#he still turned his nose up at the wet food but maybe he'll feel up to it later. & at least he's getting some nourishment from the vitamins
blagueofchaos · 2 years
Thanks 💜💜💜💜
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Hey llama been going through a rough patch with recovering. Could you maybe do a lil story/head cannons on how the boys would comfort reader?
I wasn't sure which boys you meant, but I've covered the Aggre boys comforting a few times, so here's how the bad guys would comfort you when you're having a hard time.
Horror will appeal to the small, flighty animal inside you. The one that wants to be wrapped up tight, given food, hidden away somewhere safe and dark and warm and quiet. It doesn't care if it's snuggled in the arms of a bear, because that's your bear, and his breathing is deep and slow and he smells like waxy fur and dry autumn. He'll look after your little animal - he'll look after you. He'll put snacks in your hands, put a huge blanket around you, and cuddle you into his lap. You can just put your head on his chest. He struggles with many things... but comforting is not one of them.
Dust is comforting like an oversized hoodie. The kind that smells like someone you love, covering your hands and almost reaching your knees, old and pilling but the inside is still soft. He can't talk you through it, he doesn't have the words, he can't tell you it'll be okay, because how could he know? Telling you 'it'll be fine' is not his call to make. But he can sit with you while you cry, and stay no matter what. He can lay in bed next to you and threads his fingers with yours while the TV fills the silence. And if you don't mind the tickling in the back of your nose, he'll lend you any one of his hoodies you like.
Killer will chase your smile. He'll really, really try - it's not his usual 'cheering', the sharp carelessness you've come to associate with him. There's a gentleness, a pleading sincerity to him, he remembers details about you you never would've expected him to pick up. He gently broaches all the subjects he knows you're interested in to see if they'll get you chatting, he fields distracting activities like videogames and movies you love, he offers foods and drinks he knows you crave when you're lonely, anything to get you to stop frowning. Maybe it's not all the things he offers that cheer you up, in the end. Maybe it's the glimpse into just how deeply and honestly he cares. When he does finally get that smile, you'll get the reward of two pearly while eyelights staring back at you in relief.
Nightmare could be comforting to you. You'd have to give in to him completely. You'd have to trust him, close your eyes and let him in. Are you prepared for that? He won't blame you, if you aren't, he won't resent you for seeking out the others instead. But if you're willing to put your Soul in his hands... suffering is a tapestry he's intimately familiar with. He knows the importance of letting pain pass through. There's no comfort like him. The comfort of resting at the bottom of a deep ocean, the comfort of sleeping in a beast's jaws, the comfort of drifting in space. The comfort of turning everything off. The comfort of something huge and dark and unearthly holding you in its palms, and telling you it's okay to rest for a little while. You'll wake up with wet cheeks, feeling like an enormous weight has left your shoulders. And Nightmare will be eternally grateful for finally, just once, being allowed to do what he was made to do.
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lostinforestbound · 7 months
hello! could I please make a request?
Rolan waking up and comforting a tav that is trying to hide that they are crying. maybe he felt their tears on his arm or they aren't being as quiet or motionless as they thought they were being.
I've been having a hard few days and just think some Rolan comfort would be nice 😅♥️
I hope Headcannons are okay! I love writing Rolan comforting others, especially with how prickly he can usually be! I hope it makes your day a little better!
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Comforting a Crying Tav
He's not sure what woke him up first; it was either the amount of force Tav pressed their forehead against his shoulder blade, or the wetness he feels gathering there.
Almost annoyed, he's about to speak up as ask what in the hells they were doing, but stops short when he hears them take in a shuddering breath.
His heart drops in that moment, suddenly wide awake. Were they crying?
He turns over maybe a little too quickly, seeing the tears in their eyes.
His immediate instinct is to ask what was wrong, but his mind is still disoriented from his previous slumber. No words are coming out, so he stares dumbly at his love who's now trying to hide their face in the sheets.
Right then and there, as they quietly sob into the bedding, he decides perhaps actions will speak louder than words.
That is harder to do since he's so used to his flourishing words taking the lead, but he tries.
He gathers them up in his arms, nuzzling into their hair and he curls his tail around their leg.
If Tav is also a tiefling, he'll gently rub his horn against theirs and curl his tail around their own instead.
He never purrs, he finds that part of tiefling biology embarrassing, but he'll do it for them. He would do anything for them.
If they don't want to talk about what's wrong, he'll save it for morning, even if he wants to know immediately.
For now, he'll comfort them the best that he can, even if he doesn't quite know how.
Writing Blurb
Rolan, having many stressors in his life, is a bit of a light sleeper. It wasn't always that way, but trying so hard to provide for Cal and Lia while being surrounded by dangers left an unwanted impression on his sleeping habits.
At first, he didn't mind Tav pressing their forehead against his back, even if it felt a little forceful.
What made him wake up more was feeling something wet trailing down the side of his back, and he actively has to suppress a shiver. Are they trying to tease him? At this time of night??
His nose scrunches up with slight annoyance, about to speak up. It's unbelievably late, and he has so much work to get through in the morning. Too many idiots are trying to make foolish deals that screw him over, and he has to find a way to kindly tell them to fuck off.
When he finally opens his mouth to ask what they're doing this time of night, he stops short when hearing a shuddering breath escape them. The soft, almost silent cry that escapes their lips makes his heart drop.
Mind racing, he instinctively turns over to look at them, albeit maybe too quickly since there's a startled expression on their face. Their eyes are clearly wet, darkvision giving him a vivid picture even in the darkness of the room.
"What's wrong?" He demands, sounding harsher than he meant to.
They shake their head as they sob again, hiding their face into the blanket to muffle their cries.
Why do they feel the need to hide this from him? Did he do something wrong the last time they cried? Was his tone off? He internally chastises himself for sounding too prickly when he asked.
Thinking words are going to make things worse, he carefully pulls them into his arms, hoping that actions will be louder than words. They practically collapse into his chest, so he hugs them tighter. Gods, he wants to ask questions; what do they need? Water? Food? Pressure? They seem in no position to talk.
He nuzzles into their hair, pressing a kiss onto the top of their head. His mind may be disoriented with how fast this went, but he knows that they need comfort. Reluctantly, although with some embarrassment, he begins to purr.
This seems to calm them, their cries deluding into whimpers. He did something good, then. He'll...try to purr more often.
They need to talk, he can't let this go, but it can be saved until the morning. For now, they just need him, and he will give everything possible to make them feel loved.
"I love you." He whispers, pressing a kiss to their forehead.
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paint-it-red-and-black · 11 months
Charles likes to bite.
he bites his lips for a long time before he says something important. he bites his nails when he is nervous. he bites his pen when he stops writing. he bites the tip of his tongue when he laughs.
Max notices it quickly. he collects every detail and stores it in the back of his mind.
until they start to date. suddenly, Charles begins to bite Max.
the first time it happens, Max doesn't even realise it, only managing to say "What?..." before a light kiss lands on the bite. Charles laughs, Max lets it go.
the second time proves to hurt more. they are cuddling on the couch in the evening when Charles bites him sharply on his collarbone. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Max frowns, but there's no anger in his voice. Charles laughs again. Max exhales and pulls him closer.
Charles bites him when he's happy. it's always a faint gentle bite, just the very lips. sometimes Max doesn't even know which is a kiss and which is a bite. boundary is blurred. Max gets used to it.
Charles bites him when he's upset. usually it hurts a little more. it feels bittersweet. Max can feel the wetness on his neck when Charles presses the cold tip of his nose against it, covers the skin with his moist lips and bites until the spot is bloody and dark. Max doesn't resist, letting his lover leave his marks.
Charles bites him when he wants attention. usually he claws at his skin and doesn't leave until Max turns to him with eyebrows raised in question. at times like this, Max allows himself to ignore a little. he's given a chance to play, and he takes it. the important thing is not to cross the limit, or it will hurt. but Max likes it. maybe he's a bit of a masochist.
Charles bites him when he's excited. bites him when he's horny. bites him when he's delighted, when he's annoyed, when he's cheerful and when he's grieving, when he's desperate and when he’s drunk, when he's enjoying himself, when he's in love.
Charles bites and bites and bites. Max suspects there is no longer a place on his body that has never been bitten. Max start to think that at some point he adopted a third cat.
it becomes part of the their routine. a bite on the edge of his jaw before a morning kiss. a bite on his earlobe when they go to bed. a bite on his collarbone in the shower, on his neck after breakfast, on his bicep during a FIFA game, on his fingertips when he feeds him junk food, on his knee in the evening peace, on his nipple...
and then they fight.
the reason is stupid, but neither of them wants to make concessions. they don't speak for a couple of days days, still staying in the same flat. they eat at different times, lock themselves in their rooms, try not to cross paths in the corridor and take a cat each. Max sleeps on the couch, even though it's his flat.
he'll say he's just tired of spending the nights on the uncomfortable sofa in the living room, but on the third day he walks over to Charles while he's making breakfast, snuggles up against his back, interlocking his arms around his waist and rests his chin on Charles' shoulder, pressing the cheek against cheek.
"I'm sorry."
"Me too."
"It was stupid."
"You're stupid."
there's no resentment in his voice, no desire to hurt. these are just words that don't carry an insult. it's more like their usual bickering. but Max will pretend to be offended. he squeezes Charles' waist a little tighter, fingertips tickling sides. Charles laughs.
and then Max bites.
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dandunn · 2 years
If your still taking prompts, how about werewolf Jigen or Zenigata or merman Lupin
Tw: small animal death, blood
The worst part of being a monster isn't the pain and terror of transformation. It isn't the claws and teeth and itchy flea-bitten fur.
It isn't even the constant hunger gnawing like a rat scraping its long teeth against the stomach lining.
It's loneliness.
It's losing what little friends you had.
It's the cold, the rain, the bitter ruffle of cold wind through shaggy black fur. It's the lack of a safe shelter for the night. It's being stuck between here and there, without even the option of a friendly chat with a stranger.
Anyone who glances at you is either fixed in place with terror, or they run. In (thankfully) rare cases they become violent and try to fight you. 
Jigen thought that becoming a wolf meant the usual; changing from man to beast under the full moon every month like clockwork. That once he transformed he would eventually change back into his human skin.
But then he didn't shift back. Either it was permanent or he could change back at will and just didn't know how.
Sometimes he wonders which is worse. At least if it's permanent it means that he'll have to get used to the idea one way or another. But the faint hope that he could be human again…
It's enough to drive an old dog completely insane.
Jigen noses the lid off of a trash can and tips it over, snapping up scraps of whatever looks half-edible. It's putrid, but he's desperate -  can feel his ribs poking through his skin and ragged pelt. And it's the only way he can survive without resorting to killing. 
Even though the hunger never stops and he knows only something the size of a human would be enough to leave him fully sated. Frequently the thought passes through his mind of pulling down one of the sorry SOBs that kick him, scream at him and call the cops (or animal control) on him. If they attacked first he wouldn't even have to feel bad about it. But he can't. After all he was human too, not long ago. Eating a human would be crossing a line he wouldn't be able to come back from. 
Something small moves through the litter and detritus, tiny claws scraping against asphalt.
One movement of Jigen's head and the rat is in his jaws, squeaking a death knell as his teeth bite down on its spine.
Bones crunch and crack. Warm blood and juices drip down Jigen's gums and a purring growl of pleasure hums a vibrato through his chest. It's the best thing he's tasted in days, hot and fresh food…
And it's a fucking dirty rodent.
He spits out the sharp claws and tail, the taste of blood only stirring his hunger further.
How long?
How long is it going to be before it gets too much? Before I give in to it and kill someone? It's not like there's any deer loping by.
The best he can hope for is maybe booking it and making a beeline for the country where there's wild game, and probably meeting his end at the end of a hunter's gun as some kind of trophy. 
That would be a hell of an end, stuffed and mounted on some redneck's wall.
These past few nights though, misery and fear of being seen have kept him hunkered unmoving in the shadows of alleyways and underpasses. That and hunger. It's easier to preserve energy if you don't move.
His belly full of garbage and fresh rat, Jigen turns in a circle and hunkers down in a corner, hoping no curious eyes will look past the trash cans to see the enormous beast curled up there.
Then he awakens, ears and nose furiously working together as he senses someone approaching. He can smell cigarettes and cheap alcohol, instant noodles and wet fur. An odd combination of smells. He starts to growl, the sound of an animal who doesn't want to bite but will, given half the chance.
Another wolf stands at the mouth of the alleyway, brown fur and a long bushy tail standing up in the air.
There's… more like me?
