#he used to be my best friend and over the years we've drifted about and we haven't been close in ages
itsss4t4n · 9 months
I want to play with Percy’s hair until he forgets the weight of the world 😭😭😭 my man fr (fem!reader)
Peace - Percy Jackson x fem!reader
warning: established relationship,percy is a spiderman fan
a/n: I LOVE PERCY SO MUCH OMG! That man deserves some peace istg.
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It was the end of July. A few days before the summer session of camp ended and Percy would go back to school while you stayed at camp.
You had had a rather uneventful summer for once and just enjoyed being together, which is why you were now sitting at the beach, his head in your lap. Annabeth and Grover had left about 30 minutes ago, leaving the two of you to watch the sunset by yourself.
Percy had been rather quiet for the last 10 minutes when you decided to ask him about it.
"Hey Perce?"  He hummed in reply not taking his eyes of the waves infront of you.
"You're being uncharacteristicly quiet. Whats going on in that pretty head of yours?"
He finally shifted his eyes from the water up to your face. His brows slightly furrowed in worry and anxiety.
"Dont you think this summer was way to quiet?" You looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"
He reached his Hand up to grab yours, that was resting on your knee next to his head, and intertwined is fingers with yours. 
"Just... since i first came to camp i've not had a single year that we didnt have to, essentially, save the world. This just doesnt feel right. I just keep thinking that something is gonna happen."
Your face softens in understanding. Smiling, you reach your other hand down to his hair, softly running you fingers through the black strands, slightly scratching his scalp with your nails.
"I know what you mean. This is really the first year we've had actual peace. But i think we should take advantage of that. Who knows when we'll get this again. Worrying wont do us any good. We should relax while we can. If something does happen, well take care of it when the time comes. Like we always do. Try to relax Darling." 
He hummed again, sighing at the feeling of your hands in his hair. He had always loved when you did that. It wasnt unusual for him to ask you to do it when he was stressed or anxious. It calmed him down more than anything else.
You smile softly, before leaning down to press a soft, upside down kiss to his lips. Percy grinned when you pulled back. 
"Really? The spiderman kiss?" You rolled your eyes playfully. Percy loved spiderman and you had watched his favorite one just a few days ago. "Oh shush."
Chuckling to himself he relaxed back against your legs closing his eyes as you continued to run your fingers through his hair. Your other hand, still holding Percys, was laying against his chest now, right over his heart.
You looked down at him, his bbody and face starting to look more relaxed by the second, smiling to yourself. Your hand tracing over his nose, starting from the tip, smoothing over the worried crease between his eyebrows, up to his forehead before slipping into his hair again. 
Hair that now, in the almost gone sunlight, shimmered with a slight purplish tint. The normal blue undertone of his black hair mixing with the red light from the sinking sun. It looked good.
At this point percy started to drift of to a state between awake and asleep, finally looking relaxed and you shifted you eyes up to the calm water of the long island sound, glowing orange, the sun almost fully gone now. You smiled to yourself thinking of how far youve come and how lucky you were to be here. With your boyfriend and your two best friends. 
You squeezed percys hand with yours, feeling him squeeze back despite not being fully awake.
You were glad that you could make him relax like this. His worry melting away this easily. You felt honoured to be that person for him. 
"I love you Percy" You mumbled no expecting the half asleep waterboy in your lap to even hear you.
Despite that he mumbled back in a daze. "I love you too Sweetheart"
You really were lucky.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
We'll Always be Friends
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: It's time to have dinner with your friends, but your mind keeps drifting to Bucky. Word Count: 1.9k Warnings: Light angst, tension, friends reconnecting, unrequited feelings (or so you think), slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (yep, he's a warning) A/N: More Dreamboat and Butterfly from my Reconnect AU and a direct continuation of Waiting a Little Longer! ❤️ Beta read by @whisperlullaby, but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You found it difficult to leave your room, even with your friends waiting downstairs. Reconnecting with Bucky though, it made sense why you wanted to be alone with him a little longer. That wasn't fair to everyone else. The group didn't hang out quite as often during the duration of Bucky and Dot's relationship, but you were looking forward to spending time together and catching up this week.
We've weathered through tough times and deserve some fun.
Bucky put his hand on your lower back as you made your way down the stairs. The man could hardly hug you when he was with his ex, but now he wouldn't stop touching you. Just like in your room minutes ago. Not that you were going to push him away. You more than missed the affection that used to exist between you two and each minute that passed seemed to make you fall back in sync. As long as you didn't get too comfortable, it was fine.
Everything is fine.
Everyone was gathered in the brightly lit dining room, food already spread out on plates as chatter filled the room. Steve, at the head of the table, chuckled at something Sam said. Sharon laughed as well and you couldn't help but smile as you observed them. Perhaps you were imagining it, but the atmosphere wasn't as thick as it had been over the last couple of years. Even Natasha's subtle smile was gentler, more relaxed.
Like old times.
"Hey! Finally!" Sam smiled once he spotted you, bringing everyone's attention your way. Steve's smile didn't quite reach his eyes when the girls greeted you, making you tense up a little. "We were about to send a search party after you two."
"No need for that," you smiled a little when Sam pushed his chair back. "No need for that either," you teased as he walked toward you, but to no avail. He enveloped you in a hug before you could stop him. The man was almost as tall as Bucky and Steve and just as muscular. The three of them were beautiful giants in your eyes.
