#he has to hold onto the book with both hands cause you bet that
tactax-art · 1 year
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Hi! I have seen your fics that include Erik sucking on reader's nipples. Since stimulating the nipples too much can cause the body to begin to lactate (without being pregnant) after a certain time, I was wondering how Erik would react to causing the reader to milk. Thank you.
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The second you start lactating is the second Erik basically becomes permanently affixed to your chest.
Try as you may, you just can’t get Erik’s mouth away from your nipples for more than twenty minutes at a time unless you’re out working in the main theatre, and even then he may beg for you to stop by box five every so often so he can nurse for a few minutes.
Erik, being the way that he is, may actually start to have tantrums of some kind of if he goes too long without nursing, he truly craves to be lovingly nurtured in the ways he missed out on as a child, so letting Erik nurse on your chest is so beyond incredibly intimate and comforting to him that he feels the need to be at your chest at every opportunity.
Erik’s mommy issues are horrendous, so it’s no wonder he’s so needy in your presence, begging you to coddle him like a child and let him drink from your chest.
You know how kittens will knead their momma cat while they nurse? Erik does a similar version of that. If you’re still wearing clothes, Erik will clench his hands around the fabric tightly before releasing and repeating the process. If you aren’t, Erik rubs his hands up and down your sides or hips.
He does this because the repetitive motion helps to soothe him further and also because he just likes feeling you against him.
If you try to pull away before he’s had his fill, Erik is not afraid to whine and cry until you let him latch onto you like a baby again, and Erik is also very prone to absolutely gorging himself on your milk if you don’t stop him.
Ideally, Erik likes to lay on top of you with his lips around your nipple while your hand runs over his head and you coo at him, his eyes half lidded and peering up at you with love.
No matter which version of Erik you’re stuck with, they all have the basic idea that taking so much of your nutrients and not replacing them= bad, so you can be certain Erik will force you to up your water intake and encourage you to eat more.
If you thought that Erik uses nursing solely as a comfort thing and never a sexual thing, you are sorely mistaken.
About half of the time he’s nursing, Erik’s cock will harden and so he’ll start grinding against your legs, trying to find some form of relief.
Position Erik so that you can reach under him and start to pump his cock without separating him from your nipple. He whimpers and moans against you whilst holding you tightly in his arms as he tears up and starts rutting into your hand.
You can bet your soul that this fuels his mommy kink to an extreme.
I feel it in my soul that this version of Erik is much more shy when it comes to both his mommy kink, and his need to suckle on your chest.
But once you reassure him that you love him regardless and you’ll indulge him if he simply asks, he’s just as obsessive with it as his book counterpart.
The first time you let him nurse from your chest and milk came out, Erik immediately felt a sense of ease and sleepiness hit him like a carriage. He may have also shed a few tears because of his mommy issues, but he isn’t nearly as bad as his novel version.
With his lips being so puffy due to his deformities, I would say you would be much more comfortable with him sucking harder on your chest than his book counterpart, as you have more padding from his teeth this way.
Kind of reiterating what I said earlier, when Erik is around you and he’s stressed or angry, he’s prone to what can only be described as temper tantrums and he cries out for you to love on him, and usually the only way you can calm him down is by lovingly holding him or letting him suckle on your chest while you call him a good boy.
Seriously, the relief that crosses his face once he has you in his mouth and your milk trickles down his throat is as instantaneous as the embarrassed blush that coats his cheeks and ears once he realizes, that yes, he did just have a meltdown in front of you, and yes, you had to calm him like one would an infant, but he finds himself too relaxed to pull away from you. Erik will hide his beet red face in your chest until you reassure him that it’s alright and that you don’t think any less of him.
Musical Erik is also more easily aroused by suckling on your chest than his novel counterpart.
It just feels so good to be wrapped in your arms and to be nurtured, to finally be taken care of after decades of being on his own, so good that it often manifests itself in Erik getting hard and needy.
You need not fear that you will be left unsatisfied, Erik is more than happy to take his lips from your nipple as long as he can place them between your thighs for hours a little bit, but when he’s done vigorously eating you out, Erik is immediately going back to nursing.
I truly believe that the first time you let him nurse from your chest, Erik full on bawled.
All the mommy issues and childhood trauma came bursting up to the forefront of his mind. And yet through his tears, Erik nursed almost greedily, as though he were afraid you would take yourself away from him at a moments notice.
It took about fifteen minutes of you cooing at him that he was alright and how much you loved him for the tears to stop falling, and even then it took an extraordinarily long time for you to get his mouth off of you, making you about an hour late to entering the main opera populair.
The whole time you could feel him watching you from box five, and the second you were somewhere more secluded, Erik cornered you and began to beg for you to let him suckle on your chest more.
Yes, Erik has absolutely no qualms about conveying his need to suckle on your chest, and while his musical counterpart won’t throw quite as elaborate tantrums if he can’t nurse, this Erik surely will.
He’s not afraid to mess with backdrops, cause sandbags to fall, and just overall sabotage the crew of the opera house until you can calm him down.
Erik really is a menace to all who know him, but when it comes to you, he can’t help but let his more childish tendencies come out as he clings to you.
Novel!Erik is extremely prone to over gorging himself on your milk. He won’t stop when he’s full, he’ll drink until he physically can’t anymore, and even then you’ll have to practically pry him away from your chest.
Because of his reluctance to separate himself from your chest, Erik may actually try to push back against your hands when you try and ease him off of your nipple. Of course, this results in him getting milk splatter all over his face and paired with the tears rolling down his cheeks because you took him away from you, Erik paints quite the pathetic picture of himself and he knows it, but he simply doesn’t care.
With how he jumps at the opportunity to nurse, you may have to remind him to calm down and not suck so hard, Erik’s thin lips don’t offer much in the way of comfort when it comes to him being needy whilst nursing.
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Remember You Even When I Don't (6)
Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
Words: 5.0K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw/Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc)
Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language, suggestive themes, smut
Notes: Please note the updated warnings. These next few chapters are a new stage of Bradley and Pumpkin growing back together, and while I'm very excited about it, I know it may not be for everyone. For everyone who sticks around, please continue to comment and reblog, and my inbox is always open! I love to talk about these two :)
This was inspired by a one shot by the lovely @roosterforme and would not exist without her assistance. If you haven't read any of her stuff, please check out her masterlist - you won't be disappointed! All of the thanks to her and @mak-32 for being the best cheerleaders and friends I could ask for!
By the time the two of you untangle yourselves from the porch and make your way back inside, the moon was high in the sky, the sun long disappeared. Your stomach is rumbling, and Bradley realizes how late it is. 
“I can make something for dinner.”
Despite the emotional rollercoaster you’d been on this evening, you chuckle, and something eases inside of him. 
“Your cooking hasn’t improved in the last four years,” you tease softly. 
He rolls his eyes, chuckling at you. “I bet I can still make a mean grilled cheese. Take a seat.” 
Your grin is wide as you settle onto one of the bar stools at the island, watching him work. It’s the biggest smile he’s seen from you in the last two weeks, and his heart races knowing that he’s the cause of it. 
The crusts are only a little bit burnt, but you insist that you like them that way. You talk while you eat, and it’s like the tension that had been hovering over you has diminished. When the plates are loaded into the dishwasher and the kitchen lights are flipped off, you let out a shuddering breath and hold out your hand. 
“You can sleep in our bed,” you whisper, and Bradley’s heart clenches in something that feels like relief. You give a little shrug, self conscious of your own words, like he would ever possibly reject you, “Just sleep. If you want.” 
He takes your hand and lets you guide him. Your hand feels at home in his, the warmth of your rings is smooth against his calloused skin. 
Your shared bedroom was the one room he hadn’t explored yet. The furniture is wood toned and there are flashes of green and gold and orange. He can tell which side of the bed is his right away by the books on the nightstand, and there’s still a sweatshirt of his strewn over the chair in the corner by the closet door. There’s a jewelry box on the dresser and he thinks there may be a section in there for his uniform pins, too. 
He can feel you in here so strongly. More than that, though, he can feel himself, and the two of you together. He can sense, more so than in the rest of the house, that this space is purely for the two of you. 
You go into the en suite bathroom to change, leaving him in the bedroom to do the same, and he knows which drawers are his and which ones aren’t. He sinks down on his side of the bed, picking up the picture frame that’s there by an F18 manual and a Captain America comic book. A grin tugs at the corner of his mouth as he looks at it. You’re both bundled up in head to toe green and white Eagles gear and wrapped around one another. There’s snow falling and there’s crowds of people and the field in the background and the two of you look so happy, and Bradley knew the happiness had nothing to do with the game. 
“We lost that one.” 
He looks up and his breath catches. You’re walking toward him in a shirt that has to be a few sizes too big for you, Top Gun emblazoned across the chest. Your hair is piled on your head and you’re still rubbing some of your moisturizer into your face. 
He didn’t think he’d ever get used to how beautiful you were. 
“Did we?” he manages, and his heart thuds in his chest when you round the bed to pull down the comforter on your side, throwing all of the throw pillows onto the floor. 
“We did. It was actually a terrible game.”
Bradley looks back down at the photo, tracing the smile on your face before he sets it back down, and something tells him the score wasn’t what really mattered to him that day. He stands, mimicking your motion of turning down the bed. “We looked like we were having a good time.”
You pause for a moment, giving him a gentle smile and a nod. “We were. It was an amazing weekend.”
There was a distance enough for another body between you when you switch the light off and slip under the covers. The room is quiet and he can hear both of your breathing. Your eyes are trained on one another from across the expanse of the king size bed, and Bradley feels his fingers twitch. 
This didn’t feel right, laying like this. 
He scoots forward, closer to the center of the bed, and you do the same. Before he realizes what he was doing, he has an arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him. Your breath catches in your throat and he pauses. 
“What are you doing?” You whispered, and Bradley wondered if you could hear him swallow his nerves. 
“I think - we don’t sleep on opposite sides. Right? I usually…hold you?” He’s unsure now, panicking a little bit, but you slowly rest a hand on his chest over his racing heart. If you felt how hard it was beating, you didn’t comment on it. 
“You do,” you confirmed, your gaze open and full of trust and compassion. “But I want you to do what feels comfortable to you.”
He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. A tickle is there in his mind again, and he reaches for it. 
The arm that had pulled you to him brings you a little bit closer, and he lets his hand rest on your hip. 
“This?” you murmur, and Bradley nods as he brushes a shy kiss into your hair. 
“Yeah,” he whispers with a gentle squeeze of your hip, “this is a lot better.”
Sleeping in the same bed with you is the best sleep he thinks he’s ever gotten. He feels rested in a way he can’t remember feeling before, and he knows deep in his bones that this has always been what it feels like with you. 
He comes to wakefulness slowly, and vanilla and lavender immediately fill his senses. Your hair is in his face and he marvels at how soft it is against his skin. Your back is flush against his chest, one arm wrapped tight around you while the other is trapped under your pillow. He’s so comfortable, so content having you in his arms like this, that he can’t help but press closer. It feels so right, so familiar, that he forgets that he doesn’t remember always having this for a moment. 
He nuzzles into your neck, finding your skin and pressing a gentle kiss there. 
You smell so good, and you’re soft, too. 
His hand spreads out where it was resting on your stomach. His fingertips circle over the material of the oversized shirt you’re wearing that he suspects might be his.  
You shiver, and Bradley can feel his body react to the movement. 
You’re invading every single one of his senses right now. 
You hum, reaching back to thread your fingers through his sleep mussed hair. His nose trails up your neck, inhaling the scent of you as his lips place fluttering kisses against your skin. His palm presses into your cotton covered stomach, almost as if to try and pull you impossibly closer. You let out a soft, sleepy sound that shoots straight through him. He thrusts his hips into yours from his spot behind you, grinding slowly. Your fingers tighten in his hair and he can’t help but scrape his teeth against your jugular, soothing it over with his tongue. 
“Bradley,” you moan. His name breaks through the fog that had settled over his mind and the two of you freeze. His breathing is heavy, and so is yours, and he doesn’t want to move from this spot. But you shift in his arms just far enough away to turn so that you’re laying facing him. Your eyes are wide and your face is flushed. For a moment, Bradley swears he can see you sprawled in this bed, your hair a halo on the pillow with your head thrown back as he moves on top of you. He blinks and the image is gone, but you’re still right here, staring at him with such longing and pure want. He knows he shares the same look. 
Your shared breathing is the only sound that fills the room for a long moment, and he swears that the more he looks at you, the hotter and harder he feels. No one has ever had this effect on him. The tension was thick over the two of you. 
“Good morning, Pumpkin,” he finally rasps. He doesn’t think you mean to let out the whimper that you do, but the sound makes him dizzy. He swallows, trying to reign himself in. 
Sleep, you had said the night before, just sleep. 
“Morning,” you respond, your voice breathy.  Bradley has to squeeze his eyes shut and take a calming breath. When he opens them, your gaze has shifted to something of curiosity, but the previous heat still simmers there, too. 
“How’d you sleep?” 
“Great,” you mutter, but your eyes have moved further down his face, “You?” 
“So good,” he breathes, watching you as you watch him. Your hand twitches on the sheets from where they rested in the small space between your two bodies. You raise it slowly, letting your fingertips graze the stubble that had appeared on his chin the last few days. You looked like you were almost in a trance, and he wondered if you could feel how hard his heart was beating. Your thumb ghosts near his bottom lip. He sucks in a breath of air, shifting just the slightest bit closer to you. Your eyes flicker back up to his.
You look as wrecked as he feels. He had to get out of this bed. But he also wants to prolong this torture for as long as he could. You were addicting, in every single way. 
“I’m uh, I’m sorry for the wake up call,” he stutters out. 
You hum in response, your fingertips still exploring his face. They trace over the scars, and he didn’t think the thing he hated so much could possibly be an erogenous zone until this moment, because a flash of fire goes through him again. “I thought I was dreaming,” you admit softly. 
Bradley gulps, but he doesn’t resist the urge he feels to settle his hand on your hip. Your eyes flutter shut and he squeezes softly. His thumb mimics yours, rubbing slowly back and forth. He wishes there wasn’t cotton separating him from feeling your skin. 
“Is that something you dream about?” he dares himself to ask. 
Your lips part and your breathing shifts. You turn your face into the pillow slightly, almost like you’re fighting against yourself. When your eyes open again, it’s like you’re staring directly into his soul. 
He wasn’t prepared for you to answer him, and he really needs to get out of this bed. He was finally getting somewhere with you after two weeks of awkward tension, and he really didn’t want to ruin it by moving too fast, despite every instinct in him saying this was completely natural between the two of you. 
He squeezes your hip again, lingering for a moment, before forcing himself to roll away from you. “I’m going to go take a shower.” 
His voice is hoarse, rougher than it had been. When he takes a peek at you over his shoulder from his spot sitting on the edge of the bed, there’s the smallest of smirks pulling at your lips. You know the effect you have on him. He likes that. 
“Use the en suite,” you suggest, snuggling back into the blankets that surround you. “The water pressure is better.” 
He finds it hard to look away from how your hair is spread out all over the pillow and how he can see the outline of your body through the white sheets. He forces himself to stand, but before he can take a step, your hand shoots out to grab his. 
“It’s okay,” you murmured, and he didn’t realize he needed reassurance of what had just transpired until he had it. He squeezes your hand in thanks and you let it drop, rolling onto your back as he walks into the bathroom. He debated for a second if he should close the door, settling on leaving it cracked just the smallest amount. He wanted you to know that if you needed in here before he was done, he was okay with that. 
Stripping down and stepping into the steam, he groans in relief. The water pressure was better here. 
The shower was spacious, despite there being a larger tub in the room as well. In what was meant to be a fleeting thought, he wondered which one you preferred, and suddenly he could see it so clearly, you laying in a bath full of bubbles, your hair on top of your head and candles lit throughout the room, beckoning him toward you with a coy smile on your face. 
He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head, trying to shake the visual away. He braces himself against the wall of the shower, letting the hot water rain over him, and he could just as clearly see your back pressed against the same tiles. He swears he can feel your weight in his arms as he holds you up. 
“Fuck,” he mutters, his hands curling into fists. He probably shouldn’t be thinking about you like this, right? He should give it more time. But then his mind conjures up the taste of your skin from just a few minutes ago, and the way your body felt pressed against his. 
He catches sight of your shampoo and conditioner bottles on the corner shelf and remembers how amazing your hair smelt when his face was buried in your neck. He reached for the bottle of conditioner, popping the cap and bringing it to his nose. He inhales deeply and has to bite his lip to stop himself from groaning. 
He shakes his head again, but it was a futile attempt; all he can think about was you. He can still hear the soft little mewl you let out when you felt him against you as you woke up, and the whimper when he said good morning. 
It takes him a moment to realize it might not just be echoing through his head.
It’s quiet, so quiet that he steps out from under the water to make sure it was even there. He stands completely still, holding his breath, and oh, fuck. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groans, because he can hear you. Just barely, but when he strains his ears hard enough, the softest of moans floats through the hardly there crack he left in the door. A quiet hum follows it, and he knows, as surely as he knows that he’s falling for you quicker than he can comprehend, again, that you’re laying in the bed the two of you share, bringing yourself pleasure. 
He doesn’t stop himself this time from bringing a hand down to wrap around himself. He hisses at the contact. He’s so hard that it hurts; he knows he’s not going to last long. He’s slow with it at first, so focused on his ability to hear you. His grip is firm as he touches himself with complete strokes, squeezing when he gets to the base. As you speed up, so does he. 
He closes his eyes, tilting his head back as one hand remains braced against the tiles. He tightens his grip and through his shuddery breaths, he can almost feel what your touch would be like instead. Your hands are soft, not sporting the same calluses that he does. After a sparing moment of consideration, he reaches for your conditioner again, squirting a small amount into his hand before he grips himself again. The smell of lavender and vanilla surround him like a blanket and he groans. Yes.  
He’s hit with a muffled moan of his name, your voice catching and a breathy gasp leaving you, and he somehow knows that’s the way you sound when you climax. 
The shift in him is instant. He doesn’t hold back, jerking himself in earnest. He’s desperate for it now, picturing you spread out in that big bed, your chest heaving, and it’s the knowledge that just as he's thinking of you, he has no doubt that you’re thinking of him, too, that finally pushes him over the edge. 
Because you’re his wife, and he’s your husband. 
He’s still recovering from the power of it, fighting to catch his breath, when a soft knock echoes at the door. His eyes shoot in that direction, but the shower curtain blocks him from seeing anything. 
“Bradley,” you call, and the sound of his name from your mouth, so different from how he just heard it, almost makes him groan out loud again, “Do you mind if I come in and brush my teeth really quick?”
“Please,” he grits out, immediately flushing at the needy tone of his voice. He wants to be able to tell you to join him in the shower - to pull you in here with him and recreate the image of holding you against the tiles that he thought he saw in his head. He wants to say so much more. But instead, all he said was, “Be my guest.”
There’s a noticeable shift following your night on the porch and your morning in bed. There’s less hesitation from both of you. Bradley didn’t know if things would ever be whatever used to be the same, but they’re better, so, so much better, and he thinks that together, maybe you can find a new normal. 
He had been worried initially that there would be that same awkward tension that had filled the house after he woke you up the way he did on the first night he slept with his arms wrapped around you. Instead, though, there’s a different kind of tension. Something anticipatory and exciting. He doesn’t shy away from initiating contact with you anymore, and neither do you. 
He starts seeing flashes, after that night. They aren’t always full fledged memories, but it’s enough. His dreams are more detailed than that first week provided him. He doesn’t shy away from asking you about them anymore, and from underneath the blankets of your shared bed, you fill in the blanks for him.
You honeymooned in Mexico. The two of you only lived in your small DC apartment together for a few months before you moved to California, where you bought and renovated this home together. He’s developed a love for seafood, and you’re allergic to bees. 
He loves waking up like that with you, even if it’s only been happening for less than a handful of days. 
He knows, in the deepest parts of him, that he loves you. His mind may not remember, but his body does. His heart does. He knows it instinctively and that night and next morning gives him the courage to lean into it, to explore it, even if he’s not ready to really say it out loud again. 
He wants to do something special for you. His heart is racing in his chest as he makes his way up the stairs. You’re in your home office, catching up on a few emails from the last few weeks you’ve been on leave. You’re curled up in your desk chair in an oversized sweater, your hair bunched on the top of your head and your glasses perched on your nose; even now, you completely blow him away. 
He clears his throat and knocks his knuckles against the door frame. A smile instantly appears on your face when you turn to him. 
“Am I interrupting anything?” He asks. He’s so nervous his palms are sweating. 
“Never. What’s up?” 
He notices how your eyes shift down to his right arm, where his hand is noticeably behind his back hiding something from you. Inhaling a deep breath, he unveils a small bouquet of wildflowers, holding them out to you. 
You gasp, a look of surprise overtaking you, and your eyes lift back to meet his as you gently take the arrangement from him. 
“I was wondering if you had any plans tonight?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart. I feel like I’m maybe about to.”
The blush is instantaneous; you’re the only one who has ever been able to get reactions Iike this from him - no wonder he married you. You had no problem in keeping him on his toes and oh, he loved that. 
He clears his throat again, determined not to let you completely overpower him like this, if only for his own ego. He stands up a little straighter, sending you a smirk and a wink even as he could still feel the heat on his face. 
“Be ready to go by 7,” he tells you, turning to walk out of the room before tossing over his shoulder, “dress nice.”
His brain short circuits when you come down the stairs right at 7:00 that night.
You’re in a dark green dress that seems to flow down your body to your calves. The sleeves are billowy but clinch tight at your wrists. Your hair is down and your makeup is done and he wants to kiss that soft shade of pink right off your lips.
“Wow,” he whispers, “you look…”
For a second, he sees you opening the door for him instead of walking down the staircase. He’s seen this before, he thinks. 
When he fails to finish, you laugh nervously. “Nice, I hope?”
But Bradley shakes his head.  “Beautiful,” he says instead, “you look beautiful.”
He made reservations at a nice restaurant not too far from your house, and he’s glad he hasn’t been cleared to drive just yet, because there’s no way he would have been able to concentrate on the road with you in his passenger seat looking like that. 
His hand is firm on the small of your back as he leads you inside. Even in your pretty nude shoes, he’s still a head taller than you, and he can’t help but puff his chest knowing that everyone who saw you walk in together knows that you’re here with him. 
He gives the hostess his name, rubbing small circles on your back as you wait. You shiver at his touch and move just the slightest bit closer to him. He can feel the side of your body against his side. 
His bubble bursts, however, when the red headed hostess gives him an remorseful, panicked look. 
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Bradshaw. I was the one you spoke with this morning but I accidentally put your reservation for this time next week. I’m so, so sorry.” 
Looking behind her into the restaurant itself, he knows it would be futile to ask if there were any reservations available for tonight. He bites the inside of his cheek, trying to curb his frustration at the situation. She couldn’t be older than 22 or 23, and she looks genuinely apologetic at the situation. With a deep sigh, he musters a reassuring smile, telling the young girl that it was okay. 
To his surprise, you don’t seem upset at all. In fact, you look practically giddy at the disruption of his plans. 