Jigen stops growling and the other wolf regards him with a long-lashed golden brown eye. "Come with me." He gruffs, half turning away when he stops again. Jigen isn't exactly raring to follow the stranger.
The other wolf's eyes glance towards the pile of rat entrails on the ground. "There will be better things to eat, I promise."
Whining, Jigen uncurls his cold, battered body and limps off after the other wolf.
(To be continued?)
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lovingmusicalmen · 3 years
Boys Who Rumble
Pairing: Riff x female!Reader
Summary: Riff broke up with her months ago, too scared that he'd end up hurting her somehow. And yet when Tony hears about the rumble his friend has planned, it's still Y/N who he turns to for help trying to convince Riff to call it off
Warnings: Violence (I mean... it's wss what do you expect? lmao), swearing, mentions of drug use
Word Count: 3,750
A/N: Heya so this is my first riff fic so I hope it's alright! I might write a second part to it (maybe as like a prologue or smth like them getting together for the first time?) so let me know what you think! Remember to reblog, comment and everything - anything to tell me your thoughts! Requests are open at the moment so feel free to send them into my inbox :)
Happy reading!
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If Y/N was to write a list ranking who she felt was most likely to pay her a visit at her place of work, Tony was probably in last place.
It wasn't that they didn't get along - on the contrary, before he had been sent away for a year, they were pretty close friends what with their mutual link to Riff - but, a lot had changed in the year he was gone. And one of the more major things - something that Tony hadn't believed when he was initially told about it - was that Y/N and Riff had broken up.
And even with Y/N and Riff still being on friendly - though undeniably awkward and painful - terms, there was little reason for Tony to seek her out anymore.
And yet here he was, leaning against the counter casually, looking rather out of breath and a scowl on his face as he waited for her to finish serving the customer currently waiting on their food. Y/N passed it over with a smile on her face, one which became a lot more confused, her eyebrows raising and lips twitching in slight amusement as the customer turned away to leave and there was just Tony and Y/N left in the store.
"Can I help you?" She asked mildly. "I can't give you mates rates anymore, you know that, right?"
Tony let out a sharp laugh, which Y/N was sure bordered on sounding bitter.
"I need your help," he said instead, pushing himself up to walk over to stand in front of her.
"Nice to see you too," Y/N rolled her eyes, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling a little at the familiarity of the situation - who would've guessed that she'd miss getting called on to look after the Jets. Y/N turned away from him and reached up into one of the higher cupboards, bringing out the first aid kit that she had kept in there since she first met Riff. "Baby John again?"
"What?" When Y/N turned around again, Tony's nose was scrunched up in confusion until his eyes landed on the first aid kit and he shook his head stiffly. "Nothing like that - well..." he caught himself and sighed again. "Riff's planned a rumble."
Y/N's heart jumped in her chest and she felt her grip on the first aid kit loosen involuntarily, her throat running dry.
"With-" she cleared her throat, wetting her lips. "With the Sharks?"
Tony sighed again and nodded his head.
"He's got a gun."
This time the kit really did fall from her hands, landing on the floor with a thud.
"He's what?!"
"It can't go ahead," Tony said, almost pleading with her.
"Have you talked to him?"
"Yeah - but he thinks I've betrayed him, deserted the Jets and all that, since I said I wouldn't get involved with it."
"When is it?"
"Tonight," Tony said regretfully.
"Fuck," Y/N breathed. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"
"Talk to Riff?" Tony said immediately. "He'll listen to you - he always did."
"You know it's different now - Riff broke up with me, remember?"
"Yeah, but it's not like he did it because he stopped loving you," Tony pointed out, sending another stab into her heart.
"Has Graz tried to talk to him about it?" She tried.
"It's not like that between them and you know it," Tony scoffed.
"What's... what's it about, anyway?" Y/N picked up the rag on the counter and began to wipe it down, just to have something to do with her hands as her mind raced with thoughts.
"At the dance last night," Tony's suddenly doing his best to avoid Y/N eyes entirely. "Bernardo tried to start with me."
"Why?" Y/N asked. There's a sudden flush on Tony's cheeks and he cleared his throat, lips beginning to tug into a reluctant smile.
"I... I was dancing with his sister - Maria. He... wasn't a fan," Tony said, though he didn't look the slightest bit ashamed about it. Y/N snorted out a laugh.
"I'm sure Riff wasn't too pleased either," she said knowingly.
"Nah - he hasn't actually said anything to me about it," Tony shrugged. "Think he thinks I just did it to mess with Bernardo."
"You better not have," Y/N said sharply. "Maria's lovely - they all are, I've never understood Riff's problem."
"I didn't," Tony promised her. "I love her," he stated simply with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "And she asked me to get Riff to call of tonight's rumble so..."
"Oh - well, good to know that you wouldn't be bothered about stopping it if your girlfriend hadn't said anything," Y/N couldn't help herself from saying.
"That's not fair! You know Riff, he doesn't listen to anyone!" Tony hesitated. "Well, except for you."
"Riff's avoiding me anyway, he won't talk to me, especially if I just tell him to call off the rumble."
And even though she knew her words were the truth, she couldn't help but also think about where she'd be most likely to catch him before the rumble - where the jets would usually go to prepare before their fights.
The door jingled, signalling another customer and Y/N was grateful for the interruption.
"Just..." Tony groaned frustratedly. "Try?" He begged, walking over to the door as it had begun to swing closed again.
Y/N didn't look at him, but gave a single, silent nod of her head.
As it turned out, Y/N didn’t have to try and seek Riff out, because when her shift ended that night, there he was. Right outside the bakery, leaning against the wall, lit cigarette between his lips and a would-be-indifferent expression on his face.
It was a sight that was so painfully familiar from their time together, back when Riff would walk her home every night after a shift. He hated the idea of her walking back alone in the dark - and Y/N knew he still hated it, and also that he still cared about her because she would often catch glimpses of the other Jets, walking a distance behind her or hiding behind corners.
Something that would be utterly terrifying to almost anyone else, Y/N was sure. But the thing was - for a while, they had been her boys. And Y/N knew that it was Riff who’d sent them, just to make sure she got home okay, to make sure no one bothered her as she walked.
But this evening it was just him, waiting where he always used to.
“I feel honoured - I hear you already have evening plans.”
Riff’s expression tugs into a slight smirk and he drops the cigarette he’s holding to the ground, crushing it with the heel of his shoe.
“Who told you? Baby John?”
Y/N smiled a little, shaking her head. “Tony.”
Riff’s smirk faded.
“Yeah,” Y/N agreed. She tilted her head to the side. “You walking me home or not, Jet Boy?”
“Depends - you gonna try and talk me out of rumbling?”
Y/N just laughed and set off walking. Sure enough, Riff was quick to jog and catch up with her. He offered her his arm silently and Y/N took it.
“I’ve always come back fine before,” Riff breaks the silence at last.
“This is different, though,” Y/N said.
“Why? Because I’ve got a gun? I’m only gonna use it if-“
“No, because you came to me.”
Y/N peaked at Riff from the corner of her eye to see him frowning a little.
“I always came to you before rumbles.”
“Yeah. But that was before, Riff,” she pointed out. “You’ve been avoiding me since you ended it, even when you’ve had full on brawls. But tonight you came to me again before a rumble,” Y/N tugged on his arm, forcing him to stop in front of her. He refused to meet her eyes. “That’s how I know it’s different.”
“Ever thought I just wanted to see you, girly girl?” Riff tried to inject some of his usual confidence into his voice but Y/N isn’t fooled. She knew him too well for that.
“I know you did,” Y/N agreed gently. “But you never did until now.”
“You used to be so shy when we met,” Riff chuckles and he tried to make it sound bitter, annoyed. But there’s nothing but affection in the sound. “Convinced that I didn’t like you.”
“And you spent the whole time we were together determined to change my mind - figured you’d be proud of yourself for it,” Y/N teased. Riff finally lifted his gaze to meet hers and it’s the softest that Y/N has ever seen him look, save for the night when he first told her he loved her. “Please don’t go tonight - please call it off, Riff,” she whispered, and it’s instinctual how her hand raises to rest on his cheek, her thumb caressing the scar beneath his eye.
“I can’t,” Riff said gently and he turned to press a kiss to her palm. “It’d be too late now anyway.”
“You ended us because you were scared to hurt me,” Y/N reminded him and she hates herself just a little for the way that her eyes fill with tears. “This is it. This is you hurting me. Seeing you go into this - knowing you’re going to get hurt. And over what? Territory? Tony dancing with a Puerto Rican girl?” She tried to gulp back her tears, tried to calm her shaking breath. Riff noticed her struggle and tugged her just a little closer to him, winding an arm around her waist and kissing her palm again. “You said to me once that - that you were destined to die young. I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you change your mind.”
“That’s not you, Angel,” the pet name is achingly familiar and Y/N closed her eyes, feeling Riff’s other hand come up to brush away the tears on her cheeks. “I’m gonna come back to you, I promise.”
And there’s a resoluteness in his voice that hadn’t been there before, despite all of his suave confidence. A vow, as though now he has a reason to come back from the rumble. He has something to loose.
“You know you’d like Bernardo if you weren’t always trying to fight him for no fucking reason,” Y/N said after a moment and Riff laughed a little and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Come on, girly girl, let's get you home.”
This time, he held out his hand for her, and Y/N couldn’t not accept the offer, allowing his fingers to wrap tightly around hers.
“I mean it, though! I mean, Jets, Sharks - you do realise you have a common enemy in the police, right?” Riff just chuckled again, squeezing her hand.
“We’ll see.”
It’s not far to Y/N’s apartment, and they walk the rest of it in silence, Y/N’s mind plagued with thoughts of the worst case scenario for the evening to come.
When they reach the door, though, they loiter awkwardly, unsure of how to navigate parting on these terms.
“And you’re sure there’s no way you can call it off?” Y/N asked at last.
“They’re on our turf. They gotta respect that - you know that.” Riff said, injecting his usual confidence into the words.
“There’s enough of New York for all of you,” Y/N reminded him. She gnawed at her bottom lip. “I don’t want any of you getting hurt,” she whispered at last.
“I’ll come to you - tonight, after the rumble,” Riff said abruptly. “So you know I’m okay.”
“Okay,” Y/N agreed. “And I know you’re gonna go through with it no matter what but… don’t let it go too far - please,” she begged. “I know you Riff - I know you don’t want that. You don’t want anyone getting seriously hurt.”
There was a moment of hesitation that crossed his face before he, at last, gave a stiff nod of his head.
“Close your eyes,” she instructed, letting go of Riff’s hand to reach up to the clasp of her necklace. Riff raised his eyebrows but did as instructed without question. Y/N unfastened her necklace and slipped the charm off of it and into the palm of her hand, her fingers closed momentarily around it as though by doing that she could store all the luck in the world inside of it for Riff. But then she reached over and carefully lifted the chain from around Riff’s own neck, unfastening it and threading her charm onto it so that lay beside the four leaf clover she knew was all he had left of his mother.
Y/N carefully slipped the necklace back around Riff’s neck, her fingers loitering a little too long where they made contact with his skin before she pulled back. Riff opened his eyes, hand coming up to play with the new charm.
“Now you have to come back to me. Because I’m not going to a fucking morgue to get that back,” she said fiercely. Riff grinned at the words before glancing up at the darkening sky, and the smile slipped ever so slightly.
“I…” he hesitated before setting his jaw, grim determination on his face. “I shouldn’t’ve ended it. I know that was… dumb. But, if you’ll have me, I still-“
Y/N reached forwards and covered his mouth, scowling at him.
“Tonight. You tell me tonight, when I know you’re safe and I also know you haven’t done anything utterly stupid.”
Riff nodded and Y/N dropped her hand.
“Tonight,” he said and Y/N repeated the word in confirmation.
And with a swift kiss to her forehead, and another to her cheek, Y/N watched her Jet Boy disappear into the night.
Naturally, Y/N had known all along that she would never be able to fall asleep that night - not until Riff came, at least. She had tried to convince herself that she could, though, by changing into her nightwear and settling into bed with her book.
Not that she was paying any attention to the words on the page whatsoever, far too distracted with her concern for what was happening across town somewhere from her. A concern that only grew as the minutes dragged sluggishly by.
By the time that the frantic knocking came, she had given up all pretence and was instead just pacing back and forth in her room. Her heart dropped into her stomach at the sound - Riff would have just come to her window, as he always did, so as not to wake her flatmates. There had to be something wrong.
Y/N rushed to the door to her apartment and flung it open, greeted by two familiar, red-faced and panting figures.
“You gotta come - it’s Riff,” Anybodys gasped out, Baby John nodding quickly next to him, beckoning with his hand.
