#he is the chilliest dark kid
harpyco · 10 months
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Kitty big ears
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februaryflowers · 3 years
sunset in summer
you come over, a lot–so much so, in fact, that your boyfriend’s friends like to make jokes about how you practically live there. it gets your mind wandering to what the future holds for you and seokmin; will it be a relationship meant to last?
warnings: none
fluff with mild angst in the middle, 1912 words, seokmin x reader | part six of open up!
a/n: original image is mine but open up! will be taking a break as i work on these requests,,, thank you 🥺 
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The lingering glances and racing hearts of new love are thrilling. But more than that, you can hardly get enough of Seokmin’s presence, his brightness and charm, in your life.
You come over and are invited over so often that, admittedly, sometimes you wonder if you actually bother Seokmin. But of course, it all vanishes when he looks at you and his lips curve into his sunny smile. He practically looks at you with heart eyes, which has been commented to you by nearly all his friends by now, but your mind tends to wander sometimes. Does he mean it?
When you look up from the ground, you can see Seokmin waiting on the porch. He looks up at the same moment and perks up, smiling brilliantly and waving in your direction. “Y/n!”
You continue walking in his direction but with a little extra spring in your step. He greets you with a cozy hug, one that supplies more heat than the summer sun beating down on the dark pavement. That’s Seokmin for you. The warmest, brightest person you know.
“I was thinking maybe a movie? It’s too hot out,” he says as he lets you in.
You nod along. “Sounds good.”
“Do you wanna pick?”
He sits down on the couch and hands you the remote, watching as you scroll through lists upon lists until you settle on My Neighbor Totoro. “You want to make me cry!” he protests, half-jokingly.
“It’s not my fault you think it’s too wholesome,” you laugh.
“But they’re so cute. They deserve a happy ending.” He pouts. “Never letting you pick what we watch again.”
You both know he’s kidding and burst into laughter. That’s your favorite noise. He sounds so bright and clear, like a bell for joy.
Your cheeks pulse in a dull ache before you settle in for the movie. He sits on the other end of his soft couch, slowly inching towards you as Mei and Satsuki approach their new home.
You’ll never understand why he never outright sits with you when the movie starts, but his sudden shyness when it comes to displays of affection has grown on you as endearing. You like how his warmth comes up slowly, controlled and almost cautious, as if he could crack you with a too abrupt touch. He’s all too caring.
You pick up his hand and drape it over your shoulders. Even in the sweltering summer, you’ll never get tired of Seokmin’s snuggly warmth. It’s like burying yourself in the softest blanket on the chilliest day of the year, over and over again. You will never tire of Seokmin and his presence.
You rest your head on his shoulder and reach for his hand. He supplies it eagerly, his cheeks curving upwards against your head.
You let your eyes slip shut and the peaceful soundtrack takes you away.  Your breathing is so calm, so serene, a sound Seokmin will never be sick of. He slips into ease, figuring you must be drowsy from the humidity.
“I love you,” he whispers. “I really do.”
You’re sure that if Seokmin touched your cheeks right now, he’d immediately pull his hand away, either from being genuinely mortified that he so brazenly touched your face or from the heat bubbling under the surface of your skin. You open your eyes and they almost burn a hole in your balled up hands until you lift your gaze from your lap to carefully, shyly, glance at Seokmin.
You’ve never met someone like him. With just a glance and a quirk of his lips he can make you feel all the love in the world, appreciated like you’ve never been before.
You pull yourself from his shoulder and he blinks, half in surprise and half in fear. He should’ve expected this. No matter how tired you are, even from work, you never fall asleep during your date nights. You wouldn’t give up time with Seokmin for the world.
He finds your beautiful eyes, almost as if he can’t get enough of them and needs to see them again while simultaneously being able read your mind, and the two of you burst into flustered giggles. You’ll never get sick of these moments with him. They’re pure joy. They make you feel like you can float in air, maybe even fly, untethered to the ground, nothing but free and happy.
As his mouth shyly curves into a smile, you feel your heart pounding. Roses bloom on his cheeks before he turns away. “I love you.”
“Nobody makes me feel the way you do.”
You want to say it. You love him. You really do. You go to say them. “I lo…” But the words die on your tongue.
“It’s okay.” He smiles brightly but you can see the light fading in his eyes like the quick moments at the end of the sunset. “You don’t have to say it yet.”
You gulp. “No it’s not that. I just--” You just can’t. You don’t know why. You let your chest fall and sink down into his sofa, wishing for it to swallow you whole.
What if you give your heart to Seokmin and it doesn’t work out? You can’t bear losing someone like him. You can’t bear being hurt by him.
You fall into an awkward silence with the movie as background noise. You wish, oh boy, you wish to everything in the world that you could say “I love you” to Seokmin. You love him, you really do, maybe even too much for where you are right now, if it’s even possible to do that.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble.
He turns to you and tilts his head like a lost puppy. “For what?”
“I can’t. I can’t say it even when I mean it,” you sniffle. “I mean it, Seokmin. I mean it. I really do.”
He puts his arm back on your shoulders and rubs your arm. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. It’s okay, really.”
You rest your head on Seokmin’s shoulder and take his spare hand. I love you, your mind says. Over and over again, it repeats those words. You love Seokmin so much. You love the way he puts aside his own feelings to comfort others, you, although you wish he wouldn’t sometimes. It only eats at your guilt, the way your stomach feels like it can only sink further and further. You love him too much to bear.
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Looking over at your phone makes you queasy. Seokmin hasn’t contacted you in a few days. You know his job can be busy, but part of you wonders if he’s upset about last week. Yet, you can’t stop looking at it.
You glance over at it once again while at your desk and when it lights up with a notification, you hope it’s from Seokmin. You close your eyes and make a wish. Colors flash behind your closed lids and when you open them, Seokmin’s bright face displays itself on your phone.
You scramble to answer and your voice is a little squeakier than you’d like when you pick it up. “Hi!”
You can tell he’s smiling on the other side. “Do you wanna come over later? Maybe in an hour?”
“Okay! Sure.”
You can hear his smile on the other side of the line. “I love you.”
When did he start saying it so casually?
In truth Seokmin wears his heart on his sleeve. You should’ve expected this coming. He knows what he feels and he understands it well. For him to say such a thing, he must honestly love you--not that you’d expect anything less from someone as genuine as him.
“See you,” you say, ignoring the way your heart pounds and pounds when he says sweet stuff like that.
The next hour is slow. Time is slow when you’re alone compared to when you’re with Seokmin. He has an aura about him that draws you in, one that makes you wish you were with him when you aren’t and one that makes you relish every moment you spend with him.
But when you finally see his sunny face, it’s worth it. He grins at you when you show up on his porch and quickly lets you in.
“What do you wanna do?” you ask.
He shrugs. “I’m fine with whatever.”
He looks out the window and thinks. The beginnings of sunset shine against his skin, illuminating him like those animations of angels. Pretty pinks, purples, oranges and reds paint a picturesque scene behind him and all you want to do is sit in his company and watch it.
“Let’s watch the sunset,” you say.
He blinks at you a couple times before leading you up the stairs. He pushes open the bedroom window and climbs through, sitting on the roof before extending his hand to help you through. You sit by his side, letting the cool air from inside blow against your back while you both watch the summer sun that’s slowly dipping into the night.
You rest your head on his shoulder, soaking up his warmth despite the seasonal heat. He has your whole heart, doesn’t he? Somehow that’s thrilling, like a roller coaster ride, but that means it includes the scary bits too.
“I’m afraid,” you barely manage to murmur.
He strokes your back. “Love, why?” he says softly. “Do you need--”
“I’m afraid of you hurting me. I love you too much, Seokmin.” You take a shaky breath. “You have my whole heart and you could break it just like that too.”
You don’t know why you’re crying. You just know before a single tear can fall from your cheeks onto your lap, Seokmin is wrapping you in his arms and brushing them away, not a care in the world about the season’s heat or humidity.  
“I won’t break your heart,” he says, pulling you tighter. “At least, I won’t try to. I promised myself that much.”
He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, just as the sun begins to fall below the horizon.
“I love you, Seokmin. I love you so much.”
“I love you,” he repeats.
The sun will never set on your relationship with Seokmin. Occasional clouds and rain, yes, but a complete sunset, no. And even if it does, you’ll have a beautiful night with him and him alone to greet you.
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You expected Seokmin to cry at Joshua’s wedding. You didn’t expect the tears to keep coming well into the night, hours after Joshua’s wedding ended.
When you return to his place, the first thing the two of you do is get back on his roof. You’re still in your wedding attire, but you couldn’t care less. You’ve found it’s become your place to just talk. Yes, you two are honest and tell each other nearly everything, but there’s something inexplicably special about the rooftop.
He has just dried his tears for the nth time when you catch a glimpse of one of your favorite sights. You love the way the stars sparkle in his eyes. Sure, they’re pretty and bright, but in your love’s eyes, they’re even more so. You wouldn’t trade anything for moments with Seokmin, especially ones like this.  
“I think I know why I keep crying,” he mumbles as he rubs his eyes again.
You brush the hair out of his eyes before meeting his gaze. “How come?”
“They’re happy tears. I think I wanna marry you one day.”
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taglist (send an ask or dm to be on the open up! taglist): @m1ng-how​ @chanberriees​
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lmelodie · 2 years
Legendary Council Headcannons
Jack Frost:
Any and all clothing that he wears regularly, will eventually develop frost patches/thin ice layers on them with repeated wear. His suit didn't originally look like that, but it's the one he wears all the time
He cannot cook for the life of him, but he can make a decent drink. He can make just about any drink under the sun from martinis to hot cocoa to coffee. And he makes all of his own ice of course
Speaking of drinks he is an alcohol SNOB. V high standards for a drink which is why he always offers to make them himself. 
Claims to have met Frank Sinatra (as well as countless other now dead celebrities) but absolutely ZERO council members believe him
His favorite era of human history was the 30s
His hands are never cold; as one would be surprised to learn. He has actual normal temptured hands (without using his powers)
Actively avoids physical contact unless he initiates it. It's another way of making himself feel more in control.
Him and cupid will sometimes bond over causing chaos in human lives
Will occasionally vacation in Egypt for the rare snow every couple of decades
TOLERATES any and all children at the most
Mother Nature: 
Experiences regular periods
Absolutely great with kids, and loves babies. If you have a baby, not anymore it's hers now
Really enjoys rock music and will stand on the outskirts of outdoor concerts to get a listen
Absolutely ROCKS leather pants
Has a habit of subconsciously Moming the other council members, and father time is usually the one to tell her when it happens
Has a massive sweet tooth
Does the crabafication process to random species cause she likes crabs a whole lot, and because she thinks its funny
Not a very good liar, usually she is very eloquent but when trying to lie she will stumble on her words a lot more
Thinks humanity's greatest invention is music
Generally pretty good about keeping her temper in check in the presence of others, but you may hear lightning outside or hear of a hurricane the next day
Thinks dark chocolate is overrated and his favorite is white chocolate. Nobody else in the council agrees with him
Soul mates do in fact exists, but he regularly makes ppl fall in love with someone else cause he thinks It more entertaining
Some of his favorite tropes are as follows: Enemies to lovers, childhood friends to lovers, general meet cutes, and opposites attract
Was really good friends with Sappho back in the day, and still regularly visits their old hang out spots
Sometimes he will just close his eyes and shoot in a random direction for fun 
Him and sandy get along the best, second best is him and tooth fairy (frenemies)
His favorite color is salmon pink and is very specific about the name
He has fallen in love with many human beings over the millenia, and he has never forgotten a single one
Is Faster than tooth fairy in pure flying speed and brags about it any chance its brought up
Gets along with Easter bunny by talking shit about other people with him
The chilliest out of all the council members, if not only because he is so tired all the time
That being said, him and the boogeyman get along the LEAST. If only because there jobs directly work against each other
He will bump into tooth fairy the most while on the job  
Sandy's dreams are fabricated from the dreamer's own psyche. While he can implant specific ideas, they will be influenced by the person's own thoughts, feelings and ideas as well. 
Which is why he likes working with children so much more. A lot less gloom and a lot more creative freedom
Sandy's realm is actually a lot like father times realm. Both are very spacey and barren (with some differences), but this is because the dream scape has no chronological structure and doesn't follow the conventional rules of time
A lot of the other council members like to call Sandy's realm, The Sand Castle.
