#he didn’t know it would be a good lesbian accessory
melancholyfleurs · 4 months
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the most obvious lesbian in the office even on saturdays (but i work from home lol)
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lace-coffin · 4 months
Hi!!! I really like your headcanons and I would’ve liked if your wrote some headcanons for Brahms Heelshire, Thomas Hewitt and Yautja (male if possible) with a muscular female reader. A muscle mommy if you will.
Pretty please :3
Hi! I’m so glad you like my headcanons that’s so lovely to hear < 3 I had such a good time writing this omg! I’m gonna write a fem yautja aswell for my little lesbian self !
How would the slashers react to a Muscle mommy!Reader? (NSFW)
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Requests are open!
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms loves your muscles, he thinks you’re the most attractive person on this earth anyway but the muscles are an added bonus. He always feels so safe wrapped in your big arms when he’s having a bad day, it makes him feel grounded and protected.
He absolutely loves being put in his place, Brahms can be pretty stubborn at the best of times. Refusing to go to his lessons or take a bath? Up you go! Feel free to give his ass a slap if he kicks. He’ll yell and play up but he loves it, being manhandled over your shoulder like an object. Just ignore the boner pressing into you that he totally doesn’t have and is very angry about.
Demands to add your workout to his schedule. Brahms absolutely sits at the table with a little cup of tea and enjoys the show. The way the sweat drips down your arms is absolutely sinful and he loves every moment.
He absolutely hides behind you if you see a mouse or rat scuttle along the floor of the old mansion. Will your muscles realistically help against a mouse? Probably not. Is the mouse actually going to hurt a fully grown man? No. Does Brahms give a shit? No to both.
Thomas Hewitt
Tommy is a big guy himself, especially in the arm department, so he can appreciate how much work and time goes into your muscles. He defiantly has some weights and gym equipment in the basement for when it’s too hot to work out outside or you don’t feel like leaving the house. It’s a lot darker and cooler down there so you don’t have to worry about passing out from the heat or getting sunburnt.
Tommy will make himself ‘Busy’ in the basement when you’re working out. In reality he’s just moving things around pointlessly in an attempt to look like he’s not ogling you from across the room. If you tease him about it his ears will go a cute shade of pink. Let him know he’s allowed to just watch, he doesn’t need an excuse, hell, give him a little show whilst you’re at it.
Arm wrestling is a family event, and by that I mean you and Tommy wrestle and Hoyt yells from the sidelines. It’s nice for Tommy to have someone to roughhouse with without worrying about snapping their arm like a twig. It’s all fun and games so it’s not about who’s winning. Who’s counting anyway? (You’re totally winning)
If you want to fluster him easily then flex for him, pop him a flex whilst you’re helping move barn equipment, he eats it up every time. If you’re sweaty from the heavy lifting too? Even better
Hoyt has less chance of messing with or insulting you if you’re ripped. knowing that he’s an older man and that you could crush him like a tin can saves you from his scrutiny most of the time. Not that you think you would get to kick his ass before Tommy jumped in, but the idea is nice.
Male Yautja
Your partner is used to seeing female yautja bigger and stronger than himself but seeing it on you is so…different and exciting. He’s fascinated by the way the hard muscle sits on your human frame. He’d be lying if he said your strength didn’t lure him in.
He’s super proud of you, shows you off as his mate at any given chance, excitedly talking about how committed to training you are and how you’re perfectly made for hunting. His human is so little but so strong!!
Your mate loves to gift you jewellery and clothing, especially ones that accentuate your arms and midriff, totally not for his own prying eyes or anything. Bone accessories hang around your biceps, hand tied by your mate. He won’t be offended if you gain more muscle and he needs to alter his jewellery, infact he’d be delighted.
You’re not as strong as him considering he’s a massive reptile-esque alien who could crush you like a bug but you’re strong enough for him to not be as worried about hurting you as he would a normal human. You can play rough and dish it out at the same time. Sometimes he lets you win but he won’t tell you that.
Play fighting is always exiting, one minute you’re cuddling in your nest and the next you have him in a headlock, it’s a dirty move but it’s so worth it to see his mandibles flair as he flails in surprise. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t find it a little hot too.
Female Yautja
Female Yautja are known for their strength and stature so having someone who stands on even ground (or as even as it can be with your mates strength) is impressive and new to her.
Dressing you up is a favourite pass time of hers, draping you in the finest silky materials from all over the planets and bone jewellery, hand crafted and hunted personally. Your mate is gratuitous in using semi-transparent fabrics for your outfits, giving herself ample opportunity to see slithers of taught muscles as you go about day to day.
Mating is always intense to say the least, usually females will wrestle the males for dominance during intercourse and well, you pack some weight behind you. Both of you are well defined in the muscle area and neither of you like to loose. Luckily you both have pretty good stamina so you’re not exhausted before you actually get to the deed. Sometimes you manage to pin her and the look on her face is gorgeous, fucked out flustered, she might even tilt her head in submission and give you access to her neck if you’re lucky.
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pridepages · 2 years
Crushed: Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel
I just finished Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan. I have thoughts...
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Here there be spoilers!
It’s funny how the same word can mean ‘lovestruck’ and ‘damage.’ But when you read Sara Farizan’s Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel, the many different ways queer love can ‘crush’ us are brought into stark relief.
The story features Leila Azadi, daughter of a traditional Persian American family who is crushed by an overwhelming secret. She is not the good daughter her parents and community expect her to be. She’s a lesbian. But Leila doesn’t dare to come out. She has seen before what that can mean:
“We found out through the Persian rumor mill that someone saw Kayvon kissing another guy at a college party...he had to come out to his parents. They didn’t take it well...the Madanis kicked Kayvon out of the house...For a while, I kept hoping someone would mention it--maybe talk about how much they liked Kayvon, or how much they missed him, but the Madanis still comes to all the parties, and it’s like Kayvon never existed. No one mentions him, because they don’t want to upset the Madanis.”
Terrified, Leila keeps her silence, struggling under the weight of her secret alone. “I wonder how long it will take mom to erase me from her memory,” she muses. But Leila’s status quo is shaken up when new girl Saskia arrives on the scene. Saskia seems untouchable: she is gorgeous, sophisticated, a world traveler, living out of a hotel with seemingly endless supplies of money and absolutely no supervision. Constantly seeking entertainment, Saskia begins to toy with Leila. But Leila cannot see that Saskia is dangerous. Because Leila is struck for the first time in her life by an overwhelming, dazzling crush.
The thing about those first crushes as a queer person is that they wake up longings you may not even realize you had. Suddenly, the closet around you no longer feels like a safe haven. You begin to resent it as a prison. “I want to stop living in fear,” Leila announces, “I want to stop coming up with excuses about why I’m not interested in dating. I want my family to know me...I want to stop feeling like everything I am is inadequate or makes me unworthy of love because of something I can’t help.”
Of course, the constant, responsible refrain is that no one should come out if it isn’t safe to do so. It’s an easy, seemingly self-evident platitude. But what safety means for one person isn’t necessarily the same for someone else. Take, for example, the experience of Leila’s classmate, Tomas:
“no one has been more out and proud than Tomas...a few guys wearing ski masks sprayed him with Silly String while calling him a fag. But after that he was taken in by the hot girls in our class...He was a fun new accessory, something you just had to have, the way celebrities adopt babies like they’re handbags. I was happy for him, but I resented the crap out of him, too.”
Humiliation is the price Tomas pays for protection. Just to be allowed to exist in the world, he has to sacrifice his pride. Leila’s resentment, in turn, is double-edged: on the one hand, there’s disgust at the treatment Tomas accepts. On the other hand, he gets to exist openly, tolerated in a way Leila believes would not extend to her since she cannot fit any Straight-acceptable stereotype.
Tomas himself, crushed by his own pain, responds to Leila’s predicament with shortsighted cruelty: “if you came out, it wouldn’t be that big a deal. You girls have it way easier. Two hot girls in high school? No problem, definitely encouraged by my straight male counterparts. However a gay guy--even one as handsome as myself? Not as cool.” Somehow, in Tomas’s mind, misogyny and objectification are easier to bear than other flavors of homophobia. Probably because misogyny and objectification don’t happen to him. It’s easy to diminish pain we cannot feel, particularly when our own heartbreak is busy making us so selfish in our suffering.
Meanwhile, Leila finds her feelings toyed with over and over by Saskia. Though she was at first lost in the high of her crush, Leila soon finds herself crushed beneath the weight of heartbreak as Saskia dismisses their intimacy. “Girls do that all the time. Haven’t you ever been to a sleepover before? Played truth or dare? Come on, Leila. We had fun, but I’m not like that.” 
Coming out for women always risks having your feelings diminished. What’s so painful to see in this book is how much Leila settles in order to find a happy ending. While Saskia is ultimately banished from Leila’s life for her toxic homophobia, Leila is stuck with her family. 
Before she comes out, Leila is forced to hear her father call “gays...those people,” and she confesses “That knocks the wind out of me. I understand it’s a cultural thing, and my father is a traditional, conservative Iranian man, but I’ve never heard him explicitly say something like that...Imagine if he knew I am one of those people.” When Leila finds herself in a position where she has to come out to her parents, her mom greets the news by saying “I didn’t raise you to be that way...maybe you will change your mind. You have your whole life ahead of you.” And we are supposed to be grateful that she didn’t just kick Leila out on the spot. We’re meant to find hope in the aftermath because “I don’t feel less loved or like she’s ignoring me, but neither one of us mentions what I’ve said.” Despite the fact that Leila’s mother is “praying a lot all of a sudden, I notice, which is weird because we’re not religious...I think she’s trying to pray that my lesbian inclinations will go away, but she never says anything about it, so I can’t know for sure.” The closest that we come to a real demonstration of Leila’s mother trying to overcome her deep homophobia is when she asks Leila “‘Is there...someone...you like?’ She can’t even say ‘a girl.’”
And Leila just keeps feeling grateful that all this represents a start to being allowed to live her truth. Considering she feared being disowned, her immediate relief is understandable. But I hope that the Leila who gets to grow up off the page realizes that she deserves more. Because if Leila thought her heartbreak over Saskia was painful, she doesn’t realize that years of being treated as someone who is ‘loved’ but who also needs to be ‘fixed’ is absolutely crushing. 
No queer person has the right to dictate the feelings or boundaries of another. I can’t condemn Leila or anyone like her, any more than I can condemn Tomas for his choices. Out or in, we have to know what we can live with. But what I do wish for all of us is that we all get to experience love free from pain. Love, instead of sitting like a crushing weight on our chest, should make us lighter.
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taggedmemes · 3 years
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES / 8.1  always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
‘there’s no task more unpleasant than getting rid of an unwanted guest.’
‘is this happening? are we really doing this?’
‘everyone stay focused. the hardest part is over.’
‘how is it going to be okay? someone is calling the dead guy.’
‘he has a home... with people who care about him, people who are doing to come looking for him, leading them straight to us.’
‘we could still go to the police.’
‘he broke into your house. he threatened you. we could explain that.’
‘we are going to get caught. people always get caught.’
‘we can’t do this. we’re not criminals. we drive carpool.’
‘got up early, so i figured, what the heck?’
‘i didn’t sleep last night. but you would know that. you were there.’
‘do not drink this. it’s been in my car for three days.’
‘where are your shoes?’
‘are you sure this is about the kids?’
‘don’t take this the wrong way, but you could do this professionally.’
‘coming from a man who’s on a first-name basis with half the hookers in this down, that’s quite a compliment.’
‘your friends don’t like me.’
‘i’m a cop. i got an eye for human behaviour.’
‘i know what’s going on. you’re trying to distract me with sex, and if that’s the case... bring it on.’
‘wake up! i made you waffles.’
‘come back when you learn how to make mimosas.’
‘why have you been so short-tempered lately?’
‘look, i get it, okay? but we have to move on with our lives.’
‘no matter what i do, it’s this horrible thing that is always there.’
‘a priest can’t share what you say in confession.’
‘are you sure he’s not just gonna make you feel guiltier?’
‘i need to get this off my conscience. it’s tearing me apart.’
‘i was looking out the window, and i noticed dust in the corner of each windowpane. it’s been driving me nuts.’
‘well, there’s a lot of weird stuff you like to do in the bedroom, but cleaning... not so much.’
‘you don’t sleep. you don’t eat. you never leave the house.’
‘definitely rich. check out the car.’
‘definitely single. check out the fish.’
‘and let me just say, i can tell you one thing that isn’t wonky.’
‘oh, come on. i’m married, i’m not dead.’
‘i can still imagine all the dirty things i’d do to him.’
‘i’m telling you, that is one loose cannon.’
‘he’s that good in the sack?’
‘i poked her with my pencil a couple times. she is d-e-a dead.’
‘i’m sorry. it’s just you’re, like, a thousand years older than me.’
‘man, the things i’ve heard. there was a lady yesterday who... no, no, no, i can’t say it.’
‘i’m so bummed i can’t tweet anymore.’
‘i made out with two chicks once in college.’
‘i don’t know if you’ve ever buried anything before, but you have to dig a hole.’
‘i wasn’t even supposed to be here today. once again, in the wrong place at the wrong time.’
‘does that mean she deserved to die?’
‘now let’s all slap on a happy face and pretend like this never happened.’
‘i’m really not feeling like drinking right now.’
‘first, you stop talking to your friends. now you’re wigging out at a rat funeral. you’re making me nervous.’
‘well, i’m sorry i’m not handling accessory to murder as well as the rest of you.’
‘i know you’re having a hard time, but please hold it together.’
‘terrific. i found a dead body.’
‘drop it off in a bad part of town, and let social decay... take its course.’
‘it was easier when i was drunk.’
‘what should i do? should i gun it?’
‘she could’ve been married, but, no, she’s a lesbian.’
‘i chew tobacco. and i’m a woman.’
‘when you start something, young man, you see it through.’
‘look, i’m single. you’re single. i’m hot. you’re hot. assuming you’re not gay, and those shoes tell me you’re not, we could do that thing where we flirt for a few weeks.’
‘when i said “coffee”, you did know i meant sex, right?’
‘you should write a book. otherwise, when you die, your secrets will die with you.’
‘for instance, if we were talking about a crime... then confessing to the authorities would prove the intentions of our heart.’
‘you can’t ask to be absolved for a sin that you intend to keep hidden.’
‘there is no absolution for this thing. i just have to live with it.’
‘every noise i’d hear at night, it was him. every dark alley i passed, he was waiting for me. when i’d lie in bed, i was afraid he’d come find me. he was in my dreams... and in my nightmares. and that’s what i had to live with.’
‘if you wanna get back together... i’m open to that.’
‘this is such a scary time, and i really need you.’
‘you know what you do when you’re scared? you buy a night-light. you don’t go have sex with the guy you are supposed to be separated from!’
‘you know what’s gonna affect my marriage? when my husband goes to prison.’
‘you elected yourself chairman of the dead guy committee and started making decisions for everyone. like you always do.’
‘ow! i told you we couldn’t trust her!’
‘we are never gonna be able to tell anybody about this, are we?’
‘it’s good to have friends who help clean up our messes.’
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peskygirl13 · 4 years
Pics or It Didn’t Happen
Mild salt and slight hints of Maribat, but mostly crack. 
I did get some ideas from @unmaskedagain‘s blog. 
