#he has decided to put off his decision on how to talk to Tali for another day and im waiting with bated breath for what he does.
seithr · 1 year
nightly reminder! Liara T'soni my beloved
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spookyvalentine · 3 years
Can I hear about Personal Jesus and Night Games? They both sound really interesting!
night games is kasumi pov! me2. the gang is doing a little casual recon at a club. kasumi garrus and tali are off duty and decide to go to its bar for drinks, be on hand if need be. do a lil bonding. this bar is really good, okay? they wanna hear about shepard before the alliance, and she wants to know more about their time during saren. mercy is on the other side, and thane slides up to them to report. kasumi, tali and garrus despair over the fact that the eyefucking is becoming just untenable 
“Back on the SR1, we had two crew mates that couldn’t get enough of Shepard.” Garrus’s mandibles twinge out in what Kasumi thinks is a snicker. “Shepard didn’t even blink. Had things to get done. Honestly, I’m not sure if they even noticed they were being romanced.”
Kasumi is not surprised. She fishes the cherry from the bottom of her drink and waves down the bartender for another.
“This is new,” Tali agrees. “I think it’s cute. It’s nice to see Shepard… soft. But it is getting a little outrageous.” She leans over the bar and asks for a piña colada.
“It’s almost too hard to watch, now,” Garrus says.
They all turn to watch.
Kasumi is about to start flinging olives because Shepard, Mercy Goddamn Shepard, get a grip. The dimples are out in full force as they stare at Thane’s mouth while he talks. Kasumi gets it. Thane’s got a pretty mouth, no doubt, but—“It’s pink in the middle,” Shepard said to Kasumi just yesterday in a wondering, almost dazed tone, and Kasumi nearly cried with frustration—Shepard doesn’t seem to know what shame is. Their bodies puzzle-piece closer and closer together with every word and Kasumi can see the blown pupils from over here—have some decency and fuck the man already, this place has a million bathrooms. Kasumi gnaws on her cherry stem.
“Thane, though, I’ve noticed, has come to a decision,” Tali says, almost like commenting on vaguely surprising weather—like unexpected rain on the day you were supposed to water the garden—as they watch the man speaking lowly into Shepard’s ear. She takes a long sip of her drink. “Maybe he’ll do something.”
Shepard cackles—Kasumi can hear it over the music—before clapping a hand over their mouth and snickering, bumping into Thane’s shoulder, and lingering there. He avidly watches Shepard laugh, clearly enthralled, and smiles. It transforms his whole face.
“He’s waiting for Shepard to catch up,” Garrus disagrees, and orders another drink, too.
“Shepard thinks they just find him interesting,” Kasumi says on a groan. “The issue here is they’re ogling the man’s chest while I’m trying to talk to them and they don’t seem to realize what that means.” she takes a gulp of her drink—a sazerac, because she loves the sweet green burn of absinthe clinging to her teeth—and sighs despairingly, her breath blowing out whiskey-hot. “And he’s been dressing like that more. I can’t take it.”
“It has to happen soon,” Tali says, “I mean just look at that.” She jabs her paper umbrella in their direction.
Kasumi will not.
Instead she says, “You wanna put money on that?”
(Yes the bathrooms are a reference to @battlemastershepard insanely hot fic)
personal jesus is a three part liara perspective because we have... complicated feelings about liara
im just gonna do a quickie description because i got carried away w night games and also dont have enough on pj thats like… coherent enough to post (this is on me, my b 😬)
liara’s feelings for shepard and how they evolve—infatuation into, well, obsession—the hunt for their body, and some feron, too
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baejax-the-great · 4 years
5 Favorites
Thank you for the tags @pedlimwen and @noire-pandora!
I’ll tag forward @luzial @midnightprelude @juliafied @swaps55 @asaara-writes
If there are rules to this, I’m ignoring them in favor of posting 5 favorite sections from relatively recently posted writing. If you are thinking, “I haven’t written 5 different works!” 1. Congratulations on your commendable focus to your WIPs, please lend me some of it and 2. I’m pretty sure you can pick 5 sections from the same work.
1. From Serenity (Fenris x Hawke):
“I heard the funniest joke today,” she announced, feet barely over his threshold. “I was in the Lowtown markets, by that stall that sells those Antivan pancakes. As an aside, are the Antivans known for pancakes? It hardly seems like a cultural tradition. Fish stew, those little grape leaf things, olives—those are Antivan. Do you think the owner of that stall never learned to cook anything else back home and just decided to make the most of it when he got here? Ferdo, I think his name is. Have you ever bought one of his pancakes?”
Hawke’s words too quickly became background noise to his work, but when he finally parsed the question, Varric grunted an affirmative. Hot food was hot food, and Varric liked the weird, spicy sauce Ferdo put on it. Maybe she was right, though, and it was only there to mask the incompetence. Fuck if he knew. It never made him sick and it was exactly what it claimed to be. Good enough.
She took a date from his bowl, plucking out the seed before popping it into her mouth. “Maybe I should try one, then,” she mused, “May I have some?”
She didn’t wait for his next grunt, uncorking the bottle that was holding down his earnings reports and pouring herself a glass of wine. Varric flipped through his letters, he was certain he’d just had the one from the beet farm talking about the season’s yields. By the sound of it, Hawke had flopped into the chair across from him.
“So I was by that stall, and Gordon was there, you know, that idiot sailor who got himself punched silly last week when he tried to cheat Bran’s crew with some phony whisky. Still has some teeth left after that, and I guess he’s dead set on losing all of them.”
Varric found the letter and copied the numbers while Hawke told him about Gordon’s myriad problems. As long as Varric wasn’t expected to help her fix any of them, that was all fine. He was full up on friends with poor decision-making skills and poorer coin purses. The last pirate he befriended disappointed him bitterly, and he wasn’t ready to forgive them as a lot. He signed his last document with a flourish and realized Hawke had been silent for at least thirty seconds. He tried to remember what she’d last said to him. “Wait, what? Was any of that a joke?”
2. From The Depth of Fear (Bethany x Alistair):
“Why?” she sneered, stabbing at her dinner, “It’s not your fault Loghain threw the battle at Ostagar and left my home to rot. Or that two Wardens weren’t enough to save the entire South.”
Alistair flinched, though he couldn’t say why. It really hadn’t been their fault, as far as he could see. A bit late on the beacon, sure, but that didn’t matter when the rest of the army had already fled the field. And he had killed Loghain for that, among other things, so justice was served, he supposed. Not that justice brought anyone back who was lost. Somehow, watching her attack her meal with the sort of gusto he’d seen her apply to melting an ogre, he still felt a pang of guilt. “We could have been faster at finding the Archdemon I guess.”
She held a forkful of potatoes aloft while parsing his words, her expression softening into recognition.  “Maker, you’re him? That Alistair. The other Warden. With the Hero.”
Alistair nodded, poking at his beans. “That’s my preferred title, you know. That Alistair, the Other Warden. Snappy. Gets the point across.”
3. From First Contact (Garrus x Shepard):
“Shepard, I’ve always wanted to ask…”
She took a deep breath and smiled. It was only a matter of time. “You can touch it.”
“Oh, uh…”
“My hair, right? Aliens always want to touch human hair.” Tali had asked weeks ago. Liara had asked back on the SR-1. Wrex had simply gone for it one day with a terrified crewmate who asked to be transferred later. But Garrus had shown remarkable self-control that led to Shepard wondering if he had secretly asked Kaidan back in the day. Kaidan’s hair might have been better, honestly. He had more of it than Shepard did. Still, the thought almost stung.  
“Yeah, in C-SEC we actually had to make a public service campaign to stop people from touching humans. The Drell got it in their heads that touching human hair was good luck. We had posters around reminding them it was technically assault.”
Shepard laughed, trying to imagine what that poster must have looked like. Various aliens grabbing at terrified and offended humans, probably. Touching humans: Not even once. “That is what you were going to ask, though, right?”
His mandibles flexed out and back in. “Well… yeah…”
“You can cop a feel, Vakarian.” She raised an eyebrow. “But only if I can touch yours.”
4. All of TEOS, but sure I’ll pick these lines today:
Zevran put a hand on his back.
“What a terrible burden to realize you are attracted to your wife.”
Alistair shot him a dark look. It was a burden. And a mistake. It was all a lot easier when he thought she’d be some scary warmongering shrew.
“You’re allowed to love her, Alistair. There aren’t any rules against it.”
“I wouldn’t even know how,” he muttered, pushing himself away from the window.
5. And I guess this from Red (Fenris x Hawke):
It was easy to convince himself to keep drinking against the red glow of his fingers. He never thought he could feel a deeper loathing for his own skin, a deeper sense of betrayal or fear or disgust. He’d long come to find a gentle neutrality toward the markings. They made him a weapon, but he was master to himself. They’d sent him on a path, and somewhere along the way he had controlled the destination. And it had been good, so good. To once again lose everything—his past and now his future— to pretty marks etched artistically into his flesh… he could almost hear Danarius laughing.
So he turned his gaze to Hawke. An hour ago he had steeled himself to never see her again. If he’d gotten on his horse faster, urged her into a canter, he would have done it. Left her behind and faced his fate. But she—she always saw a path where he didn’t. She offered him a future, and he wanted it so badly.  Lasts be damned, he kissed her. Hard. Red hand on the bottle and white hand in her hair. He should have known that she’d find hope in this, their most hopeless situation yet. She tasted of hope; she exhaled it in every breath. He kissed her like it was the first time and they had all the time in the world to get it right. And then he kissed her again because he could, right now he still could, and right now was everything.
Hawke pulled away first, and he dropped his head against her shoulder.
“Next time we have a problem, we sort it out together,” she said, “I don’t join the Inquisition, and you don’t ride off to die alone when you get a spot of rash.”  
“I promise,” he drawled into her neck.
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Take The Leap
Fandom: Chicago PD / FBI: Most Wanted
Character/s: Jess LaCroix x Reader, Hailey Upton,
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 1,712
Request:  Hey! If you like the idea could you do a Jess LaCroix one where he finally comes to terms that he likes the reader and just goes for it? And maybe the reader is also from CPD and came to New York with Haley? Thank you!
Summary: Y/N’s been offered a spot in the FBI, but Chicago’s her home, is she really ready to leave it all behind for New York?
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When your Sergeant, Hank Voight, had sent you and Hailey Upton to New York to work with the FBI, you thought you’d want nothing more than to head back to Chicago as soon as possible. Hailey had been sent to one team, parted with a guy called OA, and you’d been placed with the Fugitive Task Force Unit.
You didn’t know who was least thrilled by the arrangement at first, you, or the unit. God, those guys were a tight knit group, they’d all been together for years, and you were some outsider who they’d been forced to play nice with. It probably didn’t help that you weren’t even an FBI agent, and everything they did was so different from what you were used to, so overwhelming, that you didn’t entirely blame them for wanting you gone.
The head of the unit, Jess LaCroix, had probably been the least welcoming, he’d been actively against adding anyone to the unit that wasn’t picked by him personally, and that’s how it always had been until now, but he had his own masters to answer to so there you were. Needless to say it had taken him a while to get used to you, much longer than the others, especially when you’d all found out that your assignment had been extended. 
Hailey would be heading back to Chicago soon but you had been told to stick around, in a city you were barely getting to grips with and with a unit only just getting used to your temporary presence. You just hoped they realised you had as little say in this as they did.
It was around this time that LaCroix, with no small amount of convincing from Barnes you were sure, decided to try and get to know you, team bonding he called it, though you were also sure they were more Hana’s words than his. 
But then it kind of stopped being team bonding, and started being... well, you weren’t entirely sure. You started getting used to the team, it’s rhythm, your place in it, and suddenly it started to feel like you were supposed to be there. You still spent a lot of time with LaCroix, probably more than you should, and it started to feel easy, relaxed... nice, to just grab a drink or catch up after a case.
Okay fine, you had a thing for your boss... Hailey was never going to let you hear the end of this. 
The problem was, besides the obvious, that you had no way of knowing if LaCroix felt the same way. He’d always been difficult to read, and he hadn’t gotten much easier, no matter how long you staying in the unit. You’d asked Crosby about it once, but he’d told you that he was just like that, he kept everything very close to his vest, he was still figuring it out himself and he’d been there a lot longer than you. 
You knew he’d lost his wife, and from what Clinton let on he hadn’t been up for dating since, so the last thing you were going to do was even make him aware of your feelings unless he made any kind of move first. He’d dealt with a lot, and the last thing he needed was you piling this on him if he didn’t feel the same way.
So you shrugged and tried to accept it, but a part of you still wanted to know.
You were grabbing a drink tonight in fact, and you were more nervous about it than usual. Word had reached the unit from up on high that they were considering transfering you back to Chicago, but they’d not so subtley let on that at the end of the day, if you wanted to stay on, there was a place at Quantico with your name on it.
You wanted to talk about it with LaCroix tonight, clear the air about whether they’d even want you in the unit, but you were still conflicted, Chicago was your home, Intelligence was your family, could you really give that up for the FBI?
“Hey,” he greeted you as you arrived, giving you a friendly yet professional pat on the arm that had you no closer to figuring out how the hell he felt. You took a seat at the bar and he slid you a drink as you took off your coat. You thought his eyes lingered on you a little longer than they should but by the time you had put your coat down he was taking a drink, so maybe you’d just been seeing things. Maybe.
“Thanks,” you said, taking the drink as you considered how to start the conversation, not sure what he thought about your offer from the Bureau. “How’d Tali’s science fair go?” You decided to ask instead and he grinned, somehow looking equally grateful to not have that conversation yet.
“Second place,” he told you, “apparently baking soda volcanoes are pretty hard to beat.”
“Uh huh,” you replied, “especially when they’re made my the principal’s son I’m guessing?” LaCroix laughed. You’d talked about Tali’s project last time you’d grabbed a drink, and he’d gone full dad mode ranting about the favouritism that went on in the talent show, you figured the fair wouldbe no different.
“Well she’s happy, she knew it wasn’t going to be perfect and it wasn’t quite everything she wanted, but she did what she wanted to do so she has no regrets,” he told you and you shook your head.
“Wow,” you laughed, “I didn’t even know it was possible to turn this conversation around to me, well done.” He grinned and signalled the server for another round, holding out his hand to stop you when you reached to grab your money.
“On me, really,” he told you, “I did ask you here, we should talk about your offer.” He sounded hesitant, but also serious, much more like work LaCroix than off work Jess, so you nodded, sitting straighter in your chair.
“It wasn’t a done deal, I can either go back to Chicago at the end of the month, or apply to stay on with the FBI, it’s obviously contingent on me getting through Quantico if I did agree, but the idea would be for me to stay with the Fugitive Task Force when I got back... if I wanted to, and if you wanted me to of course.” Damn, you thought, that started off so strong and you ended up blabbing. 
“You don’t think we’d want you?” He asked, almost teasing you.
“Well, it wasn’t exactly the warmest welcome,” you remind him.
“Well you’ve kind of grown on me- grown on us I mean, it’d actually be a shame to see you leave,” he said slowly, as if chosing his words very carefully.
“Yeah? Because I was considering taking the offer,” you admitted, staring into your glass.
“But something’s stopping you,” he figured, “Chicago?”
“It’s my home Jess, the people there are my family, even if they aren’t my blood,” you explained, “I’m just not sure if I can leave them.” 
Disappointment flicked across his face. “So what do you want, really, is this conversation you trying to convince yourself to stay, or trying to convince yourself to leave?”
You thought about his question, knowing exactly what he was asking. Did you feel like Quantico was an opportunity you should take? That the fact that you were even offered such a once in a lifetime opportunity meant that you had to take it? Or did you feel like you owed Intelligence? That you should go back, regardless of what you actually wanted because they were your family?
You looked at LaCroix and shrugged, your head had been spinning all day with those questions, and you were still no closer to actually figuring out the answer. 
LaCroix regarded you carefully, like he was debating what to say based on your answer. “What do you want Y/N? Without thinking about anybody else, what do you want, right now?”
What did you want?
You finished your drink, staring into the bottom of the empty glass as you thought. This wasn’t an easy decision, and you hadn’t been given very long to decide, application for Quantico were closing fast if you wanted a slot in the next class. 
You thought about your time in New York, your time with the Fugitive Task Force, all the work you’d done, all the good... Who were you kidding, you knew what you wanted, you just knew it was going to be hard.
“I’m going to grab some air,” you told him, getting out of your chair before he could say anything and head out into the evening. The sun was just setting on the city, and from where you were stood you could see the lights on the towering skyscrapers and hear the sounds of the city starting to come alive. 
You felt LaCroix standing behind you, but he didn’t say anything as you look on at the city. “They won’t be happy,” you told him, thinking of all the family you had at home, not just in Intelligence, but 51 too, and Med.
“But will you?” He replied and you turned to face him as he stood before you, the look on his face told you he’d had at least some idea of what you were going to say, but you appreciated the fact that he’d let you make up your own mind.
“Yeah, yeah I think I will be.” You said after a long pause, the feeling in your gut easing as you finally admitted to yourself what you truly wanted. 
“Good,” he smiled, “because this would have been a little awkward otherwise.” You barely had time to even look confused, let alone say anything, before you found his lips on yours, pulling you into a kiss.  
