#even more devastating than when i found out he dies if you don’t keep him in your party/camp
ghost-proofbaby · 9 months
i’m sorry but can we talk about how fucking devastating it is to hear it repeatedly said in the game how godey and cazador found astarion’s screams to be the “sweetest”?
the way he was the one who always screamed the loudest. when he was being tortured for days in the kennel by godey. when cazador was carving the runes into his back. centuries, and no one ever helped him or saved him. for centuries, he was screaming and begging for mercy, and it only egged his abuser on more.
no wonder he disapproves more when you repeatedly help and save people. repeatedly, he has to watch you save all these people, knowing no one ever saved him.
yes, i’m actively sobbing over a video game character. i want something more painful than just death for cazador.
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velieditss · 1 month
A life for a life
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!reader
Cw: Explicit description of abuse (Not from Aemond to reader) grief, bad dreams of Lucerys death (I mean I cried at that kid like I had birthed him, raised him, and paid for all his bills)
Summary: Once, you were a betrothed, but now, you are a widow and a prisoner. Yet, it seems the regent prince has set his sights on you, a gaze that, in truth, was always there, watching you from the shadows. But only now, at this crossroads in your life, does he feel empowered to claim you as his own.
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You were the only one who stayed behind when your family returned to Dragonstone. Your only desire was to keep Helaena company, the only one among the king and queen's children with whom you had formed a bond, a fragile thread of affection in a court where alliances were often brittle.
But you didn’t heed her warning—or perhaps you simply didn’t understand it.
“Leave, or he will claim you,” she had whispered, her voice trembling with an urgency that you failed to grasp.
You certainly didn’t understand.
That very night, your grandfather, the king, died.
You were asleep when it happened, blissfully unaware, only to awaken to a silence so profound it was deafening. No one came to inform you, and when you tried to leave your chambers, you found the doors barred, locking you inside.
It became clear that only one person had remembered your existence when food and water were delivered to you. Desperate for answers, you questioned the servant, only to learn that your grandfather had passed, Aegon had been crowned king in your mother’s stead, and your betrothed, Prince Lucerys, was dead. How, or why, no one would tell you.
Devastated, the full weight of your captivity settled upon you. You long to stop dreaming. You implore the gods that you could cease to dream. You are so exhausted; all you yearn for is sleep. You want to sleep all day, from dawn until twilight, which every evening arrives a little earlier and with a touch more gloom. During the day, all you do is think about sleeping, about him. But at night, all you do is try to stay awake.
All day you keep your face smiling like a mask, smiling, smiling, your teeth bared, your eyes bright, your skin like stretched parchment, paper-thin. You keep your voice clear and soft, you speak words without meaning, and sometimes, when necessary, you even sing. At night you fall into your bed as if you were plunging into deep waters, as if you were sinking into the depths, as if the water were possessing you, taking you like a mermaid, and for a moment you feel a deep relief, as if, submerged in water, your sorrow could drain away, as if it were the Gods eye river and the currents could bring forgetfulness and carry you into the cave of sleep; but then, the dreams come.
You don’t dream of his dead–it would be the worst of nightmares to see your brother bleeding to death, to see him with the pale face typical of a lifeless body and soulless eyes.
You don’t dream any of this, and you thank the Gods for that mercy at least.
But you understood, that if anything he would have wished, it was that you would not live with grief and regret.
You were born a princess and you are the heir to a long line of courageous women.
Even so, you wept until sleep claimed you, and the days began to blur together, each more colorless than the last. You lost the will to eat, to care, for it seemed that no one cared for you. Only a servant came each day to help you wash, but even she never spoke.
Thoughts of escape flitted through your mind—knocking out the servant, or even throwing yourself from the window, the height be damned. But everything changed one night when they dragged you from your bed, giving you no time to comprehend what was happening.
They hauled you through the corridors with such brutality that your arms bore the bruises of their grip.
“What is happening?” you demanded, your voice quivering with fear. “Where are you taking me?”
The soldiers’ hold tightened painfully, making you wince. “The king wishes to see you, so keep your mouth shut.”
As you were led closer to the chambers that had once belonged to your grandfather, you sensed something was horribly wrong. Soldiers were dragging servants away, forcing them toward what seemed to be the dungeons, while you were marched in the opposite direction.
“I’ve done nothing,” you murmured, dread curling in your stomach. “I am a princess; you have no right to treat me like this!”
But your protests fell on deaf ears.
When you reached the king’s door, a cacophony of crashes and furious shouts echoed from within, as though the very foundations of the room were being torn apart.
“I’ll kill them!” a voice roared. “I’ll kill them all! Traitors and villains! How dare they attack me!”
The doors were flung open, and you were shoved to the floor at the feet of a figure who loomed above you.
“Your Majesty…”
“I am the King!”
You raised your head slightly to see Aegon, wild-eyed, smashing something in his hands—a relic of ancient Valyria that had once belonged to Viserys.
“I am the King!” he repeated, and it took several men to calm him, though his rage only simmered as he turned his gaze upon you.
“We’ve brought the traitor, as you commanded.”
A chill swept through you as your eyes met Aegon’s. The fury and madness in his stare made him unrecognizable, a stranger where once there had been a boy you had known all your life.
He grabbed you by the shoulders and hauled you to your feet, his grip so tight it was as though he wanted to crush you with it. His eyes were wild, almost deranged.
“It was you, wasn’t it?” His voice was more of an accusation than a question.
You instinctively placed a hand on his chest as he backed you against the shattered remains of the sculpture he had destroyed.
“You sought revenge in the name of your bastard betrothed.”
You shook your head as his hand closed around your throat, squeezing until you could barely breathe.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you choked out, struggling to draw air into your lungs.
"Aegon...!" you gasped, but he didn't release you. Your eyes locked with his, desperately trying to convey the truth. You had done nothing, you didn’t even know why he was blaming you. Of all people, he should know that you would be the last to harm them.
But his grip tightened, and as your vision began to blur, you started hitting his arm in a frantic attempt to break free.
With no one stepping in to stop him, you acted out of sheer instinct. You grabbed the nearest object and struck Aegon across the face with all the strength you could muster.
He released you immediately, and you collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath and clutching your chest. Only then did the others move, but not against Aegon—against you.
They seized you by the hair, dragging you to your feet, holding you so tightly that escape was impossible.
You were certain you would die there, but you resolved that you would not go down without a fight.
Aegon waved the others away, and without hesitation, he struck again. The blow was so fierce that it knocked the strength from your legs, leaving your ears ringing and your vision blurred. Warm blood trickled down your lips as you struggled to stay conscious.
Your eyes filled with tears, and you braced yourself for the next strike, but it never came.
Slowly, your hearing returned, and with it, your sight. You could make out distant voices—two at first, then more. You were dropped to the cold floor for a third time.
Raising your head, you saw a blurry figure holding Aegon by the throat. The darkness, combined with the dizziness in your head, made it difficult to identify who it was.
You wanted to take advantage of the distraction, to flee, but you had no idea where to go or what to do. You tried to stand, but the ringing in your head grew louder, preventing you from taking more than a single step.
“She is a traitor, and you dare defend her?” you heard Aegon’s voice, but you no longer cared.
You made a second attempt to stand, but this time you did not feel the ground beneath you. Instead, you felt arms encircling your waist with a surprising gentleness, a touch so unexpected that even he seemed taken aback.
When you looked up, you found yourself gazing into the face of the last person you ever expected.
“Aemond?” you asked, needing confirmation.
In the dim light of the night, through the haze of pain and exhaustion, you clung to the one solid thing you had found.
“Don’t try to move anymore,” he said softly, “you’ll only hurt yourself more.”
He guided your arms around his neck and, with no effort at all, lifted you into his arms. You might have resisted, demanded that he put you down, that you retain some shred of dignity after all you had endured, but you were utterly exhausted. Your head wouldn’t stop spinning, and your spirit was shattered. For now, Aemond seemed to be the only one who showed even a flicker of care for you.
You were the only good thing he remembered from his childhood. The only thing that made him smile, the only thing that made him feel human.
Like him, your dragon egg never hatched, but unlike him, you didn’t mind. And it was this indifference that made him begin to notice you. He admired the kindness, fairness, and awareness you displayed effortlessly.
When Aegon mocked him, you defended him; when your brothers teased him, you scolded them. And when the incident at Driftmark occurred, although you weren’t present, you were the only one who wept upon seeing what had happened to him.
You were also the only one who went to see him afterward, when everyone else walked away without consequence. You gave him something no one else did: a hug.
“You’re still handsome,” you said, gently brushing the spot where the stitches had been.
He couldn’t help but blush at your words. Although he pretended not to care, that wound had affected him deeply, just as so many other things had during his childhood.
“It was a fair trade. I lost an eye, but I gained a dragon,” he repeated, echoing the same words he had said to his mother.
You looked at him with sadness because, even though you couldn’t fully understand what he felt, it seemed to you that he repeated those words to convince himself that he shouldn’t feel pity for what he had lost.
“You’re allowed to be sad, you know?” you said, taking his hand and offering a faint smile. “I don’t really know what happened down there, or why my brothers reacted the way they did, or what you did, but... it’s not as simple as you make it out to be, and that’s okay. You’re human, Aemond.”
He remained silent for a few moments, and for the first time, he thought that if he were to cry in that moment, he wouldn’t feel judged but rather comforted by the love and patience you had always shown him. But he didn’t. Despite the trust he had in you, he didn’t want to seem weak in your eyes.
That was the last time you saw him.
But it wasn’t the last time you had contact with him. You always wrote to him and to Helaena, telling them about your daily life, about what made you happy, like the birth of your younger brothers, Aegon and Viserys, and the joy you felt holding their tiny bodies.
For a while, everything was fine. However, little by little, your letters became less frequent until one day they stopped altogether, which made him nervous. It was a feeling he didn’t understand, and it worsened when he found out that you continued to write to Helaena but not to him.
His confusion turned into fury, especially when, at the beginning of your silence, he sent you letters—initially short, barely a paragraph. But when he received no reply, he started sending longer ones, telling you about his day, trying to regain the attention you had once given him without directly asking why you had gone silent. One letter, two, three… ten. But there was no response.
So he stopped trying.
Then, you returned to King’s Landing to defend your brother’s legitimacy after six long years.
You saw him training and noticed how much he had changed. You felt the fear the servants displayed when he was near, how hard and enigmatic he had become. The boy you knew had disappeared, transformed into a man you no longer recognized.
He caught your gaze from below, and for the first time in his life, you looked away. You had never done that before; you always greeted him with a tender smile and warm eyes.
“Why? Why? Why?” he wondered furiously in his mind, as if you could answer him from a distance.
You were walking towards the throne room to witness Vaemond Velaryon’s petition when someone intercepted you, grabbing your hand and making you turn with a gasp.
You parted your lips slightly upon meeting Aemond’s cold gaze. He was much taller than you now, his face had gained firmer features, and the strength he had acquired was evident, perhaps thanks to his training. Even his skin had taken on a more bronzed tone from all those days outdoors. The patch covering his missing eye made him look even more imposing.
“Do I look like a criminal to you, or why are you running from me?” he asked bluntly, without so much as a greeting or an apology for interrupting you and grabbing you.
“We’re going to be late,” was all you said, trying to free yourself from his grip.
However, he didn’t let go, as if his hand on your wrist was a chain binding you to him.
You looked at him again, silently pleading with him not to persist. He remained silent, watching you with a depth that, for the first time, you couldn’t interpret.
Then he let out a short laugh and released you, causing you to cover your wrist with your other hand.
Your heart ached because, although you had sworn to keep your distance from him, you knew you were being unfair.
You turned your back on him, ready to leave, but you bit your lower lip, feeling the truth gnawing at you inside.
“Did you do it?” you asked in a whisper, turning back to face him.
He looked at you, not understanding.
“Do what?” You nervously fidgeted with your hands, a gesture he hated. He could find satisfaction in everyone else’s fear of him, but in you, and only in you, he despised it.
“Did you try to kill them?” you finally asked. “Did you try to kill my brothers? Is that why Luke attacked you with a knife?”
He clenched his hands into fists, connecting the dots. Was that why you had stopped writing to him? Why you were ignoring him?
You couldn’t bear to see how his face filled with a rage you had never seen in him before, a rage that sent shivers down your spine. You lowered your gaze, waiting for an answer.
However, he grabbed your chin, forcing you to face him.
He expected this from everyone, but not from you.
The only woman he had placed on a pedestal, the only one who had taught him that love could be given willingly, not out of obligation.
“Is that what they told you?” he murmured, struggling with an internal conflict that seemed to hurt him, even make him feel betrayed. “And you believed them?”
You closed your eyes, and seeing him like this made you begin to doubt your convictions.