“We can go somewhere else,” you swear, nearly bouncing in your heels, tugging him out of the crowded restaurant. 
“You look incredibly happy for someone who might not be getting dinner tonight.”
You throw your head back as you lead him toward your car, your laughter spreading through the full parking lot. “Like you’d ever let me starve.”
His lips quirk, knowing that no, he would certainly not. 
When you get to the car, instead of unlocking it, you whip around to face him. You had turned so fast that he doesn’t have time to keep himself from running into you. He grabs onto your waist to keep from knocking you over, but leaves them there when you settle your hands on his chest. 
“Forget trying to impress me with fancy dinners. What’s something fun you used to do on weekends when you were a kid? I want you to take me there.” 
He sucks in a breath and his hands tighten on your waist. 
Suddenly, he’s in another parking lot. It’s colder outside, but under the jacket you’re wearing, he spots the same green dress. Your hair is a little bit shorter, maybe a little bit darker, but your eyes sparkle in the shine of the street lights just as they are now. You’re leaning against the side of his Bronco, speaking the exact same words after another messed up reservation. 
When he snaps out of it, one of your hands has moved to cup his cheek, your thumb running over his skin. 
This wasn’t the first time this has happened on a first date with you, and suddenly your giddiness makes sense. The two of you are getting almost an exact do-over, even if he didn’t realize it at first.  
He leans in and kisses you. You let out a surprised sound, but don’t hesitate in returning it, your nails scratching through the scruff on his face before coming back down to settle on his chest. When he pulls away, both of you are grinning. 
“How do you feel about arcade games and pizza?” 
Two hours later, you had demolished an arcade bar pizza and mozzarella sticks, and he was sipping on a cheap beer while you had a vodka and ginger ale, and he truly can’t remember ever being so happy. He had beat you at ski ball and Pac Man, but you were giving him an absolute run for his money at air hockey. Seeing you so dialed in directly across from him was distracting, and when he tried to use that as his excuse when you inevitably beat him, your giggle mixed in with the loud games and music surrounding them.
He holds your hand tightly as you weave your way through the crowded arcade, trying to find the giant jenga you promised you’d beat him at. He’s starting to buzz a little bit underneath his skin, jittery in a way that he thinks may be a normal side effect of being in your presence. When you finally break your way through the crowd to the outdoor area of the bar, he pulls you away from where all the other people are, finding a corner outside of the reach of the lights they have woven through the palm trees and around the building. He pushes you gently into the brick, mindful of your head and your dress and the heels you’re still wearing. 
“I think I remember how this ended the first time,” he says, resting one hand on your hip while the other braces against the building beside your head, effectively caging you in. 
“Oh yeah?” you breathe out, threading your fingers through your hair. 
He hums in response, leaning in to whisper in your ear, all the people and sound fading away from around the two of you, “I told you I loved you.” 
Your fingers tighten in his hair for a moment, and he lets you tug him away from your neck to meet your eyes again. 
“I told you you were crazy then, saying that on our first date,” you provided, and Bradley nods, agreeing with you. You gulp slightly, but your eyes are still shining, hopeful and happy. 
“And now?” you whisper, bringing both arms to wrap around his neck, “how are you feeling now?” 
He takes a step closer until his body is flush against yours. He takes a deep breath, breathing in the scent of you, and places a lingering kiss on your forehead. “I’m feeling like I’m remembering why I said it the first time, and why I said it every time after that, too.” 
You push yourself up, capturing his lips with yours, and like he thought over three years ago, he thinks he could kiss you for the rest of his life and die happy. 
It’s after midnight when the two of you get home. He intertwined his fingers with yours as soon as you both got out of the car. He doesn’t let go when you step into the house from the garage, or as you kick off the nude heels you had worn all night. Florry perks her head up from where she’s laying on top of one of the pillows on the couch, but settles back down when she notices it’s just the two of you. You don’t bother turning any of the lights on, making your way to and up the stairs. He tugs you to a halt when you reach the open door to your bedroom. You raise an eyebrow, silently questioning him. 
“I know I’ve been sleeping in there with you the last few days,” he murmurs, “but I can’t walk you to your front door like on a proper date. The bedroom door seems like the next best thing.”
The small smile you had on your face the whole way home quirks up even higher as you take a step over the threshold and into the room, keeping his hand in yours as you go. “I asked you inside that night, too. Come to bed, sweetheart.” 
He holds you tight that night, his legs intertwined with yours and his arm draped over your waist as you lay facing him. You don’t do more than exchange a few long, lingering kisses, because despite how much he wants to take it further, he knows the two of you aren’t there yet. 
He’s going to earn it, to be certain that you love this version of him as much as you loved the version he doesn’t quite remember yet. He’s looking forward to proving it to the both of you that you can. 
Part Seven :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: I hope you liked this one! Nervous is an understatement. Would love to hear any thoughts you may have :)
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Polar Opposites - Book 3: Fire - Chapter 11: The Firebending Masters
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To say that it was really awkward between you and Zuko the next morning during breakfast is an understatement… The whole time that you were eating your breakfast, you felt his eyes on you, and you just know that he wanted to talk to you about what had happened between the two of you last night. Luckily though, he didn’t get any chances to talk to you because he had to start training Aang today while you and Katara were planning on sparring yourselves.
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After spending almost the whole day sparring with Katara and Sokka you all have dinner before you all get some sleep. You sit in between Katara and Haru eating your noodles. As you eat your noodles, you glance over to where Appa is eating his hay to see Zuko leaning up against one of the pillars. For whatever reason he’s been quiet today… And as much as you want to ask him about it, you just can’t push yourself to do it…
As soon as you think that you see Zuko turn his head so that he’s looking at you and the others again before he starts walking toward you all. “Listen everybody, I've got some pretty bad news.” he says, causing all of you to look at him. “I've lost my stuff.” he continues as he looks down dejectedly. At his words, Toph raises both of her hands in defense. “Don't look at me, I didn't touch your stuff.” “I'm talking about my firebending. It's gone.” Zuko clarifies before he looks down again.
You’re about to ask what he means by that, but Katara laughing causes you to not ask as everyone turns to her. “I'm sorry. I'm just laughing at the irony. You know, how it would've been nice for us if you lost your firebending a long time ago.” Katara explains.
She does have a point, but still…
“Well, it's not lost. It's just... weaker for some reason.” Zuko clarifies. “Maybe you’re not as good as you think you are.” Katara replies holding her bowl up and glaring at Zuko. “Ouch.” Toph smiles sarcastically. Zuko looks away from Katara for a second before turning back. “I bet it's because I changed sides.” “That’s ridiculous.” Katara scoffs before she drinks from her bowl. “I don't know. Maybe it isn't.” Aang contemplates for a moment. “Maybe your firebending comes from rage and you just don't have enough anger to fuel it the way you used to.”
At that, Sokka leans toward Zuko causing him to look him. “Sooo, all we need to do is make Zuko angry. Easy enough.” he smiles before he starts poking Zuko in the head and waist with the hilt of his sword several times, laughing as he does this. “Okay, cut it out!” Zuko exclaims, which makes Sokka jump in surprise and his sword slip from his hand before falling on his head. Zuko rubs his nose in irritation. “Look, even if you're right, I don't want to rely on hate and anger anymore.” “There has to be another way.” “You're gonna need to learn to draw your firebending from a different source.” Toph says as Sokka sits next to her, rubbing his head from when his sword hit him on the head. “I recommend the original source.” He continues before she eats the food from her bowl. “How's he supposed to do that‌? By jumping into a volcano‌?” Sokka asks her excitedly. “No.” Toph answers. “Zuko needs to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is.” “So, is it jumping into a volcano?” Sokka asks her seriously. “I don't know. For earthbending, the original benders were badgermoles.” Toph replies as she places her bowl down onto the ground in front of her.
“One day, when I was little, I ran away and hid in a cave. That's where I met them. They were blind, just like me. So we understood each other. I was able to learn earthbending, not just as a martial art, but as an extension of my senses. For them, the original earthbenders, it wasn't just about fighting. It was their way of interacting with the world.” she explains. “Wow!” you smile, amazed at her story. “That's amazing, Toph!” Aang agrees. “I learned from the monks, but the original airbenders were the sky bison.” Aang then leans back to look at Appa. “Maybe you can give me a lesson sometime, buddy.” Appa growls in response to that. “Well, this doesn't help me.” Zuko says. “The original firebenders were the dragons, and they're extinct.” “What do you mean‌?” Aang asks him. “Roku had a dragon, and there were plenty of dragons when I was a kid.” “Well, they aren’t around anymore, okay?!” Zuko yells. “Okay, okay.” Aang replies as he moves his arms in an appeasing manner. “I'm sorry.” “But maybe there's another way.” Zuko says as he walks toward the fountain. “The first people to learn from the dragons were the ancient Sun Warriors.”
Aang gets up from his spot and walks toward Zuko. “Sun Warriors?” he asks. “Well, I know they weren't around when I was a kid.” Zuko turns his head toward Aang as he replies. “No, they died off thousands of years ago. But their civilization wasn't too far from where we are now. Maybe we can learn something by poking around their ruins.” “It's like the monks used to tell me. Sometimes, the shadows of the past can be felt by the present.” Aang says. “So, what?” Sokka asks, causing Aang and Zuko to look back at him. “Maybe you'll pick up some super old Sun Warrior energy just by standing where they stood a thousand years ago?” “More or less.” Zuko answers. “Either I find a new way to firebend, or the Avatar has to find a new teacher.” he finishes causing Aang to look concerned and worried.
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The next morning you help Aang saddle Appa before he and Zuko leave to go to the ruins of The Sun Warrior civilization. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” you ask Aang for what seems like the 100th time. “I’m sure (Y/N).” Aang answers. “I have a feeling Zuko and I will find something.” “I’m sure you will.” you answer, smiling back at him. “Aang?” Zuko’s voice rings out from below, causing you and Aang to look down at him from your spots in Appa’s saddle. “We should get going if we want to have time to look around before dark.”
Aang nods in reply. “I know. (Y/N) was just helping me saddle Appa.” Zuko then looks up at you, a confused look on his face. “You coming with us (Y/N)?” I shake my head. “I would, but Sokka wants to spar.” “Oh.” he answers, looking down at the ground, sounding slightly disappointed. “Don’t worry Zuko, I’m sure you and (Y/N) will be going on your own field trip soon!” Aang smiles, while shooting Zuko a wink. “Aang!” you shout in embarrassment as you feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, causing Aang to laugh.
Aang stops laughing a few moments later, but he has a satisfied smirk on his face. “Alright,” you begin as you slide down Appa’s side, landing next to Zuko. “You two have fun on your ‘field trip’” you continue using air quotes as you glare up at Aang, who’s still smirking down at you and Zuko. You turn to Zuko and place your hand on his shoulder. “Good luck and be careful.” alright say, giving him a small smile before walking away to find Sokka since he had told you earlier during breakfast that he had wanted to spar with you.
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Zuko and Aang come back from the Sun Warrior civilization the next afternoon, and pretty much as soon as they had arrived they had you and the others sit down in front of them so that they could tell you all what had happened. They had told you all everything that had happened and now they’re showing you the actual technique that the dragons had shown them. “With this technique the dragons showed us, Zuko and I will be unstoppable.” Aang says as he and Zuko perform the technique.
They get to the final posture and you and the others applaud. “Yeah, that’s a great dance you two learned there.” Sokka says from his place beside you. “It's not a dance. It's a firebending form.” Zuko retorts, turning to glare at him. “We’ll just tap-dance our way to victory over the Fire Lord.” Sokka says, moving his fingers in a dancing manner, causing you to giggle softly. Zuko stomps up to Sokka. “It's a sacred form that happens to be thousands of years old!” “Oh, yeah‌? What's your little form called‌?” Katara asks him. At Katara’s question, Zuko’s shoulder’s slump in embarrassment as he answers. “The Dancing Dragon.” you and the others all laugh at that, causing Zuko to cringe in embarrassment.
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This one shot shows Casey is learning to deal with the history between Ethan and Harper. But, it’s not as easy as she thought it would be.
This came to my mind when I was replaying OH 3. I couldn’t believe how Harper and Ethan were acting around MC. I also couldn’t believe how they don’t really expand on that storyline unless you do the extra scene with Harper at the MRI machine. Then again, book three was just a little crazy overall 😂
Warnings: slight sexual actions
Ethan Tags: @perriewinklenerdie @shelivesinthewoods @silversparrow1112 @miss-indecisive-says @alj4890 @naffeesaa @hija-del-universo @usuallyamazinglyaverage @heyabby102 @lilyoffandoms @cordoniaqueensworld @carreraleigh @ethanplaysfavorites @amillionmoonsred @drcaseyvalentineramsey @claudevonstrukesblog @princess-geek @lapisreviewsstuff @aworldoffandoms @paisleylovergirl @llamasgrl @blainehellyes @flyawayboo @timmagicktoad-blog @sparklinglilac @whenyourheartskipsabeat @desmaranj @triple-shadow0 @tessa-liam please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the tags!
“Remember when Dr. Collins bet you wouldn’t chug that bottle of champagne?”
Casey watches as Ethan cringes at the thought, but Harper laughs and rests a hand on his forearm. Feeling her gut churn in jealousy, the redhead looks back to the file of their patient, wishing Baz was still a part of the team. At least he would acknowledge that she still exists.
“He swore I had the liquid escaping through my ears, which is anatomically impossible.”
Both of them laugh, Ethan looking as carefree as he has been for awhile.
“Look, if you two want to walk down memory lane, why don’t I go do my job.” She slaps the file down onto the table and forcefully pushes her chair back.
Without another look at either doctor, Casey strides out the doors. Before they shut behind her, she can just barely hear Ethan excuse himself and his footsteps hurrying behind her.
“Casey!” The loud whisper isn’t enough for her to even look back, but she picks up her pace, knowing his long strides will catch her easily. “Rookie, please.”
Confused anger clouds his raised tone, causing her to stop. Even though she doesn’t turn back around, she can hear his steps slow down and he takes in a deep breath before he steps in front of her. Her brown eyes focus on the tile spreading down the hall, her body tense with shame and her gut still filled with jealousy.
“Casey, what on earth is the matter?” Ethan’s large hand gently slips under her chin and lifts her face up.
He notices the guilt swimming in her eyes and everything clicks into place. “I apologize. Harper and I were being quite unprofessional.”
Silently, she closes her eyes and nuzzles into his hand before she shakes her head. “That’s not what bothered me.”
Not saying anything, he leads them into an empty patient room, shutting the door behind them. He watches her closely, analyzing her movements before she leans against the bed in the middle of the room. She crosses her arms and doesn’t look at him as her finger taps against her bicep.
“It’s your whole relationship, Ethan. We don’t have that and honestly, I don’t know if we ever will.”
Still utterly confused, he walks to her and lifts her chin again, trying to read her thoughts. “I don’t understand. What you and I have is nothing like the friendship I have with Harper. No offense intended, but I rather like it that way.”
Her eyes bore into his, the ice blue eyes hold their normal warmth she’s become accustomed to. His gentle touch is comforting her, not someone else. Right?
“But you two have history and that spark is still there, I can tell and I think Harper still feels it.” Rambling, she pushes off the bed and steps away from him, needing space to think and calm her racing thoughts.
Understanding dawns on him once again, this time he realizes exactly what is bothering her. He felt the same way during her intern year, seeing her with all those young, bright eyed men surrounding her at various times. The surgeon. The paramedic. Hell, he had even seen other attendings eye her. It was torture on him due to his own selfishness of not allowing them to become an item publicly.
“Casey, you and I are figuring this relationship out, but I can assure you, there is nothing between Harper and I.”
She settles in front of the window overlooking the parking lot, her eyes bouncing from the people to the cars peppering the asphalt.
When she doesn’t say anything, he continues, “She and I may have history, but that is all it is. I think of her as a colleague and a friend, nothing more. I know for a fact she feels the same way but I understand what you are feeling.” Slowly, he approaches her from behind, gently laying his hands on her shoulders. “If you remember correctly, I had a bout of jealousy that earned you a punishment in one of the vacant halls.”
Below his hands, the tense muscles loosen as she laughs quietly. “How did you take care of yourself after that anyway?”
Chuckling, Ethan turns her around and picks her up, allowing her legs to wrap around his waist. Stepping towards the wall, he presses her back against it, pinning her between it and his firm body. She can feel his hardness begin to grow as he presses his groin against hers. Both of them experience deja vu.
“You didn’t give me an opportunity to, so I suppose I had to imagine you as I took care of it myself.” His lips travel across her neck, his stubble tickling her soft skin deliciously. “Perhaps this time, we can take care of each other.”
Casey playfully grinds against the hard member straining against his slacks, tossing her head back against the wall at the sensation pooling in her core.
“Mmm, I think I’d like that.”
He breaks away from her neck and cups her cheek, brushing his thumb across her cheekbone. “Know that I have not been with anyone besides you since Miami.”
“Then why did it take so long for you to give in?” Her big eyes burn with curiosity.
Sighing, he looks down, “Because I could not bring myself to risk your career. At least that is what I told myself. Now, I know I told you and myself that so I could realize that taking a risk on you was not a risk at all.”
Ethan raises his eyes to meet hers again, cupping her face with both hands. “You are it for me, Casey.”
Their lips meet in an electric kiss, her hands delve into his thick curls and her legs tighten around his fit waist. A moan escapes her as his lips reach any skin he can find and as his hands reach under her scrubs, caressing her breasts through the sports bra.
“Ethan, mmm, I love you.”
He pulls away to meet her eyes and gives her a blinding smile, his hands holding her face. “I love you too, Dr. Valentine.”
This kiss they share is soft and gentle, exuding the love coursing between them. But the gasp at the door breaks the trance. The couple breaks apart, Ethan sets Casey down gently as she blushes furiously.
“Do you need something, Harper?” Ethan’s voice is steady, but his lips tremble with suppressed laughter at the shock on their colleague’s face.
Casey steps behind Ethan, hiding the silent laughter at her own embarrassment and Harper’s.
“I—uh—“ Without a coherent sentence, she turns and slams the door behind her, leaving the couple to dissolve into a mess of laughter.
As Ethan turns, he gathers the giggling redhead into his arms, holding in a tight hug. He allows himself to relax, resting his chin atop her head. “I suppose I should do some damage control.”
“Probably. At least this time you don’t have to do your own damage control.”
He releases her at that and smirks, “I would have suggested you take care of that.”
Casey leans forwards and kisses him softly, “Maybe we can arrange for some of that damage control tonight.”
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boygiwrites · 10 months
Harley D. Dixon 10
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note. Stressful chapter below! Enjoy!
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"Is that—? Are those Pokémon cards?!"
I'm holding hands with Sophia, wandering down the highway, when Carl suddenly runs ahead of us. He presses his hands and his face against a random car window with a painful clunk sound, but he continues grinning wide, from ear to ear. Me and Sophia catch up and stand on our tip-toes on either side of him, peering inside. They're both four years older than me, and taller, so I have to hop a little to see what they're seein', like a little piece of popcorn, but wow — He's right! There they are!
A book filled with Pokémon cards, tossed open on the back seat.
They shimmer rainbow-colors under a honeyed beam of sunlight, like little gems.
"Woah!" I exclaim, pointing at the magical display. "They're all rare, too! Look!"
Carl squeals, "That one's a GX card!"
T-Dog chooses this moment to stroll past us, muttering, little nerds, under a small smile.
We continue ogling at the cards.
"How do we get in?" I ask, tugging on the locked door.
Sophia hums contemplatively, looking around. She spots something. "Hey," She points, "There's a sun-roof!"
"Good idea."
"It'll open, right?" Carl grins at us. "We can climb in!"
Sophia asks, "Who's gonna do it?"
"Harley, you're smallest." He says, turning to me. "I think you should do it."
"Yeah." Sophia nods.
They stare at me expectantly, with big eyes, like puppies.
"I don't got a choice, do I?"
Sophia giggles. "Nope! Get in there!"
I start walking to the front of the car.
"And if you find a Bulbasaur, I call dibs!" Carl adds.
Rolling my eyes, I clamber up onto the hood of the car. The hot metal reflects the bright ball of the sun back into my face like a little laser-beam, and I avoid touchin' it for too long 'cause it burns. Carefully, I balance one foot in front of the other all the way up the windshield. I crawl over it, onto the roof. I stand up on wobbly legs, excited. Sophia and Carl cheer from down below. I take in the miniature trees sitting on the horizon, and the cooling breeze, and then I slide the glass panel back and scoot myself over the sun-warmed edge.
I land with a soft plunk on the glove compartment.
I duck down. I scoop up the giant booklet of Ultra Rare Pokémon cards with some effort. It's real heavy.
"Yes." I celebrate to myself.
One of 'em is a Lugia card. He's one of my favorites, 'cause he's real big and strong. I decide to pull the card out its sleeve and stuff it for safe-keeping in my jean-short pocket to look at later. I see Eevee, too. I bet Sophia will love that one.
I hear a dry hiss. Looking up, I realize there's a walker buckled into the driver's seat. 
Time to get out, I reckon.
I chuck the folder onto the roof and climb back out, sliding the sun-roof closed behind me.
"Guys, I got it." I pant lightly as I sit down. "I got it!"
I did it.
What's bizarre about this next moment is that they don't answer me.
My ears start ringing.
They're gone.
I look out across the scattered highway, struck by the sudden silence. I have a good view from up here and yet all I can see are cars and tarmac and trees. There's no Carl or Sophia. There's no Dad, or Shane, or Rick. There's no Jacqui, or Carol, or Lori. There's no man-made ambience, no movement, no nothing. The forest rustles plainly on either side of the highway as if it's swallowed everybody up.
The whole group has disappeared.
And again, nothing.
For a horrifying moment, I think I've been left behind. It don't make no sense, 'cause I know they'd never leave without me, but I'm scared, and it don't gotta make sense. Freshly panicked, I lean over the roof and peer down the aisle of cars, searching, searching, searching, praying, praying, praying. People don't just vanish outta thin air. What the Hell is goin' on? Where did everyone go so quickly?
This is when I spot Glenn, just by chance, crouched behind a distant car.
Wait, no, he's hiding behind it.
What's he doing?
Then I spot Carl and Sophia, and then Lori and Jacqui, and Rick, and my Dad, too, all huddled underneath different cars.
Oh, that's where they were. They were hiding?
Is that what's happening? Everyone's... playing hide and seek?
"What're you doin'?" I whisper-shout.
Glenn pops his head out. He spots me right away. When he sees where I am, his eyes widen. I start to stand back up again, wanting to go over to him, but he frantically gestures for me to get down. Is this—? Is this part of the game? Confused, I kneel back down, but he keeps waving his hand, get down, get down, so I guess I have to keep going. I slide onto my stomach. My chin rests against the roof. He nods. This is good. I stay like this. I watch as he glances from me, to behind me, from me, to behind me. He rocks nervously, clenching and unclenching his fists.
Sophia cups both her hands over her mouth, her eyes shining with tears. Carl trembles, crying. Rick breathes heavily.
What is goin' on?
They're all looking behind me.
