#he is everything to me. DO YOU UNDERSTAND.
resssistance · 2 years
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I think that Shoma Uno is the person in figure skating who basically privatized all of Antonio Vivaldi's music. A personification of Antonio Vivaldi in figure skating. And of course Shoma Uno's skating, in my opinion, is just one of a kind in this world. He has such a soft glide and soft knees, his skating technique is very different from other skaters and his skating is very memorable. — Evgenia Medvedeva after Shoma's SP at the Team Event, Beijing 2022
#shoma uno#evgenia medvedeva#figure skating#beijing 2022#team event#i don't write reviews i write tag essays and i had a couple of thoughts (but nothing of a substance really lol)#i am so soo proud of shoma and very happy for him!#he's doing so well rn and i hope his ankle really does feel better#sp was nice and omg 4t3t happened!!! (w/out stéphane there lolol)#but also - i need stéphane to be there asap (which he seems to be able to do thank god)#while it was a nice clean skate and shoma seemed very calm it's like he was almost too calm? like almost subdued(?)#oboe kinda *is* calm but somehow it's also pretty intense it's a cool blend but the usual level of intensity wasn't there this time#which is absolutely understandable and i think stéphane possibly could help with that with his presence#that's not to say that shoma is dependent on him (quite the opposite imo stéphane becomes less crucial than he was at the start)#it's just why fight alone when you have someone to help you you know?#anyway despite the criticism(??) that i have when i see shoma talking post-skate about his mistakes and how he was slow and so on and so on#i just want to tell him that henever had a bad skate in his life and everything was perfect and tuck him into bed with his dog squad#while we can love a self-aware king and as a basic concept self-awareness is a good thing - too much of it isn't great#(i would know and it pains me to see it in those i care about)#i just hope he also properly aknowledges (by himself or with the help) the many things/times he's doing great#all of this is actually why i wanted to share zhenya's words here#(idk it made some sense in my head yesterday)#her commentary was the only good thing about russian stream istg#i couldn't watch it live at cbc as i planned to so i wanted to download eurosport recording but the seeder went away and i had to settle#on russian stream recording and omg i cannot#omg tags
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
harrow the ninth is of course filled with devastating sentences to the fake canaan house rafters, but somehow It was the first time you realized God could not understand you fucks me up specially and specifically every time
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cyncallenreese · 3 years
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William and Albert’s Reunion 💜  Yuumori Chapter 64 💜
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houseof-lamentation · 3 years
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look at this! mammon is so cute!! he's such a sweet big brother, he recalls everything that everyone gave him and he acknowledges them individually, he's so sweet to them even though they're usually so horrible to him
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knowlesian · 2 years
today i will be crying over how frenchie had the instinctive “FUCK THEIR DUMB SPOON RULES” response to the party and how that probably had to play into the reasons why ed kept him around 
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milf-harrington · 2 years
god nobody look at me i can't stop thinking about the lyrics of 'fair' by the amazing devil
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foolzstar · 2 years
i am a simple man.
i see super star rockin’ jay fanart
my eyes are instantly drawn to his chest,
i see that he has top surgery scars
i smile :)
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ianenjoyer · 3 years
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Ian Gallagher in Shameless Season 1
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braceletofteeth · 2 years
and then to end the day I visited the KinnPorsche tag
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eldrbraus · 2 years
yo i left eldarya for like two years and when i came back this became some shitshow
where is my high fantasy yo? this is like... some weird modern au i dont give a fuck about
i mean idk what did i expect, i stopped liking this game when they didnt give us an option to be with lance nor leiftan when they were the evil guys
like, origins lance and leiftan were so cool, they were this unhinged guys with mental problems and i loved them
lance was just straight up crazy and couldnt stop saying stupid nonsense and i loved him for it
and leiftan was a yandere. and he was soooo funny when he said all that fucked up shit. lol.
meh i dont care anymore but come on we could have had it all, beemoov cowards
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For some reason I've become obsessed with psychonauts and word girl so how about some hc for dtb x fem reader who has psychic powers? She is technically a hero, but the thing is that she fights her battles quite differently than what he is used too. While most heroes fight psychically, she fights in the mental world and often saves people from themselves. just a thought
Can't say I know anything about psychonauts but I think I get the general premise you're going for. The concept of doing the whole hero thing in the mindscape is an interesting one given how the wordgirl villains seem to primarily wreak havoc on the physical side of things, even the ones with a focus on mental ability and intelligence.
