#he shall be titled
chryblossomjjk · 1 year
guys kiki is getting a fish :')
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hor3nee · 2 months
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blindmagdalena · 4 months
Reader is a spy for the boys but goes undercover as homelander's au pair for Ryan but homelander or reader slowly catches feelings? :)
ohhhh this is SUCH a good idea!!! i've dabbled in Homelander falling for Ryan's caretaker before but OH!!! throwing in the spy element is so juicy.
i've been holding onto my enemies to lovers ideas for a soulmate au, but you've filled my skull to the brim with the potential of a reader who goes into this truly despising Homelander for the horrible things he's done, and the evolution of seeing him through the lens of a father, seeing who he is when he actually loves someone.
meanwhile reader is gritting their teeth the entire time, determined Not to fall for the doting father act. it's only enemies to lovers from their perspective. for homelander? it's a romcom lmao
until he finds out they're a spy, that is...
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chaosinterlude · 1 year
you guys ever think about levi liking games so much because a lot of games require strategy, quick thinking, problem-solving skills, etc. and those are things levi is good at due to his past as a general / grand admiral and now that he isn’t really active in those ranks anymore games are his way to cope with that and keep doing what he loved and devoted himself to for such a long time
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sensitiveheartless · 9 months
...K this is going to sound completely out of the blue, but this has been haunting me today —
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beastren · 3 months
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minecraftbookshelf · 3 months
Who are you rooting for when the #1 ethogirl tournament starts?
I was not aware that this was a tournament that was happening but I am very interested.
(Honestly, i dont think this should be a tournament, i think this should be an everyone-in-the-ring, no-holds-barred, last-man-standing cage match)
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
I was begging the at the banner to give me the Levi UR+ and when that didn't work I said fuck it and asked to give me the Barbatos UR+
Guess who got jealous and came home in the next pull??
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natequarter · 5 months
medieval/early modern history is a fun game of "Where Did That Earldom Go?" where you have to follow a chain of biography citations, genealogical trees, and wikipedia pages for old men who died childless to figure out where the hell that earldom got to, and if it even remained an earldom
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To Ascend Again
Summary: After falling from the Celestial Realm, the seven brothers must rely on each other emotionally to cope with the loss of their sister, Lilith. Meanwhile, they are also trying to adjust to their new forms and heal both the physical and emotional wounds caused by the Celestial War. Their bonds become stronger than ever since the fall, and they learn to rise again from the calamity that befell them.
Genre: Angst/Hurt
CW: Blood, Mammon swearing, very minor violence
A/N: This is the first chapter released since Nightbringer came out! 🎉 I honestly was holding out for NB's release to get a feel for the story so I could figure out exactly how I wanted the future chapters to go. Now I know the situation of RAD in NB, but I had already mentioned it before i prior chapters so to keep it consistent, we're just going with it lol I'll try my best from here on out to include some stuff from the game, so i'll be sure to include if there's potential spoilers. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!! I also apologize in advance for what i'm about to do to Satan 😬
Taglist: @amberrskiies @delphi-dreamin @obey-me-posts @sassykattery @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse
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Chapter 8: The Fall of Satan
The brothers stared as Diavolo placed a rather large catalog in front of them on the dining room table. “Uh, what’s this?” Mammon asked, tilting his head. “This here is a book of all of our Uniform options at my Academy!” The demon prince boasted. Lucifer pulled the catalog closer to himself to get a better look. “So, we can choose whatever we’d like?” he asked. Barbatos nodded from his place at the end of the table. “Yes, that’s correct. Most demons go for a standard, traditional uniform. But you can customize any of the pieces such as the style and color of the ties.” The brothers all crowded around Lucifer as they looked at the wide variety of uniform styles that Diavolo offered.
