#he is an older brother and CC does SO WELL at older brothers it makes me crazy
drusilla-carstairs · 11 months
I am once again here to push the agenda of big brother Ty content
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booksandmore · 10 days
I’m sorry but CC only has herself to blame for making TMI known as “the incest books” in all of the reading communities outside of TSC fandom.
She herself ruined TMI becoming as big as it could’ve been & TSC in general by putting incest in all 6 books of TMI…That’s why no one posts about it on Booktwt or Booktok..
There’s no point in being upset at readers judging TMI for having incest in it when that’s a valid criticism.. Clace kissed multiple times for three books all while not being officially sure whether or not they were related or not..then CC got petty & doubled down on the incest after being criticized for it already & had Clary kiss her biological brother in book three after people already hated it with Clace in the first two books.
Clary’s brother almost rapes her in book five and tries kissing her in the last book. TSC is not GOT where it gets a pass. Non TSC stans really want a LI calling his girlfriend’s Dad his own Dad 💀 Jace was calling Clary’s brother his brother while being romantically involved with Clary. Just because he was adopted by Valentine as a kid didn’t make it normal for Cassie to have Jace call himself a Morgenstern or to call his girlfriend’s brother his own brother.
TMI hate = CC’s own fault.. any TMI stan bitterness should be directed at her own questionable writing choices. Sorry but seeing TMI stans hating that TMI is judged for this all when it’s the authors own fault is weird yk? It’s been too long, Cassie understands why TMI gets hate. As a TMI stan it makes me upset that she dragged the incest on the entire series because I can’t proudly ever talk about Clace, Seb or TMI as a whole because she got weird with the writing in that series on purpose to spite people who criticized the incest in Books 1-2. It was petty for her to drag on incest for that long knowing people hated it..It’s her fault.
I’m tired of people outside of the fandom being judged for not liking the incest for Clary with two Mmc’s when..it’s valid not to like or be comfortable with. TMI stans always having to make excuses for her too is even sadder bc it’s not our fault or other readers’ it’s the authors fault for putting that in a fun YA series that didn’t need incest AT ALL. That’s probably why the show was a flop and the movie, no one could take the series seriously with that arc for Clary with Jace and her brother Sebastian..
no yes i totally get it!! it is frusterating to see tmi get dismissed but im not gonna force anyone to do anything they dont like. it’s valid to not want to interact with something cause it grosses you out, i’ve definitly done that before as well. we all have our limits and that’s okay!! that said feel free to ignore the rest of this i just wanted to explain my thoughts more thoroughly but it got a bit long😭you might not like anon sorry
first of, i do admit it’s been a while since my reread and also, i haven’t touched the other series since i first read them so i can really only speak for tmi rn, and if i get anything wrong that’s on me
i should probably clarify that my original posts were create because i was just so baffled that people were sayong cc has some kind of incest kink and that’s why she was forcing it into her books. like?? an author choosing to engage with darker taboo topics doesn’t mean they’re into it im pretty sure. its not like i know her personally, but if she had a kink i sort of suspect it would show up in the rest of her books yk? is it really that hard to imagine that she’d include it for a reason?😭
for me, maybe because i’m used to books like the secre t history or older classics, i tend to look past the taboo of it and focus on what it does for the story/reveals about charchterization, if that makes sense?
i think that tmi is very much about family, and sebastian having these fucked up views about family (where he mistakes romantic love for familial love) really goes to show how horrible valentine was as a father, and how terribly he was treated and how desperate he was for love. i think he doesnt know what it means to be loved by family and that’s why he substitutes it with something else. cause i think that deep down inside he does have a normal brotherly love for clary, its just that he doesnt know any other way to show that
for me the incest thing is a plot device and it frusterates me how no one wants to engage with it that way. could it have been done differently? probabaly. but they don’t even try to examining why it’s there at all! they don’t bother analyzing or asking, hey, does the author have any particular reason for putting this here, or writing it the way she did? they just dismiss it as gross and go away. but i really do think it has a purpose and point in the story that gets lost on a lot of people
the thing is, it’s meant to be uncomfortable! it’s meant to be gross! it should weird you out!! i doubt cc meant it to be viewed positively, especially when neither the charchters nor the narrative does. it’s meant to show how badly these adults and this society have fucked up these children, and robbed them of being able to love freely and safely yk?
most of my frusteration really just comes from how puritanical fandom has been. you can choose not to engage with something if it grosses you out, that’s fine and valid and we’ve all done that before. but looking down on someone for wanting to engage with it objectively is??? i think it’s just etiquette to not engage with what you don’t like. block the tag. curate your own experience. that kinda stuff
again anon if you chose to read this anyway i really do respect and understand what you’re saying. i’m really sorry if i came across as mean or rude but like. i really really love tmi and i cannot tolerate it being dismissed like that
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joculatrixster · 1 month
I respect that you have concerns about possible homophobia behind criticism of Scott, but your post about it used some inaccurate information.
Grian cheating is actually a recurring plot point in many desert duo fanfics. It isn't ignored. The difference is that when discussing the CCs, Grian's cheating was actually a result of wanting to switch up his content (Double Life happened after a post on the Hermitcraft subreddit where Grian was criticized for always grouping up with Scar and Mumbo), while behavior towards Jimmy often doesn't have as clear of an OOC reason for it.
Furthermore, Scott isn't the only one who gets flack for how he treats Jimmy - to use a recent example, people had major issues with Sausage's behavior towards Jimmy in Minecraft SOS. To use an older example, Jimmy had to reassure chat in one of his Raft streams that he was okay with how Grian, Joel, and fWhip (all married to women) were treating him, and even repeated that reassurance when he cut it down into a shorter video.
It's also important to note that Scott isn't the only LGBTQ content creator in the MCYT sphere. Joey Graceffa is gay; Lizzie, Gem, and Cleo are bi; Shubble is ace. You also make assumptions in your post that Pearl is straight, which we don't know for sure, as she's private about her personal life. While she has a boyfriend (at least I'm pretty sure he's a boyfriend), she often refers to him as a roommate instead of a boyfriend, and she could very well be bi/pan or ace. We don't know, and assuming people are straight as default can cause issues.
i kkmow scott isnt the only queer one brother ive been into mcyt since i was 10 i dont need u to explain to me who is and isnt queer im an og lizzie fan😭
firslty man saying that grian thing is. stupid. im sorry. no, saying there is a reason grajn as the person didnt wanna group up w scar so his character cheating makes sense yet scott who explained why he didnt wanna team up w pearl and instead went w cleo but u claim there was no real reason to do that even tho rp reasons is just as fine of a reason is just. strange. ike even if scott did it just bc he wanted to for no other reason than teasing jimmy that doesnt justifiy making him out to be an abuser or making posts anaylizing how he makes jimmy uncomfortable/is weird to jimmy specifically which ive Seen Multiple. scott and jimmy have always had a bit of a rivalryand its just fucking weisd ppl make out scotts teasing as inherently toxic yet say nothing about grian or joels teasing
also ive never seen grian vilinized or made scars abuser if this is a common hc its not one ive seen, just unpacking the cheating is not the same thing as making grian scars abuser or making him clearly seen as negative all portrayls Ive Personally seen paint grian in a sympathetic light and the fandom as a whole does that in general w bad actions grian does. pretending its of a similar caliber is just strange considering how blorbofied grian is and how ppl r convinced scott is literally maliciouly trying to hurt jimmy In Real Life like dude be so fucking fr rn
ill admit i dont watch sos nor raft streams but im calling out ppl who r calling scott specifically abusive and ive literally never seen anyone as vilinized as scott in fics i can think off the top of my head 3 fics ive seen where scott is the vilian and portrayed as jimmys abuser which is NOT true for anyone u mentioned. if u havent seen this i understand u might think jimmy expressing boundaries about his friends is the same thing which is a valid point to bring up but im specifically pointing out how it is normalized tto have scott specifically be an abuser or cruel villian which is NOT the same as fans expressing concern over if some ppl r going too far w the bit. thats fine genuinely
ur right i did assume about pearl i shouldn't have i dont rlly watch her thats also on me but also doesn't take away the point i was saying. literally her being bi aroace or even a lesbian does not take away the point i made about reducing her character to the violent female hysteria but also tragic victim of scott. as an agender aroace lesbain...buddy i know straight aint the default. when i talk about misogyny and homophobia the point is the misogyny and homophobia. im sorry i called someone who hasnt come out at all yet straight i dont assume someone is queer until proven otherwise bc thats just weird to assume. i just literally never saw pearl included in queer mcyt creator talks ever but assuming she isnt straight doesnt change literally anything about the mysongy or weird homophobua that only scott is portrayed in a negative light for actions he does in double life
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sirwow · 6 months
Hello once again RD tumblr. I recently went on an extreme discord ramble about Cocole in my au and its so long i feel it be a waste not to put it here! usual me warning of yeah its reallly long under the cut. anyways have fuuun
(PS im not editing this from the discord messages cus im eepy so might be a bit messy!)
So to start before rhythm doctor even starts some background on CC Cole and Nicole. Cole first:
Cole was a single child that grew up a VERY privileged life style. Rich neighborhood and spoiled rotten at the expectation that he would be like his parents. (be a CEO or high ranking individual like his dad n have a stay at home wife like his mother) Cole however ended up with a music obsession ever since he was 12 and started playing the piano. At first his parents encouraged this, giving him lessons and everything but when they realized music was the only thing he did care about, they were more hesitant on supporting him n tried moving him on a different path. This does work well on a rebellious spoiled teen so Cole just ended up becoming more obsessed out of spite. Spending all of his allowance on his electric guitar, synth and microphone. Cole was still being a freeloader off of his parents money by 22, never having actually gotten a job and just barely finishing highschool. His parents kicked him out when he refused to get a job n this lead him eventually to Middlesea after many long train rides across the countryside. Got admitted to the hospital basically as soon as he got to Middlesea due to a lack of sleep and an extreme amount of caffeine drinking. Doesn’t mind too much because it gives him company and he wanted to stay in Middlesea anyways since it was told to him by a chance encounter with miner that it was the capital of music.
