#he seems pretty cool but my chemistry with C is definitely better so i won’t be too fussed if it doesn’t work out
slythernnn · 6 months
Realizing how many things I have to do this month
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tydy-the-megnet · 5 years
Let's Watch Captain Marvel
Alrighty. It's definitely late, but I finally got the DVD. So, I'm watching Captain Marvel.
I've decided to make this post about it, which I will write as I go, because I've seen a lot of discussion about the movie without actually hearing about what happens in it... so uh... yeah. Here are my thoughts as I think them:
Brie Larson looks good with long hair. Also, is Carol bleeding blue...? I want to know what that's about and if it's important
Movie is said to take place in the 90s. Space still already has flying cars. I guess Star Wars wasn't not accurate
Listen Sensei dude, if there is one thing I've learned from anime, emotions only make you stronger.
"You gave me these" *shakes fists* is that literal? Like did Mr Sensei really give her fists or is that referring to her powers...? I know nothing of Captain Marvel
He's talking about controlling impulses again. He clearly hasn't seen any anime
The Skrull are the shapeshifters yeah?
... amnesia...?
Now the supreme intelligence (god ai???) Is also talking about controlling her emotions. I still don't buy it.
Mission time. Digging the banter
"I laugh on the inside. I'm not doing that now."
Hm, not sure how I feel about the helmet thing
Hard light scuba gear? That's cool
I'm digging the kinda star wars vibe
Captain listen to your CO but also dont listen to him at all
Yeah the skrull are the shapeshifters everything makes sense now
Wait is her name Veers? Or is that what she's called just because she doesn't remember who she is?
More of this "too emotional" stuff?
Digging the whole mental probe thing.
*Tries percussive maintain on a person*
"I dont know any Dr Larson"
So that had me confused bc I was like "Wasnt her name Danvers?" But Larson is the actress and I guess that's just a character????
Do I have the two backwards?
Skrull: *snarls*
Captain: *snarls back*
I like her
She fights like an anime character while everyone else is an 80s sci-fi movie
Get the boots!!!
And touchdown! Planet C-53! Locally known as Earth!
I guess Captain Marvel could be called a blockbuster hit in-universe and out huh?
I'm hilarious
Honey in basically in the space-boonies now you got no service here lol
This poor confused security guard lol
She called across the galaxy on a pay phone...? Yeah okay cool cool
"[C-53]'s a real shithole" yeah give it 30 years or so it gets worse
Okay why do people not like Captain Marvel?
She's like a mix of Tony, Thor, and Steve
Is that... Coulson? Young Coulson!?
I don't think that was young Coulson after all...
Or is it?
Why are these bystanders trying to stop Veers(?) from fighting this obviously not normal old lady?
What kinda old lady can flip like that?
oh it was Young Coulson!
Poor Coulson
Damn, Nick
*uses AltaVista*
So it's later 90s. Got it.
Lmao dial-up
I guess they're in california?
Lmao dial-up
Ah so this is the motorcycle scene I've heard about. Apparently they cut the part where she nearly breaks the guy's fingers? Disappointing.
The skrull aren't carbon-based life forms that's so cool!
Not on the periodic table...? Let's see, in the 90s... I guess stuff like rutherfordium and onward wouldn't be on there. Uh, maybe technetium? There might be a couple others but for the most part chemistry was advanced enough.
Unless it's something beyond like 118. Which is weird to think about but whatever I should stop thinking about it
Except elements like that would have to be in group 14 yeah?
Biology isnt exactly my forte but
Okay perhaps it's what we now know as flerovium?
The elements in the carbon group should react similarly enough to be the foundation of an entire life form
That's why silicon is used for synthetic stuff a lot right?
And tin
I'm getting off track the movie has been paused for a few minutes now
I'm just going to assume they are flerovium-based life forms
Oh shit they're in SHIELD
So Pegasus is a flight team, or an AF division, or....?
"I don't know if this guy is really human. I'd better ask a bunch of questions to which I don't know the answer."
A skrull could be saying random words and it would totally work
"If toast is cut diagonally I can't easy it."
Why the heck not??????
"That was a photon blast" is that what that is? Awesome
I want Peter to meet her. I think he'd have a new contender for favorite
"A skrull can't do that. " how is he supposed to know that?
Young and slightly less suspicious Fury??
"Noble warrior heroes"
NASA and USAF. Sweet.
"State-of-the-art two-way pager"
Ah the old tape-and-fingerprint trick. Haven't seen that since the 90s--oh
Fury meeting Goose is the purest scene in marvel
"you sat there and watched me play with tape?" Lmao
"Shes kookoo" "Kree glyphs" ":O"
Veers was the pilot
I still don't know her sensei's name
"Excellent work, Nicholas" ":O"
(I know who Mar-Vell is!)
Okay okay okay
More of this "dont emotion" garbage. Listen Veers, DON'T listen
"You know how to fly this thing?" "Uh" "it's a yes or no question"
They're going to LA
(Louisiana not Los Angeles)
Why do people not like this this is great!
She's got the worst part of Thor, but the best part of Tony and Steve!
(So it IS Carol Danvers. Which means Larson isn't her mother. Which makes since because she's actually Mar-Vell. Who's... well, not the mother.)
The Good Lady Ms. Captain Carol Marvel "I-Can-Boil-Tea-With-My-Bare-Hands-Which-Shoot-Lasers-Too" Danvers Ma'am
"You're jacket. Mom doesn't let me wear it anymore after I spilled ketchup on it."
I dont know this kid's name but I really really like her.
"Call me young lady again and I'll put my foot in a place it's not supposed to be."
... that one is more clever with context but whatever
"Am I supposed to guess where that is?" "Your ass"
Monika. That's the kid's name. She's great.
Ah, more ancient relics they call "tech" lol
Do a barrel roll
She did a barrel roll!
"Your blood is uhhh blue" "yeah but how's my hair"
Ah, "Vers" bc they assumed that was her name. Interesting.
Also I want to get super power by blowing something up that's way cooler than being bitten by a stupid spider
Is she human? Is she not? I've no clue
The skrull are the good guys. Things are starting to make sense again.
... maybe I should've pushed to watch this before far from home.
... huh.
... is she human?
Okay so I'm still a little confused but I think I got it.
Though I won't say I dont want something else to blow up
"Those aren't coordinates they're orbital vectors." "It's basic physics." "Couldnt you figure that out? You're my science guy."
"I just think you should consider what kind of example you're setting for your daughter." That's it. That's the best line in the whole movie. Time to go.
Her suit can change colors on a whim!?!
That's awesome
I mean I saw it in Endgame but
"How do I look?" "Fresh" lmao 90s
"What's a cat?" xD
"Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?"
Space lab. Cool.
Is that the tesseract??
She can pick it up!!
Does that mean she could've wielded the Infinity Gauntlet??????
Pinball lmao
Those bastards
"Only human" HEY I RESENT THAT
(I'm still hilarious)
This is awesome why dont more people love it???
"Good kitty"
This very quickly went from Star Wars to Dragon Ball and I am loving it
She really is an anime character
Did she? Is that? Nerf gun?
Okay Carol isnt that much god mode there was just a nerd gun on the floor okay cool yeah sure
"Just like Havana" TALOS YOU BEAUTIFUL--
Remember how captain america jumped to the outside of a plane and fought through it? Yeah CM just did that in SPACE take that Steve
Still dont know how I feel about the helmet thing though
Yeah, those are explosions
Ronin: O_O
Ronin: .... yeah bye
"I have nothing to prove to you."
Fury lost his eye! GOOSE HE TRUSTED YOU
*thinks back to that moment in Winter Soldier*
"You were Solar and the SHIELD agent?" Omg Carol yes keep up
Fury SINGS?!?!
So like, are her powers just straight up energy manipulation? Because that's pretty cool. Really versatile, too
The way she started the engine makes it seem so
And then she just,,,,,, flies away. Into the night. Like stardust in the wind.
Dig the jacket, though
"The Protector Initiative"
It begins......
"Is it true? The Kree burned your eye out because you refused to give them the tesseract?" "I will neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story"
Lmao Fury
"The Avenger Initiative"
It didnt actually show it but we know
Also, dig the music
Aaand now we see, 20ish years later, the snappening
"I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing"
First of all I love that they dont call it a pager because it's 2018 wtf is a pager amirite?
Second, I love how Carol is just there. Great reveal. 1007391861604016/10
"Where's Fury?" D:
Better question, where is Goose???
*one roll of credits later*
Oh! :D
Lmao the tesseract
God this movie is amazing
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We Need Your Help Pt. 2
Requested by: @justcallmecinammon
Relationship: Connor x Reader
Words: 1206
A/N: Sorry this is coming out late! Wifi has been very crappy lately and school has been kicking my ass (specifically pap chemistry). This will be my last DBH request, but I've been thinking about writing a fic for an anime I've been watching, so stay tuned for that! I hope you like this second part!
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You ended up having to drive your car because Connor had apparently walked all the way to your house.
However, driving with Connor wasn't bad. It was actually pretty funny. Since you didn't know where to go, Connor acted as your GPS. It was hard not to laugh when he spoke “turn right in 200 feet” or “go straight for one mile”.
You pulled into the driveway, parking right behind Hank's car and turned off the engine. You both silently got out the car and looked at the house.
