#he ends up with cazador
ghost-proofbaby · 9 months
i’m sorry but can we talk about how fucking devastating it is to hear it repeatedly said in the game how godey and cazador found astarion’s screams to be the “sweetest”?
the way he was the one who always screamed the loudest. when he was being tortured for days in the kennel by godey. when cazador was carving the runes into his back. centuries, and no one ever helped him or saved him. for centuries, he was screaming and begging for mercy, and it only egged his abuser on more.
no wonder he disapproves more when you repeatedly help and save people. repeatedly, he has to watch you save all these people, knowing no one ever saved him.
yes, i’m actively sobbing over a video game character. i want something more painful than just death for cazador.
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loquaciousquark · 3 months
when will eppie hawke and fenris meet tavish and astarion? (:
"And anyway, it won't be that bad. One last little Fade rift. We'll barricade it up as best we can, send a message to Skyhold, go home, and—"
One of the craggy footholds crumbles away beneath Hawke's foot, and it's only Fenris's quick hand that saves her from a plummet back down the side of the barren mountain. "Hawke, please."
"Please yourself. I said you didn't have to come."
Fenris throws her a longsuffering look, the flickering green lightning of the rift casting weird shadows over his eyes, but he doesn't let go of her arm until she's got both feet on solid ground again. "Just seal it and let this be done."
"My heart's only desire, lover," Hawke says, smiling, just as another pair of voices rises from the other side of the rift.
"Careful—careful! It shocks like the entire Hells are in there. Where's Gale?"
"Wherever Karlach dropped him, I suppose, with that little sprained ankle of his. No, I see them, they're almost here. Come away, darling. No need to get so dramatically close."
"This, from you?" says the woman, just as she and her fellow voice round the far edge of the rift. "Oh!"
"Well!" Hawke says almost at the same moment. Two of them after all: a short, slim woman with auburn hair pulled back in a low tail, and a tall, lithe man with hair as white as Fenris's and eyes that gleam like rubies. The man has a dagger drawn already, a thin smile playing over his face; the woman's fingers rest on her sheathed rapier, but her gaze is open, friendly. Hawke plants her staff on the rocky ground in as welcoming a gesture as she can manage. "Fancy running into someone like you up here of all places."
"I could say the same," the woman says. The green rift, still hanging between them and stretching a good twenty feet into the sky, gives an ominous rumble. "Our wizard's been fretting about magical disturbances along the city's borders for weeks. He finally traces the source to this location, and here you are at the heart of it. I'd like to believe it's coincidence."
"Alas," Hawke says, "one of my greatest faults is a terrible habit of being around when things begin. Fenris can attest to that better than most." She lays a hand on Fenris's shoulder, but he's stiff as iron, eyes glued to the man's dagger, and he's reached back for the hilt of his greatsword. "I'm Hawke, by the way."
"Call me Tav."
"And I'm Astarion," the man says grandly, accompanied by a wholly unnecessary flourish of his dagger. "We're here to steal the world."
"Save it," Tav says sharply.
"Of course, my dear. Save the world. What did I say?"
Fenris makes a short, disgusted noise, but Hawke's pleased to see he's let go of his own sword. She doesn't think this Astarion is going to kill them—not easily, anyway—and she likes the look of Tav despite herself. Both of them quick on their feet, she thinks, both moving gracefully with an innate, self-assured balance. As Tav steps around the rift Astarion moves with her like water, without even needing to see where she's gone. It reminds her a great deal of Fenris and herself, actually, though Hawke would give an arm to trust her own feet that much.
Fenris, it seems, has come to similar conclusions, and he rolls his shoulders as he releases their tension. Even his voice has lost its nascent fury, which for Fenris is practically friendly in situations like this. "The rift is dangerous. We will guard it until the Inquisitor can seal it permanently. Be on your way."
"Inquisitor?" drawls Astarion with that same, thin-lipped smile. "Sounds like someone from dear Shadowheart's former enclave, don't you think?"
"I don't think they're Sharran," Tav says. "Are you?"
"What a speculative look you've put on," Hawke says, delighted. "I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. Unless you'd like me to be Sharran, in which case, I most certainly am and in fact have always been."
Both Fenris and Astarion roll their eyes—hilarious in its own right, but heightened by the clear antipathy still remaining between them. Fenris sighs. "Hawke—"
The rift explodes.
Green lightning shatters over the rocky cliff. The rumble bursts into a deafening roar; the faint breeze that had been dancing around them sweeps up into a hurricane. The air cracks and snaps with a sudden smell of ozone.