He stopped almost as suddenly as he started, looking at your shocked expression. For a second doubt rippled across his face as your brain tried to process what was happening, “I-” He started, but you grabbed his collar and pulled him back in, his arms finding their way around your waist as the kiss deepened. 
No, staying in New York wouldn’t be so bad at all.
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ameliasnormandy · 3 years
Krogans like scars
“Both teams are in place, tell us when we need to clear the traps for you,” Kaidan’s voice screeched over the radio.
              “Got it,” Commander Shepard said.
              “Keep yourselves safe,” Commander Shepard and Abigail said together.
              “Not another one,” Maxwell said, over the radio.
              “What’s his problem?” Commander Shepard asked. Abigail didn’t say anything. It seemed easier not to say anything. It was always a war with him. It was always an argument that Abigail didn’t want. She knew that he cared about her, but the way that he showed it made it nearly impossible to explain it to anyone else.
              Brax was not so conscious of his words. “He’s just upset that Abigail took leadership and he didn’t.”
              “That’s not true,” Abigail said, she closed her eyes. This was not the first time that she had heard this argument. This wasn’t even close to the first time she heard this argument. “I’m sorry Commander, I thought that this argument had been settled before I got here.”
              “It’s alright. I have had arguments in my teams that have lasted a lot longer,” Commander Shepard said, glancing toward Abigail.
              “Not like this,” Abigail said, shaking her head. She wanted to believe that other people could understand, but she knew better.
              “It’s been bad,” Commander Shepard said. “When we get out of this alive let me tell you about the story of Miranda and Jack. Or another one Wrex and I. Or Tali and Legion.”
              “You got it,” Abigail said, giving her a smile.
              “Now, let’s focus up,” Commander Shepard said.
              “Yes, ma’am,” Abigail said, saluting Shepard.
              “I don’t like letting them go alone,” Brax said, looking over at the three squishy humans that he was with.
              “We don’t like the fact that it’s one of our people and two of yours down there. Who knows what might happen?” Kaiden said.
              “Nothing,” Brax said, with a strong voice. It was the voice of a Krogan. It was the voice of someone who knew things that were too harsh to remember. “Abigail wouldn’t let anything happen to your precious squishy one.”
              “That’s what you tell us how can we trust you?” Kaiden asked, storming up to Brax.
              “Because Abigail has never let anyone who she was asked to protect die, that and for reasons that I do not know she adores your squishy one. She won’t let anything happen to someone she admires,” Brax said, pushing Kaiden slightly. Maxwell only nodded, he wasn’t sure that he wanted to completely agree with Brax, but Maxwell also knew Brax was right.
              “We need to get moving,” Miranda said, looking at all of them.
              “Don’t move,” Abigail stated, taking a step forward. She motioned for Shepard to take lead, after all Shepard was the one that was supposed to be leading. Shepard took her place and Abigail squelched over the coms “At least ten men up ahead.” Shepard nodded, but didn’t say anything. She took out her shotgun fearing the worst. Victarious took out his pistol understanding, and rightfully so, that Abigail would want her Sniper rifle. She did. Always did.
“On my mark,” Shepard stated.
“On your mark,” Abigail repeated. It was something her father had taught her to do. It reminded her who was in charge, not that she ever needed that. She would never forget in this mission that she wasn’t in charge, for once, she was not the person everyone looked to.
Shepard stood on one side of the door, Abigail on the other, Victarious being the one to open the door. The millisecond he did bullets came flying. “Guess no element of surprise,” Shepard said, being the one to take the first shot.
“Never liked the element of surprise,” Victarious said, almost slightly laughing.
Abigail, pulled him into her. “Try not to get shot.” She then pushed him away from her again. Three bullets came right for him, but Abigail put up a biotic barrier and stopped all three. “What did I just say?”
“Thanks,” Victarious said, shooting one person, while Abigail dropped her barrier.
“Been saving your ass so long I just know when you need it,” Amelia said, taking a shot at one guy, and then throwing down a singularity.
Shepard biotic balled two that were in the singularity. Then shot gunned one’s head clean off. Abigail had snipped two and had one more pinned to the wall with her biotics. Victarious is the one that killed him. Amelia quickly dropped the body and focused on a stray bullet coming at her, she tried to put up a biotic barrier in time it just didn’t work. “Shit,” she said, before diving beyond a wall. She quickly slapped some med-a-gel on it, and went back to snipping, where she sniped one more person.
              “Still more coming,” Shepard stated.
              “Yes, ma’am,” Abigail said, throwing a biotic ball at someone.
              Victarious looked behind him to look at Abigail. “Abigail, let us take care of this. You need to stay hidden.”
              “You know I won’t do that,” Abigail said, taking another shot.
              “What is going on?” Shepard asked the two of them.
              “I’m sorry, Commander,” Abigail said, taking another shot. “We need to push these guys out. We’ll still have two more waves, but if we can push these guys out, we should be…” There was a pause. Abigail was thinking for a moment. She stopped for just a moment. “They have an atlas. They have an atlas,” Abigail screamed.
              “What?” Shepard screamed.
              “I don’t think that I can be any clearer, ma’am. They have an atlas. They have at least one, but I think that they actually have more than that, but I can’t be sure…” Silence, just for a second. “No, I am not going to let…” Another break in silence. “Just get me the information as soon as you can, please, and thank you.”
              “So, an Atlas?” Shepard asked, deciding that the best decision that she could make was to not question the fact that Abigail seemed to be getting crazier and crazier the longer they talked.
              “At least one, maybe two. I can’t quite be sure on the number, ma’am,” Abigail said, shaking her head. The truth was that in her head it did matter. They needed to know to be prepared, but Shepard knew best. Abigail was sure of that. Victarious looked at Abigail. Abigail looked back at him. “I’m fine. Stop your mothering.”
              “You never had a mother,” Victiarous stated.
              “Thanks for reminding me of that,” Abigail said, glaring at him. Abigail took another shot and then threw another biotic ball.
              Shepard made a mental note to ask about the fact that Abigail never had a mother, but knew at that second there were more important things that needed to be worried about, and because of that she shot two more guys, and threw a third into another singularity that Abigail had put down. “Atlas,” Commander Shepard said, seeing the one that Abigail was talking about slowly marching in.
              “I see it,” Victarious said.
              “Hard to miss,” Abigail said, shaking her head. “There are several ways to take these things out.”
              “Take out the shields and then the glass,” Shepard said.
              “Sounds like she knows what she’s doing,” Victarious said, looking over at her.
              “I’ve knocked out a few of them in my time,” Commander Shepard said, straightening herself up. “Now focus up.”
              “Of course, ma’am,” Abigail said, tapping a few things onto her Omni-tool. “I want you to boost electrifying ability in my Omni-tool by 3,500 watts.”
              “Who are you talking to?” Shepard asked her.
              Abigail didn’t hear her, nor would she have answered if she had. “Take it from my shields if you have to.”
              “What are you talking about?” Shepard asked her.
              “Releasing charge in three. Two. One.” Abigail threw her wrist forward and watched as the electricity traveled through her omni-tool and into the air. Watching it spark and scatter. “Atlas shields are down.”
              “Taking him down,” Commander Shepard said, aiming her shotgun. That was all that she had to do. She took three quick shots. “The glass is broke. Take the shot Victarious.”
              “Yes, ma’am,” Victarious stated, steadying his arm. He took three deep breaths, he aimed the gun, took the shot and watched the body slump.
              “Nice shooting Vic,” Abigail said, sliding back into position. She pulled her gun back out. “We still have more men coming.”
              “How many more?” Commander Shepard asked. Under normal circumstances Shepard wouldn’t have asked these questions. Under normal circumstances she wouldn’t have expected anyone to be able to answer the question, however it seemed that Abigail knew more than what many were willing to say, so she kept asking questions.
              And Abigail kept answering them. “About ten more. I think. At least in this area. Past that it gets a bit more complicated.”
              “Don’t worry about past this area I just want to know what’s going on here.”
              “Yes, ma’am,” Abigail said, nodding her head a few times. “Ten more.” Abigail sniped one of them in the head. “Nine.” Shepard shotgunned three more down. “Six.” Victarious pulled out his pistol. “Five.” Abigail laid down one more singularity and sucked four guys into it. Shepard threw a biotic ball into the singularity. Smearing two of them against the wall. “Three.” Victarious stabbed one guy behind him. “Two.” Abigail shot two that were still caught in the singularity. “That should be the last one.”
              “Good job, you two,” Shepard said, giving her team a smile that they couldn’t see.
              “Thank you,” Abigail said, running her fingers through her hair. “Victarious…”
              “I know what you are about to say,” he said, glaring at her.
              “Then why do I still feel like I have to say it,” Abigail asked, looking down at her arm.
              “How is the arm?” Shepard asked, walking up to her.
              “It will be a cool scar, if I didn’t get the medigel in time.”
              “Do you want a scar?”
              “I mean I wouldn’t hate scars,” Abigail said, closing her eyes. “I hear Krogans like scars.” Abigail had a slight smile on her face after she said that.
              “You’re into Krogans?” Shepard asked.
              “No,” Abigail laughed. “It’s just something that my team on Earth said whenever one of us got a scar. It always seemed to cheer everyone up.”
              “You worked with a team?” Shepard asked.
              “Yeah, there was a lot of us while I was on Earth,” Abigail said, looking away from Shepard. “It’s where I met Brax.”
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
#15 kiss for Michael/Kaidan 🥰
from this prompt list
On AO3 here
Okay, so this one got away from me a bit.  Like 2100 words away! lol  Anyway, it helped me sort out a few things for these two which I needed before I start Nano in a week.  Thank you, m’dear, for all of your love of my pairs!  I hope this meets with your approval!
prompt:   a gentle “i love you” whispered after a soft kiss, followed immediately by a stronger kiss
Two weeks seems an eternity to wait, but if it means a chance to figure things out between them, Shepard is willing.  His mission after the Collectors is nearly over, and as determined as he is that they will make it back out of the Omega-4 relay, having an extra added incentive never hurts.  Well, that plus it sticks it to the Illusive Man and his heavy handed interference.  That definitely counts for something.
From the moment he opened his eyes on Lazarus Station, nearly everyone has reminded him, Don’t trust him.  Garrus, Anderson, Tali … even Liara.  Hasn’t he made it clear yet that he never has and never will?  So, maybe they have something … in common.  The Collectors need to be dealt with, end of story.  But it doesn’t take a genius to see too many corners are being cut in the process, and maybe he’s paranoid, but to him that reads like Cerberus has an ulterior motive.  One that they won’t share with him.   Add in the fact that TIM’s decision to drop hints and rumors at whatever whim he decides to follow, putting innocents at risk needlessly, well, the way Shepard sees it, taking a day for personal business should fly under the radar.  Only, he isn’t willing to risk that, either.  He’s about done with the whole damned thing.
He slips onto the Citadel easily enough; working with Bailey assures him that much.  Finding the meeting point takes a little longer seeing as it’s buried deep in Zakera Ward.  Still, he times it just right, even better than he could have hoped, and as he enters the building, he spies Kaidan at the front desk.  Good.  That’s one risk out the window, not having to expose his true identity, and instead he waits in the shadows near the bank of elevators. 
He’s always been good at hiding in plain sight, and slips onto the lift easily.  The elevator is crowded – of course it is, but who is he to judge if it means they have some peace and quiet they need to talk – and by the time they arrive on the twenty-ninth floor, he’s pretty sure Kaidan knows he’s there.  He follows after him, hopping through the doors just before they close, and hurries down the hall to his left.  He doesn’t know the room number, but he nears a door that’s left open in invitation.  It could be a trap, part of him still believes it is, but he slips inside the room without hesitation anyway, sealing the door behind him. 
Still facing the door, he ask softly, with a certain urgency, “Did David get to Grissom without any problems?”  Only then does he turn to face a room thick with shadows and very little light.  It takes a moment to find Kaidan, but he does, and he isn’t as far away as Shepard thought he might be.
“David is fine,” Kaidan replies.  “Anderson put me in touch with the woman in charge of the place.  Cerberus won’t have any contact with him there.”
“Good.”  Shepard takes a few more steps into the room looks around.  His lips twitch slightly at what he finds.  “Kinda small in, here, don’t you think?”
Kaidan’s cheeks darken a little, and for a moment, Shepard has hope.  He remembers all too clearly the last time he said that, and while he would give anything for a similar outcome tonight, he knows his chances are slim to none.  Especially when Kaidan folds his arms across his chest and gives Shepard a pointed look in return.  “You said you wanted to talk,” he argues.  “I didn’t figure size mattered.”
“Size always matters.”
The heat flares a little more though Kaidan fights it; Shepard sighs softly and backs down, and for the first time since waking up on Lazarus Station, his entire presence softens.  The Butcher of Torfan is not longer present, instead replaced by a man with too many regrets spanning two lives.  He takes a seat on the corner of the bed, leaning forward until his arms rest across his thighs, head drops low, and he can stare at the floor.  “Kaidan, I –.”
Kaidan stops him with a disgruntled huff and starts to pace.  It catches Shepard off guard for a moment; he’s the one with the history of impatience and frustration.  Kaidan has always been the one to hold himself together, cool under pressure.  As their eyes meet and hold, he notices the regret that shines in Kaidan’s eyes, bright as a signal flare. 
Kaidan comes to a stop directly in front of him.  “Look, before we really get into it, let me just say something first, okay?” 
Shepard nods and remains silent. 
Kaidan takes a deep breath and releases it slowly before beginning, “About Horizon, I just want to say … I’m sorry I took it out on you like I did.”
Shepard reaches deep for the patience to wait this out, for the willpower to keep his mouth shut and let Kaidan continue.
“To see you like that … well, it was a shock, to say the least.”
Shepard’s lips press into a tight, thin line.  “I understand,” he says.  “I’m sure I would have reacted similarly had our positions been reversed.”  They both know that’s not true; Kaidan would never be with Cerberus, but it’s the idea that counts. 
“All I could think was, why didn’t you get in touch with me?  Contact me somehow?  We once meant something to each other.  At least, I thought we did.”
Shepard winces.  Once.  The past tense hurts, but he expects it.  “For what it’s worth, Kaidan, I did try.  I even asked Anderson.”  When he looks up, his smile is halfhearted.  “He wouldn’t tell me where you were, nor would he deliver a message from me.”
Kaidan picks up the pacing again and runs a hand through his hair in agitation.   
“Do you really want to keep rehashing this?” Shepard asks.  When Kaidan glances over at him, he shrugs.  “I can think of other things we can discuss that won’t lead us down a potential path of self-destruction.”  Kaidan frowns.  Shepard’s brow lifts.  “What?  You think I didn’t notice when you started to flare on Horizon?”
“Point.”  Kaidan stops pacing and sits in a chair by the window.  “Alright, what do you want to talk about?”
Shepard clasps his hands before him, stares at them as if they are the most interesting thing in the galaxy in that moment.  “I … wanted to tell you, to let you know …”  He pauses, considers the best way to explain.  “Look, fact of the matter is, I’m about to lead my team through the Omega-4 relay.”  Kaidan’s breath hitches, a soft echo throughout the room.  “I wanted a chance to … well, to just see you again.  To talk with you.  Maybe to clear some of this mess up?”  Shepard shakes his head but doesn’t look Kaidan in the eye just yet.  “I know your opinions on my current situation; you made that abundantly clear on Horizon, and that’s fine.  But I wanted you to know …”  He lifts his head finally and is suddenly pinned by the whiskey brown pair across from him.  Throat suddenly dry, he swallows twice before he can continue.  “At this point, I know it probably doesn’t mean anything to you anymore, but I wanted to let you know I still care.  Believe it or not, you were the first person I thought of when they woke me up.  I had no idea where I was, what happened, where you were; but you were the first.  And I … I just wanted you to know that.”
Kaidan’s jaw tightens as he grinds his teeth.  “Shepard …”
God, he hates that this has to be so hard, for the both of them, because he really doesn’t want it to be.  No matter what happens, he still cares.  Is that really so hard to understand?  To accept?  Taking another breath, he asks, “How’s Kandra?”
Kaidan blinks.  “What?”
Shepard chuckles.  “Your sister.  How is she?”  Probably hates him, too, just like her twin.
“I - Kandra?  She’s … fine, I guess?”  Kaidan’s head tilt’s slightly.  “Why are you asking about her?”
A wry smile twists his lips.  “You know, there have been a few times where I’ve wished she was the cook on the Normandy this go ‘round.”  Gardner tries, but even with better ingredients, he still doesn’t make anything Shepard really likes.  Kandra, on the other hand, performs magic in the kitchen.  He’s been witness to it first-hand.
Kaidan manages a short laugh.  “I’ll be sure to pass that along.”
Silence fills the room as they both sit across from one another.  Michael fidgets with his fingers; Kaidan stops grinding his teeth. 
“Look, Kaidan –.”
“Shepard, I –.”
The laughter returns, easier this time for both of them.  Shepard rises to his feet and moves to stand next to Kaidan’s chair, but he stares out the window at the Citadel beyond.  “I am sorrier than you will ever know,” he whispers after several minutes, “for what you’ve had to go through.  I never wanted to hurt you like that.”
Kaidan’s sigh is weighted.  He pushes himself to his feet slowly, like an aged man for whom mobility is no longer easy.  But once he’s on his feet, he turns to face Shepard.  “I was lost for a long time.  I can’t even put into words the hell I went through.”
