#english is not my first language im a mess
paint-it-red-and-black · 11 months
Charles likes to bite.
he bites his lips for a long time before he says something important. he bites his nails when he is nervous. he bites his pen when he stops writing. he bites the tip of his tongue when he laughs.
Max notices it quickly. he collects every detail and stores it in the back of his mind.
until they start to date. suddenly, Charles begins to bite Max.
the first time it happens, Max doesn't even realise it, only managing to say "What?..." before a light kiss lands on the bite. Charles laughs, Max lets it go.
the second time proves to hurt more. they are cuddling on the couch in the evening when Charles bites him sharply on his collarbone. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Max frowns, but there's no anger in his voice. Charles laughs again. Max exhales and pulls him closer.
Charles bites him when he's happy. it's always a faint gentle bite, just the very lips. sometimes Max doesn't even know which is a kiss and which is a bite. boundary is blurred. Max gets used to it.
Charles bites him when he's upset. usually it hurts a little more. it feels bittersweet. Max can feel the wetness on his neck when Charles presses the cold tip of his nose against it, covers the skin with his moist lips and bites until the spot is bloody and dark. Max doesn't resist, letting his lover leave his marks.
Charles bites him when he wants attention. usually he claws at his skin and doesn't leave until Max turns to him with eyebrows raised in question. at times like this, Max allows himself to ignore a little. he's given a chance to play, and he takes it. the important thing is not to cross the limit, or it will hurt. but Max likes it. maybe he's a bit of a masochist.
Charles bites him when he's excited. bites him when he's horny. bites him when he's delighted, when he's annoyed, when he's cheerful and when he's grieving, when he's desperate and when he’s drunk, when he's enjoying himself, when he's in love.
Charles bites and bites and bites. Max suspects there is no longer a place on his body that has never been bitten. Max start to think that at some point he adopted a third cat.
it becomes part of the their routine. a bite on the edge of his jaw before a morning kiss. a bite on his earlobe when they go to bed. a bite on his collarbone in the shower, on his neck after breakfast, on his bicep during a FIFA game, on his fingertips when he feeds him junk food, on his knee in the evening peace, on his nipple...
and then they fight.
the reason is stupid, but neither of them wants to make concessions. they don't speak for a couple of days days, still staying in the same flat. they eat at different times, lock themselves in their rooms, try not to cross paths in the corridor and take a cat each. Max sleeps on the couch, even though it's his flat.
he'll say he's just tired of spending the nights on the uncomfortable sofa in the living room, but on the third day he walks over to Charles while he's making breakfast, snuggles up against his back, interlocking his arms around his waist and rests his chin on Charles' shoulder, pressing the cheek against cheek.
"I'm sorry."
"Me too."
"It was stupid."
"You're stupid."
there's no resentment in his voice, no desire to hurt. these are just words that don't carry an insult. it's more like their usual bickering. but Max will pretend to be offended. he squeezes Charles' waist a little tighter, fingertips tickling sides. Charles laughs.
and then Max bites.
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sinnerghvst · 8 months
johnny cannot find simon anywhere, not even in his office when he doesn't bother to knock on the door before opening it and entering the room to call for his name. he looks around with a soft smile on his face and is about to leave when he notices a little, dark blue box on the desk and cannot mind his own business to save his life.
so he closes the door behind himself, reaches the desk and picks the box up. it's soft at touch and the blue is not as dark as it seemed from afar. johnny takes a breath and opens it, slowly. the ring pops up almost immediately, it's a thick, white gold one, entirely plain if not for a tiny diamond on the center of it that glimmers so much johnny thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
he looks at it for a bit, before his mind clicks and he realizes what he just saw. he knows simon wants to marry him, they've talked about it, he just thought the proposal would happen in a few years and he was okay with that - he's okay with it happening in a few days too, though. more than okay.
the sgt closes the little blue box and places it exactly where it was on the desk - if simon finds out he snooped around in his office only to ruin the surprise of his proposal, he's gonna kick johnny's ass. he doesn't wanna ruin it for simon, though - and he definitely didn't ruin it for himself, that's for sure. he's the happiest man alive right now -, so he's gonna pretend he never saw anything, keeping his mouth shut for once in his life.
he leaves simon's office without even knowing that would've been the last time he would've seen it, nor that he would've never worn that ring and that's because it all happens before johnny's last mission, the one in which makarov takes his life away from him.
he doesn't even know how these kind of things work, but when he realizes it all is coming to an end - and the realization plus everything that comes with it only last a few instants -, the only thought his mind is able to form is about the only thing he really cares for in that moment: he should've let simon know. he had thought about the ring for the entire time before the mission and, at some point, he had wanted to write down a note to leave on simon's desk, under the ring box;
"be careful where you leave your things, lt. not everyone is scared to enter your office.
yes, simon. you know i've always wanted to"
he didn't. he didn't, because he wanted to wait until he could tell the so important "yes" to his lt with his very own voice. it was never about ruining the proposal for simon, actually - the lieutenant would've been lowkey grateful for not having to kneel down and all those things, even if he would've done it without hesitation for johnny -, it was about making simon aware of how truly happy he was to become his fiancé.
johnny should've written it down and left it there, though, because now he is dead and simon will never know
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vyibunni · 1 year
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the fontaine characters im looking forward to the most
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kenonade · 4 months
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octalien · 11 months
the coroika manga translation lore has me fucked up to be honest
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cimicherrychanga · 2 years
SO fucked up that when u study languages they also make u study architecture history and ant biology and economy and european politics hierarchy so by the end of the semester i still cant tie a proper sentence in any language but sure i can differentiate the neo gothic style from rococo or tell you what a bull market is
#shut up dave#im tired im tired im tired i dont care abt any of this#i mean i do enjoy architecture and art periods. i dont want to be required to know all of them#i have an exam tomorrow and one on sunday and one on wednesday and one on next saturday#then on monday and tuesday and the following saturday and monday too#and frankly. im only confident i can pass 3 maybe 4 of them#for the rest??? idk ill need to study and im very bad at that#but hey we got the grades back from the first exam!! the one i took last week and i got a 9 yippeee#that is out of 10#it was in german interpreting n like. genuinely. im good enough at consecutive interpreting that i dont think theres a way 4 me to fail#like even if i mess it up i cant do THAT bad#i had to do it 4 english today and i think i fucked up sooo big it was so embarrassing. but then we got to the critique of my performance#and. it was all the usual nitpicks? like few word choices#the occasional discordance with adjectival conjugation. few points that 'havent clearly come across'#in my mind i had missed like a whole half of the speech but apparently it was p good still#now the problem is. same prof who teaches that subject also teaches specialized languages#and im. very bad at that one for simple reason that i have not processed any information all year#um maybe next time dont make your class about the stock market? idk just a suggestion. i dont care for wallstreet or whatever.#tho to b fair i didnt care for the european parliament last year either so ig u just cant win me on those terms#but if we get to specializing on the judiciary field i think i wouldnt be able to keep ignoring it. because of the circumstances#i have two more shirt designs to finish before the month ends but as u can see school wants me dead at the same time#one of said designs is a full 7 character thing :/#and the other. well ive already made 3 thumbnails for it and nothing rly clicks the way i want it to
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mivinaluv · 20 days
Some thoughts on the Luxon, Predathos, the Gods and everything
This is less of a theory post and more just me putting my thoughts out, because I feel like I’m starting to think in circles and I would love to hear what everyone else thinks about it. Plus, there are so many contradictions in the info that we have and many sources that it comes from, which makes it really hard to speak about anything as a matter of fact.
So, as far as we know, and this is one of the least contradictory facts, Exandria was nothing before the Luxon arrived. After its arrival, it created pretty much everything on it, and, most importantly, life. Now, it’s unclear whether all life and all existing things are made of the same stuff that Luxon is, or at least some parts of it, or Luxon was kind of just a catalyst for it to start existing, and its creations don’t directly share its essence. I am more inclined to think that the former is true, but there’s been some interesting wording regarding this moment, which leads to believe that the world just came to life after the Luxon “embraced” it and merged with its core, which might mean that the world is just capable of creating things on its own, it just needed Luxon as a jumpstart and/or a power source. Once again I’m more inclined to think that everything shares Luxon’s essence in some way, but I also think that Luxon on its own can’t just create things without having the world there in any case, but that creation of anything is also impossible without the Luxon. Moreover, first living beings are specifically referred to as Luxon’s children in some sources. So, first point is, everything on Exandria is made with the help of the Luxon.
Next, and this is a very contradictory point, it is completely unclear when the Luxon split itself apart. As recent as c3e104 the Bright Queen said something that can be interpreted as that the Luxon gave life to Exandria when it broke itself apart. This is completely contradicted by what is said in EGtW and in TCSR. In TCSR the Luxon broke itself apart when the gods came, because it saw mortals die and decided that they need to enter a cycle of rebirth to gain more knowledge. This is a strange interpretation to me, since it contradicts not only the myth of the Luxon, but also some other information that we now have from the campaign and from the other sources that I will talk about later. But, nevertheless, it’s another version that’s been published. And last but not least, we have the EGtW version, which to me makes the most sense, and I mostly base all my theories on it, but it’s also the oldest of the 3, so it might’ve been retconned or rewritten. Anyway, in this explanation the Luxon broke itself apart after it created the Primordials and all that comes with them, by disliking how they fought each other all the time and didn’t really have much consciousness and thought, so the Luxon couldn’t really ask them what it wanted to know about itself and, long story short, it decided to break itself apart and enable the cycle of rebirth until someone figures it out. I think it’s the most popular version, and also the version that was somewhat backed up by Matt in c2 wrap up.
