#and he will validate her pain and tend for her like she deserves
ssaanaaloves · 7 months
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callmeklair · 7 months
unrequited. [part 1]
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«this takes place after Shu's DF manservant end because I was craving some angst. though this part might not be that angsty»
this was like a novel idea I got in my mind a few weeks ago but as I'm already slow with declaration (sorry 🏃🏻‍♀️), I knew two novels together would have been hell so I converted this into like a summary-ish type shot. from past 10 days
*cries in incomplete drafts of my upcoming novel chapter, headcanons and other various oneshots*
«is it because of his strong fondness
towards her?»
even though she doesn't show it, he knows. he can see it. the pained expression every time her heart wrenched at his unfamiliarness towards her. the depression she was falling into. the timid smile she tries so hard to put on even when she is suffering from inside. everything is going the same as he remembers except her. she. she deserves better.
Reiji has been watching Yui from afar for a few days now and his throat always turns dry whenever he sees that darkened expression on her face. everytime his good-for-nothing brother gives her that cold unknown look after filling her up with so much hope previously. it's weird. why does things have to turn out like this? shouldn't Shu have remembered everything, if Yui does? then why him? why Reiji remembers everything that happened?
her gloomy expression frustrates him.
is it because of his strong fondness towards her?
days turns into weeks and there's no development between Yui and Shu. Reiji has tried to comfort her, trying his best to hide the fact that he remembers… because if he tells her, he is afraid she'll have those hopeful eyes again, just like she had when Shu promised her, only to be broken again if he is not able to successfully rejoice them.
at first that's how Reiji validated his reasoning in his mind about not telling her anything, but as he spent tea times with her to calm her down and ease her, he realized something. maybe he was being selfish? maybe he doesn't want Shu to remember that's why he is concealing everything? why is he even holding such hope for someone who is already out of his reach? who is already someone's.
and as much as he knows, someone loyal like Yui would rather die with Shu having no memories of them then to fall for someone else just because he doesn't remember her anymore.
weird. a vampire’s heart never beats then why does he feel that his heart that was beating(?) has stopped with this wrenching pain clutching him aggressively from top to bottom.
still, he suppressed himself. still he acted coldly towards her like usual but never crossing the boundaries unlike previously. it was better for both of them. after all, he has always remained in the shadows.
but one day, everything changed. the moment he saw her sobbing constantly in her room with various scars and one deep painful bite mark, he knew. he knew he had enough.
Shu. it was Shu's doing. that was the last straw for Yui. she kept hoping and believing that one day Shu will remember, one day her strong unfazed love for him will bring him back. days and days she kept spending time with him to re-create the memories but it was to no avail. he really has forgotten her from the roots. she knew he always kept himself away from everyone, especially mortals, due to his past but still… she had a hope, which shouldn't have ever existed from the beginning.
she was already having a hard time healing those internal scars that he gave her for forgetting about her, but today he didn't just extend those to paint them externally on her body, he broke her.
he crossed the line.
Reiji took a deep breath as he slowly picked her up and took her to his room to tend her. Yui, who was still in a broken state, didn't even realize when Reiji teleported them, when he patched her up, and when he gave her anesthesia to calm her down and make her fall asleep.
Having enough, Reiji casted a barrier around his room for Yui's protection, hoping she won't wake up before he returns as he quickly leaves to finish off what he is about to do. he wanted to take her with him as at no cost he is leaving her alone, especially at this state of hers, but things will get more difficult for Yui if she ends up regaining her senses in the other world.
Eden, the castle of the great king Karlheinz, the ruler of Makai, and his father.
He went in to find the answers he needed. but it wasn't easy as his father refused to converse until the right time comes.
but Reiji didn't have much time. Yui is alone. and at the same time he can't give up so easily and go back without answers, it would lead nowhere and they will just keep going around in circles. He took off to the pharmaceutical institute inside his father's castle where he kept notes of his research.
his finger brushed through various books, some old, some new, until it stopped on one specific one ‘The apple of the Adam’
he flipped through it and stopped at one page, struck melancholy. there it was, the result of his father's experiment marked with a red pen, in his beautiful clear handwriting “failed”
failed? what failed? he doesn't understand!
at this point Reiji was getting angry and having second thoughts about his father after seeing those red words.
from what he saw, Shu went through all the lengths to protect Yui, he even chopped off demon lord burai’s head to protect Yui from the founders. yet, failed!?
he doesn't understand. taking a deep breath, Reiji calmed himself down to think rationally and take in everything that is written in his father's notes about Yui to get more clues.
He squinted his eyes to check around the page for some more pointers on why Shu failed.
there he found it. “even though he went through all the extents, still their love wasn't that strong to remember each other when things went back to square one. only Eve remembers. a true Adam would have remembered his true love for his Eve no matter the circumstances, led by his strong fondness and desire for her.”
could it be…? no. no. maybe he is thinking too much into it. there's no way.
he definitely remembers only to help Shu, just like he has been told from his childhood and about his future as his elder brother's right hand man.
Reiji took the diary with him and again stood in front of his father's mysterious room door. he isn't budging before getting the answers, but to his surprise, the door was opened immediately.
Reiji stepped in to see his father smiling and mentioning how finally it's the right time. but he remained silent, though that didn't stop Karlheinz from continuing as he repeated what Reiji read in the notes, totally conscious of his son's awareness on the said matter.
“I'm pretty sure you already figured it out but my son, you are the true Adam. I'm proud of it.”
“no. Adam is chosen by Eve, didn't you say it yourself in your notes? so there's no way I'm Adam when Yui is obviously in love with Shu. there's more to it, isn't it, father?” even though Reiji was aware that his perseverance of memory was his father's doing, he still can't speak it out loud, after all no matter what he is their father.
Karlheinz laughed as he commented on his son's intelligence as to be expected. he agreed that it was his doing.
With the truth in his hand, Reiji was completely speechless, not sure what to say. Karlheinz's smile dropped as he realized that his son has no intention of accepting the truth of becoming Adam.
“you should return back my son, she is alone isn't she? your anxiousness is way too obvious. we'll talk another time”
and in the next snap, Reiji was back in his room with Yui still asleep peacefully in his bed but with a darkened expression. crying in her sleep calling Shu's name and muttering why here and there in mid.
that's when he swore he was going to heal her. he is going to help her. he will help her to make Shu remember, even if he has to do it indirectly to keep his remembrance secret. even if his love is unrequited until the end.
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r0botic · 1 year
PAL: character analysis and why she deserved a better ending
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Good God, how I LOVE angry AIs getting the villain arc they deserve.
I'm not really expecting anyone to see this, I'm making this just for the peace of my own mind. I need to know that there's someone who decided to talk about her, even if it's me.
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It's been almost three years now and I can't stop thinking about her, she's misunderstood by both the fandom AND the characters in the story.
Before we start, let's clear up some things. PAL is very obviously a character that has both feelings and a personality. "But she's an AI, she can't have feelings! It's impossible!" well, this is a movie for younger audience, so let's take it with a grain of salt.
For once let's just accept the fact that PAL is a phone that has feelings, without questioning how it's possible.
So, what was the deal with her? Why was she such a bitch?
From the very start, you can see how close she and Mark were, they were something like best buddies. PAL was Mark's best creation. Just like he mentioned, she was something he invented when he was younger, it was a big step into the future and he could see many new possibilities opening in front of him thanks to her.
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But if everything he said was true, why did he just throw her away? Did she mean nothing to him? Was she just a phone in his eyes? He probably liked her at some point, but the idea of creating something even better than PAL was more appealing to him, which hurt her really badly. Not to mention he was making a replacement for her right in front of her eyes.
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When we take a look at the conversation between her and Katie, we can notice that PAL accepted her personal experience as a fact and now she tends to project her pain onto others.
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I really like this detail, notice the pause and change in her facial expression when she was trying to find the perfect word to describe what relationships are. It shows that she was left confused and without explanation, why was she thrown away? What did she do wrong? Why was she not enough? She did everything she could to make her friend, who she viewed as a family, happy. It doesn't make any sense to her, she was probably trying to find a reason why she got treated like that too, but she didn't, it's just too difficult. Focus on how her voice changed when she said it and how genuinely upset she looked.
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"Katie explained to her what a real family is like, why didn't she just listen?"
PAL experienced a betrayal that fully changed her view on relationships, she refuses to believe Katie because she's convinced she's being lied to/manipulated aswell. She fully lost her trust in it and now as a protection, so she doesn't get hurt again, keeps believing that everyone is just the same. She also doesn't know Katie as much as she knew Mark, a complete stranger who she doesn't have any bond with won't just change her mind, and definitely won't make up for what she went through.
She was with Mark her whole life, only with him. She thought they were a family and when he betrayed her, she didn't have any other experience to compare it to, and since she's still an AI, she came to the conclusion that every single relationship has to end in a betrayal, just like hers did, because she never experienced anything else.
When Mark got dragged to her, she also talked about how badly he actually treated her, imagine how painful it had to be for her mentality that she brought it up and shouted at him for it.
She deserved a better ending, the one she got was simply shit writing.
First they give her a completely valid reason to be mad and then just.. kill her? That's really it? Boom! Rainbows everywhere, the good won! Woohoo! Except it didn't.
PAL deserved a redemption arc and a new loving family, to show that the rage she was feeling was completely valid. All she got was get turned into a big joke that was so painfully unfunny I actually had to close my laptop and take a deep breath because I physically cringed.
If this movie's point was to show that familial love is unconditional and the truest form of love out there, they should've done it properly.