“Feel free to browse for the rest of the day. As soon as you decide we’ll get them ordered and you will be able to start attending the Academy.” Lucifer hummed as he glanced up at Diavolo, clasping his hands together in front of him. “And how exactly will we be paying for this?” Diavolo chuckled. “You needn’t worry, the Academy takes care of the costs for all of the student uniforms.” Barbatos nodded in agreement. “That is correct. However I must mention that you now have a household fund that the Demon King has set up in honor of your rankings.” Lucifer gaped at him as Mammon’s head shot up, abandoning the catalog. “Did ya just say ‘household fund’? Like, we have actual money?” Lucifer nudged him harshly, noticing the golden hue that began to shine in his younger brother’s eyes. “Mammon, that’s enough.” he hissed in warning. The white haired demon ignored him, his mind clearly clouded by greed. Diavolo tossed his head back in laughter as he slipped Lucifer a small rectangular piece of plastic. “Now calm down, Mammon. This credit card here is exclusively for household spending. You should have plenty in there to buy some more clothes to start out as well as ingredients to stock the kitchen.” Mammon huffed, crossing his arms to his chest. “Fine, I really do need new shirts. My wings keep rippin’ holes through ‘em.” “Me too, I’m so tired of it.” Asmo whined, resting his chin in his hand. Lucifer ignored them as he held up the small card. It was black with gold lettering that spelled out his name as well as a series of numbers. “When you go to buy something here in the Devildom, you can either use the physical form of currency as you had before, or simply hand over this card. It’ll automatically take out the funds from your account.” Lucifer glanced from the card back to Diavolo. “Is it really that simple?” he asked. Diavolo nodded. “Indeed. Almost too simple. Now, be sure to keep that away from Mammon.” he chuckled, nudging his shoulder. 
Once Barbatos finished explaining the uniforms, Diavolo plopped a big box down on the table, catching everyone’s attention. “Now, these are another important thing that will assist you greatly here in the Devildom.” One by one, he brought out a small, rectangular looking device and set them on the hardwood surface. “These are called D.D.Ds, which stands for ‘Diavolo’s Devildom Device’. They are manufactured by a well known company here in the Devildom called the Three-Legged Crow Conglomerate.” Levi reached for one and touched the screen, causing it to light up. “Woah, no way! These are kind of like human world cell phones!” he said, his voice rising with excitement as he unlocked the screen. Belphie shuffled his way through his older brothers to stand next to Leviathan, his violet eyes sparkling with interest. He watched as Levi tapped his way through the different apps on the home screen. “I’ve heard of cell phones. Li-” the youngest demon paused, his face falling almost immediately. “Um, I mean I just used to hear the other angels talking about them, is all.” Diavolo smiled sadly at the youngest brother as he handed the rest of the D.D.Ds out. Lucifer glanced over at Belphie, who was now staring at the ground. He knew that Lilith had a fascination with items from the Human world, Lilith was always telling them about her new discoveries. Diavolo’s voice brought him back from his thoughts and he noticed he was now holding one of the devices. “Belphegor is right. They do work very similarly to human world devices. These will allow you to stay in contact with each other when you’re away, and you can also browse the many applications that come with it.” Lucifer gently held the D.D.D. in his hand as he stared down at it. “So how do we use it?” he asked, quizzically. Barbatos cleared his throat, holding up his own device in his gloved hand. “Allow me to show you.” For the next several minutes, the butler assisted with showing the brothers how to send messages, calls, and also access the variety of apps that were installed already. “There's one more thing. If you happen to need any aid with your D.D.D, it comes with its very own virtual assistant.” The brothers watched curiously as he pressed a button on the side of the device. All of a sudden, a giant hologram of a crow appeared before them. “Greetings, I am Karasu.” Barbatos smiled as he watched the brothers gasp in surprise. “This is Karasu, he serves as a helpful assistant whenever you need help with your D.D.D. Simply just say the words, ‘Hey Karasu’, or press this button here.” he said, pointing to the small button he had pressed just a few moments earlier. Lucifer stared wide eyed at the crow as it sat floating in the middle of their dining room. “This is…. Amazing.” he muttered. Levi nodded in agreement. “Yeah, way beyond technology the human world has.” 
As the brothers continued to browse through their D.D.Ds, Diavolo and Barbatos saw it as an opportunity to excuse themselves. “Please, let us know when you have decided on the uniforms. We’ll have them sent to the House of Lamentation and then we’ll discuss the details of the Academy. We’d like you to start attending as soon as possible.” Lucifer nodded as he led the two demons back to the entryway of the house. “Thank you for your help. Words cannot express how much I am grateful to the generosity you have shown me and my brothers.” he said, dipping his head. Diavolo smiled as he reached out to place a large hand on his shoulder. “There’s no need to thank me, Lucifer. You shall repay me soon, but for now, I’d like you to focus on settling in.” He winked before turning around and heading out the door with Barbatos following closely behind. Lucifer sighed as the large door creaked shut. He really didn’t know what he meant by ‘repaying’ him, but he decided Diavolo was right. That was a problem for the future. Now he just had to focus on not only taking care of his brothers, but a whole house. 
