#he had everything he thought he wanted in s3
omaano · 1 day
SW Hades AU June Update
This month I’ve had some time to organize my notes and plans for my Star Wars meets Hades AU - I have a massive table for all of the characters, which original Hades game character they had been modeled after, and whether they need portraits/tokens/keepsakes/crests/etc. it’s colour coded and everything. (Fennec had to be cut out from the lineup and I’m hopelessly heartbroken about the whole thing* 😭)
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Everyone has an icon who needs one (I’m sorry about the Echo and Fives one, okay? But they come as a package deal, and I also wanted to make sure that Echo is easily distinguishable from all the other clone characters and not just the average looking clone guy next to Fives who - by order of elimination - must be Echo), and everyone has a crest who needs one (except for maybe Barriss… I feel like that the Jedi order symbol doesn’t fully fit her, but for now I will keep it as a place holder. I can't come up with anything better for her at the moment T^T. The froggie returned to the “chtonic companions” line (it is exactly the plushie that Echo and Fives would give Grogu), and now there is Batcher too! If you notice any similarities between Batcher and Boba’s old rancor rag doll, it’s mostly because I took that one and modified it to fit the lurca hound, since they have a similar back ridge pattern.
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I also think that it could be a cute in-universe thing if the Batcher doll had been modified from the rancor. Timelines are very flexible in this AU anyway, so it could be totally plausible.
Speaking of! I have a character sketch for Omega and Batcher!
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It took me a while to settle on which version of Omega I wanted to put into this AU, but I am very happy with what I could come up with in the end. I had some trouble with what to do with her face, since Hades is really lacking in young teenage characters, and even Melinoe and Eris from Hades2 didn’t prove to be of much help, so I allowed a bit more of my own style to slip back in. With everything else I think it hit a nice enough balance. I mixed her s2 and s3 appearance into one outfit and gave her back her hat and old crossbow (I know she got a new one from Echo, but I prefer how this one sticks out over her shoulder).
This seems to be a girls’ update, since the next sketch I want to share concepts Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls! I’ve wanted to add them to this AU for ages, but all that armor and posing had just seemed too much of a hassle up until I had to seriously distract myself from some irl stress. So now I’ve got the trio to stand in for the fury sisters as first bosses. (I'll need to adjust Koska a little, I see it now)
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God bless whoever’s decided to make one of those 30 cm action dolls of these guys, they had been so helpful when it came to looking up reference details! (While we are at details: I made Koska left handed (I think? Or opposite handed at the very least) because I had been coming up with their composition under the impression that she had her flame thrower in her right vambrace like Din and Boba do, which, upon further inspection, she does not ^^;)
Some in-universe thoughts regarding them: 1) Din can very much lose the Darksaber to whoever kicks his ass if he runs with is as his weapon of choice, and then has to return to reclaim it from that enemy (he doesn’t want to but they are in his way), and if he loses it either to her or another enemy Bo-Katan will most definitely have an opinion on the matter. 2) Boba is more than happy to swoop in as a “godly call” against Koska. If he has the option to claim the Call boon from Boba, it's a pretty good indicator that it will be Koska waiting for him at the end of the level. 3) After a while and enough encounters Axe starts showing up around and in the arena on this AU’s equivalent of the Elysium level. Paz would do anything not to have to talk about that minor detail. (Din: "Why does Axe Woves keep calling you baby girl?" Paz *steam escaping from the edge of his helmet* "how about we stop talking for a while." <- This meme has been on my mind for months, now you have to suffer it with me XD) After that it’s a boss fight of Din vs Paz and Axe.
This post is getting a bit long, so I will leave my progress with Obi-wan’s background to the next update. I will also make a separate post on the new little portrait icons, but I really liked how cute Rex and Omega looked next to each other in the big lineup Q^Q
*the only thing that made me dedicate myself to this decision with a heavy heart is that Fennec had been in the Bad Batch, and that would give me the ideal excuse to imagine her in a Hades2 inspired AU where she is helping Omega (as a stand in for Melinoe). I’ve thought a lot about this even before the test version of the game came out, and a lot of it would track now that I’ve seen some game play and story and characters but. Let’s not be delusional, I can barely keep up with this project, and the Hades2 art style, while super pretty, has a twist on the first game's art style that makes me want to cry when I think about replicating it ^^; so that just remains a nice little thought experiment.
Ventress went through the same thing, mostly because I think that in a strange way she would fit very well with Hecate's role. Especially after that s3 episode where she had her cameo with her new fancy haircut.
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devastatinglygreen · 2 days
Do you like the way they did the Lady Whistledown reveal and fight?
i didn't have a particular problem with it? i think the after effects were a little heavy for the previous episodes but i understand that it's a tv show and they're going to be dramatic. i think if they wanted that much room for it, it should have probably happened earlier, maybe mid ep 6 because i think some things got lost in translation after that.
the back and forth felt slightly overdone to me to keep it going and giving them space at the end would have probably benefited the story arc as a whole.
i don't have an issue with the fight itself, i think colin had every right to be pissed and i think penelope had the right to fight back on her choices. i like that they brought his ego into a bit like they do in the book, if LW had written something about me the way she did colin in the beginning of s3 i would be humiliated too i think. also horrified that that's what they thought of me? i would rethink everything i ever knew about that person and how they perceived me. it would probably make me feel like puking tbh. and i'm dramatic too, i would make it everyone's problem while i'm pretending to be fine, ha.
and i get pen's side too. she knew he was being fake af and she's like this ain't you. but i think sometimes she forgets how the truth hurts most of all and she was being impulsive with her writing at times. she's written some terrible things in the name of love and protection and being forced to face that is probably humbling and guilt ridden. knowing you hurt the person you love most in a way that made them question themselves as a person? i'd simply lay on the floor and stay there.
i need to rewatch tho, i think the anticipation of the LW confrontation had me distracted during other episodes and i need to see how all the tension builds up to it. like he knows something is wrong but to go from thinking maybe thinking someone doesn't love you the way you love them and struggling to cope with that while deciding that you need to be a better person to earn that love to discovering that the person you love is the person who not only hurt you but cut you down in the first place?
nah, colin loves penelope unconditionally fr because i would have floated up out of my body and into space after that.
for all of his defensiveness about the situation i never thought he didn't love her and i know penelope took all the punches that was thrown at her because of her guilt but i do like that she immediately became transparent with honesty in regards to him, like i think sometimes as an audience that we trust penelope because she's doing what she does for 90% the right reasons in LW but the characters don't know that. she's willing to earn that trust back and i appreciated that.
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bekkachaos · 3 days
Send help it's literally more Polin I can't help it!
Once again, spoilers ahead for S3 part 2 so keep scrolling if you don't want em! This is my part 1.
It might be an unpopular opinion, but there was too much angst for me. Colin was too angsty for too long, and I know it was only really an episode and a half, But I felt like we got too much of book Colin's bad side and not enough understanding. Like I very much get it and he had a very valid reason for being hurt, but it was dragged almost to the very end of the last episode and I just wish there would have been a little less.
The constant asking if she was going to give up Whistledown kind of annoyed me and how cold he was every time they had that conversation just broke my heart a little bit for Penelope.
I know so much has been changed from books to show, but it's strange that in the book he knows about Whistledown before anything really happens, I mean they have that first kiss where she asks him to but everything else happens after he already knows. So for him to be so cold. Just made me feel sad. I understand it in the context of the show but still.
And something I really disliked was when they're in the room where they're going to have their wedding breakfast and Penelope asks something along the lines of "if you still want to marry me" and he says "I'm a man of honour and we were intimate", I really hate that it came to suggesting he would marry her out of obligation, It just really rubbed me the wrong way. And I wish it had been something along the lines of. "I love you Penelope and I want to marry you. I just don't know if I can forgive you for this", which he'd already said, but I would way rather that have been put out there than to ever even imply that he could marry her out of obligation. I know he was mad and betrayed and jealous, But that one line really bothers me. I've made a whole post basically saying this word for word but that's how strongly I feel about it! Like I get it from Colin's perspective and how he's grappling with it, I do, I just didn't like it.
Also, Colin never actually said sorry? For treating her like shit after he found out. Like I do think his feelings were valid and that he deserved to be upset, but he never said sorry for some of the stuff he said and for being cold even though Penelope apologised so many times.
Luke's emotion though when Colin found out and in the conversations after was incredible, when the tear fell at the end of ep 6 my heart stopped and then broke into tiny pieces!
