#he doesnt want violence but hes pushed into it at every turn
discountsoysauce · 2 months
I talk about Victor and Eli a lot but like. I wanna take a minute to talk about Stell. Mostly bc I'm thinking of my fic rn and how helpless he is to his situation despite being the director of EON. He's supposed to be in charge of the entire operation and yet there are constantly things he either has no knowledge of or no control over. And that's So interesting to me
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
No Greater Pleasure
Bully Bakugou x FEM!Reader 
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Based off this ask: <BULLY BAKUGOU ASK> This post can be seen as second part to "All of His Attention" Another Bully Bakugou fic of mine just with a time jump after all.
Bakugou Katsuki loves nothing more than to torment you, pick on you and down right degrade you. What he didn't expect was you to hit him back. Unbeknownst to you, it doesnt have the effect you wish it did.
Note: bully bakusquad, bully Bakugou Third years. Perverts. All of them. Just being sleazy creeps. Hinted non-con Voyeurism. Small cannon violence. Bullying. Name calling and swearing. Underlying Midoriya x Reader. Reader discretion is advised.
Bakugou Katsuki was one of the most annoying people you’ve ever met.  
And he felt like he had every right to be.  
He was handsome, he was strong, gifted with a great quirk, smart and intelligent. His parents were successful, he was a modal, he could buy or get anything he wanted. Which was probably why he always acted like a spoilt brat at every moment or waking turn. He was annoying, that was sure. With a simple grin that made your skin crawl, he felt as though he was king of the world.  
Especially in third year. With the Hero Course students now famous for saving Japan multiple times, it was no wonder how they all got famous, especially at U.A. With first years and second years crawling all over them just to get a taste of their lives that had picked up thanks to the Hero Commission. Bakugou loved it. He lived for all the attention and glory. All the people screaming his name during practises and training that could be watched, all the gifts and confessions given to him by poor unsuspecting victims that think he actually care.  
None of them do. Or at least none of them in the bakusquad. All the self-entitlement and fame went to their heads and suddenly they became one group you never wanted to come across.  
Sero Hanta, resident smoker, druggie and Capital S, sleaze. With a stupid straight toothed grin and laid back expression he would make you fall into a false sense of understanding and security.  
Talking about false sense of security, Kirishima Eijiro. Bakugou’s best friend and number one person to never go after. With that kind smile and caring eyes all fell victim to him. He was the worst of them all. Made you feel as though he cared, as though you were special, only to crush your heart in the mot painful and innocent way. I mean, who would believe you? Kirishima would never do that? He’s the most manly and true person ever.  
All of them had turned out absolutely horrible in your eyes, but none as bad as Bakugou Katsuki.  
Having a new girlfriend, boyfriend, partner, whatever every other day. Other than a quicky or some new attention, Bakugou was never interested in a serious partner, and it showed in the trail of heartbreaks and ruined partners he left behind him. I mean with a smirk like that, crimson eyes that burned into your soul and a voice that he used to pull you in like a siren, it was no wonder that he could get away with so much.  
I mean, they’re the hero course.  
Bakugou loved all the mayhem he could get away with. If Aizawa wasn’t there, why not have a little fun. Especially if it was tormenting Midoriya’s little group of friends. He never found such pleasure like going back to pick on Midoriya. Although Midoriya had grown a backbone as well as big enough muscle to push back.  
But Bakugou knew there was one person. One person in the whole class he found absolutely delicious. One person that he found no greater pleasure in than to torment.  
And that was you.  
God, did he love to pick on you. Trip you, flip and look up your skirt, pock at, be an absolute disgusting pervert around you. You hated it. And that’s what he lusted over. The anger in your eyes, the hate and rage brewing underneath the surface. You never wanted to stoop to his level, but that’s what made it all so fun. How he could technically do anything he wanted to you and you wouldn’t do a damn thing.  
He got off to it. It made him chub in his pants just to see you squirm as he sneered down at you, throwing another degrading comment at you.  
Until one day... 
“You really fucked up that mission, Y/N.” Bakugou walked over to you, putting his hands on your desk as he looked down at you. His eyeliner making his vermillion eyes only hone onto you more and seem more predatory. “People could have gotten seriously hurt if Kirishima and I weren’t there in time.” He looked over to his redheaded best friend. The giant redhead leaned back against his chair as he watched wordlessly wanting to see how this would go.  
You swallowed down any harsh remark you were going to say. You closed your eyes briefly before looking back up at him. 
God did he love when you looked up at him, down below him.  
“It was my mistake, Bakugou. I just wasn’t paying attention to that street.” You told him truthfully.  
“Clearly.” He scoffed. He leaned down. “But people could die because of you. And that would be on you.” He poked your chest.  
You frowned as you brushed his hand away from you. “Don’t touch me, Bakugou.” 
His smirk grew, exposing a sharp canine. He licked over his teeth as he looked down at you. “What? Can’t handle the brutal honesty, princess?” He asked as poked you again. “Hm? Can’t handle me being honest with you? Does it bother you Y/N?” He got up close and personal to you, not stopping. You tightened your grip on your desk as you tried your best to ignore him. “Hm? Or maybe you get off to it? Maybe you’re a sick freak, huh?” 
Midoriya scowled as he got up to go stop the blond. His green eyes held distaste and murder as he glared at the blond. “Leave them alone, Kacchan.”  
Bakugou ignored the green haired nerd as he moved his mouth to your ear. “It’s okay. I like freaks.” He whispered against your ear. “Almost as much as I love the songs you sing in the shower when you think no ones left.”  
Immediately, without hesitation, you had a hand wrapped around his neck. Bakugou’s eyes shot wide open as you stood up, your eyes dark with a pressing rage that you had kept down for far too long. He glared as you took a step forward, forcing him back against the desk behind him.  
He only looked shocked for a second before he looked at you with half lidded eyes of temptation and lust. He bit his bottom lip as he pressed forward into your hand. “I knew you were kinky Y/N, but God damn. In front of everyone?” He asked making his group of friends chuckle. Kaminari already had his camera rolling on his phone, knowing how much Bakugou loved to rewatch your reactions to him. “I knew you were slut at hea-” 
The words were slapped right out of him as his face turned to the side. His cheek stinging at the impact. Immediately the class went silent. Midoriya froze mid stride to you, his green eyes went wide at what you had done. Kirishima stood up instantly, ready to step in if a brawl happened. As much as he wanted to watch, he prioritised his friend first.  
You looked at Bakugou with angry tears in your eyes with so much disgust that it was almost too much to contain in just your eyes. “You’re a fucking villain, Bakugou Katsuki.” You shot at him with a glare. He looked back at you, his pupil trained on you without a single reaction. “Initially I thought you could have been a great hero, that you could have been something to look up to, but now I know you’re just a bully and a villain.” You let go of him, wiping your hands on your shirt like you had touched something filthy. You sneered at him with an upturned nose. “You’re disgusting.” You turned and left, walking out of class just as Mr Aizawa walked in. 
Midoriya quickly realised that you were leaving and quickly followed you. “Y/N!” He looked to Mr Aizawa who let the green haired hero in training go after you. He raised an eyebrow before looking to Bakugou who stood with a hand to his cheek.  
Kirishima walked over to Bakugou, a hand on his shoulder. “Katsuki, you alright? He asked with a raised eyebrow as he turned the blond to talk to him privately. Bakugou was silent for a moment before looking out the classroom door to see Midoriya talking to you, his hands on you as he looked down at you concerned. Kirishima released a low growl as he looked out the classroom. “That fucking bitch. We can get her Katsuki, just-” 
Bakugou raised a hand, making Kirishima keep quiet. Bakugou tensed his jaw before looking up at Kirishima. He smirked before looking back out at you. He grinned, already having made up his mind. “Fuck, I want her.”  
And Bakugou was sure, that there would be no greater pleasure than to finally have you.  
<Katsuki Bakugou Masterlist>
@dragonwarrior97 @wolfunderthethree @iamvioletta @idiotic-anime-lover @karibakugo Because they've asked MONTHS ago for more Bully Bakugou.
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loveandmurders · 1 year
hii, can i request some angst with bo sinclair, maybe him and the reader (gn please :3) get into a fight, he basically says he doesnt need the reader and tell them to get out, and the reader leaves and doesnt know where to go so they hide in one of the abandoned houses, n basically hide there all night while bo (whos too stubborn to admit hes nervous) waits at home for them, but they accidentally fall asleep n wake up at like 4am or smth and the entire town is turned on as bo and vincent look for them? fluffy ending please? just break my heart then give me some tooth rotting fluff
thank you, have a wonderful day/night!
Hello love, I'm sorry it took me so long to write and post this request. I really hope you will enjoy this <3
Gender neutral reader, with no physical description.
Warnings: Verbal abuses from Bo, Bo is an asshole but he loves you, morally grey reader who enjoys the killings, mention of blood, violence, killings, little injuries, tears, angst/comfort.
You didn’t know why, but lately, a lot of tourists were coming by Ambrose. You were glad because it meant the boys had all the work they wanted, and Bo could take out his anger on strangers, but at the same time, it was saddening you. You were feeling a little bit neglected by your boyfriend who was getting up early every morning and coming home late at night. And because of the hunt, you had to stay locked up inside the house for your own safety. You tried to busy yourself in the kitchen, and to take care of yourself, but you were starting to get bored and you wanted Bo’s attention more than anything.
Actually you had planned on trying to trap Bo in bed with you this morning, and then to have some sexy time under a warm shower, before continuing to seduce him with some pretty outfits you found in one of the tourists’ suitcases. If you were good enough, you could even hope for Bo to bring you to a restaurant for lunch. You really thought you could manage that because you had been good at having Bo wrapped around your little finger; your little attentions and cuddles worked a lot more on the man than he wanted to admit it.
But it seemed like it wasn’t your lucky day. As you tried to love on Bo for him to stay in bed, he roughly pushed you away from him and got up.
“Gonna be late ‘cause of your stupid ass” he told you as a greeting and you felt quite hurt because you just wanted him. But you were as stubborn as him so you got up, your naked body in its whole glory and you pressed yourself against his back.
“Maybe we could have a shower together, I could wash you up?” you offered as you kissed his shoulder blade, but Bo wasn’t in the mood today. He was overwhelmed with all the chores and work he had to do, and he was almost hoping there wouldn’t be any tourists today because he already had a lot of cars, windows and houses to fix after the last ones.
“Leave me alone” he said and he pushed you away again.
“But Bo…” you whimpered
“What?” he snapped, anger quickly rising inside of him
“I’ve been missing you…” you replied with a pout on your face
“Oh yeah? Well ya know what, all this work gives me some fuckin' peace! I just can’t with your neediness and clinginess all the damn time” he spat and you felt your heart breaking at those words. He was slicing deep into your worst and hidden insecurities. You always thought you were too much for people to enjoy, and to hear it from Bo’s mouth was worse than being slapped across the face. You looked down.
“I’m sorry, Bo, I’ll do better” you whispered because you loved the man and you wanted him to still love you.
“Ain’t givin’ a fuck, Y/N.” he said before grabbing his clothes and leaving for the shower.
You had no idea what to do. You wanted to cry but you couldn’t be that pathetic. You put some clothes on and you went downstairs to prepare breakfast. At least you could be a little bit useful, right? 
You were cooking some pancakes when Vincent entered the room. You quietly greeted him and he could tell something was off, because you had been quite a ray of sunshine in Ambrose since you were there. He asked you if you were alright and you simply nodded. You thought you needed to shut up and to give Bo some space, and hopefully things would be back to normal soon. Vincent didn’t insist but he knew he would need to keep an eye on you. He was aware of how his twin had the talent to ruin what was making him happy.
Bo sat at the table without a word. And as you placed a plate in front of him, you accidentally knocked down his glass of orange juice that fell on the ground and broke. You silently cursed yourself and were about to kneel down to clean up when Bo grabbed your wrist and pushed you against the closest wall. You gasped at the rage swirling into his eyes.
“Ya’re fuckin’ useless, ya know that” he screamed at you and you felt tears rising up.
“I’m sorry, it was an accident” you replied “I’ll clean up, you can eat your pancakes” you continued
“Ya give me no order” he growled. “Didn’t even ask ya to put food in front of me. Who do ya think ya are, my mother?”
“I’m just trying to take care of you” you said and he started to laugh. It was a cold dry and menacing laughter that made you shiver.
“Because ya think I need you? Ya think any of us needs you? The only reason we didn’t kill ya was because I wanted to fuck ya. I fucked ya, and now what, hmm? Honestly, nothin' to go back to” he added and Vincent got up and put a hand on his shoulder to make him stop. He knew that his twin was lying and the way you were starting to silently cry was quite upsetting. Bo moved from his touch but he let you go too. You had no idea what to do. It was the first time Bo was vicious and cruel with you. You needed to busy yourself to not let his poison completely break your heart. You were about to clean up the mess you did once again.
“Oh my god, just go” Bo cringed as he didn’t want to see you come closer again.
“Let me remove the glass pieces and I’ll go” you promised, as you were worried anyone would get hurt because of the glass. Lester might come home soon with Jonesy too and you didn’t want her to hurt her little paws.
“Fuckin’ LEAVE!” he screamed this time and you froze. Vincent tried to reach for you and bring you away from Bo before his twin could say something he would regret later on. “Leave this fuckin’ room! No ya no what, leave this fuckin’ house and never come back! I’m so done with ya, I don’t need ya, no one needs ya, no one loves ya and ya need to get the fuck out of Ambrose!” he yelled again as he threw the plate of pancakes on the ground too. You jumped and before Vincent could stop you, you ran away.
Your vision was blurry because of the tears. You couldn’t stop crying. You couldn’t think either, emotions swirling inside your heart and negative thoughts swirling inside your head. You rarely felt so bad. You ran for quite a while until you collapsed on the ground. You slightly hurt your knees and palms but you didn’t notice. You cried even more, until there was no tear left. You took a deep breath and looked behind you. The house was far away now, but you weren’t outside of Ambrose yet. 
The thing was you had no idea where to go. Ambrose had become your home and you had left your previous life without any hesitation. You enjoyed living with dangerous people, you liked their way of life and you found the murders very hot and arousing. You were a missing person in the real world, and if you came back to your old life, you would have to tell about the Sinclairs, and you would then need to go back to this boring and mediocre existence. You didn’t want that, but Bo made it clear he didn’t want you anymore. You weren’t too sure what to do, so you decided to wait and to rest in one of the last houses of the town. The twins rarely went there, and it would give you some time to determine what to do. 
You opened the front door and sneezed at all the dust and cobwebs lying around. At least, you should be safe here. You found a room upstairs and settled there. You got rid of some of the dust and you sat on the bed. There was a wax statue there, with you and you took some comfort in the presence. It wasn’t the best of Vincent’s creations, hence why it was there (you could tell Vincent had to put the members back on the body and it had been quite hard to do so). But at least you felt home and not completely alone.
You napped a little for the day to go through and then you explored the house. You found some old books and little boxes with jewels inside. You were certain the boys didn’t know about this, and it gave you the idea to explore more of the abandoned houses… Until you remembered Bo wanted you out of town. You tried to not start crying again. Your attention was soon somewhere else as you heard gunshots. You sighted as you understood more tourists came today. You hoped the boys would be fine, and wouldn’t get hurt because you wouldn’t be there to take care of them, like you usually did. You also hoped no one would find you there; it would be stupid to get killed now. At the same time, you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You wouldn’t be able to stay hidden in this house forever, and you weren’t sure you would be able to get back to a more normal life.