“Is he okay?” Y/N asked, though she was already halfway out of the door, not pausing to grab her shoes or a change of clothes.
The three of them sprinted down the steps of the apartment building.
“He’s hurt bad - we got him to Doc’s but he’s just been asking for you,” Baby John filled in.
“How bad?” Y/N asked, the three of them practically sprinting down the near deserted streets of New York. The pavement is cool and rough beneath her bare feet and she knows that she’s going to regret not bothering with shoes the next morning but right now it’s the least of her worries.
“Well… he’s conscious,” Baby John offered, evidently not wanting to have to be the bearer of bad news.
“Well that’s something,” Y/N muttered.
When they arrive at Doc’s, the rest of the Jet’s are clustered inside, not talking save for a few awkward murmurs here and there. Graziella and Velma are also sat inside, looking solemn and worried. The girls stood up when Y/N rushed inside.
“You’re here,” Velma sighed with relief. Y/N nodded mutely.
“He’s downstairs,” Graziella said, reaching out to grab a hold of Y/N’s hand. She gave it a quick squeeze and what Y/N knew she hoped to be a reassuring smile.
As she headed to the door to the backroom, she heard Baby John ask:
“Is he doing any better?”
She shut the door behind her quickly, not wanting to hear the answer.
“Y/N? That you?” Tony’s familiar voice called.
She rounded the corner at the bottom of the steps into Tony’s room and couldn’t help a slight gasp.
Riff was laying on Tony’s bed, his shirt discarded on the ground, though Y/N could see it was entirely soaked with blood. There was a deep gash in his torso, which Tony appeared to be in the process of cleaning out.
“We managed to get the bleeding to stop,” Tony filled her in with undeniable relief in his voice.
“What the hell happened?” She asked, stepping closer. Riff’s eyes were shut lightly, though seemed to be flickering slightly as though he was coming in and out of consciousness.
“Stabbed at the rumble - Bernardo… I tried to talk him down, explain everything you know. He just wanted to fight. He started on me and I think that was what… set Riff off - I wouldn’t fight back, see?” Y/N just nodded mutely along with Tony’s shaky words. “So Riff told him that he’d fight. I don’t really… know what happened then? There was a knife on the floor, then Riff was pulling one out of his pocket and then…” Y/N tore her eyes away from Riff to look at Tony, who was struggling with his words. “I managed to get hold of it. I wouldn’t give it to him - he was just wrestling with me for it. He managed to get it free, but when he turned… Bernardo’s knife…” Tony shook his head. “He didn’t mean to do it - I mean, his face,” Tony swallowed thickly. “We’re just lucky that he wasn’t aiming any higher,” he shook his head stoically. “I lost it then, started fighting him properly. Then there were sirens and the police had found us, so everyone else scattered. Anybodys yanked me back before I could… before I could do any worse to him than he did to Riff.”
Y/N just nodded silently.
“You think he’s going to be okay, though?” Y/N asked, hating the hopeful lilt in her voice.
“I hope so,” Tony said, clearing his throat awkwardly.
“And Bernardo?”
“Alive. Sharks carried him out and he was still conscious.” Y/N nodded her head.
“That’s good,” she whispered faintly. Then she remembered: “Maria - weren’t you meant to…”
“I couldn’t leave him,” Tony said, gesturing at his best friend, laying on his bed.
“Go find her. I’ve got it. I swear.”
Tony stared at her for a moment before nodding slowly.
“You’ll… you’ll come find me if…”
“Of course.”
And Tony was gone, rushing up the stairs of his room and outside into the cool night to make amends with Maria, leaving behind him Y/N with a pile of medical supplies and Riff.
“So much for being careful, huh?” She couldn’t help but murmur into the quiet of the room.
“Promised you alive,” came a raspy, weak voice. “Nothing about careful.”
“And I thought you meant alive-alive, not… one bad cough away from the grave,” she said, though couldn’t hide the relief she felt at actually hearing him speak. Riff’s lips twitched up into a slight smile and he shifted on the bed before groaning in pain. “Stop moving! I need to bandage you,” she scolded, placing a hand gently on his chest.
Riff at last peaked open his eyes.
“You came in your nightclothes?” He asked, smiling a little. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“That’s not even the part you’ll find funniest,” she told him as she began to carefully wrap the pristine bandages around his wound, giving a soft apology when he gave a hiss of pain.
“Oh yeah?” He asked.
“Yeah - didn’t even get shoes on my way out of the flat,” she said, lifting her eyes to meet his and grinning. Riff huffed out a laugh, but immediately groaned in pain. “I’ll see if I can find some painkillers,” Y/N said as she finished tying the bandage around the stab wound. She stood up, turning to face towards the exit where the actual pharmacy was. But Riff’s hand shot out and his fingers wrapped around her wrist, stopping her.
“No just - stay here. For a sec,” he said. And when Y/N looked at him again, there was genuine fear on his face that she would leave him.
“I don’t want you to be in pain,” she said, leaning over and she pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. “I’ll be back in two seconds.”
Riff raised his other hand, which Y/N hadn’t noticed had been clenched into a fist and he slowly moved it towards her, wincing with every small movement, carefully opening it and allowing the chain to dangle from a finger.
“This way you’re the one who has to come back to me,” he said.
The necklace was tinted rusty red in parts, likely from how tightly Riff had been gripping it in his hand. Why he had taken it off to hold instead of wear about his neck was a question that Y/N wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to.
“I’ll always come back to you,” Y/N vowed, taking hold of the necklace. “And I’ll stay for as long as you let me.”
“Forever, then?” He asked, his voice hushed and embarrassed, vulnerable in the way he often was when it was just the two of them, without any of his jets to see him.
“If you want that,” Y/N agreed, grinning at him. She lent down again and moulded their lips together as gently as she could. Riff’s hand rested on her cheek, pulling her closer, a sense of desperation in the kiss. It felt as though he was making up for lost time, or perhaps that was just Y/N’s imagination.
They broke apart, though Y/N kept her forehead rested against Riff’s, close enough to feel his breath fanning against her lips.
“I’m not gonna let you go again, Angel.”
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
SF9's reaction: cockwarming
Genre: fluff-fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut
Characters: SF9!
A/N: None of the images in the collage are mine, refer to here for more; For more SF9, read here, for iKON, read here and for optional bias writings, read here!
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Plays in pairs
When you first present the idea to him, given that the circumstances are of a light atmosphere, you'll fluster him, impeccably. His cheeks will turn pink and he'll maybe giggle a little and cover his mouth out of shyness but he won't be averted to the idea. He loves it but you just caught him off guard ahaha. When it's under a serious circumstance, like you are describing what you would like to try out, he would seriously contemplate your idea. He won't seal the deal if he doesn't like it the first time around. He'll try for a second to give it a chance. During your first time trying this out, it'll be spontaneous. Like you are watching a movie or a documentary and you or him decide that you want to give it a try. He'll firmly hold your waist as you settle onto him. If you are horny, you wait for a few minutes before you think, 'Enough of this' and rock him out of this world. What could he say? If you aren't, it'll be peaceful. But there's a dilemma. If you are sitting on the sofa, you can't see the screen. But you want to watch (sad). He'll say, ''It's okay'' and switch off the tv and it will resume in the bedroom. Just a beautiful atmosphere where you have deep conversations. He'll listen to your insight and internally marvel at how your perspective and compliment them with some of his own. It's like turn-taking, an essential part of a relationship where you go back and forth, speaking about one topic to the end of it where you have nothing to say anymore and then you'll move onto the next. It'll go on for ages, till the two of you are hungry. When the two of you go the kitchen to make something, he'll do what he couldn't do when the two of you were cock warming. The same thing may happen when the two of you are about to fall asleep, the lack of lights appeal to his other side, love-making.
This one is a funny bunny
It's a routine for you to cock warm after sex just like when he's on the laptop, surfing the net at the dinner table and you are sat on his cock, back to his chest, keeping him warm. After sex, it's a gateway to another round, on the bed or in the shower or to sleep in that position but not cock warm. He would love cock warming in the morning if it's cold then, probably in your balcony or in the kitchen, hugging you from behind and trailing his hands to your tummy and chest every now and then. He would love when you capture when you capture his lips in a sweet embrace, beginning a long make-out session when he's in you. If he's horny, you can bet that he's going to tell you about it. ''Babe'', he places a delicate kiss on your neck, ''tell me'' you moan out. His hands have already found your tummy and trailed downward, rubbing your clit but not to just merely stimulate you, to see if you are wet as he imagines you to be. He loves you. He's going to make love to you, to see those expressions on your face and feel you around him, holding you in his arms till the two of you have exhausted yourselves out which could one round or more than one. I can imagine you and him in the kitchen, he's got you pressed against the counter and that's how the cock warming while horny scene may play out. Another one is when abroad, maybe in a hotel or airbnb, he'll have you in his arms but that's not how it starts. He'll be playful about it, surprising you with a hug from behind, kissing the spot near to your ear, whispering some *interesting* innuendo into your ear, it makes you laugh anyway. A couple of seconds later, he's turning you around, kissing your tummy and inner thighs all the way till he's on his knees, he'll make sure to nuzzle his nose against your panties and lick a stripe at the material, slowly pulling them down. Arousal buzzes through you because he's telling you, ''fuck, baby you taste so good, stay still for me'' or something like that, it's a little muffled because he is preoccupied in drawing you to pleasure and pleasure and then release. He'll eat you out multiple times or till your knees buckle, depending on whether you had sex previously and then just maybe, in a moment driven by passion, he'll carry you to the sofa and that's where you'll cock warm, giggling to one another of what just happened, what you want to do afterwards. Wrap your legs around his waist, press him against the sofa and lift your hips again, he'll start the process again, all while laughing. It's just light-hearted.
Absolute sweetheart/ dream husband
In this scenario, let's say that he is your husband. When you suggest cock warming, he's a little uncertain (by his little frown) but also inquisitive (by his questions), *Frowning* ''What is it about?'' would be the situation, he would look very cute when he asks. Presumably the two of you would be cuddling and you happened to stumble onto this conversation, he would not be shy, just like, 'You have an idea, let's hear it then!', also like an explorer, he's willing to try new things even if it means pushing his boundaries a little bit. But, this does not fall into that category of pushing boundaries. Maybe pushing his patience if he's horny. The latter scenario is guaranteed to occur at multiple points of time. You'll be lying on your side with his cock in your ass, it's a little jerk that alerts you or his hands that begin to wander everywhere like kissing your neck, then your lips and his hands have already begin to stimulate your clitoris. You moan into the kiss and then he knows and he smiles into the kiss while rocking his hips against yours. Everything is forgotten in the background. Unless it's life-threatening. Like food can burn or you could watch three episodes on netflix that you aren't truly watching, he's not stopping till the both of you are tired to the bone and have released multiple times. Quite the sweetheart though, he'll get up and shake himself if he's about to fall asleep the next minute and he'll grab a cloth for you like you protest but he says as he's already getting up, ''no, stay there, I've got it!''. You smile and slump and he cleans you, tosses it away and then climbs on top of you, pulling you into his arms. If he can, he'll try the idea of cock warming and spoon you throughout the night but if he can not, he'll definitely do it the next day. He's committed to the plans he makes or what's going on at that moment. Let's say you have an argument, you are trying to smooth things out, ruffle out misunderstandings and you won't talk it out with sex but communicate to him about it. The night will end in cock warming, to bring you closer and then it's all jokes from there, especially about the argument, it's either you teasing him or the other way around and that's how you fall asleep: content.
Dawon I Lee Sanghyuk:
He has his days.
On a day when he's tired, to the bone maybe, he's come back from work and you want to cuddle, using the idea of cock warming to propose the intimacy you want to feel during the night that you couldn't during the day, I'm sure that he'll do it for you. If he does not fall asleep immediately, he'll caress your backside, admiring the way the flesh conforms to his grasp. He loves all of you. He will pepper kisses along your neck, down your collarbone and to your breasts, sucking your erect buds but he won't touch your centre. He likes to go slow, never stopping these moments with you or he'll take you in the morning. At times like these, he loves when you touch him, just your touch on his skin, turning heated. When you are making out, it would be your tug on his hair, like urgency for more or roaming your hands all over him or tracing his hair from his navel to the band of his underwear would be his favourite save for the best of all, when you direct how everything goes. If he does fall asleep immediately, it'll be after he kisses you. During this time, regardless of whether you were cock warming or not, he would love for you to tangle your fingers in his hair, it lulls him to sleep and even to sleep in your chest, being the small spoon, he would absolutely love it. He has trouble sleeping alone but when he's with you, it's not the case. When he stretches you out after days of not having sex, he tries to hold himself back from releasing, the wait and foreplay was enough to spiral his mind, gasping in your ear. But if you are too tired, he'll take it into consideration, seriously and hold back from lifting his hips off yours and filling you up. When he cock warms just to end the day comfortably, it will turn it into sex if the two of you contain some semblance of energy and are away from that playful and teasing mood, with hours on end before you sleep. It will be just the feeling of his cock filling you up, holding you to the bed with your legs wrapped around his waist, whispering how much he loves and that you are doing well, growling and stilling, your release triggering his, holding you when you are tired or in between rounds decorates the night. He holds your hand when you have sex, always, if your hands aren't roaming his body, feeling it. Otherwise, he'll hold you, preferably with all of your clothes off, no material between the two of you, you two speak about your day, the present and the future. It could even be a tickle session that ensues. The atmosphere will be lively, especially with his jokes and teasing and all the loves he has to offer.