Their ml salt and/or crack fics sustain me. 
Marinette learned pretty quickly that even if you had proof, not everyone will listen. It’s always better to have pictures than words, because more people will believe you that way. 
It was a slow burn, but Lila Rossi had successfully turned Miss Bustier’s class against the girl. It hurt when her once friends called her jealous and a bully. 
Her! Marinette! 
Did they forget that she had been bullied by Chloe for years? Why would she become a bully after being bullied herself?
And jealous? Jealous of what? Marinette’s crush on Adrien had long simmered out into nothing but cinders. The boy was a spineless coward who would rather pretend everything was ok rather than stand up and face the truth.
It hurt that this had happened, but, oddly enough, Marinette got some of her greatest allies through this. 
It started with Chloe. 
One particularly gloomy day, Marinette saw the blonde sitting alone while eating her lunch. Sabrina had long abandoned the blonde for Lila’s fool’s gold and, not for the first time in her life, Chloe felt alone.
Now, despite their long hated history, Marinette wasn’t heartless. The Ladybug in her compelled her to sit next to the blonde and eat. Chloe stared at her, surprised, but said nothing as she continued to eat herself.
That lunch started a truce and led to a friendship. 
Next was Moriah. 
Moriah was an exchange student from America. Marinette was surprised the day she walked into the bakery and saw her parents talking with a shy looking brunette girl with glasses. 
Her parents told her that Moriah was a transfer student from America  that they would be hosting for the next few years if all went well. 
Moriah was very shy around new people, so when they arrived at school the next day, she stayed close to Marinette. Lila saw this and tried to tempt her into her web of lies. 
Moriah was interested in Lila’s tales, but cautious. She looked up any proof of Lila’s stories and found no evidence. She looked up Lila’s name. Nothing. 
When she tried pointing this out to the class, she was shunned. Chloe and Marinette welcomed her with open arms. 
After a month or so, Moriah became much more comfortable. She was witty and funny, and she had no qualms about defending her friends and she always tried to remain to the side of justice. 
This was one of the reasons Marinette decided to give her a miraculous. 
After a week of living together, Moriah found out Marinette was Ladybug. The girls had to share a room and Marinette came back late in the night, still dressed as Ladybug, assuming Moriah was asleep and detransformed in her room. 
Moriah dropped the book she was reading and squeaked behind the Asian girl.
The next few days included Moriah beating herself up about not noticing that her roommate was a superhero.
About a month or two later, was when Marinette began debating whether or not she should give Chloe and Moriah a miraculous. 
Chloe, Marinette knew she wanted to give a miraculous too. The blonde had long ago proved that she was trustworthy and ready to re-wield a miraculous, but she didn’t want to risk anyone knowing that it was Chloe like with Queen Bee.
Moriah was a different story. Marinette was scared about risking something and making a mistake like she did trusting Alya. And the risk was much higher with Moriah since the brunette girl knew Marinette was Ladybug and the Guardian. 
It wasn’t until when Ondine was akumatized again that Marinette made her choice. 
Lila had manipulated Kim and convinced him to dump Ondine, to which she was akumatized into Syren again. 
Ladybug had to fight this one almost alone because recently, Chat Noir had been showing less and less. He blamed it on his other life, but Ladybug couldn’t help but get the feeling that it was because she kept rejecting him. 
It was a long hard battle and by the time it was through, Ladybug knew she needed help. If Chat Noir was going to be a little bitch, fine. But this wasn’t going to happen again. 
That day, Marinette decided to give Chloe the Fox Miraculous and Moriah the Bee Miraculous. They became the heroes; Vixen and Yellow Jacket.
(“This is why I’m a dog person.” Yellow Jacket commented, pointing at Chat Noir as he arrived late to their first fight with disdain.)
Miss Bustier’s class were both excited and confused about the new heroes. What happened to Rena Rouge? 
Alya threw her phone when she saw Ladybug announce that Vixen and Yellow Jacket would be the new, permanent holders of the miraculouses. 
Many mocked Chloe for being replaced, assuming that the girl would throw a tantrum, but she ignored them. 
What Moriah couldn’t understand is how nobody noticed how similar Vixen and Queen Bee looked. 
The next ally was Luka, who turned out to be the most helpful. 
He never knew about the tall-tales that the class had been told until one day when the girls came by to his house boat and was met with a disgruntled Moriah whose hair was cut.
Moriah had pretty magenta peek-a-boo highlights that were hardly noticeable, but Lila decided to complain that Moriah’s colored hair was distracting her. Mr Damocles ordered her to get rid of the colors from her hair or she’d be expelled. 
Moriah, while normally always respectful, especially to adults, looked stunned. She pointed to Alix and Juleka, yelling; “What about Alix and Juleka?! Their hair is more obvious than mine! Why shouldn’t they change their hair?”
She was not allowed back on campus until the color had been removed from her hair. Moriah was furious and called her parents, telling them what had happened, and told Tom and Sabine the same thing with Chloe and Marinette.
Both parties were furious, but there was nothing Moriah’s parents could do since they were in America and Tom and Sabine tried talking to Mr Damocles about the issue, stating that there was nothing in the school rules against dyed hair and why it shouldn’t be more important than the education, but the man refused to budge. 
Eventually, after three days of failing to get Mr Damocles to see reason and missed school, Tom and Sabine emailed the school board about the issue and, with no choice until they responded, Moriah was forced to get rid of her highlights.
She flat out refused to dye her hair because to get all the highlights out, they’d have to dye her whole head, so Moriah was forced to cut her locks short to remove the color. 
Needless to say, she was pissed. 
As was Luka.
The boy had grown to be good friends with the girl and liked her highlights. Seeing the rockin’ pink cut out sucked. When he asked what had happened, the girls told him everything, including Lila’s tabloid tales.
Luka was quick to pull Juleka aside and open her eyes to reason. When the girl found out the truth, the first thing she did was tell Rose. 
The blonde girl’s eyes were opened too, and were quick to fill with tears. Everything was a lie. How could they have been so stupid? Then they remembered that Marinette had tried to warn them and were overcome with guilt. How could they make it up to her?
Marinette, Chloe, and Moriah were watching Heathers (Moriah’s suggestion) in Marinette’s room with their kwamis when Rose and Juleka entered. (Tikki, Pollen, and Trixx hid before the girls could see them)
The movie was paused and the girls stared at each other, waiting for something to happen. There was a beat of silence before Rose burst into tears.
“Marinette, we’re so sorry! We should’ve listened to you!” 
Rose and Juleka told them that Luka had opened their eyes and that they never should have believed Lila’s stories and how they had tried to prove it to Ivan and Mylene too, but they wouldn’t listen. 
They ended their apology by saying; “We know we don’t deserve your forgiveness, but we are sorry and we want to make it up to you. Starting with this.”
Both girls handed Marinette two hundred dollars each. Marinette looked between the girls and the money in shock. 
“It’s payment for everything you’ve done for us. Every dress, outfit, accessory, baked good, everything. We know it isn’t enough, but it’s all we can afford right now. We promise to give you more once we have it.”
There were a few minutes of silence after that. Marinette blinked at the girls before tearing up and smiling.
“No. You don’t have to give me anymore. This will do.” She reassured. 
Rose and Juleka awkwardly nodded, but Marinette could tell they were somewhat relieved. There was an awkward silence before Moriah spoke up. 
“I know you’re lesbians, but do you want to drool over JD with us?”
Rose and Juleka blushed, but nodded their heads happily, rushing over to join the group.
It wasn’t just the girls though. Nathaniel never believed the stories, but was scared about what would happen if he spoke up. Seeing Rose and Juleka of all people step up made him join too. Marinette also had allies in students in other classes too, like Marc, Calude, and Aurore as well as in other schools, like Kagami and Felix. For the first time in a long time, Marinette felt much better. 
She should have known it wouldn’t last. 
That night she and Moriah returned to their room after patrol, she should have noticed that her sketchbook wasn’t where she left it on her desk. 
She should have noticed when she and Moriah got up in the morning, but they were so exhausted from the night before to think of anything more than food and getting ready. 
The girls met up with Chloe at the school gates and they had just walked into the classroom when they saw Alya talking with Miss Bustier, Lila and her sheep herded on one side of the room and the rest on the other side, looking murderous. Marinette almost instantly got a gut feeling that something was wrong.
Boy was she right.
When the girls were noticed, Lila’s sheep gave them smug looks while the girl herself gave them a faux innocent look. 
She did something.
Miss Bustier cleared her throat before turning to face the girls. 
“Girls, because of your behavioral issues, the class decided that it would be best if you three didn’t go on the class trip.”
Oh yeah, the class trip. 
During the third and final year, the seniors of the school were allowed a class trip. It was to be organized by the class, mostly the president, and the entire class had to do fundraisers to pay for it. 
To be completely honest, the last thing the three girls wanted to do was go on a trip with their class. Nathaniel and Marc had gotten an internship at DC Comics (courtesy of MDC) and that was taking place exactly during the class trip and Luka and Juleka’s mom decided that they were going to sail around the world this summer and Rose got permission to tag along. 
It would only be the three girls together with a class who hated them, but Marinette was the class president and had to organize it, and if she had to organize the whole thing then she was going to enjoy the fruits of her labor. And Chole and Moriah weren’t going to let her suffer alone. 
The bluenette had already begun planning the trip. Places to go and fundraising to do. She even decided to go ahead and book reservations. It was unfair!
Marinette opened her mouth to argue when her eye caught something in the trash that made her heart stop. 
Praying she was wrong, she slowly walked to the trash can and pulled out it’s contents. 
There was her sketchbook, tattered and torn.
She couldn’t believe it. Marinette started hyperventilating, looking at the scraps of her work.
Marinette had several sketchbooks, she filled them out rather fast, but that specific sketchbook was one filled with the design ideas she had for Jagged Stone’s tour that was happening this summer. 
Marinette felt the world around her spiralling. She felt dizzy. Distantly she could hear people calling her name, but couldn’t comprehend it. 
She felt sick. 
She was going to be sick! 
That was the last thing she remembered before running home, people calling her name as she left the school.
Always make friends with people who are loyal. 
A good friend will make you feel better after someone hurt you. 
But a best friend will skip beside you with an old, rusty bat singing “Someone’s gonna get it~”
After Marinette ran out, Chloe, Moriah, Juleka, Rose, and Nathaniel all screamed at their classmates and teacher, telling them how incompetent they were. Moriah, too angry to remember how to speak french, called them scum sucking creeps of the earth that Satan wouldn’t even want in hell. 
It probably would’ve gone farther, but the three competent classmates gave Chloe and Moriah a look and told them to go after Marinette. 
The girls listened with no hesitation. 
They ran all the way to the Dupan-Cheng bakery. They walked in and Tom and Sabine looked at them before glancing upstairs with sad looks. Both girls knew immediately what they meant. They went upstairs to see Marinette doing breathing exercises, trying to keep from crying or even being sad at all. Tikki was patting her wielder's leg. 
Moriah instantly ran over to Marinette while Chloe was quick to close any windows, doors, and cover any cracks and creases that an akuma could get through before joining them
Fuck Hawkmoth! There was no way the girls were going to let Marinette try and keep this bottled up so that she wouldn’t get akumatized. 
Chloe decided that the best thing for them to do was go to her father’s hotel and have a girls night, which is precisely what they did. What Marinette didn’t know was that there was a double meaning behind it.
The girls and their kwamis spent the night eating junk food and watching chick-flicks like Legally Blonde and Mean Girls. Rose, Juleka, and Nathaniel told the others what had happened, and Chloe and Moriah were met with numerous texts, asking if they needed to come over, but the girls reassured everyone that they had it covered.
Finally, Marinette had passed out. It was after midnight and Chloe and Moriah exchanged looks before getting to work. 
Tip-toeing out of the room, closing the door behind them, Moriah unlocked Marinette’s phone and opened her contacts. 
Scrolling down the list, taking note of a few names she wanted to ask the bluenette about later, she found the contact they were looking for. 
Jagged Stone. 
Hitting the face-time button, the girls waited for Jagged to answer. The rock star was currently in America, and should only be mid afternoon over there. Even if it wasn’t, he’d stop in the middle of a live concert if Marinette was calling him.
Sure enough, after two beeps, the screen changed to Jagged’s face.
“Marinette, love! So good to hear from you-” He stopped short when he saw the two girls, neither of which being his honorary niece.
“Moriah? Chloe? What’re you doing calling me on Marinette’s phone?”
That was all it took before the girls told him everything. Lila’s stories, all worthy of a lawsuit, what happened to Marinette’s sketchbook, they even emailed him pictures of the texts that the class had sent to Marinette, most of which encuriged the girl to comitte suicide, and a link to the LadyBlog to prove that everything was true.
About midway during their confession, Penny had appeared on the screen, reading the emails that the girls had sent her. By the time Chloe and Moriah were finished, the pair looked like they wanted to commit murder.
Jagged yelled in fury, wanted to take legal action immediately, but Moriah cut in before he could.
“I agree with you Jagged, but what Marinette needs is a break. She needs a vacation from her class and Paris in general.” 
Chloe nodded in agreement.
Jagged brought a hand to his chin in thought. The girls had a point, but what to do? 
It was Penny’s idea. 
The first thing the girls did in the morning was burn all the plans that Marinette had made for the trip. They cancelled the reservations and when they got to school, Marinette walked up to Miss Buster’s desk and said; “I’m resigning as class president. If the class doesn’t want Chloe, Moriah, and I to join them on the class trip, then I won’t plan it.”
And that was it. 
Lila had been chosen as the new class president.
To her credit, she did do a decent job. She had decent fundraising ideas, but she started late in the school year, so the class only raised enough money to go to Disneyland Paris.
Chloe snorted.
The class attended the trip in June. Their social media and camera rolls filled with pictures. Most of the captions read that they were glad to get away from the bullies at school.
It wasn’t till after the trip that they found out what happened with the girls. 
It was Alix who found out first. In the class group chat, save the three ‘bullies,’ Alix texted: “OMG, look at this!”
Underneath was a picture of the three girls at the airport with Jagged Stone, Penny, and Fang. The three were posing like Charlie’s Angels, wearing huge grins, with the caption: “Touring with Jagged Stone All Summer!!”
Penny was a genius. 
Lila looked at her phone in horror. This couldn’t be happening.
Oh, my dear liar, but it is!
The first stop was Gotham. Jagged was performing at a Gala hosted by Bruce Wayne, which the girls would be attending. But first, they got a tour of Wayne industries. 
The first picture in Gotham was taken by Moriah at Wayne industries. She was looking at the phone camera like she was on the Office while very clearly behind her you could see Marinette talking with Damian Wayne, the youngest Wayne son, and Chloe talking with a boy named Jonathan ‘Jon’ Kent, son of famous reporters Lois Lane-Kent and Clark Kent. Alya nearly snapped her phone in half when she recognized the boy. The pairs were obviously flirting. The picture’s captain read: ”First Day in Gotham and I’m already a fifth wheel.”
The next two pictures taken were a surprise to everyone. 
They were taken by Chloe in the late night streets of Gotham. The first one was a picture of Marinette sitting on the driver's seat of the batmobile looking like all her dreams had come true while Batman stood beside her, arms crossed, looking rather stern.