"Nope. Not getting out of a hug," he said, dropping his voice to a whisper. "Give Steve one, please. He thinks you're upset with him."
You felt a little sick to your stomach as he pulled away. You hadn't meant to make Steve feel bad. "I will," you whispered back before you gave the blonde a small smile. He looked like a golden retriever who had his bone taken away. "Do I get a hug from you, too?"
Steve's shoulders dropped in relief as he got up. "Of course, you do."
Like Sam, Steve's hug was warm and friendly. They never held onto you for too long or linger the way Bucky did. A quick embrace and nothing more.
"It's good to see you. I'm sorry I rushed off when you got here," you said, wanting him at ease.
Steve shook his head and gave you a rueful smile. "I'm the one who should be sorry," he said. You didn't get a chance to ask him why before he went back to his seat. "And it's good to see you, too."
You turned your attention to the girls instead who looked perfectly at ease on their side of the table. Natasha and Sharon were as gorgeous as they were intimidating. A sultry redhead and a blonde bombshell, they could come across as unapproachable from a first glance. But they were fierce and loyal friends. You were lucky to have them in your life.
"Please, don't get up. I will hug you both after dinner," you begged when they scooted their chairs back. "I appreciate you waiting for us to join you."
"So the boys get hugs, but we don't. I see how it is," Natasha teased.
"No one hugged me," Bucky pointed out.
"No one likes you," Sam chimed in, drawing a laugh from the girls.
"Butterfly likes me just fine," Bucky said, making you nod and bite your tongue so you didn't blurt out how much you really liked him. "Sit next to me?" He asked hopefully, pulling out your chair for you.
"Since these are the only two chairs left, sure," you teased, gazing up at him as you sat down. He stared back at you before he took a seat. "How was the drive?"
"The storm slowed us down, but Steve got us here safe and sound," Sharon answered as everyone began to eat. Steve wasn't one to brag, but you caught him grinning for a split second. "But what about you two? Did you get up to anything before we got here?"
Just snuggled with Bucky and fell asleep in his arms.
Bucky looked up from his plate as you glanced at him. "We wanted to go swimming, but the rain ruined that plan and we ended up taking a nap," you said.
Natasha's eyes darted between the two of you. "You ended up taking a nap," she repeated slowly. "You slept together?"
Bucky coughed and shook his head as your eyes went wide. The redhead looked pleased with herself as she waited for an explanation. "I. We. No?" You answered.
"We fell asleep together on the couch. That's it," Bucky explained once he recovered from his cough. "Nothing happened."
That's it. Nothing happened.
You curled in a bit on yourself when Natasha frowned. "Yeah. What Bucky said," you agreed, ignoring his gaze.
You had no reason to feel sad. It wasn't as if Bucky meant anything by his response. He gave Nat an honest answer. So why did it feel like a brush off?
Steve cleared his throat when the silence stretched on. "Well, I'm glad we're all here."
Good ol' Steve breaking the tension.
"Yeah. When's the last time we all went to the beach together?" Sam asked. "Was it last year? The year before?"
Bucky moved his chair closer to yours, but you didn't acknowledge it. "Two summers ago for Steve's birthday."
Right before Dot.
Everyone was either kind enough not to voice the connection or didn't want to talk about her.
"That's right. You guys bought him a red, white, and blue Speedo," you said, remembering the redness in Steve's cheeks when he opened the present. A few drinks in and he ended up wearing them.
"They looked good on me. It would've been rude not to wear them," Steve defended himself as Sam laughed. "That was a good day."
"It was," you agreed, glancing around the table. "Perfect weather and company."
We'll always be friends.
Bucky caught your eye when he nodded. "You found a seashell on the beach and you were so excited because the color was the exact same shade of blue as your bathing suit," he said, smiling to himself as you listened. "You said it had to be some sort of good luck charm and made it your mission to find one to match my swim trunks so I'd have some good luck, too."
He remembered that?
"That was why you kept running back and forth between Buck and the water," Steve grinned, nodding to Bucky. "He wouldn't tell me what you were doing. Just that you were looking for the perfect shell."
"I was determined to find it," you giggled as Natasha and Sharon shared a look. "I must've brought dozens of shells over."
It was silly when you looked back on it, but Bucky obliged and let you have your fun. In fact, your whims and nature never once seemed to bother him. He supported them.
"You didn't give up. And about twenty minutes later, you found one," he said, rubbing the back of his neck when he added, "I still have that seashell."
You took a breath before a bashful smile crept up your face. "You kept it?"
"Well, yeah," he replied, casually putting his arm around the back of your chair. "You gave it to me."
The room went quiet and you felt everyone's eyes on you, but your focus was on Bucky. "I had no idea."
The thought that Bucky held onto something so small and seemingly insignificant because it came from you had your mind running a mile a minute. Why not get rid of it? Maybe the shell reminded him of Steve's birthday and he didn't want to let that go. The voice that led with your heart said he kept it because you gave him a tiny gift.
He kept something because I gave it to him.
Your smile widened before the flash of a camera went off, the softness leaving Bucky's eyes as you both blinked.
"Sorry. Couldn't help myself," Sharon said with an innocent stare when you tore your gaze away from Bucky. "Need photos for the scrapbook. You understand."
Bucky kept his arm on your chair as everyone began to eat again. "You're making one for this trip?"