He has multiple sets of the same pajamas 
Any human brough to his realm (for some reason), will almost immediately fall asleep because of how much dream dust there is in the air
He finds human art pretty neat and has some old paintings and sculptures in his realm
Father Time:
He has a tendency to be blunt, more so than any other council member. And occasionally will snap a quip or two out of nowhere 
He also has a tendency to ramble for, conceivably, forever. If you give him any chance, he will tell you a million stories loosely strung together and that is a threat. Mother nature will often get him back on track
Both him and mother nature are the “heads” of the council and are needed for anything to get the council's official seal of approval 
That being said mother nature will sometimes look to father time for guidance when she is truly at a loss
Father time hosts annual new years gatherings for the ENTIRE magical realm as he brings in the new year. He didn't invite Jack once (1), and he then made it everyone else's problem
Endless pearls of wisdom, but only when they are most important
He sometimes gets timelines confused and talks about things that have never happened. Everybody is used to it and corrects him when it happens.
But otherwise, his memory is crystal clear, and remembers the smallest details from hundreds of years ago 
Father time's realm is the inside of a giant wizard tower most of the time, but it's also very vast and the horizons of the rooms are hazy, almost like parts of it disappear into mist.
Spends a lot of time in his realm and doesn't venture outside much
Easter Bunny:
The most shit talky council member out of everyone. Can and will talk about other council members behind peoples back. Not to intentionally stir up drama, but just because he can.
A legendary that also takes place in the reincarnation program, he was a normal human once.
And therefore also has an escape clause equivalent, and a magical item that stores all the easter magic (the bowtie)
Absolutely despises Jack and holds over his head the fact that he's the calling card for the end of Jack's winter, every single year.
Out of all the previous easter bunnies, he has been the chillest with the physical transformations. He didn't have a lot going for him when he was human, so he's glad he can help out the world in such a major way now.
Actually a very hard worker with a good work ethic, similar to santa, which is how they bond
Each incarnation of the easter bunny has had a different fur pattern/color
When kids color their own eggs, he will sometimes take one that he thinks is pretty and puts it in his personal collection. But he always leaves a treat in its place
He bonds with mother nature about coming spring preparations
Is allergic to cats, and terrified of dogs
Tooth Fairy:
Another legendary figure that gets reincarnated, and his magical item is a Pin shaped like a tooth with wings
He actually has the most diverse wardrobe of the entire council. But considering that nobody really changes their clothes anyway, it's not that hard to do
Does not care for the inherent feminization of the job, but enjoys the position nevertheless
He finds it especially amusing when some of the kids try and set traps for him
His specific type of magic is actually most akin to Santa in that “Tooth Magic” is equivalent to childhood wonder. The childhood spirit is stored in the teeth
Impulsive habit of looking at other peoples teeth. But he always asks first
Is actually rather sociable and is good friends with most of the council members
Sometimes he wishes he could talk to the previous fairies and ask them what he should be doing in times of doubt
Slower than Cupid in flying speed, and is only a little bitter about it
He just likes the name Roy
The actually misunderstood one, quite literally. People (And when they first met him, the whole council) think that he's actually malicious and evil, when that's just his job, but he is actually very courteous and nice when you get to know him. 
He has an aura that puts people on edge when he's around them (except for the other council members)
His main power is Mimicry, both in physical form and in voices. He's the faces and other things you see out of the corner of your eye in a dark room. And the footsteps you can hear when you swear your alone.
His secondary power is Shadow control or sentient shadows, he likes to call them the shadow puppets 
His favorite animals are any in the reptile family
Easter bunny and cupid still have some reservations about him, but mostly gets along with everyone on the council
He isn't sure how he feels about jack anymore
Constantly looks ragged and homeless, because he doesn't care enough to actually look presentable
He is just fine scooting by under the radar, and is just chillin most of the time 
As much as he loves dark and dank places, he does also love a good fireplace
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bigowlenergy · 4 years
heat + horror
next chapter of How to Raise the Dead!
Maddie stands at the door to the basement, hazmat tied down around her waist, staring into the green dark. To her left, the cicada scream en mass. The refrigerator hums at her back. The portal buzzes below. The cold air that swirls up the steps is incredible against the summer heatwave. Maddie. Wants to go down. Hesitates, still.
Danny is down there.
Maddie loves her son, but she loves her daughter, too, and knows better than to bother Jazz when she’s trying to finish a paper and watch the finale to her latest K-drama at the same time (again) and expect anything but getting snapped at and increasing her stress. The experience is just new, with Danny. He was always the relaxed one, but once it hit 80 degrees in the house, the basement became his domain, with the same low tolerance for interruption. With an extra edge of physical discomfort and medical concern. Maddie just doesn’t want to upset him further. It feels like she does that all too often, but Danny just won’t say anything when she does. It’s hard to understand him. She wants to, but he’s pulled so far away from them already...
“Hey, mom.” Jazz stands in the entryway, kicking her flip flops off, two bags of gas station ice slung over her shoulders. “He moved yet?” She asks.
“No, I don’t think so. I was just about to check,” Maddie offers, stepping in to take the second bag from Jazz. She’d stepped out to get some water. Hadn’t gone back. Condensation from the ice leaks down her shoulders, sticks her hair to her neck. Instant relief.
“Alright.” She says. “You coming down? It’s cold.”
And Maddie hesitates at the mouth of the threshold, for just a moment.
“Sounds nice,” She tells the stairs, hidden under the clanging of Jazz’s steps.
At the bottom, all she can see is the ring of lawnchairs and the little blow up kiddie pool that Jazz is dumping her bag of ice in. The clear vinyl tubing of the cheap outdoor furniture catches every refraction of green light from the open portal. An oversized alien dollhouse in Maddie’s lab. The smell of squeaky fresh plastic overwhelms the ectoplasm. The basement has always been climate controlled, and underground besides, so the downright frosty air that the open portal adds to the mix creates the strange atmosphere of a sauna in winter. Inverted.
But the chilliest thing by far is Danny.
Maddie finally gets a good look at him when Jazz collapses back into her own chair, sticking her feet into the pool with a great heaving sigh. Maddie appreciates her running to the store for them. It’s nearly 110 out. She goes to dump her part of the ice in and nearly fumbles to keep from pouring it straight over Danny’s head. He’s buried up to his chest, now. What she thought were odd shadows from the portal are actually his folded knees, the only other part not under ice. His eyes are glazed and dull, staring sightlessly into the green vortex, his head pillowed on the wet plastic rim of the pool. Soaked hair drawn back by one of Jazz’s headbands drips slowly onto the concrete floor. Maddie frowns at that. They specifically asked the kids to make sure nothing in the lab was exposed to water. Should have put a towel down.
She probably can’t blame Danny for lack of foresight. He doesn’t look good.
“Hi, sweetie,” Maddie whispers, tucking the ice in around his legs instead.
His blank expression doesn’t change as he belatedly mouths ‘hi’ back to her.
“Drink your slush,” Scolds Jazz, kicking at the ice idly. Danny’s buried hands slowly tip the half melted slushie toward his face. The straw rests in his mouth for a while, but Maddie’s fairly sure he doesn’t drink any. Her poor baby. Jazz had picked it up for him the first time she went to the store, nearly three hours ago.
Maddie pulls her hands from the ice and wipes them on her shirt. Goes to the monitoring station set up on the side of the portal. The nodes taped to Danny’s neck are probably the only things keeping him from fully submerging himself. His oxygen levels are lower than his usual terrifying baseline of 87%, hovering in the 84-86% range, and his heartrate is just short of clinical death. Most worryingly, his temperate is reading at nearly 80 - a deadly fever, considering his normal 71.3.
Maddie wishes they knew how to really help him. This feels strangely like a - not like a test, not really, but like something is being withheld from them. Like Danny knows what to do, but is still too scared to tell them. Like it’s something he doesn’t want them to know, another little secret on the pile. A tiny declaration of loss of trust.
Or he’s afraid of them knowing.
Not that he could tell them, right now. He’s been basically unresponsive to even the most drastic of stimuli since his internal temp hit 75 an hour ago. Jack had driven out for the lawn furniture around that time, helped wrangle Danny out of the bathtub and into the lab for better monitoring, then disappeared again a few minutes ago. Maddie has an inkling of what he’s up to, so she’ll just hold down the fort and see what happens.
But Danny. Looking at this array, she has the clinging idea that this would be easier for him if he was a ghost. But even now, he’s so hesitant about letting them see him. Has never, in word or deed, trusted them with that. It’s an open secret. What he is.
Who he is.
Jazz knows; Maddie knows she known for some time now. Maddie knows. Does Jack? Maddie knows. She tries to imagine that alien presence in this little family tableau. More green in the air. An extra buzz of static under the portal. White hair, dripping. Maddie knows, but it feels like she knows less than she did three weeks ago.
She’s seen Phantom with her own eyes. Seen him fly and fight and snarl like an animal. Seen him bounce and smile and joke. How does he do it? Maybe Maddie just isn’t ready for the perfect intersection of those things yet. Does - does Danny’s ghost leave his body?
Is Maddie really ready to face her sons’ corpse and his ghost at the same time?
Jazz splashes suddenly, feet shifting, head tipped back dramatically off the edge of her seat, hair in a huge bun, wearing her only pair of shorts. Little embroidered ghosts on the hem. Would he electrify the pool, if he changed?
Maddie sucks in a breath and drags her eyes back to the monitor. Maybe it would be better if he did. Actually. The shock might be what he needs to stabilize his heart. He’s obviously reliant on cold temperatures to facilitate stronger conductivity of his electrical impulse based neurology. Like any other ghost. He’s losing stability of consciousness. Unable to rely on the physical, chemical reaction based impulses of the li - of humans. Maddie’s trying not to think about it. She doesn’t want to think about it. The monitor won’t tell her anything else.
Danny, the ghost, Danny, her son, is suffering from mild destabilization and his human body is too close to brain dead to keep him from -
God, Maddie is glad she doesn’t know.
Jack, bless that man, saves her from her thoughts by clambering down the stairs.
“Icecream!” He calls, voice pitched less exuberantly loud than usual. In deference of the small lab space, empty of the usual noise of running machines, or in deference to Danny. Or her own nerves. Jack hands Jazz a pint of strawberry pistachio and a spoon, sets a bag near the pool and then appears at Maddie’s side. Kisses her cheek. Glances at the monitor.
“How’s he doing?” He asks, handing her her own pint and a fork. Pecan Caramel soymilk.
“Not much worse. But we don’t know beyond his baselines, so it could mean anything. Temperature’s been stable for the last twenty minutes.” Maddie digs out the first pecan she sees and keeps it in her mouth to cool her sensitive teeth. Offers nothing else. Jack can read the screen. If he arrives to the same conclusion, then they’ll talk about it upstairs. Away from the kids. Hopefully, Danny’s too busy barely existing to overhear, if it comes down to it.
Jack nods, bullshooter blue eyes sweeping over the monitor. One huge, extremely hot hand rests on her back, goes to rub soothingly, but Maddie shoos him with her fork.
“You’re cold!” He says delightedly, sticking his hands on the folds of her turned down hazmat. He spares her a smile, then snaps his attention back to the screen. Lingers on Danny’s oxygen levels. “Well,” Jack says, straightening up, “Let’s try to get his internal temperature down a bit, then. Come on, Danno!”
He unties the cloth bag and pulls out a full gallon of icecream. There is no room in the freezer for that.
“Okay, buddy, I got us a real treat, straight from the farmer’s market creamery, you know, the people with the ecto-infected cows we helped out last spring? Got us a discount! Anyway, it’s custom. Chocolate icecream, fudge pieces, cacao nibs, coconut shavings, sprinkles, cookie bits, and those little soft dough chunks -” He cuts off, leans in closer to the pool, watches Danny intensely for a few seconds. “Yep! Extra cookie pieces. Wanna try some?”
Jack sticks two spoons in the open gallon and sets it aside. Gently eases the mostly ignored red slushie out of Danny’s hands and passes it off to Jazz. She doesn’t hesitate to pour some of it over her icecream. Maddie shudders. Bites her pecan. Takes a seat.
Jack pulls a shop towel out of his shorts pocket and soaks it in the pool, then wipes his face with it before slinging it around his neck. Takes a tiny spoonful of the icecream and starts to set it in Danny’s direction.
“Just try a bit, Danno. I’ll let you drink dry ice again,” He cajoles. Maddie whips her head up to glare at him. Jazz shrieks with her mouth closed, prevented from yelling properly by a well timed frozen strawberry. Jack ignores them both. He’d better have a damn good reason and some damn good results.