The second picture was Moriah holding two pistols with starry eyes with Red Hood standing beside her, explaining to her how to shoot them, with an alarmed Marinette and Nightwing running towards them in the background. 
The girls did take a selfie with the entire Batfam, but they decided not to post that one.
The next few days were mainly pictures of the girls sightseeing (with the occasional sneaky picture Moriah took of her friends with Damian and Jon). However, at one point the girls were adopted (kidnapped) by Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. Chloe and Marinette both agree that the weirdest thing that happened in Gotham was Moriah bonding with a talking plant named Frank.
Eventually, it was the night of the Wayne Gala. None of the girls took pictures of the gala, but the entrance was on tv, which Miss Bustier’s class made a movie night out of. 
Sure enough, walking down the red carpet were the girls. Marinette had made new outfits for all of them, just for the gala, and they were stunning.
Marinette wore a long scarlet dress. It was fashioned like a traditional chinese dress, but more Marinette-y. There were intricate designs stitched in black around the bottom of the dress with a silk sash tied around her waist. Her hair was pulled up into a bun with a fancy stain glass rose pin in it. 
Chloe wore a glamorous gold mermaid dress. It shimmered with every step she took with glittering blue details on the top that matched her makeup. And if you looked down, you could see her wearing gold, literal gold, heels. Her hair was down in beach wave curls with blue strands woven into it.
Lila and Alya screamed when they saw both girls being escorted in by Damian Wayne and Jon Kent respectively. 
Jagged and Penny were linked together. Penny wore a v-neck, sleeveless shimmering silver dress, also made by Marinette, while Jagged wore a dark purple suit. It looked pretty monotone for the man at first, but when lights hit the suit, you could see that there had been music notes embroidered into the suit that turned it into a rainbow of color.
Moriah’s dress came as a bit of a surprise. Marinette knew Moriah was more comfortable in pants than a dress, but she still wanted the girl to wear a dress, so they compromised. Moriah wore a dress that was also crossed with a suit. Kind of like Garnet’s wedding dress from Steven Universe.
She wore a tuxedo jacket over a white, sleeveless dress that draped down longer in the back, shorter in the front. She had a red sash wrapped around her waist and black tights with red shoes to match. Around her neck was a shirt collar and bow-tie that she wore like a choker. Her hair was half up and half down in curls. Moriah wasn’t one to wear make up, but since it was a special occasion, she wore some mascara and a little lipstick.
The biggest surprise was her escort. 
Walking beside her was Fang, dressed in his own original Marinette tux that matched Jagged’s.
For the rest of the night, nobody knew what happened to the girls at the gala. It wasn't until the next morning that they found out.
Chloe and Marinette spent most of the night hanging out with Jon and Damian, but whenever they weren’t doing that, they talked with the other guests, most of whom asked for the designer of their outfits, which really boosted traffic on Marinette’s website. 
Moriah hung out around the dessert table most of the night, snacking on a bit of everything, while talking with the other Wayne sons. At some point, totally unclear on the how and why, Moriah and the oldest Wayne son, Dick Grayson, got into a dance fight. The gala ended before the fight did, so they had to call a draw.
Their next destination was New York, but they made a slight detour to Metropolis per Jon and Chloe’s request. They got a VIP tour of the Daily Planet and met Jon’s parents: Lois Lane-Kent and Clark Kent. 
Moriah recorded Lois tearing into the LadyBlog with a grin on her face, having no remorse in posting it online.
Alya couldn’t understand it as she watched her idol tearing into her life’s work.
Then the girls’ mentioned BugOut, the blog Aurore ran, and Lois was a lot more pleasant. 
Alya threw her phone when she got a text from Nino that Marinette got Aurore an internship at the Daily Planet for winter and spring break, and possibly summer if she did well.
The next picture posted was the first one Marinette took. It was of her two friends hanging off Superman’s massive muscles as he flexed. Chloe denies ever drooling.
After that, they left for New York. Specifically, the Avengers’ Tower. It was the anniversary of when the Avengers first became a team, and Tony Stark, an old friend of Jagged’s, highered the man to play at the party. 
Before then, they toured the Avengers tower. At one point, they walked in to see Captain America, Bucky Barns, and Thor working out. Shirtless. Moriah let out a quiet but passionate “Hell yes” when they saw them. 
After the three men, regretfully, put on their shirts, they showed off their equipment. Chloe couldn’t help but squeal when Captain America handed her his shield. Marinette grinned as she hung off Bucky’s metal arm as he flexed it. Moriah was once again handed guns, this time by Black Widow, which were once again promptly taken from her.
After all that excitement came the big guns. Per the girls’ request, Penny recorded them trying to lift Thor’s hammer. It was all fun and games until Marinette easily picked it up. It was dead quiet before Thor’s voice thundered across the room.
“She is worthy! I must take her to Asgard with me!” 
Tony took a step forward. “Thor, you can’t take a child.” He stressed.
Thor tilted his head at the millionaire like a puppy. Moriah winced, grabbing her heart. That face was too cute for a grown-ass space god.
“Then what is the spider-kid?”
Tony faceplamed. “He’s my intern and protege. I’m his mentor!”
“Then I shall be this child’s mentor!”
“Miss Potts can be Chloe’s mentor, for they are both fit to rule!” Chloe preened at this. 
“Thor, no!”
Moriah raised her hand. “Can the kick-ass, Russian spy be my mentor?”
Natasha raised an eyebrow at the girl before smirking.
“Yes! Black Widow will become Moriah’s mentor! It all works out! Now, I must take my new protege to Asgard to meet the All-Father.”
“Thor, no!” 
“Don’t you take my niece!” Jagged ran into the phone’s picture, looking ready to fuck-up a god. 
The video ended with Penny dropping the phone and running towards Jagged who was now riding on Thor’s back, pulling his hair.
The video went viral in an hour. 
Lila’s hands trembled as she watched the video, feeling herself paleing. She had become enemies with someone who could lift Thor’s hammer.
This wasn’t posted, but shortly after Penny got Jagged off Thor, Loki appeared. He tried explaining that he felt powerful magic coming from the tower, but was cut short when Moriah tackled him to the ground in an aggressive hug.
While we’re on the subject of proteges, at some point, Peter came over. He heard that Jagged Stone was at the tower and wanted to meet him. He, Ned, and MJ were huge fans and he really needed an autograph. 
Friday told him that Jagged was with the other Avengers in the training room. Promptly saying thanks to the A.I, the spider boy practically ran to the room. What he didn’t expect was to open the door to see a short, brunette girl German suplex the Winter Soldier while wearing heels. (A trick Natasha had taught her. The Black Widow took being a mentor very seriously.)
Tony turned to see who was at the door and was met with a red faced, dazed Peter Parker who was clutching the area over his heart like it was about to beat out of his chest.
“Natasha, your kid broke my minion!”
(Now Marinette and Chloe got their fill of taking sneaky pictures of Moriah and Peter.)
The girls did normal sightseeing stuff around New York. They went to a town called Riverdale and Moriah met a guy named Jughead. They bonded over having friends with love issues that attracted endless people while they just wanted to eat burgers.
At some point they were in another dangerous situation, but this time they met some guy named Deadpool who would make this One-Shot Rated-R if I actually put anything he said in it.
While in New York, they went to two Broadway Musicals. The first one was Phantom of the Opera. (Jagged didn’t really want to see this one, but he was outnumbered one to four. (Five including Fang. The crocodile had a weird love for Opera music.)) They also had a backstage pass where pictures of Marinette conversing with the person in charge of costumes, Chloe complementing the actress who played Christine, and Moriah hugging the actor who played the Phantom were taken.
After that, Jagged took them to see Hamilton. What the girls’ didn’t know, however, was that this was a special show with the original cast. Moriah screamed when she saw Lin Manuel-Miranda on the stage as Alexander Hamilton and when they went backstage, Moriah started crying when the cast greeted her.
Mylene, who admired the man herself, felt her heart break when she saw the picture of a joy-crying Moriah hugging Lin.
After that, they went to Florida for Jagged’s next concert at Universal Studios. They didn’t meet anyone famous there, but the class were still envious of the pictures. 
Moriah was a huge Potter Head, so this was a dream come true. She hissed at Marinette and Chloe when they playfully mocked her Hufflepuff shirt while they sported matching Slytherin shirts. 
They also went to Disney World, which was also a dream come true. The funniest thing that happened there was while Jagged and Moriah were off trying to waste hundreds of dollars on ice cream and other junk food with Penny trying to stop them, one of the park’s managers thought that Chloe and Marinette were supposed to fill-in for two of the disney princesses. Jagged, Penny, and Moriah came back to find Chloe dressed like Elsa and Marinette dressed like Mulan. Moriah laughed hysterically at the two girls until the same park manager pulled her away and she came out dressed like Belle.
Originally, Florida was supposed to be the final place, but there was a last minute change. Turns out that Jagged Stone has a sister who lives in Japan with a daughter named Kyoko Jirou.
While they were on tour, Jirou and her classmates had done a performance for their school’s festival.
Jagged, of course, was inspired and requested Penny to schedule one last performance in Japan where he’d have Jirou and her band open for him. It would be a nonprofit concert since Jagged wanted it within the next two weeks, but that didn’t bother him. 
The girls had to check in with their parents, but they were allowed to go with Jagged to Japan. 
Since it would take every waking moment to plan the concert and write a new song for it, Jagged had the girls join Jirou’s class for the time being despite being a little older.
The first picture taken was Moriah performing the German suplex Natasha taught her on a hot, ash-blonde guy named Katsuki Bakugou who said that the girls looked weak. 
The next thing that was posted was a selfie of the three girls wearing the UA gym uniforms with the caption: “Training at the USJ.” With them in the picture were Momo and Hagakure, both of which were adorning new hero costumes.
Marinette took one look at their old costumes and went on a rampage. In the time span of two days, she managed to make both girls new suits (with the help of the support course). 
Momo kept her red and white color scheme, but it became a two piece outfit that was pretty similar to a female wrestler’s costume, but with knee and elbow pads. To avoid showing too much skin, they used strands of Momos hair as a way to let her creations move past the more intimate areas of her body. Momo kept her heeled boots because if Black Widow and Wonder Woman can kick ass in heels then so could she, but Moriah gave the suggestion of being able to snap the heels off and use them like throwing darts.
Hagakure’s suit was made out of reflective lenses that could turn her completely invisible without having to be naked, but also amplify any light she admitted. She got a chest plate tank top and pants with built in kneepads. Her boots were sound absorbent for stealth and she also got a pair of rocking goggles to keep her from blinding herself.
Needless to say, both girls were satisfied with their new looks.
For the next couple of days, they took pictures of Class 1-A. Marinette was the only one who could get a picture with the Class 1-A homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa. Probably because she made him a new sleeping bag as an apology for their intrusion.
Funny story: When he saw Jagged Stone, he paled, before muttering “Oh dear god, there’s two of them” under his breath repeatedly. The girls didn’t understand this until they met Present Mic.
Moriah and Katsuki somewhat got along after the german suplex incident and she hung out with the Baku-Squad. Chloe took a bit of an interest in a duel-haired boy named Todoroki who hung out with a boy named Izuku Midoryia and the Deku-Squad. Izuku and Marinette got along swimmingly, just don’t look directly at them. It’s harmful to look at the sun, let alone two.
At one point, they met Endeavor. All three girls called him out and chastised him for being a horrible father and human being. Chloe took the lead on this. (Todoroki started looking at her in a new light.)
The next big news that Miss Buister’s class got wasn’t from stalking the girls’ social media. It was the Japanese news. The class couldn’t believe it when they saw that Ladybug, Vixen, and Yellow Jacket were in Japan. 
Originally the girls were only planning on going shopping, but when they saw the villain attack, their hero instincts took over and they transformed and apprehended the perp. To avoid suspicion, Vixen cast an illusion to make it look like Marinette, Chloe, and Moriah were in the background in the crowd.
The girls were interviewed by the press. Well… Ladybug and Vixen conversed with the press while Yellow Jacket was giddily talking in the background with the pro hero Hawks, who the girls had aided, with a vibrant blush on her face.
Non Surprisingly, Izuku was there. Ladybug gave him the most attention out of all the interviewer's. (Block your eyes from the sunshine rays!)
The next day, things got even crazier. All three girls were kidnapped by the League of Villains. U.A, Jagged, and Penny were in a panic until Moriah posted a selfie, looking so done with the world, with a black haired, scared man with piercings beside her staring at the phone camera like he was on the Office. 
\In the background, Marinette was chastising the villains about how rude it was to kidnap people while Chloe insulted their base’s decor. The caption read: “These idiots didn’t even take our phones.”
They were found two days later by a group of pro-heroes, led by current No. 1 hero, Endeavor, but when the heroes burst in, they stopped short at the sight in front of them.
The heroes found a very smug Marinette demolishing a very pissed Shigaraki at a video game while Chloe, Toga, Magne, and Twice were doing each other’s nails in the corner while gossiping. In another corner of the room, Dabi had decided to give Moriah new, vibrant blue highlights that matched his eyes. 
The entire base was refurbished.
The heroes were stunned long enough for the LoV to escape.
The girls had to use the horse miraculous to return to Paris several times to deal with akumas, but it was worth it. 
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Jagged’s trip was soon over and the girls returned to Paris. 
The moment they walked into the classroom they were met with glares ranging from weak to pure shade. 
While they were on the trip, Jagged had told every important person they came across every tabloid lie Lila had spun and she was met with a tsunami of lawsuits. As was the LadyBlog. Alya’s eyes were red and puffy, but she still gave a heated glare towards Marinette. 
The rest of the class wasn’t off the hook, either. With all the evidence Moriah and Chloe had shown Jagged, the entire class were sued for harassment. 
After finally getting to the email Tom and Sabine sent, the school board had found out about everything. Mr Damocles and Miss Bustier had been told to hit the road, and were promptly replaced with new, competent teachers. 
The girls gave a bright smile before sitting in the back of the class, high-fiving Nathaniel, Rose, and Juleka on the way.
Best. Vacation. Ever.
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mimi and musetta were in love no i am not just projecting my lesbianism onto others they were in love because
1) rodolfo and marcello were besties therefore these two would prolly spend a lot of time together. marcello and rodolfo also live together and i think mimi lived with them for awhile since she mentioned how she and rodolfo slept in the same bed many nights in act 3 when she’s telling marcello about how she’s dying (also she wouldn’t be telling him all of this unless she was close to him… which implies she was close to musetta too) and even if she didn’t live with them, she lived like right next door so you can assume she came over often to visit rodolfo , and would see musetta there often.
2) this prolly goes without saying but being gay was looked down on in those days so i’m sure mimi and musetta tried to keep their relationship under wraps (especually with musettas reputation)
3) musetta is characterized as a ”maneater“ type. she sleeps around and hangs out with men for money. she does this because she’s trying to avoid getting in a relationship with a man. she also says she hates lovers who act like husbands in act 3. girlboss says this since doesn’t want a husbanddd she doesn’t want to be tied down with a man since shes with mimi and uses her reputation as a maneater to hide her relationship
also there was this article (thanks @rayatii for showing me this!) talking about how mimi didn’t just coincidentally show up at rodolfos door , she was there to get food + fuck. she wasn’t looking for a relationship initially. but eventually, it turned into one since he was nice to her and it was a good way for her to cover up her relationship with musetta.
