#he deserves love dammit!
elementaldoughnut12 · 6 months
Me: *sees mjf getting his heart destroyed by Adam cole*
Also me: *starts writing a fic where mjf gets automatically adopted by mox and Eddie the same night and comfort the baby*
Mjf deserves a wrestling family like Danny Garcia does and who fits perfectly then the two most sadistic dilfs in aew!!!
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phoenix-art-official · 4 months
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act 2 bloodweave has a certain Flavor
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lucascsinclairs · 2 years
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Max Mayfield + Heart Eyes ♡♡
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ssaanaaloves · 7 months
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kakusu-shipping · 7 months
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"That's not all I want. I want you to have a second chance."
Season 3 Kipo/Hugo hits so different from Season 2
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magical-regical · 2 months
*grabs you by the shoulders* Listen to me.
University AU where MC and Rafayel are in the theater club and the club decides to put on a musical for some school event.
They chose Hamilton because why not.
MC gets cast as Eliza and Rafayel as Hamilton. (even though there are some who think he's better off playing King George)
Everything is kept the same except they decide to switch out the song 'Burn' for 'First Burn' because the producer (Thomas) thinks it carries a bit more oomph.
Everything was fine and dandy until the day of the dress rehearsal when MC put a bit too much into 'First Burn' and the rehearsal had to be paused for a while because Rafayel started crying. It took a hot minute for MC to calm him down and assure him that yes that was an act, no she's not mad at him,yes she'll still love him if he was a worm, etc etc.
On the day of the play Rafayel seemed to kick his acting (which was already amazing by default) up to 100.
The performance was a great success. Many people left talking about how great the two main actors were,
"Eliza was so cute during 'Helpless' and so fierce during 'First Burn', I could feel all her emotions in each song."
" 'Farmer Refuted' was hilarious. They really picked the right guy to play Hamilton."
"That rendition of 'It's Quiet Uptown' was absolutely heart wrenching. I was bawling my eyes out, it really felt like the two of them had lost something irreplaceable."
And so on and so forth, but the one scene that everyone would mention without fail when asked about the highlights of the show, was the tender look in 'Hamilton's' eyes when he grabbed 'Eliza's' hand and sang the line,
'Hey, best of wives and best of women.'
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peppermint-whiskers · 4 months
I am,,,, insanely proud of how mid ground turned out
Like are there things I could done better? Yeah
But I'm PROUD OF THIS and it's gonna look SO SICK WHEN IT'S ALL DONE
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kathhey · 6 months
i think about spensa and then i remember how much she has been through and then i cry
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vizziefizzie · 1 year
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The birthday boy!!! 12-24-22!!!
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petitfarron · 27 days
♥ - family headcanon
I'm finally here! Now I can barf about the sillier side of family headcanon I have.
Which involves @sjofn-lofnsdottr 's old man viera, Bjalla.
The man who started off as 'bunny Dusk' and asserted himself as an old stubborn man of his own wormed his way into everyone's hearts and became his own thing. Grandchad, if you will.
Farron and Bjalla have had a few interactions in our rp so far, which involve:
Sparring with Farron numerous times and 'grounding him'. Literally. With his axe!
Training him in how to be a warrior and... grounding him yet again when he lost control of himself.
Giving him love and marriage advice, which basically consisted of the two of them going 'fuck it, just ask Dusk to marry you.' Rabbits do not know or understand patience in this house.
He also recently accompanied Farron to the Gubal Library for research about totally-not-vampires. They also had to clear out the monsters along the way, which Bjalla decided was a grand time for Farron to get a crash course on 'how to tank'.
Basically, Farron was so excited to meet another male viera, especially an elder, that he looked up to Bjalla straight away. The fact that Bjalla was also the nicest viera he'd ever met pretty much sealed the deal on Farron adopting him as a dad. They haven't talked about it, but considering Bjalla adopts everyone out of habit, they don't really need to. ♡
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dazais-guardian-angel · 9 months
I hate to nitpick the Atsushi hallucinating scene in the new episode cause it was SO well done otherwise, but I'm still really sad that they cut out Francis being there. Like... it's not entirely necessary, I guess, but it just adds so much to his character and to the scene itself?
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The Francis in Atsushi's mind is this looming, intimidating presence, because Atsushi did of course fight against him, he was his enemy at one point, but I think it undeniably says a lot that he's even included here at all.