Rowoon I Kim Seokwoo:
Prince of visuals, no?
Since he has such visuals, let's imagine that he takes you on a yacht (ya-ch-ht; hard time spelling that folks 🥵 + why do people go on a yacht? I'm struggling to think of a reason?). Seokwoo's marvelling over your amazement at the beauty of the ocean, the clear blue waters and occasional shade of the fish passing by. He even jokes that he hopes ''no shark gets the two of you'' and then laughs at your expression. Please, he's trying, don't throw him overboard :/. You enjoy the heat some more before he's by your side again, the yacht is paused, it gives you ideas. As soon as he's sat by your side, you take to straddle him, therefore effectively cutting him off. The surprise is evident on his face but his hands are resting on your backside, getting comfortable there. He groans out when your lips touch his neck, nipping the flesh to give him love bites which earns those husky groans of his. They send vibrations down your spine, tingling your core with wetness. With such a beautiful scenery surrounding the two of you, it's easy to fix your eyes on two places and think about how beautiful either are. He intimately hugs you, sucking an area on your breast, removing it from your top and placing the perk bud into his mouth, the act itself is hot and you grind down on him, not holding back your moans because of the silence of the ocean, save for the splashing of waves. You ride him, letting out sweet fucking moans, whimpering in his ears for him that it's so good, you can't get enough. When you are all sweaty, you cock warm in the shade, making out. It's a very soft moment, like sealing the deal? He wants to make you happy and he'll do stuff for you to achieve it. Cock warming is bonding for the two of you, to spoon and gossip about the other rich couples that you saw or speak about your day or just lay there, in each other's arms, enjoying the moment. When it's cooler, he would be okay to cock warming in a public space such as underneath a tree on a beach. You may be a bit far from the sea but you can smell it which makes you happy. It's a very calming day when you are tucked in his arm, leaning on his chest with his cock buried deep inside of you, feeling a little chilly but you are covered by a blanket. All in all, it's private for the two of you.
Zuho I Baek Juho
Cat man 🦸‍♂️
He would love to cock warm indoors, when his cats are sleeping, safely tucked in their beds as you are in each other's arms. It'll be quiet, you can only hear what's outside, maybe the train passing by or vehicles or pure silence which is hard to come but not impossible. If something's disturbing you like traffic, heavy honking, he's not for it and he'll move you two to somewhere else like the bed or on his studio chair. If you are tired and want to cock warm while he is producing, he'll hold you close to him and ignore the cramp in his legs. When he sees you sleep, he'll go soft and admire your prettiness, not forgetting to wrap a blanket around you. When it's silent, a relaxing atmosphere in which you can fall asleep easily, it's where cock warming will occur the most. An example could be in a space by the windows in a high-rise building or if the place was in a non-busy area like the countryside. There are occasional noises, some make you perk up while other's make you laugh, all while intimately spooning with him. You tell him: it's an indescribable feeling but you will try explaining. Don't be scared, he'll love your words. Relating cock warming to something and being subtle instead of explaining outright would prompt his chest to blossom with love from you, it's the feeling you've brought out from him and to in expressing his feelings, he may cry a little and kiss you like 'Can you feel this love I feel for you? I love you'- is what he is trying to say through the kiss. It's a very wholesome moment, your confessions to each other, spoken beautifully. He would also love to cock warm bare, without any clothes so that the two of you can be purely intimate and he loves your body. If you don't or lack appreciation for your fine self, he'll initiate cock warming if you aren't already and kiss your body and squeeze the parts he can't reach like his appreciation for your butt/ breasts/ stomach or whichever one it is that you are conscious of/ don't love as much as possible. And the opposite too! If he's not feeling okay or feels conscious of himself (pressure from people telling him how artists should look?), cock warming would be a way for you two speak about it whilst loving one another at the same time.
Yoo Taeyang:
What a precious guy
May be confused about the concept at first, even awkward the first time you attempt this, it takes him a little while to get used to this scenario: laying on the bed in each other's arms after carefully navigating your limbs around, his cock in you, completely. But he warms up, he'll make sure that you are comfortable and will also love to take this concept elsewhere, like the living room when you watch tv. When he's tired, he may not be able to carry it out simply because he has no energy or he may be horny (head) but not (body), it happens~ When that happens, he wakes you up with kisses, all over your body and he'd do this, regardless of what happened the previous night, it's automatic for him. Another scenario would be when he is bored, laying around doing nothing and fumbling for something to do, he'd initiate cock warming, that little sigh when he slips into you, relief. From there, he may definitely not hold himself back, the two of you would end up having sex. If it's you and he's doing something and you want to sit on his cock, he'll set down what he is doing and let you. As you hold onto him, he'll notice your whimpers, softly decorating his ear, letting him know how much you want him. He'll tease you till you are hiding away in the crook of his neck or playfully hitting him but he'll satisfy your desires all night. It's for you. However, when he does want to cock warm, he'll snuggle into you, nestling his head over yours. Little touches, lingering over your waist will be presented to you, as well as his admiration for your body. He'll cock warm in your sex or ass. When it's in your ass, he'll take his time admiring your ass, your breasts, any place he can place a kiss on really but he's not really kissing, he's looking and telling you how much he loves you.
Hwiyoung I Kim Youngkyun:
Resident cutie
He's got you in the palm of his hand especially because of that cute face, cute expressions, cute mannerisms, overall a very lovable guy. Can be awkward sometimes but it's okay because his loving personality makes up for it. Is also a shy little bean at first which makes you want to shower him with lots of love and praise. Glady accepts your kisses and hugs, gets shy when you first do them but eventually reciprocates them. To the point where it's comfort, safety and that you can be vulnerable with each other. *This is quickly turning into a boyfriend! Hwiyoung*. It's something that he suggests, the idea of cock warming. Really your jaw should drop when you hear it from your boyfriend. After a sex session, when the both of you are all sweaty and won't go for another round, he wouldn't mind if you were on your knees, keeping his cock warm with your mouth. He could be leaning back on the seat, going through his favourite sites while you sit in between his legs, ignoring the ache in your thighs. He would have you cock warming naked, bare for him and only him to see while he himself is fully clothed. That session could have potentially included bdsm, in a separate room that you have specially for it and this time, you could have been flogged, denied your release or being used, whatever your fantasies may be. It could also be the opposite way where you are the dom. In that case, it would be a command or a form of bonding where he will be punished if he moves when he is in your sex or you cuddle and speak to one another about the session, respectively. If bdsm is not included, then he would love to cock warm! To him, he gets to be with you and speak to you- whatever it may be about. For example, it could be deep, philosophical conversations or you both cuddle and sleep. Either way, he likes spending time with you especially in such a quality manner.
*insert a gulp and a surprised face*
Remember that SF9 was discussing about mature concepts as a part of planning for their Kingdom stages and the editors used a fish filter to emphasise Chani's round eyes or rather, his innocence. ''HUh!??!'' is his brain, whirring away like an air conditioner at an office, rolling round and round when you propose this concept. He goes blank and you just sit back, waiting patiently. It has come to this moment. But his smile grows and it keeps on growing till he's unexpectedly pulling you onto his lap and connecting your lips. He knows that you should discuss it first but first, he wants to have you as close as possible when you discuss this. At first, he's peppering kisses on your face with you giggling, telling him that you want to continue and then he says, ''one moment baby'' before he swoops in for your lips. You reciprocate the passion, the moment is neither heated nor too soft, just in between and you have a make-out session for a couple of minutes. He doesn't know why, it's random but the both of you are loving it, like an initiation ceremony into a new stage of your relationship. And here were all along, navigating blind (👀🚫). It's planned with enough space for creativity. You are on the bed and you squeeze his shoulders when he presses at your entrance and fills you up. You wait to adjust to him. At first he's like, ''This it?'' and you have to laugh at that, quite true that you also though the same thing. Soon he's kissing you all over, sucking your nipple and the area around it, turning it a shade darker: he's teasing you, taking his time till he's done cock warming. He tells you that he would love to try out cock warming in your ass sometime and then it's all giggles from there. You ask, ''did you search-'', cut off by his fingers that circle your clit and press, drawing a gasp or a hitch of the breath from you. Then he starts to rock his hips and you know that cock warming is over, at least for now. He's hovering on top of you and losing control over his thrusts and spilling into you later on. A common scenario would be when he's playing games and you are sitting on his cock, maybe sleeping or doing something else, unbeknownst to his friends that he's speaking with on his headset.
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ava-achlys · 3 years
The Boyz NSFW Scenarios
Sohn Youngjae (Eric) - Kiss Me If You Can
Eric x fem! reader
Warnings: thigh fucking, unprotected sex, unrequited feelings, angst, smoking (just a lil bit sorry)
Everyone in this story is of age, let's just say you're a tad older than Eric. And yeah, can you tell I have a thing for shy Eric? I hope I didn't make it too OOC though. Also if you don't like smoking you can pretend you're just having a drink or something, I just felt like including it.
Eric had a crush on his sister's best friend. Little did he know the girl of his (wet) dreams would surprise him.
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Your best friend's parents were out of town for the weekend, and she was left in charge of taking care of their house. Naturally, you were invited to stay for a sleepover, and you were excited, picking out cute outfits and games to bring with you. It's been a while since you got to hang out at their place, and you were looking forward to movie night and chilling in pajamas all day.
You ring the doorbell and a mop of pink hair greets you at the door. You blink in surprise before engulfing the boy in a tight hug. "Eric! You keep growing every time I see you~" you coo, ruffling his already messy pink hair. Eric blushes, his cheeks turning the color of his hair as he rubs the back of his neck shyly. "It's good to see you too, noona," he smiles, before yelling for his sister. The moment she came down to greet you, he ducked upstairs, uncharacteristically shy and quiet.
You hug your best friend and ask her if Eric's okay. She rolls her eyes and chuckles "He's just going through a late puberty I guess." You tilt your head, slightly confused, but you let the topic go, opting to ask about it again later. You head upstairs to her room to unpack your things, noticing that Eric's door was shut.
You two go about your day, catching up while you waited for your lunch order to be delivered. You had offered to pay for everyone's lunch, including Eric's which caused your friend to whine, saying having Eric around was going to ruin your fun. You brushed her off. Eric was a good kid, albeit a tad boisterous. Maybe he just had a lot on his mind, and you were determined to help him out. You go upstairs to tell him the food was here, but his door was locked and his music was turned up to the max.
You knocked loudly for a while, when suddenly the music stops, and you hear his feet shuffling. He opens the door a crack, his hair even messier than before, looking flushed and out of breath. "W-what is it noona?" He stammered. You smile at him, telling him his food had arrived and he was welcome to join you at the table. He gulped and nodded, saying he'd be down in a few before slamming the door shut. Again, you were confused. Did you do something wrong? You shake your head gently and go back downstairs, where your friend had already started eating her food, looking at you like a deer in headlights, and apologising around a mouthful of food. You just chuckle and start eating too.
Finally Eric arrives, padding softly to the table, dressed in an oversized sweatsuit and fuzzy unicorn slippers. You internally coo at how adorable he looks, and you can't help but reach out a hand to ruffle his locks. He beams at you as he thanks you for the food, and he digs right in. You naturally pull him into the conversation, and just like old times, all three of you are having a loud conversation, mainly the two siblings bickering and you laughing at their antics. You catch Eric's eyes and they're sparkling with joy and you're happy that he's comfortable around you again.
Evening rolls around and you get ready for a movie night with your best friend. You decide to watch the movie in her room, since she wants to try out her new projector. You change into a thin tank top, cute lacy panties and some loose pajama shorts. Your friend wolf whistles at your outfit, and you chuck a pillow at her, finally settling down to watch a new horror movie. You curl up under the blankets, shrieking and hugging each other during the jumpscares.