4) mimi left rodolfo lol. man was a horrible boyfriend. she had her scene where she broke down in front of marcello and told him about how he yelled at her and how he didn’t treat her right. but she came back to see how he was since she liked how kind he was at times, and despite his flaws she missed him. but he wasn’t her main reason for returning. she came back for musetta, and i think she pretended to get back with rodolfo so she’d have excuses to see musetta more. she says she wishes the winter would last forever but i think she meant this in a “i want to live” way, not a “i want to spend the rest of my life with rodolfo” way.
5) how did musetta know when mimi was dying, when she came into the apartment in act 4? cause she has been by her side most of the time to take care of her since her boyfriend is busy trying to write poetry and playing around at home 🤨 (also ironic how he claims mimi is his poetic muse but he doesn’t seem to want to spend time with her 😮‍💨) anyways musetta has been taking care of mimi. she sells her earrings to buy medicine for mimi even tho she’s literally aboit to die because she wants her last moments to be comfortable. and glamour and accessories are important to musetta! beauty is very important to her and obv earrings are not cheap in this time. girl is giving up a good deal of money just to ease mimis pain for a few minutes.
if i come up with more reasons i’ll rb this post and add on lol i am thinking so much about this today
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dgcatanisiri · 3 years
I won’t say this is my last word on the subject of Legendary Edition bullshit, because... Well, I know myself enough to be able to say that I NEVER have a last word, I’ll always want to rant again later on. But let’s just make this a sort of master post of the issues overall.
So... Is it fair to hold a game that is a good roughly fifteen years old to the standards of the present? Not inherently. So if the games were being produced in any sort of unedited format, that it was a strict translation, 1:1 ratio, of the original to the remaster... Honestly, I’d still be bitter as all get out, for reasons I’ll expound on in a minute. But it could at least SEEM justified. I could consider it the kind of thing that would be expected - if KOTOR got a remaster today, I would not expect that Carth and Bastila would be made into bi love interests, or Juhani would have her romance patched up so that it has the same level of detail and attention as the het romances. If Jade Empire were remastered, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Sky or Silk Fox’s same sex romances adapted so that the straight romances had to be closed out first. That is the kind of thing that, on a functional, practical level, I could understand. Doing a translation from old hardware, the old engine, I get the PRACTICAL reasoning for not making things better. I still object to this on the moral level, to say nothing of the representational one. But PRACTICALLY, I see why - y’know, there’s only so much financial resources going in, and changing things like romances, even if justified, means doing new writing and getting the voice cast back in, which has complications the longer since a game’s original release - actors retire or even die, the passage of time changes voices (like listen to the difference of the exact same lines by James Earl Jones between both versions of the Lion King). Even without those complications, that means paying them, which, in the production of video games, for everything that goes in, something else must go out. So that is the practical argument.
But, the thing is, even apart from everything else that I’ll get in to shortly, is that there have been a lot of claims from BioWare about inclusion. There have also been A LOT. of homophobic bullshit from BioWare and Mass Effect. And yes, I’m calling it like I see it.
Because we had the game that followed Jade Empire, with a M/M romance option, be Mass Effect, with NO M/M romance option (but FemShep and Liara could bang - the writing obviously favored the MaleShep portrayal, given that there was no marketing use of FemShep until ME3, and we had ME2 give priority to having loyalty conflicts between MALE Shepard’s romances, but not Female Shepard’s, and we even had BioWare hem and haw about how “well, the asari are monogender, so they’re not TECHNICALLY women, so it’s not REALLY lesbians...”). Because the official claim is that they just “didn’t think about it” in time to have these options included in Mass Effect 1. Because we’ve had writers now come out that Jacob Taylor was originally written as a gay man, but in the game itself was a straight man. Because there are plenty of women who throw themselves at Male Shepard, and Shepard is animated with having Significant Looks™ with these women, but not a single man who expresses any interest in him, until ME3 finally offers SOMETHING, which came to just Kaidan and Cortez.
Because we had one of BioWare’s heads, one of BioWare’s founders, say in an interview right around the release of Mass Effect 2 say “Shepard is too predefined a character to be gay.”
That is what I mean by homophobic bullshit.
And I haven’t even started on Mass Effect Andromeda.
And I’m gonna start on Mass Effect Andromeda now.
So after ME3, after Kaidan and Cortez were actually romances, we honestly gave them a lot of faith - they got the message, we said. They understood that they couldn’t just cut out M/M romance in the game, we said. They didn’t need to have the constant observation that demanded they provide good representation, we said.
And then they cut Jaal’s bisexuality, leaving him straight on release, without even a chance to flirt and be turned down, the bisexual male character who did remain not only was planet bound, he also is a character who a solid argument can be made that he falls into the trope of the Depraved Bisexual, a trope that over in Dragon Age, Patrick Weekes specifically said that they wanted to avoid and so didn’t make a character bisexual because of that. And the gay man is not only almost totally disconnected from the game (aside from one point in the plot, he can be avoided entirely and is not included in almost any other group setting among the Tempest crew), he is also an accessory in his own plot line, which was also heavily criticized for being intensely homophobic. And of these, the only thing BioWare deigned to change was Jaal’s bisexuality. (Which, personal note, I’m uncomfortable with personally, because as it’s implemented, it just feels kind of afterthought-y. Much like Kaidan’s in ME3, being unchanged from a new FemShep romance, despite the active inability to romance him in ME1.)
So it is not just a matter of “you have the ability, you’re changing other things, you should do this.” I mean, that is absolutely there - the mods exist for the original game, to the point of being able to even get the romance scene to fire right without Shepard’s gender magically changing once the clothes come off. (I have a vague memory of, at some point, probably around the “too predefined” comment, that being another excuse, that there was difficulty with having the models play nice with one another in that scene.)
But this is about addressing a pattern of behavior on the part of BioWare, that they have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the bare minimum that their own statements on matters of representation and inclusion claim they aspire to. That if the fans are not actively holding their feet to the fire, they are GOING to take their fans for granted - “you don’t get better quality content elsewhere, we’re your only choice!” But “only” choice is not a “good” choice. It’s not a choice with quality.
So if we don’t make a big damn deal about this now, when they have a chance - when they have a CHOICE - to make things better, to provide better representation, to correct the mistakes of the past... What will we get in the future? How will they backtrack on this in the future? How will they exclude us in the game they just announced a few months back? How will they continue to tell us that they don’t want gay people in this setting?
Look, I don’t use these words lightly. But that is, whether it’s a conscious attitude at all or not, what they are telling us. By not including us, by making us optionally involved, by making us disposable within our own stories, by cutting out our content, they are saying that they do not envision a world, a future, that includes queer men.
And anyone who does not speak up, does not condemn this, does not demand that they DO. BETTER... That is tacit approval and agreement. Because you’re saying that things as they are now - the removal and undermining of our content, of our EXISTENCE in these games - are perfectly fine and acceptable.
And yeah, I’m sure that reading that has probably made some people mad, believe I’m being unfair by saying that, because it’s going to push away allies. Thing is, and this is one of the things that always comes up in anything even tangentially activism related... THIS ISN’T ABOUT THE FEELINGS OF THE ALLIES. This is about listening to the people who are being hurt and saying “you don’t deserve to be hurt this way, things need to change.”
BioWare needs to change its approach. And, as we have seen, it does not come just because of a handful of angry queers, demanding to be represented in their games. It comes because of the community at large calling them out and saying “this isn’t right. What you have done is not right, and we are calling on you to fix it. To do better.”
Don’t just stand there and shrug this off. Because evidence tells us that if they aren’t called out on this now, the next game will not be better. And we will be in this exact same place, having this exact same argument, all over again, in a few years when the next Mass Effect game comes out. When the queer men are given the shortest end of the stick again, and people who are right now saying “what do you expect from a remaster?” will either suddenly turn around and go “I don’t know why BioWare would do something so homophobic” or, worse, “well, it’s something, I don’t see why you’re upset.”
We’re upset because we keep having this argument. And we are going to keep having this argument until people are willing to actually DEMAND that things be better. This is the chance to make things better now.
At this point, a post-release patch that includes a Male Shepard/Kaidan romance in ME1 that is tracked through to the following games is a bare minimum fix, a change done to make it clear that BioWare understands their mistakes in the past and want to make things BETTER.
It may not be easy, but genuinely fixing problems never is. But it’s work that needs to be done.
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malewifegradyruewen · 3 years
An Untitled Original Work Goes To Pride
happy pride!! the auow crew is gay so ofc i had to do something for pride!!
i’m realising now that i’m basically writing fanfic for my own writing but it’s fine somebody’s gotta do it
this takes place the summer before auow actually starts, so no Sammie content (or Logan, Benji, or Ellison)
disclaimer: i've never been to pride so most of this came from google and a vague memory from walking through a Christopher Street Day festival in Germany two summers ago
trigger warnings: biphobia, swearing, light violence mention, ask to tag
word count: 1018
tagging: @fire-sapphics @damischs @zoyyanazyalensky @love-pyramus @ketterdamkid @pencilwritesshiz47 @tiergan-andrin-alenefar @mermistahawk @dirty-racoon @tommyinnitt @enbies-and-felonies @sophia-not-sofie @imaramennoodle @littlemisscupcake @cadence-talle @knifescythe @anaccidentwaitingtohappen @completekeefitztrash and lmk know if you wanna be added/removed!!
They could see the mass of people from blocks away. Thousands of brightly dressed people, with all sorts of signs and accessories to help them stand out in the crowd. Music blared louder than any concert Mally had ever been to.
Gina had swapped her all-black look for black jean shorts and purple converse to go with a t-shirt she’d tie-dyed and cropped. Leo had been slathering on sunscreen, but was growing increasingly more distracted as they drew nearer to the crowd. Andre’s fanny pack was covered in buttons and pins that the group had applied the night before in preparation for the event.
“Woah, Mally, this is insane,” Leo said. “There’s so much going on!”
“I know, right?” she said gleefully. “Come on, we can’t be late to watch the parade!”
She led the group of friends through the crowded streets of the festival, weaving past vendors and corporate booths. The crowds were thick, but she expertly dodged people, making sure to hold onto Andre's hand so the chain wouldn’t be broken. Finally, they arrived at the curb where they would have an unobscured vantage point.
“They’re starting!” she pointed. “Look!”
There it was, in all its glory. The Philadelphia Pride Parade was just beginning, and they’d arrived just in time.
“I can’t believe we’re actually here!” Gina said, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “I never thought I’d be able to go!”
“I know, right? My parents are so chill. I never thought they’d go for this idea.”
“Where are they today?”
“Uh, they took my sister to a museum, I think. But come on, let’s watch the parade!”
The four kids watched gleefully as the parade went by, waving at performers and screaming along to the music. They collected beads as they were thrown into the crowds, collecting several dozen and putting them all around Andre’s neck.
Partway through the spectacle, Mally turned to Gina and said, “Hold this.” She thrust the little flag she’d been holding at her friend and pulled her backpack off. She unzipped it, reached inside, and pulled out a bisexual flag. “This is for you, I totally forgot about it this morning.”
“Oh my God, Mally, thank you so much!” Gina exclaimed, hugging her friend. “I love it, thank you!” Her excitement was infectious as she unfolded it and wrapped it around her shoulders as a cape.
Mally whipped out a lesbian flag and followed suit while Gina showed her new accessoriy off to the boys. Leo grabbed a little container of bubbles out of his pocket and started blowing them in Gina’s face while Andre threw some of his beads around her neck.
When the parade ended, their chain linked up once more as they visited different booths and got countless freebies. Rubbery wristbands choked their forearms, while Leo’s shirt became plastered with stickers. Andre suddenly had not one, but four pairs of bright orange sunglasses on his face, all sporting a logo for a company none of them had ever heard of. After a bit of wandering, Gina stopped to buy a snack.
“You spent eight dollars on a pretzel?” Andre asked.
“What?” she defended herself. “I was hungry! Plus, I got a sticker,” she added, peeling off the backing and adding it to the collection that had amassed on Leo’s shirt.
“That’s still a lot,” Andre said skeptically.
“Yeah,” Gina agreed, her mouth full of pretzel. “It’s not even that good.”
“I’ll eat it!” Leo grabbed at it, but she dodged him and left him to stumble to catch his balance.
“Mine,” she said, grabbing Mally’s arm and moving on to the next vendor.
They continued in this fashion for nearly an hour, wandering the market-like plaza that had been erected on the grass. The energy level of their friend group dropped, but the party kept going stronger than ever. They passed all sorts of people, from kids younger than themselves to people who looked old enough to be grandparents. There were too many flags to keep track of, and dozens of outrageous outfits.
As the group made their way through the park, they came to an open, grassy area, where people had spread out blankets and were eating food, watching their kids run around, and just relaxing. The friends sat down on a patch of soil under a tree, soaking up a bit of shade. As excited as they were to be there, they had to admit their energy was dwindling.
Just then, a tall man in jeans and a baseball cap came up and stepped on Gina’s flag, knocking her backwards onto the ground. “Hey!” she yelled. “What the fuck!”
“Bisexual is just attention seeking,” the man said gruffly. “Pick one or the other. Don’t be greedy.”
“What the hell, dude?” Mally cried, standing up. “What’s your problem?”
“Bisexual isn’t real,” he spat. “She’s just a straight who’s trying to feel special.”
“Oh yeah? Think again,” Gina said, untying her flag and standing up. Before anyone knew what was going on, the man was on the ground, spitting curses at her.
Mally knew what was happening next before Gina could tell her. She gave a small nod before Gina grabbed her face and kissed her square on the lips. Andre and Leo’s cheers in the background only boosted her confidence. After a moment, Gina backed up and spat in the man’s face.
“Straight my ass. I’m here, I’m queer, and I strike fear into the hearts of my enemies!” she yelled as the man scrambled to his feet and ran away.
Mally turned to her and gave her a high-five. “Didn’t think we were gonna have to use that trick. Good thing we were prepared.”
“That was awesome,” Leo said. “You pushed him really hard.”
“Yeah, I was not expecting that,” Andre chimed in. “And yeah, good thing you guys were prepared.”
“Team effort,” Gina smiled at Mally.
“Yep,” she laughed back. “Is your flag okay?”
Gina bent down to pick it up. “Just a bit dirty, I think. Your gift isn’t ruined.”
“Awesome,” Mally said. “Now, who wants ice cream? It’s on me!”
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electricsockhead · 4 years
☽ Girls Night ☾
BAU + this picrew
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ⋮ @psyxhic-angels @altsvu @ssa-sarahsunshine @thisdeathtollbringsnopeace @emilysblackturtleneck @vamppupp @moreidsdaughter
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Below the cut are some hcs/a little story of what happened on this specific girls night!
- Food
- Mentioned Fainting (dw no one actually faints, Spence is just really gay)
- Derek & Spencer (narrator acknowledges the gays tho)
- JJ & Penny (could be read as a ship or friendship, up to you!)
- Tara & Emily (could be read as a ship or friendship, also up to you!)
Spencer is insecure about wearing something they’re not used to so Penelope wears the same thing to match so they feel less insecure 🥺💓 (if this is in here like 500 times it’s because tumblr kept deleting it, and now I don’t know what it’s saving anymore 🙃)
Emily is back on her emo phase because she found a witch hat at the bottom of Penny’s closet so she went with an outfit to match it.