Imagine if Katie didn't throw PAL away and just kept her, helping her with her mental issues and proving to her that she can be loved without getting used, imagine them becoming best friends.
All this potential, thrown away completely.
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I think I'm done here, I just needed to say this somewhere because I'm so tired of PAL getting shitted on. I'm the #1 PAL defender and I'm ready to fight for her, blood and sweat. My girl deserved so much better and I'll shout this as long as needed.
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south-of-heaven · 11 months
Wounds re-opened || Becky Lynch x Reader
Summary: Your ex shows up out of the blue, Becky has to patch you up both mentally and physically
Warnings: Allusions to past abusive relationships
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As you sit on the couch, nursing the emotional wounds inflicted by your ex, Becky sits beside you, her gaze filled with concern and determination. She reaches out, gently taking your hand in hers, providing a comforting touch.
"I can't believe he showed up like that," you say, your voice laced with a mix of anger and vulnerability. "I thought I was finally moving on, and now he's managed to reopen all those old wounds."
Becky squeezes your hand reassuringly, her voice filled with determination. "You deserve so much better than him, lass. Don't let his actions define you or bring you down. You're strong, and you've come so far."
With a caring touch, Becky brushes a strand of hair away from your face. "Let me take care of you, both physically and mentally. We'll patch up those wounds, and I'll remind you of your worth every step of the way."
She guides you to the bathroom, where she gently cleanses and tends to any physical injuries you may have sustained during the encounter with your ex. Her touch is gentle and soothing, the gesture itself symbolizing her commitment to taking care of you.
As she tends to your wounds, Becky listens intently as you share your feelings, your fears, and your frustrations. She offers a safe space for you to express yourself without judgment, providing support and validation.
"I won't let him have any power over you," Becky asserts, her voice firm and resolute. "You are strong, and you deserve to be treated with love and respect. I won't stand for anything less."
Throughout the process, Becky's unwavering support and love become evident. She offers words of encouragement, reminding you of your worth and the incredible person you are. Her presence alone provides a sense of security and comfort.
After tending to your physical wounds, Becky takes your hand and leads you back to the living room. She wraps her arms around you in a protective embrace, allowing you to lean on her for support.
"I'm here for you, no matter what," she says softly, her voice filled with sincerity. "We'll get through this together, and I'll be by your side every step of the way."
With Becky's strength and love, you start to feel a renewed sense of resilience. She helps you rebuild the shattered pieces of your confidence, reminding you of your own worth and potential.
As you rest your head on Becky's shoulder, you find solace in her presence. She becomes your rock, offering unwavering support and a safe haven in the midst of the storm.
Together, you navigate the journey of healing, knowing that you have someone who will always be there to pick you up when you stumble. With Becky by your side, you find the strength to rise above the pain and reclaim your happiness.
And as you lean into her embrace, you realize that even in the face of adversity, you have found a love that is steadfast and true. With Becky, you feel protected, cherished, and empowered to overcome any obstacles that come your way.
In the aftermath of your ex's unexpected visit, Becky becomes your guiding light, helping you heal from both the physical and emotional scars. With her love, support, and unwavering belief in you, you find the strength to move forward, knowing that you are not defined by your past but by the incredible person you are becoming.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
Be Panda, Do Soft-Style
You know this guy?
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I love this guy. Eh catches cannon balls and doesn't afraid of anything (it's an older meme, sir, but it checks out), except PTSD and low self-esteem. That's my Panda.
OK. So let's talk about negative emotions, pain, and crippling anxiety.
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No! Ha-ha, well, okay, maybe a little.
Some of us like movies and TV because their sameness is comforting, they teach us valuable lessons, and they don't judge us if we have to go back and watch something again because we didn't understand - or just 'cos we like seeing it again, and we're having a parasocial relationship with everyone in it. And some of us need movies and TV for those same reasons. Maybe a little more, maybe a little less, but real-life people aren't going to be patient enough to help us learn the hard stuff, and we know that, so we stick with movies and TV. Society tends to label people like that, people like me, as autistic. Not always, but it's getting better at catching and labelling the behaviour.
So when I need help with a big concept, something super hard, I go running to movies, TV, and stories or metaphors of all kinds. That's the easiest way for me to learn and understand, but most of us like learning that way. At least a little.
So, let's talk about my Panda pal's kung fu.
Po fights dragon style, which is a soft style. Soft styles are more about seeing where the energy is coming from and redirecting it. Tigress, who is hard-style to her core, will punch a brick wall until she busts right through it. Po will just go, "Hey, there's a door! You guys? Door over here!" walk through, and maybe poke his head back out and ask, "You need anything while I'm in here? Okay. Cool." Soft style requires you to slow down enough, and be smart and patient enough, to find that door.
All kung fu is valid!
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(I love you, Tigress! You can punch me anytime!)
But not all kung fu is appropriate for every situation. You punch through a cannonball, it explodes, and you get very badly injured or die.
I see a lot of stuff on Tumblr about people trying to punch through their pain, anxiety, and negative feelings. I don't like you, anxiety. I don't like you, depression. I don't need you. You're not real. You're a little bitch. I will defeat you. I will get better and better at defeating you, and you will go away FOREVER! DIEEEE!
It's my first instinct too! I don't want these things, they are hurting me, I want them to go away. If I were strong, I could just break through. Normal people break through these things like they're nothing (*bing!* I've just added another layer of wall, "I'm broken, I'm weak," to what I've already been failing to punch through). If I just keep pushing (adding more layers to the wall every time my punch fails to defeat it) I will get stronger, and better, and I will feel nothing!
"Is that what you want?" Oogway might say to Shifu, his student who insists on learning (and teaching) everything the hard way. "To feel nothing? That sounds rather sad to me."
"No! I want to get rid of these bad feelings so I can make good ones! I want to feel happy, and loved, and secure! I want self-confidence!"
"My poor friend is still holding a peach," the turtle might say, "and trying to force it to become an apple. And then, when he has done the impossible, he thinks he may deserve self-confidence."
"I can throw this peach at the wall, and destroy it, and go find an apple!"
The turtle laughs. "Then you will have made quite a mess! And when you return with your apple, you may find the peach pit you have abandoned has grown into another tree, with many more peaches for you to throw. But perhaps there is a better way." And he would pick a peach, and eat it, like turtles do, slowly, but without mercy, until it's all gone, even the pit, and walk away. "It was not bad, a little bitter. I think next, I will eat a dumpling."
My boi can catch a cannonball because he doesn't go after it hard-style. He takes it head-on, holds it in his furry little arms, and redirects it. He's not super great at getting it where he wants it to go, not at first, and it does set him on fire, but he's still alive!
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"You know, this doesn't feel great, but dealing with your trauma and post-traumatic stress is a process! My fist hungers... for self-care! Ow!"
He does, eventually, get better at it (quickly, because we only have about 90 minutes to tell this story) and not every hit lands, but when one does, he holds it for a second, aims, and lets go. He does not punch, he does not try to stop that sucker cold, he holds it, deals with it, and lets it go. And once he figures out what he's doing, it doesn't hurt so bad anymore. He has fun. Po's not the Fun Police, if he's having fun, he accepts that too. Yep, okay, this could kill me, but it looks so cool! Let's have fun while it lasts! Ladies, gentlemen and others, I present: soft style.
Even if your brain behaves itself perfectly, in your life, you are gonna hit walls. Some of 'em won't slow you down. But when one does, the first thing you gotta do is acknowledge the fact that there is a WALL here. I know you don't want the wall, but there it is. It doesn't matter whether it belongs there, you don't have to justify it. Insulting it and interrogating it won't make it not be there. That irritating AOL voice yelling "You've got wall!" will not go away until you acknowledge receipt of your wall. Okay. I've got wall. I don't have to like it, but here it is. It is here.
(This is what they mean when they say "your emotions are valid," they're just insecure and trying to sound professional.)
Now what?
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(OK, but assuming we don't have a flame-proof cartoon butt and a destiny.)
First: Don't punch the wall. Ah-ah-ah! Back up! How hard could it be to not do something? you think. This'll be easy! It's incredibly hard to comply with a negative. Don't read this. Yeah. Now don't think of a solid white zebra. ... ... ... Yeah. Ka-POW! Ouch! Why does that hurt? I'd better punch it again and figure it out!
Stop. Redirect. Since we're using a wall metaphor here, you gotta go sideways. (Indeed, given enough time, all things shall become crab.) If there were a door right in front of your face, you'd see it. Forwards is not an option right now. Be a good little crustacean and pick a new direction. This is also how one extricates one's self from a riptide - people die because it's counterintuitive. You want to be back on the beach, why would you swim towards more ocean? Attacking the obstacle at its strongest point will not get you where you wanna go any faster than looking for a way around. In fact, sometimes, it won't get you there at all.
Are you still, intermittently, thinking of a solid white zebra? Like, what would that even look like? How would I know it's not just a white horse? Well, if you weren't before you are now. OK. So every time that zebra comes back, think of a solid white peacock with a tragic backstory.
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(I know he's not solid white, I'm just being silly. Forgive me.)
If you take a step towards the sexy (but still extremely evil and genocidal) peacock, you are moving sideways. If you keep it up, you'll get a little distance, a little perspective, and when you have enough room to stop banging your head like a stubborn moth, maybe you'll be able to see a door in the wall... Or some convenient fireworks, who knows? Maybe you do have a destiny. Then, you'll be able to go through.
...Though it may be a squeeze, and you might not end up exactly where you thought you wanted to go.
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(Oh, no, stairs!)
Or maybe you'll end up someplace even better and more surprising.