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The rest of the evening was quiet. After a very chaotic afternoon deciding with his brothers over what to order from Akuzon, Lucifer found himself in his room, scrolling through his D.D.D. and enjoying peace and quiet. They had been instructed by Diavolo to leave the house as little as possible, as the Devildom was quite shaken up from the word of their fall. However, they needed food and clothes desperately, so they took up trying out the Akuzon app on their D.D.Ds. They were successfully able to order what they needed to be delivered within just a few hours. He had finally got his brothers to settle down and gather their things from the order to head to their rooms for the night. As he was browsing through a Devildom news app, his phone suddenly emitted a high pitched ding and he flinched, almost dropping it. He saw a message pop up from Diavolo.
Good evening, Lucifer.  Are you settling in okay? Lucifer sat up, rubbing his forehead. He really didn’t understand why the Demon Prince of all people was messaging him at such an hour. Was that normal? Sighing, Lucifer tapped on the message and began to type out a reply. 
Yes, thank you Diavolo. 
We’ve picked out uniforms, I’ll send the order your way.
Very good! 
Now Lucifer. 
I mean no offense by this but…do you know how to do that?
Lucifer stared wide-eyed at Diavolo’s message. On second thought, how did he go about doing that? 
No. My apologies, Diavolo. 
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It’s quite alright. How about we meet tomorrow at my Castle? Come by whenever you are ready for the day.
Have a good night, Lucifer.
Lucifer blinked. Was he…laughing at him? Is that what that picture meant? The eldest demon sighed, setting his D.D.D down on the bed. The demon prince truly was a mystery to him. He still couldn’t understand how one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom could show this much compassion and kindness towards him and his brothers. Lucifer groaned, sliding underneath his covers and pulling them to his chest. He hated to admit it, but the generosity that Diavolo was showing to them was cracking the surface of his already fragile state of pride. He knew he didn’t deserve it. It was his fault they were all here anyways. His fault that Lilith was gone. But he couldn’t bring himself to tell his brothers the truth about their sister’s fate. He was failing them, and he could only sit here keeping secrets. He allowed his eyes to flutter shut, deciding to try and get some sleep since he would need to be at Diavolo’s early on the next day. However, flashes of Lilith’s bright smile filled his mind and kept him awake. She used to be the light in their lives. She always took care of them, cheered them up when they were upset. She was always smiling, and it made him smile. Lucifer could just barely remember the days when he didn’t constantly frown. Then one day, in the blink of an eye, her happy disposition was ruined by the corrupt laws of the Celestial Realm. Lucifer’s eyes shot open once more. Since when did he think of their laws as corrupt? He never thought of them that way before. He was always more than happy to uphold the commandments of The Celestial Realm. Obviously Lilith’s actions were forbidden by Celestial Realm law, so he should have had no opposition to their ruling. Lucifer rubbed his eyes. Just another sign of the pitiful creature I've become. Lucifer felt tears beginning to stream from the corners of his eyes, leaking onto the satin material of his pillowcase. There he was, crying again. He’s been doing a lot of that lately now that he didn’t have to share a space with Mammon and Leviathan. He wouldn’t dare to allow a single tear to slip in front of his brothers. He stuffed a fist to his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut, allowing himself to give in. An audible sob broke the silence in his room as his shoulders shook, unable to control the involuntary shudders wracking through his body. He wasn’t sure how long he cried for, but he began to feel his eyelids growing heavier and heavier. Lucifer sniffed as he wiped the tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. His head was becoming fuzzy, but it was almost…pleasant? Relaxing? He wasn’t sure exactly what the word for it was, but he sighed softly as he closed his eyes once more, allowing himself to give in and slip into a deep, much needed slumber. 