It was a house suitable for a middle class family, easily costing around $500,000. Everything on the outside looked perfect. Too perfect.
The flower bed was completely tended to, and the bushes were trimmed. There was no sign of deterioration on the house. It seemed like the house of a normal family.
You knew better.
There wasn't any physical evidence of it, but you knew that there was something there.
Connor followed behind you, but not to close as to give you space to do your thing.
You opened the door and saw Hank and some other cops in the living room. You recognized one of them as Chris.
One of the other cops handed you a pair of gloves, which you promptly put on. Walking over to Hank, you asked, “what have you found?”
Hank turned his head to you, an annoyed look in his eyes, “Nothing. We've looked in every nook and cranny in this damned house, and we haven't found anything.”
You smirked at him, “Yeah, but you guys aren't me. I'm better than you guys.”
Hank rolled his eyes, “you know, one day, that cockiness of yours is gonna get you in fuckin’ trouble.”
You gave the old man a tooth grin, “that's the plan!”
You walked off into a different room of the house that you recognized as the kitchen.
You decided against opening the cabinets and drawers. If there was going to be anything in there, Connor would have found it. You brushed your hand against the marble counter of the island in the middle of the kitchen, the smooth cool surface feeling pleasant running against your gloved fingers.
You felt the world around you fall silent, the chatter in the other room now blocked from your mind as you scanned the room.
This person they’re after is definitely intelligent. You could tell because there wasn't any hidden hiding places in the cabinets.
However, you soon found out that they aren't intelligent enough.
You were in the bedroom. You scanned everything down with you eyes. That was when they had stopped at the curtain rod.
It wasn't noticeable at first glance, but when you got closer, you saw that it had been recently removed.
You went to the kitchen to get a chair, catching the attention of Hank and Connor. The followed you into the bedroom, confused with what you need the chair for.
Connor watched as you stepped onto the chair, eyes quickly fluttering from your ass to your hands. He had to admit, you had a nice ass.
He watched as you screwed off the end of the curtain rod. A small paper fell out and you read it.
You turned your head, a smirk on your face, “told you I'm better.”
Your move your butt back and forth, lightly tapping the floor with your feet, the smooth sound of jazz sweeping across the room, paintbrush in hand. Just one last little detail—
And done!
You put your palette and brush down, sloppily tap dancing, a goofy smile on your face. You were very pleased with your work.
You must have not heard the ring of your doorbell because you jumped as you heard the door to the room creak open.
“Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting,” a light blue blush danced across Connor’s face as he spoke.
You grabbed the remote for you stereo and turned down the song. Turning to Connor, you said, “No, of course not. I actually just finished the painting.”
You stepped aside to reveal your work. “It's beautiful…” Connor was at a loss for words, something that doesn't happen very often.
His eyes glazed over every little detail on the canvas. It was truly remarkable how fast and efficient you could work.
Connor looked at the painted (E/C) that he'd fallen in love with.
He stared at the painting you'd made of yourself.
“I figured it was time I do myself. I guess I was putting off. Didn't really want to admit that I hadn't grown to my full potential yet.”
You had a faraway look in your eyes; Connor assumed it was because you were thinking of your past.
Deciding to not get too depressing, you changed the subject, “so how'd it go with that drug bust? I heard it was pretty huge.”
“You are correct. We were able to arrest 67 people and confiscate a large shipping container with red ice and cocaine.”
You looked at the android incredulously, “Jesus Christ! What fucking idiots…” You shook your head as you laughed.
“I wanted to thank you, (Y/N),” you looked at Connor, a hint of confusion spread across you features. “If it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't have been able to finish this case.”
You felt a tug inside your chest. “It's really no problem. You can always come to me for help no matter what.”
“That's not the only thing I wanted to thank you for.” This made you raise your eyebrows.
“I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. I want to thank you for staying by my side before I was deviant. I want to thank you for trusting me even after I treated you so coldly when we first met. I want to thank you for being there for me after I turned deviant,” Connor paused, taking a step closer to you after each sentence was spoken.
“I want to thank you for being the reason I turned deviant,” Connor was now right in front of you, only a few inches dividing the two of you. “I love you, (Y/N).”
You eyes widened and you opened your mouth slightly in surprise. Your throat was dry. “What…”
Connor looked down at the floor, “I'm sorry I just suddenly dropped this on you. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I understand if want to stay friends or don't want to talk to me anymore because of this. I won't push you to do anything you don't want to.”
When you didn't say anything Connor’s heart fell, “I should leave and let you think.”
Just as he passed you, you turned and grabbed his wrist, pulling him into a hug. You pressed your face into his chest.
“Don't go. I'm sorry, I was just surprised. I didn't think the guy I like would stand here and confess to me.” You looked up to Connor’s face, still hugging him. You moved your hand to his cheek, “you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say those words to me.”
You moved your mouth to his lips, and they meet in a sweet kiss.
You could get used to this.
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angel-shindo · 7 years
My secret santa gift for the @boku-no-secret-santa , for @whisper-gypsy ! I ended up doing a KiriDeku blind date thing, plus tired wingman Shinsou!! I hope you like it, it's my first time writing for Kiri so I hope he isn't too OOC! Happy holidays!!
“I don't know why it never works out for me, I mean-”
“Izuku.” Shinsou sighed, still not catching his friends attention.
“Ochako says I'm cute and all and I guess it's true but every time I think I meet someone nice i-”
“Izuku! You're doing it again and I'm trying to study.” Izuku looked over at Shinsou where he was perched precariously on his bed, surrounded by textbooks and notes.
“I-I'm so sorry! I'll try not to do it so much!”
“It's fine, were you thinking about being single again?” Shinsou moved some of his work aside, deciding he could use a break anyway.
“Yeah, Ochako tried to set me up again but this guy was… weird. I wanted to run away after the first few minutes but he was paying…” Shinsou nodded, grabbing his coffee and taking a long draw before setting it back down and stretching.
“Ill set you up with someone, he isn't anything crazy but he’s nice and I think you’ll work pretty well together. Sound good?” Izuku nodded and leaned over the papers to give Shinsou a hug, a habit the lilac-haired boy had gotten used to quickly.
“Thanks, Hitoshi! Sorry for bothering you with all this, I'm sure it gets annoying sometimes…”
“Not at all, I was bored of chemistry work anyway. Ill text you the details later, okay?” Izuku nodded and bounced back to his own bed, a smile on his face as he sorted through his messy notes. Sure, he was nervous about being set up with some random guy, especially after his last disaster of a date, but if he was friends with Shinsou then he couldn't be too bad! 
Or so he kept telling himself for the next couple days, checking the details Shinsou had sent him as the day of the date approached. It was a nice restaurant that Izuku had been to a couple times, showing up early in a nice button-down shirt and slacks. The table was already reserved so he went inside, grateful for the heat as he was brought to the corner booth.
“Can I start you with anything while you wait?”
“U-um, a water and maybe a glass of wine?” He asked nervously, fiddling with his sleeve as the waitress left. The restaurant was quiet that night, not too many patrons in the middle of the week, but Izuku liked it better that way. Fewer people to see him make a fool of himself when this mystery guy showed up, as usual. When his drinks were delivered Izuku downed the wine, hoping to ease his nerves a little. Izuku checked Shinsou’s text again, making sure he had said seven and not eight. But he had shown up at the right time so now he waited, sipping his water and glancing around. Every time someone passed by he perked up, hoping it was his date, but it never was. Eventually, the waitress came back, a sympathetic look on her face.
“It… looks like no one else is coming, sweetie. Want to order something while you're here? We have several specials today!!” Izuku shook his head and looked down, biting his lip. He didn't want to cry, not here, not now.
“C-c-can I get some soup, for now, please? Or b-bread?”
“Sure thing honey, I'll be back with that soon.” Izuku nodded and thanked her, staring down at the table and blinking away tears. What was wrong with him? He tried so hard to be nice to everyone, to smile and laugh and be friendly. But every time Izuku thought he had a chance, something happened. Ochako realized she wasn't into guys (and Izuku with the opposite problem), Bakugou hadn't really clicked with him, and Todoroki… just hadn't been the guy for him. And those were just the ones he had spent more than single dinner getting to know. Hell, he was still a virgin! Nearly done with college and still a virgin, how sad was that? The tears kept flowing with no way to stem them, Izuku just closing his eyes and praying that no one would notice him. But Izuku felt a weight settle into the other side of the booth, a hand reaching out to take his.
“Hey, you okay dude? I saw you crying, figured you could use a friend.” Izuku looked up and wiped his eyes with his other hand, taking a better look at the guy across from him. He was far too attractive, in Izuku’s opinion, with spiked up red hair and a comforting smile spread across his face. Izuku glanced down, noticing the stranger's hand still over his own.
“Oh, heh, sorry about that. I guess I'm kind of a physical guy, you know?” Izuku nodded, dabbing at his eyes with a napkin and holding his hands in his lap.
“I must look horrible… I take it you aren't my date?”
“Huh? Oh, no, I don't think so. Actually, I got stood up too, I was on my way out when I saw you. Mind if I stay for a bit? I'm actually kinda starving and ill pay!” Izuku blushed a little, managing a smile.