Maybe you should get killed, actually. But life could be so fun too.. If only Bo wanted you back, even if you were getting quite angry at him for the way he talked to you as well.
You continued to listen to everything happening in the town and until late in the afternoon you heard screams and the usual hunt noises. The sun was slowly going down when the silence came back in town, and it seemed the boys had been able to get rid of the tourists pretty fast this time. You were glad for them, hopefully it meant the boys hadn’t been injured and the tourists hadn’t ruined more stuff in town; Bo had already his hands full. 
You sighed as your attention was back, one more time on your current situation. You still didn’t know what to do. Finally you tried to get some more rest because your brain just couldn’t think about what to do. 
And you slept like a rock, as all the emotions took their toll on you. 
You missed the three men calling your name in the silence of the ghost town, far away from where you were. You missed the worry creeping in the more they called for you. You missed the phone calls too, because you forgot your phone at the house and when Bo found it, he cursed even more.
As you were sleeping your worries and troubles away, Bo was sitting on his armchair, waiting for the front door to open. He had told his brothers that you were going to come back home on your own, and that it was not necessary to look any more for you. Vincent and Lester insisted but he refused, too proud to admit he was concerned. You were smart and independant but, at the same time, you needed him so much that soon enough you would come back. And you loved him enough to know he didn’t mean what he told you this morning. 
It was what he was repeating himself to keep calm. 
The truth was that he couldn't focus on the TV because his attention was on the front door, and that he couldn't even drink his beer because his throat was tight. He was silently cursing himself for having fucked this up so badly. You were one of the rare good things that happened in his life, and maybe you were gone forever now. No, no, that was impossible because you were soulmates. You weren’t saying “I love you” to each other very often, but you truly adored each other. Bo knew he was going to propose to you one day because he couldn’t imagine getting back to a life without you. He promised himself he would be better if… no, once you would be back home. This wouldn’t happen again, because he wasn’t the monster his father said he was, because he needed you, because he also had been madly missing you lately - and even more today - but he hated how weak his love made him feel.
However, after midnight, he just couldn’t take it anymore. He was going to lose his mind if you didn’t come back home now. He got Vincent from the basement and called Lester who was about to come back to his own house. His brothers were quick to help find you, because they liked you, but also because they didn’t want to scrape Bo off the ground if they realised you were truly gone. 
The three men started to look for you and they hoped you were still inside of Ambrose, in one of the houses or somewhere close by. They also hoped that no tourist found you, and that you were all safe and sound somewhere hidden. They had turned on all the lights and were screaming your name. Bo was the loudest, and he was slowly starting to really panic. He couldn't stand the idea he might have lost you. He just wanted you back in his arms and to go to sleep with you.
You didn’t plan on sleeping so much, completely unaware of the circus that was happening in town. You woke up to a soft scratching sound on the bedroom door. You didn’t understand what it was at first. Actually, you woke up completely lost and confused. It was about 4 am now, and you were disoriented. You needed some time to remember you were in an abandoned house because of a very bad argument with Bo. You sat up, and looked around the room, trying to analyse your surroundings. After a little while, you heard a dog gently whining and you got up to open the bedroom door. Jonesy bolted inside the room and you giggled. You knelt in front of her and hugged her for comfort. 
“Such a good girl you are, you found me!” You praised her as she licked at your cheek. You hugged her more tightly and you closed your eyes. “You’re the only one who wants to find me” you sadly whispered and she cutely barked at you to tell you it wasn’t true!
It was then you heard your name being called and you looked up in surprise.
“Oh they’re looking for me?” you asked as Jonesy sat up. You, on the other hand, got up to look through the window. You blinked at the vivid lights and when your eyes started to get used to the brightness, you saw the Sinclairs looking for you. You couldn’t stop the smile from appearing on your face. It brought you some peace and relief to know you were still loved by your family. You straightened up your clothes and left the room, Jonesy on your heels. She wasn’t going to let you out of her line of vision, just to make sure you were safe and sound. 
You walked closer to the Sinclair house before answering their calls.
“I’m here!” you cried out and when Bo found out where your voice was coming from, he rushed to you. Before you knew it, you were in his arms. He tightly hugged you against his chest, stroking your back and taking into your scent. He was so relieved.
“Thank God” he whispered to himself but you heard him. 
You hugged him back, but you were still hurt by what he yelled at you earlier, and you weren’t going to forget about all the things he said so easily. However, you let him bring you home without a fight. Vincent and Lester hugged you as well and asked you where you were. You answered as Bo sat you down to check on you. He disinfected your little wounds on your knees and palms before putting band-aids on them as he listened to you. They all were glad you stayed close by. You let Bo take care of you without a comment and you didn’t dare to look at him for too long. You weren’t too sure what his mood was right now, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to take any more yelling at. Lester waited for Bo to be done to gently kiss your cheek and greeted you a goodnight. Jonesy refused to follow him and she stayed by your side like a true guard dog. You petted her head and cooed down at her for being such a good girl to you. Vincent sent a look at his twin, to silently tell him he should apologise to you. Bo scoffed and it made you look back at him with a raised eyebrow; you had missed the way the twins had looked at each other and didn’t understand what he was scoffing at. You were feeling insecure enough to believe it was at you. Bo tried to reassuringly smile at you before gesturing for his twin to leave the room. Vincent also kissed your cheek and reluctantly left. He went to his basement but his attention was on Bo and you as he was ready to intervene if things would go wrong once again.
“Time to go to sleep” Bo hummed and you were quite annoyed at the man for trying to pretend nothing happened today.
“Not tired for the moment and then gonna sleep on the couch,” you replied. He frowned at that and reached for your hips.
“Why that?” he asked and it was your turn to scoff
“So what, we’re gonna pretend nothing happened? Look, I'm here because Ambrose is my home… and because no matter what, I love you… But I can’t pretend I didn’t hear what you said today. I’m sorry I’m clingy and needy and not a good enough fuck for you…” you said before he cut you
“Ya know I didn’t mean any of this” he whispered as he brought you closer to him. He looked for your eyes but you turned your head to the side. He cupped your chin to force your eyes to lock with his. “Ya mad at me?” he asked and you shrugged. "Baby?" he insisted
“Ain’t really mad right now… I’m mostly hurt” you replied “I just wanted cuddles this morning. I know you’re busy but it was unfair of you to treat me that way”
“Yes, it was. What can I do to make it to ya, hmm? Too late to cuddle?” he gently smiled as his hands stroked your hip bone and cheek. You had to fight the urge to lean against his touch.
“Tell me you’re sorry, that you love me, that it won’t happen again.” you said and he nodded
“‘Course I love ya. Ya know I’m an asshole when I’m in a bad mood… but I’d go crazy if ya ever left me. I’m so relieved ya home. I’ll do better.” he replied
“So everything you said…”
“Nothin’, lies. I love ya need and want me that bad, because I… do need ya too. Ya make me happy. Do I make ya happy?” he asked as he rested his forehead against yours, both his hands cupping your face now.
“Not when you’re mean to me” you whimpered
“Won’t happen again. I promise, did I ever break a promise I made to you?” he continued
“No… but you’re a sweet talker with your southern charm… How can I be sure you mean what you’re saying now?”
“Because I want us to get married”
You stared at him in pure surprise. You knew the man was a family one, so the fact he wanted you to be officially part of it was a big proof of love.
“You’re serious?” you asked
“I wanna wake up with ya in my arms for the rest of my life, and I wanna listen to your pretty voice everyday, and I wanna pleasure ya and treat you like you deserve to be. I’m a shitty boyfriend, but I’ll be a good husband, ya know that.”
“I know that” you smiled
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
nsfwlink!!!! idk if your request r open and like if its alr to send this kind of link im sorry in advance if its not alr😭 but can i request a mafia coups x reader where they have to go to a part like a ceremony or sumn idk how to explain it but cheol doesnt want to cuz reader looks so hot with her perfect body pls tysm🫶🫶❤️‍🩹
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Pairing: mafia leader!seungcheol x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 800+
tags: drabble, reader wearing dress, brief mentions of violence and guns, mafia leader au, brief mention of ass play, fingering, let me know if I'm missing anyone
author note: link is nsfw this video literally had me by its gorilla grip, her ass is so nice, wow. literally twitching thinking about cheol giving me the slightest bit of attention
Seungcheol is and always has been a dangerous man. Like a grim reaper, he is timely at the scene of many crimes, whether he is calling the shots or releasing the trigger himself. Although he has a vast amount of skills, his most impressive one has to be when he comes out of every fight unscathed, unbroken, and stronger than ever. Upon meeting him for the first time, you were rightfully terrified of him, yet there was an allure to the pure imminent danger that radiates off him. He certainly had an addictive charm that you would resist, and he thought that same way about you.
He described you as…decadent. If anything, to him, you were the dangerous one.
“How do I look?”
Before you even ask him, he's looking at you through the mirror. You bore into your reflection, seeing the fit of your event attire for the first time after buying it, and feeling down your figure. His bottom lip gets caught between his teeth, eyes preying on how the expensive fabric clung to your breasts, your hips, and your ass, his chest heaving in delirium. Parting his legs, he runs a hand through his hair in frustration, already pitching a tent in his slacks. “Mouth-watering.”
You scrunch your nose, finding his feedback rather promiscuous, and turn around to face him with your hands on your hips. “You make me out like I'm a full-course meal.”
His lips stretch wide across his face. He chuckles, pushing himself off the bed.
“Well, aren’t you?” 
He makes his way towards you, hands over yours, gaze shifting from top to body, only minding himself with how many ways he can make you scream his name in a matter of seconds. “I could just eat you up.”
You erupt in girls, arms slipping out of his grasp and looping around his neck. “Promise?”
His lips attached to your neck, Seungcheol languidly moves against your skin. You feel a shiver run down your spine, temperature rising in the peak of your cheeks, and you moan a sweet melody for Seungcheol, and only Seungcheol, to hear. “Ugh, I wish we didn’t have to go to this wedding, I much rather stay back with you.”
“We could do just that.” He comments, tugging you closer to him, the nape of your neck preoccupied.
A groan escapes your lips, fingering the hem of his collar, “We can’t, besides the bride and groom, you’re the most important person there. Everyone will be waiting for you.”
“Exactly, so what do we have to be worried about?”
You roll your eyes. “We should be prompt, cordial guests–oh…”
His hand claps harshly against your cheek, soothing it in a squeeze, and here you were vibrating against him. “And I say you look too good for anyone there. I should keep you all to myself. How ‘bout it?”
You didn’t need to answer, already lacing your fingers through his hair. His lips soft against yours, Seungcheol has his arms slithering around your waist, ass cheek in each hand. He gives you a hard spank against each side, cupping it aggressively until you feel his nails piercing through the fabric. When he wasn’t inflicting pain, he’d stroke its curvature. His palms smoothed over your shapely posterior, the pad of the middle digit stroking up the slit between its cheeks, and lingers on your puckered hole, daringly hidden underneath the dress alone. “No panties? Baby…”
“I-I was gonna put them on afterward,” you stutter.
He can’t help but enjoy your uneven breath as he makes you watch his hand trail up your leg to part of the slit of your dress. Heart pounding against its ribcage, your leg arches against his thigh intuitively and in turn, he dips his hips in yours. A corner of his lips perks up when his hand travels to your cunt, ghosting over your arousal-stained entrance to lightly dip a digit and drag along your folds. 
You tighten your abdomen while his chuckles tickle your skin, your back pressing into the mirror, and feel him tease its skin before a hand lurch on your core and plunges inside you. Your hips twitch in anguish, steadying yourself on his shoulders, controlling yourself at the mental capacity of a household goldfish.
“Mmp—fuck, so good.”
Seungcheol studies how your face contorts in obvious gratification: eyes fluttering rapidly, the tension pent in your fingers and torso, and mouth falling slightly ajar to only call out his name. He gradually increases the fingers, soaking his bare knuckles while your feet barely touch the ground. “You don’t want to go anywhere. Say it.”
“I-“ you choke on your moans, his digits twisting into, hooking inside, practically teasing you, “I-I don’t want to go anywhere.”
“Yeah, where do you want to be,” he lowly encourages.
All but his thumb rammed inside you, the pad of outlier pressed against your clit, drawing circles to have it form tears of pleasure in your eyes. You let out a loud groan, stomach jerking forward involuntarily, your arousal ascending to almost a form of enlightenment, sputtering utter nonsense.
“Come on, baby, you can say it.”
His eyes drone in on you intently, picking up the pace as you sob against his lips.
“I want to s-stay here. All n-night. With you.”
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sanajeh1909 · 10 months
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Pairing : Chamber x F!Reader Word Count : 1709 Warnings : Violence, Flirting, Romantic Tension, Mild Sexual Content (it gets suggestive on some parts i think), Mission Scenario, Slow Burn (?) POV : 3rd Person One Shot A/N : Sorry for my poor English, its not my native language. Chamber can be a bit OOC. Gif doesnt belong to me. I tried my best and i had hard time to think response to every flirty sentence. Yellow is for Chamber, Blue is for Reader. I hope you enjoy it. ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ ✧༺♥༻∞ Bullets were buzzing from above. Agents has taken cover. The mission was to get the new member of the Protocol, but enemy wasnt backing down. You had taken cover on backsite. The enemy were pushing on the site with all their utilities. There he was, Chamber, on heaven. He was so charismatic, suave, nonchalant, smug comedy. Its the type of guy you would want to flirt shamelessly. The battlefield, all the chaos didnt stop you two from flirting with each other when worked together.
As you both traded playful jabs and flirted with one another, the two maintained their professionalism and skill. Their abilities weren't hindered even by the distractions. Chamber smirked when he landed the first kill, the winning shot. He turned to his partner. I could get very used to working with you. He looked his partner up and down, grinning. You wouldn't be a bad looking trophy either. He raised an eyebrow seductively.
Be careful, the trophy bites. You speak playfully with narrowed eyes and small teasing smirk on your lips.
I'm a good tamer, just for you. He gave you a wink and a charming smirk. You turn your head and you raise both of your eyebrows in both awe and confusion. Wow. He left you speechless.
Just a warning. His voice is a little softer than normal, as he jumped down from heaven to come closer to you. I'd kiss you, if it wouldn't leave me open for a headshot. He whispers teasingly into your ear, giving you the briefest graze with his lips.
You take his collar between your two fingers and you graze it slowly. You have to learn how to be patient, then. You get your rifle and shoot to the B-Long.
I'm patient, just not when it comes to you, baby. He walks next to you as you shoot into the B site. He flashes you another wink. You'll get your kiss, just wait and see. I dont remember asking for a kiss. You smirk at him teasingly. He looks at the round timer, noticing it's nearing 1:30. We should push, you know. You look at the enemy and answer. Yes, lets push.
You don't ask for a kiss. You demand one. Chamber smirked back, shooting two enemies as they peeked their heads into the site. You'll get yours, just watch. He flashes another wink, and peeks into the site, shooting some more.
Oh, dominant woman is your type? You ask teasingly as you peek and get one kill with your Spectre.