To probably nobody's surprise at this point, I got carried away with this one again and ended up writing a ficlet as a point of reference for the headcanons. Hope that's cool with you, anon.
The fic is like, kind of heavy on the angst and maybe a little scary(?), but the headcanons after soften the blow with a happy ending, I promise.
Venn Diagram of the Minds
You don't exactly know what to expect from tapping into two connected brains at once. Would they think as separate entities in a shared headspace? Blend together as two halves of a whole? Was there any way to tell which thoughts belonged to whom? It was all new territory and you were positive it would be your most difficult opponent yet.
He doesn't notice when you sneak into his lair. He doesn't notice you creeping across the steel rafters above him. He doesn't notice how sleepy he is all of a sudden before he drifts off to sleep on his couch. Excellent. You're gonna need everything to run smoothly if you're going to make any progress with this one, even if this first mission is simply recon.
You try to ignore the pit in your stomach as you tap into his mind. You had a feeling this wasn't going to be pretty, but there was no turning back now. It was time. You closed your eyes, relaxed your body, and set your senses upon the two conjoined minds beneath you.
You swallowed your fear, and you allowed your own consciousness to dive in.
Bright, near blinding yellow is the first thing to enter your blurred vision. It almost hurts to look at. As the world around you becomes clearer and clearer, you start to make out your surroundings beyond just abstract colors, and you notice you're in a hallway, the floors and wallpaper mimicking the holed patterns of cheese.
Behind you, you hear the distant sound of high pitched squeaking and skittering footsteps. You look back, but the hallway seems to stretch on forever, the yellow walls reaching on and fading into darkness. Claw marks streaked across the cheese-print paper and the hardwood floors.
Yeah... You don't have time to unpack all that just yet.
You turn your gaze ahead once more and decide to press onward. The other end of the hallway was much brighter, albeit still dimly lit, but you could see the end of it so you thought it would make for a better first impression. Start with their best self, get to know the good qualities a little, then look at the bad with the context of the good in mind. Otherwise you might end up biased against them and that gets in the way when you're trying to help.
You reached the end of the hallway and came upon a doorway with no door. The hinges were still attached, broken and bent, and more claw marks were carved into the frame.
You try to ignore your own unease and press on, crossing the threshold and entering the room. The cheese-print walls remained consistent, but the furniture was more varied, and you were relieved to give your eyes a break, switching your gaze between the purple armchair, low walnut table and a couch in a tasteful shade of forest green. You had a feeling these walls were a very different shade, once upon a time. You drew closer to the low table, papers and a couple books messily strewn across it. Near the center was a book that drew your attention: "Superheroes and You: A Practical Guide by Prof. Steven Boxleitner." You remembered that name.
You never knew Dr. Two Brains before what happened to him, but the local hero tipped you off about the tragedy that made him turn to the life of a villain to begin with. It's why you were so interested in trying to fix things to begin with. You suppose you could be called bleeding-heart, but it's what you felt what right. Nobody deserves a fate like this.
While you paced through the room, examining anything that could give you hints about the mind you were dealing with, your thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling from another room.
"Squeaky, is that you?" the voice called. "I told you, little buddy, we're gonna get more cheese in the morning," a door opened, and out stepped- Dr. Two Brains? "Just wait a little- oh..." He stopped in his tracks when he saw you, and you were just as frozen. The first thing you noticed was his hair. It was much shorter and neater (though that was a low bar to clear), and instead of stark white, it was a much more plain shade of brown. The whites of his eyes were, well, white, instead of bloodshot pink, and his cheeks were noticeably lacking the whiskers he possessed in the material world. He stared at you, confused.