Something about their pairing that I really like though is that they both feel inherently unlovable for one reason or another (Penelope has always felt completely unloved and overlooked, and Colin has always felt people showed him affections for shallow reasons and not actually for who he is), but both of them prove to each other over and over again how much they love the other and know the other and see them in a way no-one else does.
HOWEVER, I'm not sure they did a good enough job portraying Colin's side of this (I'll update on my rewatch send help). Not sure his coldness and hesitation was addressed enough as jealousy as it could have been. The scene where Penelope says "just love me and hold me and kiss me, what holds you back" and he says "I don't know" like was that just a little abrupt or was that just me? Because from the book I could follow that it's the jealousy of how accomplished she is but not sure the general audience picks up on that.
AND ANOTHER THING, there was absolutely not enough making up after everything was resolved with Whistledown, I needed more love and kisses and softness after the ball!
I know there were things being added to set up for the next season, but damn it was already 70 minutes long, what's 5 more of sweet and in love Polin??
Gotta say though, all of them with their babies in the end was adorable, and you can't deny the last shot kissing in the sunlight of the drawing room (where Penelope spent so much time staring out the window pining after Colin) was so fucking romantic! And the shot with their little baby boy, love!
One last thing, did they spend an exorbitant amount of time dancing or is that just me? Almost as much time as they all spent drinking lemonade in eps 1-4
Overall I loved their story, it's been my favourite pairing so far. Not sure any of the others will top it for me, but time will tell! Episodes 4-5 were definitely my favourites by a long shot!
Okay okay imma do part 3 with my thoughts on everything else 😂
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Thoughts on Bridgerton S3
I'M JUST RANTING OKAY I've only seen part 2 once and these are just my thoughts and feelings I am gonna throw here and delete later when I probably change my mind after rewatching?? I just gotta rant😭
Penelope was so gracious and understanding and forgiving and I felt she deserved, in many moments, to be rightfully more upset, more vindictive, more fiercely witty and proud. Though I do LOVE all the things getting resolved and solved and brought to light and happy endings (I actually do love it), the journey there for me was missing a healthy and (imo) realistic dose of female rage. Just for the dramaaa come on. All the other drama going on here and Penelope is 'grateful for your counsel?' bfr. I'll show you grateful for your counsel by hating on it! She can show everyone her heart AND her teeth. She is more than capable and I thought that her character was reduced too much in the last four episodes. Penelope I want you to have everything, including your full range of emotion and humor and wit. Drink more w/ Madame Delacroix okay?? And with Lady Danbury.
I feel like my husbandColin was weirdly sidelined? I'm actually quite grateful for Part1 Colin, because I haven't landed anywhere yet with Part2 Colin. I knew he was jealous, I knew he was always going to forgive her...and we all knew he loved her....so the conflict/tension between them was not as interesting- for me! Just for meee. And stupidly drawn out. FOR MEEEEE. He had taken so many 'gallant' steps in his relationship with Penelope so when their wedding day and night and subsequent honeymoon days arrived and he was stuck in that attitude I was so unmoved. Don't play with me, Colin. Go worship your wife.
I JUST WANTED ANOTHER PURE VIOLET MOMENT! OF ANY KIND! Like before/about her dance with Marcus come oonnn! This is Violet! Please for the love. Also give me a convo with her and Penelope! Just one real one?? Damn. Her resolution with Francesca was alright? I guess. I do love that she isn't perfect with all of her kids, esp her daughters. But I feel they planted a lot of stuff for her as a mother and as a woman wanting to 'tend to her garden' you know? And it fell awkwardly for me. My favorite Bridgerton forever though.
HATE HATE HATE that Colin went to Cressida's house to make things worse trope. Seen it before. Didn't like it then and I don't like it now. AND he was forgiven so quickly. Absolutely not. DO NOT GO INTO ROOMS ALONE WITH ANYONE ANYMORE COLIN BRIDGERTON UNLESS IT IS UR WIFE PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME SLASH MY SCREEN. Go home to your wife and fix it there before you try to be all heroic outside of it okay. I will shave your head. I think I need Daphne.
Dear Eloise, you don't know what it is to be a friend, to have a friend, or even to lose a friend. Maybe I'm interpreting it wrong, maybe I don't care idk. But we start the show humanizing Cressida, bully since season 1 episode 1, THROUGH Eloise. BUT WHEN IT CAME TIME FOR THE FRIENDSHIP TO MEAN SOMETHING TO EITHER OF THEM Eloise willfully gave up, walked away, ran to the comfort of her privilege with her family and way-too-understanding friend. HOW DID WE CHAMPION SO MANY WOMEN ONLY TO ABANDON THIS THING W/ Cressida at the end as she was literally sent away alone.
Lady Danbury complaints similar to Violet. She is usually a more prominent player, so when she wasn't this season, well, I missed her and wanted anything more about her. But! Love her all the same.
HOW DARE THEY throw Kanthony back and forth all weirdy like that. Kate is here, just let us have Kate. And her lil loving husband. Come oooonnn. Three babies at the end and none of them Kate's😭 And Violet was overwhelmed and they didn't get to have another moment?? A lot of off-screen moments are told to us and we just get to believe whoever says whatever. Every actor here has shown they have skills for show-don't-tell productions! All those beautiful eyes! I just am feeling upset about the random use of this gorgeous couple. EVEN ANTHONY, Viscount and eldest brother of them all just walks away at one point when Colin is obviously needing more of him. Whatever.
Why why why did we have an original song PLUS an orchestral cover of it for both to be so unused??? Tori Kelly's song is so wedding-coded and so romantic and earnest. But it didn't make an appearance for Polin at all. Not at their wedding, not in their home, not in the carriage, not anywhere...
Maybe unpopular opinion but I hated "Yellow" being the wedding song. First see the point above and then please please just remember how much Penelope did to distance herself from that fucking color and the horrible memories of it. NOW! IF COLIN HAD MENTIONED IT SOME WAY OR WHATEVER THEN SUUUURRREEE keep the song. HOWEVER. EVEN THE WEDDING WAS NOT YELLOW, HER FAMILY WASN'T IN YELLOW, WE DIDN'T TALK ABOUT IT AT ALL WHY IS IT THE FUCKING WEDDING SONG WHEN THERE ARE MANY OTHER OPTIONNNNSSSSS WHYYYYY (idc why, I just hated it, even if I did cry).
Benedict has been cute and boring for far too long and that did not change for me in this season. TWO BRIDGERTONS with queer representation in an already huge season with so many storylines going on, I wish we could've celebrated it better. Amongst the thousands of other things that were being celebrated, Benedict has still been separated from them in weird ways.
Not a big point, just an interesting one. But where did Debling go? He just effed off to the wilderness? We spent a lot of time with him (and Cressida) in the first four eps.....and then he was gone.....okay.
Charlotte, I love you. You should know that first. But man you love to crash a party, and a wedding, and I just feel like you should've at least killed someone by now with all these theatrics. Even for Charlotte, I felt she was strangely incorporated into this last half of the season. She and Penelope are technically equals in many many ways- BUT WE NEVER GOT TO SEE THAT WIT AND BANTER PLAY OUT MORE WHYYYY
All in all. It's just my rantings. I was absolutely in love with the first four episodes. There was something so fairytale about it and it was so romantic. So, yes, I was disappointed in part 2 on the initial watch, despite the many things I loved about it. There was a lot going on and, sadly, most did not land for me. Yet.
It's a good show, I still love the show. I will be watching the show. Give me more of the show lol.