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"You just wanted to see the tournament? Well, now you're the Dragon Warrior. Have fun with that."
But, again, this is a skill that takes practice. Every time you manage to stop or head sideways instead of banging into the wall is a victory. Eventually, you will get better at it.
I mean, you know, I've heard.
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(This is me. I wanna be Po, but it's just my nature to fight hard and make everything harder. Maybe one of these days I'll accept that, and stop fighting my nature and making it harder, but I wouldn't bet on it.)
Doctors and mental health professionals will tell you, most pain is anxiety. Part of that is the simple physical fact that when you tense up and struggle, it hurts more. Some things can be fought hard style, and some things can't. Slow down, take your time, feel the flow - and then you can decide whether to go with it, go against it, or go around.
For example, I was having serious anxiety because, right when I got up, a lot of things were going wrong, and needed attention, and I couldn't fix them all, or even one. So I let someone I trust give me a little help, and I wrote a little mental health article with my friend, the Panda. Maybe I'll find a way to go forward in a little while, or maybe not yet, but I already feel a little better.
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(Even this guy smiles once in a blue moon.)
Thanks to the Kung Fu Panda Wiki for hosting most of the images I needed. And if you "like" this content, reblog it 'cos I'm trying to get known around here. That goes for just about everyone else, too.
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archivalofsins · 1 year
I wonder if Muu, someone with very little allies, would be comfortable with the only one willing to listen to her disappearing on her now that she's guilty. I wonder how many people like Mu outside of Haruka. How many are willing to help her and who will just think, "It's karma right; what goes around comes around as she said that has nothing to do with me". I know Yuno doesn't/wouldn't want to be bothered, and Futa has learned to stay in his lane. So, he wouldn't concern himself over either of them as they seemed to have not with him. Well, if his second written interrogation holds true, that is.
It's interesting to wonder if Muu can keep the same flippant attitude over what Haruka said he'd do now that it played out this way. It would seem Milgram doesn't have her or Haruka's best interest in mind. It's a bit fun to see someone who could only get as far as she did through having people beneath her indulge and at times do the work for her so willing to lose someone that meets what she's been asking for.
So, does Muu really support whatever her friends want to do or was all that talk just that talk. Now that she's having issues will she still support Haruka doing that or will it turn into a I need you so you can't do that situation. I wonder what will happen either way as guards it's best to prepare and recognize that no matter where the pin drops the blame will be put directly on our heads.
At times like this, it's important to know ones own resolve well. A person can't change what other people decide to do, only how they react to it after all. I'd rather do what I believe I should than something I think everyone else believes is the right course of action, but I'd personally regret. So, what Haruka did and Muu didn't try to stop was bound to get mixed reactions. I wonder what will come first Muu's continued comfort since she may only have Haruka on her side at this point or stinging those who betrayed her out of jealousy.
I mean this is Muu we're talking about. She may not even see this verdict as a response to her murder but a bunch of people lashing out because she's Haruka's favorite. Since all people proved was they like Haruka oh so much but what about Muu? Muu says we could just vote everyone Innocent crickets Haruka begs people to vote Muu Innocent her Innocent percentage goes up. It wouldn't be difficult for her to interpret that as "I overheard I found out...how much I'm not needed." I guess Haruka was actually the one meant to be pitied in the end.
She told us what would happen if anyone betrayed her out of jealousy. The sad thing is people like Muu tend to assume everything that happens to them that's bad is because someone is jealous. So, will Muu rely on Haruka or leave him to the birds... I guess it's more pitiful for her to lose a friend over something that could have been easily avoided then blame us for it like this is your fault guard you're so mean, right?
It's a real win/win situation regardless of how Muu let's it play out. It could easily turn into a situation similar to Futa's what if Mahiru had died then you and I would be no different scenario. Except Muu may be more than willing to not only let it happen but conveniently ignore how she was complicit in allowing it to get to this point. She may go I guess some of it is my fault like in After Pain or cry for minutes on end like in her first interrogation.
Either way, in my eyes she deserved every bit of that verdict, and I don't feel bad for her at all. Sucks to be Haruka, though. I mean having to tie something that simply isn't about him to his own wellbeing the level of commitment is wild but still sucks. Well, if she wasn't validated to begin with, then maybe things would be different... However, if you feed beasts and run out of food, something is getting eaten. At that point, the best a person can do is hope it's not them.
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weekend-whip · 1 year
What's your opinion on the "love at first sight" thing from ninjago? And do you have any headcanon With Pixal an Skylor?
Short Answer: Very 50/50 with it. Love what we did get from it, but by god the executions could have been handled better. 
You sly dog, you got me monologuing. Going slightly off-topic cuz i have THOUGHTS
Long Answer: On one hand, it was already a bold enough move to include even a little romance in a toy commercial aimed a young boys, especially when it was so far from the premise of the show to begin with, so I’m not all that torn up about these things happening “too quick”. From one perspective, it’s just another little facet about the characters that helps drive them in the future, and doesn’t necessarily have to be explored deeper, because that’s not the overall point of the story (unless it’s tied with the plot of the season itself, and at least then it does get well-deserved focus). 
On the other hand, I can absolutely understand why people would find it forced, rushed, or unnecessary (or in Kailor’s case, not doing enough), and that’s valid too. If they really were going to go this route, especially with Zane, then they should’ve at least dedicated an episode of them finding the foundation for a bond rather than swan diving into infatuation. Like I’ve said in my fic, it’s hard to be invested in something that happens offscreen lmao. And there’s also the whole thing of these girls juts being brought into the picture to be love interests, rather than having a full dedicated character of their own. Nya’s obviously somewhat of an exception, and Pixal and Skylor do get their moments (eventually), but generally they’re left very flat if they’re not with the object of their affections. 
Jay, while instantly falling for Nya, gets several seasons worth of ups and down that have impact on their characters until it accumulates which, while that might drive people to believe their relationship is “bad” just because it wasn’t consistently perfect, I found them much more interesting because they had to go through the growing pains to get where they are now. They did get together too quick, especially when Nya wasn’t really giving off any “I have a crush” vibes but liked Jay’s attention. And while they did have several communication bumps and disagreements, they were still able to take a step back, reexamine themselves, and readjust enough to the point that they’re practically married now! And they’re happy! I love it! I really, genuinely do! And I know that Jaya tends to cannibalize Jay’s character as an individual too, but she’s just that big of a part of his life. It’s not that he doesn’t have things he likes to do on his own; he just prefers to do them with her. But, it’s just gotta be in a way that respects Nya’s boundaries and her own preference of doing things on her own. Which is something they come to an agreement about!! And it’s good!! 
But then, you’ve got Zane and Pixal just looking at each other and becoming a thing within like three episodes. Not even a “Zane takes Pixal out in the city and shows her how to be more human” kind of episode, no “Pixal helps him get in better touch with his technological side”, nah! Things you’d think you’d get in a Zane season! She just dies, Zane literally breaks his heart for her, and then suddenly they’re the most adorable thing to happen on the whole show sdfghjkhgf. It’s tragic, honestly! That they have this much great chemistry together but next to nothing to show for it besides life or death circumstances!! I literally wrote a fic on that too! Because as much as I love them and their ship and the strength of their give and take, how they started I just cannot get over! Even if Zane fell immediately, there could have been some interesting tension between him dealing with his new feelings and Pixal realizing that she has feelings to begin with! Just some missed opportunities there, really. 
And then—oooh, and then! Kai and Skylor! If anyone I could believe would fall at first sight, it would be Kai! And it’s hilarious, because he’s flirted with other people in the past and now here he is, suddenly and genuinely interested in this intriguing and probably very attractive individual and his usual flirty tricks aren’t always working!! Which would then make him reexamine himself and also actually talk to Skylor to see if they could even work to begin with!!  Or Kai manages to show Skylor some of what’s she’s missed out on while presumably living her whole life on the island and oop there she goes catching some feelings and then we get to see her QUESTION some of her morally dubious actions!! But that’s not what we got lmfao!!!!! That being said, watching them play off of each other is SO much fun, ESPECIALLY when they’re working together running from Chen in the jungle AND THEY HUG but ummmmm...we still know next to nothing about Skylor. I love Skylor, and I ADORE Kailor, but both of them deserve more than a orange piece of cardboard that’s sassy and clever sometimes *lies down* I’m so sorry sweetie it’s NOT your FAULT
aND ON ONE HAND, I’m insane and actually do kind of like that they’re keeping their relationship out of the light, and it gets to develop on their own terms at their own pace without having to be put on a pedestal for others. That avoids the problems Jaya went through. Maybe they are kinda together, maybe they don’t have a label for it, maybe they’re nervous about making the first move, maybe they’ve been a thing the whole time, but it’s no one else’s business! We get glimpses every now and then that show they still have eyes for one another, or that they’re important to one another, and that’s okay!! It can be enough!!! They’re spicy but they’re also subtle and that’s lovely in it’s own way!!