"Yeah, I want to take as many pictures as I can."
In the past, Sharon had put together photo albums and scrapbooks full of memories of the group. Sometimes for herself, others as gifts to her friends. Each one was beautiful and special, a way to reflect on the past and appreciate the time together.
"No rain tomorrow, so plenty of chances to get some outdoor photos. Maybe we can play some beach volleyball. Three on three," Sam suggested.
"You just want to show off," Natasha smirked. She wasn't wrong. The guys enjoyed the competition. "But let's make it interesting. We win, you boys have to do all the chores this week. You win, we'll take care of them."
"And if we win, you boys also have to take us to the carnival in town and win each of us a prize," Sharon added, pointing at Steve. "I know you had the carnival on the list of things to do."
"And if we win, you'll win each of us a prize?" Steve asked.
"We have to win because I'm terrible at those games," you said. They were fun, but you couldn't remember ever winning a prize.
Bucky leaned over as the group began to debate whether or not carnivals rigged the games. "I'll win you a prize no matter who wins the volleyball game," he promised.
"I'll hold you to that," you said, giddy at the thought of him winning you a teddy bear or some other stuffed animal.
"You two up for a little drinking tonight or do you plan on falling asleep on the couch again?" Sam joked, interrupting your private conversation.
"I will drink. But if I have too much, Bucky has to carry me to bed," you said.
"What happened to calling me 'Dreamboat'?"
He's pouting and it's adorable.
"Okay. You carry me to bed if I drink too much and tuck me in, Dreamboat."
"Deal," he easily agreed.
"To the best week ahead!" Steve announced.
"And get ready to get your asses handed to you tomorrow," Sam added.
As everyone began to playfully argue again, you made a mental decision not to drink too much. Alcohol had a way of making people lose their inhibitions and the last thing you needed to do was blurt something personal out in front of the whole gang. Bucky promised that the two of you would talk and you would. Sober. But a fun night could be what you needed to kick off the rest of the week.
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Things will start to come to light in the next part or two. A calm before the storm, if you will... Love and thanks for reading! ❤️ Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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suugarbabe · 1 year
Hi! Congrats on 1k!!!!
i was wondering if you could do a Fred Weasley x reader
but the reader is Sirius blacks daughter 🤷🏼‍♀️ It takes place abt Prisoner of Azkaban
but so the reader was raised by Remus because Sirius chose him as the godfather and the reader is extremely touch starved like it’s crazy
and she is rlly anxious abt everything and (almost) everyone at hogworts shuns her because she’s Sirius blacks daughter and they believe she helps him in the school or is like him. But she’s not and it all just really gets to her. and she talks to Remus abt all of it (they def gossip together lol) and he tries his best to make it better for her but she kinda left one part out, about Fred. They had been friends for a while but they kinda drifted for whatever reason. He was with her all the time out of no where and she was a bit paranoid abt it but he just wanted to make sure she was ok and because he really missed her. And he was in love with her but he didn’t quite know how to tell her, and he didn’t really know what all he felt. I guess like a slow burn situation lol
sorry that’s a whole lot lol and it jumps all over the place I’m terrible at explaining things
absolutely love your work tho 🫶🏻🫶🏻
so i took a little creative liberty with this to make it work as a blurb so if you hate it, sozz, but I kind of like it??
The door to your godfather's office opened before you even had a chance to knock. You let out a sigh as you walked into the classroom, "Uncle Rem, you know I hate it when you watch me on that map." You walked up to his desk at the front of the classroom, sinking into the large chair sitting behind it.
"You know I only do it when I'm worried about you. And your father would have my head if I didn't keep a good eye on you," Remus's voice came from behind you, walking down the steps from his office before joining you in the main classroom.
You tried your best not to roll your eyes, "There's no need for him to be worried. Haven't you heard, Rem? I'm letting him into the castle so he can murder our precious Harry Potter." You slumped further into the chair, "I'm sorry. I know Harry doesn't know the truth, but you don't know how hard it is to keep this secret."
"Bug," Remus was smiling at you, "if anyone knows about the trials and tribulations of keeping a secret at Hogwarts, I think i'd be able to relate." You couldn't help but smirk, "Okay, you've got me there. But no one suspected your dad to be a murderer."
Remus nodded, "Not everyone thinks you're so terrible, Bug." You couldn't help but scoff, "I love you, Uncle Rem, but unfortunately you don't count in this scenario."
Remus just shook his head, "M'not talking about me, love."
You tilted your head in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
Your godfather couldn't contain his smirk, "I'm referring to one Mr. Weasley. Fred to be more specific."
You huffed out a little, "Fred? Worried about me? Please, Uncle Rem, he's not worried, he's just stalking to try and find out how I'm letting dad in."
"You know that's not true, Bug. Fred's been a good friend of yours for many years. Why would this year change everything?" Remus was sitting on the edge of his desk now, looking down at you in the chair. You felt like a young child again when you used to sit with Remus in the living room and talk to him about everything and anything.
"I just feel like we've been drifting. We don't talk as much, but he's always kind of around? I just know he thinks the same thing as everyone else. His brother is best friends with Harry for Godric's sake, like of course he hates me now, how could he not?"
Remus looked at you with those eyes, the eyes he gives you when he's about to tell you how wrong you are. You closed your eyes in response, only causing Remus to chuckle, "What on earth are you doing?"
