsis- A look at Gojo's feelings for his now estranged wife. While his wife goes through a breakdown
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7th December, 2016
It was Satoru's 27th birthday.
Satoru knew but it really wasn't his priority honestly. Besides, he's not really in a mental state to even think of it.
He recalls how you, his wife, would plan various different things each year for his birthday. You, his joy and the light of his dim life.
All gone now...
Gojo had finished his mission overseas as soon as he could and returned back to Tokyo to submit reports of the mission and then again had to leave for his next mission in Seoul, South Korea.
He was aware of the incident with you just a day ago. Shoko had told him that it was just dehydration which caused a little fever and that everything's okay.
Gojo wasn't convinced. He didn't knew why, even when he wanted to believe Shoko, his six eyes indicated otherwise. They tell him there's more and Shoko probably knows but staying quiet.
Satoru had a few hours in his hand before leaving for the Airport check in by 4 am.
He decided he'd go to the Estate, which now belonged to you (not legally). He wanted to drop by the souvenirs from that particular day since he didn't really got any chance to.
Satoru Gojo is very prideful and quite egoistic and that is no secret. One day, his pride and ego will be the death of him.
7th December 2016 || 1 am
Satoru arrived at the Estate.
The air felt heavy but he went in anyways. Flashes of that day playing endlessly in his head. How everything unfolded and how you ran after him to stop him but his infinity barred you. Satoru feels guilty.
He usually doesn't have any guilt or regret regarding anything but with you... its different. He shouldn't have just walked away maybe. Maybe talking to you and trying to understand you where you're coming from would've helped.
He enters the house and is welcomed by the sleepy head staff.
"Welcome back Lord Satoru. Shall i prepare your room? I'll warm the food-", the head staff, Mr Kawaguchi, asked.
"No need", "is y/n asleep? How's she doing?", Satoru asked as if didn't even hear what Mr Kawaguchi said.
"Yes, Lord Satoru, Lady y/n is better now.", he said and started guiding Gojo to the room where you resided, "Lady y/n had trouble sleeping so the doctor had prescribed some sleeping pills"
Both of them reached outside your room. Satoru ordered the Mr Kawaguchi to leave him.
Satoru closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying his best to suppress his intrusive thoughts of hugging you and tell you that he's sorry (something he would never utter), have a conversation with you to figure things out on what is the root cause of such an abrupt bringing up of something as hideous as a Divorce.
He opened the sliding doors and entered the room for the first time after the last time he'd been here.
You were sleeping on your back with your arms all around and legs in another direction, trying to cover all of the space of the bed as much as you could.
This was your marital bed. A bed custom made to fit the giant 6'4 of a husband of yours.
But now it was just you...
He looked around the room. Recalling the old times, the 4 years of marriage he had.
What a blissful dream it was... just you and him against the world. Deep in love, exploring new things together. The warmth of your palm on his, your blushing cheeks whenever he kissed your lips before leaving for his missions. The nights that he had spent in your warmth on this very bed, in this very room. Old times when you slept in the protection of his big strong arms or when he picked you up from the bed and threw you into the water filled bathtub...
Blissful times indeed...
A smile had crept on Satoru's lips because the memories.
He placed the bag of souvenirs by the bedside table and leaned down to look at your face.
Dark circles, slight hollow cheeks, bony hands, piles and piles of medications.
'Oh what have you done y/n', he thinks looking at you.
If he had to be honest, he's never been this vulnerable in his life like he is now. So many emotions flooding him that he couldn't help but remove his dark glasses and lean down to your face.
He placed his hands gently caressing your soft hair and dropped a kiss on your forehead.
You were lost in your dreams and Satoru was in his. His dreams where he had you and took better care of you and did everything right.
But that's just a dream. A dream with no scope of fulfillment...
He knew this is the last and final time he'll see you this up close.
"Y/n.." he whispered, "I hope you find-", he struggled to say any further but still got himself to say it, "I hope you find someone better who will give you a better life... that i failed too."
Satoru couldn't bear to look at you any further from this moment. He gave his blessings to you for a better life and left that instant.
He knew he won't stop you from leaving if... no, when thats what you want. A person who loves, will never hold their lover captive against their will.
And that's what Satoru believes in...
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It was 8am in the morning.
You were sitting in your bed, wrapped in the thick blankets while sipping your soup that your attendant brought while Shoko sat in the gray arm chair beside your bed reading newspaper.
Shoko has been visiting you every morning and evening to check up on you whether you're taking your pills timely and also to give you company considering the fact that you barely have any friends.
Your only friend, if you have to name with whom you would share everything would be Shoko and Mariko Zenin (whom you befriended during Clan meetings.).
You saw today's date.
'7th December', it read.
"Shoko... its his birthday today...", you mumbled with your head bowed
Shoko looked at you and she could see it, all the emotions that reflected on your face.
She wanted to confront you that why don't you tell him that it was all but a mistake afterall didn't he try to persuade you? So this should be easy?
She knew though this isn't the right time because you're still recovering but she couldn't hold herself...
"Y/n", Shoko began and you looked up at her.
"Y/n why don't you tell him about it? He has all the right to know you know! Didn't you say he persuaded you to not to leave? And you don't want to leave either!" She made a point. "So just call... this weird thing between you two off already. And be together"
You kept blankly staring at her.
Is it all really that easy? As if!
"Shoko, i can't." You told her.
"But why? Wouldn't it be easier?"
"Shoko you don't understand! I can't... i can't just tell Satoru that he was going to be father! You don't get it!", you tried to explain her.
"But why? Y/n why? Try me!", Shoko got up from the arm chair and sat on the bed and held your hand.
You didn't want to tell her. You really don't want to but she's the only person whom you trust.
"Shoko you don't get it, you don't get it!", you insisted
"Try me y/n!"
"You won't get it Shoko!", you kept refusing
"Y/n!", Shoko kept insisting.
"Satoru didn't want to be father and that was our mutual agreement before we got married! I've always taken precautions to stand by my word ever since our marriage... but Satoru's family has been pressing me to get pregnant... So i didn't take any pills one day and a month later found out i was carrying... our baby.."
Shoko was left speechless.
But you continued with tears rolling down...
"I thought... when Satoru will return I will tell him everything but before i could... i-i lost our child". You struggled
"Maybe it was the God's way of punishing me for trying to force an innocent man like Satoru something he isn't prepared for.", you laughed through the tears. "Maybe its better this way Shoko. We should Divorce. I can't carry children to make his family happy anyway..."
Shoko wanted to say but the words just wouldn't come to her tongue. Maybe its because its not her place to interfere.
"Y/n...", Shoko didn't know what to say any further so she leaned closer and hugged you.
You hugged her back. You felt like a large rock got off of your chest now that you told her everything...
But things were about to take a different direction because one of the lady staff was secretly eavesdropping your conversation.
And she heard... all of it...
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@sindela @dazai-gojo-kinnie @whats-humanity-lol @thewickedofrizz @phantasmia @ghostllyyz @yihona-san06 @Enaaneaen@sweet-almonds @Angel_🫶🏻@autumn-slaves @wondermilka @hh0pe @kugisakinobarades @witchbybirth @nineooooo @ssc7514 @Hana-patata @blue_spices @haikyuubiggestsimp @urstepmom69 @hueneve @chayunwoo@waosobii @nadzhaf @yoriichiswife @tiltraumadouspart @kirschtein123 @whoisobsessed @Asala @ashthemadwriter @remnirris @svm666 @voidsatoru @staygoldsquatchling02 @dunnowhy-m @nnasv @violetmatcha
If i forgot to tag anyone, i apologise.
A/N- The next chapter will be quite spicy ^v^
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wh0reforcoriolanussnow · 10 months
I Miss You, I’m Sorry || Tom Blyth x Singer!Reader
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Summary: In which after your break up with Tom, you write a song about him and fans start to speculate that it is about the two of you.
Warning: swearing, kinda toxic Tom?
Wc: 1,123
A/n: someone asked if I would do a Sabrina Carpenter x Tom fic but I thought I’d do it with Gracie Abrams instead bc I absolutely love her <3 (I don’t mention Gracie, it’s still an x reader)
Tom Blyth x singer!reader au masterlist
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Divider by @pommecita
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Do you remember happy together? I do, don't you?
You squeal in excitement. You had just dropped your first ever album. “I’m so proud of you, my darling,” Tom hugs you tightly as he kisses your hair. “Thank you,” You says against his ear.
That night, the two of you stayed home, ordered pizza and drank wine in each other’s arms. Tom was so incredibly proud of you, he knew the hardships you faced that year when composing the songs and everything else that was going on in life.
You felt so blessed to have had Tom by your side during the particularly rough year. “I love you,” You whisper, your breathe fanning Tom’s neck as he pulls you closer to him. “I love you more,” He whispered back as you smiled.
Then all of a sudden, you're sick to your stomach, Is that still true?
Tom felt sick in the stomach knowing what he had done. It was a simple drunken mistake that he could never forgive himself. He cheated on you. He could never forget how he absolutely shattered your pure heart, all because of his drunken actions.
You said, "Forever, " in the end I fought it, Please be honest, are we better for it?
“I will forever love you, y/n.” He says against your lips before kissing you. You melt into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck as you bring him closer to you.
“You said you’d love me forever Tom- I-I don’t understand why’d you would do this-“ You furrow your eyebrows as tears had blurred up your vision. “I’m so sorry y/n, please-“ He tries to say as his hand touches your arm but you pull away from him, too hurt, too broken.
Thought you'd hate me, but instead you called and said, "I miss you", I caught it
You pick at your fingernails as your leg bounces up and down. You were sat at your desk, alone in the house. It had been a month since you broke up with Tom. And you couldn’t help but think about him every single day.
He was your everything. You couldn’t just get him out of your head that quickly. You flinch at the sound of your phone going off, buzzing on the table as you turn your phone over revealing his name on the caller id.
You stare at it for a few seconds, contemplating. “Hello?” Your voice was quiet as you hear a silence on the other end. “Tom? Are you there-“ “I miss you,” You hear him say, his voice just as shaky as yours; you bite your trembling lip, trying so hard to hold back the tears that were threatening to come out.
Good to each other, give it the summer, I knew you too
Little did you know that that summer was going to be your last one spent with Tom. He hadn’t told you that he had cheated on you yet, but you felt a shift.
You felt a change that you tried to ignore the best you could until you couldn’t handle it anymore.
But I only saw you once in December. I'm still confused.
You saw him once in December. That was all. You didn’t know why he was ignoring you and being so distant.
You said, "Forever, " and I almost bought it. I miss fightin' in your old apartment
“Forever.” What a fucking lie. “Why are you being so fucking distant towards me!” You yell, walking into his apartment as he slams the door behind him. “I’m not! I’ve been busy with my own fucking life y/n” He screams back as you both stare at each other.
“You could still try and make an effort Tom! I’m your girlfriend!” You storm up to him, finger pointing at him as he shoves your hand away from him, walking away without saying a word. “Don’t walk away from me-“ You shout as you follow him upstairs, “I don’t want to talk right now,” He seethes, slamming his bedroom door on your face.
You stand there as you scoff. You lift your hand up to knock but figured it would be no use, so, you walked back downstairs, grabbed your things and left.
Breakin' dishes when you're disappointed, I still love you, I promise
“Why-Why couldn’t you just tell me y/n,” He pulls at his hairs as you sat on the couch, knees to your chin as you look down on the ground. “I didn’t know how to,” You say quietly, not sure if he heard you.
“Y/n,” He sternly says as you look meet his angry eyes, “I said, I didn’t know how to tell you-“ smash. You flinch, gasping at the noise of mug smashing into little bits. Tears started flowing down your cheeks as you bury your head in your arms, sobbing.
Tom breathes heavily as he realises what he’s done. “Fuck,” He walks to you on the couch, his hand softly touching your hair as he listens to you sob. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry y/n,” He whispers he sits beside you, placing a gentle kiss on your arm.
“Please forgive me, darling,” He cooed. His anger got the better of him. You look at him, teary eyed. He wore an apologetic look on his face as you cry even harder, sitting on his lap as he hugs you tight, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
Nothin' happened in the way I wanted. Every corner of this house is haunted
You stand in the living room of your house. Eyes puffy from crying, and a bag in hand with your things that you collected from Tom’s place. Looking around the place gave you flashbacks of you and Tom.
You got this house soon after you started dating Tom nearly 4 years ago now. There were so many memories made here and you couldn’t stop thinking about them.
And I know you said that we're not talkin', But I miss you, I'm sorry
You felt somewhat guilty for missing him. After all, he was the one who cheated on you. Tom told you it would be better to go our seperate ways and limit interactions with each other as much as possible.
It still hurt. Waking up and knowing your relationship with Tom ended. The one person you could confide to was no longer there for you. The one person who knew how to cheer you up after a rough day wasn’t by your side anymore.
The one person who would travel with you around the world for concerts, and if he couldn’t, he would make sure to face time you every day no matter how early or late it was for him.
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unreleasedwrites · 5 months
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Caught You, Again
“You’re eyes seem to be wandering yet again, and your cheeks are redder than rubies.. You just never get tired of me, do you?
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summary: You and Gun have been in the same class since the eight grade, and you developed a little crush on him that same year. Once the ninth grade started and you two had been paired as seat mates, you started to drop subtle hints here and there with the idea of your little crush on him for the past year. Gun notices this and takes it as an opportunity to constantly tease you about it jokingly— until, he was no longer joking, and made a move by asking you out which then ended with you becoming his first and last girlfriend, because he made you into his first and forever wife. Yet, he never fails to see you in the not so hidden act of admiring him, which has him calling you a “simp,” and he continues to tease you for it.
character(s) included: Park Jonggun x fem!reader
cw: fluff, teasing, playful and flirtatious gun, gun is nice, swearing, use of Y/N, mentions of physical fights gun gets into, mentions of blood/bleeding/bruises, couple nicknames, kissing, established relationship, idk much about weddings, VERY SUGGESTIVE TOWARDS THE END!! this is really long tbh 😭😭
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unwrapped on: Saturday Night, December 03 2023
wrapped up on: Sunday Evening, April 28 2024
published on: Sunday Evening, April 28 2024
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“Need something?” Your seat mate suddenly questioned you as he shrugged a brow at you, who was blankly staring at him, obviously lost in your thoughts.
“O-uh— No!” You quickly replied and zoned back into reality, “Sorry, I was just thinking, I didn’t notice tha-” You added before he cut you off and said,
“If you like me, you could just say so’ You wouldn’t be the first girl to confess to me this school year.”
“Wha-! Talk about confident, also it’s literally the second week of the ninth grade..” You scoffed, a little nervous considering you have liked him since the eight grade so he technically wasn’t wrong.
“That isn’t a no~” He replied with a tint of his usual smirk.
“Wel-” You tried to speak right before he interrupted you once more “Enough with the excuses already, it’s boring.”
“Well?” He added and you responded with, “Well.. What I was trying to sa-” Ding, Ding, Ding— You were interrupted once again, but this time, by the bell. And it was now lunch time, so you two went your separate ways.
That was one of the occasional conversations you had with Gun, it just so happens that you two have been paired as seatmates since the eight grade and therefore, had to have spoken to one another atleast a number of times by now. They were just meaningless and short interactions that was just another way to kill time for him, yet those little conversations and interactions meant the world to you.
Fast forward into the school year and currently, it’s almost the fourth month of school— all of your classmates along with the new/transfer students have gotten to know each other, and it just so happens that you and Gun have started to talk more aswell. From little “Hey, about the homework-”, “Since were the next pair who’ll discuss, how about we-”, and “Could I borrow an extra pen, if you’ve got one?” To “What did you get for this number..?”, “Let’s hang out at my place, we could also plan our discussion for english tomorrow.”, which also turned to him simply grabbing things out of your bag when he pleases.
The formal little questions he’d usually ask you were starting to turn casual and friendly, not only his words but his tone is shifting as well.
You never thought you’d be invited to his place so casually and he’d lend you his jacket whenever you two are hanging out. Although, he insists you keep all of them since he loves the way it looks on you. It was weird. It was all so weird. So many girls like him, he’s constantly got girls dreaming to be around him as much as you get to be. Now, if you think about it— you never actually see ANY girls approaching him or hanging around him at all, aside from you, that is. People are constantly telling you about how you two must be dating, well you aren’t, but he’s never actually denied it either. He continues to tease you almost everyday and it just has you falling for him even more.