Penny gifts JJ with a sheer pink top eith white butterflies.
JJ tried not cry. She fails and ruins her make up.
Penelope has to re-do the bottom of the hearts and JJ keeps apologizing but Penelope just says it’s ok and kisses her cheek
Meanwhile Spencer and Emily are having a karaoke match trying to see who can sing the highest note (they’re both horrible at it but Spencer ends up winning)
Tara shows up a little late because she got stuck in traffic.
She automatically joins Spencer and Emily and ofc beats them.
Not only can she hit the highest note she can also hit the lowest note.
By the time they’ve tired out their voices, jj and Penelope are just looking at them from the bed trying to control their laughter the whole time.
Then Spencer, Emily and Tara make a bet to see who could reach the kitchen first.
Tara also wins because the other two can’t even run.
They use the gay as an excuse
Doesn’t work because Tara’s also gay
Upstairs, Penelope finds an old bin full of pride pins when she was looking for something else for jj.
She shows it to her, and (still closeted) JJ takes the lesbian one and pins it on her top pinning both fabrics together.
She looks away cuz she was scared to see Penelope’s reaction.
Penelope gives her the biggest hug and tells her she’s proud of her for trusting Penelope with this.
They go downstairs to find Spencer and Emily drinking water out of tupperwares.
Tara says it was their punishment for making her run while they just walked.
Penelope laughs and sets the bin on the kitchen counter and the three of them scramble through them finding their own pins.
They’re all out so it’s no surprise no one goes for the only “straight ally” pin
Then jj walks in kinda shy, and they notice the pin they all smile at her.
Tara gives her a hug and so does Emily. Spence just gives her an awkward thumbs up but she understands.
They eventually go out for dinner and they run into Derek.
He sees them all with their funky clothes and pride pins and feels automatically underdressed (not that he’d ever admit it out loud).
He notices that Spencer is a little shy but he showered them in compliments that he hopes helps make them feel less awkward but it only makes Spencer flustered and blush like crazy.
Then he notices JJs and pin flashes her the brightest smile and gives her a tight hug full of silent “I’m proud of you”s making her feel accepted 🥲.
Penelope tells him to join them for the rest of the night so they go back to her place again to get Derek ready.
While Penelope is trying to find cute tops she owns that would fit Derek, she instead finds a little box with head accessories.
She hands Spencer a little unicorn horn and they automatically put it on, giggling and taking a white and yellow flower crown and went to give it to Derek.
Penelope found a blue one for herself, and a pink one that is the exact color of JJ’s top so she sprints outside to give it to her and went back inside to keep looking for something for Derek.
Derek, in the meanwhile, had found the pride pin bin and was looking for his pride pins.
He was already out to the team but for some reason Spencer didn’t know so when they saw that Derek had separated the mlm one to the side and was still looking they nearly fainted.
Luckily, they didn’t, instead they managed to hand Derek the little crown as Derek removed the demiboy pin and shoved the bin a bit to the side.
Derek automatically put it on and gave them the goofiest smile saying “how do I look?!”
Spencer tried not to faint again, wanting to say “really fucking cute” but opting for “good” instead.
Penelope called Derek, and showed him the black flowery turtleneck she found and how “YOU HAVE TO WEAR IT, IT'LL LOOK SO CUTE!!!!”
He sighed and put it on but also puts his sweater back on and Garcia was kind of disappointed at first but the flowers were still visible so she was ok with it.
During all of this, Tara, Emily and JJ were outside on Pennys balcony.
Emily and JJ were playing with the little Nintendo switch that JJ brought (it was Henry’s and Michael’s) while Tara smoked and tried not to laugh whenever they’d start bickering.
Eventually they all went out to dinner, settling for pizza and made their way to the supermarket afterwards to buy snacks.
The snacks consisted of:
5 bags of popcorn (that they all knew would probably taste like plastic but they liked it anyway).
A couple packs of cookies -> Oreos, chips ahoy, even graham crackers.
Some chips -> layes for Derek and Spencer (they shared), Tostitos for Tara, Doritos for Emily, Cheese-itz for Penelope, and ofc, the Cheetos were for Jayje and and Jayje only!!
And a few drinks -> a 6 pac for Emily and Derek, lemonade for Spencer and JJ, Red Bull for Tara and one of those dunkin iced coffees for Penelope.
After they got their snacks, they headed out to an abandoned parking lot they went to occasionally that didn’t belong to anyone (and it was technically illegal for them to be there).
Penny had brought a projector and a couple blankets so they sat there and watched movies all night.
Emily and Tara kept throwing popcorn whenever something cheesy happened on screen (all gay ofc, Penelope isn’t putting on no h*t movie).
Meanwhile Derek and Spencer leaned against the hood of Penny's car, Derek had his arm around Spencer and Spencer had their hand on Dereks chest. (they occasionally glanced at each other because 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈).
JJ and Penelope were sitting next to Tara and Emily but they were actually enjoying the movie and going “aaaawwweeee 🥺🥺🥺” whenever something cute would happen
(as opposed to Tara and Emily who pretended to be throwing up going “EW LOOOOOVE!! CANT RELATE!!!”).
Eventually the sun started to rise again and JJ had fallen asleep with her head on Penelope’s lap, and Penny had fallen asleep with her head on Emily’s shoulder.
Emily was in the middle of “how Elsa was a total raging lesbian-” when her alarm went off.
Tara, who was listening like her life depended on it, automatically glared at the phone like it had just done the rudest thing.
Spencer was sitting on the hood of the car, and had fallen asleep leaning on Dereks shoulder.
Derek was standing in front of them and kept running his fingers through their pretty curls and placed soft kisses on their head.
Spencer woke up with Emily’s alarm and so did JJ and Penny.
They all decided it was time to home, so they went back to Penelope’s.
Her and JJ went right back to sleep, cuddling on Penny’s bed, while Spencer and Derek took the couch.
Emily and Tara kept up their conversation of lesbian characters until they got tired and eventually fell asleep in the middle of the floor.
They all woke up with headaches and back pain :)
The End
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rantingcrocodile · 3 years
It's kinda long so take ur time for this ask but, What do you think of this video? youtu be/g0GebdXDkKU I pretty much noticed similar patterns, although i went to less length than this person, as they really dug in before getting out while i just lurked and never adopted the moniker
To start, the person speaking is a TIM who jumped into radical feminism thinking that it was for him because he had experienced social misogyny for being mistaken as a woman while “living as a woman,” so that automatically comes with a whole bunch of red flags. He talked about how radical feminism resonated with him because of that, but if he actually paid attention to radical feminism, he would know that being born a male meant that it wasn’t for him and that he could only be an ally, so he clearly didn’t understand radical feminism.
Where I do agree with him is that (at least, I need to imagine) that most people who are TRA are trying to be good and support others and do the right thing. There are a lot of misguided people, and there are definitely abusers who have made themselves the loudest voices in spaces to use and abuse the innocents, gaslighting them and manipulating them into doing their bidding, i.e. the “genital fetishist” rapists who simply want to use lesbians (and to a lesser extent, gay men) as sex objects to be used for their personal validation, as well as the protection of rapists and paedophiles under the thought of, “Pointing those trans/non binary predators out gives the community a bad name!” and “To fight transphobia, even rapists/paedophiles need to have their pronouns respected!” even though that muddies the waters and catalogues greater numbers of women as predators, despite the fact that those newly-caught predators are actually male, as a few examples.
From the gender critical side, there are a lot of conservatives who say that they’re “gender critical,” but are simply anti-trans. Their goal is to attack gender-non-conformity and reinforce patriarchal gender roles and appearances, and quite a few appeared because their starting point was “Trans? Probably an evil gay man” kind of homophobia.
The problem that this “trans woman” has is that she claimed to be really interested in radical feminism and started by saying that she felt kinship with female radical feminists, but jumped to talk about being gender critical. If he had understood radical feminism, then he would have known what radical feminist gender criticism actually was, and his point of essentially saying, “being gender critical is denying transsexuals their humanity!” is immediately undermined. Trans people are human, they’re simply not the sex that they want to be. Different pronouns, clothing/makeup/accessory aesthetics, hormones and/or surgery doesn’t make someone the opposite sex/a “third” sex, and none of those things change the reality of sex-based oppression. Instead, that only clouds women’s sex-based oppression and ends up erasing women’s rights.
His belief of what being truly gender critical was, “trans isn’t real and you need to accept reality,” and that’s just not a true understanding of it at all. We’re critical of gender roles and stereotypes and want gender to be abolished so that women (and men, by extension) can simply be themselves without pressures of gender stereotypes and the misogyny that comes with them, so that there’s no specific female socialisation to “be a proper woman” that involves girls learning to be quiet, clean, be feminine, prioritise their appearances and, most of all, prioritise boys and men.
Gender dysphoria clearly is real, but it’s extremely complicated and takes different forms. It’s an umbrella term that’s different for different people. Trans people definitely exist. The reality that trans "women," for example, need to understand is that if they’re born male, they’ll always be male, whatever they decide to do with their bodies, and that because sex-based oppression exists, it’s wrong for them to pretend that they’re the same as actual women, it’s wrong for them to talk over women, and they need to respect women’s rights and women’s spaces. If all trans people demanded separate, sex-neutral spaces and sex-neutral communities/etc on top of what we already have, and accept that they’re their biological sex, understood that language can’t always be inclusive and sex-based issues exist instead of demanding that reality changed to fit themselves and others be silenced so their fantasy comes first, we really wouldn’t have a problem.
He talks about how there are gender critical people who have attacked women with DSDs (Differences in Sex Development), and I don’t know the full context, but… yes. People like that exist. There are gender criticals who are misogynistic and extremely conservative. There are women who call themselves “radical feminists” who are massively misogynistic. They’re individuals that deserve to be condemned. Pretending that that’s all that being gender critical is, though, is simply false.
He says that the “end game” of gender criticals is excluding “passing transsexuals” like himself, and I'm sorry, but he, personally, doesn't pass, for one thing. He says he understood radical feminism, but his point is, again essentially, “Yes, AGPs exist and ROGDs exist, and some people transition to escape homophobia, but not all of us are like that!” and then talks about himself in regards to “homosexual transsexualism,” where he somehow knew he was trans being a child, grew up, transitioned and had a better life because of it, and being upset that his perspective wasn’t taken seriously.
When he says that being gender critical is a “cult,” right on the back of admitting that it’s a bunch of different groups who critique trans issues from a wide variety of perspectives, well, that isn’t a cult. A Christian “gender crit” who is anti-trans because of religion isn’t influencing a radical feminist who is angry about what boils down to males masquerading as women and women swallowing misogyny and calling themselves men to try and escape misogyny, and vice versa. A cult is a singular hive-mind structure that will never allow dissent and not simply being “gender critical.” Someone not agreeing with a critique of being gender critical isn't "cult-like behaviour" in any way, it's simply not agreeing with another person.
The irony of him saying that gender critical people want him to stop existing and make him feel guilty for even being alive is just a reversion to TRA talking points. Non-bigoted people who are gender critical with nuance want proper exploration into gender dysphoria, explorations of different treatments available, and would be happier if trans people admitted to their actual sex and didn’t prioritise themselves over oppressed women. The idea that to not cater to him or make him understand reality is something that “wants him dead” is guilt-tripping behaviour. (Plus, he talked about attempting to detransition by “presenting more as a man,” which is him falling into gender stereotypes. If men want to be aesthetically GNC, then that’s fine.)
I don’t know who he is or his background, but I get the distinct impression that he’s an AGP in denial about what being AGP is. It isn’t about “that man gets erections when he’s seen as a woman,” it’s simply about pleasure when that man is seen as a woman. It feels good. When we say “fetish,” it has heavy sexual overtones and people see it as the extreme instead of what’s going to be much more common. He said he grew up being GNC, but then transitioned and doesn’t like referring to himself as a “man,” and I’m not sure how that isn’t being an AGP, but maybe someone else there will disagree with me.
The basic undertone that I get from that is that he is against the TRAs who don't believe in gender dysphoria being needed to be trans, he's against people who think that anyone can be trans, he says he respects women's spaces but feels the same as radical feminist women because he's experienced social misogyny, and I get the impression (possibly mistaken) that he wants the "good transsexuals" to be accepted as "actual women/men," because he hasn't fully grasped what being truly gender critical actually means and he has no idea about the full misogynistic oppression that women go through.
A lot of his video was spent in silence as he sighed and tried to think of what to say next, but really, there wasn't a lot of substance there at all. He reminds me more of the "transmedicalists" than the old-named "tucutes," and I ended up rolling my eyes quite a few times, I'm afraid.
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clearsky · 4 years
My Top Comfort Characters/Kins and My Main HCs For Them
(Note, not all my kins/comfort characters are on here, just the ones I have more than 5 hcs for)
CW: Korekiyo Shinguji (DRV3), Himiko Yumeno (DRV3), Shinsou Hitoshi (BNHA), Kyoko Kirigiri (THH), Tsuyu Asui (BNHA), Entrapta (Spop), Ibuki Mioda (SDR2), Celestia Ludenberg (THH), Funtime Foxy (FNAF), Peril (WOF)
Korekiyo Shinguji (DRV3)
He/They pronouns
Chains and loose accessories are for stimming
Likes the feeling of silk and cotton
Can't stand the feeling of anything rough or bumpy
He likes collecting small trinkets and the bones of small mammals
Can't stand anything salty. He'll eat it but he certainly won't enjoy it
Dating Rantaro
Can flirt, but only if he doesn't try
Petnames are a hell yea
Gets sunburnt really easily
Group dates with Celesnaegiri and Ikuzono
Can't cook for s h i t
Had a scene kid phase in middle school
Went to the same middle school as Celeste and Maki
Knew them when Celeste went through her "I'm not like other girls" phase and Maki was a Band Kid™
Himiko Yumeno (DRV3)
She/Her pronouns
Can force herself to fall asleep within seconds regardless of where she is
100% forces herself to fall asleep when she doesn't wanna listen/talk to someone
Himiko/Angie/Tenko relationship. I'm calling them the Traffic Light Trio
She likes taking naps in the forest
She prefers enclosed/tight spaces more than open ones
Has several hundred stress balls and squishies laying around
She overheats easy
Shinsou Hitoshi (BNHA)
Questioning his gender, but goes by any pronouns
Knows he's Asexual, at least
Has no clue what his romantic orientation is though
The kind of person to carry treats in his pocket just in case he runs into a cat
Will stop to pet literally every cat he comes across
Great at reading people
Doesn't talk unless it's 100% needed
Hangs with Tokoyami, Jirou, and Denki most often
Aizawa has 100% unofficially adopted him
Fosters kittens
Not a big fan of physical touch
He is 100% in the bakusquad. Anyone who says he's in the Dekusquad is a c o w a r d
He and Tsuyu vibe
Knows a bunch of random facts
Dark humour? Dark humour
*skates backwards into his therapist's room slowly sipping from an absurdly huge cup of coffee* Candice you're not gonna BELIEVE the shit I just went through
In case I forgot to mention it, he skates
Kyoko Kirigiri (THH)
Bi with female preference
Burns go up to her shoulders/collarbone/chest
Prefers to just listen as opposed to saying anything
Knows a ton of random trivia about everyone else in her class
She keeps a notebook she fills with all the trivia
Doesn't celebrate her birthday. She just doesn't see the point of it
Doesn't hate sugar/sweets, but if given the choice she would choose literally everything else
Cuts her own hair
A cat person
Permanent dark circles
T-Tall 😳
Like,,, 6'1 at LEAST
Only person taller than her is Yasuhiro (6'3)
Canon no longer exist
Ahahaha healthy life habits? What are those?