“Y-you don't have to do that, really! I mean, um, i-i don't mind paying…” The stranger waved a hand and grinned, leaning forward on his elbows. It was only now that Izuku realized he was in a suit and he quickly looked away, not wanting to give himself any ideas that he shouldn't be having.
“No way, I crashed your booth, I'm not letting you pay. Did you order anything yet?” Izuku shook his head, watching as the redhead perused the menu.
“Thank you… I'm Midoriya, by the way. Midoriya I-Izuku.”
“Izuku huh? That's a cute name. I'm Kirishima Eijirou, but most people just call me Kirishima. You can call me whatever though! Hey, do you know what's good here? I've never been before and everything sounds really friggin’ amazing!” Izuku giggled, leaning over and pointing something out.
“I really like their pork cutlet bowls, but everything here is pretty tasty!” Izuku pulled back, quietly prattling on about the various dishes he had tried as Kirishima stared with a mild blush.
“Hey, um, Midoriya? You good?” Izuku’s head snapped up and he covered his mouth quickly, ears burning red.
“I-i'm so s-s-sorry! I kind of ramble and mutter a lot, e-especially when I'm nervous…” Kirishima laughed and sat back, grinning.
“Ahaha, sorry to laugh, it's just… Dude, you're adorable! Like, seriously, I don't know who stood you up but they are seriously missing out!” Izuku blushed and couldn't speak, no matter how much he tried. He had never gotten such a sweet compliment before and eventually he just hid behind his hands, mumbling nonsense under his breath. Kirishima smiled softly, gently pulling Izuku’s hands away.
“Too much? Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you like that.”
“N-no, I'm just not used to people… s-saying things like that.” Izuku muttered, not taking his hands away. Kirishima’s touch was warm and gentle, comforting after having been ditched mere minutes before.
“Really? Are all your friends blind or something? I mean, the freckles, the hair, the cute little mumbling, I'm shocked you aren't married or something!” Izuku laughed, sipping at the last of his water.
“I… I am definitely not married, that's for sure. I'm still in college, it's my third year. How about you? Do you go to the university?” Kirishima nodded, waving a waitress over to order.
“Mhm! Same year, majoring in art. How about you?” Izuku felt his heart jump, this guy was cute, sweet, and an artist? He was way too good for him and yet, Izuku never wanted this to end. Ending meant leaving and leaving might mean never seeing Kirishima again. Before he could talk, the waitress came over and smiled at them.
“Oh! Your date showed up! Sorry for the delay with your bread, a fresh batch just went in the oven! Would you guys like to order anything else?” Kirishima nodded, grinning.
“Two pork cutlet bowls, please! And-” Kirishima leaned up to whisper something to her, smiling as she noted it down and walked away. Izuku tilted his head in curiosity but got only a smile in return. “Anyway, whats your major?”
“Oh, um… it's kind of embarrassing…” Izuku blushed brighter, wondering if he was going to burst into flames before the night ended.
“I won't laugh, promise! Come on, I'm so curious!” Izuku smiled softly, unable to resist the puppy eyes Kirishima was giving him.
“Alright, you win. My major is education, with a focus on preschoolers and younger kids.” Izuku glanced away, feeling Kirishima’s grip tighten on his hand.
“Really? That's so neat! Do you want to be an elementary school teacher?” They got to talking about their hopes for the future, Izuku wanting to run a small preschool and Kirishima confessing that he didn't know what he wanted to do. They talked about anything and everything until the food came, two steaming bowls placed in front of them.
“Enjoy! And I'll be back before long with that special order of yours!” The waitress winked and left them to their food, Kirishima digging right in.
“Ah, fuh, hot!” He cried, instantly regretting the bite of pork and noodles he had taken. Izuku giggled, blowing on his own spoonful of broth before eating it. When Kirishima finally recovered he smiled, letting the next bite cool significantly.
“Wow, this is amazing! I don't think I've ever eaten anything this good!” Kirishima exclaimed happily, eating quickly as Izuku split his attention between watching and eating his own food. He couldn't help it, Kirishima was beautiful, even as he scarfed down his food like a starving man. And Kirishima didn't seem to notice the eyes on him, only glancing up when his bowl was nearly empty.
“Hey, are you okay? You haven't eaten much.” Izuku smiled sheepishly, running a hand through his hair.
“I'm okay, just a little… distracted.” Kirishima smiled and stole a bite of egg from Izuku’s bowl, his eyes glimmering with mischief.
“Better eat up!” Izuku giggled and lightly smacked Kirishima’s hand when it went for a slice of pork, eating it before he could.
“There you go! Don't get too full though, there's a surprise for you later!” That grin made Izuku freeze again, another bite halfway to his mouth. How could this man, practically a stranger, make his heart beat like this? Make him feel like he had found everything he wanted in the span of an hour? It was scary, if Izuku was being honest with himself. He didn't want to mess this one up, not with Kirishima.
“Distracted again?”
“Oh, yeah… Sorry, I get into my own head a lot, I guess.” He didn't elaborate, not wanting to bore Kirishima with his life story.
“Try to stay here, okay? How about I talk and help you out?”
Izuku wanted to cry, Kirishima had done it again, made him feel like he was the only guy in the world. But he bit back the tears and let Kirishima talk, rambling on and on about his friends and the antics they had gotten into. It kept Izuku focused, quickly finding his bowl empty thanks to Kirishima. As it turned out, they both knew Bakugou, Kirishima actually having several amusing stories to tell about him and his friends. Izuku coughed with laughter at one point, wiping his cheeks when he finally stopped laughing.
“And they survived? Really?”
"Well, barely! Bakugou was on the warpath for days, Mina wound up losing a chunk of hair in the process! Oh and Sero, poor Sero!” Kirishima laughed and leaned on one arm, gazing at Izuku. He took in the little details of the smaller boy, the way his mouth turned up at the corners so easily, the blush that almost constantly colored his cheeks, the glimmer in his eyes, it was all so beautiful to Kirishima. Before long the waitress was back, taking away their empty bowls and setting a massive sundae on the table along with two spoons.
“Kirishima, did you order this? Y-You didn't have to that, i-i mean, you're already paying for dinner…”
“I wanted to share dessert with you, and besides… I'm having a lot of fun with you.” Izuku smiled and took a spoon, popping a bite of ice cream into his mouth.
“I'm having fun too, Kiri!” Izuku smiled shyly, watching as Kirishima took the cherry from the sundae and popped it into his mouth. A minute later and he was sticking his tongue out to reveal the stem, tied into a perfect knot.
“Whoa! I've never been able to do that!” Kirishima grinned, setting the stem aside and taking a spoon for himself.
“I could teach you, sometime, if you like.” He felt his cheeks turn pink, trying to keep his confidence up as Izuku stared at him with wide eyes.
“I, u-um, yeah! Yeah, that would be great!” Izuku distracted himself with more ice cream, sneaking glances at Kirishima. He felt like he was back in high school again, a shy little freshman who crushed on anyone who gave him the time of day. But Kirishima hardly seemed to mind, smiling when their eyes caught for one heart-stopping moment. He held out a spoonful of ice cream, a flavor Izuku had not tasted yet.
“Eat it!” Kirishima’s grin was so pure and sweet that Izuku couldn't resist, leaning in to eat the ice cream and pulling back with a blush.
“Mmm, it's good!” He covered his mouth and sat back, hiding his grin. When he pulled away he noticed Kirishima staring at his lips a little too long.
“You, um, there's chocolate on your lips.”
“O-oh!” Izuku quickly wiped his mouth and looked at the dim reflection of his phone to make sure he was clean.
“I would have kissed it away, but I didn't want to be too forward or anything, y’know?” Izuku nodded and tried his best not shiver with delight. Kirishima wanted to kiss him, really wanted to, and Izuku couldn't be more pleased.
“I… wouldn't have been mad o-or anything.” He smiled, shoving ice cream into his mouth to keep from saying anything too embarrassing.
“I'll have to remember that.” Kirishima teased. It wasn't long before the sundae was gone and Kirishima asked for the check, grabbing it off the table before Izuku got the chance.
“Nope, no looking!” Izuku giggled, watching as Kirishima handed the check back.
“C-can I get the next one, then?”
“Next one?” Kirishima’s expression was damn near impossible for Izuku to read and he quickly covered his mouth, looking away.
“S-sorry, I got too a-ahead of myself…” His apology was muffled but Kirishima took his hand away from his mouth gently, bringing it to his lips with a smile. The gentle kiss brought Izuku back from the dark parts of his mind, eyes wide and meeting Kirishima’s.
“You can pay next time, dude, I'm not gonna stop you.” His grin said more than his words, reassuring Izuku that his move had been welcome. Soon, his card was returned and they were ready to go, Izuku getting an all too good look at Kirishima in his suit.
“You're dressed really nicely, were you s-stood up by someone important?”
“Huh? Oh, nah, Bakugou dressed me, said it was the only thing I had that was acceptable. I kinda run on muscle shirts and stuff, I guess this is a little over the top for this place.”
“Y-you look good, really good.” Izuku felt the gentleness of Kirishima’s touch as he led him outside, glancing at the parking lot.
“Hey, did you walk here or…” Izuku nodded, motioning at his tennis shoes.
“R-ran, actually. It's what I do when I'm really anxious. The dorms aren't far, it wasn't too bad.”