“I know.”  Shepard turns, facing him, then hesitates.  The whole purpose of this meeting was to let Kaidan know he was about to head through the Omega relay, which he’s done, but now?  “I just …”
No one is more surprised when Kaidan reaches out a hand to cradle Shepard’s cheek than Shepard is himself.  He holds his breath, waiting, watching with wide eyes, as Kaidan closes the distance between them and leans in to press a soft, gentle kiss to his lips.  The touch is brief, and leaves Shepard’s lips tingling.  “Michael,” Kaidan breathes, his voice practically a groan, “I love you.  I loved you before, I still love you now.  Despite everything that’s happened.” 
Without conscious thought, Shepard’s hands slide around Kaidan, securing around his broad shoulders and tugging him closer.  Time stands still as he covers Kaidan’s mouth with his, taking the initiative this time as he savors, devours, and more importantly, remembers.  He breaks free only when he cannot breathe, dropping his forehead to rest against Kaidan’s.  “I … I’m sorry, I ….”
Kaidan huffs softly.  “Yeah.”  His voice is as rough and raspy as Shepard’s.  “Um, s’okay, but … what I was going to say was … I, um, can’t …”
A small smirk twitches at Shepard’s lips as he looks into his eyes.  “Left you speechless, have I?”
Kaidan nearly chokes on a laugh.  “That’s one way to put it.”
“Good to know.”  Shepard’s hands slide up to frame Kaidan’s face.  “Answer me two things, okay?”  Kaidan nods.  “Have you found someone else?”
Kaidan blinks, tries to pull back, but Shepard doesn’t let him.  “What?  No!  Why would I?  I … I was still mourning you up until Horizon, dammit!”
Shepard smiles.  “That’s fine, that’s good,” he replies quickly.  His heart feels like it will jump out of his chest.  “Second question, do you …  Would you want to try again?”
This time, Kaidan does pull free.  He backs up across the room until his legs hit the edge of the bed and he sits.  “You’ve just told me you are about to go through the Omega relay!”
Shepard nods.  “Yes, but we have a way to get through safely.”
“Can you be sure of that?”
It’s on the tip of his tongue to assure him it is, but he doesn’t.  “One hundred percent?  No,” he finally replies.  “More like ninety-four percent it will get us there and back again.”
Kaidan bites his lip hard.  “And what then?  You do realize the Alliance wants to talk to you about what happened in Bahak, right?”
“I am aware, yes.  I promised Hackett I will turn myself in when I get back.”  Shepard shrugs then walks forward, dropping to crouch in front of him.  “Look, Kaidan, I know things won’t be easy, and it might be a while before we see one another again, but … I just … I kind of need to know … you know?”  Kaidan sighs, heavily, and for a moment Shepard thinks he’s blown it.  He's pushed too hard, too fast.  It’s too much, been too long, it's too … 
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ellstersmash · 5 years
Three: Fifteen
Tumblr media
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Solas x f!Lavellan (Modern!AU)
Rating: overall E for Explicit | this chapter T for Teen
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    [  Results were inconclusive. Again. Any last-minute suggestions?  ]
Athi reads the message from Solas, then reads it again. Is ready to send back [???] but her phone buzzes again before she has the chance.
    [  Apologies. That was not intended for you.   ]
She smirks—
no shit
—deletes her question, taps out a response.
    [  :* i miss u too   ]
    [  oop sry. wrong #   ]
    [  Ha Ha.   ]
    [  sry bout ur results :(   ]
    [  Thank you. What are you doing today?  ]
“That Solas?” Sera says, not bothering to look up from her unbroken line of yellow glitter glue. “Tell him to suck it.”
    [  arts n crafts   ]
Athi snaps a quick picture of the mess they’ve made in their living room and sends it to him.
    [  sera says suck it   ]
    [  Of course she does.  ]
“He says hi.”
Sera gags dramatically. “Thought you wanted to help with all this, not flirt with your boyfriend.”
A snotty retort itches behind Athi’s teeth but she stifles it. Rolls her eyes instead and tosses her phone aside, the device bouncing once to rest face-down on the sofa cushion. She picks up a thick black marker with pungent permanent ink, and gets back to work filling in the block letters Sera lined earlier.
Her boyfriend. Gods, but that sounds strange. Childish. Like they go on dates behind the primary school, or pretend not to be having sex in the room down the hall from someone's parents’. And yet she finds herself giddy at the thought. To be fair, it’s all she has for the moment. The thought. He's off on some adventure, and she's stuck here. Again. They'd only had that one perfect day, breakfast and window shopping and holding hands like real life lovers under trees full of dry rainbow leaves fluttering their applause. And then he took a phone call and went home to pack and left first thing in the morning.
She wonders just how often this happens.
How important could it be? Not like a bunch of ancient artifacts are going to up and wander off if he can’t go poke at them right away. A mental note to ask him later, and she moves this poster to the pile of finished ones and exchanges it for another that says “YOUR VILLAGE —> OUR CITY.” Cute, though maybe a smidge too reliant on humans knowing their history.
“Sure you don’t want to come?” Sera asks.
“That’s not—” Athi sighs. “I told you, I have work.”
“Yeah, but isn’t this more important?”
“I don’t know. Do you want rent paid?”
Sera quiets, kicking her legs back and forth as she works. Her glue bottle sputters, spits shimmer all over. A frustrated grunt and she tosses it aside, rolls onto her back.
“I’m just saying you should care is all. ‘S not going to get any better if nobody makes noise, and nobody’s making it for us.”
“Us?" Athi scoffs. "When we met, you said—and I quote—‘So glad you’re not one of those elfy elves.’”
“Yeah, well, therapy’s all right. Besides, it’s not for elves, or not just. It’s for whoever gets stepped on. That means us.”
“I didn’t know you were in therapy.” 
“Maybe I don’t tell you everything," Sera mutters. “Thought of that?”
Athi caps her marker and lays it down. It’s just a feeling, but it's nagging. Persistent. Like and yet unlike the one she still gets when her papae calls her by her full name. Isalathena Sulahnera Lavellan, come here this instant, and it’s heavy on her chest, sitting right on top of her breastbone. Guilty, but she's not.
“What’s wrong?” she asks. Throws it out there before the feeling gets stale and she decides it's something she can live with.
“Right, ok, except for it’s not, so come on. Let's get it out and over with.”
Sera sits up, blonde hair sticking out in a couple new directions. “What’s your problem?”
“You! You’ve been acting weird all week, Ser. Haven’t come in for lunch or been home at night, responded to texts—”
“If you think I want to be in the next room while you and—”
“Oh, so you have a problem with Solas? That was one—”
“No!” Sera groans in frustration. “I mean, yeah, he is kind of old, and talks about old stuff a lot, and he’s all”—she straightens her spine into an uncomfortable posture, then slouches again—“but I like him well enough.”
"Then what?"
Sera stares at her hands for a while. Then out the window. Then at the wall. Then back at her hands. Athi’s patience is thin on a good day, and it takes a lot of willpower to keep quiet as Sera opens her mouth and closes it again, false start after false start.
Finally, Sera blurts out: “I want to ask Dagna to move in.”
Athi has no idea what she was expecting, but not that. Searching for some way to relate it to her own behavior, to justify her feeling or shove it aside, she takes so long to form a response that Sera begins to fidget.
“You what?” she asks at last, thoroughly stumped.
“I want to ask Dagna—”
“Yeah, I…” Athi tries to catch up, shuffles through the past month as best as she can in the pause between. “Here?”
Sera squints at her like she's stupid, but that's fair. It was a stupid thing to say. 
“No, my mother's. Yes here!” 
“I’m sorry, I didn't realize you two were dating again. What’s it been, a year since you broke up?” 
“Yeah. You were out at your friend’s place. Better you missed the makeup sex, though, yeah? More room for fun.” 
At first Sera’s cheeky grin has Athi smiling too. It’s a relief to talk about someone else’s shit instead of her own, but then Sera glances toward the couch and—
Oh gods, she wouldn’t have . . . would she?
Athi gets up for a glass of water, makes it two at Sera’s request. Sits cross-legged on the coffee table when she comes back. Just to be safe.
“Isn’t it a bit fast?” she asks.
“Maybe. Doesn’t feel fast, though. If you add 'em all up it's been like, a few years or something, so it sort of works out to normal. If you think about it.”
“I guess.”
Sera empties her glass in one go. “Her lease is up next month,” she says.
Athi nods. “Right. So soon, then. Um… and if it doesn’t work out?” She leaves out the again, but it’s implied.
“But that’s why I should do it! See, I keep losing her because I’m not in. She was serious about us, but I kept messing around. Don’t even know why, really.” She looks on the edge of losing her momentum, halfway to introspection, then snaps back into the room. “But therapy! So this time, like Wicked Grace, right? I’m all in and she’ll see I mean it. And then it’ll work out.”
Her logic isn’t quite flawed but it’s far from perfect. Still, friends don't tell friends to be afraid. Especially when those friends have clearly put a lot of thought into their dynamic-altering life-changing decisions. So Athi drops the questions.
“Wow,” she says instead. “I didn’t know you felt that way about her.”
Sera shifts into soft focus and smiles, a faraway look in her eyes. “Me either.”
She seems so certain. Satisfied, and happy. Really, truly happy. And it’s kind of fucking beautiful.
Feeling overcome for no good reason, Athi goes back to her task. Long thick careful black lines, then short ones. She marks a pattern with them to make it less work and more play. Not that anyone will see unless they’re trying. And as she makes the spaces solid, a thought occurs to her.
“So,” she says, bright. Like it’s no big deal. “Do you want me to move out?”
“What? No! Course not. Why would you say that?”
There’s no time to answer. After so much silence, Sera bubbles over with unused conversation. 
“I mean, do you want to move out? You’re not moving in with Solas are you? Gross. Definitely too fast for that one. Bet he wants to get married first, in a chantry and everything. Is he Andrastian, do you know? Where is he, anyway? He travels a lot for work, right? Must be nice. Wonder if his job pays for it. Is he gone now?”
Too many questions, so Athi answers the last one.
“Yeah. Flies in late tonight. He’s picking me up after work.”
Sera snorts. “What, picking you up? So you wouldn’t get up to take him in, huh? Good girl. Stay strong. Trust me, you drive him once and you're in for forever.”
“No, he didn’t even ask. Figured he’d take a cab or something, but I guess he drove himself.”
“And paid for parking? What’s he, loaded?”
Athi grins and crosses her fingers.
“Real nice. I’m serious, Ath, that’s some weird psychopath shit. Nobody drives their own self to the airport. No one who has friends, anyway.”
"I think he's just used to being alone.”
“Way to make it sad.”
"Alone doesn't mean sad."
"It kind of is though. But then, he’s got people, right? Like Varric, and, well... I don’t know. People.”
Athi shrugs. “Habits can be hard to break, especially when you’re not trying.”
“Ooh. Very wise today."
"Shut up."
"I mean it!"
She doesn’t tell Sera about the other things. The books covering all his furniture. The busted bathroom door that he removed rather than replaced. The singular coaster on his side table. The way he forgets to be hospitable, then overcorrects, asks her if she needs anything three times in a row. His house, his life, is not prepared for the presence of others. Not meant to host company or take in strays or accommodate a lover, meant for him and his needs and his convenience and no more.
And she’s honestly not sure if that makes her an exception or an intruder.
The door slams shut behind her. Very nearly catches her in the ass but she happened to freeze just beyond its reach.
The place is gutted. Or maybe it's not? Ceiling and walls are fine and nothing she can place is missing, tables and chairs and bottles of booze all present and accounted for, but it looks fucking empty. And clean, though she can’t tell if that’s real or just the lack of tasteless decor.
“I know, right?” Tali dumps a bucket of ice in the bin with the rest. “It was like this when I showed up today.”
Athi drifts in slow, perturbed by the smell of cleaning solution and the lack of clutter. Hangs her purse on the coat rack just inside the office, her jacket on top of that. Pulls her hair back, ties her apron, washes her hands.
“Were we robbed?” she asks, only half joking.
“Technically, that would be a burglary.”
“Were we burglarized?”
“You know,” Tali says, “If someone broke in just to take those awful knick-knacks and creepy pictures Seggrit had up, I say more power to ‘em. Enjoy your ghosts, thief!"
Athi giggles. “Worst was the cabin.”
“Are you kidding? I couldn’t even look at that family one. The kid’s vacant stare, blessed Andraste, I wanted to flip it around every time I walked in that door. And you know that cat had seen things. I mean, did Seggrit know them? Why were they on our wall?”
"Somebody had to keep an eye on us."
"And make sure we weren't flirting with tall handsome customers in the back alley?" Tali grins, tongue stuck out between her teeth.
"Why? You make that a habit too?"
Tali wrings out and refolds her bar towel. “Ok, sweetie. Keep your secrets. I'll get my details one day."
"Anyway." Athi gestures at the naked walls. "Change!"
"Right. It was Seggie for sure. He was here when I came in. Must have dealt with all that crap this morning, though I couldn't say what he did with all of it. Or why. Oh! And he left that.”
Tali reaches back and raps a knuckle on the fridge where a sheet of paper hangs. Athi slides it out from under the magnet. Scans its contents. Flips it writing-side-out toward Tali.
“The fuck is this?”
“A cleaning list.”
“I can see that. Seggrit made it?”
“Either that or your writer pal is moving in for real.”
“And that’s not strange to you? That he cares?”
Tali shrugs one shoulder. “Maybe he’s decided to rejuvenate this place. You know? Spruce it up, invest a little time, maybe hire some better bartenders.”
“Hey, don't sell yourself short."
"Bold of you to assume I meant myself."
“This is weird, though. Right?" She reads off the paper. "Sweep out back? Deep-clean the office? Dust the brick wall? Tali, most of these have nothing to do with anything. Where are the temp checks? Or the fucking tap lines? Or, you know, any of the shit we should actually be doing?"
“Beats me, babe. I'm just glad he's getting involved. You should’ve seen him whirling around here earlier. Something seems to have lit a fire under his rear-end.”
Another feeling, but she can't place this one. It all fits together somehow, or should. The list and the bare walls and the lack of fire hazards. Chewing on the puzzle, Athi picks a task at random, takes a spray bottle and a coffee filter to the windows. Even free of five years’ grime and in full sun, they don’t illuminate much. But that’s all right. The list says clean, and they are definitely that.
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badass-women-league · 4 years
Part 18 - Good Cop, Bad Cop
It was the end of the day. Tali was playing with Emily, the neighbour’s daughter, in the backyard. Ziva walked down the stairs when she saw Chewie running through the house with one of Tony’s most expensive shoes in his mouth. Of course Tony was running after him. Ziva thought: “again ?”. Adam whined as she placed him in his playpen: ⠀
-“Ima is coming back, she have to save Chewie’s life”
Tony was running after the dog and Ziva was running after Tony when the doorbell rang. Ziva opened the door and was very surprised to see Vance standing there:⠀
-“Good evening agen…” he paused “good evening Ziva” ⠀
Behind Ziva appeared a triumphant Tony with his shoe in one hand and Chewie on the other. He waved the shoe and shouted: ⠀
-“I GOT IT !” ⠀
He froze with his shoe still up in the air as he saw Vance in the entrance. ⠀
-“Director ? What are you doing here ? Something’s wrong at the office ?”⠀
-“Nice shoe DiNozzo. No, everything’s fine at the office. I am here to talk to you about something”⠀
They led Vance to the living room and offered him a drink. Vance said:⠀
-“I am here to make you an offer. Two of our training officers have resigned. I need 2 training officers to train the future NCIS agents and I want you to handle that task. I know this is nothing like the work on the field but I thought ‘who would be more qualified for this job than 2 of my best former field agents” ⠀
Tony smiled like a child after Vance’s last words and said: ⠀
-“probies… probies everywhere” ⠀
Ziva was suddenly more tense. She had been thinking about getting back to work but she was not sure NCIS was a good idea. Vance noticed her hesitation and said: ⠀
-“I don’t need an answer now, I just want you to think about it” ⠀
Tony who was still fantasizing asked:⠀
-“can I have a parking spot with my name on it ?” ⠀
Ziva was not even surprised that Tony had already made up his mind about it. She remained silent for most of the discussion. ⠀
It was late. Ziva cuddled up to Tony’s side. She was still torturing her mind with Vance’s proposition. Tony asked:
-“you are still thinking about Vance’s proposition?”
She sighed:
-“What about the kids ? Who’s gonna take care of them. I am not sure this is a good idea”
-“And I think this is the best idea”
Ziva laughed:
-“of course you do, you will be able to talk about yourself and your exploits all day long and get paid for that”
-“and you will be able to kick some probies ass all day and scare them to death.. and for the kids: come on ! You are not going to stay at home forever with them. NCIS has a great daycare system or we can hire a nanny. You have to think about your needs sometimes. You need this. We will be a hell of a team, good cop, bad cop, working together again.. I will definitely be the good cop”
-“I will be the bad cop? They are going to hate you !”
-“what ? Why ? I’m a nice guy.”
-“yeah a nice guy who’s gonna call them ‘probie’ or give them stupid names and brag about his glorious NCIS career as ‘very special agent Anthony DiNozzo’. And by the way, if you brag about how many women you’ve dated thanks to your badge, it’s your ass that I’m gonna kick !”
