#he needs more friends
grapejuicegay · 8 months
there's a space in my heart that is now permanently occupied by cooking crush and how much it values friendship. the very real pain of feeling left behind by friends getting into relationships and hiding them from you. ten walking in on the friend group reunion ready to ask prem out and quietly and happily walking out because that's not his moment and he respects it. metha and samsee's heart to heart about how relationships and friendships are different and both are important. metha and ten's friendship. actually just metha in general and his relationships with his friends - including samsee now because good god i love their relationship so much. this show loves friendships. this show is my friend. i love you cooking crush
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Thinking about Dr. Blitzmeyer and Ballister's relationship in the comic from her pov is so funny
Like you're at a convention and give him your business card. You probably hand out dozens of business cards that day, it doesn't mean anything. But over the course of the next couple months, he facetimes you, invites himself over to your house, and then decides you guys are close enough to make you his emergency contact. Like,,,, you have talked to this guy three or four times, but he has decided you're best friends forever.
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sysig · 10 months
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Well work on it faster! (Patreon)
[Panel 1] Prismo: ...It wouldn’t have stopped you from trying.
[Panel 2] Prismo: Would it?
[Panel 3] Simon: I don’t know. Maybe.
[Panel 4] Prismo: Simon.
[Panel 5] Prismo: You can’t fool me on this one. Why else would you come to me? To look for her.
[Panel 6] Simon: ... You couldn’t, so I had to.
[Panel 7] Prismo: •sigh• ...Look, you’re right. I should’ve told you.
[Panel 8] Prismo: I’ve just been really...distracted. Simon: Hah.
[Panel 9] Simon: Was years of my no-longer-immortal life not enough for you?
[Panel 10] Prismo: C’mon, man, you know why. Simon: Hmph.
[Panel 12] Simon: You still have to make this right. Prismo: Yeah, I’m working on that.
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violoafforprez · 2 months
I love Lucario more than anything!
Here’s my buddy:
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Here’s my friend code:
0496 5309 0893
Please send me raid invites and I’ll name the Pokemon something silly.
(Here’s my sis’ too:
3715 8727 5946
they don’t play too often, but they’ve only got 4 friends 😢
Their Buddie is an Eevee named Eeveengelion)
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bloodied-hunters · 10 months
I love the idea of nana Antonia for Pino. He deserves it.
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cvbullshit · 7 months
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ase-trollplays · 9 months
Do you know anyone else in The Villa, Brandy?
Y3ah! Rhyian wa2 on3 of my first fri3nd2 I mad3 aft3r Japhyr di3d. Th3y'r3 probably th3 clo232t thing I hav3 to a b32t fri3nd.
I talk3d to that 2kitti2h purple at Oldior'2 bar on3 or two tim32, but I don't actually know him. I'v3 233n Oldior, but I hav3n't r3ally talk3d to him. Japhyr 2aid to n3v3r play card2 with him, though.
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skeezpyuff · 2 years
Some fanart of my son boi Gero (or Gerry, thanks @innqufocus ^^) with Innq's characters, Verrocchio and Vecellio!
Art slightly based off some role-playing.
Also, if you want, you may submit your characters for me to draw interacting with him! I honestly still need to get out of my art slump; I mean it's 2023, the year of almond milk!
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themosthatedbeingg · 4 months
Don for the opinion meme (Wrxthfulguard)
Most admirable quality: his loyalty and attention to detail ,
Most attractive physical feature: he has lovely eyes !
Most annoying habit: he can be a bit uptight sometimes
Something they would like to do with them: more battle training , perhaps a tour of his palace garden together , having lunch together for sure ! Get to know eachother more !
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allylikethecat · 6 months
what’s the nashville fic?
Hi!! The Nashville Fic was born out of an ask ages ago, that was something along the lines of "what's a fic idea that you probably won't write" but then I shared the plot of the nashville fic and was encouraged to actually write it - I haven't started posting it yet, but it will be making it's debut eventually!
Basically - Fictional!Matty, at the age of 34, has a sexuality crisis (relatable) and realizes that he's in love with his best friend, Fictional!George (also relatable) and instead of handling it like a mature grown adult he panics and decides to hide out with the one friend that he has that is just "his friend" and not a mutual friend of him *and* Fictional!George: Fictional!Taylor this leads to the world suddenly thinking he's dating Fictional!Taylor (he's very much not) and a whole lot of backlash - they are very much NOT dating, and will very much NOT be dating AT ALL but the rest of the world doesn't know or believe that. (Fictional!Matty is just really excited Fictional!George appears to be jealous because maybe, just maybe, that means Fictional!George might like him too!) Basically it's another chance to have my favorite fictional bisexual disaster duo come together and make a mess of things - except Fictional!Matty will for sure be getting his man in this one!
Thank you so much for taking the time to send this ask!! I hope you are having a lovely day and that you have a great rest of your week! I also hope you enjoy the Nashville Fic when the time comes!
