#he only JUST MET Radovid
lorstone · 1 year
I am genuinely baffled that anyone could possibly think that Extraordinary Things is about anyone other than Geralt.
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thelostgirl21 · 16 days
Okay but...
Jaskier always wore blue-green doublets (various shades of teal, olive...) in Season 1, except for one episode...
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That episode. The one where Geralt told him that if life could give him one blessing, it would be to take him off his hands!
On that episode he was wearing a bright red doublet over a blue-green shirt.
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And, ever since, he's been wearing his red/burgundy coat, and has totally abandonned those blue-green color tones.
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Besides red, he's been sticking to whites and browns and more earthly tones (his vests are also a mix of red and gold).
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Red is the color of Radovid's Kingdom (note: the chaotic part of me almost wishes Redania's color was blue, just to mess with people's expectations!), often combined with white, gold, brown and black.
The wardrobe of nobles and people at court is dominated by those colors.
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In terms of 100% accidental foreshadowing, I just think it's interesting that Jaskier was already on his way to adopting the colors of Radovid's own world when Geralt essentially "cast him off" from his.
(And that the very first time Geralt and Jaskier met, Jaskier's doublet had slits with just a tiny bit of red and gold seeping through.)
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I'm starting to think that it might have been a good thing that Jaskier was only wearing a pair of pants and a shirt that first time he and Radovid met.
As revealing as that outfit was, Jaskier standing there in all of his bardic glorly with his long red leather coat, flashing hints of gold at Radovid, just might have clearly signaled to him that he'd just found himself a suitable mate!
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Don't know if that was the intent or not, but Jaskier's outfit on the show also offers a nice nod to him actually being Redanian nobility (viscount), but with a much less formal vibe...
He basically looks like a Redanian noble that escaped into the wild and went feral!
Yup! Jaskier is now dressed like a feral Redanian viscount that keeps "wailing" (Joey's words, not mine!) outside to attract mates, stealing scraps of food from everyone he comes across, sneaking into people's homes to go sniff around your perfectly domesticated Redanian prince...
Next thing you know, your domesticated Redanian prince is stealing food from your plate, hissing and giving you attitude, then he suddenly runs away from his prince-sitters to disappear into a forest in the hopes of finding the feral Redanian viscount.
He finally manages to locate him when he hears the distant and familiar sound of him "wailing" a feral Cintran princess to sleep, makes noise to attract him outside, starts "wailing" back, and winds up mating with him in the back of a woodshed!
And the moment your domesticated Redanian prince is eventually found and brought back home - all dirty and stinky, no less - the first thing he stubbornly wants to do is run off into the wild again to go chase after that pesky feral Redanian viscount to go help him reunite with the rest of his feral pack, and hopefully be allowed to join it so they can mate more often!
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underthebluerain · 1 year
it’s honestly such bullshit that radovid only gets literally one (1) outfit across four episodes especially given he’s a prince so I’ve decided it’s bc it’s the one he was wearing when he met jaskier and he was like ‘this is my lucky outfit now forever’ and just refused to take it off (unless jaskier did it)
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kuwdora · 30 days
Witcher Recs - Villains & Bad Guys Edition, part 1
Please enjoy these 23 fic recs featuring Emhyr, Dijkstra, Radovid, Vilgefortz, and the Wild Hunt. I tried to indicate what witcher canon is predominant but sometimes people blend the canons. I'm a voracious reader when my brain lets me read, and I read so many different things. I have many tastes! I haven't done a witcher recs post since 2022 and I have 18 billion more recs in the pipeline that I had collected since like 2021.
With any luck and squeeful motivation I'll share more villain recs in the future.
These recs feature mostly rarepairs. I'm still experimenting with formatting these recs on tumblr, let me know what y'all think on that front. Hope you enjoy the fic!
This got pretty long so I'm putting it under a cut.
Prickly Urchin by @seventfics. Game canon. Dijkstra/Emhyr. 2200w. Pre-relationship and tagged ‘Shady Rich Parties with Questionable Ends.’ Based the prompt ‘cursed’ and Dijkstra meets a prickly Duny. Few people still alive can say they've met the emperor before his ascension to the Nilfgaardian throne. A young Count Sigismund Dijkstra is one of them. It's just that neither of them knew.
A great little AU/missing scene, tackles the premise of these two meeting shortly after the Law of Surprise in a great way.
the sweetest flower by @witch-and-her-witcher. Ambigious canon. Emhyr/Yennefer. 700w. Explicit. Oral sex, cunnilingus, power dynamics. Satisfaction comes when Emhyr relinquishes power.
The way Cee opened up my brain with this ficlet made me gorge myself on everything in the Emhyr/Yen tag after I first read this. The possibilities of this pairing, whew. This ficlet sdlfjasldfkjasldfkjasl.
Quills by @bittydragon. Game canon. Emhyr/Geralt. 7500w. Teen. PTSD, Flashbacks, nonsexual touch. Emhyr can feel the quills and claws growing from underneath his skin again. It’s only a matter of time before they burst out—so it’s lucky that a witcher has ended up in his rooms.
There’s so much great Emhyr/Geralt fic out there, and I’m such a fan of this one because of Geralt managing to soothe Emhyr during an anxiety attack.
Animal Symbiosis by @seventfics. Game canon. Emhyr/Dandelion. 3400w. Teen. Soul bond, Fake/pretend relationship. An emperor and a bard accidentally tie their souls together.
I can’t get enough of where sevent’s ideas take me. This pairing sounds wild on the surface and it is but I am so fucking compelled by the dynamic, esp when it’s been an accidental bonding.
Wild Hunt
Schneeweißblind by jo_writes_fic. Game canon. Emhyr/Eredin. 2200w. Explicit. Temperature play, political sex, unsafe sex. Pre-TW3. Eredin’s been coming to Emhyr’s temporary court in Vizima for several months now, about once a fortnight. At first it was to weasel information out of Emhyr, to try and find Cirilla, but the elf quickly learned that Emhyr knew less than the king of the wild hunt himself about his daughter’s whereabouts. And once he realized that, their meetings turned into the pretence of a tentative political alliance to cover up the carnal truth of what really happens when Eredin deigns to visit. Ice magic and masochist Emhyr.
My brain whited out from how brilliant this fic is and I think it changed my brain for the hornier.
Plaything by @eatingcroutons. Game canon. Geralt/Wild Hunt. 100 words. Explicit. Rape. Voyeurism. Eredin and his Riders enjoy making use of Geralt in their down time.
Outplayed by zemyr. Game canon. Geralt/Wild Hunt. 100 words. Explicit. Rape, size difference. Remix of crou’s Plaything.
🔥🔥🔥 This drabble lives rent free in my brain.
Commander’s Discretion by @witch-and-her-witcher. Game canon. Eredin/Geralt. 100 words. Explicit. Anal fingering. Eredin has a soft spot for pretty, lethal things under his possession.
😳 Cee still making me go wild with this drabble.
Spymasters and secrets by @dancingwiththefae. Show canon. Radovid. Radovid/Dijkstra. 3400w. Explicit. BDSM, daddy kink, impact play. Radovid always pushed and pushed Dijkstra. Sometimes he needed to be put in his place.
Faye serving up a heaping mess of with this messy messy Radovid with Dijkstra. I could have put this in the Dijkstra section but ahhhh I wanted it here with the Radovid fic. 🔥
Villains Aren’t Born, They’re Made by ALJordan. Game canon. Radovid/OC, Radovid & Philippa. Mother/son relationship. A storm counts omens as Radovid hunts Philippa Eilhart to stand trial for treason.
The worldbuilding with the OC and vibes and characterizations in this fic are outstanding.
The Shade of Your Eyes by @kuwdora. Game canon Radovid & Philippa. Post game, canon AU. Body horror, existentialism, magical theory as torture. He remembers the weight of the crown that used to sit upon his head but he doesn’t remember his own name. Anger and resentment curdles because he cannot recall his mother’s face or the last food he ate before he died but he knows the source his ire. It originates from the woman who chortles when she sits at the table. Her laugh stokes the rage in his disembodied soul.
Philippa tortures Radovid’s soul. Radovid POV. I couldn’t help but play around with the darkfic idea for Phil getting some revenge.
Don't worry I have a whole other stack of Philippa fic to rec later.
You Seem To Enjoy The Feeling by galactic_roses. Game canon. Dijkstra/Gaunter. 2800w. Explicit. Dijkstra has made a deal with a merchant of sorts in exchange for something he values above all else: information. However, the price he has to pay is not quite what he was expecting, and now he has to face the consequences of his words. Sharing a body, smut, body horror, some more tags,
My favorite tag from the author: dijkstra is an adult he can enter into a sus contract with a sort of demon man if he wants to. This is like the most galaxy brained rare pair idea and can’t stop thinking about it when I consider rare pairs that changed my brain.
Diagram: Master’s Weapon Repair Kit by butt_muncher_seven. Game canon. Dijkstra/Geralt. D/s, PWP, 2500w. Djikstra knew men the way Geralt knew monsters; how to kill them, how to hunt them, what their motivations were, what they were going to do next. And in Geralt he saw a man about to do something incredibly rash and self-destructive. A normal man would've gone home, drunk himself stupid and got in a fist fight with the nearest person he could beat. Maybe he'd recover, maybe he'd burn his life down around him, because the chaos of such upheaval was worse than the certainty of reprisals, of consequences. It was the kind of thing a skilled spymaster knew how to counteract proactively. For a less valuable player he had less personal means of redress, but for Geralt… Geralt required a personal touch.
This Dijkstra fic is my everything and I fling the link to anyone I can because it’s so fucking good.
Hostages by @limerental. Isengrim/Dijkstra. Book canon. 26k. Mature. Rescue missions, fairy tale elements. When Isengrim Faoiltiarna's commando is taken captive by the Aen Elle, Sigismund Dijkstra must play unlikely hero in order to come to his rescue.
Lim’s written so much great Isengrim/Dijkstra that I want to rec it all but if you are a fan of some plot and amazing storytelling, hostages is a great gateway. Click to see Dijkstra’s feelings for Isengrim as he mounts a rescue for his old elven husband.
He Comes With Gifts by @bittylildragon. Game canon. Dijkstra/Geralt. 4800w. Explicit. Slice of Life, King Dijkstra, snarky Geralt, PTSD and more. A little slice of life with King Dijkstra and his sometimes-resident witcher boyfriend.
I live for bratty snarky Geralt and Dijkstra putting him in his place. It’s fucking delicious and hot.
Bath by GilliganGoodfellow. Dijkstra and Bart. 1200w. Mature. Fluff and humor, slice of life. Dijkstra gets a relatively good idea of how his evening is going to go when, while descending into the basement to check on his troll, he slips on the ladder.
I can’t help but love anything with Bart and Dijkstra and this is so cute and lovely.
Bloody little beast by @gleaming_silence. Game canon. 100 words. Gen. Domestic Gruff. Dijkstra with a kitten. Even after Geralt broke his other leg, daily life goes on for Sigi Reuven and Novigrad’s underworld never sleeps.
This fic was written for me so I love it. Cutest drabble for a Novigrad crime lord.
Degradation for degradation by @limerental. Book canon. 1700w. Explicit. Geralt/Dijkstra. Humiliation, facials. Over a decade later, Dijkstra finally has the opportunity to repay the humiliation Geralt subjected him to in the wake of the Thanned coup. He doesn't expect both of them to like it so much.