He gets Danny to eat a little, at least. He’d refused dinner last night, and it’s almost 7 PM, now. After a while, Jack leans in again. All Maddie can hear from a bare few feet away is a quiet, wet little rasp.
Jack beams his most reassuring grin at their son. “Of course it’s got ectoplasm in it; it’s for you, Danny-boy!” He says. And. That might be the first time any of them have put it to words. Admitted it out loud. It should feel like a taboo broken, but somehow, it eases a little relief into the atmosphere. A confession they all share.
Then Jack frowns a bit. Eyebrows drawn down in concern when he says “Is it not enough?”
Danny shakes his head, a light tremble of motion. The wet plastic squeaks under his neck. Lies still. Jack sits back, looks up to Maddie. Jazz is leaned back in her seat, staring down at Danny with a sharp frown of disapproval on her face. A fierce set to her eyes that tells Maddie everything she needs to know.
“We’ll get you more, sweetie,” Maddie tests the waters carefully, kneeling down across from Jack, sets a hand on Danny’s drying hair, keeps Jazz in her sights. Danny closes his eyes and shakes his head again, turning further into her palm and sighing quietly. A low, tired sound of dismissal. Not for Maddie. Jazz looks away, guilt and worry plain on her face. Bites her lip. Lids her icecream and mumbles an excuse of a goodbye, looking a bit mutinous as she leaves.
Maddie has to wonder if she should step back from this. Let Jazz do whatever needs to be done that Danny is hiding from them. But she can’t. These are her children; they shouldn’t need to be providing something for themselves. It’s her duty to care for them.
But. She is also an ectobiologist. Knows damn well what ghosts need. Has done in-field observations on this sort of thing for at least a decade.
It’s not the amount of ectoplasm that matters. It’s the source.
They can’t provide what Danny needs from the lab.
Sure, they’ve never seen Phantom feeding, but he’s so rarely seen at all. Elusive. Non-normative behavior. Maybe -
An incomplete hypothesis has never sat well with her. Her son being miserably sick while she has the power to help him is not sitting any better.
“Danny,” She says firmly, gently taking his cold face in her hands and wincing at the mincing slowness of his pulse under his jaw. “Please, just tell us what’s wrong, honey.”
Something thumps upstairs. What is Jazz doing? Maddie had assumed she left the house. To get. Something. Bring something back? Get a ghost they know to help?
Maddie’s seen ghosts negotiate and willingly feed from each other. The statistically significant ratio of mutual encounter to violent attack was one of the things that tipped the scales for Maddie and Jack on whether ghosts have the capacity for civilized society or not.
If Danny has some sort of pact or agreement with a local ghost, then Maddie is intensely interested in learning every detail of it. As both his mother, and as an ectobiologist. Jazz probably has extensive notes.
Upstairs, something drags across the floor. Maddie jumps at the noise.
“I’ll go check,” Jack offers, glancing guiltily back to Danny before heading up the stairs.
Maddie turns her attention back to Danny and actually feels her heart skip a beat when she finds him staring up at her with dull, glazed eyes. His face too-still and eerie in the green light of the buzzing portal. It dyes him colors he shouldn’t be. She takes in a breath, and calms herself, confused by her own reaction. She’s been exposed to high levels of ectoplasm for nearly two decades. Maddie lost her innate terror-reaction to ectoentities years ago. This is completely unfamiliar to her.
But the way Danny’s too blank face flashes into guilt as he flinches and tries to pull away is not. It’s the same reaction as Jazz earlier.
Guilt. Something withheld. Upstairs, something drags against the wood floors again. Slow, deliberate.
“Danny -” She starts, concerned. He squeezes his eyes shut tight and turns away from her. Mouths something that she reads as sorry. A creak on the stairs. The lights flicker. Maddie jolts back in a crouch immediately, hand falling to where her weapons should be. One hand on Danny. Assuring his location. Her other hand closes on nothing. Of course not. Maddie doesn’t wear her weapons around Danny. Not any more. There’s nothing there. She forces herself into a more relaxed stance with some difficulty.
What could they have upstairs for this? Surely there’s not another ghost living in their house? Maddie would like to think that a second instance would be ridiculous. Maybe a hidden freezer of ectoplasmic samples? She looks down at the human ghost in her lab. Maybe he needs a rare type of ectoplasm, due to his unusual biology? His half human biology.
Half human. Needing ectoplasm and emotion, but also needing food. Maddie’s heart picks up uncomfortably, sits high in her throat. At the other end of the room is the wall safe with the Nightingale journals. The myths and accounts and legends of violent ghosts. Hunted for their danger to humanity. Their hunger. Maddie and Jack have long discounted or disproved those old folk tales.
But then again, they’d also disproved the existence of something like Danny.
“Danny -” She tries again, watching the way he’s turned away from her intently. Mouth pressed in a thin, unhappy line. Every ounce of him tense, entombed in ice.
Jack bounds down the stairs. Maddie jolts to her feet. He’s got the bulky old TV from the sitting room in his arms. Maddie’s heart is pounding, her mind blank.
“We’ve got the cure, Mads!” He cries. Jazz follows, carrying the DVD player and a stack of DVDs.
In the pool, Danny shudders strongly enough to stir the ice. Moans out “No,” loudly enough to be heard.
“Shut up, Danny.” Jazz says firmly. “You need this.”
Jack finishes plugging the makeshift entertainment center together. Jazz sets the DVDs down and sticks one in the player. Maddie’s seen every title on the pile, but doesn’t recognize them from anywhere in the house. All horror films, many classic. Monster movies. Slasher flicks. It’s so disingenuous from where her mind had been that she’s left frozen.
“They’re from Sam,” Jazz explains. “For when somebody runs out of juice.” She spares Danny an annoyed glare and hits play.
Oh. Oh. Maddie looks down at the miserable little ghost in the pool, her shadow cast long over his morose, guilty expression. He’s so pale. The colors from the TV flicker against the vinyl and ice and ectoplasm in surreal flashes. Some loud sound blares from the old speakers with more static than usual and Maddie jolts again. All her senses on high alert, an undercurrent of unnatural fear flooding her cerebellum. An artificially induced state of terror. The buzzing she’s been ignoring with all the ease of overexposure is Danny’s aura, set to 18 hz.
There hasn’t been a ghost attack in nearly a week. All the local specters retreating to the other side of the portal as the heat wave rages on theirs. Danny hasn’t been able to emphathically power himself in a week. Maybe longer.
Ghosts feed on fear.
He’s been overwhelmed with the heatwave, unable to patrol his territory, probably not physically fed in a while, and emotionally weakened. Of course he’s destabilizing.
Maddie lets out a breath of relief. This is something easily remedied, at least. She leans in and kisses Danny’s forehead. In apology. In absolution. Feels guilty for her distrust of him with such an irrational idea. Feels the rekindled instinctual hyperawareness of a ghost near to her vulnerable human throat. Ignores it. Helps Jack finish moving the chairs closer to the pool. Sets her icecream back on her lap. Settles in and lets herself overthink the timing of the next jumpscare. Watches her little ghost relax slowly as he draws strength from their shared, controlled fear. Wonders if he has a vomeronasal organ, with the way his mouth is a little open. If it helps with emphathic filtering, or if it’s psychosomatic. Wonders if he feels better. Fishes his hand out of the ice and holds it tight until he squeezes her back.
It’s been a while since they’ve had a family movie night.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by ehxsnos
First lets get the basics out of the way...
What's your name? Robyn.
How old are you? 22.
Where are you from? Philippines.
What color are your eyes and hair? Eyes are dark brown, hair is black.
When were you born? April 21.
Now for the fun stuff!
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed. Some people can fall asleep with their closet doors open (and this is a thing in the first place??)? I could imagine that would irritate me to death, and I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep until I got up and closed it.
How many people have you slept with this week? Zero.
What size is your bed? Just a twin size. It’s all I need for now.
What do you drink with dinner? Cold water, always. We also usually have other drinks served at the dinner table - Coke, buko juice, and iced tea - but I never drink anything else.
What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Barbecue sauce.
Last person you kissed/kissed you? You know who it was, I don’t feel like continuing to mention them on surveys as often as I used to any more.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Two for the Road, The Proposal, and Toy Story.
What is your usual bedtime? From Monday to Friday I’m usually passed out anytime between 10 PM–12 AM. It’s a different story on weekends; revenge bedtime procrastination is my thing now, so I go to bed anywhere from 2–5 AM.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? I always had different outfits on per year, but they were always the generic ones that we could buy costumes of at the mall – pirate, Tinkerbell, mermaid, etc. I didn’t start getting resourceful and/or witty with my Halloween choices until I was about 14 or 15 when I first went as AJ Lee.
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? February last year when I had my grad photo taken.
Take a vitamin daily? I am guilty of skipping my vitamins lol.
What do you wear to bed? I answer this all the tiiiiiime but I like wearing super-thin clothes so it’d feel airy while I sleep. I don’t exactly live in the chilliest country in the world.
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Can’t relate.
Ever have plastic surgery? No.
Do you want kids? I would love to have kids, yeah.
Where did your last kiss take place? Outside of that person’s car, just right before they got inside.
Four words to explain why you last threw up? I had a fever coming in and was starting to feel nauseous.
Last thing you ate? Adobo.
Do you get your nails done? Nope.
When did your last relationship end? September.
So tell us, what room ARE you in? I’m in my bedroom.
How many stories does your home have? Three if you count the rooftop.
Do you own headphones? No. The one I have in my room is my dad’s; he just lets me borrow it.
Have you ever...
Gotten a Brazillian wax? No, never tried having that yet. Being waxed looks like it hurts, so I’ve stayed away from it to this day lol.
Gotten so drunk you couldn’t remember wtf you did? Only a handful of times as I try not to get to that point, but yes, it’s happened before.
Been called a bitch? Sure.
Slut? No.
Pierced anything? I have a couple of piercings, but nothing I pierced myself.
Had a tattoo? Not yet.
Smoked a cigarette? Yes, but I actively try to make it a point not to form it into a habit.
Smoked weed? Nope.
Missed someone so bad you couldn’t eat or sleep? Sure, this has happened back when I still felt this way about the person. 
Worked out at a gym? No, never at a gym. I’d feel too self-conscious to get a gym membership altogether haha. In the brief time I worked out, I only did it at home. 
Snuck out of the house? No. With my parents, it’s much safer to ask permission than attempt to be sneaky since they always say yes anyway.
What’s the nearest furry object? That would be Kimi.
Is the room you are in messy? I would say it’s messy in my mom’s eyes but relatively neater than the average bedroom I would see at my friends’s and relatives’ houses. My mom just has ridiculous sky-high expectations when it comes to neatness and I’ve stopped bothering to meet them years ago.
What is the single largest item in your house? Either the living room couch or my parents’ bed, not sure which would ultimately take up more space.
When did you first become interested in sex? I mean I remember starting to explore porn when I was maybe 13 or 14, so those ages would be safe guesses.
How much money did you spend today? Zero and I plan on making it remain at zero. Payday is taking so long though :((((
What is the biggest amount of money you have ever had at one time? I think I had to hold around ₱7,000 in bills at one point in high school when my mom asked me to pay for something tuition-related.
What kind of cell phone do you have? iPhone 8. It sounds more and more ancient with each year that passes lmaooo.
Have you ever been under anesthesia? Never, and I hope I never have to? I’m scared of the things that could come out of my mouth.
Which Disney parks have you been to? None of them.
What does your bed comforter look like? Blue.
When did you last cry? Yesterday, from watching an emotional clip.
When is the last time you took medicine? Start of June.
What was the medicine for? It was to treat my UTI. I was already feeling so much better by the time I had to take that last pill, but I was instructed to take it for a certain period of time so I was just following the schedule.
What kind of health insurance do you have? I’ve actually never tried looking into the specifics of it. I know health insurance is part of my job, but I don’t even fully understand insurance yet HAHA and the thought of it makes me anxious so I haven’t read too much into the kind of insurance I have and the inclusions I can avail from it.
What is your birth control method of choice? I don’t have a preferred one. I’ve only been with a girl, so I haven’t had the chance to explore methods I could gravitate towards.
How much do you spend on your parents for Christmas? Several thousands of pesos, usually.
If you were given $1k and had to use it on 1 purchase, what would you buy? Like, I was challenged to finish it off on one thing? I’d get an iPhone 12.
Have your parents ever caught you drinking? They never caught me drinking when I was not yet allowed to drink. Now that they know I do drink, there’s no ‘catching’ that happens; they don’t mind me downing a bottle of soju from time to time.