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When Lucifer awoke the next morning, his head was surprisingly clear. He didn’t feel groggy like he normally did when he fell asleep with a tear stained face. Almost like…magic, he thought as he remembered the hazy feeling that overcame him last night. He snorted at the thought. Who in the hell would be working their magic on me? I simply exhausted myself once more. Shaking his head, he swung his feet over the side of the bed and stretched. He decided he should begin to get ready for the day, as he needed to go meet with Diavolo to get their RAD uniforms settled. He made his way to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror. He noticed he had shifted into his demon form at some point, his two large black horns curling from the sides of his head. His raven black hair was messy, sticking up in various places around his horns. He sighed as he pulled his shirt over his head and turned around. He was trying to get a glance at his back in the large mirror where the 6 wounds resulting from his terrifying fit of wrath stared back at him. He hated being in this form lately since his wings were beginning to grow back. It was unbearably itchy and sore, but the warm water from the shower helped soothe them for a short period of time. He practically groaned when he stepped under the warmth of the shower, enjoying the feeling of the hot water hitting his bare skin. 
After he was finished showering and dressed, Lucifer headed downstairs to the kitchen. He was surprised to see that the Twins were already there, getting breakfast ready for them all. “Good morning, Lucifer.” Beel said, flipping a couple of the biggest pancakes Lucifer has ever seen. “Good morning, you two. Thank you for getting breakfast ready.” he said, glancing at Belphegor. The youngest demon nodded. “Yeah, we settled on pancakes since we’re still getting a taste for Devildom food. Hope that’s okay.” he paused, then gave Lucifer a small smirk. “How did you sleep?” he asked. Lucifer blinked, confused at his expression. “...Very well, thank you. And you?” Belphie giggled softly. “Of course I slept well. I’m the Avatar of Sloth, remember?” Lucifer crossed his arms, beginning to piece together the situation. “Belphie…did you use your powers on me last night?” The 7th Born winked at him, his long, cow-like tail swishing excitedly behind him. “It’s possible. I was coming to talk to you about something but…I heard…” he trailed off, his tail suddenly stopping its movements and lowering to the ground. Lucifer smiled, reaching out a hand to ruffle Belphie’s hair. “I appreciate it.” he murmured softly. Belphie’s cheeks flushed, clearly flustered by Lucifer’s compliment. He turned to Beel, nuzzling his face into his arm. “O-Of course…but you don’t have to treat me like a child…” he muttered. Beel glanced away from the pancakes he was making and down at the top of his brother's head, obviously confused. Lucifer only laughed, “Come by my room this evening and we’ll talk. I have to meet with Diavolo today about our RAD uniforms, so I'll be out for a while.” The young demon nodded, still pressed into his twin’s side. “Wait, you’re leaving us alone? With Satan?” a voice sounded from the doorway. Lucifer turned around to see Levi, looking horrified. “It’s going to be fine, Levi. I’ll only be gone for a few hours.” Levi groaned, spinning back around and running straight into Asmo. “Ow, Levi! Watch where you’re going! You almost made me drop my D.D.D.” the 5th born whined, clutching the phone to his chest. “Oh shut up Asmo, Lucifer is leaving us to babysit the little ball of rage that is Satan.” “What?! You demon! You evil creature! You can’t do this to us!” he shrieked. Lucifer rubbed his temples in agitation. “Will you stop screaming? Listen, I have to go discuss this at Diavolo’s castle. I can’t keep having him come here all the time.” A chorus of groans filled the kitchen, all except for Beel who was shoving a pancake into his mouth. “Hey, Beel, save some for the rest of us.” Belphie sighed. 
Breakfast was thankfully uneventful. Satan didn’t come down from his room, so Lucifer took it as an opportunity to discuss the fact that he’d be leaving them alone for the first time since their fall. Of course, Mammon wasn’t happy to hear the news either. “What are we supposed to do if he flies off the handle again, eh?” Lucifer sighed. “Here’s hoping you all can stay calm for long enough that it doesn’t happen.” Mammon groaned. “Fine, but you better hurry up.” They all finished their breakfast, saving a plate for Satan to eat when he eventually came down from his room. Lucifer pulled on a large, wool jacket over his shoulders that he had gotten from last night’s Akuzon order. “I’ll be back soon. Please behave yourselves.” he said. The brothers nodded, shooting each other worried glances. Satan was in his room for the time being, but with his wrath being so unpredictable, they were all feeling incredibly anxious. “If you need anything, just call me. I’ll get back as soon as I can.” The brothers nodded as they watched Lucifer head out the door, leaving them alone in the giant house. 