“I drove, want me to drop you off? My place is on the opposite side of the school but I don't mind!” Izuku nodded shyly, fighting the urge to whine when their hands separated to get into Kirishima’s beat up red car.
“Sorry it's such a damn mess, I let Kaminari borrow it for like a week. He's my bro but I swear he was raised in a barn sometimes.” Izuku just laughed and nudged a few old magazines off the passenger seat before strapping in. It was only a ten-minute drive, if that, but Izuku liked the quiet time. He spent it mostly watching Kirishima, listening as he hummed to whatever pop song made its way from the speakers. He never seemed to stop smiling, Izuku noticed, a gentle upturn of his (very soft looking) lips.
“Which building are you in?”
“O-oh! Um, this one right here. You can just let me out, don't worry.” Kirishima shook his head, parking haphazardly and opening his door.
“And leave without your number? Hell no!” Izuku blushed but went with Kirishima up the stairs to his dorm room, stopping right outside the door.
“I should… probably go in. My roommate is expecting me and…”
“Hey, no worries. Is it cool if I get your number? Don't feel like you have to or anything but I felt like it was a pretty nice night, all things considered.” Izuku nodded and passed over his phone, Kirishima handing over his in return. They switched a minute later, contact info typed in and saved for later.
“Ill text you, okay? I have class tomorrow but we can figure out a time to meet again or something!” Izuku nodded, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling.
“Thank you for tonight, it was great. And t-thank you for sitting with me when I was upset, most people usually just walk a little faster or look away.”
“I'm glad I did, you're too cute to cry. I'll talk to you soon, Izuku.” That bright grin hit him again as Kirishima turned away, heading for the stairs.
“Wait, Eijirou!” Izuku heard himself say it but it was as if he was simply a bystander as his body did things his mind never had the confidence to. Kirishima turned around and Izuku closed the scant difference between them to cup his cheeks. Izuku was pretty sure he was going to have a heart attack when his soul decided to return to his body because he leaned in and kissed Kirishima like it was nothing, pulling back before Kirishima recovered enough from the shock to return the favor. Apparently, the rush of chilly air back into his lungs was enough to pull Izuku back to reality, hands still cradling Kirishima’s pink face. But Kirishima was smiling and that helped keep Izuku from collapsing on the spot.
“W-wow… Yeah, I would really, really like a second date, holy crap.” He grinned, taking Izuku’s hands for a moment before drifting away. Izuku waved and called goodbye before slipping inside, finding Shinsou waiting for him near the window.
“Oh god, you saw all of that…”
“I-i can't believe I just did that! I kissed him, just like that, after one date that I never even meant to-” Shinsou touched his shoulder before plopping on his bed, encouraging Izuku to do the same.
“That wasn't the guy i set you up with, by the way.”
“Yeah, he… stood me up. Kiri saw me upset in the booth, he got stood up too, and he sat with me. We talked and ate together and… yeah, i guess you saw the rest.” Shinsou nodded, giving Izuku a smile.
“He likes you, a lot. Go to bed, i want details in the morning when your back from cloud nine.” The lamp shut off and Izuku snuggled into his covers, grinning with a stuffed toy pulled to his chest. His phone buzzed, reminding him that he was still in his nice clothes, and he glanced at it as he moved to undress.
One new message: <3 Kiri <3
Hey! Wanted to say goodnight and return that kiss, call you tomorrow? I'm done at 3~
Attached was a picture of Kirishima, grinning and blowing a kiss to the camera and easily sending Izuku into happy hysterics.
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
Hey I don't know if you've ever done something like this or have been asked this or even if you really write fanfic but you should definitely write a spideychelle headcannon or fic based on wet dreamz by j Cole
a lot of you wanted some first time stuff. so here. also, I didn’t know this song, fam. so I looked it up and its WILD. the lyrics are insane. and, forewarning, this is a sensitive content headcanon. SO, you know, be prepared. 
by the end of junior year Peter is pretty sure he’s got a totally healthy crush on MJ (see: obsession) 
its not a stalkery obsession, okay? its more like since she found out that he’s Spider-man and become friends with him and Ned he notices everything about her and always wants her around and he starts looking forward to going to school because he knows she’ll be there and he even declines some upstate training weekends because MJ wants to go to BLM marches and he just wants to brush against her shoulder in a bustling crowd
its not weird. okay. its a little weird. but she’s woah. she’s probably the most brilliant, fascinating, wholly unique girl he’s ever met and she doesn’t need him but he really wants her to want him, you know? 
not want him biblically more like want him as in want to be with him but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t always want her to want him in the sex kind of way. he’s seventeen. sue him. 
the only time they ever talk about sex is when Ned excitedly tells MJ and Peter that he and Betty finally had sex. they’re all over watching movies on their weekly Sunday night movie night. and while Ned and Peter both freak out because AHH THAT IS GREAT NEWS…MJ remains quiet. they both ask her why she isn’t freaking out with them and she casually informs them that virginity is a social construct and you can’t lose anything. genitals are genitals before and after sex. 
and so, five weeks later, Peter is a little taken back when he gets a note from MJ in the middle of chemistry. its more like she chucks a crumpled up ball of paper against his head in lieu of passing him a note. 
after shooting her a confused look, he unfolds the note and nearly chokes. he shakes his head to make sure he read the note right and F U C K it says the same thing he thought it did. “you wanna have sex this weekend?”
he doesn’t know how to play it cool, how to play it chill because Peter, by design, is not cool. and MJ is. like probably the coolest person he’s ever met. 
he glances back at her and she’s jotting down her notes like she didn’t just proposition him in the middle of chemistry (the irony is not lost on him).  
he quickly scribbles down an answer (”have you ever had sex before”) and waits.
it comes five minutes later (”of course. you?”) and he tries not to be irritated by her answer because its her body and her choice but he’s suddenly jealous of this phantom guy he’s never met. and intimidated by her proposition because while he does wanna have sex with her (again, he’s a seventeen year old boy) he doesn’t want to be an inexperienced disappointment…
so instead of being upfront and honest with her…he lies (”yep. so this weekend?”)
and suddenly he’s making plans with MJ to have sex at her house this weekend and he has NO IDEA HOW THIS IS HIS LIFE ALL OF THE SUDDEN. he needs to talk to Aunt May!!!
NO WAIT HE CAN’T TALK TO AUNT MAY. scratch that. that is way too…weird? yea, weird. 
so he comes up with a plan that involves watching a lot of porn to learn what he’s supposed to do and he buys some condoms at a nearby convenience store. and tries to learn how to put one on himself like he’s a  pro. spoiler alert: he’s not. the rubber snaps against his dick twice and he cries both times. because that HURTS. ouch. by the third time he manages to not maim his penis.  and he feels pretty good, more like a superhero than he ever does as Spider-man. 
on Friday night he goes upstate to meet with Tony about his suit and while he’s hanging upside-down from the ceiling trying out some new tech a condom falls out of jean pocket. 
there is a profoundly awkwardly silence…..
Tony hands back the package as Peter’s feet hit the floor. his face is bright red and Tony asks slowly, almost like he hates himself for acknowledging it at all, “you’re being safe, I see. so that’s good” “Tony-” “I don’t really want to talk about it, kid. just safety is important, okay?” “yes sir”
more awkward silence. 
“who is it?” “Mr. Stark…” “that’s none of my business.” “thank you” “is it that MJ, girl?” “OKAY! I’m going to go.” “HAVE FUN AND BE SAFE PARKER!” 
and Peter wants to roll under a rock and never come out again. god. he hates his life. 
except his life is amazing because MJ wants to have sex with him….unless he’s terrible. O H GOD WHAT IF HE IS TERRIBLE AND SHE NEVER WANTS TO TALK TO HIM AGAIN?!? he could live his whole life without having sex with MJ (it would suck but he could do it) but he couldn’t spend his whole life not being friends with her. he needs her in a way he suspects she doesn’t need him. 
he goes to her house the day they planned to talk to her about how he doesn’t want to ruin their friendship….but he doesn’t really get to talk. he opens the door and MJ throws herself at him. and he does try (kind of, again he’s a seventeen year old boy) but each time he tries to talk MJ is kissing him and he basically short circuits. 
like he’s imagined kissing her before (too many times to count) and its nothing compared to the real thing. the real thing is so hot and makes him lightheaded and her skin is…wow. 
like its so soft. SO SOFT. he wants to know what moisturizer she uses. and he also wants to eat her out. its a weird thing happening in his brain right now. 
they fumble backwards into some wall and MJ is taller than him, that’s just the facts of life, but he’s strong and so he hoists her up around his waist to really take full advantage of making out. 
he’s pretty sure he’s making some very enthusiastic noises because fifteen minutes into making out MJ is smiling against his lips….and he KNOWS its because he’s amusing her. but he can’t bring himself to care because she’s grinding up against him and the only thought he can actually manage is her name - MJ MJ MJ MJ
it takes them another half hour to make it to her room because every time he tries to back them away from the wall MJ yanks him back against her. but once they are in her room MJ tears his shirt off and curses. he’s momentarily self conscious until she explains, “you’re crazy ripped, spider-boy.” “man,” he corrects her. “we’ll see,” she smirks. and then she’s kissing him again.
and he’s coherent enough to know that he’s in love with her. and probably has been for months. but y i k e s. she’s got him so fucked up. 
the rest of their clothes go relatively fast after that and he starts to think a little prayer that he won’t cum too quickly and that he won’t disappoint and that he won’t lose her friendship because he’s an inexperienced loser that is crazy in love with her.
he tears open the condom wrapper like he practiced and positions himself to enter her when she presses her hands against his chest and tells him to stop. HIS EYES GO BIG BECAUSE DID HE ALREADY MESS IT UP?! he didn’t even put it IN yet. 
and when his brain catches up to the moment he notices how nervous she looks. it doesn’t make any sense to him. and she whispers, “I know you’ve done this before…but….I haven’t, okay? so, you know, I can’t do anything fancy.” 
it throws his whole head off kilter because he hadn’t anticipated this. he’d spent the better part of a week hating a guy he’d never met that she’d had sex with before. but now….now….well this changes everything. 
he blinks, “you wanna lose your virginity to me?” its a dumb question because she rolls her eyes and says, “not losing anything. virginity is a social construct. but i want to have sex for the first time with you. yes.” 