Eric hides away in his room after dinner, his head in his hands. He's slightly disappointed with himself, having dyed his hair your favorite shade of pink, and you hadn't said a word about it all day. Not to mention you nearly caught him jacking off before lunch. He splays out on his bed, hearing you yelp in fear from the next room, thinking about how he'd hold you close and protect you, even if he too was scared of the movie. He lets his imagination wander, thinking about how nice it would be to cuddle with you, to hold your warm hands, to rest his cheek against your hair.
Eric groans into a pillow. You never saw him as more than a kid, just your best friend's little brother, he thinks bitterly. He was glad that you bothered to include him in your activitties earlier that day, because he adored every moment spent with you. Your laugh, your smile, the way you'd pat his head affectionately. You were always so sweet to him, and he didn't want to risk this friendship. He'll take this secret to the grave, and he swears he'll try to behave as normally as possible tomorrow. For now, he decides to head downstairs for a glass of water, realising his throat was dry.
He tiptoes past his sister's room, and it's quiet, save for his sister's snoring. He's surprised that you two fell asleep so easily despite just finishing a horror movie. He shrugs and continues downstairs when he stops dead in his tracks. You were looking out the kitchen window, smoking a cigarette, your beautiful features illuminated by the soft moonlight. His throat runs even drier when he realises you're just in your lacy panties and a thin tanktop that left little to the imagination.
He gulps audibly and you turn to see him standing in the kitchen doorway, stock still. He's about to bolt back upstairs when you call his name, grabbing his wrist. He turns slowly back to you, keeping his eyes firmly on your bunny slippers. "Why are you still up, Eric?" Your soft voice snaps you out of his reverie. "J-just wanted to get some water, don't mind me," he chuckled weakly. You grow concerned, and watched him as he waddled to the fridge, downing some cold water hurriedly. He chokes on the liquid in his haste, and you rush to help him.
He stiffens as your rub your warm hands up and down his back soothingly. He bites his lips to suppress the moan bubbling in his throat, mentally willing his raging hard-on to go back down before you noticed it. "Mmmh, I'm fine, noona, t-thank you," he mumbles. You reach up to run your fingers through his hair, chastising him gently. "Be careful, Eric, that could have been dangerous," you murmured. Time seemed to stop as you both stood there in silence, your nails pleasantly caressing his scalp, and he leans into your touch. You hum as you played with his pink locks.
"I forgot to mention, you look gorgeous with this pink hair. Did you know it's my favorite shade of pink?" Eric blushes again, shaking his head, pretending he didn't know. He looks down at your lips, curved into a sweet smile just for him. "You're gorgeous, noona, can I kiss you please?" He breathes, not realising he said that out loud. His eyes widen in shock as he hears his voice betray his thoughts, slapping a hand over his mouth. You're dazed, late realization hitting you like a truck. His shyness, the locked door, messy hair, panting, and the awkward walking. Speaking of which, you glance down to see a tent in his sweatpants, and you gulp nervously.
Eric looks like he's about to cry and run away again, but you hold his hand, pulling it away from his mouth. You look into his eyes and cup his red cheeks. "Do you mean it? Do you want to kiss me?" you ask him gently. He nods slowly, shutting his eyes tight. You lean in and gently press your lips against his, eliciting a shaky moan from the boy as he nervously grips your waist. You kiss him deeply and slowly, licking into his mouth everytime he moaned. His tongue pressed against yours, and you keen at how the cold metal of his tongue piercing rubs against your lips.
You stood there, making out sweetly, when he picks you up and sits you on the counter, slotting himself between your legs. Finally you two pull apart and he rests his forehead against yours, breathing deeply. "That was..." you trail off, unsure of what to say. "-better than anything I ever dreamed of," Eric finishes, his hands fidgeting with the hem of your top. A smile creeps onto your face, and you decide to tease him. "Yeah? What else did you dream about me, baby?" Eric's breath stutters at the pet name, and he sinks down so your pussy was at his eye level, his warm hands rubbing your thighs.
You look down at him, panties getting wet with excitement. "Shall I show you noona?" He exhales, his index finger barely grazing the wet patch on your panties. His mind was running a thousand miles an hour, blood pounding in his ears. Was he about to ruin this friendship? He was about to back out and apologise but when you nodded yes, he dived right in. He kissed your folds through your panties and nudged your throbbing clit with his nose, causing you to moan. Your thighs start shaking from the anticipation and he pulls your panties off, mouth watering at the sight of your glistening pussy.
He leans back down and starts licking up your folds, sucking harshly on your clit. He laps hungrily at your pussy, sticking his tongue into your hole every now and then. You mewl at the feeling, grabbing his pink locks and he moans at the sweet taste of your juices and the way you pull his hair. His hot breath on your most sensitive parts sends shivers down your spine and you yelp when he reaches up to grab at your breasts as he continued to make out with your cunt. He thumbs your hard nipples as he fucks his tongue into you, spit and pussy juices running down his chin.
You push his face deeper into you and your other hand is clamped over your mouth, barely concealing your delightful whimpers and moans. Eric revels in your sounds, chest swelling with pride at how good he's making you feel. "I'm so close, baby," you mumble, and he shoves two fingers into you as he sucks and laps at your clit. He pumps his fingers into you as his other hand massages your tit, and you're going crazy with all the stimulation. A few more thrusts of his fingers is all it takes before you're clenching on his digits, thighs shaking as you ride your orgasm out, as Eric rubs and kisses your thighs.
You lean back onto the counter, panting harshly, as Eric slowly pulls his fingers out, staring at the glistening digits before putting them in his mouth. He sucks them clean, moaning at the taste of your cum, and leans over you to capture your lips, making you taste yourself. He nuzzles your neck and grinds his hard cock on your thigh through his sweats. You want to return the favor, but you don't have any condoms. "Can I... can I fuck your thighs please noona?" Eric bashfully asks, and you want to kiss him breathless again at how innocent he looks, asking permission for such a filthy thing.
You pull him close and he takes that as a yes, pulling down his sweats that had a wet patch on the front from all his leaking precum. You eye his impressive length, teasing him for not wearing any underwear. "It's as if you were planning this the whole time, huh, cutie?" He smiles at the new petname, but shakes his head no. He definitely hadn't planned on fucking you on the kitchen counter tonight, but the universe has its ways of making his wettest dreams come true, apparently. He gathers a mix of the slick from your throbbing pussy and the precum off his aching cock and slathers your inner thighs with it, before pressing them together.
He slots his cock between your smooth thighs and he groans at the feeling. He immediately starts thrusting his hips, his balls slamming into the back of your thighs. You know your legs are going to be bruised the next morning with how hard he's gripping your flesh, but you were starting to enjoy being manhandled and used by someone younger than you, who you never really considered more than a kid. Here he was, proving you wrong, and you loved every single moment of it. He watches as your tits bounce with every snap of his hips and he's starting to go cross-eyed with pleasure. You reach up to pull his hair again, knowing how much he likes it. Soon enough, he cums all over your torso, milky white fluid splattering across your heaving chest and tummy.
He rocks slowly to a stop and pulls out his softening dick from your thighs. You pull him in for another kiss, a gentle one this time, as you quietly thank him for showing you a good time. He helps clean you up in silence and you both head back upstairs, sharing one last kiss before going into seperate bedrooms before your friend wakes up and suspects anything. Eric falls asleep with his heart full and he can't wait to share more moments like that with you. Morning comes quickly and Eric joins you both for breakfast, and then spends most of the day with you again. He basks in the extra attention you shower him with, happy to make you laugh and sharing food and cuddles on the couch.
All too soon it's time for you to go home and Eric pulls you aside to speak privately. He plays with your fingers nervously as he stammers out an invitation to a picnic date the next weekend. You chuckle, pulling your hands out of his grasp and ruffle his hair the way he likes it. "I don't think so, baby. You're cute and all, and I had a lot of fun last night, but this-" you gesture between the two of you, "-can't be a thing. You're my best friend's little brother. I'm sorry cutie. But I'll see you next week, alright?" You kiss him on the cheek and pat it apologetically, before grabbing your things and heading off to your car.
Eric balls his hands into fists tightly, eyes shimmering with tears, a bitter taste left in his mouth as he watches you drive off. He can't breathe and it feels like he just got stabbed in the chest. He should have known it was too good to be true. And the worst part is: if you ever decide to ask him for another night like that, he wouldn't dare say no. He'd please you forever if you asked him to; never mind the bleeding hole in his heart. He'd do anything to bring you happiness, even if it meant sacrificing his own.
A/N: I wrote this off the top of my head and it's unedited, so please forgive me for any errors, I'll come back to edit soon or even change the title. Also please forgive me for hurting our sweet baby Youngjae 🙏🏽😭
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Harry Gets Food Poisoning While at Your House
This prompt was requested by this ask and I just put my own take on it. Hope everyone enjoys.
Things to help you understand this story better:
(Boyfriend-Girlfriend/Dating for 2 years/Harry stays over at your place a lot/You ate something different than Harry/Dunkirk Harry era)
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(wish that photo was really Harry but unfortunately its not. dead give away by the hand :( )
Harry and yourself decided to order Chinese take-out for a at-home date night. You both scoffed down the tasty food while sitting on the sofa watching romantic comedies. Once you finished eating, you and Harry cuddled together on the sofa under a warm fluffy blanket. You laying on your back and Harry laying on his tummy between your legs, with his head resting on your boobs. While focusing on the film, you run your small fingers in his brown curls and he relaxes into your touch, letting out content sighs.
About an hour after eating, Harry becomes restless on top of you. Before, he was laying peacefully, but now he's squirming every few seconds. "You alright babe?" you question down to Harry on your chest.
"Mhmm my stomachs starting to hurt." he replies truthfully. He's unsure the cause but his stomach is swirling and his heart rate is picking up at the mere thought of having to be sick. Especially the thought of being sick at his girlfriends house during the at-home date you had planed. He doesn't want to ruin it by getting sick.
"Oh m'sorry. Do you think it was the Chinese food?" you speak remorsefully.
"I don't know but I don't want to be sick," Harry says with a voice crack indicating he's actually getting upset, "and ruin our date night." When he finishes his sentence, he starts softly sobbing into your chest.
"Hey, hey, Harry," you say sternly but still in your caring voice, "you would not be ruining our date night. You can't help if your feel sick. Do you maybe want to go sit in the bathroom so you're closer to the toilet?"
Harry just nods his head and you help him stand up from his position on your chest and onto his barley stable feet. Then you guide him to your downstairs hall bathroom because its the closest bathroom to your living room. You walk Harry up to the toilet and help him kneel down in front and you squat down behind him. "I feel so sick y/n!" Harry moans out through shallow breaths.
"It's gonna be okay Harry. I'm right here. It's okay to be sick. I won't be mad." you reassure your boyfriend so he knows he doesn't have to keep in his sick for your sake and so he'll feel better. Because you know undoubtedly he has food poisoning from the Chinese food he ate earlier and if he keeps the toxins in his body, he will just feel sicker and sicker.
Harry's back arches over the toilet as he lets out a sickly sounding gag. You grimace at the noise but know you must keep it together to take care of him and comfort him. He's breathing rather heavy with his mouth hanging open and saliva dripping out into the water. "Shhh babe, just relax and throw up. Your tummy will feel so much better after." you gently coo in his ear. You have one hand rubbing circles on his muscular back and one hand pushing back his curly bangs that's falling in his face. He lets out a harsh dry heave and it follows with a long stream of vomit exiting out his mouth and splattering in the toilet water. You have to close your eyes to not be sick yourself.
In-between spells of emptying his stomach, Harry mutters, "You can leave me in here alone. Don't want you seeing me like this." He is absolutely crazy to think you'd leave him in such a vulnerable state. You love Harry and him being sick doesn't stray you away from being by his side in such a situation.
"Harry, I am not leaving you. I don't care if you're sick. You've seen me sick many times and took care of me each of those times. So I'm taking care of you." you calmly say back. Honestly, Harry feels so sick that he doesn't try and argue with you. If he's being truthful, he's actually thankful you're with him, comforting him, because he hates being sick alone. He may not admit that out loud but its true. Something else that happens when Harry's sick, alone or with someone there with him, he gets emotional. An uncontrollable emotion that follows during or after getting sick. One thing he hates most about this situation right now is looking weak in front of you. He's always so strong and being this vulnerable in your eyes suck.
What Harry doesn't know is that you like this side of him. Not the sick version of course but the weak side. It shows he isn't perfect and you honestly don't think you could even date someone who puts themselves out as such.
Harry forcefully throws up a few more times until he's just dry heaving with nothing more to expel. "I think you're done babe." you tell Harry softly as he's dry heaving with no results.
