#he is soft and pleasant
youngpettyqueen · 6 months
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what if an episode with a transporter accident and she got de-aged to 6
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
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seance · 2 years
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five and klaus in wedding at the end of the world.
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floofle-universe · 2 years
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Another night of no sleep and back pain, having an emotional support human by your side makes it a little more manageable
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criscura · 5 days
I want to get to the good part of this blastvoid thing I'm writing but i do NOT want to write the part before it and I'm procrastinating so fucking hard
Like i know what i want and it'll be satisfying but it's like the reverse of eating beef jerky, where this is the tough gross part you just need to swallow before getting to the fucking SPPIUCCE
#I'm writing their early days when blast first realizes a) fucking void is an option and b) he REALLY wants to#but it's in the middle of a one night stand with a woman#and I'm just......so uninterested in most straight stuff......like unless its genderfuckery with the characters cause that's cool#also hard because i really believe background characters should have their own lives so trying to write these OCs as likable and believable#without them taking to too much time#or at least if they do have them be fun enough that it's fine#and also having it be believable that they'll go about their business even after the story moves on from them#hard too to get into the head of a frat bro/fuckboy which is kinda how i see Blast#or rather it's hard to write him without making him either too soft or too gross#like the way i like and see women isn't necessarily the way a guy like that would and it's tough to figure out where the crossover is#so i can use it to make this whole thing more believable#i REALLY want it to be clear that blast and void do not have the kind of relationship that would be good for anyone else#and probably really isn't even good for them#but that requires a fair amount of build up to get it across the way I'd like#like blast is fixated on void and so hyper aware of everything he does that he's almost#but not quite#scared of him#and void knows what he's doing because blast is the Goldie Locks of candidates for someone to help him with the GOD stuff#and he D O E S N O T want him going anywhere so he's gonna keep him close using every trick in the book#but blast IS charismatic and he IS fun and he DOES make daily life a lot more pleasant#so he's uncomfortably attached too#but blast has zero fucking for clue about any of that other than he's aware of just **how little** he knows about void#IT'S A FUCKING LOT OF SUBTEXT TO GET ACROSS WITH A CHARACTER I'M STRUGGLING WITH#I'm going to do it but MAN#blastvoid
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gunkbaby · 17 days
the creature is autistic
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crazybutgood · 1 year
Thinking of you! Hope you can stay up a little bit longer. Wrote something to help:
“Harry!” Draco snapped. Harry blearily opened his eyes.
“The healers say you can’t go to sleep for another hour while the spell on your concussion finishes working.”
“Mmm,” agrees Harry tiredly, letting his eyes close again.
“No, no!” Draco sounds a bit panicked. Harry tries to sit up. He doesn’t like when Draco is scared. Draco shouldn’t have to be scared about anything - not anymore. They’d both been scared enough for lifetimes.
“Tell me a story,” Harry tried.
“So you can fall asleep in the middle of it? Not likely. You tell me a story.”
“Once upon a time…” Harry started, then laughed. Draco wasn’t Teddy and already knew all his Marauders stories. “I don’t know. I can’t think that clearly.”
Draco peered at Harry anxiously. “The healer said you might be a bit confused while the damage finished healing. But I can call her back…”
Harry reached up to that little wrinkle where Draco’s brown was furrowed. Maybe if he pressed there, Draco’s face would smooth out and the worry would go away. Draco caught his hand and held it for a minute. That felt nice. Nice enough for Harry to let his eyes start to shut again.
“Hey! No, sit up. Drink some water. For Slytherin’s sake, Harry! Stay awake or I’m calling Pansy and Ginevra to come badger you for the next hour!”
Harry obediently sipped his water. “What if we took a trip?”
“Took a trip? Tonight?” The worried look was back and Draco stood - to go get someone to poke at Harry’s brain again, Harry realized.
“Not tonight! Like, just in the future. I’ve never gotten to travel much. Where should we go?”
Draco’s shoulders inched down a bit as he turned and came back to sit near Harry’s bed. “Well, where would you want to go?”
“Is Paris nice?” Harry asked.
“It’s fine, but the tourist parts are extremely overrated. No, if you want to see an old European city we should go to Prague. See the astronomical clock, the old town square.”
Harry smiled tiredly as slid further down in the bed. He pushed himself up again, trying to stay awake for Draco, so Draco wouldn’t worry.
Draco saw him struggle with his pillow, and reached over to fluff it before Harry had even thought of it. He fussed with the blankets too for a moment, pulling them sweetly around Harry. Harry’s heart swelled at the affection, the little boy in the cupboard still hardly believing he was so loved.
“Where else? Where else should we go?”
“In Europe? Well, I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights in Norway.”
“That’d be cool,” Harry agreed. “What about America? Have you ever been there?”
“Mother took me to New York City the summer of fourth year. Right before the Quidditch Cup. I think she sensed that things were taking a turn for the worse and she wanted to have some nice memories together before that.” Draco was frowning again. Harry didn’t like it when Draco frowned.
“I want to see the Grand Canyon.”
Draco raised an eyebrow. “Great big hole in the ground somewhere in the west?”