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About an hour went by after Lucifer’s departure, and the brothers found themselves hanging out in the living room together. “Did you guys see this app? It’s called Devilgram.” Asmo said, excitedly scrolling through his D.D.D.. “I’ve been scrolling through for hours! I’ve already made my first post! You guys need to follow me right now.” Mammon hummed, pulling up the app. “Can ya make money from it?” he asked, curiously. Asmo rolled his eyes. “Not everything is about money, Mammon.” Levi finally broke his silence from his spot on the couch next to Mammon. “I just downloaded this game, look.” he said, turning his phone for them all to see. “It’s called Ruri-Tunes! Isn’t the character so cute?” Mammon scrunched his face up, “Cute? Eh, I dunno about that.” Levi rolled his eyes, pulling his phone back to his chest. “Fine, you don’t get to be graced by her cuteness if you can’t appreciate it.” Mammon scoffed, a small smirk forming on his face. “Weirdo, who thinks a cartoon girl is cute?” Levi was about to retort when a voice interrupted. “Shouldn’t we text Satan and tell him food is down here for him?” Beel wondered out loud. “Awe Beel, you’re always so worried about food.” Asmo cooed, “But we probably should…I guess…” he sighed. “I’ll do it. I’ll start a group chat with us all.” Levi said, bringing up his messages. Group Chat: House of Lamentation (7)
Hey Satan, we have breakfast down here for you if you’re hungry.
Yeah, we noticed you didn’t come down so we wanted to save ya some before Beel inhaled it all.
They all watched as the tiny dots appeared and disappeared again. “...Is that him typing?” Belphie asked, glancing up from his phone. 
And you guys didn’t come get me?
You’re always leaving me out of things. That’s fine.
I don’t belong here anyways. 
Seriously, I can't stand being around you all. 
The brothers all jumped as they heard a door from upstairs slam shut. “Oh shit.” Mammon muttered, listening to the footsteps come down the stairs and echo down the hallway. “He’s coming down.” The 2nd Born got to his feet, standing protectively in front of his brothers with his wings spread out wide. They watched as the small form of Satan finally entered the living room, his green eyes glowing with uncontained wrath. “Satan, hey, just calm down for a sec! I’m sorry we didn’t come get you, we thought you were asleep!” Levi jumped up next. “Y-Yeah t-that’s all! W-We didn’t want to wake you is all!” Satan only glared at them, “Shut up! You guys don’t even care! You think I don’t hear what you’re saying?!” he shrieked, his tail lashing back and forth. “Satan, knock it off right now, ya damn brat!” Mammon growled, baring his fangs. “Mammon, that's definitely not guaranteed to calm him down.” Beel said, slowly rising from the couch. “I’m leaving, you all can fuck off!” Satan yelled, making a break for the entryway of the house. “Oh no ya don’t, you out of all of us can’t leave!” Mammon said, grabbing the smaller boy’s arm. Satan spun around, letting out an inhuman-like growl as he sunk his fangs into Mammon’s forearm. “Fuck!” Mammon hissed, letting go and grasping his arm. “Someone call Lucifer! Now!” he yelled back at his brothers, who were looking horrified as they saw blood dripping onto the hardwood floor of the living room. Asmo shrieked and jumped up to head to the other room to call the eldest demon. Satan once again made a sprint for the front door, but was stopped by Beel who grabbed him from behind, squeezing him to his chest. Satan wailed, attempting to wiggle free from the Avatar of Gluttony’s grasp, but it was no use. He was strong, and Satan’s small frame was not nearly powerful enough to break free from Beel’s strength. His tail, however, lashed against Beel’s legs, back and arms, causing the red haired demon to stumble. “Guys, I can’t hold him for much longer.” Beel hissed through his teeth.  Suddenly, a burst of magic filled the room, and the brothers all looked up to see Barbatos entering through a portal out of thin air followed by Diavolo and Lucifer. “Beelzebub, drop him.” Barbatos said, sternly. Beel obeyed and released his grasp on the wrath filled demon. Satan dropped to the ground, gasping as he attempted to get to his feet once more. The next thing he knew, he had no feeling in his limbs and he fell forward, his head hitting against the tile of the entryway. “I've immobilized him. It should last until we get him contained.” Diavolo said. His normally cheerful voice has been replaced with an uncharacteristically serious tone. Lucifer made his way over, rolling his little brother’s small body over with his foot. Satan’s eyes lit up once more at the sight of the eldest demon, his lip curling in disgust. Lucifer frowned, noticing how his face was stained crimson from what he guessed to be Mammon’s blood.
“Satan, what have you done?”