However, Jace, Luke, even Baela and Rhaena, had sworn it to you on their lives. You knew that, of all people, Jace and Luke would never lie to you. So yes, your judgment was clouded by the oaths of the people you loved most.
“Then tell me, tell me what happened that day, tell me you didn’t break Luke’s nose and try to hit Jace with a rock.”
Silence seemed to flood everything like an overwhelming tide.
“They attacked me,” he asserted in a solemn tone, one that left no room for doubt or questioning. “All four of them came to attack me.”
He didn’t deny it, and that was the first thing you noticed.
“And why? Why would four children come to attack you?” You didn’t accuse him of anything, you simply asked, though you already knew the answer; you wanted to hear it from his lips.
“That doesn’t justify what they did to me,” he said, with an expression that broke your heart. Though you already knew, you had hoped your brothers were mistaken.
“No, it doesn’t justify it,” you responded. “But neither does it justify what you said to them, nor how you insulted them, because the moment that word left your lips, you insulted me too. The moment you struck them, you struck me as well. And when they hurt you, they hurt me too.”
You had to swallow hard to keep your eyes from filling with tears.
“I will never forgive what they did to you, and my heart breaks to see that the boy I once loved… suffered and changed so much, to the point where I no longer recognize him.” Your voice trembled as his eyes pierced through you, reaching the deepest part of your soul. “But I can’t forgive you for what you did to them either.”
You sighed and took his hand.
“And they are my brothers… I had to choose.”
A tear slid down your cheek, one that carried so many emotions, so much meaning.
You let go of him, ready to leave him behind and head for your mother’s arms. You just wanted to reach her.
However, you felt a pull, gentler this time, less abrupt. One that forced you to face him again.
Then, something you thought impossible happened: in his eyes, you once again saw the boy you remembered, that boy with a sad but determined gaze, who tried to be strong, though he had a brave and simple heart. That boy who made your heart race, who made you want to see him day and night, the one who, despite the differences in your lives, always seemed to understand you.
And then, in an unexpected and overwhelming moment, his lips sought yours. There was no hesitation, no moment of doubt. It took you by surprise, but instead of pulling away, you found yourself responding with the same intensity. The air between you seemed to evaporate as the heat of his body enveloped yours.
His kiss was everything you had imagined and more, a blend of unleashed passion and tenderness you hadn’t anticipated. Your hands, which at first had frozen in the air, moved of their own accord—one tangled in his hair, the other gripped his back, feeling the taut
His kiss was everything you had imagined and more, a blend of overwhelming passion and an unexpected tenderness. Your hands, which had initially frozen in mid-air, moved of their own accord—one tangling in his hair, the other clutching at his back, feeling the taut muscles beneath the fabric of his clothing.
Aemond kissed you with a fervor you had never known, as if each kiss was a confession, a longing, a broken promise he tried to mend with every brush of his lips. The need that enveloped you was so overwhelming that you almost lost sense of everything except him. His lips were soft yet firm, his breath warm as it mingled with yours, evoking in you a visceral reaction you had never expected.
Your lips moved in sync with his, responding with a passion that surprised you, a passion that seemed to come from the deepest part of your being. It was a kiss that spoke not just of desire but of all the unexpressed emotions, all the words that had never been spoken.
Then, almost painfully, you became aware of where you were, of the danger of being discovered. With a tremendous effort, you gently pushed him away, breaking the kiss with a gasp, the echo of his touch still vibrating on your lips.
You brought your hand to your lips, still feeling the ghost of his touch, unable to believe what had just happened. He looked at you, breathing heavily, his eyes darkened by a mix of emotions that pierced through you like lightning. For a moment, your heart hesitated, tempted to fall once more into the abyss that had opened between you.
But then, you heard voices approaching, reminding you of where you were and the situation you were in. Aemond seemed to realize it too, and his gaze filled with a mix of frustration and something deeper that you didn’t dare to name. In that instant, he had the impulse to demand, to claim you.
Even so, you knew you had to pull away, that you couldn’t allow yourself to fall deeper into temptation.
Without a word, you turned your back on him, ready to leave, though the truth burned in your chest. You swore to yourself that you wouldn’t let this happen again, that you would turn your feelings for him into a cold, forgotten stone.
And it was all for one reason.
In the audience, when asked about the legitimacy of Princess Rhaenyra's children, King Viserys announced his consent for the marriage between Jacaerys Velaryon, Rhaenyra and Laenor’s eldest son, heir to the throne after his mother, and Baela Targaryen, Daemon and Laena’s eldest daughter. Likewise, following tradition, Lucerys Velaryon, the second son and Corlys’s heir, would marry you.
Aemond’s reaction was immediate and palpable; the fury burning in his eyes was visible in every fiber of his being. It was a fury born not just of frustration, but of disdain and the contempt he felt.
The sky darkened as if aware of the contempt, fury, and slight that the queen’s third son felt. A feeling that clouded his judgment the next day and led him to commit the gravest of sins, unleashing the consequences that would follow.
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queermediaanysis · 11 months
How Izzy’s Death Could’ve Made Basic Storytelling Sense
Just to be clear, Izzy is my favorite and I wanted him to live more than anything. This isn’t about that, and that is NOT why I hated his death. Had it served the narrative in a way that made even the most basic storytelling sense, while I’d admittedly have been devastated in a different way (i.e. the character whose queerness was relegated to the subtext in s1 and as soon as it’s textual and his whole arc is that he’s killed, but that’s a whole separate post…), but at least there would’ve been a correctly crafted arc from a surface level narrative standpoint that ended in the death of my favorite character. But that’s not what this is about. It’s is about how the show could’ve actually made the death actually make sense and work effectively. (Also, if you want my unasked for thoughts on how most of the existing plot of s2 (minus 7-8) could’ve easily been adjusted to fix the narrative as a whole and keep Izzy alive, I wrote this)
But. For those in the fandom insisting that Izzy HAD to die, including DJenks who has said as such in interviews (for reasons I do not understand), from an objective developmental editor standpoint, this is what I think needed to change to make Izzy’s death serve the narrative, character arcs and dynamics, pacing, structure, and thematic elements correctly.
It’s about 2K words just so you know what you’re gonna get into. Spoilers under the cut.
Issue 1. Izzy’s relationship with the crew and how they truly became his family this season totally vanished during his death scene. The same crew who he protected from Ed during the later, worse parts of the Kraken phase. The crew who banded together to save his life by hiding him from/lying to Ed about it, and amputating his leg to save him. The crew he saved by crawling up those stairs during the storm, hobbling out into the rain with one leg and shooting Ed before he could shoot a cannon ball through the mast and kill them all. The crew who called him “our dick”. The crew that then banded together with Stede’s half of the crew to him the leg and the new unicorn (aka the figurehead of the ship). That crew didn’t cry a SINGLE tear when he died. What?? Fang sobbed most of episode one and really lost it when Izzy got shot. Where was that when he died?? Izzy’s last speech to Ricky had something along the lines of: piracy is about belonging/family. We are Good. (Forgive me, I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the gist). Izzy truly did find his family in the crew outside of Ed. That was absolutely fantastic, especially in the first four episodes and episode six. It VANISHED when he was dying and dead.
The fix: To make the death impactful, effective, or even to make it make sense on a very basic acting and writing level, the crew should’ve been utterly DEVASTATED. At least heartbreaking music and like 30 seconds of everyone breaking down and holding each other. At least some of them crying and holding each other in the background when he was dying. Come on.
Issue 2. Thematically speaking, is piracy Good or Bad? Again, Izzy tells Ricky that they (the pirates/his crew) are capital G Good. Yet Ed has spent a lot of time maintaining piracy is capital B Bad. He tells the urchins as such. Here’s some money that I never had, now you don’t have to be pirates. Don’t be pirates. He doesn’t want Stede to kill Ned Low in cold blood. Ed just doesn’t want to be a pirate. Even at the end AFTER Izzy dies telling Ed he’s with his family (implied that this is the crew) and they love Ed, Ed LEAVES THAT FAMILY AND LEAVES PIRACY IMMEDIATELY. We’re left with him and Stede watching the family Izzy swore was Good and loved Ed sail away because Ed thinks piracy is Bad. Which is it?? The death served nothing in convincing Ed he could be happy with his found family on the sea as Ed, not Blackbeard, so the dying words were pointless. The thematic elements are all over the place (for the whole season but that’s another post) and that needs changing to make the death scene make sense.
The fix: Izzy should’ve told him he sees he doesn’t want to pirate anymore, he’s glad he’s found love with Stede because Izzy isn’t going to make it, go run your fokkin’ inn, you twat (affectionate).
Issue 3. Izzy died of bad planning and bad luck. Why didn’t they take the gun from Ricky? Between Spanish Jackie, Izzy, and Jim, SOMEONE would’ve thought about it. If not those three, someone else would’ve, but come one. One if not all of those three would’ve known better. Yeah, Izzy happened to be standing in front of Ed and he got shot instead of him, but you’ve gotta be REALLY looking for that to even be aware it’s what happened. It wasn’t even on purpose unless Ed strategically placed himself behind Izzy (which I doubt was the intent). Izzy didn’t position himself protectively/take the bullet for anyone on purpose. It was just happenstance and you only notice it if you’re rewatching and hyper-analyzing everything (which a lot of us, me included, in the fandom do, but casual watchers don’t. It’s totally unclear as far as the surface level narrative goes) Any sort of “heroism” is not acknowledged, it’s barely even noticeable in the shot. If that was the intent, it HAD to be clearer and acknowledged by the characters so the audience would realize the stakes and repercussions of clear choices. As it is, I don’t think it was intentional. If Izzy HAS to die, it should truly have rounded out his arc in a way that CLEARLY changed the course of the scene, leaving him to protect people he’d put in danger at the end of s1. It didn’t. It just read as terrible planning to the point of it being out of character for more than one character, and bad luck.
The fix: Izzy should’ve saved someone. I personally don’t like the idea of it being Ed. I’s have rather he save Stede (Not really, but it’s better than Ed I guess) But really Izzy should’ve died saving the crew. The crew makes the most sense to me, narratively speaking. He’s their figurehead, he’s protected the Kraken Crew for months and they should’ve been fiercely loyal to him, he blames himself for what Ed did to them (more on this later) so it makes sense for him to fiercely protect his crew. His family. Who should’ve been devastated that it happened because Izzy is the one character of the main three who’s managed to earn that status this season.
Issue 4. The death did not serve to move the plot along. There are literally zero things that would’ve been different for the end of the episode, save Izzy being alive and on the Revenge in his rightful role he earned with his crew as the captain, if he’d have lived. Ed and Stede aren’t partnering with Zheng to go after the guy who killed him in the next season. Nope. They got the offer but nah. They’re running an Inn. Which Izzy would’ve supported based on literally everything we’ve seen from him in episodes 5-8. The crew who Izzy protected fiercely and who viewed him as their leader? Not one tear during his death or the the funeral. Happily sailing away to do presumably more Muppet Treasure Island hijinks. No character development happened. No plot development happened. The season could’ve ended literally the EXACT SAME WAY with Izzy alive aboard the Revenge!!! No stakes were changed at all. No one was impacted enough for it to seem like it was even going to be a plot obstacle next season. It just happened, Izzy’s toxic situationship who maimed him multiple times over the course of months to the point of his leg needing to be amputated was sad for one (1) scene, then we moved on and did not seem sad at all at the funeral. What.
The fix: The plot should’ve been driven by the death. Ed and Stede (but especially Ed), and DEFINITELY the crew should’ve been sailing off plotting to avenge the death and defend piracy against Ricky and the British, especially with Zheng who lost her whole fleet. Ricky and the British are clearly (or so I hope, nothing’s clear here anymore tbh) the primary antagonist for the theoretical third season. No one should be running an whim-based inn for fun or sailing off happily into the sunset after the death of the most major character aside from Ed and Stede, who beyond proved himself a major part of something every character (his family) should’ve cared about this season. If he HAD to die, that death should have furthered the plot. But instead, it seems everyone shrugged it off with tears exclusively from Ed.
Issue 5. Izzy got shot in the left side. The side in which canonically NO ONE DOES FROM BEING INJURED ON IN THE OFMD UNIVERSE.
The fix: Yeah I know this is just too nit-picky but it was also just SO sloppy. Like just shoot him on the other side if he has to die, because this was a very memorable plot point more than once in s1. Like, come on y’all.
Disclaimer: Issues/fixes 1-5 would all need to happen together to truly fix it and make the death serve the narrative correctly. Issue/fix 6 is a totally separate route, which I personally hate, but at least the narrative would’ve made sense this way.