Harry snorted. “I think it’s like…Utah maybe? Or New Mexico. That sounds right. I don’t know, all the states blend together when I’m not concussed. But yeah, it’s supposed to be really beautiful. We could rent a car and do several of their national parks. There’s the one with the big geyser too. That’s supposed to be cool. And the one with the alligators -“ Harry paused to yawn. “It would be cool to see an alligator.”
“If you can stay awake for another 30 minutes, I will take you to see all the alligators your heart desires. Tell me, what makes an alligator so intriguing to you.”
Harry chatted with Draco about alligators, then manatees, and then to moose until the healer came to check on him again. He hardly noticed, so excited to plan his trip with Draco, until Draco let out a huge yawn.
Finally declared well enough to sleep, they both fell into the fitful sleep of a hospital. But Harry knew that they’d keep planning tomorrow.
💜 sending love and the hope that you’ll be able to sleep soon! 💜
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HELLO @kittycargo omg??? This is the bestest thing ever omg I can't believe you wrote a fic (and so quick!) based on me staying up akfjej 🥺 I *love* the setup you made for it omg and poor Harry jfjej I hope he's alright!! This is so sweet and omg the softness! Draco gently taking care of Harry and them talking about taking a trip together ❣️ they so deserve some time off for themselves,, 'the little boy in the cupboard still hardly believing he was so loved' MY HEART 😭😭😭 Harry is so cute going on a bleary tangent about all he wants to see, esp the alligators!!
I adore this so much, I've read this thrice now and I can't stop smiling 💕💕 I just finished the thing I'd stayed up for, and am pumped full of adrenaline but ready to sleep sometime soon too hopefully fjje and this was like the softest, sweetest surprise of a bedtime story!! Thank you thank you so much, this was so incredibly nice and thoughtful of you 🙏🏼💖💖 I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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finniestoncrane · 7 months
Hey, sorry this is random but you and your husband seem to have such a sweet relationship. Can I ask how you met?
Sorry I just seem to be eternally single but I hope I'll maybe have a nice relationship like yours someday...
oh ;-; you won't be eternally single if your aim is to find someone! but also, being eternally single means not having to deal with another person because LEMME TELL YOU no relationship is just perfect lol but yeah we both work pretty fuckin hard on our relationship and on ourselves, which i think is key for everyone and every relationship!!
my husband and i met in university!! we were on a very small course together. i thought he was lovely and adorable, he thought i was confident and cool (and also fat with a big ass and older than him lmao, points i am assued were key to him noticing me)
but yeah kudos to my husband because i am not EASY to put up with, regardless of how inexplicably (and confusingly) hot you find me 💚
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absentmoon · 8 months
what if benny or kaoru rubbed your shoulders for you
what if we thiught about the effects our words have on others
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royaltrios · 2 years
no im not thinking about how dedicated to ryuu barok could be. im not thinking about how when he finds out ryuunosuke loves him back he feels like the single luckiest man alive. like he cant believe he can have him, how they can belong to one another. he feels ashamed slightly that ryuunosuke is all he thinks about anymore but like, how couldnt he think of him! to be so favoured by the gods that he gets to love and be loved by ryuunosuke! that he can show his appreciation for him in every way he can think of, that he can stay by his side as he marvels at most everything ryuunosuke does and how ardently he does it! after so very long of not allowing himself to feel anything at all to be able to feel love of all things for naruhodo ryuunosuke is truly beyond his comprehension!! he is so pathetically and wholly in love with this man and was always going to be, what other option was there!
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Hey! Did you know that Don Lee actually released a song for an advertisement? It’s called B.D.T and his voice ist super nice in this song :D
You know it would be funny if Gil has actually a nice singing voice that he is not aware of and Thena discovers it coincidentally.
For Thenamesh Bodyguard AU:
he is softly singing for himself while preparing for work when Thena hears him and stands at the door without him noticing him and is suprised!
Thena inhaled as she woke gently. She was tangled up in her sheets, as she always was. Her limbs were spread out and she was looking up at the ceiling. Memories of last night's awards - and then after party debacle - came back to her.
Gil had taken her home.
She was always exhausted after awards or show nights, and something about Gil always lulled her into a state of sleep when she was alone with him. He just made her feel more at ease than anyone else.
Thena dragged herself out of bed, finding herself still dressed from last night, because of course she was. Kingo would kill her for sleeping in her beautiful and expensive piece of couture (especially since she slept like a bird fallen from the sky). But also of course Gil wouldn't have undressed her. He was probably embarrassed just to take her shoes off for her.
She dropped the dress to the floor, leaving it where it fell and moving to pull on a much more comfortable set of pyjamas and fluffy robe. The dress was already in a sorry state, it couldn't suffer any more on her floor than it could being slept in. She would pay for it in full and apologise to its maker.
"Gil?" Thena poked her head out of her bedroom, hearing humming and the gentle sounds of cooking coming from her kitchen. She tiptoed out into her flat.
Gil was at the stove, moving around a few different pots and pans at once. He was a gifted cook, which she only learned recently in their time together. She had mentioned she was craving good jjajangmyeon and asked if he had any recommendations. He didn't--he had simply made some at home and brought it over.