Now Nicole:
Much less privileged growing up in comparison to Cole. Moved to Middlesea when she was just 1 from Norway since her dad got a job offer. Unfortunately said offer fell through and now they were stuck in North America just trying to make do. Nicole grew up with all brothers- 1 older, 2 younger. Picked up the guitar after begging for a full year for her parents to get her one for her 14th birthday. (which they did) Nicole grew up with dreams of grandeur- being a famous enough player to help her family and be know more then the awkward lanky gameboy girl in class. Her dreams of that were half crushed though when she entered a high school talent show that she was planning on playing at but when she was actually on stage she completely froze up and had a panic attack. Got bullied pretty relentlessly for it and the nail in the coffin was seeing how poor her family was in comparison to others and how she was just putting more stress on it trying to be a musician. Gave up on music at 20, moved out into a small apartment, got her barista job, and started getting check ups by 22 due to her sudden smoking habit from stress. Met Cole when he stumbled into the Cafe the same morning he was admitted n they started up their daily routine of chatting with each other
SO! Everything is basically identical to what happens in game till after act 5. When Lucia proposes the idea of a talent show, Cole reeaaally wants to get Nicole to play with him and Samurai. Nicole is pushing him off due to her past trauma of the last talent show she tried to preform at. Using the excuses that she got rid of her guitar and she can’t even play anymore anyways. Meanwhile only a few weeks before this, Nicole had started teaching Logan how to play the guitar to confess his love to Hailey with music. Nicole had been spending the whole day dealing with Cole coming in every 30 minutes to try and convince her but Nicole repeatedly shut him down. Cole was making a final plea to her at the end of her shift n just as she was gonna tell him one last time she didn’t have a guitar anymore- Hailey and Logan suddenly barged in. Turns out Logan had confessed to Hailey not more then 10 minutes ago and when she found out who taught him how to play guitar, Hailey wanted to return the relationship favor to Nicole. Handing her back the guitar right infront of Cole n thanking her for teaching Logan before running off dragging a very apologetic Logan behind her. Cole and Nicole were silent as she held her guitar before Cole asked if she could now that she had her guitar. Nicole put it away and told him to get out so she can close shop. Cole tried staying but got pushed out and locked out by a very flustered Nicole
Nicole was. Kinda mixed in her feelings. Angry that even happened, guilty that she was called out for her lie and wondering if she should take Cole’s offer. She was still thinking it through for the next 2 days n her completely ignoring Cole asking about it was enough to make him give up n just start planning with Samurai. Samurai came into the cafe when Cole admitted defeat to him n very roughly questioned Nicole if she still enjoyed music or not. When she said she did and had actually been playing more before this because of Cole, Samurai told her she should show him that. Nicole didn’t really respond but that night while Cole and Samurai were song writing- Nicole showed up with her guitar after work, ready to join them. Cole jumped up to quickly hug her excited before catching her up on what they were doing. She never had her heart jump so suddenly
So the trio started practicing for the talent show, writing a song together and practicing together. As the day of the show started approaching, Nicole’s nerves started getting the better of her and smoked more as a result. Smoking more made her SVT worse so now during practice she was even more fidgety and nervous then before. Cole eventually took notice when she kept getting pissed at missing her cords n turned a practice night into a gaming night with the three of them to calm her nerves. Over games, Nicole admitted to Cole and Samurai why she was so damn nervous about this and how stupid her first attempt at a talent show went. Cole offered to shove her if she froze up n though she laughed and pushed him calling him a dick, Cole meant it in a caring sense. They would be by her side in this dumb idea so if she felt embarrassed she could blame them for it. Nicole still laughed at the idea but felt some calmness in the idea. Regardless- the day of the show was there and Nicole still had a shift to finish so they were going last. It was a quiet day in the Cafe n so her thoughts were racing while watching the clock occasionally. She began drifting off into nervousness again by the end of her shift and only snapped out of it when an exhausted Lucia broke into the cafe sweating and huffing. She was surprised to still see Nicole there as she pointed to the clock showing it was only about 5 minutes before she played. Nicole FREAKED out n asked Lucia if she could close for her in a panic n as soon as Lucia said yes, Nicole handed her the keys and apron thanking her, before dashing down to the parking lot the show was being held at. When Nicole got there, she froze before the backstage seeing how many people where there to watch but quickly ran again when she saw Cole and Samurai signaling her over. Cole reassured her one last time it be okay before they went up there n to just keep her eyes on him. No other time was left for anything else to be said but Nicole gave a nod
Cole Nicole and Samurai all went up to the stage but right before they were going to play, got cut off by Richard waltzing in trying to use this massive crowd as a publicity stunt. Some shenanigans later and Insomniac running at Richard with his sword to scare him off, the three got to play their hearts out. Nicole and Cole sing together. N as she kept her eyes on Cole as he suggested, she realized he was looking right back at her just as they did in practice when it was just the two of them. Playing like no one was watching. The trio finished and ended up winning 1st place in the show with much cheering. Everyone afterwards headed back to the cafe for an after party n Nicole got to properly close up n got Lucia comfortable with a blanket. Cole sat back with Nicole behind the bar counter as the little party chatted about. Suddenly through a light whisper, Cole thanked her. Nicole was confused but Cole just showed her his still shaking hand. He was just as if not more scared of going up there but her looking at him gave him the strength to push on. Nicole didn’t say much in response but ruffled his hair calling him a doofus.
Now then it’s only gonna get rough from here!
Cole and Nicole return to their usual routine and banter after the talent show but something seems very off with Cole one day. He came in for the usual morning chat but in the afternoon he was far more nervous n off and tried to ask for some caffeine. Nicole declined of course, asking if he wanted to get himself back into an addiction n he obviously agreed he didn’t but seemed to be unsure of his own answer. Nicole did her best to try and burry the thought thinking Cole was just having an off day but then the same thing repeated the next 3 days. Him getting more and more pushy about getting some caffeine and Nicole getting progressively more frustrated with him. Nicole was planning on confronting him completely on the 4th day but he didn’t even show up that day at the Cafe. Nicole wondered if he was just going to a different Cafe to get caffeine but was much more shocked with the actual answer. Cole’s parents walked into the cafe that evening n spoke to Nicole if she had seen Cole. They told her that they had found out he was admitted here only a few days ago from a recording of the talent show n were coming to her after seeing her with him in the show. Nicole found out she hadn’t seen him today because he was hiding from his parents and refusing to see them even after they paid off all of his medical bills for his discharge. Nicole was flabbergasted by this. 1. That he was refusing to see what seemed like wonderful parents if they were just willing to pay off that debt and 2. This is how she found out he was attempting to get caffeine to avoid his discharge. Nicole couldn’t help his parents anymore and they had to get home for work so the conversation fell off quickly. Nicole however was PISSED
Cole meanwhile all this had locked himself up in his hospital room, petting Loafy to destress from the situation. He refused to be dragged back home by his parents and lose all the genuine friends he had gotten there. Besides he was so close to realizing his music dreams n giving in now would be ridiculous. Those friends he had made though were all now trying to talk to him since all of them had met n talked to his parents before they left n believed he was just being crazy and rash again. He didn’t let any of them inside either.
Night came n Nicole got off work. As soon as everything was closed up, she made a beeline for Cole’s room. Cole didn’t wanna let her in at first but didn’t miss a beat to when he realized that it was Nicole n gladly let her inside before locking it again. Cole immediately acted like everything was normal and fine to avoid the inevitable conversation but that just sent Nicole off. She called him for what he did to his parents n how she would of done anything to have something like that just covered instantly. Cole’s demeanor changed again into defensive annoyance with her. Cole still hasn’t told anyone his past at this point and he sure wasn’t now. Just called his parents out for trying to control what he was doing with his life and didn’t care what they tried, he wasn’t going back to them. This hit Nicole right in the heart with rage- she had given up her dreams to help her struggling family who never could help her much but he was just willing to throw that all away out of spite of not wanting to work. She knew he didn’t have a job n was broke but this was insane behavior. Nicole exploded at Cole, yelling that he was one hell of a selfish freeloader if he was willing to hurt himself just to get what he wanted. Cole backed off out of surprise but bit back yelling that she had no idea what he went through. They continued yelling at eachother for a minute-loafy hiding under the couch and a few other patients passing in the hall listening in
Cole snapped suddenly when Nicole refused to hear him out, telling her that at least he wasn’t a pathetic miserable minimal wage worker who gave up on his dreams because of other people dragging him down. Nicole stood still staring agasp at what he said and processing it. Cole seeing her expression immediately tried to back track his words but Nicole just told him to fuck off while stifling tears n left for the hospital balcony to cry and smoke. Nicole stayed up there for almost a full hour comprehending everything that just went down untill she got a grip on herself n lost her anger and just wanted answers from Cole. He might be an idiot but she knows he had to have some reasons. He always did.
Nicole headed down from the balcony after another 20 minutes of thinking through her words and finishing her second cigarette but found the janitor cleaning Cole’s room instead of Cole. Nicole, confused, asked where Cole had gone if he was cleaning out his room and Janitor told her Cole had taken his discharge early immediately after their fight. The one thing Janitor could point to where Cole had gone was seeing him searching up train times as he was packing. Nicole looked at the clock. 20 minutes till 11 pm. Nicole wordlessly walked out of the room and looked down the hallway. She broke into a sprint.
Cole’s feet dragged across the ground to the major train station platform. Hood up and hat spun back forwards, he was going through his contacts and deleting all of the ones he had. He hesitated with Nicole’s contact but ultimately ended up deleting it when he started getting notifications from her. Just shut himself down and pulled out his ear buds being sick of music. Wondering if his parent were right for a moment before shoving down the thought and just focusing on the train signs to look up what town he’d end up at next. He looked down the open track and spotted the lights of a train only a few minutes off so gathered his things in preparation to leave. A loud thumping and trip against stone caught his attention from the tracks though and saw Nicole standing there at the end of the stairs.
Nicole was horribly winded but regained her strength as she stumbled over to Cole and pulling him into a hug before he could say a word. Cole stumbled over trying to apologize to Nicole while she held him but Nicole just told him to shut it before falling into a ramble. She confessed everything openly to Cole, how he had gotten her into music again, how she had honesty been smoking less because of him, how brighter her days were with him around, ect. She told him she wasn’t angry anymore but was instead begging for him to stay- not just for her but for himself too. She was scared what might happen to him alone out there- and openly admitted her love for him and everything about him even if it was a mess sometimes. The train to leave rushed by while Nicole still held onto him and it left him to make the next decision.
Cole struggled to muster his words through tears but clutched Nicole back, swearing to her he’d stay. Telling her that he loved her too in much more plain words as his tears choked him out. They kept holding onto each other crying till the train was gone and they separated from their griphold. Nicole took Cole back to her apartment and both collapsed. They were too tired to talk that night and Nicole had another shift that morning so they agreed to talk about this the next night before Cole crashed on the couch and Nicole crashed in her bed.
SO! Cole stays at the apartment for the day while Nicole goes to work for the morning. Nicole wasn’t expecting much that day but it turns out most everyone Cole was close to have been thrown into a panic since they can’t get in contact with them and didn’t say goodbye to anyone. Hailey and Samurai especially aren’t doing so well after Cole disappeared. Nicole finds all this out through a distressed Samurai getting a caffeine drink with a shot or two in it. Nicole tells him that Cole is alright and at her apartment so Samurai immediately goes to tell everyone else. Hailey is pissed as hell that Cole was willing to scare them that badly n shows up to the cafe to tell Nicole that. Samurai is just sad, worrying that Cole didn’t actually care about him that much. Nicole swore that she’d bring Cole back tomorrow to sort things through n left after her shift with more questions for Cole.
Once Nicole does get home, she finds Cole actually cleaned the entire apartment while she was gone n was just sitting at the dinning table waiting for her and doom scrolling socials. He stopped as soon as Nicole came in n once she got herself comfortable they basically immediately started having the talk they said they would. Nicole demanded some fuckin context for all his actions at this point and Cole relented. Told Nicole how he didn’t want to be near his parents since all they wanted from him was to drop his dreams of being a musician and instead get a big business job like his dad. Nicole could understand that but then asked why he removed all the contacts of his friends because they were all distraught because of it n Cole just kinda sat back processing that. Cole admitted quietly he didn’t think he’d be missed that much before going quiet again thinking. Nicole stared at him with sympathy but sighed that was a can of worms they needed to sort another time- but for now there was something more pressing.