Have you ever crawled through a window? I may have as a kid.
What do you spend most of your money on? Food delivery, heh. :)))))))) It’s my favorite way to spoil myself.
Is there a secret you've never told your parents? Yup.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? Yes. I’m definitely a photo hoarder regardless of the person, so she’s not an isolated case; I also still have photos of people who aren’t in my life anymore, like Athenna and Sofie. I just don’t look at photos of me and Gab anymore, but they are definitely still around. Deleting them would be like deleting the last six years of my life and that sounds a little unfair.
Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Someone spread a rumor that I was bi and dating Andi back in 6th grade but I wouldn’t call that nasty.
How many rooms does your house have? It originally had three, but we had the balcony renovated into another bedroom, for my brother; so now we technically have four.
Would you sex tape with you in it for 3 million dollars? As long as I felt safe in the environment and with the person/people, sure.
Are you happier single or in a relationship? There are different kinds of happiness you can get from either; I don’t believe this is something that should be compared.
Do you have curly hair? No.
What is a compliment you receive often? That I write well.
How tall are you?: 5′1″.
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when? Not sure, maybe one of my parents or one of my best friends.
What is the last thing you said aloud? “Already?” Cooper was nipping at my hoodie and he was able to destroy a part of the underside in like three minutes.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee.
What is one thing that can ALWAYS be found in your freezer? At least one type of frozen goods, like tocino or hotdogs.
How many pets do you own? Two.
How old will you be turning on your next birthday? I’ll be 23.
Last time you went out of town? January.
First thing you wash in the shower? My hair, then I work my way down.
What kind of shampoo & conditioner do you use? I use a Dove shampoo and a Pantene conditioner.
Do you own something from Hot Topic? No.
Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun? I don’t think so. We don’t have that here so there’s no reason for me to own anything from there.
How often do you hold hands with someone? Never. That’s a sensation I miss, for sure. But I’m fine – this is just my period talking HAHAHA
What was the most recent thing you bought? I got a Zinger from KFC because I was craving for fast food at 1 AM yesterday.
Could you ever forgive a cheater? Considering how stupid I can get when it comes to love, probably yes in certain situations.
Do you have Verizon? No.
Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? To a very, very tiny extent, especially compared to my siblings. I’m nowhere close to being a brat, though. 
Have you ever been pregnant? No.
What is your average cell phone bill? I’m on prepaid, so I load up my phone every week with a certain amount instead of paying for a consolidated bill every month.
How many piercings do you have? Two.
Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in? I turn it on only once I’ve gotten in.
Have you ever had stitches? Nope and I’m terrified of the thought. I hope I’ll never have to need any.
Do you think it’s right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced? Eugh, outdated question. Next.
Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? Coffee.
Do you have a wireless keyboard and mouse? No. I don’t use a mouse and my keyboard is already built into my laptop.
How many songs are on your iPod or MP3 player? I don’t regularly use either anymore.
Where did you get that shirt you're wearing? I’m pretty certain this is a hand-me-down from my mom.
What are your pet’s names? Kimi and Cooper.
Honestly, are you in love right now? Nope.
Honestly, what color is your underwear? Blue.
Honestly, do you think you are attractive? Some days.
Honestly, do your wrists hurt? Haha no, but my back and shoulders do.
Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now? Sure.
What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant? Continued from this morning. Figure out a way to tell my parents without getting hit.
Was there anyone who "made your day"? Today? Not really.
Are you vegeterian? Nope.
How many windows are open in your computer? Two of Chrome, one of Spotify.
Do you read Perez Hilton? Ew, no. Does that guy still do stuff???
Is there a baby in the room with you right now? No.
Do you plan on moving within the next year? It’s nice to daydream about but likely not gonna happen.
Have you been to a baby shower? No.
What brand is your computer? Apple.
How many cars can fit in your driveway? 4-5 if we really want to make the most out of the available space, but at present it only has 2.
Are you taller than your mom? Nah. Everyone thought I would be, but then I just stopped growing. I am now the shortest member in the family hahaha.
Are you a cuddler? Only with significant others. I would feel uncomfortable if a non-SO cuddled me as I am not a touchy person to begin with, except when it comes to hugs.
Sleep on your back or stomach? Stomach. I could never sleep on my back; I feel too exposed.
Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? I always close the bathroom doors. Kimi has the tendency to pee on the bathroom floor so I make sure he doesn’t follow me in there.
Do you dress for style or comfort? More for style. I do take comfort into account, but looking nice and feeling confident in my outfit honestly takes precedence for me.
Think of the last time you were angry. Why were you angry? 15,000 cases today.
Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? Yeah. It would even be a bit of a relief, honestly, because it means less pressure for me to have sex to please my partner.
Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry? Yes, both happy and sad tears.
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? It depends on the person, I guess. Some can handle breakups well, and I’m not one of them.
How long has it been since you had sex? It would be 7 months this April.
Who was the last person to call you babe? My ex probably.
Last reason you went to the ER? I’ve never been to.
Were you a planned pregnancy for your parents? Yeah. They were having trouble conceiving at first, but my mom eventually found out she was pregnant with me on her 27th birthday.
How old was your mom when she gave birth to you? ^ 27.
Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Yes, many times.
When was the last time you shaved your legs? A couple of weeks ago. I’ve been meaning to shave again but I’ve just been sooooooo lazy.
What facial cleanser do you use? I don’t use any products on my skin.
Do you use a blowdryer? Nope.
How many purses do you own?: 3 – I now have more than one! Haha. A month ago I had to buy bayongs from this small business for these PR kits we needed to send out and they included a couple of purses as freebies. Since we’re all working from home, I got to keep them since I was the one who placed the order heheh.
What are your top five favorite stores to shop for clothes? I really just stop by stalls of small businesses I see at the mall and see what trendy pieces I can get from them.
What kind of clothes do you mostly wear? I like halter and tank tops, paired with denim jeans.
What about shoes? Sneakers. You’ll rarely see me wearing anything else.
Have you ever cheated on the significant other that you have now?
For that one week a month, do you hate being a woman? I’ll feel icky about it every now and then, especially if my flow happens to be heavy; but for the most part I don’t have any complaints. I think bleeding out every month is actually kind of fucking hardcore.
What are your first thoughts when your visitor visits? Be relieved. I’ve never had irregularity issues with my period, so every time it comes it usually serves as a reassurance that there continues to be no problem.
Favorite underwear brand? Don’t have any.
Last thing you bought at the mall? Three new pods for my vape.
Do your parents like your boyfriend/girlfriend?
What color are your pillows? They’re the same style as my current bedsheet, so they’re also blue.
What if an ex asked to be back in your life? I think it would be nice if we would at least have lunch somewhere to catch up, then ask her what led her to that point.
Don’t you just love DVR? We didn’t use it often.
If you're on a laptop, how much charge does it have left? 93%.
Last gift you recieved? I got lunch from Bea after our virtual event with the media for one of our clients. Later that day, Kata also had banana bread delivered to my place :)
Lesson you recently learned? What to do when my candle starts tunneling, which I had looked up literally no more than 5 minutes ago because it started happening to my scented candle :(
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perfectackeracy · 7 years
Shingeki no Kyojin chapter 98 review (+ theories)
This chapter marks the ending of volume 24 and finally ends up with the moment that was hyped at the beginning of the book, in chapter 95:
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The highlight of the Liberio festival, the stage - Ch. 98
And what a festival it was! It’s probably the only chapter of the volume where Reiner spends a good time in company of the kids, where every event happened according to the plan... till the cliffhanger of the volume came to ruin the good mood.
Indeed, it’s one of the rarest cases where it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen next, because our now-protagonist was left in the dark since Eren surfaced in Liberio, triggering a bunch of unexpected events by his mere presence... just like Grisha did when he came inside Paradis. Because hey, the idea of hope and prosperity for Mainland Eldians wouldn’t be funny to envision if literally everything went as planned! 
Looks like Eren isn’t in position to attempt anything funny. He’s got what he wanted in Liberio and can return to Paradis. At best, we’ll see another timeskip of reorganization before sailing on Paradis, at worst, someone interferes against Eren or Eren does something stupid and the mood is already ruined before the operation even starts.
T’was a nice chapter with content definitely worth talking about.
The cadet batch
The future of Marley
The Yeager’s family reunion
Willy Tybur
The basement meeting
Key points
Follow me under the cut!
Not really a WTF CR, but one translated panel in particular is outright bizarre and gives a different interpretation of the whole scene.
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“How we’re feeling?” Looks like they were rejoiced at the idea of beating Gabi up instead of complaining about the racket for a foot race. Not really cool for Gabi.
Oh and also...
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Wat is coherency
Seriously, one time it’s Liberio, the other time Rebellio... just pick a correct translation...
Moving on the group who had quite a fair load of spotlight in this chapter…
The cadet batch
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The cadets as waiters - Ch. 98
If anything, this chapter highlighted the four kids a lot, starting with Falco beating Gabi at an endurance race. I guess playing deliveryman while drinking the freedom kool-aid for a month helped a lot. We also got to see how the four kids reacted with each other differently. Previously it was as a group of four, but this chapter denotes the individuality of certain relationships.
Gabi loves when the Udo and Zofia duo sides with her and holds influence and authority over them. However, the duo cheered when Falco beat her for the first time. It goes to show she was known as the undefeated one. As important as her grades were, her character paints her as the dominant figure: she’s authoritative and dynamic, and really can’t stand competition. That’s why she treats her relationship with Falco as rivalry, and thinks he’s only there to grab the merits, when his brother already got some.
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Gabi rejecting Falco - Ch. 98
Obviously, this is not what Falco intended at all. He doesn’t think he’s up to become a warrior in the first place, but only gets in the way of Gabi’s glory to protect her, because he loves her that much. More than restoring the family’s honor or going on Paradis, all he does is exclusively for the sake of the girl he loves. Between that and his compassion for war victims, he truly behaves like the cinnamon roll of the group. He’s also a bit naive: getting friendly with a stranger and even considering him his friend, truly unaware of his real motives. Falco puts so much faith in him, he’s even separating from the main group to pick him up at the festival. Eren became his confident and lays on him discussions he can’t have with others. Not even Gabi or his own brother.
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Eren’s (and Reiner’s) legacy - Ch. 98
Despite that, Eren rubbed on him a little too much. Would he keep the same cool face if Gabi ends up rejecting him too often or if he grows up and realize it’s not worth it? Looks like he’s heading for the wall of a brutal realization, namely that his new friend isn’t the man he thought he was or… worst of the cases, if Gabi dies. Gabi dying would also break Reiner even further.
So far, Gabi and Falco are the moving elements of their group of four, while Udo and Zofia tag along; between Gabi and Falco, Gabi is the more leader-like, wanting to put Falco in his place. Falco’s reasons for going on is exclusively for Gabi.
The other two, Udo especially, had their moments in this chapter.
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Gabi supervising Udo and Zofia - Ch. 98
Especially around Gabi and the preparations for the festival. Zofia was adorable and she’s definitely nailed as the weirdo of the group after 93. She makes off-topic statements in contrast of the actual mood, which adds a nice lighthearted touch. She has the chilliest temper of the whole group, being absentminded most of the time. The ice to Udo’s fire.
Udo’s struggles have been highlighted in this chapter. We’ve learned his family moved from another internment zone from another country and the struggles he faced there were far worse than in Liberio. That explains why he was constantly worried about the reputation of Eldians in the world and why he’s the most skeptical of Marley’s treatment of Eldians. In the corner of my heard, I thought about him having similar traits to Annie, particularly in their cynicism and their tendencies to lash out and go with the flow. Annie has a tendency to run away, physically and emotionally. Not sure what Udo would do in war conditions on his own, but he does lash on other things and other people... unintentionally.
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Udo getting pissed at the guests - Ch. 98
Of the group, Udo’s the one with a hot temper: almost squeezing Falco’s head when he thinks about how incompetent Marley’s navy is, kicking town property when he thinks about the MEU survivors demonizing Eldians further and in this chapter, he almost gave in to the provocation from the guests talking behind his back, making him spill wine on that Touyou noblewoman.  
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The Touyou noblewoman - Ch. 98
And luckily for him, she covered him up. This scene served at the same time to introduce the Touyou clan, directly inspired from Japan, and their mark (the same one on Mikasa’s wrist) and to show strangers can be kind to Eldians. The latter serves for Udo’s development, considering he was the most hopeless for the festival.