Issue 6. The idea that Izzy had to die so that Ed could be free of Blackbeard makes no sense at this point in the story. Ed already threw away his leathers and gave away his treasure to symbolically get rid of Blackbeard, and Izzy very sweetly encouraged him to follow the feeling that throwing out the leathers gave him. Izzy told Stede that he and Ed were good for each other. They balance each other out. Izzy is on good terms with both of them and their relationship, so Izzy “having to die” so Ed could flourish as Ed genuinely makes no sense and came totally out of left field.
The fix for 6: This one stands alone and is my absolute least favorite option, but if it HAD to happen without the 1-5 fixes, here’s how it could’ve made sense. If THIS is truly the way it was going to end, Izzy needed to be continuously antagonistic or avoidant to at least Ed and actually be shown holding Ed back from happiness until that last second. He wasn’t. He was so much better. Izzy clearly does blame himself (that’s for a separate post because I have lots of thoughts there) but to be fair they were both abusive in that relationship, for years it seems. Although I think by the beginning of s2, the power dynamic has clearly flipped and it was Ed who was doing most of it and Izzy was exhausted and knowingly “reaping what he’d sewed” (I don’t Blame Izzy for his abuse but I think this was his mindset) so the crew wouldn’t get the brunt of it.
If he seriously HAD to die because the writers just had to have it that way, those are the changes I think would’ve made the narrative work/make sense, served all the character arcs and dynamics correctly, and actually driven the plot as fictional deaths are supposed to, compelling things into a third season. Seriously, this season finale was a mess of baffling choices the most series finale season finale I’ve ever seen.
Anyway. There’s my unsolicited two-cents. Now back to hoping Izzy’s in the gravy basket waiting to be sea witch necromancied back by seagull Buttons in season 3. I love this show and I hate hating what I hate hating about it because it’s my absolute favorite and I can’t stand it because it’s fantastic and the worst thing I’ve ever seen. (Also, Izzy should’ve lived).
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coff-in · 5 months
ok Ok wait I'm here for angst consider!! Yan! Andrew and Older Sister Reader post Decay route, where reader walks in an Andrew right after he kills Ashley and talks him down or straight up restrains him from killing her/himself, promising to give him something to live for. She can't save Ashley, but she can save her remaining—however fucked up he may be—sibling right? However, all this means is that Andrew becomes even more yan than he already was and basically guilt-trips the reader and traps her with him. Regardless of where they go, regardless of who they meet, he can't stand being a step away from her. And if she doesn't listen, then all he has to do is pull out the knife again and put it to his own neck.
notes from coff-in: Teehee. I'm sorry if this isn't as angsty as you expected it to be. I don't usually read angsty stuff and this is my first time writing something like this. I saw this ask and just knew that I had to answer it as soon as possible, hehe. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!
[fem] reader-insert, [reader] is older than andrew by about 2 years, this is a follow up to my previous "older sister reader" headcanons
I'll keep you in my arms and never let go.
Big sis [reader] straight up runs up to Andrew, catching him off guard and gripping the hand holding the cleaver, BEGGING him not to kill himself.
“Stop it, stop it, stop it! Stop it! You can stay with me, you can have me, please! Don’t do it, Andrew, don’t do it! You can have me… don’t leave me… please…” [reader]’s fucking crying as she retrains his arm and hand, trying to pull the cleaver out of his hands. (I’m sorry for the poor writing, I saw this ask and all my neurons started rapid-firing ideas all at once).
She’s devastated about Ashley’s death– she was her younger sister after all– but she also tries to distance herself from what happened for the sake of Andrew. She can’t linger on the past when Andrew is right there asking for her help.
(I just realized that the Decay vision takes place in a future we don’t know much about yet, so I’m going to make some stuff up!)
When Ashley died in the demon/dream world her body in real life was left as a soulless husk of some sort. [reader] offered to just kill Ashley’s body and bury her somewhere discreet but Andrew said that he wanted to eat her. A weird final farewell but she’d do it for her little brother.
During dinner, Andrew asked [reader] a question that binded her to him forever: “You promise to never leave me, right?”
The answer fell out of her mouth so naturally that she didn’t even consider the consequences that could follow: “I promise to never leave you, Andrew.”
[reader] and Andrew leave the town they were living in to start anew somewhere else, to putting everything that had happened behind them. Andrew’s never been the youngest sibling before. [reader] dotes and babies him a lot not only since he’s her little brother but her only sibling now. She makes sure that he’s always comfortable wherever they go and gets a job to support the household.
Andrew doesn’t like the idea of his big sis getting a job. She would be talking to other people for most of the day… She wouldn’t be there for him! At first he stalks her workplace, then he tries to get a job working in the same office with [reader] so that they can be close. When that doesn’t work, Andrew waits for his big sis to return to their new home that night. A sharp kitchen knife sits comfortably in his tight grip.
{reader]’s boss had kept her at the office later than what she expected to make up overtime. He’s not waiting on taking advantage on his new employee, it seemed. She sighed as she walked up to the new motel Andrew and her were staying at. As she dugged through her coat pockets for her keys she noticed that one of the lights were on inside.
‘He must’ve had another nightmare again,’ [reader] thought to herself as her hand finally found the motel room keys. He had been racked with awful nightmares ever since Ashley died. Every night he would come to [reader]’s bed and asked if he could sleep with her. He said that it helped him sleep. At some point they stopped trying to sleep in separate beds and now they just shared one.
She entered the motel room and saw Andrew leaning against the kitchen counter. Neither of them made a sound as [reader] closed the door behind her. “I’m home. Sorry I came back late,” [reader] said as she proceeded to take off her coat, “My boss kept me back later than I expected.” Andrew never took his eyes off of his older sister. His silence was scaring her. “Did you get a nightmare?”
“Couldn’t sleep without you…” Andrew answered her silently. “I needed you… and you weren’t there.” His grip tightened on the knife in his hand and [reader] finally noticed it, its glint reflecting the motel room’s light. She stared to realize that this conversation was heading into a very dangerous direction.
“I’m sorry,” [reader] started as she took a slow step closer to Andrew, approaching him like he was a scared animal, “I’m sorry that I came home late, Andrew. I didn’t mean to… not be here with you.” In a flash, Andrew brings the knife’s sharp edge to his neck, the two surfaces a hair’s breath away from kissing and spilling blood.
“Then don’t go! Don’t leave me again!” Andrew yelled at [reader] as she stood in shock. “You promised that you’d never leave and you did! Don’t you love me, sis? Don't I mean anything to you?” [reader] quickly closed the gap between her and her brother and grabbed his hands just like she did when… when she saw…
“Of course I love you, Andrew! I’m sorry!”
'I’m so tired of your sorry’s. They don’t mean shit!'
[reader] wrapped her arms Andrew and hugged him, trying to run away from that moment. She wouldn’t lose another sibling. Not tonight. Not again. “I won’t go back. I won’t leave you again, Andrew.” Andrew wrapped his arms around his big sister and buried his face into the side of her head.
“Promise?” He whispered in her ear, smiling.
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13thdoctorposts · 4 months
Because of all the recent asks about the current series I thought I'd send one about 13 to give you a break. So, in 13's era what are your favourite episodes and what themes or ideas did you find particularly compelling? Just feel free to gush essentially.
lol, I appreciate all asks but I do love to gush about 13 era so let’s do it.
I think many of us love Doctor Who for the theme of found family. What I liked about the 13 era is it shows found family in different ways.
You have Ryan and Graham. With Grace gone and Ryan being 19, they could both choose now to go their separate ways. But they don’t. By joining Yaz and the Doctor, they fix their relationship and become as close as any grandfather and grandson. Joining Yaz and the Doctor helps this, as the four of them become fam. It’s not about blood but actions.
Yaz comes from a stable, loving family. It's not broken. She and her sister clearly rib each other a bit, but they also have a caring relationship. But, what Yaz lacks is making her life have more meaning. By joining the boys and the doctor, she finds people to do that with. They are people she would risk her life for.
The Doctor has no one. She has just lost everyone and is still devastated by the loss of Bill. She has regenerated and is truly alone. But, she falls into the middle of these people’s lives. And while she has something to offer them, all of Time and Space they have something to offer her: companionship. She doesn’t have to be alone. She can see things again with new and excited eyes. Though she tries to keep her shadows hidden from her fam, they are also the rock that keeps her moving forward.
I think the era has many strong arcs. Graham and Ryan get through grief and choose each other. Ryan's relationship with his Dad. Ryan finds confidence in himself and is not let down by his disability. In the end, confidence and friendship on earth lead him to be ready to take on the world on his terms and help his planet. Also, Graham gets his grandson and gets through his grief of Grace, and is able to continue honouring her by looking after Ryan.
We have 13 with all her issues, particularly identity and letting people in. While she deals with her identity, her time is cut a little too short to fully deal with opening up. But, she does open up to Yaz about her feelings for her. I think that’s very vulnerable for this Doctor. And it's far more important for Yaz than knowing the Doctor's past.
Yaz we have mental health and confidence. We have her coming out and Thasmin. But, my favorite arc for the era is Yaz’s Doctorfication. It's really the end of all her arcs and time with the Doctor.
If we think of the kid we meet in TWWFTE she wants to be doing more to help, but she also wants to stick to the rules. She ultimately lacks confidence. She follows the Doctor (which is good for the story) because she doesn't have all the answers and doesn't want to sound crazy to her superiors. Theres a bit about worrying about how she'll be taken here. But, she was also willing to try to stand up to the Doctor. This showed the Doctor her leadership potential, even though she wasn’t there yet. And in a lot of stories she was essentially the 2IC of the team it wasn’t Ryan, Graham or Dan. And that 'flat team structure' was often more aspirational than anything else, lol. At the end of series 11, we know she’s had issues with depression. But, she’s also ready to follow the Doctor no matter what happens. So, even if she dies. 
In series 12, we dive deeper into the mental health. We see the way she reacts in Spyfall when she thinks she’s died. We see her story in Can You Hear Me. Through the season we see her step up and go off in her own, especially in Praxeus and TTC. Graham’s asking who’s going to go through first the force field to Gallifrey first. But, he hasn’t finished his sentence and she’s already walking through. She’s now the one telling people it’s dangerous and they don’t have to come. And we also start seeing those hints of her falling for the Doctor thought the series.
Then, in Revolution, we see her in what looks like a possible men brake or some sort of manic state that lasted 10 months. She slept in a sleeping bag on the floor trying to find the Doctor. When the most logical conclusion is that the Doctor is dead. Losing the Doctor breaks her. So, we see her mental health issues return. We also see how much she cares for the Doctor. The Doctor's friends have moved on, but Yaz clearly loves her and can't. This is after a season of watching her step up more. It's like a great mix of Yaz stepping up to find the Doctor. But, it's fruitless. And, it's also going backwards mentally at the loss. It's really quite interesting to watch the positives and negatives come together. Yaz might be having a mental break. But, she also has enough confidence to think she can still find the Doctor. 
Then we get to Flux and the specials. We open with married couple Thasmin bickering. It's my favorite scene of the whole show. But now we have a Yaz who isn't just letting the Doctor push her away. She's calling the Doctor out while also adventuring by her side. It's the most equal we have seen them. It's probably the most equal a Doctor and regular companion can be, one that's human. If you look at Series 11 Yaz and Flux Yaz we really have gone from a kid to a grown woman. She calls things out and speaks her mind. But, she also does good and helps the universe. In ways TWWFTE yaz could have only dreamed. We start to see more obvious signs of Thasmin and Yaz's feelings. This happens as she leads her own team through the early 1900s. She is now essentally the Doctor of this team. Then we have the specials. She has to confront her feelings. In LotSD, 13 confesses her feelings but says they can't be together. We see Yaz's confidence now ask why, not just accept the Doctor words. Then we get to the beach. It's pure heartbreak. There, we see a mature woman. She knows their feelings are real but they are doomed. Loving the Doctor is always doomed. and Yaz loves her enough to leave it.
Then in The Power of the Doctor, we see peak Yaz. She flies the TARDIS and catches Ace jumping off a building. She takes on the Master and saves 13 many times. She gets everyone home safe, just like 13 would do. We see her lose the woman she loves but in that episode we see her Doctorfication arc complete. But it's a healthy one. She has taken the best parts of the Doctor with her. She isn't burdened by the morally grey aspects. So she is as much the Doctor as a Human can be. She is the true successor of 13 to me. She was The Doctor's best student. She left the TARDIS without being morally compromised and with all the best lessons from 13.
You said to gush... probably didnt think it would be this much. lol
I'm terrible at picking fav eps so I'll do top 3 for each series... this is always subject to change. lol
S11 The Woman Who Fell to Earth, Demons of the Punjab, It Takes You Away
S12 Fugitive of the Jadoon, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, The Timeless Children
S13: Flux War of the Sontarians, Village of the Angels, Survivors of the Flux
Speicals: All of them 
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dappledpaintbrush · 1 year
Full honest options on dimentio?