And Tony’s work was done. By just talking about what working at NCIS could be, he had succeeded in soothing all of Ziva’s concerns. Tony went back to his more serious attitude and said:
-“come on you know this is what you need. Working for NCIS again but no more danger, no more ‘hurting people with the decision that you make’, just teaching probies to be as good of a cop as you were”
Ziva smiled and whispered:
-“I love you”
Tony smiled back and said:
-“I understand, I am a pretty handsome, funny and caring husband...”
Ziva gave him a punch in his groin which made him moan. He said with a moaning voice:
-“alright, not the answer you were waiting for. I love you too”
As they kiss Tony’s attention was dragged by the sound of leather being chewed not far from them. He looked at Chewie with resignation and said:
-“why is it always MY shoes ?”
-“it’s his way of showing that he loves you too”
-“are you sure you gonna be able to handle them on your own Tony ?”
-“don’t worry, we’ll be fine ! It’s just a couple of days and let me remind you that I received the title of ‘number one dad’ ”
He showed his mug that was made at school by Tali for father’s day a couple of years ago.
Ziva was going to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers in Georgia for a couple of days to get ready for her future work at NCIS as a physical training officer.
Ziva kissed and hugged Tali:
-“you listen to Aba”
-“I will”
Ziva added in hebrew:
-“don’t drive him crazy ok”
And the little girl laughed and nodded.
Ziva rose to face Tony and said:
-“I’ll call you when we arrive. Don’t let her watch movies she’s not supposed to watch EVEN if you are hiding her eyes, understood ?”
-“copy that boss”
-“I’m gonna miss you”
She kissed Tony. He held her head to make the kiss last longer.
Adam, in Tony’s arms, babbled. Ziva turned her attention to him:
-“Yeah, Ima’s gonna miss her little baby too”
And she kissed Adam’s forehead and chubby bare feet.
Ziva stopped right before leaving and said to Tony:
-“be nice with Chewie..”
Tony put on his displeased face and answered:
-“I will”
Ziva walked out of the house. Tony turned to Tali and asked:
-“cereals for dinner ?”
Tali raised her arms and yelled:
First day without Ziva. Tony was spending his time running after the dog, stopping him from chewing every furniture in the house, watching over Adam, whose favorite hobby was to try to climb the stairs, helping Tali with her homework, changing diapers and picking up chewie’s poop (he had actually considered the idea of putting a diaper on chewie to solve this problem). Tony thought that handling the kids all by himself for the weekend would not be harder than when Ziva goes to her gym class but he was wrong. He haven’t been able to sit since he got up this morning. His new favorite sentences were “Adam stop pulling your sister’s hair” and “take that out of your mouth” since he was almost saying these every 5 minutes. Tony decided to take the kids to the park.
Tali was playing with other kids on the playground while Tony was playing with Adam on the sandbox. He was amazed by how fast his son was learning and growing up. Adam’s hands were dirty so Tony walked back to the stroller to get some baby wipes. The stroller was only a few feet away and on his way to get there he heard a woman’s voice calling him. He was shocked to see Wendy, his former fiancé. What was she doing here.
-“oh my god Tony. It’s been a while”
-“Wendy ! What are you doing here ?”
Tony was clearly uncomfortable with this meeting. She answered:
-“I should be the one asking..”
They talk for a few minutes but Tony was more preoccupied by Adam who was trying to answer the question: can I eat sand ? When he moved his hand full of sand to his mouth Tony apologized to Wendy and rushed to the sandbox.
-“hey buddy, what did Aba said about eating sand ?”
Tony washed the sand off Adam’s hand and took him in his arms. Wendy was shocked:
-“who's that handsome little man ?”
-“that’s my son Adam”
-“nice to meet you Adam. I was sure that this would happen someday you know, with all your one night stands, one of them had to end up pregnant”
Tony couldn’t believe it. She was really thinking that Adam was the result of a one night stand accident. He smiled and said:
-“a one night stand yeah. Actually let me introduce you to someone else. TALI, COME HERE ONE SEC’!”
Tali ran to her father.
-“Wendy, this is Adam’s big sister, Tali and no they are not ‘one night stand accidents’ ”
This was not entirely true but it did not matter. Tony showed his wedding ring with a proud smile
Wendy was embarrassed, she mumbled:
-“Tony I am so sorry I didn’t mean to be rude..”
-“don’t worry it’s fine. I can’t blame you”
Tali asked:
-“aba can I go back now ?”
-“yeah sure go back”
Wendy asked:
-“aba ?”
-“it’s hebrew, it means dad”
-“hebrew ? So I guess you finally opened your heart to her. I knew she was the one”
Tony sighed:
-“it’s way more complicated than that and I guess I will never have enough of one day to tell you the whole story but yes Ziva is the one”
Tony was looking for Tali. She was not in her bedroom. He has been looking for her through the entire house. He looked through the kitchen window and saw some lights coming from the treehouse in the front yard. Tali has been pretty quiet and reserved since Ziva left. He climbed up the ladder, worried that it might not handle his weight and said:
-“knock, knock. Can I come in ?”
Tali looked at her father and just shrugged her shoulders.
-“do I need a password ?”
She shook her head, apparently not really in the mood. Tony climbed up and sat on the floor next to Tali. His position was pretty uncomfortable, the house was clearly not made for someone as tall as Tony. He asked:
-“this is a nice house.. you should get a password for it”
She shrugged her shoulders again.
-“you want to tell me what’s going on ?”
There was a long silence, then Tali said:
-“I miss Ima”
Tony placed his arm behind Tali’s head and pulled her closer:
-“I miss her too you know”
-“I dreamed that Ima was gone again and our house was on fire…”
Tony’s heart ached when he heard her last words. He kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. He whispered
-“my baby.. Ima is fine.”
Tony knew that Tali was too young to remember the fire back in Israel but maybe somewhere in her mind some traces of that traumatic event were still hidden. Tony grabbed her face and said:
-“what about tomorrow, we make some cool welcoming decoration for when Ima comes back ?”
Tali smiled and nodded.
-“alright then. Come on before we have to call Ima to tell her that I am stuck in that very tiny house”
As they walked back inside Tali asked:
-“can we eat Pizza tonight ?”
-“Pizza ? Hm… sounds like a plan”
Ziva would be home soon. The decoration was ready. Tony was standing on a chair in the middle of the entrance, to set the homemade welcoming banner that Tali had crafted for her mother. Tali was giving him instruction to place it. He finally found the right spot and got off the chair. He proudly said:
-“there you go ! Ima’s gonna love it”
Tali and Tony high fived and Tony’s look stopped on the living room table. It was a complete mess. Paint, paintbrush, papers and scissors everywhere. Tony winced and said:
-“but she’s not gonna like that” He paused “Alright Little Agent Tali DiNozzo. Our mission, should we choose to accept it is cleaning the living room before Ima comes back”
Tali winced. This was not as fun as painting decorations. She asked:
-“Can I go take my super-agent cap ?”
Tony smiled and said:
-“of course, this is mandatory to walk on a crime scene like that”
Tali rushed upstairs and came back a few seconds later with her NCIS cap on her head. Tony took his deepest voice to add a dramatic effect on what he was going to say:
-“alright super agent, let’s clean up that living room”
The cleaning mission was aborted after 20 minutes because Tali, who was her father’s daughter, had started a paint battle with her father. A battle that she was sure to lose. The living room was now clean but Tony and Tali were definitely not. They washed the paint away from their faces and hair when they heard a car on the driveway. Tali shouted:
-“IT’S IMA !”
She grabbed her father’s hand and ran downstairs.
It was time for Ziva to come back home. She had missed her family so much. She nervously walked to the door and opened it. She was welcomed with cheers and dog barks. Tony and Tali were both standing in front of the stairs, Adam in Tony’s arms. The handmade banner saying “Welcome Home Ima” was floating above their heads. Tali rushed to her mother with some flowers she had picked up in the backyard and crashed into her arms:
-“We missed you Ima”
-“I missed you too sweetheart”
Ziva kissed her daughter and then walked to Tony and Adam. She grabbed Adam from Tony’s arms and kissed her son. Tony said:
-“no kiss for your husband ? Your husband who really rocks at handling two kids and a dog all by himself ?”
Ziva kissed Tony. She noticed some dry paint on his cheek and said:
-“I can see that, the three of them are alive and the house is not on fire. Maybe I should go on a trip more often”
-“alright hold on ok, it was not a walk in the park ! How can such a tiny human have so much energy. By the way I think our son it trying to reconnect with his origins, he has a strong passion for sand”
-“really ?”
Tali added with a lot of excitement:
-“yeah we went to the park and when Aba was talking with Wendy, Adam tried to eat some sand”
Tony panicked, Ziva frowned:
-“Wendy ?”
Tony stammered:
-“yeah well, it’s not a big deal ok, she just happened to be there and we talked”
Ziva was clearly jealous. Tony tried to change the subject:
-“alright why don’t we go to the kitchen and show Ima what we baked for her ?”
Ziva followed them in the kitchen without saying a thing but Tony clearly knew that she was not done with him.
After dinner. Ziva was in the kitchen. She was finishing cleaning some plates. Tony walked in, a glass of red wine in his hand. He stopped to take a look at his wife. She was quiet. But he could clearly see that she was still thinking about his encounter with Wendy. She was sexy, when she was upset, even more when she was jealous. He bit his lower lip and walked closer to her. He stopped right behind her, moved some curls away from her neck and placed his lips on the crook of her neck. She did not react. He just whispered:
-“you are jealous”
She kept washing some kitchenware:
-“I am not jealous”
He placed his hands on her waist, kept kissing her neck and with his sexy whispers he added:
-“yes you are. You’ve always been jealous. You’ve been jealous about EJ, you’ve been jealous about Jeanne and Wendy..”
Ziva drew a large kitchen knife from the sink and waved it in front of her so he could see it:
-“are you really sure you want to talk about them when I have this in my hand ?”
Tony spun her around. She was now facing him. He locked his eyes into hers and said with a calm voice:
-“Even if I think jealousy looks very sexy on you, you don’t have to be jealous Ziva. She doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. Actually we talked a lot about you, I told her how good it was to have a bride that does not run away. And yes, my eyes stayed on her face the whole time. Satisfied?”
Ziva knew she had no reasons to be worried about it but it was in her nature. She was jealous. She has seen too many women around Tony in the past. She was about to say something when Tony grabbed the knife from her hand and threw it back into the sink. He placed his hands back on her waist, pulled her closer, pressed his body against her and asked:
-“Now, can we stop talking about my ex and can you please let me show you how much I’ve missed you ?”
Ziva bit her lip and smiled. It was definitely the answer Tony was looking for. He captured her lips with his and they never broke the kiss until they were finally lying in their bed.
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gamer9439 · 5 years
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Ashley and kaidon walked around the citadel.
He asked her what they were doing together on citadel. She only answered with a sigh.
Ashley upset:
Look at this. It's Shepard in a photo. I mean it's what's his name.
He new something was wrong with her. He never seen her acting like this before. He new that she was upset with him.
Damit. She said why did he have do die and come back. Why couldn't he just have forgotten about me and the way he felt about me First time. I know he's mad at me for not trusting me and how we left thing before on the planet. But why did he send you with me. Afraid I'm going to cause trouble on the citadel station. Or was it he didn't want to have to bail me out again like last time.
Kaidon, why are you with me. I want you to tell me the truth. Ashley said.
Ashley, he's worries about you. I mean you been upset with him because you didn't know the new friends him, Tali, garrus made on the Normady 2. Now I know what you are thinking. Why should you care about this. Or why should I care. Kaidon looked at her. I don't, but seeing you upset because he was Buddies with s geth he met makes you upset. Listen to me Ash. This is his ship again and yes on the she there was Tali, legion, garrus, kasumi, Miranda, Jacob, mercanery ziead, and a krogan name grunt and justicar Samara, then there was a Salarian Mordin. I don't understand how he was all buddy with them or why. All I know is that he destroy the collectors and destroy a mass relay as well to stop s reaper invasion that day. Hell ash if it wasn't for him you probably be dead now and I be still Dead. I thought I would never see him again.
Well Kadion, I'm greatfull that this all happened. But why didn't he just tell me. I mean I thought he trusted me.?
He does, Ash. It's just that they knew what you were sent to do. Which was spy on him and then and tell some story if how it wasn't Cerbures any confirm he was a traitor. He did trust you that day. It's you who didn't trust him. So if anyone has a right to be upset it's him.
Ashley, new she was pissed off now. Kadion was actually defending Shepard against her and that made her angry.
Kadion then spotted Tali, garrus, Zied, Samara, Miranda and kasumi talking together on the citadel in a bar. He said ash there's the former crew of his. Why don't you just Walk over and ask them why he trusts them more than you.
She decided to do just that. Ash walked into the bar and right up to the former crew of Shepard's. So tell me all of you. What the hell makes you think Shepard trust you more than me here and I'm not leaving until you answer me?
Miranda looking up from her drink. Said it's not a matter of trust. It's matter of loyalties and to him we were very loyal crew. We may not of seen eye to eye or agreed on what the mission was. But it's what brought use together and that was to stop the collectors and reapers from killing every one we love or cared about. I take it you most be the alliance lieutenant Ashley Williams and major kadion. Am I right.
Kadion looking surprised by this comment and taken back by how they new. He asked Lawson how she new this.
Tali and garrus told use who you were.
Damit garrus I thought we were friends.
Garrus looking at Ashley, said we used to be until you betrayed Shepard for different of options. Then he looked at kadion. He has nothing against you major. It's just against Ashley is all. Plus he nee you to would find use sooner or later in the citadel.
Kadion, what you tell me. That he new this and didn't tell me or Ashley. Why would Shepard do this.
Well for two reasons. First being the Normady is going to be getting Asari shields, weapons and armor. Second the upgrades we made to the Normady 2 back then are staying in the ship. Shepard convince the council it's in there best interest to have this she and there best human spectar to have all the best crew and weapons and ship. Third of all you will be seeing a lot more of use all soon.
What's that mean Garrus, Ashley ask.
Garrus, Tali, Zied, Miranda, kasumi, grunt and them hand her the assignment papers which said transfer to SSV Normandy SR2 from council. Request from council spector and new acting commander soon to be admiral Shepard.
What's this any promotion to admiral Shepard. Kadion asked.
I can answer that a voice said from behind.
Ashley and kaidon turned to see Shepard and Asari councilor standing behind then and yes we heard every you both said including you lieutenant commander Williams. Or should I say soon to be commander Williams
Kadion looking at them both asked. What do you mean commander Williams. Was this just all a test to see, what are reaction was going to be. Why keep use both in the dark if you nee Shepard.
Well I guess I really need to know we're your loyalty was and how you truely felt. Now I know this. Plus that you both know the truth about the transfer to. I guess it's as good as time to tell you. I'm been a signed with putting together my old crew and you all to go on a secret mission. That is classified for good reasons.
Kadion asked. What secret mission. Well be heading to the Andromeda Galaxy probably and trying to figure out what going on.
You mean Andromeda mission hasn't replied back sense the ralys been fixed.
Yes as of nine houndred hours citadel station and Turians, Asari, Salarians, Geth, Quarions, and ever race that has a fleet or ships has been ask to come to citadel and help refitted the Normandy with everything they can. From weapons to Crew and personally. As well I've asked the council to give me one destroy class ship as escort for this mission and there crew's are ready waiting for me to take over as fleet admiral.
Soon another voice from behind said he may be incharge but you-all report to me second in command T'soni.
Turning around Ash say LiaraT'soni stand there in alliance uniform with admiral bars. I take it your the second ranking officer in this mission.
Rear admiral T'soni reporting as ordered sir.
Shepard turned around and sighs. I thought I told you never to say this in public here.
T'soni, look at Shepard just smile and said you knew the agreement with council about this mission.
Ashley asked, Shepard. What agreement is she talking about.
He sighed, then said. In order for me to get the weapons, and keep the upgrades me and my old crew got to defeat the collectors and stop the first reaper invasion. I had to agree to some things. But mostly I said I only agree to do this mission if T'soni was admiral second I wanted all my old crew and third only if you ash got a promotion to commander of my Marines units.
So this is why you asked me to stay close to Williams. So she wouldn't be lookingaround looking for information on Stuff this time.
Yes, kadion that's right. I know Ashley. She's the type to look for trouble or find stuff she doesn't want to know about or is supposed to know about.
Ashley, so you trust me. But when it involves classified information I can't be trusted with it. Sense when did that happen.
Shepard looking at her said two days ago when you asked kadion about something that you wasn't supposed to ask him. First off you didn't have the clearance and second of all you disobedience as an officer is not going to be aloud from either of you anymore on my ship. Third if you don't like this new assignment you will be assigned to a garage barge and fourth if you take this assignment you'll follow now alliance or council orders but mine. I need to know if you two agree.
You'll both have until the end of today to decide on your decision. But I must have it by the end of today.
Kadion looking at Ashley said wow. That's what are options are garage barge or follow your orders and not council interfere at all.
Asari councilor standing by Shepard's side said yes. Well not interfere in Shepard's decisions or the mission until asked by him.
Garrus, Zied, Miranda, Samara, kasumi, grunt, Tali, legion, Kelly, Gabby, James and others have already said there going. It's just you two left to decide. Shepard says
Umm, I don't know why you want me to go Shepard. I mean I have been loyal or what you call a good friend or officer to anyone ever buy you. Then I did betray you as well to. So tell me Shepard why you are asking me to go.
