beckbucket · 1 year
♦ just following orders ♦ (jedi! reader x wrecker)
summary: when wrecker's chip activates on bracca, he lunges for you instead of one of his brothers
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warnings/tags: angst, order 66, inhibitor chip activation, choking, crying, pain all around, jedi! reader, no use of y/n, gender neutral reader
author's note: this was heavily inspired by this post by @zoeykalluss ! i haven't written in a very, very long time... but i couldn't find any satisfactory wrecker whump, so i guess i had no choice but to write it myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ un-beta'd, so be kind!
Ever since the painful day that your squad of troopers turned on you, you hadn’t truly felt safe. Constantly looking over your shoulder and constantly moving forward had become the routine- until you met the boys of Clone Force 99. 
You barely escaped your ship after Order 66 with your life. After a lifetime of living on Coruscant with the Jedi Order, you found yourself on shady Ord Mantell with no credits and extensive injuries. In exchange for a discreet place to sleep, you’d agreed to research missions for Cid to pursue. Your whole body constantly ached, but it was better than having to fight for scraps in the street. She never asked you to be involved in the action. That is, until Cid suggested one day that you should travel as backup with her “team”. Funnily enough, she never actually mentioned that the team was made up of clone troopers...
When you were first introduced, you nearly bolted from Cid’s bar on the spot. Somehow, the unexpectedly kind words of their largest member somehow convinced you to stay. You honestly never thought you’d ever be able to look another clone in the eyes, let alone work a mission with them. Over time, though, you came to appreciate the many quirks of the team- especially of one batcher in particular. 
Though he looked brutish, Wrecker was the most caring soul you’d ever met. He didn’t have the exceptional intellect or enhanced senses of his brothers, but Wrecker had a special gift for reading people. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that he had a midichlorian count off the charts! His joy bled over to everyone around him. After your life as a Jedi had crumbled, you finally felt hopeful. Falling in love with him followed easily. You’d agreed to join them permanently, which led to your latest mission. 
You and the other batchers tried to get some rest, while Tech piloted the Marauder down to the surface of the junk planet. You could feel Wrecker’s large form behind you in your shared bunk, strong arms curled around you. Something in the air felt off, but it wasn’t worth disturbing anyone’s sleep over. You cracked a bleary eye, and through your blurry morning vision, you could see the other batchers safely sleeping. You nuzzled back against your partner, enjoying the few quiet moments you had before the team had to move out. After all the pain that had happened in your life, Wrecker was the one person you felt truly safe with. 
Wrecker’s force signature was bright and warm, a constant anchor in the back of your mind. But since you dropped into Bracca's orbit… something felt strange in your connection. While Tech had done extensive research on the Jedi order, none of the boys really understood what it meant for you to be connected with the Force. You didn’t want to panic the team based on a hunch, so you tried to keep your feelings to yourself. Those days, with all the suffering throughout the galaxy, something always felt wrong in the Force. 
Hunter and Rex led your team down the dim hallways of the ship’s wreckage, Omega and Echo following close behind them. Wrecker followed up the rear of the formation due to his larger stature. Ever the gentleman, he always insisted that you stay safely in front of him. 
The sounds of your feet hitting the metal flooring was the only noise to be heard on the abandoned starcraft. Rex’s insistence that the chips needed to be removed created a tension that the group couldn’t seem to shake. The knowledge of the inhibitor chips loomed like a dark shadow over the team, just like the dark shadows obscuring the path to the ship’s medbay. 
A quiet grunt broke the silence, coming from the large man behind you. 
Every head whipped around to look at him, and Wrecker paused, rubbing the side of his head. 
“-’ts just a headache”, he awkwardly chuckled. His attempt to break the tension didn’t set anyone at ease. He’d never been much of a liar; it was clearly bothering him more than he was letting on. 
The rest of the group continued moving forward, but you paused to look back at your lover’s face. He met your eyes and tried to smile, but it was more like a grimace. Looking at his tanned face, you felt a disturbance in the Force. 