Who doesn't want a beautiful woman in charge of them? He smirks as he peeks into the site, landing four consecutive shots from his Operator. Let's hope you can handle a man with strong convictions. He winks teasingly at you, reloading while he can cover your flank.
You smirk at him widely with teasing demeanor. A little challenge is never bad. I know how to handle my man. Your tone drops a little bit as you speak teasingly.
I hope, for your sake, you can handle my convictions. He finishes reloading his Operator. He walks over to you and stands next to you, his smirk widening a bit. I'm a man with, very… firm… beliefs. His voice is raspy and sultry, like velvet.
Im intrigued to know what are your firm beliefs. You speak playfully as you peek to elbow.
I like to take control, and I like to be dominant. His smirk continues. He switches to a Sheriff shot, clearing the an enemy on elbow. But I'd prefer it if you fight against my dominance with your strength. I'd like an equal, not a submissive. It's much more interesting that way. He shoots another two enemies, then takes cover.
Hmmm, you are up for some challenge, i see. You smirk at him, then you peek flank to check for enemies.
I love a woman that can fight back. He smirks. There's something really hot about a woman who can hold her own. He shoots with Sheriff more, then takes cover again. He switches back to his Operator.
I will keep you on your toes. You smirk at him playfully, your tone is teasing.
I wouldn't want you any other way. He's still looking at you, his smirk growing even wider as he makes his way to the middle of the site. He's standing behind the spike, looking at you. He looks you up and down. His look changes from a devilish smile to a more serious, slightly flirtatious expression. He runs his eyes up and down you again. His voice is a little bit lower. What's your name, beauty? He asks you, softly, like he's whispering seductively in a restaurant booth.
Your worst crush, dear. You speak velvet-like voice in low tone, smirking playfully. Your tone drops to seductive one. The answer you gave testing his patience.
What a naughty, little brat. He responds in a deeper voice, almost a purr. You've got a name that's sweeter than that, though. He leans closer, his eyes still on you. Why don't you tell me your name, darling? Don't make me ask again. His tone is still playful, but with a dominant undertone.
You take his chin between your fingers and lean towards him. There is inches between your faces. You can learn my name on your own, darling. You chuckle teasingly, then you crouch down to defuse the spike as he protects you from attacks coming B-Long.
Oh, I will. I always do. He smirks. His eyes look deep into yours. What if I'm impatient, though? His eyes shift to your lips briefly, then back to yours. He winks teasingly, covering you while you defuse.
Oh, you will be patient. You smirk at his way as you stick to defusing.
Oh yeah? I don't like being told what to do. He says it teasingly, his smirk only getting wider. Maybe you should make me, sweetheart. He whispers teasingly. His voice is raspy, a little husky. It's hot. He's clearly enjoying this.
Dont doubt about it~ You sing the words out playfully and your tone has dropped a bit. Then you finish defusing the spike. The mission is successful.
A little too cocky for my like, sweetheart. But I love it. He smirks, walking up to you and leaning against the wall, crossing his arms and looking at you. He's still enjoying this, but there's a bit of seriousness to him too. What's your name, darling? He asks again, still speaking with his soft, raspy and sultry voice that's full of seduction.
You walk in front of him, your hips sways as you walk. You stand in front of him and you touch his tie with your fingertips, then you pull him down slightly. There is little distance between your faces. You smirk at him playfully. You raise your chin up a bit. Sultan, your queen. Oh, you little… He's silent for a few seconds, his face getting completely red. He's enjoying that, however. What does he do now, though…? He's enjoying her flirtation and teasing. He's playing along with it. Does he call her a nickname? No. He can do better. I'll call you my Sultana, sweetheart. He smiles widely, enjoying the interaction. His tone is seductive, raspy, but still playful. I'll keep your name to myself, for now. You chuckle deeply, playfully, as if mocking him. You let go of his tie and straighten yourself. He stands back up straight. as you let go of his tie. You turn back and walk to the Vulture where KAYO landed it.
You're gonna tease me the whole mission, aren't you? He watches you get closer to the Vulture and he follows you. He puts his hands in his pockets. You're a very naughty girl. His tone is like that of an older man admiring a younger woman, flirting with her, seducing her. He's enjoying himself and he'll make sure you know that. He doesn't leave your side, and stays close to you, looking at you.
You grin widely, giving him side eye. Then you turn to your front and walk to the Vulture in front of him. The mission ended successfully and now we all are retreating to headquarters.
You should be careful, sweetpea. His tone is gentle, his eyes and his body language are very inviting. I might just end up liking you a lot, and that would be a disaster. For the both of us. He chuckles softly, his eyes shifting from yours to your hips, and back. It wouldn't be good to like you, though. So, be careful. He gives you another playful wink, then he looks at you head to toe. His face drops and now he's more serious. There is something I have to say, however. You stop on your tracks and turn back to him. The playful smirk on your face remains with a raised eyebrow. You are amused, the entertaintment you got from the flirting and teasing back and forth satisfied you more than you expected. You tilt your head slightly as you wait for him to speak.
He stops in front of you, looking down at you intensely. The flirtatious back and forth between us just now? That was nice. I liked it. He looks at you, his voice dropping a little bit lower. He raises a hand out to your chin and strokes it, his thumb gently brushing over your chin slightly. But I have a strict policy. No office romance. He gives you another soft, sultry grin. This has to be professional, or else it ends here. He lowers his hand, placing it back in his pocket, looking ahead. He's waiting for you to speak.
Ah, darling~ Did you really think that i would lose my professionality? You chuckle softly, you were playing with him. You really dont know me so well. You smirk playfully then turn back with smooth movement. You walk back to Vulture as you wave your hand on air to him without turning back. Oh, I would never doubt your professionalism, sweetheart… He watches you walk away. Your hips sway seductively again. He's enjoying this little bit of banter. The flirting, the tease, the challenge… it's fun. You're fun. He looks at you while he watches you walk away before he follows behind.
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 31: Light at The End of the Tunnel
Fandom: Camp Cretaceous
Bedside Vigil
"You can rest now."
So this "7+" show was intense. The angst, the dinos, the trauma, it was an insight on the islands and dinos. Highly recommend it. As for this fic… adding some angst and an alternate ending- kinda. Its rushed again, but Im mostly proud for getting to 31! Happy Halloween!
Darius prided himself on being smart. He knew they'd all been through a lot, he knew that Dinosaurs were both amazing, fascinating! But also terrifying, dangerous. He had been so focused on… everything, that he'd failed as a friend. Theyd all been having nightmares, and he was too blind to care.
As he stares at the dinos before them, forced to fight, his whole being is being pulled in two directions. Its not a hard decision to make when Yaz cant bring herself to cross the distance with him, he gives her a new task, and continues alone.
His second decision is harder, the death of a dinosaur for the phone call to get them home. His friends flash in his mind, one by one, of how much he must have missed, of how they were suffering. And he grabs the phone.
Kash is terrifying.
Darius has faced hybrid dinosaurs out for his guts, in the moment decisions that could mean life or death for his friends, but Kash somehow encompasses all of it. Unhinged in an unpredictable way, intimidation his first choice, violence his answer to everything.
Darius hides his bruises from his friends, they may know the situation was bad, but they didnt need to know how bad yet. Kash would hunt him down the minute he stepped out of line- he looked fit to murder him for leaving the elevator- there was no way he was bringing that to his friends. He could handle this.
He didnt want to handle this anymore.
Between Brad-X and Kash, he was walking on eggshells. His arm and shoulder were bruised and sore, the rest of him not much better. He was looking over his shoulder, scared of his own shadow, flinching at anything that moved too fast. He couldnt do anything, and his friends had no idea what was coming.
Kash has him pinned to a wall, arm across his chest, ears ringing and breath lost.
"You wanted something to do. So youre gonna do it." He turns to the Brad-X, "He chips the Spinosaurus, or he doesnt come back." He drops Darius, kicking him in the leg before tossing the injector gun on him, "get going."
Darius isnt sure how things took this turn.
One minute hes saved from a crazy Brad-X by Brooklyns mad skills, they've saved the baby Dinos and Darius is so close to escaping Kash-
And the next, hes being held as blackmail.
Kash is working for Mr.Kon, who doesnt care about whats been going on, is in fact encouraging it. Doesnt care that his SON who'd been missing for over half a year, has been on these islands in danger. He cares only about the money he can make, cares only that'd they'd been hindering that.
Kenji is devistated, tries to reason, eyes shifting between Darius and his father.
"Dad please, this isnt right!"
"Come now son, with hard work you and I can change how the world sees Dinosaurs!"
"By hurting them? By hurting us? And anyone that gets in your way?"
Kon sr. Shakes his head in dissapointment,
"You were alway too soft. I have investors coming, and you all will just get in the way. Dr. Turner, I suggest you help Kash with those chips."
Kashs arm tightens around Darius' throat, who struggles as his airway is further cut off.
"Stop! Dont hurt him!" Mae steps forward, pushing the others behind her, but before she can say more, the whole island shakes.
"What was that!?" Kon hisses, whipping his head to glare at Kash.
"Dont look at me!"
"No matter, lock those kids up, this one is coming with as insurance. Dr Turner, we have places to be.
Darius hates this. Watching innocent dinosaurs being controlled. Learning that just about every person thats tried to kill them, worked for Kon. Watching adults, with no care for anything but money and power, hurt dinos. Hurt- with intent to kill- his friends.
He honestly doesnt know how they win.
Sure he knows how but… he was sure he was gonna die, on more than one occasion. The adults died, eaten by the dinos they tried to control, Yet somehow, they all survived. He watches as everything settles, reunited with his friends.
And then his world goes dark.
"He's moving!"
"Darius?? Buddy, can you hear me?"
"Dont crowd him!"
His eyes are blurry, his head aches, everything hurts.
"Hey, we're here D, open your eyes."
"Not…ded?" He mumbles, seeing 5 silhouettes above him.
"Nope, you got us all out of that mess alive."
"Its alright now Darius. You saved everyone, dinosaurs included."
"You can rest now, we have your back."
His eyes slip closed.
They rarely leave his bedside, someone always there, though typically more than one of them. Kenji especially stays close, faulting himself for all his father did. Though Yaz too sticks by, berating her cowardice that got Darius stuck in the first place. They saw the shape he was in, could only guess what most was from.
The way Darius flinches in his sleep, eyebrows scrunched and fist clenched, he'd been through a lot. They all had. And they finally wondered… if they were having nightmares… it only made sense that Darius would too, made only worse now.
Sammy takes to talking, telling stories and the likes, though she comments they arent nearly as good as Darius'. Brooklyn and Yaz describe what they do- tech and art- to make him feel included. Ben regals him with updates on the dinosaurs, while Kenji- in whatever short privacies hes allowed- apologizes.
He apologizes for everything he can think of. From the moment he got to camp, up until Darius' collapse, and anything else. Kenji and Brooklyn have taken the lead as well as they can, but Darius had a knack for leadership they lacked. Even together, they all knew something was missing.
So they take up vigil at Darius bedside. Never leaving him without company, and someone always awake, just in case.
That just in case comes with their proximity alarm. The drone finding a ship docking. Theyre all on high alert, watching to feed to figure out exactly how to proceed. They arent expecting who deboard. 3 familair faces, and one too similar to be a coincidence.
Ben and Kenji stay with Darius as the three girls head to meet their company, their rescue.
Darius groans, his stomach churning in on the cave its become. Everything still hurts, but maybe a little less, his headache however is still intense. The rocking motion doing nothing to help.
His eyes open to see what looks like a boat cabin. And Kenjis head,
"Darius? You with me bud?"
"Kenj? Wha' 'appen'?"
"Your injured, collapsed after everything. But we're heading home now, where we can get you real help."
"Yeah, turns out your brother is just as determined as you are. He got Dave and Roxxi, and they found Mae, and then they found us! And now we're headed home!"
"Yeah, hes been real worried, we all have. You gave us quite the scare D."
"Eve'on safe?"
Kenjis eyes soften,
"Yeah bud. You did a great job."
"Comin 'ome wit' me." He says it as firmly as hes able, trembling hand grabbing Kenjis arm.
"Oh, no I couldnt-"
"Comin home with me. Family."
"You heard the man Kenji, youre family now." Brandons voice comes from the doorway, smiling at the scene before him.
"Family…" Kenji says in wonder,
"Family." Darius confirms.
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bakusay · 2 years
| ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ
Tom Riddle has a crush and learns something new
TW- no swearing, kissing, tommy is very ooc but as he should tho, Kinda AU-ish, fluffy. like really fluffy.
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People born under Amortentia couldn't love. right? at least thats what every source that tom read told him. It wasn't until you came along, you who were also conceived under Amortentia, made him feel a human emotion. He didn't like it, the feeling of wanting to search for your breathtaking face , the feeling of jealousy and violence surging through his body at the mere mention of another male around you. You who was just another member of the sacred 28, you who smiled brightly and showered your friends in affections, you who merely acknowledged him with a nod, he wanted more. No. he needed more. 
Moving from Beauxbaton after being Expelled was maybe the best thing that ever happened to you, sure people talked about the issue for what seemed like forever, but you knew your violence towards those girls was justified and thats all that matters. The meeting between you and Riddle was quite normal, you were turning a corner towards your class and he bumps into you, both of you apologise to each other and move on, well one of you did. You found friends in Slytherin, pure-bloods of course considering your family but friends none the less. Each day your encounters with Riddle increased, you guessed that you have matching schedules but the lingering looks and touches Riddle leaves behind says otherwise. 
Tom after watching, or observing as he liked to call it, he realised a few things, You aren't the most morally white person (this was a good thing in his book), You liked to scrunch up your nose when your concentrating, and oddly you sparkle. yes, sparkle, He may or may have not written the word down in his diary for you. day by day his infatuation grows, his minds being diverted from his plans but he doesnt mind it. after weeks of coercing himself to finally put his pride aside (a very difficult task) and confess, he decided it was today, a raining and cold day to confess.
Potions was running smoothly, it was last class of the day, and Tom was readying himself the moment, you didn’t have any friends in this class therefore tom took the initiative to be your seat mate and potions partner (abandoning abraxas in the process). “Sir do we really have to pluck them out by hand?” you whined at slughorn as he instructed the class to do a prac today, the dirt was going to get into your nails and you really didn’t want that. You started working on the potion, as you were moving to the plant to pluck it out, a pair of veiny hands gently pushed in front of your hands to pluck the plant out. “i shall do it for you” he mutters as his hands start working on the plant, “Thank you Riddle” you say leaning against the counter to watch him work for you, “i always did believe i was meant to just sit pretty and let the men do all the work” you joked. a deep chuckle came out of him “That’s cute”. Cute?. a chuckle. from Tom riddle, you whipped your head around to make sure you’re not being deceived only to find a small smirk on his lips.
“I suppose it’s alright if you’re the pretty girl in question” he says while shifting his eyes to you, he turned his body around to place the plant on your table. “Thank you for your kind act good sir” you courtesy with a teasing grin, “the pleasure is all mine milady” Riddle bows back. His followers watching in shock as their lord bows to another person, only then did they realise how serious his feelings were for you.
the class has ended and you were packing up your things to meet your friends, you felt a tap on your shoulder only to see Riddle staring at you, “Meet me at the astronomy tower 11” he says in a whisper before smiling down at you and walking away. shocked is an understatement to how u felt. You knew that at some point Riddle harboured some feelings for you but you never expected him to act on it.