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zuko: makes the conscious decision to leave all his luxury and privilege behind to confront his father about the war and right his wrongs, does his best to make up for his actions
catra: only apologizes to adora and does a good thing when she has run out of options and will likely be cast out by horde prime, immediately goes back to her toxic nature as soon as she's rescued
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cerealbishh · 30 days
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"We get to, this season, explore their chemistry and their real love and their intimacy. So we get to have a glimpse into that world that just feels so pure and beautiful and romantic! And then, sort of navigating those other circumstances once they're out in the world, dealing with real... challenges." - Isa in an interview with The Knockturnal(x)
#outer range s2#outer range s2 spoilers#maria olivares#rhett abbott#isabel arraiza#lewis pullman#rhett x maria#i know the last gif is blurry but trust me she was holding his arm and i just thought that was adorable#i might add a lew quote if he ever gets asked about outer range s2 in an interview smh(i'm begging someone to ask him more about it!)...#she is always going to pull him in for a kiss like how she pulled him in for a small peck in s1#the biggest fucking grin on her face whenever they kiss#i feel like i could hear an ''i love you'' sometimes with how they just look at each other? crazy#her smile and him smiling back at her before the forehead kiss is EVERYTHING to me#also her little smile as he kisses the side of her head like she knows he's doing his best and doesn't really blame him for anything? uGH#there was an article that said that maria and rhett may screw royal over? i say they should go for it!#truly if it gives isa and lew more screen time i'm all for it!#i say all this but i still want a spin-off of them just on a roadtrip#i am convinced that he kisses her just because he thinks she's being really cute#they're so annoying... y'all haven't even been dating that long and you're acting like this!! smh /j#i kinda had a feeling that was maria in the trailer doing something to rhett in the trailer(iykyk) and my heart still fell into my stomach#i'm not including any dream/nightmare sequences because as far as we know they can't see the future... right?#do i sound stupid and biased? maybe... please don't judge me#she's hungry but her heart aches to stay... will the flesh have its way in s3? will she be ... ''already gone'' a la eurydice in hadestown?#tw: food?#will forever be sad they didn't get a dance :(#honestly whenever i think of their flirty banter i will think of lew talking about the flirt to roast ratio
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astrarche-x · 1 year
back to obsessing over Richard
at first he doesn't seem to have any obvious fatal flaws - no hubris, no hunger for power etc
but his fatal flaw is this little voice in his head that whispers sometimes ''maybe violence IS the answer tho"
it's not like he believes that it's a good solution; but sometimes it's the more reliable solution. more efficient solution. faster solution.
and oh how he wants to speedrun his way back to being respectable citizen
(which is, of course, very ironic given the methods. but deep down he believes that he's so good at killing he can afford being immoral. he tries to get rid of this belief but to no avail.)
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roger-paladino · 1 year
making that WF video was like. reminding me how much and how deeply Mo cared for Lee it hurts soo so so bad
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woodlandthorns · 8 months
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"i don't want him to be anybody but himself." "you sure about that?" "yes." "'cause i heard he told you how he felt and you bailed."
"the only thing that makes him worse...is you." "i know. why do you think i left?"
today on: i'm literally never gonna be not angry about how jemma was treated throughout s2
#like. this could have been her villain origin story.#tbh it looked like it was gonna be for a second there#but yeah going through the same traumatic event as your best friend and saving his life and trying to help him recover#right after he told you he was in love with you and wouldn't let her help when she tried#and leaving because everything you do seems to make things worse and hearing he's doing better while you're better#only to return and hear that he's been telling anyone who will listen that he told you how he felt and you bailed#still continuing to be treated. Not Great by said guy who says he's in love with you and preferred the hallucination of you he had#and gets frustrated with you when you try to literally do what he wants (to help him. to use you to talk through.)#(only for everyone to insist that you Must have feelings for him even when you continue to say you never thought of him that way)#only for him to ultimately have the attitude of 'if you won't date me i can't even try to be friends with you' p much the entire time#idk man! it'd be my villain origin story!#this is not a fitz friendly blog#every time i rewatch this show he grates on me more and more#(also to be noted: not just the way he is with jemma. the way he is with most characters.)#and like. i hated mack through most of s2 and then in s3 he became one of my favorites so like! i can change my opinions of characters!#just like how i used to love fitz and now i hate him lmao#several bad puns later – out of character.#idk i'm just gonna tag it as that for now#if u read these tags to this point you're the real mvp and i love you
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the-other-art-blog · 16 days
Violet to Colin: "You're one of my most sensitive children."
The fandom: "How can she say that! Anthony, Benedict bla, bla bla..."
Colin is ONE of her most sensitive children. ONE, just ONE of them. And she's right.
He was the only one who indulged Violet and let her introduce him to debutantes in s1, while Anthony fucked his mistress and Ben went to orgies.
He was a complete gentleman with Marina. AND defended her when Anthony implied something about her.
And when he learned the truth, he confessed that he would have married her if she had told him the truth. 🥹
He danced with Pen after Cressida bullied her.
He wrote dozens of letters that his family of 8 could not care to respond to often. There are 8 of them!
He worried about Ben in s2 and supported him on his application to the Academy.
He learned the truth of Jack Featherington and instead of simply leaving, he did something about it. Not only did he help the Featherington family, but he saved other lords from being scammed.
He apologized to Will, explained why he acted rudely AND made amends to repair the damage by bringing men to Will's club.
He returned with gifts for everyone, but he seemed particularly thoughtful to his sisters and mother. A perfume for Hyacinth, music for Francesca, and a book for Eloise 🥹. Violet was so moved by his gift and here we have a lovely headcanon on the watch:
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Then with Pen...
He runs after Pen, despite other men wanting to know about his adventures.
He acknowledges his mistake and immediately tries to apologize to Pen in the Four Seasons Ball.
The next day, he comes back with a heartfelt apology.
Then, he offers her help, despite the risk of scandal and embarrassment for him. He knows Pen has no one else.
He goes to see Pen at night to make sure she's ok. And when she asks him for a kiss, he does it so sweetly.
He is brave enough to leave the men who just want to know about his sexual life.
HE WAS BRAVE ENOUGH TO ASK, as soon as he put himself together and understood his feelings. He didn't play jealousy games like others, he went and put his heart on the table. He didn't even know about Pen's feelings and he risked it!
Some extracts from Colin's journals show that his family is always in his thoughts.
You can see why Violet, as the good mother that she is, can tell how sensitive he is.
Colin travels during the summer and comes back during the season to be with his family. It angers me that people think he's selfish for this when Benedict also abandons the family to fuck.
And yet, both Colin and Ben are sensitive. BOTH OF THEM, Francesca too. I wouldn't call Hyacinth or Gregory sensitive right now, and before s3, I wouldn't include Eloise either.
Anyway, I needed to get this out because I am so fucking tired of Kanthonies and Benophies making tantrums about this line.
I'm sure when s4 comes, we are going to see a moment between Violet and Ben where she acknowledges how amazing he is and everything he has done for the family. But not now, because this is COLIN'S SEASON.
(NOTE: If you are thinking of reblogging this post with the tag #Colin is the most sensitive, kindly fuck off. I made this post to fight the Kanthonies and Benophie that are attacking Colin, not to validate your own need to make Colin superior to other characters. HE IS ONE OF THE MOST SENSITIVE CHILDREN, ONE)
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plantsjustwannahavefun · 10 months
I still can’t get over that we got to see this.
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GIFs taken from https://www.tumblr.com/flowergrenades/724087820292112384/oh-yes-its-working
The moment he broke into that smile, my first thought was how much he looks like the Doctor here. Because Crowley doesn’t smile like that. We’ve never seen him smile like that: with such pure, radiant, uninhibited joy and awe. Not as himself. The first scene of this season was so impactful because we saw what Crowley was like as an angel, just how adorable and pure he was, full of overflowing love and affection for all of creation… and how much of a contrast it was to Crowley as a demon – jaded, weary, guarded, hiding behind his dark glasses and a grumpy, sardonic demeanour.
But this smile. It’s dazzling. There’s not a trace of irony or snark or sneering amusement, nothing of the sort. He’s just happy. Yes, it’s one of those “pictures taken seconds before a disaster” moments, but he doesn’t know it yet. Right now, he’s watching two humans about to fall in love. Knowing it was him who made it happen. Him, a demon, putting just a little bit more love into this world. And this makes him so happy.
Everything about the way this shot is framed is so intimate, and vulnerable, and powerful. He’s resting his forehead against the window, with his glasses off, and his face is right in front of us, the viewers. It almost feels like intruding on a private moment… because it is. He’s only smiling like that because no one’s looking at him. He wouldn’t do it in front of anyone else. Not even Aziraphale, I think.
But imagine if Aziraphale had been there to see it. He would have perished and discorporated on the spot. He’d have fallen in love with him right there and then, if he hadn’t already fallen in love with him many times over.
I don’t give a fuck if they kiss in S3, I can take it or leave it. The only thing I want is for Crowley to smile at his angel like that. And for Aziraphale to see it.
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We need to talk about this
Can we pls take a moment to pause here and talk about this scene?
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Because i really think it has not been given credit enough. Everybody is going on about Aziraphale lying to save the children of Job. And how important that step was to him.
But no-one seems to talk about Crowley here.
Because the thing is: Aziraphale expected to fall. I am not certain he thought that the present angels would have noticed his lie, but MAYBE Heaven/Her and MAYBE Hell/Him would somehow have gotten to know. Maybe he thinks somewhere is an alarm going off everytime an angels lies. Maybe he expects Her to see everything. He expected to fall.