You started to speak, but the feeling was gone as quickly as it came. You wanted to wonder if it had anything to do with the inhibitor chips… but you quickly shoved that thought to the back of your mind.
"There’s no reason why the chips would suddenly engage for no reason", you thought to yourself, shaking your head. Trusting too heavily in Force visions and hunches was foolish. Wrecker’s eyebrow crooked in confusion as you hesitated, but you tried to give him a reassuring look.
Rex’s muffled voice broke your thoughts, calling you both to move forward. The rest of the team had already ventured forward to the next room. As you walked forward to cross the threshold, a cool shiver ran up your back. You tried to shake it off, and continued to rejoin the group. 
The faint red emergency lights around the floor provided just enough illumination to make out the layout of the large room. Clinical furniture and medical equipment had been toppled and cast around the room haphazardly. In the center of the room was an older med chamber, dusty but largely undisturbed. Despite the room’s eerie appearance,
Rex stopped and nodded at the group- that dusty equipment could do the job. Hunter spoke up first, his gruff voice addressing the group. 
“Which one of you wants to go first?”. A sea of awkward and anxious expressions looked around at each other. After a moment, the smallest batcher stepped forward. 
“How do we know that this surgery is safe?”, doubted Omega. 
“Just because Rex’s surgery went well doesn’t mean that you all will be okay”, she added, the worry clear in her voice. Her eyes flickered to Rex, but he didn’t provide any reassurance. 
Tech started to speak, but a low grunt interrupted him. 
All eyes were on Wrecker, who was again holding the side of his head. Unlike earlier, he remained silent, his closed eyes slightly twitching. 
You could feel the pain start to roll off him through the Force, as he held a tight grip on his head. 
“Wrecker?”, you worried, nerves creeping up into your throat. 
You took a step towards him without thinking, reaching for his face, but he didn’t move. Something was very wrong for him to be so quiet. 
You cradled the smooth curve of his jaw in your hand, running a thumb across the side of his cheek. He let out a low moan, clenching his jaw but otherwise remaining motionless. 
Suddenly, another cold chill ran up your skin. A deep sense of danger surged through the Force. It startled you into drawing your hand back, your heart jumping up into your throat. 
Louder, you tried to coax an answer out of the larger clone. 
“Wrecker…,” you ask, concern shaking your voice, “What’s wrong?”. 
Wrecker’s warm presence in the back of your mind was gone in a split second, replaced with a null, dark void. Sharp panic ran through your veins as another disturbance rippled through the Force. You stepped back, watching how Wrecker’s form became even more still. 
His vode around him tensed, watching your reactions with caution. From the corner of your eye, you could see Hunter step in front of Omega to shield her. Your clouded brain didn’t understand- what would he shield her from? 
Wrecker’s arms dropped lifelessly to his side as his eyes slid open. You could sense the other troopers starting to move, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. Those deep brown eyes that you loved had glazed over, no sign of the laughter they usually carried. 
Like a droid powering up, Wrecker straightened to his full height while looking around the room. You were reminded of just how imposing he really is, towering over you and the other clones. His gaze finally fell on you. You both stood at a standstill, a few seconds seeming like an eternity. 
Without warning, Wrecker suddenly reached for his blaster. Your breath caught in your throat, fear bubbling up in your chest. Hunter was one step ahead of him, rushing forward to pull the weapon from his hands before he could wield it against you. 
His deep voice was gruff when he grunted out against his brother, but his gaze didn’t leave you. 
“Jedi are traitors”, Wrecker growled. 
He lunged for you, but you were able to jump back just in time. Hunter called out before Wrecker could reach for you again. 
“Wrecker, stand down!”. The leader brandished his blaster, stepping forward to provide you some cover. 
“This isn’t you,” he protested. 
“That’s just the chip talking. You don’t really believe that”. The large clone hesitated at the sound of his brother’s voice. For a moment, you could feel a small flicker of Wrecker’s Force signature in the back of your mind. 
You froze, searching for any sign of the man you loved behind those dark eyes. A deep snarl cut that hope short as a warning left his mouth. 