Nicole told Cole pretty plainly that if he was gonna live with her, he had to start paying rent too and that meant getting a job. Cole was still adverse to the idea, mumbling that he thought music was a job but Nicole pretty bluntly asked how much he was making. Cole said 30$ a month. Nicole stared at him unimpressed. Cole conceded and agreed he needed a job but frankly had no idea where to start. Didn’t exactly have connections or a great resume to use n him getting along with someone is a 50/50 coin flip of them getting along or them hating him. Nicole agreed that it was rough n buried her head in her hands in thought trying to come up with something. Both sat silently thinking till Cole sprung back forward from the wooden chair almost falling over with him in it. Cole warned it might be insane but maybe he could start working at the cafe too? Nicole could use another hand, he was already used to the layout of everything and it be alot easier for him to get in. Nicole called him crazy but when taking a moment to think about it she agreed it was kinda the best bet they had. A few calls later- Nicole was able to convince her mostly absentee manager to interview Cole in a few days much to his excitement and extreme anxiety of getting an actual job.
Nicole ruffled his hair assuring he’d probably be fine there n to worry about it when it’s actually time to. Cole agreed and both were suddenly left wondering what to actually do for the rest of the night. They still never properly had really thought of themselves in a relationship yet but the thought was now pressing on them. Nicole just excused herself to make them dinner and just told Cole to turn something on the TV. She eventually joined him on the couch n one attempted cuddle later, things felt a lot more natural now that they were past the overwhelming fluster of knowing they were in a relationship. They ended up passing out in bed together cuddling
Now then- next day Nicole dragged Cole’s ass back to the hospital to apologize to everyone. Hailey smacked him with a nearby magazine before hugging him, telling him with a bit of a shakey voice to never do that again. Cole swore not to and hugged back. Samurai on the other hand was more nervous to talk to Cole then Cole was to him. He was scared Cole didn’t actually enjoy his company but Cole spent the next 30 minutes swearing that no, he did really care and promising to play drums and base with him again to reassure him. Also got hugged by Samurai but Samurai wasn’t really paying attention to his strength and nearly crushed the boy. The rest was pretty much the same, angry at Cole in the moment but happy to have him back. Things move relatively quickly and in the background after this point for them- Cole got the job and learning how to work hyjinxs insue but things in the story for them settle for a little while after this.
The two mostly play a supporting role for the next month or so. Nicole also dropped smoking when they started dating. Cole understanding the plights of Ada Ian Nicole and Janitor now that he works himself and it acts as a major ego check for his usual antics. Cleans up after himself, thanking and uplifting Ian n Ada when he gets the chance (especially to Ada after feeling guilty for literally throwing hands in 2-2 when she was just helping) n having a general more respectful attitude to everyone. Only playing with samurai on free days and never at night, n being less of a genuine shithead. He’s got a good heart just not the greatest lessons learned from being spoiled rotten by entitled parents.
Nicole during this whole break though ended up in contact with Cole’s mom behind his back. She reached out to try and check in on Cole more but slowly got more and more info out of Nicole about his life- including them being in a relationship. Nicole was still kinda hesitant of believing Cole’s words completely after how much he lied before and his mother really did seem to just want the best for him so she continued contact. Eventually his mother asked Nicole if she could bring Cole back home just for the holidays to talk to him. Nicole was incredibly hesitant trying to figure out what to do about it. She eventually decided through her own values that it would be a good idea for Cole to make amends with his family. Nicole agreed to it before telling Cole n well. Cole was angry to say the least. He told Nicole that his parents were nothing but bad news but she defended herself that she spoke to his mother for a month and she saw no red flags in the slightest. Cole was even more elated at that admission but Nicole begged him to please just give them one more chance. Cole’s new mellowing out lead him to agree with Nicole just to keep the peace in their relationship as much as he hated it and quietly hoped maybe she was right.
So! Cole and Nicole get their holiday break n head out on the long train ride to his hometown. Cole was brooding most the ride but Nicole kept holding onto his hand as reassurance. After the 6 hour ride there they arrived and Nicole was a bit shocked. It was fancier then anything she had ever even seen let alone stepped foot in. Not exactly a neighborhood for a minimum wage worker to belong. Regardless they were able to be taxied to the house after Cole gave his Id for passage into the gated neighborhood and arrived at the house. A grand moderately sized home kitted out with everything you could imagine, Cole’s mother, Holly, came outside first to greet them. Cole accepted her hug hesitantly n Holly went ahead and hugged Nicole too making her just as awkward feeling. Shortly after Holly was his dad, Cresso (are these both coffee puns? Yes). Cole just backed up without interacting outside of a strained hi but Nicole shook his hand when Cresso offered it. Both were welcomed inside and told to just go ahead and make themselves comfortable for the night since it was pretty late. Cresso didn’t say anything exact but lead Nicole to the guest room while telling Cole he could stay in his own room for the night. Nicole didn’t wanna piss off his parents so just relented to sleep in the guest room without Cole even when Cole tried to push it. Cresso seemed satisfied with Nicole shutting down Cole’s rebelling n though that left a pit in Nicole’s chest she just blamed it on train exhaustion n went ahead to clonk out without another word.
Now I’ll be frank im still rewriting the details here but the important stuff: -Nicole obviously finds out how privileged Cole was -Cole when he gets the chance to speak to Nicole alone tells her he hates it here- not the comfort of money, but the social sense. He’d rather live on the streets then be stuck here -dinner the next day. Ohboy dinner the next day. Over dinner there’s essentially a blow up when they find out Cole is still doing music and Nicole is too along with encouraging him. It starts light but eventually devolves into Cresso calling Nicole a lowlife service worker n that Cole could do better then this. Holly tried to damage control but it was too far now and Nicole n Cole packed their things to leave immediately.
The late night train ride was tense to say the least. Nicole tried to apologize to Cole after a long silence but he just told her he didn’t want to do this right now but he was angry. Cole just cuddled up to Nicole’s side and fell asleep for the rest of the ride. Guilt ate her up on the way back n handled Holly texting her after the whole thing. Basically telling her off, Holly understanding n agreeing to not speak again. Nicole stayed up the whole ride just watching the stars and snow n they still didn’t talk once they got back home at 4 am other then Cole choosing to sleep on the couch that night. Nicole wanted to give him the bed but chose not to stress him more with a pointless argument.
Things do not go swell once they’re back. Cole and Nicole aren’t talking n everyone can tell so eventually someone (Ada) asks Cole what’s up n he vents the whole situation out bluntly. Ada asks Nicole if this is seriously what happened n Nicole didn’t even try to defend herself anymore n said yes. Ada was shocked and appalled what Nicole did all because she didn’t believe Cole. Ada told Ian, Ian told Cinny- and eventually the whole story got spread around the whole hospital. No one was happy with Nicole and frankly all became hesitant to confide in Nicole after that leading to silent shifts and nothing to break up the monotony of it all. The added social stress brought Nicole to start smoking again. Cole stopped being as cold with Nicole just wanting to move past now but the damage had been done to her by herself. Nicole wasn’t okay with just being forgiven quietly like this or forgiven at all.
A week into this when Cole finally said it outloud that he forgave her and just wanted to move on, Nicole refused it. Cole tried to get through to her more forcefully with yelling but Nicole just ended up misinterpreting it as her fucking up again- the combination of meltdown and smoking sent her into a really bad SVT attack making her faint. Cole rushed her to MSH for care and stayed by her side till she had to be taken back for urgent care. Nicole woke up the next day sore and breathless n a note left by her bedside. Cole was taking over her shifts alone but wanted her to know it was okay and to please just rest for his sake. Nicole didn’t have much choice in the matter anyways being bed bound but took his word to heart. Cole visited every break he got from the rush n though he looked exhausted n a mess he still told her it was okay. Nicole while he was gone started writing a song for him as some sort of apology. However when she did play it for him a week later n got to the line that she didn’t deserve him, Cole shushed her up.
Cole was already a bit teary from her being so thoughtful to write a song for him but told Nicole he was the one who didn’t deserve her. They went back and forth with sad laughs that they didn’t deserve each other but Cole eventually stopped it n made Nicole a deal. If he stopped saying it then she had to stop saying it too. Nicole thought he was still joking but when he wasn’t she gave an exhausted sigh n smiled before agreeing. Cole thanked her n hugged her tightly. Nicole joked that she’s glad he didn’t hear the rest of the song cause she wants to rewrite it to be perfect for him. Cole didn’t quite care if it was perfect but as long as it was her it was alright. Nicole called him a goof for that one n he just giggled saying he was being honest. They ended up cuddling n passing out again even if it fucked up Coles sleep schedule
After this mess part 3, they get back to their normal groove again n do their usual routine n chilling in the bg. Unfortunately this peace after the winter holidays would move into a blooming disaster in the start spring. The two were off work but over at the hospital after doing their morning baseball workout with everyone else. Cole n Nicole were just hanging out with loafy n after throwing a bone for him outside n watching him struggling to find it in a bone, the lights suddenly shut off, old metal gates shut on the outside door n emergency lights were the only thing lighting up the halls. Nicole and Cole ran down to the main hall hearing something going on n joining a group of other patients they saw CT dropping Edega and turning to them. Lucky yelled at them all to run so they followed without another word. Once they were able to get a safe distance away they all listened in on Logan’s phone to Ian explaining the situation. Frankly Nicole n Cole didn’t understand half of it other then they were all in danger and to protect Hailey n Logan the most. The call cut off as the phone’s screen shut off from Connectifia before Ian could help them get out. Lucky took command of the situation n told Cole and Nicole to get Logan and Hailey as far away from CT as possible. They didn’t hesitate, nodded, and took the kids by the hand to get away from this horrible situation.
Nicole and Cole course couldn’t go as far as they wish they could but honestly they were trying to not freak out from the distance screaming n keep Hailey and Logan calm. While Cole was trying to calm Hailey from a meltdown, CT began stomping towards them n they all froze. Cole watched CT with baited breath before telling Nicole to hide them without turning around. Nicole barely got out a whispered “what?” Before Cole asked her if she trusted him. Nicole looked at him, still turned, and back up at the slowly approaching CT and said yes. Cole told her to go then and started running down the hallway to distract CT. Nicole hesitated to go and stop him but turned away n ran to take Hailey n Logan somewhere safe much to their chagrin. Cole grabbed a left behind baseball bat and though he was no hitter, just used it get get CT’s focus on him before dodging for his life. He couldn’t run forever though in a place like this and inevitably got trapped in a room and tripped over equipment before CT got a grip on his chest and sent him straight into a paralyzing SVT attack with its electrocution. Cole was left on the floor of that room once CT left to find the last 3.
Nicole knew that scream. But it was twisted and mutilated from the fun moments she had heard it before. Logan n Hailey were clutching to her hand still but knowing what was coming, Nicole took both of them and put them inside a empty cabinet to hide before running out herself. What more did she have to lose anyways? She followed the same steps as Cole with CT to get them away but her running into a room was stopped by all the fallen over equipment making her hesitant to go in. The moment of hesitation gave CT enough time to pin Nicole against the wall by her back and zapped her without a second to react.
Nicole sat delirious, the repeating blaring of the alarm slowly deafening in her mind and was slipping away till she moved in the slightest and all the pain hit her again. A voice cut through the monotony of it all. Cole had crawled out on his hands from the room he got trapped in and was using what little voice he had left to call out to Nicole. They couldn’t see each other much at all in the darkness and slipping conciseness but kept each other company with their presence. Talking hurt too much so they just sat listening to each other’s quivering breath till they passed out entirely.