But, what is also important and is evident from the first and I think pretty much any version of the second point (maybe aside from the TCSR one), is that I think it’s safe to assume that the Luxon is pretty much the source of all the souls in Exandria. There are sources that directly state this (mainly EGtW). And this raises so many interesting questions. First of all, recently it was stated that Exandria was in a perpetual cycle of rebirth before the gods came and established the afterlife. The EGtW expands on that and says that at first Primordials just killed each other and “their souls born of the Light” (which, more points to my everything is made out of Luxon take, and also it’s an interesting thought that the Primordials had mortal souls) were lost to the darkness beyond for basically forever. And after seeing this, the Luxon decided to split itself into the beacons and establish the cycle of rebirth, so they can learn and etc, etc. So, only after the beacons appeared, the cycle of rebirth began, and it also mentions that those who were “bound to the Light” were a part of this cycle, so does that mean that not everyone was a part of it? And I wonder how it really worked, being a part of it, because if it’s any similar to the consecution, could everyone regain the memories of their past lives after being reborn? And was there any danger of going mad from that, like there is with the consecution? If the beings at that time even had enough consciousness for that, of course.
But then the gods came and created the afterlife and stopped the cycle of rebirth. And so, we are being told now, which is a new information from this campaign really, I think, that mortal life existed on Exandria before they came. Which contradicts TCSR, but, I think, lines up pretty well with the Luxon creation myth from EGtW, meaning that yes, mortal souls existed before (and were made by Luxon), but in a much more primitive form, without much consciousness really. All this time we knew that the gods made the first humanoid races, unless it got retconned now, which would be weird, but. And another question I have is: where do the souls come from, and especially where do new souls come from? As I said before, I’m of the opinion that they come from Luxon, definitely, but after the cycle of rebirth ended and the afterlife was established, there hasn’t been any problem with new people being born and new souls appearing, despite the gods supposedly holding all the dead souls in their domains. So is Luxon (or the world, with the help of Luxon) just perpetually still creating new souls, even in its sleep? I don’t think Exandria will ever be at risk of running out of souls, because we’ve seen zero evidence of that, so they have to be coming from somewhere. (And, to that point, if all that’s been said is true, should the world ever lose the gods and the Luxon, I think the souls will be dying forever to nothingness until eventually there’s nothing living left, which is a fun thought).
Another interesting point is that the gods seem to have great ability in manipulating everything that Luxon made, but at the same time they can only reshape and work with the existing things, i. e. souls, and can’t really create out of nothingness like Luxon can. The nature of the gods and their connection or similarity to the Luxon is a point that I want to discuss a bit later and I don’t really have any definitive conclusions on it yet.
But what I want to talk about, first and foremost, is the nature of Predathos. There’s been a lot of conversation about its similarities to Luxon, mainly because of the nature of its arrival (though, it seems, this is how everything arrives on Exandria) and some similar descriptions and also being “something other than the gods”. I’ve also seen ideas that it’s an opposite force to the Luxon. Now, I want to preface this by saying that there is a contradiction in its descriptors that doesn’t make much sense to me. Sometimes it is described as nothingness (mainly what happened to Tengar, if that was Predathos, which seems implied but also somewhat off) and “oblivion”, but it’s also described as leaving “twisted life” and has some sort of corruptive nature, which is a wildly different thing from being just a void. Based on the evidence that we have, it definitely seems capable of leaving twisted life, the best example of it being Ruidus, where it could create completely new races out of existing exandrians (an assumption, but a fair one, I think, at this point) and change various other fauna and flora. And another example being, of course, Molaesmyr, though that was a collaborative effort. In this sense, ironically, Predathos is much more similar to the gods, with being able to change existing things (and especially exandrian things, which are, in turn, Luxon things) and not being able to create anything just out of nothingness, which differs it a lot from the Luxon. But also both Predathos and the Luxon (and Luxon’s “brethren” which is, woof, another topic) were described as stars. So, while maybe being of a similar nature, I feel like Predathos is kind of an inferior, incomplete version of what Luxon is (or even sick, hence the corruption and it’s been shown as a red star, stars grow red when they’re dying - another fun thought), and this is why it’s always so hungry. It’s trying to fill what it’s lacking, trying to complete itself, but it will never be enough. Maybe there is a nothingness inside of it that it wants to fill, and this is how corruption and nothingness can coexist? Why it’s exactly attracted to divinity I can’t say, but if they’re all of the similar nature or something, I can see how it can think that that can fix it.
Now I want to take a step back and just collect all the information about their nature. First of all, Luxon, who seemed to exist from the beginning of the universe (once again, mainly basing it on EGtW), even described as the first light. All the other stars appeared after it and settled around as stars, referred to, specifically, as Luxon’s brethren, but Luxon wanted self-discovery and “resisted” burning and went on its journey to Exandria. So, in theory, there are many beings similar to Luxon, that are just stars, which means there can definitely exist sort of defective stars, which is what I suspect Predathos is. It can also be some flowery words for a pretty story of creation, but, once again, Matt said similar things without the flowery language in c2 wrap up (mainly that Luxon would pass other things of light). Now this has almost no connection to Tengar or what we saw happening there, but Tengar is also not a real place so it’s really hard to conceptualize it within the real, physical universe, which this myth talks about. On the other hand, what Luxon is and what the gods were is described extremely similarly, so much that it’s hard to ignore, but I’m really not sure what to make of it aside from that. And if Predathos indeed originates from Tengar, then maybe it was already born wrong right there. If anyone has any thoughts on this specifically and how to connect it to what I’ve already said, I would love to hear it.
(And on that note I think Luxon is actually safe from Predathos, just because I think Luxon is stronger and better than it is, and can probably purge that shit, at least in its og form, beacons maybe not so much. And I think maybe it has trouble eating things that it corrupts, so if it touches Exandria and corrupts it, it might not actually be interested in eating it, just will change everything living forever, lol. But this is just pure speculation on what might happen that holds no real weight, don’t take it too seriously.)
But this is what I’ve been thinking about and props to anyone who has made it this far. I’m really interested to figure out how it all works, so if anyone has any opinions/additions/corrections or really anything on these topics you’re very welcome to do so.
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jockwrites · 4 days
DIE FOR ME - p.b
warnings: sexual content (reader receiving, strap LOL) angst if you squint, cursing, pet names? i guess?
a/n: not spell checked & english isn’t my first language, lmk how i did :-)
"good God."
those were the last words you heard Paige say before she stormed out of your apartment.
previously, the two of you had been arguing over the fact that for these past two weeks, you'd been suspecting cheating.
today, the topic had been brought back up when she came to your apartment late after practice. even though she'd told you she would be there immediately after. honestly, you just couldn't understand what's been keeping her away from you so fucking late.
you wanna decide to call it a night after she just stormed the fuck out, but you need to find out what's been happening. that's when you decide to find out for yourself.
you put on a jacket over your shorts and tee, grab your keys and head out.
while walking, you decide to check her location. and what do you know, it’s off.
this pissed you cleannnn off. & with your pace becoming faster and faster with each second that passes, her dorms come into view. you don’t waste a second getting into that building.
you hurrily walk to the elevator, eager to get up to that room.
as soon as you make it, not only do you knock once, but twice. and not a single peep heard from behind that door.
as you begin to knock again, the door opens. and it’s her. you’re outraged, angry, so many words to describe your feelings as of right now.
“why the hell is your location off,” you bickered, “and why didn’t you answer the door when i knocked the first TWO times?”
paige just stood there. she didn’t say a word, and this is what made you more frustrated.
as you’re going on and on about how furious you are, paige grabs you by the arm, pulling you into the apartment. she doesn’t say a word to you.
she pushes you against the wall, kissing your neck. and this, this put you into a trance you probably wouldn’t be able to get yourself out of.
her touch becomes more aggressive as you push on her chest, trying to get her to stop. right now you’re serious. but she’s irresistible
“are you pushing me away?” paige whispers into your neck.
“so now you wanna talk..” you scoff, breathing heavy.
“there’s nothing to say. you’re just delusional. you get these petty accusations, put them onto me, then expect me to just sit there and take it.” she slides her hand dangerously low down your shorts.
“i don’t expe..” you’re cut off by her fingers sliding into you.
“i don’t understand why you wanna start shit so bad,” her words sharp, vibrating into your neck as her kisses go lower and her pace increasing. “because if you want me to be a ‘bitch’, i can.”
“you just..” she grabs your right boob, groping as her fingers curl into you while kissing your jawline, leaving hickeys that’ll probably be there for the next day or two. “you just think shit is a game. it isn’t.”
“paige.. that’s not-“ you moan breathlessly, your words cut off by her lips colliding with yours.
“no no.. i know exactly what you’re trying to do.”
you love it when she’s like this. all mad & messed up when it comes to you, damn.
“maybe we should just drop it.” you begged, the pleasure and anger she’s bringing to you becoming overstimulating. you don’t know if she’s mad or horny. maybe both.
“you’re such a fucking brat,” she jeered, “you start shit but can’t finish it.”
her fingers are now pumping faster, her other hand coming up to the side of your neck. she’s practically choking you.
arguing and sex isn’t something you thought you’d been missing out on, guess you were wrong.
“fuck. paige. im sorry, i wasn’t trying to.”