Looks at you like this
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Autistic Answer:
Okay so at the start of my spm special interest when I was a tiny little googoogaga baby (seven years old) Dimentio was just. This guy. Evil and shit but just a guy. But he was MY guy. I don’t remember beating the game that young. I seriously think I gave up on the yold desert puzzle and just binged koopakungfu let’s plays over and over again but regardless I remember the aftermath and GODDDDDDDDDD I was so indescribably enamored with this Thing . it was REVOLTING.
Now as a near 19 year old I can’t think about him or the game in general without having to stop drop and roll but at the end of the day, Dimentio is still just some guy. But in the morning and the afternoon he’s a fucking idiot. Like you absolute goofiest of goobers, all you had to do was teleport the heroes to Dimension D and wait everything out. That shit is why he’s currently burning in hell. Not for mass murder or being annoying but for the stupidest plan I have ever heard in my entire life. He is also one of the most intriguing characters ever made in the Mario franchise.
Like okay. You are given this purple and yellow triangular smudge on your screen and you go “hmm… (scratches chin) something is Wrong With This Animal. It Might be Sick.” And of course he ends up betraying the sympathetic tragic villain Bleckie Bear and dies (thank GOD) whatever credits roll NO!!!!
FIRST. This guy tells you Bleck has lied about creating new worlds. That is . THAT IS!!! Now he could be lying but he could also NOT be. After all, what other motivation would he have for betraying Bleck? All the worlds to himself perhaps …………………. That’s the thing. You don’t know . That’s this entire character.
Anything he says and anything about him is either a blatant lie, COULD be a lie, COULD be the truth, or is vague 3,000 year old information given from this dude in a bar that may or may not even be about Dimentio. He is LITERALLY wearing a mask. A TWO FACED MASK might I add.
Nintendo doesn’t lay out his story for you on screen like they do with Bleck. If you don’t take the time to explore, Dimentio will never be more than Bleck’s silly and funny-talking minion who betrayed him out of greed or.. whatever reason. Because he didn’t say it. No no- You have to go out of your way to investigate and pay money and put pieces of this puzzle together to find out that hurt people hurt people (🤓)
He could be some random bloke. He could the descendant of this sad unnamed character and somehow “never found happiness” whatever THAT means. He could be THE sad unnamed character that went through an accident so devastating that it left his mother dead and it left everyone believing HE was dead. This accident, whatever it was, was so horrifying that Dimentio, who can teleport across dimensions, was unable (by choice or not) to find and tell his remaining family he was alive. After his “death”, his sister would die as well. Their father, likely going insane with unimaginable grief, would rip her soul from the afterlife just to keep his only child- the only family he had left- with him, oblivious to the fact that somewhere, his son was still alive. This little girl, now forever trapped as a Pixl, would become so angry at what her father had done that she would start a war and slaughter ANYONE that tried to get in her way. The Pixl Queen- this angry, scared, and confused child- would lose once more. She would be destroyed. All she is now is a shadow of her former self. And that’s what she would reform as in the pits below an Ancient city, where, at the hands of our heroes, she would lose AGAIN. Dimentio could be oblivious to all of this. He could know a fraction of it. He could know all of it. He could hold no guilt. He could blame himself for what had happened to her, for he had been gone all those years- whatever that means.
He could want to destroy everyone and everything out of personal gain- to recreate them all in his image and rule them as he sees fit all because he is a greedy narcissist. He could want to destroy everyone and everything because, like Blumiere, he sees no point in anything after losing all he loved in all worlds. Maybe he betrayed Blumiere because Dimentio wanted to rule a timeline that goes his way and ONLY his way. Maybe “his way” is where he gets all he wanted in riches, in wealth, in a population that essentially worships him, and so on. After all, he does say that he wants to be king of all worlds. Maybe that isn’t everything he wants. After all, he doesn’t just wipe out everyone in all dimensions and create mindless followers using the Dark Prognosticus that is capable of doing that exact thing. No. Like Blumiere, Dimentio, too, wants the worlds gone. Erased. All of them. The worlds that caused that accident. killed his mom. “killed” him. killed his sister. And in these self-described and self-created perfect new worlds, his timeline, his way, where he can create anything and anyone he wants- maybe he isn’t alone anymore. Whatever that means.
In my full honest opinion, I think he is SO .FUCKING. COOL.
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starrysnowdrop · 1 year
Hali x Aymeric Ship Timeline: ARR - EW
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Just like I did for Yume x G’raha, I am writing out the ship timeline for Hali x Aymeric because I like keeping one as an easy reference when I’m writing my fics, and I’m sure some of you are curious as well. Don’t worry, I’m still going to write out all of this in fics, but I can be slow with my writing most of the time, and I tend to jump around a lot, so this might help readers out to keep everything straight.
This post will cover everything from their first meeting in the post-ARR patches up to the current patch, which at the time of posting this is patch 6.4. If there are any changes or additions to this timeline at all, I will be sure to let everyone know via my pinned post.
Since it will be long, its all under the cut below. Thank you very much for reading!
Hali and Aymeric first met as it happened in canon, where Aymeric specifically requested to meet Hali when Alphinaud went to try to establish diplomatic relations with a representative of Ishgard.
Aymeric first heard about Hali through Estinien, when she helped to heal her friend and fellow Warrior of Light @traveler-of-light’s Astrid Lucis in battle with the Azure Dragoon. Hali had performed powerful magicks that Estinien had never seen before, and Estinien’s account of the incident intrigued Aymeric.
Hali’s first impression of Aymeric was that he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, and everything about him, including his voice, his demeanor, his confidence, it all instantly attracted Hali to him.
Aymeric was shocked when he met Hali, in more ways than one. He was well aware that Hali was a lalafell, but he wasn’t prepared to be so drawn to her. He found her to be beautiful, intelligent, funny, and incredibly charming, and he just wanted to know more.
The next several months, while dealing with Iceheart and the heretics, when Hali and the Scions fought in the battle against the dragons on the Steps of Faith, and even after the Scions and Warriors of Light are taken in by House Fortemps, Hali and Aymeric were cordial with each other, and they had only purely professional interactions for some time.
This purely professional relationship between them began to change after the events of the Vault. Hali was at Aymeric’s bedside in the infirmary the whole time while he recovered from his injuries. Aymeric was incredibly touched by how thoughtful, caring, and selfless Hali was, as she helped the chirurgeons in his treatment, made him all his meals, and kept him company.
Aymeric finally had the chance to ask Hali more about herself, and she asked about him in turn. They both realized that despite them coming from much different backgrounds and having much different life experiences, they still had much in common, as they shared the same interests, held the same values, and dreamed of similar futures.
After Aymeric’s recovery, they became close friends, but deep down, their feelings for each other grew, and though neither were aware of it at the time, they began to fall in love.
The event that actively made each of them aware that they had feelings for each other was after Aymeric’s attempted assassination. As he was fighting for his life, he only had one thing on his mind: he wanted Hali to be by his side. He was calling out to her, and Captain Whitecape sent a message to Hali to come as quickly as she could, because Aymeric needed her. Hali ran to him, devastated that he had almost died, but instantly relieved when Aymeric regained consciousness.
Since it was in the middle of the night when she got there, Aymeric offered to share the bed with her. They ended up falling asleep in bed together, as Hali unconsciously moved over towards Aymeric and began to cuddle with him. This momentarily woke Aymeric up, but he realized in that moment that not only did he not mind it, he had never been so happy and felt so much love before. It hit him that night, that he was indeed in love with Hali.
Hali was so incredibly embarrassed the morning after, because she had no idea what she had done, and though Aymeric tried to tell her that he had never slept more soundly and that he didn’t mind it at all, Hali was mortified and she insisted that for all of the following nights, she would sleep in a separate bed, to which Aymeric agreed, as he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable, but deep down he couldn’t help but be disappointed.
It took Hali a little while longer for her to realize that she was in love with Aymeric, and it took a heart to heart conversation with her friend Emmanellain to do so. Once she figured out what is truly in her heart, she tries to hide and suppress her feelings from Aymeric, never wanting to let on that she loves him, as she thinks that he would never return her affections.
After the end of the Dragonsong War, Aymeric decided that he would confess his feelings to Hali, so he invited her to a private dinner at Borel Manor so that he could tell her how he felt and ask her if he could court her properly. Before he has a chance to say anything to her, the dinner is interrupted by a summons for Hali to return to Fortemps Manor right away. They walk hand in hand back to Fortemps Manor, both feeling as though they had almost confessed their love to the other.
Hali gets wrapped up in the mystery of the Warriors of Darkness, and then the Ala Mhigan Resistance after that. Aymeric is confronted by Artoirel, who suggests that Aymeric should keep his feelings for Hali to himself, as not only is Hali not a noble Ishgardian woman, but an outsider and a lalafell. Artoirel says that the populace would not approve of Aymeric’s choice of partner, regardless if she is a Warrior of Light, and it might further divide the people.
After taking some time to consider Artoirel’s words, Aymeric decides to keep his feelings hidden, for the time being. He worries that perhaps Artoirel is right, and if someone were to attack Hali like they attacked him, Aymeric would never forgive himself. He also believes that Hali would be better off not being tied down to Ishgard, and he wishes for her happiness above all else.
Unknowingly, Hali overhears part of Artoirel and Aymeric’s conversation, and she is thinks that Aymeric is not interested in her, but he is much to kind to say it to her face. Hali runs away from Fortemps Manor, distraught and heartbroken.
Aymeric senses that something has changed between Hali and himself, as he notices that Hali has been speaking only professionally to him and can barely look at him. When he speaks with Hali about it, he realizes that she overheard what Artoirel said about her, but he tells her that he in fact does not want to distance himself from her. Though the misunderstanding is cleared up, they still are hiding their true feelings from each other as they turn their attention to the situation with Ala Mhigo and Garlemald.
They both know that they will be away from each other for the foreseeable future, and they tell each other how much they will miss the other. Aymeric surprises Hali with a special gift: a hair ornament adorned with snowdrop flowers. Aymeric explains that the snowdrops remind him of her, as she has brought hope to the people and to Aymeric in particular, and he wanted to give her a gift that would remind her that she always has a home to return to in Ishgard.
Along with the hair ornament, Aymeric gives her a new term of endearment: he calls her “my snowdrop”, which feels incredibly intimate, despite the fact that neither of them have revealed their true feelings for each other. They also decide to write letters to one another while they are apart.
Hali and Aymeric spend a lot of time apart as Aymeric is working with the rest of the Eorzean Alliance forces as they fight against the Empire in Ala Mhigo while Hali goes to help liberate Doma, then she returns to Gyr Abania to go rescue Krile before the Battle for Ala Mhigo. The two are briefly reunited before the battle, to which they are both so happy to see each other that they immediately embrace. But they both have their duties, so the reunion doesn’t last long.
They are reunited a few more times over the course of a few months during several alliance meetings discussing battle strategies. Hali and Aymeric witness Thancred collapsing after the mysterious voice is heard only by the Scions, and soon the Scions fall unconscious one by one.
During the Battle at Ghimlyt Dark, while in the midst of fighting Elidibus, who has taken over Zenos’ body, Hali’s fellow WoL Yume falls unconscious on the battlefield after they both hear the mysterious voice once more. Before the Ascian can strike, Estinien comes to help. Hali instructs him to take Yume to safety while she holds off the enemy. Estinien agrees and whisks Yume away, leaving Hali to take on Elidi-Zenos on her own. She holds him off for a time, but then she is critically injured and Elidi-Zenos teleports away.
Estinien brings Yume to Aymeric and the Ishgardian forces, informing Aymeric that Hali was holding off the Ascian on her own, but she is going to need help. Aymeric runs to find Hali, and finds her alive but weak and unable to move. Aymeric immediately teleports Hali directly to Ishgard, where she is tended to by the best chirurgeons in the city.
While Hali recovers, Aymeric remains by her bedside, fearing the worst but praying for the best. After a few days, Hali awakens to hear Aymeric singing an Ishgardian lullaby to her. Aymeric is overjoyed to see her awake and recovering well, but knows that he must return to the frontlines soon and Hali will be expected to resume her duties after she recovers. He tells himself that once things have calmed down with the Empire, and once he is certain that she will be safe in Ishgard, he plans to tell Hali the truth of his feelings.
Once Yume awakens and Hali recovers, the remaining WoLs seek out the beacon at the base of the Crystal Tower to help their fellow scions. They are then transported to the First.
Hali and her fellow WoLs are on the First for about a year in total, which translates to only a few weeks on the Source. Hali has Feo Ul send Aymeric her letters to him in the meantime, which confuses Aymeric greatly the first time he meets Feo Ul.
Once everyone is back on the Source, Hali is able to meet Aymeric in Ishgard when she goes there to help get some ceruleum in order to find the cure for tempering. Hali and Aymeric are overjoyed to see one another again, even with their reunion being as short as it is.