If utter darkness was the one thing Cole had seen before the soft florescent light he woke up to might as well of been a flashbang. It was definitely still MSH but everything seemed tidyer then when just Ian and Ada handled things. Cole sat up slowly feeling his breath still burning but looking around realized Nicole was right by him with her eyes still closed and laying on her chest. It took a bit of willpower to do but enough bugging her sleep by saying her name managed to wake up Nicole as well. Neither could really do anything once they were awake but seeing each other still there was enough reassurance.
They recovered relatively well after the incident other then being self conscious about their new scars but uplifting each other about them. Talked the most to the 3 kids when they couldn’t sleep n just wanted to make sure everyone was okay and were the first ones to start walking around on their own again. Mostly stuck together when they were recovering after that whole ordeal. Generally avoiding talking about all the heavy implications and thoughts that traumatic event caused n seemingly getting through it the easiest. (when in reality they’re keeping all that fear in the back pocket for later when it’s gotten worse )
and well. Honestly that’s kinda where they end off for the main plot of CC before they start going on their own life story together.
If you managed to read this far, thank <3 i hope you enjoyed the straights simplifed
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foxoftamriel · 1 year
Five Nights At Freddy’s, Authorial Intent, The Box, and why CC doesn’t really matter.
Authorial intent is the act of, rather than looking at the story itself, you focus on the author. Why did they write this, why did they act this way. That’s what I want to focus on, Scott Cawthon after the release of FNAF 4, and what that means for the story. Scott was, for lack of a better word, frustrated after FNAF 4. Think about the box, how he never gave us a concrete answer to what it was because no one got the complete story of the game. He gave MatPat the hint “why is little toy Chica missing her beak?” Well, I have an answer to both of those, CC doesn’t matter! He’s not Golden Freddy, Cassidy is! And he’s definitely not the Puppet, that title is Charlie’s. So in the grant scheme of things, who is he? Well, he’s the brother that Michael accidentally murdered. That’s why Scott was so frustrated. He didn’t mean to tell us about CC, but rather about Michael. It was Michael’s backstory. This was Scott trying to tell us “this is the boy you play as in the rest of the series, and this is why he spends over five nights at Freddy’s”. But, due to the lack of information at the time, no one understood. So he introduced William Afton as the Purple Guy in the books, then again in the games, and made his daughter the antag, as well as making another antag a representation of his wife. This game was supposed to make you connect the Afton’s to the protag of the series, make you realize that the protag is an Afton. But no one got it. So Scott threw his hands up and said “fine! I’ll just tell you!” And gave us the cutscenes after the SL custom nights, which gave us more information about Michael than anything. Michael turning purple isn’t actually him turning into a rotten corpse (how could he get a job as a corpse? Even if Fazbear Entertainment is garbage, he’s a corpse! That’s wayyyyy past the line) but rather to connect him to William, to the Afton’s. He even shares the same VA as William! Scott basically threw in our faces that Michael was an Afton, and the kids in FNAF 4 were Aftons as well (think about the empty girl’s room, which SL gives us an answer to), therefore Michael = Foxybro = MC. Then he finally closes it off with FNAF 6 (ah satiating FNAF 6 ending, I miss you), giving us Henry’s line about his “brave volunteer” wanting to die in the fire. And I think that’s what finally put the FNAF fandom in agreement about Michael (at least, the FNAF fandom can’t agree on much, so Scott still needed more confirmation in Fazbear’s Frights since MatPat thought Michael was CC as a robot). I mentioned earlier the line “why is little toy Chica missing her beak?” She’s missing her beak because the cutscenes aren’t even from CC’s POV, they’re from Michael’s, how he remembers his little brother, and how he remembers himself. CC is, frankly, a little bit too much of a crybaby to be realistic. And yes, this is a game, so I might be looking to far into it, but CC never stops crying, even when the Fredbear plush tries to comfort him. And about the Fredbear plush, I don’t think it’s William talking to him or a spirit, I think Michael saw CC with the plushie all the time, and interpreted it as an object of comfort for him, that’s why it’s literally everywhere, Michael remembers CC bringing it with him everywhere. And how does Michael look back at himself? With nothing but hatred. He sees himself as the older brother who lives for nothing but torment (we don’t get any scenes of Michael being nice until CC is dying). And he’s afraid of his younger self (think about how many YouTubers jumped at the Foxybro jumpscares). And the gameplay? That’s William punishing Michael, and that’s why we see it in SL. So why is little toy Chica missing her beak? Because Michael Afton has already been Fritz Smith, and the image of Toy Chica without her beak is burned into his mind. I believe almost to complete certainty that the first concept of the box was something connecting FoxyBro to the FNAF protags.
That was very ranty, and there was some other things I wanted to add. But for the sake of all our time, I’ll end it here. Thanks to anyone who read all the way through.
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st4rrmii · 3 months
Ur oc is so interesting JSJJSJS if u can, pls info dump abt Lucien I must know more abt them 🗣️🗣️‼️🙏
I am finally alive enough to respond to this lets fucking GO
I'm gonna make a separate post of his full lore and allat so for now I'll kinda drop random info/lore pieces as well as how he came to be yippee
(Y'all know the drill everything under the cut)
Design/How he came to be:
For his design I took a lot of inspo from dif things:his bangs are inspired by Ken Sato's bangs, as are his thick ass mf brows. I wanted his bodytype to be built but not OVERLY bulky to suit the work he does, as he still has to be agile while also strong, I also looked into men's gymnastics and their bodytypes, as he grew up doing gymnastics and swimming.
His adult design has a lot of cosmetic dino/reptilian inspired traits, as I wanted him to feel almost like he was closer to dinosaurs than humans due to him isolating himself for so long. He has a split tongue and sharper canines than when he was younger, as well as his eyes being an almost yellow amber.
Honestly I am still working on his lore, as there are certain things I want to do but know it would be either too unrealistic, or too "Gary Stu"ish, so sometimes I gotta choose between doing the self indulgent shit or putting it on the back burner lmao
He's actually a revamped OC I already had, honestly when I first watched CT when it came out I wasn't going to insert him into it, but the hyperfixation hit hard so here we are. I am very glad I did though, as I've met multiple cool ass people thru it, not to mention theres just something about people GENUINELY caring and being interested about your OCs that makes the struggles of being an artist/writer so worth it (Love y'all 🫶)
A lot of his writing is inspired by myself and my life, though exaggerated in some spots. His dad is inspired by my dad in some aspects, as are his siblings. He also has a lot of my behaviors, including the negative ones, as I find writing them can help me learn how to cope/deal with them. His disabilities are also based off mine.
Honestly a lot of his writing was just done overtime, there wasn't a huge amount of planning put into it 😭 but that is just generally how I write my OCs, it just feels right
Lore and Character Traits:
He has been growing out his hair since Camp Cretaceous, the only time he's cut it since (aside from trimming dead ends) was to make a wig for his sister
Speaking of his sister, he has/had two siblings, Landon, his older brother, who unfortunately passed away a couple years before CC, and Mia, his little sister, who is luckily still kicking lmao 😭
He lives on the sanctuary he works at, his house is very secluded, as the line of work he does can end up with people... not being very fond of him, so he has to live in such a secluded/hidden area to stay safe
He started designing prothetics and disability aids when he was as young as 12, he now focuses on dino prosthetics, though he has designed a few human ones
Most of his work actually ON the sanctuary is "exotic vet" work (aka hes a dino doctor), as it is quite rare to find vets who aren't afraid of dinos 😭 though he also works on socializing the dinos
His work beyond that is much riskier, as he works to rescue dinos from shady businesses/people, mainly focusing on the dino equivalent of puppy mills, though he has rescued dinos from more dangerous organizations.
He started this work a little while after his father passed, he originally started to work on the sanctuary just doing basic work, mostly as a way to pay for the rehab he had to go through (will get more into that in his full lore post), as well as using it as a way to isolate himself, though very quickly got pulled into doing rescues
He got his growth spurt around this time as well, possibly due to being on Testosterone for a year at that point and having inherited his father's tall ass genes, as well as constantly working out. He was very awkward with it at first, going from being the tiny one of the group to being the tallest was a lot, so he's glad that Ben also had a sudden growth spurt, so he wouldn't be alone in the "Save any growth for the rest of us?" Comments 😭
Sammy calls him Bumpy's step father, as he's about as clingy and protective with her as Ben is. That dino saved his life on so many occasions that he just can't help but feel indebted to her in some way.
Despite Lucien being older than her, Sammy kinda looks at him like a little brother, being very protective of him. It's partially because she got so used to him being itty bitty and being the type to constantly hide behind people when he was scared on Nublar, so she's just not used to him being grown and able to protect himself. Has fully told Ben that if he hurts him she will take him out at the shin, Ben believes her.
He has a dino on the sanctuary that is his favourite, I haven't 100% settled on the breed, but what I know for sure is she is a carnivore that was rescued from one of the dino mills, and therefore has had multiple procedures to make her less dangerous (such as having her front teeth removed, being declawed, etc.) And she also unfortunately lost a leg while in said mill, though Lucien made her a prosthetic for it. She also has dwarfism due to being in a cage for such an important time in her life growth wise. She is Lucien's baby and he would go to war for her.
Lucien's music taste is,,, all over the place, ranging from kpop, to indie rock, to metal, honestly as long as its not country he'll probably enjoy it
His tattoos have to deal with his work, specifically the doll/robo joints, as part of him feels kind of like he was taken in a vulnerable state in his life to do things that no 16/17 yro should have to do and yet he can never bring himself to step away from the work now as he's too deep into it
That isnt to say he doesnt feel good about rescuing dinos, but unfortunately with that kind of work comes hurting people, and while they are bad people, it still fucks you up
Not super great at communication (which I am actually writing a fic about 😈) which can cause issues but he does try his best, esp for Ben
Collects plushies
Dr.Pepper enjoyer (its his entire personality I fear)
I cannot think of anything else atm that won't end up in the lore drop, but I might find one of those OC ask thingies so y'all can send in more specific asks, since I suck ass at thinking of things off the top of my head 😭 but again thank y'all for all the love for Lucien, he's my baby so to see other people loving him makes me so happy
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viarayy01-blog · 10 months
GoldenRock Au Masterpost!
Here are all the text posts i’ve made about this au;
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Cassie: Cassidy’s counterpart
Gregory: CC’s counterpart
Cassidy: Cassie's Counterpart
Evan: Gregory’s counterpart
Vanessa: Mikes counter but also Williams?
Mike: Ness’s counter but also Gregory's?
William: Still a serial killer but matches/mirrors Vanny from SB. so also a ness counterpart
Everyone else is the same mostly, don't really change the roles besides the fact that instead of CC (Greg in og) getting possessed by my mimic/glitch trap, it's mike (for GGYthing. Name would be MCL.) And William is still evil. He just follows a similar role to Vanny in sb but isn't a reluctant follower. He welcomes vanni as a parasite. He also is still partners with henry (business) but now they just own fredbears megaplex. Henry is basically the same. Charlie and Mike are close in age and Sammy is here too. And Jeremey. Bc gays. everyones a bit older here so like 16-17. They all work (illegitimately) at the plex as security guards on weekends and afterschool. Cheaper to pay and it keeps them out of trouble (looking at mike specifically). Vanessa is a corpse bc uhh… michael counterpart. She still works at the company as a repairman, but is not seen till later. all 5 missing kids (susie, gabriel, ect) are here as well, and they do indeed end up missing (more on that later)
Now animatronics. 