I can’t get enough of this Geralt and Dijkstra dynamic. Eating it up with a spoon and always wanting more.
The Need For Love, Revolting by ptork66. Show canon. Rience/Vilgefortz. 2200w. Explicit. Dubcon, posessive sex, choking, drugging, bdsm. Vilgefortz wants to consume Rience like Rience’s fire consumes the air.
🔥🔥🔥 Fucked up fic for a fucked up pairing. All the kuwdos from me.
the mirror man by seasofglass. Show canon. Rience/Vilgefortz, 12,000w. Mature. Canon divergence, d/s, manipulation. When a mysterious benefactor frees Rience from prison after the fall of Cintra, he decides to play along in his dangerous game and try to further gain Vilgefortz' favor. Little did he know that playing with fire was the fastest way to also get burned by it.
This is a messy intense look at Rience getting swept up in Vilgefortz’ plans. The shaving scene drives me up the wall in the best way. I love me posessive fuckedupness in this pairing.
Yours, lock and key by zemyr. Ambiguous canon. 100w. Explicit. Rience/Vilgefortz. Master/Servant, magical sex toys. prompt: possessiveness kink deluxe while fucking.
Zemyr’s fic melts my brain in the best way, and the drabbles are 100 words of hotness.
Staves by @sassaffrassa. Show canon. Geralt/Vilgefortz. 100w. Explicit. Object insertion. inappropriate use of vilgefortz's magical staff.
😈 This drabble gets me cackling.
Ouroboros by @kuwdora. Show/book canon blend. Geralt/Vilgefortz. 20,000w. Explicit. Show/book canon blending, fanon continental art history, illusions, sexual fantasy, dubcon, masturbation, d/s, body worship. Geralt turns Vilgefortz proposition down at Thanedd. Vilgefortz makes a Geralt painting and masturbates to it and it spirals into an elaborate sexual fantasy.
Okay this is the fic that ate my brain while writing it last summer. It has layers of book and show references, literary inversions and way too many metaphors.
You know that tumblr post "you're so obsessed with imagery and symbolism, you stupid homo"? That's this me with this fic, lmao.
So come for 20k of Vilgefortz wanking to the Geralt fantasy in his head. Warning that the fic seemed to have driven the 8 people who managed to read and finish it and sounded insane after reading so take it with a horny grain of salt.
Previously on Kuwdora's Witcher Recs:
Istredd Recs
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cailenbraern · 1 year
Not sure if I can fully articulate my thoughts about Jaskier’s growth as an artist throughout the seasons of The Witcher but I'm going to give it a go.
Because when we meet him in season 1 , he's more or less just starting out. He's fresh from Oxenfurt and determined to make a name for himself on the continent. The trouble is, he's got nothing to draw on. He's still young so his experience is negligible. He performs songs about monsters and creatures with little accuracy or meaning, and we meet him being jeered and pelted with food.
Meeting Geralt gives him a new inspiration for original songs, although he's not truthful, particularly in Toss a Coin. As Geralt said, that's not what happened, and Jaskier responds with respect doesn't make history. He's still too young and too inexperienced to realise what impact his songs can have, and he's solely determined to improve the reputations of Witchers along with his own reputation.
The two other songs in season 1 are Fishmongers Daughter, which I'm not going to discuss in any detail, and Her Sweet Kiss. Now one cane argue that the latter is heavily drawn from personal emotion and feeling, but the end result is a fairly normal ballad style of song with poetry as lyrics and vivid imagery and metaphors. It's a start, but Jaskier still has a long way to go.
Then we get to season 2, where we find Jaskier in the early stages of recognition. We see him performing in a packed bar, with accompaniment, and the crowd are lapping it up. It helps that the song he's singing comes, as per his own words, from the heart. Burn Butcher, Burn is 100% emotion, 100% authentic, and gone is the poetry. The lyrics are raw and passionate.
Despite this, we're led to believe that he found his fame with The Golden One. In contrast with BBB, this song lacks any emotional punch. It's purely a story or anecdote set to music. A fun little ditty, but unless you can suspend your disbelief, if open to criticism. As happens when attempting to smuggle the Elves onto the ship.
Now, we know that at this point, Jaskier has done and seen and experienced far more things than he had in season 1, and this has left an impact on him. He has matured and developed his sense of empathy and his kindness so much more than the immature travelling bard showed in Posada, thanks tp witnessing the violence and persecution of the elves, while also dealing with his own broken heart. Yet he's still clinging on to his want and desire to be respected and applauded for his skill and talent in writing and singing songs, so we see that he does not take criticism well.
More happens in season 2 to shape and form him, Rience's torture for one, the massacre at Kaer Morhen, his friendship with Yennefer and his mending (such as it is) of his friendship with Geralt along with the continuing politics all across the continent.
I do have a soft spot for Whoreson Prison Blues. The first two verses are beautiful, followed by a very crude, very catchy chorus. I can't imagine he would include it in future sets, but it's so personal to him in that moment that I love it.
Little wonder that by Season Three, we are met with yet more changes in our bard. His words to Radovid stating that he doesn't 'do pretty' suggest to me that he has consciously decided to move away from filling his songs with poetry and imagery and is focused more on honesty and truth. Extraordinary Things which immediately follows is a perfect demonstration of Jaskier singing openly and from the heart.
But what I wanted to get to in this long winded post, is that this is the season we finally see the Emotional Impact Jaskier's songs have on other people. No criticisms, no jokes, just the power of his music.
Whatever your opinion on Radovid and his motivations, Extraordinary Things affected him. You can see this in his reaction as he hears it for the first time, and he so clearly can't get it out of his head after hearing it only one time, that he goes above and beyond to learn it.
Next is Ciri, and we see Jaskier singing a lullaby (which he may or may not have written himself, jury's out on that) to her. Later, in the desert, she sings the lullaby back to herself, drawing strength and courage from it. This power has been given by Jaskier through his singing, making her feel safe and loved in a vulnerable moment.
Finally, Eternal Flowers, which I'll say here, is the best I've ever heard Joey sing, both on the album version and in the live performance on the show. He has his lute, but he lays it down like laying down a weapon. It's just him, stripped bare, open, vulnerable, honest, true. This is not his song, but he feels the emotion and the message as thought it was. His empathy is shining. It moves him to tears, but not only him, the Dryads also feel the emotion he is channelling, and it moves them to tears.
I don't have much of a conclusion to this ramble, but TL;DR, Jaskier’s songwriting and art has evolved over the three seasons and his bardic power is a might force to be reckoned with. He will be remembered long after Valdo for his honesty and beauty.
Not pretty. Real.
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iwillbringyouruin · 1 year
Radskier dialogue nuances in different languages
So I have been rewatching The Witcher in French recently and some of the changed lines stuck out to me, in the interactions between Radovid and Jaskier in particular. So i figured I'd compile my favourites from the translated versions I've seen so far here and compare their meaning to the original. I've also included some of the German lines since I'm German and I got curious!
Disclaimer: I'm just a guy who speaks a bunch of languages, don't expect overly technical linguistic wizardry here. Also this is not about the voice actors' skill or how well the lines are matched up to lip movements, strictly about the little changes in meaning when you take the translations literally! All meant to be in good fun.
Since this is about the season 3 dialogue, there are spoilers ahead.
This is going to be a long post so buckle up!
Season 3 in general: The way Jaskier and Radovid address one another
English (original): both use "you" which makes sense of course
French: Jaskier uses "vous" (the formal "you") for Radovid and Radovid uses "tu" (the casual "you") for Jaskier until they have sex in episode 4. When they talk the morning after in episode 6, they're both using "tu".
German: both use "Ihr" and the other formal derivatives for one another throughout (Even Geralt and Jaskier address each other formally the whole time. I'm not a fan)
Episode 1: Jaskier and Radovid meet
The dialogue here is generally very close, just two little things between the original and the German version I want to point out.
English (Jaskier): Fuck, I don’t really know what I’m supposed to… Bow? Or curtsy, or… I’ve been holding your hand a long time, so sorry about that.
German (Jaskier): Shit, I don't know if I'm supposed to bow or be polite... I've been holding your hand for too long, forgive me ("bow or be polite"?? HUH?)
English (Radovid): If your time at court’s been staid, you’ve been doing it wrong
German (Radovid): If your time at court has been too calm/quiet, something went wrong ([gay silence])
Episode 2: specifically Extraordinary Things
I've put the different lyrics as rather direct translations in the pictures below. They're also written out in the alt text. The French ones are a little more pointed compared to the original imo, I like that version a lot. I'm not sure how I feel about the German version but the first line did make me giggle.
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Episode 3: Jaskier talks to Vespula about Radovid
I love this scene for many reasons. I have two things to point out about this.
The first thing is that while in the English and French version, Jaskier says that he and Radovid have only met twice, in the German version he says that he and Radovid don't even know each other.
The second thing is that in the English and German version, Jaskier calls Radovid a spoon and he does in the French version as well. However, he specifies Radovid is a "little spoon" here. Need I say more?
Episode 4: the scene in the shed
Ah, the scene of all time. Before the other scene of all time in episode 6. A few things about this one. The first thing is a very small change in the French version:
English (Jaskier, after Radovid admits he's scared): Just saying that makes you braver than you know.
French (Jaskier, after Radovid admits he's scared): The fact you're admitting that proves you are brave
The second thing bothered me more because it isn't really a subtle change. Both in English and French, Jaskier says Radovid has "learned [his] song", but in German he says Radovid "knows [his] song". The German line here isn't saying that Radovid "knows" the song as in he knows how to play it (from hearing and watching Jaskier play it for him once, mind you), the way it's said makes it sound like Radovid has just heard the song before.
The third thing is what they're saying right after the kiss. Unfortunately with the slightly changed lines for Jaskier we don't get the clever connection between Jaskier talking about taking Radovid into the cabin and Radovid asking Jaskier to take him (sexually).
English (Jaskier): I can't take you inside, I'm sorry.
English (Radovid): Then take me here.
French (Jaskier): The cabin is occupied, I'm sorry.
French (Radovid): Then take me here.
German (Jaskier): We can't go inside, I'm sorry.
German (Radovid): Then take me here.
Episode 6: the morning after
The German version is the same as the original here.
English (Jaskier to Radovid): I thought I’d seen through your mask. Turns out there was nothing behind it.
French (Jaskier to Radovid): I thought I had lifted the veil from your soul. But I found nothing but darkness beneath that façade
The subtle differences in the French version on the other hand not only make the pain a little different, it also includes an allusion of sorts to that version of Extraordinary Things with Jaskier talking about Radovid's soul. At least that's how I saw it. Ouch!
Episode 7: the moment where Jaskier finds Radovid at Thanedd
All three versions here make me want to cry. That's all.
English (Radovid): Just let me be there with you. Prove that I’m more than a mask.
English (Jaskier): Maybe.
French (Radovid): Just let me stay with you and show you what is beneath this façade.
French (Jaskier): Why not.
German (Radovid): Just let me be with you and show my true self.
German (Jaskier): Maybe.
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I wanted to talk about Extraordinary Things and the Geraskier and Radskier elements in the song.
Forgive me if this has been done or is rather obvious. This is just me musing over the lyrics.
Keep your words on ice
Your gaze lights the fire
How many campfires did this happen? Jaskier doing his best to drag even a few words from Geralt while the witcher glares at the fire as if his eyes are stoking the flame.