I follow the direction of everybody's panic, craning my neck to look over my shoulder.
My skin drains all at once when I see it.
It's the herd.
It moves up the highway in a mingling throb of decaying bodies. I try to count, but— but I can't. I go up by twos until I hit fifty — Fifty. That's three classrooms worth of people — and this is when I realize something far worse is happening than what I was imagining.
I face forward again, suddenly matching everybody's sweaty, papery complexion — suddenly understanding.
They are playing hide and seek.
But just not with each other.
The herd continues its slow decent upon us, groaning together as one.
We make ourselves as still as possible.
One by one after Glenn, the rest of the group spot me, and one by one, they all go pale. I know why. Oh God, I know why. This is the worst place to be. If I was under a car like they are, the herd might be able to sniff me out, but at least they wouldn't be able to see me. Up here, I'm on full display. I'm on eye-level. I'm on nose-level. I have absolutely no protection on any of my sides. I'm basically a prime steak in a butcher's display window, singing, come here, eat me first. 
I am in so much danger right now.
The group realize this and immediately start trying to help me.
They gesture and mouth different things to me, unable to move from their spots. Rick and Lori are wildly waving, come here, come here right now. Should I? My Dad and Shane, they're waving just as wildly, do not come here, stay right there. I try very hard not to cry. I have about three seconds to decide what to do before the herd reaches us. Half of the group are nodding and half of them are shaking their heads.
I end up freezing. I don't know what to do.
Live or die.
Stay or climb down.
I— I don't know which one is live and which one is die!
Carl and Sophia cry even harder, shushed and coddled by their terrified mothers.
My Dad makes a sawing motion over his neck, mouthing furiously, do not move.
Rick flicks his fingers, mouthing urgently, come here, honey.
Thunk, thunk, thunk.
They've reached the car.
The three seconds are up.
Everybody is forced to retreat further into their hidey holes. I lay my head down, plastering myself against the metal. I see Rick soundlessly growl to himself in frustration, and my Dad watching on in bated, controlled horror as the herd begins to seamlessly merge with us.
The first walker is a skinny lady with teeth-colored eyeballs, leaking clear gunk down her rotten cheeks. She bites at the air, twitching her face in my direction. I watch as she recognises a whiff of my scent on the breeze, tastes it with her open mouth, and then croaking dryly, decides to continue lumbering past. I'm relieved, but not for long. This is only one win. It has to happen at least forty-nine more times, and we all know the chances of that are grim. One of them is going to find me. There's just no way they won't.
Thunk, thunk, thunk.
The walkers palm their way down the car, ambling by in hungry clusters.
From underneath me, inside the car, there's another thunk, thunk, thunk-ing.
I glance through the sun-roof. 
The driver's managed to wiggle himself outta his seat-belt. He paws at the glass, tickling my belly through it.
I make an awful squeak noise.
I slap my hand over my mouth.
Terrified, I watch as the closest walkers swivel their heads in my direction. They break off and begin to shuffle their way over to me, oh God, against the flow of the herd. I can do nothing but squirm a few inches away as they bunch up along the left side of the car, feeling it out. They bulge their eyes wide open, desperate to see what made the sound. Their chipped and wrinkly fingers slither their way onto the roof. Oh, no. They pad around, bumping into the Pokémon folder. It gets knocked close to the edge, ready to fall.
On reflex, I smack my hand down onto it.
In my peripheral, I can see Rick, Shane, and my Dad all watching, all itching to help me.
One gray hand and two blistered, yellow ones curl around the book, pulling on it. I pinch the corner of the cover, the only thing I can really reach now, and I try pulling it back. Thunk, thunk, thunk. As I contort myself, my shirt raises above my belly-button.
I hear someone hiss in pain nearby.
I almost let the book slip but catch it at the last second. 
Straining, I look up, worried. Through the mess of necks and arms and ankles, I glimpse T-Dog, clutching his bleeding hand.
Oh, God. Is he okay?
Fingers prod at my bare belly.
I almost burst a lung trying to repress my scream, but it works. I don't scream. I moan uncomfortably as the driver pokes and swipes his finger pads against my skin, through a crack in the sun-roof. I arch away from him, and away from the herd. Inevitably — Away from the book, too. The corner of it slips from my fingers, and I have exactly half a second to process the feeling of my stomach dropping like a sack of bricks, right before the entire folder careens over the edge. Splat. I hear every last crinkly, plastic page hit the ground.
And so do the herd.
Like one big choir, they groan with delight, turning in my direction.
Carol tucks Sophia's face into her neck as she cries.
Carl hides his face in his arms.
I wish I could tell them that this isn't their fault. I wanted the cards, too.
Suddenly, the small crowd of walkers becomes a big one, and then an even bigger one. They lump in together until there's at least twenty of 'em groping at me, rocking the car underneath me, growling and snarling and spitting and gnashing ferally. I scuttle backwards, but they're on the other side now, too. They're smacking the trunk. They're leaning over the hood. Their forearms stretch out over the roof from every side, and I'm forced to stand, now, my feet corralled into the tiny square of the sun-roof. The driver licks at my shoes. I can't even jump off. I'm surrounded.
I look up, panicked.
Immediately, I see that Rick has been stalking toward me under the cover of nearby cars. He's reached T-Dog, half-way to where I am. He's helping wrap a scrap of cloth around his bleeding palm, glancing at me nervously. A walker brushes past them both.
My Dad, he's been movin' closer, too. He cranks a bolt into the string off his crossbow, kneeling in the crevice of an open car door.
Shane drives his knife into the soft nape of a walker, laying it down onto the tarmac after, creeping forward.
They look vaguely synchronized, as if they've made a plan and are executing it.
Whatever it is, I sure hope it works.
The car rocks harshly, like a mechanical bull.
I nearly lose my footing.
A walker slumps onto the hood, an arrow sticking up through its scalp.
Another walker on the hood is shot.
The main crowd of walkers grope at my ankles.
Why's he not shootin' these ones?
I point down at them, pleading silently, please, Dad, 'cause these ones are closer to biting me.
He chooses to shoot another hood-walker, instead.
Rick silently approaches, just a few feet away. He gently smacks a car door, emitting quiet clap-clap-clap sounds. Some of the walkers all sprawled across the hood turn their attention away from me and onto him. This is where I start to piece together what they're doing. They're targeting the walkers on the hood to clear me a path, so I can— I can what? Run? Rick stabs the closest walker through the eye socket, gesturing once more for me to climb down. I glance at my Dad, and this time, he's gesturing the same thing, and so is Shane, who sneaks closer and downs another one of the hood-walkers.
He and Rick are pushed back. They continue smacking cars and drawing 'em away.
The last walker on the hood is silenced.
"Run!" My Dad suddenly whisper-shouts, pointing frantically at the woods.
Is that the plan?
Rick whispers what I think is, "We'll find you!"
"Go!" Shane hisses.
It is the plan.
They've given me an opportunity to run.
I did it at the quarry. 
I can do it again.
This is how I end up sliding down the windshield, leaping over the guard-rails, and sprinting for my life across a grassy field, headed for a dark forest filled with even more walkers. This is crazy, this is crazy, I chant in my head, dodging a walker that lunges for me. I duck, trip; pick myself back up, covered in grass and dirt. I barrel toward the forest. The sun beams overhead. Behind me, I hear the herd growling, breaking off into little chunks that stumble after me down the hill. I swerve around one, two, and oh God, three more pairs of walker-hands. My brow drips with sweat.
I am running away from everything I know.
I don't have a choice.
The shadowed thicket swallows me whole, and I just keep running, running, running, over rocks and logs and ditches and walkers.
Everything is a blur of brown and green and death, and I hear a river — water, mud, that'll leave clear foot-prints, and my Dad'll find those — and so I veer off down a shallow incline, surfing the dry leaves and cutting my skin on pointy rocks, until I reach the bottom. My shoes smack into the mud — Yes, good — and I keep goin', scraping by walkers that cling to the trees and walkers that come crawling up out of the water. I break as many twigs and branches as I can to leave behind a trail — a bread-crumb trail like in Hansel and Gretel — so that I can be tracked.
I follow the river for what feels like ten minutes, and then fifteen, and then twenty. 
How far have I ran?
Where am I?
I run, and I run, and I run, skirting the weak river, wheezing, coughing, burning, and dodging stray walkers.
We'll find you.
They'll look for me, but maybe I can look for them, too, if I don't lose the river. I can follow it back to the highway.
My Dad knows all about tracking. Whenever my family went camping, which was basically every weekend, I's never allowed to skip stones or play hop-scotch like my cousins were. I always got dragged away, instead, by my Dad and the other men so we could go track turkeys in the woods for hours on end. They'd point to a pile of droppings, or a talon-shaped imprint in the ground, or even a twig that weren't placed right, and they'd whisper, 'cause we had to be quiet, Wow, ain't that interesting, Harley? Alone, the clues were useless. But together, like pieces of a puzzle, they formed an intricate map that only they could see. My Dad once tracked one'a those turkeys for seven miles. He could track a darn ant, if he wanted.
I'm not sure if I've covered seven miles yet, but I know even if I covered a hundred, my Dad would still find me.
I run until my lungs feel like empty paper bags and my muscles sing with pain.
Exhausted, I come to a stop at the base of a thick tree with giant, snaking roots, and I crawl underneath, into a nook in the dirt.
I look up at the sky through the gaps, feeling like a trapped bunny in a burrow.
I hear frogs playing in the stream.
I start to cry.
All I can think about is whether or not everyone back at the highway made it out safely.
I wonder if the herd has passed by now, and if T-Dog's hand is okay.
I wonder if anybody got hurt tryna save me, and I cry even harder, 'cause I really, really hope not.
I wonder what's gonna happen next.
Like a golden cough drop, the sun begins to sink down through the canopy in a syrupy glow, its light sliding over me. West. Okay, that direction is West. I'll remember that. I watch as the sky envelops the setting sun, replacing it with purples and oranges and reds. Slowly, the crickets come out, flickering songs into the warm air all around me. It gets darker. The purples bruise into blacks. The stars come out, and then the moon. A distant coyote howls at it.
The frogs continue croaking and splashing.
A mosquito bites my neck.
I slap it, cringing.
This is going to be a long night.
Author's Note.
If you're wondering about what's going to happen to Sophia... don't get your hopes up 😭
I changed this around a little bit, and there's more changes to come, but overall it will be the same.
I hope you were sufficiently stressed out while reading this chapter, and that you enjoyed it, haha. It was a little short but I was just so excited to post it, and I couldn't help myself.
Thanks for reading, everyone :)
Sending love! <3
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whosjunglejim4322 · 4 years
Warnings: SMUT, husbandau!, aged up Johnny (by a little, he's around 32), sex without a condom, he fucks you back to sleep
You're usually not one to wake so easily. Well, truthfully, it's just your willpower in allowing yourself to be released from the peace of slumber that's weak. However, your body seems to know exactly what it wants before your mind does.
You're a little vexed to be pulled from your dream by the throbbing between your legs, the content in said dream being the cause for it. You can feel the slight slickness of arousal as you rub your thighs together underneath the comforter.
Instinctually, you reach over your husbands side, only to find an empty space where he'd usually be lying. Mouth agape, hair a messy halo around his peaceful, enchanting face, and all yours to rub up against and hopefully rouse.
You're a little upset, admittedly. Not at him, it's quite the normal occurrence for him to get up in the middle of the night to do some reading when he can't sleep; you just wish that you weren't so needy and desperate to feel the warmth of his palms against your skin. You wish your dream would have let him continue touching you, if waking up to his absence was the ladder.
Even so, not even your dreams can do him justice.
You begrudgingly pull yourself from the warmth of the bed, the floor cold against your bare feet as you walk to the door, and out the room. It's not hard to scout him from the top of the staircase, sat in his usual spot on the far right corner of the couch, a book perched between his long fingers.
He doesn't notice you at first as you descend towards him, too engrossed in his novel, black rimmed glasses perched on the elegant bridge of his nose. 
You really are sort of sad for the people who might not ever get to see him like this, bare faced and still heartwrenchingy beautiful in a loose tee shirt and sweats fit for bed. He makes your chest unbearably warm.
"I'm coming to sit on your lap." Your voice is quiet enough to not startle him completely, being any louder would be unnecessary anyways since it's just the two of you.
A warm smile tugs at the corner of his heart shaped lips, his adoring eyes finding yours in the dim light of the livingroom. He corners his page and leans over to place it on the coffee table, before opening his wide arms in a welcoming manner.
"What woke you, sweetheart?" He presses a kiss to the crown of your head as you settle against his sturdy frame, knees locked on either side of his hips, hands warm between the broad plane of his back and the cushions that he's reclined against.
"Mm, a dream." He feels you smile against his neck, and suddenly realizes exactly what type of dream it was, as your lips place a deliberate kiss to the soft skin just under his ear. He'd be able to guess your advances under any circumstances.
Still, he decides to feign obliviousness, the timbre of his voice sending vibrations through your chest as he speaks.
"Oh really? What kind of dream was it," His hands, wide and fever inducing, rub your back, up and down. "was it a nightmare?"
You shake your head, the tip of your nose gliding against the sharp edge of his jaw, absentmindedly admiring his familiar, redolent scent.
"It was a good dream, too good." His resolve to be teasingly indifferent begins to crumble when you wiggle your hips against his crotch like that, your underwear leaving such a thin layer between your pussy, and his dick that sits freely underneath his pajama bottoms; half hard and twitching.
His hands venture lower so he can cup the softness of your bum, a shiver of excitement slithering up your spine and raising the hairs on the back of your neck. Your body and senses alike will never not respond to him.
"Well, tell me what happened baby," You let out a gasp against his throat as he guides your hips to rut against him, spurring you on with a voice that is almost akin to a purr. "I bet it had something to do with us, hmm?"
All you can do is hum, too easily enthralled by the feel of his length and the friction the cloth covering it provides for your clit. It's still an overwhelming thing, knowing he's yours, completely. It's been two years since getting married, and you're almost positive it'll always be this all consuming.
He knows you so well too, content with taking influence over the situation. After all, it's one of his favorite things; to have you in such an intimate way, to love you in all the ways he knows will have you putty in his hands.
"Let's see..." He begins, pushing his hips up against you in a manner that is too slow, and too light for your liking. "did I have my mouth on you? Was I making you feel good with my tongue?"
Heat fills your belly, thighs trembling slightly. Your soft whimper is melodic in his ear, your face nuzzled against his neck. He shivers.
"Or maybe, hmm...maybe I was fucking you," He doesn't give you time to asnwer his questions nor does he speak as if he is demanding one. He's taking his time, working you up.
"I'll bet I was holding you just like this, huh baby? Bet I was making you cry over my cock."
Your body lurches from the surge of arousal that shoots through you like a lighting bolt, piercing all other senses and forcing you to whine out into the quiet room. The rise and fall of his chest accelerates.
"Please, will you fuck me?" Your fingers are grasping the front of his shirt, head moving from the juncture of his neck to his face, the puffs of air from his plush mouth, warm against your lips.
He cups your face, not needing to strain his eyes in the dark room to already know your eyes are pleading. He feels it in the way you quiver against him, too.
"Of course, whatever you want." He smiles into the kiss, expecting it, awaiting it eagerly.
Your arms settle around his neck, fingers carding through the soft hairs at his nape that are a little bit longer than usual since he hasn't been able to get a haircut. You say it makes him look pretty, so he's okay with it.
He senses your urgency when your tongue slips into his mouth. He responds quickly by skimming past it with his own, skillful fingers moving between your bodies to pull his length from his sweats.
He's properly hard now, twitching. It's no surprise, he's always been weak for you. Too weak, he finds it embarrassing, but he wouldn't change a thing. There's no one he'd rather be a fool for.
You suck in a breath when you feel him pulling your panties to the side, your mouths parting for just a moment as your foreheads rest against eachother. He feels your jaw go a little slack in the way it always does when he first slides it in, and he bites down on his lip.
When you sink all the way down, backs of your thighs pressed to the top of his, he lets out a satisfied sigh, clinging onto you tighter with arms that encapsulate you like a boa.
You're thankful he takes care of you, his long legs give him leverage and allowing him to thrust into you from the bottom as you grind down onto him with a shared rythym. Your soft whines in his ear have him groaning.
"O-oh John." Your cheek rests against his shoulder, hands slipping underneath his shirt and settling on his trim waist. His skin is so warm underneath your fingers, muscles bulging from underneath the smooth surface as he works.
"Feels good baby?" His voice falters just for a second, your use of his formal name still sending throbs of warmth through his veins even after several years. Such a simple notion, so powerful when it's passing your lips.
And of course you've taken note of this, expecting the sudden and momentary fervour of his hips as they buck up into you, jolting you both as you cling to him.
You cry out, practically buried in his chest. You can smell the soap from his earlier shower clinging to his skin, the scent of the dryer sheets you used in the laundry on his soft tee shirt. Little things.
"Feels s-so good, your dick is so good." You might be slightly incoherent to anyone else, voice hiccupy through his thrusts as he hits such a sweet spot inside of you, you squeeze around him.
"I know sweetheart, you take it so well, so so well," his tone is a bit rougher now, you can tell by the sloppiness of his thrusts that he's close. But he'd never allow himself to finish first when he knows you need him so badly, woke up just to come find him.
"My sweet sweet girl, want you to cum all over me." He can feel you flutter around him, the sound of your wetness leaving an ache in his belly.
You kiss him, hard, and for a moment all you know is him. The slip of his tongue in your mouth, his nose pressed against yours, eyelashes tickling your cheek. For a moment it is as if your body never got used to being in the arms of someone so incredible.
You rock your hips against him, suckling his kiss bitten bottom lip as his cock throbs inside of you. At this point you'd never be able to wear a condom with him unless absolutely necessary, too used the feeling every vein and ridge of his thick length, the way it pulses when you say his name.
He's perfect for you, hits every spot like he's got you mapped out. His hands, big and warm come to grip your hips to help you fuck him, feeling your fatigue from the pleasure and lack of sleep alike.
"Cum for me baby, come on." He coos, kissing your neck so sweetly, in a way that makes your belly swarm with butterflies. Your clit rubbing against the area just below his navel as you grind on him combined with the warm plushness of his lips against your throat, has you meeting your end.
He holds you tightly, tighter than he has the whole night as you writhe in his inescapable arms, gasping out whines against the crook of his shoulder as you leak onto his cock. He feels the stickiness smeared on his thighs, and knows it's only gonna get messier.
He doesn't mind, not one bit, not when he can picture your expression so vividly in his head; eyebrows pulled together, eyes glossy and lips swollen. You're so beautiful, too beautiful, too overwhelming.
"O-Oh baby, you're so fucking-fuck, I'm close I'm so close." He's lost now, lost in the bliss just like you are. He's pumping into your sopping entrance, the glide effortless with the abundance of your release.
"M'gonna- oh shit I'm cumming I'm cumming."
His voice is cut off by a sound so sweet you feel your lower belly swirling with a fresh wave of arousal despite your fucked out state, panting against him while he throws his head back and groans your name.
You pepper kisses along his smooth skin as he twitches, the base of his throat, over his adams apple and just under his chin. He jerks lightly as he stills inside of you, cum surely to be coating his entire length by the time he pulls out.
You're spent, still you search for his lips, missing and accidentally kissing his soft cheek before he turns his head to meet you halfway.
Your heart soars in your chest, he smiles against you and rubs your thighs soothingly, as you find your rightful place under his chin and tucked against him, your safe place.
He smiles to himself, stroking your skin.
"I love you." He states is earnestly, steadily despite his heart beat that still thunders. You're vaguely aware of the rumble in his chest as he speaks, but you're not sure if you're dreaming or not.
He looks down, and you're already asleep.
"Alright, let's get you to bed."
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hyuneytoast · 2 years
-ˋˏ Roses. hhj
• Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
• Genre/Tags | Fluff, Tiny bit of Angst, Sorta Strangers to Lovers, One Curse Word, Several Time Skips
• Synopsis | Roses play as many types of confessions, and Hyunjin does not let an opportunity go to waste when it comes to telling you his feelings.
• Word Count | 2.8k
—One rose symbolizes love at first sight.
Hyunjin faced many terrifying things in his life— the roller coaster little Hyunjin always said he’d never ride…that is until he lost a bet with his friends many years later. Or that haunted house he cried his way out of. That was also because he lost a game. Even that time when he thought someone broke into his apartment, but no, it was just Minho playing a prank for April Fool’s last year.
Hyunjin faced many terrifying things in his life, and this doorbell somehow made its way onto that list. And this is certainly not because of a bet he lost, and he continues to hope it won’t result in any kind of loss at all.
A breezy Valentine’s Day afternoon and he is standing outside your door, feet rocking side to side with unease. One hand holds a single red, thornless rose whilst his other hand is going through a crisis to press your doorbell only half an inch away. It does not help that a neighbor of your’s sits on their porch reading the newspaper, glancing at him every few minutes with nothing but judgment and suspicion. Can’t blame the neighbor though. Hyunjin just keeps on standing there and doing absolutely nothing except having a meltdown.
But it’s a meltdown for you……
After what feels like decades, Hyunjin slowly, and very slowly, pushes his finger forward upon that button of hell, holding a breath in the process. The door opens several seconds later and just the single sight of you alone has Hyunjin feeling butterflies and, at the same, an urge to scream and book a run out of here.
“Hyunjin?” You cock your head to the side, looking at the man in front of you. The sunlight hides itself in his hair, having his face practically glow too with that flawless skin of his. The tip of his ears and cheeks are tinted pink, and it matches the rose in his hand which you, of course, do not miss. You'd feel like a fool to allow a persistent grin to take over your face as you recognize the man very well. He’s that cute guy that you always order coffee from at the nearby cafe, the one who you chat with a few times that he sometimes becomes behind on orders. The one who is skilled at latte art, who always wears stars in his eyes and a dog pin on his apron. Hyunjin, the one who spilled an americano over that apron when he caught you gazing at him across the room.
“I—Well, um…” Hyunjin wants to slap himself into another dimension from embarrassment. He forgot what to say. How could he forget that confession he had mentally rehearsed for weeks now? He recalls Jisung telling Hyunjin he could practice confessing to him instead of mentally. But with pride, he told Jisung and himself he got this. He curses at himself now ‘cause clearly he don’t got this. A fool in love can’t fully be blamed though.
Clearing his throat, Hyunjin finally manages to say a word, “Here.” Both his hands reach forward to give you the flower, which you take with a smile much to his relief. “A single red rose—it means—It—itmeansloveatfirstsight—Happy Valentine’s Day!”
You grin, fighting back a laugh so you do not make him feel more embarrassed, but that doesn't stop a giggle to emit from you. At least it’s a feeling of nothing but adoration. “Thank you, it’s beautiful. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Hyunjin!”
  You never celebrated Valentine’s Day, or at least not in a proper way with someone else. Hyunjin just happened to become the first. And even if he wasn’t the first, you doubt you’d ever forget this day anyway.
—Six roses symbolizes “I want to be yours”.