It was 11 and you were running late, chatting away with your friends had distracted you and now your left running through the hallways to Riddle. He’s been waiting there since 10:30, and when he finally sees you he felt his heart race again. his hands were getting sweaty and his head was spinning, “Make it quick Riddle,it’s freezing outside” you say wrapping your arms around yourself. “Y/N, i- i um” he stuttered. “i don’t know what you did to make me feel like this, but my hearts racing everytime i look at you, in fact i can’t seem to look away from you and maybe that’s the problem. i want to spend every minute of the day with you and it’s diverting me from my plans. i should be incapable of love so what did u do to me, i must know” he says finally looking into you eyes, only then did you notice how messy his hair was, how dark his under eyes were and how his tone sounded almost needy. how unlike him. It clicked. Tom riddle was in love with you. “Riddle, you’re a child of amortentia am i correct?” you take a step closer to him. he hesitates to answer but nodded. “You realise we who are born under love potion are still allowed to love, but only once. our love is found once in a lifetime. put simply one could say soulmates” you explain, his eyes widened. he felt like his world was crashing, everything he learnt was.. false? “Go brew some amortentia and if you still smell me then i can confidently say that your my soulmate” you said and you took a step back and left him to think. the confession wasn’t a suprise, you knew, and you knew you have gained feelings for him too, but unlike him you made sure to confirm he was your soulmate and you can only pray that he does the same.
Morning came quicker than expected, walking down the hallways to the great hall, you were pulled into a dark dead end. Riddle, again. “I did it” he said, his cold hands still resting on your wrist. “and you concluded?” you whisper. “you. i…love you” he muttered as he pulled you closer to him. “took you long enough” you said lacing your arms around his neck, his hands finding sanctuary around your waist. “you knew?“ he whispered back. you nodded. “If only you hadn’t wasted so much time stalking me and actually thought about it, maybe we would’ve been in this position weeks ago” you say while moving yourself closer to him. “let me kiss you” he breathed against you lips. a gasp left your lips, you hesitated but nod nonetheless. you felt his lips against yours, it was surprising gentle but showed his lack of control. his hands were pulling you closer to his body, to feel you, to reassure himself that you are not a fragment of his dreams.
you pull away first, opening your eyes to find a serene expression on his face. he rests his forehead against yours, smiling, “Marv” you whisper, he lets out a confused noise. “can i call you that?“, he sighs moving his face to nuzzle into your neck, “as long as your mine and i’m yours, you can call me anything you wish dearest.” maybe being born under amortentia isn’t a curse after all.
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thefanbasewhore · 3 years
Bucky has a nightmare and hurts the reader?
Summary: Bucky has a nightmare and mistakes the reader for someone else.
Warning/content: physical violence, choking, Bucky is a mess, reader is hurt by Bucky.
Paring: Bucky Barnes x female reader
A/n: I wrote this really fast, it's not proof read.
Part 2 coming soon - comment If you want to be tagged
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It all happened so fast, one minute she's fast asleep, not a worry in the world until a cool, vibranium arm wraps around her neck so fast her eyes could barely react quick enough to open and find the source.
Once opening, it's blurry. Unshed tears kiss her waterline as her body reacts naturally, scratching and clawing at the man pressing his metal appendages, squeezing her windpipe close. It doesn't phase him, the sting of ripped skin and taste of blood as it trickles down his face and taints his lips.
"Bu-." She tries but the metal grip only tightens. It burns, her throat is on fire, no doubt turning black and blue under the deadly squeeze. Pressure builds up in her head, making it unbearably hot and her chest stutters under the weight of his own.
Bucky is snarling, blue eyes boring into her own but only if isn't him, someone else entirely. The old him, no doubt deep in the confines of him mind making an appearance once again. His eyes are dark, filled with a deep, meaningless void.
It hurts, blood vessels pop pooling both eyes with a deep, crimson bed. With one last effort, fingers find the buzzed hair, nails curling around the back on his neck where she uses all her strength to scratch until she smells blood.
The sharp pain is enough to snap Bucky out of it, hand easing up as she inhales a deep, desperate breath. The look of realization, ocean blues ablaze, chest heaving with adrenaline and eyes never leave hers.
"I-." Hands pull away quickly, only to be held against his chest as he leans back, only to realize he's using all his body weight to crush her chest. When he sits up, the desperate sound of heavy breathing, burning lungs makes his bottom lip quiver.
She sits up, clenching her throat with small fingers, trying to sooth the buring ache. Now that she has an unlimited amount of air, her body doesn't seem to want it, the deep, chest filled coughs make it hard.
"I-I didn't know." Her chest still isn't moving, bloodshot eyes silently beg is own as he leans over, hand cupping her chin to notice the way her skin lightened, lack of oxygen taking the normal color. A hand rests against her chest and up to her neck, rubbing the raw skin.
"Breath baby, please breathe."
This has happened before but never this bad, never to the fact of almost falling unconscious from Bucky's wrath. Tears roll past his eye lashes, heart squeezing, his chest feels heavy, hurting under the burden of being the reasoning for this.
He fliches as her fingers push his away and crawls to the end of the headboard, trying to create as much distance as possible.
The first breath she takes hurts and it burns her lungs. Bucky let's out a breath of relief as he uses the back of his hand to wipe the endless stream of tears from his eyes.
"I'm sorry, God, I'm so, so sorry." He hiccups, he wants nothing more to reach out and hold her, sooth every ache and pain with the coolness of his lips. His chest stutters, catching a small cry in his throat.
He's cautious, making slow, seen movements as a flesh hand reaches out to cup her shoulder. Surprisingly, she snuggles into it, as the metal hand wipes away the small tears that fall to her cheeks.
"Oh, honey." He coos, biting his lip to prevent another cry that creeps up his throat as his fingers press against the ugly purple and yellow bruises and she winces. "My dream - I was dreaming, I didn't mean to -."
"I know." He cringes as the hoarse, low voice. Vocals cords completely crushed, sore and raw as he pulls away.
"I'm going to call, Sam. He's coming to get you, you need to get away from me." Bucky can't look away at what he's done, the tears are endless.
"Buck - wait... Don't."
Bucky reaches for the phone, ignoring her completely but the phone is yanked away with shaky hands and thrown over her shoulder. "What are you doing? Sam needs -."
"You didn't mean it." The first full sentence burns, red eyes filling with tears again, but instead of fear, not it's pain.
"How could you defend me right now? Look at you." Bucky can barely see in front of him, tears blurry his vision. He's hysteric, can't breath, chest giving out with ever word spoken, his broken heart pounds. "You need to get away from me, you can't be here with me, not anymore."
It's not his fault that demons haunt him in his dreams, that his life has been nothing but a series of unfortunate events. It's unfair, not to feel secure in your own skin, having to fight to stay alive for the last 70 years and be manipulated in ways that are unimaginable; brain ripped apart and frozen without any care.
"Bucky, it's okay." Smooth hands reach out to touch his tense shoulders to pull him close, and he can't help but fall into the crook of her shoulder. Tears smear the naked skin, fall and pool into collarbones as another cry rocks his chest.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, I never wanted to, always want to protect you." Soft lips press into the purple bruising, trying to kiss away the pain. Atone for his inexcusable behavior but it only makes it worse but she swallows the pain, the urge to move away as she rubs soft circles into the base of his lower back.
"We have to get you to the hospital." Bucky whispers against her shoulder, pressing a soft, sorry kiss. His eyes fall to her nakedness for a second, gentle fingers press her chin up to his own. She raises her arms as he dresses her slowly with shaky breaths and the quivering chin never leaves. "I'm calling Sam there, you're staying with him from now on."
"Buck, there are other ways."
He sighs softly, helping her dress into the oversized hoodie that smells way too much like him. Large hands cup her own as he kneels between her legs, eyes never leaving each other. "I cant trust myself, I rather die then something like this happen again."
"Don't say that -."
Bucky can't help the heat of anger in his chest, not directed towards anyone but himself. "just for now, just until I get this under control."
A silent nod catches his attention and Bucky doesn't hesitate to get her to the hospital. She doesnt miss the way Bucky's eyes shift to the floor as she tells a totally made up lie, he's consumed with guilt and leaves the room.
The call beeps in his ear, dialing and dialing until a familar voice speaks through the speakers. "Bucky?"
"Sam, I need you." He needs his best friend, someone to talk to, someone to tell him that he's fucked up that this isn't okay. The way his girl is taking this is unhealthy, like it's expected and it hurts, his heart hurts so, so much. Tears rolling down his cheeks as he leans against the hospital hallway. "I need you to come get her, room 234. I can't be here anymore."
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livlingula · 3 years
warning: negative rant post ahead (literally just me ranting my thoughts) 
(if u want to rant in my asks, anon asks are always on and i would love talking through stuff with you) 
first off: the setup. the whole thing to start was messed up, kaceytron brought in a bunch of her friends, her sister, and her chat into a “debate” who were obviously heavily biased towards her and ever towards the start were obviously not going to listen. they had no moderation, let dream get talked over, twisted his words, dictated the flow of conversation, and ignored the actual issues. dream joined to explain stans pov and why they were upset. 
second: the actual problems. they didn’t even THINK to invite poc and lgtbtqa+ (besides her one token friend) people to speak and instead had a bunch of white people....defending a white straight woman. they kept avoiding the root cause of these groups upset, fans didnt do this to cancel her groups did this because they were hurt by her usage of slurs and how she claimed to be advocating for all lgbtqa+ people. they spent the whole time arguing about dream using his private v main (gun violence tw) and if he supports gun violence or not. 
third: dumping trauma on someone. they literally dumped a bunch of trauma, ran, gaslight him into saying random shit, shoved words into his mouth and then went “yeah we barely disagreed about anything” dream has publicly talked about how he’s been in an emotionally abusive relationship and then they go on to just gaslight him into a corner. like i genuinely cannot believe that this 30 year old woman thought, yeah this is a great idea, lets back this 21 year old new cc into talking about his sexuality by trauma dumping. like i genuinely cannot believe i just watched a grow ass woman and her friends basically try and out one of my comfort people on front of 25k people??? and then ignored the fact that her chat was mocking his stutter and asking for people to rephrase things????
fourth: qbaiting. these straight women then proceeded to call dream out for qbaiting. QUEERBAITING IS A MARKETING TACTIC USED FOR FICTION. it is literally used by companies or authors to keep their gay audience interested while not turning off homophobes. dream and george have stated MULTIPLE times that george is straight and have no plans to date. not only did they link dream and george having a naturally flirty friendship to one of their friends getting run over by a tractor in high school, they forced dream to talk about his sexuality. 
(also it’s just very strange that people never call out george for qbaiting and its always dream...when george has openly said he’s straight...something to think about for everyone...) 
DREAM HAS SAID HE DOESN’T WANT HIS SEXUALITY TALKED ABOUT. HE IS UNDISCLOSED AND DOESNT OWE ANYONE ANYTHING. do they not understand how shitty they were to push him into a corner where he could either be accused of qbaiting or telling 25k people live his sexuality. they were all for helping the lgbtqa+ community but then the second someone doesn’t want to disclose they feel forced to. do they even understand how traumatic that can be for someone??
fifth: now that dream has left the call she’s comparing him to trump, making fun of his stuttering, saying he acts different off camera, and is trying to get her fans to mass report his discord. i Am Going to Lose it
tldr: kaceytron apologized for nothing, and she and her friends tried to back dream into a corners about literally every issue under the sun while ignoring all the shit they’re doing, and now are mocking him once he’s left the call. take care of yourselves and my asks are always open
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cvpidarrow · 2 years
This is gonna be my thoughts of the Doodlers powers and in talking about it this kinda turned into a lil bit of a Lark and Sparrow analysis.
Massive spoilers for Lark,, Sparrow && Barrys arcs && Spoilers for a LOT of S2- basically- if u haven't completely caught up and finished up to S2 Ep7 then i dont recommend clicking read more
Ok,, so,, as we know from both Lark stabbing Henry at the end of S1 and Anthony describing what happened to Abe: It's safe to say that the Doodler takes the worst in people and amplifies it- like a catalyst of sorts
Going back to S1 with the Doodlers affect on the twins i think that it fed off their need for power and to be strong- and at the end of S1 Larks hatred for Henry. Because sure, the twins are very destructive, but they're also clever,, sneaky and know what they want and how to get it. And the fighting pit along with the pit they were about to send people down so they could spill blood and find the unsung hero? i feel like if it werent for the Doodlers push they wouldn't have done something as big as that. Thinking about this from a logical standpoint- these things dont really do anything for the boys. They dont require some sneaky plan and they dont really give the boys anything in return.
( For the Unsung hero pit they didnt create it because they wanted to do it, they did it because it was just the easiest way to get to the Doodler. They wouldn't have even had that in the first place if they didnt know about the god)
The Lords of Chaos crave violence- as seen in bascially every scene where they're fighting- so why did they have a pit of others fighting? You'd think that they'd jump into the action themselves since thats all they ever want to do. That's because the Doodler pushed them to this point. Because it's one thing to hurt others yourself- its another to be able to get others to hurt each other- and be able to watch as you see them kill one another. Technically, you have no blood on your hands, but you were the person who encouraged them to grab the knife.
With the effect of Barry- it's one thing to be somewhat self centered and enjoy praise- and its a whole 'nother thing entirely to create a whole ass cult dedicated to you. Like,, aint no way the Doodler didnt have anything to do with that.
With all this information i feel like the kind of effect the dads in S2 said the Doodler had on them is pretty clear.
Grant could have gotten better but he's definitely still thinking about his time in Faerun. How could he not ? Its his entire job now. And this would probably cause him to think about the shit that happened to him back when he was a kid. The killing and the feelings he had when he either hurt others or himself. And the fact that even after all this time,, after all the help hes gotten,, somewhere deep down he still feels that way? That's probably fucking him up.
・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・ This one might be a bit of a stretch but with Sparrow i feel like theres a chance not everyone was very accepting of the "love wolf". And even if they were,, its not like he immediately changes his entire world view and doesnt still think those chaotic thoughts anymore. But,, everyone was so proud of him for becoming this "Love Wolf". For being the kinda and understanding one- for being the more normal of the two. Proud that he wasn't as destructive as he used to be. But theres no fuckin way he didnt still feel like causing chaos.
He began to "improve"- but everyone immediately jumped on that and treated it like he was doing this for years. But he wasn't. But everyone kept praising him like he was- which at some point probably made him feel guilty about those thoughts. Why couldn't he just be the Love Wolf he wanted to be? Why did he still think these mean thoughts- everyones acting like he should be over them by now but hes not- why wasn't he?
It's like if someone tried to stop drinking and they managed to not drink for a week. And everyone praises them and acts like they've been 3 years sober or something and is never going to drink again. Then every time that person gets the urge to make themselves a drink-they'd start feeling guilty.