“i thought that part was obvious…?” and its not because MJ keeps talking slow like he’s a moron, “I like you, doofus.” 
she kisses him for good measure like she’s reassuring him that she does, in fact, like him. and everything that was frantic and desperate before is now slower. between kisses he admits he’s never had sex before either and she looks delighted. which is a weird reaction to his inexperience but he supposes he’s a little glad that she’s never had sex with anyone before him, too. 
when he finally does join their bodies together, MJ hisses like its a bit of a new and unusual stretch. he watches her face carefully and TRIES HIS HARDEST (again, its hard at seventeen) to not move. she brushes her mouth against his for what feels like her own benefit. he indulges all of the kisses she seems to want. 
and when she’s ready he moves inside her slow. its effortful, the slow pace he’s going, but he manages the best he can. it helps that they’re kissing. because he can focus on that and not how much he wants to just thrust into her body because it all feels so good. 
he doesn’t last long, he supposes that was inevitable, but MJ doesn’t seem to mind. she’s grips his back and tells him its okay. and he cums. 
when he done, he collapses on her and she makes an oof noise. but when he tries to climb off of her she pulls him back down and fits his face in her neck. she strokes his hair and he relaxes. this feeling is better than anything they just did. this, the two of them just breathing together. this is what he wanted more than the sex (tho, he wants more of the sex, too). 
they stay like that for five minutes and then Peter hoists himself up on his elbows and kisses her nose. she rolls her eyes at him but is smiling. “i’m sorry i hurt you,” he whispers. “it was a weird stretch but you didn’t hurt me, Parker. get off your high horse.” 
he laughs and spends the rest of the afternoon trying to make her feel as good as she made him feel. by, you know, going down on her. and he’s not GOOD at it per say but what he lacks in experience he makes up for with enthusiasm. and with MJ’s guidance they work it out together. 
the next day at school Peter and MJ keep shooting each other looks. and Ned notices. and he almost doesn’t want to ask but……….he gives in, “what?” “nothing” they both say. and he nearly drops it but at lunch MJ gets some foam from her coffee on her upper lip and Peter leans over to kiss it away. 
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superbadassnatural · 7 years
Chemistry... Math... All the same crap!
Summary: After a long time together Dean and Y/N are finally ready to take a step forward into their relationship. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word count: 3.1k (guilty) Warnings: Fluffy fluff, a piece of angst (just a little bit), flashbacks in italic A/N: Hey! This is my first story ever! It was difficult and life didn’t help but I made it. So I wrote this for “Bad Pick-up Lines Challenge” from @andtheraincamefalling my prompt was “You look so familiar… did we take a class together? I could have sworn we had chemistry.”There are flashbacks ‘cause my not-so-creative mind couldn’t think of anything better. Hope you appreciate it. I’m a little insecure about this but I’m doing it anyway. Beside the mistakes, it was baked with love and sugar.
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Your headache was killing you. Planning a wedding is not as easy as it looks like in the movies. Even with all the help you were getting it still was a lot to deal with. You had to make sure it was everything perfect. And it was. It was everything going as you had planned.
For months you, hopeful, begged Dean for a small wedding but he cut you off every time you asked. So you gave in. ‘Let’s do the wedding of the year! At the beach. No, no, no! In a garden! Forget the garden. I think the church is beyond good!’ he said with brighten eyes. Both of you spent months planning the decoration. You wanted it to be perfect, just like the two of you.
“Y/N, honey, are you home?” Your mom’s voice got you out of your day-dreaming.
“I’m here!” You shout from what used to be you bedroom when you were just a little girl. Your mother made her way to you and you were completely amused with what was standing in front of you. Your mom had a lot of bags. More than she should have and could carry.
“I bought some things for you.” You frowned at her. “Don’t worry! I didn’t buy much things. I just bought some things to your new house. The rest is for me.” She gave a half shrug. Now you were definitely surprised. your mom usually doesn’t buy things to herself. “I need to make sure I’ll be stunning at my daughter’s wedding.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at your mom’s excitement. “I can’t believe you and your lovebug are getting married!”
“Me neither.” You grinned.
After a very long time, Dean woke up felling a little bit more alive. All this hunting crap can steal the joy in somebody’s life. The blonde open the hotel dirty window, letting the warmth of the sun in into his room. Today is a good day. Nobody’ll ruin it. Nobody.
“Sammy?” Dean called for his brother, rubbing his hands together. “I’m gonna get some coffee. Would you like some?”
“Thanks. I’m good.” Sam answers from the bathroom. Dean could hear the water rolling.
The green-eyed boy walk out of the room, making his way to Britney’s Cafe. The most famous coffee shop in town. He have heard they make the most delicious black coffee in the state. As Dean enters at the cafe, he smell the fabulous scent of coffee being made up. There were a lot of people. They seem to be in an extremely exciting day. But there’s something, or better saying, someone that caught Dean’s attention.
At the back of the cafe, in a corner, there was a simple girl reading a book. Dean quickly forgot about his coffee when he saw that pretty stranger. As he got closer to her, he notices that she clambered onto the chair, her legs dangling a few inches above the floor. She’s beautiful, Dean thought to himself. The way the sun light reaches her h/c hair makes it looks brighter. He bets it smells like heaven. Dean’s taking in every single detail of her. He don’t know that beautiful stranger, but as the way she leans toward the book and furrows her brows, he can tell she’s liking what she’s reading. She takes small sips of her coffee as she continue her reading.
“Pardon me…” Dean lows his voice as he approaches her. She turn her attention to him. Her beautiful e/c eyes are narrowed and focused on him. Her head is tilted back as she waits for him to continue. “You look so familiar… did we take a class together?” His voice was hoarse. The smirk not leaving his plump lips. “I could have sworn we had chemistry.” There it was! He couldn’t hold that back. There was an opportunity and he took it.
“I think we really did have a class together, but I don’t think we had chemistry…"She had her nose pitched and was tugging on her ear. "Actually I think it was math 'cause, boy, you’re definitely a problem.” Her husky voice made Dean blush.
He didn’t expect this. He was ready to get slapped or something. Dean’s cheeks were red. He rubbed his neck, trying to think of something that could break the tension. She closed her book and creased her brow looking right into his green eyes.
“The Lighthouse!” Dean glanced through the book. “That seems to be interesting.” Damn it! Small talk sucks. He could see that there’s still disbelief in her face. Like it was printed on her forehead.
“You are…” She looked him from the head to toe, waiting for an answer as she crossed her arms.
“Dean.” The blonde boy smiled. “I suppose that a pretty girl like you have a name, do you?” He smirked at her.
“I’m Y/N.” She gave him a small smile that made her even more beautiful before his eyes. “Do you wanna join me?” She grinned at him as she pointed to the chair in front of her.    
“Yeah, sure.” He has a smile on his face. Y/N noticed that Dean was a little blushed again, but she didn’t say anything.
You were pretty sure you had slept while the hairdresser was making your hair even more stunning. The tiredness from yesterday had took you down. But after a long and peaceful night of sleep, you were finally back together. But yet sleepy.
Today was the day. No more waiting, no more chances to change the date, no more trying every single dress on stores. No more! Today is the day you become a Winchester. Today is the day you get to marry the love of your life. There’s nothing in this world that will ruin your perfect day.
“Earth to Y/N.” Your best friend, Caroline, brought you out of your thoughts. “Your phone is buzzing. It’s your fiancé.” She gave you your phone, winking at you.
You and Dean haven’t seen each other in the last two days. Caroline insisted that it would be better for both of you. This way you would be more focused on your wedding. You two didn’t like it, but you end up agreeing with her.
“Good morning, beautiful.” You could hear excitement in his voice. It’s like you can see him smiling while he speaks to you. “How’s your day going?” You were able to hear the T.V. in the background.
“Well, it’s being different from everything I’ve ever experienced.” You giggle.
“I think that’s the purpose, silly!” He mocked at you making you laugh. “I hope it’s more exciting than mine. As far it’s normal. I’ve already watched T.V, still watching by the way, and chill.”
“After slept a lot, I started the day’s tasks. Lucy is making my hair now.” You stated. A comfort silent fell between you, but quickly cut off for him. “I’ve drove to the church so I could see if everything’s still okay. We made a pretty good job there.” Dean’s voice is full of proud, you can feel it.