Aymeric sends Hali on her way back to Revenants Toll with an entire airship and as much ceruleum as the airship can carry. Cid is stunned to see how much Aymeric helped Hali, but everyone else knows exactly why, though Hali is still clueless.
Hali and Aymeric can’t rest for long, as the Towers pop up all over Eorzea and the Far East, and Hali encounters Fandaniel in Ala Mhigo, hearing his declaration to bring back the Final Days. They are soon thrown into the next conflict with the Telophoroi this time.
The two meet in a series of meetings to unite all of Eorzea, including all of the tribes, in order to fight against the Telophoroi and help prevent the Final Days. Aymeric looks to Hali to name the new alliance, which Hali is instantly embarrassed about being put on the spot, though Aymeric’s intentions were to recognize how much Hali has done to bring peace to Eorzea, as he first met Hali for that very reason. Hali decides that it should be named “The Grand Company of Eorzea”, as that was Alphinaud’s dream.
Following the battle at Carteneau, Aymeric offers to bring the Scions back to Revenants Toll aboard his airship. During the trip, Hali soon falls asleep in Aymeric’s arms due to her exhaustion. While holding his beloved close, Aymeric asks Estinien for a huge favor: to keep Hali safe, as he himself cannot be there to protect her due to his duty to Ishgard. Estinien promises his friend that he will keep Hali safe, as Estinien himself owes Hali for helping to save his life.
As Aymeric and the rest of the Grand Company of Eorzea are fighting off the Telophoroi, Hali and the Scions are able to secure passage to Old Sharlayan via Krile and the Students of Baldesion.
Since Hali is a Sharlayan fugitive and is forbidden from returning to her homeland after bringing Sharlayan Astromancy to the Ishgardians, she must sneak into Sharlayan with a disguise and a alias. Hali wears a simple Spriggan coat and glamours herself to give the illusion of having light blue curly hair, presents herself as a conjurer from Gridania, and gives her name as Galanthi.
When Hali is questioned by the immigration officer, Hali panics because she completely forgot to come up with a surname and not just a given name. She blurts out her name as “Galanthi Borel”, to the shock of all her fellow WoLs and Scions. Not only does Hali blurt out that her surname is Aymeric’s name, but Galanthi is the Ilsabardian term for the snowdrop flower, so she has all but revealed how she really feels about Aymeric.
At the meeting in Ala Mhigo for the Ilsabard Contingent, Hali is reunited with Aymeric briefly, and they embrace each other in the sight of all the Scions and General Raubahn. Aymeric expresses his disappointment at not being able to go to Garlemald with her, but he knows that she will be protected, as Estinien had promised, though Hali is still unaware of that promise.
After Zodiark is killed by Fandaniel, the final days are upon the star once more. Hali is informed that there has been a blasphemy sighting in Ishgard, and Aymeric has asked for Hali’s help in finding and defeating it. Hali assists Aymeric and Artoirel with the investigation, and they all soon defeat the blasphemy near the airship landing in the Vault.
During and after the investigation, Hali encounters Aymeric several times where he is staring out into the Sea of Clouds deep in thought. Aymeric doesn’t divulge to her then what exactly he was thinking about, as he just says that he has had a lot on his mind, and tells Hali to not worry about him.
In truth, Aymeric is happy that Ishgard is now fully moving forward as a nation, and especially now that the Church has been reformed and is moving in a new direction. Though he still fears for Hali with the Final Days, he is more hopeful than ever that she will succeed. He decides that once the threat to the star has been eliminated and peace is restored once and for all, he will confess his love to Hali. Even if she doesn’t return his feelings, he feels that she has the right to know, but he doesn’t want to distract her from her duty at that time.
Hali returns to Sharlayan and once the plan is in place to have the Scions travel to Ultima Thule at the edge of the universe to confront Meteion and save the star, Krile goes to Hali and tells her that she wants Hali to be happy, and to find love once the battle is over. Hali realizes then that she has already found love, and she doesn’t want to have any regrets before the final battle, so Hali thanks Krile and rushes off to find Aymeric.
Once she arrives in Ishgard, she rightfully guesses that Aymeric will be home, as it was so late in the evening. After a very surprised Aymeric comes to the door, Hali can’t hold back as both her tears and her words come out all at once. Hali tells Aymeric that she is in love with him, and that she always has been, which leaves Aymeric speechless.
Before Aymeric has a chance to respond, Hali starts to have a panic attack, and the black cloud surrounds her, the beginning of turning into a blasphemy. In her panic, Hali runs away from Aymeric and heads towards the airship landing, trying to stay away from anyone who might get hurt after she turns.
Hali thinks that she is going to die, but before the transformation happens, she feels Aymeric’s arms around her, holding her tightly against him. He tells Hali to breathe, to stay in the present moment, and to focus on his voice. Once the black cloud dissipates, Hali looks up to see Aymeric smiling brightly with tears in his eyes, elated that Hali is alright. Overcome with emotion, Aymeric leans in and kisses Hali, to which Hali returns his affection once she realizes what’s happening. Aymeric tells Hali that he loves her too. After sharing a moment, Aymeric insists on bringing Hali back to his manor so they can talk without being out in the cold, and Hali agrees.
Back at Borel Manor, the two explain why they kept their feelings hidden for so long, but in the moment, they both feel so foolish for not telling each other sooner. In between passionate kisses and touches, Hali promises that she will save the star, and that she will return to Aymeric safe and sound, which Aymeric responds with his full confidence that she will do just that.
The next morning, Hali goes back to Sharlayan, with Aymeric accompanying her, so she can leave for Ultima Thule. Aymeric meets Hali’s family before he watches as the Ragnarok leaves the star, and he prays with all his heart that Hali will return safely. Hali has found a renewed sense of hope, knowing that the man she loves is praying for their victory and is waiting for her back home.
After the battle, Hali returns to the star, and Aymeric is waiting for her as he said he would, with her family right there next to him. Hali can’t help herself as she jumps down from the Ragnarok, right in the water, runs to Aymeric, and leaps into his arms. With a kiss, Aymeric welcomes Hali home, and everyone celebrates the Scions’ victory.
Immediately following the Scions’ victory, Hali moves in with Aymeric, who gifts her with her own suite in Borel Manor. Hali and Aymeric sleeping in separate bedrooms doesn’t last long, but Hali has many of her belongings in her suite regardless.
A few months later, the couple officially announce their courtship and make their debut as a couple at an Ishgardian Ball to celebrate the Scions’ victory over the Endsinger. Hali and Aymeric dance and drink the night away, and when they go back to Borel Manor, they make love for the first time; they lose their virginity to each other that night as well.
Currently, Hali and Aymeric are just spending as much time together as they can, with Hali recently taking Aymeric on a much needed vacation to Thavnair, and they are having fun on their private island whenever possible. Not only their friends and family, but also the people at large are already referring to Hali as “Lady Borel”, even though they are not yet officially engaged, let alone married.
That’s all I have for now! If you’ve gotten this far, thank you so much, especially if you actually read all of this. I hope you enjoyed this, and please look forward to the full fic series, which I hope to actually someday finish. Until then, this will exist. 💙
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stuffs-i-wrote · 21 days
TW: addiction and suicidal thoughts, themes of death
It’s been a month since the Incident. The House has been rebuilt, and we were able to salvage some things. Most of our history was burned. Scholars were upset for days when they found out, but some had them memorized. The dead bodies were given funeral rites, even that dickhead. It’s supposed to be important, but I was drunk at the ceremony. Nicole made me do wind sprints until I vomited when she found out. I probably became her least favorite child. That’s the one time I’ve ever seen her cry.
Rosie still expects me to write to you, telling me that it was important if I wanted to keep recovering. I don’t think I want to recover anymore. I don’t see much of a point in it, especially when someone could come by and kill me at any moment. That might be a mercy at this point. I would rather go out drunk and high than frustratingly sober. 
This will likely be my last entry. 
I’m not the only one spiraling, and that makes me feel a bit better. Eve and Riah can’t walk, and Takashi and Mahi are utterly fucked. Ophelia’s almost constantly screaming, and she almost took off someone’s hand yesterday. Micky’s been too busy to even eat. Natey Boy Nathan looks awful too, which doesn’t make much sense to me. He didn’t lose anyone he was significantly close to. As Nathan looks worse, Hiro looks better. It’s pissing me off. He looks pale and has new injuries everytime I see him. Chiron and the Old Lady are trying to pretend everything’s fine. Lily hasn’t stopped crying. She couldn’t bury her partner with the others. Ama’s probably devastated, but he isn’t letting it show. 
Sami’s doing pretty well as a leader. She’s letting us take a break from dealing with the outside world. The House looks different too. Amaryllis said it was reflecting what she wanted from her rule. It’s more compact and seems split in two. Our bedrooms are on one side, work rooms on the other. In the middle is an open space. There’s a bar and a kitchen and so much space. It’s a lot easier to get around, and there are less rooms trying to kill you. Delilah’s been approved to paint the walls, and they’re looking good. The mural above the main doors is of all three gods. The Strategist is in the middle, with The Glow on the left and that asshole on the right. There were fights over what Glow looked like. Apparently her form changes a shit-ton. The more you know.
I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel the cravings welling up inside me, and I’m too weak to refuse. I don’t have any real use around here. Everything that could be taken care of, is taken care of. Everything else has been thrown out in favor of new policies that make life better. I don’t think I can handle it. 
I’ve been hanging around in the nursing office. Fogging up the hopeful air Micky’s created with my own bullshit. Eve seems happy to see me, at least. I think. It’s hard to tell with her. Riah just yells if I’m bothering her, though she doesn’t do much of that now. If anything, everyone in there is just tired. 
Eve and I talk about nothing. Sometimes, some of the others join us. Mainly Nathan, when he comes in. I like to pretend he looks happier when we’re talking. He smiles and laughs. Nathan has a nice laugh. It makes me feel higher than the needle. Goddess below, I want him. 
Eve has another shadow. Little Griffin. Mick’s got him stuck in her office because of his skin. Burns all down his right side. Both of his parents died, too, and E was a Soldier. It makes sense that he’s practically glued himself to her side. Eve’s a pinnacle of our kind. He isn’t talking or eating much. Eve’s the only one who can get him to eat. I think taking care of someone weaker than her is helping. I’m sure Sam knows her baby cousin isn’t doing well, but what can she do? 
Poor kids, all of them. No parents, no stable adults, no guarantee of safety. Everyone’s still in mourning. I think the only reason some of us even remember the little ones are still around is because Ryder sets food out for them. He’s still locked in the kitchen. He’s been in there since it was built. He’s just been sending food out through a small crack in the window. I saw Prince’s baby sister crying in a corner the other day. I don’t fully remember what I did, but she smiles when she sees me now. It feels nice weird having someone look at me like that. The twins are always whispering to each other, they’re also in the nurse’s office. 
I have a drinking buddy now! That’s something good right? Darrias and I will sometimes find a nice hiding place and drink until we pass out. I sometimes do more than drink, but Darrias refuses. He’s a nice guy. We’ve slept together a few times, but we mostly stick to drunken fumblings. The only reason I know about it is because we’ve been caught a few times. Mostly by Simon, sometimes by Nathan, once by Chiron. Only Nathan’s tried to stop us, Simon doesn’t really care and Chiron thinks people should be able to mourn however they want. Now I know why the Old Lady always calls him an enabler. 
Rosaline knows, of course she does Sovereigns can’t keep secrets, but she tells me I have to be the one who wants to stop. It sucks that I don’t, a little bit. I feel bad for wasting her time, but Nicole told me that since I couldn’t do physical training I had to go to therapy. Rosie lives with us, she’s like my sister, that feels like a conflict of interest. Nicole looked at me like I was stupid, and told me she didn’t care and I was going. But just because I’m going to therapy doesn't mean I have to get rid of the things that make me happy. 
I’m just rambling at this point. Stalling. No one bothers me when I’m writing and I’m planning on burning my diary at this point. The Old Lady’s gonna kill me, or make me do push-ups and sit-ups for hours, but I can’t be bothered. There’s nothing she can really do to me other than kick me out. She might just do that, who knows?
Goodbye for the last time diary, 
Dominic Soldier
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hchollym · 2 years
What do you think about the headcannon of Percy being a Prewett instead of a Weasley?
Context: During the first war the Prewett twins, Gideon and Fabian were in a safe house with five other adults. Molly was somewhere else.
Anyways one of them (I picture Fabian but it doesn’t matter which) had a short thing with one of the others there and eventually lead to them becoming pregnant. A couple months later baby Percy is born but his mother dies from the childbirth, since giving birth in a dingy old house, cut of from the rest of the world, in the middle of nowhere, with no medical equipment and no one with any proper medical training is not the best thing ever.