Hawke throws her hand over her eyes. She can't see—the wind tears her hair from its bindings and she can't see past the brilliant flashes of blazing green and she can't hear— "Fenris!"
Someone's fingers wrap around hers. She wrenches up her staff, calls for fire—for ice—for anything—but the rift has become a maelstrom and every scrap of magic sucks into the raging whirl before she can shape it. Her boots skid on the stone as she tries to brace against the inexorable pull, pebbles and rocks rattling along every step. She can't—the hand wrapped around hers has seized tight as a vise, but she's slipping anyway, and Maker, she can't—
A man's echoing voice, stripped bare of all artifice, wild with fear: "Tav!"
The wind dies. Not slowly, not gradually; it falls off like someone's upturned a glass over the rocky cliff, and Hawke's ears roar in the sudden silence. The wind is gone, and the rift is gone with it as if it had never been, the thunderous clouds that had been swirling above it already dissipating to glimpses of blue morning sky.
"Andraste preserve me," Hawke says, loud in the quiet, and she looks over to see Tav still crouched against the face of the mountain. One of Tav's hands clutches a dagger she'd wedged deep into a stony crevice; the other is still wrapped tight around Hawke's wrist where she'd pulled her away from the tempest.
No sign of Fenris. No sign of the other one—Astarion. A long white scrape in the stone marks where Fenris's sword had sought and failed to find purchase, disappearing at the precise place where the rift had torn itself open.
Gone. Gone, gone. Her heart hammers in her throat, and she indulges in thirty seconds of agonizing grief before she sets it aside, turns, and pulls Tav to her feet.
"Well," Hawke says at last. "Looks like it's just you and me, then. Ready for an adventure?"
"Yes," Tav says, her grip on Hawke's hand like steel, and her eyes blaze. "You and me. Let's get them back."
Everything hurts. Everything godsdamned hurts, and Astarion lets out a pained groan as he rolls to his back and drops his arm over his face. His ears ring like bells, and something twinges painfully in his left hip, and the inconvenient sun has decided to blaze right in his face and gods damn it, he'd known they ought to wait for Gale. Wretched wizard and his weak ankles. Wretched Tav and her complete inability—
"Tav," Astarion says, and sits bolt upright.
No Tav. Not even the dark-haired sorcerer with the wide smile. Just that taciturn warrior in leather and half-plate seated on a rock a few feet away, watching Astarion get his bearings, his greatsword slung across his knees and a deeply sour look on his tattooed face. The skies above them are clear and blue as a song.
No Tav. No Hawke. No rift. No plan, and no company besides an irascible stranger with the same sudden look of dawning horror.
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deer-with-a-stick · 1 year
I love how all of the companions' stories revolve around autonomy and I love how some of the romances show the whole "I love you for who you are"
Don't love how so many people are misinterpreting them though
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clownsecret · 4 months
ascended astarion au where he doesn't sacrifice cazador and instead keeps him as a fucked up human pet, and occasionally strolls up to cazador's cage (because of course he keeps him in a cage) and just sits down on a comfy chair where cazador can see him and treats himself to a nice, delicious orange while his former master has to just sit there on the floor and watch and it makes him so fucking angry
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waluigisgaybf · 10 months
But heres a conversation you can have if you try to break up with Astarion while playing with a Durge ;;;;
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zenopic · 10 months
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Some people have accurately compared Astarion to a cat and I am living for it. You are welcome to stay in my head rent free. ;v;
// Closeup 👇 progress vid coming Wednesday//
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nebulousfishgills · 29 days
As much as I love playing embrace Dark Urge runs (discussion in therapy pending), there's something so narratively satisfying about how a Resist Durge playthrough can go once you get to the Bhaal Temple. Your character steps into the ring with Orin, it's intended to be a duel, but odds are you're getting eviscerated pretty quickly. You then switch to one of your other characters in your party and throw an attack, effectively breaking the duel and setting the whole temple upon you.
(Adding a cut because this ended up being longer than I thought)
But, I think it's a very satisfying way to play. Your party members have grown fond of your Durge, seeing them as a friend, a family member, even a lover. They've watched you and your pain over your Urge and what it makes you do or want to do. Maybe you've slipped up once or twice, but you've been trying so hard to be the hero they know you can be, that Faerûn needs. So, when it comes time to finally face your demons and you're getting so horribly hurt in the process, they can't help but rush to your defense. It'll put all of them in danger, but it doesn't matter because they want and need to help you, their ally and companion.