“there’s no time for apologies. you did this shit.” she huffs, pulling her fingers out of you.
she licks them clean, looking you dead in the eyes. you’re left with an unfinished orgasm and now you’re aching for her touch. all that’s left is to see what’s she gonna do next.
“go.” she tempted.
“what? where?”
“in the fucking room. go.”
you walk to the room, opening the door. you see her messy bed, clothes on the floor, shoes everywhere and her phone. the phone you’ve been eager to check.
you sit on the bed, taking off your jacket. you slip off your shoes and throw them in a random corner while waiting for paige.
she walks in the room with nothing but a sports bra and white basketball shorts. she looks good, but heated.
she starts to walk toward you slowly with that look. that look, as if you’re some kind of prey.
“you done being a brat?” she whispers.
“i wasn’t being a brat in the first fucking place,” you sassed. “you’re just crazy.”
that’s when she walks over, pushing you down onto the bed. she’s hovering over you, angry and tempted.
“you thinks it’s okay to just act like a bitch all the time? accusing me of shit you know damn well i haven’t done?” now she’s mad. you’ve pushed her to her limits.
“take them off” she snarled, her eyes roaming to your shorts.
you quickly abide, slipping off your shorts. you already know the timing she’s on.
she takes off hers as well, revealing the purple strap harnessed to her.
“what. is that.” you panted. she’s never fucked you with a strap-on before, her fingers and mouth is just enough for you.
“what do you think it is?” she’s trying to be funny but you’ve never experienced anything like this before. you’re a virgin to “dick.”
“i’ve never- done this before.” you manage to breathe out. even though it’s scary, you want it. you want it to be with her, nobody else.
“you wanna do it? we don’t have to baby.” she gazes at you softly. it’s so attractive how she can go from mean to sweet. you love it.
“yeah, but only with you.” and as soon as those words left your mouth, her eyes went from a bright blue to grey.
she pulls your panties down your legs, revealing your soaked pussy.
“so wet for me already baby,” she purred, “not like this for anybody else hmm?”
“no, never.” you breathed as paige rubbed the tip of the plastic over your wet clit.
“fuck,” she urged “you know you can be a bitch sometimes?” she slides the strap into you, going at a slow pace.
“fuck- mm, i know pai..” you can’t manage to get words out at this point. the pleasure is unbearable.
as her pace speeds up, she grabs your legs, pulling them over her shoulders & around her neck.
as she hovers over you while fucking you senseless in missionary, she pulls her right arm over to rub your clit.
“you think i’d do this with another girl? huh?” she groans.
“HOLY SHIT. paige oh my-“ you whine.
“fuck,” she says, her pace speeding up. “you think im out here fucking other bitches senseless?”
she speeds up, pounding into you with the purple plastic. she removes her hand from your clit, inserting the thumb she used between your lips.
“fuck paige! shit im gonna cum” you moan.
“answer me. you think im doing that shit?” she growls.
she starts to go faster and faster, pumping in and out of you like a mad man.
“no pai- FUCK!” you panted.
“based on those fucking accusations,” she heaved, “you seem to be pretty stuck on that fucking- fuck. stuck on that ‘cheating’ shit.” she groaned. with every second that passes, she speeds up. seems like she’s angry.
“paige. im gonna CUM. OHSHIT” you whimper. the pleasure is starting to become overwhelming.
“then cum baby.” she leans down, whispering in your ear.
paige speeds up more and more, hitting the spot that makes you release all over “her.”
“you okay baby?” she says, collapsing beside you.
“you’re good at that.” you breathed.
she turns over to look at you, pushing your hair behind your ear.
“i love you, so much. you see the shit i just did? wouldn’t be caught dead doing that to someone else. i’d die for you.”
a/n: hi im stopping here bc idk what else to write. this isn’t rlly that good so if u have requests or suggestions (constructive criticism) i’d be happy to take them! ty for reading if u even made it this far, byebye
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prettyinsophie · 10 months
burning desire
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Synopsis: With Abby away at some party and your body aching and asking for release, you can’t help but touch yourself while pretending it’s your roommate.
warnings: top abby x virgin (lowkey loser) reader, fingering (r receiving), mentions of strap, squirting, r gets caught by abby, sex toys.
2.9k words
a/n: i’m going to pretend this isn’t way too specific. it’s my first time posting here so im sorry in advance if there are any mistakes, english is not my first language and i wrote this in a rush bc im going insane😇
ofelia si te sale esto no lo leas‼️
There was something utterly wrong with you.
As a girl, you went through your awful womanhood cycle and all that. You never entirely understood how all of it worked, you just ovulated when you were extremely horny and wanted to either kill yourself or everyone around you when on your period. That much you knew about your own body and every other girl went through the same.
The problem was you’ve been on fucking heat for over a month.
Your hormones were a mess, the sexual frustration consumed your being and you couldn’t find a solution. You were a virgin, and quite frankly, an awkward person so it was hard for you to even initiate small talk without quickly making it uncomfortable with your lack of social skills.
You tried distracting yourself throughout the day by attending your classes, doing homework, scrolling through Tiktok, and exercising. Even if you ended up beat by the end of the day, that damn aching between your legs would not leave you alone, and you had to touch yourself to at least make it less awful.
Unfortunately, you didn’t live alone. You shared an apartment with Abby, your high school friend who so happened to get into the same college as you. You didn’t mind, of course, you liked Abby, and now that she was grown and muscular you couldn’t deny she was a total eye-snack. Thing was, you were jealous of whoever the fuck she brought to your shared apartment, Abby must be some sort of goddess if she could make girls scream like that, begging her not to stop while choking in their tears, the bed loudly creaking to the point the blonde had to buy a new mattress. You resented it. You had to settle with sex toys while she fucked almost every week.
The amount of batteries you had in your drawer was embarrassing. Every night you had to abuse your pussy while thinking it was a certain girl doing it for you, had to get good at being silent because you’d throw yourself off the window if Abby ever heard you. Your clit ended red and puffy after an hour of nonstop intimate time with yourself, your eyes swollen because the scenarios in your head were so intense you cried while thrusting a six-inch vibrator inside you, touching that sweet spot it took some time for you to master hitting perfectly until your head went numb, and you squirted all over the pink towel you covered the bed with so you wouldn’t wet the pretty covers and sheets you slept in.
You were ashamed of how filthy your fantasies were for a twenty-year-old virgin, it always hit you once you were over, panting heavily in silence while blushing because your private thoughts and desires bugged you.
You hoped it’d all end soon, that maybe your hormones were a bit crazy just because they decided so be in a silly mood. Every girl goes through shit like this. But no. God was testing you, progressively getting needier as the days passed by. Your god-awful gorgeous friend/roommate worsened it whenever you were doing your assignments at the dining table, and she came home from the gym looking so dirty and delicious, your eyes struggling to focus on your laptop screen and not the way her muscles glistened with not-fully-dried sweat and looked like the glazed donuts you loved eating as a sweet treat, the comparison didn’t make sense, but her body made you feel hungry. You were so sexually frustrated you were convinced you had gone insane.
You wished someone would approach and straight up told you to fuck. You’d accept without second thoughts. But it was the real world, as pretty as you were, you still looked awkward and shy. Fuck your life, honestly. Why couldn’t you be dauntless like the girls who flirted with Abby? Touching her biceps while twirling their hair as they looked at her with nothing but lust and confidence. They were embarrassedly bold but they got exactly what they wanted because Abby was a sucker for pretty girls like that, she loved to fuck the cockiness out of them.
You couldn’t help but think about it every day. You were pathetic, imagining how it would feel to be under her, talking you through it, making you lie there and do nothing but take her until your legs turned into jelly and make you forget all about your stupid sex toy collection hidden in a box under your bed.
Tonight was going to be fun. Abby told you a friend of hers would be throwing a party, subtly inviting you, but you didn’t take the hint and told her to have fun, so off she went an hour ago, leaving you alone in your shared apartment.
Eagerly and with your heart thudding, you arranged everything before jumping right into it, at this point it was just as important in your nocturnal ritual as your skincare routine. You had bought a new toy, this one being 7.4 inches and a bit thicker than your other ones, so you were a bit excited to try it, hoping the sensation would help you release more of your frustration.
With a silky pillow under your lower back, you lied in your bed and took a deep breath, your fingers slowly rubbing your clit, making you gasp softly at the familiar but delicious feeling. Your muscles quickly relaxed as you kept circling your needy button. You didn’t need much teasing, you were already wet, arousal sneaking down and making you groan because it was icky.
Lately, you didn’t rely on your hand that much, ever since you figured out the way to hit your G spot, that’s almost all you needed to come. That being said, you took the pink toy in your hand, lining it down your entrance and teasing yourself by lubing the tip of it with your arousal, imagining it was Abby’s strap and spreading your legs. You had to be quiet every time you masturbated, but you were completely alone now and you wanted to treat yourself by taking the liberty to be as loud as you felt like. Pants and whines of desperation filled your room once you started taking inch by inch of the toy slowly. There were nights you straight up wanted to release everything and go to sleep, or nights such as this, where you felt like dragging your orgasm to make it intense and mind-breaking.
“Holy shit.” You whined once the vibrator was deep inside, you closed your eyes and played start to your fake scenarios.
In your wild fantasies, Abby would tease you, keeping her strap in place while circling your clit and making you wait for her to move. So you did that. Little whimpers left your lips while imagining her talking in your ear, whispering sweet encouraging words. You could multitask with no problem at this point, it was routine. You turned on the vibrator, hips jerking at the feeling and your lips hung as you gasped. Thrusting it slowly the fantasies grew steamier, and your cheeks flushed at the sound of your voice doing all those pathetic and pornographic sounds.