Percy grows up in the safe house with them, with no one to visit them, except a few Order members who come to give updates on the war. Molly and Arthur don’t even know Percy exists.
When Percy is five, death eaters storm the safe house.
He’s the only one to make it out alive.
He’s also too young to clearly remember much, so not wanting him to go through the grief of growing up without parents, Molly and Arthur decide to adopt him. Also, unrelated but Percy is about 3 years younger than Charlie and about 5 years younger than Bill.
*rubs hands together excitedly* I have a lot of thoughts about this, so get ready for a long rant.
Do I think it's canon? Probably not. JKR has a nasty tendency to make it very clear when someone is part of a found family (instead of just writing them as family).
What do I mean by that? Well, one example is the Epilogue:
“Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin! Snogging our Victoire! Our cousin! And I asked Teddy what he was doing— ” “You interrupted them?” said Ginny. “You are so like Ron— ” “— and he said he’d come to see her off! And then he told me to go away! He’s snogging her!” James added as though worried he had not made himself clear. “Oh, it would be lovely if they got married,” whispered Lily ecstatically. “Teddy would really be part of the family then!” “He already comes round for dinner about four times a week, said Harry. “Why don’t we just invite him to live with us and have done with it?”
I know Lily is a child, but JKR wrote a pattern of people "needing" to marry someone to officially be part of the family (such as Harry marrying Ginny & Hermione marrying Ron).
Because of this, even if Percy was Molly & Arthur's nephew, I still think JKR would have made that obvious in the books at some point.
Even if Percy was 5 when he moved in with Molly & Arthur and didn't remember anything about his life before that (which is possible), Bill is actually closer to 6 years older than Percy, while Charlie is closer to 4, which would make them about 9 & 11 when Percy was adopted. They definitely would have known the truth, and while they may have never said anything about it, it's unlikely that it was a secret that everyone would have been able to keep from Percy indefinitely.
As a result of Percy finding out (at some point), it probably would have come out during/after the argument, because it would have been natural for Percy to have conflicted feelings about it, particularly when Arthur is acting like Percy would betray his own family, and it's likely that someone (Fred, George, Ron, etc.) would have piggybacked off of that afterwards because they were hurt that Percy left.
That being said, Harry is an incredibly unreliable narrator, so it's definitely still possible!
Now, do I personally enjoy the headcanon of Percy being Fabian or Gideon's child? Yes. I think it's a super fun concept to play around with, and it gives a lot more depth to all of Percy's interactions with the Weasleys.
Even if Percy didn't know the truth for a long time, I think he would have subconsciously remembered another parent (because he was 5 when he was adopted), so he probably would have had some confusing feelings that he didn't fully understand and didn't talk about.
It adds layers to Percy's desperation to be accepted by Arthur, Molly's pride in him & her devastation at him disowning the family, his position as the least favorite Weasley, his break from the family unit, etc. I also tend to think Fabian was Percy's father (out of the two brothers), which adds yet another depth to Molly giving Harry Fabian's watch when Percy was away from the family.
It makes some things from canon even sadder for Percy, but I find it fascinating to think about how it fits in with the complex Weasley family dynamic. And even though the Wizarding World is very different from our own, there are plenty of situations in our society where children live with their grandparents/uncles/aunts/etc. (and sometimes that works out well, but sometimes it doesn't).
I would personally love to see a story where Percy learns about his birth family and comes to terms with what it means to him to be a part of the Weasleys (particularly since Molly & Arthur failed Percy in many ways but undoubtedly loved him).
Let me be very clear so that no one misunderstands me: I do not want Percy to "represent" what adoption looks like (nor do I think he does). Every family is unique and different, and I just want to explore Percy's experiences.
However, I do not like the idea of Percy's mother dying in childbirth. I have a strong hatred of the Dead Ladies Club (which I believe was a term started in the A Song of Ice & Fire community, because GRRM has a tendency to kill off all of the mothers in childbirth).
This is not an insult to you, anon. Is it a realistic possibility for the situation you're describing? Absolutely. I just personally would rather his mother not be a part of the picture for other reasons (such as not feeling ready to be a parent or not wanting to be a parent at all, having mental health issues particularly with the war going on, etc.).
Anyway, this went on way too long, but I do enjoy talking about this idea, so thanks for the ask! 😊
Anyone else have any thoughts on this headcanon? I would love to read them! 😄
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jsab-crisis · 2 years
Just wondering; what else was in store if you don’t mind answering? Just curious.
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Considering the comic was SO close to finishing it’s Introduction arc... well, a lot. 
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For start, Blixter spent all of his childhood indoors and was homeschooled, being the son of three rich higher ups- he was obviously prone to danger. Since he’s out of the house and able to make his own decisions now while pursuing college, he already had a bounty on his head beforehand due to him sneaking out of the house and introducing himself as some “street punk’ who’s dirt poor. 
He stuck with that identity since he wanted to meet other people and even make friends, tired of just watching other people actually grow up with childhood friends and whatnot while he stays behind doors.
One of his dads, Chronos, had connections with other groups in Paradise. One of them being “Wilt’s”. Wilt is someone who is referenced here and there due to its influence towards both Square’s situation and Blixter’s safety. Meanwhile, Tri mee (Try This) is Blixter’s body guard as well, he protects Blixter in the shadows- taking down threats and keeping an eye on Blixter when’s he’s out.  
(There was supposed to be a scene where someone tries to stab from behind while he was out late at night but the armed man was taken to a nearby alleyway by Tri Mee who then chokes him to death. Basically the first on scene death)
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Speaking of, Act 1 was just Blixter familiarizing with his surroundings. Cuda’s his professor! Lycan becomes Blixter’s best friend and even acts like a little brother that he never had (being a single child plus Lycan referencing having family problems. Lycan’s parents are divorced and his brother lives with his dad while Lycan lives with his mom) So Lycan copes through that with Blixter filling that empty role. Meanwhile, Blixter befriends the Player Sibs such as Triangle (Lycan’s boyfriend), Pentagon, and Circle. Circle does act like a little sister to him as well since Circle seemed distant with her family- especially with Square.
Speaking of, this does kickstart Blixter familiarizing himself with Square and eventually the two get to know eachother. There was suppsoed to be a scene where Blixter invites him over to hang out with him after Square refused the first offer since his siblings were present, more comfortable with Blixter only. 
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This eventually leads to ACT 2 which switches the POV from Blixter to a new character, New Games; He’s nicknamed “Newt” for simplicity sake. Hah, like a lizard.
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He’s a depressed old man who works at a dead end job and lives in a constant loop. His best friend, Captain, tries to cheer him up whenever the two meet up but knows that New Games is still miserable. back then, he lost his wife and missed the birth of his kid, he was detained at the time for a crime he didn’t commit. His past consisted of him being involved with gang members because a close childhood friend, Wilt, dragged him into their situation. Because of his ‘connection’ with a literal mobster, he was pinned as a suspect.
Captain got him out once he caught wind of this but when New Games found out his wife had died while giving birth, he was devastated. Even after all those years, he still can’t let the past go. It didn’t take long when he received an anonymous letter saying that his kid is still alive. Desperate to cling onto what remains of his loved one, he was filled with determination to find his kid.
With the help of Captain and Helinia-- a friend of Captain as well-- he got a ticket to a one-way trip to Paradise. It’s later revealed the one who sent him the letter was none other than Wilt. They wanted to see him again after all those years and to apologize for the time when New Games was detained for a crime THEY committed, not him.
ACT 3 is... well, to say, just chaos. Here’s some jokes that were funny from the script;
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I wish I could squeeze in more to this answer but, well, ask box is always open for the Crisis AU cast and even me (if you’re being specific)
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moonjxsung · 10 months
hi it’s 🪲 again!!
RIGHT?! like i went from exclusively dating women (literally god’s gift to earth) to dating HIS CRUSTY ASS and THATS WHAT YOU DO?! i was so mad lmfao but i was also so fucking devastated because that was my best friend. i seriously spiraled to insanity after that because he was just such a big piece of me and i would always ran to him for support whenever my ptsd was triggered or anything like that, he just understood me in a way i never experienced before. so i was more hurt by the loss of my best friend more than anything. but i knew i couldn’t stand for the disrespect so i cut him off.
he did try to apologize, and i kinda gave him a chance as a friend because again, i missed the fuck out of my best friend. but i found out later on that he was telling the girl he cheated on me with every personal thing i’d told him. like i’m talking sexual abuse and parental abuse growing up (i probs won’t get into it because it’s heavy stuff and i don’t wanna trigger anybody) but yeah. like who does that?? i got dehydrated from crying so hard after that.
then summer came and i went back home and i shit you not, not a single minute of it was spent sober. i fucked around with boys and girls alike and i got myself pregnant, got an abortion, continued fucking around after that to ignore my grief of having to lose my child because i was in no way capable of taking care of it. and i was just a hot mess honestly.
i’m with someone new now, and she’s honestly so amazing. she’s so gentle and it’s like she’s developed this sixth sense where she just knows when i’m having a hard time. we’ve been together for a year now.
and now that i’m in a better place, i just look back and am shocked at the amount of red flags i ignored. like one time i was complaining about how my thighs really hurt after we had sex the night before and he deadass said: “that’s because you’re always so tense, i can feel you pushing me but i’m stronger” LIKE SIR???
but yeah men suck. point blank period.
also the guy who hurt you like that what the hell?? how dare this guy play you like that??? it’s on SIGHT ISTG i’m sorry he traumatized you like that, but you’re doing amazing and please please don’t let this asshole keep you from falling in love again, i promise they’re not all like that. ugh i hate men so so much and you deserve the world, star, i really mean it and i just know you’ll get someone that’ll make you happy and that won’t make you sick like that again 🥹❤️‍🩹💞
!!! I’m so happy to hear you’ve found someone who treats you better!!!! You deserve it so so so much bestie 🥹🫶 I’m just still baffled at somebody pining so hard after you and then doing all that shit to hurt you like HUH 😭 and divulging in all your private information to the other girl?? HELLO????? What a fucking dunce 🤢 it’s crazy when you look back and realize the red flags you ignored! I was letting every single thing slide and in hindsight it’s like yeah whyyyy would this have ended any other way? I hope you’re healing from everything you went through and I hope your new partner treats you the way you deserve (or else it’s on sight😤) I love you and my inbox is always open if you ever want to vent or just talk about how great things are going from here 🫶
I hope my ex dies simply put LMAO I don’t even try to date anymore or entertain anybody I just don’t think the stress of it is for me honestly 😭 I think writing and just existing by myself is fulfilling enough 🫶🩷 sending you all the love!!!!
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madsworld15 · 2 years
An idea I’m formulating into a full-blown Parrish introspective.
Everyone was clinging to one another, emotional over the pack’s latest loss. Everyone except for Jordan Parrish. He was standing off to the side, staring at the spot that had previously been the nematon’s location.
Minutes ago he had stood atop the magical spot and lit the nogitsune ablaze while Derek held the creature down. Malia had been wrong, he wasn’t strong enough. If he had been he would’ve been able to light that sucker up without needing an extra set of hands. If he had been more willing to keep his hellhound nature at 100% – instead of focusing more on his human nature – maybe then Derek would still be alive and his family and friends wouldn’t be devastated right now.
A gentle touch to his shoulder brings him back to the present, aware that they are all still standing on the empty lacrosse field. He looked up, not knowing who to expect, but definitely not expecting it to be Sheriff Stilinski.
“He knew what he was doing, Parrish. This isn’t your fault.” The kind older man had always felt like a father to Jordan, but right now his kindness was too much.
Instead of lashing out, like he wanted to, Jordan simply nodded and started to walk away. No one on the field would miss him. Hell, half of them were probably already blaming him. He was sure Eli would never look at him again. He had grown to like the teen, despite his delinquent nature. They had a sort of unspoken dance they’d evolved into. He very much doubted the life he once cherished in this town would be the same. Maybe he should leave.
He managed to get all the way to his Station Cruiser before another set of feet could be heard rushing to catch up to him. He closed his eyes, not again. From the soft yet firm footfalls, he knew that it was Malia this time. No doubt, prompted by Sheriff Stilinski.
“Hey! Can you just stop for a minute?” Malia’s sharp tone preceded her presence next to him.
“I am on duty. I should get back to the station.” Jordan said the first thing that came to his mind.
“Bullshit!” Her sudden anger shocked him, so he looked up.
“In case you’ve forgotten I’ve been on duty this whole time. There aren’t many of us left. Someone has to be there in case anything happens.”
“Someone died. You –” Malia stopped because even in her extremely blunt nature she couldn’t dare speak the truth.
“I killed them.” He finished for her, unlocked his door, and opened it; planning to climb in and drive off without another word.