“We always do.” Your voice was barely up on a whisper. You talked more to yourself than to him.
“I can’t wait to see you.” You gasped as you twisted your engagement ring.
“Me too, sweetie, me too.” He was almost whispering. “I was thinking-”
“Don’t even think about sneaking around, Winchester!” Caroline exclaimed cutting him. “Put him on speaker please, darling.” You did what she asked you to. You both heard Dean’s contagious laugh at the other side.
“Don’t you dare ruin your marriage, Dean-o.” She had her both hands on her waist and a frown. You and Dean laugh at her attitude. If you try to break the 'marriage traditions’ you would be doomed. Caroline would make sure you’d pay.
“Don’t worry, blonde. I won’t break your rules.” He stated in a soothing tone. “I want it to be magic.” Just like that he made a smile rise on your perky lips.
The same man that have made you laugh the most, was the one who made you cry rivers…
“Dean, you can’t just get yourself killed for what you think is the greatest good.” You said roughly. Your arms were crossed against your chest to keep you from punch him in the face.
Sam had located Lilith. They need to stop her. You know that, but it’s too risky. They should wait it get cool and then attack.
Dean was pissed. He was at the other side of the room - far from you - packing his duffel bag. He didn’t want to fight you, he’s trying not to, but you’re making things difficult to him.
“That’s what you don’t understand!” He clench his fist slamming it on the table. “That’s my fucking job, Y/N!” He made his way to you, pointing his finger.
“'Your fucking job’ is bullshit if it means you won’t come home at the end of the day.” You calmly said. “ I want to stay by your side for whatever comes but I won’t be able to do it if you’re dead.” You cupped his face between your hands, trying to put the angry beast in front of you away.
“You don’t understand.” His voice was barely a whisper. “No matter how many explanations I give you, you just don’t care!” There he is. He pull away from you releasing the angry beast. You could see the throbbing veins in his neck. He was furious again.
“Don’t you dare, Winchester, say that I don’t care.” You lean forward, getting close to him. You couldn’t believe in what you were hearing. His jaw was clenched as yours.
“Oh, you do? That’s not what it looks like.” You could sense the sarcasm in his voice. “How about you for just a second stop being so selfish?” He burst.
Dean turned his back to you and pick his bag up motioning to the door. He’s stupid if he thinks he’ll just walk out the door like that.
“Why do the lives you save are more 'worthy’ than yours?” You quoted with your fingers. “Why do you think so low of yourself? Dean, I just wanna give you the love you deserve.” You couldn’t look into his face. It was too much. You were trying to keep your tears to fall.
“I don’t deserve to be loved.” His voice was low, almost imperceptible to the ear.
“Dean, I swear to God, that if you do what you’re planning to, it’s over! If you walk out that door, we’re done!” You shouted. Tears were rolling down your cheeks. “So please, I’m begging you, stay. Let me love you. Let me give you the apple pie life that you deserve.” You’re trying to keep yourself from sobbing.
Part of you have hope that he would listen to you. That he loved you so much to stay and go after Lilith when things settled down. But deep down you knew what he was going to do.
“I don’t deserve you, Y/N.” He had his back to you. Sadness all over his voice. He was hesitating. Dean’s body was droopy. He’ll stay, you thought.
“I really do hope that one day you’ll forgive me.” His voice was cracking.
“Dean don’t! Please don’t do this!” You were sobbing and your lip was quivering.
“Goodbye, Y/N.” He whispered. Dean walked out of that door without looking back. The door slamming shut making you jump at the sound.
You fell to your knees, sobbing. Your chest was heaving and the tears were burning your face as they rolled. You were alone. Sobbing into that wide empty room all by yourself. Pain shattering you and his voice echoing into your head.
“Dean, stop!” Sam rolled his eyes in annoyance. “You’re going to open a whole on the ground, if you keep pacing like that.” He accused.
Dean was extremely nervous. He couldn’t even sit still. The green eyed boy was pacing back and fourth non stopping. “I’m nervous, okay?” He ran his hands, nervously, through his hair. “What if…”
“Stop touching your hair! You’ll ruin it.” Sam slap at him. “Cut the if’s, Dean. Everything will be perfect. She’ll walk down the aisle and you will both declare your love for each other. I understand why you’re nervous, but try to calm down. Today is the grand day, Dean.” Sam patted his brother’s shoulder.
“I know. I know.” Dean muttered more to himself than to his brother.
Suddenly the song started to run through his ears. Everybody were stand on their feet, this is it. It’s now. Dean saw two children walk in front of Caroline, your bride made. The girl was holding a bouquet and the boy was carrying the rings. A smile appeared on Dean’s lips as he saw you. You were stunning as always. Your hair has loose waves and a waterfall braid, flowers were added to your beautiful h/c strands. As your eyes settled on your beloved a smile formed into your perky lips. Every step you take gets you closer to one of the best moments of your entire life. His green eyes were locked into your e/c ones.
You climbed in the altar as the song ended. Dean held your hands in his as the preacher started to speak. “Good evening, welcome to this most important moment in the lives of this couple.” He introduces. You were gazing the handsome man that were standing in front of you. “This is an opportunity for us to share not only in the joy of Y/N Y/L and Dean Winchester’s love but also to reaffirm and appreciate the love and the friendship we experience in our own lives. May we all celebrate by being fully present during our short time together. Y/N and Dean have chosen to made their own vows.” He motion to Dean to start. “Please, Mr. Winchester”
Dean was looking straight into your eyes with love all over his eyelids. You could see the brightness into his green eyes. “Y/N Y/L, I remember the exact day that I laid eyes on you. You were wearing a sundress and your skin was shining. I remember the way the sun touched your stunning hair, it made it even prettier. You were reading a book, The Lighthouse. I remember everything because in that moment, the moment I first saw you, I fell in love with you.” A single tear fell from your eyes as you heard his deep - a little shaky - voice. Everything he says echoes through your head. “Then I’ve got to know you and I fell in love with every perfect imperfection feature of yours. You’re the one I chose to spend the rest of my life with. The one that I want to grow old with. You’re the woman that I love. You’re my always and forever and I’ll love you till I take my last breath in this World.” He paused. “I will love you, baby, always. I’ll be there when the stars don’t shine. 'till the heavens burst and the words don’t rhyme.” He took a breath. His words making you even more emotional. “I’ll love you forever.”
You wiped your tears and looked around. Almost everyone was crying. Dean breathed out, wiping his tears away, as he tried to contain his happiness.
“Well, I’m certainly perplexed.” You took a deep breath before starting your speech. “Dean Winchester, you changed everything for me. You’ve literally saved my life multiple times. You gave me more that I could ever have asked for. You make me feel comfortable into my own skin. You make me feel loved. Trust me, I’ve never thought that somebody could love me the way you do.” You’re voice was shaky. Dean was wiping his eyes, nervously. “You made me dance, you made me laugh. You were by my side when I needed a friend. You told me I would found love again. And I did. It was right in front of me. You were right in front of me. I love you with everything that I have. I love every single piece of you and I wanna live with you even when we’re ghosts.” Your eyes were brighter than ever, and your voice a little bit shaky. “You’re and always will be the love of my life.” Wiping a tear from your cheeks, you smiled without taking your eyes off your beloved.
The children walk to the altar carrying your rings. Dean took the ring and hold your soft hand on his both.
“With this ring I thee wed.” The blonde slip the ring in your finger, his eyes fixed in you as you gaze your ring.
Smiling, you took the ring from the kids. You placed his huge hand between yours, caressing it. “With this ring I thee wed.” You slip  the ring through his finger.
Anxious, you both looked to the preacher waiting the most wanting words. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” He motion to you. “You may now kiss the bride.”
Dean placed his hands around your face, caressing your rose cheek, you leaned into his soft touch. He got closer to you as you closed your eyes. Dean’s plump lips found their way to yours, for a heartfelt kiss. His  warm lips against yours. You pulled your hands around his neck deepening the kiss, forgetting everyone and everything around you. Air claimed needed so you pulled out. Dean sealed your lips again with a quick kiss.
Everyone was cheering. Flowers were being thrown up. Dean held your hand and you both ran through the aisle 'till Baby. There was a 'Just married’ sign and flowers in her. Dean leaned to you, getting close to whisper into your ear.
“Pardon me… You look so familiar… did we take a class together? I could have sworn we had chemistry.” His guttural voice sending shivers through your entire body. He bites your ear lobe making you giggle.
You cupped his face and pressed your lips to his. You felt his smile against your mouth.  "I think we really did have a class together, but I don’t think we had chemistry…“You had your nose pitched and your arms around his neck. "Actually I think it was math 'cause, boy, you’re definitely a problem.”
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islesblogger · 5 years
5 Reasons Why Jordan Eberle Should be a NY Islander Next Year
Jordan Eberle is a pending unrestricted free agent. He can walk away from the organization on July 1st 2019. The Islanders will have to make some tough decisions before then. Since October my opinion on this subject has definitely evolved. I thought for sure Jordan Eberle would be ex-Isled by the trade deadline. Here’s why I think both parties would be better off if he stayed.
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1. The Devil You Know
Lou [Cipher] Lamoriello knows hockey. He also knows hockey players. So if Jordan isn’t the “Devilish” type, then you can disregard the rest of this post. I think he is, and I also think he fits into the Islanders’ plans for the future.