“Y/N?” Gun suddenly called out to you while you were walking out of the classroom to go home.
“Dinner, just you and me. This Friday at 7 o’clock, how’s that sound?”
“Wait, what?” You rose a brow at his sudden invitation, “What do you mean, by dinner with just you and me?” You briefly added.
“A dinner date, with just the two of us.”
“That was a little, out of nowhere.. Don’t you think?”
“..Yeah.” He responded, “My bad. Maybe it was a little too soon, never mind about what I sai-” He added before you cut him off, “Wai- wait! it wasn’t too soon at all! Sorry, I was just taken a back— since I really wasn’t expecting this from you.” You said, visibly happy.
“Well then..?” He nervously asked and you responded with, “Are you kidding? That’s all I’ve ever wanted!! I’d love to, Gun.” It was evident just how excited you were. Suddenly all bubbly and red in the cheeks, Gun found that to so adorable. “I wasn’t expecting such enthusiasm from you,” Gun said as he laughed, “You’re probably in love with me, aren’t you?” to which you replied, “You asked, I answered! And would you have wanted a no for an answer?” “A no from the girl who’s head over heals in love with me? I highly doubted that response.”
Gun might’ve said those words so casually and care free but he really was surprised with how quick it took for you to say yes. Throughout the course of your friendship, it did become obvious that the two of you do like each other. But it was much more evident on your side, with how much people knew you like Gun and how you spoke about him and how you were whenever you were with him, versus how you were when you were with some other boys that were rumored to like you. Of course, Gun was slightly taken aback when he learned about all this— how could someone like you, a beautiful and simple sweet heart who doesn’t even like contact with people or going out that much, like him, a guy whose name is insanely problematic and all the rumors spreading about him are mostly true and have something to do with his violent side and the things he does outside of school, a guy who people quite literally fear.
But Gun didn’t really like thinking about any of that. All that mattered to him was how you felt and the adorable reactions that come out of you whenever he teases you about apparently liking him so much.
A few months passed since your first date and the two of you started dating after a while, even more time has passed since then because you two were now in your final year of high school. Despite going further into your friendship to turn it into a relationship, nothing much has really changed.
You guys were at your place this one time and you begged him to do skin care with you. He was reluctant at first but with your puppy dog eyes and some touchy convincing, he finally agreed.
“Stay Still!!” You scolded your boyfriend who kept moving when you were trying to apply a full mask onto his face.
“How am I supposed to? It’s so wet and slimy, kinda reminds me of something..” Gun replied.
“Oh shut it, I finally finished applying it, now we have matching masks on!! Come look at the mirror!” You exclaimed, “Tada~!”
He looked at the mirror blankly and slowly turned to you, who was overflowing with joy.
“Awh, don’t you like it?”
“It’s.. something, that’s for sure..”
You looked at Gun with your usual pout, to which he caved in and finally went along with the whole thing, saying it’s not that bad.
“Hehe, my baby looks so handsome, just as he always does~” You said as you admired Gun while squeezing his cheeks.
“You’re such a simp, you know that, right? Gun said, slightly muffled as he looked down at you with his usual smirk.
“Hmph! If you don’t want my love then you could just say so!” You said as you let go off his cheeks and crossed your arms with a grouchier pout on your face.
“Baby, there’s no need to be a brat.” He then grabbed your chin to kiss your lips (you were tiptoe-ing). Gun always knew how to deal with the unpredictable pace of your mood, given how you can go from absolutely simping over him to a pouting girl who doesn’t wanna talk about it at all with him.
“Your eyes sure as hell love to wander, dont they?” Gun teased. You went all pouty again so he coated you in some more kisses to make up for the teasing about you being a complete simp.
Those were the moments that ultimately led to the situation you’re currently in. Beneath the sunset in your favorite place, dressed in an astonishing wedding dress, paired with an elegant pair of heels, just the right amount of steepness for you to walk in, given your veil and dress that was trailing on your back. Holding an extravagant boquet with all of your favorite flowers wrapped in such delicate material.
It was all so ethereal. Gun, your soon to be husband hasn’t seen you. You were queued to walk down the aisle so very soon, which had you shaking in both excitement and fear. It’s finally the day you’ve been waiting for so very long. You knew you really liked Gun the moment you two became closer, yet you’re still stuck in the point where you were admiring him from technically— not afar because he was right beside you the entire time. But still, you were just an admirer in awe. And now you have the same last name as him and do tons of things together— cooking? hell yes, shopping? without a doubt. hopping in the shower and bathtub together? you don’t even notice him coming in until you feel a strong pair of arms wrap around you and start to wander across your body.
Another thing is that Gun may seem like a “cold” or reserved person on the outside, but he really does care about people that matters to him and knows how to observe. One of the things he observed about your “infatuation” with him was how you looked at him. He really saw right through the eyes you looked at him with— they only expressed one thing. That one thing was actual love, and it was not at all short-lived as people say what infatuation is.
It truly surprised him to see how your eyes never got gloomy or even got tired of looking at him that way even when time passed.
If anything, they became brighter and loving with every moment that passed with you looking at Gun’s dark eyes, wondering why he would ever want to have anything to do with a girl who’s had a huge crush on him for so very long.
He realized just how much importance those little details hold. As they say, the eyes don’t lie. And he sure as hell was able to experience that for himself.
He may not have wanted to admit it at first, but he slowly fell for you, in the way where you fell first but he fell harder. His entire mood and demeanor would change the exact moment that you’re around him. He could be beating up people and see that you’ve come to check up on him because he specifically told you that he was just going out to get something from Goo, but ended up taking way too long— hence, why you went to find him. He changed in an instant. Leaving behind the scene and making sure you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about it. And according to Goo, the way he talks about you is just “agitating”— which pretty much translates to “amazing” in your vocabulary, given that Goo doesn’t care about these types of things.
You’ve heard from various of his friends that he really does love you, because he doesn’t prolong any of his fights due to the very fact that he wants to make sure that he can get home to you asap. Especially when it’s late at night, he knows you like to sleep but he wants to be the one to tuck you in and cuddle and place gentle kisses on you to sleep. So even though he loves fighting worthy opponents that gets him turned on, no one can top you— he just loves that matching pj’s set that you tend to wear, with the small pink lace ribbons and the silk fabric, the short and small shorts with the sleeveless top.
Gun told you all about what he does for Charles Choi when he fully trusted you and you guys were already dating, and he didn’t expect you to stay. He was scared to tell you with there being a big chance that you’d freak out and leave him, call the cops, and do other things he wouldn’t have ever wanted you of all people to do to him.
Despite all of his fears and bad expectations of what you might do when you learn of the “bad” side of his, he still has you and always will. He really cant believe that you stayed after everything and still look at him the exact same way you did when you first met him. You somehow still retained the same feelings and love you have for him despite everything— and he is insanely in love with you for that. He loves teasing you about it though.
Going back to the present situation you’re in, you were now walking down the aisle as Gun absolutely stared at you in awe. Enthralled by how amazing you looked in white and how such a gorgeous woman was walking down the aisle to meet eye to eye with him and to hold him hand in hand.
The ceremony was breathtakingly beautiful, flowers of all sorts were surrounding the venue with just the right amount of lights that have been set upon with candles and dim lighting. The details in fabrics, decorations, covers, and even the architecture of the venue was simply incredible.
All of this “extraness” as Gun would call it, was for you. Gun wasn’t the type of person to have such a big wedding despite the small number in guests, but he knew you loved all of the things he had made to be included for the special day.
And even though Gun was relatively smart with his money, he was more than willing to go all out on this short event.
After all the agreements and words that the officiator had asked the two of you, you guys finally reached the most important part of the day, the one you have been dreaming of for who knows how long.
The officiator spoke once again, “Do you, Y/N, take Park Jonggun to be your lawfully wedded husband— To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
You looked deeply into Gun’s eyes, “I do.”
The officiator turned over to Gun, “Park Jonggun, do you take this woman to be your wife— to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?
Gun held eye contact with you with a subtle yet sincere smile, “I do.”
He then carefully placed the beautiful ring on your finger, which was followed with you doing the same with his. Just after that was the unity ceremony which was such a bliss.
Of course, once that had passed, came the pronouncement— After more words and hundreds more that you didn’t pay much mind to, the officiator finally looked at the two of you deeply and stated, “I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!”
And so you guys did kiss, for a pretty long time— With Gun’s hands placed on your waist and one of your hands on his shoulder, and the other nestled against his face. The crowd cheered for the two of you as it all happened.
It was all so, so, so, incredibly divine.
Once the ceremony has ended and the after party was finally about to begin, you kept chatting with the guests, more particularly your closest friends who were also your bridesmaids. It genuinely made them wonder how you could be so in love with someone. The way you talked about him was absolutely adorable considering they’ve met Gun before, and think of him as the luckiest guy on earth, and you as the blindest girl.
And despite not knowing many of Gun’s friends that he invited, they were still so kind to chat with you. They told Gun when he came by that he really was one hell of a lucky guy to have someone so head over heals for him. To which he only agreed with them before he went to attend to the other guests.
“I don’t understand how you could like him so much, he’s garbage..” Goo said as the other guys were talking amongst themselves at the same table you and Goo were at.
“Maybe to you he is— but he is just the sweetest to me, and he’s hot as hell too.” You replied, obviously lost in your thoughts, imagining Gun once again.
“Woman, what the hell do you see in him for him to be considered as sweet? Do you have any idea how much people he’s arranged the organs of?” Goo questioned.
“Oh please, how much have you?”
“Hey. I don’t like getting my hands dirty as much as Gun does.”
Goo came closer to you and whispered in your ear, “Did you know that Gun has liked you before you even attended the same school together..?”
“Yup. You may have been led to believe that you were the first to like him all these years, but he’s just never told you that he’s actually a creepy stalker deep down.”
“You’re bluffing.”
“Nope! And you could figure it out for yourself!” Goo exclaimed.
“Oh please! If he hasn’t told me all this time then he wont tell me now, why don’t you just tell me more about it?”
“Fine, buttt! You can’t tell Gun or even give him hints that I was the one to tell you all this, alright?”
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that,” you replied.
“Alright-y then! I’m guessing you know Gun as someone you became classmates with in the eight grade, and became friends with in the ninth. Butttt, he actually first heard of you in the seventh grade, and although he wasn’t in your school that time, he transferred the next year so that you two could be classmates. He first saw you walking out of that school and he told me all about how pretty you were and how he’d like to be friends with you,” Goo explained.
“I can’t tell if you’re telling the truth or not..”
“It doesn’t matter what you believe, just know that I am telling you the truth and it’s up to you to take it or not.” He said with a smile spread across his face.
Like all things, the wedding eventually came to an end, it may have been short-lived but it was truly memorable. Of course, what comes after the wedding is the honeymoon.
You guys went on a trip to somewhere tropical for your honeymoon, which resulted in Gun wearing almost nothing most of the time, and if he was wearing something, it’d be boxers or swim trunks, or a more formal outfit that just looked sooooo good on him.
There was this one instance where you guys were about to go to bed, and Gun would usually have on some loose pants or shorts, but this time.. He was wearing absolutely nothing, not even boxers or briefs of some sort. He casually walked over to your shared bed while you stared at him.
“Need something, babe?” Gun asked he tucked himself into the blanket you were also tucked in, but you were both still sitting up.
“Well.. No, but um…” You replied nervously, obviously pent up from the view you had right in front of you.
Gun looks at your eyes then down to his naked body (and mind you, you were wearing a cute yet small and slightly revealing matching- sleepwear set), “Hm? You’ve seen me naked countless times before, and it’s not like you’re a virgin.” He teased as he brushed some of your hair to the side.
“Yeah b-but..” You managed to utter as you were still straight up staring at his body, fresh from the shower.
“But what? Does my wife need help with her words?” Gun teased as he leaned in closer to you and slowly lifted up your top to place his hand on your chest. To which you got very tense and nervous.
I’m sure you already know what followed in the next moments..
But moving forward with a few more days that passed, Gun caught you staring— maybe even admiring one of the pictures that you took together recently, specifically zoomed in on him. You hadn’t realized or even noticed his presence so you were just looking at the picture like some teenage girl, obviously crushing on him.. As if you didn’t just get married to him to him last week.
You were cheekily smiling at the picture, even giggling to yourself at some point when you swiped through some of the other pictures of him and you. You just loved him so bad, that even though you had him right with you, you still resorted to pictures. Gun thought that was adorable. The woman he fell in love with, sat on a chair facing away from where he was sneakily stood at, was swiping away at pictures of him when you didn’t even know that you had him wrapped around your finger.
“What’s my dear wife up to this evening?” He spoke out of nowhere, suddenly startling you. This caused you to have the phone slip out of your hands, but he swiftly caught it and took a closer look at the photos you were staring at.
“What are you doing with pictures that you can’t already to with the real deal right beside you?” He asked as you got increasingly nervous by the seconds passed and you were starting to fidget.
“I was just looking at what photos I wanted to keep.. And what I didn’t want to keep, y’know what I mean..?” You replied.
“Is that so?”
“Yes, my dear oh dearest husband,” you said mockingly— “Why are you interrogating me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Little miss stalker,” Gun said as he sat on the chair across from you, obviously enjoying himself.
“Stalke—? Oh wait-! That reminds me,” your husband’s brow rose at your sudden statement, “Your close friend, Jonggoo, told me a little something when him and I were talking during the after party.” You added.
“And that is..?” Gun asked, skeptical of what you might’ve learned, knowing Goo very well.
“Well,” you shuffled around as you tilted your head and finally spoke, “Is it true that you only came to the school I go to in the first place because you saw me walking out there one time and.. yeah—?”
“That bastard— But, yeah. That is true.” He said without a change in expression and emotion.
You gave him a teasing smile and a soft “hehe” as you looked at him. For some reason, finding out that was true only seemed to make you fall in love even more.
“Oh hush, I don’t understand how much a person could like someone—” He said and he stood up to lift you into his arms for teasing him.
“Hey! Why are you carrying me?” You suddenly yelped. He dropped you gently on to the bed and he climbed on top of you.
“Woman, it’s not good to start something you can’t finish.”
“Tsk! My nickname is now woman?” You pouted.
“My apologies then, my wife.” He said somewhat mockingly to which you pouted even more, so he finally said it in a more sincere manner and gave you a kiss.
“Well?” He asked you as you were still in the same position, with him on top you.
“Well what?” You clarified while your eyes shamelessly wandered through his body, flustered with the position you were in and the teasing he was doing to you.
“You’re eyes seem to be wandering yet again, and your cheeks are redder than rubies.. You just never get tired of me, do you? Gun said in a teasing tone as he leaned in closer.
This honeymoon sure as hell will be going on for a long time.
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notes: I think ill prolly put out a masterlist and about me post in like a month or two who knows, also this request has been with me for so long 😭 I am so so so sorry to this anon, please forgive me 😵‍💫 Also, I really hope that this wasn’t too bad and can live up to what you were expecting and requesting, I am so sorry if it doesn’t, I really tried 😭 ANDDD I accidentally deleted the actual request because I got a little lost with trying to navigate tumblr because I accidentally clicked the Queue button and yeah.. I don’t think I really proofread this tbh
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for a request, and I'll be doing more characters in lookism so feel free to request!!
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magics-neptunes-things · 10 months
A Baby for Christmas
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Hi guys ♥
This is a new style I'm trying so I hope you will like it. Please let me know what you think about it! It was very long to write so I'm really sorry if you still find mistakes in it.
Summary : How your baby comes in your life. (Worst summary ever)
Part 2 is here!
TW : Mention of miscarriage, pregnancy.
When Leah looked you in the eye while you innocently drank your coke and said "I want a baby" the shock was such that you spit out your drink. I mean, of course you know perfectly well that the blonde has a desire to create a family, you both talked about it pretty early in your relationship. But you didn’t expect her to throw you this information while you are lying on your couch, dressed only in one of her t-shirts too big for you after activities not necessarily adapted to any public.