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bet-on-me-13 · 11 days
The cult of...Danny Fenton?
So! Way back when Danny first moved into his new neighborhood in Gotham, he had some trouble controlling his Powers. The different Types and Levels of Ectoplasm in the air when compared to Amity had thrown off his control.
He was used to being in places where his Ectoplasm meshed well with the Atmosphere, like a Water Balloon in a Pool, but in Gotham that analogy would be closer to a Water Balloon in the sewers. It was too different from what he was used to to fully control his Powers.
So it's understandable that he messed up a few times and his neighbors found out about his Abilities.
They took it well at first, Danny wasn't going to go Rogues or anything, and he never used them maliciously, but eventually they got curious.
They asked what his limits were, how he got them in the first place, and what the hell the Ghost Zone was. The answers "None Really", "I died and was reborn", and "A Collective of every Afterlife at once" did spark some interesting reactions from them.
Most importantly, a few of them joked about him being an Eldritch God that they needed to worship. He was good enough friends with them that at that point they felt comfortable pranking eachother, so they did just that.
Danny woke up one day on his birthday, and saw all of his friends and neighbors surrounding the makeshift Throne they had made and put him on while he was asleep. The entire day they chanted stuff like "The Great One requires Ms. Smiths Apple Pie for his day of birth!" And "The Great One Wishes for us to sing the Ritual Song! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birth-"
After his birthday, they kept up the joke.
It didn't help that his powers had evolved Again! And now he could bestow abilities onto his friends. The jokes they made about their God granting them Supernatural Powers to rule the world with were insufferable.
Then, one day while he was just resting at home, watching a movie on his TV, he felt a Pull at his Core. The same kind of Pull whenever he was being summoned. But why would they summon hi- Oh Shit! It's Mr Jenkins Party today! He was supposed to meet them at the Warehouse they used for special events an Hour Ago!
He quickly accepted the Summoning, but was met with a suprising sight. His Neighbors all tied up in a pile to his right, a spilled table of party food to his left, and right in front of him, Batman and his Family watching him with wary eyes.
Slowly, he opened his mouth. "...so, did you come for the party or..."
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seventeendeer · 3 months
ppl are too quick to point to laios' disability as the reason his friends think he's a freak sometimes. so many instances of laios getting yelled at are, in my eyes, a case of "this guy had to emotionally mature very early in order to be there for his little sister" combined with "much older friends who never had to learn to manage their own emotions to the same degree"
a lot of the time he's right about needing to be more direct/deal with things in a way that may seem scary/needing to put your gut reaction aside. he tries not to make his friends uncomfortable and he puts up with a lot because he's trying to keep the peace, but he also pushes the others out of their comfort zones purposefully to try to get them to think more constructively. everyone else in the party is prone to acting on their gut instincts and avoiding uncomfortable situations even when facing them head-on is very much necessary. part of what makes laios such a great leader is the fact that he knows from experience how to put his own feelings aside to help someone else grow.
yes, he does make a lot of social blunders by accident and he does struggle to connect with others, but not all of his positive influence on others is accidental or "despite" making people uncomfortable. a lot of the time, I think it's clear he knows exactly what he's doing and he's trying to help the people around him process emotions in a healthy way as they all go through some truly harrowing shit. all the main characters support each other as well as they can with their unique emotional skillsets. laios' skillset just happens to be "gently talk child into eating her vegetables"
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erabu-san · 4 months
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I enjoyed every second of this quest
[This art has platonic intention. Thank you for not tag ship!]
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Jeremiah and Mike’s first conversation in FNAF 2
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chipper-smol · 4 months
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munsons-mutiny · 6 months
One of my favorite trope for Steddie is Steve hunting down Eddie when the kids join Hellfire and giving him a long list of dos and donts.
At first Eddie thinks he’s just being a prick, and worried he’s going to turn the nerds into freaks like him. Especially when he says not to mention drugs in front of Dustin.
But then he starts pulling out lists of monsters that can’t be in campaigns. And like what??? Why can’t he use demagorgons? They were gonna be in the next combat! He’s tempted to ignore the warnings, in fact he’s all set to, but something about Steve’s face when he was laying it all out haunts him. Something so deadly serious about it. So first he decides to test the waters to see if he’s full of shit.
When the session starts, he makes a throwaway comment, “you’re acting like there’s a mindflayer around the corner.”
All the kids freeze but Wheeler especially looks like he’s going to be sick. He even grabs at the bracelet around his wrist. The one he always said his best friend made him before he moved.
Eddie curses himself for even trying to test it out after that, and immediately bullshits the whole session so he can scrap any hint of demogorgans from the campaign.
After that session he drives straight to Harringtons house and demands they go over all the things he can’t include again, in detail, while he takes notes.
He doesn’t know what’s going on with these freshmen, but he knows trauma when he sees it and well he’d gotten attached to the gremlins.
When he leaves that night, he thinks Steve is looking at him with approval. Like he trusts him with their well-being now.
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