Goes up to the toys bc i like them best. So the mini music men are the main toys, with mangle as the actual music man. There's only 3 mini’s obviously lmao. Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica. But they are very fast and perform with mangle in the arcade. Puppet is a map bot but also sun and moon?. she floats from the celling like moon does with his cord but thats where the similarities end. She gives guests glowing green wristbands that serve as the fazwatch in this universe. its for parents to keep track of their kid, using an app?? But here it is used to track kids to isolate them from each other, and make them go “missing”. Like circus baby if ykwim. Speaking of which, circus baby. I like her. So she's here as well. Remember peepaw afton. Yeah well that's circus baby now. Used to get vanni (parasite little bitch) what she needs to survive, a body of her own. 
And uh funny story. Elizabeth finds out that her dad is possessed by a parasite from the 80’s and her brother is controlled by something similar, so William takes action ig. But wait. I'm not letting her go just yet. Afterall, Evan and Cassidy need a buddy to travel with as well, right? Their 2 extra friends aren't quite enough… So more on that later for spoiler reasons. also no mimic bc i dont even want to delve into that can of worms... closest u get is circus baby. be happy its JUST circus baby lmao
Ok main animatronics. Roxy, Glam Freddy, Spring Bonnie, and Golden Freddy. All the glamrocks are present in the 1980's original diner, but Ness got a bit angry and uhhh... oops Vanni made her kill people haha. so they are. gone. for now. Roxy and Freddy are completely robotic and have no sentience. Not in the traditional sense anyway. But… Spring Bonnie and Golden Freddy are. Got all that fun AI jazz. They don't match up with any of the glamrocks in particular? Just kind of their own character. So obviously spring bonnie gets the glitch thing from MCL William and is trying to kill Cassidy and Evan. Same with mangle and the toys. But GoldF is like glamrock freddy, AS A ROLE. completely diff personality. So he helps the kids. And that's when stuff really goes down.
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okay lets start with the emily’s becuase. because i can. Henry and William are partners in owning the plex and henry is known as the more approachable head of the company. he tends to walk around the plex and interact with all the kids and stuff. when shit heats up, he plays the role of trying to calm will down and figure out what’s controlling him in the first place. he tries to recode the animatronics (minus golden freddy) but it doesn’t… really work. fun stuff happens with him later >:)
now charlie. so charlie works as a security guard with mike, jeremy, and sammy on weekends to make a bit of extra cash. when mike and will get controlled (willingly or not) but Vanni, she takes the role of Cassie (sorta) and does her best to free mike. she’s the one who finds the foxy mask that lets her see wet floor bots. by deactivating the bots, she slowly weakens Vanni’s power over the other animatronics. she investigates what’s happening in the plex and protects the kids.
sammy plays a super crucial role to this au. he acts as tony in this au, and we all know what happens to tony in ggy… so uh not gonna say much about that til later but he is the MAIN investigator with charlie and has a fun encounter with mike eventually.
not an afton or a emily but jeremy is just tape girl in this. he records messages while he is hiding from william and mike because Vanni has deemed him a good host, even better than william or micheal. So he’s just hiding around and recording messages before he gets captured as a way to keep Vanni out of his head.
elizabeth is kind of still in the works story wise. she cant find her dad when he gets ‘captured’ by Vanni and then goes looking for him, and ends up in a room that she really shouldn’t be in. the scooping room. baby is there and takes the now organless elizabeth and stuffs her inside to be harvested for remnant. so… bye bye elizabeth. (ask from @hearts4ggy)
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mike is definitely uncomfy with having his body be controlled by a weird ass rabbit parasite dickhead thing, but william is very good at manipulating him so he just stays quiet. not 100% sure yet how he gets all caught up in the vanni stuff but my working idea is that vanni needs somebody else besides william to do its dirty work so they choose micheal bc he’s perfect for the job. checks off all the boxes. hates his brother (meh) related to william, and very easily manipulated. william used circus baby to insert part of vanni into him (with like a microchip or smth) and that’s that. micheal initially isn’t reluctant becuase his dad finally wants him for something (ouch) and he’ll do anything to make him proud, but after the Sammy Incident (tm) hes very reluctant. hes pretty aware and vanni lets him take control of his own body when interacting with the kiddos.
mmm i think evan would notice mike was off but would stay quiet because hes got his hands full with cassie and gregory. Elizabeth is a similar situation to micheal where her dad calls her into the scooping room and she follows because again, william finally wants her “help” with something. she’s used for information about what’s going on with evan and cassidy but when she says she doesn’t know vanni gets pissed and kills her so that she can be used for remnant to keep vanni active in both micheal and william. if anyone was to notice something weird about micheal, it sammy, then charlie. and ofc jeremy knows becuase that’s who micheal is mainly after until vanni can locate the kids.
henry has a lot of shit going on in this au but honestly, he just hides. he finds sammy and sees micheal kill him but does nothing to really help at first. he watches micheal drag sammy away and then the kids and charlie find him. he can’t bear to tell charlie what he saw so he just runs away into one of the remote security offices, which is the same one vanessa was in. vanessa tells him everything since she’s been watching the whole time from cameras but she herself isn’t strong enough to fight back, so henry takes that role from her. using the bracelet sammy was wearing (it has his name engraved on it but its a special puppet bracelet) she tracks him and tells him where to go to get the anamtronics (who are attacking the kids) under control. (ask from @hearts4ggy )
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This is kinda foreshadowing for the scooping incident i mentioned previously. but until that happens i would imagine vanessa being unable to deal with the lack of closure between her and gregory. he would show up in her dreams often, usally berating her over the bite. his death was caused by only her, no interference from vanny. and while cassie was killed out of desperation (more on that later) gregory was killed completely out of overreaction. vanessa had no idea that shoving him inside the mouth of the glamrock freddy animatronic would kill him, and yet her actions caused the death of someone she cared about. maybe the only person she ever truly cared about.
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character designs:
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if you want to see what else i’ve made for this AU, check this tag; #goldenrock au
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@transford-pines woe, au be upon ye (under cut)
warnings for talk of death and (lethal) injury
context for anyone who doesn’t already have it: this is a gravity falls/fnaf au where none of the books nor anything past sister location happen. also, the nightmares have nothing to do with the illusion disks
i’m more tired than my usual as of writing this, so some bits may be a tad incoherent. my apologies for that. anyway, au explanation time:
this au focuses on the stan twins. stan and michael become the same character, ford and cc become the same character. shermie owns the sister location (and some other things) but is unaware of the fact that the robots are uh. sentient. shermie is the older brother here
that should place filbrick in the role of the william afton, but he’s not. because him murdering random kids for no reason feels like it undermines him being an abusive prick to his own kids in a way. he doesn’t need to be a killer to be terrible, y’know? so the murderer is someone else
seeing as ford is cc in this au, i’m sure you know where this is going. stan doesn’t do the deed himself, but he does watch as it happens (there is a reason/s for this. that i won’t get into right now. we’ll make an addendum later if we remember)
here, the theory about fnaf 4 being an actual nightmare cc is having as they die is true. i’ve always taken it as a ‘facing your trauma/coming to terms with your death’ type deal, and i feel like that fits here. stan promises to put ford back together before the latter dies
this is where we start getting into artistic liberties
stan thinks ‘okay. there’s this college that’s relatively easy to get into and it has courses i can take to learn more about supernatural shit. and that’s the kind of stuff ford was wanting to research anyway, so even if i don’t figure something out, i’ll just do that’. this is how stan meets fiddleford. he will come up again later
stan still needs to get a job, so he goes to shermie for help and ends up working as a technician in the sister location. this way, he gets paid to poke around at stuff that could potentially help him make progress in his studies. it goes pretty great, except for the part where the robots rip his intestines out
are you ready for weird ass ghost shit cause we’re getting into weird ass ghost shit now
stan has the realization that ford has actually been haunting him since he died. he just couldn’t do anything before. but, now that stan is more than well on his way to exiting this mortal plane, ford is finally able to talk to him (which really just consists of stan barely existing and ford going ‘well, you tried. my turn’)
in other words, stan is forgiven (kind of) and ford uses his ghostly abilities (really just possession-ish) to keep stan alive so he can try and…do something about that whole situation. ford rushes stan out of there (‘big sharp metal thing is going to use you as a meat suit if you don’t get out of here’ is pretty good incentive turns out) and he manages to make it to a phone so he can call fiddleford for help
does fiddleford have any experience in engineering entire functioning organs for people? not at all. is he gonna try and figure it out anyway? you bet he is
stan ends up healing okay. ford sticks around (he’s afraid if he lets go of stan, he’ll just immediately keel over). stan introduces fiddleford to his dead brother. fiddleford gains an interest in also studying human anatomy (he needs to be prepared in case stan almost dies again). ford and fiddleford dance at one point. stan confronts shermie about the incident. shermie offers him a position as a night guard in a different location (still plenty of robots there, but no giant death claws. which was the actual problem, as far as he knew. no, he did not know about the extent of the wound). stan takes it because now he wants to know how the hell the animatronics in the sister location got possessed
stan begins investigating any deaths that could be causing the hauntings, which leads him into trying to figure out who (and/or what) is causing the deaths. ford and fiddleford kind of help, though ford is working with the same information as stan (and also keeps scaring the other ghosts away) and fiddleford just offers ideas and advice whenever stan gets back to the dorm. this is essentially where the au starts getting into ‘ooh what’s gonna happen next’ territory.
some things up on the radar: shermie somehow doesn’t believe the twins about the hauntings (despite knowing about the murders), stan witnesses another bite and has a very bad time, and ford and fiddleford talk about hydraulics for a while
do you see what i meant. when i said there were a lot of changes. and to proceed with caution
anyway, that’s all for now. woe, au is no longer upon ye
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
rating camp camp pairings
because i ran out of ideas for posts and saw someone else do this a few years ago so swoop the idea is mine now
nerriston - 10000000/10
i love them. ok. i really do theyre super cool. it make sense like. they have a perfect dynamic. theyre cute. we have magician who has anxiety, cocky loud theatre kid who does not give a shit, and short dnd nerd who would beat your ass and probably carries in all the groceries at once. LIKE. its perfect. it literally is the best
im equally as loving of presner/harriston/nerrison but nerriston is my main otp
presnurf - fuck you/10
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hacks gags dies
presmax - 1/10
personally i dont see this? and its not because they havent interacted, mostly because their personalities don't mesh well imo? not to say that opposites don't attract, thats the building ground for so many good ships, but with them its just. kind of just pure annoyance any time they interact. and unlike nerrison, it's not a continuing thing that makes it a rivalry and has layers to it (ex. background interactions, like at the lake lilac summer social), with max and preston its just general annoyance any time they bump into each other.
plus i hc preston to be 14 and max is canonically 10 and while my headcanons arent canon, that interpretation of mine makes it a very much no go for me
neil x harrison - 3/10
not for me, but i can 100% see it
again though, i hc harrison to be 14 and neil is canonically 11, so,,, another dealbreaker for my bc of this headcanon
nerikki - 3/10
definitely compatible, and if it werent for the fact i have a sturdy hc on cc campers' ages, i feel i could like it?
but 14yo x 10yo is a big nono for me
ered x nikki - 1/10
for me it feels like nikki has a crush on ered in the same way kids tend to have crushes and idolize people older than them. like how someone may like their friend's way older brother, even though hes like 6 years older, but it dies out once they mature and stop idolizing him.