"If I don't look at you, I can't see you silently telling me how incorrect I am," this answer only made Remus laugh harder.
"Bug," he said your nickname lovingly, "Bug, look at me please, it's important." You peeked one eye open. "Uh-uh, both eyes, full attention."
You huffed out a sigh before complying. Remus folding his arms over his chest, "Mr. Weasley is quite fond of you and ah, ah-," Remus cut himself off, holding up a finger to you to stop you from replying before continuing himself, "and I think you should go have a chat with him. He came to me earlier today, telling me how worried he was about you, that he's been keeping an eye on you to make sure that you're safe. He's quite fond of you, Bug."
Your cheeks burned red, not knowing what to say in response. "Maybe," Remus stood from his desk now, "you should go have a chat with him." He started ascending up the stairs now, essentially leaving you no choice to but listen to his suggestion.
"I don't even know where he is right now," you tried, but you knew your efforts were futile when you heard your godfather mumbled the retched spell to open his map.
"He's in the astronomy tower," Remus called from his office. You rolled your eyes, "Thank yooou, Uncle Remus." You pushed off the the comfy chair that essentially had your imprint in it before heading out the classroom door, Remus calling after you that he loved you and wishing you good luck.
On your walk to the astronomy tower, you replayed the last couple months in your head. How Fred was always checking up on you, asking you how you were doing, if you needed him to walk you to class, if you had any plans later that day, if you wanted to take a break and go to the lake with him.
You assumed he was checking your schedule, seeing if you were trying to plot something for your father or were making plans to help with him getting into the castle. You were so clouded by paranoia and fear of judgement you failed to see that, beyond your godfather, Fred was the only person that was actually trying to be there for you.
You tip toed up the astronomy tower, not wanting to be fully discovered before you were ready. When you reached the top you saw Fred leaning against the railings. You walked slowly up to him, placing a tentative hand on his elbow causing him to turn his head toward you.
"Oh, hello, darling," he smiled sweetly at you, though you could tell it didn't quite reach his eyes like it normally did. You were cursing yourself internally, not believing how you could be so stupid. You didn't hesitate to wrap your arms around him, squeezing him like you didn't want him to float away, "I'm so sorry, Freddie. I've been so stupid."
It took just a second for him to respond before he was hugging you back, rubbing your back gently, "Darling, what are you talking about? Stupid about what?"
You pulled back slightly, craning your neck to look up at the tall man, "I've been pushing you away when you're the only person who's been there for me, truly. The only one who hasn't been blaming me, who's been looking out for me, checking in on me, making sure no one else bothers me. I've been so stupid and paranoid that I thought maybe you were doing those things to keep an eye on me for the wrong reasons."
The more you rambled the more Fred began to smile. "Freddie," you pouted, "i'm serious, I've been so awful to you."
Fred just shook his head, large hands cupping your face and wiping your tears, "You're right, angel." You're heart stopped for a moment, thinking he was going to tell you how terrible you were to him and how much you hurt him, "You're right that I care about you, that I've just been trying to protect you. M'not mad at you for being cautious. Hell, I expected it really." You couldn't help to laugh sightly.
He smiled at your small laughter, "There she is, there's my girl." Fred tilted your head so you were looking him in the eyes now. And you saw it, his admiration for you, how much he cared, that he loved you, all in how he was looking at you right in this moment.
"Kiss me, Freddie." It was a statement, not a question. He hesitated, looking in to your eyes to make sure that's what you really wanted. But you were done being patient, done waiting to see what others were going to do.
You fisted to front of his jumper, pulling his down to you. His lips met yours quickly, one of his hands shooting down to your waist as his other found solace on the back of your neck. Your lips moved together effortlessly, his so soft and plush against yours.
You tilted your head slightly, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Your hand fisted his red hair at the base of his neck, pulling him impossibly closer before you both had to eventually break away for air.
Fred's cheeks were beat red, lips slightly swollen and you were sure you looked the same. "Wow," was all Fred was finally able to say. You nodded, "Wow."
"I should've done that weeks ago," Fred laughed lightly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, "Well, now you can do it whenever you want." He nodded, smiling, leaning down to go for another kiss.
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grangerhater · 1 year
pairing : james potter x reader
synopsis : you are drunk at a gryffindor party and you can’t stop thinking about your years long crush on your best friend
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I'm in the midst of a party at the Gryffindor common room. The room is filled with students celebrating the end of the year. I spot James across the room, and my heart flutters. We've been friends since first year at Hogwarts, but I've always had a little crush on him.
As the party rages around me, I can't help but think about James. He's smart, funny, and kind. Plus, he's always been there for me, no matter what. As I watch him talk to a group of students, I feel a lump in my throat. Could he possibly like me too?
As I sit at the party, my head spinning from too many drinks, my thoughts drift back to the first time I felt something for my best friend.
It all began one sunny afternoon in the Gryffindor common room in third year. I was sitting on one of the plush armchairs, engrossed in a book, when James sauntered over, a mischievous glint in his hazel eyes.
I looked up as James approached, immediately noticing his mischievous glint in his hazel eyes. "Hello there" I said with a small smile. I wasn't surprised to see him approach. We'd been friends for years, and it seemed like he was always up to something fun. "What's up?"
Suddenly, James snatched the book out of my hand and ran away. I let out a surprised gasp and sprang to my feet, ready to chase after him. "That was my book!" I exclaimed, laughing as I ran after him out of the common room and down the stairs. This was going to be a fun game of catch, I just knew it.