Can't handle horror games
She's the kind of person you'd go to if you needed to rant but didn't want any advice
Polyamourous yo
She's a dom yall are just scared to admit it
Tsuyu Asui (BNHA)
They go by They/Them
They and Ochaco are dating
They like to hang with Shinsou
Which mainly just means the two sitting in one of their dorms in near total silence doing whatever
Can speak English and French as well as Japanese
Learned English from cartoons
Picked up French bc they thought it'd be fun
Prefers to stay neutral in the whole Bakusquad / Dekusquad thing
They're invited to all outings/events by/for both squads
They like puns
They're a dumbass but willingly, and for fun
Like "someone says they like dark humour and they'll turn off the lights before telling a joke" kind dumbass for fun
Great at poker
Likes Disney Movies
Very touchy once you get close enough
Not in a sexual way, just likes physical contact
Especially fond of piggyback rides and cuddles
Extreme fear of needles
Entrapta (She-Ra)
She/Her or It/Its
Doesn't bother trying to figure out whether she's cis, trans, nonbinary, or what
Was AMAB though
Short as fuck (4'7)
Strong as fuck though
Cuddle game strong
Physical touch is a fuck yes
Piggyback rides
Anything where she's touching someone is wonderful in her book
As long as she's the one that initiates it
Anyone else touching her without her permission makes her freak
Prefers being high up
Makes it harder for anyone to sneak up on her
An ace at video games
When it comes to sexuality she just says she's Questioning
Ibuki Mioda (SDR2)
Any pronouns + Pup/Pupself + It/Its
No idea what their gender is otherwise
Biromantic Asexual
Just likes sexual jokes
Gets distracted easily
Has severe hearing problems
She's plays her instruments as loud as possible, with the amp right next to her, without ANY ear protection
It's caused some damage
She talks so loud bc she has no idea how loud is considered acceptable
Wears hearings aids most of the time
Several piercings and tattoos
Likes hearing things jingle
She has a bracelet with a few bells hanging from it
She'll shake it whenever she's bored
LOVES hair accessories
Ribbons are a particular favourite
Occasionally she'll hang little charms from her hair "horns"
The kind of person who never takes any pills/medicine bc she keeps forgetting she has to
Frequently uses emojis
Skates everywhere but she isn't very good at it
She keeps crashing into everything
Has broken every bone in her body at least 3 times
Most of which was bc she keeps trying to kick in doors and skating down the stairs
Celestia Ludenberg (THH)
Any pronouns, mainly goes by She/They
Bi, 70:30
Collects mini hand sanitizers and can tabs
Has single handedly gotten Mario Kart, Mario Party, Monopoly, Uno, and Clue banned a grand total of 17 times (and counting)
The kind of person to purposefully target someone regardless of what game was being played
Favourite victim is Byakuya (bc he gets so upset about it and she finds that hilarious)
Mains Waluigi
Has several banned Twitter accounts bc whenever she's bored she'll start discourse on purpose
Hangs with Korekiyo, Ibuki, Byakuya, Yasuhiro, and Leon most often
It's a weird friend group but everyone's sorta gotten used to it
She and Byakuya gamble together occasionally
She tries to avoid it bc he'll willingly blow his entire fortune in an attempt to beat her
Can't stand the feeling of water
Mainly bc she can't swim for shit
Horror movies? Hates them
Gets flustered super easily
Taka is her twin brother
Kotoko, Kokichi, and Gundham are their half siblings (Same father)
Peko and Toko are their cousins
She sucks ass at go fish
Fuck canon she's 4'11 now
C h u b b y
Once she gets comfortable enough with herself she dyes her hair in the peekaboo style
Either black and red or black and blonde
Haven't decided yet
I'll be doing Celesnaegiri hcs as a seperate post but I just feel it's important for you to know that she expresses her affection verbally and is a very touchy person
Went to middle school with Maki and Korekiyo
Has horrible eyesight
She wears contacts most of the time but she always puts off buying more
After the 5th or so time she ended up blindly stumbling around a week after her contacts ran out Kyoko convinced her to buy glasses as well
Religious accessories yo
Like chokers and dangly earrings with crosses and pentagrams and shit
Likes wearing wacky earrings
Can run and do all sorts of tricks in heels
She and Mukuro are exes yo
Keeps her hair short so it's easier to manage
Hair never gets longer than her shoulders if she can help it
She seems like the kind of person who'd keep her bangs grown past her eyes regardless of how frustrating or inconvenient it is
She's a sub yall just don't wanna admit it
Funtime Foxy (FNAF)
I'm going on the record to say this
Funtime Foxy is genderfluid and that is that
Goes by Funtime
Any pronouns, They/Them most commonly
Plays music (keyboard and guitar mainly)
They and Funtime Freddy (Freds) mainly play with the kids
Freds mainly tells stories with Bonbon while Funtime more so plays one-on-one
Has nicknames for everyone
Circus Baby - Ringleader
Ballora - Bells
Funtime Freddy - Partner
Bon Bon - Bun
Peril (WOF)
I like both Nonbinary She/They Peril and Mtf She/Her Peril
They're both such good concepts
She's a lesbian, Harold
She only had a crush on Clay bc he was pretty much everything she was supposed to like in a guy
Gimme a moment while I force all my mental disorders onto this poor child
Autistic, Anxiety (Social anxiety, mainly, but she has most types), Adhd, PTSD
I'd like to reiterate yet again that She's a lesbian
Sunny and Glory were her gay awakening
Peril in Book 1: Damn, Sunny and Glory sure are pretty. Anyone would be lucky to date them. Clay would probably go for them over me. He would be stupid if he didn't. I myself would willingly date them over someone like me. They're just so pretty :(
Peril waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of arc 2: WAIT-
Rarepair alert but Peril/Sora
Peril meeting Sora: "Hmmm She's attractive. I would love to date her. Too bad I'm straight and in love with her brother lmao :P"
Peril, a mere month later, waiting for Ruby to leave Jade Mountain, pacing in her cave, running face first into a wall: WAIT-
I remember reading this one amazing story where Sora taught Peril to read/write and Peril found out she set off the bomb and comforted her/convinced her her run so that's canon now
Btw if anyone can remember what that story was called/what platform it was on and could tell me I'd appreciate it very much
I'd even be willing to draw a character of your's or make you an icon or something
I usually don't accept requests bc I get burnt out easy but this is a special case
She runs into Sora again sometime between the beginning of TOP and the end
I like to imagine she just goes wandering around
Anyway she confesses like a mere few minutes after running into her again bc Peril is just subtle like that
The actual confession takes 15 minutes and the entire time Sora is just sitting here like "👁👄👁 sure"
Bam Peril/Sora
Peril plans to keep it a secret for a little while longer but she spends 3 seconds around Clay and pretty much blurts it out
Clay, who wasn't even aware that Peril was a lesbian, is just "👁👄👁"
I wanna say Clay doesn't know what a lesbian is but in my canon Sunny is a lesbian so Starflight has already told him
Anyway he's super supportive
From that point Peril is sorta open about her sexuality?
Like, she gives Clay permission to tell the rest of the D.O.D bc she isn't about to risk being in front of them when they hear the news
(When Sunny starts actively seeking her out as a hang out buddy and Tsunami, Glory, and Starflight appear to tolerate her presence just a bit more afterwards she pretends she isn't confused by the change)
She's pink, white, and blue bc I said so
If you look at a certain angle in the right lighting her eyes, mouth, fire, and under her scales all look purple
But her fire is normally white and blue bc I said so
Also she pale as fuck bc in my canon their fire just sorta burns their colour away
You know how you leave something outside for too long and it gets sunbleached? Where it gets all washed out?
Like that but more extreme
By the age of 10-12 firescale dragons are just white with pale eyes
That's right not even the eyes are safe
Ram horns :P
I'm also fond of Peril/Sunny
Or maybe Peril/Sora/Sunny
But Peril/Sora is the main thing
On the topic of that bringing in my hc that if one sib in a sib group is fire resistant all of them are
She,,, She can change her scale colour
But only slightly and only if her emotions are strong enough
Bc I don't give a fuck about Darkstalker's scroll we were robbed of hybrid Peril
Unfortunately all of Peril's emotions are strong
Rainwing ruff along her head and neck
It's like a hood
It's mainly smoothed to her sides but when she's startled it flares out
Y'all will know what those look like as soon as I get off my ass :P
She,,, She can mimic bird cries
Hates the summer
She has more than enough body heat already and the outside is just hot enough to add on and make her feel sick
She can somewhat control her heat but most of the time it's based on her emotions
It can go from standing-in-the-middle-of-a-burning-building-cant-see-your-nose-smoke-is-so-thick heat (Strong emotion) to Hey-thats-a-nice-cozy-campfire heat (Calm/"weak" emotion/Sleeping)
I'm just gonna make a different post with all my Peril hcs cuz there isnt enough room for all of them here
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nayarablueglasses · 3 years
Duo x male reader
a/n: oh gods this is so. anyways this was meant for day thirteen of the @gundam-wing-pride event but certain circumstances have caused me to be unable to post in time for it. the tears prompt was kept in mind for this, i hope it suffices.
word count: 2,059
summary: horrific battles never made you cry, so how did a joke from Duo manage to do it?
warnings: reader is in an active war at first, brief mentions of reader becoming deaf to loud sounds after the battle, reader has a very dry way of thinking, i haven't seen the entirety of the show in ages so i think my timeline is a little messed up
reader pronouns: he/him but comes off as gn
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How’d you end up here?
You’d woken up to the extremely jarring sounds of the space station’s evacuation alarms. Considering the immediate panicking masses of people that then flooded the streets, it wasn’t the best way to wake up. Especially when you factor in that your first evacuation drill since the ‘safe space’ had been rebuilt, relocated and refortified was supposed to happen next week. Though to be fair, there were absolutely no signs that you knew of that would signal a a war erupting on your colony.
Honestly? You never were impressed by the Gundams. All you knew about them was that they were starting a war with what a few of the colonies had begun to call the “colony rebels.” The White Fang. Maybe the White Fang had started the war, but you could care less. No matter who’d started this, the colonies- your colony- was caught in the crossfires now.
And it wasn’t like you could trust the Gundams, either. It wasn’t that long ago that Gundam Pilot 04 almost blew up an entire colony because their father had been killed. If that was how the Gundams handled personal loss, your colony could only speculate on the ways they’d deal with the political difficulties of a war. And unsurprisingly, it turned out that they handled it absolutely terribly.
The scariest part was the absolute absurdness of the whole war. Two sides that claimed to speak for the colonies. The White Fang pressed attention on the colonies, while the Gundams remained an absolute mystery. Plus, the individual power struggles claiming the colonies, the Treize Faction war against Oz that was reportedly occuring back on Earth... everybody was misinformed about absolutely all of it, and the best you could do was try to make sense of the chaos unfolding and hope it never touched your poor colony.
But wishes don’t always come true. And certainly never the wishes you make.
Like the wish you’d been repeating back to yourself for the last hour- to be able to come out of this unscathed. Your arm had some thoughts on that.
As it turns out, trying to run through an active warzone to the safe space you didn’t know the location of was extremely dangerous. So dangerous that your arm had been hit with a stray bullet. Right now the main dangers were the footsoldiers firing at each other, but not that far off in the distance you could see two of the Gundams fighting a swarm of Taruses. The fact that they weren’t close was anything but comforting, since you’d seen the speed of the Gundams before on T.V.
“Hey- get outta the way! Ya try’na get killed?” A White Fang footsoldier shoved you to the side, presumably trying to help. Instead you stumbled facedown into a very large pile of scrap metal. Which very much hurt your arm and effectively trapped your leg as well.
Fun. “The fuck kinda horror movie is this?” You muttered to yourself. Of course, of course you ran directly into the fray. Because of COURSE that was safer than the opposite direction (which in all fairness had been covered in sharp-looking rubble). That’s fine. You could work with this. What did your uncle usually tell you- take inventory in terms of crises?
You hadn’t brought a backpack with you, so, all you could take inventory on was what was in your pockets. One elastic, a single outdated coin, and fuzz. Plus, a bleeding arm and the bullet you figured was still in there, a possibly twisted and hopefully not broken foot, ringing in your ears... and the clothes on your back. Ok.
So this is how you die? Fine. That’s fucking fine. You had plenty to live for, but fine. Who cares?
“Woah-hoh, what the hell? Hey- hey handsome, you awake?”
A very neon green light pierced your consciousness. Out of habit, you tried to raise your arm to block it out- and then an even more painful, piercing feeling jolted through your whole body. “Ahh-huah- ‘m. ‘m awake now. Ohhh gods. Yeah. ‘m- yeah. Fuck. Who’re you and are you going to help me or kill me?”
“Kill you? Man, I might be the god of Death and all but I’m not going to kill you! You related to Heero or somethin’?”
“Don’t know- ow- who the fuck that is. What’s up with that green light shit> ‘M gonna be blinded if I open my eyes.”
And there the light went. Nice. If this guy didn’t kill you, you might actually survive. Sans your arm. Nobody on your colony could help your arm. You figured that life would be interesting from now on. “Great, thanks man. Fuuuuck. You- you see my arm? Yeah- I’m taking your silence as a yeah. This bitch’s fucked and moving at all is very very painful. So hey random stranger. You strong enough to carry me to the nearest amputator?”
Apparently you were just being dramatic. Your arm would 100% be still attached and your foot would survive. Your ears were… fine. After waking up in a hospital on an entirely different colony station, you learned that apparently, there exists a kind of deaf in which it was hard to hear things that were too loud. Which. You now had.
No more concerts. Meh.
The most jarring of everything was when you discovered that a) you were likely to have either trauma or ptsd and b) the guy that carried you to the hospital in his Gundam- was a Gundam Pilot. 02. Duo Maxwell. He’d brought you to Colony 14 Blue and was now reportedly “chillin’ outside until you get discharged.” with the promise that he’d bring you to the Peacemillion afterwards.
Oh. And almost everybody you knew closely had “likely” passed away in the attack. The therapy for that was going to be interesting when you consider that nobody of your family was on the colony at the time of the attack. Honestly the way they were pressing for you to be evaled made it feel like they were planning to make an example out of your supposedly poor mental state. Unsurprisingly the hospital was being run by the White Fang.
Discharge went quickly. The ride back to Duo’s Deathscythe went quickly. The ride in Duo’s Deathscythe went far, far too slowly. And adjusting to life on the Peacemillion went poorly.
Every now and again, Duo would look for you and, if he hadn’t immediately come from a fight (he passed out on your carpet once due to blood loss after being in a gunfight. Zechs was less than appreciative.), he’d bring you to the nearest colony. Being able to enjoy a day out on occasion was a rarity you usually only got to experience with Duo.