And uh yeah ! Thats kinda all i got so far ! Hope my ramblings were actually somewhat coherent (;・∀・)
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Rabid (JJK x Reader) 🐾☁️💜🔞
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🐺Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🐺Genre: A/B/O AU!, Werewolf AU!, Angst, romance, smut
🐺Warnings: alpha!kookers and his omega!reader, impreg kink, shifting, hybrid Au, werewolf Au, bangtan pack!, primal sex, biting, scratching, scenting, marking, knotting, size kink, strength kink, praise kink oh yes, protective boi kook, Jungkook asserting dominance smh, omega being the cute ball of soft cotton candy she is, fighting, blood, violence, injuries, best alpha doggo boi Jungkook, heart to heart convos, degrading names and not the kinky ones sadly, puppies, I repeat, puppies 🐶, omega!Jin, Omega!Taehyung, Beta Yoongi, Alpha Namjoon, alpha Hoseok, Beta Jimin, don’t worry Omega doesn’t automatically mean submissive oh boy Nop Nop, just read the damn thing it’ll make sense okay, Dead Dove Do Not Eat
🐺Summary: Jeon Jungkook and his Omega are a mates couple of Bangtan Pack. Recently, the sweet bubble they’ve created seems to grow weaker and weaker, as a feral pack attacks and kills wolfs left and right. Things take a dark turn, and for once, the big bad wolf is actually terrified. Terrified of loosing you.
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A pack's life wasn't always sunshine and rainbows, or comfort and protection.
Bangtan pack had learned that the hard way months ago, when Namjoons ex Mate had been violently attacked and killed. He'd mourned quite a bit, even though she'd been unfaithful and had refused to accept her own pups, leaving them with him and his pack as she'd continued her unbound lifestyle. It had still hurt him deeply- yet it was a thing that happened.
He got over it.
And he was happy again these days, as he watched Taehyung and Jin play with his two pups, who still weren't old enough to shift into their human forms. They would stay like that for a while longer, and sometimes Namjoon caught himself wishing that they could just stay like that forever- without having to worry too much about their human sides like he and his pack had to. But it would happen eventually, and he hoped they would grow up to be just as respectful and caring as the rest of his pack was.
Taehyung and Jin were, together with Jungkooks Mate, the only omegas of the pack. While you were the only one who would bear her own pups in the future, Taehyung and Jin took on the roles of caring for his children. He was glad he had them with him- he was not fit to be an only-father due to his alpha side. "What're you thinking about?" Yoongi, the pack's Beta asked from the sidelines, coffee in hand as he watched Taehyung and Jin play with the youngest of the pack, letting the young pups claw and bite their fur without much resistance.
"I'm glad things are returning to normal." He explained, and Yoongi nodded, when Jungkook and you stepped in from your recent grocery shopping trip. Namjoon laughed as the two excited pups immediately yapped and stumbled towards you, making you kneel down to greet them properly. He caught Jungkooks soft gaze on you immediately, already knowing that he would turn out to be a great father and alpha for his own litter in the future. "Everything okay out there?" The Alpha asked Jungkook, who nodded, although not too confident.
"We caught some scents near the borders when we returned, but it wasn't too evident. They probably only want to provoke again." He sighed out as he took the other plastic bags you had discarded next to you, placing them on the kitchen counter and sitting on the couch, next to yoongi. "Do you want me to patrol again?" He asked his leader, as he'd turned quiet and a bit thoughtful at his comment.
"No." He said, and Yoongi furrowed his brows. "If they want to provoke, let them. I'm not biting the bait." He explained, and Jungkook nodded, before he turned his head, having heard you shift. Namjoons mind eased up a little as he watched you, Tae and Jin groom the pups, motherly instincts growing more and more these days. "She'll be a great mother." He hummed, and Jungkook grinned, as if the praise was sent towards him. In a sense it was, because even though Namjoon had talked about his mate, he could hear his alpha inside his head.
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ. ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ.
You slowly detached yourself from them after a moment, walking over to Jungkook as you placed your head onto his thigh, careful not to interrupt the discussion he currently held with Yoongi. Almost as if on instinct his hand placed itself onto your head, large palm running over your soft fur, making your ears droop to the side a little to give him more room for his affection.
ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇs ᴜs.
Even though you sometimes disagreed with your omega, she was right on most occasions. You've had some small trust issues before you'd met Jungkook, being raised with the warning that Omegas were easily taken advantage of, you were wary of anyone around you. He'd slowly brought you out of your shell however, with promises you knew he'd keep and lots of understanding, communication, and affection. Nowadays, he could kick you around like he wanted, if he wanted to- you would still wag your tail and seek his praise straight after.
It should scare you, but you knew he would never let you down like that. He'd never betray your trust like that. Your whole pack would keep you safe.
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ. ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ᴋᴇᴇᴘs ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀs sᴀғᴇ. ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ʟᴏᴠᴇs ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ.
Your head slipped from his thigh for a second as you'd almost fallen asleep, making Jungkook chuckle and Namjoon snort. You shyly laid down at Jungkooks feet, before he patted the space next to him on the couch. "Come up baby, you don't have to lay on the ground." He said, and you jumped up on the couch, halfway laying on his lap as he continued his talk, his voice lulling you to sleep.
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"Hmm.. so sweet." He humms against your neck, as you slowly wake up. His hands are already running over your naked stomach, upwards to cup your chest in his palm, enjoying the feeling of your soft skin underneath his fingers. His eyes are still closed, and he only rumbles out something that almost sounds like a purr every now and then as his lips curl into a lazy but content smile, his nose burying itself into your neck where your scent is strongest. He opens his mouth to run his canines along the skin, before leaving an open mouthed kiss there, making you squirm around a bit in his hold. He moves his legs to cage yours in, as he chuckles when you whine against him. "So soft.. so warm.." He muses, still not quite awake yet you notice as your own body still fights the clouds of sleep as well.
sᴜᴄʜ ᴀ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ.
His alpha humms pleased inside his head, happy to have you close to him, satisfied to know you're in his arms. This is where he knows you're safe, where he knows nothing could happen to you.
He squeezes your breast a bit harder, before his thumb moves over your nipple, his deep brown eyes opening a crack to see your form next to him, relaxed and comfortable in his hold, and he feels proud. You're letting him see you so vulnerable, so bare of any form of guard up, you let him guide you however he feels fit for you, and his heart swells as your hands reach for his skin, desperate to feel him close, even though you already are. The times you felt self-conscious and shy at the mere fact you were naked were long gone by now. You felt comfortable around him, enough to know your bond is one without judgement. His eyes lock onto the bite mark still present on your neck, a prominent sign he carried as well, like a wedding band for humans, but way more final than that. It was as if he could see his future with you in the scar on your skin, and he loved every bit of it.
You suddenly playfully bite after his hand which tried to move some hair out of your face, and his eyes widen a bit at the gesture, making you open yours as well. The teasing glint awakes something inside him as you suddenly wiggle your legs around, trying to get on top of him as he grins, locking your legs with his as you whine, pushing at his chest as he chuckles. He grabs your wrist and tries to pin it down as you suddenly move your face to the side, nipping at his fingers without the intention to bite. "Hm, you wanna play?" He asks amused when you duck out of his grasp, only getting as far as laying your stomach over his side, legs still tightly interlocked with his. You claw at his back and he hisses for a moment, yet he doesnt seem mad about it at all as he moves his leg, giving you freedom. For a moment.
Before you can make it out of the bed he grabs your upper arm, pulling you against his chest as you hit his shoulder with the back of your head, now genuinely whining in frustration as he simply laughs. You struggle in his hold, uncaring of both of your nudeness and the way his prominent erection was poking against your lower back. You reach your arms over your head, trying to catch his skin with your fingers to claw at it, yet it only turns into your own demise as he simply raises his arm as well, palm easily catching your wrists and holding them above your head as his nose nuzzles against your neck teasingly.
You grin as he kisses and licks at your bonding mark, happily giving up your fight at this display of affection.
He finally moved around after throwing you backwards on the bed again, towering over your form as he roughly manhandles you around so you are placed on your stomach, before pulling your hips up, making you mewl as you instinctively present to him, making him groan as he leans down, his chest against your back as you could feel his erection between your legs. His hand reaches for your center, chest vibrating against your back as he humms approvingly when his fingers find you already wet and ready for him.
ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴏ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ғᴏʀ ᴜs. His alpha cooes. ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴏ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ.
Jungkook lets his hand move a bit over your lower lips until he deems you prepared enough. His hand pumps his waiting length for a second, before he enters you quite roughly, sighing at the feeling of your warm walls around him. You felt like home, like comfort, like a safe space that only belonged to him.
ʙɪᴛᴇ. ʙɪᴛᴇ. ʙɪᴛᴇ.
He leans down his head, takes the skin of your neck between his teeth as he bites, before letting go, and repeating that action over and over again until he huffs against your skin in hot breaths. His one arm is hooked underneath your lower belly to keep you snug against him and positioned properly, while his other grabs at your chest roughly, making you mewl as he grunts, every thrust of his hips shaking your body a bit. You try to get up on your arms in front of him, as he suddenly leaves your breasts alone, instead grabbing the back of your neck before he pushes you into the pillows below, careful to let you breathe as you move your face to the side, blissed out expression showing him to keep going. His alpha slowly takes over, moves more to the surface as his voice is rough, low. You're not scared of him, however. You know, just like Jungkook, his alpha would never hurt you. Your Omega bathes in the praise he gives you, making you whine and gasp out when he suddenly slows down his pace, instead thrusting with more force and deeper into you as the sound of skin against skin echoes in the room.
"So warm.. So sweet.. So submissive.." He rumbles out as he mouthes at your shoulder, hot breath making your skin tingle as you grasp the sheets below you, your high slowly reaching its peak as he cooes. "Are you gonna cum little omega? Cum for your alpha?" He asks, and you simply not, drowsy mind having a hard time answering as he suddenly yanks at your hair, stopping everything for a moment as he keeps your head up, his face close to yours as he growls out. "I asked you a question Omega." He grits out. "You wanna play more little one?" He asks amused as you simply rut against his hips, making him growl as he picks up where he left off, his pace relentless as he chases his end, noticing the way you start to clench around him, needing him, wanting him, craving him just as much as he does.
"A-Alpha!" You groan out as you cum, and he bites down hard where your bonding mark lays, grunting out as he still thrusts without much rhythm, until you feel his warmth flood your walls. He sighes out, slowly growing lip against your back as his knot swells up, making you whine while he hushes you, moving a bit, careful not to pull too much as he spoons you, mouthing, licking, and kissing your neck and shoulder as your breathing calms down slowly. This is how you know Jungkook is back, the way he carefully moves the covers back over your bodies since he knows you get cold easily after sex, and the way he just.. doesnt say anything. He doesn't need to.
"Hm.. I can't wait for you to be filled with my pups." He humms out dreamily, drowsy and close to sleep. "All round and glowing. M' gonna protect you so well baby, gonna keep you safe and sound." He muses, and you nod, happily humming as your omega inside you rolls around in satisfaction.
ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴏғ ᴜs. ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴡᴀɴᴛs ᴜs ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʀʀʏ ʜɪs ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴡᴀɴᴛs ᴜs.
He kisses the back of your neck one last time before he settles for another round of sleep.
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"I don't feel good." You said at dinner once, and Jungkook immediately perked up at that.
"What do you mean? Are you sick?" He stressed, his overprotective nature coming to the surface as you scratched your neck, sheepishly shaking your head.
"No no, its not that!" You reassured him, before looking at Namjoon. "I mean, the entire situation. I know it's calm these days, but I don't know.." You admitted, and Jin placed a reassuring hand on your back.
"I get it. I guess it is a little weird." He said, and looked at Namjoon, who seemed in thought about the entire situation. Things have calmed down over the last few days, however, that was no reason to breathe out in relief. Things just calmed down so sudden and without any cause, that it made you feel as if something was off. It wasn't just you who felt like that but the entire pack, you knew this.
"We'll keep you safe either way." Jungkook promised from across you, and you nodded, continuing your dinner.
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Things did not turn out well.
When you smelled the intruders, Jungkook had already gotten up from his spot in the front yard of your home in the woods, together with Namjoon and Hoseok already looking out for anyone getting close. It happened suddenly, when Yoongi shouted, shifting immediately as a wolf attacked from the sides.
The rest was utter chaos.
Everyone, you included, shifted into wolf forms, biting and clawing away at the strangers who seemed to snicker and laugh at everything going on. It was as if it was a game to them, as if they were playing- yet there was nothing playful in their nature, as they bit hard on Hoseoks leg, making him yelp as Taehyung jumped to help him. You were no fighter, so you did the only thing rational to you.
You immediately went inside, grabbing the first pup by his neck before you carried him underneath the stairs, rushing into the living room to get the other.
ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴘᴜᴘs sᴀғᴇ. ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜᴘs.
Your omega was just as shaken as you were as you curled up around them, trying to soothe them the best you could as something crashed in the living room, heavy paws making its way towards you. You immediately positioned yourself in front of the terrified kids, which have scrambled into the smallest corner of the storage space under the stairs. Growling menacingly you tried to appear fearless in front of the dark grey wolf in front of you, who simply snapped its jaws at you. You ducked away from him, before you snapped at his leg, biting down hard before he managed to get a grip on your neck. You yelped as his teeth broke skin, but couldn't utter a sound as he pulled and pulled on your scruff, loosing grip before he bit again, another wound forming as you tried to desperately get out of his hold.
Another wolf joined in through the broken window in the kitchen, yapping like an excited hyena at the view of your fighting as he joined in, nipping and pushing you around with amusement as you tried to get them off of you, or at least keep their attention on you for as long as possible, so they wouldn't hurt the youngest.
The first wolf simply threw you down as you again bit his leg, tasting iron on your tongue as the stranger clawed at your backleg, biting and bruising skin as his teeth pulled mouthsfull of fur away from your body. The tufts of softness flew around in the air around you like feathers in a mere pillowfight, yet there was nothing sweet and innocent about this. You yelped out again, loudly, as you felt the skin around your backleg rip between the jaws of the stranger, making you immobile as the strangers suddenly decided to let you be, loosing their fun in you. You took this chance to scramble back to the terrified puppies, hiding them as you weakly curled up around them, your back facing away from them as they shivered, hiding underneath your bloody fur in desperate need of warmth and comfort. You wished you could soothe them, but you couldn't lift your head, blood sticky underneath your body as you tried to stay awake.
They snarl something along the lines of 'leaving the alphas bitch' alone, as they snicker outside, making you feel even worse than you did before.
You knew that Jungkook saw you as more than a mere Omega meant to please him and raise his offspring. You knew that he wasn't blinded by his instincts, and even if he was, his alpha was such a sweet existence which fit your own omega so well that it sometimes made you cry. You fall into a slumber, a vision of your past consuming you whole, as if to comfort your broken body.
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"..y. Baby?" He asks you, as your head snaps up from where it rested on your palm. He smiles at you with slight worry, as he points at your pancakes in front of you. "Your food's getting cold baby." He says, and you blush as you look down at your plate, barely touched at all.
sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ғᴏᴏᴅ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴀsᴛᴇ!
He sighed in front of you, moving the plate towards him as he cuts a piece, holding the fork towards you with an almost teasing grin. "Looks like I'm gonna have to feed you the old fashioned way." He says, and you take the bite as he grins his signature bunny smile. It makes him look so soft and happy, the way his eyes crinkle at the sides and his nose scrunches up. "Can't have my baby starve." He continues, as he cuts another piece. His alpha is weirdly happy about the situation.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴍᴜsᴛ ʙᴇ ᴡᴇʟʟ ғᴇᴅ. ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴍᴜsᴛ ʙᴇ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ.