My heart was pounding as I tried to keep up with James' long stride. "Give me back my book!" I cried, laughing as I tried to close the distance between us. He had a step on me, though, and he was teasingly out of reach.
I felt a pang of frustration as James slowed his pace, just to taunt me. I redoubled my efforts and managed to close the gap, finally grabbing his arm and pulling him to a stop. I was breathless, but victorious. "I got you!" I grinned, clutching my book tightly to my chest.
James laughed, reaching out and gently tickling the underside of my chin with his fingertip, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'll keep the book as ransom until you give me a kiss," he said, raising an eyebrow. I felt my face flush with embarrassment, but I knew that if I wanted my book back, I'd have to play along. So I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, trying to ignore the way his breath caught in his throat.
I pulled away, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks as I waited for James to respond. He was silent for a beat, then he smiled again and handed me my book. "It was worth it," he said, leaning in to whisper in my ear. My heart skipped a beat as I felt the heat of his breath on my neck. He was so close, I could feel his heart pounding against mine. I had to breathe in slowly and clear my head before I could respond.
I nodded nervously, trying to keep my emotions in check. I couldn't deny that there was a spark between us, and this was just the latest in a long string of playful flirtations between us. I wanted to say something clever, to let him know that I felt the same way, but I couldn't seem to find the right words. So I just smiled back and tucked the book under one arm, trying to ignore the flutter in my stomach.
As I sat down at the party, I couldn't help but smile at the memories that were dancing in my head. It seemed like a lifetime ago that James and I were playing games like that in the Gryffindor common room. Now, we were both adults, but I felt the spark between us was just as strong as ever. I looked across the room and spotted James, laughing and surrounded by friends. I felt a small tug at my heart as I thought about all the years that had passed since that day in third year when we played this game of chase.
My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling my name. I looked up to see James approaching, a warm smile on his face. He sat down beside me and grabbed my hand, drawing me into a tight hug. "I've missed you" he said softly, leaning his head against mine. I felt the weight of the years drop away as we held each other, the memories of our past and our present colliding in that moment. This was what I had been waiting for all these years, I realized. This was my moment with James, and it was everything I had dreamed of.
As James and I sat together at the party, I couldn't help but think about how perfect the moment was. We had grown up together, shared laughs, secrets, and experiences. We knew each other inside and out, and our connection was undeniable. The years of chasing, flirting, and teasing had finally paid off. Here we were, sitting together at a party, as adults, and my heart was full. I felt happy, comfortable, and at peace, there was no one else I'd rather be spending this moment with.
As the party wound down, James and I found ourselves alone in the common room. The warmth of the night air was tinged with a slight chill, but it was nothing compared to the heat I felt in my heart. We sat together on a comfy couch in the corner of the room, our hands intertwined, just enjoying each other's company. The feeling of his presence felt so familiar, yet new at the same time. I smiled at him, our connection deeper than ever before.
I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his for a brief moment, our eyes still locked on each other. When we parted, there was a spark in James's eyes that made my heart beat faster. I couldn't keep a smile from forming on my lips as he leaned in again for another kiss, his hand still on my arm. This was a moment I would never forget, and I savored every second of our shared affection.
After another moment of tender kisses, James pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. I felt the heat of his body against mine and the smell of his cologne mixed with the scent of his hair. I was so immersed in the moment that I didn't want it to end. As I let out a contented sigh, I felt his hands slip around my waist, pulling me close as his lips met mine for another kiss. No words were necessary. We knew how we felt about each other.
I let myself get lost in the moment, enjoying every second of James's affection. I lost track of the time as we shared another passionate kiss, our hands gently running over each other's bodies. Slowly, I became aware that the common room was beginning to empty and that we might be interrupted at any moment. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was James and I, in each other's arms.
I reluctantly pulled away from James, my breathing still coming in short, irregular breaths. I could barely believe what had just happened between us. The fact that he felt the same way about me and the ease with which we shared our affection, was thrilling. I knew I couldn't keep this moment inside me any longer. "James," I whispered, my hand brushing against his face. "I hope you know how much I've wanted this for so long."
James smiled back at me, his hazel eyes shining in the dim light. "You have no idea," he said, his voice low and rumbling. "Ever since we met, I've dreamed of being with you. I thought one day you'd make your feelings known, but I couldn't wait any longer." He took my hand and pressed it to his chest. "And now, at last, I have you." My heart fluttered as he pulled me closer to him, his arms wrapping around me and his body pressing against mine. The heat between us rose again, and I felt my body responding to his touch.
I let myself relax in James's embrace, my face pressed into his neck. His scent, a mix of cologne and sweat and musk, was intoxicating. I ran my hands over his chest, feeling his warm skin under my fingertips. I wish could stay like this forever.
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thatmadshifter11 · 5 months
The Shadowsinger and The Mistress of Love and Lust Pt.2
As the first rays of dawn break over the horizon, I finally allow myself to rest, leaning against him, our bodies entwined. His once bloody and torn wings are now starting to heal, the skin slowly knitting itself back together. There's still a long way to go, but we've made it through the night, and that's a victory in itself. I let myself relax against the man who I had loved for centuries the one who is now my mate, we haven't even gotten to talk about it the way we are bound to each other. To be completely honest I don’t know if I should even be sleeping beside him since he has said nothing to me other then “Mate” that doesn't mean he accepts it but it also doesn't mean he doesn’t.