But the undeniable truth is: there is only ONE beeing to know for certain that Aziraphale lied. And that is Crowley.
He could have taken Aziraphale to hell. Going down with an Angel in a towrope, telling Satan he had a special present for him. That he did an extraordinary deed. That he made an angel fall. It would probably have made him a Duke, gotten him some further promotion.
And maybe - only maybe - would have gotten him a lifetime with a demon-friend and companion on his side. Because Aziraphale expected to fall. He wouldnt have blamed Crowley for taking him to hell.
So this also was Crowleys chance to make a lifetime with Aziraphale by his side.
And he chose not to do it.
Because Aziraphale would not have liked it.
And that is, why this scene is so important. And really this image here is my point of view on this. What Crowley is doing here. ❤️
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And I really think this is so important when thousands of years later, Aziraphale asks Crowley to come to heaven with him. Because Crowley chose Aziraphale as what he is - millenia ago. He could have made them an "us" ages ago and chose not to.
And whatever the story behind Aziraphales offer* is, THIS is the moment it should be compared to. The moment when Crowley refuses to take his angel to hell, because he wouldnt have liked it there.
Crowley wouldnt have liked heaven. ❤️
Thank you for reading - its been bothering me.
*(whether he really believed the Metatron and wanted Crowley to come with him, whether he was afraid and knew his offer would drive Crowley away, ... i know there are strong opinions on that, but only Neil will tell us in S3)
PS: the first pic i got in a FB-Group, i dont know who to credit for. the second pic is available on etsy as a print
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kennahjune · 7 months
I’m joining the s3 steddie train :D
Steve was late. He was so late and so dead. Robin was going to kill him— he’d never make it out of Scoops Ahoy alive.
This was his thought process after dropping Will Lucas and Max off at Mikes. This was also his thought process the entirety of the way to Scoops while he shoved his way through the mall.
The moment he entered the small shop Robins eyes locked on him in a glare. Steve barely gave her a second before he was going to the back room to get ready for his shift.
He heard the back room door open behind him.
“24 minutes late I know,” he said as calmly as he could while trying to relax his breathing.
“Yeah and—“
“And you get an extra 25 minutes for your break, yes Robin I know!”
Steve finally closed his employee cubby and turned to look at Robin. “Look. Im sorry I was so late today but Will, Lucas and Max are assholes when they’re being petty and they needed a ride to Mikes cause all the others were busy! I’ll take closing shift today to if you’re really that mad.”
Robin stared at him angrily from the doorway. “Fine.” She uncrossed her arms. “And yes, you will be taking the closing shift tonight. I have a study date with a friend that I can’t miss.”
“It’s summer vacation?”
“Shut up!”
Steve shrugged when the door closed.
He closed the door to his employee locker with a little more force than necessary. He had a migraine building and the bright, florescent lights of the mall weren’t helping in the slightest.
He walked out and began his shift.
Eddie wanted to enjoy his day off. Preferably by himself. But Gareth and Jeff decided that his personal life was their personal life. So here they were.
He had wanted to spend the day away from the mall, considering that that was where everyone seemed to be nowadays. But the guys were insistent.
So they were walking around. It wasn’t too bad, considering Eddie had gotten himself a new record and tape with his newest paycheck. They were sitting at the fountain when Gareth shouted right in Eddie’s ear:
Eddie just about punched him with how hard he jumped. Jeff spit out his Pepsi all over Eddie.
While Eddie was worrying about getting the sticky drink off of his skin, Gareth continued with; “is that HARRINGTON in Scoops?”
Well. Now he has Eddie’s attention.
Sure enough, just in Eddie’s line of sight, was Steve Harrington in a sailors uniform and a dorky hat.
A dorky hat that was soon snatched up by his current customer, Billy Hargrove.
Jeff clapped him on the shoulder and leaned over him to get a better view. “Is that Hargrove?”
“Yep.” Eddie popped the P.
“It looks like he’s messing with Harrington.”
“Yep.” Another pop on the P.
“And Harrington looks like he’s gonna fucking explode.”
Eddie agreed. Harrington was red in the face and not in the cute blushy-way he usually gets (don’t ask why Eddie knows that). He was talking back to Hargrove, probably something bitchy and sarcastic in typical Harrington-fashion based on the way Hargrove seemed to recoil for a moment before jumping back.
“Should we do something?” Gareth asked skeptically. Jeff shrugged where he was pressed against Eddie’s back.
“I’m going in.” Eddie stood and nearly knocked Jeff down in the process.
“Hang on—“
“Nope! Wish me luck, boys!” Eddie yelled over his shoulder while he dashed over. He heard them both get up and follow him.
Steve wanted to cry.
His head hurt so fucking bad and his back was killing him and he had ran into a shelf earlier and had a killer bruise on his arm and leg from it and everything was too fucking much.
Then, in all his asshole and dick glory, in came Billy Hargrove.
At this point, Steve would rather take another plate to the head then have to deal with his annoyingly aggravating voice. Hargrove came in, probably expecting Robin to be there, but got Steve instead. And honestly Steve would rather deal with him then leave Robin with him.
So he’s been enduring it, giving his own comments and comebacks but overall hating his life and just wanting to curl up and die.
Then his savior showed up. In all his black leather and chains, Eddie fucking Munson.
Hargrove seemed to back down the moment Munson showed up. Which wasn’t too strange considering that Munson supplied over half of Hawkins’ weed supply. Including Steve’s own for a while. He hasn’t bought in a while cause of the brat brigade.
But not the point.
Hargrove nodded to Munson. “Munson.”
Wow. Real cool, Billy. Steve held back a snicker.
“Heeyyy, Hargrove!” Munson cheerily greeted. But there was something about his smile that was off, to Steve. It seemed tighter than usual, his eyes not crinkling with the motion like normal. Don’t ask why Steve knows this.
Munson’s eyes seemed darker, too. Like he was angry. Maybe Hargrove didn’t pay him? Steve couldn’t bother to care with how bad his head started to pound.
He shouldn’t be at work with this migraine. He knows that. His doctor’s told him this multiple times. But he owes it to Robin for being late so much and he needs to prove to his dad that he can take care of himself.
“So what brings you here, Billy?” Munson asks casually, stepping farther into the shop. Steve seems to finally be forgotten about, and he places his head down on the counter. The cooled surface definitely helps with the spinning room.
He hears Hargrove say something back, but he isn’t paying attention anymore. His eyes are stating to go blurry and he really needs to sit down. But then Munson says something that catches his attention:
“Just leave Harrington alone, man. Last I checked he did nothing to you.”
What the hell? Steve wished he could lift his head and see what Munson was doing. What he looked like when he said that. If he looked as mean as he sounded.
Steve only lifts his head a few moments later when he feels a hand on his back. He shoots up quicker than he intends, and nearly falls back down if not for the hands still holding him up.
“Shit,” he grumbles quietly to himself, whining even quieter at the sudden rush of pain and the black dots in his vision.
“Easy there, your highness.” Munson.
Steve blinks slowly, letting Munson set him down in a booth. He doesn’t remember walking over but he’ll take it. He puts his head back down and intertwines his fingers behind his head. He groans quietly again, the pounding slowly receding.
“Hey man, is there something we could do? Do you need anything?” He heard Munson ask.
We? Steve wants to ask, but finds himself not caring. “Water, and my bag from the back please,” he rasps out. Talking makes the pounding worse.
He hears someone rush off to the back and a moment later a hands on his back again and is helping him sit up.
“Here ya go sweetheart.” Munson slides the glass of water and bag over to him.
Steve silently reaches into his bag and pulls out his small “to-go” med-kit. He carries it around mainly for the kids. Mike tends to be clumsier than he comes off as and Max is always trying out some new skateboarding tricks. From inside the kit he pulls out a pill bottle and swallows 2 with the water and goes for another 2 before a hand stops him.
“I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to take more than 2.” This voice is new but familiar. Steve squints past the blurriness and makes out someone he recognizes from school; Gareth Emerson.
“4,” Steve manages past the lump in his throat. Munson, Emerson, and someone else Steve doesn’t quite know look at him. Munson continues to hold Steve’s hand on the table, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. It weirdly intimate but the comfort is very welcome.
“4 what?” The other guy asks.
“4 pills. I usually take 4.”
Munson and Emerson both wince. The third guy looks at him like he’s insane. Steve finally recognizes him as Jeff,… something. He actually never got his last name.
“Dude— are you trying to overdose!?”
Steve winced at the sudden loudness, whining quietly. Munson shushed Jeff and Steve heard him rush out an apology.