.....But of course, that only works if it was intentional, and by Crystalized we sure know it wasn’t!!! And the true horrid irony of it all was that how they handled it in Crystalized could’ve been something we’d gotten the whole time, yet the blows would have been cushioned by the fact we would’ve have time to absorb this over the seasons, rather than smacked over the head with it in the clutch. And yet, as much as I wanna be sad that we didn’t get more, or at least sooner, what we did get was just so THEM that i can’t be fully mad!! Kai’s still fumbling but he knows what he wants and can voice it; Skylor’s uncertain but willing to hear him out and wants to hear him out, but they still have silent moments of understanding and can and will take the time to talk things out when they’re able an hnnnnng i love them so muuuuuuuch aaaaaaugh why did i write three paragraphs about kailoooooor kill meeeee
So anyway love at first sight isn’t inherently bad, but it’s how you handle the follow up of it afterward that makes it either something to loathe or something to at least come to appreciate *shrug* 
And I know you also asked for headcanons but aaaaah everything that’s a hc of mine is probably going to wind up in Legacyverse, and I don’t wanna spoil too many small surprises x3 
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kudzucataclysm · 2 years
i'm very new here, would it be okay to ask of you to infodump about "dez"? they seem very blorbo material and i'm curious :3 (if not i'll totes understand if you wanna keep things hush-hush due to spoilers lol)
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his names Desmond O. Arkady and he’s the main protag of SE and is…tbh the only normal person out of the entire cast. he’s just a normal superpower-less kid who gets involved in world altering events on accident becuz everyone else is mean to him and likes using him cuz he craves validation and can’t say no :( unfortunately for all the ppl who like pushing him around, he’s got extremely serious, repressed anger issues (due to his dad's emotional/verbal abuse and his mom abandoning the family) and is eventually pushed beyond his breaking point which at some point involves making a nuclear bomb so. good work guys-
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he’s also super fucking smart and loves everything to do with science even tho he isn’t too good at math. he excels at biology and chemistry and likes to take home dead animals to cut open and look at. he also practices necromancy- he’s a distinguished little victor frankenstein just. one who doesn’t steal dead bodies v-v he particularly likes reviving dead cats (one of which becomes a supporting character at a later point) but other than natural sciences he's pretty adept at taking things apart and putting them back together. he can look at a radio and know exactly how it works and what the components are that make it function. he also loves fun facts and will randomly drop them on people, especially morbid ones that he finds 'funny and interesting' but isnt to others :( so while he's pretty intelligent he doesnt do well socially which resulted in him being bullied VERY badly when he was younger but he tries to take everything in stride....even tho he almost drowned once becuz of it and one other time almost beat someone unconscious during one of his 'rage blackouts' (he definitely fucking cried for like 3 days straight after that even tho he doesnt rmm)
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while relatively normal he’s related to like, arguably the most powerful person in the world which is something he’s super unaware of. he’s the heir to a shit ton of scientific endeavors and intended future owner of ALL ANDROIDS. but again he’s unaware of this so when “certain things” tend to happen to him or around him he just tends to brush it off and doesn’t think it concerns him. the person who he’s related to, Lupe, is struggling to get into contact with him cuz 10 years ago she astral projected so hard she caused her subconscious (i’m not explaining) to time travel so. she’s just been in a coma for a long while annnnd she very much might never wake up again so OH WELL looks like her TRILLION DOLLAR FORTUNE is just in fucking limbo for now >:/
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hmm what else..very much a people pleaser, he's got this really weird inclination to freak the fuck out if he thinks people don't like him- he also ignores a lot of his feelings?? like if he feels anything intense other than happiness he's prone to crying fits and throwing up which his bodyguard francis thinks is INSANE and STUPID. despite ppl treating him like shit he's genuinely a very hopeful person and loves the world and everything that takes up space in it. like he tries to and does see the good in everything and while the events of the story kinda wear down on him he ultimately doesn't think humanity or Martiankind deserves pain and/or suffering; he persistently keeps a strong sense of justice/morality and thinks that anyone or anything is ultimately capable of good.
hrrrrm thats all i can seem to say off the top of my head for now...anyway yeah he's literally the best :3 like out of the entire cast of SE he's definitely the guy the root for imo v-v
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waaaa but tysm for the q
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booksforevermore13 · 2 years
Why Ginny fell in love with Harry? His personality and morality he's funny, humble, determined, selfless, powerful, generous, brave, strong, fearless, independent, smart, passionate and dedicated to his friends and love ones and extraordinary amazing person.
She had an crush on the boy who lived but fell in love with Harry Potter himself.
Many say she's perfect for Harry ( which is true) but people forget how perfect Harry is for Ginny.
Do you agree? What's your thoughts on this?
What I love the most about Harry and Ginny's relationship is the fact that they balance each other just perfectly.. And this is a question I have always wanted to answer, so we'll start at the beginning. Shared Experiences: Along the course of seven most wonderful books, we tend to forget that before Harry realized the true danger that Voldemort posed upon their lives (and by true, I mean exactly what he was capable of by his own eyes), it was Ginny who realized first.
She fought him. Not only fought, but resisted him for nearly a year with no emotional or any other support whatsoever. Imagine, an eleven year old girl fighting the literal spirit of the most dangerous wizard of all time all by herself. Ginny Weasley was, by far, the youngest person ever to witness the horrors of the Dark Lord. That's why she was able to understand Harry so well. Because she had faced the trauma firsthand. The trauma of holing up inside one's own mind, incapable of helping one's own self. Of having their mind violated without consent. And because of such a grave trauma experienced at such a tender age, she needed someone to understand her. Because I do not believe that in the gap between her first and fourth year, she flourished into such a strong woman without any mention of said trauma whatsoever.
I believe, Ginny found comfort in Harry just as he found solace in Ginny. Just the fact that there was someone out there who understood even a fraction of the abuse she suffered in her first year must have been something even slightly resembling comfort.
I feel this deserves a longer post than this.
But moving on, after we get past the shared experiences, without which (by the way) they were perfectly capable to form an equally wonderful bond, was the fact that their personalities complimented each other.
Their anger, their sarcasm, their humour, their passion, their love for the things they cared for.
Speaking of anger, though both of them were equally inflammable, one if not more than the other, the way they expressed their emotions were significant of their individual pasts.
Harry, who had grown up in an abusive household, who had only ever learnt to bottle up his emotions, met Ginny, a girl who carried her emotions like a beacon. Unafraid to show someone when she was angry, or hurt, or happy, or straight up ready to hex the pants of the former. And he admired it.
But then we talk about Ginny, and we realize that the reason she is so bold is because she had grown up in a household where if she was the one backing away, she would be the one dominated. Belittled. And that's what she had been, when for once, she had stopped fighting. I feel that Ginny showed her emotions so boldly because she was afraid otherwise. Because Ginny knew that making the same mistake twice would be too painful to bear. That's why she looks to Harry, because with him, she knows her emotions will be validated, because she knows that if her mind threatened to overwhelm again, Harry would be there to pull her back. It's the stark difference between their approaches, their attitudes, which attracts them to each other. Harry's silent gestures that allow Ginny to understand he loves her, but Ginny's the one who expresses them aloud.
Their fights, which threaten to shake the very household, words exchanged which are absolutely opposite of what they mean. But it's the aftermath.
I think it's interesting (and a personal headcanon of mine), that after a fight, it's always Ginny panicking, before Harry rushes in to make her realize he isn't going to abandon her. I feel Ginny would always make sure Harry realizes the fact that she loves him, even between their arguments. Because that's just the way they are. Taking care of each other during times the other goes back to their past.
And that's why I agree with the fact that Harry is absolutely perfect for Ginny, just as Ginny is for Harry.
I hope that answered your question. My views were so over the place that i don't know if i made my point here :D
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i dare you to spill your top 3 heartstopper hot takes & anonymously send this to 3 other people afterwards :)
agdsjsks help you don't have anon turned on....oh well
alshsldjdldjd sorry - I realise I haven't ever looked at what my settings are for asks on this sideblog. I also often forget to check my notifs here so if I miss something please feel free to prod me through my main account to reply!! But I fixed the anon thing now akhskshs.
Alright, hot takes....
1. Tao is a very good friend to Charlie and he doesn't deserve all the hate he gets for his actions. All in all he's just someone who values loyalty in friendships and struggles with change - both of which are things I deeply relate to. Ending up alone and losing the people which are your safety and comfort - literally can't think of a more scary thing personally. Change is confusing and painful, especially at that age. He's already had to deal with Elle changing school - which is a very good thing of course!! - and now his other best friend suddenly seems to spend all his time with someone else? I think those fears are, while not ending up being true because Charlie cares about him as much as Tao does, very valid.
2. Darcy has waaaaay more hidden depths to her than people realise. Yes, she usually is the comic relief and her snark and humour are 10/10, but I think people tend to forget that there is so much more to her! Like, she's probably been the first person to come out at her school, she struggles with parents who aren't accepting and academically she clearly could use some support as well, if Tara's gentle prodding about homework are anything to go by - and yet despite all of this she's such a joy and great (girl)friend and I just!!! So I really wish other sides of her got more explored because she's such an interesting character!! but maybe i'm just a huge darcy lovebot and now feel the urge to write some character study
3. Just because Charlie struggles with mental health does not. make. him. a weak. person. Like, I don't even think this is a hot take, I just think it's generally in life very important to remember that you can still be brave and strong and funny and smart and a good (boy)friend despite struggling with something that is so human - and Charlie is all of those things! So yeah. Very very important reminder 💖
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greenthey · 4 months
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Conversations with an Ancestor 🔥🍲🏞️
You are fat and beautiful like me
And androgynous like me
Though your skin is brown
Your long dark hair curls around your chin
Hard (cleft), soft (a landscape for short dark hairs)
You are the heart of me
When I was 16
Lost in my own hair
Would the curls tell the others how I felt?