But eyes of fire really speak of Radovid, too. He may speak more than Geralt did when Jaskier first met him, but there's a lot he doesn't say in words that he says in his eyes.
They say, "Keep on playing nice"
But I have no desire
Jaskier cannot be contained. It's why I love him. He will not be forced into a box. He contains multitudes.
But these lines speak of struggle. Jaskier could be at court if he wanted to, he's a viscount, but he has no desire to be that person. He needs the freedom of the wild.
And the two people that represent this struggle are Radovid (a life at court) and Geralt (freedom/out in the wild). It's kinda obvious who Jaskier is going to choose even without considering what Joey said in interviews (that Jaskier will have a choice, but it isn't a choice for him, he will always choose his found family).
Jaskier has no desire to stay at court, even for love.
Why waste our words
When lips were made for extraordinary things
Jaskier can talk. He can express himself in his songs and with words. But there's some things that can only be truly communicated through a kiss.
And let's face it, Jaskier has waited so long to communicate his feelings for Geralt. He wouldn't waste words any longer, he'd want to show his feelings.
It also links to the later lyrics of unspoken words between them.
With Radovid, there isn't any need to talk because it becomes clear how he feels about Jaskier through singing his song.
But also there is so much they cannot discuss because Jaskier needs to protect his found family.
Kissing Radovid is safer. Jaskier can communicate his feelings that way and can feel Radovid's feelings for him in deeds, not words.
It's not a want, it's a need
It is paying no heed to what others say to sing
Jaskier has never paid any heed to what others said of his songs or singing. But that is also a mask to protect himself.
Geralt told him not to write any songs about him. Jaskier did it anyway.
There's probably others who have told Jaskier not to write songs about them or Geralt that I've forgotten.
But "it's not a want, it's a need" is just so evocative of his heart the love he gives freely, and of him letting his creativity flow through him.
That creativity is something Radovid greatly admires. And I think Radovid also wants to play no heed to what others want him to do; he just isn't as free as Jaskier (the pretty songbird).
Ultimately, what Jaskier really wants is for someone to see him, like he sees others, and for that person to still have a visceral want for him once seeing him.
People have wanted him, his body, his time, his usefulness. Loved ones have finally accepted him as a friend and family member. No one yet has wanted all of him, the magnitudes he contains, the bad parts and the good, the real him. Mainly because he's never had someone pierce his armour.
And if Radovid is using Jaskier I swear to the gods I will rain merry hell on him.
The greatest songs are made up of unspoken words of love
Of them I have had enough
All of Jaskier’s songs contain some element of his love for Geralt. He is his muse, after all.
We all know Her Sweet Kiss and Burn, Butcher, Burn contain it most obviously.
And it's interesting here that we get Jaskier saying he's had enough of writing his love for Geralt. There's only so much you can continue to pour out and not get anything back.
And so, Jaskier has decided that his love for Geralt is platonic as a way to protect himself. If he's not wanting, he can't be hurt.
But we all know when Jaskier said that his love for Geralt is platonic, that it is a lie he is telling himself. Vespula wasn't fooled.
But it's interesting that we clearly see Jaskier longing for the real love he craves in these lyrics. And I don't want to take away the amazing aromatic headcanon for Jaskier or Geraskier having a queen platonic relationship, but there is a longing that is unfulfilled, whatever way you interpret that to be.
That longing can be fulfilled with Radovid.
With you, I have enough
With you, I am enough
I am enough
Again, I see Jaskier saying he is enough with Geralt just to be his friend. After all his years struggling to be his friend and also wanting more, it's interesting to see this friendship now settled as soon as Jaskier stops seeking more.
And a big part of that change between them has to be down to Geralt becoming a father and learning to open his heart to caring about those around him.
But with Radovid, Jaskier gets to be vulnerable, properly vulnerable with his heart. He does feel enough in Radovid's eyes, and that is truly for the first time.
Vespula knows Jaskier, but he doesn't let himself be truly vulnerable with his heart there. He lies about his feelings for Geralt to her (and himself). He gives his body, but does he give his heart? I would say no. They are close in many ways, but not emotionally, not in vulnerability.
Drop the sweet disguise
Your heart's beating too loud
The fairy tales and little lies can't drown out all the sound
We all know about Geralt's disguise: that witchers don't need no one or that they don't have feelings. In S3, we see this façade lift. Geralt shows his true self to Ciri as her father, Jaskier as his friend, and Yennefer as a partner when he forgives her.
Radovid wears a disguise. He's the drunk fool to those who cannot see it. But Jaskier can, because Jaskier also wears a disguise, something Joey commented on in at least one interview.
And I feel like this disguise is definitely shown on screen when Jaskier is with Vespula. He has feelings for her, obviously strong ones, but they aren't the same as his feelings for Geralt or Radovid.
He definitely tells Vespula more than he tells his other lovers. But Vespula isn't looking for Jaskier to be "the only one" for her. She is still pretty switched on about Jaskier’s heart.
So take this heart
And break this heart
For extraordinary things
Geralt has broken Jaskier's heart already. And now Jaskier seems to be settled into the role of friend with his "platonic" love.
And Geralt is an extraordinary thing to Jaskier. Nothing will take that away, not even heartbreak.
But the thing is, Jaskier isn't ready to give his heart truly to Geralt completely. In pieces, yes. The clear barrier of "He's my friend, that's it" has been set (for now).
But with Radovid we see Jaskier let go of his mask, drop down his armour and allow Radovid in. It could very well break his heart, but that won't stop him from loving Radovid.
He has become an extraordinary thing to Jaskier.
For all the years we have watched Jaskier longing, to finally see him with someone is amazing. I don't want his heart broken, but I know we have to accept that it's going to happen.
And here, for the first time since The Mountain, we have Jaskier willing to have it broken again.
Because without taking a chance on being fulfilled and happy, what are we?
Thanks for reading.
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kueble · 1 year
Stolen Moments
I was lucky enough to work with @captnsunshine on this fic.  Please look at the wonderful art that goes with it. Please note it is on Twitter and you can't view it if you're not logged in.
Explicit. Warnings: none. 2,000 words.
This is dangerous, but Jaskier is so full of yearning that he can hardly stand it.  It’s been months since their last meet-up, but he sent notice of where they’d be.  Geralt is busy gathering information for his latest hunt, and Jaskier had mumbled an excuse about needing to meet with a tailor in town before heading into the woods.
When he reaches the clearing he planned to meet Radovid in, he’s met with smiles and a giddy wave.  Radovid is leaning against a large tree trunk, barefoot and looking so casually gorgeous, that he wants to sob in relief.  It looks like he’s already spread a thick blanket over a patch of grass nearby.  Jaskier’s blood is already singing in his veins, his pulse racing as he realizes they have the next couple of hours to themselves.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you,” Jaskier whispers, frozen as he takes in the stunning sight of his king.  Radovid looks as enticing as always, but he makes sure to look deeper, to make sure he also looks healthy and well cared for.  This type of love is so new, so brilliantly different to him, and he has to make sure everything is as good as it can be.
“Then get over here and kiss me,” Radovid says with a smirk, and suddenly Jaskier is moving before he even thinks about it.  He saunters over to him, pressing him against the tree trunk before catching his mouth in a hesitant kiss.
And then Radovid places a hand on his lower back, urging him closer as he whimpers into his mouth, and the kiss turns into a heated, desperate thing.  Jaskier moans against his lips before licking past them, chasing the sweet flavor of his king.  Radovid matches his hunger, nipping as his bottom lip before grinding their hips together.
Lute-calloused fingers make quick work of Radovid’s buttons and soon his chest is bare, his nipples already hardening in the cool air of their private clearing.  Jaskier runs his palms up his flanks, grinning into the kiss when he trembles so beautifully for him.  Every bit of exposed skin feels like home beneath his fingers, and Jaskier revels in how light-headed it makes him.
This is real.  He can have this, even if only in stolen moments like this.
“Missed you, too, but we haven’t much time,” Radovid says as they pull back.  He brushes their noses together, sighing softly as though he wishes things were different.
“Someday soon I’ll have my way with you on your royal bed, and we’ll see how many pillows we can ruin this time,” Jaskier promises him with a wicked grin.  Radovid’s answer is a shaky groan, and Jaskier loves how much pleasure he can bring his lover just with words alone.
But words don’t end in orgasms, and Jaskier’s been half-hard since he left the tavern.  He kisses Radovid one last time before sliding down to his knees.  Radovid threads his fingers through his hair, tugging sharply and dragging a moan out of him.  It only speeds his movements, and Jaskier tugs at the laces before yanking his trousers off.  Radovid giggles as he kicks them to the side, one leg already sliding over Jaskier’s shoulder, so pliant and open for him.
Radovid’s cock is gorgeous, thick and hard for him already.  There’s a drop of pearly pre-come beading at the tip, and he can’t help diving in to lick it up.  Radovid lets out a string of gorgeous nonsense, half praise and half wonder, as Jaskier takes him into his mouth.
Suddenly he’s surrounded by Radovid, overwhelmed with the musky scent of him, the salty flavor in his mouth, the heavy weight of his prick on his tongue, and Jaskier realizes he never thought he’d get this again.  But they can have this - moments stolen away from others as often as their schedule allows - and Jaskier is determined to make it good for his lover.
He starts working Radovid’s shaft, long fingers using his own spit to pump him as he swallows down what he can.  He wishes he had more practice, but he sinks down on him until he’s choking with it, throat fighting him while his eyes water.  Radovid whines and tugs on his hair, and Jaskier looks up at him to see him completely wrecked already, eyes blown black and lips bitten red as he stares down at him.
This is a power he could get used to.
With a smirk, he goes back to work, swirling his tongue around the head while he reaches down to cup Radovid’s balls, his thumb tracing over the soft skin while his lover cries out above him.  He grabs Radovid’s other leg, pulling it up so he’s completely encompassed by his thick thighs, the full weight of him braced between the tree trunk and Jaskier’s strong shoulders.  Jaskier reaches a hand back and covers Radovid’s hand, pressing it against his own scalp in a way he hopes the king understands.
“Oh fuck, Jaskier, you want me to?” he hisses out, and Jaskier moans around his leaking prick.  Radovid nods, whimpering as he bucks his hips and shoves Jaskier down on his cock, choking him with the force of it.
And oh, is that just that what he wanted?  It’s such brilliant perfection, and Jaskier feels his cock throbbing between his legs as he lets Radovid fuck his face, lets him use him like he wants to be used.  From the stuttering in Radovid’s hips, Jaskier knows he’s nearing his completion, and he moans around him, hoping the vibrations help push him over the edge.
The hands in his hair tighten, and Radovid comes with a grunt, Jaskier’s name falling from his lips as he spills on his tongue.  Jaskier works him through it, sucking and pumping his shaft until he pushes Jaskier away with a broken whine.  It’s all he can do to stare up at him, the dappled afternoon sunlight breaking through the shade of the trees to highlight how fucking gorgeous Radovid is.
“Let's put that blanket of yours to use,” Jaskier murmurs, and Radovid just laughs at him, his eyes lit up in mirth as he drags him to his feet.
“You’re insatiable,” he says before crushing their mouths together.  Jaskier lets himself be walked backwards as Radovid explores his mouth, running his tongue over his teeth.  It’s as if he’s licking all traces of his spend from Jaskier’s mouth, and Jaskier can’t help the broken moan that it drags out of him.  Radovid swallows it down before gently lowering them to their knees.