The bell over the door dinged at that moment, and Steve found himself face to face with Max, Mike, Will, Lucas, and— for some reason— Jonathan.
“Uh— hi?” Steve attempted for a greeting.
“‘Hi!?’” Mike yelled. “Hi yourself man! We called your walkie at least 4 times!! What the hell?”
“Are you ok? Why didn’t you answer?” Will asked in a much quieter tone.
Lucas and Max wasted no time before slotting themselves in the booth with Steve. Munson remained across from Steve, and Emerson and Jeff now hovered farther away, but Lucas slid right in next to Munson and Max next to Steve.
“What the fuck, Harrington?” Max demanded. But she clung to his shirt tightly.
“Language, Mayfield,” he reprimanded quietly.
Mike paused where he stood. “Why are you talking so quietly? Shit— do you have a migraine?”
Suddenly 4 pairs of little eyes were gazing at him with unmasked concern. Holy shit was this overwhelming.
“Why didn’t you say that, Steve?” Lucas asked.
“Are you ok? How long has it been going on for? Asked Will.
“Why are even here if you’re not able to function properly?” Mike reprimanded in his own caring-ness.
Max clutched to him tighter. “Why aren’t you at home? You could’ve called in sick or something!”
“Shhh!” Mike shushed her.
“Don’t shush me—“
“Shut up!” He whisper shouted. “You have to be quiet and try to control your temperature while resting in a dark, quiet room to try and help with migraines. Pain killers help to but no more than 3.”
Everyone stared at him. He went a little pink under the sudden attention.
“Nancy gets migraines a lot from reading in the dark.”
Jonathan came over right then. Steve was suddenly overwhelmed by all the people surrounding him.
“Hey,” Munson called. Steve forgot about him for a good moment. “This is cute and all, but maybe we should not surround him? Poor boy looks like he’s gonna cry.”
Everyone turned to look at him. Tears had— in fact— sprung to his eyes.
“Sorry!” All the kids rushed out quietly at the same time. Max climbed out of the booth and Munson and Jonathan both assisted with helping Steve to the break room. Jeff and Emerson stayed with the kids, but Mike came with them since he seemed to know what he was doing better than the 3 of them.
On their way back to the room though, Steve’s legs nearly gave out from under him. Shit. It’s one of those days. Munson just barely managed to catch him under the armpits while Jonathan got him by the waist.
“Woah there, sweetheart.” Munson grunted.
“Careful, Steve,” Jonathan said quietly.
“Sorry. Spinning.” Steve exhaled shakily.
Mike came rushing back after realized they weren’t with him. “Damn. Spinning? Are you able to walk? Or are they gonna have to carry you?”
Jonathan looked up at the mention of having to carry Steve. “Yeah— I’m not able to carry him. I am so not strong enough for that.” He had the decency to look apologetic.
Munson chuckled quietly and the sound reverberated through his chest where Steve’s head was. It was soothing.
“Don’t worry Big Byers. I’ve got him no problem.”
Steve was given no warning before he was being picked up in a bridal carry. He winced sharply and laid his head on Munson’s shoulder. Jonathan whistled lowly from somewhere beside them and Steve blindly kicked his leg in his direction, scoring in kicking him in the arm. Jonathan snickered.
When Munson chased off Hargrove he didn’t expect for Harrington to all but collapse in on himself and try to fucking overdose on like 5 pain killers. He also hadn’t expected to be bombarded by 4 kids and 1 Jonathan Byers. Least of all did he expect to be carrying Harrington bridal style to the break room of Scoops Ahoy.
Somewhere behind him, Gareth turned the sign on the door to closed. Eddie silently thanked him.
The kid— who he vaguely remembers as Nancy Wheeler’s younger brother— opens the door and startles a half asleep Robin Buckley.
“Hello,” Jonathan throws her way before pulling a chair out for Eddie to sit on.
“Uh— hi? What the hell—“
Eddie takes the seat with Harrington in his lap. Robin looks dumbfounded.
“Migraine,” Jonathan helpfully supplies.
“Really, really bad migraine. Vertigo included. Full package tonight, folks.” Mike adds.
“Ok— um, is he ok? He doesn’t look ok. If it was so bad why didn’t he just call in sick?”
“That’s a good question,” Mike retorts quietly while rooting around in a freezer.
“What are you looking for”, Robin asks.
“Ice pack. The dumbass has everything in that first aid kit of his except a damn ice pack.”
“Language,” Harrington reprimanded quietly from where his cheek was against Eddie’s chest. Eddie chuckled quietly when Mike retorted with a half-assed “sorry”.
Eddie couldn’t help but admire the now sleeping Harrington in his lap. He bent in half like a shrimp, his knees just about to his chest, and his hands gripping tightly onto Eddie’s still-Pepsi-soaked t-shirt. But he looked so at peace while asleep. Like he hadn’t just had the worst migraine Eddie’s ever seen and wasn’t just about to pass out on his feet. Eddie smiled.
Mike comes over silently, managing to sneak up on Eddie and make him jump slightly and causing Harrington to whine. He’d been whining a lot today. And under “different circumstances” Eddie would’ve found it hot as fuck.
“Sorry,” Mike whispered. He seemed to be able mellow out a lot when he actually tried. He seemed like such an asshole out at the booth but now he seems quieter. These kids really cared about Harrington, huh?
“Here.” Jonathan helped him out and gently picked up Harrington’s head. Eddie caught Harrington actually kind of leaning into his touch. A strange but endearing friendship. Mike placed the ice pack— now wrapped in a cloth— on Eddie’s chest where Harrington’s head lays.
Harrington lays back down and is out like a light soon enough.
Eddie zoned out until there’s a very, very soft knock on the door. When he looks up, Jonathan is letting the other 3 kids in while Jeff and Gareth stand in the doorway.
“Is he ok?” Asks Jonathan’s little brother.
Jonathan nods and pats his head. “He’s ok, Will.”
The redhead walks over and takes a silent seat next to Eddie so she’s next to Harrington. She takes Harrington’s hand in hers and proceeds to just sit there and hold it.
“He’s ok, Max. Just a migraine,” the third kid, Lucas he thinks, reassures with a hand on Max’s shoulder.
“That’s what he said before. And then he was in the hospital.”
Woah, what?
“Hm?” Lucas looks at him.
Oh. He said that aloud.
“Wait what?” Robin asked quietly.
Jonathan’s whistled lowly. It seems to be a bit of a tic for him. “Yeah uh— funny story. Hargrove broke a plate over Steve’s head last year and nobody realized how bad it actually was until he passed out after claiming it was only a migraine.”
“He ended up in the hospital for like 2 weeks,” added Lucas.
“He needed several stitches on the side of his head.” Max unhappily supplied. Lucas squeezed her shoulder.
“It was a stage 4 concussion,” muttered Will and Mike put his head on his shoulder.
Eddie caught Gareth and Jeff’s eyes across the break room. Huh.
The Will kid came up to Eddie suddenly. “Thank you. For uh— helping with Steve. It means a lot to us. He means a lot to us.”
Mike, Max, and Lucas all nodded.
“Hang on,” Lucas piped up. “Who are you?”
So uh— set myself up for a part 2 there :’D
Part 2
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E̴N̴T̴W̴I̴N̴E̴D̴ - Series - Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x f/reader
Warnings: Angst and Benedict being a lil biatch - good stuff by the end and -> Raw +18 warnings will come later in other chapters
Notes: Goddamned gossipy tittle-tattle Whistledown, have you seen the first five minutes of S3?! Benedict looks so fineeeeee. Thank you for reading <3
WC: 5.2K
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Such a quickwitted, bold, silly man he is. Number Two.
Benedict sighed harshly against the window glass. The third time in the day he has been spotted, by himself, trying to see someone outside. He could not care if someone made a fool of himself or herself. He just wanted to spot you.
Two days have passed after the mix of Brandy and your lips. Two insufferable days and he could not get enough yet for some reason he has been busy and he has heard from Francesca and Eloise that you... you have been busier.
Lord Coxingworth has made sure you were.
He has known you for more than seven years, nine actually but when you were fourteen both of you started talking and from there, he believes a good friendship arose. Friendship. He snorted. Friends do not kiss like that. He felt somehow dirty in not a good way. Was he taking advantage of you? he shivered at the idea of being perceived like Lord Rutledge with white hair, wondering eyes and dysfunctional manhood just waiting to breed.
No, he is not that to you or himself. You and him are seven years apart and that is not bad at all. He has seen worse.