Bonus points if you select your character's romanced companion as the savior/duel interruptor to make it extra delicious. They've fallen in love with you, stayed with you when your Urge craved their blood the most, maybe by this point in the game you've helped put their demons down as well. They see you in pain, a final valiant effort to overcome your Urge against the power of Orin, a whole cult, a god of murder himself. They want to protect you, save you as you saved them.
I'm also fond of the extra beauty of Astarion being your Resist Durge romance since it puts the two of you in very similar situations. Fighting against the will of your masters, finally defeating your demons with your newfound companions' help and being offered the greatest power you could ever fathom... only to deny it, ignore power in favor of your party and your love.
This isn't even mentioning just how goddamn good the Withers resurrecting you cutscene is. This skeleton in your camp with unknown and unfathomable power (also apparently supposed to be Jergal himself if I've done my research properly?) is able to bring you back to life, free of your Urge. The line along the lines of "Bhaal could only destroy what of you that he knew, but because you've grown past your Urge and become your own person, he couldn't destroy that new growth" is just so weirdly powerful narratively. Tav may be a default character for you to create upon making a new save file, but Durge is the canon protagonist and I think that entire scene shows it the best. It's a beautiful secondary climax of the narrative (primary being battling the Netherbrain of course).
And, perhaps it's just an oversight on Larian's part or something that'd be a bit difficult to work into the cutscenes mechanically, but I think that it could only get more impactful if your companions could comfort each other during these moments. Everyone and their mother wishes you could hug Astarion after he kills Cazador, but also imagine your romanced companion cradling your body after Bhaal kills you. It seems just a little odd that they all (meaning your party) kinda just stand around staring at your corpse, especially with how close y'all have gotten.
Idk, I have a lot of thoughts about this section of the game in this particular type of playthrough and some of them are hard to articulate into words. It's just such a damn good narrative peak and can really make you feel things.
I've completed I think two resist Durge runs and just hit this point on my third and it really stuck out to me this time (then again my new antidepressants are kinda fucking with me so that might be playing a role). I left it as my last mission before dealing with the Netherbrain and I think it helped build the anticipation of that moment. Everyone else has been helped by you, and now it's your turn to come into your own. I really felt so connected to my character walking into the temple, feeling like everything has been building to this, that regardless of what happens our suffering will finally end. And you have your party there to help you in your time of greatest need as you've done for them.
There's a reason this game was Game of the Year, the narrative is just so powerful and the replay-ability is just insane. I've beaten this game ten times, heading for my eleventh and it truly just never gets old and never fails to make me feel so many things so strongly.
#we're gonna bypass how i have the withers big naturals mod installed#because it kinda undercuts the moment when withers comes in to resurrect you and he has these massive honkers#i'm a big fan of embrace durges since it's a great way for me to let loose without real world consequence#(my anticipation for patch 7 grows daily of course)#and it's also just fun to be your worst self and create the fucking legion of doom with your party#you'll never beat the sheer power of an evil durge/ascended astarion/dark justiciar shadowheart/minthara team up#I AM FULLY AWARE I AM SINNING WHEN I ASCEND ASTARION AND IT PAINS ME EVERY TIME BUT I LIKE EVIL NARRATIVES SUE ME#but a resist durge run makes me feel so many more things#helping shadowheart with her family helping astarion learn to be his best self free from cazador lifting the shadow curse among other things#plus everything I mentioned in the main post#and then the final crescendo of the score at the end of the epilogue party cutscene is a HUGE chills moment#although i will always be mad that in order to keep gale from ascending you have to make him seek forgiveness from mystra#she should be apologizing to him wtf no wonder i accidentally ascended him so many times him#gale telling her to shove it just MAKES MORE SENSE and is the healthier thing to do but it gets you his fucking bad ending wth#okay i suppose him blowing himself up is his bad ending but whatever#apparently him exploding the netherbrain can get you the win for honor mode and as someone who can't even get through balanced mode#you bet your sweeeeeet ass i'm not above sending gale to blow himself up to avoid a run ending fight if i got that far#honor mode is not about getting the ending you want it's just about completeing it and dude there's no way in hell i'll get close otherwise#i'll shut up now#fishgills speaks#fishgills plays bg3#bg3#baldur's gate 3#the dark urge#bg3 durge
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swordmaid · 1 month
my hag romance murder mystery au turning to magistrate astarion working with executor shri’iia we kind of like that development