Harry just shakes his head weakly and replies, "I still feel sick though. My stomach hurts so bad." Tears are rolling down his face and his hands that grip the sides of the toilet seat are slightly shaking.
"I know but I think the toilet is making you feel more sick." You reach over him to flush his puke down the toilet so he doesn't have to look at it a minute longer. Harry sits up straight and turns his head back slowly to look at you. This is the first time you have seen his face clearly since he's gotten sick tonight and the first thing you notice is how red his eyes are, probably from all the gagging and dry heaving, and you see the wetness of his cheeks due to crying. Along with the bit of vomit that his on the corner of his pink lips and line of sweat on his forehead. You feel horrible for him. You'd hate to be in his position but almost wish the roles were reversed, just to take his discomfort away. That's how much you love him. You'd do just about anything for Harry. Even if that means take his food poisoning away from him and have it yourself.
You reach for some toilet paper and rip a piece off to wipe his mouth clean. While wiping his vomit covered mouth, Harry just sits and stares at you. He feels so little right now. Almost like he's a small child who's just been sick and their mum is cleaning them up. Even though Harry is embarrassed he got sick on what was supposed to be a lovely date night where you both ate non contaminated food, watched film after film, trying not to fall asleep, or maybe had some romantic intimacy at the end of the night, he actually feels happy right now. Not happy his stomach is upset but happy he got lucky enough to have a caring girlfriend that is by his side during his ugliest moments. He thinks he may have just fell more in love with you. Seeing how compassionate you are towards him when he's sick.
When you finish wiping around his mouth and a little bit of nasty drainage from his nose, Harry becomes emotional again. Like stated previously, he always gets quite emotional when he's sick but that's not the only cause of his emotions right now. He is also crying because he's thinking about how much he truly loves you and how he never thought he'd find someone with your level of compassion.
You throw away the soiled tissue and pull Harry forward so you can embrace him in a warm hug. You don't really understand why he's crying so much. Is it because his stomach is still hurting or he's embarrassed? "Why are you crying Harry?" you question him then continue, "It's alright. I'll give you medicine to make you feel better. Don't worry about that."
While rubbing both hands up and down his sweaty back, Harry says through soft sobs, "I just love you so much. How did I get so lucky. I've had partners in the past to push me away when I was sick and you didn't. You stayed and took care of me." He lifts his head so he can view your face when he mutters out the rest. "I'm gonna marry you one day you know. Want to call you my wife. Want to have lots of babies with you. Be with you till I'm a hundred. Promise I do."
His words have brought tears to your eyes. Knowing how grateful Harry is that you're taking care of him when he's sick means so much. You didn't think twice before helping him when he said he felt sick, so it must be the true love you feel for this man crying in your hold. With a shaky smile and watery eyes, you look at him in his glossy green eyes and say, "I would kiss you right now but I have a feeling your breath smells like puke so I'll pass. Love you so much Harry and of course I took care of you. I love you and that's what you do for the people you love. Take care of them in their weakest moments."
You hold him for a few more minutes on the bathroom floor until your bum gets sore from the hard tiles. You help Harry stand to his feet and walk him to your bedroom located up the stairs of your house. Then you help him slide into bed and tell him you'll be right back with some medicine and a glass of water.
A few minutes later, you come back with the upset stomach tablets and water for Harry to take and ease his turning tummy. Once he's taken the medicine, you go grab your mini trash bin in your bathroom and place it beside the bed incase he feels like he's gonna throw up again. Then you turn all the lights off and crawl under the warm blankets with your boyfriend. Without hesitation, Harry scoots over and places his head on your chest. He's past the point of being scared to look weak. He just wants comfort and the one thing that brings him the most is you. The love of his life. "Thank you for taking care of me tonight." Harry whispers with a hoarse voice.
"You don't need to thank me babe. I was glad to be there for you. I know you don't like getting sick and I was happy to at least make the experience a little bit better. Now go to sleep and if you feel sick again, the bin is on the floor beside the bed for you. Also don't be afraid to wake me up if you feel nauseous. I want to be there to comfort you." you reply back in a whispered tone. You kiss the top of his messy curls and Harry relaxes into your hold on him. Feeling safe and secure in your loving arms. Then you both fall fast asleep.
Thankfully Harry didn't get sick anymore through-out the night and the medicine you gave him seemed to have worked. The next day he was just exhausted form exerting so much energy being sick the day before but other than that, his stomach felt calm. You made him homemade chicken soup and cuddled him in bed, watching his favorite movies all day. Loving every second you get to spend with Harry before he has to leave and go on his world tour in a months time.
MASTERLIST & My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
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amane-by-together · 3 years
Crème Brûlée || Hanako-kun
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part two of crème brûlée
genre: lime
pairing: vampire!hanako x female guest! reader
summary: [name] is now settled in the ghost hotel after being offered by hanako to stay with him. one night, after hanako had finished his errands, he decided to visit [name] in her room. getting messy with hanako during the night doesn't seem so bad after all.
warning: heated content, blood, groping and biting (stay away if ya ain't comfy)
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Hanako smiled in satisfaction, finishing the last of his errands for the night since he didn't get to do it while having dinner. He can finally take a break from his duties. It was a tough day managing the hotel's maintenance as they will accommodate the needs of their guests.
As night falls, Hanako can't help but to feel in his intuition that there's something missing. Dinner felt really boring because he just ate some bland food that doesn't even reach his taste buds. The last time he had a good feed was when he licked off the blood on [Name]'s lips.
A smirk spreads across his face, remembering the night before. Hanako had a mental image of [Name] softly calling his name, begging him to make her his. The thought excites him more, constantly being betrayed by needy thoughts about [Name].
Her blood, lips, neck and chest, he wanted them all to himself. Hanako bit his lip, his mind flooding with such sinful thoughts. He stood up from his seat, grabbing a candle holder and lighting up the candles.
Hanako left his quarters and closed the door. He roamed around the silent hallways of the floor, aiming the flame of the candle on his path to see where he was going. It seems that the guests have fallen to rest.
The sound of thunder boomed loudly and the lightning flashes through the glass window from Hanako's peripheral vision. It seems that the storm was still there, maybe it'll take a day or two for it to pass.
'Hopefully she's still awake.' Hanako stopped in front of the door to [Name]'s room. He raised his gloved hand and knocked gently to the wooden door. "May I come in?"
"Just a second~!" [Name] yelled slightly in response, probably organizing some things inside. "You may come in."
Hanako opened the door as it creaked, revealing himself while holding the candleholder. "Good evening." He greeted with a gentle smile. "Thank you for letting me in."
"Good evening to you too, Hanako-kun." [Name] addressed with a sweet tone. Hanako eyed her soft lips, and then the clothes she was wearing; an off-shoulder white dress with lacy sleeves. His amber eyes landed on the glimpse of her cleavage through her dress.
'Now that's a nice view~' Hanako slightly smirked at the sight in front of him, licking the side of his lip. He wanted to lower that dress to see more, but he must lure his prey in before completely trapping her under him. [Name] waited for Hanako to talk, it seems that he's busy staring at her with ogling eyes.
"Um, Hanako-kun?" [Name] waves her hand in front of the male to snap out of his trance. Hanako blinked and its like his breath was taken by her. "Are you alright?" She asked with concern.
"I'm alright." Hanako replied immediately, closing the door behind him and hung his cape by the coat hanger. "I recently finished my duties and ate dinner, honestly the food is bland and it has slight flavor in it so technically I haven't been eating well..."
Hanako suddenly feels light headed as his cheeks flushed, feeling intoxicated towards [Name]. He darts behind her, placing his gloved hand on top of hers and intertwined their hands. [Name]'s cheeks went red at the sudden action. "You smell really sweet tonight..." Hanako inhaled her scent as he puts his arm around her waist.
"H-Hanako—" [Name] stuttered, her knees turning weak because of Hanako. It reminded her back when they first made out in her room, and something tells her that it's happening again.
"Sorry sweetheart, I can't help it~" Hanako whispered, his breath lingering against her ear as if she can feel his lips on that part. "But you look really hot right now..."
[Name]'s heart raced inside her chest. She looks like a scared bunny that is about to be hunted by a hungry wolf. "H-Hanako-kun~" Hanako started to kiss her neck gently as a start. "Right there..."
Hanako softly nibbles at the spot, turning it into a small hickey. There's no backing away now, Hanako was about to dig in to his dessert in front of him. Hanako spins [Name] around before kissing her, looping an arm around her torso then putting his hand on the back of her hair to caress her locks. "Mmm~"
[Name] puts her arms around his neck, tugging Hanako closer. Her fingers sliding in between his choppy locks and taking off his hat. Hanako grows even more eager by licking her bottom lip in which she opens her mouth slightly, letting him slide his tongue inside. 'Ahh, her mouth feels warm.' Hanako thought as he swirled his tongue gently with hers. 'I can't stop kissing her...'
Hanako couldn't pull away from [Name], even if he did, he'll end up wanting more from her. [Name] can feel herself melting against the kiss, her legs weakening and her mind turning foggy with neediness. Both of them slowly pulled away with a string of drool hanging from their tongues, staring at each other with flushed cheeks and half-lidded eyes. "Do you have anything to do after this?" [Name] asks while panting softly.
"Other than you? Not really, how about you?" Hanako bounces a question back to [Name] in which she shakes her head no. Hanako bit his lip, he looked kinda hot while doing that. "I guess it's just you and me tonight~"
Then, an idea came to his mind. Hanako glances at [Name] suggestively. "Wanna get messy with me?~" he asks, holding her chin between his thumb and pointer finger. "Like how things were getting messy last time?~"
[Name] blushed, looking down on her feet. Hanako chuckles lowly at her demeanor, she has always been sweet and shy towards the male. "I wonder how long would it take till I turn you into a mewling mess~" he teased with a playful expression and a glimpse of his fangs were showing. "Hmmm~"
"I would appreciate it if you stop teasing me..." [Name] can feel her whole face getting hotter.
"But I like teasing you dear~" Hanako implied with a cheeky smile as he booped her nose. "You're so cute I could just eat you out~"
[Name] raises her palms and places her fingertips against Hanako's lips. She shyly glances away from the vampire and muttered. "H-Hanako-kun, that's really needy of you..."
"Weren't you needy for me too?" Hanako gently yanks her hands away from his lips and then putting them around his neck as he reeled the maiden closer. "I can feel your lips mumbling for more, you know~" He says, grinning charmingly.
"Let's just continue..." [Name] blurts in with a nervous smile. Hanako tugs her closer in a kiss as [Name] eagerly kissed back. Hanako makes the kiss even more heated by moving his lips sloppily with hers.
Hanako moves [Name] to her bed, not breaking away from her lips. They both fell on the mattress while they were kissing and now Hanako was on top of her as she was underneath him. "Mmmm~ Hanako~"
"[Name], more..."
[Name] parted her lips as Hanako slips his tongue inside of her once again, exploring her wet cavern and leaves nothing unlicked. The sheets turned messy at each movement they make. Hanako pulls back, brushing his hair to the side with a smirk. "I barely did anything and you're already a hot mess~"
"Hmm~ I think I'm still needy." Hanako removes his gloves slowly with the use of his teeth. His amber eyes trailing down to her neck and chest, eyeing them with hunger causing him to lick the side of his lips. "Maybe tasting you again won't be such a bad idea~"
"What do you think? Will you let me have a taste?~"
"I don't mind, I guess..."
"Then, what if I needed more?~"
[Name] squeezed her eyes shut, turning her head away. "I'm just gonna take a tiny sip on each bite, I won't turn you into a raisin, don't worry." Hanako chuckled at her reaction, running his fingers down to her neck. "Just hold my hand again if you feel scared."
"Please be gentle..." [Name] pleaded.
"I'll try not to make it deep." Hanako assured her in which the latter nodded gravely. Hanako hooks his finger to her sleeves and lowering it down to get a better view.
"Why did you lower my dress down?" [Name] asks, feeling a little embarrassed since she's showing too much skin. "I-It feels weird..."
"It's kinda sexy~" Hanako replied with a wink and then stared at her top half. "Besides, I can see your chest better this way~"
"H-Hanako—" Hanako cuts her off by planting a soft kiss on her neck to stop her from talking. [Name] gives in too much when it comes to Hanako like an insect waltzing to a spider's web on purpose.
Not that she's complaining. [Name] is letting Hanako bite her, letting him taste her blood that excites his taste buds. She can feel him breathing against her neck. "Okay, I'll start now..."