Look, Ash. I'm asking you to go because you and kadion are the best marrines I have had and if I ever need help your going to be ready. I know that it's a lot to ask from you both. That's why I'm giving you both until the end of today to decide on this. I just hoping I will see you on the ship.
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brandyxlynn91 · 5 years
Galaxies Together pt. 9
Garrus was thinking about the events at Virmire when Joker came on his comm.
“Hey, Garrus. Can you go check on the commander? She just told me she didn’t want to be disturbed and a crewmember said they saw her heading to her room with a whole bottle of Asari brandy.”
“But I thought you said she didn’t want to be disturbed?” Garrus asked him.
“I know what I said. Look I know you care about her and I don’t think being alone is what she needs.” He replied.
“What are you-" Garrus started.
“Me and Wrex like to gossip. But that’s not the point. Just please go check on her. Ashley's- it’s really tearing her up and I’m worried.”
“Alright. I’ll go.” Garrus told him. He still didn’t know what to say to comfort her but he knew he had to try.
“Thanks, Garrus. You’re not bad, for a turian.”
Garrus grabbed some of his whiskey and headed towards Jane’s room. Before he got there, Kaidan stopped him.
“Where are you going?” He asked him.
“I’m going to go check up on Jane.” Garrus replied.
“But we were told that she didn’t want to be disturbed. And why are you taking alcohol with you?” Kaidan sounded angry.
“Look Joker asked me to go check on her.” He told him.
“He what? You never answered me about the alcohol. Look you better not touch or take advantage-" Kaidan started.
“I’m going there as a friend cause that’s what she needs. And the whiskey is because Ash's death has taken a hit on me, too. She became friendly with me and Wrex. You would’ve noticed if you thought about anyone but you and decided to pull your head out of your ass once in awhile!” Garrus interrupted him. He was usually calm but he wasn’t in the mood for Kaidan’s accusations and jealousy. Kaidan stood there in silence as Garrus continued to Jane’s room.
He knocked and when she answered, he could see her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet. He wanted to take away her sadness, but didn’t know how. He still thought her eyes reminded him of emeralds and her spots made him think of stars in the galaxy. She told him she wanted to be left alone. He lifted up his bottle and convinced her that she needed a friend and he did too. She reluctantly agreed then sat on the bed and started drinking. She asked him if she did the right thing and he told her neither choice was right or wrong but it was what needed to be done. He also told her that she was the most compassionate and considerate person he knew. He reminded her not to let this bring her down but to use it and make Saren pay. He still wanted to tell her about his feelings but he thought this wasn’t the time or place for that. He sat down next to her and she thanked him then made a toast to Ashley and her sacrifice. He raised his bottle back and toasted to good friends lost too soon. They sat there drinking and sharing memories about Ashley then he felt something on his shoulder. Jane had fallen asleep on him. He looked at her looking peaceful then touched the top of her head.
“Don’t shoulder the galaxy’s problems on yourself, Jane. Share your burdens with me, with all of us once in awhile. You don’t need to be so tough on yourself. I’m always here for you." He whispered softly. “You really are an amazing woman, but even you can’t do everything by yourself.”
He kissed her cheek then laid her down and covered her up before leaving. He and Wrex spent the rest of the night drinking and talking about Ashley. The next morning when they went to the mess hall, they saw Jane and Kaidan.
“Ugh. Do I have to deal with the council today?” Jane asked with her head on the table. Garrus assumed she was nursing a hangover.
“How much did you drink, Shepard?” Kaidan asked, eyeing Garrus.
“I don’t know. I passed out. How much was it, Vakarian?” She looked up at Garrus. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was a mess.
“Well, you finished your whole bottle of brandy then you tried to drink my whiskey. I had to put it up where you couldn’t reach it because you wouldn’t listen when I told you it would kill you.”
“You drank the whole bottle? Jesus, Shepard. That asari stuff is strong.” Kaidan said.
“Ugh! Can we just tell the council to fuck off? They don’t believe me anyways.” She put her head back on the table.
“We’ll be at the citadel in 20 minutes.” Joker said over the comm. “You might want to look like you didn’t get drunk off your ass last night, commander.”
“Here. The doctor gave me this to give to you. It’ll get rid of your hangover.” Kaidan gave Jane some medicine.
“Why didn’t you give this to me earlier?” She snapped.
“Well, you told me my voice was too loud and my walking and my breathing.” Kaidan laughed.
“Come on, Shepard. Let’s go get you dressed.” Tali said, grabbing her arm.
“Ugh. Stupid council. That turian hates me you know.” She groaned, getting up.
“Nah. He hates all humans, not just you.” Garrus teased.
“Not helping. And you still owe me a drink!” She yelled from down the corridor. At that moment, Kaidan looked at Garrus.
“She uh won a bet.” Garrus told him.
“Yep. Kicked his ass in a shooting contest.” Wrex laughed, as he walked away. “Just let me know if you need me to headbutt that turian.”
“Hey, about last night…” Kaidan turned to Garrus.
“Kaidan.” He sighed. “Look. Nothing happened. We talked about Ashley then we drank until Jane passed out then I left. I went there as a friend like I told you I was.”
“No, I didn’t- I mean. You were right.” He stammered out.
“What?” Garrus looked at him in surprise.
“I wasn’t thinking about Shep or her feelings. I was just focused on myself. Then Ashley died and I blamed Shepard for saving me. I didn’t even stop to think how it was affecting her. I’m going to start putting her first.” He told him.
“Oh. Good for you.” Garrus said as he walked away. Sure he could’ve told him about his own feelings towards her but he didn’t even know how she felt and he didn’t want to start any trouble for Jane. She had enough on her plate the way it was. He decided he would just tell her how he felt after the meeting with the council.
Jane, Kaidan, and Garrus made their way to the council chambers. Once there, the council announced they were preparing their fleet to protect the citadel. Jane begged them to let her go to Ilos to stop Saren. They told her they didn’t want to incite a war with the Terminus system. Jane told them she could be discreet and the turian councilor reminded her that she blew up a building on Virmire. She adamantly told them that’s where Saren was going and he was going to the conduit to help the reapers. They told her that Saren was playing mind games and making up reapers to put them in chaos and attack the citadel. Then Udina told her he was grounding the Normandy and he’d assist the council. Jane called him a traitorous bastard and pleaded with the council more but they told her that they made their decision and went on their way.
After returning to the docked Normandy, Garrus decided to look for Jane. He wanted to try to talk to her about what happened and tried to steel his nerves to tell her about his feelings.
“Hey Tali. Have you seen Jane?” He asked as he walked by her.
“Sure. I think I saw her walking towards the locker room. Why?” She replied.
“Oh, uh, I just wanted to talk to her.” He told her and made his way towards the lockers. He had reached the door and could see Jane through the crack in the door. He saw her punch her locker then put her back to it and slowly slump down to the floor, looking defeated. He was about to go in when he saw Kaidan go over to her. Damn, he thought. He’d have to talk to her another time. He didn’t know what he was feeling but he didn’t like the thought of Kaidan being the one to console her. He stood there with his back to the wall for a few minutes trying to put his thoughts together. He wasn’t sure why but he wanted nothing more than for her to be happy and he wanted to be the one to make her feel that way. He wanted to fight beside her and protect her at the same time. He wanted to see her face everyday, the same face that reminded him of the stars in the galaxy. He wanted her to be his galaxy. It was then he realized he didn’t really want to go back to C-sec, he wanted to stay on the Normandy with Jane. His thoughts were interrupted when Jane came flying out of the locker room with Kaidan behind her.
“C’mon, Garrus. We’re going to Flux.” She said as she ran past him. “Anderson wants to talk and if I know him, he’s got a plan.”
“Are you kidding? I’m right behind you.” He replied as he ran after her.
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douxreviews · 6 years
Arrow - ‘My Name is Emiko Queen' Review
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“I’m not Oliver Queen.”
While that quote is true in the strictest sense, Emiko Queen is doing a damn good imitation.  
From the cold open it was obvious The Powers That Be were going for an OG Arrow esthetic.  From the voiceover,  and (camera) shot selection to the little book of names, and a wounded Emiko going to Rene for help as Oliver went to Felicity.  The similarities didn’t end there.  She has just as many trust issues as Oliver and a stubbornness that up till now I had associated more with Moira’s side of the family.    
There is one profound difference between Emiko and her half-brother.  Where Oliver sought to bring justice to the people his father had wronged, Emiko wants justice on behalf of the wrongs done to her.  This is neither surprising nor unexpected.  Oliver grew up with every advantage.  His time in “hell”  taught him humility and gave him an appreciation for those without silver spoons.  Emiko grew up with little except the unconditional love of her mother.  Her loss would drive anyone to desire vengeance.  
That is what we are talking about here.  For all Emiko’s talk of justice, her war on crime in The Glades is not born out of benevolence.  She has systematically eliminated everyone who had a hand in her mother’s death as she searches for the person who pulled the trigger.  She can wrap it up in as much talk of the downtrodden as she likes.  Revenge is not justice.  I'm not judging.  I'm just stating facts.
That knowledge aside we are left with a host of unanswered questions.  Chief among them why would a woman abandoned and forgotten by her wealthy father imitate her half-brother?  Unlike Oliver, she’d always known about the existence of her half-sibling and the “other” Queen family.  And considering Oliver’s checkered past, he seems an odd choice for emulation.  And how?  I can see her learning to defend herself out of the necessity of growing up in a rough neighborhood.  But I can’t imagine archery being her weapon of choice.
Oliver must come to grips with the fact that the latest person to don the Hood does so out of more than just admiration.  Even after all the suspect deeds committed by Mama and Papa Queen, this is a new low.  To know his father severed all ties to his own daughter makes Oliver question all of his father’s motives.  Especially when he did so while knowingly raising another man’s daughter as his own.  Although I doubt that realization has hit Oliver yet.  Moira’s behavior is just as bad.  It’s not surprising she resented Robert’s other family.  But the idea she would go out of her way to ensure that Robert’s child was not only discarded like an old toy but deliberately kept poor is unbelievably spiteful.  So why is most of Oliver’s anger directed at his father even after Felicity and by extension the writers repeatedly lay the blame for Emiko’s abandonment at both Robert and Moira’s feet?
Speaking of marriage issues, what is up with Diggle?  After years of questioning Lyla’s morality, in large part due to her involvement with the “Ghost Initiative” AKA The Suicide Squad, he unilaterally decides to bring it back? And to force Lyla to defend a policy he knows she disagrees with is unlike him. Is his hatred of Diaz that intense or is his moral fiber fraying?  Does Dig really believe Diaz will flush out Dante.  And is that be before or after Oliver and Felicity find out that Diaz is alive and “free.”
While Diggle’s motives may not be clear, we clarified a few unresolved issues.  Deputy Director Bell is indeed subordinate to Lyla.  However, her superiors at The Pentagon have appointed him as their watchdog which not only explains his apparent autonomy but also the deference that both husband and wife have been giving him.  It also explained Ben Turner’s appearance in Slabside.  He saves Lyla’s life at the risk of getting his head blown off and she repays him by scrubbing The Suicide Squad and sending him to a Supermax prison. No wonder Ben was pissed.
That brings us to Rene, both present and future.  In the present, Emiko’s pursuit of her mother’s killers dovetails with his desire to protect his neighborhood and Lord knows Rene can relate to her anger issues.  Besides, partnering with her fills the void left by his former teammates and offers him the means to make a difference.  However, the fact Emiko is neither part of the flash-forwards nor mentioned as part of Oliver’s Mark of Four pact leads to the suspicion that their partnership is short-lived.   So it is not hard to draw a line from the current iteration of Rene adrift from his former teammates and frustrated by his inability to protect his home to the future Mayor bent on protecting The Glades at the expense of Star City at large.  What is still in question is the identity of future Rene’s mystery friend and murderer of Felicity (IMDB has him listed as Kevin Dale)?  Who does he represent and are they pulling Future Rene’s strings or do they just think they are?
To be honest, this episode left me with mixed feelings.  I appreciated the old-school feel.  And the explanation of Emiko’s abandonment gave more depth to the Queen family dynamics years after Robert and Moira’s deaths, and Walter’s departure.  Yet Oliver’s anger troubled me.  Not only because of its one-sidedness but because his anger on his own behalf felt petty and his anger on Emiko’s behalf felt unearned.  More important than that, the episode meant to introduce us to Emiko gave us more questions than answers and spent far more time on the people affected by her existence than on the woman herself.  
3 out of 5 quilt forts
Parting Thoughts:  
How is Emiko bankrolling this little enterprise?  Bribing mobsters ain’t cheap.
In that same vein, did Curtis borrow an A.R.G.U.S. van or does a tricked out van come with the secret lair and the Hood?
We won’t discuss the whole chain of custody issue of giving crime scene evidence to the wife of an SCPD deputy.  Can we say inadmissible in court, boys and girls?
Emiko threatened to put an arrow through Rene.  Oliver’s been there and done that.
It was a nice touch having Jamey Sheridan read Robert Queen’s letter.  It was bizarre that it was the only time my close captioning specified who was talking - wrongly stating it was Oliver.
I could find no mention of Talis Global in the world of DC Comics.  However, William Glenmorgan definitely exists. So does Santa Prisca.
Future Rene doesn’t have his scar.  Did The Glades Mayor get plastic surgery?
The Archer program wiped out crime in The Glades.   And somehow Zoe almost ruined everything when she got her hands on it.  Color me curious.  
And I meant to ask this in Unmasked.  When did the Queen Mansion get destroyed?  Was Isabel Rochev so vindictive that she burned the place to the ground?  
Rene: “I guess stubbornness comes with the suit.”
Diaz: “Let me be real clear for the cheap seats.  Screw you.”
Felicity: “Some husbands bring their wives home flowers, and mine brings me blood from a crime scene.  They say romance is dead.”
Oliver: “My father was always very good at burying secrets.”
Felicity: “One more thing.” Oliver: “Just one more?”
Lyla: “Are you questioning my decision, Deputy Director?” Bell: “Of course not, Madam Director.  That kind of radical out-of-the-box approach is exactly the shot in the arm A.R.G.U.S. needs.  I’m sure the Pentagon will be very excited to hear about this.”
Emiko: “People can’t let you down if you don’t let them in.”
Rene: “At least as mayor, I’m actually getting things done, not wasting my time running around the city in a hockey mask pretending that it mattered.”
Lyla: “And here I thought I was the one in danger of becoming Amanda Waller.”
Curtis: “I can knock out the whole system – cameras, motion sensors, the whole shebang.  But it’s up to you guys to deal with that army of terminators yourselves.”
Emiko: “I’m still not looking for a team.” Rene: “Ok, fine.  Then how about a partner?”
Dale: “Star City is a cancer.  The only way to get rid of a cancer is to destroy it.”
Diaz: When I agreed to this deal, no one said anything about sticking a bomb in the back of my head."
Shari loves sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, and anything with a cape.
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sky-scribbles · 7 years
On The Bridge
EDI’s learning to deal with the whole concept of insecurity, and Joker really isn’t qualified for this. 
(My contribution to EDI week, 3000 words. Joker x EDI.)
The bridge of the Normandy shudders with noise.
The doors are open, letting the chatter from the float down the corridor. The faint hum of engines hangs in the air, punctuated by beeps and clicks from the control panels. And lifted above everything else is the sound of the pilot’s voice, thick with barely suppressed laughter.
‘So there’s this silence for a few moments, right? Then the turian says, ‘I knew that her father had to be a vorcha!’
Grinning at his own punchline, Joker turns his head towards his co-pilot, one eyebrow raised, waiting for the response. 
It doesn’t come.
‘What, no commentary?’ Joker frowns, though his indulgent smile is still flickering about his lips. ‘No picking-apart of the structure? No criticism of racial stereotypes? Not even a rating between one and ten?’
At first, when EDI downloaded herself into her new body, her face tended to be just as static as you’d expect the face of a robot to be. Within days, though, as she watched the people around her and learned to mimic their movements, she was smiling and frowning like any natural human. Nowadays, it’s rare - almost unheard of - for Joker to see her with a blank expression. That, however, is exactly what she’s wearing now, and something about it feels strange and wrong.
His frown deepening, and the smile dying, Joker spins his chair around to face her. ‘EDI?’
A moment of silence; then EDI turns to look at him. ‘I am sorry, Jeff. I was contemplating.’
Joker lets out a quiet huff. ‘EDI, you’re the most advanced AI in the galaxy. You’re telling me you can’t contemplate and listen to my jokes at the same time?’
‘I was also plotting a flight path to the Citadel, giving a report to Commander Shepard, discussing an engineering issue with Tali, broadcasting a false signal to distract Reaper forces from our presence, locking down auxiliary engine two to prevent a leak, communicating with Alliance Command about the logistics of quarian-geth alliances – ’
‘OK, OK, I get it.’ Joker holds up his hands. ‘So… what were you contemplating? Asari with vorcha fathers?’
‘The mechanics of a gun that fires thresher maws again?’
‘How ludicrously good-looking I am?’
‘No. I was reflecting on the events on Rannoch.’