Hyunjin often looks back on that Valentine’s Day, a grin unconsciously plastering his face in the end. He really was unprepared, but it didn’t matter because he claims that day as victorious anyway. Because here you are, next to him on the passenger seat in his car on your driveway. He is in the process of dropping you off home after what he counted to be the seventeenth date in the span of a few months. Seventeenth date and Hyunjin only fell more helplessly into the trance of you. You could say you feel the same which Hyunjin finds obvious—and successful on his end.
“Today was fun, thank you,” You chime with a firm nod, the day at the fair mentally replaying like a film.
Hyunjin smiles, heart skipping a few beats. “I never said today’s date came to an end though.”
Hyunjin shifts in his chair, an arm reaching towards the backseat hidden from plain view— all while you stare at his face, which Hyunjin feels abruptly shy from. You doubt you’d ever get tired of being with him, let alone looking at him. The mole under his eye is like a star, a star that fell from the rest in his eyes. His eyes are like the lattes he’d recommend to you at the cafe. His lips are pink and plush, and so tempting to kiss for the past seventeen dates. His lips that hold his endearing smile and keep his light-hearted laughs.
Before you could get any more lost, the view of him is suddenly blocked with a vibrant bundle of red. Six roses to be precise.
No one has to know Hyunjin on a high level in order to know he holds a fondness over flowers. Roses are surely his favorite because of many reasons— and gifting you such is undoubtedly one of them. He goes as far as even taking the time to de-thorn the roses himself before giving them to you, and you don’t fail to notice, especially from the llama-print bandaids that wrap his fingers.
“Six roses mean ‘I want to be yours,’” Hyunjin explains dearly, but his eyes are quick to grow wide a second after. He really needs to work on his confessions, he scolds himself. “But I mean this is just what I feel, please don’t feel pressured! We can keep going on dates and take it slow still or if you don’t feel the same at all I understand, really. This is probably awkward and I can just—”
You take the roses from his hand, clearing a path to lean your lips forward upon the uneasy, rambling man. It takes a moment for Hyunjin to clear his mind from his words and take in the fact your lips are on his. And when he kisses you back, it feels like the world is of nothing but colors that’d make any soul want to dance. A hand of his raises behind your head to push you closer, relishing the tenderness of your lips and how they perfectly mold against his. And it takes every bit of strength not to release a wide smile that’d break the kiss apart.
Your neck strains from reaching over, but that can wait. The roses are desperate for a source of water, but that can wait too. You kiss him with care yet with passion, tasting the faint sweetness of chocolate from the ice cream you had earlier and he stole a bite from.
Six roses mean ‘I want to be yours’, like a tender plea of the heart.
And with your kiss, you told him in response that you wanted him to be yours.
—Three roses says, “I love you”.
No longer is Hyunjin the guy that works at the cafe, whose face turns red as the strawberry latte when you order from him. He’s the one who now gifts you roses and kisses, holds your hand on whatever path your heart leads you to. And no longer are you the person Hyunjin shyly steals glances from when he’s supposed to be doing his job. You are the one he glances at almost every time now without shame.
It was a late afternoon where he invited you to his art studio, and you stayed there with him. He was worried he’d bore you, but you stayed. Stayed next to his side, watching him get lost upon a canvas in the middle of a painting session. It was on the balcony, a playlist he made specifically for you emitting softly in the background as the two of you talked about whatever. And even though talks of ‘whatever’, Hyunjin practically remembered almost every word that left your lips. You fell asleep eventually upon his shoulder, and Hyunjin thought he’d burst in that moment, the sky suddenly seeming pink hued like the one on his palette. And that is when Hyunjin was enticed by the idea to paint you, to have you as his forever muse because he realized he fell in utter love. Of course he didn’t while you were asleep, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or make him seem like a creep. But he will make sure to ask you to be his muse one day, if you’d let him capture the essence of you through his lens of art. It was not an extravagant day, but it felt like it with you.
An hour later, after Hyunjin spiraled in a pit of heartfelt feelings until you woke up, he took you to the local flower shop, buying you three hand picked roses of red.
“Three roses mean ‘I love you’.” That is how he began another confession of his.
That day was the first time he said I love you to you, and the first time you told him back. It felt freeing, it felt like a dream, too good to be true. But after all, he was your safe place, the one who could make you speechless and your arms ache when he’s gone. You even kept those three roses, air drying them and displaying them in your house where you’d always see them.
—Two roses symbolize shared and deep love.
The sun peeks through the curtains of your bedroom window, flashing its own way of ‘good morning’. Your eyes flutter open, squinting to the brightness while your arm reaches over. What you hope to touch is the presence of Hyunjin because he stayed the night, and it was one of the most pleasant nights you have ever lived through. Yet, the bed is empty, but the concern that rose was quicker to fade when your nose takes in the smell of something delicious. The sound filling the atmosphere is faint, but it tells you Hyunjin is in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the two of you to enjoy in bed.
Turning to reach for your phone on the nightstand, your eyes land on a presence of crimson, one which your hand reaches for instead. It is a narrow glass vase, holding up two fully bloomed roses. Like your heart, you beam as it is a kind of morning that makes you feel like dancing for the rest of the day. And because of this, you’ll love it even more when you get to wake up with Hyunjin under the same roof.
A handwritten note is taped to the vase, which your eyes reread a few times, practically torturing your heart into overdrive— in a good way of course.
‘To my Y/N: Two roses mean love and affection.’
You often wonder how Hyunjin always gets these roses. It is as if he just whips them from the depths of his pocket whenever he pleases, even at the crack of dawn.
—Fifteen roses says, “I’m sorry”.
The way Hyunjin loves you has grown to be indescribable, to the point where roses only show a small glimpse of his feelings. He simply knew no end to desiring you. It is well known that his emotions often get the best of him. So when Hyunjin did not mean to make you cry, he really didn’t, because his heart broke the moment you did.
He said something he shouldn’t have, and when the tears began escaping your eyes before you enclosed yourself in your room, Hyunjin swelled with regrets as reality hit him. He didn’t mean to tell you to shut up, to tell you were being a nag towards him because you truly weren’t. He couldn’t even imagine that ever being true in the first place. If anything, he's the one who'd probably nag you at times because he just can't get enough of you. You were only being the caring soul he fell in love with, addressing your concern about his extra shifts and poor sleep schedule.
He gave you space after you let the argument come to a closure, letting the two of you to sort out your emotions, especially for himself because he’s disappointed at his own words. He went for a walk, subconsciously walking to the floral shop in the end.
Over an hour passed where day shifted into the evening. And now here Hyunjin is, sitting against the outside of your door as he silently waits for you to open up. His eyes feel puffy as they stare at the bouquet of roses in his hand. They’re lovely roses, a lovely bouquet with a meaning of course. But the meaning is something he hoped he’d never come to, no matter how lovely the flowers look. Hyunjin doesn’t give a thought about how long he will stay at the door, or how cold it is in the apartment, or how long it will take before you open up. He just keeps on thinking on how to apologize, on how to make it up to you, and how you didn’t deserve the tempered reaction he gave you.
Hyunjin gasps aloud as the door supporting his weight is no longer there, falling onto his back with a harsh thud. He doesn’t react to the physical pain but reacts to you as you stand above, gazing into his eyes. Your eyes match his, but they, however, seem worse. And he’s disappointed in himself for that.
“You idiot,” You mumble.
Hyunjin blinks before rising to his feet, arms suddenly pulling you into a secure hug. “I’m sorry, I am so sorry, Y/N,” The male quietly sobs. His apologies repeat like a mantra, like the tears on your faces.
You smile to yourself, a smile that is bittersweet. You know how emotional Hyunjin is and can get, and you know he’s working on himself to not let it control him. And no matter what happens, you’ll help him because you love the man dearly and endlessly.
“You are not a nag, I promise I didn’t mean to say any of that. I love it when you’re you because you always care for me. And I’m grateful for you, please know I didn’t mean a word.” He hugs you tighter, peppering a few kisses on top of your head. “It’s my fault and I’m sorry. I need you, you know— More than anything.”
He always rambles when he’s nervous, and you’ve grown an adoration for that habit of his. Your palms come to his chest to push him slightly aback. His eyes are wide with hints of fear, but you’re there to reassure him, offering a smile and forgiveness.
“I know, and thank you.” A kiss to his cheek because those kinds of kisses are his favorites. But then again, what kisses aren’t his favorite? “Everyone argues and says shit they don’t mean, I understand. It’s all okay, Hyun. But promise you’ll listen to me when I say you need sleep.” You let out a smile as he promises, and a few times for that matter.
Hyunjin has done many things like bringing his dog over only to end up eating a chunk of your couch out, or when he broke your bed one night or burned your lunch yesterday. And even now. You know him better than those words that slipped from his mouth in the heat of the moment.
Hyunjin takes notice of your attempt in counting the bouquet of roses he still holds in hand. “Fifteen, they mean I’m sorry,” He says gently with a sniffle.
A breathy laugh tumbles out your nostrils, another big relieving sign for Hyunjin.“You can be cheesy too, you know that?”
“And it seems to be working. You have loved my cheesiness since day one.”
And many more days to come too.
You are in the midst of laughing at something stupid Hyunjin told of the blue. It’s a melody Hyunjin thought he would be used to by now, but with you, things seem limitless— heart still skipping beats til this day. You brought a new world to life for him, a world Hyunjin wants to live in forever. You are there for him and he is there for you, through thick and thin. And what more to love could there be? But life surprises people, much like Hyunjin’s existence.
“What if I get you one-hundred roses?” Hyunjin voices his thoughts aloud, looking at you to see your eyes widen.
“Hwang Hyunjin, I would love that, but!” You giggle. “Where am I going to put one-hundred roses?”
“Everywhere in your house of course! That way, everywhere you turn, you’ll think of me every second.” He says it like you don’t think of him every second already.
“What does one-hundred roses mean anyway?” You let yourself melt into Hyunjin’s touch when he takes your hand in his, your head laying on his shoulder.
He presses a kiss to your temple. Another Valentines out of the past few was approaching, and it takes everything in Hyunjin not to spoil everything he has planned so far. “Only one way to find out, right?” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: SKZ Materialist*.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
You hold the last box of your belongings close to your chest and take a deep breath nervously pressing the button to your new home. Wow, that sounds weird. Sharing a home with the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Your chest tightens. “God, I better not fuck this up” you mumble to yourself as the pent house suite door opens. Noah stands in clear view of the door as it opens. You walk into the apartment. “Y/N'' he yells at the top of his voice. “Where were you? I didn’t see you. I was worried, '' he said all in one breath. He wraps his arms around your leg and takes a deep inhale.
You look at him confused and put the box down. You have to tear him off you so you can kneel down to give him your daily bear hug. As you do, you notice his teary puffy eyes. You look at him puzzled then suddenly, almost like something in you woke up you panic, “Are you okay baby?” you grab him by the arm and turn him around manically looking for a source of pain. He doesn’t answer. You grab his leg and pull his PJ's up to continue looking for some sort of bruise, anything physical that would explain him crying. “He was crying cause he didn’t see you” a voice said walking past you and Noah. You look up at Liam grabbing a piece of fruit from the counter. His face looked disinterested. “He woke up and he didn't see you, he thought you left,” he said, rubbing the apple on his shirt. You lock eyes for a moment as you try to read into his expression. Fuck, he’s just like his dad, so hard to make out what he’s thinking. The sniffles coming from Noah make you break your eye contact. You look at him with wide eyes. “It’s okay Y/N. I’m okay. Please don’t cry. I just thought..” he jumps on you again, this time throwing you both onto the floor. “I’m not leaving Noah” you say, squeezing him tight. You didn’t even notice when your eyes were wet before Noah pushed back on you. He wipes the tears out your eyes. You smile at him softly. A few moments with Noah went on about how he’s so excited about your room and how it’s really close to theirs. Where’s Bakugou? You look around distracted as Noah goes on. “He’s upstairs” Liam says walking towards you with a napkin. He hands it to you and turns on his heel as he takes another bite of his apple. You sit there stunned, holding the soft piece of tissue in your hand. “Did you hear what I said?” Liam says, grabbing your face with both hands and then smashing his face into your neck. “Let’s go find your dad, yeah?” you say as you start to pick Noah up.
Bakugou is on the floor, legs crossed as he’s holding a piece of your unmade bed frame. He has his phone pressed against his ear and shoulder. “I already told you I don’t want to go on another date with her” he growled into the phone. “Well, that’s not my problem. I don’t care what the public thinks about us.” he says a little louder. “Daddy!” Noah says running, throwing himself on his back. “Hey buddy” Bakugou says, ending the call in one swipe of his finger and tossing it on his lap. “What were you talking about?” he says, gripping Bakugou's neck a bit too hard. “You're trying to kill me buddy” Bakugou says, letting out a quick laugh as he releases Noah's hands off his neck. They sit there laughing for a little. I love seeing them like this. It’s so different from how the rest of the world sees him. Bakugou looks at you leaning on the door and cracks a smirk. “Are you gonna come into your new room or what?” he says, turning around to face Noah again. You feel like the wind was knocked out of you when he looks at you even for a second. I’m going to have to live with this man. You got this y/n? You steady yourself and walk over to them. You kneel down on the floor next to Bakugou, “Do you need help? I am pretty helpful with these types of things” you say taking the piece of wood off the floor. “For starters, this was supposed to go in that thing” you say giggling. “Ah fuck” he says rolling his eyes. “HEY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH” Noah scolds him. You all break out in laughter. You spend the rest of the morning setting up your new bed set. You told bakugou that you could just use the one you had in your old apartment but he insisted on getting you a new one. You can appreciate all the things he does for you, since you’ve almost moved in he’s gotten you the best of the best; everything from fancy towels to new hair products for your hair type.
“We’re off to the park” Noah screams at the top of his lungs towards your bedroom at Bakugou. He wouldn’t be louder if he tried. But then again, look who’s his dad. He usually doesn’t raise his voice around me but when he does, oh boy is that grown man loud. The walk to the near park was one of the best, Liam actually was talking to you about his classmates and how one of them has been giving him problems. You try to come up with a plan of how to deal with it. “If I tell dad, he’s going to make a big deal about it. I already get enough attention as it is.” he explains when you asked why you haven’t told Bakugou. “Well, I’m happy to hear you out. I’m not as hot headed as your dad” you laugh. He cracks a smile as you put an arm around him as you’re walking. After a few moments Noah bust between you both and yells, “are you guys done talking? I want a hug too” he says scrunching up his nose. You hug both of them. Noah pulls you close, puts his hand on the side of his mouth and whispers, “without him please”. This child is going to be the death of me. You pick him up and swing him into your arms. “You’ll have to let me go, we’re here guys” you say as you put him down. They both run off in different directions. You sit there on a bench taking in the warm sun. I can honestly do this everyday. This feels like.. You’re stopped mid thought when your phone starts to vibrate. Oh, the alarm I set for earlier. Well might as well check social media. I haven’t had much time since moving. The first thing you look at is twitter, you follow a few of your friends and some popular celebs.
“Did you hear about Dynamite and his new girlfriend?” you overhear two women say as they walk past you and take a seat on the next bench. What? “Oh my god. They look so good together. I would die to trade places with her”. You sit still for a moment trying to gather your emotions. Who is she? Why didn’t he tell me he was dating someone? I thought. I-I don’t.. You grab your phone quickly, opening it and going to twitter again. You search up, “Dynamite and” and there it is. You stare at your phone for a bit. There she is, a beautiful tall slender blonde woman arm in arm with Bakugou. You sigh in disbelief pushing your back into the bench. Why does this hurt so much? Fuck. Why do I even fucking care? He’s not even.. “Hey, are you okay?” says a deep voice. You turn your head, noticing the very handsome man next to you. “Yeah” you say, taking another breath. “You don’t sound okay” he says looking deep in your eyes. His hair is black as night and his eyes are deep purple, you can honestly get lost trying to figure out how many different shades there are in them. “Yeah, I just got some news.. I wasn’t expecting it” you say shifting your eyes down and moving some hair out of your face. “I bet. Boyfriend?” He says as he watches your face carefully for a reaction. You let out a slight giggle before letting out a breath and bite your lip, “no”. The man and you sit in silence for a minute. Fucking hell. Why do I feel like shit right now? This hot guy is next to me and all I could think about is you wrapped around another woman. Fuck this.. You lay your eyes on the man again. He’s about Bakugou’s age with a very muscular build, he has a couple white stands in his hair, he’s beautiful. “Which one is yours?” you scooch over towards him. “The little one over there” he points at the kid playing with Noah. He stretches his arm to rub the back of his head, you can clearly see him clearly stretching his muscles. You almost laugh out loud. Trying a little too hard buddy. You both make conversation for a while. It doesn’t take long before He’s asking you on a date, you accept of course. Maybe seeing someone else for a couple hours will help me get over this.. whatever this feeling is. After a few more minutes Noah comes over to you all sweaty trying to hug you. “Let's go home” you say with a smile. I feel like shit but I can’t even show it. This kid can read me like a fucking book. Okay, put on a smile y/n.
A few days have passed since you saw the pictures of Bakugou and his “girlfriend’. When you came home that day, you couldn’t even look at him. Why the fuck am I acting like he betrayed me or something. I’m just the nanny. Get a fucking grip y/n. Still, you tried to avoid him as much as possible. When he walked into the room, you would walk out, you ate dinner in your room unless Noah asked you to stay with him and you tried everything in your power not to look at him in his eyes. You were butt fucking hurt to say the least. After a few days you get the courage to talk to him. You take a deep breath before knocking on his office door. “Come in,” he says lazily. He’s sitting in his chair facing his computer typing away. He stops and cocks his head over his shoulder to look at you. You can do this. You need to do this. “Do you need anything?” he says, turning his head back at the computer with his hands still on the keyboard. “I-I I won’t be home Friday night. I don’t know what time I’ll be back” you say almost in a whisper. “Oh” you’ve caught his attention now. He turns off the monitor and swirls in his chair to face you. Fuck fuck fuck fuck “I checked your schedule and I saw you work till about 3. That gives me time to..” you say waving your hand around like a child explaining something. “Yeah, that’s fine” he says, eyeing you up and down. You look nervous, like you have something you’re hiding. “Cool” you say, taking a deep breath as you turn on your heel about to make a run for it. “A date?” he says in a low deep almost bitter tone. I was so close. I WAS SO FUCKING CLOSEEEE “Yeah.” you say turning back around to face his him. “With that guy in the park?” He says looking you up and down almost like he’s looking for a reaction. “Yeah, How did you..” you look at him confused. “When you guys came home Noah told me that you were upset about something while you were in the park and this guy started talking to you,” he said, crossing his arms. Why do I feel like I’m getting fucking scolded. “Yeah, I was pretty upset about something" you look away from him. How can I say: Hey, I was upset that you're dating a blonde supermodel because… well, I don’t know. Also, please sign my check sir without sounding like a total psycho. You quickly snap out of that thought as he stands up and slowly walks over to you. You’re still staring at the floor as he stands in front of you. “Is that why you haven’t said a word to me for days?” he says in a low tone, still arms crossed but this time biting his top lip looking for your eyes. You slowly look up at him. He’s so big and muscular next to you. He’s also wearing your favorite outfit. Those sweats and tank top combo will be the death of me. Your eyes finally meet his. In this moment you’re lost in his eyes, the intensity that’s usually there isn’t. You can’t quite put a finger on what he’s thinking or this unknown expression plastered on his face. It feels foreign but nevertheless it knocks the wind out of you. You feel your heart rate increase. “No” you say after some time staring into his eyes. I don’t believe her. “Okay” he says with a sigh. “Okay” you say back to him looking away. Tears start to form in your eyes as you walk away from the office. You take a moment to catch your breath in the hallway and turn back towards his office. Your body almost moves on it’s own. Maybe I should cancel. I don’t even- I don’t want anyone- Before you can knock on his door again you get a twitter alert. “Bakugou and girlfriend were spotted kissing in the park two days ago” it read. The pictures in the tweet were bad, you can barely even tell if they were kissing or not but It still made your chest ache. Bakugou opened the door to see you squinting at your phone trying to zoom into the picture. “Change your mind?” he said leaning on the door frame. You jump up and step back, you didn't notice how close you guys were. “No.” you say looking him dead in the eye. “Why would I? I am so excited” you say with a broken smile.
Bakugou and you don’t speak for the rest of the day. You are both noticeable in a bad mood.. “What’s wrong with daddy?” Noah says to Liam as Bakugou stomps around the house while you’re hiding in your room. “He’s jealous,” Liam says looking at Noah. “I have a plan, wanna help?” he says, smiling at Noah. Noah gives him the same devilish smile back.
Taglist: @lil-miminini @bqkuho3 @xoxo-teddybear @candybabey @butterflyhallucations @sizzlingdonutturtlemuffin @hay-leeeah @speedmetalqueen @yourfavoriteblackfemweeb @bakucumsackslut @shipchild @nanamithecute
I'm so sorry it took so long but If anyone else wants to me on the tag list for the next one lmk :)
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jenojaemssss · 3 years
nct dream as your boyfriend
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nct dream x gn!reader
fluffy boyfriend!nct dream headcanons because it's 2 am and i'm all up in my head <3 also because i have no motivation to work on dont need it and am holding it off as much as i possibly can before finalizing it <3
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lee mark
just the softest boy
we already know he really enjoys playing the guitar
so i feel like he’s the type to wake up at like 3 in the morning with a melody in mind
like he wakes up in cold sweat because he has such a good idea and he CANNOT forget it
he’d record a snippet of it and send it to you after he perfects it
but this is rare because he’d rather hear your reaction
mark isn’t the type to facetime; he’d rather just call you or just come over to see you in person
so a lot of the time you’d get an incoming phone call
at 3 in the morning
because he forgets the time when he’s immersed in his craft
and because it’s a phone call, he can’t see you squinting at your phone
but you’d try your best to not make it obvious that you were already asleep
and then he’d go on and on about how he was in the middle of writing something and thought about you
his voice literally just wakes you up because he’s so excited over his creation
“ready to hear it?”
and after playing it for you he’d have the widest, goofiest smile on his face
he’d be so proud of yourself after you give him a personal round of applause
but his grin doesn’t stay on for long because there’d be banging on his wall from his housemates telling him to shut up
this happened so often that they don’t even have to say anything, just forcefully tap their wall and he’d get the hint
usually then, he’d finally realize how late-or technically, early- it was getting
“ah shit, fuck were you sleeping when i called?”
and you’d just chuckle because he’s so damn cute
and then you’d remind him how much you love and enjoy his hobby
and how it makes you happy getting to listen to him play his guitar
“you do know you don’t have to pick up, right?”
but you’d just smile even wider and he could hear it over the phone and he’d smile too
your smile is so endearing to him
and when he was the reason you’re smiling, it sends him through the clouds
because how could HE be the cause of such a beautiful smile
“hey, baby?”
“yeah, mark?”
“i love you.”
and you’d giggle so hard because he still gives you butterflies
“i love you, too, mageolli.”