By the time you managed not to choke, the blonde had added "With you" which made you bow both eyebrows at the same time.
"Thank God" you answered, dropping your soda can on your coffee table.
Leah laughed and grabbed a tissue to wipe your chin, while taking again.
"I think we have everything we need to welcome a baby properly, don’t you think? We have a house, we both make a good living, and I know you’re the love of my life."
After confirming that she were yours (your two-year marriage could have been proof of that alone), you contacted clinics and took the first steps to the path of motherhood.
You had hoped that the test carried out a few days before Christmas would be positive, but that wasn't the case. Even if Leah hugged you tightly, saying you that's it's ok and you will try again, you can't drive away your melancholy.
The following days, you were eternally grateful for Leah’s efforts to change your mind, going out to different Christmas markets or offering different Christmas activities. She knows how much you love this holiday. And you have to admit that it worked and you probably fell in love with her again.
"This is bullshit" you complain suddenly, driving Leah's attention on you.
"Ok. But which one are you talking about?"
Leah's answer made you smile and rolling your eyes. You were walking in Hyde Park hand in hand, taking advantage of illuminations that have not yet been removed. In the early afternoon, many families still enjoy the ice rink and the various activities offered by Winter Wonderland. It's the last day of opening and many people seem to still want to enjoy it.
All you have to do is take a look at Leah to see that she’s completely lost by what you’re saying. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t fully realize that Leah’s were thousands years away from yours.
"Care to explain?" asks the blonde, frowning.
You sighed and stop walking, without letting Leah's hand go.
"I want our baby to look like you. Not me."
Leah’s smile is tinged with a hint of sadness. It's obvious that your child will not be able to have your both features and you find this completely unfair. Aside from the fact that he would just be perfect, when you imagined having kids with Leah, you always imagined them looking like her.
"It’s sad and cute at the same time" Leah comments, releasing your hand to put her arm around your waist.
You pout and sigh softly, letting yourself go against her. You’re not a professional sportsman and Leah is going to make her big comeback on the football fields in two weeks. It made sense that you were carrying your child for both of us.
"There is a way to make it possible. To make him look like you" you add, once again crossing her questioning gaze.
"Babygirl I love you but I swear if you prepare to mention my brother in any way…"
"Ew no, what the hell?"
You frown with cringe while looking at her. She shrug and bite her lip before answering to you.
"Well one of the gynecologists we visited mentioned me the idea, but I’m glad to hear you don’t like it"
"I mean Jacob is cute because he looks like you, but not in this way"
Leah has a satisfied and superior smile that makes you laugh softly and you note in a corner of your head to ask her the name of the gynecologist to go and stick an one star in her Google reviews. But you’d rather go back to the present.
"So, what I was saying before you try Lannister-ed us (Leah rolls her eyes) is that I saw on the Internet that there is another possibility. I can take one of your eggs and take care of the pregnancy. But in the end it will look like you."
"Just to be sure" Leah says with her special accent "You want to take one egg from me (she put her index on her) to put it here (she put her index on your belly) and make the baby grow so he looks like me (she put herself again)?"
"I like this idea a little to much" Leah smirks.
You’ve always hated needles since you were little. Vaccines have always been your hell on earth and despite all the persuasion of your mother, you have never been able to donate your blood. Fortunately, you have never had an operation, otherwise you sincerely don't know how you would have done. When you told Leah about this little detail, she thought you were exaggerating and laughed. But that was before you had to have an injection every night for the goods of your treatment and that possibly you could have a baby in a few months.
"Baby, it’s time!"
You look up from the television to see your wife leaning against a piece of furniture in your living room, a mischievous smile on her face and a syringe in her hands.
"Oh no" you whine
"Oh yes."
Without giving Leah time to react, you jump off the couch and run into the bedroom. That doesn’t stop you from hearing your wife’s voice sigh.
You’ve only been on this treatment for a few days, but every day is worse than the last. Leah is doing her best and she is particularly sweet and delicate, but your belly is covered with bruises and it has clearly become your most hated moment of the day.
"Y/N I swear to god!" makes Leah when she realise that you hide yourself in the cupboard. Again.
"Leave me alone you creep"
But Leah doesn’t listen to you and opens the closet door on the fly. You try to escape, but it was not counting Leah’s sporting reflexes that tackle you on your bed. Sitting on your legs, she knows you have no chance to escape.
"Baby please, can we talk about this?"
"Stop acting" Leah laughs softly as she lifts your shirt.
Knowing that you cannot escape it any longer, you close your eyes and take a great aspiration.
You open your eyes to see the satisfied face of Leah, who in the meantime put the needle on her bedside table.
"I have to admit you’re getting better and better at it" you whisper reluctantly.
In truth, you didn’t even feel anything. But you quickly spot the glow that shines in Leah’s eyes when she looks at you.
"I must admit that I particularly like this position" she whispers as she leans over you, putting her lips on yours.
"I think I’ll throw up" you nervously say.
"Actually, I think you were supposed to pee on it" your wife objects with sarcasm.
Despite yourself you let go of a nervous little laugh, rising from the edge of the bathtub on which you had settled. Today is the famous day of the pregnancy test and you are so stressed that you wonder if you will fall out, vomit or simply end up rolled into a ball on the floor of your bathroom.
"5 minutes" Leah grumbles after a few seconds, looking at the timer on her phone. "Who makes these tests?"
"Certainly people who love neither women nor children"
It’s Leah’s turn to giggle a little, but the tension is still there. To pass the time, you sing from memory Good Caroline in your head several times, until the timer rings in the room. Leah jumps so much that she drops her phone on the ground.
You exchange a look and you talk first.
"You’re watching. I don’t have the courage."
Leah sighs softly but gets up from the toilet bowl, nervously approaching the two tests you've done. You preferred to be sure of the result so as not to have false hopes, just in case. With trembling hands, Leah takes a deep breath before taking both tests in her hands. Her nervous face becomes unreadable and you will certainly die of stress in a few seconds.
"So what? Lee?"
After a few seconds, Leah puts her attention back on you, her gaze still unfathomable.
"My Love, I swear…" you begin, ready to threaten her if she remains silent one more second.
She seems so incredulous that you think you misunderstood. But a big smile appears on her face and she jumps into your arms.
"Positive! We will be Parents!"
Lying in your bed, Leah is scrolling on her phone while you have opted for a more traditional way of doing things, using a book. You’ve been thinking about a name for a few weeks without really finding your happiness. Despite the fact that you still go the time, you fear that you arrive at the birth before making a choice. Not wanting to know if the baby is a girl or a boy complicates your task, but it's time to assume this choice until the end.
"What do you think of Alistair?" you ask while raising the nose of your book.
"Of course, if you want him to be able to join the royal family later, it will be perfect" mocks Leah and you roll your eyes.
"I know!" exclaims your blonde seconds later with a victorious smile. "William!"
"William Williamson? Really?"
"Well, yes!"
Your sarcastic tone and arched eyebrow seem to amuse Leah more than reason since she laughs, proud of her discovery. And seeing her happy face, you can’t help but smile softly.
"Harry?" you suggest, a few minutes later.
Leah’s clear and almost cold answer surprises you and you raise your nose from your book to look at her. Her eyebrows are raised and you don’t understand why. Does she have a hatred you didn’t know about Harry Potter?
"Because Harry Kane and there's no fucking way that my son is named after a Tottenham player."
Leah threatens you with her finger and you hold back with a smile, realizing that the subject is burning for your wife.
"Oh man…" you whisper softly as you resume your reading.
Some time passes and the silence settles, interrupted only by the rain that strikes against the windows of your house. You take advantage of this silence to snuggle up against Leah and you smile as you feel her cheek pressed against the top of your skull.
"Magnus?" you suggest after a few minutes.
Leah raises her head and thinks a few seconds before nodding.
"I like it. You can add it to the list."
With a satisfied smile, you add Magnus to Cameron’s suite after taking the time to trace William. The innocent look that Leah takes when you look at her while doing it amuses you and you rest your pen.
"We’re only looking for a boy’s name, but what if it’s a girl?"
Looking up at you, Leah puts her phone on her thigh and you see her hesitant to speak again. The way she sways slightly on the mattress makes you think about what she does when she stands up and has to tell you something. Fortunately, this was never a serious confession.
"Well… there’s a name I like, since I was a teenager"
"I’m afraid you don’t like her"
You smile softly, passing your legs over hers. Your curiosity is driven by the fact that Leah doesn’t seem to want to tell you. Taking her hand in yours, you intertwine your fingers and look into her eyes.
"Come on Leah, just tell me" you whines.
"Charlie Williamson" you try the first and last name several times on your tong, under the inquisitive eye of Leah, before giving her a big smile. "I really like it."
"I'm scared" you mumble against Leah's neck, where you're hiding your face.
You both were in the gynaecologist’s office that follows you during your pregnancy. This is the first ultrasound you will have for your baby. After taking a blood test after a month of pregnancy and confirming that you were pregnant, you considered it unnecessary to specify that you did a test almost every other day. This all sounds almost too good to be true. You feel like something terrible is going to happen to you.
"I’m sure it’s going to be all right" Leah replies with her deep, calm voice, kissing the top of your head.
In truth, she is at least as stressed as you and doesn't pay any attention to the magazine she's reading. She is also the first to get up when you are called, even if she gently reaches out to you to help you do the same.
The gynecologist asks you about your state of health, but you rather want to shake her so that she hurries to put you on the observation table. You want, need, to know that everything is fine.
After a few minutes it is finally the case and you find yourself nervously attached to Leah’s hand.
"We may not hear the heartbeat well, since the fetus is still small" it informs you, which does not help your stress to decrease.
You answer nothing, focused on the images that scroll on the screen in front of you. You look at Leah when she explains to both of you where the baby is, which you would have been unable to see on your own. These white spots are inexplicable to you. But your wife’s wet eyes are enough to make you smile.
"Come on, let’s try to listen to his heart now."
You swallow and close your eyes, expecting to hear a very slight sound after the doctor’s explanations. But it’s actually a fast and loud drumming that sounds in the room, making you quickly open your eyes. The sensations you feel when hearing this melody are indescribable and you only realize that you are crying when Leah gently wipes your tears with her thumb.
"It looks like this baby is in great shape. Congratulations. I’ll let you get dressed and we’ll make an appointment for the next check."
You nod and can’t get your eyes off the frozen screen where the proof is that this baby really exists.
"We’re gonna be parents."
Leah’s sentence, the same one she uttered when discovering the positive tests, seems more like an achievement this time. But you understand her feeling. It seems to be much more real.
"You’re not gonna knock out, are you?"
The look lost in Leah’s gaze becomes clear again when it lands on you and you address her a mocking smile.
"Of course not. Kiss me rather than tell nonsense."
Smiling again, you stand up and put your arms around her neck to kiss her tenderly. You let go of her when she kisses your cheek and neck, enjoying the moment. You’re going to be parents. And most importantly, your baby is healthy.
The good weather being back, it's with a little more motivation that you go to Leah's football matches. Even if you haven’t missed one in or around London, not having to cover yourself with layers of clothing is nice. Summer is coming and the end of the season too. Arsenal is pretty well placed in the standings, but it's a FA Cup's match that is being played today. And not just any since it’s the final and Arsenal is playing against Chelsea.
You find yourself in the ranks of families and friends, surrounded by the Williamsons and other family members of different players. The friends are also present since Ella Toone is also part of the ranks, just like Mary Earps and other international players that you have already met several times thanks to Leah.
You're wearing a jersey with Williamson print on your back, Leah's Arsenal cap and you bought yourself a scarf at the booth, which you put on your shoulders. The proud look your wife gave you when she saw you was worth it.
The match is tight and it's with a blank score that the half is whistled. Leah looks for you and addresses you a smirk before entering the tunnel to return to the changing rooms, which you answer obviously.
"Would you like something to drink, darling?" asks your mother-in-law affectionately and you think for a few moments.
Quench your thirst and know that you will run to the toilet a few minutes later and definitely miss part of the game? Or wait for a few more minutes? You end up opting for the second option and given the following of events, you are quite right. If you’d missed that moment, you’d probably have found yourself with a divorce paper under your nose.
60th minute, a corner for Arsenal is played right in the box. The ball is taken from the head by Alessia but ends on the crossbar. However, it’s not over since Lia managed to intercept it and pass it back to Leah who sends a cannon ball to the bottom of the nets.
You expected Leah to rush to her teammates to celebrate, but instead you see her positioning her arms as if she was carrying an imaginary baby and she started rocking it. There’s a big smile on your face when you realize what she’s doing. You haven’t made your pregnancy public yet, fearing you’ll have to announce bad news if things go wrong. It must also be said that the fact that you are not famous and that your belly grew during the winter allowed you not to have too much effort to put in place for this.
Playful smiles on their faces, Leah’s teammates finally reach her height to congratulate her for this goal. These hugs finished, Leah looks for you again among the crowd and you send her a kiss with your hand.
Thirty minutes later, the referee’s whistle rang through the stadium, sealing Arsenal’s victory. You find yourself jumping on the spot with excitement too, cuddling all the people you can reach. You know how important this game was for Leah, who wants to get back to her old level as soon as possible.
It’s only after the cup has been lifted by the whole team that Leah makes her way to you, but you’re happy to see her enjoying these moments with her friends. You smile when you see her running towards you and get as close as possible to the edge of the field. The height of the bleachers doesn't seem to bother Leah who climbs it simply to get to your height.
"I’m so proud of you, Leah" you smile as you stretch out your arms at her.
A big smile on her face, Leah hugs you with pleasure, putting a tender kiss on your lips.
"Did you see my goal?"
"Was it you? I could have sworn it was Cloé who scored that fantastic goal"
Leah snorts and you smirk at her, taking her face in your both hands.
"Have you seen my celebration too?"
"I did Baby. You're such a dork" you smile when Leah laughs and kiss her once again, forgetting the world around you, making you believing that you are all alone.
But you weren't.
"Hum. Mind if I hug my sister, too?"
Leah’s flirtatious nature is known in the football world and it never changed when you guys got together. You know perfectly well that there is nothing behind, you saw the way she flirted "for real" when she became interested in you. However, as you often tell her, it's not necessarily as easy to understand for the person in front of her. Because of her sexual orientation, they are very often girls.
But then again, you never gave her a fit of jealousy because she never exceeded the limits you set and because she always proved to you that you could have a blind and total trust in her. Apart from her sharp, chaotic, unpredictable and sometimes stubborn character, Leah knows how to be affectionate, attentive, romantic and tender. You think some people won’t believe you, but you don’t care. That part of Leah is only for you and that’s perfect.
But tonight, you feel your hormones bubbling. Leah asked you to join her in the karaoke bar she used to go to with her teammates. Tonight there’s Alessia, Lia, Alex, Katie and Caitlin. After breaking everyone’s ears on an Adele song, Katie was forced to sit down for the end of the evening and sulks in her corner. Alessia and Leah went back for drinks while Alex started a song with Caitlin.
Lia is installed at your side, but you must admit that you're paying any attention to your discussion. Your interest is entirely focused on the waitress who flirts without the slightest embarrassment with your wife.
"You’re not listening to me at all" Lia laughs softly, making you finally turn your head in her direction.
"No, I’m sorry."
You make a grimace but she addresses you a smile, apparently not in the least vindictive. You like the Swiss girl, you know she had a little fling with Leah before you met, but her behavior towards you has always been impeccable. You can’t tell if feelings are completely erased from her side, but she’s a loyal friend to Leah and who would you blame for someone having stifled feelings for the perfect woman that is Leah?
Speaking of the blonde, you shift your attention to her to see that she is still in full discussion with the waitress. Even Alessia seems to find time long, her gaze navigates between Leah and the table. Noticing that you observe the scene with coldness, she taps on Leah’s shoulder with a discreet nod in your direction.
Your eyes cross the baby blue of Leah who seems to realize the situation immediately. So she easily emerges from the grip of the waitress who had literally grabbed her arm to come back to you.
"A little song Less?" quickly offers Lia when she feels the tension emanating from your body.
Alessia vaguely answers a "Yes please" letting her desire to flee the possible dispute that point the tip of her nose, which would surely have amused you another day.