"But she just debuted" he whispered
And indeed you had. Beautiful he observed that day in front of the Queen. You were not called a diamond. "Nonsense" he muttered. Why not? You were inexplicably bright and pristine yet again not pure at all.
His fingers traced his lips, the feel of your lips on his still burning, a phantom touch of a goddess that he had no right to even look at, let alone taste. But it did not stop him from wanting you, dreaming of you for the past few days.
His thoughts are scattered he realized. He kept thinking and thinking and thinking. He bounced from that night to those poems, to your age and his age, to your lips and your body, to the responsibility and the freedom he needed with you.
"My dear"
He turned around and saw his mother with a soft smile "Mother"
"Is everything alright?" She said
He nodded with a smile "I just need a bit of fresh air"
She came closer and he knew she was not convinced "Is that so? Have you been eating well?"
"You seemed lost these past few days, my son"
He was sure he was "My work has kept my mind occupied"
"Your work is beautiful and soul-touching, Benedict" she nodded "Keep working on it and I'm sure inspiration will come"
"I have inspiration," he said staring at the street trying to catch you walking there "Is just... a bit untouchable at the moment"
That day melted into a pond of questions. He could not let his work stand and at some point, he locked himself and made sure to paint. He painted with dexterity and structure. After all the commission has requested that. But the same room he has called a second home was not good to him anymore. The maroon couch, now empty, made him think of your body lying there. The table and the chairs reminded him of you and the brandy, the smell of the paint. Everything was not good enough for him. He felt sick and tired, like a madman trying to paint in such a condition.
He found himself out of the Bridgerton Residence and kept walking to his own place, five houses down and if he knew it correctly -and he did- three from yours. Like a child, he passed his territory only to step on yours. He stared at the well-maintained rose bushes, red ones by the entrance rail and closer they transformed into yellow ones and pink. So very tranquil.
Are you home? If he knocked and asked to speak to you would that be considered a house call as in... pursuing you? He has always stolen you from his sisters' talks but never requested by himself a talk. Perhaps if he waits and let Eloi-
"Ah, Mr. Bridgerton"
He turned around and saw Lord Coxingworth, his horrible dry hair and potato face smiling as he held a black umbrella above you. You. Your cheeks rosy, your hair pulled up and an unspoiled white dress with blue laces and that face always passive but now, hiding the surprise of seeing him that for a second he knew he was the one making you react in such way.
"Lord Coxingworth," he said and smiled back
"What brings you to these parts?" He looked at you and Benedict was sure his eyes lingered at your cleavage and he wanted to push the man away from you. If someone is going to set eyes on those swollen mounds it would be him alone.
"I was merely taking a refreshing walk"
"I see, in search of inspiration?" Lord Coxingworth kindly smiled
"Oh, I found it," he said quickly staring at you
"You see, Miss Ashbourne my dear friend Mr. Bridgerton is pursuing the arts"
You frown and look at Lord Coxingworth "From what I know he already is a well-formed artist, my Lord"
The compliment was heard and very well understood by Benedict who nodded yet the way you addressed the man as My Lord made in him a fire he could not explain. He wanted to mock your voice and see if you chose to slap his arm in return.
"That is quite kind of you, Miss Ashbourne. I must leave and return to my ordeals"
"Before you go, Bridgerton" Lord Coxingworth stopped him "I know you sent your regrets for one of the boys' gatherings, I must ask if we will see you tonight at Lord Fife's Ball?"
"Of course, I heard that it will be the first one after his nuptials"
"Indeed and as I was telling Miss Ashbourne, it is the first ball held by the newlyweds that matters the most"
Benedict looked at you and how you politely smiled at Lord Coxingworth. The fire he felt when you called him My Lord suddenly went ablaze at the thought of you and Karl Coxingworth being married. He was not an idiot, the man was looking at you and he was not even discreet.
"I do hope so, my lord. I wish Lord and Lady Fife a long marriage"
"As do I" he nodded and bowed at your proper response and looked at Benedict “If I must say so myself Bridgerton, the season has a few uncalled diamonds to offer, it is on my good intentions to tell you that it might be good of you to dig the cave for one of those”
Sick to his stomach, Benedict took the piece of damned advice and nodded politely. He knew that the soft glance he adverted to you was not the last of the day. He will see you much later and oh when he saw you that night…
Your skin has always looked the best in reds and greens and golden jewellery with sparkling diamonds around your neck. That naked form he has of you, still an imagination on his part, wears a necklace of diamonds and a bracelet of the same set and how he would like to see you sparkle in such a way.
“My dear,” his mother said and smiled “would you be a good brother and see that Eloise and Francesca are together?”
“And where is Colin and Anthony?”
Her face twisted in somehow pity “dancing with their dates. Kate and I believe Colin is with Miss-“
“Yes, I got your point Mother. I am the spare one without a lady”
“I didn’t mean it like that my dear and you know that” She patted his cheek and walked away with the grace only she had.
It was true to him now that his mood was ruined not by the thought of being eight and twenty and alone in society but by the view of your red gown and your figure flowing like water as you danced with Lord Coxingworth.
He has heard from ambitious mamas that you and he are a dupla most ready to wed. What do you see in him? Is he really that captivating? Why you don’t abandon him and take him instead?
The thoughts consumed him that he didn’t see that his wish came true. Lord Coxingworth left you and joined his mother and you gracefully moved to the edge of the dance floor. The exquisite decoration of orange and gold all around the place made you look so divine and when he thought things could not go wrong you were stopped by a polite man who requested a dance.
He somehow ignored the look you threw at him, he was already beyond mad at how things were playing out against him. He was not the only one looking at you. He was not blind or deaf to their attempts. His blood was boiling not for jealousy but for the need to have you, claim you as his. Hell, he doesn’t even know anymore. Sure, throw jealousy into the mix, he doesn't care.
Suddenly he remembered that he forgot to take Eloise and Francesca under his wing for the evening. Panic came to him as his eyes searched for other women, his sisters. And he exhaled deeply when he saw Colin and Anthony with Kate keeping them company. Reliable he was not tonight.
“Mr. Bridgerton”
Your voice made him blink and by his left, he saw standing there. You, a goddess in a red gown and he wanted to pull you aside and kiss you. Kiss those red lips, touch those red cheeks, and pull your hair apart.
Instead, he said politely:
"Miss Ashbourne, how do you do? I thought of yourself on the dance floor”
“I was…” you said and gulped “I intended to come here most of the time”
“And you got pulled away and that is fine” he spatted with a tone you haven’t heard before.
You looked around and your face contorted. Your hand touched his elbow and Benedict felt his skin burn under your touch.
"Come with me, Mr. Bridgerton"
The way his name rolled out of your tongue made him tremble, in the most delicious way possible. He felt anger and he knew he was not being fair to you and he will not be fair for at least some minutes.
“Is Lord Coxingworth aware of your whereabouts?”
You frowned at his comment and he was not the only one that was being impolite tonight.
"Why do you care about what he knows and doesn't know, Mr. Bridgerton?"
"Well, he is your intended-“
“He is not” you said and looked around, you were not one to remain stoic, your face always said how you felt “Perhaps if you join me for a walk…”
Benedict was filled with pride but not with stupidity. If alone time he wanted, he will get it even if it means his behaviour is far from gentlemanly.
The garden was decorated as the hall inside. He followed you and the sound of your heels against the cobblestone and his shoes echoed in the air. It was a cold night, one that made him shiver. Could you feel it? Of course not, your skin has always proven to be damned warm, he knows.
You reached a bench, a wooden one with roses around and you sat down. He followed and his hands gripped the sides of the bench as you spoke:
"We are not courting"
He turned and looked at you “Well thank you for being so forw-“
“I mean, are we?” You genuinely asked “Just tell me now and we can… I can… do something” You licked your lips “As far as my mother knows we are friends and Lord Coxingworth has been very forward with his intentions that is why she has pushed me to that path”
He squinted “But you clearly love to make your voice heard. You can easily tell her-“
“That your tongue went into my mouth and I was wearing such a thin sleeping gown?”
“You could have phrased it differently, Y/N”
“Like what? I don’t know what you want from me, Benedict. We haven’t had time to talk about it”
“Then here I am,” he said “Let us talk. What do you want from me?” He asked
“That is not fair” Your eyes popped “I… I want to…”
“Read to me? Kiss me? use me?" he whispered the last one and the way his eyes burned against yours made you shiver.