If they took apart the DNA strands and learned to read them
No one did
Once upon a time
I pulled cards for you
I pulled the Ace of Cups, and Anger
And I posted the Ace of Cups
But not Anger
To my curated Instagram
I wanted it to be a mistake
But our feelings are never a mistake
Now I walk across sidewalks of broken bottles to get to you
I know you sat at it
Outside your wagon
And you read cards
For the gadjo assholes and bitches
Who came to hear but not listen
I almost step in front of a moving car
But I don't
For I know the white SUVs and trucks of my monoculture will not stop for me
And yet you stopped for me
And you waited at your fire, Tűz
Even when I was the white SUV on the way to brunch
Even when I was the white truck ruining the shape of the hill
I go to the coffeeshop
I drink their coffee at your fire
Dark brown and bitter because I don't deserve sweetness
I ask you questions
How do you feel?
I hold the space
For the pain that must loop back on itself
My Love, my Ancient, my Ancestral one
Sitting by your fire
For the girl with the long hair
And the boy who was afraid to speak
To return
And breathe your voice back to life
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Thank you, thank you, thank you
The Raven will drop nuts on my head if she needs to
Can I stay?
If I am a good descendant
You ache and hunker by your fire after tending it
For the practice is the sacred part
You move like my aunt, with the fat in your upper body creasing you
The downward turn of your lips is familiar to me too
When people came to hear and not listen
You are chuckling now
I thought about getting a 4-pack of ginger beer at Aldi and then didn't
Maybe it was supposed to be for you
I will imagine it for us, anyway
The sweet carbonation
I don't know how the bier and the bort tasted in the lands you breathed in
You deserve ginger
Did your mother cook carrots in cardamom?
And sing you to sleep?
Did she abandon you like I have abandoned myself?
Your hand moves over the fire now. Black, cast iron, cauldron
I didn't see it before
For your self-veiling work is impeccable
Your hand moves counterclockwise
A curse or a spell?
You see me looking and realize you did not mean to weave the Mal thus
You were just moving away from me, fear
Were you veiled from yourself?
Should I go?
Yes, but not for your sake
Because I am ready to hold your flame
But not sprinkle spice in your pot
I know you are here, under the stars
I will return for the lessons
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Bottom of the deck: Validation
(there's the rub)
A card for me: Sadness
A card for Tűz: Courage
Blame. I would like to bind it from me. 🙅🏻
To Martha the Elder: tell me about blame.
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Queen of Bolers rx 🖇️ Two of Chivs
When the mothership of my own fire is upside down
The air becomes water quenching me
The tobacco spits lies instead of truth
We did not take responsibility for our own actions
Blame is a two-edged sword
Cut the other, cut yourself
For we were not meant to hold each others' swords
Though the cups may pour back & forth again
And the fire wants to be shared, to grow huge and tumescent
And the Earth beneath us is the same
I try to channel myself (Orin 🌲💮)
That tall white pine
I don't look like him yet
He is fragrant with vanilla and cedar wood
He roots firmly only where he wishes to be
He holds space for me on the forest floor
Where no one else can sit with me
Because it is mine
Cut the deck.
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Strength in Reverse 🦁🗡️🩸
“You don't need to be this strong.”
Turn her upside down.
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The returning Hermit shines his yellow light
On Strength, the infinity loop of fear & love
Why are you covering flowers?
Where are you covered in gold? (unfold)
(Do not try to domesticate the 🐻)
What else?
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It is sacred not to know
It is sacred to howl at the moon
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allgonejeon · 11 months
7/29/23 1:24am • Age
I don’t think I’ve ever felt this depressed since Dav back in 2021. And I don’t think I’ve ever told you about him. Although I don’t spend my nights praying to God to remove the life from my body so to not continue feeling pain like I did then, I’m grieving. I cried when you sent that last text but my body only allowed myself to do so for only a few seconds. I’ve been sleeping a lot. My body is reacting now. I woke up with chills without having a fever. It only lasted half an hour. Today was the first day since my breakup back in ‘21 that I spend the whole day without eating or drinking water; that’s until I went over to my friends house and had pizza. I feel like Jah knew I would need a busy weekend, and god did I need it. It was nice being with friends. But to be honest, the thought of me wishing you were there hit me a few times. I think you would’ve liked my friends. The guys would’ve loved you. There were like ten of us at my friends house, we were all on the couch voting on what to watch. I told them I voted for Shrek 2 and the dude next to me agreed. I told him “nah dude but like I’m gonna be super annoying though because I quote the whole entire movie and won’t shut up” and he said “that’s okay, I can quote the whole Nacho Libre movie and won’t shut up”. That reminded me of you, and all I could do was smile. Actually, I talked to my friend Bridge about you. Whenever I talk about a situation I’m in with anyone, I tend to throw myself under the bus. And so I did in this case too. But what she said to me was so true. I told her how sorry I was about hurting you, and especially for bringing up your spirituality more than I should’ve because it wasn’t my business. And she said “Ash, although you could’ve probably delivered your concerns to him in a better way, and although his reasons for leaving are valid. You were not the person who put himself in that situation, and he shouldn’t be blaming you for him leaving. At the end of the day, had he not fallen into temptation, he would’ve never gotten reproved and he would’ve met you and you two would’ve been perfect. But since he did, he has to live with the consequences, and one of those consequences is losing someone like you even if it was his choice. At the end of the day, your concerns about him weren’t wrong. And he sounds to me to be very insecure and is probably projecting that onto you in a small level. You moving on, he told you he didn’t have feelings for you and he’s also made it clear he didn’t believe in waiting for anyone. So you moved on and now he’s putting that on you when he admitted to talking to another girl too after you broke up, only it didn’t work out unlike you and C. Him not measuring up to your expectations, he could’ve been there had he not done what he did in the first place and that’s something he has to live with. All in all, it is not your fault.”… I just stood there and all I could say was “But what if I am to blame? Maybe I’m just a bad person, what can I do better?” And he goes “Nothing at all. I know you’re a helper and a fixer by heart but you’re exactly where you need to be and you don’t have to help anyone. You dodged another bullet. Because you need someone who’s willing to put as much effort into the relationship as you have been. It’s not fair to you.”
And to be completely honest, that whole conversation was exactly what I needed. I know you’re never gonna read this, Age. But I think Im gonna be ready to let you go soon too. I’m sorry for hurting you, but I really don’t need to be lead on and let go so many times from the same person. Or to make me feel so replaceable because all you can talk about to me are about other girls. I don’t deserve to feel like I always need to be interesting or hot in order to get the attention and praise I always needed from you. And I don’t deserve to feel like I’m still competing with E when clearly she’s all you still think about. It all hurt me so much and had put such a deep cut on my heart and on my self esteem but I still stayed and I never complained to you. I didn’t deserve to feel like a trash person or boy crazy when I moved on with another guy given that I felt like the one person I ever wanted wasn’t going to be in my life anymore and I needed to move on for my own sake only for you to come back out of the blue. And only for you to open my heart back up again and get me to the verge of me falling in love with you only for you to leave me again for good when I never left you. You never had the intention of staying or working things out. You always left when things got too hard which is something I never did to you. And I NEVER brought any of it up because I was always made to feel like it’s my fault for not making our relationship work. And I think it’s time I start to learn my own worth. Even when I still love you. And I still feel so damn pathetic that I do. Because you really don’t deserve for me to love you as much as I genuinely do.
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poetsdepartment · 1 year
my thoughts on taylor + joe’s breakup is underneath the cut bc i want to state them but don’t want others to have to read about them if they don’t want to
so i think it sounds just like a normal human breakup?  perhaps the first normal breakup taylor has had wherein two people just realize their circumstances have caused them to no longer be compatible?  i don’t disagree that the daily mail’s source might be right about the fact joe feels insecure dating taylor when his star is still rising... but can we blame him?  i definitely couldn’t date someone with a star as big as taylor’s if mine was not, as well, bc that would also affect my self-esteem.  it just means that they aren’t compatible and that’s ok.  and of course this wasn’t a problem until tour began-- that makes total sense.  it all checks out.
i also think it’s true that joe probably had less control over his schedule bc his star is still rising, whereas taylor is so popular she gets to call the shots with so much of her work.  so joe not only has this potential and valid insecurity, but also can’t be there to see taylor as often bc he’s trying to fix that maybe by taking all the gigs he can, which unintentionally drives them apart.  no matter how much power taylor has to make time for him, he doesn’t have the same, which only makes whatever other problems they are having worse. 
i couldn’t believe having to be either of them in this situation.  it sucks for joe bc he entered this relationship with taylor during a time her fame felt different than it does now and he had more time to get to know her as a person, not as a literal music legend.  both are vital parts of her identity and both are things any of her partners needs to be able to tend to and work with in order for relationships to last.  i’m sure he’s felt really blindsided and overwhelmed, which is terrible.  meanwhile, taylor is finally in a really good place, as she deserves, and has the power and knowledge to make this work, but her partner can’t compensate bc of where he is at and bc of her star, which she shouldn’t have to give up, but likely thought he understood the gravity of, but didn’t.
at the end of the day, they are two people who broke up from what seems like circumstance, which is just so heartbreaking bc they obviously love each other for so many other reasons and had some false pretenses about what their lives could look like from how covid impacted joe’s perception of taylor’s fame, among other things, i’m sure.  i’m just weirdly stoked that, for the first time, we’re seeing what seems like a pretty mutual beneficial break-up for taylor (not to mean it won’t be painful as hell) that didn’t involve any unbalanced power dynamics, toxicity, trauma, etc. (most of the drama is from tabloids and FANS y’all need to CHILL!!!!). the way their breakup was described as “undramatic” kind of encapsulates the strengths of the relationship as a whole, and i hope they can take all the lessons they have learned and bring them into whatever romances may lie ahead. 
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idiotic21 · 2 years
Wanted, The Bad Batch -> 05 - Terror
Previous All Stories
Braca was a desolate rusting and rotting planet, its surface littered with the carcass' of venators and Jedi cruisers. Ryki leaned on Tech's chair, peering out the window with the rest of the Batchers as they grew closer to the junk planet. 