"You okay Babe?" asks Leah, putting a hand on your leg.
"Don’t Babe me, Leah." You said coldly with an eyebrow arched.
"Come on, Baby, it was nothing. We were just talking."
"Normal people don’t talk to others by sticking their breasts under their noses."
Leah rolls her eyes and you push her hand back from your leg, but the blonde does not let go and passes the same hand around your shoulders to squeeze you against her. You try to escape, but your big belly is holding you back. Now the baby’s on Leah’s side.
"Leah" you try to push her away despite the gust of kisses she puts all over your face.
"Leah" you repeat once again, feeling your anger wither.
"I love it when you say my name" your wife whispers mischievously in your ear.
"Stop it. It’s not funny"
Despite this, Leah has a smile on her face when she resumes speaking, your chin delicately trapped between her thumb and index finger.
"I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it bothered you that much. You know I only see you. It doesn’t bother you so much usually, what changes this time?"
You shrug your shoulders in perfect bad faith. You know why, but you’re not sure you want to talk about it. When it goes like this before, you have a nice time sticking to Leah and making out with her to make your rivals understand that she's yours.
"Dunno" you mumble before you finish your soda.
"You’re lying" Leah whispers in your ear, laying a kiss on the corner of your jaw.
"What do you want me to say?" you sigh softly "she is younger, prettier and she can certainly offer free drinks to whoever she wants."
The end of your sentence was mostly meant to distract Leah from the rest, but it obviously didn’t work. The blonde straightens a little, frowning.
"No one is prettier than you"
"Oh please, Leah, I appreciate your support but I have already gained more than ten kilos. Be realistic. I am. And I don’t like it when women prettier than me flirt with my wife."
But Leah doesn't seem to hear it from this ear since your face always between her fingers is putting closer to hers. Her eyebrows are frowned, much more than usual.
"Nobody’s prettier than you. I’m serious."
You have trouble supporting the intensity of her gaze and you find yourself blushing like you did when she complimented you at the beginning of your relationship. The blonde finally releases your face, but only to tighten you against her, with two arms this time.
"You are my wife. No one is prettier than you."
In half a sleep, Leah turns around in your bed to get on her stomach, expecting to be able to curl up against you. Except that it's only the void that receives her, making her frown. Still without opening her eyes, she taps the mattress in search of your body, without success. It's only then that she opens her eyes and rises slightly on the mattress to note your absence at her side.
When the silence answers her, Leah ends up getting up and looking for you. She walks through the different rooms of the house starting with the bathroom and ending with your garden, without success. Gradually, the blonde feels panic invading her, especially when she realizes that your pajamas are wisely folded on a chair in your room and that you left with her purse but without your phone or your car.
It's with trembling hands and fingers that your wife grabs her phone to call the first number that comes to her mind in an emergency.
"What’s up Baba?" makes the sleepy voice of Amanda Williamson, awakened at 3am by her daughter.
"Y/N is missing."
When you return home, you are surprised to see that an additional car is in your driveway, apparently parked in a hurry. You don’t understand why your mother-in-law’s car is here, or why all the lights in the house are on.
So it’s puzzling that you go to the door, your food bag in your hand. People had warned you that you would have strange cravings, but you didn’t expect to want cinnamon rolls and Beef Jerky in the middle of the night. Unable to go back to sleep and not having it at home, you simply decided to go to the supermarket open 24/24 in your neighborhood to do some shopping.
If you were perplexed when you arrived at home, you have the impression that question marks grow on your head when you pass the front door. Leah is sitting on the couch with her head in her hands and your stepmother in a bathrobe over her nightgown on the phone with someone. Hearing the front door, Leah abruptly raises her head and before you realize it you find yourself pressed against her with blond hair obstructing your vision.
"Okay, she’s here. Yes … thank you very much" you hear Amanda saying before she hangs up.
"Where the hell were you? Are you okay? What happened?"
Leah releases you a little and holds you at arm’s length, letting her gaze slide over every inch of your body to check that you have no wound anywhere.
"I’m fine! I - I was hungry so I went to buy food"
"At 3 in the morning?!" Leah half-scream
"Without taking your phone?"
"I forgot it."
"For God’s sake, have you lost your mind?! If anything had happened to you, what would you have done? We were calling the cops and -"
Amanda’s voice sounds and you realize at this moment that she has taken a few steps to get closer to you both. Laying a hand on her daughter’s shoulder, she draws her attention with her calm, smoothing voice. It seems to work since Leah turns directly in her direction.
"She’s fine. You were afraid, but everything’s fine now"
The inspiration that Leah takes to calm down is audible throughout the room and you take advantage of this moment of calm to say in a small voice
"I'm so sorry"
The blue eyes of the footballer refer to you and the embrace that you exchange this time is more made to comfort her for once. Over her shoulder, you give your mother-in-law an apology smile.
"Sorry for pulling you out of bed in the middle of the night"
"No worries. But I’m going back now."
She winks at you and kisses you both before leaving the house. Leah is still in your arms and you gently stroke her back with your fingertips, following her spine. Her face is hidden in your neck and you kiss her hair before you speak again.
"Shall we go back to bed too?"
Leah answers you with a grunt and grabs your hand to train you in your bedroom, taking care to turn off the lights of the house in passing.
"Don’t ever do that to me again" Leah mutters and clings to you like she’s afraid you’ll disappear again.
"I’m sorry" you say again. "I know how tired you are with the games and the training. I just wanted to let you rest."
"I don’t care if I’m tired. If you need anything and I sleep, you wake me up. If anything happens to you and I’m gone, you call me. I won’t accept any excuses."
"At your command, Captain" you smile tenderly before kissing her.
"I’m not kidding, Williamson."
"I know, Williamson."
"Y/N Y/S/N Williamson, will you please come down that ladder, right now?"
Hearing the voice both panicked and commanding of your wife, you smile and roll your eyes. Leah’s over-protective behavior is growing day by day and you will surely not be allowed to lift any pencil soon.
"Leah, I’m not risking anything" you say, turning in her direction.
"No! Don't move! You will fall!"
Letting the panic prevail, Leah rushes towards you, throwing her football bag and her boots to makes you come down the ladder by carrying you in her arms like a bride. Smiling, you put your arms around her neck and put your lips on hers.
"You’re so strong" you coo tenderly before deposing other kisses along her jaw and into her neck.
You feel her shiver, so you continue your kisses. Leah was away all the morning and the beginning of the afternoon for training and you were getting bored. So you decided to install the Christmas decoration, going up the boxes from the cellar and setting up your Christmas tree. Without decorating it, knowing that Leah would do it with you. You also had time to decorate the windows with stickers and fake snow and you were finishing installing the lights above your windows.
"Oh no, I know exactly what you’re doing" laughs Leah as you, gently resting you on the floor.
"What?" you ask maliciously.
"You’re trying to distract me from your foolishness"
"I will only speak in the presence of my lawyer"
Leah laughs and you can’t help but smile when you hear your favorite sound. Putting yourself on tiptoe, you deposit a new kiss on her lips to which the blonde responds without hesitation.
"How is my baby?"
Her hand gently settles on your belly and you smile again feeling her do.
"He’s in great shape, he’s been kicking me all day"
"Believe me, there is a future talented footballer in there"
"A striker most certainly" you smirk
"No way. He's going to be a defender"
"Or a keeper"
"Who in the world would want to be a goalkeeper, except Mary’s children?"
You know that Leah is joking and that she will be happy no matter what path your child chooses. But if he could enjoy football and become an Arsenal fan, it would probably be a big plus for her. As if to confirm this words, you feel the baby give a new kick, exactly where Leah’s hand is.
"Well hello to you too Buba" Leah says tenderly before bending over to lay a kiss on your belly.
"How was training baby?" You ask, picking up the stuff Leah threw on the floor a few minutes ago.
"Leave it, I’ll take care of it" intervenes the blonde, grabbing you by the hand. "It was ok, but training in the cold begins to become painful"
You smile at her and decide to take her with you in the kitchen.
"How about a nice hot chocolate?"
"I think it’s the best idea of your day. Way above climbing a ladder and being eight months pregnant."
Leah is in the training room, surrounded by her teammates when her phone starts ringing. By habit, in case you have an emergency, she leaves it under general so you can contact her anytime. She gave you a special ring, allowing her to recognize your calls compared to others.
"Lee, phone" shouts Alessia across the room.
"Can you look who’s calling me please?"
The blonde does it willingly, rummaging through spare clothes and cereal boxes.
"It's your mother."
Leah sighs and walks across the room to grab her phone and hang up. However, Leah barely has time to rest it that it starts ringing again, making Leah frown.
"She knows I’m training, why is she insisting like that?"
The question is said aloud, but it could just as well be pronounced in his head. However, this would not have allowed Katie to respond.
"Maybe an emergency?"
"Didn’t you tell me Y/N was with her this morning?" intervenes Lia.
The captain’s face breaks down a little and she quickly picks up at this welcome reminder of her friend.
"Baba don’t freak out, but we’re at the hospital. Y/N’s water just broke."
"I’m… I’m coming"
Just after hanging up, panic seizes Leah who gathers her belongings by embarking half of those belonging to Viv in passing. Miraculously her teammates manage to understand what she explains to them and Lia intervenes quickly, with all the calm and sweetness that characterizes her.
"I’m driving you, there's no way you’re driving in this state."
After refusing that the entire team accompanies them ("It’s a birth, not a summer camp"), it's finally with Alessia and Katie that Lia accompanies Leah to the right hospital. It's finally a good thing that the Swiss woman decided to accompany Leah, she would surely have managed to go to the wrong maternity.
"Leah breathe" Katie says from the back seat.
"Easy to say! If things go wrong? In addition, the baby is early! What if he doesn't survive this?"
"Wasn't the expected delivery date the December 12?" asks Lia, bowing her eyebrow.
"Leah, we’re the 7" Alessia gently intervened.
"So what?"
"I swear to God that if this child inherits your drama rate, I’ll get him enrolled in drama classes" says Katie, sighing at length.
In the room you’re in, time seems long without Leah. Amanda keeps you company until your wife gets here, but between the pain and the stress, you don’t look too good.
"You’re doing very well darling" your mother-in-law gently makes you, to whom you address a smile-grimace.
Fortunately, a few minutes later Leah finally makes her appearance, dressed in a sky blue outfit that you saw a thousand times in Grey’s Anatomy. The relief is so great when you see her come that tears rise to your eyes. Focused on Leah, you don’t even realize that Amanda is taking the powder.
"My Love" whispers Leah as she lays a kiss on your forehead.
Leah tenderly caresses your face while listening to the nurse’s information and you relax as much as possible. You didn’t hesitate for a second when you were asked if you wanted peridulral. You willingly let other women be brave, but you, no thanks.
The hours pass, both slow and fast. Leah does her best to relieve, relax or change your mind. She’s perfect, once again.
It's only around 2am that your baby’s cry finally sounds in the delivery room, after long hours of labor. You can’t tell which of the three of you cried the most when your little miracle is lying on your chest, Leah sitting next to you in bed.
A little blonde hair down, quickly covered with a hat, and baby blue piercing eyes as light as Leah's are the first features you discover in your perfect baby. Just like you hopped.
"So, what will you call this little angel?" the nurse ask you.
"Charlie. Her name is Charlie" Leah mumble, a big smile on her face. "Charlie Amanda Williamson."
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bbrissonn · 1 year
𝐥𝐮𝐥𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 - 𝐥𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
in which you and luke become a couple
warnings: not proofread
disclaimer: english is not my first language so excuse any mistakes. also, this is a work of fictions, this doesn't reflect how these boys act in real life :)
pairing: luke hughes x zegras!reader
wc: 1.4k
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-DECEMBER 14 '22-
“Luke!” You called out, walking into the sophomore house, only to be met with silence. The boy had texted you that morning, asking if you were free to stop by his house after your last class. So here you were, standing in the empty and quiet home, something you didn’t know was possible in any hockey house. You made your way trough the place and up the stairs to his room, calling out his name over and over again, but an answer never came. 
“Luke!” You said again, this time a loud bang could be heard coming from the boy’s room, making your eyes grow wide. “Are you okay?” You asked, about to open the door to his bedroom, only for his voice to stop you. 
“Don’t come him! Just… gimme a minute!” He yelled out, making your hand drop from the nob. You stood in front of the door for almost a whole minute until his door opened. The boy greeted you with his lopsided grin, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. 
“Hi.” He said, before looking behind himself quickly. 
“Hey, you okay?” You spoke, your eyes looking into his full of worry. The boy felt his warm skip a couple of beats at the eye contact.
“Yeah, yeah, I just… I tripped over my bed.” He mumbled, clearly embarrassed about it. You tried your hardest to keep your laugh in, but eventually it slipped past your lips, Luke’s face growing red as he looked at the ground. 
“Sorry, sorry. You wanted me to stop by?” 
“Huh? Oh, yeah, right. Come in.” He said stepping aside. Once you were in, you turned around to look at him with a smile, only to notice one of his arm had been behind his back the whole time. 
“Whatcha hiding back there?” You asked curiously with a smile, his heart once again skipping a couple of beats. Without answering, his arm appeared in front of you, a bouquet of Gardenia, looking crushed a little, in his hand. 
“I feel on them.” He explained their odd shapes, only making your smile grow wider. “They’re for you.” 
“Thank you.” You whispered, your hands now holding the flowers. “They’re beautiful, Lu.” You added, a tint of pink flushing on your cheeks. No boy had ever gotten you flowers before, not even last year when your at the time boyfriend asked you to prom, never. You didn’t really understand why he had decided to gift you these on a random day of december, but you weren’t complaining. You finally understood why girls always freaked out whenever they’d receive some, you felt a warmth in your chest you had never felt before, and you loved it. 
“‘M  glad you like them.” 
“I love them, Luke.” You corrected him, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his neck, the flowers still in your hands. Luke’s arms wrapped around your waist, keeping your body close to his as his head landed in the crock of your neck. 
“I don’t wanna be like a bitch or anything, but why?” 
“Just felt like it. You’ve helped me a lot, balance school and hockey, you’re always there for me. Thank you.” He explained, his voice low and muffled by your neck, but you understood every word he said. 
“No one’s ever bought be flower before.” You admitted, your voice also low and muffled. Your words made Luke pull away from your hug, but his hands remained wrapped around your waist. “What?” 
“You’ve never been given flower before?” 
“No.” You admited, your fingers playing with the curls on the back of his neck. You bit your lip, looking away from his gaze as he looked at you with a look you couldn’t describe. 
“You’re ex never bought you flowers?” He asked after a couple of seconds. You nodded your head to the side slightly, bitting down on your lips harder as you felt Luke’s grip on your waist tighten. “He’s an idiot.” The boy added softly, making you smile slightly. 
“Yeah, he is.” You sighed, thinking about how toxic your relationship had been. 
“You deserve all the flowers in the world, Y/N/N.” The boy mumbled, making your eyes fly up to meet his. The two of you stared at each other for a couple of seconds before Luke spoke once again. “The other guys are too dumb to see it, but I do. You deserve everything in the whole world.” He continued, his voice still as low as before. 
“Yeah? And who’s gonna give me that, Lulu. All boys want now is sex, they don’t care about the whole romance thing.” 
“I do. I can give you all that.” The boy whispered, one of his hand leaving your waist to cup your cheek. “I care about all the romance thing if you care about it, Y/N. I want to do all those couple things you always complain about because you don’t have anyone to do it with. I can be that guy, I want to be that guy, just for you.” He admitted, his face slowly getting closer and closer to yours until your foreheads were touching. 
Saying you didn’t feel anything for the youngest Hughes boy would be a complete lie. You had never been happier around another person before, being with Luke gave you this euphoric feeling of joy, and it was like a drug. You always wanted to be around him, you always wanted to feel those little butterflies in your stomach whenever he’d stare at you during a conversation. You were addicted to way he made you feel, you were addicted to him. You wanted him just as much as he wanted you. 
“Promise you won’t hurt me.” 
“Hurting you is the last thing I’ll ever do. You deserve to be happy, and I want to give you that.” The boy answered, leaning his head down a little lower so your nose were now touching as well. “I promise.” He added, and the next second your lips were on his. 