I close my eyes, allowing the exhaustion to take over. But even as I drift off, I know that when I wake, I'll be ready to face another day, to continue the fight, to heal and protect my mate. I also know that he will do the same for me even if he doesn’t accept the Bond because that is just the type of man he is one with a heart. You may not be able to tell under all the brooding and shadowy exterior but he is one of the kindest most genuine men I have ever met.
His soft whisper rouses me from my sleep, "Thank you, Cici," and I squeeze his hand in response, and blush lightly noticing our proximity and the way we are both covered in his blood. “uh how about a bath?” I ask easing up from the bed moaning my exhaustion taking over me. Before my pain fully takes over I could’ve swore he said something about how he’d only take one if I joined him. I feel my old scars they are sore and my eyes are slowly lose their sight. I think quickly and using the last of my strength I winnow to Cassian and Nesta’s tent. “Cass? Nes?”
I stumble in blindly bumping into a wall- wait not a wall my best friend, Cass! “Cia are you alright?” he asks shaking me lightly and looking me over. “Where's Az is he ok” he asks frantic. “H-he's fine but I need help,” I say shakily. “My powers are weak and without anything to refuel them before I'm done with Az….” My eyes are welling up with my bloody gold tears and I let them fall.
Cass scoops me into a warm, brotherly hug. I hear Nesta approach, “What do you need to refuel?” she asks me and I can’t help but assume she is crossing her arms like I have watched her do for years when she gets curious. I smile, my senses and skills really show when I'm blind it almost makes me want to stay this way, but I will miss colors and glitter being able to see my family's smiling faces.
“Blood,” my voice shaky as I say it. Nesta huffs and hear footsteps shuffling around next thing I know I loose the presence of my best friend and I'm left myself. I can’t help but let my tears fall. I hear them again and Nesta approaches me grabbing my hands. “Eris said he’ll help he said he's done it before,” she says in a hushed tone.
Which brings me back to the time I spent with Eris camped in a cave hiding from threats, as he survived on animals we killed and my powers keeping him afloat as I kept myself replenished with his strong High Fae blood. He was the first High Fae I had ever drunken from. He allowed me to keep drinking from him as long as he stayed strong and healthy we survived 4 months out in the wilderness that way.
“Where is he?! I need it now,” I say agitated wanting to get back to my mate. “He is going to the healing tent to gather supplies,” “Alright thank you so much Nes,” I said leaning up to give her a kiss on the check which ends up rather sloppily on her ear. She laughs, a sound I haven’t heard from her in awhile. Eris helps me and gives me a few bags of fresh blood so I don't have to wonder around like that again. I rush back to Az fully recharged and ready to help him as much as I can.
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Time After Time
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Word Count: 3152
Modern!Eddie Munson x POC!Reader We've been best friends with benefits for years, Eddie and I. We both have even had partners and just paused the benefits when it would happen. We've never really were able to commit to any one other than each other. I'm over being antsy though and have chosen just say fuck it and make the decision to finally make this something more. Am I to blame for my sick, frantic brain? When toxic shit tastes just like candy And love might be lit, but I'm scared of what it might demand of me No wonder I'm antsy
Warnings: 18+
Shameless Smut, Fluff and Smut, Friends to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Best Friends, Love Confessions, Anxiety, Porn with Feelings
This is my first Eddie fic so please be kind. Also this is heavily inspired by the song Antsy by UPSAHL. Lyrics will be used from this amazing song in the fic (in bold italics) I do not own the rights to the song in any way. I hope you enjoy this porn with feelings. Happy Reading Heathens! 😈 Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Eddie Munson. The King to my Queen of the outcasts. He’s loud, quirky, boisterous and the best friend a girl could ask for. Not to mention he is hotter than sin. Those curls always begging to be twisted around my fingers. Good thing our friendship has benefits of the sexual variety attached to it.
“Earth to Siren.” Fingers snap in front of my face. “What’s got you so spacey Songbird?”
“Huh?” I turn to him. A look of confusion crossing my face.
“Wow, you were really lost there weren't ya? Bet you didn't hear a single word of what I have planned for the next Hellfire session did you?”
I scrunch my nose. Biting my lip in embarrassment. “Um. Sorry?”
“You're lucky you're so damn cute otherwise I might take offense to such a disregard to my misadventures.”
“I didn’t mean to drift off. Promise. Tell me again. You’ll have my full attention this time.”
“Nah. Moments passed. Now I want to know what had you so lost in your head. Care to share?”
He’s giving me those damn puppy dog eyes again. I’m sure he thinks I’ll just squirm and come up with some lie. Why not give it to him straight and throw him for a loop.
“A couple of things, actually. Grabbing a handful of that unruly mane of yours while I make a mess on your lap as I ride your dick. I might have gone and caught very real feelings for you after all this time. And playing the new song I wrote. Unfortunately only one of those things can happen as everyone should be getting here soon to chill and jam out.” I shrug as if it’s no big deal and wander over to my guitar case. My acoustic waiting inside for me to do my thing and make some magic.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Come again, sugar? You buried the lead there. You have feelings for me?”
“That’s what your brain latched onto? Not the sex but the feelings?”
“Oh we’ll get to you riding me. Trust me. That is inevitable. But I need some clarification first. What kind of feelings are we talking about?”