I'm pretty sure I saw this discussed back when this chapter first came out, but while everything Atsushi's hallucinations say to him are framed as negative, putting him down, they can also be read as letting him know that the burden of responsibility for making such a huge decision isn't on him (hence why he decides to let Fukuzawa decide instead, because he can't make THE choice, but he can still choose to act to let someone else decide, and not simply do nothing), and Francis is no exception in this regard. Since he's naturally haughty and arrogant in his personality, this fake version of him doesn't at all feel out of character, coldly saying that "nobody expects anything of you", but again, I think this line especially can also be read as "you are not expected to do anything". In that way, it feels more reassuring, and maybe even dare I say kind -- the fact that Atsushi even considers him important enough of a figure in his life to think of what he would say to him in this moment means that he counts Francis among his allies now. Yes, they didn't get along at first when Francis lied and told him that he only wanted to revive Margaret just so she could kill Hawthorne (because god forbid he actually admit out loud that he cares about people, smh), and obviously because of the whole almost burning Yokohama down and trying to kill him and Akutagawa thing lol, but I'm pretty sure Atsushi changed his mind about him after he saw the state Margaret was in, and recognized how much Francis cares about her and wanted her to be alright. He probably still remembers him talking about his desire to bring back his daughter and save her and his wife, too. The guy still probably isn't someone Atsushi would want to hang out with and be buddy-buddy with during his free time lmao, but the airheaded vain old sport still has a good heart, deep down, and I think Atsushi has seen this by now, because he's a kind person, and so I think it speaks volumes that he unconsciously looks to him for advice here. Francis is just a really good and underrated character, and this is such a small but meaningful moment that shows his development so well, the only moment with him we've gotten or any of the Guild really in such a long time, so it makes me sad to see this cut 💔
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I also just feel like not including him kind of weakens the impact of Akutagawa's appearance here?? Like, there's a progression of the order of people Atsushi hears/sees in this scenes: first, people from the ADA sans Dazai, who are all portrayed as on the same level, because he cares about them all equally, aside from I guess Kyouka (again, sans Dazai, the most important person to him). Then, there is Francis, and not to say that Francis is more important to Atsushi than the ADA, obviously not, but he's one of the last to appear because he used to be his enemy, and so he commands much more of a presence, has more of an impact -- but at the same time, like I said, it's complicated: he's not really his enemy anymore, but something between a rival and a friend, and so for that reason his words carry more weight. He is someone Atsushi, logically, shouldn't trust, after what he did to him in the past, and yet he does, because things have changed since the Guild arc, and he knows he can count on him to be there for him and the ADA now.
And then, after him, there is Akutagawa. Who is basically exactly the same as everything I just described for Francis, but times one hundred. Of course Akutagawa would be last. Of course, if there's someone Atsushi would simultaneously and paradoxically be both intimidated by and yet comforted to hear their advice because of their tumultuous history together, far more than Francis, it would be Akutagawa. The progression of ADA members > Francis > Akutagawa in that order gives Akutagawa's appearance much more weight imo than just going straight to him from the ADA members, especially with the specific framing of him standing in line behind Francis to judge/advise Atsushi.... it's just much more powerful, and I wish they'd kept it like this, for both Francis and Aku's characters.
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Death Note Role Swap AU but only Matsuda and Misa swap places.
Matsuda would be an amazing pop idol and tbh I think Misa deserves to shoot Light seven times in the chest.