He hates to do it, but he knows its necessary. "Whats on your mind?" He asks, and he visibly sees your shoulders slump down, as if he'd just taken your favorite book away. "I can see something is troubling you. Please talk to me." He asks. I want to help you, he wants to say, but he keeps it at his words as you slowly take a deep breath.
"They're saying things about me." You start, as he frowns.
"What things?" He asks, voice now a bit more serious. He knows who 'they' are- he knows that you talk about your classmates. He hates to see you being bullied, yet it happens, and you had told him again and again that he can't interfere, not so close to your graduation. You just want things to be done with.
"You're not gonna like 'em." You start, and he nods.
"Probably not. I promise I'm not gonna set your school on fire. But you need to talk to someone about it, and if not me than maybe Jin or Tae-" He continues, until you cut him off.
"Whore." You start, as his eyes widen. It seems as if he's frozen in time for a moment, before his gaze is on you again. "They.. they say I'm.. that you only keep me around because-" You try not to get too riled up as you recall their words. "-because I'm an omega thats good to fuck. Because I'm brainless, and the brainless ones are the best because they don't talk back and just choke on-" Jungkook cuts you off as he holds your hand.
"Stop." He mutters, and you simply look at the wooden table of the small restaurant you both are sitting in, as he sighes. "You're so much more to me than your body." He explains, and you melt under his gaze. "You're my mate, my partner for life, you're the part of my soul I didn't even knew I was missing." He continues, as he holds out another piece of sweetness in front of your lips, as your teary eyes gaze at him. "Their words mean nothing, okay? I love you. And only you." He says, as you take the bite from him. "You could ban me from your vagina for the next years to come and I'd still love you." He mutters playfully, as your cheeks redden.
You really do feel loved.
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Jungkook had heard your first yelp loud and clear, and it threw him so off guard that he lost focus for a moment, giving a wolf opportunity to jump up on him. He fought him off with a bit of effort, trying to get inside the house as he became more and more desperate as your cries reached his sensitive ears, making him grown more and more feral in his state of mind.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs ʙᴇɪɴɢ ʜᴜʀᴛ! ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs ɪɴ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ! ᴡᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ!
His alpha is restless, pretty much yells into his ears and he swore he would, he swore he would get to you but he couldn't. There were too many.
After a moment of seemingly endless fighting, Namjoon snaps the neck of another alphawolf, successfully ending the attack as the rest of the rogue pack leaves with whines and tails between their legs. Jungkook breathes for a moment, before a certain smell reaches his nose. He locks eyes with Namjoon, who had seemingly noticed it as well, before the big black wolf dashed into the house, stopping dead in his tracks at the scene of the trashed living room and open kitchen, blood and fur scattered around as the irony smell gets almost too much for his sensitive nose.
He can't see you, however.
Your blood and fur show him that you didn't hide successfully, and his heart races as he walks through the mess that is the main space of the house, before his ears catch the whimpering of pups.
There, underneath the stairs in the corner you're laying down. Your back is facing him, blood and saliva staining your fur, as you barely breathe. The pups, smelling the familiar pack, scramble out from underneath your paws, crawling over your body as they rush towards their father, who eagerly inspects them immediately. Jungkook has absolute tunnel vision in that moment however, as he noticed your lack of movement.
He's moving on pure instinct at this point, delicately grabbing your scruff as he carefully pulls you out of your hiding space, but not fully out in the open. He whines and whimpers at your form, limply laying on the ground as you barely breathe, making him restless as he walks from one side to the other, unsure what to do. His mind is in a frenzy, alpha going crazy, as he nudges you every now and then with his snout, silently begging you to get up. He gets pulled away from this however, when he noticed Jin walking towards him. He knows he's no threat. He knows he's pack. But he's not himself in that moment.
ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ. ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ. ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ.
His alpha growls at him, and he does the same, as he scrambles to stand above your form, tail standing diagonal being him as his ears tall as he growls out low and dangerously, for the first time actually showing intention to attack his own brothers. Jin stays still as everyone watches from their spots, witnessing for the first time how their pack member turns against them.
'Jungkook-' Jin tries to communicate, but the younger alpha continues to growl, feet never standing still as he seems restless. As if he doesn't know what to do. He looks like a young wolf in that moment, scared, confused, and painfully upset. His smell is bitter and strong, sending of a warning to everyone in the room as his ears start to slowly droop.
'Protect. I have to protect. Don't- don't come here-!' he sends off, tail slowly moving downwards as he starts to feel the exhaustion in his bones. He slowly but surely moves around again on weak legs, laying down close to you as he leans his front legs over your body, licking your fur as if that would magically heal you.
'Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!' He chants over and over again, every word growing more and more high pitched and choked up as Taehyung lays down in sadness, feeling his brothers emotions full force, as well as everyone else who can't do anything but watch the young alpha fall apart. 'wake up..' he begs, burying his face into your bloody fur as he finally gives in. 'Please.. don't leave me.' are his last words, as his mind fades.
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Jin is quick to shift, as well as Namjoon and Yoongi, who immediately move the larger and heavier wolf off of you, before Taehyung can take you away with Hoseok. Jungkook slowly shifts back unconsciously as they lay him on the couch, no one having enough energy to bring him upstairs. Jin tends to his wounds as Taehyung and Hoseok bring you up the stairs into yours and Jungkooks room, as you slowly shift, making Taehyung gasp as he now sees the extend of your injuries.
There are cuts and puncture wounds all over your skin, scratches and bruises already blossoming. Your leg is the worst, open flesh gaping as he has to swallow, telling Hoseok what he needs in order to tend to your injuries.
Moments later, Jin steps into the room as well, helping his younger omega brother to care for you the best that they could before an actual doctor could take a look at you tomorrow.
"She'd told us something was off." Namjoon said with his head hanging low, arms scratched and bleeding as he watches from the doorway. "I should've listened to her." He continues, before Jin cuts in, not looking at his alpha as he continues to wash you gently.
"Self-pity won't help anyone in this situation now, Namjoon." He says, no real bite in his tone as he keeps his voice gentle, exhaustion evident however. Taehyung helps him wring out the wet cloth he's using to clean your skin, as he continues. "Things happened, and now we have to deal with the aftermath. We'll get through this, but only if we don't loose our heads over this." He explaines, the image of the youngest alpha not leaving his mind. "It's bad enough we have two of us down- her and Jungkook." He explains, as Taehyung voices his worries as well.
"Do you think he'll snap out of it?" He asks, as Namjoon chimes in.
"He has to." He says, and Jin turns around for the first time, lower lip bruised from a cut he'd received.
"Namjoon, don't be so harsh on the kid-" He starts, but gets cut off by his leader.
"He's not a kid anymore Jin. He's a full grown alpha that needs to get himself together." He argues, as Taehyung starts to defend his brother.
"No, he's a boy who almost lost his girl tonight, have some common sense!" He whines out, a low growl hinting in his tone that catches Namjoon off guard. Even Jin seems surprised. "We all accepted it when you grieved. So let him heal as well- you can't expect something like this to just go past him." He explains, as the alpha sighs.
"I'm a horrible leader, am I not?" He asks, and Jin smiles along with Tae as he answers.
"No." He answers, with a comforting gaze. "Because you listen to your pack. And the best leaders do exactly that. They listen to their pack, learn from their mistakes, and admit them if they happen." He humms, before opening his small kit to get out some cotton balls and desinfectant.
Namjoon simply nods, hoping that his oldest Omega is right.
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Jungkook awakes rudely from his dreamless sleep as he finds himself on the living room couch, dressed in comfortable clothes. For a moment he hopes everything had been a dream, but his aching bones and the mild smell in the air tell differently. He sits up, noticing the now cleaned living room, and the window that had been fixed with wooden planes for now. He can smell the rain outside as Jin steps down the stairs, locking eyes with Jungkook who immediately scrambles up, rushing towards him. "Where is she? Is she okay? She's okay right? She's fine right?" He rushes out, and watches past the eldest as Jimin thanks a stranger in a white coat and familiar hospital clothing. He doesnt listen to anybody as he moves past them upstairs, almost tripping as he opens the door to see you asleep underneath your covers, a butterfly stitch above your eyebrow. His eyes glaze over as his mind begins to fog, his feet moving him as if on autopilot as he walks towards you, unconsciously shifting.
Jimin wants to scold him to leave you alone, but the doctor shakes his head. Jungkook is so careful that even Yoongi who has joined the scene seems surprised. He moves as if you're made out of eggshells as thin as paper, carefully placing himself next to you above the covers Head resting on your stomach as he simply relishes in the mere fact that you're breathing. He barely fits on the bed made for two humans, but everyone lets him.
Jimin softly closes the door, before everyone walks downstairs.
"Is there anything we can do to help him?" He asks the doctor as he puts on his shoes. He sighes.
"Not much, I'd say, let him be close to her. It would only make them both more anxious if you keep them apart from one another." He explains, as Jimin and Yoongi bid the man goodbye and a safe trip home. Closing the door, Jin sighs, sitting down in the living room after folding the blanket Jungkook had slept under. Namjoon walks into the room, his arm still bandaged as he asks about the mated couple.
"Is he okay?" He asks, knowing about your condition already. "I've never seen him like that." He humms out, and Jimin shrugs.
"I don't think anyone ever has." He exclaims, and Namjoon nods, before taking the blanket from jin.
He carefully walks upstairs, opening the door of their room as Jungkooks ears perk up, the rest of him unmoving. The older alpha smiles sympathetically at his younger brother, closing the door behind him as he slowly walks towards them both. "Is that okay?" He asks carefully, as Jungkook simply closes his eyes again, a silent way of agreeing him this close. He drapes the blanket over the large black wolf, careful to tuck you underneath it as well as he sits down on the mattress, close to your hip. "She's gonna be okay." He said, as he looked at your sleeping form, Jungkooks head lifting itself to reposition. He sighed out a breath as the alpha chuckled. "Don't get huffy now pup. She's a strong one." Jungkooks eyes move to look at the elder one, and he sees something in it that Namjoon has not seen many times. Fear.
Namjoons eyes turn gentle as he looks at you for a moment, before he humms out. "You did well."
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When you walk downstairs, the entire kitchen grows silent, and you look up to see them all looking at you. Jungkook starts to choke on his food as he coughs, legs of the chair he is sitting on scraping on the tiles as he rushes towards you, carefully taking you into his arms as he holds you close. He breathes in your scent as he suddenly chokes up, violent sobs shaking his shoulders as he cries against your neck, tearfully kissing your bonding mark as you simply pet his head, smoothing out his hair as you try to calm him down. The rest of the pack has a similar expression on their faces, as Jin stands up to get another set of dishes and cutlery for you. Jungkook helps you down the last two steps as he leads you towards the kitchen table, uncaring of his still tear stained face. He sniffles, and Taehyung gives him a napkin with a teasing grin. He simply takes it, wiping his nose before he grabs at your hip, setting you onto his lap as you try to sit down on your chair.
He doesn't continue eating as he simple rests the side of his head against your shoulder, holding you close as he breathes in your scent. His alpha slowly calms down as you eat and move around, proving to him that you were actually there, that you were alive and well enough for now.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs sᴀғᴇ.
You thank jin as he pours you a cup of tea, when you turn towards Namjoon. "How are the pups?" You ask, wondering where they are as Namjoon smiles proudly.
"They're safe, and asleep upstairs." He says, and you nod, taking a sip of the warm beverage. "Thank you, by the way." He says, and you raise your eyebrows. "You did very well Omega. They're only safe thanks to you, and I owe you everything for it." He grows serious as you chuckle.
"It's my part of the pack Namjoon." You explain as you pick up your cutlery to stuff some rice into your mouth that Jungkook didn't finish. "I did what I had to." He humms in appreciation, as Jungkook silently rubs his cheek against the fabric of your sweater, the scent sending him into a mindset of pure comfort. He doesn't listen to anything being said, and you simply rest a hand on his arms that held you close to him. He noticed how cold they are, and immediately scrambles a bit to remove his zip hoodie, uncaring that he's only wearing a T-Shirt underneath as he placed the warm fabric over your shoulders.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs ᴄᴏʟᴅ. ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɴᴇᴇᴅs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴡᴀʀᴍ. ᴡᴀʀᴍ ᴀɴᴅ sᴀғᴇ.
You chuckle a bit at the gesture, and Taehyung does the same. "He's gonna be like that for quite a while I guess." Yoongi comments, eyes holding a soft look as he watches the young alpha with you.
Jimin smiles as well as he places some meat onto yours- or more like Jungkooks abandoned- plate which you thank him for. "Let him be. I can't imagine what he must've felt like." He says, as you nod, before taking another bite.
"Let's see how long it takes for Y/N to grow tired of that man-pup." Hoseok comments, making everyone snort but Jungkook, who lowly growls, without much seriousness behind him. It sounds more like.. he's offended. He looks over your shoulder at his pack, as they all start to laugh, you included.
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The night is warm and cozy as Jungkook notices how you grow restless. You slowly gather pillows and sheets, blankets and clothing into the bed as he watches you tiredly. He wonders what you're doing for a moment, until he sniffs the air for a moment, eyes widening.
ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴡᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ɪᴛ.
His alpha is proud, and his soul swells as well as he helps you nest, holds you close as he can't stop his smile. His palm rests protectively over your stomach during this night, as his alpha howls in happiness.
ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ.
And Jungkook couldn't agree more with his alpha in that moment. He couldn't wait to complete his family.
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for the ask thing: 5, 9, and 16 about c!tubbo
fear, childhood, and appearance!
5: tubbo doesnt have fight or flight, he has fawn. its an obvious remnant of his time under schlatt, but it also means that when hes scared and especially when he's triggered, most people dont notice. tommys never really picked up on it because tubbos never really been scared of tommy before, and even quackity, who was there while it developed, never figured it out until a little into nlm. ranboo put it together eventually, but it was a little hard for him to understand, because when they disagreed tubbo argued until he ran out of breath, and whenever he fought someone he never hesitated to use every weapon in his arsenal -- actual threats to his life were always responded with in kind. but in more personal situations, when he's put back in that mindset he had as a spy, where he thinks theres no way out, he's just going to do his best to please and pray that you dont hurt him. basically, if you pull out a gun, he'll pull out his own, but if you broke a bottle on his head he'd ask where the paper towels were.
9: this one is a little complicated, because it tends to change a lot based on what i'm writing, but i really like the idea of tubbo being from 2b2t. its why he thinks anarchy doesnt work and how he learned what nuclear weapons are. tubbo is hopeful about human nature, although one would not go nearly so far as to call him an optimist. he believes that people are inherently good, and that they do want the best for those around them as a general rule. but he also believes that humans are a product of their environment and that without proper guidance and enforcement of rules from something like a government, they will turn to violence because it's how they have to survive.