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#why I never considered their past jobs kinda worked well together LOL#like she technically was her matriarch’s executor with the way she hunted people down and all#and he’d be sending rando and poor people to death for their crimes bc god knows if he was fair and had honor#in this au he does not bc he’s indebted to cazador (he’s not a vamp tho that’ll b too easy for a murder mystery)#like hag romance working together to solve the murders themselves then when they’re done they give the findings to whoever is formally in#charge of solving it then disappearing 👍 I also want a scenario where they’re both using each other for their own means as in#shri’iia needs him to take her back down the underdark bc she dk where to go but then she learns that she wasn’t supposed to survive this#mission anyway so she’s like 🧍‍♀️ well I’ll figure that out later#astarion wanted to either frame her or use her against cazador so he can be free and run away#mid way he changes her plans bc Uh Oh there’s Feelings Involved#either mid way or later down the line I haven’t decided yet. but whatever they do in the end kind of ‘frees’ them from both their conflicts#they end up running away together 👍 live ur best life queens#I’m also hmm stuck on what exactly astarion is indebted for like it has to be something drastic and he’d be desperate to rely on cazador#(though I’m thinking that cazador set up the whole scheme and he just got played - which parallels shri’iia getting bamboozled too)#when ur charlatans who have 8 int 🧍‍♀️#but basically astarion when he sentences someone instead of sending them to the gallows he sends them to cazador to be ‘reformed’ but then#they end up disappearing from the plane of existence. so he’s like trafficking people 🧍‍♀️ but then I’m like idk what would’ve happened for#him to do something so drastic and actually go through with doing It and multiple times Too hmm#we’re still brainstorming …
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chantryexplosion · 8 months
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if ronen were forced to cover them up he would end up succumbing to the urge and killing everyone i think
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atlabeth · 10 months
ascended astarion fans scare me ngl
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carterashofficial · 11 months
Half-drow Tav, seeing Astarian: classic good looks, white hair, red eyes. let me guess: you're half-drow?
Astarian: you could not be more wrong, but im delighted you were thinking of me
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My partner finally finished BG3 but has no idea that his ending was actually bad cause he was a pro-Vlaakith githyanki who rode off with Lae'zel but got NO EPILOGUE where Withers points out y'all died im 😭😭😭
they have no idea what happened with Gale or anyone else (who was still alive) after flying away 🙃🙃🙃
#i cant even tell him cause hes gonna play again more “normally”#its so tragic he would like skip dialogue and just fight to get the jump on boss battles instead of waiting for the cutscenes to start#and he didn't exhaust dialogue trees!! like... how... why...#and also he staked Astarion 😭 and p much never reloaded#and didn't clear the shadow curse so no Halsin#also everyone at Last Light Inn died so Dammon was gone and Karlach only got 2 upgrades#and he didnt know moonrise towers was basically a second town#and his game was buggy a lot maybe? cause he kept trying to be hella creative with things and do things out of order#like killing gortash before doing steel watch 🙃#it's fine it's fine everyone plays differently#he tends to care more about gameplay than anything else but still!!#i just want him to know all the character backstories and see everything that made me emotional#i mean he did say he was sad when Lae'zel broke up with him in act 3 and when Karlach died and when he had Gale use the orb in act 2#which he considered his canon ending :/ sigh#i dont think he got Jaheira's lines about death#and he didnt understand why Karlach wouldn't go back to the hells#and he thought Wyll was happy being the duke (and has NO idea you could save his dad cause the mission didn't happen!! 😭)#the iron throne was like my fave mission outside of killing Cazador and I can't discuss either one cause he didn't do them properly yet 😭😭#he also avoided talking to children so he missed those quests and yenna glitched so no cat appeared in camp 🙃#sighhhhh cannot believe he plays so differently than i do lollll#he didn't even do unlimited kisses with Lae'zel!! meanwhile im over here kissing Astarion every night hahahah#hoping my partner doesn't see IRL if I have the office door open as if it matters lmfaooooo#i need him to play again and see why im in love with a video game character lol#maybe we could both um... benefit from knowing more about all of Astarion's scenes lmao#but like he has NOT SEEN Astarion's silly or sweet side yet just him being a bit of a chaotic vampire#and thinks i like him cause of vampires WRONG!! play the game again and see that i love his silly & sweet real self!#bg3 spoilers#baldur's gate 3 spoilers#bg3#baldur's gate 3
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neatfrog · 7 months
thoughts/ramblings re ascended Astarion
(Act 3 spoilers)
I want to preface this by saying I completely understand why people would like or prefer this version and I have no beef with them, these are just my own opinions and feelings after playing through that route with a certain type of character
(I have not finished the final battle, but otherwise this run of the game is complete)
The only word I can really come up with to describe A!Astarion is ‘unsettling’. Which, imo, is exactly how it is supposed to be for a character who genuinely loved and cared about him and wanted to have their love reciprocated the same way.