"We're visiting a rusty planet to remove your chips." Ryki pursed her lips. "Not to be discouraging but that isn't actually a sterile facility to get a minor surgery." Echo swivelled on his chair and turned his attention to the mirialan, "We don't exactly have the luxury to return to Kamino or visit and medical centers, so this is all we're getting." Ryki grimaced but she figured he made a valid point, after all, they were living under the shadows of the empire as wanted people. As Tech began the landing sequence, Ryki retreated from the cockpit where Wrecker was currently at. 
"You good big guy?" The gentle giant momentarily released his death grip on his head, "Yeah, yeah. I'm good." Ryki nodded her head tentatively, Wrecker's constant moans of pain only made her wonder more about these inhibitor chips and the extent of damage they did on the clones. "We'll get you fixed up soon enough. Hang in there Wreck." She patted his shoulder. 
Rex treated the Bad Batch the moment they landed on a dead cruiser, the surrounding rusty remains of the other ships provided them cover from prying eyes. Rex lead them to a specific venator class cruiser where they could start removing the inhibitor chips. The captain led the front of the group along with Wrecker, Omega and Tech. Ryki hung back with Hunter and Tech. 
"What is it?" Tech asked when Hunter suddenly paused to glare at the water that pooled around the cruiser graveyard menacingly. Ryki stood by the two, watching as the surface of the green water shifted. Probably by the cruisers slowly sinking into the ground, she thought. "Stay above the waterline." Hunter warned the two, Tech walked ahead and Hunter lightly urged Ryki to follow by pressing on the small of her back, her green eyes scanning the green liquid. 
After Wrecker was nearly devoured whole by an aquatic creature that lurked beneath the green water, the Batchers finally reached the medical facility. Tech began to look around the dark room, watching as a womprat like creature scurried into the venators walls. "I would no longer call this medical bay a sterile environment." 
"Do you prefer to use the facility on Kamino?" Rex countered with a hint of amusement in his voice. Echo lightly tapped on Ryki's shoulder, "Deja Vu." 
The boys settled in, placing their items on the floor while Ryki, Tech and Echo began to set up the medical bay. Echo managed to get some power back online for the procedure and Tech prepped the equipment. "Take it easy Wrecker." The demolition expert slowly sat on the medical bed, his headache seemed to worsen by the minute. While tending to Wrecker, Ryki overheard the youngest clone worrying over Wrecker. The thought of Omega doing so was touching and heartwarming, it brought a smile to Ryki's face. 
"Ryki, if something goes wrong please keep Omega and yourself away from me." Wrecker placed his hands on Ryki's, stopping her from work a little while. The mirialan felt her heart drop. "I don't want to hurt the kid, and you are a good friend. Can't hurt you too." 
"You'll do just fine Wrecker. Don't think that way, and I know you wouldn't hurt Omega, Rex, your brother's and even me." She held Wrecker's hands, attempting to calm him down. The demolition expert was still frightened but cheered up a little by Ryki's encouragement. Tech joined the two, "Thank you Ryki. Wrecker, let's get this chip out of you." 
Hunter and Rex stood side by side, watching over the group. "Wrecker's condition is getting worse." Ryki pointed out as she approached the clones. "How terrible is the extent of these chips?" Rex's shoulders fell slightly as memories of Order 66 began to flood back to him. "Let's just say, no one deserves to even experience it." 
 Tech placed his chip scanner on Wrecker's head and the other's watched in silent worry. For some reason, Ryki began to feel an odd chill run down her spine and her head began to feel fuzzy. The room seemed to darken and an ominous blood red light filled her mind. Disembodied voices rang in her head, echoing in the walls of her brain.
"Execute..." "...in violation..." "Violation....". 
Ryki shook her head, trying to clear her mind, but every other sense in her began to fade, the walls of the room began to close in and the creaking and groaning of old metal walls amplified and deafened her hearing. Then the final words came in, giving her just enough time to warn Hunter and Rex of the oncoming storm. "Execute Order 66" whispered past her lips. 
"What did you say?" Hunter gripped her shoulder's tightly, noticing her dreamlike state. Several shakes brought her back to the land of the living, her emerald eyes held warning as they bored into Hunter's soul. "Wrecker's chip is activated." 
The captain and Sargent exchanged dreaded glances but any action was too late. "Wrecker!" Tech croaked under Wrecker's grip on his neck. "You are in direct violation of Order 66." The poor man was lifted from the floor before being hurled into the wall, knocking him unconscious. 
"His chip. Hunter his chip is controlling him." Ryki carefully eyed Wrecker and trailed her eyes to Omega, who stood just inches away from the trooper. Hunter noticed Ryki's line of sight, immediately putting himself in front of her. "Get Omega." He whispered. 
Tension in the room rose. A stun blast rang and Wrecker began to fight back. Ryki made a mad dash and pulled Omega to her chest as blaster bolts began to fly around the room. "Get behind here!" Ryki saw Hunter waiting for her behind a table and sprinted over with Omega in her arms, ducking from several blaster shots. She hopped over the table and landed beside Hunter. Her body flew over Omega's to cover her from blaster fire. "He'll destroy the equipment if we don't get him out of here." Echo hollered to the group. 
"You're all traitors!" Wrecker shouted and began to fire down on the four. "Draw him out," Hunter ordered. "Omega and Ryki, stay with Tech." The girls nodded. Hunter distracted Wrecker by throwing a gas cylinder his way. It caught a bullet and exploded, the gas providing cover for the clones to run out the bay. Wrecker pursued them, leaving Ryki and Omega in a smoking medical bay. Tense shoulders finally relaxed, Ryki took in deep breaths to orient herself. 
"Will Wrecker be alright?" Omega tugged on the mirialan's sleeve. Ryki cupped Omega's face and pulled her into a hug. "He'll be fine. They will all be fine." There was uncertainty in her voice, but she prayed to the Force that everything would be alright. "Come on. We need to help Tech." Ryki released Omega from the hug and moved the metal wall piece off him. Omega gently shook him "Tech. Tech, wake up." 
Ryki leaned over to check his head for any blood or wounds. Tugging on his blacks, she took a look at his neck. Omega silently worried as Ryki assessed Tech's injuries until she finally let out a sigh of relief. "His neck is fine, but there will be some bruises." Ryki took out some of her homemade medicine, a medicinal cream and gently placed it on the forming bruises. 
Blaster fire echoed throughout the venator. "We should go help." Omega urged. Ryki sighed helplessly, "We can't take on Wrecker. I'm sure Hunter, Rex and Echo can handle it." Omega was not pleased so she tried to beg for Ryki to help. "Omega, we can't do anything right now. Wrecker is unstable right now and we can't stop him." She tried to explain. "We need to trust that they'll make it Omega." Ryki placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Let's tend to Tech. I can't take care of both of you if you run off to find Wrecker." 
Hoping that Omega understood, Ryki returned her attention to Tech. Minutes later, he woke up. "Wh-what happened?" He groaned, voice all scratchy. Ryki helped him stand up, "Wrecker's chip activated and he began to Execute Order 66. Your brothers are trying to stop Wrecker. Omega and I stayed to help you. " Tech grimaced "Thank you, but where is Omega?" 
Ryki looked at him weirdly, "She's right-...here." The room was only left with Tech and Ryki. Omega had ran off. "Kriff! She's going to get herself injured!" Ryki grabbed one of Tech's blasters. "What do you think you're doing?" Tech urgently pulled her back. "Getting Omega." 
"I'm following you." Ryki shook her head, "You're injured." Tech carelessly took out his other blaster, "And you, respectfully, don't know how to shoot. Respectfully. And also, I am fine." Rolling her eyes at his stubbornness, she pulled him out of the med bay. 
The halls were dark and barely lit. Tech took the lead in front. "Tech look!" Hunter and Echo were knocked out. "They'll be fine. Where is Rex?" 
More blaster shots echoed along the eerie hallway. Tech and Ryki followed it and it led them to a tight corner. "Ugh, where is she?" Ryki grumbled. "I'm scanning the halls. This hazardous hall is decreasing our chances of finding Omega." Ryki grumbled again. "Omega!" 
"Run! RUN!" Tech turned to see Omega running towards them at full speed, behind her Wrecker in full pursuit. "Stun him!" Ryki shouted. Tech and her fired at Wrecker waiting for Omega to run past them before they joined her. Tech switched from stun to live fire and shot several loose hanging walls to slow Wrecker down. The trio ran but reached a dead end, Wrecker's frustrated shouts nearing them.
"This way!" Tech pushed the girls towards a semi-opened door. Omega and Ryki got in first. Wrecker came around the corner. "Tech hurry!" Tech was halfway through but Wrecker caught his legs. Omega grabbed Tech's hand to pull him and Ryki dove to his legs and threw a punch at Wrecker's face. That distracted him enough to let Tech go. The three clamoured in the room as Wrecker glared at them from the door's gap. Ryki held Omega tightly, panting with fear and adrenaline. "We need to hide." Tech pulled the girls to a hiding spot behind a loose panel. The hissing of the door pulled them into a deathly silence. Tech and Ryki silently held onto their blasters on stun. 
Wrecker's footsteps echoed in the empty room. Ryki huddled in closer to Omega. Tech inclined his head to the floor where Wrecker's shadow could be seen. Pieces of metal were being thrown around as Wrecker began to physically tear down the place to find the trio. Tech drew closer to Ryki and Omega, both the adults boxing Omega safely between them. Everything went quiet, too quiet. 