They strip quickly but still find time to trace over skin, remembering how each other’s bodies feel under their hands.  These are the memories Jaskier clings to when they’re forced apart, the hard planes of Radovid’s chest, the swell of his soft belly, the way he trembles when Jaskier brushes his thumbs over his nipples.
Radovid lays down on his back, body completely bare for him, and Jaskier kneels between his thighs, lost in how beautiful he is.  Oh, how he wishes he could keep this, but he’s thankful for what little time they carve away for themselves while the continent burns around them.  He takes a vial of oil from Radovid’s hands when it’s offered and dribbles it over his fingers.
He can’t help crawling on top of Radovid, kissing him lazily while his fingers circle his hole.  He tries his best not to rush, but it’s hard when his lover is spread out like this for him, whining so prettily as Jaskier works his fingers inside of him.  A warm feeling rushes through him when Radovid stretches open so easily, and Jaskier knows he’s been taking advantage of the chest of toys he left last time he was in Redania.
Jaskier aims to draw this out, but then Radovid breaks the kiss and looks at him with hooded eyes, and he’s done for.  His lips are bitten ruddy, and there’s a thin sheen of sweat covering them both already.  “I’m ready, love,” Radovid tells him, and Jaskier quickly coats his prick in oil before tossing the vial aside.
“So good for me,” he whispers as he lines up, teasing them both by rubbing the fat head of his cock across Radovid’s hole.
But then there’s legs around him, Radovid’s ankles crossed at the small of his back, and Jaskier sinks into him with a strangled groan.  He feels perfect, like he was made to be fucked like this by him and him alone, and Jaskier does his best to find a gentle rhythm.  It’s a struggle, because he’s so hot and tight and amazing, and Jaskier sucks in lungfuls of air as he steadies himself.
“Don’t care how long we last, just fuck me,” Radovid tells him, and yeah, Jaskier can do that.
The next thrust wrecks them both, and Jaskier starts fucking him in earnest.  Blunt nails scrap down his back, leaving trails of pleasurepain in their wake.  He dips his head down, raking his teeth over Radovid’s neck before running his tongue over the abused skin to soothe it.  His king clings to him, his hips bucking up to meet each thrust with a little one of his own.
He braces himself on his arms and pounds into him, watching his head roll to the side as he loses himself in their lovemaking.  It may be rough, but there’s a swirl of emotions in every movement, every brush of lips and hands on sweat-slicked skin.  Radovid keens, panting as Jaskier plows into him, and Jaskier knows he’s close.
Sitting up, he grabs a thigh and slams into Radovid, grinning at the way he trembles and whines so beautifully for him.  “You’re gorgeous, darling,” he murmurs, turning to press a soft hiss to his ankle even as he moves his hips faster, chasing his climax.  “Touch yourself for me,” he orders and Radovid scrambles to comply.
Jaskier nearly comes right then as he watches his king wrap those slender fingers around himself, stroking in time with Jaskier’s thrusts.  He’s close, so fucking close, and thankfully Radovid shouts and spills between them, his seed coating both their chests.  Jaskier lets himself thrust once, twice more, before falling over the edge himself.
He grinds in deep, shaking as he empties inside Radovid’s tight heat.  Making sure to fill him properly, he rolls his hips until he’s milked dry.  He tries to roll onto his side as to not crush his lover, but Radovid holds tight, forcing him to remain on top of him.
“I swear it’s better each time,” Jaskier whispers before kissing him gently.
They lay there for as long as they dare before cleaning up, soaking in every moment they can together.  The air is full of promises and plans for their next meeting, but a sense of desperation hangs around them.  There’s no guarantee they’ll both make it to the next time, and the sounds of Radovid’s guards stomping through the nearby woods forces them to separate.
“I love you,” Jaskier whispers before heading back to the tavern, the echo of Radovid’s matching reply still on his lips.
Hours later, Jaskier and Geralt are sharing a meal when the doors swing open and Radovid and his revenue walk into the tavern.  Jaskier smirks when none of the patrons bat an eye, clearly not recognizing the royalty before them.  Trust his greedy king to find a way to steal some more time with him.
“Looks like your tailor is staying for the night,” Geralt says dryly, and Jaskier throws his head back in laughter.
“Thought I was pretty convincing, but I can never fool you, can I?” he asks, still smiling like a fool as Radovid approaches them.
“Jaskier the bard!  What a delightful surprise,” he says before turning to his guards.  “Secure us a couple of rooms, I’ll be entertaining the bard in mine.  Certainly he has time for such a huge fan as myself?”
“For you?  Always,” Jaskier answers honestly.
Please check out the amazing artwork. Reminder it's in Twitter and you can't view it if you aren't logged in.
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hannibard · 7 months
"I'm choking from the taste (but I can't help but swallow)"
Chapter 2: The (not so) calm before the storm
Summary: Jaskier settles into his new life as things get progressively worse.
The first few months at the Redanian court weren’t too bad all things considered, (especially in comparison to what was to come, the bard thought wryly). One of the first things Jaskier had to do when he arrived at the palace was surrender his travel-worn clothes, together with his beloved leather jacket, and shave his patchy beard. The clothes were replaced by silk garments in various colors, made to fit Jaskier’s exact taste and measurements. He was also given a haircut, his hair now longer than when he first met Geralt but still relatively short. Apparently Radovid wasn’t a fan of his most recent hairdo. (Truthfully, neither was Jaskier, but he refused to voice that opinion.)
Radovid kept Jaskier on a tight leash, never letting him stray too far during their time together, but he was allowed to perform at banquets and the like. Those were his favorite moments while in Radovid’s presence. He could almost pretend he was a normal court bard when he was prancing around, dancing on tables and entertaining an audience. He had done this plenty of times in the past, but he always found courts stuffy, no matter how much he enjoyed the lavish balls, and usually tried to limit his stays to a season or two. It was the main reason he’d abandoned his noble birthright and became a traveling troubadour that ended up broke more often than not. Courts were only tolerable in small doses.
That’s also what the nobles knew him as. Radovid’s court bard. There were rumors going around, gossip being one of nobles’ favorite pastimes, and many suspected the true nature of his relationship with the king, but none of them knew the specifics. It’s not like they could just up and ask about it without evoking the king’s wrath.
Radovid’s physical changes were nothing in comparison to those in his personality or the way he appeared before others. The façade of the irresponsible naïve prince that only cared about the pleasures of life and knew nothing about politics was nowhere to be found. In his place stood a ruthless and commanding leader that ruled his people with an iron fist. ‘Radovid the Stern’ they called him.
Apparently, in the time between his enthronement and the present, Radovid had engaged in a long and intricate power battle with the spymaster Dijkstra and the court mage Philippa and had come out on top. Now both of them had been demoted to mere advisors, without any real say in the inner workings of the kingdom and forced to comply and assist the king with all his whims.
There was also another reason Jaskier cherished the time he spent performing, something that had nothing to do with the love for his profession. Being at the center of attention, unnerving as it could become occasionally, even for a seasoned bard like Jaskier, also doubled as a shield of protection. When everyone’s eyes were on him, Radovid kept his distance.
Many would argue that there was no better way of cementing a monarch’s reign than the birth of an heir, and since Radovid had yet to take in a queen, him having a male lover wouldn’t exactly be met with applause. Moreover, the king didn’t want any of his remaining family members to get any ideas in response to his sexual preferences. He had bigger problems to deal with petty attempts to usurp the throne by his ambitious relatives.
When he was left alone with the bard it was a different story. Jaskier didn’t have his own quarters in the palace, he was obligated to spend every night in the king’s company. No one could protect him in these moments. Radovid may not have been ready to announce their relationship to the world but that didn’t stop him from leaving a myriad of marks on Jaskier’s pale skin. It was the bard’s responsibility to cover them up as best he could, regardless of their placement. He didn’t know which he hated more, the knowing smirks or the pitying looks he was met with by the servants that helped him wash up and dress each morning.
Radovid didn’t always touch him. Sometimes he just wanted to engage in conversation and bask in the bard’s company. These instances were almost harder than the alternative because Jaskier was forced to pretend to be his usual charming and witty self, when all he wanted to do was scream at the other man to let him go.
Most of the time he was also under the supervision of the not-so-kind fellow that brought the bard to Radovid in the first place, whose name he later found out was Blade. (a bit on the nose if you asked Jaskier, but he named himself after a flower so who was he to judge?).
They had short auburn hair, hazel eyes and a lean physique that allowed them to move nimbly and blend in with their surroundings. It was a true feat because they usually kept their signature hood on, yet somehow their presence was hardly ever noticed.
Blade wasn’t always visible to the bard, preferring to stay in the shadows, but Jaskier knew he was constantly being watched by the ever-present tingling sensation at the back of his neck. And also because all his attempts to escape were immediately squashed.
The first time he tried was about a month in. He had played nice with Radovid in order to lower the king’s guard, while secretly mapping the castle’s interior in his mind. When he deemed his efforts sufficient, he made a run for it during a set break at a banquet. He managed to bypass a handful of knights and almost make it outside when Blade suddenly appeared, blocking his path. They rolled their eyes in disapproval and pulled out a knife, which they pointed at Jaskier and nodded for him to walk back towards the banquet hall.
Despite Jaskier’s fears, the king didn’t mention his little blunder that night. He acted completely normal, being sweet with the bard and talking about his day, to the point where Jaskier assumed Blade hadn’t mentioned it to him yet. But when he was pulled to the bed, it was with far less gentleness than usual. The king had placed him on his hands and knees, whereas he usually preferred positions that allowed them to make eye contact, and entered him after little preparation. He set a punishing pace, his hands leaving dark bruises on Jaskier’s hips, and completely ignored the bard’s pleasure. After he finished, he went to wash up, leaving the bard unfulfilled and dripping with Radovid’s seed on the mattress. They didn’t exchange any more words until the next day.
Some of his other notable efforts to break free included when he tried to sneak in a noble’s carriage unnoticed (it was stopped and searched at the gates), or when he pleaded with an old classmate from Oxenfurt, that had recently inherited his father’s title and had traveled to Tretogor with the intention of pledging allegiance to the crown, to deliver a message to Geralt. (Blade had interrupted them mid-conversation and told the noble that the king wanted to have a word. Jaskier never heard from him again.)
It was failure after failure, so Jaskier’s disheartened attempts became few and far in between. A part of him had even started to feel guilty for wasting Blade’s time. Following the bard around all day was probably tedious enough on its own. Privacy was a concept long forgotten but there was something almost comforting in the knowledge that Blade was never far behind, even if the bard couldn’t see them. Jaskier was so starved for genuine human connection that he was starting to become fond of his captor.
During daytime, while Radovid was busy dealing with his kingly affairs, Jaskier was left to wander around with no real purpose.
The library was, predictably, one of his favorite spots. It contained a vast variety of books that mostly focused on the politics of aristocracy and such topics, in contrast to those at the Oxenfurt Academy or the library in Kaer Morhen whose main subjects were poetry/sciences and encyclopedic knowledge on monsters respectively. Jaskier much preferred the latter two, but beggars can’t be choosers.
