#he is SO FAT! :'D
nei-ning · 10 months
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Despite the fact I didn't like TMNT: Mutant Mayhem movie, I still ALWAYS will adore and love some cute baby turtles, no matter what!
Not showing them all (to spoil people) but HELL, LOOK AT BABY RAPHAEL! LIKE... HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO EVEN MOVE, DEAR!? He is probably THE chubbiest baby turtle I've ever seen! :'D
PS. I was chubby baby myself so I can relate, ahah! PSS. Sorry about the quality. I couldn't find high quality video online (without the need to register etc)
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catmask · 7 months
with that said there are characters that a fat maybe not canonically but they are spiritually. to me. they may not be drawn that way but i know whats true. ive seen it like a sort of prophet
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mbohjeezart · 4 months
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He's still fishing, huh...
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humans-are-tasty · 1 year
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cldhead · 6 months
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citnamora · 7 months
Coming out to your coworker as aro and having them accept you and your aromanticism rather than immediately dismissing the possibility is healing, actually
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spottedloaf · 7 months
i think a lot about how he was just yapping about algebra in this scene
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ask-team-misfit · 2 months
[ in response to this, and this, and this ; @ask-the-royal-absol, @ask-the-shiny-pokemons, @book-of-legends ]
Lief was silent for some moments, save a weak hiccup or two. He looked between them all with a funny glance, his eyes somewhat narrowed. His ears stood a little more upright than before, and his antennae twitched here and there, perking up before drooping back again.
He still wasn't sure he understood it, and he became lost in thought trying to understand this.
Destino's apparent interest in him caught his attention more than what they had to say; for someone that hated Fairy-type Pokemon, the Absol clearly had no issue trying to rouse a reaction out of one.
Rimi's story felt more to him like she indirectly called him a bully; but her suggesting that it didn't have to be so took some edge off her otherwise expressing her dislike towards him.
That's to say nothing about Sirius still being here, and him having came over to apologize? To him?
But for once, ever since the start of the spiral, he somewhat looked like he was actually listening.
Lief: "And I'm supposed to believe you're all suddenly interested in my well-being…?"
Which meant he had words to say about it.
Lief: "B-because. I really don't believe any of you… but my head hurts. A-and this floor is cold."
He eyed Sirius' extended paw, and merely stared at it at first.
Under such circumstances, he really would've just moved away. Or make them leave, or otherwise decline their help. He couldn't just do the former, unsurprisingly; and he didn't feel like going through with the latter.
He'd reluctantly complied, after a long and awkward pause, saying:
Lief: "Lying here in the filth is probably the only reason I haven't threw up yet... but whatever. Here goes."
Before raising a paw to take hold of it.
If "take hold of it" actually meant "struggle to lift his arm from the floor and proceed to miss his every attempt to grab it".
His stomach loudly gurgled, and he cringed. His expression looked more pained as he gulped down what nearly came back up, but he still reached for Sirius.
Lief: "Creator of gods..."
chip-dip6 asked: @mezuni-and-willow Fay and Ark @ leif You hear a distant conversation '...this guy looks like he is having a rough time of it, heck they even reminded me of you when you are down! anyway can i get your help so that he doesnt bog down the rest of the party?' 'How would you do that then?' 'you know when you have your nightmares and all that? something like that' 'if you say so' The two of them reach leif, looking down at the depressed pokemon; and the state he was in; 'you, uh, want some help there buddy?'
[ @mezuni-and-willow ]
Lief: "Ugh. If it would make you all go away-"
HIC... urrrp.
Lief: "G-get on with it already. Help me up. And watch as you laugh at me when I tell you all about how I managed to shoo away a beautiful woman that fell out of the sky..."
He was thinking about Pikavee again. Despite everything.
Of course he was.
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tiddie-taylor · 1 year
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Chonky hairless cats are my new favourite thing
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The reblogged chubby darling stuff has made me so happy like I needed that today. I got on some new medicine and they quick took me off it when I gained over 20 pounds in like 2 months, so I'm feeling kinda down because I have to lose all that weight on top of what I've already got AGHH Sorry to rant, just wanted to say I love your writing as always and it cheered me up!
Personally I'd say (as someone who had to try multiple medicines throughout my life) that as far as side effects go, some weight gain in and of itself is better than living with the condition it's treating. But again, idk your situation and what the medicine is. There are worse things to be than 20 pounds heavier yk? And it's a good point to start losing weight if you want to: better to do it early when your goal is 20 lbs as opposed to like. 50
I've kept a consistent weight and when I did track calories + exercise (and to my chagrin, tried fasting for 24-48 hours in college for months at a time), I only lost about 10 pounds and got tired of obsessing over my appearance and scrutinizing myself. Who gives a fuck if you're fat if it isn't affecting your health and you can do the shit you physically want to do?
I worked a full time job that kept me on my feet constantly, and not once did I ever feel short of breath. I could lift kids up to 40 or 50 pounds because I did weight training so I could carry them easier during a fire drill or emergency. I still do archery for fun when I have the chance and every time I vacation by a body of water, I always love kayaking for hours. My mom jokingly calls me She-Woman because I always do stuff for her around the house or physical labor-related favors (like I dragged her, in her kayak, with one hand, ashore after she got it stuck in mud by the shore) And I'm still fat while I do it!