Lou and Barry have had a full season to manage expectations from Jordan. They have not taken away responsibilities from the veteran right wing. Even though he has struggled at times he is now on the first true TOP LINE the Islanders have had in quite a while.
2. Pairs Well With Barzal
Lee, Tavares and Bailey were pretty good, but they lacked somebody who could move the puck fluently from zone to zone. That has been the missing ingredient since the weeks of Vanek, Tavares and Okposo. Now they have Mat Barzal to carry the mail. The combination of Barzal and Eberle worked very well last year with Anthony Beauvillier. That line had excellent speed and spent the majority of their time in the offensive zone. It lacked a true net front presence.
This year Lee, Nelson and Eberle were deployed as the top line early in the year. The three vets could be trusted executing Barry Trotz’ simple neutral zone defense and they broke out well from the defensive zone. Nelson doesn’t have the speed or the skills that Barzal does, but he knows where to be and how to get there. They worked well as a five man unit, but they didn’t produce offensively like a first line is expected.
When Lou decided to tinker I assumed he would move Barzal to Nelson’s wing. That would put a puck mover, with retriever and sniper and hopefully there would be chemistry and more goals. But the answer was simpler than that. Just put Barzal between the two vets and see if you could spark their output.
Winner winner. In just over 160 minutes together the Lee, Barzal and Eberle line has generated a CF% of over 56, a GF60 of 3.36 and a SC60 of 38.52. The Lee, Nelson Eberle line had been together for 500 minutes. Their respective numbers were CF%(48.7), GF60(2.01) and SC60(28.17). A first line has been born. Nelson has since been joined by Michael Dal Colle and Josh Bailey and has resumed similar offensive output, with similar defensive acumen. A little more offence, no loss in defense.
3. Right Wing Extremist
In October there are two positions where the Islanders were organizationally weak. center and right shot forward. Their center depth has improved with the signing of Val Filppula, the development of Otto Koivula, and the evolution of Tanner Fritz.
It was fully expected in October that Eberle would walk and his shoes would, to some extent, be filled by Josh Ho-Sang, or their 11th overall 2019 draft pick Oliver Wahlstrom. Both have proven that their accelerated development was over-exaggerated. There is nobody currently in the system that could step into Jordan’s RW1 role. Not even Josh Bailey. Josh is a very good hockey player, he just doesn’t score goals. There is a chance to get 80+ goals out of that first line. 80 goals can go a long way when you’re battling for the lowest goals against in the league.
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4. Prospects in Park
The Islanders currently have four very good prospects. They have all either hit speed bumps or will need at least a year or two more of development before they could step into a key role on this team.
Josh Ho-Sang had a few good games in the NHL this year. He even showed he could handle a more defensive role by putting up great possession numbers with less than stellar linemates. But then Ho-Sang did Ho-Sang things and since his demotion his production hasn’t been stellar either. Nobody could justify replacing Eberle with Ho-Sang at this juncture. He might make a good puck mover for Nelson some day. But not today.
Oliver Wahlstrom seems to have a good amount of skill. His resume wreaks of immaturity. In games I’ve watched he shows flashes of brilliance, but a lot of invisibility. Hopefully Brent Thompson can get the inner Anders Lee/John Tonelli out of him, but right now he’s a puppy with big paws.
Kieffer Bellows is left handed. I don’t think that makes a whole lot of difference, especially when paired with a right handed center like Barzal or Fritz but I’m not a big fan of the three left thumb principle. Keiffer, like Wahlstrom left Boston University after his freshman year. Unlike Ollie, he decided to play junior hockey in the WHL with the Portland Winterhawks. He excelled were he was in the top tier of a restricted age group. Something he has failed to graduate from, yet.
Keiffer’s rookie year in pro hockey was a bit of a disappointment. His 11 goals and six assists were nothing to be ashamed of, but his overall play did not scream “NHL Prospect”. That is okay as well. The team was veteran heavy and a few other prospects with more experience emerged this year. His time will come. But it won’t be early next year.
5. The Content Commuter
One thing I’ve learned as a NY Islander fan is to not expect too much in July. Over the last 20 years the team’s best unrestricted free agent signings have all been re-signs. With the exception of Mark Streit and a few past their prime defensemen the Islanders really haven’t gotten much help from the UFA market. So when you have somebody that works you gotta try to keep him.
If Jordan Eberle is willing to put up with another 2+ years on the LIRR (or however he gets from Nassau County to Brooklyn), then there should be an offer for at least twice as long on the table.
Some Pros and Cons
(Eberle Pro) A five year $35-40M deal would keep him from having to move. Not only his home, but from a very comfortable situation with Lee and Barzal. Hopefully both of them will be on Long Island for the next five years and beyond. We’re gonna have to create a cool name for the line. I am leaning towards the Earth(Lee) Wind(Barzal) and Fire(Eberle) line. It’s too bad that September isn’t really an important hockey month.
(Eberle Con) There will probably be a 7 year $55M+ offer out there. There are plenty of teams with cap space that will be willing to overpay for Eberle’s 20G consistency. The Islanders can’t afford to go that high or that long.
(Isles Pro) Scroll up.
(Isles Con) Adding $7M+ to the annual budget will make it tough to keep some of their current RFA players as they evolve into $4-6M players over the next 2-4 years.
I don’t have a lot of confidence in this happening because of the three (Anders Lee, Brock Nelson and Robin Lehner) other UFAs the Islanders HAVE TO sign. But if Lou can get them all to buy into the future of this club under Barry Trotz it could happen.
5 Reasons Why Jordan Eberle Should be a NY Islander Next Year was originally published on islesblogger.com
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Only Words Bleed (Chapter Six)
Camila’s POV
I now sat straight, disbelieving that I had finally admitted what I felt. I smiled vaguely and gave Dinah a minute to let it all sink in.
“What do you mean ‘he’s not Lauren’?”
“I literally mean that Connor is not Lauren.”
“Oh my god, Mila! You like Lauren?”
“Sssshhh…don’t let the world hear you. Quiet.”
“How can I remain silent when my best friend finally likes a person?! I better call the Vatican cause this shit is important,” she shouted while standing up.
“I need to tell Mani and Ally…they’ll be stoked.”
“What?! Hey - no. I’m not ready to tell anyone.”
“You told me.”
“Well, yeah cause you forced it out of me.”
“Mila, this is huge!”
I shrugged. “Maybe…but don’t get too happy about it.”
Dinah frowned. “How do you not exp- ”
“Lauren’s dating Connor, Dinah. She’s very happy.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Uh, yes I do. She told me herself.”
“What did she say exactly?”
My mind began to remember. “Um, she said that she didn’t wanna label herself as his "girlfriend” just yet but when she’s around him she feels happy.“
Dinah seemed to be considering the information. "So they’re not really dating?”
“No. But that doesn’t mean I can just swoop in and steal his girl.”
“Lauren’s not anybody’s girl. Yet. If you don’t do anything, and fast, Connor will.”
“I know you’re right. But I just can’t bring myself to say anything. I literally lose my cool when she talks or when we’re together.”
“Aaaaw, lovesick Camila is back. I’ve missed her.”
Dinah sat down on the bed. “So. Tell me how it started.” Dinah requested.
Sighing, I said, “Well, I don’t really know. I’ve been having these feelings for a really long time but I think last night, when we were together, my heart kinda confirmed it.”
Dinah nudged my shoulder. “What happened last night?”
“Nothing. We were just talking about my favourite book and just hearing her talk made me happy. And then I realised why.”
Dinah smiled. “What are you gonna do?”
“I really don’t know. If I tell her it could potentially ruin our friendship. If I don’t I’ll die.” Camila shrugged.
“Well then, let’s go get your girl.”
“How do you mean?”
“We’re gonna hang out. The five of us. I wanna see if there’s any chemistry or 'sparks’.”
“What - now?”
“No, in 2020. Yes, now!” Dinah pulled her from the bed and walked her over to the door.
“Ugh, fine. But we’re getting pizza.”
Dinah trudged while I stopped in the doorway. Dinah asked her what I was doing. “I’m texting her.” The blush was evident on my cheeks.
C: HEY! dinah has called an emergency hangout…come to the pizza place(:
L: hallo! why am i not surprised lemma say goodbye to connor and ill be there
Annoyingly, I frowned at the text and showed it to Dinah. Dinah also gave an apologetic smile.
C: kay dont be late like you often are
L: excuse me? ill have you know im very puntual
C: hmm see why dont i believe you
L: im on my way to shut you up
C: ooh so scared mom help
And we were off, arms linking and laughter echoing.
We sat at our usual booth, Dinah making sure no one sat next to me. I rolled eyes at her, scared that the way she was acting was a bit too obvious. Normani and Ally were busy conversing while Dinah kept looking at the door.
As Lauren came in, Dinah nodded to me and made space for her. “Took you long enough,” Dinah stated.
“Yeah, sorry I was with Connor,” Lauren said while sighing. Dinah and I exchanged a look.
“You know I’ve been wondering…”
“Wait, so Dinah Jane thinks now, too?” Normani joked. “Lord the apocalypse is upon us.” This caused everyone at the table to giggle, Ally especially.
“Shut up, Mani. Anyways, Lauren. What’s going on with Connor?”
“What do you mean?”