A small squeak escapes from her lips as [Name] felt his fangs sinking down her skin, then pulling away with a bit of blood on his teeth. Hanako starts to suck the blood that is coming out from the bite. "H-Hanako-kun..." [Name] whimpered, tears forming from the corners of her eyes.
"So sweet..." Hanako licks off the running blood from her neck. "I need more..."
Hanako did the same with [Name]'s shoulders and near her chest. He wipes the bites after he took small sips of her blood with tissues. Hanako moves down to her thigh, giving it a small bite as the crimson liquid runs down in his mouth. "H-Hanako-kun~" [Name] calls him in a weak voice. "I-I think that's enough..."
"Alright then," Hanako tore his mouth away from her thigh, licking the remaining blood on his fingers and the bite mark. "Thanks for the dessert~"
"It's like you're treating me more like a dessert than an actual person." [Name] pouted.
"Sorry dear, I have a sweet tooth. You know I can't resist sweet things like you~"
[Name] initiated the kiss first, which caught Hanako off guard but he went along with it by taking the lead midway. She can probably taste her own blood since Hanako fed off her blood recently. His hands slithered down to fondle with her chest. "Mmmm~ Hanako-kun... more please..."
"You're liking this aren't you?" Hanako whispers softly in which [Name] nods her head timidly. Hanako pulls her up by her legs and wrapped them around his torso, setting her on his lap. "Look at you all hot and bothered~"
"So soft..." Hanako digs his face between her chest, inhaling her scent. [Name] patted his hair, sometimes his duality is concerning. Like a minute ago, he was ravishing her body and now he's a soft boy.
"For someone who has lived longer, you sure do act like a kid, Hanako-kun." [Name] softly said as she played with his hair. Hanako chuckled smugly and lifted his head.
"I may act like a child, but I know how to please a woman~" He smirked. His eyes glowed an ominous gold as his fangs shimmered against the candle light.
Color filled [Name’s] cheeks. "Aish you’re such a tease-" [Name] pouted and smacked his head while he laughed. Hanako leans in for a kiss, then a loud crash can be heard from outside of the room. "What was that?!"
"It's probably something else." Hanako sweatdrops, looking over to the door. "I'll check it out later, I still have to finish my treat." Hanako turns to her and smiled innocently.
[Name] was panting heavily as Hanako was groping her chest while marking her all over her top half. 'He's definitely enjoying this.' She thought as a soft moan came out of her lips. "What if someone sees the marks?"
"Then they'll know you belong to me~" Hanako smirked, cupping her cheeks and kissing her abruptly. [Name] started to unbutton his top as Hanako guides her hands till it was fully off to reveal his white undershirt. "[Name]..."
"Do you love me?" Hanako asks, his eyes turning soft towards [Name] and a small blush can be seen on his cheeks.
"Of course, Hanako-kun." [Name] smiled at the male in front of her. "I love you."
"I love you too." Hanako replied, his hand sneaking behind her, slowly lowering the zipper of her dress. Hanako connected his lips once again as he toppled on top of [Name].
It's up to your imagination on what happens next~
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The next day, Hanako was back in his quarters to do his task with [Name] helping him organize the files. The telephone rang on Hanako's table, startling him a bit. "Hello, this is the manager speaking." He greeted.
"Hi, I would like to file a complaint." The guest started to speak from the other line. "Last night I heard some noises coming which made difficulty for me to sleep, maybe you can find the source of the noise? It sounded like a girl's voice if I can remember."
Hanako and [Name] knew what the person meant. [Name] blushed heavily, covering her whole face as Hanako whistled innocently. "Thank you for calling dear guest, I'll be sure to find the source of the voice and maybe I'll have a nice discussion with them~" Hanako wiggled his eyebrows at [Name], knowing that those sounds came from her.
After the call, Hanako grinned teasingly at [Name]. "I didn't know you were that loud last night~"
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a/n: guess what, there's a part two :') and due to the law of nature i updated :)
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I'm crying while listening to Mitski again, therefore here's some very, very soft pro hero! Bakugo head canons.
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When I talk about Bakugo being soft I'm usually talking about him being that specific silent type of soft; subtly sweet eye squinting and the faint upwards pointing curve of his lips when he is carefully chopping vegetables on the counter while you busy yourself with another task to get the food ready as soon as possible.
I'm talking him slowly wiping the side of the sink with his eyes closed, feeling his mind taken away by the new song you're obsessed with this week that's been on repeat for who knows how long. He'll probably tease you restlessly to turn it off, he'll say that he can't take another loop, and you'll turn it off, but he'll find himself doing the dishes one day listening to it and he'll take a deep breath, sigh it out with eyes shut closed, he'll feel in total peace and then he'll continue with his task.
I'm also talking about Bakugo copying the way your feet rock from left to right or back and forth while reading, while being on his phone. Every time he's tried to stop you from doing so, it's always been with his foot coming to wiggle it's way in between the tangle you've wrapped your feet into and he'll hiss about how cold your feet are but he won't jolt back, he'll lock your knees under his arm and pull your feet in between his, or fort them inside the blanket, muttering about how you're always letting your feet be cold.
And he'll always stick his hands out during your sleep just to check if you're alright, if you're covered, if you're close to the edge of the bed, if you are he'll cover you, his eyes still shut and no grunts coming out of him, he'll pull you closer to him and he'll burry his face in the crook of your neck.
And I'm talking about Bakugo seeking cuddles on the regular, him being grumpy without his cuddles but then beating himself on feeling like he is seeking too much attention. And this usually happens on his bad days, when he's feeling like he's taking up too much space in a room, when he's feeling like he's an idiot who can't do better than what he's accomplished, but then you walk in, setting your keys on the counter and changing out of your shoes, hanging your coat and washing your hands and face then heading over to him to peck him on the cheek and he feels like he's warming up again.
And then you kiss him on the lips and he's lighting up, little by little and his confidence is back and he's asking for another kiss, all smug and proud while stating at your back as you're taking off your clothes to jump on the shower and you peck him on the lips again and he's asking you to the again because you didn't do it exactly right and then he asks again, and then, since he asks all awkwardly and raspy if he can sit on the toilet and talk to you and you agree and a weight is lifted off of him and he feels wanted and he sits shuts the toilet closed and sits and just asks you about your day while moving his feet back and forth and he wants to stop, because he feels annoying, but be can't.
He has a charm over his heart, an unpleasant tightness when you lay in between his legs on the couch, watching Ao Haru Ride for the thousandth time because it's his absolute favorite, he'll rest chin chin over the top of your head and pout like a puppy with pursed brows and tense arms but then you'll turn around and point out that he's too warm and squishy and kiss on his bicep or he'll catch you falling asleep and even though he'd rather scream than be such a romantic he'll kiss over the spot where his chin used to be and nuzzle his nose on the spot, still pouting.
Pro hero work is hard but sometimes, when you haven't managed to wake up in time to help him make one -gods forbids he wakes you up- you're bringing him a bento at work. And whatever lunch he's prepared for himself is quickly shoved to Kirishima or anyone that's currently at the office.
And he'll bury his head in his hand, sigh and give you the most playful smirk, with quirky brows, perked up nose and he'll make a remark about how you just can't help but take care of him but in reality he can't believe you're still doing this for him. And he won't admit that he's definitely melting inside when you're pecking his lips on your way out because you have to go back to work too, but he will be the most affectionate when he's back home, placing soft, open mouthed kisses all over your neck.
And after yelling, after not being able to control his terrible temper again, he'll look at you like a wet dog, plastered in mud, begging to be let in the house again without having a bath and you always take him in, always asking if this time he feels like he is in the mood to sit down and talk about what made him feel this explosive again. If he nods his head you'll ask a number of question, spoken so softly, you'll offer him his favorite meal and a head massage and he'll accept with a pouty nod, and he's going to try and solve things out while your thumbs are circling his eyebrows and relieve impossible tension.
He'd never going to ask if he's a lot of work, because he honestly knows he is. He always felt like he's high maintenance but when he's with you it feels like he's just him and you're you, nothing for you to bear, nothing for him to bear in return. So he knows you're never going to think he's a lot of work, you'll never going to tell him that he's impossible to deal with because you have chosen to accept him as he is. It still surprises him.
He, Bakugo Katsuki as a whole is the world, a home, a lover to someone like you, just like you're to him.
That is even more surprising to him.
Maybe these are thought that come to him right in that moment that he's wiping water way from the side of the counter with a fiber washcloth in his hand, maybe the thoughts pass by his head way too fast, maybe they don't pass at all, whatever it is he's feeling or thinking though, it makes him curve his lips a little more before he turns to look at you, who's smiling at him with ogling eyes in return.
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@sasageyowrites hi bby am I allowed to make you feel soft today?
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itsadamcole · 4 years
you’re my nxt champion
fem!reader x finn balor
(requested) Finn loses his title to Adam Cole, and reader is right there to comfort him ... "you're my nxt champion"
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word count: 1.3k+
warnings: upset!finn, a lil fluff, a lil smut
— @ anonymous, i hope you enjoy and i hope it’s what you wanted —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ semi 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
Adam Cole just hit in the Last Shot on Finn. Finn is down as Adam goes in for the pin.
One. Two. Three. Ding ding. "And new NXT Champion, Adam Cole!" Alicia Taylor says into the microphone. You stand in the crowd and watch as Adam holds that title high up in the air. His music plays and Finn sits in the corner, looking up at the belt he carried with pride during his 182-day reign.
The music stops and you watch Kyle O'Reilly come out from nowhere, attacking Adam. Finn watches for a second before his eyes try to find you in the crowd. You sit front row at ringside so it's easy for him to find you. Finn rolls out of the ring but doesn't come to you when his eyes find you. He sulks backstage and you begin to make your way through the crowd to go meet up with your husband.
When you show your pass to get to the backstage area, you don't see Finn. You walk up to Shotzi Blackheart and ask, "Did you see where Finn went? I saw him come back here."
Shotzi nods and says, "He went back towards the locker rooms. I'm sorry he lost his title, Y/N. I know he was so proud to have it."
"He'll be okay," you say. "Congratulations on winning your title tonight. You've deserved it for a long time."
She smiles at you and you walk off to find Finn. You make your way through the maze of hallways until you get to Finn's locker room. You knock softly and call, "Finn? It's Y/N. Can I come in?" No answer.
You slowly open the door and see Finn sitting on the couch with his back turned to you. You notice he's still in his gear. You walk in and close the door. You approach him and wrap your arms around his neck from behind him, kissing his shoulder. "Hey, baby," you whisper. "You okay?"
"No," Finn says, voice shaky. You look up at him and see his cheeks wet with tears. Your heart breaks at the sight. You walk around the couch and crouch in front of your husband. You put your hands on his knees and look up at him.
His pretty blue eyes are filled with tears and he looks at you. You pout and say, “Finny, baby.”
Finn gets up and says, “I’m going home. I don’t wanna talk about it.” He grabs his clothes and disappears into the bathroom. You sigh and sit on the couch.
You knew he was upset, but you didn’t know it would be this bad. He’s lost titles before, but none of them have made him act like this.
He comes out of the bathroom, throwing his gear in the suitcase and walking out of the room. You sigh and follow him. You walk several feet behind him, grabbing your car keys out of your pocket.
Both of you get outside and you unlock the car. Finn angrily throws his things in the trunk then gets in the passenger’s seat.
It’s going to be a long ride home and you are not looking forward to it.
Finn gets out of the car as soon as you park the car in the garage. The door slamming shut makes you jump. He’s already inside when you get out. You lock the car and walk inside.
You hear footsteps going up the stairs when you make your way from the kitchen to the living room. You hang up your keys by the door and kick off your shoes before you walk upstairs.
Soft sobs come from your bedroom that you share with Finn. The sound alone makes you tear up. You appear in the doorway and see Finn sitting on his side of the bed, facing away from you. His hands cover his face and they quiet his sobs a bit. You let out a quiet sigh and crawl into bed, settling on your knees behind him. You wrap your arms around him and say, “I am so proud of you, Finn. You held the title for 182 days. You fought through a broken jaw. Name a champion that has done that.”
“None of that matters if I don’t hold the title,” Finn cries. “I never should have lost the title to Cole of all people. I wanted to prove that I could beat the best of the best. Cole is one of the best that’s wrestled in the sport. If I can’t beat him then why I am here.”
You tighten your grip around his neck and say, “You’re here because you love wrestling. You love the sport, you love being in the ring. Believe it or not, Finn, but you are one of the best that’s wrestled too. Two-time NXT Champion, the first ever Universal Champion, two-time Intercontinental Champion. Not to mention the titles you’ve won in Japan and across the world.”
Finn says, “I held the Universal title for less than a day, and the only reason I was champion was because Kross got injured for the same reason I did. All I wanted was to make ya and my family back in Ireland proud.”