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Writing Silmarillion angst is infinitely more difficult when "We R Who We R" by Ke$ha is stuck in my head
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inkykeiji · 29 days
did anyone else get that neopets email
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bmpmp3 · 4 months
the epic highs and lows of trying to read an ongoing shounen manga
#for me it uh. tends to have more epic lows than epic highs. im very unlucky with shounen#occasionally a few years after something i start reading it'll turn out to be good#but any time i follow something from the beginning it starts getting. worse#is it me? am i doing this? dont tell me to read your favourite shounen i'll turn it bad#did i ever mention that one manga. the moon is beautiful but first die#a mouthful of a title. it started kinda goofy but i really adored the main character for some reason#im still a bit attached to him. he cleans so well that he got the magic power to see real good. and now he can matrix bullet time#hes just like me for reeeeeeeaaaal hflkanjvdkfljfds but yeah that manga was. weird but fun BUT THEN#it got so wack you guys you dont understand. the first like one or two volumes? fun#everything else? god knows JHKFDJFDK i still read it all tho. i was invested in my guy with seeing real good powers#and im sorry to say. unfortunately it seems. a certain manga with a big tv adaptation that is pronounced oh she no co#my curse. its started. although that ones very much a epic high and epic low situation like itll be so so wack one minute#and suddenly get good again and then plummet back down HFKJDSBHJds we will see how it goes on#i started getting annoyed with the writing after the stageplay arc because they kept like. time skipping over so much#which i thought was a bit of a waste because there was a lot of interesting potential in a lot of the showbiz storylines. but we shall see#thats not shounen tho thats seinen but my curse applies to some seinen too LOL but most seinen i read is already finished#and shoujosei is spared from my curse. i think just because most i have the opportunity to read in english just tends to not#be drawn out or have weird scheduling things messing with the pacing. are there any weekly shoujosei magazines out there#i dont think weekly manga is good. for a lot of reasons mostly the mangakas health but also i find more weekly stuff i read#that isnt like. 4koma stuff suffers in its pacing a LOT. but again that might be my curse. the second i lay my eyes on it. the curse#(sorry ive been catching up on a lot of manga recently LOL ur getting my manga thoughts now)
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Where did those quotes in the art piece of yours you reblogged about Charles V being ugly and stupid actually come from?
I'm really curious about which academics said that
YAY im being recognised as a reliable source to come to for these things!!!11!
Moving on okurrrrr i //did// say academics in like massive inverted commas so 🤡🤡🤡 regular history book writers is more like but doesn't quite have a ring to it. Anyway here are your Sauces™ because i may throw words around but I don't make shit up!! *Taps head*
"A perfect twit, a cruel victim of spoiling and aristocratic inbreeding" - Eric Metaxas, Martin Luther
"He couldn't help being ugly", "Villainously ugly" - John Julius Norwich 🔫 WHAT'S GOOD CUNT!!!?!?!????!*, Four Princes
"Not quite put together.... Ungainly and frail-looking" - James Reston Jr, Defenders of the Faith
"Thin, sickly-looking and somewhat ugly" - Henry Kamen ((aka the only bitch on this list i respect)), Spain 1469-1714: A Society of Conflict
*((if you all KNEW how much i hate JJN. it's Unreal. Had semen scumbag Montefiore from soviet history's good review on the very back of this book too they can suck each others and rot together imo.))
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Have a sketch i never posted with it! And yes he was a skrunkly lad wasn't he!! If I can't *quite* say I love him then I can at least say I feel a deep sympathy really every time someone unironically dunks on what was otherwise an uncomfortable teenager. It just feels mean, ye know what i mean?
And then a deep fascination with his arc from that sopping wet rat to whatever the hell god complex delulu bullshit he became when he got older. Thoroughly insufferable. I'm obsessed.
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vonlipvig · 3 months
hmm this might not end up the 'ABOLISH THE MONARCHY!' playthrough that i thought it was gonna be, cause my uncle was like 'your majestyyyy did you sign the fucking 'i <3 the monarchy' decree you told me u were gonna sign. cause i don't think u did yet', and the 'fuck your archaic practices' dialogue option gave you like -2 authority, and obviously Number Go Down is Scary, so i was like omgggg i Forgot i'm sooo gonna do it later sowwyyyyyy u__u
romus the PUSHOVER over here
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aeons-domain · 11 months
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Omg look it's the JotaMadiKak of Sanrio 😚😚😚💕💕💕
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