“No. I was. Um. I was going to say you should stick around.” Malia wouldn’t even look at him.
“Now who’s lying?”
“Parrish. Come on. Talk to me. Would it help if we talked about the look? I did promise if we survived we could.”
“No.” He climbed in his cruiser and left her standing there in the parking lot, alone and stunned.
“As someone who’s known to set himself on fire because he’s a demon called a hellhound.”
“But I’m a nice demon.”
Nice. That’s a laugh. Nice demons don’t kill their friends. Nice demons don’t orphan teenage boys. No, Parrish wasn’t the nice demon he had tried to convince Sheriff Stilinski he was only hours ago.
Parrish had known he was a harbinger of death for fifteen years now and until tonight he had found that distinction to be a high honor. Now, he knew he was nothing more than something to be feared. No one in their right mind should trust him to protect anyone, let alone a whole town. He couldn’t be a deputy that is sworn to protect innocent lives when he is destined to take lives – innocent or otherwise.
By the time he arrived back at the station, Parrish had made up his mind. He was not worthy of the badge he wore on his chest. Therefore, he would walk away before Sheriff Stilinski had time to fire him. He saw the writing on the wall. Stilinski’s words of comfort moments ago would change soon enough once everyone came around and people started demanding his head on a stick. It wasn’t like it was almost 17 years ago when no one trusted or even respected Derek Hale. Now, the man ran the local auto shop and consulted with the department. He was a sitting duck.
He’d lived in Beacon Hills for the better part of 2 decades. Now it was time for him to move on. It was in everyone’s best interest – including his own.
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waugh-bao · 1 year
Seeing stuff about the new album makes my stomach flutter in a bad way. I don't really know why. It could be that I don't want them to have a new album without Charlie or without Charlie on all the tracks. I thought that list that said (with Watt) were the tracks that Charlie played on and they just forgot the s on his name and I was like 'that's it?'. And then I'm afraid some of the songs are going to be about Charlie and it'll be really sad. Or maybe its just the idea that they will be promoting a new album without Charlie there to stand silently in the background. Its almost like I want to avoid any news about it because it makes me sad rather than happy to hear Charlie on new songs.
Then you post that Mick clip and that is the closest I've heard Mick get to losing it (with the exception of maybe the St. Louis show) and now I'm all bummed. And I keep telling myself its ridiculous. One, I don't even know Charlie and two, he was 80! He had a good life, a happy life and if he was still with us the loss of Shirley would have devastated him (as I'm sure his passing did not help with her health at all). I don't know. Maybe I'm just PMS-ing. lol Maybe I just need to go look at my favorite Charlie pics again.
To be honest, I’ve felt the same way through most of this. I think a lot about how many years Keith spent insisting that Charlie was the Stones and that they could never go on without him, and, while I fully understand why they’ve ended up making the choices they have (evidently with Charlie’s blessing) it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Especially when it provokes all the commentary (which I stand by calling musically ignorant) about how Charlie was old and tired and broken down and they sound so much better and more energetic with Steve. (I’ll refrain from going chapter and verse again about fundamental differences between styles of drumming and why his cymbal work and his chemistry with Mick in particular doesn’t even touch Charlie’s). Keith sort of unintentionally predicted the future in 2013:
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As far as the new album, yeah. I don’t really feel I’m looking forward to it so much as holding my breath in anticipation and anxiety to see how much Charlie will be on it and how much will be about him. It’s hard to accept that this is the last we’ll ever hear of him, at least until they sell their catalogue/someone decides it’s time to start putting out collections of unreleased songs and first attempts. It’s also kind of disappointing that they’ve been working on this album since 2012/3, but, because of various issues, including personal ones, it wasn’t until Charlie died that they found the urgency to finish it. And because of that he’s missing from half, or possibly more. At the end of the day that’s not really anyone’s fault, just a sad fact of being human and flawed with limited time.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being sad, either. 80 is a very good number, and Charlie lived a wonderful, fulfilling life full of love and kindness, but he also had something left to give and his death cut that short. But, although I suspect Shirley’s passing had a lot to do with losing him, by the same token I doubt he would have survived more than a handful of months if she had gone first. He just wasn’t made to live without her. So maybe that was for the best, at least for him?
Either way, happy Charlie pictures are always good therapy.
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phantomchick · 2 years
I decided to do another one of these because last time was fun.
A Free Man of Camelot by PeaceHeather
After the incident with Edwin Muirden, Uther named Gaius a free man of Camelot. Less than a year later, he handed him over to the witchfinder. No more, thought Gaius. No more. The content we always wanted, Gaius giving Uther salt
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Revel In Your Time by Thai_Tea_Addict         
Sawada Tsunayoshi is born an Omega in a world that expects nothing from his dynamic except submission. Tsuna is many things – clumsy, dense, heir to a bloodline some people would like to keep secret – but it turns out ‘submissive’ is not one of them.
this fic was so very fun, sometimes omegas-are-discriminated-against can be overdone or grimdark to the point of grating but every once in a while you run across a fic that reminds you why the trope is so popular in the first place, this is one of those.
Please, be (one of) my fake partner by pheathers              
A fun cracky little fic where Tsuna lies about being in a committed polyamorous relationship and then doubles down due to panic. Fake dating au my beloved.
Where is the power that made your pride? by Dissenter                
Crack oneshot, Hibari takes over the world, Tsuna is an innocent bystander in this he swears.
  Fixing the cracks in the future, starting with the problems in the past by Justignoreme21
The fourth shinobi war was over, but there were no victors. None, expect for the sole man alive, Uzumaki Naruto.But he was never one to let his precious people down. He had promised them, each and every one of them, that their sacrifice would not be in vain. That he would put an end to Kaguya´s reign once and for all, no matter the cost. So if he has to abandon his life to travel to the past, a place unfamiliar to him, where only more death and problems await him, so be it. Because he is Naruto Uzumaki, and he will be damned if he doesn´t fix the things that went wrong. The only place for him to start is here, in the time where his ancestors lived. Even at the cost of his own happiness and sanity, he will put an end to the war and build a new found village from scratch.
I cannot fully express how much fun I had reading this fic
In a sea of time travel fix its this one stands out as incredibly fun incredibly well written and incredibly well paced. It’s still ongoing but I adore it.
Let's start this from the beginning by RedBlood_Moon
IT’S ANOTHER TIME TRAVEL FIX IT, this time starring Itachi, the saga of a genius working with half the canon information and a boat load of trauma is so deliciously interesting. Things don’t always turn out for the better but in other ways they’re much improved. I really dig this fic.
  Back From the Future by Ameterasu53               
Female Naruto gets stuck back in the past during the third war as a chibi, will child Naruto manage to fix the past to fix the future? Also she gets adopted by Jiraiya who’s the only one who knows. A very fun ongoing little fic
The Thousand-Armed Goddess of Mercy by AlilSilverfish                
I normally can’t abide self inserts but this one is well written.
Follow the story of reincarnated doctor, Tsunade, as she grows up in Konohagakure when it still disdained medic nin as not fit for combat, and the connections she forges with the people of that time. Also watch her try to dismantle the human bomb that is her friend Orochimaru and his possible evil future.
Solid worldbuilding nice development, ongoing but one to keep an eye on.
Also, great title, Imma be real like I said I don’t usually like self insert so 99% of the reason for giving it a chance was the title.
 Six Years Too Long by Strawhat_Pirate   
The Fourth Hokage's body was never found, but they never suspected that was because he hadn't died.
Minato Namikaze wakes up six years after the devastating Kyuubi attack, alone in an overgrown clearing with not a scratch on him. Disoriented and confused, he does exactly what any father would do in this situation. He fights through the pain, gets up, and goes to find his son. He trudges through the pounding in his head and forces himself to move-- to go and find him, because that masked man was still out there, and Minato is willing to do anything to protect his little ball of sunshine. Needless to say, the blonde kage wasn't expecting so much time to have passed. Nor is he very impressed with the way the village has been treating his son all these years.
This fic contains so much sweetness and light. Also vindication, sweet, sweet vindication. I went looking for a Minato lives au and boy did I get to receive.
Harry Potter
disclaimer: Rowling is a mad terf but my hyperfixation over childhood characters I’m fond of, can exist separately to my dislike for her.
The Careful Touch vs. A Whack to the Head by Triscribe                
Lucius never noticed. Narcissa would despair over his lack of awareness, but- she’d never seen anything amiss with Andromeda, either, in the months leading up to what was supposed to be her eldest sister’s marriage to a worthwhile pureblood scion. It came as a terrible, horrific shock when Andy instead eloped with a nameless muggleborn.
She would do what she could to lessen the shock of their son’s alliance with Harry Potter when the time came to inform Lucius. In the meanwhile, Narcissa held back on the temptation to smack him over the head with a newspaper.
Of Monsters and Men by Arkodian    
Part three of the What Goes Around (Comes Around) series.
So continues the tale of the little slytherin!Harry who could, dudley gets a vendetta against Lockhart, Harry continues to give his hufflepuff-slytherin-gryffindor alliance of friends things to worry about and Sirius black breaks out of Prison a year early, the only question, does he remember the future that Harry does?
Harry Potter and the Engine of Change by viciousmouse
Part four of the Harry Potter and the Ticket Backwards series.
Harry continues to be cringe-dense but simultaneously badass mage in the making, great plot, fun seeing the triwiz go down in the midst of all the changes already made to the timeline and how Harry’s reactions and the reactions of others differ. Holding out for more Sirius content someday but honestly his bond with the weasley twins is really satisfying me right now. Ongoing and extremely carefully crafted fic, a privilege to read something someone’s put so much effort into creating. Every time it updates I’m like, damn, again? What a legend.
Danny Phantom
Mortified by Marsalias                
This fic has such vivid worldbuilding and lore, also does a lot of really interesting things with its character dynamics and relationships, longfic, ongoing fic but still regularly updates, unputdownable fic.
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tooth-fairy-vinni · 7 months
Why Dentistry Is Separate From Medicine
The divide sometimes has devastating consequences.
By Julie Beck
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Doctors are doctors, and dentists are dentists, and never the twain shall meet. Whether you have health insurance is one thing, whether you have dental insurance is another. Your doctor doesn’t ask you if you’re flossing, and your dentist doesn’t ask you if you’re exercising. In America, we treat the mouth separately from the rest of the body, a bizarre situation that Mary Otto explores in her new book, Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America.
Specializing in one part of the body isn’t what’s weird—it would be one thing if dentists were like dermatologists or cardiologists. The weird thing is that oral care is divorced from medicine’s education system, physician networks, medical records, and payment systems, so that a dentist is not just a special kind of doctor, but another profession entirely.
But the body didn’t sign on for this arrangement, and teeth don’t know that they’re supposed to keep their problems confined to the mouth. This separation leads to real consequences: Dental insurance is often even harder to get than health insurance (which is not known for being a cakewalk), and dental problems left untreated worsen, and sometimes kill. Anchoring Otto’s book is the story of Deamonte Driver, a 12-year-old boy from Maryland who died from an untreated tooth infection that spread to his brain. His family did not have dental benefits, and he ended up being rushed to the hospital for emergency brain surgery, which wasn’t enough to save him.
I spoke with Otto about how the dentistry/medicine divide came to be, why it’s stuck around, and what its consequences have been. A lightly edited and condensed transcript of our conversation is below.
Julie Beck: Let’s go back to the origin of how dentistry and medicine became separate in the first place. It’s something we take for granted now, right? But it’s actually really weird. Was there ever a time when dental care was integrated with medical care?
Mary Otto: It stayed generally separate. Taking care of the teeth became kind of a trade. In the barber-surgeon days, dentist skills were among one of the many personal services that barber surgeons provided, like leeching and cupping and tooth extractions. They approached it as a mechanical challenge, to repair and extract teeth. Barber surgery was practiced in the very early part of our country's history. And Paul Revere was a denturist—he was a jeweler and he made dentures too.
But the dental profession really became a profession in 1840 in Baltimore. That was when the first dental college in the world was opened, I found out, and that was thanks to the efforts of a couple of dentists who were kind of self-trained. Their names were Chapin Harris and Horace Hayden. They approached the physicians at the college of medicine at the University of Maryland in Baltimore with the idea of adding dental instruction to the medical course there, because they really believed that dentistry was more than a mechanical challenge, that it deserved status as a profession, and a course of study, and licensing, and peer-reviewed scientific consideration. But the physicians, the story goes, rejected their proposal and said the subject of dentistry was of little consequence.
That event is remembered as the “historic rebuff.” It's still talked about sometimes, not a lot, but it’s seen as a symbolic event and it’s continued to define the relationships between medical and dental education and medical and dental healthcare systems in funny ways. Dentists still drill and fill teeth and physicians still look at the body from the tonsils south. Medical and dental education is still provided separately almost everywhere in this country and our two systems have grown up to provide care separately, too.