"I do want those except the latter," you said and he saw the hesitation. The way you bit your lips and looked around “I want to know first your intentions… I know how…” You went quiet
“How what?” He asked and saw the pause in your eyes “Tell me”
“No, I-“
The authority in his voice made your cheeks blush and your knees tremble. You looked at him, how the darkness and the moon illuminated his face, his features, his subtle beard already growing.
"You are the most handsome man in this ton"
The statement made him smirk "You flatter me”
“And I have heard how you had your fun with other women”
Benedict could not lie, not anymore and certainly not to you.
"I had a fair amount"
You swallowed thickly "And what am I? That’s what I ask myself. Because I don’t want to be seen like that by you but if that night was like that to you… then I don’t-“
“You are far from that”
You looked up at him, the sudden silence and the distance between you both made you gulp and your eyes went to his lips “Explain” you commanded
Benedict agreed to humour you "You are far from being that. The women I have been with" he paused carefully using soft words owing to the fact he did not want to hurt your feelings "were women that... shared a similar mindset with me for less than an hour"
"Oh" You nodded
"Yes, it was never meant to be something else than a good night," he said truthfully "and with you, I have no idea what turned inside of me"
you gulped "You want more than a good night with me?"
His insides melted at the innocent trail of your voice and words "Of course, Y/N" he said and he took the chance to caress your cheek. You did not move away. Instead, your eyes remained on him "I want more. So much more than just a good night. Yet I have no clue how to act upon it"
"Because..." he smiled, "a part of me thinks I am just like Lord Rutledge"
Your frown disappeared in an instant and you showed your teeth through a wide loud laugh "That old zany? God no" you chuckled "What makes you think that? It's such a ridiculous notion"
He shrugged "Trust me I... before we... started seeing each other with another shade I saw you as another sister and it is somehow complex to believe I did so in the past when now, well, I am far from seeing you as untouchable"
You blush and he can swear he saw a coy smile on your lips. You took his hand and placed it on your lap "Why is it that I don't see the problem in this?"
"It is quite different" he whispered "You just debuted, you're just a mere button of a rose trying to bloom"
You raise a brow "I have bloomed"
"Not fully"
"There you go, telling me again something about me as you knew me completely"
"Oh I do" he smiled scanning your eyes "I know everything about you"
"Not everything" you mysteriously smile, a thing he finds very hard to resist, blood flies to his groin
"Why you must remember me of that?"
"Because I hold that power and I have learnt to use it with you"
"Not fair, Y/N"
"You have not been fair this day"
"I know, I am sorry" he tried to breathe away the tension in his body "But Lord Coxingworth is... aggravating"
"Is he?"
"He speaks roses with you because he does want to be your intended, fiance, whatever... he might be wealthy, apparently he knows how to dress and he loves his Mama"
"But he is not good for you"
"And you are?" you asked
Benedict saw the honesty of your question but remained silent.
"I don't want to make you mad again" you admitted "but what you are telling me is that you don't want to make public we have something"
"I did not say that"
"But you said you don't know how to act upon this"
"It is not the same" he sighed "I need time, time to reflect on these feelings"
"Since when you have reflected on your feelings?"
Benedict smiled "Since this is important, quite"
"You are confusing"
"And yet you are still here"
"Of course" you smile "I am not done with you, Mr Bridgerton. Far from it"
The tone of your voice made him swallow and the heat that was in his body before returned with such force that he needed to take a deep breath. You stood up and he was tempted to pull you back.
"I will leave you"
"You should not"
"I must, Lord Coxingworth requested a final dance with me"
"Step on his foot"
"I have never done that before. I am an excellent dancer, remember?"
"Say you felt dizzy. Do it for me"
You sneered just a bit "No"
And he was left there, alone, cold, hard, thoughtful and hurt. Hurt because he knows what he should do. He should right now go inside, take your waist and spin you around that room. He should make everyone aware that he intends you and if Karl Coxingworth has a problem with it he is sure he will intend to prove his point.
And yet, he remained sat down. What if he steals you from a good opportunity? He wants the best for you and he has met your mother to know the pressure you have been raised with. But why does he feel you can't have a good opportunity with him? He never thinks so little of himself... Lies, he does. He always does.
"I am a fool" he muttered
What if you two marry and suddenly that spark is gone and you realize he is such a vanquished nonentity that paints for a living? What if you resent him for corrupting you?
"I must stop this"
He is being too dramatic.
When he went inside and smelled the champagne air around him he looked for you and couldn't find you amongst the dull colours of gowns. He then moved to be next to Eloise and Kate who greeted him kindly. He heard their stories and laughter.
"Brother you should have seen it" Eloise sniggered "Y/N, she stepped quite harshly on Lord Coxingworth's foot"
His eyes snapped and he stared at Eloise "Really?"
"Oh yes" Kate nodded "I wonder if he tried to touch her that she had to do it"
"Knowing her" Elose started "she would have punched the man in front of us"
"Good girl"
Kate and Eloise turned confusedly at Benedict who noticed he had said it out loud "I mean, that is not good girl behaviour"
"Ah" Eloise shrugged "Who cares and why do you care"
He dismissed the comment and tried to find you and he failed incredibly well because he didn't see you for the rest of that night.
The next morning he read Lady Whistledown, all those noisy paragraphs were nothing compared to the one talking about you and your "unusual" unbalanced dance of the night when you happened to land on Lord Coxingworth's foot and you apologized because you felt dizzy. He devilishly smiled.
"Did I hear correctly?"
He turned to see Hyacinth with opened eyes and for a brief second he forgot to read the last paragraphs of Whistledown. Did she write about you and him alone on a bench? did she overhear?
"Hear what?" he coughed
"Are you going away from this place?"
He felt at ease and smiled apologetically at his sister "I must"
"No, you must not, this is your home"
"I know," he said and saw the art studio with the easel, empty "But I have a house down the street and I feel like I should be there right now"
"Why the sudden privacy?" she inquired "Mother will not like it"
"Well," he said and smiled "I am a free man and I shall not be questioned about my choices"
"You are not a free man"
"You must answer to me and Francesca and Eloise, we love you brother"
"That I return," he said and took his case "I will hold more meetings with potential clients and it will be garish of me to treat this place as a come-and-go quarter when after all the sisters I love very much reside just one floor above"
Hyacinth smiled, a big grin and he kissed her forehead.
"Now I must go, tell mother I am not leaving the country"
"She will still think that"
"And she will have a letter from me in less than a day and you are more than welcome to visit me"
He felt how she stuck her tongue out for him and for once he enjoyed the defiance of his decision. He was true to the fact of being of poor taste receiving work commissions but also if he ever happens to extend any sort of... invitation towards you, he would prefer that whatever transpires -hell, even drinking tea- transpires in his domain.
When he arrived at his house he dropped his instruments in his studio and pondered the silence he was, very willingly, submitting to. He had his siblings' laughter back at Bruton Street and here the lack of it was loud.
Time. He said last night to you. He needed time. But how much? He knows he should act fast or you will be named Lady Y/N Coxingworth in less than a month.
He had dinner by himself, read a book and worked. One more day is gone... But Benedict rubbed his face in the monotonous routine. He aspired for more and you, the forbidden fruit were three houses down.
Like a magnet, he was attracted and it was a surprise to him when he saw your house in front. He looked up and knew you were awake but how can he get your attention? If your Mama was there with you or one of your ladies...
"Damn it" he muttered and grabbed pebbles from the decorated garden in front of him. He took aim and threw a couple until finally, you came to the window and your eyes were filled with surprise.
"What are you doing?!" you whispered shouted
"Well hello... Come outside"
"It is late"
"Then invite me inside"
"Hardly an option"
"Then what is the choice?" he snorted seeing your hair falling on your shoulders "Jump" You seemed shocked to your core as he extended his arms "I'm a good catcher"
This man was not giving you any option at all. You closed your window and didn't think further. You took your robe and slippers and made your way downstairs, passing the maids and butlers until you reached the garden and saw him. He was grinning, like a maniac.
"Do you know how many rules you have broken, Mr Bridgerton?"
"The same as you, Miss Ashbourne" he offered his arm "Did you bring the poetry book?"
You rolled your eyes "You told me not to bring it anymore"
Benedict smiled "Obedient-ouch!" he muttered as you slapped his arm "What?"
"That is the only thing I'll follow from you"
"We can debate on that" he smiled as walked under many bushes and trees, night becoming darker "You said your good nights?"
"I did"
"Good. What did you do today?"
You softly smiled "I was mostly with Penelope today"
"And Eloise?"