The four of them shone as a true group of friends hanging out during the festival where the cultural gates opened to Liberio for the first time. The kids had their fun and could have their taste of freedom for the first time. Tasting new foods, listening to music, viewing other people… They all were in the mood to party and that was the most lighthearted moment of the chapter. And who can forget that tragic moment leading to the death of Reiner’s paycheck?
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“Papa, can we have some pastries?” - Ch. 98
It’s adorable how Reiner hangs around the kids during that festival. Everytime he has a free moment, he hangs around the kids, and everytime he does that, you get fatherly vibes from him. Towntrip in Fort Slava, paying the kids’ food at the festival... despite being riddled with depression and PTSD he spoils them rotten when he can.
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Will to live restored - Ch. 98
Because those smiles restore his faith and give him a reason to keep going. That’s more important than his paycheck. It was also worth it for his cousin: she partied too hard but felt at least things were changing, due to the recent events following the peace treaty with the Middle-Eastern Union. What she doesn’t know is why Willy showed up and she likely doesn’t know about Paradis’ operation taking place soon. In chapter 91, she wanted to get the Armor to get her chance at crushing Paradis, but now that it’s confirmed Reiner will be going there for the last time, I’m not sure how she’ll take it. Would she let go? Would she go through an existential crisis? Would she die before knowing it?
Nothing’s going to go well for the kids, will it?
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Colt and Zeke playing catch - Ch. 98
Lastly, I wanted to talk about Colt. Despite hanging with the warriors rather than the kids, Colt had his caring moments, especially about him not wanting Falco to be selected for the Armored Titan. As the official big brother figure of the cadets, him not being shown in group with them makes him detached from them. The other warriors except Zeke are around his age, but their ranks are different, so I feel like he’s a bit awkward around them.
Not only that but I have the feeling he’s… pretty much a trained regular for the future warchief. In 91: his ideas got turned down by Commander Magath. In 93, he feels like he can’t measure up to Zeke’s abilities. In 95 and onwards, he remains pretty much in the background: Porco and Pieck contributed to the discussion more often.
Zeke is particularly attached to his successor, inviting him to play catch with him. Additionally, Zeke must have helped him ascend to the rank of warchief considering the fates of the Yeager and the Grice family are connected: they were both tarnished by the actions of Grisha and Uncle Grice respectively and as Grandpa Yeager states, they had no choice but to send anybody available in the military.
The future of Marley
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Magath and Willy discussing about the future of Marley - Ch. 98
Magath and Willy were talking in metaphors, to refer to the military officials as “the home”. The “expansion” refers to the recruitment campaign and the “demolition” refers to how much generals Magath plans to fire, especially after the morning reunion. He also referred to “usable posts” like Reiner and Zeke, and the “sneaking mice” as Eren.
The most shocking thing of the chapter is how quick the current Marley officials have been dismissing Reiner’s intel under the pretense Eldians know less. Between the start of the chapter and the commentary about their navy, making child warriors and any strategy that isn’t titan fighting, the officials are quite incompetent. Both Porco and Pieck made sneaky remarks about it.
If anything, it’s a good thing Zeke started this plan: by allowing Magath and Willy to take the reins, they can restructure the whole army before they launch an assault on Paradis. I’m giving at least a two-month timeskip before they launch an attack, making it three months in total since the end of the conflict with the Middle-Eastern Union. This is the same timeskip between the battle of Trost and the battle of Shiganshina. And at the end of the first month, from Eren and the others’ point of view, we figured out who the traitors were, learned a bunch of information and overthrew the previous government. Here, Zeke, Willy and Magath made everything possible to orchestrate a revolution. In the meantime, the chapter ends with Eren, the mole, revealing himself.
When you think about it, from the FT arc to the end of the Uprising, the SC, under the reins of Erwin, hunted the hidden mice (RBA) and put in place a government suiting their needs, with a puppet leader (Historia) for one particular campaign: retaking Wall Maria. Replace Erwin by Zeke and Paradis by Marley and you’ve got the same goals.
The Yeager family reunion
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Eren playing with a baseball - Ch. 98
…Though it can hardly be considered as one, when the only contact Eren made is with his brother, through letters. His grandparents aren’t aware their other grandson was at the hospital.
A month passed since Eren asked Falco to send his first letter. The dialogue implies Eren and Zeke have been conversing for a while. Zeke’s line about being a brother and his face implies he started sharing the sentiment only recently, and overall, there’s this glove and baseball. The two of them have been conversing for a while.
Eren’s presence has been revealed by Zeke, indirectly, to Magath. Whatever Eren is up to, he’s already under suspicion and thus his movements are limited. I don’t think we’re up to see a clash between the warriors and the Advancing Founder in Liberio. Especially when Eren will eventually return on Paradis, because he got what he wanted: Zeke’s trust, allowing to come closer to him, because he’s the missing ingredient for a fully-functioning coordinate. And Zeke’s royal blood is of course, unknown from both sides. It can mostly be used as a means of blackmailing. Or worse, forcing Zeke to eat his brother so his mind will be savagely hacked by two lines: Yeager and Fritz. That or Zeke only revealed his royal blood to a couple of trustworthy individuals so the correlation between his blood and the royal blood can be falsified...
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C’mon, it doesn’t take a brilliant mind to figure this shit out… - Ch. 93
But more than his brother spilling the beans on him, Zeke is rather optimistic about Eren coming in Liberio. He still communicated with him and offered him baseball equipment, so he doesn’t get bored at the hospital… all of that instead of ratting him out. After all, he still carries the Founder and everybody at the strategic table knows it. Yet he lets Eren act as he pleases. The reason for it is simple:  
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“Someday… I’ll come to save you” – Ch. 83
And it looks like he didn’t even have to come in Paradis to get him. He directly fell into his hands! How convenient…
The sensitive side of Zeke wants Eren to be free from the brainwashing his father inflicted him. He wants to believe Eren has seen the light in some way and thought he could understand what he has been through. What Zeke saw in Shiganshina was a naïve boy who was misled by his father throughout his life, because he himself was forced to go to the warpath since birth. What he doesn’t know is Eren being closer to his father than he thought. A while ago I suspected Zeke to lose and die because he took his family matters too close at heart. It looks like it hasn’t gone off the picture yet.
The rational part of Zeke still wonders why would Eren show up now. What could possibly make him move now where everything is going smoothly? He’s conscious that what describes Eren’s condition is “brainwashing” and nobody gets out of it easily. It seeps into your brain long enough so your perspective on reality is fooled. I think Zeke will realize way too late that Eren’s brain isn’t wired like that.
Grandpa Yeager also met his grandson in this chapter. While the former is completely unaware of his real identity and motivation, the latter knows everything, from Grisha’s pint of view. He felt all the disgust Grisha had for him when he “bowed down to his masters” when Fay died, how Grisha inherited the Yeager clinic, how morbid he looked when Grisha was cuffed and taken for interrogation and how Kruger explained how he didn’t want to lose any more of his family. Eren understands the situation in which his grandfather has been, and despite that…
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“Regrets…? It seems… You have your own about your family.” – Ch. 98
He managed to strike an important nerve. He’s unfazed by what he did, because his actions were intentional but at the same time it’s sad to see Grandpa Yeager is still haunted by Fay’s death and Grisha’s actions. Those actions made him lose his children and the grandchild is condemned to a life of war and a short existence to repay the Yeager name.
Without any further addition, Eren mixes in the crowd for the upcoming festival, where he’s meeting the last survivor of Paradis’ operation.
Willy Tybur
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Willy captivating the crowd - Ch. 98
Part of why I loved this chapter is because of Willy’s… willingness to cooperate with the plan. After shaking his hand with Magath’s, the two of them started to occupy their roles, and Willy finally stepped out of the balcony to join the crowd. As the ruler of Marley, he holds the belief it’s a nation for Eldians and Marleans. However, taking the first step to put them on an equality foot isn’t obvious.
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Willy taking a new role - Ch. 98
There’s the weight of the time and the generations crawling on Willy’s back, but also the ascending hatred of Eldians from the world, and the alignment of the diaspora with the vow of renouncing authority to serve the former oppressed people in their wars, and stay isolated in internment zones. Despite that, he’s handling the international scene quite well. Many leaders from the world knew him since he was a child, like Ogweno, Nambia and that MEU ambassador.
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Willy saving the night - Ch. 98
He’s also a charismatic leader. When the Marlean ambassador failed to capture the attention of the people, Willy saved the night by promoting his production, using an elaborated speech. The whole crowd cheered him up. I’m curious about his acting talents.
And of course, probably the most peace-ruining moment of the chapter…
The basement meeting
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Eren and Reiner meeting after 4 years - Ch. 98
Considering everything that transpired since last chapter, it’s quite a shock. And just casually on Eren’s part moreover. I’ve written about why Reiner was traumatized in my last review and here it is, blowing in his face. Meanwhile, Eren looks so nonchalant it’s disturbing to say the least. Rubbing Reiner’s wish to return home in his face when he lost all his companions and showing there out of the blue, completely unaware of what’s going on.
They’re both in a situation where neither any of them can fight or trashtalk, considering Falco’s in the same room. Either Reiner will send Falco off to have an adult talk with Eren, either Eren will be vague about anything that transpired on Paradis, because the festival is starting soon, and they only have a couple of minutes before returning to their positions.
Eren wouldn’t gain anything from Reiner’s side, since he observed him for a while. Reiner however, would like to bombard him with ask: why are you here? How did you get here? How could you mix in the crowd? What happened to Annie and Bertolt? What did you do to Falco? What the fuck is this greasy, dirty hobo look?
Whatever is going to happen between the two, I’m not going to like it at all. I’m expecting Eren to make me feel uncomfortable depending of what he’s going to say to Reiner and since he asked Falco to bring Reiner down there, he ought to get something from him. Either blackmail or false promises. We’ll see.
Key points
It’s been a month since the victory of Marley over the MEU
The Marley government is an “unruly mob”
The internment zones are scattered all around the world 
Zeke and Eren have been communicating a couple of times and Magath is aware of Eren’s presence
Grandpa Yeager works at the hospital and is unaware he had a conversation with his other grandson
The man who helped Grisha getting in the revolutionary group is Uncle Grice
Colt and Falco’s motivations to get in the army were to repair the Grice family’s honor
It’s likely Zeke did the same too, for the sake of his grandparents
The “Touyou” clan comes from the nation of Hizuru
Willy encountered leaders of the world when he was young
Liberio was the former capital of the Eldian Empire and the place of birth of Ymir Fritz
Clams, clowns, accordions, ice creams, pizza and wraps exist in SnK’s world
Reiner’s paycheck is high enough to treat four kids with snacks
It was quite a long analysis. Hope you enjoyed it and see you next chapter!
EDIT: This ask is a good addendum on how Zeke likely perceives Eren.
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littlejedii · 7 years
Long Exposure flower shop AU. This was written off this fanart by sadcooki WOW it’s just so good GO LOOK AT IT please. Made me think of the song Bloom by the Paper Kites. Maybe probably to be posted on ao3 someday maybe? Idk. Story under the break!
It’s a Wednesday, their slowest day of the week. Even worse yet it’s a chilly, windy Wednesday; the clear sky and bright sun deceptive of the dropping October temperatures. Everybody’s bought their Mums for the fall season and the Sunflowers in their greenhouse are starting to wilt a bit.
First thing Mitch does is check on the Indian corn, then the dried Sumac his mom wants to make wreaths with. The heat is on, he’s sure of it, since the warm gust of air that had welcomed him in the early morning had made his eyes tired and heavy.
Regardless, he checks the thermostat, then makes his way back to the greenhouse. It’s barely the size of a backyard shed, lined with damaged plywood shelves on all sides. He starts at the bottom shelf, gently moving each pot out just slightly to check on the plant’s growth.
October is his least favorite month for succulents, but he checks each and every one all the same.
The bottom shelf is the chilliest, populated by small terracotta pots of cold-hardy Senecio Haworthii Cocoon Plant. He runs his fingertips over the fine hair of the plant. They won’t produce their pretty yellow flowers for some time, but they’re sprouting up happily ahead of schedule.
Next shelf up is his favorite for the month, Kalanchoe Tomentosa. For now, these are the smallest, but they’ll grow nicely. The little buds will mature to become alluring, but dangerous; he doesn’t sell them to people with cats or kids or anything likely to eat it, because it’s super poisonous. Which is pretty killer, if you ask him.
Top shelf are his pride and joy, the Echinocereus Reichenbachii. The cacti are growing thick with mean spikes despite the poor conditions, and he grins. It’ll be hard to sell these beauties.