“bro, did hyuck teach you that?” he squeaks
another bang on his wall makes him jump and he ends up whispering to you for about another hour
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huang renjun
this man loves to read, so whenever he’s reading a book he really likes, he’d annotate it with the intentions of giving it to you
sometimes he’d highlight funny things and write little notes like “this made me laugh and i thought you’d like it too”
so fucking endearing let me tell you
and when he comes across romantic lines, he’d highlight them in pink and write little notes on how it reminded him of you
when he’s done with the book and gives it to you, you’d find cute little highlighted portions with notes and messages directed for you
sometimes, he’d write you cute little messages on the inside cover, kind of like an introduction to his annotations
he’d also write a mini introduction to the content of the book, but in his own cute way
“i found this book really funny (those funny scenes are highlighted in yellow) and there were a lot of scenes where the interactions between the two main characters reminded me of you and i, so those are highlighted in purple”
and a bunch of other notes related to his annotations
the back cover has a mini summary and all his personal thoughts after finishing the book
“could they BE anymore stupid? he should have confessed to her when…” and many more angry-renjun reactions
there was one time he was reading pride and prejudice and came across this line
“in vain i have struggled. it will not do. my feelings will not be repressed. you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you.”
he was about to pull out his highlighter and smear the bright pink across it but pauses
and then he just slams the book closed because he remembers how much of an asshole mr. darcy was in this book
and how much he hated pride and prejudice
he was only reading it again because you asked him to read it with you
the two of you often picked out your favorite books and had the other one read it and discuss it with each other after you both finished
kind of like a personal book club
this time around you picked this wretched book and he was not having it
but then you pulled out the puppy eyes
he gagged in front of you and asked that if he’d read it with you, you wouldn’t pull that shit again
internally he loved it, he just doesn’t like showing it physically
anyways, after slamming the book shut he stood up from the couch but was so pissed off with the fucking book that he called you
“babe, why is lizzy so fucking idiotic?”
you’re just as confused as he is, but for a totally different reason
“i know we’re supposed to discuss when we’re finished but i just cannot read this book anymore.”
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lee jeno
the type of boyfriend that has a really hard time expressing his feelings in words
so he’d show it in his actions instead
his love language is most likely physical touch
but at the same time he seems like the type to not enjoy too much physical affection in public
yet he still needs to be touching you: always
just small gestures to keep in physical contact with you
it reassures him that you’re still there
in public, he’d make an effort to hold pinkies
like he’d interlock them when you’re walking around the grocery store or just when you go on walks together
oh yeah, jeno really likes walks
like when the two of you are having a really rough day or when you’re both just not in the best mood, he’d ask to go on walks to clear your minds
it’s his way of telling you that he’s there for you
on the rough days, instead of holding your pinky, he’d intertwine your hands instead
and when you guys argue over things and he doesn’t know what to say, he’d leave the room for a bit so that you don’t say things you don’t really mean to each other
jeno is a good man, he was raised right
so he KNOWS when he’s at fault
and when he realizes what he’s done and takes all the things you say into consideration, you’d hear the sink running or the vacuum turn on
he’d clean your apartment for you as an apology
back to the physical touch aspect of him
rare *public* back hugs here and there but only around people he’s comfortable with
but when you’re alone??
he would literally CLING onto you, personal bubble does not exist to this man
wraps his arms around your waist when you cook or do the dishes, playing footsies when you eat, all of that
sometimes when you’re both on the couch doing work on separate laptops he’d make it a literal mission to be in physical contact with you
like even if it interferes with his work, he’s gotta be touching you
he’d have one leg thrown over your torso if your hands are too busy with something
it’s really endearing because if you moved at all, like even just a little and he wasn’t able to have a part of his body on yours, he’d start pouting
he’d reach his arms or legs out in a grabbing motion and not say anything
and then you’d have to reposition yourself so that the two of you would be able to work and he still be able to touch you
and his smiles, the fucking smiles when he gets to hold your hand after you guys finish working on whatever you needed to work on
his cuddles are top tier too, and he’d make sure you guys get at least 30 minutes of cuddles a day
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lee donghyuck
the whiniest, most annoying (but adorable) boyfriend ever
like jeno, he needs to be in physical contact with you, but instead of quietly pouting or reaching for you, he’d YELL
“y/n! hold my hand!”
“but i’m typing-”
“babe, hold my hand!!!!” *intense pouting*
he normally drops it when he knows you’re actually busy, but when he knows you’re just watching a movie or something, he keeps pestering you until you hold his hand
and when you do, he takes the opportunity to POUNCE on you like he just deadass lays on top of you
and you let him because it’s actually really comforting having his weight on top of you
NOSE KISSES!!!!!! lots of those
and forehead pecks
it goes both ways, though, because he likes receiving those too!!!!! fairness!!!!!
he’s the type to play tricks on you, but never takes it too far because he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way
and he spoils you a lot
like not with materialistic things (though sometimes he does) but more with arguments and when it comes to picking what to do/eat for the day
he’s the type to always think before his actions, yet when he’s around you, all logic is thrown to the side
“you wanna go bungee jumping? bet!” (even though he’s afraid of heights)
he gets two of everything when he goes to the store; one for him and one for you
and when you first started dating, you got a bit shy because of this due to the fact that he’s spending extra on you
you felt bad he was spending extra money so whenever you were buying things, you followed his habit and do the same thing
and for the first couple months he’d say that it’s fine and everything but when you both got really comfortable around each other, he’d be really witty with his comebacks
“no, i don’t wanna share with you” or “pay me back then”
sometimes the casual, “no, you’re gonna eat all of it and leave me nothing”
soon enough, the two of you fell into the habit of buying two of everything wherever you went (besides the things that you both know the other person hates)
also, when you first started dating, a lot of it was just casually hanging out at a park or walking around a random neighborhood and getting food nearby
street food you can take on the go >>>> food from fancy restaurants
and also, when you first started getting snacks for each other and he didn’t know what you liked, he got one of everything
like for example, the first time you guys had a movie night at your place, he went to the store but didn’t know what brand of chips you preferred so he bought both kinds
(he learned that day what your favorite snacks and brands were and he remembered it forever)
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na jaemin
jaemin is the king of hugs, like no one, absolutely NO ONE can beat him when it comes to hugs
they’re always so warm and he always knows whenever you need one
he’s kind of like a battery pack, so whenever you hug him, you feel recharged and energized
because all his hugs are full of love and you can literally feel it radiating off of him
“jaems, i need-”
you can’t even finish your sentence because he’s already engulfing you
“i know, baby”
sometimes you’d tease him and say things like, “i was gonna ask for some water” or some shit like that and he’d get all pouty
and when he’s about to let go, you just pull him into you more
so obviously, he’s another fan of physical affection
but unlike jeno and hyuck, he’s not quite the clingy type
he will give you your space and will not invade your personal bubble, but instead just show that he’s there by doing other things
whenever he sees that your water glass is half empty, he’d go refill it
would always ask if you wanted a snack
would feed you his food when you were busy working on your laptop
just little actions to show that he’s paying attention to you
you pick up on his habit and slowly become more tentative too
he’s also the type that shows the overprotective type of affection too
like, when it gets cold and he notices you shiver a little, he’d immediately take off his sweater/hoodie/jacket, whatever, and give it to you
or whenever your clothes seem to be bothering you, he’d offer you his shirt or pants or anything for you to feel more comfortable
he really enjoys cooking for you, so you’d have little cooking dates every once in a while where he teaches you a recipe or you teach him something
and it always either ends up in a disaster or a really appetizing success, no mediocre food in this household
the disasters are normally when you’re in charge of the cooking because you get distracted by jaemin’s crackheadery
he talks to the fucking vegetables and asks them how their day was before chopping them up, like what the fuck?
the normally tentative jaemin gets distracted because he’s making you laugh
he loves hearing you laugh, so he keeps doing what he’s doing to get to hear it more
so sometimes you forget you’re boiling something, you forget there’s something on the stove and shit starts spilling out
you’re both panicking and looking for the fire extinguisher
jaemin just ends up smacking it with whatever he’s holding and the flames go out and you both end up laughing and rolling around on the floor for the next 10 minutes
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zhong chenle
can be the most evil or the most adoring boyfriend, there is no inbetween
like some days, he’d tease you to the point you ignore him while other days he’s all cuddly, snuggled up against you while hyping you up like you’re some sort of insta baddie
but a constant is that he will ALWAYS call you cute
you say something stupid? “cute.”
you CALL him stupid? “how cute!”
you drop your phone in the toilet? “cute.”
he has an obsession with that word, but it doesn’t really bother or annoy you because you really like hearing him say it
even when you guys play video games
you’re both beast at battle royale games, so you’re both constantly playing with one another
you guys normally don’t play when you see each other/ meet up because you spend that time doing other quality couple things
like bicker over what to order or where to get boba from for the day
so instead you guys normally play video games together at 3 in the morning after finishing up all your work for the day
whenever you’d knock down an enemy, you’d hear him from the other end of the phone shouting things like, “y/n that kill was so sexy!” (he picked that up from jaemin)
when you make noises after either missing or hitting your target, he’d chuckle to himself and mumble a little, “cute.”
soon enough you’re also picking up the habit and calling him cute all the damn time too
at first, he insisted that you stopped calling him cute because it was HIS line
“babe, i know i’m adorable, but stop calling me cute.”
more bickering because he is so persistent
eventually got used to it and you two would have little squabbles over how the other is overusing it when you're BOTH doing it
not normally the type to be showing physical affection, but will cuddle when he’s sleepy
he feels safe when he’s holding you so he’s at peace and can fall asleep easily
he probably likes petting your hair when he’s the big spoon, and likes it when you pet his hair when he’s the little spoon
OMG WAIT he’s probably the type to have you lay on his lap (or vice versa) and just play with your hair (or have you play with his hair)!!!!!!!
like y’all are just chilling on the couch watching some basketball game and he just lays on your lap out of nowhere
“time for human contact!”
you’d just laugh and start combing your hand through his hair and he closes his eyes and ends up falling asleep
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park jisung
the best friend type of boyfriend where the most couply thing you end up doing is going yo the zoo and feeding animals
he really likes when you guys go to the gift shop and play with the little toys they have
he’s super interested in the little things and is fascinated by everything big and small
you find that shit so cute and secretly take pictures of him staring at the miniature figures of lions
he catches on after seeing you changed your wallpaper to a picture of him holding a giraffe puppet and having it look at him
he holds your finger when you walk around so that you both don’t get lost
but his hands are really big compared to yours, so you switch to holding his finger instead and he physically melts because he thinks it looks so cute
i think your typical dates are the ones that involve a lot of walking around BECAUSE of the fact that you hold onto his finger
(jk, but like...he just thinks it’s really cute)
(so much so that it becomes a habit when you’re just hanging out)
(watching a movie? here, hold my finger. grocery shopping? here, hold it.)
you guys go to the amusement park often too
you hold onto each other’s fingers and wander around the park looking for rides that jisung can ride because he's scared of action
but you like roller coasters, and jisung always feels bad because you never ride them when you two go together
so one time, when there was one you really wanted to go on but you knew it would have scared jisung
so you decided to pass up on it because you didn’t want to leave him alone
but he was noticing how your eyes kept lingering on the coaster and he broke
“y/n, i’ll go on it with you”
and you’re shocked because you didn’t even say you wanted to go on it, like you just looked at it but he caught on
and you tried to brush it off and insisting that you could go on a ride you both liked
but he was so stern about it because he knew how much you wanted to go on it
i think he’s the type of boyfriend that normally gets over his fears when he is encouraged by his partner, and in this case, his form of encouragement was making you happy
he just likes seeing you happy in general
so internally, he’s hyping himself up while you’re cheering for him
and although he’s scared shitless, he goes through with it because he knows that this is a fear he needs to get over, so might as well get it over with while making you smile!
and so when it’s your turn to get on the ride, he gets cold feet, kinda, but you grab onto his hand, not his finger, and rub your thumb over it to reassure him that it’ll be fine
and it was honestly not that bad because he felt safe with you holding his hand the entire time
and when the ride finishes and he sees how happy you are, he thinks to himself that it was so worth it because you’re beaming
he makes a note
holding your hand > holding fingers
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rudystopit · 3 years
Study Date
[iida Tenya x f!reader] 
summary: you and the other girls started making bets on who the class rep. has a crush on. you decided you’d find out yourself. 
*all characters are third years* 
warning: nsfw but wholesome, stripping, squirting, overstimulation, praising, and fingering. 
wc: 3.4k
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You sat with mina and momo at lunch. they sat quietly. You look around. You see the class rep. You two make eye contact and he shyly waves. You flash a bright smile and wave back. You turn back to the other two.
“Let’s make a bet,” you say. You catch their attention. “Who does Mr Iida Tenya have a crush on?” You smile.
“$5, no one,” momo says, “he seems like he’d be the type to say ‘he doesn’t have time’” she laughs.
“$10 Uraraka,” mina says. You write down their bets as the rest of the girls show up.
“Whatcha writing?” Uraraka asks, looking at the paper.
“Bets, want in?” You tell her. you move the notebook so she can see it.
“What are we betting on?” Tsuyu asks, sitting next to mina.  
“Who Iida likes,” mina laughs,  “I said Uraraka,” Uraraka’s face goes red.
“$5 y/n,” Jirou says, sitting down next to momo.  
“Why me?” you ask.
“he stares at you all the time,” Jirou says.
“yeah,” all the girls say.
“i change my bet,” mina says. “$10 on y/n.”
“how about i ask him on a date and you guys pay me the bets, since you guys all think he likes me,” you sneer.
“ok,” mina says.
“fine. $5 each,” you say, getting up. you walk over to where iida is sitting. he’s reading and he looks up to see you. he smiles.
“hello, y/n,” he says sweetly.
“hey, i need help studying for that test. can you help me out?” you ask.
he smiles and says he wouldn’t mind and to come by his dorm this afternoon and he’ll help you. you thank him and walk back to the table. they all act natural when you turn around.
“so?” tooru asks.
“i’m going to his dorm tonight to study,” you sit down and they talk about what think is gonna happen. they start another bet if you’re gonna sleep with him or not.
that afternoon, you walk to his dorm. you wore a simple hoodie and some shorts. you held your books in hand. you didn’t need help on study but it was the only thing you could think of on the spot that didn’t sound to “datey.”
you knocked on his door. you heard some shuffling and the door opens. he stood in the doorway with a white shirt and some sweats. you smile. “hey, y/n, come in,” he opens the door wider.
his dorm was super clean. like show room clean. you doubt there’s even a speck of dust. damn he must clean everyday. you sit at the coffee table and he sits on the side next to you. he opens the textbook and starts reading what the test is going to be about. you zone out to his calming voice. you start to drift off to sleep.
“y/n!” he yells. you snap awake. “really? you asked for help,” he’s voice is rough.
“sorry, it just so boring,” you huff. you put your head on the table. he looks at you. a small smile creeps onto his face. you shoot up with an idea. “let’s make it a game!”
“like what?” he asks. you smile.
“ok, hear me out, every question i get right, i get to ask you a question wrong, one piece of clothing off,” his face gets red, “your choice of clothes, if you want,”
“no,” he almost yells. his face is super red.
“come on tenya~” you beg. “studying is so boring so let’s make it fun!”
“n-no y/n,” he stumbles. you give up and put you’re head on the table. you play with your hands, embarrassed. he probably hates you now, you thought. “well, maybe we could,” you turn your head to him. “w-we could try it. i just don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he played with his hands.
“ok,” you answered.
“ok, umm,” he asks a question about the cell structure. you messed up the er and golgi body. his face goes beat red when he had to pick something for you to take off. “s-shorts, i guess, you don’t want to it’s fin-“ you stand up and pull them down and toss them to the side. you plop back down.
he asks about aerobic respiration. you answer correctly. “shirt,” he pulls it over his head. he looks away as you look at his toned abs.
he asked about the main parts of the cell. “easy, membrane, nucleus, and ctyoplsm,” you answer. “left sock” he gives you a weird look and pulls off his left sock.
“ok describe a lysosome,” he asks. he leans his elbows on the table as you described something and is totally not even close to a lysosome. “wrong,” he smiles. “give me your left sock,” he smiles. you take it off and throw it at him.
“here’s an easy one,” he says
“hey i’ve gotten two correct so far!” you yell.
“ok, do you want a hard one?” he leans over to you. “you really want me to take your clothes?”
your face goes red. “just ask the question.”
“where are organelles found?” he asks.
“in the cytoplasm,” he smiles.
“let me guess, my right sock,” he laughs. you hold out your hand. he pulls it off and hands it to you. “described cell theory,” you ramble on about cell theory but you miss a small part. “ooh so close but you missed apart, hand over the sock,” you glare at him and give him your right sock.
he asked about the parts of a nucleus. you answer. you almost didn’t get it right up, but you caught yourself. “well, gimme the pants,” his face is bright red the whole time he takes off his pants. he sits back down and won’t look you in the eyes. you’ve never seen his legs up close or with out the mufflers. you let your hand crease his calf. he tenses up. he crosses his arms and closes his eyes as you feel his leg.
“does it ever hurt?” you ask mindlessly.
“sometimes,” he answers. “not my legs but the rest.” you’ve heard about his quirk but you never could fully understand it. “let’s get back to studying,” his tone felt serious. he asks about the mitochondria and you say some dumb shit.
“come on. it’s literally the easiest thing to remember,” he yells.
“damn i’m sorry,” without thinking you take off your hoodie and hand it to him. he freezes and his face goes instant tomato red. you completely forgot what bra you were wearing. the lacy black one that you only wear when it’s a special occasions or laundry day. your cheeks get hot as he stares. “next question!” you yell.
“uh... ummm... oh, here, which organelle’s function is likely to be impaired because of an mutation?” he asks trying not to look at you.
“i don’t know ribosomes,” he looks at you with wide eyes. ha you got it right.
“c-correct,” he stumbles. he straights get up.
“the glasses! four eyes!” you’re beyond red. you hold out your hand. he takes them off. you stare at him. he only got hotter. he looks at you squinting.
“what?” he asks.
“n-nothing, next question!” you say looking away.
“Which of the following observations tells her that the organism is eukaryotic?” he asks with the book inches away from his face.
“ughh ribosomes again?” you say. he squints at you.
“no,” he quickly looks away and holds out his hand. you take off your bra and hand it to him. he looks at it and squints. face, red. he drops it. “bad time to ask for my glasses back?”
“iida tenya did you just flirt with me!” you joke.
“n-no i meant to read the questions!” he gets all fluster. you put the glasses across to him. he puts them on and blinks a few times. then he looks at you. his mistake because he instantly looks away with a mad blush.
you laugh and crawl over to him. he refuses to look at you. you grab his chin. he looks at your face only. “it’s okay, tenya. i don’t mind,” you drop his chin and grab his hand. you bring it up to your chest. he doesn’t know what to do at first but he looks down and starts squeezing it softly. his cheeks are super red. you smile at how cute he is. his hand drops and he turns tkt be book.
“well we should get back to work,” you decided not to fight it and sat down and waited for the question. “are you single?”
“yes,” you answer. “hey that correct!” you joke. he looked at you like deer in headlights. “i’m joking. also why would i ask to play this game if i dating someone?”
“i don’t know,” he says shyly. “What type of microscope would be most effective for studying a living cell?” he asks.
you thought a little bit then answered magnifying glass. he looks at you. “wrong” you got up and then turned around. you slowly pulled down your panties. you tossed them at him which he dodged. you laugh and sit back down.
“umm, Which of the following choices correctly describes the composition of a ribosome?” he asked.
“contains RNA, proteins, and... lipids?” you ask. he pinched the bridge of his nose, he sighs.
“no,” he looks at you. “what now?”
“hmm. you seem like you’ve never touched a girl so i guess everyone i get wrong you can explore?”
he’s overwhelmed. he’s way over his head. you broke him. “n-no,”
“fine ask me a question about myself,” you say leans back on your elbows. your whole body on display. he couldn’t help but stare.
“Based on the diagrams, which organism(s) are eukaryotic and why?” he slides the book to you. you sit up and stare. he soaked in every inch of your body.
“2 and 3? cause? they both have the tails?” you questions.
“come on y/n,” he huffed. “are you doing this on purpose?”
“yes,” you answer bluntly. he’s jerks back stunned.
“what do you mean?” he asks.
“nope, one question per lost,” you wave your figure in his face.
“Which of the following junctions form a watertight seal between neighboring cells?” then he lists four things. you think about it and try remembering that lesson. you remember hearing tight junction.
you get close to tenya and you put your index finger on the band of his boxers. you whisper in his ear “tight junction,” you snap his waistband. you sit back down facing away as he takes them off. you look over your shoulder. he’s scowling at you.
he flips through the book, “What is the primary function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?” he asks and looks at you. you stare off thinking of the answer.
“modifying proteins!” you shout. he smiles.
“okay, hit me, what something your dying to know?” he laughs leaning on the table to hide his lap.
“virgin?” you ask.
“...yeah,” he says shyly.
“awww,” you yell and put your hand on his arm.
“Which of the following proteins attach desmosomes to one another?” he asks.
“a what?”
“desmosomes are junctions that attach themselves to its neighbors,” he explains. you move closer. you warm your arms around his. he tenses up and tries to push you off.
“like this?” you laugh.
“y-yes y/n g-get off,” he gets you off.
“hmmm, connexins?” you ask.
“nope, why are you doing this?” he asks in a hella scary tone.
“because,” you answer laying down, looking at the ceiling. you turn to him. he’s rubbing his temples.
“no seriously y/n!” he yells.
“damn fine, because i wanted to know if you liked me,” you answer sitting up. you tweedle with your hand. “mina and the other girls said they catch you staring at me and we wanted to know if you liked me,” you mumble. “it’s fine you don’t and i can leave if you want,” you reach over to grab your hoodie.
he grabs your wrist, “we’re not done studying,” what the fuck is up with him and study...
you sit back down and he looks through the book. “ah, Which of the following is a function of the extracellular matrix?” and he lists stuff out.
“i don’t know, storing genetic info?” you say shrugging. you weren’t feeling this anymore. you feel exposed and kinda tired.
“wrong, do you like me?” he asks.
“i guess,” you look at your feet. “after today yeah,”
“ok, Which of the following statements is true regarding gap junctions?” he asks.
“tenya, i don’t know, can we just stop,” you ask.
“nope,” he sighs, “fine, here’s a different question, Which of the following statements regarding chloroplasts is false?”
“thylakoids are pigments found in the chloroplast that’s what give plants the green color,” you sigh.
“correct,” he says. “what’s your question?”
“can i leave?”
“no, ask a better one,” he rolls his eyes.
“fine, who do you like?” you huff looking at the book. he moves next to you and grabs your chin. he lightly kisses you. it takes a second for you to process what is going on. he pulls away. he puts his hand on the back of his neck and laughs.
“i’ve liked you for awhile now. i just thought you had i think with someone mina is friends with,” he smiles. you just blank stare at him. you brain is somehow empty but also having a million consecutive thoughts at the same time. “sorry, you can leave if you want,” he moves back to his spot on the floor.
you practically lunge at him. your arms around his neck. you sit on his lap. you smash your lips against his. he’s taken by surprise but he closes his eyes and his hands make their way to your hips. you smile into the kiss. you part your lips and swipe your tongue across his lips. he pulls away.