The kitchens were a precious place for the bard as well. The servants he usually encountered had at least some sort of idea of his importance to their king, while also being aware of Jaskier’s noble status, so their behavior towards him was strictly polite, maintaining a distance that none of Jaskier’s quips and jokes could manage to bridge.
The cooks and their helpers on the other hand, who were always steadfastly cooped up in their workspace, having no reason to venture outside of it as that’s where their responsibilities lied, knew nothing of Jaskier’s identity other than ‘renowned bard’. They had no clue what was happening outside their little bubble, and for that ignorance Jaskier was grateful.
The head chef, a kind older woman named Burneta, with distinct laugh lines visible around her eyes and messy braids wrapped in a bun, always welcomed him with excitement and treated him to bits and pieces of whatever she’d made that day, in return for a small exclusive performance that Jaskier gave with pleasure.
Her husband, Chleb, was more of the taciturn type, whose job was to help around with tasks that needed physical strength, like butchering entire cows and carrying in ingredients in bulk. He always glared at Jaskier and swiped at him with a towel when the bard made feign advances on his wife but the small grin as he did it gave his mirth away.
Sometimes Jaskier liked to take walks in the gardens. They were beautiful and well-groomed, containing hundreds of flower variations and a few rare species of birds that resided there. The sound of their chirping, the sun against his face and the light breeze that gently ruffled his hair made Jaskier feel alive.
Being outside gave him a sense of freedom, that though false, did wonders for his ever-declining mental health. Sadly, his access to the gardens had been recently restricted after yet another escape attempt. (He tried to jump over a fence only to find another, smaller garden on the other side. Blade was already there waiting for him unimpressed).
Nature had always been of big importance to Jaskier and being away from it made the fact that he was a prisoner all the more real. He couldn’t even look outside since most of the castle windows were decorated with stained glass illustrating Redania’s coat of arms, a crowned silver eagle on a red field, and other such designs.
Whoever created them was clearly skilled, every detail having been made with meticulousness. The colors were vibrant and yet the light that passed through them gave off an elegant glow without being blinding. Aside from their beauty they also served to inspire a sense of patriotism to the masses, while also showcasing the crown’s power and keeping the nobles in check.
When Jaskier was once dragged here by his father for official business as a child as the heir to the Lettenhove estate, he spent hours staring at them. It was the first time he was experiencing such awe. It inspired such powerful feelings to the young boy, the need to somehow captured them pushing him towards his first awkward attempts at poetry.
“I saw you back then.”
Radovid told him as they were lying in bed after a passion filled night. Jaskier had mentioned his long-time interest with the palace windows as a form of small talk, and he was surprised by the excited response he got. It almost felt like the king had been waiting for him to bring it up.
“I used to be a sickly child, and my brother was the heir, so I wasn’t allowed to venture outside my rooms much. My existence as a spare was rendered useless due to my poor health, with most considering the possibility of my survival to adulthood unlikely.” He twisted to his side in order to gather Jaskier in his arms. “Vizimir was nice to me though. He always made time in his busy schedule to come visit, even skipping his lessons on occasion.” He let out a wet laugh. “Though I suspect he was just using me as an excuse to avoid them.”
The king’s eyes were shining with unshed tears, his lips trembling. Vizimir’s death was obviously a raw subject still. This was one of Radovid’s rare shows of vulnerability that he only ever allowed in Jaskier’s presence. Those glimpses of his past self, the one the bard once fell in love with, made Jaskier’s heart swell despite everything.
Radovid shook his head to clear away the memories. “There was a council meeting that day and most of the servants were busy. Due to some sort of miscommunication, I was left unattended. When the hunger got too much, I stepped out by myself for the first time in search of food. The overall anxiety and the fear of being caught almost made me turn back on my heels.
But then, I saw a boy standing in the hallway. He had beautiful brown hair and the most stunning blue eyes. He didn’t notice me in his trance, seeming fascinated by the window décor. I had never met anyone my age and I didn’t know how to approach him, so I settled to just watching him. I think I was as fascinated by him as he was by the stained glass. He made me see it a new light. For me it was just part of the background, something I never thought to pay close attention to, but I wanted to understand the boy, see the world through his eyes. And so I looked again with this new perspective as if it was the first time. The beauty I’d overlooked for so long almost made me tear up.”
Radovid looked softly down at the bard and caressed his cheekbones with his knuckles. Jaskier’s mind was reeling from this revelation, not expecting it in the slightest.
“I later found out, after some pestering, that his name was Julian and that it was unlikely I’d ever see him again. That didn’t stop me from thinking about him though. When I heard the phrase ‘love at first sight’ a few years later, I knew exactly what it meant.”
The king chuckled and kissed Jaskier’s forehead. “I had never asked for much until that point but this wasn’t something I could stay quiet about. Vizimir promised me he’d keep an eye out for news about him and soon after I was informed that Julian had enrolled in Oxenfurt Academy. I begged and begged but my father wouldn’t allow me to attend. When I turned 18 I made up some excuse to visit the Lettenhove viscounty, but when I got there I was greeted by your cousin Ferrant. He told me you had relinquished your title to him and left, managing to slip right through my fingers…
After that instance I stayed out of trouble until my brother could safely ascend the throne, and then I started drinking, partying and the like. I developed an interest in music and poetry and frequently invited bards to perform for me and my circle. My favorite pieces were created by someone called ‘Jaskier’, but I never managed to contact him. Nevertheless, I continued revisiting his work because for some reason it was the only thing that made me feel anymore.”
Radovid pushed a shaken Jaskier to his back with a glint in his eye and gave the bard a long, open-mouthed kiss. “Then a miracle happened. Dijkstra and Philippa wanted my help, the war having left them with few options. I was going to refuse before they mentioned your stage name. They wanted me to use my royal status to convince you to bring them Princess Cirilla, but I didn’t much care for that. I was just excited to meet the person I’d been a fan of for so long.
When I caught your lute and we made eye contact, I instantly recognized you as the boy from my past. Our kiss that night at the Thanned island was one of my happiest moments. But then I fucked up. I tried to take the princess and you started to resent me. When we met again the next day, despite all I did, you gave me hope, and I wanted nothing more than to earn your trust. I returned to Redania and told my brother that I had found someone I wanted to be with and asked for his blessing to go to them. Vizimir agreed but I regrettably never got to depart for reasons you already know...”
Jaskier stared at him in shock. Radovid was going to abandon everything for his sake? That couldn’t be true, could it? No one would go to such lengths for him. Destiny had created an intricate plan ready to play out and Jaskier was but a mere storyteller, fated to follow the main characters around and record their heroic tales. He could help lighten the mood when things got tough and offer what little assistance he could as a weak mortal, but that’s where his role ended. His importance was insignificant in the grant scheme of things and to the people around him.
And yet Radovid held a different opinion. To him, the king of a powerful nation, Jaskier’s sole existence was valuable. He had never felt so wanted in his entire life. He didn’t even think it was possible.
The emotions he felt overwhelmed him. His heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to burst through his chest. Jaskier grabbed Radovid’s head and pulled his face down, crashing their lips together. It was the first kiss he had initiated since their reunion.
The kiss deepened and Radovid’s hands moved lower down the bard’s body, his thrill at Jaskier’s response apparent. Jaskier’s senses were completely occupied by the man on top of him, he couldn’t see, hear, feel, smell or taste anything other than the king. That changed as soon as Radovid paused the kiss to start mouthing at his neck. With his eyesight back, Jaskier’s awareness started slowly creeping in. What was he doing? Why was he allowing this to happen? ...Was there even any point left in resisting?
Letting himself go would certainly be easier. He couldn’t get out of this situation either way so maybe acceptance was the best way forward. He could just pretend he was there willingly and ignore everything else… Jaskier was about to close his eyes and leave any rationality behind when Geralt’s disappointed face flashed through his mind. What would the witcher think if he could see him right now? If he saw how weak Jaskier was, how quickly he gave in? Besides, the bard didn’t choose this life and that’s not something he could forget no matter how much he wanted tried.
The king’s story may have sounded romantic at first but his actions spoke of something different, something darker, and Jaskier couldn’t allow this false narrative to override the truth.
Having made up his mind, Jaskier pushed Radovid off with as much strength as he could muster. The king was caught off guard and he stumbled backwards until he fell off the bed. It would have been a funny sight if it weren’t for the way Radovid immediately stood up, eyes blazing, and grabbed Jaskier’s hair to drag him close.
“What the hell was that?” All the sweetness from mere seconds ago had vanished.
Jaskier looked at him defiantly. “Something I should have done long ago. What you felt for me both in the past and present isn’t love. It’s obsession. You used the idea of me to help you get through hard times, I get it, and your feelings may have been genuine once but I fear that time is long gone. If you cared about me even a little bit you wouldn’t have fucking kidnapped me! All you care about is yourself and I’m done keeping quiet just to appease you!” he yelled, releasing all his pent-up frustration and misery. The adrenaline coursing through his veins was making him light-headed combined with the overwhelming surge of gratification.
Radovid’s jaw clenched but his expression was eerily calm as he moved his hand from the bard’s hair to wrap around his neck. He slowly started squeezing.
“If that’s what you think then there’s nothing I can do. You’ve had months to come to terms with the situation, and I’ve gone above and beyond to make you comfortable. I’ve been so fucking patient and this is how you repay me?!” Radovid’s harsh voice gradually got louder as he spoke. “I gave you a rare gift, but you didn’t want it.”
In the blink of an eye, he had maneuvered Jaskier on his back against the bed, choking him still. The grip was tight enough that the bard’s airways were completely closed, and he was left desperately gasping for air. He tried to claw Radovid’s arm away, which didn’t budge an inch.
“But there’s something you’re forgetting darling. Remember what I said to you at our little reunion when you refused to join me?”
Jaskier’s vision was beginning to blacken, but even then, the memory flashed clearly through his mind. He let out what was meant to be a whimper but came out as a choking sound.
Radovid understood the recognition in the bard’s eyes and he smirked cruelly in response. His free hand came up to stroke Jaskier’s torso, running through his chest hair and pinching a nipple when it came into contact with it. He leaned close to give a teasing little bite to Jaskier’s lower lip before hissing in his ear:
“If you won’t come with me willingly, I’ll just have to take you by force.”
That was the last thing Jaskier heard before everything went dark.
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endiness · 6 months
"does the witcher know how lucky he is to have you?"
okay, but the radovid and radskier of this line though? like, radovid has grown up in court and lived there his entire life and he's had to wear a mask to at least some degree or another at all times to survive that place. and regardless of whatever feelings and relationships he may have with other people in whatever capacity that is, even just platonically with his brother, he's probably still needed to be on guard at all times because of just how disingenuous that type of environment is and how out for themselves everyone around him is.
and then meanwhile jaskier comes along and radovid's already a fan of his music and surely he has to know how much jaskier improved geralt's reputation from what it was and jaskier is so clearly opposed to the idea of "settling down" yet he's willing to sacrifice his own freedom if it means keeping the people he loves safe and jaskier willingly throws himself into the viper's den to seek out radovid's help for geralt's sake (and ciri's) and he's able to get it. and then on top of that, jaskier is able to see through radovid's mask in an instant and he's honest with radovid in a way that no one else in his life has been before?
of course radovid would express that sentiment when jaskier is likely the first genuine, true, loyal person that radovid's met in his life and when so much of jaskier's loyalty is dedicated to geralt. (like, the only person and relationship that radovid has in his life that even remotely comes close is probably his brother. but even then, i think a lot of their relationship is also probably surface level even with how much they love and care about each other.)