16: I HAVE SO MANY GET READY. okay so let's start with clothing/deliberate presentation: he got a shit ton of medals. lots of ones for bravery and good leadership after the battle at the jungle base especially, because in my version of the war that was a really big deal (they got ambushed while doing reconnaissance and tubbo managed to trick the greater smp leaders and got most of his troops out alive). he wore them on his military uniform which was, of course, part of the white house attire, since all their members were some form of military. then schlatt came into power and, since he wasnt military and that made him look less experienced, he wanted to kind of scrub away evidence of it, and no one was allowed to wear their medals or uniforms anymore. tubbo realised pretty early into the administration that the best way to get by was to make sure he wasnt seen as a threat. when he was ordered to get a suit, he made it a little too big -- not enough to be remarked upon, but enough to make him seem smaller, more childish, a little more ineffectual. he messed up his hair in the morning and, when that was called unprofessional, he pushed it up with too much gel, left it a little clumpy and unflattering, enough to imply youth and, crucially, inexperience. speaking of hair: obviously it was in a military buzz cut for lice prevention during the war, but he had grown it out by schlatts administration, so it was about the same as cctubbos. then the festival happened, and quite a bit, especially on one side of his hairline, was burned off, so it was just shaved down for easier access to the burns. after the festival, he realized that his efforts didnt work the way he wanted them to. because, when someone already suspects you, looking weak doesnt mean you look non-threatening -- it just means you look easy to hurt. so he kept his hair short, even though it made him feel insecure about his scars, even after it started going grey at the temples. after tommys reported death, he stopped cutting it regularly, so it was grown out a little by doomsday, and afterwards he gave up entirely for a while. it was only a while after adopting michael that tubbo commented he should probably cut it again. ranboo had frowned, brushed a strand out of his face, and said he thought it looked nice. and tubbo was kind of baffled, because it had been a very very long time since someone had ever said he looked anything close to nice. and he had almost argued that it drew more attention to his uneven, burned hairline, or that it made the grey even more obvious, or that the way it framed the crows feet by his eyes made them more pronounced. but, for reasons he didnt quite know, he didn't say any of that. instead, he'd just set down the scissors, and that was that.
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sallyf4ce · 3 years
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chapter III
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-> sallyfacexf!reader
-> enemies? to lovers
-> previous | next
cw: drugs, cigarettes, abuse, violence
*does not follow original plot of sally face*
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summary: (y/n) wakes up early to avoid sally. sally’s upset that he did something wrong yesterday. (y/n)’s first meeting with travis isn’t the nicest.
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The incessant beeping of your alarm tugs you out of your dreamless sleep.
The sticky tears on the ground remind you of yesterday’s events, but you disregard them. All you want to do is take a shower, throw on your jacket and get out the door. You slowly clamber up off the ground and across the living room to turn off the alarm. After making sure it’s not on snooze, you drag your sore body to the shower. It smells like smoke and lots of cleaning supplies. This place is fucking gross. Is it even monday?’ you check the calendar. It is, in fact, monday. You strip and turn the shower handle.
You're so glad that you chose to wake up early. Usually kids this far from school drive or get picked up by the bus, but you prefer to use your skateboard. That’s why you get up at 6:30, so you have enough time to get ready and get to school on time. Sanity’s fall quietly played as you washed your breakfast plate and cup, brushing grease residue off the greyish porcelain. You wonder if Sal is awake yet. Probably not. You know, waking up early ensures that you won't see him in the morning. The guy’s not that bad, his eyes just freak you out a little.
Pulling the pink glove off your prosthetic, you wipe your hands with a towel and move to the closet to put your shoes on.
“Jacket, jacket, jacket, jacket.” you mumble, eyebrows knitted. “Where are you?” oh, right, you left it in your room.. With poppy. Was that even her name? You kind of just decided it for her.
Alright, don't be a pussy. Just go in and grab the jacket. You sucked in a breath and opened the door to your room.
“Eeh! A teenager! What’s your name, little lady?” her blond ponytail bounced with every sentence. This was the first time you could get a good look at her. She didn't really have feet, just bloody stumps where they used to be.
“Holy fuck, you’re so loud!” your hands covered your ears.
“Ahh, so sorry! I haven't used my voice in years.” she coughs.
“S’ fine... Can I just- just grab my jacket?” you point at the green pile amidst the boxes all around the room. You didn't get a chance to set up.
“Go ahead!” she nods and smiles.
“Alright. uh, listen, lady. This-” you motion towards the whole room. “Is my room. I live here now. I get that you, like, can't leave this place and shit, but could you maybe sit quietly while i set up later? I really need to clean my room up. I’ll set up a little chair place for you or whatever, so you could sleep at night.” you mumble the last part, embarrassed about your hospitality.
“I can’t sleep.” she smiles, her teeth surprisingly shiny for a ghost’s. God, she’s so preppy that you forgot she’s dead.
“Pretend to then, i dont fucking know. Alright, i have to go. Just… don't cause trouble.” grabbing the jacket, you begin shutting the door. “My name’s (y/n), by the way.”
You can hear her squeals as you leave the apartment. You decide to take the elevator because you don't feel like running down the stairs with a heavy ass bag on your back.. Stepping in, you press the main floor button. It looks like there’s a bit of sticky stuff around it. gross. Syrup? You hoped so.
The elevator dings and you step out, heading out the front doors. It’s cloudy. Again. Not a surprise, really. Keeping your eyes on the gravel, you set down your skateboard and begin your journey to school.
Sal’s point of view:
“She probably went on without us, man. Don’t know why you're worrying so much.'' Larry leaned back into the bus seat.
“It’s not that, Larry face. Yesterday, when we left…” was it my fault? Did i scare her? Did she see my face through the mask? Fuck.
“What is it? Spit it out, sally dude.” he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and puffed the smoke out the window.
“I think i scared her, larry. I think she saw my face.” i let out a shaky breath. God, everything was going good. Why the fuck does this stupid face ruin everything?
“Did you- did you take your mask off?” he sat up in the seat, eyes wide.
“No. She probably saw it through my mask.”
“I still dont get it. Explain more, dude.”
“She looked so scared. We made eye contact, and she, like, panicked. Her eyes widened and then she threw me out. It was definitely my eyes. We were fine the whole night, i dont know why she freaked out.”
Larry let out a long hum. He was probably trying to piece things together. Anyway, she definitely went to school earlier than us. I can ask her about it there.
“Woah, sally face. Calm down or you’ll go bald.” larry’s hands pulled mine off my pigtails. Huh, i didnt even notice.
“Thanks, dude. I think we’re here.”
Your point of view:
It was around eight o’clock by the time you arrived. Kids were already piling out of buses and cars, standing by the school’s entrance and conversing with their friends. You definitely felt some eyes on you. That was expected, though. They didnt recognize you, and nockfell didnt seem like a town with many new people. Thinking back to yesterday, sal and larry mentioned some bully kid. Probably wouldnt be hard to spot him.
“Watch it, goth freak!” a pair of hands gripped onto your shoulders.
Ah, what a coincidence.
“Get the fuck off me, fucking prick.” he twitched as you gripped onto his hands and pushed him away.
“Is that a metal hand? Ha, you’re a fucking cripple! How pathetic.” he chuckled. Blond hair draped itself across his forehead, definitely not complimenting the purple shade of his shirt and eye. School fight? or daddy issues? Who knows. I mean, you’re not one to speak, your dad’s literally dead.
“Let me guess, you’re that bully fucker they talked about. God, isnt there enough troubled kids in Nockfell?” you rolled your eyes, just wanting to get to school.
When you said you had bad luck, you really meant it, because all of a sudden, his fist landed on your face.
Are you fucking serious?
You just moved here yesterday and you’ve already been fucked up twice. You can’t keep taking hits, (y/n)! You gotta dish some out!
Sighing in disbelief, you reached out to your gushing nose.
“Mother.” you flicked the blood off your prosthetic hand. “Fucker.”
At this, travis bolts. You drop your bag and get back on your skateboard, weaving through the crowd to get to that shrimpy little fuck.
“I’m so fucking done with nockfell.” blood trails down the side of your face as you lock your eyes on the blond mop of hair in front of you.
Do you jump? Or let him get away?
Nah, you jump.
The skateboard shoots out beneath you as you kick off. He lets out a strangled cry as you land on his back and send him to the concrete. A few whoops can be heard from the kids far behind you.
“Fuck, i’m sorry! Get off me!” he scrambles beneath you.
“Now you’re fucking sorry?”
He doesnt say anything. You slowly climb off, keeping a hand on his neck.
“Pussy.” a snicker escapes you.
“What’d you just-” the hand on his neck squeezes tighter and shuts him up.
“What’s your name again?”
“Tr-travis, fuck.”
“Travis, huh? Well, travis-”
“(Y/n)? What are you doing on Travis?”
Sal’s point of view:
Me and larry were getting off the bus when we heard a bunch of cheering. Weird. I looked in the direction larry was staring. Hold on, that’s travis and some other kid on top of him.
“Sally face! I think that’s fucking (Y/n)! Holy shit!” larry shakes my shoulder. That’s actually her! What is she doing on travis?
“Larry, c’mon, we have to go get her off!” i try pulling him away, but he doesnt budge.
“No way, man! I wanna see her beat him up! She’s doing what you won’t let me do!” he smiles wide. Fuck, i guess i’ll just have to go alone. Larry frowns as i drop my bag and begin running towards them. I’m not letting her get in trouble on the first day. I hear her say something to him as i come closer.
“(Y/n)? What are you doing on travis?”
She looks up in surprise. Holy shit, she’s bleeding!
“I’ve gotten fucked up twice in the past 24 hours. I’m not letting this fuck get away with it.” She snarls. As bad as i feel, she’s kind of attractive, bloody and feral like that. God, what the fuck? Not time for this, sal.
“Oh my god, (y/n)! Here, uh, get up and i’ll take you to the office.”
Your point of view:
You look back at travis. There’s a visible blush on his face, and he’s staring straight at sally.
A smirk forms on your face.
“No thanks, porcelain face. Me and blondie here will go by ourselves. Right?”
He growls, but you tighten your grip on his neck again and he nods.
“Uh, okay. Do you want me to take your skateboard or something?” Sal scratches his head and changes the topic. Just a sliver of jealousy can be found in him, but he is grateful for the nickname. It suits him.
Your expression darkens for a second, all of a sudden feeling possessive of your skateboard. He’s not touching it. It was your dad’s.
“No. Take my bag or something.” you nod towards it by the entrance of the school, where it sits. He obeys and gets up to pick up your bag. You pull travis up with you, blood dripping down your shirt and an arm around his shoulders. Sal’s quite a bit away at this point.
“You gay?” you hum. Travis’s back straightens and fear flashes through his eyes. How did you know? How the fuck did you know?
“No! Fuck you, you’re just a pussy who thinks she knows everything-” he starts yelling, trying to get away, but you interrupt him.
“God, shut up. You’re making my head hurt more. It’s okay, you know. I wont fucking tell anyone about your little self exploration journey.” you pat him on the back and he flushes.
“Fuck, you’re so sappy it’s disgusting.”
“I’m not gonna be a dick to someone because of their sexuality, fuckass. I’m not that low. Let’s get to the school.”
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taglist: @dream-of-eros @potatochic2003 @mr-bombastic @purelydarling @ghostfacefricker6969 @deadpoetsandhoney
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. Please please please please PLEASE Rachel! Don't do what you did to Artemis and Apollo to Thanatos and Hypnos! They don't deserve it! Just let a pair of twins love each other for once!!!! I swear at some point she's going to introduce Phobos and Deimos just to make them hate each other too. All I want in this comic is for the underworld twins to have a healthy, loving sibling relationship. Just this once Rachel. Not even Hades could get this right! She could have one up on Hades!!!! Please!!!!!!
2. i think rachel doesnt know what "complex" characters actually are, because a complex character would be hades who is tough yet fair (sometimes brutally so) and despite his aura of intimidation and seriousness is a kind man and just king, not insisting hes actually the most perfect man to ever exit while excusing his (never in the actual mythology) abuses of power, his lust for impressionable young women, his hypocrisy, violence, and actual slavery. that's not "complexity", he's just an asshole.
3. Yeah I’m a little more concerned at this point of Webtoon originals creators are framing this discourse as “you guys are just hating Rachel for no reason!!” (As if there isn’t a lot of critique her on??) instead of being like “hey I deserve a better pay for my full time job”?? Esp bc these same creators were complaining how bad the pay was only weeks ago?? Rachel is in a huge position of power at WT to really promote some change and set an example (bc we know she’s easily making way more than 2k a month) yet she treats her team like that while she solely benefits from their work. Y’all need to go on strike and unionize or something bc so many of them are open how much they work and burn themselves out and don’t get paid enough in compensation. Don’t defend Rachel, demand more for your labor!
From OP: Plus, RS has four other assistants so it’s not like she doesn’t have the money like the other webtoon creators.
4. so ... has the comic ever confronted hades' actual eternal enslavement of thousands of poor people to enrich himself or are we just supposed to ignore that...?
From OP: Persephone briefly addresses how wrong it is to have the shades pay but then they kiss and it’s never brought up again. Even then, that doesn’t address the ‘unpaid labor’ so it’s a no.
5. There’s nothing wrong with a reactive character who doesn’t really think out their actions before doing something and this pushes the story along (this is basically every MC if we’re being honest) but Persephone is not that way at all. She never is actually pushing the story along, the story just happens and she gets yanked along with it. I’m not sure if this because Rachel is is too scared to make her “unlikeable”  or doesn’t have the skills to write Persephone as anything more than a blank slate to project onto, but she is easily one of the worst leads I’ve ever seen depicted. Even her own feelings and actions are hand waved as some outside force she can’t control, never of her own choice and will. It claims it’s a story about agency and choice, yet Persephone never gets to use either. Is something like Twilight perfect? Gods no, but even that made a point that Bella pushed the story along and how her story went was her choice and no one else’s. How is LO the “empowering” masterpiece when it cant even  stand up to Twilight of all things? 
6. i dunno, the fact some of the creators are like "i only get 14 dollars per panel! including 20+ unpaid ones!" that im just like you guys need to be paid more then ??? like stop defending rachel??? she doesnt need your help when shes gets so much perks over yall??? demand more for your better work and long hours??? like the capitalist bootlicking really popped out instead of being like can we actually get paid for our work. they shouldnt have to fill in the gaps via fp and patreon imho 🤷🏿‍♀️
7. ya know, if that was actually fair pay she wouldnt have purposely turned off comments and replies and try and "own" people who were calling her out of it while never answering the actual questions they asked. thats social media 101 to basically admitting you know youre wrong but trying to silence as much critique as you can.
8. I looked up the 20 panels on Twitter and my heart S A N K E D. One of my favorite Webtoon originals artist who I followed for a long time even defended RS on the pay. I mean, I would do it personally for the money but yet I wouldn’t as well because I can’t draw anything in RS’s style.
9. the fact LO has 5+ ppl working on it and it still looks like THAT  is like what are you guys even doing?? bc there are other webtoons with only one/two helpers if not just one person doing all the work (wolfman of wulvershire, purple hyacinth, stray souls, suitor armor, etc) who have stunning art and good stories too, meanwhile LO has twice as much help just in the art and it still looks so bad, and thats not even touching the writing. i just dont get how its only gotten worse with more help.
10. i mean yeah art does change over the years and esp in webtoons but its usually for the better? like leaps and bounds better too. LO is the proof of the exact opposite happening despite getting more help. its weird.