“sorry, i’m not tha-“ you cut him off but kissing him and shoving your tongue into his mouth. you explore ever inch and your fingers tangle in his hair. his hands explore your body. he feels every inch of your back, ass and shoulder.
you pull away with a string of silva connecting you two. “i want to,” you pause. he thinks for a second. his eyes widen and he blushes.
“are you sure?” he asks. “we don’t have to it you don’t want to,”
“do you want too?” you ask.
he looks you on his lap, “yes, a lot,” he smiles. you get off of him and stand up. you hold out your hands for him. he grabs them and stand up. he pulls you to him and you rest your head on his chest. he kisses your head. you look up at him and he kisses your forehead. he starts to walk and you stumble back. he keeps giving you small pecks around your face. you giggle as he plays with your hands while walking. the cold back hit the wall.
he leans over you. he looks down at you and smiles. you smile back.
“you’re so beautiful,” he whispers. he dips his head to your neck and kisses till he find the spot that makes you melt. he leaves it purple and he drops your hands. his hands travel down your sides and onto your thighs. he grabs them and pushes you up. you hop in his arms. he grips right under your ass
“little hands there, lover boy,” you laugh.
“i’ve been wait so long for this, let me,” he winks and carries you to his bed. he lays you down gently. he kisses your neck and leaves a trail of small kisses down your chest and to you stomach. he rubs your hips. you tangle you fingers in his blue hair.
he smiles and moves away from you. you sit up, watching him. he squats down to his dresser and shuffles the clothes around. you hear a box get ripped open. you start laughing. of course he’s prepared. he looks over his shoulder.
“you’re cute,” you say. he blushes even more and you hear the ripping of plastic. he puts the condom on and walks back to you. he leans down and cups your face. he smiles down at you.
“are you sure?” he asks. you nod. “use your words, darling,” his thumb rubs your cheek.
“yes, tenya, i’m 100% sure i want you,” you whisper. he kisses your forehead and he pushes his tip in. you moan into his chest. he’s grateful you can’t see his face. you grab his hips and pull him closer.
he stretches you out. everything about him is huge so why wouldn’t his dick be just as big. you squeeze your eyes shut and moan louder into his chest. he bottoms out.
“are you ok?” he asks.
“yes ten,” you smile. he leans down and kisses your cheeks and travels down to your neck. he kisses your collarbone. you roll your hips slightly and tenya’s breathing hitches. you move him hips and he takes control. he slowly thrusts in and out. you wrap your legs around his hips. your arms snake around his back. he hugs you and picks up the pace.
“damn, y/n you feel so good,” he whispers. he starts slamming into you. you claw into his back and moan into his neck. “god you sound amazing,” he loves how your pussy clenches around him. he starts groaning in your ear and he comes. he lays on your and pants on your neck. he pulls out and walks to the bathroom.
you hear the water running from the sink. you lay there. he comes back and crawls in bed behind you. his huge arms wrapping around you. he kisses the back of your neck. he picks you up and sides underneath you. he’s sitting up against the headboard and you’re snuggled into his chest. one of his hands slides down your stomach. he slips two fingers in between your folds. he rubs a small circle around your clit. you bite your lip and move your legs wider. he keeps one of his arms across your chest.
“come on, darling, i want to hear you,” he says and moves his fingers faster. you let out a breathy moan. he kisses your shoulder. he moves his two fingers to your entrance. he slips them in. you out his name. he pumps his fingers for a little bit then curls them. you try to arc your back but his arm holds you against his chest.
his fingers rub against the rough part of your pussy. he moves his fingers at an inhuman speed. you moan out, “come on princess, come on my fingers,” with that you come undone on his fingers. he keeps his pace and you ride out your high until you feel like you have to pee. he keeps going.
“tenya, too much,” you moan out gripping onto his arm and wrist. he keeps going. yelled out and you felt a liquid flow out of you. you pant and you bury your face into his arm.
“yes, good girl,” he pulls his fingers out of your aching pussy. you watch him rub his fingers together with the slick fluid. he kisses your neck. “don’t worry baby. i just know the female body,” he kisses your shoulder.
he scoops you up bridal style and walks you to the bathroom. he sits you on the toilet while he starts a bath. you head swirl and you felt like passing out. you hang your held and close your eyes. tenya moves to sit in between your legs. his arms wrap around you waist. you put your hand on his head. you pet his soft hair. you two sat like that for a few minutes.
he moves away and feels the water. he takes your hands and pulls you up. he kisses your forehead. he pulls your closer into a hug.
“you’re amazing,” you whisper. he chuckles and pulls away. he climbs into the bath and follow in with him. you lay your head on his chest and the warm water relaxes your muscles. his arms are wrapped tightly around you arms. you played with his fingers. you drift off the sleep.
a warm sun hits your face. your eyes slowly open and your met with a sleeping tenya. you smile and shuffle closer to him. he smiles and grabs your waist and pulls you to his chest. you kiss him. he kisses back and opens his sleepy eyes.
“that’s a great way to wake up,” he mumbles. you giggle and snuggle into his chest.
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Polar Opposites - Book 3: Fire - Chapter 11: The Firebending Masters
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To say that it was really awkward between Zuko and I the next morning during breakfast is an understatement… The whole time that I was eating my breakfast I felt his eyes on me, and I know that he wanted to talk to me about last night. Luckily though, he didn’t get any chances to talk to me because he had to start training Aang today while Katara and I were planning on sparring ourselves.
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After spending almost the whole day sparring with Katara and Sokka we all have dinner before we all get some sleep. I sit in between Katara and Haru eating my noodles. As I eat my noodles, I glance over to where Appa is eating his hay to see Zuko leaning up against one of the pillars. For whatever reason he’s been quiet today… And as much as I want to ask him about it, I just can’t push myself to do it… 
As soon as I think that I see Zuko turn his head so that he’s looking at the others and I before he starts walking toward us. “Listen everybody, I've got some pretty bad news.” He says, causing all of us to look at him. “I've lost my stuff.” he continues as he looks down dejectedly. At his words, Toph raises both of her hands in defense. “Don't look at me,” “I didn't touch your stuff.” she continues as she folds her arms over chest. “I'm talking about my firebending. It's gone.” Zuko clarifies before he looks down again.
I’m about to ask what he means by that, but Katara laughing causes me to not ask as everyone turns to her. “I'm sorry. I'm just laughing at the irony. You know, how it would've been nice for us if you lost your firebending a long time ago.” Katara explains. She does have a point, but still… “Well, it's not lost. It's just... weaker for some reason.” Zuko clarifies. “Maybe you’re not as good as you think you are.” Katara replies holding her bowl up and glaring at Zuko. “Ouch.” Toph smiles sarcastically. Zuko looks away from Katara for a second before turning back. “I bet it's because I changed sides.” “That’s ridiculous.” Katara scoffs before she drinks from her bowl. “I don't know. Maybe it isn't.” Aang contemplates for a moment. “Maybe your firebending comes from rage and you just don't have enough anger to fuel it the way you used to.”
At that, Sokka leans toward Zuko causing him to look at my brother. “Sooo, all we need to do is make Zuko angry. Easy enough.” he smiles before he starts poking Zuko in the head and waist with the hilt of his sword several times, laughing as he does this. “Okay, cut it out!” Zuko exclaims, which makes Sokka jump in surprise and his sword slip from his hand before falling on his head. Zuko rubs his nose in irritation. “Look, even if you're right, I don't want to rely on hate and anger anymore.” he says. “There has to be another way.” “You're gonna need to learn to draw your firebending from a different source.” Toph says as Sokka sits next to her, rubbing his head from when his sword hit him on the head. “I recommend the original source.” He continues before she eats the food from her bowl. “How's he supposed to do that‌? By jumping into a volcano‌?” Sokka asks her excitedly. “No.” Toph answers. “Zuko needs to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is.” “So, is it jumping into a volcano?” Sokka asks her seriously. “I don't know. For earthbending, the original benders were badgermoles.” Toph replies as she places her bowl down onto the ground in front of her.
“One day, when I was little, I ran away and hid in a cave. That's where I met them. They were blind, just like me. So we understood each other. I was able to learn earthbending, not just as a martial art, but as an extension of my senses. For them, the original earthbenders, it wasn't just about fighting. It was their way of interacting with the world.” she explains. “Wow!” I smile, amazed at her story. “That's amazing, Toph!” Aang agrees. “I learned from the monks, but the original airbenders were the sky bison.” Aang then leans back to look at Appa. “Maybe you can give me a lesson sometime, buddy.” Appa growls in response to that. “Well, this doesn't help me.” Zuko says. “The original firebenders were the dragons, and they're extinct.” “What do you mean‌?” Aang asks him. “Roku had a dragon, and there were plenty of dragons when I was a kid.” “Well, they aren’t around anymore, okay?” Zuko yells. “Okay, okay.” Aang replies as he moves his arms in an appeasing manner. “I'm sorry.” “But maybe there's another way.” Zuko says as he walks toward the fountain. “The first people to learn from the dragons were the ancient Sun Warriors.”
Aang gets up from his spot and walks toward Zuko. “Sun Warriors?” he asks. “Well, I know they weren't around when I was a kid.” Zuko turns his head toward Aang as he replies. “No, they died off thousands of years ago. But their civilization wasn't too far from where we are now.” “Maybe we can learn something by poking around their ruins.” “It's like the monks used to tell me. Sometimes, the shadows of the past can be felt by the present.” Aang says. “So, what?” Sokka asks, causing Aang and Zuko look back at him. “Maybe you'll pick up some super old Sun Warrior energy just by standing where they stood a thousand years ago?” “More or less.” Zuko answers. “Either I find a new way to firebend, or the Avatar has to find a new teacher.” he finishes causing Aang to look concerned and worried.
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The next morning I help Aang saddle Appa before he and Zuko leave to go to the ruins of The Sun Warrior civilization. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” I ask Aang for what seems like the 100th time. “I’m sure Kida.” Aang answers. “I have a feeling Zuko and I will find something.” “I’m sure you will.” I answer, smiling back at him. “Aang?” Zuko’s voice rings out from below, causing Aang and I to look down at him from our spots in Appa’s saddle. “We should get going if we want to have time to look around before dark.” Zuko says to Aang.
Aang nods in reply. “I know. Kida was just helping me saddle Appa.” Zuko then looks at me, a confused look on his face. “You coming with us Kida?” I shake my head. “I would, but Sokka wants to spar.” “Oh.” he answers, looking down at the ground, sounding slightly disappointed. “Don’t worry Zuko, I’m sure you and Kida will be going on your own field trip soon!” Aang smiles, while shooting Zuko a wink. “Aang!” I shout in embarrassment as I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment, causing Aang to laugh.
Aang stops laughing a few moments later, but he has a satisfied smirk on his face. “Alright,” I begin as I slide down Appa’s side, landing next to Zuko. “You 2 have fun on your ‘field trip’” I continue making air quotes as I glare up at Aang, who’s still smirking down at Zuko and I. I turn to Zuko and place my hand on his shoulder. “Good luck and be careful.” I say, giving him a small smile before walking away to find Sokka.
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Zuko and Aang come back from the Sun Warrior civilization the next afternoon, and pretty much as soon as they had arrived they had the others and I sit down in front of them so that they could tell us what happened. They had told us everything that had happened and now they’re showing us the actual technique that the dragons had shown them. “With this technique the dragons showed us, Zuko and I will be unstoppable.” Aang says as he and Zuko perform the technique.
They get to the final posture and the others and I applaud. “Yeah, that’s a great dance you two learned there.” Sokka says from his place beside me. “It's not a dance. It's a firebending form.” Zuko retorts, turning to glare at him. “We’ll just tap-dance our way to victory over the Fire Lord.” Sokka says, moving his fingers in a dancing manner, causing me to giggle. Zuko stomps up to Sokka. “It's a sacred form that happens to be thousands of years old!” he growls. “Oh, yeah‌? What's your little form called‌?” Katara asks him.
At Katara’s question, Zuko’s shoulder’s slump in embarrassment as he answers. “The Dancing Dragon.” The others and I laugh at that, causing Zuko to cringe in embarrassment.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Love Notes
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Summary: People usually mistake Slytherins as the mean and nasty ones. Nobody told you that you would be stuck with the loud and obnoxious boy from Gryffindor. One day during your fifth year, you started receiving anonymous notes in your books, pockets, table, etc. The question is, who gave them to you?
Theme: Hogwarts au, enemies to lovers
Genre: fluff, angst [not really]
Warnings: none
WC: 4.9k
Pairing: Gryffindor!Haknyeon x Slytherin!FemReader
a/n: Hi again :) I've been binge watching Harry Potter movies for the past few days and I love it so much. So here's a little Hogwarts fic with Hakkie! Do send me requests if you have any! I'm open to writing them :)
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Going to Hogwarts was probably the best thing to happen to you. And getting yourself sorted into Slytherin house was also the best thing to ever happen to you. Except, nobody told you that you would have a horrendous time being in the same classes as the loud and obnoxious boy from Gryffindor.
His name?
Was Ju Haknyeon.
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“Did you lose your way to class again today?” Haknyeon teased when you arrived at your seat that just so happens to be right in front of him. You were in your fifth year and yet he has never once gone a day without getting on a single nerve on your body.
“Did you lose your pacifier on your way here cause you can’t seem to keep your mouth shut.” You scowled at him only to earn a soft chuckle from him.
“Look who’s talking now…” Haknyeon smirks, earning a kick to his desk from you. Your seat partner and also one of your close friends, Wooyoung couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the said boy.
Professor Snape finally dismissed the class as everyone quickly scrambled out of the room. You were walking with Wooyoung and Yeosang as the former began rambling about his terrible date yesterday when you suddenly felt an arm over your shoulder. The last person you hoped for it to be, ends up proving you wrong the minute he spoke.
“Hey hey, have you practiced for the Quidditch game this season? Wouldn’t wanna lose your Quidditch title to other houses.” Haknyeon whispered into your ear, making you push his face away.
“Do you ever shut up?” You said as he smirked, casually pursing his lips into a kissy face.
You rolled your eyes at him, elbowing his stomach to make him leave your side. Haknyeon left your side for a brief moment before coming back to you to stop in front of you while leaning down a little to match your height. Once he was right in front of you, he smirked cheekily at you.
“I won’t shut up when I’m with you, darling.” He whispered.
You cupped his face with both hands, only to lean in to let your lips hover over his as you whispered under your breath, “Don’t make me do it for you, sweetheart.” The moment you pulled away from him and began to walk away, Haknyeon could’ve sworn he felt his heart skip a few beats.
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“Now, class, please open to page 367.” Professor McGonagall announced as you heard the sounds of pages being turned. You did the same, flipping the pages a few at a time until a slip of note drops out from your book. It was a pretty blue colour that has been folded into the shape of a flower.
“Did you put this in my book?” You asked Wooyoung who was seated beside you, only for him to shake his head. Just then, a voice came from behind you.
“Oh look, the Slytherin’s princess got herself a love note.” Haknyeon said. It annoyed you to the point where you had to cast a spell on him from under your desk to shut him up for 2 hours. A few weeks have gone by and you have been getting anonymous notes slipped into your textbooks, locker, and sometimes even in your coat pockets.
However, all the notes always end up in your bag, never touched or read before.
It was a Thursday afternoon and you were just walking into your Transfiguration class when a female student from Hufflepuff came up to you giddily excited as she informed you what she saw.
“Omg Y/N! Someone gave you a rose and a letter! It’s on your desk!” She squeaked, allowing a couple of eyes to land on you, who was standing at the back of the class with Wooyoung and Yeosang. With that being said, you glanced over to your desk to find that she was right.
However, you noticed that Haknyeon’s table was empty. Maybe he finally got sick and couldn’t come to class today.
“The Slytherin’s princess got a gift today huh? That’s new.”
Maybe not.
Haknyeon said casually as he strolls past you with his hands tucked into his pant’s pockets while he makes his way over to his desk. You rolled your eyes at the back of his head before walking up to your desk and soon took the rose and note only to stuff it in your bag.
“Why don’t you read it outloud for all of us to hear, darling? I’m sure your admirer would love to see the way your eyes turn into heart shapes for them.” Haknyeon smirked.
You couldn’t lie, Haknyeon has in fact gotten slightly more manlier in built and also a bit more nicer looking in terms of his face features.
Which is why you’d be damned if you admitted out loud that your heart did a little flip when he smirked at you.
“The last person I’d wanna read it aloud to is you so no, that won’t happen.” You grumbled before sitting down at your desk. Wooyoung couldn’t help but chuckle as he told you about Haknyeon's offended face he made after you said that.
A few hours later, everyone was making their way back to their common rooms after dinner. You were just walking towards the Slytherin’s common room when Felix spoke up to you, “Hey, is it true you’ve been getting love notes from someone in class?”
“I don’t know what they are, I’ve never opened them.” You confessed, earning a few gasps from your friends.
“Aren’t you even a slight bit curious?” Minho asked.
“Look, I doubt it’s even real. It might just be a prank from someone. I don’t know…” You said almost confidently.
“Oh come on, just open one and see what it says. It doesn’t hurt to read one.” Wooyoung encouraged you as you rolled your eyes at him. It was already after hours. Everyone was asleep except you. So you quietly tip-toed your way to the living area, only to sit near the green fireplace with your bag filled with the notes you kept for the past 5 weeks. You took one of the notes out and soon unfolded it one after another.
“You look pretty today.”
“Your eyes sparkle like the green flames of your house.”
“You make me forget why I’m in this class.”
“Your smile could cure my sadness.”
“If only the clouds would make way for a sunshine like you”
“Don’t lose that smile, it’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen”
“Are you a love potion? Cause I feel like I’ve fallen in love with you”
You then happened to take out the note that was attached to the rose you got earlier in which it said;
“A pretty flower for a pretty girl like you.”
And the list goes on and on as you read them. However, one thing you noticed was the lack of initials, leaving these notes anonymous.
“Who are you?”
This question swirls in your head as you keep these notes in a little treasure chest your mom gave you for your 15th birthday.
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You were on your way to the Quidditch field to play for the Quidditch Tournament with your team members. Upon making it to the courtyard, you just so happen to bump into Haknyeon. You noticed the Red and Gold striped sweater, along with his pants and a cloak in contrast to your full Quidditch attire together with the arms and leg gears.
“Hey guys, mind if I steal ‘yours truly’ for a moment? I promise I’ll bring her back to you guys in one whole.” Haknyeon smiles innocently to your friends, earning a few snickers from them but they nonetheless left you alone with him.
Once they were out of sight, you turned to him with a frown.
“What do you want now, Ju? And make it quick. I have a game to win.” You snapped, earning a chuckle from him.
“Relax beasty, I won’t hold you back for long.”
“So what do you want?”
“You know this is a seasonal championship right?”
“And this year’s winner will be titled the Season’s Champion, yes?”
“O...kay?” You raised an eyebrow at him in question, not sure where this conversation was heading to.
“So let’s make a bet.”
You started to laugh as you clutched your stomach, afraid of growing six packs while you did that. Unfortunately, you didn’t get the same response from him which made you confused and eventually stopped.
“A bet? You wanna make a bet? Sure. You’ll only be crying at the end of it cause Slytherin’s gonna take the prize home.”
“Hmm, I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you. So let’s make a bet.” Haknyeon urges you again, to which you couldn’t help but agree just so you could prove him wrong.
“Fine. If Slytherin wins, you’re gonna leave me alone for the rest of the year.” You said.
“And if Gryffindor wins, you have to go on 3 dates with me.” He announced. You weren’t gonna lie, you were a little shocked by his proposal but you didn’t want to back out now so you shook hands on it.
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“Choi Jongho has gotten the snitch! Gryffindor wins!” Lee Jordan, the commentator from Gryffindor announced as you slammed your fist onto your broomstick. You’ve lost a few times before throughout your 5 years in Hogwarts but today was a little different as you had your bet with Haknyeon hanging by a thread.
You were floating about 10 feet away from Gryffindor’s stand, your gaze naturally fleeting to the left only to lock eyes with the blonde haired devil from Gryffindor who had a smirk on his face before he mouthed something so clear to you.
“I win.”
You couldn’t even respond to him so you simply flew down and back into your pitch tent along with the rest of your teammates. After you were done with post-game preps, you all began to make your way back to your common rooms.
It wasn’t until you were at the grand staircase that you bumped into Haknyeon and his friends. He gave you a cheeky little wink before snapping his fingers and soon, you felt a slip of paper magically appear in your hands.
You kept it in your hands until you went back, only opening it when you were in your bed.
“Nice game. I hope you don’t forget about our bet. See you at Three Broomsticks Inn, this Saturday. 12pm. Don’t be late. Oh, and, wear prettily ;) - JHN”
You were definitely in for a treat.
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The day finally came as you made an excuse to your friends saying you couldn’t go with them to Hogsmeade because you promised to help Ginny with her Muggle studies. The minute they left, you got upstairs to change out of your pyjamas and into some comfortable jeans, a sweater, a denim jacket and a pair of worn out sneakers.
You teleported to Hogsmeade using the Floo Powder your mom gave you just in case you needed to rush home due to an emergency.
You arrived at a dark alley in Hogsmeade, making sure your friends weren’t around before you left the safety of that alley. Carefully walking past some villagers, you found your way to the Inn without getting caught. With one gentle push of the wooden door, you were immediately greeted by the bustling customers.
You looked around the room to find for the devil who shall not be named and Lord Behold, he waves over to you from one of the tables across the room. You almost lost your footing when you saw what he wore.
It was almost as if he knew what you were going to wear. He was wearing black pants with a denim jacket. Simple yet so good looking.
You went over to him only to sit on his left where it was nearer to the edge of the semi circle couch.
“You’re late, you know?” Haknyeon laughs.
“Yeah but I’m here aren’t I?” You scoffed softly under your breath, earning a little giggle from him.
“On our first date too? You’re a terrible one.” He joked.
“Fine then. Go find someone who’s on time for your date, maybe they’ll actually arrive earlier than you.” Right before you could slide out of the seat, Haknyeon gently grabs your wrist to stop you.
“Relax, I’m just kidding… Come on, butterbeer on me. Deal?” He asked, shaking his wallet in between his fingers as though telling you he really meant it when he said he’ll pay for it.
Of course you couldn’t let this moment up, which is why you agreed to it. Unfortunately, right before he could slide out the opposite end of the table, your eyes flew over to the front doors where the bell chimed indicating a customer. That’s when you saw your friends walking in and you could’ve sworn they would see you in a matter of seconds if they just turned to the left slightly.
“Oh shit!” You cursed as you grabbed hold of Haknyeon’s collar only to drag him out of the table and soon towards the back. Haknyeon was a little taken aback by your sudden aggression as he began to ask you a series of questions.
You quickly pulled him behind one of the pillars, shoving him against the concrete wall as you peeked past the pillar.
“Okay, if you want to kill me, at least do it when we’re in private.” He teased you.
“Shut up. My friends are here. I lied to them saying I can’t join them.” You whispered, trying to see if your friends wouldn’t make it to the back. What you didn’t realize was the way Haknyeon was discreetly checking you out.