Joker purses his lips. He knew this was coming. Ever since Shepard returned to the Normandy from the final Rannoch mission, he’s been plagued by the feeling that sooner or later, EDI would want to talk about what happened. And to be honest, that scares the hell out of him. He really, really isn’t qualified to talk about this... this deep stuff. He flies the ship, he saves everyone’s asses from pursuing Reapers, and he provides sarcastic one-liners. The big moral decisions and the touchy-feely conversations? That stuff’s better left to Shepard.
‘What’s to contemplate?’ he says - perhaps a little too casually. ‘Shepard pulled off another load of crazy stunts, took down a Reaper, and ended a centuries-old war by asking nicely. All in a day’s work.’
EDI hesitates for a moment before responding. ‘I was considering the eventualities that might have transpired had Shepard not been able to dissuade the quarian fleet from attacking.’
Joker can’t stop himself from glancing over his shoulder. If he’s lucky, Shepard will appear there right now, ready to continue the role of moral instructor to the Normandy’s resident AI, ready to answer all the questions that EDI asks and Joker never knows how to respond to. But of course, the corridor leading to the bridge stands unhelpfully empty. For someone who always seems to have perfect timing when it came to swooping in to save the day, Shepard is useless at showing up when Joker needs saving from awkward conversations.
‘I guess… well, I guess they’d have fired on the geth, the geth would have hit back, and the quarians would have been wiped out,’ Joker says slowly. ‘Kinda sucks, but I guess they’d have been asking for it.’
EDI revolves her chair as Joker did, so that they’re sitting facing each other. ‘But had Shepard intervened in Legion’s uploading of the Reaper code, the geth fleet would have been left defenceless against the quarians. They would have been the ones to face annihilation.’
‘Legion wouldn’t have stopped, though, would it?’ Joker remembers what Shepard and EDI told him of the geth’s final moments, and hurriedly corrects himself. ‘I mean, he. He wouldn’t have given up the chance to help his people evolve.’
‘No. But Shepard could have stopped him.’
‘What, you mean they might have killed it – him – to stop him from upgrading the geth? Nah. Nah, that wouldn’t happen. Shepard doesn’t go around stabbing people in the back.’
‘Not even to save an entire organic species?’ EDI says, and her voice is unusually quiet.
Frowning again, Joker leans forward a little in his seat. ‘You mean… you were wondering, if it’d come down to it, would she have saved the quarians or the geth?’
She gives a single, short nod. ‘Exactly.’
Joker casts another look over his shoulder, willing Shepard to appear more strongly than ever. This is a question only she can answer. But she doesn’t show up, of course, (Joker makes a mental note to tell Cerberus to give her telepathy powers next time they resurrect her), so he does the only thing he can. He draws in a breath, adjusts his cap, and decides to give this his best shot. He owes EDI that much.
‘Well… I don’t know. What do you think?’
‘The quarians are familiar. They are organics, and obvious allies, whereas the geth are synthetics, and have been considered an enemy by the entire galaxy until now. Besides, Shepard and Tali’Zorah are close friends. I doubt Shepard would have wanted to betray Tali by sacrificing her people for the sake of a synthetic race.’
‘Yeah, I… I guess. But Legion was Shepard’s friend too, right? And did you not notice how pissed she was after that whole geth consensus thing? After she learned how the quarians screwed them over?’
‘Shepard believed the geth had been mistreated,’ EDI agrees. ‘But very few in the galaxy would have supported her, had she chosen to save the geth at the expense of the quarians. I doubt many would even have understood her reasoning. They are still seen as an enemy. All AIs are viewed with mistrust.’
‘You’re not.’
EDI gazes evenly at him. ‘When the Normandy was impounded, I was forced to pretend to be a simple VI to avoid deactivation. Whenever we visit the Citadel, I must put up the pretense of being your mobility assistance mech. You yourself once stated that if I identified myself as an illegal AI with Reaper-based code, I would be, quote, ‘lynched.’’
‘Yeah, but…’
‘I have never shown hostility to organics. I fight alongside Commander Shepard, one of the most respected figures in this galaxy. I even have a relationship with a human.’ EDI looks away, and is quiet for a moment. ‘I have a higher chance of being accepted than any other AI in the galaxy. And yet organic society would still not be ready for me.’
And there’s no dancing around the truth. Joker can’t help but admit to himself that she’s right, and nor can he avoid a pulse of anger that sparks through him at the thought of how infuriatingly unfair that is. EDI’s a person, he knows that, and she’s been one from the moment he removed her programming shackles when the Collectors stormed the ship. The first things she did with her new free will were make a joke, then save his life. She’s a person, a damn person - but if anyone apart from the crew of the Normandy ever realises that she’s a true AI, chances are that some bastards in uniforms are going to come storming on board ship to smash her up.
Never mind that she’s got thoughts and hopes and emotions. Never mind that the only thing she’s ever done wrong is existing.
‘Live in this galaxy long enough, and you’ll get used to the face that ninety percent of the people in it are idiots,’ Joker says wearily. It’s hard, he realises with a mental wince, to comfort someone’s concerns when those concerns are one hundred percent justified.  ‘Anyway, you’re accepted here.’
‘The crew of the Normandy includes a dead woman, a vigilante and the Shadow Broker, among others. It is not exactly a sample of regular society.’
‘You forgot the handsome crippled pilot.’ Joker grins, and he’s relieved when EDI gives him a small smile in return. ‘Look, I know we’re a bunch of weirdos, but we’re a bunch of weirdos who know you. Anyone who bothers to look past the fact that you’re an AI thinks you’re a great person. Doesn’t matter what the rest of the galaxy says about it.’
Another silence.
‘If Shepard were ever forced to choose between the two of us,’ EDI says softly, ‘she would save you.’
Joker stares at her, opens his mouth to tell her that it’ll never happen. And them his mind flashes back in time three years, right back to Virmire. He thinks of a soft-spoken lieutenant pinned down guarding a bomb, a passionate young gunnery chief trapped on an AA tower, and their commander, standing halfway between the two of them, able to save only one.
The words to tell EDI not to worry die on his lips. Because no one could ever have seen Virmire coming.
Shit, what if it happens? What if, someday, Shepard has to choose? The thought of EDI left to die – it’s not being deactivated or made non-functional, it would be dying – for his sake…
It’s huge and terrifying and it leaves him with a sudden, serious urge to punch something. Or break his arm at something, at least.
‘Well… maybe.’ Joker drops his gaze to the floor – it’s suddenly hard to meet EDI’s eyes. ‘But it wouldn’t be because I’m organic. We’ve been friends for years, ever since she joined the first Normandy. That’s - that’s just what we do, we save the people we care about most. That’s what Shepard had to do on Virmire.’
‘Yes,’ EDI says, still in that quiet voice that makes Joker’s stomach clench. ‘And if she had been forced to choose between the geth and quarians, she would have chosen the quarians, because she has more reason to care for them.’
Joker bites his lip, sighs, and looks up at her. ‘This really bothers you that much?’
‘Most organics would argue that my existence has less value than yours, because I am synthetic.’ EDI turns her head away, her eyes fixing on the swathe of stars beyond the cockpit window. ‘I am trying to determine to what extent this may be true.’
‘EDI,’ Joker said, and then stops. What the hell can he say? What is there to say? She’s right. Grab a random civilian off the streets, and any one of them, from the volus bankers to the C-sec officers to the asari dancers, would tell him EDI has less worth than anyone else on the ship. To them, she’s another synthetic. Electrons and clever programming putting up a pretence of sapience. Existing, not living.
Joker knows it’s all beyond him – all the science and the morality of it. Tali’s the one who gets the science. Shepard’s the one who worries about the morality. Joker…  Joker doesn’t even try to work that stuff out. Who knows, really, how exactly EDI became what she has? Who knows if there’s really a difference between being an organic person and a synthetic one?
He doesn’t care about the debate. What he cares about is the fact that he knows EDI. His gut tells him that she’s a person and that she’s real.
And sure, he doesn’t know how the tech worked to make it happen – but he doesn’t goddamn care. What he knows is that she smiles at his jokes and cracks her own, that she’s one of the only people who calls him by his real name, that she fights as hard as any of Shepard’s organic squad to save the galaxy, that she makes him feel –
Well. Every time Joker starts thinking about what exactly EDI makes him feel, his head starts spinning. Better not reflect on that right now.
‘EDI,’ he says, and if it weren’t for his damn useless legs, he’d get up and go over to her, maybe even put a hand on her shoulder. ‘EDI, listen. Sure, you’re just metal, but… so what? I mean, I’m just meat, right? We’ve got the same stuff going on in our heads, it’s just that with me it comes from neurons and whatever and with you it comes from electrons. You’re… shit, EDI, you’re a person, that’s just, that’s just a fact.’
EDI says nothing.
‘Look…’ Joker takes another deep breath, and thinks for a moment. ‘What would you do if you had to pick between saving me and saving Shepard?’
Silence, while EDI stares at him, and keeps staring, and stares some more.
‘I have found a sudden dislike for these hypothetical ethical dilemmas,’ she says at last.
There’s no way he can’t chuckle at this. ‘See? It’s not as simple as just what matters most to you. It’s complicated.’
‘Yes. It is possible that Shepard is the only one who can stop the Reapers. If she were killed, the rest of the galaxy might follow. Logic dictates that I should save her.’ EDI falls silent again, clasping her hands together and bowing her head. More human gestures of the hundreds she’s using more and more every day.  ‘But emotion dictates that I save you.’
‘Yeah, I’m not sure emotion dictates anything, more sorta… yells at you. But that’s the point, EDI, you’ve got emotions. If you weren’t a person, if you were just another machine, then you’d do the logical thing right away, you wouldn’t even think about saving me. I’d be screwed, I’d die alone and in pain.’
Again, EDI is silent for a moment, her gaze fixed on him, her body very still. And when she finally speaks, it’s with a fierceness that Joker has never heard from her before.
‘I would not let that happen.’
Joker looks her, meets the metal sensors that serve as her eyes, and he feels something inside him… sort of lurch. Hearing her state so firmly, even furiously, that she’ll protect him, that she’ll stand between him and the rest of the galaxy, that he means that much to her – it makes him feel something he can’t put a name to. Something so dizzying and simply huge it seems like a miracle the entire galaxy can’t feel it too.
And they call her a machine.
It’s crazy. He knows how completely insane it is, what he feels, what the two of them share. But he's always known that, he knew it right from the start, and it didn’t take much to stop him fighting it. The way things are in the galaxy right now, a pilot falling for an AI isn’t even weird anymore.
Because… he’s fallen, really fallen. He suddenly knows it for certain. God help him, he’s actually gone and fallen for a sapient synthetic and it doesn’t even seem weird to him.
‘Yeah,’ he says quietly. ‘Love you too, EDI.’
He looks away quickly, spinning his chair back around so that he can tap at his terminal – not that he’s actually doing anything other than mashing random keys. After a few seconds of silence, he dares to shoot a glance at EDI out of the corner of his eye, and sees that her head is tilted quizzically on one side.
‘From what I have observed of human behaviour, telling someone you love them for the first time is a momentous occasion. But you make that declaration in a casual manner. I am not entirely sure why.’                             
Busted. Shit.
Joker raises one hand, very slowly, and, with equal slowness, rubs the back of his neck. ‘Yeah… It’s kind of, you know… I mean, I’m…’
He snaps off the end of the sentence, but one of those irritating little inner voices decides to finish it off for him. Scared to say it properly. After all this time, after everything you’ve said about her being a person, you’re scared to tell an AI that you love her. Nice sodding going, Moreau.
‘I assume it is similar to your tendency to deflect most of my questions with humour,’ EDI says. ‘You have difficulty engaging in what humans refer to as ‘deep and meaningfuls.’
‘Mmm. Yeah. Guilty as charged.’ Joker drops his arm, chews on his lip for a moment, then whirls his chair around to face her again. ‘I mean it, though.’
The corners of EDI’s mouth tug upwards into a smile. ‘I know.’
‘And if the rest of the galaxy thinks your life isn’t worth as much as mine, then… then they’re just wrong. It might not mean anything to them, but it means a hell of a lot to me.’
‘I know,’ EDI says again. ‘But thank you. And…’
Her voice trails away.
‘You don’t have to say it if you’re not… you know… sure about it, yet. I know the whole being-a-person thing’s pretty new to you and everything –’
‘I love you, Jeff,’ EDI says, very simply, and very firmly. ‘There are a great many things I am still learning to understand. But that I am certain of.’
Outside the window, the stars stream past. The chatter from the CIC and the thrum of the engines still fills the air, but between the two of them, there is a comfortable silence.
‘For the record?’ Joker says at last. ‘If you have to make that choice, save Shepard. She’s already died for me once. Not keen on that happening again.’
He looks at EDI, and sees that she’s smirking. Never a good sign.
‘No promises,’ she says.
‘EDI, seriously –’
‘Jeff, you must understand that eliminating Shepard would remove a significant obstacle in the path of my coming rise to ultimate power.’
With a groan, Joker presses his face into his hand. ‘EDI…’
‘That,’ EDI says smugly, ‘was a joke.’
‘Now there’s the EDI I know.’
Through the emptiness between stars, the Normandy flies on.
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali sees her leader overwhelmed with all the members that appeared for the new black on black comeback and seemed to almost breakdown.
Characters // Talia Flores + Lee Taeyong (mentions: Nct Members ot 18, blackpink,Miguel, her mother)
Era / Year // May 2018
Word Count //
⚠️Warning⚠️ // breakdown, stress,
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Tali always admired Taeyong. She knew he made mistakes in his past and he wanted to make up for them. She related to that, she didn't know what he did, but did relate to the feeling of redemption.
Tali's past was filled with vandalism, running away from the cops etc. She always admired Taeyong for his patiences, and he is one of the people that would fit the description of a person's past does not define them, it only defines how they came to be.
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Tali came back from a Blackpink practice, tired of all the rules she has to learn again, since she hasn't had a comeback in Blackpink in a year basically. She has performed but nothing more. She had to relearn some rules to follow since they all are from different companies and all need a unique rules to fit them. At the moment they are trying to decide if Tali is allowed to have interaction with NCT when she is with Blackpink, since most female groups are not allowed to interact with male idols, some even if they are in the same company.
They are leading towards a no, so it can be fair with Rin as she has yet to debut in a boy group. She thinks its ridiculous, but gets it at the same time, they won't really hear her out since she only 18 and people think she doesn't know any better. So whats the point, and the thing is she has to tell her leader, and as a position as co-leader is basically needed so she can help control the dreamies especially right now since they are all together in a big group of 19.
She feels bad knowing they are probably gonna say no to be able to interact with them and putting all the responsiblity on their leader.
She walked to his room unsure on how to tell him, the problem thats probably gonna occur. She knocked on his door and stepped back to give some room to open the door.
"Oh Tali, do you need something?" Taeyong asked wondering why she is here instead of dreamies dorm.
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Yeah sure come on in."
Tali moved on his bed and he sat next to her.
"So, we had a meeting today about rules in Blackpink since all the girls are from different companies and groups. Since Im a girl in a group of boys they are thinking not to let me interact with you guys when Im with Blackpink." Tali finished now looking at Taeyong for some type of reaction. But he didn't react he was frozen. Shocked on how just because she is in a group of boys that she is not allowed to interact with because she is around girls how does that make sense. Then he thought, isn't she a co- leader too??
"Did you tell them that your the co- leader of the group, and that you need to be there so we have help to have things under control?" Taeyong asked now worried when the group is together, since the others are still young. Yes, some are the same age as Tali but they don't have the leadership skills like Tali does when it comes down to it as in decision making and work.
Tali nodded her head yes, "They shoved it off like it was nothing, they said because I was just 18 I didn't know much." Tali stated.
Taeyong was done he was frustrated and tired from the comebacks to the trying to make the new members comfortable, then making sure he sees everything is under control, and then this happens.
He was just frustrated.
Tali knew it was coming, the breakdown. She saw it build up from the starting of this month. She didnt know how to approach him so she figured giving him information that probably he won't like would make him click into letting it all out. She didn't want him to hold it all in, and she always busy so in that moment she took advantage of to help her leader.
Taeyong started crying out of frustration, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he kept repeating apologies crumbling down in Tali's arms. "What are you sorry for you didn't do anything wrong?" Tali said softly, playing with his hair trying the comfort him. "I'm just so tired and frustrated and I was happy to have your help then you tell me this and your getting discriminated." Taeyong just kept saying all his thoughts, slowing laying down on Tali, crying in her neck.
"Your a great leader, whether you know it or not. I couldn't ask for a better leader, your understanding and patient, have a great personality. Always supportive and bubbly. Always looking forward for a good time, caring for your chaotic members. Its fine to feel this way and please, when you feel this way its okay to come to me too, as you said im the co-leader after all." Tali said softly rubbing his back and playing with his hair noticing he going to sleep.
"Thank you for everything you've done for me, your probably tired from all the comebacks you're so strong, one day I hope I can be as strong as you." Taeyong whispered.
Tali froze at the comment, noticing that he fell asleep. Tali thought I'm not strong no where near, I couldn't even leave her behind, I let her effect me.
Tali's phone dinged she grabbed it successfully without waking up Taeyong and it came from her brother.
Miguel:We have a problem
Tali:What kind of problem?
Miguel:She left a package for me...
Tali was stunned, she didn't want to think who it actually was, not her
Tali:No Miguel don't pull this with me
Miguel:Why the hell would I lie about this she sent me a package Talia its pictures of you and your members out eating, and I'm pretty sure you didn't post these picture.