It was big. When you bought it you were so cocky about it but you were actually struggling to slide it in and out smoothly, but thankfully you were so wet it only took a few minutes. And so the madness began. In your head, Abby was fucking you with her strap, your hand moving fast and aiming for your sweet spot like your life depended on it.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You whimpered out loud, the buzzing toy hitting the right place inside of you while you kept rubbing your clit clumsily because it felt so good.
You wanted her. Pitiful whines getting caught in your throat when you remembered Abby was far from your apartment, far from your room, and definitely far from your bed. She was probably messing around with another girl at that party. You winced at the thought, feeling like crying as you kept abusing your pussy. Imaginary Abby would slap you and grab your chin so you’d look at her, telling you to stop drifting away from her when she’s right there with you, to not listen to those silly thoughts of yours.
Your therapist would never hear of this.
“Oh my god, Abby! Please, please, please-” You were okay with being loud at this point, whatever you usually blabbered under your breath now resonating on the walls of your room.
Sometimes you wished you had four hands so you could add a little something to your intimate sessions. You wanted to know how it would feel to have her deep inside with her big and strong hand wrapped around your neck, preventing you from breathing properly while praising you. Shit. Your hand moved faster and rougher, seeking for the most realistic sensation possible. Wanting to pretend this was the real Abby pounding into you.
You needed her. Your eyes stung with tears as your chest heaved because the toy was now at the highest setting, hitting your sweet spot oh so deliciously you were even drooling.
With your eyes squinted shut your mind went fuzzy, the scenario pausing for a moment while focusing on the familiar twisting in your tummy and reaching for your orgasm. Abby was calling your name in the distance, you were so into it for a moment you felt worried about how real it went through your ears.
“Yes, yes, yes! Right there, Abby! Plea-se-!”
Your voice cracked. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you choked weak whimpers while squirting all over the towel, so intense even the toy almost flew out of your cunt. Your legs trembled and you panted loudly, riding out your fifth climax of the week. The cold air of your room hit your bare lower body and made you groan because your slick was drying up and you hated the feeling, but you also needed time to recover before cleaning your mess.
After a few moments, you sighed and opened your eyes, slightly leaning onto your side to grab your phone on the nightstand. You froze at the figure of someone standing by your door. Your stomach dropped and you could feel your heart in your throat.
Abby was there, standing with her arms crossed while looking at you with a stare you couldn’t decipher. No. This could not be happening to you. No!
“Abby-“ You sobbed, the shame betraying you by making you cry.
“How long?” She asked, her blue eyes staring into your soul even from a further distance. Her voice lower than how she usually talks to you.
“How long have you wanted me to fuck you?”
The question sent a shiver down your spine. This was definitely not how you imagined it’d play out, not in one of your thousands of wet dreams.
“A while…” You mumbled embarrassed, looking away from her. Thankfully you were only naked from the hips down to your feet, you were wearing an oversized shirt that could cover your most private parts.
Abby seemed pleased with your answer. A heavy and shaky sigh left her nose as she walked to your bed.
“And you do this every night while thinking about me?”
The question (which sounded more like a statement) stabbed your core sharply. You nodded and felt your cheeks blushing in shame.
The bed creaked when she joined you in it, getting on top of you while smirking smugly. Your pretty face was adorned with confusion and embarrassment. Lips puffy from crying and your face dampened and red.
“Poor girl. Had to hear me pleasing other girls instead of you, hm? You should’ve just said so, baby.” She comforted you, brushing her fingers against your cheek, making you shiver at the unfamiliar contact.
“Didn’t want to mess with your innocence, you’re so pure I couldn’t dare break you. That’s why I used whoever wanted to throw themselves at me, but turns out that’s all you wanted all along? Wanted me to make you cry and beg?”
Holy fuck. You thought as you were getting wet again. You almost whimpered because this was the real thing. 4D Abby was on top of you and talking dirty with her husky and alluring voice.
You hated yourself so much. Just a few moments ago you were so mouthy to her in your fantasy and you couldn’t even form a sentence with the real one. Abby laughed at you as if finding you amusing.
“‘Yes’ what, pretty girl?”
This was it. You were going to go for it.
“I-I want you to…fuck me and make me scream and beg for more.” You stuttered softly, looking into her eyes while batting your lashes because you couldn’t maintain eye contact.
“Yeah? I bet I can do a better job than your toys.” She leaned down, your faces closer than you ever thought they’d get, sucking the air out of your lungs.
You yelped in surprise when her fingers went down your folds, spreading the wetness as she teased your sensitive parts. “So wet, waiting for me to read your mind and touch you, huh? Gotta use your big girl words. C’mon, tell me what you want.”
Her voice melted your brain as her fingers spread your lips, making you gasp and squirm under her. You were too shy for your own good, she knew that as well but that made this more interesting. Abby wanted to see how far she could lead you, and how much control she could have on you.
“Please touch me.” Your voice was breathy and almost weak, feeling her fingers replacing your own was too much.
She circled your throbbing clit, causing you to close your eyes and whine loudly.
“You like that?”
“Y-Yes, so so much, Abby.” Your mouth was getting loose, drunk in pleasure and your head was still dizzy from your previous climax. Abby could feel herself getting wet from your reactions to minimal touch.
Poor little thing, so touch-starved. She thought while continuing to please you.
You mumbled curses and her name under your breath. Hands gripping the covers of your bed tightly because she was the one touching you, you had no control over the speed nor the pressure her fingers had on your sensitive bud. Your legs squirmed as you spread them further so she’d position herself more comfortably between them.
“Want you inside, n-need you inside!” You begged pathetically, looking at her with half-lidded eyes.
Abby couldn’t believe this. This was too good to be true and she couldn’t wait anymore either. She kept boundaries out of respect, she knew you were a virgin and had no experience, and she didn’t want to scare you off with her deprived desires. Yet you were there, asking her with tears in your eyes to fill you up. You were so desperate she wanted to eat you alive.
“‘M gonna use my fingers, doll. Don’t wanna fuck you with the same strap I use with other girls. I’m going to get you your own, and I’m going to fuck this horniness out of you. You’ll only need me.” She whispered in your ear before shoving two of her fingers inside you, gaining a loud whimper from you.
Her fingers were thick and long, she filled you up almost perfectly you didn’t want this moment to end. Your chest raised up and down as you struggled to breathe properly. She moved them in and out, curling them expertly inside your warm walls.
“Faster, please.”
Abby knew once you two were done tonight, every time she’d hear the word ‘please’ from you would be a trigger. She wanted to tease you, drag you to the edge, but she was aware of how frustrated you felt and it was pitiful. So she let you give her orders, just this once though.
She hit it. That magnificent spot of yours that sent you to the moon. You were a moaning mess, hairs sticking to your forehead with sweat while she kept thrusting her fingers forcefully.
“Fuck, Abby! There, holy fuck.” You blabbered, your back arching off the bed, and the pillow under you helped to reach your g spot smoothly. Abby was also panting, even groaning because you were giving her a show. The things she’d do to you from now on, whew, she was going to ruin you.
“So pretty, taking my fingers so well. Want you to come all over them, doll. You think you can do that for me?”
Nodding drastically up and down, she sped up if that was even possible. Your tummy swooped and you didn’t realize you had tears running down your cheeks. Abby’s face was blurry and your eyes struggled to focus. Your hand found her bicep, clawing it with your acrylic nails as you reached the delicious bliss.
Moaning Abby’s name and profanities, you came on her fingers and probably her pants as well. You kept squirting while sobbing because you’ve never experienced an orgasm like this one, your legs shaking against your will. Now you were panting, catching your breath and when you opened your eyes and met with hers, reality hit you.
You opened your puffy lips to say something, but Abby cut you off.
“Next time it’ll be my cock.”
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waayfo · 21 days
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pairs. capitano x fem!reader
tags established relationship, fluff, soft!capitano only js for u :3, comfort, possessiveness, mentions of violence n dead body, ooc, downbad capitano
a/n yeah, as always.. english is not my first language. there will be a looottt of mistakes IM SORRYYYY T__T anw songs that i listen to while writing this. : swimming i was all over her whole wide world dark paradise
‘You— who choose to battle, to earn a glorious name. Embarking on a pilgrimage, for the wishes of the people. Thus, you rekindle in ashes because of a dream.’
What once Capitano enshrined was no longer sacred. He no longer remembers his dream; something that he always protected, something that was a reason for him to move forward, something that was his reason to live.
Perhaps, it’s something childish? Maybe it’s to persevere the dignity of a blade, maybe it’s to foresee a great sword-wielder that’s a match, or even stronger than him, and maybe, maybe, maybe..
With a sigh, Capitano stand. Glancing at his enemy’s body once before leaving it to nature to take care of it. Maybe in a few days, that body will become one with mother nature. Maybe.
That body weighs heavy sin, at least that’s what Capitano’s judgement said. The poor miserable little guy only bad-mouthed you once, saying that only your bewitching look that saved you from your reputation as a low commoner despite being Il Capitano’s wife. And Capitano happens to know it from his subordinates’ reports.
Capitano cannot hold the vexation himself that his sword alone was the only one solution to this problem.
Just the thought of seeing that man’s proud face after saying that makes Capitano’s rage burn again.