(also, interesting to think about that line in context of the next scene, too, wherein, despite it ultimately blowing up in his face, radovid is offended by how disrespectful dijkstra is to his brother and he tries to defend him and prove that vizimir is smarter than dijkstra thinks he is.)
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ladysunbite · 7 months
@fallesto || x
It was amusing to have a travelling companion, riding through such bleak lands. For all his brash and vainglorious ways, Olgierd von Everec was the generous benefactor of the rare von Rogh's and swore to bring her the witcher's head. A certain gut feeling made the sun-eyed believe that the mercenary meant it. The reasons were secondary. "Very well. The road home is rather long and I would also prefer to spent it in comfort." To put it bluntly, Orianna suspected the reason why the charming ataman made his promise and loathed to confess it. Olgierd was like a mirror of herself in her youth; he craved chaos and danced through the merriment of mayhem with grace. A certain part of Orianna missed those days where she could just...forget herself. Like a recovered addict longs for a scent of fisstech.
"I know where we can get a fresh, healthy body. If you are courageous enough to conduct the ritual in Novigrad... practically under king Radovid's nose?" the cold, noble demeanor slipped from the cultured vampiress' face for a glimpse. The smile she gave Olgierd was equally bright and savage...
They rode through the capital, following the route seemingly drawn by a madman. One would think that after a long, exasperating wait at the gates, aided by the pouring rain, which could not was away the rancid scent of many fires and the odour of burning flesh, the hedonistic vampiress would stop dead at the first establishment, clean and quite enough to accommodate them and do not kill the travellers for their horses. Yet they went to the southern part of the city, with its briny canals and worksmiths shops. Orianna halted her steed at the three-store house with the crimson curtains adorning the upper floor, smelled the air, pursed her lips and led the horse away. The same thing happened at the 5 similar houses in the richest and the poorest quarters alike. At last they arrived at the building, nor too luxurious, nor too meagre, similarly decorated with the blood-red curtains on all it's two floors. The laughter and squeals shamelessly floated through the open windows, and dissolved into the night air. Several dim lamps spilled blood-like light upon the cobblestones and wild roses hanged from the balconies in abundance. It was not necessary to name what kind of a house it was, especially since they saw all almost all 12 novigradian by now, led on the strange goose-chase.
"Something never changes...she could never deny a bit of garish," the low mutter was disapproving, once one would think she would be happy the end of their quest was reached. The horses clearly were. "Olgierd, before we enter I must ask you not to leave my side. Unless I explicitly order...ask you to." The horses were given to the groom, who smoothly appeared from the shadows. Upon closer inspection it turned out to be a young and rather pretty girl. Instead of being wary, as any lass would be with the full night creeping in, that one bowed to Orianna and grinned at Olgierd with a brazen cheer. That strange creature might be the only carefree soul they met in the whole Novigrad, the whole city eaten alive by truncated fear and suspense. "No matter what - let's say - flowers might tempt you. Especially if some will seem extremely delightful." The thug at the door was less accommodating, and eyed the charming ataman's weapons with a wary scowl. Until the sun-eyed produced a hairpin, that glittered gold in the firelight, and pinched her finger enough to draw blood. Unusually clumsy. The thug eyed the ornament greedily and agreed to take it to the Madame a bit too hastily. Yet one more miracle followed and the man returned, almost running, and breaking his spine in two, ushered "m'lady and m'lord" in with all the respectful flattery and fear he could master. They were left alone in a an empty, richly furnished chamber, with the same abundance of red, velvet and some strong herbs that made once head's spin. One corner contained the bed, but instead of being a place of rest and involuntary reminded of a ravenous mouth. Orianna lowered herself into a cushioned chair with a sigh. The chair was much more clean than their own cloth, worn out by the roads, yet it didn't save the piece of furniture from a contemptuous, dark glance from the sun-eyed.
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"Did not you mention that your body parts can't grow anew, but rather it is necessary to bring...mmm...an original back? Is it different with the eyes?" such a tempting topic made the majority of spite evaporate from Orianna's voice. Hopefully, her own eyes did not betray the enthusiasm she truly felt. Magic was foreign to vampires, but such possibility as contacting the other world...the mere hope paid up with vengeance.
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thelostgirl21 · 3 months
You know what, I think I'm going to say it here, because I believe it deserves to be heard, especially by the people of my own LGBTQ+ community.
If you identify as queer (or any other LGBTQ+ identity), and agree that it is "gross" that Netflix chose to "age up a child" (Prince Radovid), so that he could be put in a romantic and sexual relationship with Jaskier on the Netflix TV show, it is a very good example of what we mean when we talk about internalized homophobia.
It is not your fault; it is something that was done to you and against you.
But I sincerely believe that, sadly, you haven't realized the troubling implications of that argument, nor the way that it is directly targeting the queer community, especially queer men.
Because, in the source material, Prince Radovid and Jaskier are two characters that never interact nor have any type of relationship together.
Actually, Prince Radovid is literally described as "a person without any significance in a country ruled by the Regency Council" (The Lady Of The Lake, Book 7).
[Note for those of you unfamiliar with the books: Prince Radovid appears in a single scene of "The Lady of the Lake", where the young prince gets upset that the other kings (Foltest, Demavend, Henselt) bribed people in the crowd to cheer for them, the Free Company, Hemmelfart, Dijkstra and the Regency Council, without acknowledging the role that his own father had played in making the thing they are all cheering for happen, nor his mother and himself as the actual rulers of Redania (rather than Dijkstra and the Council).
And Sapkowski concludes the scene with one line of epilogue saying that, in the future, he'll make them all pay for those insults, and will become known in history as "Radovid the Stern".]
Had the source material featured a significant friendship between the adult character of Jaskier and 12-year-old Prince Radovid...
Had Jaskier acted as a guardian, teacher, parental figure, etc. to that young boy...
Had they had a canonically established relationship in the source material, featuring an age-related power imbalance between them (like Geralt and Ciri), and
Had Netflix chosen to erase that loving healthy adult-child dynamic - that would've been at the core of their relationship - to replace it with a romantic and sexual relationship instead, I would have 100% understood that it would have made people feel uncomfortable.
Because, had they suddenly decided that Ciri would be a 35-year-old when her home was destroyed and she found herself under Geralt's protection on the show, just so that Geralt could fall in love with his Child of Surprise and have wild heterosexual sex with her, I would have understood why a bunch of people would've gotten upset at Netflix for "only aging up a child so that Geralt could fuck her!"
But we're talking about two characters that never met; including one (Prince Radovid) that is so insignificant to what happens in The Witcher's story (according to Sapkowski, at least), that CD Projekt Red were able to create their own original villain off of him (i.e. inventing a story between him and Philippa where she sort of raised and traumatized him following the death of his father, leading to him becoming fearful and hateful towards mages, etc.), while continuing the story beyond Sapkowski's intended ending (something I'm pretty sure Netflix has no intention of doing for now).
TV show Prince/King Radovid is his own character, that has been written by Netflix to suit the purposes of the show.
Videogame Prince/King Radovid is his own character, that has been written by CD Projekt Red to suit the purposes of the games.
And both of these characters were inspired by "a person without any significance in a country ruled by the Regency Council" in the books, that will one day grow up to become king long after the story of the three main characters has been concluded.
In French, the slur word being used for gay men is a shortened version of a word meaning "grown men having sex with young boys"; and the idea that gay men are naturally more prone to wanting to have sex with children than heterosexual men are has long been one of the most common fears associated with homosexuality.
Saying that they "aged up a child to make Jaskier queer" - while trying to make it sound like it would be immoral or problematic to do so - is thus heavily leaning into the specific belief that gay sex between two queer men is an act of predation.
Agreeing that there's something that should make one feel uncomfortable about Netflix having aged Prince Radovid to suit their own storytelling purposes, including their decision to adapt him as an adult character that becomes romantically and sexually involved with another adult man, is basically openly implying that, since Jaskier is shown as becoming sexually attracted to an adult version of the character, had he and Radovid met in those books, he would still have "naturally harbored sexual desires" for the 12-year-old kid version of him.
It is heavily implying that there could have been something potentially problematic about the relationship dynamic between book Radovid and a queer Jaskier, that Netflix attempted to "fix" by making the character older.
And, if that's not an argument deeply rooted in homophobia, I don't know what is!
Netflix's Prince Radovid is a fully grown adult gay man that falls in love with a fully grown pansexual man.
And, had that same Jaskier from the show (or even the Jaskier from the books, that English readers and gamers also know as "Dandelion") met a 12-year-old Prince Radovid in the books, nothing romantic or sexual would have happened between them.
It's as simple as that.
Nothing gross or unnatural about it.
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chaosandwolves · 1 year
Fuck it Friday
Cause you all totally love me for writing the fic in which Geralt has to kill Radovid, I thought I'd share another snippet with you
You can read more here
"Ah," Radovid breathes, a shallow smile on his lips when he says, "So you've come to kill me at last, Witcher." Jaskier snorts, "Yeah right. He certainly is not. Right, Geralt?" But when Jaskier looks up, he isn't met with the expected eye-rolling or with an annoyed grunt. Instead Geralt isn't meeting his eyes. "Geralt?" Jaskier asks, his voice sliding into a too high pitch. The Witcher sighs and then finally looks up and meets his gaze. "I'm sorry, Jaskier." "What?" Jaskier asks in a mix of utter disbelief, shock and betrayal and just stares dumbfoundedly at the Witcher. Then he feels a slender but strong hand on his shoulder. "My love, it's ok." But Jaskier can only frantically shake his head as he tries to make any sense of what's happening. The room rapidly grows blurry and his thoughts spiral and break apart without him being able to catch even one of them. This… This doesn't make sense.. Geralt only kills monsters and monstrous men and Radovid, his sweet gentle prince, he's as far from a monster as any human can be. This surely must be a trick; some magic has to be involved. They need to call for Yen, she'll be able to help them; to lift this…this illusion or curse or whatever it is. Yes, she'll help them. Her name is already forming around his tongue when he hears a soft "Jaskier," whispered into his neck. The warmth of Radovid's lips against his bare shoulder shakes Jaskier out of it and he remembers the pendant Yennefer gave him a moon ago. He reaches for it and desperately clutches it in his fist and his entire body is praying to find it humming with magic that it has detected around them. But there is nothing, just skin warmed dead metal. His stomach lurches at the horror of the realization that this is really happening.
Feel free to yell at me. I'm doing the same
Tagging ppl who might be interested in reading
@alyxmastershipper @robin-not-batman @theresoneicouldcallking @flordefandom @elvensorceress @hippolotamus @panbuckley @the-chiseled-dorito-of-justice @wannastayugly @bringyouruin @shortsighted-owl
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abeautifulblog · 1 year
Ngl my first reaction to Jaskier being canonically bi was “oh I CANNOT WAIT to see how poorly they handle this”
I swear, ever since the Hemsworthening, I feel like every time I learn something new about this show I'm checking the date, all, is it April Fools again already? Look at the URL, because surely this is a satire site? Is there a camera, am I being punk'd? Am I having a stroke?? Those sure are some words they said in some order!
I made my peace with the Radovid thing -- I went and breathed into a paper bag for a bit, and remembered that everything feels catastrophic when you're running on three hours of sleep, and also that (1) game-Radovid != book-Radovid and (2) LOL, IT'S NOT LIKE TWN IS FAITHFUL TO BOOK-CANON EITHER!