Suddenly, it was like the world stopped, all you could think about was the boy in front of you, and how you never wanted this moment to end. You found comfort in the kiss you were sharing, weirdly enough since it was the first one the two of you shared, but it felt like home. 
“I want you to be my boyfriend, Lu.” You said once the two of you pulled away. Your words made the boy chuckle a little before answering you. 
“Let me take you out on a date before, yeah?” 
“No. I don’t need to spend a night with you doing whatever to know how I feel about you, Luke. I want to be with you.” You said, and the boy nodded a bit before connecting your lips again for a short moment. 
“Woah! What’s going on over here?” Dylan asked later that evening, walking into his best friend’s bedroom, only to find the two of you half asleep, you body on top of Luke’s as his arms keep you close to his chest. 
“Get out.” Luke mumbled before turning on his side as you cuddle closer to him. “And don’t say a fucking word about this to anyone.” 
“Gosh, moody much.” The Duker boy said under his breath before walking out and closing the door. 
“I’m hungry.” You spoke, your voice gentle as you slowly woke up. 
“Wanna order something?” Luke asked softly, making you nod against his chest slightly. The boy then reached for his phone and started ordering from your favourite fast food place. 
“I had a dream, and it made me think of something.” You spoke again after a couple of seconds. 
“Tell me about it.” 
“I was shopping with Eva, and we went to Lululemon, and it reminded me of you.” You explained, your voice still softly as your eyes barely stayed opened. 
“Yeah, ‘cause it’s called Lululemon. I’m gonna start calling you lemon now.” You told him, making him chuckle a bit. “Lulu the lemon.” 
“Does that mean I am supposed to call you lime?” He joked, finishing up the order on his phone and dropping it on his mattress as he moved to his back. You stayed sideways, your head now resting fully on his chest as one of your hands ran over his abs. 
“Please don’t.” 
“It’s fitting though, you’re sour like a lime.” He joked, making you look up at him with a frown. 
“Hey, that’s not nice.” You mumbled, only making him chuckle even more than before.
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fluentmoviequoter · 10 months
Special Edition
Day 4 of 12 Days of Ficmas
Pairing: Jason Todd x vigilante!fem!reader
Summary: Jason Todd doesn't like you. He does like Jane Austen, though.
Word Count: 2.2k+ words
Warnings: angst, arguments, brief description of injuries, fluff, Pride and Prejudice quotes. reader is a vigilante!
A/N: Sorry this is late; thank you for being patient and the encouraging messages!! This is my first Jason Todd fic and I am so excited because I'm madly in love with him. He may be OOC, but I didn't specify which version so you can imagine whichever Jason you want! I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
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You are the bane of Jason Todd’s existence. He’s never said it outright, but he shows you constantly that he doesn’t like you, trust you, and certainly doesn’t want to work with you. That doesn’t deter you from trying to bring a little Christmas spirit and friendship to the man in the red hood, though. All he’s missing is a little green and some lights.
December in Gotham is cold, wet, and busy for vigilantes. With Batman breathing down your neck about staying in fighting shape no matter the weather or the time of year, it can be easy to let Christmas slip by unnoticed, and Jason usually does. Since you joined the team, though, you’ve decided it will never happen again.
“Those lights are new,” you point out as you trail behind Jason, cutting through a previously undecorated alley.
“Focus!” he snaps, his helmet turning as he looks over his shoulder at you. “Just because it’s Christmas doesn’t mean we stop to look at pretty lights instead of finding Scarecrow’s new hideout.”
You shrug and jog a few steps to catch up, your eyes focused on his red helmet as he slows. He pulls a grappling hook from his belt and aims it upward.
“You don’t have one do you?” he asks, his voice giving away how annoyed and tired he is.
“Pretty sure Bruce only gives those to his sons,” you answer sheepishly. “I can just take the ladder on the backside of the building. Or we can split up.”
Jason barks a single, harsh laugh. “One, Bruce isn’t sexist like that so maybe he just knows you’re incompetent. And, two, we’re not splitting up.”
“Because I’m incompetent?” you ask, smiling.
Jason’s shoulders rise and fall as he sighs before wrapping his arm around your waist and holding you against his chest until your feet meet the solid roof. His hand raises but lingers by your side as he looks down at you. Nodding to himself, he pulls his arm back and turns to look out over the freezing, dirty streets of Gotham.
“What are the chances he’d go for the water supply again?” you ask quietly.
“Not very good,” Jason answers. “Do you think before you ask those questions?”
“Think? No. But I do see Bane pushing a huge crate into the water department offices down the street.”
Jason jumps from his crouched position and moves toward you, the heat radiating off his body like a warm hug against your skin as he stands behind you. 
There’s a hint of grumbling as he raises his voice to ask, “Why didn’t you just say that?”
“Bane didn’t walk out until after you asked, Jason. I may be incompetent but I’m not a complete idiot,” you answer. 
You blame the December weather for your change in attitude; any other time, you would have made a joke and asked for his help since Bruce was working on your grappling hook and didn’t have a spare (not that you’d ever tell Jason the wire snapped and dropped you three storeys the last time he asked you to split up). But now, you’re tired and cold and want to get away from Jason before you say something you shouldn’t, so you jump off the roof and onto the fire escape as Jason’s yells fall on deaf ears while you rush toward the water department.
When you try the handle, the doorknob twists easily, but as you prepare to open it, a gloved hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you back.
“What are you doing? Trying to get yourself killed?” Jason whispers angrily.
“Why do you care, Jason? If I die, you don’t have to work with me anymore, right?”
“Just because I don’t like working with you doesn’t mean I want you dead,” he snaps.
“Then watch my back and try not to be such a Grinch.”
You tear your wrist away from him, blind to his face dropping and his jaw clenching under his mask. Pulling the door open slowly, you slip into the shadows, grateful to feel Jason behind you.
“You found Scarecrow’s new hideout?” Batman asks.
Jason nods, but you keep your eyes on your feet.
“And you went in - without telling anyone - only to get into a fight with Bane and doused with Scarecrow toxin?”
Jason nods again.
“Who made the call to go in without backup?”
“I…” Jason begins.
You don’t look up as you cut him off. “I did. Jason wanted to wait but I went in without him and he followed me. It’s my fault.”
“Hood, you’re dismissed then. Alfred said you need 24 hours of rest before you can patrol again,” Batman says.
Jason turns, stopping to look down at you before walking out of the Batcave. You hear Bruce pull his cowl off, but keep your eyes trained on your shoes.
“Alfred said the only reason Jason got out unscathed is because you took most of the toxin; without a mask. Why did you rush in there, then put yourself in harm’s way when Jason is more prepared to deal with it?”
“I didn’t think about that. I saw a threat and wanted to help my fri- teammate.” He’s not your friend, you remind yourself, no matter how badly you want him to be.
Bruce sighs, then clicks his tongue. You finally look up at him, and he looks like he’s fighting an internal war between Bruce and Batman. The one who wants to bench you for being reckless and the one who wants to hug you for protecting his son, even if he didn’t need it.
“Thank you. Just- call for backup next time, okay?”
You promise that you will. “But if someone is in danger, I will not hesitate to help.”
“I know that. But try to be a little more careful in the future, okay? Are you hurt?”
“No,” you lie, your mind racing on the remnants of the toxin as your face aches from the impact of Bane’s punch.
As you exit the Batcave and cut through Wayne Manor, Jason is leaning against the front door, his mask gone and his blue eyes leveled on you.
“Did he bench you?” he asks.
“No. Just told me not to do it again.”
Jason nods and pushes off the door, walking to you and looking down into your eyes. “That was incredibly stupid and if Bruce didn’t have this attachment to you, I’d be fighting him to get rid of you or stick you with someone else.”
“Sorry you feel that way,” you mumble, skirting around him and walking outside.
You breathe in the fresh air and try to ignore the feeling of your heartbeat in your face. You’ll undoubtedly have a bruise, so maybe it’s time to finally wear the mask Bruce seems keen on convincing you is for your safety. Maybe it’ll get Jason to lighten up, too. 
“Bruce must’ve given a powerful lecture if it got you in the mask,” Jason teases.
You hum, hoping you don’t have to say anything and make the pain in your jaw worse.
“Just ordinary patrol today, so we can split up if you still want to,” he offers.
You shrug, watching the helmet tilt as its unblinking eye slits stare at you.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m great,” you say. “Split up, then.”
You take the East side of your quadrant while Jason goes West. As the night goes on and your pain medicine wears off, you want to curl up into a ball on one of the roofs you're jumping across and go to sleep. You slow before stopping in the middle of a roof, gently pressing your hand against the underside of your jaw, trying to alleviate the pain.
“What are you doing?” Jason asks, his voice distorted by the mask as he appears suddenly behind you.
“Nothing,” you say, the word mumbled by your hand holding one side of your jaw closed.
You hear his footsteps as he walks around you, stopping in front of you and pulling your hand away from your face before gently lifting your mask to your nose. His sharp inhale is barely audible through the helmet, but you catch it.
“Look that good?” you joke.
“When did that happen? Tonight?”
“No. Bane punched me two nights ago; it’s getting worse, as usual.”
“You should have told someone; what if he had broken your jaw?”
“Then you wouldn’t have to hear my commentary that you love so much.”
“Can you take anything seriously?”
“Can you stop taking everything seriously?” you argue. “I got hurt, so what? You don’t even like me!”
“I never said- no matter my feelings, you’re my teammate. Just tell me this stuff.”
“Because you’re such a good listener,” you mutter.
“Let’s go. We’ll finish patrolling together.”
You nod, pulling your mask back down and following Jason to a roof with a bird’s eye view. You sit on the edge beside him, looking at the twinkling Christmas lights scattered throughout Gotham.
“What do you want for Christmas?” you ask.
Jason’s mask swings toward you. “What do I want for Christmas?” he repeats incredulously. “Oh, let’s see… a partner who doesn’t rush us both into danger, a life that isn’t marked by death and loss, a team that doesn’t look at me like I’m one second away from becoming a supervillain, and maybe, if there is anything like Christmas magic, a day where you don’t act like my life is worth more than yours!”
You hold your breath as he yells at you, releasing it when he looks back out to the skyline.
“Red, we’re here to relieve you. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night,” Red Robin says through the comm system.
Jason storms off as soon as he hears that, leaving you alone two nights before Christmas.
“I don’t think they have that on Amazon,” you whisper to Gotham, rubbing the good side of your face to stop yourself from crying.
Bruce gave you a few nights off, presumably because Jason complained about you. The morning after Jason told you what he wanted for Christmas, you get a package containing the gift you thought he’d like. You wrap it, then set it on your kitchen counter, unsure whether it’s worth it to take it to him or if you should leave it at the manor while he’s gone. Shrugging, you decide you have time to make the decision and walk to your couch, queuing your favorite Christmas movie and trying to push Jason Todd out of your head. Deep down, you always believed he was mean because he cared and kept you safe by keeping you at arms’ distance, but now you’re not so sure.
On Christmas Eve, you find yourself standing outside Jason’s apartment, his gift in one hand and the other hand ready to knock. Taking a deep breath, you hope for the best and knock. The door opens a moment later, and Jason looks at you, his gaze catching on the bruise momentarily.
“Um, I just wanted to bring you this. And say that I’m sorry. Merry Christmas,” you explain as you extend the bag to him.
He takes it, pulling his eyes from yours to peek past the tissue paper. His blue eyes widen as he sees what’s in the bag before he closes the door quickly. You step back, hurt, and prepare to leave when the door opens again. Jason pulls you into his arms and into his apartment, kicking the door closed behind him as he holds you close. Your arms wrap loosely around his waist.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers.
Your arms immediately tighten around him, and you press your uninjured cheek against his chest.
“It’s perfect. Thank you.”
“Of course. Merry Christmas, Jay.”
“No, no,” he begins, pulling back just enough to look into your eyes, his shining like a frozen lake. “You don’t say ‘of course,’ like I deserve it. Not after everything I’ve done to you. I’m sorry. I don’t know how to apologize, but I just..”
“Push people away because you think you’re a bad guy?” you suggest quietly.
“I am a bad guy,” he responds.
“No, you’re not. Jason, do you push people away for you or for them, and their safety, because you care about them?”
Jason is quiet as he stares into your eyes, dropping his gaze to your bruise once. “I care about you,” he whispers. “You showed me how insufficient were all my pretensions to please a woman worthy of being pleased.”
“She began now to comprehend that he was exactly the man who, in disposition and talents, would most suit her. His understanding and temper, though unlike her own, would have answered all her wishes,” you quote.
“Where did you find a special edition of Pride and Prejudice this close to Christmas?” Jason asks, smiling brightly.
“I thought it was going to get here too late.”
“Thank you. For the book and for pushing back.”
“You’re worth it, Jay. Merry Christmas.”
He barely lets you finish before he pulls you in for another kiss the Christmas lights twinkling on the Gotham skyline starkly contrast the streets below, going unnoticed in the background as you realize Jason only pretended not to like you because of how much he cares for you. That, and being wrapped in his arms, is the only Christmas gift you’ve ever needed.
204 notes · View notes
esrwag · 1 year
pedri gonzalez x famous!reader
summary: in which a relationship thought to last forever starts posting less of each other. will it be the end?
part 1: amigos de la infancia
sharing their friends to lovers relationship over the years through instagram posts. pedri is a professional fangirl.
warnings: language… for now.
NOVEMBER 26, 2013
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liked by pedri, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr and 24,842 others
yourusername xDDDDDD
view all 1,105 comments
user finally scrolled to the bottom of her account
user 2k photos and ofc pedri is in her first post
user who else is stalking in 2023 👀
user 👀👀
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr 👀👀👀
user ❤️❤️
NOVEMBER 25, 2018
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liked by pedri, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr and 199,192 others
yourusername happy 16th birthday to the muppet who has held me captive for 13 years, here’s to many more. 🍌
view all 226 comments
pedri was the first picture neccessary...
yourusername mayb.
user her posts are still up 😭😭😭
user one piece is real…
MAY 27, 2019
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liked by yourusername, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr and 31,568 others
view all 77 comments
yourusername 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr where’s my post
user nothing has changed
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
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liked by pedri, jennaortega and 347,724 others
yourusername pedri: a compilation - feliz cumple 🧙‍♂️
view all 300 comments
pedri can't trust these hoez 😔
yourusername not really confidential if they were on the big screen
pedri watch ur back.
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr why was i cropped out.
pedri this isn’t about you.
yourusername yeah go away
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr 🙁🙁🙁
DECEMBER 13, 2019
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liked by pedri, bellahadid and 561,788 others
yourusername mi primera colaboración con j.balvin y el guincho (!!!) disponible en todas las plataformas MAÑANA. new song "con altura" estais readyyy ?!?!? ✈️🩷✈️🩷✈️🩷
view all 11,041 comments
user me ha encantado 😍
bellahadid 😍😍😍
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr 🩷🩷🩷
user what country is she from, can someone tell me?
user queen u dropped this 👑
DECEMBER 14, 2019
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liked by yourusername, ferrantorres and 43,790 others
pedri 🔁😎🎉😜🔁 link in bio y stories
view all 118 comments
user trash
yourusername 😁🩷
tasca_fernando love!!!!
ferrantorres 🔥🔥🔥
user we love a supportive bf
MAY 27, 2020
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liked by yourusername, andre3000 and 100,160 others
pedri just want to wish André 3000 the most special, magical birthday ever. i love you with all my heart. also, happy birthday to my y/n
view all 180 comments
yourusername 🙁🙁😠
pedri te quiero 😘
yourusername yo también <3
andre3000 thanks man 😎 you really know how to mend an achy breaky heart! tell y/n i said happy birthday
pedri anytime!
yourusername i am right HERE.