He looks over at you and you press your forehead to the side of his head. Tears prick at your eyes. You hate that he’s doubting himself. He’s one of the most decorated wrestlers you know. “Finn,” you sigh. “You have made me proud. You’ve made your family proud. You don’t need a title to make us proud, baby.”
“Ya don’t need to lie to me, Y/N,” Finn sighs.
You close your eyes and say, “I’ve never lied to you, Finn. If it makes you feel better though, you’re my NXT Champion, baby. You’ll always be my NXT champion.”
He rests his hands on your arms and looks over at you. “I don’t have the belt anymore,” Finn says.
After crawling onto and sitting on his lap, you say, “You don’t need to have the belt to be my champion, Finn. I love you with or without the belt.”
Finn pecks your nose and says, “Ya always know what to say to make me feel better.”
You smile and say, “It’s my job as your wife to know what to say to make you feel better.” You wrap your arms around his neck and look at him.
“Ya know what else would make me feel better?” Finn asks.
“What would that be?” you say, knowing what the answer probably is.
His eyes give away what is answer is too, especially when they flicker to your lips. Finn says, “Distracting me.” One of his hands slips between your thighs, close to your core.
You gasp and say, “You’re bad, you know that? You were upset like two minutes ago and now you want sex?”
Finn shrugs and says, “Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t.”
Just to get him going, you run a finger down his chest and say, “You did look pretty hot in that ring tonight.”
He laughs and kisses you. The kiss is soft at first but starts right get intense almost immediately. You move until you’re straddling Finn’s thighs. You manage to get his shirt off before he lays you on your back.
You distract him almost all night long. You make him take breaks because unlike him, you can’t go all night long.
The next morning, Finn wakes you up with kisses to your face. “Good morning, love,” he mumbles against your cheek. “Wakey wakey.”
“Finn,” you grumble, half asleep. “It is too early for another round of sex. I can’t do it.”
He laughs and says, “I made ya breakfast, baby. Maybe sex afterward though.”
You giggle and look over at Finn. You peck his lips and say, “Depends on how good breakfast is.” You get up and put on one of Finn’s shirts and a pair of panties. Finn laughs as you leave the room, walking downstairs to the food.
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timegirl · 3 years
Cats Don't Have Nine Lives - Moceit Appreciation Week 2021
Characters: Patton, Janus
Relationship: Platonic or Romantic
Prompts: Aftermath (day 2), Animal (day 4)
Word Count: 2073
Trigger Warnings: This whole fic surrounds a death of a pet and the mourning of the owner. It is sad. Contains a light description of a declining medical condition of a pet. Please don't read if you're sensitive to these topics. Patton tries to blame himself. Food is mentioned briefly.
Summary: Patton suffers a loss and Janus comforts him.
@moceit-appreciation-week @moceit
This is not like my regular works. It is sad and depressing, and is based on my own life. More details on ao3. Please mind the warnings and the tags, stay safe.
“Hey, Jan? I was just at the vet... it’s.... over....”
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry... Are you going home now?”
sniffle “Yeah...”
“I’ll be right there.”
Janus used the spare key he had to Patton’s apartment. “Patton, darling?” He called and closed the door behind him. He heard soft sobs greeting him from the living room. “Oh, baby...” He hurried to the living room and found his friend curled up on the sofa, clutching a small baby blue blanket to his chest. His face was puffed and red, and tears were streaming down his cheeks non stop.
“Patton, honey...” Janus clicked his tongue and quickly sat beside Patton, opening his arms for the other to snuggle in his embrace. The moment he was sat Patton clung to his torso and sobbed hard and loud, burying his face in Janus' chest and wetting his shirt with tears. Janus frowned, his brows furrowing in concern, and started rubbing slow circles on Patton back.
“I’m so sorry...” He whispered. “Shhhhhh.....” Janus started rocking gently back and forth, trying to sooth Patton’s ache.
They sat like that for a few minutes, holding each other. Janus took the opportunity to look around at the apartment. It was a really saddening look. Everywhere you looked there were cat themed objects. Never mind the cat stickers decorating the walls and the little kitty sculptures on the shelves, everything in this house screamed that there’s a feline resident in there.
A brown cat bed with a monkey plushie sitting in its corner.
Three carton boxes in different sizes were lined up opened against the wall.
A carton board on the floor beneath a blue bench that was much too small for a human. The board was covered in claw marks and teared a bit in the edges.
Toys were scattered everywhere on the floor. Mice, spikey balls, balls with little bells inside. There was one cat wand on the floor near the cat bed, a stick with a brown furry string and several colorful feathers tied to the end.
A blue cat tree was standing next to the sofa, a plaid blanket cushioned the lowest platform.
The armchair was covered in absurd amounts of cat fur, as if to say this was her spot, no one else's.
Janus lifted his gaze upwards. The walls weren't spared either. On two different walls there were blue cushioned shelves designed as stairs, going from the floor to a level above Janus' head as he stood in his full height, and Patton was shorter than him. On one step of the stairs sat a small tiger plushie.
As Patton's sobs slowly quieted down, the silence between the two was disturbed only by a small water fountain in the corner of the room, trickling steadily.
Patton didn’t want to let go of Janus. He felt like someone pulled the rug from under his feet, and Janus' firm hands were his only lifeline. He smelled nice, too, as much as Patton was able to smell with a stuffy nose from all the crying. Like the comfort and nostalgia of opening an old book with yellowing pages, with just a hint of cologne. He was warm, and it felt comforting to be held by him, like a comfort blanket. Patton was no longer crying, just inhaling Janus' scent softly to ground himself. Janus' fingers caressed the back of his head and Patton leaned into the touch.
Eventually Janus broke the silence.
"She's had a good life." He whispered into Patton's hair, and Patton felt the vibrations rumble in his chest.
Patton sighed heavily. "Yeah..." he mumbled. Sniffling once, he pulled himself away and wiped the remaining tears off his cheeks, the ones that weren't coating Janus' shirt. He looked down at the blanket he was holding.
"That's hers, right?" Janus asked.
"Yeah," said Patton, "I used it to get her into the cage, you know how she gets," he chuckled humorlessly. Janus gave him a sad smile. "She was also... wrapped in it when... when the vet... you know..."
"Yeah..." Janus rubbed his hand on Patton's arm comfortingly.
"You know, she's had a kidney failure two years ago, and the vet said that we're only prolonging the inevitable. Eventually it'll happen again and it'll be the end," Patton busied his hand with the hem of the blanket, "but I thought it'll be at least... five years, you know? Not two. Not that it wouldn't have been hard either way, but, still... It's just... so abrupt," he frowned, the tears threatening to overflow again.
"Well," Janus hesitated, "at least now you won't need the antihistamines anymore, right?" he tried for humor, and Patton's lips broke into a genuine smile and he laughed weakly through his nose.
"Right..." His smile slowly turned into a solemn expression and he sighed. "What if..." he bit his lower lip, "what if I could've stopped it?"
"Patton, no. It is not your fault."
"No, I know... The vet said it would've happened anyway... But what if I wasn't perceptive enough? Maybe if I'd noticed something's wrong sooner they could've saved her..." Tears began to accumulate in Patton's eyes.
"Sweetie, listen to me." Janus took both of Patton's hands in his and looked straight into his eyes. "It is not your fault. You were an amazing owner. You loved her so much and gave her everything she could've ever dreamed of."
"But I-"
"Shh shh shh, no buts," Janus used his thumb to gently wipe a stray tear off Patton's cheek, beneath his glasses. "I've known you since before you adopted her. I've seen how you took care of her with everything you have. Spending nights treating her when she was sick, doing everything in your power every day to make her take the medicine you knew she hated but made her feel better, staying awake late to pet her just because she didn't want to go to sleep and you couldn't bare to say no to her. Darling, trust me when I say, she was the luckiest cat in the world to have you as her owner."
Patton started sobbing again, furiously wiping his tears with his fingers, dirtying his wet glasses even more. Janus clicked his tongue. "Come here," he said as he pulled Patton to his embrace once again, placing a kiss on the crown of his head. "It's ok to grieve," he whispered, rocking them back and forth, "but don't beat yourself up about things out of your control." Patton sniffed, nodding weakly. Janus waited a bit before saying, "Let's bring you some water, ok honey?" Patton nodded again and pulled back. "I'll be right back." Janus said and petted Patton's cheek gently. He stood up and walked to the kitchen to get Patton a glass of water.
In the kitchen, Janus noticed a bowl of dry cat food in the corner. He debated getting rid of it and sparing Patton the pain, but decided against it. He'll ask Patton if he needs help with it, but he might want to do it himself to get some closure.
Janus returned to the living room with a glass of water in his hand. Patton looked up at him as he approached and small smile spread on his face. Janus' chest filled with warmth. He'll do anything for this man, he just wants him to be happy.
"Thank you," Patton said and reached his hand to grab the glass.
"You're welcome, honey," Janus replied as he took his place on the sofa.
They were silent for a moment as Patton drank. "You know," he said, lowering the glass to his lap and holding it with both hands. "I keep thinking about how naïve I was when I adopted her."
"Naïve? How so?"
"I thought it was funny, giving a cat a number as a name. You know, Nine, as in nine lives?" Janus looked at Patton, concern apparent on his forehead. Patton was looking down to his glass in his lap. "Of course there were other reasons too. It was September 2009 when I got her. The ninth month of the ninth year of the milenium. It was so fitting! Of course I couldn't give up the opportunity to give her a name that's a play on words!" Janus frowned and rubbed Patton's knee. "But cats don't really have nine lives, do they? Not even a cat named Nine..." He sighed.
Janus looked at him in silence. It was good that Patton was talking. Janus has spent years trying to make Patton to open up to him. He was always hiding behind jokes and a huge smile. He needed a safe platform to be able to unload everything weighing down on his chest. Janus was always happy to provide him that safe space, and the fact that Patton trusted him enough by now to open up to him was a bit overwhelming, in a good way. But it wasn't about Janus right now, it's about Patton and his pain. Janus knew Patton so well by now, that he didn't need to check to know that if he stayed silent, Patton would open up even more and unload more of his negative feelings, and Janus would be there for him when he does.
Surely enough, after a few moments of silence, Patton let out a breathy laugh, devoid of humor. "I keep thinking she's gonna come out from around the corner like everything's normal... You'd think dying is a one time thing. She died, that's it. It happened. Now we're after it. But it's not..." Patton emptied his glass and placed it on the table. "It's still happening. She didn't just die... She's dead. And she keeps being dead, all the time, over and over again. Every time I look to the hallway and expect her to walk out with her tail wiggling high, she's dead again. Every time I think of her... She's dead. Again. She's really... not coming back... She's staying dead." Patton played with the sleeve of the hoodie that was always tied around his shoulders. "Look at me," he chuckled, "I'm even wearing a cat hoodie. I'm pathetic..." He sighed.
"Patton honey," Janus wrapped his arms over Patton's shoulders and pulled him to rest against his chest, maneuvering himself to a more comfortable position, leaning back on the sofa. "You're not pathetic. Ok?" He stroked Patton's hair with his hand. "Those things take time. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you it'll all be gone one day and you won't feel anything. That's never going to happen." Patton pouted in response. "But it won't be as painful. It won't be an open wound anymore. It will scar." Patton's eyes widened and he looked up to Janus, letting his eyes rest on the scar tissue on the man's left cheek. "A scar is... a reminder of what once was. It's unpleasant to look at, and it's scruffy to touch, and remembering what left the scar is... painful, to say the least." Patton's brows furrowed in a frown. Janus smiled warmly at him. "But it doesn't hurt by itself anymore. You can live your life and not even remember it's there most of the time. At first it hurts and itches and every move you make has to be calculated because the wound is bleeding and everything hurts. But with a scar you don't have to do that anymore. You're going to be ok." Patton sighed and rested his cheek on Janus' chest. "And you know, I thought about what you said." Patton raised his eyebrows and hummed in question. "You weren't naïve. You were being funny, and witty, and wonderful, like you always are." Patton's cheeks warmed in a blush. "I know it might take a while, but I can already see you in a few months with your two new kitties, Seven and Five." Patton giggled and Janus smiled, kissing his hair.
It wasn't perfect. In fact, it was extremely painful, and the grieving process has just begun. But maybe Janus was right. It had a nice ring to it, Seven and Five. Nine's little siblings. Of course, she'll never know them, but it's nice imagining how his first cat's name becomes a legacy in all of his future cats. Patton sighed. It's not going to be easy. But with Janus by his side, maybe, just maybe, he can do it. He will be ok.
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