ered is either 15 or 16 in my headcanons, and nikki is canonically 10, so,, nikki can have a crush on ered in the same way kids have crushes on celebrities, but for ered to act on that would be very very bad
ered x nerris - 6/10
can see it, not my favorite, but i can definitely enjoy content from it (like fanart or fics) if its not the main focus.
ered x dolph - 1/10
sir, dolph is like literally the youngest. ered is the oldest pls stop (ik the eggs benefits episode was what started a lot of ships but. but cmon)
honestly though i rlly like the idea of them as older sister younger brother type of dynamic, tho ive not seen many people hc that if any
space kid x dolph - 8/10
i like them as friends more but i can definitely see it and enjoy it!! either romantic or platonic, i really love their (imagined bc they never interact lmfao) dynamic, and theyd mesh together very well personality-wise. both are clueless (dolph because he doesnt pick up on things well/holds a very positive view on everything, and space kid because his brain is like a pinball machine), and both have no friends/are generally excluded from everyone else due to their differences.
makki - 9/10
at first didnt like it at all, i like it now though!! dont have much of a reason for this, just think it's cute. angsty boy and feral girl. max would be moping and nikki would bring him a cool rock and he would not understand why but keep it anyway
maxneil - 10/10
"mandatory gay pairing for every main characters" is what someone from a random youtube video from like 4 years ago would say
though i rlly like it. guy who doesnt care at all and guy who overexplains absolutely everything/cares too much. max would ask a retoric question and neil would go into a ramble. max annoying the absolute shit out of neil and neil just. loudly sighing
neil x nikki - 1/10
i headcanon them as stepsiblings after parents day!! before i used to like it, but the fact their parents boned and nikki discussed being siblings killed that for me
nurf x a cactus - 10/10
he deserves to be prickled
neil x tabii - 1/10
i dont like fics where they're together as adults if im honest. as much as i adore tabii, her borderline obsession with neil makes him uncomfortble and i dont think it'd really be healthy at all. hes made it clear he doesnt like her
max x sasha - 7/10
can def see it! two bitchy assholes, though i dont like the idea all too much. would need someone else in the relationship to balance it out, or else its just kind of two dicks doing back and forth
pikeman x sasha - 8/10
it would not be healthy but by fucking christ it would be hilarious
sasha would be the gold digger and pikeman wouldnt know how to speak to a woman and it would be great
nikki x sasha - 5 to 8/10
nikki was bullied by sasha a lot, also sasha is kind of a dick, but they could be cute if sasha got over herself and started to be actually decent. with care put into it, it would be cute in a storyline of "girl forced to be perfect her entire life and externalizes this onto others, learns to embrace her true self through realizing that girl who is messy and doesnt care about how she looks is happy"
or maybe i just really like mabel x pacifica. its one or the other
tabii x erin - 8/10
very cute!! i liked how they acted at the end of the lake lilac summer social, but they work more as best friends in my opinion? badass besties who would wingman each other and tell each other everything in sleepovers. but at the same time, i do love gay people.
erin x neil - 7/10
SIGH if only erin got more character development. it could have been very cute. mostly because erin deserved someone who liked her for something other than her loks, which shed been pressured to prioritize just all of the time. also neil and erin could bounce ideas off each other?? and once more, pathetic bf x badass gf
erin x snake - 2/10
there wasnt much between them outside of "omg hes cute" without much emotion put into it, yk? which is funny because i like snake x tabii which wasnt too different but whatever
snake x tabii - 8/10
forever crying about that. they would go so well together????? tabii deserves someone who thinks shes pretty i really like tabii and she and snake would be badasses together and i and i and i
pikeman x snake - 3/10
do not like it personally. mostly because pikeman's an asshole but yk
camper x counselor - wtf/10
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daniel x david - 4/10
definitely not for me!! can be cute i guess, especially in aus where daniel isnt a cultist, but i dont think david would ever fall for a child murderer
david x gwen - 20/10
i love them. i love them so much. goes into my favorite trope of badass wife x too scared to ask for katchup at a ristraunt husband
david x jasper - 10/10
pre-jasper death only. post-jasper death and thats creepy because jasper is literally still a child
pre-jasper death and in aus where jasper lives, i will gobble that shit up like a starving turkey. i literally love it so much. like??? i cant explain why. plus ive read so many good fics with it that i am unable to hate it.
gwen x jen - 3/10
jen has appeared a total of one time for exactly 5 seconds. but in aus where shes given a character and isnt a murderer then i think it could work
daniel x jen - 5/10
never interacted (as if im one to talk with my nerriston bullshit) but cultist x cultist can be made interesting
cameron x priss - 9/10
could either be 1 of 2 things
your grandparents that keep fighting all of the time but love each other
two irresponsible grandparents that teach the child how to make an explosive
they seemed to have a sort of romantic connection and it wasnt all sexual attraction, and cameron's fear of comitment was the only thing really stopping them from enjoying a presumably happy and healthy marriage
platypus x food - 10/10
a match made in heaven
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solar-halos · 1 month
wait yall i literally can't sleep in kinda a crazy way so here are my lucy gray and billy taupe hcs. yes theyre all highly specific. yes they only make sense within the highly specific pre-canon lore i established in my fics. lets just get into it
i know it's not really feasible but i am a firm believer in billy taupe being lactose intolerant. like of course he fucking is. billy taupe ruins fucking everything
with that being said, his ass needs to watch the fuck out. one wrong move and lucy gray is tampering with his fucking food yall dont know about her
okay no seriously he'll say something like "would it kill you to cook something edible for once" and she'll be like no but this might and then sneaks so much fucking dairy into his food
billy taupe never hits her sober, but when he gets drunk, he does get a little rougher. maybe not intentionally, but, well, you know. he's naturally the bigger one, so he's not as careful as he should be
i'd love to say that lucy gray starts swinging back but i think 1) she is smarter than that 2) wasting her makeup covering up a bruise that she offensively acquired doesn't sound worth it to her. like she's gonna try to diffuse, not actively esculate the situation. i do think she's a huge Object Thrower during sober arguments though
but that's the only case of her diffusing anything bc literally any other time is fair game. billy taupe bets on the wrong dog? don't catch lucy gray in a bad mood, or else she's gonna snap at him for being a bitch (pun not intended). he comes home late from the hob? he can sleep out on the fucking porch since he loves being outside so fucking much. looks at a girl a little too long at the market? lucy gray refuses to hold hands with this IDIOT and she's telling him off the entire walk home. she's not even waiting long enough for them to finish up their shopping
they're both so insanely jealous. at first i made a joke like "haha billy taupe is the type to get jealous when lucy gray kisses him for the first time and it's not sloppy bc that must mean she had prior experience" but i was wrong lucy gray is definitely getting so fucking upset over that. i think the shift of billy taupe being the more jealous one comes when they get a bit older. men are fucking weirdos though so i can def see him getting jealous only in specfic contexts, like exclusively when theyre performing. otherwise he's like this is my girl isn't she pretty and everyone else is like shut the fuck up billy taupe
speaking of performing, billy taupe rips up lucy gray's performance dresses and her makeup whenever he gets mad about her getting too flirty. unfortunately, since our girl isn't a diva 100% of the time, all she rlly does is get angry, but it happens again and again and again until the rest of the covey step in and start switching up the defense they use. instead of being like hey billy taupe it's pretty fucked up to treat ur gf that way they're like well lucy gray obviously intends on keeping him around but he can't keep ripping up her pretty dresses or else we'll have to send her out in rags. which. isn't very good for business
this is less of a lucy gray and billy taupe hc but i think billy taupe and maude ivory had huge big brother and little sister vibes. CC represents one end of the spectrum (accepting, but ultimately dejected by billy taupe's absence) and maude ivory represents the other (absolutely PISSED. a child of divorce fr)
when they break up she lets shamus gnaw on any leftover clothes that billy taupe didn't come back for (she threw all his stuff out the window after she found out about mayfair). she also burns all the songs he wrote for her
this one is very silly but they have a custody battle over shamus. still need to write that fic tbh
tbh that's all i have to say bc atp i feel like im just gonna be regurgitating the stuff i already wrote about in my fics. but that's all for now
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
may we have leon toussaint for the weird headcanon thing, please? :)
Well, since you said please...😉
We had the younger brother; now it's time for the older one! On to the Léon Toussaint weird headcanons!
What they smell like: Freshly baked bread with vanilla and sage undertones. Léon loves baking, so he always smells like freshly baked bread, cookies, or some other dessert
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc.): While Léon enjoys staying up late, he tries to go to bed at a reasonable time. Of course, he doesn't always follow this plan… When sleeping, Léon needs as much darkness as possible to rest comfortably. This includes sun blinds and blackout curtains to make his room pitch black. If he’s uncomfortable, he’ll toss and turn until he finds a comfortable position, which is usually on his back, but sometimes he’ll sleep on his side
What music they enjoy: Jazz and soul music
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: About 30 minutes. He has a lot of medication to take because of his health issues so that alone takes him about 10-15 minutes
Their favourite thing to collect: Vinyl records
Left or right-handed: Left
Religion (if any): Louisiana Voodoo
Favourite sport: As a kid, he loved playing baseball, but after his lung transplant, he lost a lot of his athletic stamina, so he prefers more relaxed sports like swimming
Favourite touristy thing to do when travelling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc.): Unlike his brother, Léon doesn't travel much, especially since he left the military, but when he does, he enjoys trying local foods, specifically desserts
Favourite kind of weather: Storms involving rain, thunder, lighting etc.
A weird/obscure fear they have: Heliophobia. Léon doesn’t like bright lights or overly sunny weather; he prefers it to be dark and overcast. The fear stems from spending most of his childhood indoors with the lights off to cope with his cancer and headaches, plus learning that too much sunlight can lead to skin cancer. Since he was already battling leukemia, the thought of developing melanoma on top of it terrified him as a child, so he became afraid of the sun. His heliophobia isn’t as bad as it was as a child, but he’ll still take darkness over light any day!
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: Pong. He used to play it all the time when he was a kid and couldn't leave the house
I never thought I would have to wonder what so many of my OCs and CC characters smelled like…
Eh, I decided to do this, so I can’t really complain!
Thanks for the request!🥰
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Shadow Squad: The Forgotten Vod'e pt 4
Xyn arrives at The Pit after an Inspection goes awry. Go and Xyn become immediate friends. Riff comes up with a way to protect the Coruscant Guard. tagging: @kiss-anon and @starrrgazingbunny
Tipoca City, Kamino
0500 hours
“Okay, okay-” Tup lightly gripped Xyn’s shoulders, and shook him gently, “Okay. Everything’s going to be fine. You’ve made it this far, right? It’s just another inspection.”
“You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself of that, vod.” Xyn pointed out, his voice shaking. 
“No. No. It’s going to be fine. You’re so smart, what does it matter that you’re a bit short.”
“I’m not a perfect copy, I know that it’s only a matter of time before-”
“No. You can’t think like that,” Tup’s grip on his shoulders tightened, and then loosened when he saw Xyn wince, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-” He took a steadying breath. “It’s just one more inspection, Xyn. Do you remember the rules?”
Xyn flashed a humorless smile, “Don’t make eye contact, speak only when spoken to, don’t draw attention.”
“Right! Right. Exactly,” Tup leaned in and lightly bumped his forehead against Xyn’s. “Everything is going to be fine. I know it.”
“Tup, Xyn,” Their older brother, the oldest of the Batch, was watching with hands curled into fists, “We need to get ready. 99-” He hesitated, “We were just told that Prime is overseeing our inspection, not Alpha-17.”