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA
user who is she
user why didnt this go viral
user 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
user pedri 🤝 ryan reynolds
AUGUST 20, 2020
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liked by pedri, tasca_fernando and 1,057,984 others
yourusername the one and only time i will get cheesy. i am beyond proud of you and am ready to support you in this new chapter of your live. watching you achieve you dreams means so much. i love you to the moon (i am not crying) visca barça y visca cataluña ❤️💙❤️💙
view all 460 comments
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr the last slide 🤣😂😂
fcbarcelona ❤️💙
pedri 💙❤️💙❤️
user barça’s future
jennaortega 🐐🐐🐐
OCTOBER 20, 2020
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liked by pedri, fcbarcelona and 954,729 others
yourusername maybe ucl nights are better when he scores
view all 2,151 comments
pedri graciasssss 😁
yourusername not you
pedri wow
yourusername kidding
pedri woah 😳 well 😅 then i will continue scoring
pedri who
yourusername messi
pedri asked 😂
yourusername ok.
user who's that
user probably her side
user it's her cousin weirdo
NOVEMBER 25, 2020
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liked by pedri, rosylopez78, and 920,475 others
yourusername happy birthday to this boy 🫶🏼
view all 420 comments
pedri stink stink
yourusername 18 has looked better on others, but you'll get there 😘
rosylopez78 ❤️❤️❤️
user babe wake up new pedri pics just dropped
yourusername will drop more just for pedri nation
MAY 27, 2021
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liked by yourusername, frenkiedejong and 327,742
pedri happy birthday to the love of my life, you've changed my life more than you know. i love you 🤍🩵
view all 534 comments
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr happy birthday to my biggest bully 🤥
yourusername ty.
user i'm trying to be like them
yourusername writing you a song as we speak 🥲
pedri still can’t believe i’m your muse. seriously i love you
karinadiaz lovely couple
user dead six feet under decaying gone
siramartinezc my baby's bday <333
yourusername 🥰😍😘
pedri OUR baby*
DECEMBER 13, 2021
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liked by pedri, landonorris and 1,323,307 others
yourusername if there's one thing i'm infinitely proud of tonight, it's the incredible styling i did on myself. #Jokes #ProudofYou
view all 1,537 comments
user 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
user she always makes it about herself
user that’s their dynamic…
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr ❤️❤️❤️
pedri you’re not wrong. i am so going to devour you
yourusername 😳😳😳
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr @rosylopez78
JANUARY 1, 2022
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liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 2,001,332 others
yourusername 2021 adeu 2022 holAAAA :} to start off the year i have decided to release glue song early !!! my favorite love song i've written so far, i hope this makes you feel happy as much as it makes me. big shoutout to my friends and family for making me feel loved and who i am also dedicating this song to. finally, big love to my pedro, the reason as to why i wrote this song in the first place. please enjoy 🤍🏹
view all 5,932 comments
pedri i love you
yourusername me more
mikkykiemeney 2022 has been saved!! this is a masterpiece y/n ily
user i love this song (i'm stuck with seeing couples posting themsevles to it)
pablogavi 🥺🙌❤️
siramartinezc my dream girl
user need someone to make me feel the way this song sounds
yourusername you’ll find ur person <3
user who's cutting onions
landonorris goated 🫡
FEB 14 2022
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liked by pedri, zendaya and 2,325,127 others
yourusername MOTOMAMI ALBUM ❤️‍🔥 OUT NOW. madre miiiia! you asked, and we listened: after 3 years, it makes me very happy to share this precious art with you. thank you for waiting. thank you to everyone who helped bring these crazy ideas to life !! i also want to thank landonorris, who made time in his busy schedule to help shoot and photograph the music videos. lastly, i want to dedicate this album to my mother and boyfriend. thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. i love you motomamis.
p.s. i have a special annoucment in a few weeks. it starts with t and ends with our ;)
view all 17,234 comments
pedri album of the year. beyond proud of you 🔛🔝🦋❤️‍🔥
yourusername bebe :(
user we love you y/n ❤️‍🔥
bellahadid mamacita i love it so much 🦋🦋
pablogavi T..OUR??!?!?!
user he's so me
landonorris it was a pleasure 🦋 thank you. everything about the album is absolutely amazing
danielricciardo can i be hired next... i taught lando everything he knows about cameras
landonorris NO YOU DIDN'T
yourusername hired! i believe you
danielricciardo i won't disappoint 🫡
user i'm completely obsessed with the entire concept.
user this new era is going to slay
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr it was mid
MARCH 8 2022
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liked by yourusername, pablogavi and 637,437 others
pedri always the happiest with you. happy anniversary to my person, my love, my y/n. five years and counting. here’s to growing old but never growing up 👴🏼❤️👵🏼
view all 1,845 comments
user bisexual awkwening....
user ask me if im ok
user a-are…y-y-you.
user BITCH NO.
yourusername brb. crying.
yourusername you’re my my my my lover
pedri ����🫶🏼🫶🏼
user the REAL childhood best friends to lovers
ferrantorres happy anniversary ❤️
MARCH 8 2022
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liked by pedri, siramartinezc and 1,198,216 others
yourusername happy anniversary my love. thank you for always fixing everything with just a smile. it’ll be my pleasure to write you love songs for the rest of our lives 🤍🩵
view all 2,811 comments
pablogavi mama... papa...
pedri 🥹🥹🥺🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹🥺🥹🥺🥹
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr cringe
yourusername just say you’re lonely and go
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr 😔😔😔😔
pedri enough you two 🙄
user the most unproblematic and cutest couple in the game
rosylopez78 en los buenos y en los malos momentos... siempre juntos (trans: in the good and bad times... always together)
JUNE 24 2022
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liked by pedri, danielricciardo and 1,323,775 others
yourusername BARCELONA T'ADORO ❤️‍🔥🦋 motomami tour has been amazing and i'm extremely grateful for the love my fans have given me. i cannot wait for what's next, latinoamerica y the states be ready. also swipe for a surprise >.< they somehow got past security
view all 7,209 comments
pedri i am motopapi #y/nhive #1fan #TopSupporter
yourusername 😅😅🤣
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr i was forced to go (i had so much fun 😭😭❤️)
landonorris i can’t wait for ur london show 😎
danielricciardo we*
aurorapaezg ❤️‍🔥🦋❤️‍🔥🦋❤️‍🔥 bellaaaaa
NOVEMBER 22 2022
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liked by aurorapaezg, pedri and 2,200,406 others
yourusername dropped by to support 🇪🇸 con aurora y fer
user ate that up
user i need them all in a way that is concerning to feminism
user ayoo????
user same
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr 3 years later and i’m still getting cropped out.
user un grupo muy TOP!
user i thought she was on tour ???
user put a break in between to come support pedri
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ale’s note 🏷️ : so… !!!! this is the end of part one. it was very fun and interesting to create my first social media au. let’s all pretend it’s in spanish only because i don’t want to go back and forth. sorry for any errors. it only goes down from here hehehehe
245 notes · View notes
louloulemons-posts · 10 months
Could you do a Eddie fic where him and Reader go on a date (You can chose where) and it's just like super fluffy
Twinkling Lights
Eddie Munson X Reader
Word Count : 1k
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Warnings : not proofread, it’s just pure festive fluff, eddie snacks readers bum?, it’s so cute i can’t, i am so ready for christmas 🥲
A/N : i decided as it’s the first of december today that i’d make this into a cute little christmas-y fic.
this is also set a few years after the events of s4 so eddie is around 25/26. hope you enjoy!
- lou 🫶🏻
1K Celebration Found Here
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Come on!” you said, almost jumping out of the van before it stopped. “Jesus Sweetheart let me park first,” Eddie said with a laugh.
“We’ve gotta get a good one Eds!” you said, not being able to control the volume of your voice with excitement, you practically screamed.
“Okay, but we’ve gotta wrap up first.”
“Ugh,” you groaned.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie gave you a stern look.
The boy hopped out the van, walking round to your side, not allowing you to ever open the door for yourself. “Gloves?” he asked.
“Check,” you replied, showing your gloved covered hands.
“Check.” The thick wool wrapped around your neck. “Hat?”
“Check,” you spoke, pulling it on.
“And zipper is,” he pulled the zip of your jacket upwards, “done. Let’s get our tree.”
The pair of you walked hand in hand into the Christmas tree farm. Snow crunching below your boots, it was the perfect December day. “It smells so good!” you said, taking a big inhale. “It does, the apartments gonna smell great.”
“I can’t wait.”
“Remember bubby, six foot.”
“No buts, it’ll scratch the ceiling otherwise.”
“Fine,” you said, pulling him to where the 6 foot trees were labelled.
The curly haired boy couldn’t help but smile at you as you gasped at all of the pretty trees. It was just beautiful. You were beautiful.
Walking around the trees, you inspected the branches, trying to find the perfect on. “What about this one?” Eddie asked, pulling on forward.
You looked at it, scrunching your brows as you inspected it. “It’s got pieces missing in the side, when it drops down it’ll look funny.”
“Okay boss. Let’s try another one?”
You laughed at the term of endearment, pecking his cheek. “Your nose is freezing,” he said. “They need to make nose gloves I’m telling you Eds!”
It went like this for a while. Too tall. Too skinny. Too bare. Half dead. Already dropping. Too many needles.
“Sweetheart we’ve been here for ages, come on,” Eddie whined.
“I told you we need the perfect tree. It’s our first one together!”
“It’s not.”
“Okay the first of ours in our apartment. Our first home.”
Wrapping your arms around his neck you sighed, “Just want it to be perfect.”
“I know you do bubby, and it will be no matter what.”
Nodding, your lips fell into a slight pout, which he kissed away with ease. “What about that one?” he said.
Turning around you saw a tree that had been previously hidden, until a young family too the one in front of it. “Oh Eddie-“
“It’s perfect right?”
Not too tall. Not too short. Not too full. Not too skinny. Not spikey. Not dropped.
“Sniff test?” the boy asked.
“Sniff test,” you nodded. The pair of you lent forward to take in a breath of it. “That’s the one!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Too the left a bit. A little more. Stop! That’s perfect, let me do the screws.” You dropped to your knees, turning the screws in the tree stand whilst Eddie held it straight.
“So, can we decorate now?”
“Mhm, but first.” You ran to your record player, hitting the button to make it play.
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
“Let’s decorate!”
The lights were first, spinning them round and round, you and Eddie ducked and climbed over each other. “They look great!”
They shone brightly, lighting up the room beautifully.
Eddie kissed your head, “First decoration for you,” he said, handing you one of your childhood ornaments, a glass reindeer. You hung it up as high as you could, making sure it has branches below to rest on.
The baubles didn’t take too long, along with the more decorative ornaments. Red and gold covered the tree, with santas here and there. Some handmade decorations that were a bit tacky, but cute.
“Last thing to do,” You smiled, pulling the star out of the box. “Mr Munson, for you.” Placing it in his hand, Eddie pulled you close, “Together.”
You jumped up on Eddies back, one of his hands holding on tight to support you, whilst the other reached up to the top of the tree with your own. The star perched on the top.
His other hand came to hoist your thigh, your head resting on his. “It’s so perfect,” you smiled, squeezing him. “It really is.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too Sweetheart.”
“Now! More decorations!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The tree was just the start, there were garlands strung everywhere, twinkling lights, a wreath on the door, a nutcracker by the fire. Along with two stockings, one with yours and Eddies initials on. Even your pillows and blankets on your couch were now replaced with festive ones.
You squealed, clapping your hands. “Oh this is so great.”
“I have to admit it looks fantastic.”
“Told you I’d make you into a Christmas lover, you big grinch.”
The boy grinned at you, holding your waist, leaning down to peck your lips. “I think we deserve a treat now, don’t you think?” he asked.
“A treat?”
“Cocoa sound good?”
“Cream and marshmallows?”
“And a Christmas movie.”
“Oh I love you.”
“I know you do, now pick a movie,” he said pecking your lips, then swatting your bum lightly.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“This is so not a Christmas movie!” Eddie laughed as he saw Edward Scissorhands on the TV. “If it has snow it’s a Christmas movie.”
“Oh is that the rule?”
“Mhm.” The boy just shook his head with a grin, handing you your cocoa in a rudolph mug. Cream and marshmallows on the top.
Humming as you took a sip, “This is delicious.”
“Mucky one,” Eddie said, kissing cream off your nose.
Soon enough you were wrapped in Eddies embrace, fire burning and tree shining. Your head was on his chest, snuggled under a blanket together. Cosy and warm.
Your eyes began to feel heavy. It had just been the most perfect day ever.
“I love you Sweetheart,” Eddie whispered into your hair. “I love you Eds.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
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Thank you so much for reading!
Please leave any requests 🤍
141 notes · View notes
winterfergerart · 3 months
So I'm gonna make a personal kind of post here. TW for death in the family and my own post-covid symptoms.
Last year my grandfather died. He was the man who raised me, so he was more like a father than a grandfather. As he was getting close to death I was asking my family if there was going to be an inheritance which, I specifically said at the time, I need to know so that I can know what to do about my SSI disability and plan ahead.
People just said I'd get a 'tidy sum' or 'deferred comp' at best. No steady numbers. So without knowing what I'd be getting I had no way to prepare. I think they just thought I was being greedy and wanted to know selfishly. Not that I needed regular medical coverage.
He died without having said anything about being proud of me, but the family found a box of all my pictures growing up in his closet. Other people too, but mostly me, and I didn't know what to do with that because he never really said that he was proud of me or anything.
Because of that his death hit me really hard. Like, the entire span of his slow decline, from the year before to the day he died, I kind of withdrew from a bunch of my friends. Years ago someone put it in my head that wanting help when you're troubled is manipulative so I took it to heart. I pulled away from a bunch of people that made me happy because I didn't want to stress them out with my problems. I pulled back from my hobbies 'cause I didn't trust myself to engage anymore. I was hurting too much.
After he passed, other than a few people, I was all alone.
I received notification concerning my inheritance in December and I filled out the paperwork in early January, specifically requesting that I be given some time to prepare before receiving payments. They didn't listen. So I had to get off SSI, lost my insurance, had to loosely plan to buy some. It's not a lot of money, but it is too much to recieve public assistance.
But I thought, maybe I can do something that makes me less dependent on the government now. I can get married. Maybe I can go back to school. Maybe I can start a small jewelry and miniatures business. Maybe I can invest. Maybe I can start volunteering at domestic violence shelters.
Then two months ago, I caught Covid for the first time in 4 years.
The S.O.? Oh he was fine. It seemed like a bad cold. But me, first it was the fever, and then my lungs deteriorated for two weeks. Doctor round one? "It's a Covid cough, it's expected." Doctor round two? "Yeah, Covid cough can go on for a while. Here's sudafed and cough pills."
It took my blood oxygen to drop into dangerous levels (90%) for anyone to take me seriously. And despite that doctor trying so hard and giving me great meds, I just had a massive relapse and today I'm struggling to breathe again. I'm sitting here crying and coughing up chunks of god knows what. All this being paid out of pocket, because I don't have insurance and no one listened to me. About the inheritance, about the deferred comp, about the insurance, about how badly my lungs were doing post-Covid.
I had been exercising every single day for two years. I was actually starting to lose weight. I was so proud of myself. Now that's all been set back. I was gonna get married. But SSI is holding me in this sort of limbo where I'm not covered but I'm also not free.
I miss my support system. I've loosely tried to reach out but I've not been very good at it because I always sucked at social anyway. I'm sorry that I threw it away while it felt like I could only radiate badness and loss. If any of you are still out there I miss you and I'm sorry I abandoned you. I thought I was doing us both favors and we'd be better off without each other. So I'm throwing it out there that either I'd love to hear from you again, if you're still watching this account, or please just know I'm sorry I let you down.
PS. I don't want money. I just want to see a bright spot again when every time I get ahead I get knocked back.
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Perfect To Love Part 13
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, angst, trust issues, language.
Summary: Beth Walker was used to living in the shadows. She had only one friend and anyone else who paid her mind usually bullied her for her size. So she learned to keep her mouth shut, her head down, and her heart closed because she had to accept the fact that she would be nothing more than the fat girl to people. That is until Robin decides Beth needs more in life and that might just include a boy who she never would’ve thought could see her for who she truly was.
word count: 2,223
Part 12 ←→ Part 14
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Beth hated when the corvette went away. It meant dreadful cold months, slush, mud, freezing temperatures, and driving her beat up Ford Escort. There were only two things that were magical about this time of year, one being her December Birthday, and two being the first snowfall. That just so happened to be today, feather light but clear white flakes fluttering to the ground. In just a week it would be Thanksgiving but the snow had her mind fully set on Christmas. Now that she had friends she was excited to buy them presents, spend her birthday and holiday with someone who mattered.