This was getting awkward.
He broke the silence before you. "Uh... hi... who are you and why are you here? It's supposed to be just me and Squeaky up here." His expression changed to panic. "Oh god, don't tell me he fused another brain to us without bothering to ask."
"No, no, nothing like that," you assured him. Well, that's worrying. "I'm just here to help, that's all."
His fear seemed to subside but his apprehension remained. "Help with what?"
"With, well..." you gestured around the room. "With all of this. You're in a bit of a unique predicament and I think I may be able to help you out of it. Let's be honest, do you really enjoy having a violent rat stuck to your brain?" you asked. His panic returned.
"Don't call him that, he's a mouse, and it's fine, I'm fine like this, I don't need help, I'm perfectly fine with having Squeaky around," he hurriedly denied.
You weren't buying it. "So the guy who literally wrote the book on heroism is totally fine with having his body taken over and used for crimes? You're totally cool with being constantly pressured into stealing cheese?" you pressed. "Do you even LIKE cheese enough to steal this much of it?"
You heard a hushed squeak from outside the room. And then another. And then three more. Squeaking and skittering and scratching on the walls from the other side, getting louder and louder. Steven looked terrified.
"Oh god, you made him angry," he choked out.
Before you could ask what was happening, you were almost suffocated by the onslaught of mice pouring into the room from the holes in the mock-cheese walls, screaming at the top of their lungs and circling you both. Steven tried to run, but a wave of rodents toppled him to the ground, swarming him. He screamed, muffled by the sea of fur and whiskers, drowned out by the endless cacophony of ear splitting, endless squeaking.
You looked down and sure enough, they were climbing your legs just the same. You kicked, trying to shake them off, clamoring to escape, to run back through the hallway and get as far away as you could, but you only made it a few steps before the tidal wave of mice knocked you to the ground as well.
A shriek cut through the barrage of noise at mind bending volume. It almost sounded like a pitched up roar. You craned your neck up to look down the hallway just in time to see a massive white mouse, bigger than a bear, charging directly at you, its sharped teeth the last thing you see before it all goes black.
Your eyes snap open and you gasp for air, your trance broken and tears threatening to fall. You try to calm yourself down, forcing yourself to take deep breaths, quieting yourself before you're heard.
Looking down, you don't think Dr. Two Brains is in a state to notice much.
He was curled in on himself on the couch, one arm tucking his legs close to him and the other holding the side of his head as a green energy swirled and crackled around his second brain like a thunderstorm. He was sobbing, shaking, pleading for it to stop.
"I'm sorry, Squeaky, I'm sorry! I don't know what I was thinking, I'm sorry!!"
He let out an agonized cry, and you felt a pang of guilt. You knew the mouse brain was violent, but you didn't realize just how low he could stoop or how easily offended he was, otherwise you would've gone in with a great deal more care not to anger him.
You wanted to comfort him, to ease his pain somehow, but you knew it wasn't your place, the mouse hated you already and your presence right now would only make it worse.
He let out a cry of agony. It was getting painful to watch.
A door opened, and his henchmen rushed out to the couch to see what was wrong. They took one look at their boss, then exchanged a glance and a nod. The shorter of the two rushed out of the room while taller one rushed to his boss's side, immediately pulling him into a hug, which the doc reciprocated, clinging to the larger man like his life depended on it while he rubbed a steady hand over his back in slow circles. The shorter one came back with a block of cheese, taking his place on the other side of Dr. Two Brains, gently tapping him on the shoulder and holding it out to him. He quickly snatched it up and started tearing through it, scarfing it down in record time. This seemed to calm the aura clouding his second brain, and by extension calm him, so you presumed Squeaky had been more or less appeased.
You didn't entirely feel right just leaving after somewhat causing this mess without an apology, but it would have to wait. What mattered was that for now, he would be alright, and you would have your chance to fix things later.