It was the best food she'd ever eaten.
Thena leaned against the doorway separating the foyer/living room/kitchen from the depths of the flat. Gil was in his own little world, stirring miso soup and frying eggs and fluffing rice and plenty else. He was humming, breaking into full - but still gentle - singing every few seconds.
He had a surprisingly lovely voice, soft, right in his speaking register. It was smooth, although the lower he went the more roughness his voice attained. He had good breath support, even a healthy vibrato just at the end of some of his notes.
Thena didn't recognise the tune, but she didn't want to interrupt to ask.
Gil was halfway through plating when he jumped, catching a ghost hovering by the far wall. "Jesus, Thena--how long have you been there?"
"Sorry," she smiled, drifting over with her robe swaying around her legs. "I didn't want to stop you."
"Oh," he sufficed to say, blushing faintly at being caught.
"How did I not know you could sing?" she shook her head at him with a bit of a squint in her eyes.
"I don't know if I'd say that," he chuckled, setting out breakfast for them both (knowing Thena didn't like being watched while she was trying to eat). "Especially to a famous singer."
"It's nice," she corrected gently, watching as he set out their side dishes for them. The scent of jasmine rice and barley tea washed over her, settling her typically unruly stomach.
"My grandmother used to listen to old radio songs while she cooked," Gil shrugged as he pulled up a seat next to her at the kitchen counter elevation. "Guess it was in my head."
Thena inhaled all the intermingling smells deeply before picking up her chopsticks. "This looks amazing, Gil."
He kept his eyes on her, measuring how much of an appetite she had based on the size of her bites. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine," she smiled at him before shovelling in a massive bite of rice. "Honestly--I know it'll be a messy affair to deal with. But I'm not traumatised."
Gil frowned, obviously ready to argue that she had every right to feel shaken by what he had witnessed last night. Perhaps it was how he felt about it personally--as a man with strength to spare, Gil was always nervous about people feeling unnecessarily intimidated by him. Even as her security, he was careful about being gentle with her.
He would never invade someone's space the way he had watched Eros do with her last night.
Thena set down her bowl and looked over at Gil, setting her hand on his. "I'm okay, Gil."
He stared at her hand, smaller and thinner than his, but with long, elegant fingers made for the world of music. He turned his hand over to clasp her fingers in his. "I was worried--looking over, seeing him...on you, like that."
Thena just nodded. She was taking things lightly because she had the luxury of knowing she had Gil's protection. But she couldn't imagine the stress it put on him.
Gil pulled his eyes up to her, finding her looking at him with a curious expression on her face. He didn't know exactly what it was, and he was pretty damn familiar with every expression Thena had. "What?"
"What?" he chuckled, his hand still holding hers.
"I didn't say anything," Thena laughed gently as well, the sound of it and the city outside and fridge's ice maker filling her flat around them.
Gil shook his head. He could ask her about it later. He left his left hand around hers, using his right to cut his egg in half and scoop up it along with some rice. "Here."
"I have my own," Thena laughed as he moved the bite atop his chopsticks closer and closer.
"Thena," he grinned at her as her fluster increased. She accepted the bite, leaning forward for it and scraping her teeth down his chopsticks. "Good."
She raised a brow at him, and he knew she was about to start talking with her mouth full. "You're lucky your food's so good."
"Very," he agreed for the sake of it, cutting up a piece of flaky mackerel for her next. She shook her head. "Yes, Thena."
She pouted at him; fish wasn't her favourite, no matter how much her personal trainer tried to convince her to try it.
Gil gave her hand in his a squeeze, pulling it up and just hovering his lips around it, "one bite."
Thena blinked, accepting the bite as Gil touched his lips just above her manicured nails. She didn't even taste the pan fried fish, took focused on the more pleasant sensation. "Not bad."
"Want another?" Gil asked, although she shook her head immediately. "Fine, have some omelette."
Gil continued feeding her through the morning, ignoring Kingo's texts, ignoring that it was his day off and he technically was under no obligation to be by Thena's side. He ignored the fact that he literally had no food at all in his fridge at his own apartment.
He continued to feed Thena, one bite at a time, both of them talking and laughing lightly as he did. She fed him the occasional bite off her plate. Their hands remained linked between them, no matter how impractical.
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spookyboywhump · 10 months
Alexei’s ankle heals after Nicholas breaks it and he can still walk, but he does walk with a limp and sometimes it’s just too painful and when he’s in a lot of pain Leon insists on treating him like his beloved king and insists he rests somewhere comfortably, he won’t let him get up for anything and he makes sure he has something he enjoys on TV or something he likes to read and he brings him food and drinks and pain meds and asks if he wants a massage and he treats him like the most special man in the whole wide world. Showering him with love is the only way to get Alexei to stay put long enough to rest and recover.
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zhivchik · 1 year
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jacqal · 2 years
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fursonas from each year between 2013-2021 (except for 2015 which was simply a bad and evil year) because fuck it i deserve to celebrate myself a little („• ֊ •„)
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shpadoinkle-day · 2 years
I dreamt Matt tonight and I dreamt Trey the other night I love how they can't stay far even in my dreams lol 🤭
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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