I have to also extend a ton of credit to Neil Newbon, bc when he said he essentially “got to play two characters”, he was 100% correct and I think he nails both of them.
In terms of the way the sudden change in character felt, I would liken it to if you had a spouse who was kind of a smarmy bastard but otherwise not too horrible of a person - they had faults and you knew it, accepted them anyway. And then one day they get like…this huge promotion at work that changes their entire personality. Maybe they went from prison guard to prison warden, and prison guard!spouse was fine and could be put in their place when they got a little too cocky or power hungry, but prison warden!spouse will threaten to snap your neck for trying.
The particular character I was playing is the type who wouldn’t care about the ‘bad’ parts of him until that’s suddenly all he is. At that point, they realize they made a mistake, but they still love him and desperately want that love reciprocated so they will agree to his demands rather than leave/have him leave. An otherwise confident and independent takes-no-shit character who has one fatal flaw - a debilitating fear of abandonment.
They can see the change immediately, and it terrifies them, but they tell themselves that deep down there still has to be Astarion under there - the Astarion they came to know and care about. If they work at it, maybe they can coax that part of him to come back out. Until then, they will go along with his whims and let him change them too, because the alternative is even more terrifying.
He would be the significant other they frequently make excuses for to the other companions when they express concerns about the way he treats them and other people. And they’d tell themselves that he wouldn’t really hurt them, but at the same time they know that there would be consequences for defiance.
They would feel trapped, used, and owned. But that would seem like a fair price to pay to keep him, still clinging on to the person they used to know him as.
There would come a point where they would have to make that inevitable choice - whether to succumb further to the darkness he dragged them down in, or to stand up for their fate and break away despite how much the loss will hurt. I feel like it could come to a choice between killing him or being killed by him. And deep down, they would know that, even as they agree to let him turn them.
But when he goes on another one of his flowery spiels about how beautiful they are, how much he loves them, they let themselves believe it’s not all empty words despite knowing his ‘profession’ for 200 years was as a lying seducer. They’ve got to be different, they tell themselves. It will be different. Even when it’s not.
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lesfir · 8 months
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Oh, how I love this
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clownsecret · 4 months
The sacred Group Chat has inspired me. Cazador has just a little way too much to drink at one of his parties and suddenly it's all hands on deck with his spawn trying to wrangle him away from the guests because getting drunk unlocks Slut Mode in Cazador and while it's funny as hell to watch (and kind of hot, honestly) they know he WILL regret it the next day and he WILL be mad about it if they don't stop him
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thranduel · 1 year
bg3 is getting popular and the fandom is getting bigger so i’m just gonna say this now lol
i’m already waiting for the astarion hate to begin just because he’s a popular character and the internet always gets mad when someone gets popular lol :/ “he’s so overrated!!!!”, “he’s not even that good”, “he’s horrible and mean”, blah blah blah. he’s a well-written and very complex fictional character with an incredibly talented voice actor that most of us have been excited to see in the full game for the past 3 years. people are allowed to like him. he’s popular for many reasons, not just “wow handsome vampire”. his character tropes are also very popular in fiction and people tend to get drawn to characters like him because they’re interesting, have deep backstories and we want to see redemption arcs. enemies to friends + enemies to lovers are also some of the most well-loved tropes. characters being loved and popular is NOT a bad thing and i don’t know why people get so bitter about it. and fyi this isn’t about people who simply don’t like him for their own reasons, i understand why he might not be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s totally valid, it’s more about people who only randomly started to hate him just because he’s popular
it kinda reminds me of when the internet turned on eddie munson from stranger things. i still can’t get over how everyone immediately switched up on him and hopped on the hate bandwagon just because he became popular. and then it became “trendy” to hate him. people who previously liked him when volume 1 came out totally changed and then started picking out every tiny little flaw just to hate on him. i used to see edits of him everywhere and then it turned into calling him cringe and making fun of anyone who liked him. even cosplayers got hated on and bullied for… having fun? like yeah you might find some things cringe but the way the entire internet bullied these people and enjoyed laughing at them was SO weird to me
again, it’s totally fine for people to dislike certain characters and have their own opinions. but ONLY hating on them just because they’re popular and then trying to guilt trip/make people feel like idiots for liking them is so weird
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