You spared one last glance back at them, huddled up on the couch. It was good to know he had people that cared about him even as the top villain in the city.
You couldn't help but notice the henchmen had clearly seen you and were all staring straight at you, though the henchmen seemed to be too preoccupied with comforting their boss to really do anything about your presence. You keep your eyes locked for a moment before turning back around, hopping out the window you came in from and making your escape.
Dr. Two Brains stared at the window, expression unreadable.
"Did you know her, boss? Did she do this to you?" the shorter henchman asked.
"No," he replied, voice flat and hoarse from crying. "I suppose she's the new hero in town. Maybe she's taken an interest in me, who knows..." He went silent for a moment. "This is going to be interesting..."
Bonus Headcanons because I feel bad leaving it on a sad note:
-After your first encounter, dtb is VERY guarded around you. Steven isn't really mad at you, but he's biding his time to see what you'll do next. If he actively seeks your help, who knows what Squeaky will do.
-He wants so desperately to be free, or at least to have better boundaries with his mouse brain, but he can't voice that.
-You may have inadvertently caused the jekyll and hyde split in him to resurface a bit. It sorta phased out for awhile after the two brains learned to live with each other and Steven just kind of accepted that they'd be doing crimes as long as he didn't have full control over himself, but now that his loyalty to Squeaky has been called into question again, well... they haven't quite been getting along quite so well.
-Your subsequent trips into his minds are much more well prepared. The mouse flood caught you by surprise the first time, but not again, especially now that you've honed your defenses to keep them blocked out and keep Steven protected. You've also learned that it's best to completely knock Squeaky out before attempting to say anything that might offend him.
-It's not easy for Steven to open up about what it's been like, trapped in his own body like this. He trusts that you want to help him, but it's a lot to unpack and he hasn't even really come to terms with it all himself.
-You teach him methods to keep himself safe and to keep some of his own thoughts private. He may not be psychic by nature but he's got a damn strong understanding of psychology and neurology, so learning to better control his own mind comes fairly naturally to him. It's not a perfect solution, and he'll never be able to fully resist the mouse brain as long as it's attached, but Steven is certainly fairing better than he was before. You just hope he stays that way until you can find a way to separate them. But it does bring you some hope that when you next drop into his mind, the doorway on his side has a door again, this time with a lock.
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winepresswrath · 3 years
So for the wen ning/jiang cheng resentful boner idea, if jiang cheng has resigned himself to being useful to someone in a way that no one else can be, and that makes him special so it's worth it (plus he gets his needs met too, win/win), does that mean that wen ning is on a similar "it's you or no one i guess" journey, or is he going full enemies to lovers in his head without realizing that he never bothered to have a feelings talk with the man he's been sleeping with?
Oh he knows how he feels and he is absolutely not mentioning it to Jiang Cheng in any comprehensible way. I think I basically envisioned it as starting with series of escalating spiteful boner dares that morph into bad idea emotional and physical masochism on Jiang Cheng's side where he's also taking grim satisfaction in the idea that no one else can be what he can be to Wen Ning, and meanwhile Wen Ning's is experiencing some catharsis and a way his body actually feels good coupled with this weird sense of relief and freedom because Jiang Cheng is the one person he doesn't feel like he has to be careful and rein in his anger and strength with! Anything he does or says Jiang Cheng probably deserves and he's physically strong enough to take it and he already thinks of him as a disgusting subhuman monster, so what, is Wen Ning going to repulse him more? And if Wen Ning is a dirty Wen corpse then Jiang-Zongzhu is a dirty Wen corpse fucker which is satisfying in a way Wen Ning isn't going to think very hard about.