“Don’t be so daft Batboy. You know exactly what type of feelings I’m referring to. The kind we said we wouldn’t let happen once we started sleeping together years ago. The whole reason we dated other people and put a separation between our sex life and our friendship.”
“So you’re in love with me huh?” He’s looking at me with this strange glint in his eyes I’ve never really noticed before.
“Uh..” I can’t help the awkward laugh that escapes my throat. “Yeah. I think so.”
I watch a smile spread across his face. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, there’s a knock at the trailer door followed by Dustin and Steve barging in.
“What’s the point of knocking if you’re just going to walk right in.” He grits out.
“Curtesy mostly.” Dustin quips.
I breathe a quick sigh of relief. I’m saved from my confession. At least for now. “Well once everyone is here and gets settled, I have something I want ya’ll to hear.”
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Everyone is crammed into Eddie’s tiny living room. Bodies scattered across the floor on various pillows and blankets. Food and drinks overflow on the makeshift coffee table. The atmosphere is calm yet joyful as I play around on my guitar.
“I hear that you have a new song you’re working on that you want us to hear.” Robin declares as she takes a seat on the couch next to the armrest I’m seated on.
“I do. It’s still a little rough but I need someone other than me to hear it.” I state.
“Well. Get playing then Songbird. We’re just dying to hear that sweet voice serenade us.” Eddie demands.
“Alright. Here goes nothing.”
I begin strumming. Infusing my words with everything that I’ve been feeling as the words drift out of me. As I get to the verse divulging my feelings for Eddie, I make sure to make eye contact with him and hold it there.
Bet what I need is to stare at a wall
Then one little text, turns into a bender
Did I say too much or nothing at all? (At all)
Now I'm inventing the damage in bathroom floor panics (uh-ah)
Am I to blame for my sick, frantic brain?
When toxic shit tastes just like candy
And love might be lit, but I'm scared of what it might demand of me
No wonder I'm antsy
The vulnerability I’m showcasing starts to feel like too much and I close my eyes. Breaking contact with the soft brown orbs that have seen more than they should. It’s much easier to finish out the song this way. Safe. In my own little bubble. Feeding off the energy of the room.
With the last notes sung, I take a deep breath and reopen my eyes. The room has fallen silent and everyone is just staring at me. “What? Was it that bad? I thought it was a great idea for a song.” I start to second guess myself.
“That was fucking awesome!” Robin breaks the silence.
“Then why are you assholes being so fucking quiet?” I snap back.
“Just processing babe. That was a lot.” Steve states.
“Fuck. I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to bring everybody down. I was just really excited about this new song. And I-“
“Sugar, stop rambling.” I instantly close my mouth at Eddie’s words. “We love it. I know I do.”
“Yeah?” I ask.
“Yeah.” He licks his lips. “In fact I have something I need to show you myself. Come on.” He walks over, takes my guitar out of my hands, placing it carefully against the couch and takes my hand. Pulling me off the armrest he heads towards the hallway. My hand clasped tightly in his as we make our way to his room.
I really hope I didn’t just screw everything up and we’re going to go fight in private. Why did I have to write that stupid song.
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I’m practically yanked inside Eddie’s room. Tripping over the disaster of clothes and junk scattered across the floor as he hurriedly maneuvers me through his space. “Eddie, slow down. I’m gonna eat shit if you keep this up. You don’t need to do all this just to yell at me about the rules and that love wasn’t part of the deal.”
Having reached the bed he abruptly stops. Turning to face me. “Shut up.”
The next thing I know he’s grabbing my waist and tossing me down on to the mattress. Following it up by climbing up my body and caging me in with his lean but surprisingly muscular frame. “You’ve used that mouth enough tonight. Now it’s my turn.” 
With no time to catch my breath, he renders me incapable of a retort by capturing my lips with his own. Kissing life back into my body, as our tongues dance a tango, we both know so well. 
His hands roam the curves of my body. Sneaking his ring clad digits under my shirt. The cool feeling of silver leaving goosebumps along my skin. It’s not long before he begins to remove my shirt. Placing his unoccupied hand underneath my lower back as he slowly lifts me to pull the fabric over my head. I of course raise my arms in aid. Making sure to graze my fingertips along his jaw when he tosses the shirt aside, as if offended by the cropped garment.
Not wanting to waste any time his hands find their way to the waistband of my jeans. With a quick snap of his deft fingers my button comes undone. My zipper quickly following suit. Sliding the denim down, he taps my hip, getting me to raise them so that he could divest me of my jeans.
He leans back, doing that thing guys seem to do with ease. You know the thing, grabbing the back of his shirt with one hand and pulling it off with ease. I don’t care what anyone says, that shit is hot as fuck.
His eyes are lust blown, the beautiful brown nothing more than a sliver. Their sole focus set on me draped over his messy bed sheets. “So fucking beautiful.” He ghosts his fingers up my slightly shaking legs. Teasing me by stroking the wetness that has soaked through my panties. Stretching out his middle finger, he tucks it into the gusset and slowly removes the last piece of clothing blocking him from his intended target.
“Take your bra off, Songbird.”
Without a thought I sit up. Reaching behind my back, I unclasp the black lace encasing my cleavage, letting it fall away from my body. 