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devondespresso · 1 year
hi today we're thinking about Dustins parental (figures) trauma (because i love him)
like Dustin now has experienced 4 different instances of an older brother figure running into danger to protect him and every time said older brother figure got more and more injured
the first day Dustin meets Steve, Steve leaves the bus with the demodogs to be bait and comes back a bit shaken and with a couple scratches but basically unharmed. hes doing this to protect all the kids but at this point he's known Dustin the longest (maybe an hour or so more but still they had actual conversations in that hour)
then they're at the Byers and Steve fights B*lly for Lucas (and Max i think because he was officially there to take her home) and we hear the kids screaming at B*lly, specifically we hear Dustin scream "you're gonna kill him" and Steve very obviously has a concussion afterwards
then theres season 3. Steve and Robin hold the door while Dustin and Erica escape through vents and when they meet up again both teenagers are drugged and Steve has a black eye, bloody nose, and a split lip and is covered in blood and sweat and thats just what you can see (he mentions ears ringing, difficulty breathing and feeling like his eye is going to fall out, all of which probably comes up later off-screen because hes doing a lot of strenuous activity for someone in his condition)
and then Eddie. Eddie who was asked by Steve to look out for him and Eddie who made sure Dustin got through the portal safely before risking his own safety to help the team. Eddie who so far in canon (duffers please bring him back) died in Dustins arms and kept a smile on his face in his excruciating death to try and ease the blow it'd have on him
and even if you write aus where Eddie does live he's frequently in the hospital for several months or in a coma
now Dustins a child, he's in middle school during all of steves sacrifices and in his freshman year of highschool for Eddie's. He doesn't have a present father and while his mother is very loving she's not the most emotionally stable
and when you think about it, Dustin doesn't really have any parental figure that is 100% stable for him to rely on
His mother gets very stressed and panics a lot (which is fair because shes a presumably single working mom and joyce is in a similar situation but regardless it does put stress on their kids), and we see Dustin immediately stepping up to comfort his mom when their cat Mews is "missing" despite having to see and clean up his cats dead body alone from out of his bedroom
Steve is a relatively emotionally stable figure for him with lots of confident advice and its confirmed that Steves a very safe person for him to go to with both upside down and normal problems
but Steve has gotten hurt A Lot and often times the responsibility of taking care of him falls on Dustin (and I'd go as far as to say Dustin takes on this role himself based on how hes used to taking care of his mom). Dustins the one holding an ice pack to Steve's head when he wakes up in B*llys car and he's mostly the one looking after Steve and Robin while they're drugged. Steve is emotionally safe, but Dustin does have to worry about his safety pretty often (he so easily could've died in season 3 just from repeated head injuries alone)
Then with Eddie its clear Dustin looks up to him as a role model of this cool guy who doesn't care what others think of him, but then Eddie gets involved with the upside down. they meet in the boathouse we see Dustin immediately stepping up to calm him down and help him work through the upside down trauma (and to protect Steve who's once again in physical danger) (and then Eddie dies later so hes not really stable in either aspect rip)
So aside from the upside down trauma having the kids have to grow up too fast and having their childhoods taken away (and this definitely applies to all the kids and teens but we're talking about dusty today), Dustins a character that is consistently looking for a stable parental figure and consistently loosing the stability he finds in them. Which leads him to have to step up, shelf his own emotions, and be a source of stability for his parental figures instead.
i know its wishful thinking at best to hope for a comedic character to have their trauma properly addressed in this show, but id really like to see Dustin struggling with some of this
he probably feels responsible for a lot of shit that happened especially to Steve and Eddie because he was there to witness their injuries and they both got injured to protect him
maybe he struggles talking about certain things with steve despite him remaining emotionally safe because his experiences with comforting his mom and Eddie makes him assume thats normal. maybe hes afraid hes going to wake up one day and Steve will be dead.
maybe he puts himself down the same path steves on now, not his highschool jock path but the self-sacrificing hero path. maybe the party will be in some sort of trouble with no adults around and he'll put himself between the party and the danger because he feels responsible for making sure they're ok.
we've already seen he feels the need to mediate conflict with his friends (mike and lucas's fight in season 1 and asking eddie to postpone hellfire on lucas's behalf) and that he admires Steve's hero stunts (fighting the demodogs in season 2 Dustin says hes awesome when max comments hes insane)
i just want to see people talk about Dustins relationship with responsibility and the lack of stability in his life. i also grew up being The Responsible Friend in my friend group and its fucking exhausting. I just want my guy to get a break, maybe some assurance that Steves not going to fucking die and maybe a moment where he can just let go of tge stress hes holding onto (i don't know tbh if i knew how to fix this feeling i wouldn't need therapy lol)
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thatrandomlittlegirl · 4 months
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why is noone talking about the valentine /I/ got in the newsletter
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mblue-art · 1 year
It's me again, anon, who adores your love-hate towards Cross. Friend recently showed me a video in tiktok where there was a sound of 'oh I hate that man...but oh, cara mia...how i love him'. It immediately reminded me of you. Tsunderes keep winning. Let's go tsunderes ✊️
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hhhh h hhhi anon i do, i do ha-
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eternalgirlscout · 3 months
people who call wyll boring why don't you listen to magpie by the mountain goats and think about him and maybe you'll fucking get it
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