He never actually made it far enough in science classes for their technical names to mean dick to him, but he still calls each and every one by its given name. Writes them down, knows how to pronounce them, makes an effort to remember them. It’s a respect thing. It’s probably why they grow for him even in the cooler weather with only the protection of their shitty, ramshackle greenhouse.
He turns away, crouching to check the bed of soil on the floor. Heavy leaves and thick vines twist and curl through the dirt and onto the floor, yellow flowers dotting the green. A few yellowish pumpkins cling to the vines.
The bell on the door jingles, alerting him of his Mom’s arrival.
That, and her shrill voice rings out, “OH brrr, it’s cold as a witch’s tit outside! Feels so nice in here, huh, Mitchy?”
“Yup,” he calls back, trimming the dead leaves from the pumpkin plant and carefully shutting the door to the greenhouse to amble his way back inside.
“Gonna be a slow day, huh?”
“Mm,” he grunts. He’s not exactly looking forward to being here all day, yet again, just like every other day.
But supporting his mom’s dream is worth it. So it’s okay. As Henrietta pulls her hair up into a ponytail and lights her first cigarette of the day, he sighs. It’s gonna be a long one. Winter sales are painfully slow this time of year. Too far from Halloween from pumpkins, but they can’t grow that many anyway. Too wintery for gardens, because everyone’s content letting their summer flowers die off. Far, far off from the holiday season of holly and berry and poinsettia.
Flower shop limbo. What purgatory feels like, probably.
Henrietta busies herself all morning, humming and smoking while she makes pretty wreathes. Burlap bows and twine wrap her creations, brightened by the Indian corn and Sumac Mitch had fetched for her. He moves their larger plants and bushes around at his Mom’s command, and in no time he’s caked head to toe in dirt.
“I changed my mind, put that Little Henry on the top shelf and move the Brandywine out to the front, so people can see it.”
“In the window?”
“No, next to the doors! And look,” she holds up one of her creations happily, “so cute. Would this be nice on the door?”
“Yeah, I think it’d be perfect,” he responds, smiling a bit. Her excitement about the little things makes the terrible mundaneness of this place bearable. He lugs the Brandywine out to the front, shivering as a large gust whips down the narrow street. A shirt with sleeves probably would have been a good decision today, he thinks as he hangs Henrietta’s decoration on the door. As he’s lugging the second, inexplicably heavier Brandywine over their doorjam, he hears the quick shuffle of footsteps interrupt the silent morning.
Must be 9:30 already. The morning really flew by. Pretending not to look, he stares from the side of his eye at the figure ambling down the street. The boy wraps his jacket tighter around himself, ducking his head as the sharp winds blow his wild, chocolate brown curls around. The sun’s doing that thing it always does around this time, becomes bright and golden as the boy walks down the street, illuminating all the shop windows and catching the mailboxes.
Almost like the dark-haired boy himself is the sun, brightening everything for a single glorious moment before he ducks into the cafe across the street. Mitch sighs. Another day, another opportunity to talk to him passed because he’s too goddamn chicken. How long had he been watching him from afar? Maybe something like 8 months now. He’s thought about going into the cafe, ordering something for the chance to talk to the guy, but that’s too... forced. Lost in thought, he barely hears his Mom calling him from inside.
She’s hand-painted them a sign, “Freddie’s Flowers” in happy blue letters on white, and it’s his job to hang it above the stained red awning on the front of the building. He teeters on the very top step of a rickety ladder, his knees wavering as he grips nails between his teeth and hammers the sign into the wood siding. Another big gust of wind and he’s shaking, from cold and the shuddering ladder.
“Hey up there,” he hears a musical voice call. He looks down, squinting against the sunshine. Big green eyes and a shy smile greet him. The air is knocked from his lungs.
It’s the boy.
Mitch nearly inhales a nail as he drops the hammer, fumbling it in his hands and getting far too close to dropping off the ladder. He scrambles down, awkward, gangly limbs barely catching the rungs before his ratty sneakers hit the pavement.
The boy’s so small. Even prettier up close. A smattering of freckles adorns him, from the expanse of his smooth forehead, down the curve of his neck, then disappear under the collar of his sweater. His teeth are pearly, perfectly straight below his lips, and he’s still grinning. His curls are loose, wild, look like they feel so incredibly soft. He smells amazing.
Mitch hasn’t said anything for almost a solid minute, and the boy is starting to look slightly unnerved.
“Hi. Hey,” Mitch breathes.
“Hi,” the boy’s smile grows, “Are you Freddie?”
“Ah, no. I’m Mitch,” his words falter only slightly. It’s been years since he’s been called his brothers name.
“Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Jonas, I work- like, right there,” he finishes with a soft giggle, pointing across the street.
“Yeah, I know,” Mitch says automatically. “I see you- I see you most days, walking in,” he prattles, trying to recover as his face flushes red.
“I usually see you, too,” Jonas smiles softly, “but you’ve never come in, so I thought I’d bring something to you.” He raises a white cup, stamped with a picture of a Magnolia flower, and extends it out to Mitch.
Goddamn he fucking hates coffee. But he takes it, his freezing fingers brushing against Jonas’ as he takes it and knocks back a swig.
I mean, at least the boy tried to make it drinkable. There’s probably cream and sugar in it, but fuck, it’s still so disgusting. He keeps his face straight as the bitter liquid sits on his tongue.
“Thanks, it’s good,” he lies. “I needed this.”
“Yeah, I just thought you looked hot- COLD. I thought you looked cold. I thought you needed something hot. To drink. So I brought you coffee,” a blush is rising from Jonas’ neck, over his cheeks and up to his hairline as he sputters the words out.
“No, it’s perfect, I did,” Mitch responds quickly. “Thanks, thank you.”
They stay quiet for a moment, Jonas staring into the window of the shop, Mitch staring at Jonas.
“I’ll see you around then, right?” Jonas asks, cocking his head to the side and looking painfully cute.
“Yeah,” Mitch answers back far too quickly, then clears his throat. “Definitely.” They smile at each other for just a second before Jonas nods and turns away, walking quickly back into the cafe across the street. His heart is beating rapidly.
So that didn’t go amazing. He wasn’t smooth or flirtatious or charming like he had always dreamed he’d be when he finally got the balls to talk to Jonas, but it could’ve gone worse. He stares through the window of the cafe and takes another sip of coffee, using everything in him not to shudder at the taste. Through the window he catches Jonas’ green eyes on him again. They widen in embarrassment as he looks down and away, shuffling away from the glass. Mitch grins.
Yeah. That definitely could’ve gone worse.
The next day he comes in late, lugging a heavy box of plastic pots from their garden supplier and grunts his way through the backdoor. He’s in a shitty mood. Their supplier got them the wrong size pots, it had started to pour as he was loading them into the truck, and worst of all he didn’t see Jonas through the cafe window. He slings his apron over his neck lazily as he pushes his soaking wet hair back. Henriettas’ chattering away to a customer at the counter, but he doesn’t bother paying attention, standing on his tiptoes to pull a heavy Oakleaf Hydrangea from the top shelf someone had ordered earlier.
“Hey up there,” a familiar voice rings out, and he can’t control how fast he spins around with a grin.
“Hey! It’s- it’s Jonas, right?” Mitch asks, making like he hasn’t been repeating the name over and over in his head since the moment he heard it.
“Yeah. I needed some flowers for the tables, so of course I’d come here. I was... wondering where you were,” Jonas finishes quickly, staring intently at Mitch’s exposed arms then darting his eyes away to the bush.
“I had to pick up a delivery,” Mitch says, bending to place the plant down, “so what’re you thinkin’ for the tables?”
“Gosh. I have no idea,” Jonas lets out an embarrassed, breathy laugh. “Something... Fall-y? Yellow, or oranges maybe? Reds? I’m terrible at this stuff.”
“I have an idea. C’mere” he nods, leading Jonas to their fridge and bending to gather some stems. “I’ll do it. Just some sprigs, yeah?”
“Yeah, the vases are really small, and we have five tables,” Jonas leans down to watch what he’s doing, and Mitch stops breathing. He smells like warm bread and vanilla, and his hand lays softly on Mitch’s shoulder to balance himself.
“How’s, uh, how’s this?” he asks, raising a small arrangement. “Antique Rose, Foxglove, Agonis and some Privet Berries. It’s not really what you asked for, but-”
“No! No, it’s perfect. But how much-”
“Nothing. Consider ‘em payback for the coffee,” Mitch says, red face turned away from Jonas as the small hand squeezes his shoulder. His long fingers waver a bit as he wraps the arrangements with twine.
When he stands to hand them over, Jonas beams up at him. He’s breathless when Jonas’ fingers graze his, sending electricity down his arms as he thanks him for the flowers. The smaller boy walks out with a shy wave, and bids goodbye to Henrietta. Mitch watches him walk the entire way back to the cafe. His mom clears her throat and he looks over to her. She’s got a Cheshire grin.
“He’s cute as hell.”
“So ask him out!”
“Him? He’s way outta my league. I’ll just... keep givin’ him flowers. And drinkin’ that nasty coffee,” he makes a face. Henrietta shakes her head, smiling as she plucks a stem of Thistle from his t-shirt.
Jonas brings him a coffee the next morning.
And the next one.
And the next afternoon, when he comes in late again from delivery. He does the cafe’s flowers once a week as repayment. Months since their first meeting, Mitch still hasn’t gotten the courage to take anything further than a shy smile, a familiar hello, a kind favor. Though they don’t talk much, their encounters are always filled with touch. A soft, small hand on his bicep. Fingers grazing his and remaining on them just a second too long. Once he had even pulled a leaf from Jonas’ curls, knees weak at the silkiness of his hair.
One rainy day, when Jonas brings him a drink and turns to leave, Mitch catches his arm.
“Wait,” he says, and he swears when Jonas turns back around he looks hopeful. “I’m about to take a break. Do you... Wanna sit down with me?”
“Sure,” Jonas breathes back. Mitch drops his arm and leads him to the back, pulling out a folding chair and gesturing to it as he leans against the potting table.
“Sid’ll probably wonder where I am,” Jonas muses, but plops down in the chair as his eyes scan the ribbon wall, the bouquet wraps, the filler flowers in the cooler. Their knees are almost touching in the close space. He doesn’t stay seated for long before his eyes widen and he rises, brushing past Mitch to the cooler and pointing at a wedding arrangement.
“This is gorgeous!” he grins, and Mitch comes up behind him.
“Yeah, can’t take credit for that. That was my Mom... but I’ll make you one like that. If you want it.” One of his long arms is caging Jonas in against the cooler, the other places the coffee down and shoves into his pocket.
“I couldn’t ask you to do that,” Jonas waves noncommittally and glances back at him.
“You... I dunno. You wouldn’t have to. Ask, I mean,” he’s fumbling and blushing.
“Why not?”
“Well,” he starts, his eyes on the back of Jonas’ neck as he stares into the cooler, “I like doin’ flowers for you. You appreciate ‘em.” Jonas laughs and turns, his back pressed against the glass and his front nearly pressed against Mitch. Bravely, Mitch doesn’t back up or retreat. He keeps close.
“That’s how I feel about bringing you coffee, too,” Jonas says almost dreamily, then hums out a laugh. “Feels nice.”
Jonas’ gem-green eyes are locked on his, and he’s melting. His skin sears as Jonas shifts against him, their torsos so close to touching, their hands knocking intermittently as Jonas moves and he feels a knee brush against his. It’s electric.
“I dunno... I feel kinda shitty,” he says honestly, staring down with adoration. Jonas’ eyes become alarmed.
“What? Why?”
“I mean... I’ve kinda been lyin’ to ya,” the words are said with a sheepish grin.
“About what?”
“You won’t get mad?”
“I hope not,” Jonas retorts with a cocked eyebrow. Mitch snorts.
“I... don’t like coffee.” He looks away, rubbing the back of his neck and casting his eyes down as Jonas inhales. He hears giggling, bubbly and musical but slightly muffled. Jonas’ freckled hand is over his mouth. He shakes his head as he brings the hand to run through his curls.
“I don’t believe it,” he says, still laughing softly, “I- I’m actually really allergic to flowers.” Mitch bites his lower lips and snorts, chuckling through his teeth as they both turn bright red.
“I like your coffee, though,” he says after an extended silence.
“Your flowers don’t bother me that much, either,” Jonas grins, so bright and gorgeous that Mitch can’t stand not touching him for a moment longer. He brings his hands up to cradle Jonas’ cheeks, reveling in the warmth of them under his cold fingers. Jonas’ smile drops, but his eyes brighten as they grow closer, close than they’ve ever been.