So when she saw that snowfall outside the window at work she knew the minute she was done she had to rush over to Family Video to see Robin and Steve. Once she finished the last car she had been helping her Dad with she barely washed the grease from her hands before rushing to her Escort and starting the engine which stuttered in the chilly weather. A wide smile was painted across her face as she went through town, the thinnest layer of snow covering all the local stores. She pulled into employee parking behind Family Video, used to letting herself in now that she had been spending so much time there.
“I can’t believe how well this all worked out with Beth” Beth froze before she shoved through the back room door, curious about the sentence she heard come from Robins mouth.
“It really did” Steves raspy voice agreed and she heard Robins all familiar chuckle through the door.
“Like all I asked of you was to hang out with her a few times, raise her popularity status, but this is even better” Robin said and Beth felt her heart drop into her stomach. It would’ve been better off falling to the floor and shattering in a million pieces.
“She seems happy, it was a good plan Rob. It worked out for everyone” Steve agreed and somehow this hurt even more, squeezing the rest of the life out of her heart. Tears burned at the back of her eyes as she realized something.
Steve never noticed her on his own, and if Robin never asked he never would have. He had been doing things with her to help his friend Robin, and all Beth was, was an experiment. A way to take the sad fat girl and give her some life. Robins intentions may have been kind but finding out that all of this meant nothing was the worst heart break of all.
‘I ended up with Steve because he got to know me without someone asking him too, and that makes all the difference’
The words she had yelled to Colin rung through her ears and finally she let the tears fall, rushing from the door before she heard anymore and back out to her car. Her stupid old beater car with rusty wheel wells and creaking brakes. Tears searing her skin in the cold weather, and she felt a months worth of pain over being the unwanted fat girl hit her all at once. She could barely see through blurred vision as she fought with the car to start and when the engine finally rumbled to life she drove as fast and far away from the dreaded video store as she could.
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“I know Steve, I’ve never seen you this happy” Robin told the boy once he finished rewinding the last tape on his stack.
“I don’t think I ever have been this happy, she’s the best. If you had never asked me to meet her then I’m not sure where I would be right now” Steve told Robin earnestly and she smiled.
“It’s good to have my two best friends so happy and in love. Sure as hell makes my life easier” Robin teased and Steve rolled his eyes at the girl.
“Yeah, now maybe if you ask Vickie out we can all be happy” Robin glared at the boy but didn’t take it much to heart. She knew he wanted her happy too. When she had asked him to get to know Beth she expected maybe a month of faking it but he really came to like her on his own and now he was happy as could be. He just wanted that for her too.
“I’m perfectly fine Harrington, I’m just where I need to be right now” Robin told him truthfully and he nodded, accepting this answer.
"I think we all are" Robin knew his words carried some weight, the mall fight only a mere four months ago. For the first time in those four months they had all been content, no threat of other world monsters impending their doom upon them. They were in the calm, all of them stable for the first time. They knew it wouldn't be long until the next threat, Hawkins wasn't that forgiving, but for now they were happy and things were normal. That made all the difference.
"You ever think about telling Beth everything?" Robin questioned, the secrets and monsters of Hawkins ont he forefront of her mind.
"Sometimes but then I think as long as there is no impending doom maybe this time we'll be lucky. Maybe the monsters won't come back and there is no use letting her think we're crazy if we end up lucky enough to avoid the fight forever" Steve said, clearly having this thought before. He had a lot of trauma over the years but he had learned to live with it. He hoped Beth would never have to. That he could tell her the nightmares of Hawkins years from now and laugh, he saw no point in scaring her. Telling her the truth behind the endless local deaths.
"That's true, I always worry though. Sometimes I feel like that part of us can never be understood by someone who didn't expereince it. If that's the case does that mean we can never fully connect with someone for the rest of our lives?" Robin questioned into the quiet night air. The lonely thursday night making for a silent shift surrounding them.
"Maybe, maybe not. I think it depends on how much we let those things haunt us" Steve answered, having those same thoughts himself. He was so sick of trauma bonding with everyone, Nancy, Dustin, Robin. The person he spent the rest of his life with he wanted to bond with normally and then be strong enough to face the trauma together.
"I think about it once a day" Robin answered honestly and Steve gave her a thin lipped smile.
"Me too, but it's only been four months. Give it time" he told her, a comforting hand landing on her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. Robin smiled back, content with his answer before hopping off the counter to go put away the tapes Steve had finished rewinding. She hoped it would be another year until anything crazy happened again but somewhere deep inside she knew they wouldn't be that lucky. They'd be lucky if they got another four months.
When Beth got home she was rushing through the door seconds after the engine cut, the door slamming behind her pushing back the gust of first snow wind. Her mother startled from the couch, eyeing the girl with rosy cheeks, runny nose, and teary eyes. Before she could say anything Beth was running up the stairs, shoes still on her feet. She locked the door behind her before kicking off her shoes and jacket and flopping into her bed. She hadn't bothered with the light, it was dark but she still could feel for her Kermit stuffed animal that she hugged tightly to her body the minute she was wraped in the covers. Her eyes settled on the window where she could see the street lamp illuminating the soft flurry of snow that came down outside. It was beautiful but she could care less because everything hurt.
"Bethany, are you okay?" her mothers knocks sounded at the door and Beth curled up into her bed even more.
"Leave me alone Mom" Beth yelled back, trying to keep her voice steady and hide the misery she was in.
"Do you need me to call Robin? Maybe Steve?" her Mom questioned and Beth felt more tears fall from her eyes, the warmth of them stinging her chill bitten cheeks.
"I don't want to talk to either of them ever again!" Beth's voice was sharp, angry, and Allie stumbled back from the door shocked and a little scared. Beth had been doing so well, had so many friends, and if she was upset with Robin and Steve what would she do then? Allie took the message and scurried away from the door, not wanting to bother her anymore.
Allie kept calm when Alan showed up from work, she was in the middle of making dinnfer she assumed Beth wasn't about to attend and when he asked where she was he accepted the answer of doing homework in her room. It was all avoidable until the phone rang on the kitchen wall and Allie rushed to it before Alan could, him giving her a confused look but allowing it nonetheless. "Mrs. Walker, is Beth home?"
"Sorry Steve, she uh..." Allie thought for a moment, unsure of what to say. She wanted to protect her daughter but she didn't want her to go back to the sad lonely girl she once was. "She doesn't want to talk to you"
"What?" Steve's heart stuttered and Allie clenched her eyes shut as she heard the pain come from the boys mouth.
"I dont know Steve, she came home upset and when I asked that was what she told me" Steve replayed all his moments with her this past week, he hadn't seen her since yesterday night and she had given him about a hundred goodbye kisses before finally leaving. What could have possibly hapened between now and then?
"Could I come over?" he started to ask and Allie sighed as she looked at Alan who now wore an angry look.
"I don't think it's a good idea, catch her after school tomorrow" Allie told him and Steve nodded even though she couldn’t see him.
"Thanks Mrs. Walker. Have a nice night" Steve finally said and her heart ached for the boy.
"You too Steve" and then she was hanging up the phone and turning to her husband who sat at the kitchen table, arms crossed over his chest.
"She came home upset?" Alan asked, a hundred ways of torturing Steve crossing his mind.
"Yes" Allie whispered and Alan felt his entire head turn hot with anger, she had left the shop, told him she was going to see Steve before kissing his cheek goodbye. Now she was upstairs, upset, and claiming she didn't want to talk to Steve. He could kill him for whatever it was he tried with his daughter.
"Why that-" and Alan was angrily standing and Allie was grabbing his arm, pulling him back from running off and making things worse.
“Look we don’t know what happened, he sounded confused on the phone. Like he had no idea why” Allie pleaded, keeping her husband from bothering Beth or murdering Steve.
“I’m sure he knows why, that’s what guys like him do. They mess with girls just because they think they’re so much better than them!” Alan’s voice boomed and Beth flinched from upstairs, hearing her fathers every word and it bringing more tears to her eyes. She should have known, he had already hurt her once. He didn’t change.
“You don’t know that Alan! Not for sure” Allie said and he finally stopped, his shoulders slumping. He used to be that guy, so popular in high school that he figured the rest of life would come along so much easier.
“Yes I do” he said and then he was shaking his wife off his arm and heading towards the living room. He wanted to watch some TV and not think about this for a little while.
Allies shoulders dropped as she realized she lost both of them for dinner. Finishing it up before putting it in a container and setting it in the fridge. At some point they’d both be hungry and need a home cooked meal. She ate by herself and hoped soon enough things could go back to happy because they had been doing really well around here. Ever since Robin, Nancy, and Steve showed up. She hadn’t seen Beth that happy in at least two years.
Beth decided that night she wasn’t going to school the next day. She couldn’t face Robin and pretend she didn’t know what she did to her. Robin may have meant no harm but finding out she made Steve hang out with her, that Steve was faking it all was the worst heart break she could’ve ever experienced. Even though it wasn’t true, she didn’t know that Steve came into his own feelings about her, even if Robin did ask him to get to know her. How could she when she was pretty sure she never fully trusted him after that one day? The one day that ruined the rest of her days forever. She should’ve figured he was bound to do it again.
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Taglist: @kindablackenedsuperhero @rinarecommends @starryeyedpoet17 @crustless-toast @loverofmarsss @alexa-33 @bethanysnow @middle-of-the-earth @princessadriana4-blog @mochminnie @legendaryhumandiplomatgoop @a-lil-bit-nuts @i-came-as-bostonian @krazyk99 @thunderstomp-and-tequila @cumslutforaemond @futuristicbirdtraveler @unholyhuntress
Comment is you want to be added to the taglist :))
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adrienneleclerc · 2 years
The Other Woman
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: Xavier has been acting suspicious and Y/N thinks the worst
Warning: this is an AU fanfic where Nevermore Academy is more like Sky High, so not a boarding school but still a school for outcasts, Xavier and Y/N have been dating since they were 14 so for 2 years, Jericho normies are NOT assholes, and it takes place during the holidays, it starts December 16th. I’m also going to try to make this gender neutral for a change, comment if you want more gender neutral Hispanic reader. Y/N has a bond with Xavier like Rose’s bond with Lissa, sometimes Y/N sees what Xavier sees and feels what he feels, Y/N can’t control it.
December 16th, last day of fall semester
The Nevermore Academy school bus dropped Y/N and Xavier off at their bus stop.
“It’s finally winter break! I’m so excited for Christmas, are you going to Nochebuena with my family and then spend Christmas Day with your family like last year or do you have different plans?” Y/N asked. As a Hispanic, they celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve and open presents at midnight. Xavier was aware of how his lover celebrated Christmas since he usually spends Christmas Eve with Y/N’s family.
“I actually can’t spend Christmas Eve with you this year, I’m sorry, baby.” Xavier said, kissing Y/N’s forehead.
“Um, it’s alright, flaquito, will you be free tomorrow? I really wanted to go to the winger carnival.” Y/N asked him, hugging him.
“I think I’m going to be busy all week with Christmas preparations and everything, I’m sorry. But we can hang after Christmas, okay? I love you.” Xavier said, kissing Y/N.
“Okay, I love you too.” Y/N said and they both walked to their respective houses. Y/N was taking off their jacket when they suddenly felt a pull and is now seeing Ajax on a computer screen. Xavier must be video chatting with Ajax.
“Did you get to see her?” Ajax asked Xavier. Her? Which her is Ajax talking about?
“I didn’t get to see her yet, the bus just dropped Y/N and I off. I’ll probably see her later today. She’s very cute.” Xavier told Ajax. Who’s cute? Who the fuck are they talking about?
“I’ve seen the pictures you sent me, I love the sweater you bought her.” Ajax said and that’s when Y/N was pulled out of Xavier’s head.
Xavier bought a sweater for some girl? Maybe Y/N was getting it wrong, “Maybe it was his cousin or niece…he’s not Hispanic, he doesn’t have extended family like that, oh my gosh, is he cheating on me?” Y/N thought to themselves. Y/N started pacing around their room, this can’t be happening. You know what, it might be a misunderstanding, don’t jump to conclusions, it’s probably nothing.
December 17th
“Amor, out on your shoes, we’re going out!” Y/N heard their mom yell.
“Okay, ya voy!” Y/N yelled back, they put on their winter shoes and coat to get ready.
“I have to buy some things to make flan and polvorones, you’re coming with me, you can buy whatever snack you want.” Y/N’s mom said,
“Cool.” Y/N replied, they got into the family car and when they were driving, Y/N saw Xavier hug some girl and that girl let Xavier inside her house. Y/N was internally screaming already. They breathed in and out and decided to call Xavier.
“Hello?” Xavier answered.
“Hey, Xavi, my mom is going to bake cookies today, you want to come over and help us?” Y/N asked innocently.
“I cant, darling, I’m at Ajax’s house.” Xavier said. LIAR!! Y/N screamed in their head.
“That’s okay, I’ll call you later, I love you.” Y/N said,
“I love you too, bye.” Xavier replied and hung up.
“Mi vida, qué pasa? Te noto estresado (honey, what’s going on? You look stressed.)” Y/N’s mom asked.
“Creo que Xavier me está poniendo el cuerno, lo vi hablando con Ajax, diciendo que ella se veía muy linda, y luego lo vi hace unos minutos con una chica abrazándose. No sé qué pensar, mami. (I think Xavier is cheating on me, I saw him talking to Ajax, saying she’s really cute, and then I saw him hugging some girl. I don’t know what to think).” Y/N ranted.
“Xavier is a good guy, I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation. Now let’s get out of the car and do some grocery shopping we can even get ice cream.” Y/N’s mom said. Y/N smiled, their mom knowing exactly what to say. They bought everything they wanted and needed and then got back into the car. On the drive back, Y/N didn’t think about Xavier until they were pulled in his head again.
“See you Christmas Eve.” Xavier told the girl.
“Yeah of course, I’m surprised your SO didn’t make a big deal about you not spending Christmas Eve with them.” The normie girl commented.
“I made something up, Y/N doesn’t need to know, at least not now.” Xavier said and Y/N once again is pushed out of his head. Y/N was getting even more worried, stupid one-way bond.
December 18th
Y/N was video chatting with Enid and Wednesday
“Y/N i Don’t think Xavier is cheating on you, the boy loves you.” Enid said.
“He would be stupid to cheat on you after I threatened him with shaving his head.” Wednesday commented.
“Yeah well I’ve been in Xavier’s head twice and both times gave me very sketchy and suspicious images. Him telling Ajax that some girl was cute and then telling said girl that I don’t need to know now. Like how can you explain that?” Y/N said exasperated.
“That’s it, Wednesday and I are coming over and we’re having a sleepover, we need to take your mind off this Xavier thing. I also don’t understand how you can see inside Xavier’s head, aren’t you a seer? How can you be in his head?” Enid asked Y/N.
“How the hell am I supposed to know? There really isn’t a class about seers.” Y/N said. “Mami, vienen unas amigas para una pijamada!” Y/N told their mother. An hour later, Enid and Wednesday were knocking on the door with their duffel bags packed. Y/N opened the door.
“Thank you for opening the door, it’s so cold Wednesday actually wore her snood.” Enid said walking into Y/N’s house.
“I actually got color in cheeks.” Wednesday said walking in after Enid.
“Oh damn, it really is cold then.” Y/n said, closing the door. “My mom made some hot chocolate if you want some.”
“Yes!” Enid said dropping the duffel bag and ran into the kitchen.
“I’ll have some as well, it’s abuelita chocolate right?” Wednesday asked.
“Of course it’s abuelita chocolate.” Y/N answered and Wednesday also walked into the kitchen. Enid and Wednesday then came into the living room with mugs if hot chocolate and sat on the couch. “So what movie do y’all want to watch?” Y/N asked and then she was pulled into Xavier’s head.
“ Ajax, I don’t know what to tell Y/N. I told her yesterday I was with you when I saw Jackie and I think they knew I lied.” Xavier said. So that’s what her name is! Jackie, interesting.
“Y/N is a seer…I think they’re already suspicious of you, Enid texted me.” Oh my gosh, Enid, why do you tell Ajax everything?