“You know, for a Slytherin, you’re not as sly as you think you are. What makes you think they can’t figure out it’s you from a dist-”
“Kiss me.”
You suddenly spoke as he stared at you with wide eyes. He almost couldn’t believe his ears when you said that.
“I said kiss me!” You loudly whispered but your eyes were frantically flickering back and forth to something behind him.
However, right before you could yell at him, you felt him snaking his right arm around your waist while the other hand reached up to cup your cheek, pulling you into a soft and gentle kiss. You fluttered your eyelids close as he turned you so that his back would be facing the open area while your smaller form gets shielded from the public eye.
You could hear your friend’s voices getting closer and closer and eventually made their way past Haknyeon’s back. You could’ve sworn you heard some of them snicker and scoff at your unknown presence.
Once they are gone, Haknyeon pulls back from you with the softest sound as he caresses your cheek for a moment.
Suddenly your heart was picking up speed against your chest. You locked eyes with him for a second or two, feeling him tilt his head slightly to make his lips brush over yours again purposely before pulling away completely.
“I reckon we should leave?” He chuckled, making you nod.
“Yes please.”
With that being said, he let you leave the hiding spot first, making sure he used his body to block you from unwanted view.
A few hours passed where he took you to a few of his favourite shops in Hogsmeade, including some personal spots around town where he usually goes when he needs space to be by himself. You were now making your way back to the castle as you both managed to not quarrel for more than a minute of being with each other.
You must admit, it was nice getting to know Haknyeon better instead of fighting with him like usual.
It has been four days since your first date with Haknyeon and again, you still received the notes. This time, it said;
“You’re cute. Can I keep you?”
With that, you couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle.
“What? Did the person who gave you those letters finally revealed himself?” Wooyoung asked from beside you, only for you to show him the note.
“No, but isn’t it tiring to keep thinking of cheesy love notes to write almost everyday?” You whispered to him upon hearing Professor McGonagall enter the class.
“Well, I would say this person is totally head over heels for you to even write these from day 1.” Wooyoung speaks utter nonsense most of the time, but maybe he made some sense today.
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You were on your second date with Haknyeon, as he promised to take you on a ride. What ride might I ask? Not just any ride. He was taking you on a ride on a Hippogriff.
“Are you sure we won’t get in trouble for this? I really don’t want to be expelled.” You warned him as he laughed at you.
“Aren’t you being a little too goody two shoes for a Slytherin?” Haknyeon teased, only to get a good slap to his arm from you.
“Say anything stupid again and I swear you’ll be the one swimming in the lake with the damn Lochness.” You threatened as he raised his arms in a surrender but there was a wide grin on his face. Something you’ve grown to adore these days.
With that, he soon hops on the magical creature easily, leaving you nervous. Haknyeon had his hand extended out for you to take but you were afraid.
“Y/N come on, we don’t have forever!” He said.
“What if I fall?” You panicked but you ended up unconsciously whining, making him giggle.
“I won’t let you fall. I promise. Now come on, darling.” Haknyeon jerks his hand to you again, only for you to stare at it for a bit before you finally take his hand into yours. He easily pulled you up and onto the animal’s back. You sat in front of him while you gently grabbed onto the creature’s neck, being careful that you don’t accidentally harm it.
“Okay Buckbeak, show us whatchu got.” Haknyeon said as he gave the creature a few pats to its belly and soon, the creature took off flying into the sky. You let out a scream, hugging the neck tightly while Haknyeon holds onto nothing.
He clearly had more experience than you in terms of flying on this creature’s back.
You had your eyes closed the entire time even when you felt the smooth glide across the air. Still being stubborn to open your eyes, you felt him tap your shoulders.
“Y/N come on! Open your eyes! You’re missing out on the view!” His voice sounded so excited behind you, it almost made you believe it wasn’t the same boy who has been a living nuisance to you all these while.
“No way! I’m just gonna panic even more if I see how high we are!” You yelled over the loud gush of wind that might be rendering your hearing.
“I promise we’ll be fine, just open your eyes! Trust me!” Haknyeon reassured you as you felt him gently slide his hands down your arms and onto your wrist to pull them away from the creature’s neck. You shook your head desperately, hoping he’d leave you alone. Unfortunately for you, he didn’t.
Instead, he thought it would be a good idea to scare you. Maybe that way you’ll finally open your eyes.
And you did.
Because the minute you heard him yell for help, you immediately opened your eyes and turned around only to find him seated firmly on Buckbeak’s back with his arms crossed over his chest.
“You bloody piece of shit!” You huffed in annoyance as you turned back around only for Buckbeak to playfully tilt his body up to make you fall back slightly. That’s when a string of curses left your lips while you desperately grabbed onto its neck.
“Don’t do that Buckbeak!” You scolded the animal, only to get a little sound from him. Just then, Haknyeon decides to challenge you.
“Wanna know what it feels to fly?”
“Uhh, no?”
“It’ll be fun. Here.” Haknyeon said as he slowly reached over to grab your wrists while his firm chest softly pressed against your back but for some reason, it made you feel some sort of safety.
“W-What are you doing?” You stuttered, only for him to smile and soon spoke into your ears leaving a soft tingling feel to your skin.
“Just trust me.”
With that being said, he gently spreads your arms out on either side of you, making them act like wings for you. As Buckbeak glided through the air, you imagined you were flying until you heard him whisper into your ear, “Close your eyes.”
You did as he said, only for it to enhance the imagination. A smile naturally appears on your lips as you completely didn’t see the way he was staring at you from beside you. Ignoring the way his hands found your waist and left it there for the rest of the ride.
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It was your third and final date for the bet you made with him. For some odd reason, you didn’t want it to end but of course you couldn’t tell him that. So when you met him at the lake, you looked slightly down and he noticed. Haknyeon wouldn’t let this slide easily which is why he decided to tease you about it.
“What’s with the long face, darling? Already attached to me?”
You scoffed as you approached him by the swing only for you to take a seat at the wooden plank beside his seated figure on the grass patch.
“So what? This was just for the bet anyway.” You mumbled under your breath, not realizing that he heard you.
The next few minutes went by like how your previous dates went. Constant teasing, playful jokes and banter, friendly chats and even random fights that involve you throwing a handful of dead leaves at him while he scoops water from the lake and proceeds to toss it at you.
At the end of this short date, you had just arrived at the end of the wooden bridge when he wraps his fingers around your wrist to stop you from walking any further.
“I just remembered I promised my friends I’d meet them at the Three Broomsticks Inn in like 5 minutes so I have to leave you from here on.” He said.
“Right…” You said, your voice sounded a little sad.
“I guess the bet’s over. Thanks… for... well, going on the dates with me.” Haknyeon said, eyes flickering back and forth between your eyes and the wooden panels behind you.
“A bet’s a bet right? I’d be a wimp if I didn’t do it.” You smiled.
There was a beat of awkward silence as you got ready to leave when he said something that made your stomach flip.
“That’s it? No goodbye kiss? I thought this was a date?” Haknyeon pouted, keeping his gaze on you as stable as possible. You almost couldn’t believe your ears.
Did he just ask you for a kiss?
“I… Umm… Okay?” You stuttered in confusion, earning a soft little giggle from him.
However, the nerves soon disappear the minute he takes a step closer and soon wraps one hand around your waist while the other cups your face before he leans down to let his lips seal yours. You instantly fluttered your eyes shut, letting your hands rest on his chest.
The kiss felt so genuine, you almost forgot how you used to fight with this same boy 24/7. Haknyeon smiled against your lips as he pulled back for air shortly before kissing you again.
His lips were intoxicating, you almost forgot how to breathe. Haknyeon gives you a cheeky little lick to your bottom lip as he soon pulls away from you, leaving you breathless. You pressed your forehead softly against his as you kept your eyes shut, too embarrassed to look at him at this point.
His chuckle fills your ears as he cups your face with both hands and whispers against your lips.
“Go. Be safe. Avoid the common grounds, that’s where Filch always lurks around.” Soon after, he gave your lips another peck before you felt wind whooshing around you. Immediately, his touch left you and it almost made you crumble to the ground.
What did he do to you?
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A few days later, you were just having lunch with everyone else at their respective house tables and your friends surrounded you when you saw a note slipping past from under your plate. A pretty baby blue one that is. You carefully unfolded it, only to see it read;
“I realized I was thinking of you, and I began to wonder how long you’ve been on my mind. Then it occurred to me: Since the day I met you, you’ve never left.”
For some reason, those words meant something to you.
It was as though you knew this person and have created some sort of a bond with them. And yet, you still don’t know who. However, you do now have a little suspicion on who it was and who these notes belonged to. So to test your theory, you looked up from your table, almost immediately catching the eyes of the same pair of brown ones you’ve grown accustomed to.
Haknyeon was already staring like he knew you were going to find him. What surprised you the most is the fact that he didn’t even flinch when you caught him.
You held eye contact for a second before you got cut off by Wooyoung putting a scoopful of mashed potatoes onto your plate. You gave the boy a little smack to his head, earning a choke from him. When you looked back over to Haknyeon, he was already talking to his friend with the back of his head facing you.
A few hours later, you were having your Potions class when a note popped out of nowhere from under your book. To avoid getting minus points from Snape, you quickly shoved the note into your cloak pocket and yet you still got called by the Head of Slytherin for not paying attention.
Therefore, having to serve detention.
You could only curse him in your head while you cleaned every single flask and cauldron pots till they were spick and span.
Once you were done, you left the room only to find Haknyeon leaning against the wall with one leg bent to rest his foot on the wall. He was busy playing with his Patronus charm when his eyes flicked up upon hearing the door open.
“Haknyeon? What are you doing here? Don’t we have Transfiguration right now?” You loudly whispered as you approached him only to drag him towards the end where you were hidden from Snape’s office door. Once you were hiding behind the pillar, you turned to peek past the wall with Haknyeon right in front of you.
The hallway was empty thanks to the classes going on currently but that doesn’t mean you were free from not being caught out of class.
“I told Professor McGonagall I’m having stomach aches so she excused me to go to the hospital wing.” Haknyeon explained, only for you to frown.
“And why were you waiting outside Snape’s office, might I ask?”
“To see you.”
“You couldn’t wait till I come to class?” You asked with a slight tease in your voice.
“Needed to see you right after detention, so that I could do this.”
With that being said, he easily captures you into a kiss. You sighed through your nose as you cupped his neck to pull him closer to you. Haknyeon wraps his arms around your waist, letting himself trap you against the wall and his body. You changed your head positions to be at a slightly more comfortable state, feeling him squeeze your sides.
Just then, he pulled away for a breath, making it easy for you to slip in the question.
“All those notes were from you, weren’t they?”
Haknyeon grew quiet for a moment but then decided to just come clean with you. After all, that’s what he has been wanting to do anyway.
“Are you disappointed?”
“I would be if you told me this 4 weeks ago… But now? Not so much.” You smiled.
“Really?” He asked.
“Would I do this if I was disappointed?” You asked only to kiss him again. Haknyeon smirks against your lips as you feel him lift you up and spin you around. When he placed you back down, he gave you a peck on the lips and soon spoke up.
“Should I stop giving you notes then?”
“Go ahead. Cause I’ve already won the prize.”
“You sure have.”
155 notes · View notes
tiens-letters · 3 years
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with these hands, I vowed to love you
with these hands, I vowed to care for you
and with these hands, I ruined you
Childe (angst)
tw : slight gore and just pure pain
It was that time of the year again, going back to the snowy region was a bliss for you. Having to visit your fiancée's family was an unspoken tradition after he introduced you to them. They practically took you in as one of them immediately, especially that little angel brother of his.
The train ride was comfortable , the window giving you the familiar beauty of the snowy landscape of snezhenaya. It was snug inside the rather spacious compartment Childe rented out, even when you told him that you'd rather share a normal one due to your thrifty nature he'd shrug it off, claiming it that he has too much mora and nowhere to spend it on other than you.
Gifts from him would scare you as you knew these weren't anywhere cheap. Everything he gave was expensive, he loved showering you in gifts and it made you feel so overwhelmed.
"Ajax, you're spending too much." you were visibly sweating beside him as he picked out another one of the dresses on display at the local boutique of Liyue.
"I think this one would suit you better, don't you think so love?" of course he wasn't listening, placing the dress in front of you
"Ajax." you frowned at him
" I just want to spoil you." he whines
"I know but sometimes its just..." you stopped yourself before saying anything further in fear of offending him
"Was it too much again?" the tone in his voice softens as he puts back the dress, he knew how you didn't like that habit of his, formed from the first time he saw you down by the docks.
"One dress, Ajax. One is enough since you picked it out for me." you gave in not wanting to see him so dejected, he immediately brightens up as he pecks you on cheek before rushing off to a different aisle of clothing. Sighing, you sat down on the sofa present in the shop, watching the ginger decide thoroughly of what dress to buy.
But of course, your love for one another runs deeper than things bought off gold nor silver. No, it ran deeper than anything else, rivaling the oceanic depths.
"What are you thinking about hmm?" he hums below you, head resting against your lap.
"Im just happy to be visiting again, that's all." you smile, nimble hands brushing through his soft hair "Sleep well?"
"You bet I did." he grins taking your hand and placing a kiss to your beating pulse and then another and another, showering you in his deeply rooted affection. Soon his kisses reached where they are supposed to belong, those soft lips of yours and then inching their way to the sensitive spots on your neck, leaving marks only he can place on you.
Breathless and bothered, you pushed him back "The attendants are gonna see, you idiot." at least you still had some control in you
"They will only arrive when we call them , so its fine to have a little fun before we arrive." there was that sly grin of his as he continued in where you both left off, ears perking to hear more sounds exclusively for him and him only.
"You horny bastard!"
It was cozy by the hearth, you and his siblings huddled together in one single fleece blanket, steaming cups of hot cocoa in hand. Childish giggles and hushed stories erupted amongst you. Teucer having wrapped in your arms as he snuggled closer. Anthon and Tonia flanking your sides.
"Hey, who's fiancé do you think you guys are coveting?"
"Oh don't be like that, your siblings just miss them." his mother chided from the couch where she sat, an open book on her lap, she didn't seem to age and always looked so young that at first you were shocked to have been introduced to her.
"But mom, I haven't seen her all day." her son pouts as if he were still a child denied his candy
"Give me a break, you're always clinging onto her you know." his sister rolls those identical thalassic eyes at him "You wont die if you go a day without her."
"Listen here you little---"
"Ajax." you interjected, as much as you enjoy the siblingly banter of theirs, you cant have them going at each other with offensive words. His pleading gaze aimed at you as he practically begged for you both to go home.
"After I put Teucer to bed." you sighed, standing up with the youngest in your arms
"Seriously this guy." his sister groaned "I was having a good time."
"Tonia dear, we can continue our conversations tomorrow." you winked at her, it was a promise
Both of you bid farewell to his mother and made your way towards Teucer's room and tucking him in.
"Happy?" you turned to your fiancée, a narrowed look in your eyes as he grinned beside you
"Of course, sweetheart!" he pecked your lips as he pulled you closer
"Can you not do it in Teucer's room? Have some shame." his siblings' comments were endless, this time it was from his older brother.
"That's why were going home." Childe picked you up as you made a surprised yelp making the other party roll his eyes "Also, get ready to lose tomorrow brother. I'm getting that white deer for my lady."
"I'm looking forward to it."
The walk was short towards Childe's home as he preferred living alone. It was a grandiose manor and you were sure you will never get used to how big it was and filled with such furnitures of the finest quality.
"Well, how was your day darling?" you hummed, arms snaking around his neck
"Oh you wouldn't believe it."
It was there.
You felt it in the cold breeze that wafted into the room.
A shift in the flow of the wind, it was different yet familiar at the same time. Leaving the window open as the harsh temperatures of the night climbed and crawled inside. The curtains danced in the turbulent current of the gale, carrying songs only you could hear. Songs that made mountains tremble and build civilizations at the same time.
there was something foreboding, something terrifying and something heavy and dark that devoured anything in its path.
You heard him first before he came in through those doors, that tousled ginger hair of his caked with melting snowflakes in the warm glow of the lamps. His rugged appearance caused by the hunting competition between him and his older siblings induced his worn out state. That soft yet jaded smile of his was what welcomed you as he trudged inside the bedroom, lazily discarding his clothes on the basket for dirty laundry and entering the bathroom for a quick shower.
"why is the window open? " he asks you, sliding inside the warm covers
"I just wanted fresh air ." you smile as you shut the windows and pull the blinds enough for you to see the moon that hung above the sky. Joining him under the covers, you cradled him, his head resting on the crook of your neck. Your hands finding their way into those soft locks of his , entangling them as he hummed softly against you. Those arms of his that held weapons and skin littered with scars both old and new now held you close, so tenderly as if he'd never taken a life before.
"sing me a song, sweetheart. " his queries were simple yet genuine
"of course." you sang until you equated him to a sleeping newborn
It was warm, so warm that you could have mistaken it for a summer afternoon in Liyue, resting on the couch with silken pillows and window showcasing the view of the harbor below. The steaming cups of soothing tea Beidou would brew for you when nights became cold at times she would pay you a visit after trading that would take weeks, months and rarely years.
you slept.
Why is it cold? you wondered, Did Ajax open the windows?
You were blessed by the tsaritsa so such climates shouldn't matter to you.
You woke up.
A shadow was cast over you by the man youve sung to sleep. Virulent blue eyes looked at you with so much abhorrence, for a second you couldnt recognize them and thought it was a stranger to which you were ready to terminate.
"Ajax?" your voice was hoarse, as you slowly lost the feeling in your lips.
He was crazed, still trapped in that dreaming state of his, drifting between experiences. Today was a re-enactment of a memory he would never speak of, not even to you. There were parts of him he'd never tell you, such a soul as yours should never hear.
You choked and coughed as the metallic taste of mortal ichor filled your throat. How could you have not felt anything earlier? Was it because of your futile attempts to coax Ajax back into reality or was it because of the numerous thoughts your mind came up with to he answer as to why he is in such a virulent state. Excruciating pain filled your whole body as you writhed and struggled under his grip. It felt as if something was being ripped out of you.
"Ajax, darling come back to me." you cried, it took so much to even utter a word as you bled out, you know not where but you could feel it. The liquid vital for your survival was seeping out of you, flowing like a lazy river on an autumns day, only that it was warm, sticky and addicting.
"Ajax?" a hiss comes from that mouth, he cringes as you freed your numb hands to hold his face and he let you, seeing as to there was no point in stopping you as you dangerously danced on a tight rope of life and death. You couldn't tell in that delirious disposition of yours if his eyes were shifting between Ajax or the primal eyes of a beast hunting its prey.
It wasn't too late was it?
But why didn't your eyes meet his?
Who snuffed out all the lights?
"I've abandoned that name a long time ago."
The cold took over you completely, freezing you until you broke under his touch with words left dying in your ichor filled lips
and then fear was the last thing you felt.
fear that he might not return to his sweet, charming self.
fear that he will curse everything in his path.
fear that he might attempt to use different various methods to bring back what was lost
and fear of his ruination.
you care not for your death, even in your last minutes of life, you dare not blame him for what he's endured so far. only wishing he never had to experience such in the first place.
This is what the wind warned you about in its lullaby.
Childe woke up for the second time.
Oddly more worn out than the day before, but your songs always worked, how come? . He wondered if you left to make breakfast as the covers felt empty as he reached out for you. No, you were a late riser, always having to slumber in the middle of the warm covers of the bed you both share. It was he who mostly did the cooking in the morning. So your presence gone was a displacement in the moment of his waking.
His eyes had to adjust to the view of the room as he sat up, a yawn escaping his lips as he called for you. The pitter-patter sound of the water on the bathroom tiles were non-existent as he strained his ears to hear for any trace of you.
"What..." he was confused as to why the room was trashed, furniture broken in half and strewn about the room, the drapes shredded and laying on the floor and the mirror shattered to pieces, shards sharp enough to cut through skin yet he slept through such a thing?
his first concern was your safety as you had not been present in the room and it him.
the heavy stench of blood lingered in the air. His enjoyment for such things turned into something suffocating because blood was never shed in his own home nor in his very room. In the state of confusion, something dark caught his peripheral vision. A large blemish in the covers beside him, it was dyed a deep dark crimson and he knew well what it was. He began to shake in worry, telling himself not to panic until he finds you safe. All he could remember was you singing him to sleep, held captive in your soft arms, encased in your warmth, so how did it come to such a morning that looked like a result of a monster's tantrum. He calls out for you, his bare feet on the floor as splinters punctured them and he didnt care. he had to find you.
The hallways looked haunting, the portraits on the walls taunting him and he swore he was going lose it if he hadnt found you sooner, every room was achingly vacant and it felt like a dream. He calls for your name again in a frenzy as he rushes through the place, had the mansion been this big? he thinks as he runs down the stairs.
There in the fireplace, the dying embers of fire lit from the night before, wood giving away and turning into coal as the burning smell mingled with similar stench that engulfed the bedroom, the same dark liquid on the sheets was present as well, only that it was painted into the wall and bled down creating a cascading waterfall.
Because there you were, with arms spread out as if welcoming each and every sinner for solace and blessing them with forgiveness, the drying mortal ichor behind you creating a halo. Your lips upturned into something soft as if you'd do anything disgraceful to keep the effeminacy on a soul lost to ruin.
an angel crucified.
that oh so heavenly face of yours could rival anything beautiful, even statues would crumble under you, nations would go to war for you and bodies of those who want you would turn into a throne built for you and you only. You were immortally ethereal even in death.
Ajax, dear sweet Ajax felt his legs give away, energy having siphoned from him as he trembled so much that it could rival the mountains when they shook. Thalassic eyes, wide blown into grief, anguish and all other emotions crashed against him like strong waves that could drown anyone caught up in it. He knelt as pain spread through him like wildfire, burning, scorching and killing. Agonized cries filled the room and if someone were to pass by, they couldve mistaken it for a dying animal. He gasped and choked on his own breath as he dared to look at you, the tears freely flowing from his eyes, down to his pale cheek and finally falling off his trembling chin to be hungrily absorbed by the carpeted floor that was also tarnished by ichor.
He felt crazed as he wept and in that moment of insanity, he remembered. That most disgusting sin he's ever committed that he should never be pardoned for in the life he has right now and the next ones he will be in. Through the blur of tears, he saw his hands and he wished he didnt.
Sullied hands befitting a murderer.
He screams into the ground, doubling over as his hands find their way into his hair, gripping it and ripping out those jacinthe locks of his. He could never forgive himself now and he never will. He wails out loud until his own throat collapsed into a croaking mess.
and then he couldnt find himself no longer.
The sand of time seemed to trickle down slowly. His eldest siblings came looking for him, to continue the hunt. A once peaceful encounter turned into a nightmarish reality as they witnessed their brother rocking back and forth with you gingerly wrapped in his arms, mumbling your name. Lips pressed to your forehead as he prayed and begged for forgiveness over and over in hushed torn whispers as if it were enough to bring you back and cover that gaping hole in your abdomen.
"What did you do?"
"Brother, when are they coming back?"