But then they keep on spending time together, because their nephews are friends, and they have adventures, because their nephews are disaster magnets (ok Jin Ling is a disaster magnet and Sizhui can frequently be found standing next to him) and the way Jiang Cheng looks at Wen Ning when he takes a hit for Jin Ling is really- it's something, especially coming from Jiang Cheng. The situation progresses until Wen Ning's dick is broken and somehow not even Jiang Cheng in a snit about how Wen Ning's broken dick constitutes deliberate and willful jilting is enough to get it back online. Truly his is a cursed existence. Wei-gongzi help he has an extremely nonspecific problem.
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trans-hanako-kun · 3 years
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scalproie · 3 years
I miss where my nightmares would be like, falling from the sky or being chased by a really big creature. I just dreamt I worked at a prestigious hotel without any training and they kept adding me tasks I'm unqualified for
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crystalkleure · 2 years
One of my favourite oddly-specific tropes is, like...
There is chaos happening. Just absolute mayhem, but it is not just totally random bullshit. It is obvious that someone is causing all of these problems on purpose, and so people start getting the sneaking suspicion that there is indeed an Actual Motive behind the havoc. Like it’s just, JUST barely, marginally, SLIGHTLY too coherent to NOT be planned-out somehow, but also too seemingly-random to make any logical sense. It is just NOT apparent what the end goal here is. No one can figure out what is supposedly being accomplished. The smartest people on the “dealing with the problems” squad conclude with mounting horror that the intellect of the mastermind behind the mayhem must be far superior to any of their own, since they are all struggling so hard to figure out What Exactly Is Desired From This. Panicked hyper-overanalysis of every single facet of every incident ensues as they desperately try to get inside the Enigmatic Evil Mastermind’s head, to understand this person’s train of thought, to work out the logic behind it all before it’s too late.
Meanwhile, the resident village idiot is wandering about, village idioting. Nobody pays them any mind, they are not behaving abnormally whatsoever, same old same old, they’re just Like That. Always had a few screws loose. Friendly enough though, entertaining, well-liked all around. Poor crazy dumb bastard probably doesn’t even realize what’s going on, bet they have no clue why everyone else is freaking out.
Turns out the local screwball has like gotten ahold of the nuclear launch codes or something, and all of the chaos that is occurring is a colossal chain-reaction caused by them attempting to use said launch codes to obtain free pizza.
idk, some shit like...nutjob calls pizza place, offers nukes in exchange for one daily special, please. Pizza place has morals, informs the national guard. Delicate warfare ensues between the national security people and the crazy person, involving the officials assuming Mr. Insane will very much Use Those Nukes if simply approached head-on, and Pizza-Desiring Person using all manner of unorthodox threats and impressively asinine Grand Blowhard Posturing to keep them believing that for as long as possible [maybe dumbass DOES even blow up a thing or two via non-nuke means, or trick someone else into blowing something up and then they claim credit for the kaboom, maybe hack some media lines to Surprisingly Convincingly roleplay as a reporter talking up how Incredibly Dangerous they are, etc.] in spite of actually not even knowing how to launch a nuke, because by god they want that fucking pizza.
National security can’t figure out what the fuck this clown REALLY wants because no way in hell do they ACTUALLY merely desire to Trade Offer nukes for fucking pizza, right. That is not even entertained as a genuine possibility. The guy is definitely fucking with them.
The guy is not fucking with them.
Never underestimate the power of highly-motivated unhinged idiocy. Stupid and stubborn go together like matches and kerosene.
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wenellyb · 3 years
The worst part about the whole story with Anthony Mackie was:
- The so-called journalists making headlines based on another article and calling out Anthony for not “shipping” Sambucky but not calling out Disney for the lack of representation
- The people on Tumblr saying that Sambucky would never happen because Anthony was against it.
Even if Anthony had said Sambucky wasn’t romantic (and he didn’t), how would it make sense?
Disney and the MCU never had any major (or minor) gay or bi characters in ANY movie, but if Sambucky doesn’t happen, suddenly it’s Anthony’s fault, and not because of decades of homophobia in their company? 
What’s the excuse then for literally every MCU movie made? Is it Anthony’s fault too that there are no canon M/M couple?
Abstolutely disgusting.
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