"She joined us later, we had a tea party"
He hummed and saw the light in his home and the light coming from a nearby lantern. He observed the lonely street and ventured with you to the entrance "What were you three talking about?" he curiously asked
He stopped and saw your mischief sparkling eyes "Ah, what about boys?"
"How they can be... insufferably immature for their age" You stared at the entrance door "What about the backdoor? So we don't disturb your help"
"I..." he said "contrary to other immature boys do, know that such a woman should always enter through here"
You blinked away "Touche"
"Let me open the door for you"
The silence was comforting and you did not realize you were holding your breath until you allowed yourself to see the beautiful panelled house he owns. He touched, barely, your back "My art studio?"
You smiled at him and looked up "That triggers my memory"
"I was going to offer my chamber but I do not want to fuel the talk you had with the girls today"
You tensed and quickly relaxed "Is it always going to be your studio?" you questioned moving to the well-lit room you supposed was the destination of the night
"No, if we are going to make this a habit... each night we shall use each room as we please"
Your cheeks burnt with the idea of his tongue venturing inside your mouth even in the kitchens and the garden. You hummed to yourself and had enough of his words. You took your green robe out of you and finally heard the man being in silence. You threw the fabric to the armrest and moved to the other couch, slowly, very slowly.
"You truly are holding that power aren't you?"
"Whatever you are talking about?" you laughed knowing full well "Now, what if you want to tell me"
"Hmm?" he said smacking his lips "Pardon me?"
"You took me out of my house, you brought me here..."
He so nonchalantly walked "Ah right, right" he smiled and plummeted by your right side on the couch "Is nothing really" he adorably shrugged and then stared t you "I just want to kiss you like there is no tomorrow"
The bluntness made you smile "You are so honest"
"I don't want to hide, not with you. I never did"
"And why is that?"
"Because..." he paused, thinking the question carefully "I do not know"
"Well that was a nice try"
"I did not want to disappoint"
"It was quite the contrary"
"Then" he sighed and smiled at the same time "I want you to kiss me, and not as a goodnight but as a..."
"Yes" he smiled and cupped your cheek, leaning into your space and your lips brushed his own, so slow, so painfully slow and so sweetly but you pushed him oh so softly aways "What?"
"There is a problem"
"What is it?"
"You have asked for time"
He cursed at your amazing memory "I said it last night"
"And that already expired?"
Benedict could almost smell the divine soap behind your ears but he licked his lips and leaned the other way "It hasn't"
"Then, I should wait"
"You shouldn't"
"Why is that?"
"Because time is cruel and I know what I want"
"You, like this, always"
"Always is a lot, Mr Bridgerton"
"Benedict, I am your Benedict" he proclaimed
"And my intended?" you offered
He looked at your oh-so-delicate innocent eyes "I don't know" he saw your sadness and talked again "What if you see me in a month or a year as someone abominable to be with?"
You laughed hard "Are you serious?"
"Quite and" he stood up "I have known you that long to know you deserve every ounce of love in this world"
"If you have known me that long then wouldn't you know we have that already? Is not as we are strangers, Benedict..." you looked around "Many women have married strangers. What joy would be to marry a best friend?"
He saw the fire behind your eyes, the determination and he was sure the love, he was not ready to say it, not yet. He had his doubts and he hated them. He knew he was making a mess of something that appeared so natural to you.
"Why is this so confusing for you? Why?"
"Because I do not know"
"That is not a good excuse"
He blurted a laugh "I don't know!"
You stood up with a glint of anger in you, so unladylike for you to show such a demeanour "You don't know?" you walked further
"I don't"
You walked closer and he moved away "You really don't know what you want?"
Benedict saw himself now as the prey and he walked backwards, two steps "I-I don't!" he squirmed
"You do!" you accused
"I- I really don't, Y/N. I-"
"Say it" you commended
Benedict opened his eyes "How can I say something I don't know"
Going in circles you said "But you do know"
Benedict saw how you actually cornered him, mentally, physically, everything-ly. He was tired of your nagging, lies. He was not. He was tired of how well you knew him. If he could write a book about you, very well you could write a book about him.
He saw the fierce of his hands as they pushed you and slithered to you. One hand cradled your head, the other pinched your hip as he now cornered you against the wall. So close, so agonizingly close.
"What I want" he whispered to you, your pupils beautifully dilated, your mouth trying not to fall open "What I want is simple" he confessed to himself "I want your lips on mine, I want to be your only and I want to give you everything and take everything you have. I want my days to be immensely chaotic with you, because hell I know how you are behind closed doors"
You remained so silent that you wondered if you were breathing at all. You saw his eyes filled with lust and desire, the same feelings as yours.
"I want to feel how warm your skin is, how sweet your scent is. I want to know if I can touch and caress you like you deserve and make you come undone under me, above me, wherever me" he laughed as his grip on you softened "I want you to have my children, I want to address you as my wife and make everyone jealous. I even want you to read me that damned poetry book, over and over again if that means you will be by my side, Y/N"
It was like nothing you have ever felt. That kiss the other night is not reaching the level of the one happening right now. You felt how he tackled you, his lips devoured yours, and the wetness was spilt all over you. Benedict took a hand and cupped your neck, pulling you closer and deeper into the kiss. Your hands tried to touch him anywhere, you didn't know where. He was like a furnace and you wanted him all.
He moaned and growled, he did not enjoy not being able to push you closer to him. Physically impossible. He wanted more, more, and more. He moved away for a second, catching his breath and feeling the hot air around him. His fingers brushed your lips, swollen, wet, and red.
"Say it" He was hypnotized, you could see his blue eyes darkening with passion, "say you want the same" he ordered, begged, pleaded "say it"
You opened your mouth "I want the same"
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princessbrunette · 2 months
thinking about showers w s3 rafe 😵‍💫😵‍💫
no because we all know the gif.
୨୧ . ゚ ㅤ૮꒰ ⸝⸝ ◞ ˬ ◟ ꒱ა
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thinking specifically about seeing his big strong figure under the stream of water after he’d had a particularly rough day— struggling to make sales, fighting with his dad, barry acting up. you were the only person in his life currently behaving, and you just wanted to prove your loyalty and make him feel better.
his head turns when he hears the bathroom door open because it snaps him out of his deep thoughts, and when you slide the shower door open — blinking up at him with the sweetest doe eyes completely naked — he has no choice but to silently make space for you.
it’s almost awkward how fast his cock naturally hardens when you appear beneath the shower stream, promptly standing on your toes to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a slippery bone crushing hug. you feel him sigh against you, a warm release of air and his toned chest constricting against you as he wraps his thick arms around your back, squeezing you there for a moment. he honestly wasn’t planning on doing anything about his hard on. he was a guy, sometimes it just happens — it wasn’t nothing to two of you hadn’t seen before.
it’s why he doesn’t notice you slip behind him when you let him back under the stream, the water running down his back as he leans his forearm against the cool tile, resting his forehead in the crook of his arm for a moment as he feels you hug him from behind — your warm slick tits pressing against the muscles in his back. he lets out a quiet hum of acknowledgment, just because it feels nice — and suddenly his jaw is gaping, looking downwards at the way your hand wraps around his length, starting to twist your wrist up and down as you jerk him off.
“shit.” he whispers, one hand bracing the wall and the other resting atop where yours wraps around his stomach to embrace him. he feels your plush lips kissing at the skin of his back and he shudders, continuing to watch the way your smaller hand works him. “thats good, baby. yeah.” he moans quietly but it echoes, bouncing off the tiles which makes you smile softly against him before gently sinking your teeth into the hard planes of muscle in his back.
he lets this go on for quite a while, the steam obstructing everything in the room but the two of you — until he’s had enough and he’s pushing your hand away to back you against the cold shower door, undoubtedly leaving a print of your silhouette in the condensation.
“real good to me aren’t you, huh? shit i’m not ever lettin’ you leave. my fuckin’ girl for ever, hear me?” he breathes into your mouth between parted lip kisses, his hands sliding to grope your tits and cunt, sliding fingers through your sodden folds. “fuck this. fuck your shower, alright? want you in there on the bed, go — now.” he breathes hurriedly, spinning you around and sliding the door open for you, slapping your ass as you step out onto the shower mat with a giggle.
“kay.” you grin, clutching your tits because of the cold air hitting them before disappearing off into the bedroom leaving a trail of dripping water — neglecting the idea of a towel. he tsks at the way you didn’t dry yourself off as he switches off the water and steps out, soon to be following your footsteps.
୨୧ . ゚ ㅤ૮꒰ ⸝⸝ ◞ ˬ ◟ ꒱ა
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