Reading what they've said about it so far, it really sounds like they just made up an OC to ship Jaskier with (probably hoping The Gays would SHUT UP ABOUT GERASKIER, SHUT UP ABOUT GERASKIER) and named him Radovid, and he's going to bear no resemblance whatsoever to any previous Radovids who may have appeared in this franchise.
Which again begs the question of whyyyyyyy did they not just invent a new guy?? Why THIS GUY, of ALL GUYS, to arbitrarily assign as Jaskier's love interest, since it's a pairing with no basis in any canon, a pairing that book-fans met with polite confusion and game-fans met with visceral repulsion.
Even if TWN Radovid winds up being a completely new character, as I expect he will, it's still baffling. The showrunners know that a good portion of their viewer base is coming from the game -- they have been actively courting the Witcher III crowd in their marketing since the get-go -- so even if the only thing the Radovids have in common is their name, why choose to evoke a character with such utterly rancid associations? And then repurpose him as a love interest for Jaskier, of all people? o_O
idek, man.
The curse of knowledge, I suppose -- because if I weren't familiar with game-Radovid, I could be out there partying with all the people who are just like, BI JASKIER CONFIRMED, WOO HOO!! 🎉🎉
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kaori04 · 1 year
I am still only on the 3rd ep but here is what I have been thinking of. Jaskier and Radovid have a peculiar dynamic in a term that Radovid knows everything about the bard while Jaskier knows almost nothing of Radovid. He literally never heard of the prince before when they met, even though he is a prince of the whole realm. Then when you think further, in any relationship Jaskier happens to be in it is usually Jaskier's place to read the other person and then desarm and charm them with his innocuous clown persona. And here with Radovid he is experiencing his own tool aplied to him. Radovid knows people Jaskier associates with and their business, and he knows his soul through his songs. The persona he charms Jaskier with is not a clown (that Jaskier masks himself with) though, but rather of a fragile misunderstood individual of noble origing who also doesn't feel like he fits at court with other nobles (just like Jaskier chose to be a wandering bard instead of enjoying life of privilege). Now in addition to mirroring Jaskier to his face and create a connection through a sense of deep understanding that Jaskier perhaps never experienced in his life, there is also a calculated flattering aimed specifically at Jaskier's ego as an artist. I mean, every artist wants to think of themself as souls readers and experts of human nature (which gives them credibility to be artists in the first place). This is exactly what Radovid reassures him with. And anyway I am not sure what I want to say and perhaps they are indeed soulmates meant to be together, but I would hold my breath because there is a a chance Radovid just plans to use Jaskier to his advantage in these games of thrones while also entertaining himself a little getting a world famous bard fall head over heels for him:,)
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bambirex · 1 year
I Get So Hungry (When You Say You Love Me)
Pairings: Geralt/Jaskier/Radovid, Geraskier, Radskier
Characters: Radovid, Jaskier, Geralt of Rivia
Additional tags: porn what plot/porn without plot, okay there's some plot but not a lot, threesome- m/m/m, roleplay, possesive behavior, biting, so much biting, chasing as a sexual act, yeah that's a thing now, rimming, face-sitting, oral sex, blowjobs, jaskier has a fat ass because i said so, coming untouched, fight sex, spitroasting in a way
Word count: 3,448 words
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: explicit
Part 3 of the Predator & Prey series
Summary: "What kind of animal would I be," Radovid drawled, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop himself. Jaskier sent him a strange look.
"In this game of yours," Radovid clarified. He tightened his grasp around Jaskier's hips. "What am I?"
Jaskier tilted his head to the side as he inspected his face. His eyes darkened, his tongue poking out to wet his lips.
"A fox," Jaskier concluded. Radovid hummed.
"Elaborate on that."
"Smart, cunning," Jaskier explained, teasing a finger down the side of Radovid's neck. "Crafty. Seemingly a harmless puppy, but you bite hard. Not afraid of a challenge. Leaner and not as tough as a wolf - but still very strong. And you have these sharp features and that reddish tint to your hair, so... a fox. Definitely."
Well, Radovid could make do with that information. It planted a new image in his head - one where that sweet, eager bunny was hunted by not one, but two apex predators at once...
It was as if Jaskier read his mind because he leant in really close to his ear and whispered "why? Would you like to join us?"
Author's notes: So why isn't Geralt/Jaskier/Radovid a thing? (okay okay I know it's because Geralt and Radovid hasn't met in canon but oh well)
Anyway, I had this mental image in my head since someone mentioned that Radovid looks like a fox, so I invited him to Jaskier and Geralt's little game. Oh, also, these fics aren't in chronological order or anything, and the individual stories aren't necessarily connected. The only thing that ties them together is the wolf and bunny roleplay.
Read on Ao3
Radovid never thought himself to be the type to share, but he quickly had to learn that Jaskier couldn't be tied down. His heart would always belong to Geralt, and so he would always return to his witcher. It bothered him at first, but he soon learnt to appreciate the times he got to spend with Jaskier all the more for it. The bond between Jaskier and Geralt was an unbreakable one, but it did not make Jaskier's love for Radovid inferior. He had enough love for the both of them.
And, well, there may have been a thrill in that, too - shortly after they started seeing each other, Jaskier revealed to him how adventurous his sex life was with Geralt. Getting past the initial jealousy of the knowledge, Radovid grew intrigued by the mental image of Jaskier being naughty with his big buff witcher. Radovid saw him in passing, and he couldn't deny that Geralt was very attractive. Him and Jaskier must have looked delicious together.
Eventually, it was Radovid himself that would ask about the things Jaskier and Geralt did together. One night, Jaskier opened up about something that made his eyebrows shoot up, and heat coil in his core at the same time.
Jaskier had a cheeky little smile on his face as he revealed the details to him about a certain game that he liked to play with Geralt.
"To be fair, we don't always do it like that," Jaskier chuckled from where he sat on Radovid's lap, his arms wrapped around the prince's neck. "But pretty often. We both enjoy it a lot. It's... thrilling. Letting go completely. The animalistic desire of it all, literally. It's always the best kind of sex we have."
"So, Geralt is a wolf, because that's the nickname you came up with for him all those years ago," Radovid mused. He idly caressed Jaskier's lower back. "And you're a bunny, because..."
"Ah, it's not just the nickname. I mean, that happened for a reason. It's his personality. Strong, brave, insanely protective of his loved ones. He's a hunter, all sharp teeth and deep growls. Hard, steely muscles. Agile and fast. A lone wolf, most of the time, but caring for his pack a lot. He can be a bit possessive too, I guess. The dark clothes, hiding him in the darkness of the night as he's looking for his prey... Yeah."
Radovid noted how Jaskier's breath hitched the more he spoke about Geralt like that, and how his cheeks flushed. He really seemed to like this game.
"And, uhm, I'm a bunny because I'm overly energetic, soft and roundish, and irresistibly adorable."
Radovid laughed. "Yes, you are."
"And you know, it's quite sexy to play prey. Just letting a big scary predator do whatever the hell they want to me."
Radovid hummed. He drew patterns onto Jaskier's skin with his fingertips. The more Jaskier said, the more Radovid felt himself become interested. He imagined Jaskier on all fours, whimpering and presenting his rotund behind to a snarling Geralt. He grew hard in his breeches at the thought. Jaskier must have noticed the bulge under him, because he made an amused little sound and wiggled his ass against it.
"Oh, my, what do we have here?"
"What kind of animal would I be," Radovid drawled, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop himself. Jaskier sent him a strange look.
"In this game of yours," Radovid clarified. He tightened his grasp around Jaskier's hips. "What am I?"
Jaskier tilted his head to the side as he inspected his face. His eyes darkened, his tongue poking out to wet his lips.
"A fox," Jaskier concluded. Radovid hummed.
"Elaborate on that."
"Smart, cunning," Jaskier explained, teasing a finger down the side of Radovid's neck. "Crafty. Seemingly a harmless puppy, but you bite hard. Not afraid of a challenge. Leaner and not as tough as a wolf - but still very strong. And you have these sharp features and that reddish tint to your hair, so... a fox. Definitely."
Well, Radovid could make do with that information. It planted a new image in his head - one where that sweet, eager bunny was hunted by not one, but two apex predators at once...
It was as if Jaskier read his mind because he leant in really close to his ear and whispered "why? Would you like to join us?"
Radovid had to think of that very old lady from the kitchen to stop himself from coming inside his pants like a pathetic teenager.
"Seriously?" He asked, his voice choked up with arousal. Jaskier bit his lip in a sultry way as he nodded.
"Mhm. I'd love that."
"And Geralt? You said he's possessive."
"Yeah, but I'm here, aren't I? He lets me play with you, too, so I don't think he would hate the idea."
To emphasize his words, Jaskier slipped a hand inside Radovid's collar and caressed his chest, running his fingers through the coarse hair there teasingly.
"That wolf loves spoiling his bunny," Jaskier all but moaned into his ear, "and if his bunny wants to be hunted down by a fox as well, he will cave in."
Radovid reached up to tangle his hands in Jaskier's hair, pulling him down into a heated kiss. He couldn't stop thinking about the idea for a single second.
Apparently, Geralt was on board right away. He really had to be whipped for his bunny - not that Radovid blamed him for it. He also never managed to resist Jaskier.
He joined them in their camp in the woods. Slipping out without his guards noticing and making a huge ruckus wasn't an easy task, but he managed. He did laugh at himself a little for how ridiculous it was, that a wealthy prince was sneaking around in the forest just to pretend to be animals with two other men, but his curiosity and his lust were stronger than his embarrassment.
His breath caught in his throat when he spotted Jaskier, sitting on Geralt's lap like he sat on his just about a week prior, dressed only in one of Geralt's shirts and nothing else. He rocked against Geralt's crotch in a steady rhythm as they kissed languidly. Geralt's big hands squeezed the soft, thick flesh of Jaskier's thighs as he pulled him closer. The sight of them together was beautiful.
"Hello?" Radovid called out, a little uncertain. The pair broke apart. Jaskier's eyes lit up when he saw him. Geralt gave him a nod as he released Jaskier.
"You came," Jaskier grinned as he rushed over to him and kissed him on the lips happily. If his mind wasn't already so fried with arousal, Radovid would've made a "not yet" joke.
His eyes fell on Geralt, once him and Jaskier parted. His naked, extremely chiseled torso drew his eye. He understood perfectly why Jaskier was so attracted to him - all those hard muscles, that tall, broad built were ridiculously gorgeous.
"We haven't officially met yet," Radovid said as he reached his hand out for Geralt. Geralt shook his hand with a hum. His skin was warm and his fingers calloused, so different from his and Jaskier's softer, smaller hands.
"You have a surprisingly strong handshake," Geralt noted. Radovid couldn't help but smirk. He glanced at Jaskier who watched them curiously, his long lashes fluttering.
"Are there any rules?"
"Not really, just let go and enjoy," Jaskier told him. "And if someone doesn't like something, we can always stop."
"You gotta show me how it's done," Radovid drawled. Jaskier grinned.
"Want some free show, huh?"