Archons, Capitano thought to himself, secretly cursing those who dare to bad-mouthed you. Woe to them! And may the celestial’s curse trail follows them and their next generation.
And Capitano’s cogitation was disturbed by his subordinates’ sudden appearance. He looks at them over his shoulder. “Sir, as your command, we want to remind you that it is time to return.”
Capitano turned around. The sword he held vanished in the air along with the shadow. “Well done,” he said. And he couldn't hide his excitement when the thought about what would greet him when he returned; you, your big warm smile, and your addictive sweltering hugs welcoming him.
Luckily for him, his expressions are hidden beneath the mask. So he didn't have to struggle to hold back his smile.
“Make haste. We shan’t make someone wait any longer.”
“Yes, sir.”
The cold breeze that lingers before was easily replaced by a warm atmosphere as soon as Capitano set foot back into his residence. He waits, and count.
Only silence.
He could slightly hear a hurried footsteps.
Someone’s coming.
Capitano turned around. Quickly, he opened his arms wide as you immediately jumped towards him as if he was used to it (yes he is). And it quickly turned into a hug. You nuzzled into his neck, smelling his scent.
“Welcome home.”
“My love, it’s only been a day.”
“Yeah, but still..” you pout.
You looked up to see him. His hand moved to hold yours, and played with each of your fingers like a toy. “Where have you been?”
“.. mere an exasperating matters. Now, shall we spend our time together?”
But now, it seems like Capitano remember all of his reasons— you. Because of you, and after all this time, his dream remains the same; to protect your smile and keep you safe.
end note : i messed up at the ending, but who cares anyway? :D
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kadwrites · 1 year
office scandal | T.S
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or check out the series masterlist
summary ; polly takes you with her to run an errand.
warnings ; arranged marriage trope, bad writing?!! , typos maybe (english isn't my first language)
a/n ; i almost lost my mind writing this. hopefully the accents are better and polly is well portrayed? lmk what you think <3
you're still on your bed, your friends are on it too this time. madeline and fiona , are on either side of you, kneeling on your mattress.
"what do ya mean y're gettin' married ?" madeline looks at you with a crooked smile, she thinks you're messing with her.
fiona is just staring at you with her head tilted
"i mean i am to be wed, betrothed, spoken for,"
"okay stop." fiona puts a hand up , "when did ya decide to do that? i thought ya were waitin' to get swept off yer feet"
you sigh, leaning back and letting the back of your head hit the bed frame "it just ... 'appened..."
madeline and fiona look at eachother before looking at you
"what are ya not tellin' us?"
"yeah , what are ya hidin' ?"
you look at them both, you contemplate telling them. you haven't really spoken about this whole ordeal to anyone , not really. and its been a week and a half already
"i um" your eyes drop to your hands "my parents chose 'im for me"
"yer parents?" fiona asks with a raised brow "and how exactly did they convince ya to do that?"
"its a long story" you wave a dismissive hand
"so ya know who he is?" madeline copies fiona, tilting her head too "do we know 'im as well?"
"i think everyone in birmingham knows 'im" you mutter under your breath
"who the fuck are ya marryin'?the king of england?"
you just stare at them, you lick your lips "ya got to keep yer knickers intact."
they both nod,
"its thomas shelby"
"what?" fiona's face drops , her voice does too.
madeline just snorts a laugh and then then goes quiet and just looks at you, "y're jokin' right?"
you take a deep breath "no , i am not jokin' "
"what do ya mean y're marryin' thomas shelby?" madeline gets closer to you "how?"
"i don't know..." just look back at them, your voice soft too.
"do ya want this?" madeline asks again
"it's complicated really..."
"no its not, ya either do or ya don't" fiona's hands grab yours "do ya not want this?"
you lick your lips, you take a moment to think , howare you going to even phrase this "i do,"
"ya do know who he is right?" madeline stares at you with a confused look "he isn't just any man"
"i know who he is..." you sigh
"then how are ya willing to marry 'im?" fiona never spoke so seriously before
"i 'ave my reasons"
"i hope that they're good enough for ya to put yourself through this" madeline chimes in again
you just close your eyes and let yourself plop back against the mattress, fiona and madeline share another look.
" 'ave you seen 'im?" madeline laid next to you
"yeah" you say with a chuckle , your mind flashing images of him on the sofa.
"is he really a dish?"
madeline smacks fiona on her arm and fiona rubs it with a frown "what! ya were thinkin' that too!"
you roll your eyes, but a small smile plays at your lips "he isn't bad lookin' i suppose."
madeline looks at you with a raised brow
"fine, he's a dish, happy?" you mumble , as if it pained you to admit it
"at least one of us will be fuckin' someone attractive"
"i thought ya liked callum" madeline frowns
"i love ya madeline i do, but callum isn't exactly a sight for the sore eyes"
"when's the weddin'?"
you look at madeline "i dont know , we 'ave yet to speak about that"
"i bet it's gonna be grand , ey?" fiona wiggles her brows
"well if i'm marryin' one of the wealthiest man in birmingham i might as well make at an occasion"
"wait , did you 'ave an engagement party already?" madeline asks, with a gasp and a hand on her chest
"if i did, ya would've been there."
"he has a son , ya know" fiona's voice goes back to its soft tone
you hum and nod "he told me about 'im"
"he did?" madeline asks with a smile
"what did he say?"
"that he wants a wife that can take care of 'im,"
"won't be long till you start poppin' out babies too" fiona mumbles
"whats that supposed to mean?" you ask with a chuckle
"with a husband this good lookin'? i give ya three months, and ya'll have a little one in that belly"
"don't speak that into existence!"
"i mean..." madeline says with a smirk "look at celest, she got pregnant with sarah , what? 4 or 5 months after she got married?"
"please don't open this topic of conversation" you beg as you rub your hand over your face "im stressed as it is."
all the of you turn to look at the door when you hear is open and celest's head peaks in "polly gray is here"
madeline and fiona turn to look at eachother then at you
"i don't know but she's waitin' for ya" celest shrugs
"i'll be right there" you get off the bed and open the doors to your closet, looking for something to wear
"polly gray ? she's the shelbys aunt isnt she?"
"what does she want with ya?"
you change your clothes in a hurry, mind racing with possibilities "im not sure" you just mumble as you put on your blouse.
they watch you as you fix your hair and then go downstairs.
"mrs gray" you say with a polite smile as you walk into the living room "to what do i owe the pleasure"
she looks at you with a look thats eerily similar to her nephew's,and you try to not turn and walk back up the stairs
"we 'ave some business to attend to"
"we do?" your brows furrow "at this time?" it was 6 in the evening after all.
"okay." you try not to snap your own neck at that response.
you get into her car as she drives, you two sitting in awkward silence "where are we goin' ?"
she glances at you before glancing back at the road and you just don't ask again but then you see your destination, shelby company limited and you think you might just not get out of that car but you do. your heels click against the floor when you walk through the dark halls.
there aren't many people there considering the work day has already ended, but you see a woman. she's young, around your age maybe. and she greets polly, completely ignoring you but you chalk it up to maybe the fact that it's polly gray is standing next to you.
"good evenin' , mrs gray" her voice is almost sickly sweet
"do you know who this is?" she asks her, nodding at you.
she looks you up and down and then shakes her head "nah, i can't say i do."
"she's tommy shelby's fiancé."
"i didn't know he was engaged" her lashes flutter and her lips twitch as she tries to maintain her smile.
"ya do now , don't ya?" polly stares that woman down "an' i hope it doesn't escape yer mind"
you just watch as the color drains out of her face as she excuses herself and scurries back to her work.
"what the fuck was that about?" it escapes your mouth before you even think, polly turns to you "that poor girl"
"in a place like this , ya either put yer fucking foot down and let everyone know what yer place is before they decide for themselves." her voice is stern, its firm and it makes you stand straighter "an' that poor girl wants to fuck yer fiancée"
"what?" your voice is squeaky, its high pitched. "how could you possibly know that?"
"anyone with eyes can fuckin' see that."
"i.." your words die when you look at her and you realize, she's helping you. "why are ya doin' this for me?"
"i know ya might not had the control that ya wanted over who yer husband is" her tone doesn't change when she speaks "so i'll give ya one piece of advice, ya can't marry tommy if ya don't 'ave a backbone. it'll be easier for ya to kill yerself than to live with 'im."
you know polly, but not well. she and your father knew eachother as children , your father is part gypsy himself. you remember meeting her a handful of times as a child but you were always too scared to talk to her for very long.
ironically, your mother didn't like the lifestyle her nephews led, she didn't want her children to be involved in it so you didn't get to see polly much throughout your life.
but you do remember one thing vividly and its her telling you to bite your brother back whenever he bothered you "or ya'll just show 'im that he can treat ya like that for the rest of yer life, ya dont want that now do ya?" . and you did do just that when abraham tugged on your braids a mere 10 minutes later, and polly winked at you , as she sipped her tea and you just stood there smiling proudly even though your mother was yelling at you for making your brother cry.
when you hear another pair of steps walking towards you, you both turn to see tommy. he's in his usual getup sans the jacket, a cigarette hanging from his lip and his glasses are on , his hands in his pocket.
"are ya done terrorizin' my secretary?"
polly just looks at him and walks past him "i'll leave ya two to it then."
and you were left there with him, blinking at that interaction.
"terrorizin' ? thats a bit of an exaggeration"
@tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator
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deadghosy · 2 months
Hi im the annon Who asked for the Tom x best friend female reader, im fine with anything! What inspires you the most, i liked the same format as Mattheox best friend reader.