“Ooooi, Duo. Check these out. Tell me these aren’t the coolest gloves you’ve ever seen.” You held up some black fingerless gloves for him to inspect. He’d brought you to a new colony, where apparently a special holiday (complete with fun sales) was happening. Admittedly, some of the people on this station were giving you and Duo some especially strange looks whenever Duo would tug on your shirt or grab your hand to get your attention but like. Fuck them.
“Hey, those look pretty awesome!” he grinned and bounced over, snatching the gloves from your hands to look for a price tag. “To steal or not to steal, that is the question.”
You raised an eyebrow. So maybe the crush you’d developed on this overgrown child of a thief was growing. So what? It’s just a crush. Everything’s going to be fine. “Is the price tag expensive or something?”
Duo shook his head. “Exact opposite. There isn’t one.”
“Let’s just leave ten gilla and bolt, then.”
Normally the rides back home were silent and awkward, but after the rather exciting day you’d had, you were feeling especially chatty. Which wasn’t to say that there weren’t still awkward breaks in the conversation. It was quiet, sure, but a lot of things had been quiet lately. Being deaf to louder things tended to do that to a person.
Duo drew you out of your thoughts with another tug on your sleeve and pressed one of the gloves into your hand. “Here. Figured we’d both look badass with just one glove. Plus we match!” He held up his gloved left hand with an air of confidence. He wasn’t wrong, honestly. Wearing his braid the way he did, he already cut an impressive figure, but the gloves really sold the look.
You pulled on the glove he gave you, flexing your fingers to test it’s flexibility. After all, if you couldn’t engage in you and Duo’s elaborate handshake, you might have to ditch the glove altogether. Luckily the glove fit you well- functionality and style alike. Ten gilla spent well.
“Not bad. Y’think Zechs’ll get jealous?” Duo laughed at the idea.
“Doubtful, doesn’t he have Noin to get him cool stuff? Plus, I think his mask and that hair are defining accessories, what else does he need?”
You shrugged. “What gay wouldn’t love these? ‘M already enjoying mine ‘nd yours look more worn in than mine do. Solid fuckin’ proof right there.” Not like you could confirm or deny that Duo was gay. Honestly, you didn’t really care for his specific labels, but Zechs was definitely gay so it just helped further the joke. With his demeanor and his lesbian best friend? Could the flags get any gayer.
“More like pansexual on my account. Good to know your take on gender preference though. This mean I’m allowed to openly flirt with you now?” He leaned back into his seat, throwing his feet up onto the table in front of you and resting his head in his hands.
You raised an eyebrow. “Only if you promise not to ‘no homo’ me afterwards.” Duo pretended to fall backwards, clutching at the nonexistent pearls and acting offended. You two giggled when Sally came in from the cockpit to assure herself that somebody hadn’t just gotten a concussion. To which Duo immediately pretended to have a head wound of some sorts (you suspected he was being purposely vague) in hopes of attaining the candy that Sally sometimes had on hand.
Once she left (leaving you and Duo with strong warnings against fooling around more, lest Duo’s “head injury” get worse; to which you had saluted and replied, “absolutely no promises, ma’am!”) you shared a look with the brunette and tried to keep from dissolving into a fit of laughter. To your chagrin, it was a fail. You were laughing so hard that your stomach was starting to genuinely hurt. Duo was doubled over on the ground, wheezing unintelligible words and trying to hand you the lollipop that Sally gave him.
By the time you had managed to calm down and breathe, Duo was getting into the chair beside you and clutching his side. “I think I pulled a muscle from laughing so hard.”
“Yeesh, ‘m crying from laughin’ so much. Aah, this is what y’do to me.” You joked, wiping away tears from the corners of your eyes.
“Y’know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry before,” Duo paused to think. “like, at all! Now that I think about it, didja even cry when I rescued you?” You shrugged again. The battlefield was pretty terrifying and if you hadn’t found it in you to cry from fear… well, you were feeling a lot of emotions during the whole ordeal. Who could really blame you? “Pretty tough that a fuckin battle didn’t even make you cry. Hey- my bit musta been pretty damn good to make you shed a tear!”
“Yeah, don’t let it get to y’head. ‘S just because ‘m crushin on you.” You mentioned casually, testing the waters.
“Full homo?”
“Full homo.”
Well, would you look at that. Now Duo was crying. What was with you two and tears today?
“You’re so cheesy.” You muttered to Duo, who was proudly holding up your guys’s fingerless gloves- which he had sewn a rainbow patch onto the back of.
He smiled, tugging your glove onto your hand. “Mhm. You love it though.”
Sighing, you returned the favour and pulled his glove onto his right hand. “You’re right. I love it. I love you.”
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[all works found under the name "nayarablueglasses" are property of nayarablueglasses. please do not repost, claim as your own, or edit. i do not consent for my works to be part of any social media other then tumblr, including having my works be adapted for asmrs.]
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aharris00britney · 4 years
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lmao last time i did one of these was February there is a lot
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Anonymous said: What's your collab process when you and other creators make packs? Like how do you decide to do it together and how do you split up the ideas and everything?
I’m going to answer another ask outside of this post that details this but I’ll answer this one here too. The way me and ayoshi do packs is not like a usual collab (in my opinion I don’t think people collab like this). I am good at making meshes. So usually I make a mesh for something and ayoshi makes a base texture that I can use to finish the base of the top/bottom and then we work together to fix any texture issues. Nothing we’ve made has ever been 100% mine or 100% his except for the hairs. Sometimes a mesh is easy but the texture requires a lot of work so it’s more work for him, sometimes I decide I want to try and texture something (like with this AxA I made textures for some of the clothes) and then ayoshi will clean the texture up for me and add some shading for me. So it’s a lot different than what I imagine most collabs are. But I love the way me and him work together and the ability to change something I don’t like because it isn’t just his, it’s ours. 
Anonymous said: I'm so excited for your new AxA collab that female hair is stunning!!
Anonymous said: I s2g if it werent for your cc my sims would just have to walk around naked lmao you literally make the game playable for me, so thank you ❤❤❤❤❤
thank you!!! Assuming the 2nd ask is about AxA too because that’s the only time I make clothes lmao. Excited for you guys to see everything this week. 
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Anonymous said: Do you know anyone who recolours your hairs? They’re so gorgeous I’d love to see them in more colours! Xx
I usually reblog recolors of my hair at @aharris00britneyrecolors​.
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Anonymous said: I'm a sucker for your sim Bella. Every time I see Bella as your hair models, I click and download
Anonymous said: Hi, sorry to bother, are you planning on uploading your Bella Sim Anytime soon? Love your content!
Bella is a queen, she’s a streamer in my game at the AH00B house. I don’t think I’m going to upload my Sims anymore though :( I have a ton of sliders and presets in my game and I have no idea which ones I use. I have 3 of the ones I know I use listed on my resource page but there are so many more and I don’t want to share them and they be broken in peoples games.
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Anonymous said: will there be an axa this year im in desperate need of new clothes for my sims :(
I got this a few days ago before the teaser came out which I thought was funny fvghb yes there will be one
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@lysssimpatico​ said: I was wondering if you might consider making the Elli hair have ombre accessory options. There aren't any cute curly ponytail ombres anywhere!
I think I tried making an ombre accessory for it when I made the hair and it didn’t fully work with the way I changed the UV maps. I’m sorry :(
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Anonymous said: why the HELL is your dog so cute lemme have her please
Right? She’s an angel omg my dad is watching her while my foot heals but I miss her so much fghvbj 
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Anonymous said: Your Daphne hair is so cute!!
thank you! 
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Anonymous said: I have the feeling everyone knows what kind of Supernatural they would be if they were one, so what's yours?
I think I would want to be a ghost so i could fuck with people ya
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Anonymous said: Does the Natilie hair need to be updated?
Nope, all the updated stuff is in my post that lists all the updated content off. Everything on my download page is up to date.
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Anonymous said: Hi im just submitting an idea if you want to - i love your melanie hair and i was wondering if its possible to remove the accessory on it? im sorry if im bothering you im new to all this hope you have a nice day!!
hey :) I am pretty sure someone had to have made a hair similar to that already as it’s just the university ponytail with new ponytail on it. If not I could look into doing it sometime in the future. 
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Anonymous said:I LOVE U 😍
and i love u
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Anonymous said: Do you know if there’s any hair accessories (like ones that change the color of it) that work with your Elli Hair? ❤️
It comes with an accessory that changes the elastic :)
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Anonymous said: Hellooo! first of all, how are you? how´s your day? i´m sorry but, do you know if someone makes maxis match hairs based in kpop videos? I´m searching for that bull all i can find is alpha hair and i´m not into alpha cc :( Thank you very much! have a great day!
I’m not sure if there are people that specifically only do that but I think there are a handful of creators that get inspired from kpop/music videos and make hairs similar to that. Cause we use EA meshes most of the time the hairs aren’t going to look exactly like the inspiration though. Like I have two hairs that are based off Go Won from loona (Go Won hair and Kelsey Hair) but i don’t think you can tell that just from looking at them. 
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Anonymous said: I downloaded the new version of the sydnie braids but my game says they're corrupted and won't let me play with them in my mods folder
try to redownload and they should work, I haven’t had any other issues. 
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Anonymous said: hey, i was just wondering whether you did or are thinking of doing eyelashes at any point
I am not lmao I don’t think I would be able to make my own eyelashes
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Anonymous said: you are incredibly prolific. constantly amazed and delighted by your high-quality work. have a good day king
thank you!!!!
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Anonymous said: aaaahh I know this is probably a long shot but I was wondering if you had the quartz eyes psd? I've been trying to find it but all of the links I've stumbled onto are dead :( thank you in advance!! ♥️ and no problem if you don't have it or can't share it :)
here is a link to a post that has the PSD
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Anonymous said: the mica hair looks so cute 🥺 you’re amazing
thank you! It’s named after the main singer from Magdalena Bay ;n; i love them
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@whendowestopcaring​ said: I love, love, love your work!! + your blog, aesthetic, etc. Keep it up!
thank you!!!! pink and blue all the way bb
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@marsupialmother​ said: Not an ask, just a comment. All you stuff is so beautiful. Thank you for being such an amazing creator!!!
no, thank you for sending me this! I appreciate it a ton <3 have a wonderful day
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Anonymous said: How long have you been creating CCs for?
I recolored a get together cardigan in Dec 2015 and started making hair in November of 2016 to promote Britney Spears lmao. So around 4-5 years. 
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Anonymous said: hi!! just wanted to say i love the item index download option! thank you for your awesome cc and organization :)
You’re welcome! item indexes make things so much easier I agree, happy to help simplify things for downloaders. also they look nice so that’s a plus for me. 
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Anonymous said: i love your cc, they are really beautiful but can you do more male hair cc? im just asking
I prefer doing female stuff tbh, I feel like I’m better at it and I get more ideas. But i did 4 male hairs in this upcoming AxA 2020 pack and a bunch of male clothes. I’m sorry I can’t do more :( I just don’t get inspired to make much male stuff personally.
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Anonymous said: what happened to Ayoshi???
he’s in the basement working on AxA, don’t ask.  he actually just doesn’t like being on Simblr anymore but still likes making CC with me, so we just make cc on call sometimes when we get bored of a game we’re playing. he sends his regards from the basement of AH00B studios <3
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Anonymous said: hello i love all your cc and you’re my favorite creator, i have a question, are you planning to make some more clothes anytime soon?
getting these while working on AxA was so funny because there are like 80 new clothes for male/female sims in it and i was like... these people don’t know what they have coming their way. thank you!
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Anonymous said: 💃 How you make all your item index for your pack and collab? 💃
I make mine in Word using tables and then save as PDF. Here’s a peak at the AxA 2020 one
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Anonymous said: am i on drugs or have u uploaded an eco lifestyle kids dress conversion? i remember seeing it so vividly, (the zip up kids dress), but maybe it was another creator... lol
I think that was from grimcookies! Here is a link to his eco lifestyle add on set that he made. 
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Anonymous said: would you happen to know how to get rid of the weird gloss that can be on some cc hairs?
if you download Sims4Studio and open the package you can make the specular blank but that could cause issues in your game if you play on certain graphic settings. So do it with caution. 
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Anonymous said: Awww we have very similar life aspirations, I just want a boring/calm life, settle down with a wife (I'm a lesbian) and become an lit teacher.
yup yup boring lifes are where it’s at. Like i just want something simple lmao if I wanted exciting I wouldn’t do teaching. 
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Anonymous said: hi! i hope youre doing well! could you please tell me wcif the two toned jeans on the sim in your eco lifestyle addon collection?
They’re in AxA 2020! We have had so much of the stuff done for a while so i’ve been using it in previews for a while lmao. 
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Anonymous said: WAIT is the Love Bomb palette named after the Fromis_9 song???
yessss ayoshi is their #1 fan
45 notes · View notes
Hey. I don’t like posting this because I like to be a positive person and this is a really cool and positive fandom, but I need to say please avoid melodicalmusic on DeviantArt/doggiebeats on Quotev. Initially I thought it was just someone who was missing the point, but they are far worse and actively harmful. (notes under cut)
melodicalmusic/doggiebeats is the author and illustrator of an au fic named “Velo Life”. At first glance it is harmless, the art is fine. The story revolves around a mask named Pap (a papillon dog) doing things, being an assistant to the monarchy, and dating Fox. Sometimes other masks get chapters, but the overall focus is on her oc, which is fine, as ocs can be good. The problem isn’t conception, it’s execution.
Transphobia: Melodic decided to cast Leopard as a non-binary intersex character. It was a fair design choice, other than the fact she referred to them as a “pseudo-h*rmaphodite”, which is medically outdated, as well as the inclusion of ‘pseudo’ is more offensive than the slur alone. Leopard has biological cubs, despite most intersex (obviously not all) being infertile or unable to carry children showing a lack of research on the topic, as well as it being a very dysphoric situation for many trans and intersex people.
Leopard was referred to as a “quing”, combination “queen” and “king”. Now. Mull over it. Okay stop mulling, because she had every inch to just use “Monarch”, such as “Monarch Leopard”, as well as titles like “Their/Your Majesty”, which works for both kings and queens, so it should have been suitable for Leopard.
Unprompted, she backpedaled saying “But I wanted Leopard in my AU to be a actual female. Cause I think it's for the best. Everyone kinda hated Leopard, but I love everything she does. No not Transgender, just really a female.”. Besides the fact she took it in her own hands to decide that a mask played by Seal was ‘now a cis woman’, she implies that trans women are not women, calling cis women ‘really a female’.
In her fic, the only other trans character is Egg, who is exceptionally ambiguous to being trans, not specifying if Egg is NB, FTM, or if he as well was going to be intersex. She dedicates a chapter to pride month, yet a lot of the focus is on the cishet masks (Pap (her oc), Frog, and Fox), as well as a concerning ship of T-Rex and Poodle, as everyone knows that T-Rex is somewhat coded to be a child, since Jojo was only 16 when she performed. Despite claiming to respect trans people, she only had two trans characters, and decided that one of them wouldn’t be trans anymore because “I admired the high-pitch voice that was fitted for the Leopard, it just suits SO well. Even if the show kept going, I always hear the digital high vocals.”. Call me crazy, but that’s not a reason to make a man a cis woman.