The next 15 minutes were a flurry of motion, with all of the vod’e in this particular batch doing everything in their power to make sure that Xyn was completely in regulation. 
And then they were lined up in front of their bunks, faces blank, as the door to their room slid open and several men walked in.
The trainers, Prime, and then Alpha-17 and Alpha-99.
For a moment, it seemed like everything was going to go well. The Cadets were praised for how clean their room was, how neat looking they were, how in regulation they all were-
And then the Prime stopped in front of Xyn. 
The other cadets stiffened, heads turning ever so slightly to watch, terror clear in their eyes. It was only the forbidding presence of Alpha-17 that kept them from flinging themselves in front of their brother.
“Why,” The Prime’s voice was silky smooth and so very soft, “Is this one so small?”
One of the trainers walked over, “We thought that he was just a late bloomer,” She said in a scratchy voice, “It happens sometimes.” She grabbed Xyn’s hair and jerked his head back, “Guess we were wrong. This one’s defective. I’ll mark him down for decommissioning.”
Prime nodded, once, and continued down the line. 
The woman jerked Xyn forward and shoved him towards 17, “Put him with the rest of the defects.”
17’s eyes were very blank, something that only happened when he was at his most furious. “Yes, ma’am.” He said flatly. His hand landed on Xyn’s shoulder and he directed him out of the room, and it was only when they were alone that 17’s touch became so gentle as he smoothed his hand through Xyn’s curly hair. “I’m so sorry, ad.”
Xyn was shaking, “It was always going to happen.”
“That doesn’t make it right,” 17 replied quietly. He glanced around and then tugged Xyn into an unused room, and he knelt so he was eye level with Xyn, “You listen to me.” 
“When the shabuir here talk about decommissioning, they don’t actually mean to kill you here,” 17 said, his voice low and rough, but very, very serious, “You’re going to be sent to another location. You’re either going to have to excel or you will die, do you understand?”
Xyn trembled, “17, I-”
“You’re not good at the physical stuff, I know. Who do you think’s been faking  your numbers all this time?” 17 asked, “I was hoping to cover you until the war started, I’m sorry I failed.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Xyn asked.
“You’re smarter than everyone here, even the longnecks. I know that because I’ve been faking those numbers too,” 17 said flatly, “A year ago, a CC was sent for decommissioning. Find him and attach yourself to him. Tell him you’re one of mine.”
“H-how do you know he’s still-?”
“Because of all the cadets here, he’s the most like the Prime.” 17’s smile became wickedly sharp, “And me.”
That shouldn’t have been comforting to Xyn, and yet, somehow, it was.
The Pit, 1100 hours
Riff grimaced in discomfort as he rolled his shoulder, trying to ease the pain away. He had been thrown into a wall late the night before and he was starting to feel it.
“I wish you’d tell us before you went out and did shit that got you hurt,” Go grumbled as he eyed the massive bruise on his brother’s back, “There is such a thing as back-up, you know.”
“You were exhausted,” Riff retorted, and then he let out a hiss as Grain pressed a bacta soaked bandage against his back, “You both were.” He added, as he glanced over his shoulder at his grey haired brother.
“That’s no excuse. You’re twice as exhausted as either of us. At all times.” Grain said sternly, he applied a little more pressure, but let off when Riff let out a whine of pain. “Let us help you, vod.”
“What do you think this is?” Riff asked, sounding amused.
“Literally the bare minimum,” Grain snapped.
“You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry.” 
“You say that and then you’re going to do the same thing tonight,” Go complained with a glare, “Maybe I’ll just sleep in your bed tonight so you can’t sneak out without waking me.”
Riff rolled his eyes, “Overprotective little brothers aside,” He said pointedly, “What’s on the schedule for today.”
Neither Grain nor Go wanted to reply, but Go wilted under Riff’s expectant stare, “It’s the 15th, we’re getting a new shipment of vod’e today.” He said grudgingly. “You’ve been slated for the Obstacle course in training room 7. I’ve got hand to hand combat training. And Grain-”
“I’m on surgical rotation today,” Grain interrupted with a grimace.
“Meaning there’s no one to make sure the new cadets don’t get too terribly mistreated,” Riff said with a sigh.
“You’re going to be trapped in Training Room 7 for the majority of the day,” Go said grimly, “You know they’re trying to break you, right?”
Riff let out a humorless laugh, “Yeah, vod. I know.”
Grain sighed, “I’ve done what I can,” He said as he pulled away from Riff, “There’s nothing broken, but…today’s going to be hard for you, vod.”
“So, par for the course then,” Riff replied as he pulled away and pulled his uniform top on. 
Grain and Go shared a look, and then Go leaned forward, “Vod-”
“I’m working on a plan.” Riff said, “Trust me, Go. I have this.” He stood and rolled his shoulder one more time. The pain was much more tolerable this time, “I have to go, make sure you both report to where you’re supposed to be.”
“We always do,” Grain said with a sigh, shaking his head as Riff left the room.
Go was supposed to be in training.
Hand to hand training generally lasted the entire day. But, well, something happened to the trainer and he never showed up. Go had a feeling that it had something to do with Riff’s massive bruise this morning, and the almost smug look his brother had.
He wasn’t going to question it.
So here he was, sitting on a walkway, watching the new vod’e line up in front of the head asshole. He watched his vod’e curiously. Curious as to what type of people they were.
A few girls, no surprise there. Freshly decanted based on their size. Again, no surprise. Several had obvious physical issues, a couple of missing limbs, one vod had bandages wrapped around his eyes.
Once more, no surprise. Perfect soldiers couldn’t have prosthetics after all. Go sneered at the thought. He hoped the longnecks choked on their desire for perfection. 
The rest of the vod’e were kind of unremarkable. If Go had to guess, he would say that they were probably sent here due to having imperfect emotional responses. Like Riff.
There was one vod, however, that Go kept glancing towards. He was small. Small enough that Go thought that he was young, but the way he carried himself, the way he looked around…he looked like a vod who had several years of training under his belt.
And he was-
Go blinked. Twice. The little vod was looking at him.
And he was using vod’e specific sign language to talk to him. What the actual fuck?
17 said find Marshal Commander. The boy signed over and over.
Go would have thought that he was just signing random words. But…he kept his gaze locked with Go the entire time. 
Holy shit.
Holy. Shit.
He needed to get the kid away from the other vod’e and to Riff’s safe room.
Received and acknowledged. Go signed back. He made sure the boy saw his message, and only then did he scramble to his feet.
New arrivals were sent to the Hot Room, there were plenty of hiding places between the docking bay and the hot room for him to hide and rescue his little brother.
Go released a silent laugh, feeling incredibly light for a moment as he ducked into a small opening that he could barely fit in. 17 knew about them. 17 remembered them.
He was so happy he could cry.
So happy he would cry, as soon as his vod was safe.
He remained hidden for thirty minutes, and then, as soon as he saw the little vod, he quickly, and quietly, grabbed him and tugged him into the hiding spot as well, making sure to press his hand over the vod’s mouth.
“Are you the Marshal Commander?” The vod asked, as soon as his mouth was uncovered.
“Do I look like a fucking CC, vod?” Go asked, he made sure the hallway was clear, and motioned for the kid to follow him, “I’m Go. I’m being trained as an ARC.”
“Xyn.” He chased after Go, having to jog to keep up with his longer strides, “You’re taking me to the Marshal Commander?”
“We just call him Commander or Riff, kid.” Go said absently, as he shoved Xyn into a small opening and moved to shield him from a trainer.
“...I’m not a kid.” Xyn said defensively.
“You’re younger than me, which makes you a kid.” Go countered, “And it’s a term of endearment.” As soon as the hall was clear again, Go hurried Xyn down the hall and into a bedroom.
“A bedroom?” Xyn asked.
“This is Riff’s room. It’s also where me and Grain sleep. If 17 sent you to Riff, then it’s probably where you’re going to sleep too.” Go grinned, “Riff is a good one. Super protective. But also hard-headed. The Trainers here are trying to break him.”
“It won’t work,” Xyn said bluntly.
“...well, yeah. Of course not. But how do you know?”
“17 said that Riff is the most like him and the Prime.” Xyn replied.
Go released a slightly hysterical laugh. “Oh, he’s going to be so offended to hear that.” He dropped his hand on Xyn’s head, messing up his neat hair, “You’re going to fit in just fine with the squad, kid.”
Five Years later
Riff’s fingers were tangled in Fox’s hair, still. And his baby brother was clinging to him like his life depended on it.
And, based on the shit that he was seeing on the other members of the Guard, maybe it did.
One by one, members of the Guard filed into Fox’s room and gave reports to Riff on what their daily lives were like. They left nothing out. And Riff, who had been subjected to some of the worst the galaxy could offer since he was a cadet, who prided himself on being able to protect his brothers, was very careful to make sure that none of his rage showed on his face.
“Everything’s going to be fine, Fox.” Riff said, as his baby brother buried his face in his neck.
“Can’t promise that,” Fox mumbled. 
“Fucking watch me.” Riff grumbled in response.
Fox shifted and he looked up at his brother, “Vod. I’m losing time. You can’t fix that.”
Riff stared at him, and then he placed both of his hands on Fox’s cheeks, and he squished, “I’m going to do it anyway, tubie.”
Fox blinked, and made a face, “You shouldn’t be able to make me believe you like that.” he said with a sigh, “Stop squishing my face.”
Riff grinned and pulled his hands away, immediately grabbing his comm and sending a quick message to his squad.
“Xyn. What’s the feasibility of stealing the entire guard?”
“Please tell me you’re not planning on stealing an entire battalion?” Grain asked.
“I didn’t realize that Xyn was now spelled Dorian.” Riff replied. 
“Vod!” Dorian was whining, even over text.
“Easy. We would need to commandeer a ship though.” Xyn replied finally, “Which is also easy. We could just borrow one of the ships already in orbit.”
“We would need a reason to put them on a ship.” Grain pointed out.
“Even easier.” Go said, “Ship training. All vod’e need to be able to work on a ship. If we called it a training mission, no one would bat an eye. Least of all the Senate.”
“So…we’re not only stealing a battalion, but also a warship?” Dorian asked, “Just to clarify.”
“Yup. Seems like it.” Riff replied, “Fox says he’s losing time, Grain.”
“I’ll want to give him an exam, figure out what’s going on. Could be something in his brain.” Grain replied immediately.
“I’ll start the process, vod.” Riff replied, and then he stowed his comm away.
“Important work?” Fox asked, sounding so, very, tired.
“The most important,” Riff replied. He carded his fingers through Fox’s hair, a small smile playing on his lips, “I’m taking the Guard.”
“...you what?”
“I’m taking the Guard. All of you. I’ll get Kote and the others to help. It’ll be fun.”
“The Senate won’t let you-” Fox started.
Riff grinned, “When have I ever cared about stuff like that, baby tubie?”
Fox stared at Riff, and then he released a shaky breath, “We have…our job is…”
Riff waited, his touch so kind and gentle.
“...I want to leave, ori’vod. I…please.”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head, Foxy. I’ve got you.” Riff reassured, “And I’ll bully our batchmates into helping.”
Fox’s breath hitched, and he slowly, so very slowly, dropped his head to Riff’s shoulder. And Riff, kindly, pretended he didn’t notice Fox’s tears.
Maybe he would get 17 involved. The vod’e collective buir would probably love a little ultra violence.