Thank you sorry english isnt my first language im not very good sorry! Hope you have a good day
A/N: It’s okay! Also hello anon, you have a good evening as well. here’s the request you wanted! 💗🫶🏾
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Who’s the friend that always copy off the other: you
Who’s the friend who gives the answers when they are annoyed: Tom
Who’s the friend who is always the designated driver when the other is drunk: Tom
Who’s the friend that likes Karma: you and Tom.
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Honestly my first headcannon I think that you two would be, is that you two would act as a couple to get free things. It was your idea 😭
Absolutely FOUL play when it comes to food when it’s for couples only. Tom would try to not be into your mess, but you got him into it anyways.
“We’re a couple!” “No we are no—" “yes. We are.” You said with a gritted smile, gripping his bicep which made him flinch. “We are a happy couple.” He says looking at the waiter who looked uncomfortable.
But one time at a party, he HIMSELF acted to be your boyfriend at a Slytherin party because of some douchebag making you uncomfortable. So with his presence he shut it down quickly.
He had told you that you owe him a new murder novel.
I headcannon he likes to study the mind of evil people and like murder novels. I find it so Tom core so you but him the newest addition out.
People think you’re so sweet and innocent. No. You’re an evil bitch and Tom likes that. You two are a messy duo. Always scathing people when they get on the wrong side of you two.
He most definitely has a soft spot for you since you are the closest friend he got.
Mattheo teases him that you will be his sister in law. Which makes a sibling fight break out. And now you have to break them apart
You probably try to tell him about dark romance books and he’s already gagging.
ROMANCE?? IN A DARK BOOK??? no. He’s not reading it.
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im-goodpup · 11 months
First of all this is a kink blog, and my posts dont represent my actual views!
Hi I’m Leah and I'm just a silly girl, who wants to be a dumb puppy for the rest of her life!
I'm 22 and obviously a sub female, and I like men, women and everything in between
I like all nicknames so you can call me how you like! Sometimes when I’m feeling very subby I talk about myself in third person, and using it/its pronouns!
My DMs and asks are always open, and I answer when I have time/want to. I add the asks to my queue so don't expect me to answer them immediately :3.
I like: dumbification, degradation, pet play, humiliation, praise, edging, bimboification, hypnosis, corruption, patriarchy (misogyny), bondage and actually a lot of other things lol.
My tags are at the end of this post!
I don’t like: 40+ years old in my DMs, rape play, kidnapping, incest, vomit, real misogyny.
Please do not send pictures without consent! If you push my boundaries you will get blocked!
Little side note: Im Italian so english isn't my first language and I might mess up lol
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juliasturnz · 3 months
“4 fucking days”
Hi guyss.. this is my first ever fanfic, I’m pretty insecure about it bc my first language isn’t English🙁. I really hope you will still enjoy this, have fun reading🩷🩷
A little bit inspired by the song wildflower where I’ve been obsessed with lately hihi🤭
Mention of depression, cussing, self hating, kissing, pet names (baby, my love, sweetheart and more)
you haven’t texted your boyfriend in almost 4 days you feel horrible but you just can’t seem to call him until he comes over by himself
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ .
you’ve been feeling alot lately but it’s everything but nice and happy feelings, Chris is fully aware that you have your bad days… But you haven’t texted him in almost 4 days which is definitely a couple days longer then normally.
your phone is next to you on your fully covered disgusting tissue’s, plate’s, and atleast more then 5 cups of drinks you didn’t even finish, but your phone keeps buzzing over and over. You are getting annoyed so you pick it up to see it’s Chris. You answer the phone quickly and are a little scared even though you know Chris would treat you like a princess.
“y/n you okay baby?” His voice sounds kinda high pitched, and really worried. You hear his voice and it makes you stomach turn upside down, you realized you haven’t heard this voice in 4 fucking days.
“Hey chris.. can you come over please.” it almost sounds like you are begging him to come. “I am already on my way, I know you are going through a lot rn and I was about to visit you.” You can tell he’s worried.
it’s for a few seconds a little quiet, suddenly you start apologizing and trying to tell him what is happening “im so sorry baby I haven’t been texting or even calling you i’m so fucking stupid, i am such a dumbass I could’ve atleast done something I’m so terribly sorry.. I- I don’t know what to do.” chris is already comforting you and telling you it’s okay “y/n baby it’s okay, it really is. I’ll be here in 5 minutes that’s gonna be real soon baby, I’ll be here for you and you can cuddle with me as long as you want.” “Okay see you soon, I love you” “I love you too baby.”
You hang up and realize what a mess your room is and most of all what kind of a mess you look like, you quickly get out of bed *I need to atleast freshen up I look fucking disgusting* the second you set a foot on the ground you feel dizzy *what the fuck?* you sit down as fast as possible, ‘dang what is happening to me’ you say out loud
almost tripping over every single piece of clothing that is spread all over the floor when you finally reach the bathroom, you take a look in the mirror and let out a big sigh, I look disgusting, literally dirty. I really do need to freshen up.. you wash your face but after you do you randomly burst out into tears, I look so fucking disgusting *how does Chris even like me?* You question yourself. Not even a few seconds later you are already sitting down on the bathroom floor drowning in your thoughts, you have so many questions you can’t answer and no one else can.
you get up after drowning in your thoughts again, you look at the time. ‘FUUUCK’ you say pretty loud, ‘how is that even possible’ you realize you’ve been just zoning out for about 5 minutes.. *wait didn’t Chris say he was in 5 minutes here?*
* the bell rings *
‘ON MY WAY’ you yell from the other side of the house, you quickly run down the stairs and almost trip, *my clumsy ass can’t ever go somewhere without tripping* that thought makes you giggle a bit. You make the front door open as fast as you can, ‘hi baby,’ you say really dry reminding yourself what you look like rn. Chris hugs you as tight as possible, and gives you a soft kiss on your head. ‘Hi my love’ he looks down at you with a concerned look ‘how are you doing?’ ‘Meh’ you say dry, you don’t know what to say, you fully ghosted your boyfriend for 4 fucking days + you probably smell like shit. ‘Should we relax baby?, I’ll run you a bath for you, so you can really relax okay?’ ‘That’s okay’ You say quietly, you are so embarrassed for how you look like, and probably smell like shit.
Chris is already walking to the bathroom and looking back at you with a warm smile you missed so much, you give him the smallest smile back what you already kinda feel bad about, he sees that you feel uncomfortable and little bit embarrassed. He fully turns around and walks back to you and gives you another hug and a passionate kiss on your lips. He lifts your chin up and looks into your eyes and says ‘I don’t care how you think you look like okay? you will always be beautiful in my eyes’ he gives you another kiss on your head and grabs your arm and takes you to the bathroom.
He turns on the hot water and lets the bathtub run with a nice temperature, you sit on the toilet waiting while Chris is really busy trying to take care of everything. You can’t help but just stare at the boyfriend you’ve been looking for you intire life. He was almost done and looked to the side with the sight of you already looking at him, the noise of running bath water comforts the silence in some kind of way. ‘What are you looking at’ he giggles, ‘I just can’t believe I have you right in front of me.’ It stays quiet for about a minute with you two just staring at each other, he comes up to you and gives you that comforting kiss on your head again. When the silence finally stops he looks at you and at the bath, ‘oh fuck’ the water in the bathtub is almost overflowing. You suddenly start laughing at the sight of your boyfriend trying to fix the almost overflowing bath, you start giggling.
After a few minutes he has everything set up, the only thing you needed was your clothes. You get insecure just by the thought of him seeing your room, you get up really quick. Chris catches your stressed look, ‘y/n you okay?’ You start violently sobbing out of no where. Chris comes up to you and hugs you and shushes you ‘shh it’s okay baby’ he looks down at you, ‘do you wanna tell me what’s wrong or has being going on?’ ‘Chris i-im sorry I have no idea what’s going on, I’m g-genuinely fucked up. Everything is a mess, I’m a-a mess I look like shit my room looks like shit’ you are almost choking from sobbing and from trying to explain the horrible thoughts ‘and you are so sweet for me and I feel like I don’t deserve this and’- he interrupts you, ‘you are okay, you are loved and I’m here I don’t give shit about what your room looks like or anything in that kind of situation. All I care about is that your doing well.’ He’s looking down at you with his hands on your waist trying to tell you this while you are still violently sobbing. ‘Please just go relax in your beautiful bath I made and I’ll take care of it okay I’ll bring you clothes afterwards, I love you so much y/n.’ Chris has left the bathroom while you finally undress and go into your beautiful made bath.
About 30 minutes Chris comes into the bathroom with a clean hoodie, pyjama pants, bra and some panties, he grabs a big towel and lays it down on the toilet. He looks at you and asks you once again how your doing, while he’s asking this he comes closer and gives you another but yet comforting kiss on your cheek. You smile wide, ‘I’m doing so much better, I’m so glad you came Chris, I love you’ you say once again.