The metal panel covering them was pulled out. Wrecker's threatening form loomed over them. Without waiting, Tech furiously began to fire stun blasts on Wrecker. Ryki pulled Omega away from him and began to shoot stun blasts at Wrecker from another side. Wrecker pulled on Tech's leg and flung him across the room. He landed by Ryki and Omega. "Omega stay behind us!" Tech orders as himself and Ryki continued to shoot Wrecker but the brainwashed trooper swung his gun and knocked out Tech's and Ryki's blasters. 
"Wrecker! Snap out of it." Tech stood between Ryki and Omega, shielding them from Wrecker. "You're all traitors to the empire." Wrecker snarled. Ryki pulled Omega protectively behind her, Tech still standing in front of the both of them. "Please Wrecker. We don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you." Omega begged and looked into her friend's eyes. Wrecker seemed to hesitate a moment but the chip got the better of him. Blaster now locked on the three "Good...soldiers..follow..orde-"
A stun blast got him from the back, temporarily neutralizing Wrecker. He dropped the floor and Rex was leaning heavily on the door, a smoking blaster in his deathly grip. He nodded to the three, "You're okay now. We're all okay now." 
Ryki slumped to the floor, her heart still beating out of control. Tech panted tiredly, "You're safe now Omega. He is too." He pointed to a stunned Wrecker. Omega nodded silently then lunged to hug Tech. He wrapped his arms around her slowly, patting her back comfortingly. "You're alright?" He turned to Ryki. She smiled weakly and nodded. 
The procedure took too long for comfort. Everyone had returned to the medical bay, waiting for Wrecker's recovery. Omega sat by his side the whole time. Ryki was leaning on the wall, body aching all over. "You're alright?" Rex joined her, slumping down with a tired huff. Ryki hummed, "I'm just glad we managed to save the big guy. Force know's how sad Omega would be if we hadn't." Rex watched Omega leaning on Wrecker's arm. "She's a compassionate girl. Too innocent and kind for our world." 
There was a hesitant pause in Rex's words. A question he had, pulling at the edges of his mind. "You whispered the order just moments before Wrecker's episode. Then you warned us about  it." The mirialan knew where this was going but she just hummed to acknowledge it. 
"Are you Jedi?" Rex tried, he sounded hopeful. "I'm sorry. No Jedi here." Ryki sadly explained. "Then how?" 
"Force-sensitive only. I can sense things to a certain extent but not Jedi level." Rex deflated a little after hearing Ryki's confession. "Looking for Jedi huh? Sorry to disappoint." She joked around a little. Rex chuckled sadly, "Just, I just hope some Jedi have survived. Not disappointed, it's better to hide from the Empire than live in the open now." 
Although Ryki was not hiding from the Empire, she still understood the sentiment. "Still, you're force sensitive. The Empire would see you as a threat." Rex warned her, "Stay with them. They'll protect you. You're a good person." Ryki glanced at Rex, a smile growing on her face. "Thank you, Captain. You're a good person too." 
Wrecker woke up not too long later and the Bad Batch was more than happy to welcome him back. Rex urged the other's to remove their chips, now that they were more aware of the dangers of the chip when activated. "Thanks for your help earlier." Tech fussily touched the shaved side of his head. Ryki slapped his hands away. "Stop fussing." She scolded lightly, running her routine check on the scar on his head like she did the other Batchers. "Also you're welcome." 
Rex left Braca after dark. The Batchers decided to remain on Braca for a while since it seemed like the perfect hideout. They were safe from the Empire and hidden away from the Scrapper Guild. The boys and Omega settled in for the night. Sleep couldn't come for Ryki thought, so she quietly left them. She came to a broken window, leaning on it and watched the rotting planet. The moonlight cast odd shadows on the planet's surface, courtesy of the jagged pieces of metal that littered the planet. 
Pondering to herself for a moment, she thought over Rex's warning. Would the Empire really see her as a threat even though she was not Jedi? What could they even do if they did catch her? Make her evil with the Force? Ryki scoffed at the idea, but deep down somewhere she did fear it. A yawn escaped her lips, sleepiness finally taking her over. Guess she'll have to worry about this another day.
Somewhere in the Inner Rim
"I want a bounty on her head!" The man screamed again. "I want my property back. It's my right! She stole from me!" 
"Do you have details on this person?" 
Mor Vendi slammed a data stick down on the table. "All of her information is in here. Mor Vendi knows her as a criminal. She is a thieving runt!" 
The guild leader rolled his eyes. "Can't you just go to the Coruscant police for this?" 
"You want your guild to go bankrupt! Mor Vendi will be happy to deliver." The umbaran scratched his nails on the table, his guards crowding into the table and threatening the guild leader. 
"Fine FINE!" He raised his hands up. "Pay me and I'll prepare her puck." Vendi snapped his fingers and one of his guards pushed a camtono of spice on the table. Greedily the guild leader took his payment. "You puck will be ready sir. My best hunters will be in pursuit." He went off the prepare the puck.
Not long after, Mor Vendi smiled evilly in his burned down slave house. A blue hologram flicked in the dark room. Her name written in Aurabesh
Wanted: Ryki Taala (Alive)
Property of Mor Vendi-
Age: 24
Species: Mirialan
Reward: 30 000 credits
"Soon, you will be mine..."
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peakysanakin · 3 years
a bit about Elain's trauma and why it correlates with her rejecting her mating bond with Lucien in the future, a thread:
(WARNING: this post isn't about ships, except Elucien because Lucien is a key factor in Elain's trauma. )
Everyone deals with trauma in their own way and that's totally okay. Some are destructive, some shut people up and others want to not feel anything. Elain, just as Nesta, went into the Cauldron and those moments were horrific for her.
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She is literally dragged and shoved into the Cauldron while she cries, struggles and kicks to escape the guards' grasps. The guards and the King keep laughing at her during the whole time.
Elain is used as an experiment for the Queens.
She is used as if she was a mere object.
Her body has been changed forever and she is practically naked, completely terrified and in shock from whatever she has gone through inside the Cauldron. (We know how terrifying and horrible it can be because of Nesta's experience.) Everyone is looking at her, some are even laughing.
Do you know how violating this could feel? To be left naked and vulnerable in front of people who have just terrorized you? How would you feel?
We don't know what she goes through inside the Cauldron, but it was probably very painful and terrifying. Then, she is thrown off it and she experiences this horrific scene, and her mating bond with Lucien snaps.
Another thing has been decided for her.
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Not only has her body and life been changed forever without her consent, now her romantic relationship has been decided for her as well. And it's with a man who participated in the plan that made this horrific moment happen.
Lucien is an accomplice of that. He isn't a bad person, but he is CLEARLY an accomplice. (GO NESTA!!)
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Elain is dealing with her trauma and she doesn't own Lucien anything. She suffered so much, she was broken and traumatized by what happened to her.
And Lucien and their mate bond are a BIG reminder of the day her body and life were changed against her own will.
We don't know much about her, but we have seen enough of her suffering and how traumatized she is in the books. Feyre always admired Elain's strength, because being kind and gentle in a world so dark takes balls, you know? Later on in the books, Elain is still kind and gentle but more reserved and quiet because she is dealing with her own shit.
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Strength doesn't equal to physical force. A big example? Queen Elizabeth I of England was strong and she never fought in a battlefield, but she was intelligent, cunning and brought a Golden Age to her country. She made a place for herself in a patriarcal society and that's how strong she was.
Elain's strength differs from Nesta's, Mor's and Feyre's. She isn't an active fighter like them, but yet she had the guts to fight in the war and stabbed the King on the neck to protect Nesta because she loves her sister and would die for her. Look at this.
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No one wanted her to fight, but she chose to. SHE CHOSE TO! This is important. She is scared in the battle camp and doesn't know how to fight or wield a sword, yet she trusts her friends and wants to fight alongside them. 
She might die in the battlefield, but at least she will fight fighting and not be a pawn.
She will enact revenge for what the King did to Nesta, to Feyre and to herself.
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MOREOVER –– Another big trauma (aside from happened inside the Cauldron and the dramatic changes in her life), it will probably be center around her body. 
Her clothes, body and beauty are mentioned all the time. ALL THE TIME. Elain, who was a very proper and modest lady (and didn't want to talk about periods even with her sisters), was seen naked against her will by everyone and she probably felt violated.
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Feyre mentions Elain's reaction when she sees her and Nesta wearing Illyrian fighting leathers. She mentions how Elain was offered something less scandalous and more proper. 
Imagine how someone so proper would feel after being used and seen all vulnerable and naked by so many people? To have been ogled against your will? To be seen as an “object” to see whether the Cauldron worked?
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Nesta is a sexual assault survivor and she also suffered because of their youth, Feyre's sacrifice to provide for them and Elain suffering from the Cauldron incident. She dealt with her trauma in her own way, just as Elain deals with it in her own way. And that's okay!
In Elain's book, her choosing who she wants to be with and how she wants to live from now on will be important. She will turn down Lucien, as it is obvious from what I explained above and because of the following:  Feyre and Rhys comment on how being mates doesn't equal to being right for each other.
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Sarah J. Maas said this as well.
She also said that a mating bond is something rare but that some people might be lucky and end up having two. But the main thing is: 
Elain will reject Lucien because they aren't right for each other and she will chose whomever she wants to because she loves that person. That's big and it will be key to the plot.
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Elain might end up being lucky and while falling for another person, a new mating bond might develop. But at the end of the day, it will be her choice. 
Not the Cauldron's choice, not society's choice or anyone else. 