Before Dinah could respond Ally started humming: “What do you mean? Oh oh…when you nod your head yes but you wanna say no…”
“Excuse my friend Ally, she’s very theatrical,” Normani laughed.
“Oh, I can tell,” Lauren smiled before continuing, “Connor and I are not dating. Pretty sure Camz told you. We’re just, uh, seeing things as they are.”
“Camz?” Dinah questioned.
I  rolled my eyes again. “Yeah, Camila…Camz. Pretty similar, no?” Lauren admitted.
Dinah nodded. “Interesting.”
“Okaaay! Why don’t we order, huh?” I intervened.
“Yes please, I’m starving!” Ally chimed, signalling a waiter.
After eating, all of us headed back to Normani’s house. We had reached and were standing on the patio. Lauren turned to me with an exasperated sigh. “Your friends are hard to keep up.”
“Yeah, they are aren’t they?”
She smiled. “Well, I have to go now. Parents have their anniversary and Taylor and Chris are bugging me to come early.”
“We’re planning a romantic night for them. It’s a bit too extra if you ask me because they’re already out on a romantic dinner.”
“Aw that’s cute. I’ll see you later, then?”
“Yeah, definitely.”
As Lauren went off, I walked inside to the room where all three girls were in.
The next day, after her parents’ dinner, Lauren went over to Connor’s house. He had invited her to 'hang out’ but Lauren felt nervous nevertheless. She always felt nervous around people. She wasn’t proud of it.
“Hey!” Connor greeted her with a kiss.
“Heyy,” she said and sat down. “Playing Call Of Duty as usual?”
“Ah, you know the drill. I have to complete at least one mission daily.”
“Right. So what am I going to do?”
“Oh, silly. I’m not going to play now. I’ll play it later.”
“That’s…very considerate of you.”
“Well, I am a very considerate guy.” Connor brought her into a kiss. In a short while Connor had Lauren lying on the bed, biting her neck vigorously.
“Connor, stop.”
“Oh, come on Lauren.”
“Please- I, I can’t.”
“We’ve been going out for a while now. It’s time.”
Lauren pushed him off of her. “You can’t decide when it’s time. I told you I’m not ready.”
“This isn’t something that you can do on a deadline, you know. I need time.”
“I gave you time. It makes me nervous that it’s taking you long.”
“What? Why?”
“Cause I fear you don’t like me enough.”
“That’s not true and you know it. I just need more time.”
“Stop saying that. It’s not helping.”
“Well then, what will?”
“Look, Lauren. I want to be with you. If you don’t then just say so.”
“I do.”
“Really? I can’t see any effort.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know how to show my effort.”
“Either you are my girlfriend or not.”
“That’s it, then? No in-between?”
And with that Lauren took her cue to leave. She tried hard not to let tears fall but she had just experienced her first 'heartbreak’.  How could she not cry? She took to her safe haven, wanting to find some solace - that is, the library.
Camila’s POV
As usual I was sitting in the library. The girls had gone home after a while but I headed back here to read a bit. I was in my spot, reading 'The Book Thief’. There was a quote that struck to me like the waves of an ocean: “My heart is so tired.” Its so simple but equally powerful. All of a sudden I heard a voice; it startled me but when I looked to see who it was I smiled.
“At least someone’s in a happy mood.”
“What can I say? This place makes me happy.” I said while Lauren sat down next to me.
“Cool. It makes me happy, too.”
“But you’re not happy now, are you?”
“Not really..,” she sighed.
“What happened?” I gazed at her face trying to read her expression. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Connor and I 'broke up’. I mean we weren’t dating but like, it’s totally off now.”
I tried not to show my pleasure. I’m not sure if it worked. “Oh, Lauren I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It’s literally nothing.”
“You’re hurting. It’s something.”
“I guess because it’s the first time this has happened to me. I’ve never been with anyone before.”
“I understand.”
We sat there in silence for a while. As I continued reading I felt a head on my shoulder. I looked up to see Lauren resting; she was crying. I could feel her tears. “Hey, hey. Lauren.”
I stroked her hair, hoping to calm her. “It’s okay. Don’t worry,” I held her face in my hands. “It’s going to be okay.”
“I just- I don’t know what to feel.”
“You’re not supposed to feel anything. Just forget it. You’re going to be okay. I’m here.”
“So tell me what happened.” I said gently, after she stopped sobbing.
She cleared her throat as I lifted the book from the floor. “Basically I went to his house cause he said he wanted to hang out. We talked and he kissed me,” Lauren explained.
“But then it got serious so I told him that I wasn’t ready yet. In short, he gave me an ultimatum: either I be his girlfriend or I leave.”
My heart shook at the admission. “So you left.”
“Yeah, I left. What else could I do?”
“You did the right thing. You shouldn’t rush into this. It doesn’t require a deadline; it needs a lot of time, you know.”
“Exactly what I said.”
“How do you feel?”
“Well, not great. But better, I guess.”
I smiled. “Because of you,” Lauren said truthfully.
“You know I’ve realized that ever since we became friends my life has gotten bigger. In, like, terms of everything. I mean I made new friends, I had enough courage to talk to a boy and I finally found a mutual. You know what I mean?”
“Oh, stop it Lauren. That was all you.”
“Maybe. But I just want to say thank you.”
“Well, you’re welcome.”
“Oh my god you’re reading my favorite book. What part are you on?”
I looked down at the neatly placed book between my legs and remembered that I was, in fact reading. I cleared my throat. “Yeah! I’m at that part where the Mayor’s wife lets her into her library.”
“Ooh that’s where things get interesting.”
“Shut up, don’t ruin it for me.”
“I won’t, I won’t. I get how you feel.”
“Do you?”
“Totally. I remember once I was reading Allegiant and I was almost finished, right?”
I nodded. “And then my stupid friend so very selfishly told me that Tris dies in the end.”
“Hey! Spoiler alert.”
“Oops, sorry. I didn’t know okay?”
“So are you gonna go home soon?” I asked.
“Um, in a while. I just want to get some reading done.”
“Oh. Well I should go now. My mom’s probably freaking out.”
Lauren nodded in understanding. “See you tomorrow, Camz,” she said as I stood.
“Bye, Lauren,” I returned.
As I was walking away Lauren spoke, “Hey, Camila?” I faced her.
“Thank you.”
I was shocked. I started walking towards her while saying, “For what?”
Having sat back down, Lauren muttered,“For being there. For me.”
“Yeah, of course,” I smiled. “You’re welcome.”
“And thank you too.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Me? What for?”
“For becoming my friend. For coming into my life because it’s become better with you in it.”
I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and gently stroked her cheek. I could feel her shivering at the touch but I kept my hold strong.
“I think I should say the same.”
I stared into her beautiful, spellbinding green eyes and she looked politely at mine. Seeing her in the dark made me lose all my conscious as I had no idea what propelled me to lean in. I closed my eyes when I watched her shut hers. There seemed be such a little distance between us but it still felt like a thousand miles apart. In a gentle touch my lips met hers and I pulled her in. I didn’t want to come out too fierce or forceful so I kissed her as slowly and as gracefully as I could. She hesitated at first but gave in nevertheless.
Her lips felt so perfect against mine. I felt her hand moving to grasp my neck for support and my hands moved down to her waist. Our bodies were attached to the bookshelf behind us; our hips and abdomens were in soft contact. I tried to pick up the pace and realized that Lauren was giving me full access to do so. I humbly put my tongue in her mouth and bit her bottom lip. I couldn’t help but hear a small moan from her. I was shocked to feel her biting my own lips after I granted her access.
I was enchanted. I didn’t know that there was heaven on earth. Was there? I didn’t want to think much and all I wanted was to continue kissing this beautiful girl in front of me. My conscious told me to stop immediately but my heart and my lips ached for more…
I started pulling away. “Uhm, I-I’m sorry.” I said completely out of breath.
Lauren hadn’t fully recovered from this too as I sensed her breathlessness. “No, I’m sorry.”
“I shouldn’t have done that,” I shrieked as I forced my body to stand up.
“No, no it’s okay. I’m sorry too,” Lauren had stood up now too.
I shrugged in panic. As I was about to respond I heard my phone ring. It was my mom. “Yeah, yeah I’m almost there.” I looked at Lauren. She looked so elegant and as much I as didn’t want to, I had to return home. “I’m sorry - that was my mom. I have to be home.”
I saw her nodding right away and I offered a sweet, I’m-sorry-I-kissed-you-out-of-nowhere-but-I-wanted-to smile and walked in the opposite direction. I heard her say, “It’s okay. I’m sorry.”
“Bye, Lauren,” I chipped and exited the door.
During the way my head was running a million miles. Had I really done that? If so, when the hell did I become so confident in doing that? Maybe because it’s Lauren, I thought. It felt…enchanting, I repeated this feeling in my head as I carried on. 
A/n: finally tho! The story is progressing…I have a lot of stuff on my mind so stay tuned, loves! I hope you’re liking it so far because I honestly have nooo idea…would definitely appreciate feedback(:
The recent events have everyone depressed and shook. We’re all hurting right now and it’s taken a toll on us. I’ve been a fan for quite some time now and I just want to say that it will take time. I started this story as an interest which is why I will keep writing for as long as I want to because if you enjoy it, what’s the harm, right? Take care and Happy New Year!
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