He hasn’t been yapping at all what is surprising you, with that thought slipping into your head you ask him right away. ‘Since when aren’t you yapping?’ You ask him with a little smile on your face, he looks up from his phone with a sarcastic offended look. ‘Since when are you talking during your favorite series?’ He says with a even bigger smile on his face. You are both laughing. About 5 minutes later dying laughing about other things, he started yapping right away about everything that had happened in the last 4 days. God you missed this
Another half hour passes by and you tell Chris you wanted to get out of the bath, he looks up at you with a wide smile, you lift your body up and Chris’ eyes lock right away on your body. You start giggling, he quickly looks up. ‘I-I am sorry you look good’ he says nervously ‘do I make you nervous or something?’ ‘no no I-I just’- you interrupt him with your giggles and asking for the big towel he placed on the toilet a while ago. He gets the towel and helps you dry of and tries to help you get dressed. ‘Chris babe you don’t need to help me get dressed I still have arms and hands you know.’ ‘Oh yeah.. oh wait I need to do something take your time okay?, do your makeup, skincare whatever yeah?’ while he says this he has a suspicious smile on his face, he still knows how to make me really curious.
About a hour passes and in this hour I’ve been hearing things moving, him moving around and popcorn pop.. ‘wait popcorn?’ You run down the stairs and you find him taking the popcorn out of the microwave. He turns around and is in shock when he sees you, ‘y/n oh my god. You look absolutely gorgeous.’ Your cheeks are turning insanely red, he quickly puts the popcorn down on the countertop and almost runs at you giving you kisses all over your body. When he stops he looks at you and gives you one last kiss on your lips. For a while he just keeps looking at you, you flip his hair and look curious behind him. ‘So what are you doinggg..’ he looks behind him also kinda curious completely forgetting what he was doing. ‘Oh yeah yeah wait go back to the bathroom for about 5 minutes I have something for you.’ You loved surprises so you ran to the bathroom again right away.
Five minutes has passed and Chris comes into the bathroom with a blindfold in his hand, you look at the blindfold in his hand. ‘Chris do you seriously have a blindfold?’ You say giggling ‘well yes it’s still a surprise isn’t it?’ he says shrugging his shoulders. Chris finally ties your blindfold on the back of your head, he gives you a little kiss on your lips and grabs your hand and runs out of the bedroom making you almost trip. ‘Chris!!!’ You say giggling, ‘omg I’m so sorry’ he says laughing.
when you two finally make it upstairs with a lot of tripping and falling, Chris stands proudly in front of the door of your room. ‘Take of that stupid blindfold and go look baby!’ You take your blindfold of and you look really confused at Chris’ proud face, he opens the door and your mouth falls open. ‘YOU CLEANED MY WHOLE ROOM WHAT!!’ ‘SURPRISE!!’ He says but he also did something else, you walk further to your clean room and see your whole bed filled with snacks and soda’s. ‘CHRIS WHAT THE FUUUCK!’ He looks at you with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen him with, ‘so should we watch movies then?’ He wants to look over to you but you are already on the bed trying new and eating old favorites. You spend the whole night watching your favorite and his favorite movies until you two fall asleep with your head on his chest.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ .
dang this took a pretty long fucking time, I really hope you enjoyed this, I will probably make more fanfics in the future lmk what you think about it 🩷
@042502 @sturnioz @sturnslcver @sturniluvr @strawberrysturniolo @sturniolo @sturniololoverr @sturnioloshacker @sturniolowhore @sturniolos-blog @chris-slut @chrissv4mp @chrissfawn @mattsfavbitchhh @mattspolitank @mattsgf @matts-k1tten @mattitvdes
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akamci · 3 months
Hello there love!! (Sorry I followed you twice, it twas an accident pookie)
But anyway, I saw your requests were open 😙
Pookie. Hear me out.
Grinding on Chuuya's thigh !!! I'm not gonna elaborate, but I wanna see what you're beautiful mind and writing style do <3 (don't feel pressured into doing it if you don't wanna or it makes you uncomfy)
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(teheheh great idea ty ^_^)
You and chuuya were watching a romance film together. Chuuya isn’t a big fan of romance films but he was willing to watch anything his pretty girl loved. And then randomly a sex scene came up while watching the film. You and chuuya never had sex before but oh boy…was chuuya staring at you like a feral animal. Chuuyas hands starts to creep up on your thigh and your face is quick to turn red. “Baby.” Chuuya says with a deep growl in his voice, “mhm..” you mutter while making eye contact with him. “Sit on my lap.” He says with a demanding tone, almost as if its a command. You nod and he pauses the film and lays on his back waiting for you to crawl on-top of him.
 As you sit right above his thigh close to his crotch he pulls ur face down and kisses you passionately, his lips hit yours with a crash and starts to suck on ur bottom lip till you open your mouth so he can slip his tounge in. Kissing like this with him isn’t new to you but the position you are in with him is. You moan and whimper into the kiss and he growls and slowly starts to rise his thigh up making contact with your pussy, he pulls away from the kiss with a string of saliva connecting you to him. “Ride my thigh.” He says, with a smirk. Your eyes widen and your quick to nod but just when you were about to ride his thigh he grabs ur face and says “use your words baby, no nodding.” He says with a growl, “okay..” you mutter. You start to ride his thigh slowly and chuuya lays back even further to watch he starts to get hard and you notice, you palm his cock within his boxers and start to ride his thigh even faster. Moans start to fall out your mouth gracefully and chuuya pats your head and encourages you to cum. “Go on baby. Make a mess on my thigh.” He says with amusement in his eyes, you thrust onto his thigh even faster and harder. “Babbbyyyy~” you scream while holding onto him. “Dont stop.” He says while patting your head even more. his hand makes contact with your boobs through your shirt and grabs them gently. you cum hardly onto his thigh making a mess in your panties. 
(English isnt my first language so im very sorry if i made some errors i used a translator for like a few words, yet again sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes :3)
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httpsai · 3 months
you and stewie have been talking but not official at uconn and your first time hooking up is right after she wins her first national championship
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winner- b. stewart
paige version here
!! - smut with little plot, english isn’t my first language but i put those duolingo lessons to USE, 2.7k of smut
!! - dom!stewie because im ovulating, quite a bit of foreplay, descriptive, i used the word “core” too much, fingering and head (you receiving)
Stewie just finished playing in her first National Championship. They won, of course. Everyone is getting ready to head out, so Stewie walks out of the locker room when she spots the cheerleaders packing up their megaphones, pompoms etc.
She spots a certain cheerleader having some trouble caring her megaphone with all her other items. She walks over to you. “Need any help?” She asks softly with a smile.
“Stewie!” You exclaim, bringing her into a hug. “You won! You played so good!”
She chuckles, wrapping her arms around your waist. “Thanks, baby. You cheered me on well.”
You let her drive you back to the hotel. The entire drive, her hand found place on your upper thigh, rubbing the skin beneath your cheer skirt softly.
As you guys arrived back, you both went straight to your hotel room. As soon as the door was closed, Stewie had you pinned against the wall. Her body was pressed against yours.
“You did so good out there today,” she mumbled against your neck, pressing kisses to the skin.
“You did better, Miss National Championship winner.” You grin, tilting your head back.
She hummed against your skin before she began leaving hickeys down your neck. “And here I was gonna take you out for a nice dinner,” she whispered as her lips latched on to the crook of your neck, sucking on your skin.
“Stewie…” You muttered, bringing you arm up to grasp at the back of her jersey.
She groaned against your skin before she grabbed you thighs, picking you up. Her lips moved to your jawline, placing kisses on your skin. “But first, I wanna make a mess of you,” she muttered against your jawline.
She carried you towards the bed, laying you down gently on the mattress before crawling over you. Her eyes trailed up and down your body.
“You look so good in your cheer uniform, baby,” she said, bringing a hand up to caress your cheek. A smirk tugged on her lips as she moved on hand down your body until she reached the skirt of your uniform.
“But you’d look so much better with it off,” she joked, tugging at the fabric of the skirt.
You blushed heavily before smacking her shoulder. “Shut up,” you muttered, bringing your hands up to cover your face.
She chuckled before taking your wrists, pinning them above your head. “Why should I? You’re so cute when you’re all flustered,” she said, her eyes studying you again.
Her gaze was intense, making you squirm under it. Her smirk grew, enjoying seeing you struggle under her. “Already getting so flustered and all I’ve done is pin your wrists and look at you,” she teased before shifting her body, pinning your legs with leg in between yours to prevent you from moving.
“Wait.” You say. “Wait, is this— are you going to ignore this? Tomorrow, are you going to act like this,” you gesture to the both of you, “never happened?”
Her smirk drops, being replaced with a soft frown. “Of course not, baby.” She said, her voice soft and gentle. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I don’t wanna pretend this didn’t happen.”
She let go of your wrists, reaching up and gently brushing your hair behind your ear. “What made you think that?”
“We’re not together,” you breathe, “I don’t want this to fuck us up.”
“It won’t.” She reassured. “This isn’t going to fuck us up.”
She gently cupped your face in her hands. “Baby, I promise you that this is not going to mess us up. If anything, this helps us.”
She softly chuckled a moment before continuing, “Because I want us to be a thing, I don’t want to hide this from anybody. I want everyone to know that you’re mine. And I’m yours.”
You nod. “Okay. Okay, make me feel good.”
She chuckled, her smirk returning to her face again. “I can definitely do that.” She mumbled before moving her hands away from your face. She started to pull your cheer shirt up, lifting it above your torso before tossing the garment away.
“You’re beautiful,” she muttered as her eyes roamed your body again, studying every inch. “I’m a bit overdressed.”
She pulled her jersey off, tossing it to the side. You run your hands down her body, grasping at her abs.
She shuddered under your touch, her skin prickling at the feeling. You both knew one another well, but not at this extent.
She softly bit her lip as your hands continued to roam her body, touching every available spot. “Feels good,” she muttered, shuddering again as you let your hands glide down her side and back up her stomach.