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moplayspoke · 2 years
I think what kind of baffles me about the whole YunaAki ship and how it’s considered controversial now because Kaito is her butler/older.
This is based on a generalized assumption that Kaito is an adult. Is he generally assumed to be older than the main cast? Yes. But height alone is not definitive proof. Height in the CLAMP world is so inconsistent and ridiculous it should never be used as a basis for age.
Not to mention, nowhere in the manga or anime series does it mention that Kaito is an adult or over 18.
Does he buy food, make food, and clean on his own? Yes. But so does Syaoran in the original CCS manga when he was still a child. In this world it’s totally normal for children to live on their own in their own flat. And in Clear Card both manga and anime, he comes back to… once again, live on his own in his own flat.
Let’s also go back to the fact that Sakura’s brother and Yukito were both towers in the original anime and they were still in HIGH SCHOOL.
Another argument might be “well, Kaito doesn’t go to any school” —how do you know? Again, it doesn’t mention anywhere any of these details because they are all assumed.
We know Touya and Yukito now go to college (18+) because it was mentioned that they do. And they never changed height.
Both Kaito and Akiho are considered foreigners from England; Kaito could also very much be a self study student which would make SENSE given the magical clan they come from and how underground they are.
Until you have confirmation from CLAMP about ages, you don’t really know and are just assuming the worst based on western norms. Stop comparing the real universe to fictional ones where the rules consistently misalign between both.
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dragonfly92 · 1 year
18th Birthday Party and Surprises chapter Five
After a little while they had finally separated and then he held out his hand which she happily accepted and then they turned around walking back to the party, Sarah would rub his arm every now and again, which he didn't mind her doing. Once they had reached everyone who couldn't help but look over every single person smiling then they both noticed her parents and brother CC was on stage and they let go of each others hands, Sarah joined them on stage and noticed that her mom was holding a microphone and she stood next to her and everyone had gone quiet. 
Andy had joined the guys he knew what was coming and then her mom starts speaking and starts saying, "Well unfortunately it's almost over but we have one last gift that we want to give well actually it's from her older brother CC." She then hands the mic over to him and says, "Well of course the tour was officially done a few days ago but we do have a show to perform at warped tour and well we are inviting Sarah to join us we know this would be her first time seeing as she's always wanted to go so now she can, well that's if she wants to that's completely up to her." 
Sarah was given the mic and everyone remains quiet waiting for her response and she does by saying, "Wow that is so awesome and it's an easy answer to the question of course I would love to go with you guys to warped tour." Everyone cheered and she hugged her family, after a little while everyone slowly started leaving but to be fair it was getting a little late until it was just the guys and Sarah, her and CC's parents had headed home and of course wished her one last happy birthday and then Sky left as well her parents wanted her back and of course she also wished her one last happy birthday before leaving. 
The tour bus was parked in the carpark obviously and one by one the guys started heading off for the night thankfully warp tour wasn't until the following day the guys had a day to do whatever they wanted which was appreciated of course they again wished her a happy birthday which she of course appreciated then it was just her and Andy she then realised something saying, "Wait I just realised that we never got to really dance just the two of us, kind of been a little busy." Andy smiles and then moves away from a confused Sarah he then walks over to the DJ booth and plugs in his MP3 Player and plays a slow song.
He then walks back over to her whilst she clocked on to what he was doing and starts laughing a little he puts out his hand which she accepts and they ended up slowly dancing thankfully it was a little before midnight so it was still her birthday for another ten minutes and it was the perfect way to end her 18th Birthday it felt like a dream to her but of course it wasn't. Andy couldn't help but mime along to the song which was probably the most cutest thing ever he then twirls her around being carefully after all he was still a bit sore from his accident, but he couldn't help but smile at his new girlfriend who he had known since her older brother had joined the band. 
By the time they had finished and headed back to the bus which Sarah would be staying on and sleeping with Andy it was a little after midnight as they was walking back to the bus of course holding hands he asks her, "So what was your favourite part of your birthday?" Sarah replies with, "Well that's a difficult decision to make but I gotta admit it's having you guys at the party and the gift you gave me and then us become official." When she says that he couldn't help but smile, if he was being honest he was scared that she would reject him but then he breathed a huge sigh of relief when she wants to give him a shoot.
Once they had reached the tour they both had to be quiet as everyone else was sound asleep in their bunks, Andy handed Sarah one of his tops and shorts which she accepted and he of course showed her where the bathroom was and she went off to change and he waited patiently by the couches and Sarah came out of the bathroom his shirt and briefs look good on her he couldn't help but look at her smiling of course she notices and blushes which causes him to laugh and says, "Wow didn't realise I could make you blush so easy." 
He walks over to her and gives her a kiss before he goes into the bathroom and changes out of his clothes whilst he was doing that of course Sarah put her bracelet back in the box so it wouldn't get broken or lost but she would look at it smiling of course she absolutely loves it, with all her favourite horror movies on it and after a few minutes Andy comes out of the bathroom of course she was unaware too busy looking at her bracelet smiling at it, he walks over to her saying, "So I'm guessing I did a good job with the gift then?" Sarah who continues smiling looks up saying, "Yeah you did an awesome Job, I am gonna keep wearing this well apart from when I shower and when I go to bed, obviously." 
They both hold hands and head to his bunk he opens the curtain being a gentleman that he is offers Sarah to go in first which she accepts and lies down, Andy joins her closing the curtain it was dark but they knew where the other person was and Sarah softly speaks up saying, "I wanted to thank you for the amazing gift, yeah I know I already said thank you but I can't help myself." He looks over to saying, "Well I am just happy and glad that you love the gift as I said before I was worried that you would hate it." Sarah shakes her head and simply says, "Nope." They both share one last sweet and long kiss before they both slowly fell asleep his arm over her side and her head on his chest. 
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Hello! If you were looking for a coherent storytelling simblr, you clicked a wrong link along the way.
I’m Chessie, she/her; I’ve been in the Sims since SimCity. I was really unhappy with TS4 for a long time, but it’s all that will run on my current rig and with CC and such I’ve made it a bit cosier. Sims 3 is still my favourite game (and The Sims had the best vibe) but we make do with what we have.
WCIF-friendly, but never guaranteed - I have tons and tons of stuff in my folder that I have absolutely no idea the provenance of.
Persims of interest below the cut
The descendants of these two:
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Titus and Wren Revere
Titus was intended as the first heir to my original start pair, but an unintended tragedy befell his mother like right after his sister’s birth (and the resulting chaos ended with said sister being removed) so it rapidly switched to Titus being more like the founder and his father, Tristan (and Tristan’s emergency-called-in older brother Justin) being relegated to backstory character.
Titus was attacked by a werewolf in his youth, and in life he was the second in command of the Moonwood collective. He and Wren had a whopping forty-two children spread among eight or ten litters, all of whom they raised in a tiny home named Revere Cottage. Nearly everyone in her life a lycanthrope, Wren became culturally werewolf, and was well liked. She was a passionate conservationist and kept a large sheltered garden to help reduce her family’s footprint.
Their heir was Meadow “Doe” Revere
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Here with one of her eldest brothers, Reid, whose claim to fame was singlehandedly giving Titus and Wren thirty-seven of their grandchildren.
Meadow embarked deep into the secrets of Moonwood Mill, and found more than she was expecting. In unearthing a legacy of mooncasting, she traveled to the headwaters of Luna lake’s main tributary and plunged into the crumbling ruins of what remains of the Magic Realm. She became obsessed with wild magic and reconstructing the disciplines of the mooncasters, and her work caught the eye of a Sage, who helped her in her research.
The two had a pair of boys, Elias and Gabriel, who were tainted by the void of the realm and the magical pollution in their parents’ blood. They came out moon-tied, like their forebears, but monstrous and bloodthirsty. In realising what had happened, Doe abandoned them with a pair of vampires and her only dormant wolf sister for appropriate care and safekeeping from her family. She had already been rapidly approaching arcane insanity before this, and afterward all her family members report she ran into the woods and turned herself into a tree, under which they dug winding catacombs.
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viarayy01-blog · 11 months
heres some au stuff while i work on a longer story. mainly just for me so ik who everyone is but thought it would be good to post as well.
goldenrock au stuff below the cut bc its a tad long.
Cassie: Cassidy’s counterpart
Gregory: CC’s counterpart
Cassidy: Cassie's Counterpart
Evan: Gregory’s counterpart
Vanessa: Mikes counter but also Williams?
Mike: Ness’s counter but also Gregory's?
William: Still a serial killer but matches/mirrors Vanny from SB. so also a ness counterpart
Everyone else is the same mostly, don't really change the roles besides the fact that instead of CC (Greg in og) getting possessed by my mimic/glitch trap, it's mike (for GGYthing. Name would be MCL.) And William is still evil. He just follows a similar role to Vanny in sb but isn't a reluctant follower. He welcomes vanni as a parasite. He also is still partners with henry (business) but now they just own fredbears megaplex. Henry is basically the same. Charlie and Mike are close in age and Sammy is here too. And Jeremey. Bc gays. everyones a bit older here so like 16-17. They all work (illegitimately) at the plex as security guards on weekends and afterschool. Cheaper to pay and it keeps them out of trouble (looking at mike specifically). Vanessa is a corpse bc uhh… michael counterpart. She still works at the company as a repairman, but is not seen till later. all 5 missing kids (susie, gabriel, ect) are here as well, and they do indeed end up missing (more on that later)
Now animatronics. 
Goes up to the toys bc i like them best. So the mini music men are the main toys, with mangle as the actual music man. There's only 3 mini’s obviously lmao. Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica. But they are very fast and perform with mangle in the arcade. Puppet is a map bot but also sun and moon?. she floats from the celling like moon does with his cord but thats where the similarities end. She gives guests glowing green wristbands that serve as the fazwatch in this universe. its for parents to keep track of their kid, using an app?? But here it is used to track kids to isolate them from each other, and make them go “missing”. Like circus baby if ykwim. Speaking of which, circus baby. I like her. So she's here as well. Remember peepaw afton. Yeah well that's circus baby now. Used to get vanni (parasite little bitch) what she needs to survive, a body of her own. 
And uh funny story. Elizabeth finds out that her dad is possessed by a parasite from the 80’s and her brother is controlled by something similar, so William takes action ig. But wait. I'm not letting her go just yet. Afterall, Evan and Cassidy need a buddy to travel with as well, right? Their 2 extra friends aren't quite enough… So more on that later for spoiler reasons. also no mimic bc i dont even want to delve into that can of worms... closest u get is circus baby. be happy its JUST circus baby lmao
Ok main animatronics. Roxy, Glam Freddy, Spring Bonnie, and Golden Freddy. All the glamrocks are present in the 1980's original diner, but Ness got a bit angry and uhhh... oops Vanni made her kill people haha. so they are. gone. for now. Roxy and Freddy are completely robotic and have no sentience. Not in the traditional sense anyway. But… Spring Bonnie and Golden Freddy are. Got all that fun AI jazz. They don't match up with any of the glamrocks in particular? Just kind of their own character. So obviously spring bonnie gets the glitch thing from MCL William and is trying to kill Cassidy and Evan. Same with mangle and the toys. But GoldF is like glamrock freddy, AS A ROLE. completely diff personality. So he helps the kids. And that's when stuff really goes down.
Yeah. just explanation stuff hehe. left out greg, ness and cassie bc ive already talked about them a lot.
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