As a trans man, Leopard was disgustingly handled in the show with the panel first week, accusing Seal of ‘tricking’ them for wearing drag and acting feminine (not acting like a woman, acting feminine), and I hoped it wouldn’t leech into the fandom. Clearly I was wrong.
Homophobia: Where to start with this. As stated, she changed Leopard from a NB intersex character (in her original canon) to a cis woman. In the fic, Leopard is married to Nick. I don’t need to tell you that she made Nick x Leopard into a straight ship. She made the only gay ship tease in the show into a straight ship. I wish it ended here.
Somali, an oc, has potential. Not here, but he has it. Somali is gay. If you think I’m undermining his character, that is his character. Somali likes magic and theater, and is very flamboyant. He is a gay walking stereotype. In his description, it is stated, “The story is that he turnout Gay, Of course Pappy was Supportive, but she knew it wasn't fair, especially through everything she's involved.” If you need me to translate: Somali broke up with Pap after realizing he was gay. Pap saw that as unfair, and that she was a victim of being lead on because he found out he was gay. Yes, Pap is making Somali being gay and dealing with his internalized homophobia… about herself. She goes to the point of calling him her nemesis. Which is a... toxic way to refer to someone who broke up with you on clean terms.
Somali eventually teams up with Rottweiler, Pap’s brother (who abuses her, despite it being out of character in every means) and is. Evil, and he hates Pap now apparently. We can’t go a minute without the gay oc being evil huh. Somali being gay doesn’t add to the story, it just suggests the only reason he stopped dating her was that he was gay (which is bad and offensive in Pap’s eyes) because he is not shown to fall for Rottweiler, or have any crushes on other male masks. His homosexuality is an accessory tag, and it’s really not a good one when he is the only gay character with a lot of lines.
Every. Character. That. Is. LGBT. Is. A. Token. Ice Cream and T-Rex are the closest ones to not be tokens, as Ice Cream has a job at a diner and T-Rex gets lines, but T-Rex is only used for exposition, and again, a child shipped with an adult mask. Peacock’s and Rabbit’s role outside of the first chapter is to have a rocky relationship, being forced to rekindle their relationship after Pap tells them to do so for a love festival. Several of the female masks are bisexual or lesbians, but they add so little to the plot, that I don’t even remember which ships are which. Every [since Leopard used to not be but is now] main character is heterosexual and cis (Pap, Fox, Leopard, Kitty, Frog, Turtle, Rottweiler) which doesn’t imply that she actually is that pro LGBT. Drawings of hers for Ice Cream and Egg are captioned “Just something Gay for you guys to see~” (fetishizing much?).
Ableism: One of the ocs in the fic is a Red Panda, who is related to Panda (don’t be confused, animal wise they are not closely related at all). In the fic, Red Panda suffers from PTSD due to an accident which caused her to be disabled in the leg, who uses a single-leg-crutch to walk. The physical disability is handled well enough, not being a hindrance or made fun of, but her personality is the worst. Red Panda is a cowardly and sniveling child, scared of her own shadow and completely incompetent. Her PTSD is very thinly written, not giving her any specific triggers or reasons for anxiety. If her PTSD was presented with her being afraid of entering a vehicle or certain smells that would relate to the accident (rubber, smoke, leather), it would make sense, but Red Panda is scared of everything. On a dare, Frog tells Kitty to impersonate a mask. Kitty impersonates Red Panda, making fun of her cowardice, which can be an actual attack on people who have PTSD (like myself), Kitty justifies herself, saying she couldn’t think of anyone else, Red Panda immediately accepting it. Being a minor character, there is no time for her to develop, and the Red Panda we were presented with is already a mess.
In the same chapter that Red Panda is introduced, Axolotl (mentioned a lot later) dares Fox to remove his prosthetic arm. I don’t need to need prosthesis to know that asking someone to take their ARM OFF is unfunny and uncalled for. Pap, Fox’s girlfriend, decided to take the time and kissed the welt, commenting that it “looked interesting”. Don’t- don’t do that. Don’t kiss people’s scars or cuts or welts or anything related to their disability, especially without permission. Axolotl was being ablest to Fox and somehow Fox didn’t know better and forgot to tell her she was acting uncivilized, despite being one of the smartest masks in the canon.
Condoning Incest: One of the ocs in the fic is an Axolotl. The axolotl is Frog’s biological sister, Frog having Turtle as his adopted brother, which in fic Turtle is stated to have been adopted in Frog’s family for over 15 years. In the axolotl’s description, it is stated “Though Axolotl is a relative of him, She deeply has a crush on him. Which maybe weird but hey, Turtle's Adopted. So not a big deal”. No, it’s not ‘ok’ because Turtle is adopted, especially since they’ve been related 15 years. It’s not like Frog and Turtle are ‘close enough to be brothers’, they are related by law. Axolotl is presented to quirkily force a kiss on Turtle in one chapter, which she is not punished or condoned for 1. Sexually harassing him 2. Committing incest and putting it on his conscience, OTHER than her getting salmonella, which all characters who kiss Turtle are prone to getting (Ice Cream in chapter was stated to have fallen sick after kissing him). Axolotl is treated completely fine and Turtle has her in his band, regardless of the fact she is predatory towards him. Additionally, Axolotl is treated as a babysitter towards all of the children on the island, despite, again, sexually harassing someone she is related to, which people saw happen.
Incest is a harmful thing that can cause people to self-deprecate themselves or worse. It’s not a quirky “ha ha, they kissed, so funny!” because Axolotl DOES want to prey on Turtle. She DOES want to be with him. She didn’t CARE about his feelings, in the moment or after. It wasn’t a cute kiss on the cheek, and it wasn’t funny.
Fetishization of Japan: Pap is a weeeeeb. Pap is stated to be Japanese (her last name being Akita) which is confusing on account of the fact Rottweiler and her family are not shown to be Japanese? Anyways, Pap uses broken Japanese, completely unsparingly, and just says it in a way she expects everyone to understand her. It’s not Engrish, she speaks English well enough, she just adds it in sentences, and Melodic doesn’t even offer translations at the end of chapters. Phrases used are arbitrary, one some reason ending with “translator”. Entire sentences can be in Japanese, making the story hard to follow. If this fetishization of the language was limited to Pap, it’d be more tolerable, but other masks, ones who have no reason to know Japanese, use it as well, equally poorly.
Xenophobia: Some reason the USA and UK masks are all good guys (other than Rottweiler) but the German masks live in a ‘badlands’. German Monster teams up with Rottweiler and is his girlfriend, while German Dragon sexually assaults Kitty when they go through the badlands. There is no rhyme or reason why they are the scapegoated ‘evil’ series, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Inability to handle criticism: I tried. I tried my absolute best to tell her that what she was writing was harmful and past borderline offensive. I told her that Somali was a gay stereotype and very poorly presented, not getting a personality out of ‘likes singing’ (which all masks do…) and ‘is evil gay’. She didn’t care. We told her she was using slurs and that turning a mask played by Seal into a cis woman was offensive and transphobic (as well as Leopard already poorly being handled). She didn’t care.
In fact she more than didn’t care. She called us insensitive and whiny. Quote from her, "Now, I been feeling upset about some Haters/Karens harassing me on my AU ideas. And yes that's dumb.” Karens. You know, the stereotypical older women who hate the gays and trans people and bully people doing their jobs? Karens? Yeah, no. A Karen would be against any characters being trans or gay, insisting the show is for families, not telling them to stop using literal slurs (which have been outdated over 20 years) and to actually write gay characters. She genuinely acts like she can do no wrong and that everyone that doesn’t fawn over her is bad. This has nothing to do with the quality of the writing and the lack of grammar, this is about how she is unapologetically offensive and writing triggering content for the sake of being ‘quirky’.
I’m not saying “go rally against her” or “dox her” or “flame her story”, I’m suggesting please don’t give her attention. She’s clearly a child, and she’s not willing to change. All we can do is limit how much attention she gets until she grows up.
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faradayys · 4 years
so i just finished ruin and rising and im 🥺🥺
(spoilers for the grishaverse shadow and bone trilogy)!!!!!
- the ending was so cute!! i love the fact that mal and alina went back to the orphanage but as owners. its very fitting given the recurrent themes of them being orphans
- when nikolai, david, genya, and zoya were mentioned to visit them i may or may not have teared up a little esp with the blue kefta and “you’ll always be one of us”
- the grief alina had for her loss of powers was fucking felt. i felt that. i don’t have the power to control light but i felt her grief. that one scene where her fingers would play in a beam of sunlight hit hard
- i dont rly care about mal bc half his personality is just A N G Y and the other is just alina but brownie points to him for at least being a decent guy
- i love you nikolai lantsov 🥺🥺
- as always nikolai is amazing in every scene he’s in.
- speaking of nikolai, the few times he appeared as the shadow thingy creature was, idk how to say it,, cute and sad? the one part before the battle in the fold where nikolai visits alina and he puts the lantsov emerald on her finger?? i 🥺😭
- the little detail of him not being able to read while being the shadow thingy creature was nice
- nadia and tamar!!! the lesbians are winning
- genya and david are so fucking cute
- speaking of nadia, im glad to see that she’s come so far?? in book 1 she was just an accessory to marie but now she’s so strong,, and fearless,,
- misha and adrik 🥺 im so glad they lived lmao
- BAGHRA 😭😭😭😭 i have a soft spot for the mean but well intentioned mentors and shes no different
- i mentioned it before but her trying to “redeem her son” was a good detail
- darkling.
- idk if i legit hate him but i know that my hatred for him increased tenfold with the scene of Keramzim(??) being burnt down
- but given how that turned out and how hispersonality is, i think he’s pretty okay written as a character. the whole eternity thing and the love for ravka helped rounded him out as not just Bad Villain™️ but as a human as well
- darkling was also a kind of well meaning guy (getting ravka to be an actually good country esp given the neglect of the previous lantsov kings + making sure grisha suffered no more abuse) but the actions he took were far too extreme. i respect those kinds of characters and leigh bardugo, imo, did a good job treading the fine line between Just A Bad Villain™️ and a human for him
- i think it’s really unfortunate that we didn’t get to see much of the people that inherited alina’s power? like even in six of crows and crooked kingdom, surely there’d be at least some passing mention of it, especially from nina.
- zoya was a straight up bitch in the previous books and i didn’t like her the first time i read the series but now i appreciate her a lot. maybe she’ll even make for a good queen ;) wink wink
- this series has its ups and downs but you know what? i enjoyed it. the world was very alive and the whole magic thing, something very overused now, was taken to a pretty unique angle.
- the grisha’s powers are literally called the Small Science so maybe the series can also be counted as a sci-fi book??? LMAO jk
- but seriously the magic as a science thing is such a good way to put it. like that quote where our tech now would look like magic to cavemen or something.
- “what is infinite? the universe and the greed of men” and “i am not ruined. i am ruination” will always stay with me
- i hope mal and alina make a cameo in nikolai’s duology plz plz plz
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Should I make Malva her own blog or put her on my upcoming multimuse @llightofruin ? 
Here is the rough draft of her bio under the cut: 
Name: Malva Lavatera
Age: 31
Birthday: November 28th 
Zodiac: Sagittarius sun, leo rising, capricorn moon
Gender: Cis female, she/her 
Sexuality: Lesbian (mostly closeted)
Romantic orientation: Lesbian; polyamorous 
Hometown: Lumiose City
Currently resides: Lumiose City
Ethnicity: Half Kalosian, half Kantonian
Languages: Kalosian (native), Kantonian/Hoennian (native), Unovan (fluent), Galarian (fluent), Sinnohan (beginner). She likes languages. 
Titles: Elite Four Member, Flare Officer, Lead Reporter 
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 130
Build: Curvy, thin
Eyes: Brown; wears orange contacts
Hair: Brown; dyes pink
Skin: Light, pink undertone, clear
Attire: x
Accessories: orange stud earrings, glasses that glint orange
Markings: a few random freckles here and there. Fairly sizable burn mark on her left thigh from an accident with her torkoal. 
Body mods: Lip filler, microbladed eyebrows.
Tattoos: tramp stamp of the outline of a female pyroar 
Pokemon: pyroar torkoal chandeleur talonflame mega houndoom 
Chaotic neutral 
Loyal… when it benefits her. She is loyal to Lysandre because they are very good friends and she believes in flare, however, if anything truly went wrong she would leave
Does actually kind of have a moral compass. But she values herself first, unless there is a very strong moral argument against it. 
Early life and family:
Grew up the oldest daughter of an affluent and well-connected family
Has two younger sisters who are each also successful -- they own a salon together, one doing hair and the other doing makeup
But she wanted to be the most successful because shes the oldest and is also just like that 
Family’s wealth is in the perfume industry. Father is a professional parfumier; mother used to be a handbag designer but quit and is just a trophy wife. Malva kinda resents her for this because she values work. Also resents that her mother smokes cigarettes because it taints the smell of the pure perfume of the house.
Family is loosely connected to lysandre’s. But lysandre and his brother are older than her enough that they didnt really interact when young. The families would be at the same parties or dinners, but were never very close friends. 
Was also family friends with diantha
Have a summer home in kiloude 
Was the mean popular one
Kept her sexuality secret throughout school because she wanted to remain popular and perfect. Slept around with a lot of guys even though she didn’t want to. Like dated quarterback kind of thing. But hooked up with some friends secretly, including cheating on her boyfriend. 
Still hasn’t come out professionally. Only close friends know. 
Did highschool journalism, yearbook, morning announcements, newspaper. Ran a not-so-secret unofficial gossip column. 
Also wanted to be a super strong pokemon trainer. Not for the glory of following the gym challenge but for her own satisfaction of beating people and being better than them. She chose fire types because they are powerful, flashy, and leave a lasting burn. Nepotism informed her rise to the Elite Four, but she was also strong enough in battle and willpower to do so.
Young adulthood and career beginnings:
Went to school for journalism. Graduated early, age 21. Right out of college got in the Holo Caster door early. Nepotismmmm got her into lysandre labs right as the holo caster was launching; did an internship there in the publicity and marketing department, learned about the holo caster, was like hot damn i gotta get in on this. Pitched the idea of using the holo caster as a tool for news reporting to lysandre, he was like hell yeah, and it only went up from there. The Holo Caster was an immediate success, so Malva was as well.
She got her start in professional reporting through the holo caster, but now also works for the main tv new station in all of kalos, Kalos National Broadcasting Corporation KNBC.
Team Flare: 
Team Flare was started by Lysandre 3 years after the Holo Caster’s launch. By this time, Malva has grown from a trusted colleague to a good friend of Lysandre’s. He admired her drive, passion, fiery attitude, and willingness to do whatever it takes to climb to the top. He knew that by pitching Flare to her in the correct way -- selling it as a path to success, layering her with compliments, speaking of beauty -- would hook her, and it did. She wanted to be part of -- no, lead something bigger than herself, so it was an easy sell. Malva has been working on Team Flare with Lysandre since the beginning. Together they picked out a fancy title for her: Z-Level Commanding Officer???
In Flare, she deals in secrets. She keeps tabs on everything and everyone, both within and outside of the organization. If an officer acts inappropriately, she is the first to know, and the first to properly handle such situations -- unless the offence is egregious enough to let Lysandre handle it. She keeps tabs on Kalosian and global news, but more importantly seeks out what is not being reported in mainstream media.
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