“Yeah?” You reply, grinning. Your hands traced her abs, gently running your nails over her skin.
She shuddered yet again as her eyes shut, enjoying the sensation. “Don’t get cocky,” she mumbled out, struggling to stay composed.
She tugs at your cheer skirt. “Off.”
“You saying I can’t be cocky when I’m the one making the star basketball player shudder with little touches?” You joked before lifting your legs up, letting her slide your legs out of the skirt.
She groaned before crawling over you once again. She planted her knees on either side of your hips, effectively pinning you beneath her.
“I suppose so,” she mumbled before bringing her attention back to your body. Her lips attacked your neck, kissing and biting at the skin all over. Her teeth nipped at your collarbone, grazing across the sensitive skin.
Her hands gently grasped your hips, her fingers digging into your skin.
You let your eyes flutter close, enjoying the feeling of her lips all over your skin. You knew your neck would be covered in hickeys come tomorrow morning, but you didn’t care.
You reached your hands up, tangling your fingers in her hair, lightly tugging at the roots. “Touch me.”
She groaned against your neck before she began moving down your body. Her lips left a trail of kisses down your chest before stopping just below your stomach. She lifted her head slightly, locking her gaze with yours.
“Where do you want me to touch you?” She asked, her tone cheeky.
“Fuck, you know where.”
Her smirk widened, enjoying the way she could get you flustered. She moved herself onto her stomach, situating herself between your legs.
Her eyes flicked from yours down to your thigh, and an idea popped in her head. She gently bit the skin of your inner thigh, earning a gasp from you as well as your hands grasping her hair again.
She chuckled against your skin before continuing to bite and suck on the sensitive skin. She would leave a mark before moving over to another part of your thigh, determined to mark up your skin.
She continued to bite and suck on the skin until she was satisfied with how many marks were visible on your thigh.
She lifted her head slightly, looking over the marks left on your thigh. You were sure there’d be a constellation of hickeys by morning.
“Look how pretty you are,” she said, gently running her fingers over the marks. “All marked up.”
You try to close your legs. There’s a small (large) wet patch on your panties.
She chuckled and stopped you from closing your legs with her thigh. “Not so fast, baby,” she said, her smirk returning.
She slowly ran her fingers up your inner thigh, stopping right before she reached your core. Her thumb hooked on the waistband of your underwear. “All marked up just for me.”
You let out a whine as her thumb hooked around the waistband of your underwear. She was so close to where you wanted her, but she continued to tease.
“Please,” you breathed out, “please touch me. Stop teasing me.”
“Only because that pleading tone sounds so good,” she mumbled as your please earned a reaction out of her.
She gently pushed your thighs further apart before beginning to press gentle kisses to your inner thighs. Her lips left a trail of kisses until she was right by your cunt.
“So needy for me,” she said, her breath fanning over your clothed pussy.
You let out a soft moan at her words, pushing your hips up slightly. “Only for you,” you mumbled, trying to get any kind of friction you could.
She chuckled teasingly before running her thumb over your damp underwear. You shudder under her touch, wanting more than what her hands were giving you.
“Already wet for me,” she mumbled as she continued to slowly run her thumb back and forth over your clothed clit. She liked watching you squirm, enjoying how you tried to get her to give you more than her touch.
Her hand began to pull your underwear down your legs, but she stopped for a moment. “Lift your hips for me,” she said.
You followed her instructions, lifting your hips up as she began pulling your underwear down your body. She discarded the garment somewhere in the room before her eyes trailed back up to your body.
Her eyes raked over your body, taking in the sight of your naked torso for the first time. “So beautiful,” she mumbled, running her hands up your thighs.
She gently spread your legs, taking in the sight of your body. Her eyes flicked up to your face, seeing how flustered you were.
“Relax,” she mumbled, rubbing gentle circles on your thighs. “I’ll take care of you.”
Before you could respond, she leaned forward and gently blew on your pussy.
You let out a squeak at the action, your hands grasping at the sheets beneath you. She smirked against your skin, enjoying seeing you so worked up for her.
“Already so sensitive and I’ve barely touched you,” she murmured, dragging her lips over your folds.
“Please…” You breathed out, your breathing getting heavier already. Her lips and breath against you was enough to drive you crazy, and she hadn’t even begun yet.
She hummed against your skin, continuing to lightly brush her lips over your core, leaving teasing kisses.
She chuckled before finally swiping her tongue through your folds, leaving a trail of wetness from the action. You let out a gasp again, and she hummed against you again, causing a vibration.
“So sensitive,” she mumbled, her hot breath fanning over your skin again.
Her tongue began to slowly move over your core, licking at your sensitive skin. Her lips latched on to your clit, sucking on it gently.
You moan and tangle your fingers in her hair, tugging on her roots. “Stewie, I—“
She groaned against your skin at the feel of you tugging her hair, not expecting the action. She sucked on your clit for a moment longer before pulling her mouth away.
“Use your words, baby,” she murmured, gently biting your inner thigh before looking up at you. “You look so pretty when you’re all flustered and needy.”
“Fuck, keep touching me.” You moan out.
She chuckled at your moan. “Needy, are we?”
She began to run her tongue along your folds again, slowly circling your clit. You moan again as you grip at her hair, pushing her head closer to your cunt.
“Stewie, ple—“ You moaned out as she began nipping and sucking on your clit again, lapping her tongue over your sensitive bud. The feeling of her tongue against you made your eyes flutter closed in ecstasy.
She groaned against you, enjoying the way you were tugging her hair once more. Her hands gripped your thighs, digging into the skin.
She continued to work her tongue over your clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure. Her hands grabbed at your thighs, squeezing the skin. She knew tomorrow morning there’d be red handprints all over the skin.
You began to squirm beneath her, her tongue bringing you closer to release. “Stewie, need your fingers.”
She smirked against your skin before gently biting your inner thigh. “Bossy,” she muttered before gently flicking her tongue over your clit, eliciting a moan from you.
You let out another moan before tugging on her hair again. “Please.” You breathed out, wanting more from her. “please, fingers.”
Her smirk widened at your pleas, loving how desperate you were for her touch. She removed one hand from your thigh, bringing it closer to your pussy.
Her fingers gently teased around your entrance, not giving you the want you wanted. “Needy,” she murmured against you, “so desperate for my touch.”
She circled her fingers around your entrance, still not inserting them. She pressed light kisses to your inner thighs, wanting to hear you whimper again.
“Stop teasing,” you whine, trying to push your hips down against her fingers, wanting anything. “Need your fingers. Make me feel good.”
Her hands grabbed your hips, holding you in place so you couldn’t move them.
Her smirk widened again before she finally pushed a finger inside of your cunt. You gasped at the feeling, the feeling of her finger finally inside of you.
“You’re so tight,” she mumbled against your skin, watching your face while she slowly pushed her finger in and out of you.
Her tongue began to slowly run over your sensitive skin again, working together with her finger to bring you to orgasm.
You gasped again at the combination of her tongue and fingers, a moan getting caught in your throat. Your hands fisted the sheets as your body grew hot. “Close,” you breathe out as her finger curled inside of you.
She looked up briefly to see your face, your eyes shut, your lips parted, your hair splayed out on the pillows. She thought you looked absolutely beautiful like this.
She continued to curl her finger inside of you, hitting the spot that made you see white. Her tongue began to swirl over your clit, adding even more stimulation.
“Baby, gonna—“ you gasp out, your thighs beginning to tremble. “Gonna cum, baby, please don’t stop.”
Her smirk widened, and she added a second finger, thrusting into you relentlessly.
Her fingers and tongue worked in sync, pulling you closer and closer to the edge. She could tell you were close from the way you began to moan her name.
She kept working her fingers and tongue, determined to watch you cum. Her fingers continued to curl inside of you, each move bringing you closer and closer.
Your breathing began to get heavier, your body getting hot. You were close, so close. You felt your release beginning to build, her fingers and tongue bringing you to your climax.
“Stewie, baby, gonna—“ you gasp out, unable to finish your sentence before you felt yourself let go.
Your body convulsed, a moan getting caught in your throat. Your thighs trembled as your body rode out its high, your legs shaking around her head.
She groaned against your skin, feeling your thighs tighten around her head as your body convulsed beneath hers. Her fingers and tongue continued to work you through your climax, wanting to milk all she could.
She looked up at you to watch your face, watching you lose yourself completely. You were beautiful. You were gorgeous.
Eventually, she removed her fingers and tongue when you began to come down, leaving gentle kisses on your skin.
Your body felt exhausted, breathing heavily, as you attempted to come back down from your high. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, meeting her gaze.
She smirked a bit and gently moved so that she was lying next to you, pulling you against her. “Feel good?” She asked, her tone somewhat cocky.
You groaned softly and buried your face into her neck. “Shut up,” you mumbled, still out of breath.
Her smirk turned into a grin as she held you against her. “I’m assuming that means I did good,” she joked, gently rubbing her hand over your back.
“You’re so annoying,” you mumbled against her skin, trying to sound annoyed but your tone betrayed you when your lips curled into a small smile. “You know what you did.”
She chuckled, continuing to rub her hand over your back. “You know you loved it,” she replied, her cocky tone returning.
“Yeah, yeah,” you mumbled, finally lifting your head up to look at her. “You’re the best. Are you happy now?”
She smirked again and grabbed your chin in her hand, holding your face in front of hers. “Now that you’re mine?” she said before placing a soft kiss on your lips. “Extremely.”
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