“Oh damn, do you think they know everything? I don’t think I can hide it from them any longer.” Xavier said and Y/N’s out of his head.
“Were you in his head again?” Wednesday asked.
“Yes, Enid why did you tell Ajax?” Y/N asked.
“So Xavier Can know what he is doing is wrong! Like I don’t think you can handle 6 more days of this. He’s going to ruin your Nochebuena!” Enid exclaimed.
“He’s not ruining anything. I’m gonna take that fucking suppressant so I won’t get those bonding visions, they’re ruining everything. Now let’s watch a movie.”
December 24th, Nochebuena
It’s been days since Xavier started acting suspicious and the bonding visions didn’t stop, Y/N was with their parents and their extended family mingling but when it was 10pm, they got another bonding vision.
“That’s it, mami, papi, voy a salir a hacer algo, ahorita vengo.” Y/N said as they put on their jacket and left. They walked to Xavier’s house and started knocking.
“Woah Y/N, what are you doing here? I thought you were with your family.” Xavier said.
“I was. But you have been acting suspicious all week and I’m really cold, and you better have an explanation for acting suspicious because what I’m think right now is not pretty.” Y/N ranted and Xavier grabbed their hand so they could enter his house.
“Okay, what do you think is happening?” Xavier asked.
“You’re cheating on with that normie girl Jackie and you’re too chicken shit to break up with me before Christmas so you wanted to wait after which is stupid! Here’s your fucking gift by the way.” Y/N said, shoving Xavier’s gift to his chest.
“I am not cheating on you, Y/N, why would you think I’m cheating on you?” Xavier asked.
“THE BOND! The fucking seer bond, I can see what you see, hear what you hear, and feel what you feel at random times, and I saw you talking to Jackie saying that I don’t need to know. I don’t need to know what? Tell me what you’re hiding from me because I’m this close to losing my mind.” Y/N shouted.
“I am not cheating on you, I love you, I love you so very much.” Xavier said, caressing Y/N’s face and kissed them deeply. “I’ll forgive you for thinking that because I’ve been acting sketchy. I’ll show you why in just a second though. Close your eyes.”
“Okay, if you scare me, i will kill you.” Y/N said as they close their eyes.
“I was going to wait until tomorrow morning but since you’re already here, I would like you to meet Cinnamon.” Xavier said and Y/N opened their eyes and saw a cute Havanese puppy.
“Aww, she’s adorable. Hold on, why did you give me a puppy for Christmas?” Y/N asked,
“We were watching a movie and the lead had this breed of dog, you were saying how it was so cute and how you wanted one so I started looking up where to buy one when I found out that Jackie’s dog had puppies so I asked if she could save me one and she did. So this puppy was specifically reserved for you.” Xavier said, handing cinnamon over to Y/N so they can carry her and Cinnamon started licking their nose.
“She’s absolutely adorable, I love her little doggie sweater, you are the sweetest boyfriend ever.” Y/N said, kissing him. “I’m sorry for thinking you were cheating on me but I couldn’t help it, like you always spend Nochebuena with me.”
“I know, I’m sorry, but I had to make the visit is with Cinnamon, making sure she got her vaccines, she’s used to me, Havanese are good for first time dog owners so it’s perfect for you. Let’s just hope your parents are okay with the puppy.” Xavier said.
“I’m sure they will be fine with Cinnamon, she’s small, she can’t cause much harm. Thank you so much, Xavier.” Y/N said and they hugged, Xavier walked Y/N to their house and he spent the rest of Nochebuena with their family and they were playing with Cinnamon in Y/N’s room.
“You know, we’re kinda like her parents.” Xavier said.
“That’s a cute way to think of it. Isn’t that right, cinnamon? Come on, bebé, kiss your daddy.” Y/N said and they held cinnamon to Xavier’s face and she started licking him and Xavier scrunched his face.
“Thanks, Cinnamon.” Xavier said and Y/N laughed. “Oh You’re laughing? Then let’s kiss.” Xavier said leaning to Y/N but they pushed him away.
“Not until you wash your face,” Y/N said. Y/N continued playing with cinnamon. “Thanks for spending Nochebuena with me”
“Anything for you, baby.” Xavier said.
The End
Hope you liked it, Merry Christmas, happy holidays to everyone!
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bastetwastaken · 10 months
Okay, so, I don’t know if this’ll be okay, but I wanna request something both based off the mistle toe prompt, and the monarch art that you asked me for last year :p So basically: let’s bring it whole circle! Here’s the link to it, jic!
Much love and I hope your December will be kind to you! ❤️
Of course it's okay friend ^.^ I love this, and yay for an excuse for me to write the boys being soft and sweet and cosy <3
I hope you enjoy the little drabble, and here's the amazing art mentioned for people who don't like following links ^^
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Yami peered around the door frame slowly, spying his boyfriend sitting on the sofa, fluffy grey blanket draped over his legs, a steaming cup of coffee cupped in his hands against his chest which was covered by the bright red christmas jumper he’d been gifted ironically by one of their friends but loved anyway. 
He couldn’t help but smile at the sight as he ducked back out into the hallway, pulling the small branch he’d cut earlier that day out of his pocket. He stood on his tiptoes, stretching as far as he could and only just managing to press the tip of the taped stem to the top of the door frame. 
With a sigh he dropped back down, looking up and hoping that the tape would hold because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to manage another stretch like that without drawing attention to himself. 
The sprig of mistletoe didn’t move thankfully, it stayed put, small green leaves catching the soft lights on the christmas tree in the room beyond, white berries tinged gold by their glow. 
He peered around the door frame again, Atem hadn’t moved. 
“Tem?” He called softly, glancing up at the mistletoe again. 
“Yes, love?” Atem answered, but he didn’t move. 
“Come here for a sec?” He asked. “I need your help with something.” 
Atem never questioned him, always eager to help. He shifted and pushed the blanket off his legs, stood from the sofa, placing his mug on the table before walking over to where he was leaning against the door frame. 
“What is it?” Atem asked with a smile, moving to step past him but he reached out a hand to catch one of Atems, pulling him to a stop. 
Atem looked at him curiously but didn’t say anything, he only smiled as the hand in his moved to hold him tighter. 
“Oh, just something.” He said, stepping closer to Atem and looking up above them obviously, waiting for Atem to look too. 
He knew his boyfriend had caught his meaning when he felt himself pulled closer, a soft laugh left Atems lips.
"You know, I don't need an excuse to want to kiss you." Atem said, his voice soft and deep, fingers pressed gently against his chin and coaxed him closer.
"I know." He said with a smirk, eyes dropping to Atems lips. "But let me have this one."
"Oh, well in that case..." Atem laughed softly, glancing up at the mistletoe. "I've been caught in your trap, such a clever plot. I never saw it coming."
He grinned and slid his free hand up Atems chest.
"Mhm." He hummed happily. "So pay up, or else you'll be cursed forever."
"Well we don't want that, do we?" Atem smiled, hand sliding into his and holding him close as soft lips pressed to his. 
He sighed happily and leaned further into his boyfriend, the first kiss was followed by a few more, all of them short and sweet and so perfect he had to laugh. 
Atem moved away from him, a soft smile on his face and then quickly ducked his head and kissed him again. 
“My plan was a success.” He said triumphantly as Atem moved away again. 
“Clearly.” Atem said with a smile. 
He moved to kiss his boyfriend quickly again, unable to resist. 
“Where does all of this come from anyway?” Atem asked, looking up at the small piece of plant hanging above them. “The whole kissing under the mistletoe thing?” 
“Hmm, I’ve always been told it was an old tradition coming from Druids hundreds of years ago.” He said with a shrug. “They believed that mistletoe had magical properties, could cure the sick, provide luck and also help fertility.”
“So…they kissed under it?” Atem laughed. 
“I think they actually made potions out of it.” He laughed quietly. “The Victorians were the ones who started the whole belief of kissing under it being good luck. Apparently, anyone who refused a kiss under the mistletoe was cursed to die alone.”
“Harsh.” Atem said. “Good job I didn’t refuse you then.” 
“You talk like we both think you’re capable of refusing me.” He said with a smile, leaning closer once more, his hand tightening on Atems against his chest, his boyfriend laughed again. 
“Mhm.” Atem pressed his forehead against his with a smile. “Luckily, I find it impossible to say no to you.” 
“Oh I’m so lucky.” He said softly, moving to press another soft kiss to Atems lips, not willing to give him the satisfaction of teasing him over those words.
Want a little christmassy/winter themed drabble? Find the list here ^.^ <3
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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George Harrison and Sir Jackie Stewart at Donington, June 1979; photo 1 by Express/Archive Photos/Getty Images, photo 2 by Maurice Rowe.
First, the backstory to these photos:
"I’ve never raced seriously myself, but I had a go in a Formula One car, with quite an old 3-liter- engine car. I’d drive round Brand’s Hatch in one. And I drove in a charity for Gunnar Nilsson, a Swedish driver who died of cancer, because I gave the money from the ‘Faster’ single off George Harrison to Gunnar’s cancer fund. Anyhow, they had this day for the Gunnar Nilsson campaign at the track in England and they asked me to drive this 1960 Lotus, which had won a race in Monte Carlo when driven by the great English driver Sterling Moss. This car had no seatbelts, and because it had been in a museum for 20 years the tires were hard with no grip on them, yet the car was still pretty quick! But they assured me it was just a demonstration run, going round for five laps in formation and then five laps at your own pace. So I said I’d do it. I got there, and it’s Jackie Stewart in the Tyrrell he won his ‘73 championship in; James Hunt in the McLaren. Phil Hill in his famous Ferrari. I’m walking to my car while chatting with driver John Watson about the pleasure of the run we’re about to take, and he says, ‘You’re joking. There’s no racing driver that goes in formation! As soon as they drop that flag, they’ll all be gone like crazy!’ Sure enough, as soon as the checkered flag fell, the other cars went whoosh as mine puttered along in a haze of smoke! By the time I got to my first lap they were already coming behind me for their second lap, screaming away! Scared me stiff! [wild laugh] But at least I did better than James Hunt, who broke down on the first pass." - George Harrison, Goldmine, November 27, 1992
More on photo 2:
“I have never seen the photograph before as I can recall, so it is a really nice thing for me to have. Thank you so much. Ironically, last Tuesday evening, Livvy [Olivia] Harrison came up to have dinner with me and I would love to have shown her that and I am sure she would have been amused and would have also enjoyed it. Thank you so much for thinking of it.” - From Sir Jackie Stewart’s letter, 22 December 22, 2006, as sourced from an auction listing (x)
“George was an extraordinary musician and the sweetest of men, and, over the years, I grew to adore his gentle nature, his music, his deep spirituality and his friendship. [...] If we had been dropped from the same height, George would have been a feather, drifting this way and that on the breeze, and I would have been a lead weight plunging straight down: the point is we would have both there in the end. There were times when we could have been living on different planets, times when George was procrastinating over what to do and I would be decisive and all action, or waring amazingly casual and way-out clothes when I would be more traditionally dressed. Yet there were many other times when we seemed so similar, paying the same fanatical attention to detail. He could be amazingly fastidious, keeping his cars immaculately clean and taking such care and time over his gardens, both at his home near Henley, England and in his tropical paradise on Maui. This determination to get things exactly right extended to his music. George would work and work until a song was totally as he wanted it to be — not just right, but precisely right, so precisely right that it would almost sound as if it had evolved naturally, out of nothing, dreamily and effortlessly. [...] [Since 2001] we have stayed very close to Livy and Dhani, who has grown up to bear such a striking resemblance to his father, both in his appearance and his mannerisms. For me, George was a true friend who opened my eyes to so much that I would otherwise not have seen, and who in his calm, gentle way gave me a new perspective on living and dying.” - Jackie Stewart, Winning Is Not Enough (2007)
“The story really on that tune [‘Faster’] is since I was kid, like twelve years old, I got into motor racing and motor cycle races — not actually racing myself but as a spectator. And there was a track, racetrack in the place I was born, Liverpool, where they had grand prix races from time to time. So I started out when I was about twelve, just before I got into the guitar. It was always interesting to see in other areas of life who was wearing the long hair. And in motor racing, Jackie Stewart became the world champion in, I think, 1968, and he was the first guy with long hair and who had opinions, and he was a big Beatle fan. I had a book that Jackie Stewart had written which was called Faster. I thought, good, that’s the title. [chuckles] So I lifted the title, and once I got the title I was away… I wanted to write in a way that was like a story and would also relate to people who weren’t into motor racing. The only thing that limits it is the sound effects that I put on later." - George Harrison, KMET, 1979
“[George] was just a good man, a real gentle man. He was a fantastic thinker. He had one of the best minds of anybody I have ever met. He had his own beliefs, but as he got older he wasn’t someone who couldn’t get on with anyone who didn’t share that opinion. That was one of the nice things about George. Here was I living a whole different lifestyle from George, a different pace. As time passed we became close, which seemed to confirm the old saying that opposites attract. While I liked to organize my life with military precision, George took a more laid-back approach. The thing that most impressed me about him was he was very sincere. George told it like it was. He was very straight. He didn’t like people who were fakes. If he said he was going to do something, he would do it.” - Jackie Stewart, The Beatles In Scotland (2008)
“George had a great soul. His instinct was to forgive rather than to condemn and, when people behaved badly, he would make excuses for them. I learnt so much from him. In the late 1990s, when we started to spend more time in England, we saw more of George, his wife Livy and their son Dhani. We always enjoyed our visits to their home at Friar Park which George took great pride in restoring: reviving the underground canals and the 60-foot mountain modeled on the Matterhorn in Switzerland, complete with Alpine flowers and streams. He spent endless hours contentedly tending to the plants. ‘I'm a gardener,’ he would say.” - Jackie Stewart, Winning Is Not Enough (2007) (x)
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nextstopwonderland · 27 days
hiii i wanna hear your predictions and/or fantasy booking for what happens next with the world title 🙏 how long do you think bryan’s reign will be? who do you think he will feud with and who do you think he’ll drop it to?
Oooooh okay so basically I’ll start with that I think he’s gonna say tomorrow which is that a) he will continue full time until he drops the title (which he already did say in an interview when asked what happens if he won at Wembley, but he also said like, within reason lol) b) but that if he still holds the title by wrestledream that that may be his last fulltime show regardless.
See the second part is where I am iffy. Ever since he announced the winding down nearly a year ago I assumed he would stop full time by wrestledream because it would be in Washington again.
Part of me wonders if he still does that or if he goes longer. So let’s do it the wrestledream way. I think the promo tomorrow could immediately give us his first opponent in that Christian interrupts.
I think we begin with Bryan vs Christian at All Out and that pac Claudio and wheeler feud with the patriarchy before that (hopefully with Bryan on comm). I also think Nigel is gonna be none too thrilled with Christian and this feud.
I think he beats Christian at All Out (another final countdown usage too, TK said they got “a deal” for upcoming usages) because Christian cheated to beat him during their TNT title match and Bryan needs that win back
so then a few weeks later he’s got Darby at grand slam
(Id like to see a few matches in between all of these events too, like title eliminators or what not - let Bryan face people he hasn’t - give me Bryan vs OC and Kyle etc)
This is the one I’m not sure about bc I’ve seen people say triple threat at wrestledream between Bryan/Darby/swerve.
There’s also a title Tuesday right before wrestledream.
I haven’t fully decided what happens at grand slam. Maybe Bryan drops and it becomes Darby/swerve at wrestledream and Bryan/Nigel. I feel like we SHOULD run Bryan/Nigel before he finishes his full time run be we also don’t have to. Like it could also happen at final battle in December. Or even wrestle dynasty (altho I need Bryan/Zack run back too this year or I may perish)
So yeah my thoughts are still not complete but I do think he could drop it either before or at wrestledream. I maintain as I’ve said since the wind began blowing this way that swerve should get the belt back at wrestledream. It’s his hometown the entire thing seems highly intentional and the whole reason why Bryan would’ve let Tony twist his arm to do this.
(My ultimate ultimate booking fantasy is that tomorrow he flat out says that he wants Nigel as his opponent at wrestledream irregardless of anything but I also think we prob can’t do that bc we need to let Nigel be a little furious at first about the Christian stuff rather than give him what he wants on a platter)
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