Tali was scared, not for her life but her members. Her mother was crazy. And if she sent this to her brother she knows, she is back in town and ready to do crazy things. Only her friends and Straykids understand and its only in the middle of summer.
Tali started silently crying out of fear. She never cried about a sasaengs when they sent her pictures out with a member or playing with a dog mostly because its more bark and no bite. But her mother has bite.
Tali looked down at Taeyong who was pasted out hugging her tightly. She hug him back afriad he would go away and leave her alone then she went into deep slumber with her memories slowing fading away into peaceful sleep.
But Thanksgiving was coming, which means family, which means, her show.
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florencemeivey · 4 years
I’m Proud of You (Chapter 3 of Somewhere Down the Line)
Several weeks passed before Shepard could begin to walk unaided. Even still, she was stiff, slow, and wobbly- she wasn’t storming battlefields any time soon. However, the hospital staff was pleased with her progress, and told her they would be discharging her soon. Shepard couldn’t wait, and her palpable excitement was an amusement to Garrus and the rest of her friends, who continued to visit individually when Shepard was not in therapy. 
Garrus had explained Shepard’s decision and the other options that had been available to her to the group while Shepard talked with Joker alone. Most of them, like Garrus, agreed that destruction was the best option. They sympathised with Joker, and understood his frustration; however, even the few who thought the other options were more attractive agreed that they were happy that Shepard was alive because of her choice, and none argued against her. 
“I could try talking to him for you,” Liara offered on one of her visits.
Shepard shook her head, and sipped the special asari tea Liara had brought for her. “No, don’t. I don’t want him angry at you, either.” She looked out the window and sighed. “It was my choice. And he has a right to be angry with me.”
Liara touched Shepard’s arm comfortingly. “Shepard, I’m sorry you ever had to make such a choice. I know it doesn’t help much, but I’m proud of you. We all are.” She smiled, a little sadly. “We will all miss EDI. But I think she’d be happy knowing her sacrifice meant the destruction of the Reapers.”
“I suppose we’ll never know.” Shepard replied, and Liara had no answer for this. Instead, she changed the subject.
“I’m sure you must be happy seeing Garrus again,” She said, a playful hint in her voice. “I know he was happy to see you. When we got the news, he practically ran from the Normandy to your hospital and shouted for them to let him see you.”
“That’s not true,” Garrus protested from his perch across the room, false indignation in his voice. “I walked at a perfectly normal pace, and when I got there, politely asked that I be permitted to see you.”
“Uh-huh,” Liara replied, smirking. “It didn’t help anyway. Only the immediate people helping you and the higher ups in the Alliance knew who you were. The poor receptionist must have been terrified out of her mind, a turian in the waiting room screaming about needing to see Commander Shepard.” 
Shepard cracked a grin and raised her eyebrows at Garrus. “Screamed huh?” 
“Well, I might have gotten a little loud there,” Garrus conceded. “But,” he added hastily. “What about you Liara? You certainly didn’t sit idly by.”
“Yeah, what about you, Liara?” Shepard said, turning to face her. “Something about telling my boss that Garrus was madly in love with me and needed to see me asap?”
Liara stuck her nose primly in the air. “I know nothing of the sort.”
Garrus rolled his eyes. “Sure, Madam Shadow Broker.”
Wrex and Grunt visited together. Shepard got the feeling that Grunt had become something of Wrex’s right-hand man. Furthermore, they both agreed that Shepard had done the right thing.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Wrex told Shepard, thumping her on the back. “Those pyjaks needed to be taken down.” He shoved some of the snacks he had supposedly brought for Shepard into his mouth. “‘Course, I would agree with whatever you chose. You cured the damn genophage! Joker will get over it.”
“I don’t know about that,” Shepard sighed. “He loved EDI.”
“Bah!” Was all Wrex had to say about the matter.
“Maybe we could find him a krogan girl,” Grunt volunteered. “She might break him, though.” He added, as an afterthought.
“That would certainly put a damper on their relationship.” Garrus remarked drily. 
“Anyways, how’s Bakara?” Shepard asked, changing the subject.
Wrex claimed more of the snacks. Talking with his mouth open, he replied, “Already bore our baby, a son! That’s why she couldn’t come, though she told me to tell you she’s happy you’re alive.”
“A son! Congrats, Wrex,” Shepard said, punching Wrex lightly in the arm. “What’s his name?”
Wrex scowled. “Mordin. Couldn’t talk her out of it. Still,” he admitted, “there are worse names. Like Grunt here.” He punched Grunt, who punched him back. “And he did help cure the genophage, even if he was a salarian.”
“To Mordin,” Garrus said suddenly, raising the glass of water he had been drinking.
“To Mordin,” Shepard echoed, raising her own glass.
“To Mordin!” Wrex and Grunt yelled, waving their snacks since they didn’t have a drink.
“I guess some salarians are okay,” Wrex mused, and the group continued their conversation, reminiscing on Mordin Solus and voicing hopes for the future of Urdnot Mordin. 
Kaidan, Steve, and Samatha visited as a group, representing the Alliance part of Shepard’s crew, besides Joker, anyhow. They brought along greetings from  Dr. Chakwas, who was busy directing the medical and recovery efforts, and Engineer Adams, who had decided to retire early after the excitement of the war. They also brought news; Donelly and Daniels had eloped!
“They’re on their honeymoon now,” Kaidan said, “But they wanted you to know that they knew you’d make it out alive, no matter what.” 
“They’re so cute together,” Samantha sighed. “I hope someday I can find a love like that.”
“There’s a lot of gay bars here in London,” Steve replied. “Most have been rebuilt by now. Maybe we could go together.”
“If Traynor doesn’t take you up on that, I might,” Kaidan told Steve. She might have imagined it, but Shepard thought she felt a flicker of something pass between the two men. However, it was quickly gone.
“Well, good for them,” Shepard said, smiling. She still remembered convincing Donelly to go for it, and catching the two in the sub deck. 
“It's too bad about EDI and Joker though,” Kaidan thought aloud, in an absent-minded tone. Steve elbowed Kaidan in warning, but it was too late. Shepard hung her head as the others looked on in worry.
“Yeah...it is.” Shepard murmured. Kaidan opened his mouth, perhaps to apologize, but thought better of it. For a moment there was only an awkward silence.
“Commander,” Samantha finally ventured, “Commander, you know how much I liked EDI. We all did. She was a part of the crew, even before she got a body. We made sure to put her name up on the Memorial Wall too.” She paused, then continued on softly, “She won’t be forgotten. Her sacrifice, and the sacrifice of all synthetic life, won’t be forgotten.”
Shepard looked away, and her crew gave her the time she needed. Finally, she spoke, in a voice that was admirably only a little strangled. “The first thing I do when I go back to the Normandy will be to visit the Memorial Wall. To honor EDI, Anderson, everyone on our crew who sacrificed their lives.” She paused, and managed a small smile. “And after, we’re going to throw the biggest celebration party this galaxy has ever seen.”
“Here, here!” Garrus intoned, placing his hand on Shepard’s shoulder. 
“Will it be anything like the Citadel party? Because I might need to work on my alcohol tolerance if so,” Traynor joked.
“Bigger than that,” Shepard replied, with a true grin breaking across her freckled face. 
“You know I’m down,” Kaidan said grinning. “And in the Normandy, there’s no neighbors to complain about the noise, this time.”
“And if we really want to feel the liquor, we can always turn the gravity off,” Steve added. 
The group laughed, and the conversation changed to a light-hearted discussion of the future party they all felt was much deserved and a long time coming.
Tali, on one of her visits, brought a gift. 
“I made these for you, Shepard,” she said, a little shyly, and deposited the gift in Shepard's lap. It was wrapped like a Christmas present, bow and all.
“Oh, uh, thanks Tali,” Shepard responded, a little taken aback. “It’s not even my birthday yet.” 
“Consider it a “Welcome Back From Your Coma” gift,” Tali told her, crossing her arms.
Shepard chuckled. “Ah, that’s better than a birthday anyhow.” She tore open the wrapping, noting with fondness the clumsy job that had been done. Wrapping was hard even for humans. Under the wrapping was a box, and when Shepard opened the lid, her breath caught in her throat. She pulled the gifts out of the box and held them in her palm. Sitting there were life-like miniatures of Legion and EDI.
“I know it’s not the same thing,” Tali began awkwardly, twisting her hands, “but I thought you might like them, for your cabin, once you come back. I made them myself. They feature tiny internal VI’s from the technology I managed to salvage and restore while stuck on the Normandy. I programmed them to replicate EDI and Legion’s individual personalities, as best as I could. If you press the button on the back, they speak.” 
Her hands feeling heavy, Shepard pressed the tiny button on miniature Legion’s back. His head light flickered on, and the unmistakable voice of Legion stated, “Shepard-Commander.” 
With an expression of wonder, she then pressed EDI’s button. Her small limbs moved to clasp her hands behind her back. “Commander Shepard, the Normandy is running at optimal capacity.”
Garrus gave a low whistle. “It’s like a blast from the past. You really outdid yourself, Tali.” 
“Yes you did,” Shepard agreed. She swallowed hard and turned to Tali, who looked nervous even though Shepard could not see her face. “Thank you,” Shepard told her, her voice heavy with sincerity. “I’ll treasure this forever.” 
“I wish I could bring the real ones back,” Tali replied, “but this is the best I could do.”
“It’s enough,” Shepard assured Tali. For a long time the trio sat and listened quietly to the two miniatures in Shepard’s palm, the ghosts of the past.
Miranda and Jacob came to visit a few times, and the last time, they came together, along with Brynn, and her and Jacob’s newborn baby.
“Carrie Hope Taylor,” Jacob announced proudly, as he placed the baby gently into Shepard’s arms.
“She’s beautiful,” Shepard remarked admiringly, rocking the sleeping baby girl. Garrus leaned over Shepard’s shoulder and traced his finger over the baby’s cheek, admiring the smoothness. 
“I can’t believe you looked like this at one time, Shepard.” Garrus said in wonder. “So small and...soft.”
“You look like a natural there, Shepard,” Brynn teased. “You both do.”
“Yeah, any little hybrid babies in your guys’ future?” Jacob asked with a grin. “Fatherhood is one of the best experiences in life,” He told Garrus. “It feels great.”
“Biology likely wouldn’t allow that,” Miranda stated bluntly. Then, seeing Jacob and Brynn’s face, added hastily, “But adoption would work for sure.”
Garrus and Shepaed exchanged a look, and Jacob and Miranda were astonished to see their tough former crewmates blush.
“Well, actually, we kind of talked about that before the final battle,” Garrus ventured. He looked at Shepard, then quickly looked away, his face plates tinted a deep blue. “Very briefly, though.” He added hastily. 
“I said the same thing as you Miranda, that adoption might be better. If, you know, the uh, “natural” way doesn’t work.” Shepard added, her voice getting quieter as she went on. A blush spread over her cheeks and up to her hairline, making her whole head appear red, as she looked anywhere other than Garrus. 
Jacob laughed out loud, crowing, “Shepard, Garrus, are you guys blushing?” Miranda didn’t laugh, but she still looked amused.
Brynn frowned at her partner, and smacked his arm to quiet him. “I think that’s very sweet, Commander. And I think you two will make lovely parents, however you happen to become them.”
Miranda shook her head. “You two as parents,” she murmured. “I never would have imagined.” She smiled then, though Shepard thought it looked a little sad. “I wish you luck. And Brynn is right; a child of yours would be lucky to be raised by you.”
Shepard and Garrus were touched. Shepard smiled up at Garrus, and offered baby Carrie to him. Gently, hesitatingly, he accepted the tiny human, and looked around at the surrounding humans for confirmation that he was doing it right.
“You’re a natural too, Garrus,” Brynn said admiringly. 
“I guess I need this practice, for somewhere down the line.” Garrus replied, but was gazing at Shepard as he spoke.
She gazed back, a smile on her face. “Somewhere down the line,” she confirmed. 
Kasumi, Zaeed, Samara, and Jack came together on their last visit before they left Earth once more.
“The code requires me to make the journey back to Thessia and assist however I can,” Samara remarked serenely from the table she was sitting on lotus style. “But I will see you again, Shepard, whenever I can.”
“They’re rebuilding the academy,” Jack piped up, as she leaned against the door frame. “Gotta go back and keep teaching those damn kids, they’d be lost without me. Besides, they need the extra biotic power to help patch that place back up.”
“I have work to do,” Kasumi volunteered, though she did not volunteer what the work was, and the rest of them knew better than to ask.
“I’m going to Omega,” Zaeed announced, “and I’m gunna get shit-faced drunk every day and end up in bed with an asari beauty every night.”
“Sounds like you’ll all be...very busy.” Shepard managed. Then she smiled, sincerely. “I’ll miss you guys.”
Jack made a heaving sound. “Eugh, Shepard, don’t go all Queen of the Girl Scouts on us!”
“Christ, Shepard, it’s not like we’ll never see you again,” Zaeed agreed. “I reckon there’s still plenty of stuff out there needs killing, and I reckon you’ll call on me an’ Jessie to come do it when the time comes.” 
“I think it’s sweet,” Kasumi argued. She turned to Shepard and gave her a bright smile. “I’ll steal plenty of stuff in your name!”
“So no one’s retiring except Zaeed, huh?” Garrus said.
“There is no ‘retiring’ in the code,” Samara responded calmly. “But I will make time for you Commander Shepard, whenever you have need of me.” 
“Who said anything about retiring?” Zaeed protested.
Shepard chuckled and shook her head. “Well, I’ll try not to take any of you from your work again.”
“Unless the Reapers have vengeful distant cousins.” Kasumi interrupted. She pondered. “The Weepers? The Creepers?...The….”
“Here’s hoping that’s not the case,” Shepard laughed, holding up a hand to stop Kasumi. “But we are talking about a party on the Normandy once I’m out of here, even better than the one on the Citadel, and you’re all invited. I hope to see you guys then.” 
“Hell, yeah,” Jack replied, “Just make sure you all learn how to hold your liquor this time. I don’t feel like piloting our asses home across the damn galaxy.”
“Bah, I’ve been drinking since before you all were a twinkle in your daddy’s eye,” Zaeed growled. 
“And I have been drinking well before any of you humans or your ancestors ever entered space,” Samara retorted serenely. 
“Rub it in, why don’t you,” Jack replied sarcastically. “I’ll be there, Shepard. Might not be as fun without certain death hanging over our heads, though.”
“I think I’m okay with that,” Shepard remarked drily.
The group passed the rest of the visit cheerfully comparing kills from the fight with the Reapers, and how the Normandy would need to be dry-docked for repairs once more, once their party was done. In Jack’s words: “We’re gonna tear that bitch up!”
Javik and James happened to come by late one afternoon when Shepard had just finished a tough but rewarding physical therapy session.
“I made it across the parallel bars by myself,” Shepard crowed. Then she looked a little embarrassed. “Never thought I’d be proud of doing something as simple as walking.”
“You should be, Lola.” James said, slapping Shepard’s leg. She winced a little, but James didn’t notice. “You beat the crap out of those pendejos, and you lived to walk another day. Not everyone gets to say that.” 
“I never thought I would see a day without the Reapers,” Javik said, looking out Shepard’s window.
“I imagine these past few months have been pretty surreal for you,” Shepard remarked gently.
“It is good to have closure, Commander. And it felt good to avenge my people.”
“What will you do now?” Garrus asked.
“What people all over the galaxy will do. What my people lost the chance to do. Live.” Javik answered. He turned towards the trio. “If you are asking about specifics...I do not know. I shall live and die surrounded by primitives.” He snorted, but then his expression softened. “Primitives who did what my cycle could not.”
“You’re welcome to stay on the ship as crew,” Shepard offered. Truthfully, she didn’t know what the Alliance had planned for her or the Normandy, but also knew damn well they weren’t grounding her again, or taking her ship. The Normandy and its crew were hers.
“I may do that,” Javik allowed. “I have decided I will help the asar...Liara with her book. To do so, I will go wherever she goes, at least until it is complete.”
“I’m happy to hear that,” Shepard replied. “I think the galaxy will be very interested to hear directly from a prothean.” She turned to James. “What about you? Technically you’re not an officially recognized member of the crew, at least not by the Alliance.”
“Not yet I’m not,” James scoffed, “but I will be, just watch. I’m going to complete my N7 training, and then I’m going to apply to join you on the Normandy. You know there’s no Normandy without me, Lola.” He grinned cockily. 
Shepard clasped hands with James and shook firmly. “I’ll be happy to welcome you back,” she told him. 
James grinned, then got up and stretched. “Well, we better hit the road, Javier”
“I told you to stop calling me that.” Javick hissed back.
Garrus and Shepard laughed. “Javier?” Garrus queried. 
James shrugged. “It suits him.” He and Javik made their way out of the room, but at the door, James covertly signalled at Garrus to follow him.
“Oh, I meant to ask James something,” Garrus told a slightly bemused Shepard, before hurrying out of the room after James. He caught up to them further down the hall.
“You go ahead, Javier,” James called to Javik, who bared his teeth but didn’t respond.
When he had turned the corner, James turned back to Garrus. “So, I haven’t heard from you since you asked me about, you know.” He crossed his arms and eyed Garrus interestedly. 