Nobody is obligated to find me attractive or want to fuck me or anything, but if someone's not into me solely because of my weight even if they'd be with me otherwise, then that's on them. I've got bows to shoot, kayaks to get into, and babies to carry in either arm. If someone makes you feel like shit for your weight, hit da bricks! And if someone sends you low-tier bait about how "Well this fictional drawing would soooo not fuck you if they were real because they'd think fatties are icky and gross and lazy", then double fuck em. We're all fantasizing about drawings and your headcanon matters as much as mine in the grand scheme of things (spoiler: that means they don't fucking matter at all lol)
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doingitforbokuto · 2 years
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The first time you and Kita end up in his bed a realization hits you. You only now fully realise how thick he is. Hi clothes always allowed for you to guess what he would look like underneat but never were they tight enough for you to actually know. But now, with his body so close to yours, his weight pressing you into the mattress, you could tell.
The years of working on the fields and eating well have not only gifted him with arms and legs packed with muscle but also fat, thick layers of it on top of his strong body. It pushes into you, it molds around your legs around his hips and your hands around his arms.
He is broad and strong and warm. Like a mad man you cannot control your hands, letting them roam and wander all around, grbbing whatever part of his body is available to you relivishing every little moan you are able to pull out of him. And when your hands move to push him over to his side, roll yourself ontop of him you just let your body move on its own. Your mouth finds his, your hands pull his shirt over his head and soon enough your mouth is moving onto his neck, his collarbone, his broad shoulders and pecks, his thick tummy, arms arranging his legs over your shoulders while your mouth finds his boxers. You’re gonna make sure your boyfriend knows just how hot he is.
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qinghe-s · 1 year
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not nearly enough gifs of XIAO HUA (4/∞)
(id: two gifs of xie yuchen from episode nine of the lost tomb 2. the first shows him turning towards the viewer with a slight frown that deepens a little. in the second one his expression has turned to surprise, and he chuckles. there's a slight blue-pink-white gradient at the outer edges. end id)
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
hanging out with A Creachure*
*catsitting my friend's middle aged BEAST who i am *definitely not* allergic to
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cowboy-robooty · 5 months
i dont got a gaurdian angel or devil on my shoulder but i do imagine grandad (robert freeman) from the boondocks reacting to everything around me
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xannerz · 6 months
maybe i should own being an uninformed layperson who doesn't know enough about ~ pet rx food science ~ but why the fuck is this rx diet nearly $120 for a 12-pack.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
#luffy deflating like a balloon..... be serious 😭😭#MOMO NOT BEING ABLE TO HEAR LUFFY!!! oh kaido going for the others now..... law could hear his voice too???#NAMI BEING THE FIRST TO STEP UP!!! CHILLS!!! THIS TIME STEPPING UP TO WITNESS THE HORRORS!!! YEAH!!!#yamato really does carry the spirit of oden straight up.... motivating his son and everything...#i feel like i am going insane... I CAN HEAR THE DRUMS!!! nami telling luffy to not die and fulfill his promise WHO ELSE HAD A PROMISE????#is this why his fruit awakened.... because nami reminded him of the promise... omg..... THE DRUMS!!! CHILLS!!!! THE SMILE!!!!! IM SO HYPE!!#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1070#i am smiling so hard rn. contagious#also the cp0 that died for this ajdja.... suffering from success....#THE BOUNCING SOUNDS!!!! THE DRUMS!!!! THE SMILE!!! SANJI JUST VOLTING AWAKE??? see the clouds over his shoulders remain.... as i was saying#you know this has me realising maybe shanks isn't all that bad and stole the fruit from the gov so they couldnt get hold of it#hiyori saying how oden kept hia promise but also how he wanted to keep the promise of opening wano for joyboy#THE KANJURO THING!!! HIYORI WATCH OUT!!! oh its gonna burn orichi by accident YEAAHHH!!!!!!! FUCK YEAHH!!!!#the animation is so fun.. luffy just junping around and shit while hia destruction power is MASSIVE#this is so!!!! kaido complaining about being bored and having fun thru fighting AND HERE COMES LUFFY WITH HIS LOONEY TOONS GOOFY FIGHT!!!!#they knocked this shit out of the park!!! also END CREDITS????!#episode 1071#momo saying kaido got fat 😭 actually kaido got pregnant <3 yamato you're going to be a big brother congrats!!!#the eyes 😭😭 damn luffy flew away and exploded... 😞😞 skipping rope with kaido omg.... everyone should go outside and see this...#we are welcoming here in the luffy believers... barto is gonna enlist hundreds of new members#law is luffy believer number 1 damn the speech he is giving kid... omg kaido bonked him ajshaksjak that was so good he needed witnesses..#nami worried abojt luffy being dead and when he appears she is just like WTF IS THAT!!!!!! HUH???!!#wait a second ooohhhh kaido is goong down too fuck yes akdjaksj momo and yamato peeking over the island jahdksk#THE DRUMS BEING HIS HEART I CANNOT GET OVER IT!!! Kaido shoukd be puking up his insides by now but alas this is so fun BOIOIOIOIOING#FIRST TIME SOMEONE ASKS LUFFY WHO HE IS AND HE DOESN'T SAY MONKEY D LUFFY FUTURE KING OF THE PIRATES. HE SAYS ITS HIM. STRAIGHT UP!!!!#NVM HE SAID IT!!!!! GOD IS THAT YOU????!!!!#episode 1072
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