Beck: It seems like since the historic rebuff, dentists have really wanted to stay separate. Why is that, do you think?
Otto: People have raised questions about the system over the years, and they’ve called for reforms periodically. Nearly a century ago, in the 1920s, this biological chemist named William Gies was a kind of prophet. He visited every dental school in the country and in Canada for the Carnegie Foundation, for this big report, and he called for dentistry to be considered an essential part of the healthcare system. He said: “Dentistry can no longer be accepted as mere tooth technology.” He wanted oral health and overall health to be integrated into the same system, but organized dentistry fought to keep dental schools separate. [Dentists] emerged as defenders of the professional autonomy and professional independence of the private practice system that we have here. David Satcher, the [former] surgeon general, he kind of said the same thing when he issued this “Oral Health in America” report in 2000. He said we must recognize that oral health and general health are inseparable. And that too, was a kind of challenge. And it seems like things are changing, but very slowly.
Beck: So you think the reason they wanted to stay separate was really just a matter of professional independence?
Otto: Yeah. It’s a marketplace issue. It’s a formidable thing, professional autonomy.
Beck:  It’s interesting to hear this separation traced back to one moment because it has shaped so many things—insurance, access to care, all these things. Can you give an overview of what the effects have been of carving dentistry out of medicine?
Otto: One of the most dramatic examples is that more than a million people a year go to emergency rooms with dental problems. Not like they’ve had a car accident, but like a toothache or some kind of problem you could treat in a dental office. It costs the system more than a billion dollars a year for these visits. And the patients very seldom get the kind of dental care they need for their underlying dental problems because dentists don’t work in emergency rooms very often. The patient gets maybe a prescription for an antibiotic and a pain medicine and is told to go visit his or her dentist. But a lot of these patients don’t have dentists. So there’s this dramatic reminder here that your oral health is part of your overall health, that drives you to the emergency room but you get to this gap where there’s no care.
There’s also the fact that our medical records and our dental records are kept separately. Dentistry has treatment codes, but it doesn’t really have a commonly accepted diagnostic code language which makes it hard to integrate medical and dental records and harder to do research on the commonalities between oral health and overall health.
One dental researcher said at a meeting I was at, “Back in the days of the bubonic plague, medicine captured why people die. We don’t capture why teeth die.” There’s this gap in the way we understand oral diseases and the way we approach tooth decay. We still approach it like it’s a surgical problem that needs to be fixed, rather than a disease that needs to be prevented and treated. And we see tooth decay through a moral lens, almost. We judge people who have oral disease as moral failures, rather than people who are suffering from a disease.
Beck: Insurance is all separated out as well, and a lot of times it’s optional. How, politically, did dental care come to be seen as optional?
Otto: There were discussions all through the 20th century, periodically, about this subject. Organized dentistry, like organized medicine, fought nationalized health care on a lot of fronts and testified against the practicality of extending benefits to everyone in the country. And all the healthcare programs that we’ve come up with as a nation have on some level or another left oral health out, or given it sort of an auxiliary status as a fringe benefit. Private insurance has also treated it that way.
Beck: It’s interesting, on one hand, dental care is treated as “optional,” but on the other hand, as you note in the book, there’s this social pressure to have perfect teeth, especially in America, especially among the rich. And so there’s a lot of money to be made in cosmetic dentistry. Do you think that social pressure to have perfect teeth is kind of exacerbating the inequality?
Otto: I think on some level it must. We do put so much emphasis on perfect smiles and there is a lot of money to be made in that field. One dentist I talked to as I was working on this project said “Nobody wants to do the low-end stuff anymore.” Of course there is a lot more money to be made with some of these really high-end procedures. But on the other hand there’s this vast need for just basic basic care. A third of the country faces barriers in getting just the most routine preventive and restorative procedures that can keep people healthy.“There’s this kind of feast and famine aspect to dental care that’s striking.”
Beck: I wonder if the value put on that perfect Hollywood smile is in part because so many people don’t have access to dental care, so perfect teeth are a very clear way of signaling your wealth. More clear than if everyone had access to good care and had decent teeth.
Otto: It could be. It’s very interesting. This whole “perfect American smile” did have its origins in Depression-era Hollywood. Filmed movies were still pretty new at that point. There was this young dentist named Charles Pincus who had this dental office that opened on Hollywood and Vine and he went to the movies too. And he saw these movie actors who didn’t have perfect teeth up on the silver screen, like James Dean, who actually grew up on a farm and had dentures, and Judy Garland, and Shirley Temple. He started working with the studios. He created these little snap-on veneers for Shirley Temple so we never saw her lose her baby teeth. Over all the years she had a perfect little set of pearly whites.
But you’re right, there’s this kind of feast and famine aspect to this that’s striking. They call the [top] front six teeth “The Social Six,” and the perfect set of veneers for these front six teeth are not just a status symbol here in this country—they’re sought around the world as a marker of success.
Beck: I guess partially because of this market for cosmetic dentistry, dentists tend to cluster in rich areas, and there are often shortages in rural areas or poorer areas. But at the same time, you write about a lot of instances where dentists were really resistant to allowing anyone else to provide that preventive care, like training hygienists to do cleanings in schools. Why is that so controversial?
Otto: There’s been a long history of that and it really came home to me with some of the stories I heard, like the story of Tammi Byrd, this dental hygienist in South Carolina. There’s about a quarter million children living in the rural areas of the state who weren’t getting care, and she and some other dental hygienists fought to get the law changed so they could go out and see children without being first examined by a dentist. The dental association just fought back, they got an emergency regulation passed to stop her from doing her work and finally the Federal Trade Commission came in and took her case and won it for her, in the interest of getting economical preventive care to all these children who lacked it.
But, yeah, there’s this marketplace issue. Private organized dentistry protects the marketplace for care and the power of private practitioners to provide it but that leaves a lot of people out. Stories like the battle of this dental hygienist in South Carolina, or the battle that’s going on over these midlevel providers called dental therapists in a number of states, really illustrate how fiercely that terrain is protected.
Organized dentistry continues to say the current supply of dentists can meet the need, that if the system paid more for the care, more providers would locate in these poorer areas. That we Americans need to value our care more and go out and find care more aggressively. They see the fault as being with society at large.
Beck: This opposition to hygienists stepping up and filling that role, does that have anything to do with the fact that hygienists are mostly women? You quoted some old-timey dentists who were like, “Ah yes, the best assistant for a dentist is a woman because she won’t be ambitious and take over our patients." And it kind of sounds like that attitude is still around in some ways.
Otto: You could say that there might be a sense of that still. There’s certainly a deep sense among the powers of organized dentistry that only dentists are qualified to do the lion’s share of dentistry.
Beck: Are there other plans proposed to fill the gap in dental care, if not letting the hygienists or the dental therapists do it? Is there another plan that would be more pleasing to dentists?
Otto: They have their own alternative model. It's kind of a health navigator who connects people with existing dentists, a community-health-worker type of model. [The navigator] helps divert people from ERs into existing dental offices, helps people make dental appointments, educates them about maintaining oral health, and taking care of their children. But it’s guiding people to existing dentists, rather than expanding the dental workforce.
Beck: And if they don’t have insurance then it’s not going to help very much?
Otto: It’s not as helpful. Unless there’s a philanthropy or some kind of group that’s raising money to pay for the care.
Beck: The separation between dental and medical care is pretty entrenched at this point. Do you think it can be overcome, that it should be overcome, that the two could be integrated a little more? What might that look like, do you think it would help?
Otto: Something that was talked about in the medical world during the work going into the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was the “Triple Aim”: bending the cost curve toward prevention, expanding care more broadly and more cheaply, and [creating] a better quality of care. It’s something that needs to be discussed in the oral health world too, and I think it’s being discussed more.
Beck: Do you think it would be like a parallel reform in dentistry or would it be more integrating them back together somewhat?
Otto: It seems like it’s going to have to involve both. There’s been work being done in this area, there’ve been efforts to put dental hygienists into these federally qualified health centers that are part of our public-health safety net, which serve poor rural communities. It seems like it’s capturing an increasing amount of attention from state lawmakers, governors, and public health officials who are interested in bringing costs down for all kinds of health care and seeing that these things show promise. They're saying we’re spending too much on emergency rooms, we're spending too much on hospitalization for these preventable problems, so there are cost incentives to get more preventive and timely routine restorative care to people.
Beck: Trying to undo some of the damage of the historic rebuff.
Otto: Yeah, isn’t it funny?
this is from The Atlantic...interview is from like seven years ago, though, so no guilt about bringing it out from the paywall.
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1d1195 · 1 year
Hi! I have FINALLY found time to fully give my attention to Protection and read part 6! AND it was also a super nice surprise to see you posted another new piece today, which I most definitely read as well! So I’m going to talk about those two but if it’s too long you don’t have to read it, it’s okay!
Protection: Where do I even BEGIN!?!? Overall this chapter was perfection! I love how you give us glimpses of how domestic their dynamic has become and them getting to know normal little things about each other! The scene of them decorating a Christmas tree together was so adorable yet I felt so sad for her because of how much she was wishing her mother to be there so she could experience Harry :( But Harry comforting her and them having another vulnerable moment together warmed my heart! Now THEIR FIRST FUCKING KISS!?!? I GASPED!!! It was such a them moment, her being so cute and happy and rambling while Harry was just so in awe of her and proud, you painted the perfect scene!!!!(and it so so hot btw) He called her kitten while he was basically teasing her and making her talk… HES INANSE! especially when he was kissing her and telling her he wants her but it’s protocol yet he was all up on her!? He was so annoying, in a cute way obviously! Also him calling her out on faking it was so hot to me and it just something bodyguardrry would say lol I can only hope this man asks her out on his day off!
Right Here: OMG I LOVE THEM ANS I ABSOLUTELY WOULD LOVE TO READ MORE ABOUT THEM!!! You are absolutely a GOD meshing all of the favorite and classic tropes together and still making the flow of the story go so smoothly! The tropes fit SO well and they didn’t feel forced at all! Harry being “sunshine” and hopelessly in love with her from the start but with the “miscommunication” trope they were not able to express their feelings towards each other 😭 brilliant honestly! And I was so devastated that she experienced something so horrible due to the slide incident and honestly I can understand how much that affected her! And the fact that she was still made to feel like SHE was the problem and weird was just so sad :( But once they talked it out my heart leaped so much I was ROOTING FOR THEM! When Harry said “I had a feeling y’couldn’t keep it up forever. And I’d wait forever for you, beautiful”, I DIED! This is so simple yet I find it so meaningful because even after all this time he’s just being their for HER and just wanting to have her in her most raw and vulnerable self is just so wonderful too read about and it hit close to home! Also when he said “Your leggings?” He smiled mischievously. ‘M’almost jealous of ‘em touching all of your legs.’ I GIGGLED because it was good ngl! If any other man said this to me it would be gross but NOT WITH HARRY! I loved it so much and I hope if you ever feel inspired to give an extra please do!
Also I saw what that mean anon said, FUCK THEM! Yes constructive criticism is allowed and having their own opinion is valid but not when it’s laced with the intention to hurt the person, I genuinely believe that they didn’t even fully read it because it was no used too many times! I love love LOVE your nicknames in your stories! It has made me love nicknames more in general! Plus it’s unique to you and I come to your blog because of what YOU create and it’s just so beautiful-💜
Okay I've been anxiously awaiting to hear your thoughts 💕 There isn't an ask you can send that I wouldn't read, I don't care how long it is. You took the time to read almost ~10k of nonsense that I wrote, I'd read whatever you have to say 💕
I am SO glad you liked the next installment of protection! I really liked writing this part. I'm def a Christmas girl (and a momma's girl) so I gotta throw all that in at every chance I get. I couldn't make them wait any longer to kiss but I really, really truly believe Mr. Protocol wouldn't push too much further than they did (and I honestly had a nice long mental battle with myself that what he did was too much anyway!)
Of course I'm glad you liked Right Here too! I don't think there's anything Harry could say to me that I would find gross which is probably a problem but it makes for great writing. I think he could punch me in the face and I'd probably thank him. They were really fun to write about and I thought Harry was actually quite adorable if I'm allowed to say that about myself. I liked making her grumpy and nervous because I thought Harry would be a really nice balance--I thought of him jumping all around stage and it just made so much sense. I think I saw another request to hear more about them. I'll have to see what I can think of lol
Honestly, your other ask about me using kitten to signify they're soulmates (which I realize I didn't do in Right Here but we're going to pretend because obviously) was the first thing I thought of when I got that other message. But honestly I'm glad you didn't feel like it was used too many times. I went back and glanced it over and thought I actually might have but maybe it's because I was bummed about it.
Anyway. I adore you as always and I am SO glad you took the time to write this message <3
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