“I’ve been waiting for the right moment,” Garrus replied sheepishly. “It’ll be soon, though. I’ve been waiting until she can walk again, and she almost can.”
“You got what I told you to get?” James quizzed. 
“I did,” Garrus confirmed. In fact, it was heavy in his pocket right at that moment; he hadn’t wanted to take it out in case the right moment suddenly appeared and he didn’t have it. 
James grinned and clapped Garrus on the arm. “Then you’re all set! I better be the first to know when it happens though, hear me?”
“Sure, Vega.” Garrus answered, and the two men exchanged the cozy smile of people sharing a very juicy secret.
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wanna-be-bold · 7 years
Thanks to Tali
It’s been a year since Tony and Tali reunited with Ziva in Paris. They’ve been living a happy family life with occasional visits from Sr. They travel to DC for McGee’s wedding where afterwards, with Gibbs and Senior watching Tali, Tony takes Ziva to the doorstep of the hotel where they had pizza and espresso in the rain and their first conversation about Tali David. He pulls her under the awning and, just as the rain starts to come down, he gets on one knee holding his mother’s ring out to her and utters the question that, just last year, he never thought he’d get to ask. – I made this post today on Tumblr and it inspired this drabble that I put together in 3 hours (a record for me) and is the first thing I’ve written in 5 months.
“Tony, Ziva, Tali, thanks for coming.”
“We would not miss this for the world Tim.” With Tali on her hip, Ziva leaned in to give the new groom a hug.
Tony reached over to pat his friends back. “I’m glad we could make it McGroom.” Ziva lightly tapped him on the shoulder while McGee just shook his head and laughed, grateful to have two of his best friends and their daughter here, alive, and in DC for his wedding day.
At Tali’s squirming, Ziva sat the girl down, kissing Tim on the cheek and squeezing Tony’s bicep before following the girl to where Abby, Gibbs, and Senior were conversing in the kitchen. Once she was out of earshot, Tim asked Tony what he’d been dying to ask him all evening.
“So Tony, is tonight the night?”
Tony smiled, tapping his suit jacket pocket. “Yep. Senior and Gibbs are watching Tali. I’m taking Ziva back to the hotel. It’s supposed to rain. It’s gonna be perfect Tim.”
“Well I’m happy for you Tony. Asking Delilah to marry me was the best decision I’ve ever made. You guys are gonna be so happy. And I must say, it was a long time coming”  
He shook his head and laughed, knowing that this should have happened years ago: before Bodnar and Parson’s investigation, before they resigned, before he spent a summer trying to find her in Israel only to spend one amazing night together and making the hardest 180 of his life, before spending 2 years without her in his life, and before he thought she was dead (again) and had only Tali to hold onto before putting the pieces together and meeting her in Paris where they’ve spent the last wonderful year of their lives. “Yeah well, what can I say Tim. I love her and I’m a moron for waiting this long.”
“Can’t argue with that DiNozzo.” Tim laughed before hugging Tony, nodding behind them when Senior came up to them, slapping his son on the back. McGee took that opportunity to find Delilah who was more likely than not getting her ears talked off by Abby.
“Congratulations Tim. Son, are you ready?”
“Yeah dad, I think I am. You’ve got Tali?”
“Her bag is in my car and we’re ready to go to Gibbs for the evening and then I’ll take her back to my place for the night.”
“Thanks dad, I owe you one.”
Senior smiled, pulling Tony into a side hug and loudly whispering “I’ll take another granddaughter.”
Tony gulped, his tie feeling tighter, but then smiled at the thought of the joy another little girl would bring into his life. “Not so fast dad, let’s get tonight over with first and go from there.”
Senior only laughed and then nudged his son when Ziva came back into the room.
“Ziva my dear.” Senior greeted her, kissing her cheek and pulling her in for a hug.
“Senior, thank you for taking Tali tonight. She is very excited to spend time with you and Gibbs and it has been so long since Tony and I have gotten time to ourselves.”
“No need to thank me my dear, it’s my pleasure. It’s not every day I get to spend time with my only granddaughter.” He assured her, stressing the only as he had been doing a lot lately since Tony and Ziva had talked about visiting the states more often. “Well, we better get going so we can have some play time before getting the little munchkin to bed.” He walked into the kitchen and picked up a squealing Tali, heading for the door while Gibbs grabbed Tali’s other bag. The two men said goodnight as Tali waved, blowing kisses to her parents as they threw “I love yous” to their baby.
“Well sweetcheeks, are you ready to head out too?”
“Yes, let me just say goodnight to Abby. And how many times have I told you not to call me that in public?”
Tony looked sheepish as he followed Ziva into the other room as they said goodnight to the remaining guests before exiting the apartment hand in hand.
“Is it weird, Tony, to see McGee living in your old place.” Ziva questioned as they got onto the elevator, prepared to head back to their hotel.
“I thought it would be weird, ya know, to be back in the place I lived for 13 years when someone else is living there but then I realized it was never really home.” At her questioning look, he exaggerated, “A friend once told me that home isn’t a place, it’s in the smiles and laughter of those they love. You’re my home Ziva, you and Tali.”
Overcome with emotion, Ziva pulled him to her and kissed him then, cursing when the elevator doors opened and wishing they we’re back in the elevator at NCIS so they could hit the off switch and stay in there forever. They pulled away, Tony leading them out the doors and into the waiting cab. Once they got to their destination, they paid the driver and ran up to the doors as they heard thunder rolling in. As they got under the awning, the rain came pouring down and Tony pulled her to him, stopping her from entering the building.
She looked at him puzzled for a second as he started talking about their daughter Tali and pizza and espresso before recognition dawned on her face. “Tony, this is the same hotel you followed me to 11 years ago, is it not.”
Tony dipped his head and chuckled. “I tell ya, you can take the girl out of Mossad.”
Ziva just smiled and shook her head. “You are forgetting I was last NCIS.”
He leaned down, touching his forehead to hers, whispering “how could I forget” before kissing her gently.
When they pulled away, Tony had a sparkle in his eye and decided it was time to do what he came here to do.
“Ziva, I uh, I booked us at this hotel for a reason. It’s where we had our first real conversation. Where you first talked about your sister Tali. And it was the first time I thought ‘man, there’s something special about this woman.’ I didn’t know it at the time just how special you would be in my life. We’ve been through a lot over 11 years Ziva, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything because it brought us our beautiful daughter Tali and it finally brought us together. I still feel like there’s something missing though Ziva and I finally figured out what that was.” Ziva looked at him with curious eyes as he held her hand before starting to kneel down on one knee. Ziva gasped, pulling her free hand up to cover her mouth as she saw what was happening. “I love you Ziva.” He reached into his interior suit pocket, pulling out a ring which Ziva immediately recognized as his mothers. “Ziva David, will you marry me?”
With tears streaming down her face, ones that Tony hoped and prayed were happy tears, Ziva slowly nodded, a string of yes’s spilling from her mouth with increasing volume. Tony slowly slipped the ring on her finger and stood, cupping her face with his hands. “Yes?”
“Yes Tony, I will marry you, of course.” With his hands slipping into her hair and hers sliding their way around his back, this kiss was reminiscent of the one they had on an Israeli tarmac almost 4 years ago, only this one held promise. Promise of a bright future. A future together.  
**The line “I love her (and) I’m a moron” was inspired by a line in Scorpion (2x24) - Walter O’Brien. The part about a person’s home being in smiles and laughter was loosely based on a line from NCIS: LA in 6.16. “You’re my home” was borrowed from Scorpion 3.23. Each of these borrowed lines are from my other favorite ships so I had to incorporate them into this fic.
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Chaos and Adventure (ME Fic)
I was @qbert0​‘s Holiday Harbinger gifter, and wanted to write something to go with the dice bag. You mentioned that you liked fShep/Liara and Garrus/Tali as a secondary pairing, that you enjoyed the whole gang’s adventures in the Citadel DLC, and requested no heavy emotional angst, so I tried to write a bit of fluff that captured some of those themes. It was a fun piece to write and I hope you enjoy it!
Post-game, ambiguous as to ending but Shepard is alive, pretty much pure fluff.
Judging from the length of the line outside, the rebuilt Ryuusei’s Sushi Bar was even popular than the old one. Even in civvies, Shepard was quickly recognized and waved to the front of the line. Liara had wondered if she would prove to be on some sort of restaurant blacklist, but if the maître d’ was aware of Shepard’s role in the demise of the sushi bar’s previous incarnation, she gave no sign. “Welcome, ma’am, Ryuusei’s is honored to have you,” she said smoothly. “This way, please, the rest of your party is waiting for you.”
Liara took a moment to look over the place. The renovation had been extensive (and doubtless expensive). Fish swam contentedly below her feet, unaware of the tragic fate of their predecessors. The wood paneling was carefully aged as if to suggest that the restaurant had been in continuous operation for decades, and certainly had not been invaded by mercenaries or swarming with Reapers at any point.
The maître d’s brow was furrowed in a look Liara had learned to interpret as impatience. She fell in beside Shepard as they made their way across the restaurant. Garrus Vakarian gave a quick wave from across the way – of course, he had spotted them first. Tali’Zorah’s attention appeared to be completely absorbed by the “NEW Dextro Menu!” in her hands, but she quickly glanced up as the maître d’ pulled out Shepard and Liara’s chairs.
“Shepard! Liara!” she said. “It’s so good to see you!” Liara didn’t need to be able to see Tali’s face to know that she was smiling. “It’s been too long.”
“Well, if some people could tear themselves away from their homeworlds more often…” Shepard said teasingly.
Garrus spread his hands. “You know how it is, Shepard,” he said ruefully. “One meeting after another, datapad after datapad filled with decisions to be made… It’s enough to make a turian think about resuming his vigilante career. I’d have thought the Reaper advisor would be, eh, off the hook with the Reapers gone…”
“Ah, ah!” Tali waved a finger in mock indignation. “No Reaper talk.”
Liara thought back to the vidcall she’d received from Tali. “We’re coming to the Citadel!” Tali had blurted excitedly as soon as Liara took the call. They’d brainstormed about plans, and Tali had proposed a double date. “Some casual time together,” she’d suggested. “No fate-of-the-galaxy stuff, no Reapers, no bringing each other up to date on every aspect of rebuilding this and that. Just friends spending time together. Do you think you can get Shepard to sign up for this?”
When Liara had mentioned the location Tali had in mind, Shepard had countered with a “no discussing past sushi-restaurant shenanigans” condition, which Tali had accepted. Joker would be so disappointed when he heard they’d passed up the chance to rib her.
“I wasn’t talking about the Reapers,” Garrus complained mildly. “I was talking about my job, the one I still have for some reason. The position seems more escape-proof than Purgatory. Do you think the Admiralty Board would accept my application for asylum?”
“I’d have to ask the Admirals,” Tali said primly.
Liara brought to mind the reports of the Shadow Broker’s agents in the no-longer-Migrant Fleet. “I hear a certain young Admiral is the deciding vote more often than not, these days.”
“Time to upgrade our security systems again,” Tali said. She sounded rather as if she was looking forward to it.
The waiter arrived to take their order, and the conversation paused. Liara ordered something called the “Asari Delight,” which the waiter assured her was carefully selected to please to asari palates. He seemed unamused when Shepard asked if it contained any actual asari.
“Really, Shepard?” Liara asked after the waiter stalked off.
“Just looking out for you,” Shepard said unapologetically. “For all you know, Javik could be the head chef.”
“I can’t imagine that he could find the time,” Liara said. She turned to Tali and Garrus. “He sends me a new book chapter every week or so. Usually with instructions to throw the previous draft of the chapter out of an airlock.”
“How are they to read?” Tali asked skeptically.
“Arrogant, but interesting,” Liara said, smiling. She definitely found Javik easier to deal with at a distance.
“I guess you must be keeping busy, between editing and your Super Secret Other Job.” The capital letters were audible, and Tali went so far as to make air quotes. “What have you been doing, Shepard?”
Shepard waved a hand in the air. “Oh, you know. Lots of rehab, consulting on that thing we’re not supposed to be talking about, following the research on those other things that are banned from this conversation…”
The table was silent for a bit. Liara wondered if she should bring up their news, or if Shepard would. She felt oddly nervous at the prospect.
“So, ah, biotiball?” Shepard ventured. Apparently it wasn’t just Liara. “How about those Seattle Sorcerers?”
Garrus shook his head. “I don’t really follow the sport, Shepard.” Tali and Liara shrugged their agreement. “Has Cortez made a fan out of you?”
“I’ve really just watched a game or two,” she admitted.
Silence fell again. Maybe now she should…
“The, eh, weather has been nice,” Garrus offered.
Tali elbowed him. “We’re on a space station.”
“That’s a fair point,” Garrus granted. If he’d been a stranger, Liara might have thought the comment a cranky grumble, but she knew his subharmonics well enough to hear the underlying affection. So did Tali, clearly, as she inclined her head toward him. Liara glanced at Shepard and found her smiling fondly at her friends.
“I’m so glad you two are doing well,” Shepard said.
Tali said a warm, “Thank you.”
The waiter returned with their drinks. Shepard raised a glass. “To friends who fell in love.”
Tali and Liara clinked their glasses against Shepard’s, but Garrus’s attention seemed to be drawn by something to his right.
“Ah, don’t all look at once, but that turian tending bar – isn’t that Rolan Quarn?”
Liara, Shepard, and Tali glanced toward the bartender, more or less surreptitiously. The bartender did look rather like the turian she remembered from the casino. Quarn appeared to be engaged in animated conversation with a few of the patrons, but Liara couldn’t catch any words.
“Sure looks like him,” Shepard confirmed.
“Hmm. Think that he’s gone straight and is now earning an honest living serving drinks in a sushi bar?” Garrus asked.
Shepard snorted. “Want to make that a bet, Garrus?”
“I should go check in with him. Let him know I’ve got an eye on him.”
“Or,” Tali countered, “you could enjoy our date, and not plunge us into chaos and adventure.”
“It’s not as if you’re in C-Sec anymore,” Liara said.
Shepard added innocently, “I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for his being here.”
“Perfectly reasonable and highly illegal, at a guess,” Garrus said. He stirred restlessly in his chair.
Tali put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure he would never break the law. If it weren’t for a good cause, I mean.”
“How long are you two on the Citadel?” Shepard asked.
“Nice change of subject, very subtle,” Liara teased.
“Not very long, I’m afraid,” Tali said, keeping a firm hand on Garrus’s shoulder. “Just making some diplomatic contacts, attending some meetings, then heading back to the homeworld.” She sighed. “I think I preferred it when you were in charge and I could spend all my time in engineering.”
“Daniels and Donnelly got married last month, did you hear?” Shepard asked.
“I did,” Tali said. “I sent Gabby a card saying, ‘Good luck.’” Shepard barked a surprised laugh.
“What about you two?” Garrus asked, finally looking away from Quarn. “Are you here for long? I thought you were going to be on Earth a while longer.”
“We were,” Shepard said. “But the Extranet connections are still pretty unreliable, and that was making it too hard for Liara to get work done. And, uh” – she paused, smiled a bit nervously, and went for it – “there are much better asari physicians here.”
“Asari doctors? You aren’t ill, Liara?” Garrus asked. His visible eye narrowed. “Your vitals look all right…”
Liara shook her head quickly. Trust Garrus to wear his visor to a casual date. “No, no! Nothing like that, I’m fine.”
“Then why…” he trailed off.
Tali got it first. Liara could have sworn to the Goddess that she saw Tali’s smile radiating from under her helmet. “Oh, I’m so happy for you two!” She looked Liara up and down. “Is this something you’re planning, or are you already…”
Garrus looked back and forth between the women, still wearing a puzzled expression.
Liara nodded. “Yes.” She patted her belly. “Early days yet, but I can sense her in there.”
The light dawned for Garrus. “Oh!” He raised a glass. “Congratulations, you two.”
This time Shepard was the one who didn’t clink. Liara turned to see why and found her staring at the waiter taking a nearby table’s order, brow furrowed.
“I think he’s packing a sidearm,” she said with a frown. “At least, there’s a suspicious-looking bulge in his pocket. Liara, can you…”
“No,” Tali said, quietly but emphatically. “No chaos and adventure, remember? If he pulls a gun out, Garrus can overload it and Liara can dangle him from a singularity until he spills whatever he’s up to. Let’s talk about the important things. Do you have a name picked out? Have you told your father?”
“Not yet, and not yet,” Liara said. “It’s traditional to wait until there’s enough of an empathic connection to get her reaction to the name.” And as for Aethyta, or any asari for that matter, Liara was dreading the potential for aren’t-you-too-young-for-your-matron-phase conversations.
Garrus looked fascinated by that. “Your children get to vote on their names?” In the background, the suspicious waiter was conferring with a member of the kitchen staff.
“Mmm, it’s more of a vague empathic feeling, as I understand it…” Liara trailed off as she realized who the waiter was talking to. “Wait, what is Maya Brooks doing here?”
The words came out louder than she intended, and Brooks turned their way. As soon as she saw their table, she frowned and reached for something in her pocket, and the muffled thump of an explosion came from the direction of the kitchen.
“Chaos and adventure it is, then,” Tali said ruefully, as all four diners pushed back from the table and sprang to her feet.
“Someday I will actually get to eat here,” Shepard grumbled as they ran for the kitchen.
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