Mitch closes the gap quickly, his eyes slipping closed as he softens into the warmth of Jonas’ mouth. Arms wind around his neck and pull him closer as they kiss slowly, the world seeming to disappear. He could spend forever like this, only focusing on Jonas and his lips and skin and smell. He intends to, actually.
He teases Jonas lower lips with his teeth, tastes his tongue and presses them firmly together. Small steps close the gap between their bodies, and suddenly he’s pressing Jonas into the cool glass while hands stroke the back of his neck gently. Jonas’ panting is one of the most magnificent sounds he’s ever heard, that along with the soft whine which escapes him.
“Oh, Mitch,” Jonas moans, just above a whisper. He was enamored before, but now he’s beyond smitten hearing the sound of his name on Jonas’ lips.
“God, Joey baby, that sounds nice,” he sighs between their kisses, his heart fluttering as Jonas’ hands make their way into his hair. They’re in heaven, wrapped up in each other for what seems like an eternity, shutting off everything but the parts of themselves dedicated to the other.
A loud bang makes them jump and instantly they’re feet apart, wiping their swollen lips and blushing furiously.
“Mit- Oh fuck, shit, sorry! Keep goin’, sorry!” Henrietta raises her eyebrows, waving her hands and backing out of the door. Their breathing is heavy as they look back at each other.
“So. D’ya wanna... go out sometime? On a real date?” Mitch says, swallowing thickly.
“That sounds pretty great,” Jonas flushes with a smile, still out of breath. “We can go for coffee.”
“Yeah. I’ll bring flowers.”
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kappasigmalife · 7 years
Characters for a story im doing
Christopher “Chrisper” Matthews Age: 22 (chp 1), 24(chp 2) Eye Color: Brown (Chp 1), (Greyish-brown, Chp 2) Hair color: Brunette, crew cut, greyish brown (Chp 2) Identifying feature (Beginning comics): Rectangular glasses, sapphire stud on right ear Cause of death: Freezing, taken off life support Spectral Ability: Cryomancy, Emotional Calming Family: Helen Monroe: Half-sister         Joesph Matthews: Little brother         Laura Matthews: Mother         Andrew Matthews: Father Skills: massaging people, fencing, able to write almost anything, only person who can calm Robby down without violence, freezing the school to get out of class. Interests: reading, writing, bass guitar, walking in the dark, smoking, gaming, keep his area clean Background: Fairly neutral and stands by his beliefs, but keeps them to himself before causing a scene, caring to all that aren’t assholes to him, and ready to help his friends when they need it. While in chapter one he is normally happy on the outside, but deep down has loneliness building up from failed dates until meeting the man of his dreams at pride. An asshole with a heart of gold, many see him as any other dick, but when you need a massage or a talking to, he’s your man, seen with a hand of ice in one and a joint in the other; he still can’t get to the level of chill as Paul. Despite being abused emotionally and physically by his father, he still holds his head high. While considered the heir to a major industrial corporation ran by his father, Chris was more of a reclusive creative thinker, jotting down ideas for stories in a journal he kept hidden away, despite what his father wanted, Chris went to university under a liberal studies major focusing on natural and social sciences, hoping to get into social media coordination in conjunction of being a writer. As payback his father forced him to join a frat or risk losing his college tuition as a result, this ultimately led to his untimely death. Confused of what he really wanted, Chris explored dating both genders and always fell flat on his face either from superficial morons or people who confuse lust for love. He comes to love the man of his dreams, brendan a chubby goth who also happens to be a werewolf, they moved in mated and got married, all the while during an ritual for the mateship, chris is turned into a frost wolf and remains to devote his love to his one true love. Despite everything, chris slowly becomes cold and regretful after murdering a werewolf while being jumped after a meeting, leading to his imprisonment, and trial. While detained he was tortured by the guards as a turned werewolf instead of pureblood now scarred and having no lasting look in his eyes, even when gazing in the heart of brendan. Although slowly turns back after being hugged.
Paul Stone Age: 23(Chp 1), 25(Chp 2) Eye Color: Blue Hair color: blonde hair to the neck Identifying feature (beginning comics): Wireless headset on head Cause of Death: Electrocution by speaker Spectral Ability: Technological Transport, Omnipotence Family: Eh doesn’t care to say Skills: Hacking, engineering, singing, expert gamer, arson, canny ability to remain calm in any situation. Interests: gaming, singing, listening to metal, smoking, drinking, going on warpaths, setting the campuses forest on fire. Background: stoner genius, Paul complies with society’s bullshit and tends to stay away from drama by getting high as much as he can. Completing a collection of games from the human world keeps him occupied while learning about gender studies and music production while at AU. Moreover he relies on his RD of the house Reefer to get him the good shit before he’s got to deal with more crap around the house. While knowing everything about everyone, he tends to wait for the perfect moment to pop out and tell someone off for a witty comeback or just film a sex tape with his friends involved with no consent and a measly 10% of the profits. A natural ladies man ready for a polyromantic night in or out of his house tends to go well for him, although many end up falling for another. Being friends with a cryomancer massage therapist helps his stress during finals week, but if he’s pushed over the edge, you’ll be knocking on heaven’s door with his growling voice. Born into a moderately decent home, Paul was drawn to the art of metal at a young age and developed his voice by the time puberty hit; his longtime friends formed a band originally covering popular tracks of the time but soon after making original music on soundcloud got gigs ranging from their hometown to the upper levels of city limits, growing in popularity, only for his dreams being shot down by a bolt of lightning hitting a speaker and ending up being the newest edition to AU. despite knowing everything the only thing paul does know is why helen falls for robby, which baffles him to no end, until he tokes up again.
Robert Esposito Age: 21(Chp 1), 23(Chp 2) Eye color: Green Hair color: Dirty Blonde, cut short Identifying feature (Beginning comics): Naruto headband around forehead Cause of Death: Exhaustion from a 13 day watching spree of Naruto from beginning to end Spectral ability: Can enter any known fantasy world, accumulates a cartoon body Family: repressed so much of his childhood he doesn’t even remember being born. Skills: Filibustering, knowing way too much about anime and manga, sketching and painting, taking a punch, getting a girl out of his league to go out with him. Interests: Reading manga, fighting his roommates on chores, peeking on Chris’s failed romance life, making smart jokes, making his own manga a reality, organizing his dvd collection Background: Not much known in the past of his 6 ft. muscled nerd and his manga collection, he just showed up out of nowhere and was sent to live with Paul to get off Arthurs back about the amount of “flaws” of the afterlife. Going through 4 houses, he finally found someone who could tolerate his filibuster, or at least stoned enough to not care. Although ready to jump into a issue and help as much as he can, he is far more doing harm than good, probably from being doped too much as a kid. Usually buried in his collection of every one piece and Naruto issue known to man, he usually fights Chris on his taste of bad anime like gurren laggan, fate/stay, and Magi. Always ready for an adventure while everyone else wants to smoke and chill with a few games, he’s ready to drag them into any world he chooses, even without consent. Known for his abrasive commentary the housemates have their own way of dealing with Robby’s tirades of ranting, mostly with a hammer to the head or ice to the mouth, either way he’s quiet for an hour. While many find his words confusing, no one can compete with his art style and his attention to details and knowledge of chemistry
Helen Monroe Age: 24(Chp 1), 26(Chp 2) Eye Color: Hazel Hair color: Light brown Identifying Feature (Beginning comics): Black choker with a rose petal Cause of Death: Overdose of Adderall Spectral ability: Magic bag of weapons, can pull them out of thin air for comedic relief Family: Sophia Monroe: Mother         Andrew Matthews: Father Christopher Mathews: Half-brother         Joseph Matthews: Half-brother Skills: Weapon proficiency, singing, fencing, dealing with Robby’s attitude, make people pay for their crap against others. Interests: Singing with the band, cuddling with Robby, listening to Chris’s stories, smoking joints, singing Disney songs with Paul. Background: Born from an affair with Andrew Matthews and a woman he picked up from the bar one night while engaged to Chris’s mother Laura, Helen was born into a bad part of the neighborhood after Matthew viewed her mother as nothing but a druggie and herself a waste of life. She struggled with her mom’s issues but saw the love Lauren gave her working two jobs to make ends meet. She put herself through college thanks to odd jobs in babysitting her bitch of a landlords child and being paid with cash and half their rent taken down as a result. She made it to university where she finally met her half-brother during the first day of orientation, while the two saw their uncanny resemblance from their mutual bastard father, the two found no ill will towards the other, knowing in each other’s eyes that they had it rough.  Struggling with classes led her to purchasing Adderall just to focus on the majority of work piling up, only to later overdose one night while her roommate was away. When in the university she’s placed with Chris and his friends and finally feels like she got a family, a horrible dysfunctional family, but one she loves, and while loves Robby with all her heart, doesn’t stop her from correcting his behavior when he does something stupid. A true badass at heart, even Paul warns never to get on her bad side.Reefer Age: Unknown Eye Color: I don’t know red I think Hair color: Bro I’m a skeleton Cause of death: Something stupid I’m sure Family: All dead Spectral Ability: reap souls, create weed, somehow can be high without getting high Skills: Growing and cultivating weed, reaping through super smash brawl in one hour, smoking a literal farm of weed in a day, pyrotechnics. Interests: Watching the gang grow up, play with the band, smoke weed, go on crazy adventures with Paul, customize his scythe to fit his mood, disobey Arthur's commands. Background: a lovable dealer from god knows where and god knows who, reefer comes from the command of Arthur and acts as the groups guiding force of growth and weed collection. Knowing Paul since he got to AU, considers him to be his little bro and chilliest of anyone on campus, randomly sleeps in the house and allowed to stay, he lurks around cleaning and cooking while everyone does their own thing. His main prerogative is to follow the few rules he keeps close to his few remaining brain cells, being that no more than 3 pets at a time. also provides many gadgets and pieces that result in consequences later on usually in the form of Arthur visiting the house enough times to have a welcome mat saying, hi Arthur sorry don’t care. Generally the calmest RD in the whole campus, but can lose his shit whenever he senses shit going down. 
Brendan Balfour Wolfheart Age: 21(Chp 1), 23(Chp 2) Eye Color: golden brown/ red when turned Hair color: black Nickname: Fluffy butt Cause of death: Illness when an infant Family: Alasdair Wolfheart: Father Veronica Wolfheart: Mother Baltair Wolfheart: Grandfather Alicia Wolfheart: Adoptive younger sister Christopher Matthews Wolfheart: Husband/mateship Helen Monroe: Sister In Law Joseph Matthews: Brother in law Andrew Matthews: Father in law Laura Matthews: Mother in law Spectral Ability: Echolocation Growl Skills: Photography, hunting, cuddling, making chris happy, flaunting his body, tracking people Interests: Getting to see chris naked any chance he gets, cuddling to him every night, making sure paul gets the best angle of his furry ass for the channel, trying to get his dad to stop being so embarrassing, eating (like a lot of food), the only man who can make chris smile like an spaz. Background: Born to a wealthy family of werewolves, brendan is the firstborn son of alasdair and veronica, whom were pleased to shower their pup with acceptance. By the time high school hit, he came out as homosexual but kept it within the family to avoid bullies, like being chubby wasn't bad enough. Not being much of a musical prowess like his father, brendan would focus on film and photography as a hobby always getting the latest equipment, until Azazel got to them. Going to AU began a new chapter of his life and was welcomed into the gay community with open arms, and asses. He was nervous of meeting someone special, until he took western civilization and noticed a certain brown eyed cub sitting next to him who got his attention, but being shy he turned his tail and ran off when he offered to help him study. Only after running to the bathroom and feeling his chest pound did he think otherwise to respond with a yes to the question. Brendan would see him around campus smoking and drinking with his friends and get red faced by his genuine smile and wisecracks. It wasn't until he went to pride with link and was given an invite to Pans wedding that he was given the chance to talk to him, after 15 shots of liquid courage though. After talking and finding their love of art, scifi, fantasy, horror, and mythology, they danced under the spotlight gazing with him making the first move by stepping on his foot, leading him to follow his heart. While normally a shy boy and a little self conscience of his appearance, chris would always reassure him he loved him no matter what, to the point that he was asked to move in with the gang not one month after beginning to date. But was hiding a side of himself, and showed chris his werewolf form with a sexy striptease only for chris to look shocked but ultimately showed who was top dog that very night. It wasn't long before they became mates for life and engaged, with hijinks ensuing including robby kissing his man, flying into a blind rage, trapped in castlevania and falling into a coma, only to see his love in his lap worried. All together this shy boy knows how to come out of his shell but also has a habit of stepping back in when times get too rough.