“Good soldiers follow orders”.
another chapter soon to follow! please enjoy and share your thoughts :) i will finish posting this work here, then clean up the final product for ao3 :3
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misty-moth · 2 months
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One year anniversary of loving Arthur!!! 🥳🥳🥳
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Routes finished in the year: 17
I shall write the tale of how it all started below~ warning: rambling, simping, cheesiness
So I started off in ikepri on April 25th, 2023 after seeing Yves on fb. After ~5 days I decided I loved it (pretty bois and no ads 🙌) so I checked what other games they had.
Fun fact: I adore vampires. My Twilight phase did a number on my psyche.
So ikevamp became an obvious choice, and as it was downloading I thought about what type of character I’d like the most. My conclusion was “whichever vampire actually likes being a vampire and will bite me gdi.”
I think we know where this is going.
So I started the prologue thinking “is this guy one of the options? I mean, he must be, he has a sprite” (sorry Comte). Up next I saw Napo with “ooo I like his hair :3c”, nodded, and kept my options open.
Then Arthur showed up, and I had that moment of THAT ONE. That’s right, it was love at first sight 🫰😌 more characters popped up and as it kept going, I highkey became concerned with myself 😅 “…in this house of incredibly important and interesting historical figures, am I really going for the author of Sherlock? I’ve never considered his existence before. I don’t even like Sherlock” 😭
And yet, I loved him greatly from the moment I saw him. He was my first route, and I had a goofy smile the whole time. If I had time to wonder is this just because he’s my first route? it didn’t last long.
Part of me wants to eventually write up a huge post on why I love him so much… it gets kinda sentimental and irl-filled so I won’t go into it here 😅
But the other part likes just the daily simping, art appreciation, fic reading, and keyboard mashing about him with everyone 🥹 so for now, on this post, I shall just say that he’s been a very lovely presence in my very chaotic noggin 💙
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peppermint-whiskers · 4 months
I am,,,, insanely proud of how mid ground turned out
Like are there things I could done better? Yeah
But I'm PROUD OF THIS and it's gonna look SO SICK WHEN IT'S ALL DONE
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yenerdybird · 24 days
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Random dtiys I found! Beautiful art
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banananagoose · 5 months
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*plops this on your dash yeeeyeeeyee*
sorry im just really enjoying no longer having art block
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floofle-universe · 2 years
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Wonder who he’s thinking about
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broken-lycan · 1 year
my baby boi just turned onto his back, thus shifting his blanket off of him a little and stretched one leggy delicately out. then he sighed
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wulfhalls · 4 months
corrupted godhood. reluctant false messiah. prophecy as a creeping all consuming malady. does the oracle see the future or make the future? the horror of trapping yourself inescapably on purpose. the chains of destiny dragging you towards the path you are fighting tooth and nail to free yourself from. there never having been a chance to begin with. no other choice to make. but making that choice regardless.
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mydairpercabeth · 5 months
There’s something extremely heartbreaking about Nicos cameo/first words in the show being him looking for Bianca. He’s always going to be the little boy looking for his big sister. Season three is going to be the end of me.
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danibee33 · 1 month
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Do you ever think about how in The Naked Time everyone’s hidden personality traits come to the surface, and while we get Sulu being a swashbuckling fencer, Chapel being vain and lovesick, and Riley being a megalomaniac….
Spock is just devastatingly, profoundly sad and self-loathing.
And he admits he hates himself every time he feels love for Jim.
It kills me every time.
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peppergh0st · 1 year
Bruce is just a tired dad with his happy son :)
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Bonus doodle :D
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thedeadedhooman · 1 month
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They have the same expression 🤧
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tonythepizzaguy · 8 months
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inktober and drawtober 8: toad and orange
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kikker-oma · 2 months
art requests you say? may I request a sleepy Four?
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556 notes · View notes
Gentle reminder that every time Jason Grace gave his offering to Jupiter, he prayed for his dad to help Nico. Just saying.
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