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knee615 · 3 years
911LS 2x12
after watching 2x12 multiple times, i have some unpopular opinions about that scene that i want to bring up. i’ve seen a lot of anger, and while i understand and i am not going to justify it (at all... it wasn’t okay), i wanted to put my thoughts out there. 
tw: addiction, overdose, abuse, emotional abuse, toxic family dynamics, brief (very brief) mentions of suicide scene in 2x11, gun violence, anxiety/depression (if i’m missing anything please please please let me know so i can add it)
this will be broken down roughly into the following sections
family dynamics
mental health
terrible parenting
final thoughts
family dynamics
tk: its very clear that tk has a lot of issues when it comes to his father, especially when his father is being put at risk. his family, especially him and his dad, have a weirdly close relationship (example: when owen came in after getting the hair treatment and tk asked if he got laid, when he woke up from the coma and they immediately started talking about zoe/carlos like they were best friends not a father/son). they talk about things (read: tk talks about things and owen acts like he does). they’ve struggled but they're typically open about a lot of things most parents wouldn't be with their kids. 
carlos: carlos was raised in a very traditonal household where his father was, in a lot of senses, emotionally stunting carlos. he taught him that he wasnt allowed to cry and that he was too soft to be a police officer. he was scared to lose his parents, but they werent the best role models when it came to sharing emotions with them. he wasnt ever allowed to show emotions and he always had to be strong and protect those who he cared about. (this is what makes me, and a lot of other fans, think carlos has siblings, particularly sisters)
mental health
its obvious that both boys are struggling with mental health. tk has separation anxiety with people he loves because he thinks theyre going to leave him, he struggles with depression (”everything is gray”) and he has a lot of trauma that he hasnt ever worked through. not to mention the tension between his parents, him constantly being in terrifying near-death experiences at work, the pandemic, and his entire life changing. tk has shown this kind of aggression in the past, and people ignoring that and saying its out of character for him to do this is just a way to excuse this as shitty writing and infantilizing tk. he has shown this type of aggression in the past. he got in a bar fight, he shoved judd, he stormed out of owen’s intervention. when tk feels threatened, he pushes people away (physically and emotionally) carlos also clearly has unresolved trauma from his childhood and struggles with anxiety. this is clear by him not wanting to tell his parents he has a boyfriend, seeking his fathers approval and getting emotional/doubting himself when he doesnt get it, etc. 
as someone who has grown up around every type of addiction possible and seen people overcome it and people being destroyed by it, tk’s reaction was normal. his father was being threatened, he feels like his sobriety and his life (owen saved him) is because of owen. he constantly seeks his fathers approval and love because he never got it as a child. 
in the past year+ (the timeline of the show is relatively unclear) tk has 
-proposed to his “soulmate”
-gotten rejected
-found out his boyfriend was cheating on him
-relapsed after years of sobriety
-almost died
-was saved (again) by his father
-moved across the country from NYC to texas (a big culture shock)
-tried to have a casual fwb situation that turned into more
-found out his dad has cancer (and told other people before him)
-fought with judd
-got shot (by a child)
-was in a coma
-didnt know if he wanted to be a firefighter anymore
-decided he wanted to save people
-almost died (again) in the bus
-tore his stitches
-got in a new relationship
-his parents were fwb
-the pandemic hit
-his parents were pregnant 
-his parents were together again
-”im gonna be a father” (genuinely fuck owen for that)
-his parents fought and involved him
-carlos told his parents they were friends
-the baby wasnt owens
-a year of sobriety
-he got kidnapped/pistol whipped
-his parents broke up and his mom was moving back to nyc
-his dad is depressed
-judd and grace car accident
-owen playing amateur detective
-owens surgery
-he moved in with carlos
-owen got “arrested”
idk about you, but i felt anxious just writing that list. now imagine tk, fresh off a year of sobriety after almost dying, and going through all of that. its a lot. tk is clearly stressed and is dealing with a lot of emotional turmoil. theyre clearly setting up for a storyline about tk’s addiction, so instead of just having his addiction reappear one day, theyre setting it up. as someone who has been around addiction their whole life, these stressors and triggers are going to limit tk’s emotional control. (i’m not DEFENDING tk’s actions, just explaining why they make sense). 
as a police officer, carlos has obviously dealt with addiction before, and knowing the kind of person carlos is, the night tk got in the bar fight and ended up in the police station and telling carlos he was an addict, carlos absolutely went home and did the most research he could to ensure tk was comfortable around him. (he probably even sneakily asked michelle what he could do to make an addict more comfortable). he and tk have probably dealt with tk having cravings/talking about his addiction/etc in the past. carlos knows how he gets. 
terrible parenting
we knew owen sucked as a father, we knew gabriel wasnt the greatest (though i was rooting for a redemption arc for him tbh), but this was irredeemable. they both put their jobs above their sons and their relationship. owen especially, as hes aware of tk’s addiction and his lack of emotional control when it comes to his father. (can we please talk about how it took billy saying he thought raymond was talking to gabriel when he said hed take the most important thing from him for his to realize he was talking about tk and not the firehouse because what?????????) ((also can we talk about owen, billy, tommy, and judd fucking around and joking in the back of the ambulance while tk and carlos were outside traumatized because no ones talking about that and it makes me so beyond angry???)
i have a feeling andrea gave owen and gabriel a piece of her mind after this because genuinely wtf. 
the situation ultimately sucked. but its important to note the setting and their jobs. when carlos walked in to the firehouse, he walked in as a police officer when tk approached him as his boyfriend. you can tell by their posture and their tones. yeah it sucked that judd told carlos to leave and he was left alone, but they were at work. they couldnt just turn it into a couples therapy session and the firefam couldnt just stand up for carlos. im willing to bet judd ripped into tk when he was calm enough, but they had to maintain the peace because they were at work. 
final thoughts 
obviously tk shouldnt have pushed carlos. you should never put your hands on someone else (especially in a romantic relationship) and it was wrong. yes, tk should've apologized and the show shouldn't have brushed over it. but, i firmly believe they had a conversation about it. 
also, going back to mental health: tk has anxiety. carlos shut down the conversation when tk tried to apologize before dinner. carlos shut it down. he probably shut it down during the original conversation as well. this probably has to do with his upbringing and his hesitancy to show emotion. it also makes sense that tk would back down when carlos shut it down because he doesnt want to annoy carlos and make him angry. thats how anxiety works, it manifests as your worst fears and causes you to react accordingly. 
to make it clear, im not justifying tk’s actions and think it was wrong. but people saying its out of character is just excusing the behavior as bad writing and, again, infantilizing tk. infantilizing grown men, especially gay men, is a very common occurrence and its not okay. tk is not a child, hes not some perfect baby golden retriever. hes flawed, he struggles with addiction every day (even if hes sober at the moment) and dismissing his past actions and struggles and saying this is out of character is wrong. 
he was wrong. and its okay that he did something wrong. hes human. the writers need to do a better job at taking these serious topics and their possible outcomes into consideration when theyre approving the episodes (the suicide scene without a content/trigger warning), but the fans need to be better at understanding the nuances of mental health and addiction. i understand its frustrating but its NOT out of character for tk to act like this. 
tl;dr: tk was wrong to shove carlos, but it makes sense in terms of his character and his past. also carlos doesnt know how to talk about emotions so he shut tk’s apology down. 
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
more of the vegas team 2.0 !! time for a group therapy session* :D
*includes very little therapy
tw: TORTURE (doesnt happen in the scene but is Absolutely talked about), abuse, beatings, violence, manipulation, toxic relationship, prison arc, mental instability, emotional distress, trauma, dehumanization
"So!" Wilbur claps his hands, smiling widely. "Are we ready to start?"
"This is fuckin' stupid."
Ignoring Quackity, Wilbur looks out over his handiwork; Quackity, Sam, and Dream and himself are sat down in a circle on the ground, all looking like they're at varying levels of get me the fuck out of here. Quackity glares up at him with his one good eye with a scowl on his face, while Sam looks pointedly at the opposite wall like it's the most interesting thing in the world. Across from him, from where he is sandwiched between Quackity and Sam, Dream gives him a pleading look that Wilbur deliberately ignores.
"Big Q is right," Sam sighs, anxiety making his voice slightly tinny, "We're wasting a lot of time, Wilbur. We all have a lot of stuff to get done to get ready for tomorrow-"
Wilbur's arm snaps out, pressing on Sam's shoulder as the taller moves his hands to the ground in an effort to push himself up.
"No- come on, Sam. Don't be like that, man. It'll be fun! We're a team," he stretches the word just to watch the others flinch, feeling a cold sweep of satisfaction when they do, "It'll be good for all of us- what do you think, Dream?"
Dream freezes, wide eyes turning to look into Wilbur's, lip beginning to tremble. Wilbur smiles serenely, watches as he shakes worse with every second of Quackity's angry glare and Sam's cold gaze directed at him with equal parts curiosity and excitement, smiles wider when he finally wilts under the weight of all of their eyes.
"I think- I think that it's a good idea, Wil," he mumbles, flinching back when Quackity's eyes narrow further, and Wilbur bites down his laughter.
"Wonderful!" Quackity turns the fury of his expression back over at him, all but snarling, lips curled and wings fluttering in anger on his back.
"What the fuck- no I'm not helping with this- this stupid fuckin' group therapy bullshit- what is this, a fuckin' AA meeting?" He accompanies his words with a series of jerky gestures, seemingly oblivious to the way that they make Dream curl more and more into himself, and Wilbur digs into his inventory-
"Yeah, that's exactly what this is like, Big Q!" He drops the result of his search unceremoniously into the other's lap, grinning at the look he's given when Quackity finally stops fumbling with the item.
"Is this a stick of dynamite?"
"It's your talking stick!" Quackity looks about three seconds away from cursing him out or burying a sword in his neck, while Sam and Dream look like they would rather be anywhere else at the minute, and this is the best decision that Wilbur's made in his life. "I was thinking that because there's clearly been some tension between us-"
"Quackity tried to kill Dream three times this week."
"-that it would be good for us to talk about our feelings!"
Sam looks entirely unimpressed, a flash of frustration breaking through his usual mask of cold indifference.
"Wilbur, what are you-"
"Ah ah ah!" Wilbur gestures at Quackity, smoothing down a smirk at Sam's irritation, "You can't speak."
"And why am I not allowed to speak, again?"
"Big Q has the talking stick, so he's the only one that can talk right now."
"Wilbur," Sam's hand moves to his face, palms digging into his eyes, "you don't have the talking stick, either."
"Oh, sorry," Wilbur reaches over, easily plucking the dynamite out of Quackity's hands and ignoring the younger's protests, "As I was saying, only the person with the talking stick can speak!"
Wilbur turns his eyes to sweep over the three again, feeling a cold thrill growing in his chest; Dream has hidden himself entirely behind the cloth of his hoodie, knees drawn to his chest and hood pulled up over his head. Quackity, to his left, mutters angry curses, directing his glare at anyone that he deems worthy of his ire - which, per usual, means just about everybody. Sam holds his gaze with a cold stare of his own, a knowing look in his eye, and Wilbur smiles wider in challenge; you going to try and stop me?
Sam doesn't speak, looking away. That's what I thought.
"Anyway!" Wilbur claps his hands together, dynamite still held in his right hand, "Anyone want to go first?"
"...this is fuckin' stupid as hell-"
"You don't have the talking stick, Big Q."
"Fuck off."
"Would you like the talking stick first, then?"
Quackity grits his teeth, opens his mouth to begin what will no doubt be another expletive-filled rant, when he catches Wilbur's line of sight and his eyebrows narrow, lips pressing back together. The electric feeling in Wilbur's ribcage grows further, amusement piquing; interesting.
"Actually," Quackity smiles tightly, forced civility entering his voice, "I would love the talking stick first, Wilbur."
"Of course!" He reaches his hand out, dynamite held loosely in his fingers, "I was thinking that we could talk about our feelings, what's making us upset, you know? So we can all work together better."
"You know- I get that, I get that," Quackity's smile gets sharper, voice growing crueler as he yanks the dynamite out of Wilbur's grip, brings it to his chest, "I see what you're saying, Wilbur. And I think that this is a great idea."
Wilbur's eyes flick to the others as he nods along; it seems like he wasn't the only one to notice the change in Quackity's tone. Sam looks noticeably more uneasy, shifting in his seat and tapping at the floor by his side. Dream looks like he's praying to the gods for the ground to swallow him whole.
Sorry, mate, but there's no one listening in hell.
"Las Nevadas, this place- I've put a lot of fuckin' time into this, ok?" Quackity drums his fingers on the side of the dynamite as he talks, and something in Wilbur shifts, settles, at the symbolism, "This isn't a country, isn't some- ideal, or egg, or some shit. It's power, plain and simple, and it's mine." His lips curl back, his golden tooth glinting in the light, "And I get the feeling that some people aren't taking this place nearly as seriously as they should be."
Dream's head snaps to the side, the pale face of his mask peeking out from where it had been pressed into his arms.
"What do you mean-"
"Dream-" Quackity reaches out, making Dream scramble backwards as Quackity's hand lands on his shoulder and grips it tightly. "I'm sorry. I don't think that you have the talking stick?"
Dream shakes, tugs unsuccessfully at the hand locked around his upper arm, breathing shuddery as he ducks away to look at the floor again.
"Thank you," Quackity grins, lips curving cruelly. "As I was saying, all I want is for everyone to take a little more responsibility and shit, you know? We have to be efficient if we want this place to get off the ground, and we can't be efficient if everyone is fuckin' complaining all the time. I just think that it's about time that we let go of old grudges, move on already, you know? Focus on what really fuckin' matters-"
Dream's shoulders tense, and in the sliver of his face that isn't covered by his mask, Wilbur watches with unbridled glee as his eyes flash.
"Oh- you've got to be fucking kidding me-"
Quackity sneers. "Dream-"
Wilbur doesn't even catch the man moving, but between one blink and the next, the bright red stick in Quackity's hand has been ripped away from him, held in Dream's white-knuckled grip above his head as he scowls at Quackity.
"No- it's my time to talk now, ok? I have the talking stick- it's- it's my time to talk now. You fucking asshole- move on? You tortured me!"
"Oh- don't be so fuckin' overdramatic-"
"Overdramatic? You- you kicked my ribs in! You carved your name into my skin! You ripped out my fucking nails just to hear me scream-"
"What the fuck was I supposed to do? You weren't giving up the information!"
"You didn't have to fucking torture me-"
"Watch your fuckin' mouth or I'll do it again, dickhead," Quackity hisses, a sword suddenly in hand, the blade pressed against the underside of Dream's chin- which would usually be the end of it, but Dream, who must be running on too much adrenaline to register the familiarity of the position, narrows his eyes and bares his teeth at the winged man.
"Yeah- go on, kill me, and we'll see what happens when I respawn, Quackity. I hope you like explosions-"
"Big Q, Dream." Sam's voice, deep and heavy with exhaustion, finally seems to snap the two out of their bloodlust, because Quackity stumbles back into where he was sitting and Dream immediately curls back into himself, breathing loud and rattling in his panic. Sam directs a disapproving glare in Wilbur's direction, "Wilbur, where did you even get popcorn from?"
"Oh- sorry," Wilbur smiles, lets the red and white striped bag fall back into his inventory. "I guess that might've been a bit rude."
"You guess?" Sam mumbles, massaging his temples with a heavy sigh. Quackity glares back and forth at all of them before standing and stomping away to sulk, his footsteps loud and heavy against the marble floor. Sam ignores him, pushes at Dream's shoulder with one hand, gets no response, and Wilbur laughs.
"You know, Sam, I think that went great."
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