Alicia Fiona Wolfheart Age: 20(Chp 1), 22(Chp 2) Eye color: Emerald green Hair color: Raven black Cause of death: Stillborn Family: Alasdair Wolfheart: adoptive Father Veronica Wolfheart: adoptive  Mother Baltair Wolfheart: Grandfather Brendan Wolfheart: Adoptive Brother Christopher Wolfheart: brother in law Spectral Ability: Matchmaking Skills: swordplay, event planning, playing piano and guitar, being daddy's little girl, blood draining, matchmaking, spying on paul. Interests: Being with paul, making sure daddy doesn't embarrass the family with his nudity, wrestling her brother, trying to get Robbie to stop being a idiot. Background: oh bet you didn't expect a vampire to be adopted by werewolves, well that just makes you a bigot, now it may be shocking but alasdair and veronica love their badass daughter even if of different blood and race. From an young age alicia ran around crapping on alasdair's car changing into a bat and spooking the neighbors around the islands. Her mastery of swords comes from teaching of veronica and how to cut a bitch who messes with your man, although alicia depends more on sabotage and mental torture. Her affection for paul comes from a odd attraction to him despite not feeling a connection using her skill as a matchmaker. Growing up with brendan was all about chases and seeing his werewolf dick running around the house, truly he grew up to be dad. While developed early, alasdair played overprotective daddy by hunting them and keeping the boys from hurting his baby girl. In high school, she did fall in love, only to be played as a fool and humiliated by the boys saying she was just a rich girl looking to play. After being homeschooled, she discovered her love of music playing guitar and piano and working with her father at the record studio, although only for the summer as she demanded to go to college. Being sent to a werewolf school kinda sucked without brendan, so after meeting paul the first time, she decided to transfer to AU where she would bunk with helen, further cockblocking robby and enjoying every minute. After seeing chris and brendan marry, as well as copious amounts of alcohol and weed, she slept with paul and soon began a nice relationship that would be short lived after not seeing her matchmaking working with the two of them, only to discover her limitations are on herself, while she can see the matches of everyone else. Telling paul her true feelings, even after seeing him marry led her to find happiness with another, a man named hiro who she would meet in the later chapters and help raise a child together. Her father may see her grown up but will tackle pounce at any second to hug and praise her as his little angel.
Alasdair “Romulus” Wolfheart Age: 42(Chp 2), 44(Chp 3) Eye color: Orange Hair color: Reddish Brown Cause of Death: Impaled on Excalibur Family: Veronica Wolfheart: Wife Baltair Wolfheart: Father Brendan Wolfheart: Son Alicia Wolfheart: Adoptive daughter Remus Wolfheart: Older brother Christopher Matthews Wolfheart: Son in law Skills: Music production, tracking, loving his family, giving it to veronica all night long, flaunting his stuff, tearing apart anyone who messes with his daughter, metal music, stoning out with paul and chris, stripping naked in a matter of moments. Interests: Planning weddings, ensuring his children have a bright future, getting belly rubs from his wife, reminding robby to pay for his busted wall. Background: raised to a middle class family of werewolves, alasdair used to go by romulus by his family until college when he met his best friend Arthur, while the two were utterly different, they both saw the good in each other and would hang out around the house as much as possible. Although when the years came to a close at university and a race war was starting, arthur would change his demeanor and go on an all out kill spree against the others that stood in his way. In the chaos romulus lost his love and committed suicide on arthur's sword telling him to live with his choices before dying. As he awoke he was reunited with veronica and his son, who he lost at the age of 1 to illness, now able to grow as a healthy child and start a new life, he gave himself the name alastair to repress his old life and make himself a new man. While in the afterlife he is able to create his own record label. While his personality is optimistic and cheery at least for the first few chapters, he does come with some things in his life he keeps secret, like why he wants to break arthur's neck, why he's protective of his kids and why he never goes to a council meeting. Joining the crusades at the age of 22 way back when really cost him after seeing nothing else of the world after losing the child he and veronica loved most. Only to be reunited later on.
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naomi56h1679-blog · 7 years
The Story From A Mama
A mother influences a son's psycho-sexual development as well as figures out to a wonderful level not just just http://ejecutan--asermasdelgado.info what he deals with themselves however also what he deals with girls as a whole. Mira: The Jaguar Individuals were actually one people from the 5 historical nationalities of individuals that delivered the original nationalities to Mother Earth several 1000s of years ago, when they took the authentic stones, and also the stone that is the soul from Environment. I was talking some years ago to a young man, an associate of my kid at agricultural college, whose daddy was actually a head gardener on an estate in North East Scotland, a location which goes through chilly winds driving down from the north eastern, constantly the chilliest wind in Britain. Towards that end our experts mobilize the picture from the chilliest, crudest individual being you can possibly imagine, Sisera's nasty mama, cracking, as well as we understand that if she can, after that thus can easily we. And also our weep, at the moment when our cold weather is broken, is wonderful in its own purity, in its simplicity, in its own truthfulness. The scenarios illustrate fatal flaws in the efforts to resolve just what President Barack Obama has contacted The U.S.A.'s epidemic" from opioid substance addiction, a dilemma nourished due to the all set schedule of prescribed medicines as well as affordable heroin. I discussed that the Catholic insistence on the Virgin Childbirth tale (don't forget, 'pure' between East indicates 'single woman' back then from Jesus' childbirth) was actually a vital endorsement to the idea that Jesus was actually the Sun-Hero from the Piscean Grow older - Virgo and also Pisces being actually polar opposites - Virgo being the heavenly endorsement to the Mama Moon and also the Night-Cycle, Pisces, the fish, being actually the endorsement to NUN, the Messiah. Physicists Chung-Pei Ma and Edmund Bertschinger from the Massachusetts Principle from Technology (MIT) claim, based on computer versions of exactly how dark matter would relocate under the force of gravitational force, that dark matter should develop smaller sized lumps that look ostensibly like the galaxies as well as globular collections we view in our lustrous (ordinarily apparent) universe.
I've been trying to explore and assess where I disappointed my Mother so greatly in my lifestyle, or why it is actually that our company do not appear to become as close as a Mom as well as Daughter must be actually. It readies to recognize that I am actually not the only one in this particular evaluating. Oftentimes offering a youngster up for adoption is a very painful point for the mom and also something which really requires our understanding in these matters as well as allowing from her choice in just what she really feels is best for her little one. Louise Swensen, supervisor of danger management for the medical center, said an infant in drawback would not be stated to youngster protection unless the mom was actually abusing medications or physicians had various other safety issues. My eyes are blue, dim around the edges fading to lighter blue, yet around the eye, they are yellow, so they are actually typically mistaken as eco-friendly as in colour combining, yellow as well as blue help make green:-RRB- I additionally have a genetic mutation of the eyes, triggering me to have 3 rows of eyelashes instead of one, named 'distichiasis'.
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sal58f99210053-blog · 7 years
Cold Laser device Treatment.
Adelaide has actually needed to stand by to almost completion from wintertime to tremble with its own chilliest day from the year. Her dad was a local area noble named Matthias who was actually by force conscripting peasants right into armed forces service as feudal tolls. When I was actually a senior in secondary school throughout 2008-09 I pulled my papa to Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC) to open a stock broker. Marine has discovered substantially off her military daddy as well as has turned into an expert political street boxer who will certainly possess the political neophyte Macron for dejeuner in the debate. For many years, my household has gone through some tight spots, and also we have actually all said and performed traits that we didn't truly imply or ended http://wannabebeauty.info/goji-cream-wat-is-eigen-kosten/ up lamenting. However, if you are actually an absentee daddy and channels your loved ones so you could possibly carry on you much better be actually paying for that can help your kid acquire the most ideal. He couldn't point out no. Dylan would certainly fail to remember this after an opportunity and after that Father would pack Dusty's docking terminal out in the garage. The overall photo relating to just how the lack of a dad impacts children is actually that they grow up with a lot less of the criterion from residing they will have had possessed their daddy coped with all of them. Black individuals possess minimal threat than Whites for skin cancer, yet they still have a potential threat, irrespective of how darker their skin is actually. Reckon just what you understand the number of. white colored man and have involved me and also wished to date me. Because I am way a lot better looking then him, they have inquired why am I with my kid papa. Anywho i unintentionally reached where my last cold sore was actually so this left behind a bit of a mark on my lower lip, as well as I experienced as if one were to come back quickly. This morning it was actually determined that each of the explosives were positioned in a dark tinted nylon bag or even bag. Exactly how properly I recollect that, on a chilly gray mid-day, with a boring heavens, harmful rainfall! In it, Gabriella Palko from Barrington, Rhode Island, and also her daddy Kreg Palko, that possesses ALS, get in on the chilly craze that has participants dousing themselves and also nominating someone else to carry out so as well. I am actually certainly not crazy neither alone in being actually the matured child of an N daddy and compromised by his n behavior mom. Anne's papa was actually eliminated at the Battle from Barnet, in the very same month, while attempting to reinstate the Lancastrian king. Certainly I love my child, that special bond coming from a daddy to his child still exists. Do not get me incorrect, I had not been a saint, I was only very open & honest with your impacts on my papa & brother. The 2nd strategy is actually for a past wife that has gotten married to the dad the youngster to deliver action to develop dna paternity. For much more on economical solar panels simply browse through for our totally free Solar power Basics book. Putin has actually consistently advised the West of Russia's nuclear abilities as well as armed forces hazard along with words and along with hostile rivalry evocative army exercises; but to no avail as the west has actually contacted his bluff. For this exorcism Father brown Amorth had provided me permission to join and film that. A Christian papa who presence does certainly not provide pleasure to the family members, that father is a fear in the family members. The idea of memorializing my papa had to be actually stabilized with the demands from his grand son and several other little ones like him. Eleven Pipers Piping: A Daddy Christmas time Mystery, through C. C. Benison G. M. Malliet Matthew Costello C.C. Benison PPT. Roast meat, roast turkey and also roast chick were regular options for a firm supper, and my daddy was the primary meat carver.
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Aged Dave's Garden.
Create sure you perform some homework initially if you are considering on constructing a cool framework. International style source website and technology workplace Carlo Ratti Associati, together with residential property developer Citylife, introduces Landscape from the Four Seasons", a confined landscape in Milan, where all four times coincide along with one another, simultaneously, throughout the year. I was actually talking some years ago to a young man, a coworker of my kid at farming university, whose dad was a mind garden enthusiast on a real estate in North East Scotland, a region which goes through cold winds driving down from the north eastern, regularly the chilliest wind in Britain. Due to the fact that I live in a place that can easily have really chilly temperatures in the wintertime and also blazing warm summer, I began with hopes of making backyard different colors as well as structure that would certainly last for several years as well as not disappear from visibility to temperature level extremes. Foxgloves like growing in shaded spots and also are ideal positioned at the rear of a floral perimeter, they are extremely successful at generating a home yard look when planted with a selection of other conventional flowering vegetations like delphiniums. It is even better if the veggie garden has a higher time tested brick, bush or fence wall surface around it to shelter this, particularly if the veggie garden contains a green house (a further reason for the ball games area to become netted!). By making using of glow at night paint that is actually possible to produce even more variety of products compared to may be located must you be buying existing things like glow unaware stickers Numerous existing products may merely be available in one colour; through making your personal you may make use of various colours on one object, or even coat each personal development in a distinct colour. Healthy and balanced soil is generally dark in color and possesses a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. You can have your dirt assessed to see how healthy that is actually, and also go coming from there (phone your nearby Cooperative Expansion Company for additional information on receiving your soil evaluated). Be lazy: Leave behind spent and also pulled grass vegetable plants in the yard by the end of the summertime. CCA, or copper chromated arsenic alleviated wood must be steered clear of - predominantly as a result of the hazards along with managing the timber, instead of the timber tainting the garden produce.
Having said that, a yard that possesses over one amount is extra exciting and much more successful concepts can be achieved. He likewise helped create the nursing station on Stevenson Island, only a brief watercraft flight around the water from Landscape Hillside. I will present pictures of my yard in numerous stage sets from completion to the right. Include elegance to your landscape as well as maintain it safe coming from stray animals by installing a party wall. Generally, black colored roofing systems take in more solar energy compared to pale colored roof coverings, while light colored roof coverings reflect additional solar power back to the sky.
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