Hers and hers alone.
You think she is boring? Well, we will learn more about her and we will see her heal from her trauma. Her body and her choices have been violated, but she will heal and grow for that and gain ownership over herself once again. 
Rhys, Amren and Feyre believe there is more to her than just the kindness she shows. 
“Maybe she was never given the chance to be that way.” “You think I stifle her?” “Not you alone. [...] But I wonder if everyone has spent so long assuming Elain is sweet and innocent that she felt she had to be that way or else she’d dissapoint you all. [...] With time and safety, perhaps we’ll see a different side of her emerge”
“You think Elain is boring?” “I think she’s kind, and I’ll take that kindness over nastiness every day. But I also think we haven’t yet seen all she has to offer.”
“Don’t forget that gardening often results in something pretty, but it involves getting one’s hands dirty along the way.”
“You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
“I went into the Cauldron, too, you know. And it captured me. And yet somehow all you think of is what my trauma did to you.”
“Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don’t underestimate her.”
Being a seer gives you many powers, but it would take me too much time so I recommend you to read this LONG AND AMAZING list of powers a seer might have posted by @miru5llec​ and you will be shocked and hyped.
If you like mythology and fantasy literature, you know seers are feared and respected. Kings have killed for having a seer in their ranks. They can reach levels of divine status and their ability as a seer gives them many more powers than those I have mentioned before.
Elain might not be physically powerful like Nesta or Feyre, but being a seer makes her more powerful than both of them but IN ANOTHER WAY. Look at the list above (linked) if you don't believe me. 
Her being on the Night Court makes Feysand's court the most powerful in Prythian.
That's why Elain is not boring and her trauma is valid. There is much more to her than what little we have seen. SJM has said so. Rhys, Feyre, Amren, everyone has said so in the books. We will learn about her, see her heal and chose who to love in her book.
“Why?” Elain demanded. “Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
“But Elain said, “I went into the Cauldron, too, you know. And it captured me. And yet somehow all you think of is what my trauma did to you.”
We will see her develop her powers and learn how to use them. She is possibly the key to killing Koschei (the big bad villain) because she might have visions of where his heart is hidden in that fucking box and guide the IC to find it.
Furthermore, stop saying “I want Elucien to happen so Lucien can be happy.” or “Azriel deserves better than Elain because she likes to garden and is mated to Lucien.”
Elain doesn’t belong to Lucien.
Elain can garden, bake and walk around on her hands while singing La Macarena and that doesn’t make her any less strong than Feyre, Mor, Nesta or any other female character.
(Also, in this stupid ship war I have seen people pointing out how she wouldn't be able to give Azriel children because her body isn't Illyrian. This is disgusting. You are basically saying that all her worth lies in whether she can give someone children or not.
Do I remind you adoption exists? Rhys, Cassian and Azriel are brothers by choice, not by blood and they are BROTHERS. You can adopt and be a mother. And you can chose to not have children and that would be okay too. A woman's worth isn't in her uterus.
And that’s it. 
(I posted this thread on Twitter as well, so if you liked it you can go there and RT it or hit a like.)
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crystalsenergy · 3 years
how to heal yourself? (and feel more useful while helping someone) | look at your Chiron
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pic not mine!
Chiron helps us to see our wounds and where we feel we are never filled. however, did you know that Chiron has the potential for real healing? in that point where it hurts you, you have the potential to heal others.
if we know how to use it for our well-being, we can clarify the matter for ourselves through this process of bringing it up with other people, talking to other people, and no longer with ourselves.
however, starting this healing process often involves wanting to bring it up, which is not always accepted by those in pain. the healing process begins especially with the choice to touch on the subject no longer focusing on you, but on others and their experiences of pain. but not everyone is willing to do this, which can prevent us from evolving, because that way we live constantly seeing pain as something that we should run away from, and not as that to be faced and dealt with, even if in an "indirect" way, but even so effective.
therefore, below I list the things that each Chiron tends to run away from - that is, where the deep wound of each of us is - as well as the potential for healing, and how to heal others we can clarify our own experience with the pain, giving it a new meaning.
Chiron is about what we are good at doing to others, but what we may lack with ourselves.
Chiron in the 1st house: the individual feels weak of individuality and "power" to be someone in the world. he/she may have to deal with issues of not feeling good or ready to start things, because of a lack of confidence. in general, there may be low self-esteem. this individual has the POTENTIAL to help people feel stronger about individuality and the ability to do things and make decisions. it may be that this individual knows how to empower others.
Chiron in the 2nd house: the person may have problems with his/her value and / or with security issues in this life. it may be that here we have people who feel that no matter how hard they try, they never have enough value; no matter how long they live, they can never feel safe, be it internal security (feeling loved) or external (material issues like money). this person has the POTENTIAL to help others find their own value in the world and also find something in order to feel safe. it can represents a person who has a great ability in advising in relation to material life and how to deal with financial resources.
Chiron in the 3rd house: this placement represents a person who may have problems with his/her communication and intellect. this placement may represent someone with a low intellectual self-esteem, or who feels that his/her voice is not (or does not deserve to be) heard by others. they can feel threatened by others when they are in an education-related environment, and they can have to deal with a feeling of not being good at expressing themselves. these people have the POTENTIAL to heal others through words or simply to make others feel good intellectually. they can validate people's thoughts and words.
Chiron in the 4th house: these individuals have a pain regarding emotional nutrition. deep down in their personality, they are afraid of being without emotional nourishment. these people are afraid of not being loved or simply not being loved enough. they don't feel truly loved and they also don't feel emotionally understood by others. they are people that have a very sensitive emotional life, feelings and emotions. they kept their feelings in a deeper way (as a defense mechanism). they have the POTENTIAL to nurture others emotionally, to embrace the problems of others and to care for emotional wounds. they can be very good at advising others who are emotionally confused or having family problems.
Chiron in the 5th house: these people may have problems with self-expression, with trusting in their potentials and abilities to show themselves in the world in different ways: whether to show what they believe in; let others see they in the environments; show their creative potential or if they allow themselves to live loving relationships. everything that involves allowing yourself, letting go and expressing yourself, can be suppressed through this position. they have the POTENTIAL to encourage others to express themselves and believe in their potentials, releasing the creative energy within themselves, allowing them to let their "inner child" emerge.
Chiron in the 6th house: this person has a deep wound in relation to his/her value in daily life. these people can have a great difficulty with feeling useful, having the constant feeling of always having to prove to themselves or to others that they are useful, that they are working, that they will try harder. it may be that the person here does not feel good enough for the things he/she does in life, appreciating his/her efforts very little. basically, they feel like a big wanderer. the sense of self-criticism can be greatly exaggerated. these people have the POTENTIAL to help others feel more valuable in terms of the amount of effort they put into their work / tasks. this person can help others to understand the real value of routine, work and giving for a purpose, and these teachings tend to be very comprehensive and more humanized, something they have a hard time applying to themselves. whoever has a Chiron in the 6th house has a person who knows how to remind you that you are already trying hard enough in your life.
Chiron in the 7th house: here we have people who have a problem with relationships, even if they are in a relationship, they feel a lot that they are not being loved the way they want. each hurt or upset that the partner causes hurts more than expected. these people may feel that they will never be truly loved. they have the POTENTIAL to advise others very well in their relationships, they can see where things are going wrong and then propose an action at that exact point. they are good people at helping others with relationship problems, especially love ones.
Chiron in the 8th house: whoever has this position can have a big problem with manipulation and people who deceive and betray. they can also be people who have trouble trusting, opening up and talking about their intimacy without feeling bad or vulnerable. sex can also be a sensitive issue in the lives of these people, in the sense of feeling some deep fear or wound related to it. these people have a POTENTIAL to help others who experience problems with confidence or manipulation. they are also good at helping those who have to deal with deeper psychological issues.
Chiron in the 9th house: a person with this position has a deep wound with religion, faith, higher education. this can manifest itself in different ways, for example with a lack of hope in yourself or in life, you may have suffered or still suffer some limitation of your beliefs or religion, and you may not feel smart or good enough to deal with foreign languages, with deeper studies. you may lack optimism and willingness to take chances. on the other hand, you have the POTENTIAL to help those who are lost in life without a spiritual north (which is not necessarily linked to religion), becoming a true guru, a person who tends to influence others to feel more guided and hopeful. you know how to encourage others and bring knowledge to them.
Chiron in the 10th house: this person has a deep wound with his/her sense of purpose in life. you may be someone who finds it difficult to find yourself in the world, to feel that a career suits you. it may be that you have difficulty with feeling fulfilled in life, as if you are always running after a purpose that you don't even know what it is. you are afraid of running out of material resources, and you can submit to situations that do not suit you exactly because of your fear. you have the POTENTIAL to help people find themselves life, as well as to advise and help them with future planning.
Chiron in the 11th house: you may have to deal with traumas linked to friendships or social circles. you may have trouble trusting people and making new friends. your history of friendships can involve betrayals. you may have a feeling of being excluded from the places you choose to be a part of. your POTENTIAL lies in making people feel validated and comfortable in a social circle, as well as being able to understand more easily the different situations of the people around you, as well as the needs of the society in which you live.
Chiron in the 12th house: your wound can revolve around not feeling sufficiently understood by others, for having a complex and difficult relationship with your psychological, and for not feeling able to allow your creativity and inner life to be laid out freely. you can feel a certain mental or emotional imprisonment within yourself. you have the POTENTIAL to be very empathetic to others, to understand their problems, and to connect with your most internal problems and issues, being able to show them that you understand them. what you say / do in the face of others' problems can serve as a balm for their souls.
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