Oh darling Teucer, innocence reflecting off his eyes as he tugged on his brother's sleeve. The toy you gifted him clutched tightly at his side.
"I dont know kid, their mission was sudden so its best to wait. Can you do that Teuc?" the truth about you was kept behind closed doors, only adults can speak of and if they did, it took time to keep the conversation smooth and off of any grief nor sadness when your name reached their tongue. The younger ones would never know until the time is right. When everything was taken care of and hearts moved on. 
Your funeral was held in secrecy yet was it was grand. Something that would hold the significance of your memories with them. It was beautiful, your favorite flowers lined along your coffin, and you. Looking ever so ethereal even when death has kissed you, clad in that dress Childe bought for you. 
"uh huh!" the youngest ginger nodded eagerly and skipped away as the eldest sighed into his hands, the pressure weighing heavily on his shoulders as he worried more and more about his younger sibling. Another memory, a mind broken and a his soul withering. was there any way to save him? 
Days seemed to go by as any glimpse of the man was scarce. Until one day they ceased to see him altogether. It started at lunch, a week after the funeral when it took everyone to coax him into eating more as he lost weight  and trickled down to a whole day. Cooped up in his room, clinging to a pillow with the fading scent of you. and then he was gone, like a snowflake melting upon ones forehead. They grew anxious and thought of the worse until they caught wind that he was back in Liyue from one of the agents only then were they allowed to breathe a little better. 
"Childe, what finds you here?" the calm tone of the geo archon's voice broke him out of his trance
"Have you seen my fiance?" Zhongli blinks at the question of the harbinger, he knew what befell you and yet this man before him seemed clueless enough as to what he committed. How Childe did what he did, he seemed to sympathize with in a way that would make him understand his behavior. 
" I have not." he couldnt bring himself to tell this man the truth. Perhaps he was sparing him, spearing that mind of his into spiraling down into nothingness and a heart that was held by a thin piece of thread. "Perhaps it is better to enjoy yourself while you wait for them." 
To deviate oneself from the loss might be the best way Childe right now until his mind is ready to accept the torment of the heavy truth that would slew this man. 
"I see. " he smiles and yet it feels so empty to Childe, the reason? He wouldnt know or atleast his mind wouldnt allow him to know 
"Ill see you around then Xiansheng." 
Everything that he portrayed lacked and all he could do as he's always did. 
i had to.
I hope yall would get Childe :)
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potter-imagines · 4 years
Smoking 🍃 w/ Your Boyfriend Fred Weasley...
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader  Prompt: Thought this was an interesting idea since I think we can all agree the Weasley Twins were def dealers lol
 (I’m still on vacation I just had this one in my drafts so I finished it up)
Warning: mature, sexual, weed, smoking, swearing, probs more.  If mentions of drugs makes you uncomfortable or you just don’t like it, don’t read this please! as implied by the title, this is literally all about what smoking with Fred Weasley would include 
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-      Okay lets face it
-       Everyone and their owls know Fred and George Weasley were the best, most trusted, ‘flower’ dealers in Hogwarts 🍃🍃
-       You knew this before you started dating Fred
-       It just came as a bonus after getting together
-       Fred and George are almost always a little high
-       They sell carts, wax, edibles and flower
-       Like they’ve got it all, and the best quality
-      Their edibles are only for the brave; half the time you get an out of this world high, and other times, your skin is bright pink for a week from their trick
-       Lee Jordan also helps them with sales, the three of them are by far the biggest stoners in your year- probably in the whole castle
-       Seeing as most Slytherins’ did lines in the bathroom and in their dorms, Fred and George hardly sold to Slytherins
-       Most of the money the twins make goes towards saving for their dream joke shop
-       But Fred loves to buy you gifts when he has the chance
-       Like flowers, a bracelet, butterbeer, candies, books, etc.
-       He adores spoiling you
-       Fred never makes you pay if you wanna pick up from him
-       But he usually prefers you smoke with him or him and George
-       “You’re just so adorable when you’re high, sweetheart, I don’t wanna miss a thing. Plus, I’m scared you’ll tweak like a minx if you’re alone.”
-       Munchies galore
-       You guys will smoke late at night in their dorm with Lee
-       George is the designated snack man and will sneak into the kitchen before your smoke session
-       Lee shoves towels under the door and closes the vents
-       You would probably be the one enchanting the room so the smell doesn’t get out, but Fred really couldn’t care if anyone smelled it
-       You’ll usually smoke out the window, then trudge over to Fred’s bed and plop onto of him
-       “Jeeze, I think someone took one too many hits.”
-       Fred, George, and Lee will mess around, laughing loudly as they pass a blunt amongst the group
-       If it’s your first few times smoking, you’d probably just sit in Fred’s lap on the ground, staring off at the floor
-       Fred loves to tease you when you’re high
-       “Earth to Y/n- come back to us please.”
-       “Lovie, you’re eyes, they’re bloodshot as hell!”
-       Lots of kisses
-       You guys don’t make out too much after smoking as it’s nearly impossible for the both of you
-       Dry mouth is a bitch
-       Fred is vvv handsy when high
-       Like he needs to be touching your skin somehow
-       Whether he places you on his lap with his arms around you
-       Or laying together in his bed
-       Or holding hands on your walk back to the castle after smoking in the forest
-       Likes to pinch your butt when you’re walking up the stairs
-       He doesn’t really like when you’re high in public
-       He can tell when you’re nervous and start getting fidgety, so he’ll ask you to go on a walk with him to calm you down
“Angel, let’s go to the lake, yeah? Think you could use some fresh air, love.”
-       Fred will help you if you’re using a bong
-       “Here, love, just breathe it in until I tell you to stop and I’ll lift the top.”
-       Whoever coughs first is labeled as a ‘little bitch’ according to George
-       Fred scolds Lee and George when they try to make fun of you for coughing
-       Like will murder them with his eyes and slap ts out of George’s arm
-       “Leave her alone… you know she doesn’t smoke as much as us… it’s completely normal, darling.” “Merlin’s sake, Fred. We’re just teasing her, mate. I think you could use the hit next him, maybe it’ll calm your hormones.”
-       George and you will have heated life debates
-       “No, George! Dinosaurs were here before people!” “That is not true, Y/n. Humans ruled the earth before those vicious stompers came roaming about. The dinosaurs- or should I say dinomurders- they killed all of humanity! They stomped on them, trapped the kids in those jeeps trying to eat them and ruined the kid’s fun and made destroyed the theme park-“ “George… that’s Jurassic Parks. It’s a fucking movie, you git.”
-       Fred likes to wrap his Gryffindor tie around your head and putting his sweaters over you “Aw, you look so cute, darling. I love seeing you in my clothes but my favorite thing is seeing you with nothing on at all.” “Fred! You can’t say that in front of George and Lee-“ “Oh believe me, Y/n. We sleep only feet away from you two- we’ve heard a lot worse. A lot worse.”
-       You guys will just lay around laughing for most of the night
-       You favorite times were when Fred and George would start talking about their childhood and sharing hilarious stories
-       George likes to mess with Fred when he’s high
-       For example
-       He’ll throw his arm around you and lazily lean into your side
-       Fred would watch closely from only a few feet away
-       George would then whisper into your ear, causing giggles to erupt from your chest
-       Which makes Fred jerk in annoyance
-       The weed didn’t help control his jealous- it magnified it if anything
-       Typically, he wouldn’t care since he knew George and you were extremely close friends
-       But Fred always got a little more… horny and possessive when the weed hit his bloodstream
-       Fred would pout until you noticed him and would comfort him
-       “Freddie, what’s wrong, bubba? You look so sad, aww.”
-       His jealously would diminish the second you moved away from George to his side
-       He loves when you hold his hand
-       Your favorite thing to do when high is play with his red, vibrant hair or when he would stroke and pet yours
-       Fred likes to attempt a braid in your hair
-       But he just ends up twisting two strands of hair in a coil then wrapped your black hair tie at the end
-       The gleeful, proud look on his face afterwards melted your heart so much you couldn’t tell him he failed miserably at a braid
-       You guys will place bets on who will slump first
-       It’s usually you or George
-       Fred and Lee will stay up until morning talking about life, school, quidditch, life goals, and anything else
-       Nights that you did get high with Fred in his dorm, he’d always insist that you sleep in his bed
-       He didn’t like taking the risk of you walking alone to your dorm room and risk getting caught
-       The last thing he wanted was you in trouble when he could’ve prevented it
-       You guys like to sneak into the kitchen after hours and make edibles together
-      Preferably marshmallow bar edibles or cookies
-       You liked to bring things with you for your smoke sessions with the twins
-       Like coloring books
-       A blanket, since Fred only sleeps with two which just seems criminal
-       A water bottle !!! this is a must
-       And some vanilla cherry Chapstick, Fred’s favorite
-       Fred’s favorite spot to smoke in along the Black Lake at night
-       Coming here with Fred will usually end with the both of you swimming in the lake
-       Whether it’s because he pushed you, you pushed him, or it was decided in the moment mutually that midnight was the perfect time for a swim
-      You liked smoking out by the lake as it was relaxing and fun with Fred
-       But you much preferred his dorm- it was the safest option by far
-       Fred loves getting high alone with you
-       Typically in his room as your roommates didn’t want people constantly in and out of the room as where Fred, George, and Lee were used to it
-       They made a handful of sales from their dorm room
-       Like a sinful amount 
-       It was by far the easiest way
-       Fred would light some candles before you arrived
-       A variety of sweets and snacks were sprawled against his bed
-        And warm fuzzy socks laid out for you 
-       He’d pack the bowl, then open the window
-       A blanket was thrown across the ledge so you could sit more comfortably
-       “What a gentleman!”
-       After smoking, Fred would carry you back to his bed
-       Most nights, you guys would just cuddle and whisper to each other
-       Fred never misses an opportunity to kiss you
-       On your lips
-       Forehead
-       Cheek
-       Nose
-       Neck (which will usually lead to something else with this boy)
-       Anywhere
-       Continuously giggling all night
-       Fred and you share your high thoughts
-       “But, just hear me out here. Is there another word for synonym?”
-       “Babe, who do you think came up with the alphabet? And how the fuck did they put the alphabet shit in alphabetical order.” “Darling, I am way too baked to even remember what fucking goes in an alphabet.”
-       High sex
-       Fred makes you feel so comfortable
-      Compliments you profusely 
-       Lot of laughing
-       He lovesssss going down on you when you’re both baked
-       Cause you make the cutest little noises, euphoria taking over your sense
-       He can stay down there for hours just basking in your sweet moans
-       Favorite is missionary so he can see every reaction gracing your face
-       Is only brave enough to try new sex adventures when he’s either high or drunk
-       Discovers that you both very much so enjoy his hand wrapped around your neck as he thrusts into you
-       And when you get on top
-       His touchy side comes out the most in these moments
-       Sloppy sex
-       But still vvvv fulfilling and pleasurable
-       He’ll whisper in your ear as his pace quickens
-       “You look so beautiful, sweetheart. So pure but so dirty just for me.”  
-       “Merlin, you’re bloody breathtaking with my fingers in your mouth, angel.”
-       “Freddie, you feel so good.”
-       You both finish within a matter of minutes, never lasting long when in this state
-       “…That was the best sex I’ve ever had, ever.” “Fred, lovie, you say that every time we have sex.”
“Cause it just keeps getting better and better!”
-       Cuddling for the rest of the night
-       Always making sure you’re dressed before George or Lee turn in for the night
-       Fred would fall asleep first when it was just the two of you
-       He talks in his sleep, nearly every hour he’d mutter something
-       In an odd way, you found it comforting
-       Especially when it’s your name he’s mumbling
-       Falling asleep in Fred’s arms
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Seven Stages of Being thrown into Teenage Superherodom
Stage 1: Panic
@marijon-week Day 1: Blue Eyes / Identity Reveal
Here *** Second
Ever since Fu made her Guardian she left Paris. The Kwamii convinced her that the stress of being ladybug and the mental, and now physical, abuse of her classmates has become too much. Her parents also noticed her shift and they supported her leaving.
This was how she found herself in Blüdhaven. She was a student at Gotham Academy, but with Gotham's high crime rate they wanted somewhere safer for her. Sure she could have also chosen Metropolis, but the commute from Blüdhaven was shorter.
She will be the first to admit that it wasn't ideal, but for her mental health it was great. And with complete honesty and sincerity she wouldn't change a thing.
You see one thing that apparently gets overlooked is that Nightwing is the resident vigilante of Blüdhaven. Even more is the fact that he happens to be her neighbor.
OK so maybe a little bit backtracking here. Marinette may have figured out that her next-door neighbor, Detective Richard Grayson, happens to moonlight as Nightwing at night.
So the building they had chosen for her was extremely safe, however they didn’t take an account Marinette's extremely packed and late work schedule. With how Marinette would still be awake in the early morning hours, and if she heard a thump of boots on the balcony next to hers regularly, she is going to look out the window eventually.
When she does, she sees Nightwing at her neighbor's apartment. Which could be one of two possible reasons why Nightwing could be there. One, his significant other lived in that apartment and he just came regularly. Or two, he lived there and assumed every sane person was asleep.
Her question was eventually answered one night when she was at the desk next to her balcony door, she heard boots like normal, but this time they were closer than normal, this time they were on her balcony.
The door moved, causing her to turn and focus on the door. That was when a male voice muttered, I thought I left it unlocked like always.
So most people would have quietly left, but she wasn't most she opened the blinds. She is pretty sure she had a stare down with him but its difficult to say because at the mask.
However after countless akuma attacks, you tend to figure out who the target is, which is what she did. Same height, same rough build, same hit and skin tone, combined with her ability to recognize figures for fashion, that gives you Richard Grayson. Without breaking eye contact she got up, stepped to the door, opened it and pulled him in, shutting it and the blinds, turning to face him. Then is when she noticed the blood near his hair line and down his neck.
“There better be an extremely good reason why this happened Mr. Grayson.” She looked innocently at him, “because I don’t know how to explain.” She gestured to him now seated at her desk. She pulled out her first aid kit and started checking him.
“How did you find out?”
“Night owl,” she shrugged. “I hear you come in every night and well um, well...”
“Curiosity got the best of you.” She nodded.
Of course this was when her phone would go off, she grabbed it, opened it, and groaned, because of course she was being called a Paris in the middle of the night, morning over there.
“You know what you're still alive, just a superficial head injury, but I have to go.” She said moving towards her bedroom when Mr. Grayson finally reacted.
“I’m supposed to… you said you were 14 right?” She nodded. “I’m supposed to let a 14 year-old leave in the middle of the night?”
“I am, I can explain in the morning.” She tried to justify, but he wouldn't let go of her wrist. So in a leap of faith, she gave him a quick rundown of the Paris situation and why she had to leave. If after this Blüdhaven had another vigilante well no one else knew why, Trixx loved it though. And she had someone who not only knew who she was but knew how to help and train her. Even if he acted more like a brother to her.
After all the eyes are the windows to the soul, and as a true guardian and a pure soul of creation, she knows that she can trust Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson’s.
- - -
It’s almost humorous that the next pair of eyes she would this come to trust were a blue so electric that they seemed to hold Lightning itself. Those eyes belong to one Jonathan Samuel Kent.
She had actually met John while in class at Gotham Academy, but nothing much more than their initial meeting and a good morning in the halls. This was pretty much because he seemed to stick with Damian Wayne, the ice Prince of Gotham. And green eyes always hurt her in the past, so she mostly stayed away from them.
However the fates had another plan for them. A group project, yay was sarcastically running through her head because of course, the two people she was partnered with happened to be two pairs of eyes that made an impression on her originally.
“So, should we go to your place, or should we go to the library, oh maybe we should go to Damien’s, or maybe mine to work on this.” Jon rapid fired at her and Damian, as they well she moved in order to talk about the project.
“I um... I’m not exactly...” she couldn’t even finish the sentence before Damian butt in.
“Tt figure this out and inform me later.” With that he go up and walked away. And go figure her assumption that everyone with green eyes were complete and total dicks is just reinforced. Because if you’ve never had a good experience with anything or anyone who shares the same traits why would it be any different now.
“Maybe we should just meet at the café or at the library just get this over with.” She got up with the bell, turned on her heel, leaving Jon sitting at the desk she just vacated.
She heard of a soft, “oh ok” as she walked away.
But of course nothing ever was easy in her life. Because the next thing she knows she hears foot falls behind her, they were actually picking up speed, and then stomps as if they were trying to stop right behind her. That was when I hand wrapped itself around her wrist making her spin and face the person who grabbed her.
In that moment she didn’t think, she reacted, she reacted like every other time one of her classmates decided to hurt her. It was a motion that came as naturally as breathing while in her civilian form, so much so that she would bet her heartbeat wouldn’t have changed. She dropped the books and book bag from her arms and shoulder lifting her arms defensively to protect her head and she pushed her shoulders forward , defend her head, in an attempt to stop a blow. But the swing never came, no weight, no pressure, no kick, no pain, just silence.
She tentatively opened her previously shut eyes eyes and looked forward, towards where the hand had originally pulled her, to the person who pulled her, she saw Jon, shocked at her reaction and then that turned to fear almost, it seemed to her, as if he was wondering if he did something wrong, if he hurt her, quickly she tugged her arm away from him and dropped to the ground and tried to pick up her items. However what shocked her was that he also dropped down and tried to help her pick up her things.
She looked up as he handed her a stack, “I forgot to ask you for your number so we can do a group chat. Are you OK?”
“Oh yeah yeah I’m fine.” She pulled a pen quickly from her bag and a sticky note, she usually uses to annotate her sketches and class notes come on, “here.” She handed him the piece of paper, Marinette got up and started to walk away again, as to not miss her next class.
By the end of the day, she found out that Jon can can text her head off. She always tries to respond to text quickly but this boy spammed the chat trying to get to know her better. If she was Damian, and she figured he did, she would’ve silenced the conversation, but it would be rude of her not answer.
Eventually they did figure out a an arrangement, Damian was going to go meet a brother after school so he wouldn’t be available meaning that she and Jon would start the project. So they decided to open a chat just between the two of them and figured it out from there.
Seeing as both of them lived outside of Gotham they decided it would be a little bit safer to meet at Marinette’s and John would leave from her apartment. And that is what they did, together the two of them left Gotham Academy after school, took the train to Blüdhaven and got into study mode. They worked in relative peace, researching and writing down ideas until there was a knock on the door. Marinette made her way up to the door, looked through and there stood Dick. So she opened the door, yet what got her attention was not just her pseudo Brother but the person who is with him. This person just happened to be the missing member of their project group, Damian.
“Hey Mari, I thought I would introduce you to my baby brother!” He beamed then noticing the other person in the room. “Hey Jon.” He greater and then took a double take “Jon!!!”
“Hey Dick, Damian.” He smiled.
“Tt. Anyone care to explain this.” Damian glared between her and his brother.
“Wow something the boy wonder doesn’t know.” She muttered under her breath, apparently it wasn’t quite quiet enough as some reacted.
“She knows?!?” Jon directed towards Dick and Damian.
“Know what?” She bit the bullet.
“Boy Wonder!?!” He seemed to shout just loud enough to get their attention. This did cause a reaction, Dick almost looked proud but Damian seemed ready to attack her.
“Okay I knew you were clever but seriously?!”
“Not the time Dick!” She moved so the kitchen island was between her and Damian. That was when something clicked Boy Wonder, Robin, Damian is Robin. Dick is Nightwing, both work with Batman. Jon heard her the others didn’t, Robin is close with… oh sweet honey iced tea. “ Dick please please tell me that I’m wrong!”
“I’m going with no your right.” Thump went her head as it fell onto the counter unrestrained.
“Why can’t my life be normal?” She asked no one in particular.
“You are a magical girl who can use the power of mini sized gods who you also protect.” Dick supplied ever so helpfully.
“Not helping!” She glared at him.
“Your life wasn’t normal long before we met.”
“Still.” She grumbled. Damian and Jon were now watching her and Dick interact as if trying to figure something out. Ping. Her phone went off. “Oh come on.” She fell back on the counter.
“Who is it this time?” Dick asked.
She tossed the phone to him. “I hate elementals.” A livestream of Stormy Weather ravaged the city of Paris.
“Cookies, I’ll be back.” He tossed her a box from her pantry. Special macaroons for the kwamii.
“Wait! Let me come with you.”
“And how many times have I told you that would be a bad idea.”
“No, don’t make me call Honey Bee to venom you again.”
He slowly backed up and sat on the couch dragging Damian with him. “I’ll um… I’ll hold down the fort. Don’t call Goldie.”
“I won’t.” She turned to go to her room. “Oh there is fresh cookies in the jar.”
She silently transformed and portaled away. Luckily her team was already there and they made quick work of the Akuma. Meaning she was back near instantly.
“That was quick.”
“Viperion was there.”
“How many times?”
“Am not.”
“You are.” Jon interjected into their bickering.
“Who’s side are you on anyways?” She asked out.
“I have no idea.”
“Great we broke Superboy.” She plopped down on the couch next to a stunned Jon. “If only… Fluff.”she smiled, and knowing that smile Dick panicked. “Fluff. Hey Fluff.”
“Oh no time travel is what got you into this time travel will not get you out.” Dick jumped landing on her keeping her seated.
“What it’s going fine?!“ Jon screamed at them, looking pretty close to a mental break down, she should know.
“You didn’t explain anything did you.” She looked on up from her position under a pile of a Dick and pillows.
“I was meaning to come up with the cookies were good and kind of had my mouthful.”
“OK great so here’s the rundown. Hello my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I was chosen at the age of 13 to wield the Miraculous of the Ladybug which grants me the power of creation and healing. I moved Blüdhaven and enrolled into Gotham Academy because of my utterly deteriorating mental health as a result of bullying in my previous school. Not to mention the magical terrorist who prays on sad or negative emotions, who happens to be using the Miraculous Butterfly or the miraculous of transmission. My partner uses the miraculous of the black cat which grants them the power of destruction, but he’s a total and complete asshole, but that’s not surprising. I was then given full guardianship of every single miraculous in the Chinese zodiac box, the most powerful of all of them the tender age of 14. I figured out that Dick was Nightwing about a month after I moved in and afterwards I have been going out into with him as he’s in as the vigilante Vulpes. And I literally just figured out you are Robin,” she pointed at Damian. “And you are Super Boy,” she pointed at Jon, “because of you’re a little outburst. I would not have figured it out otherwise! And I’m totally not I am going crazy because now there is a total of three people who know my identity in another country, no less, and I’m sure I can figure out the rest of the Bat family from here but I so I don’t want to.“ She was able to breathe now, after having explained this in just under a minute.
She looked between both Damian and Jon noticed they both looked as if she was either crazy or that certainly made a lot of sense, or a mixture of both she really can’t tell.
“You were bullied.“ Jon seemed to only take away. “That actually explains earlier.” He said just load enough for her to hear, as they were still next to each other.
“I’m not going over this again.“ She huffed, causing Dick to roll off of her laughing onto the ground and she followed suit. “You know there’s a reason I’ve always trusted blue eyes.” That was the beginning of and inseparable friendship between her and Damian, and something more between her and Jon.
None of them quite knew that at the time.
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