Radovid shrugged with a cheeky grin, but his eyes lit up with interest as Geralt stepped over to Jaskier. It was truly a miracle how Jaskier, who was merely a couple inches shorter than Geralt, with a fairly muscular built covered with nice handfuls of soft flesh managed to look so much smaller compared to the witcher. It was in the way his eyes grew big and innocent as he looked up at him, Radovid noted. A strange instinct, one he's lacked before, flared up in him as he watched Geralt kiss Jaskier with fervor, all but devouring the bard as his hands squeezed all over Jaskier's needily trembling body.
Jaskier threw his head back, revealing his neck to Geralt. Geralt licked a long stripe over his throat, and Jaskier made a noise that caused Radovid to stifle a similar sound.
"Is the bunny not gonna put on a fight?" Geralt drawled. He nosed at Jaskier's jaw with a smirk. "Doesn't he wanna escape?"
"Does he even stand a chance," Jaskier moaned, clawing at Geralt's chest as Geralt sucked on his throat, painting it deep blue and purple with his marks. Jaskier's eyes fell to Radovid, still so big and pleading. Fuck, this was really, really hot. "Does he even stand a chance against two predators at the same time?"
Geralt's eyes were dark and curious as he looked at Radovid.
"Does he?" He asked. Radovid looked at Jaskier, who licked his lips excitedly. His eyes were hooded with lust. The fire inside Radovid burnt harder.
"No, he doesn't," he replied, his voice deeper, thicker than usual. It surprised even him.
"Oh, let's see about that," Jaskier grinned. Then, he started running - not very fast, mind. He clearly had no intention to actually outrun Geralt who sent Radovid a questioning look before he leapt after him.
That would've been so ridiculous if Radovid wasn't so turned on already. Running through the woods in his fancy boots like an idiot? Chasing his lover who pretended to be a horny rabbit?
That was exactly what he did when overcome by a mad lust he hasn't felt before, started running after them. He could only hope he wouldn't trip over a branch and break his neck.
The adrenaline, along with an unfamiliar, primal lust pumped through his veins as he ran between the trees, never losing sight of the other two. Jaskier played the part really well: he kept throwing anxious glances over his shoulder, as if he wasn't burning up with the desire to get caught. Geralt was close on his tail, and Radovid soon caught up to them as well.
Jaskier - possibly on purpose - tripped, and Geralt took the opportunity to grab him and tackle him down onto the ground. Jaskier let out a gasp as Geralt pinned him down, his iron grip around Jaskier's wrists never easing up as he sunk his teeth into Jaskier's neck, growling around the patch of skin in his mouth. Jaskier writhed underneath him, weakly struggling under Geralt's bulk.
Radovid came to kneel next to them on the ground. He watched with rapt interest as Jaskier moaned and whimpered in pleasure as Geralt bit all over his neck and chest, leaving red teeth marks on his skin.
"Doesn't the fox want to take a bite?" Geralt suddenly asked him, his voice surprisingly cheeky. "Don't let go of your prey that easily."
A growl ripped out of Radovid as he leant down and nuzzled Jaskier's neck. Jaskier tilted his head back, encouraging him. So, Radovid did as Geralt told him, and took Jaskier's soft skin between his teeth. It yielded deliciously, and he trembled and whined so prettily. Radovid wanted to hear more. He grabbed Jaskier's shirt and tore at it, trying to get more of his body. Jaskier practically purred in delight.
Radovid and Geralt knocked together in their haste to try and claw and bite as much at Jaskier as they could. Radovid gasped when Geralt suddenly nosed at his neck. He looked up at him questioningly, and Radovid nodded. He swore under his breath when Geralt nipped at him, lighter than he did to Jaskier.
He wasn't sure what came over him again when he growled and sunk his own teeth into Geralt's neck. The witcher's breath hitched. His skin was different from Jaskier's, his scent stronger. Radovid growled harder as he bit all over Geralt's neck, one of his hands gripping at Jaskier's chest and pushing him down on the ground.
Geralt lightly shoved at him, clearly not putting in as much strength as he could, lest he completely shattered him. His eyes were dark with lust as he bit at Radovid's shoulder, tearing at his shirt.
"Mine," Geralt growled, possessively squeezing at Jaskier's thigh. Jaskier's breathing picked up as he watched his predators fight over him, absolutely delighted by the sight.
"Mine," Radovid snarled back. He clawed at Geralt's chest, his fingernails leaving a faint red mark on his skin. When he pulled back, he saw that there was a tiny smear of blood on Geralt's neck where he bit too hard. Radovid's eyes widened in horror.
"Shit, I didn't mean to..."
"That's okay," Geralt drawled, licking his lips. "That's a feisty fox you lured here, little bunny."
Jaskier grinned. His cheeks were flushed pink, his chest heaving with his aroused breaths. His cock was straining, steadily oozing precome.
"Very bitey. I like it."
"Let me just..." Radovid leant in and licked the droplet of blood off Geralt's neck. He was surprised to find Geralt shivering in response.
"Fuck," Jaskier moaned. He pushed himself up on his elbows to see better. "Oh, these are some very possessive predators, alright."
Geralt hovered above him. His strong hands held Jaskier down as he licked and nibbled all over his body. Jaskier looked like the most beautiful, most delicious meal as he laid beneath them, so open, so willing. Radovid hasn't seen him like that before, but now that he did, he couldn't get enough.
They were right about this game, he thought as he sucked hickies into Jaskier's hip, adding his own marks to Geralt's collection. This sinful roleplay woke something primal up in him as well, something that made him want to shed every societal expectation, that made him want to never stop biting and clawing at that beautiful prey beneth him.
He was going to eat him alive.
"Hop on my face," he told Jaskier. Jaskier sent him an amused look, but he did sit up gingerly, grinning when Radovid lay on the ground and started grabbing at his hips.
"Aw, the fox seems really hungry," Jaskier cooed as he climbed up on Radovid's body, hovering above his face in a backwards position. "Don't worry, we have just the treat for him."
He started lowering himself down. Radovid grabbed him and yanked him down in one quick motion, until Jaskier's plump buttocks covered his face. Jaskier let out a gasp when Radovid licked over his hole with a hungry moan. He grabbed onto Jaskier's meaty thighs, digging his fingers into his flesh as he lapped at Jaskier's entrance.
"Oh... What a clever tongue this fox has", Jaskier moaned. He ground his hips down gently, his breath hitching when Radovid lightly nipped at his sensitive skin.
Radovid felt something brush against him. Since he couldn't see due to Jaskier's luscious body covering his face, he could only guess that Geralt knelt over him.
He heard the sound of a belt unbuckling. He moaned straight into Jaskier's hole that fluttered against his tongue eagerly.
"The bunny seems pretty hungry, too," Geralt said. There was an excited little gasp, then Jaskier leant forward. Radovid heard Geralt let out a moan, then hot, wet, sucking sounds. He realized Jaskier started sucking Geralt off, and that made his already painfully hard cock twitch.
"Isn't it great that there's enough of this bunny to share," Geralt growled. His voice rumbled deep in his chest, thick with arousal. Jaskier moaned, his voice muffled by the cock in his mouth.
"He's a whole feast."
He definitely was, and Radovid truly wanted to devour him. He pointed his tongue and thrust it inside, making Jaskier's hips twitch above him. He was heavy, and so warm, his bum, round and thick like a ripe peach, covered his entire face. He ran his hands over his fuzzy, soft thighs, enjoying the way they trembled.
He felt Geralt place a hand on his knee as he moved forward to rock into Jaskier's mouth. Jaskier made a choking sound as Geralt's cock hit the back of his throat. His hole fluttered around Radovid's tongue.
"Does the bunny taste good?" Geralt asked, breathless. While having Jaskier on his face was a heavenly experience, Radovid kind of wished he could see Geralt's face in the throes of passion right now. Radovid moaned again as he circled his tongue, teasing the sensitive nerve endings. Jaskier whimpered around Geralt's dick, grinding his hips down.
Jaskier breathed harshly through his nose as Geralt gently thrust into his mouth. Radovid followed suit as he buried his face in deeper, his hand kneading Jaskier's hips and thighs, fingernails digging into the small rolls at his waist forcefully. He caressed Jaskier's sensitive inner walls with his tongue before he pulled it out and teased it along his rim. Jaskier made a choked-up sound akin to a sob. Geralt shushed him softly.
"That's a good bunny, so good for us."
Radovid continued teasing that tight ring of muscle until Jaskier trembled above him, desperately rocking against his face for more. He plunged his tongue back in, stretching him out, forcing their needy bunny to take everything the fox and the wolf wanted to give him. He fucked Jaskier with his tongue in rhythm with Geralt who canted his hips into that needy mouth.
He heard a deep, guttural moan above him, then a shaky release of breath. Jaskier swallowed audibly. Radovid moaned when he realized what just happened.
"Fuck," Geralt moaned. He kissed Jaskier on the lips noisily. Jaskier whimpered against his mouth.
"Is the fox doing okay under there?" Geralt asked, gently tapping Radovid on the chest. "That rump is quite the handful."
Radovid gave Geralt a weak thumbs up. He could barely breathe with how heavy Jaskier was on his face, especially when he grinded down so desperately, rubbing his plump bottom right against his mouth, but right now, Radovid believed that if he died like this, suffocating under his bunny, it would be worth it.
He fucked Jaskier harder with his tongue, pointing it and thrusting it in as deep as he could. Jaskier cried out in pleasure as Radovid repeatedly hit his sweet spot with the tip of his tongue.
"That's it," Jaskier whimpered, his voice growing high-pitched, his hips stuttering as he approached his climax, "fucking devour me."
Radovid let out a groan. He circled his tongue quicker, his lips closing around Jaskier's hole like a vice to suck on it, attacking him with pleasure from every angle. When his teeth scraped his sensitive skin again, Jaskier came, nearly sobbing as he spilled over Radovid's chest.
Geralt helped Jaskier off Radovid's face. Radovid gasped for breath and blinked against the sudden light as Geralt's face came into view.
"Still good?" He asked. Radovid nodded tiredly. Jaskier nuzzled into his neck with a happy giggle.
"Everyone ate, but what about the wolf?" Jaskier cooed. He settled down comfortably, letting Radovid rest his head on his thighs. "I bet he's hungry."
Geralt's eyes were dark as they landed on Radovid. It made him tremble with want. Geralt reached for Radovid's belt with a questioning look. The prince nodded frantically.
He swore when Geralt's hand closed around his dick. The witcher gave it a few experimental pumps. Radovid threw a hand over his face as he continued cursing. Jaskier caressed his hair, murmuring something Radovid couldn't make out. He didn't even have the chance to comprehend anything because he was engulfed in a warm, wet mouth. He watched, mouth agape, as Geralt bobbed his head up and down, taking his full length easily.
"He's very good at this, isn't he," Jaskier purred, gently scratching at Radovid's scalp. Radovid gripped onto the grass, trying to hold on a little longer as Geralt sucked on his tip, his eyes dark with lust. "When a beast like that unhinges its jaw, you'll be swallowed whole."
Geralt took this opportunity to sink completely down on Radovid's dick, choking lightly when he hit the back of his throat.
Being so aroused for so long now, it didn't take much for Radovid to lose it and empty his load into Geralt's mouth. Geralt pulled off slowly, making sure his teeth scraped over Radovid's oversensitive dick, causing it to twitch one last time.
Geralt laid next to him and kissed Jaskier over Radovid's head. Radovid looked up at them, a grin spreading on his face.
This was definitely the weirdest thing he's ever done, but also the most amazing.
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