He groans and rubs the bulge confined in his tight black jeans. He places a series of kisses along all of my exposed skin. Mapping out a trail of pleasure and gooseflesh. Teasing one and then the other nipple with his tongue. Ending each with a deep suction. 
The slow-paced teasing continues. It’s driving me absolutely insane. We’ve had some pretty intense nights before, but this is something different all together. He stops his trek at the apex of my thighs. Hot breath blowing puffs of air on the cooling slick leaking from my folds.
“So beautiful and all mine.” He mumbles out. Almost as if to himself. He drags his finger along my drenched lips, while he ensnares me in his gaze. “That’s right, isn't it, sugar? This pretty little pussy is mine to do with as I please?”
“Yes, Eddie. It’s all yours.” I pant out. Delirious. Needing him to do something more than just tease me.
“Damn right it is.” He growls before sticking out his tongue and running it along my wet flesh from entrance to clit with the skillful muscle. He circles my sensitive little bundle of nerves, pulling a moan out of my throat. Seeming to have had enough of taking his time slowly torturing me, he thrusts his tongue as deep as he can go inside my aching center. The thick muscle massaging my silken walls, giving them something to finally clamp on to. 
“Fuck, Eddie. Your tongue. Mmph. Feels so good, baby.” I allow my hands to finally anchor themselves in his curls like I have wanted to all night. I feel his moan of acceptance against my clit and it has me trying to squeeze my thighs shut. I know he wants me desperate and begging before he gives in and makes me come apart on his cock. It’s the one thing that has never changed over the years since we started sleeping together.
Pulling his tongue out of my slit, he swirls the tip along my folds. Seeking out every drop of my essence that he can. With the lightest touch, he draws figure eight patterns around my clit. Dancing me so close to the edge, that I’m in danger of falling over that cliff into utter bliss. Right as I can feel myself start to crest over that ledge, the bastard pulls away.
“No! Why’d you stop? I was so close.” I sit up and reach for his face. Wanting to drag him back to my pulsing center to finish what he started.
He Houdini’s out of my reach and scoots back off the bed. “The first time you come after that little confession you made earlier is going to be while my cock is deep inside you.” He says with conviction as he unbuckles his belt.
I’m hypnotized by his movements. Eyes drawn to his nimble fingers working on divesting himself of the last of his garments. My mouth waters as I wait for his thickness to spring free from its confines. Time seems to stand still as his pants finally drop to the floor.
“You went commando.” I whisper out as I lick my suddenly dry lips.  
“Wonderful coincidence. I wasn't expecting to have you in my bed tonight, since everyone was hanging out here and usually at least one or two of them end up crashing on the couch. But then you came pounding on my door right as I got out the shower, early as always. I just threw on the closest clothes.” He admitted, wrapping his fist around his length, giving himself a few pumps as he drinks me in with a predatory gaze.
“Lay back down” He husks out. The command sending a fresh wave of slickness to coat my thighs. Anticipating what’s to come, I slowly lie back on the mattress.
“Spread those delectable thighs for me, Sugar. Put my perfect little pussy on display. Show me once again what’s mine.” He grunts out as he continues to stroke himself. I watch with rapt attention as a bead of precum leaks from his tip and he places a knee down on the bed.
I smile sweetly up at him as I allow my legs to fall open just enough to show off my dripping folds. Following his request but holding back just enough to make him growl and push my thighs open the rest of the way. 
“You really wanna play with me right now, Songbird? After confessing having feelings for me and then making me sit with our friends while you filled my ears with your damn Siren song until I could sneak you away?” He teases his cock between my cleft. Tip tapping against my engorged and still so sensitive clit.
I can’t help but squirm and whimper. Wanting nothing more than for him to be deep inside of me already. That halted orgasm, inching its way back to the surface every time his hot length grazes my bundle of nerves. 
“I’m sorry, Eddie. Please. Need you inside me.” I begin pleading. “It’s been too long since you last filled me up.”
“You’re sorry huh?”
I quickly nod my head in agreement. “So sorry.”
“Gonna let me wreck this pussy? Ruin you for anyone else? Milk me dry like the cumdrunk little slut that I know you are?”
“Yes. Yes. Please.” I beg. Just wanting him to finally take me. Claim me as his own.
“As you wish, princess.” With his declaration he slams his hips forward. Splitting me open with his massive girth.
He doesn't even give me a moment to get reacquainted with the size of him deep inside me. He just pulls his hips back and thrusts in again and again. Setting a pace that makes my brain go fuzzy and every nerve-ending sing in pleasure.
“Fuuuck. Look at you, little Siren.” He grits out. “Already cock drunk and I’ve barely gotten started. Pussy’s gripping me so tight baby. She doesn't want to let me go.”
My mind can't seem to function correctly enough to produce anything other than moans, whimpers and wails of pleasure in response. I’m flying a serotonin high I was not ready to come down from yet. The coil in my core tightening as I dance closer and closer to the knife's edge of orgasm. Waiting for the moment when I can dive off the edge into pure ecstasy.
Almost as if sensing my impending climax, Eddie picks up the pace. Working his hips and grinding his pelvis down on my clit with every thrust for added stimulation. “Come on, baby. Come for me, pretty girl. I can feel your walls quivering around me. Give in. Fall apart on my cock. Show me how good I make you feel.”
That’s it. That’s all that I needed to allow myself to let go completely. Surrendering to the euphoric bliss with a scream I’m sure the whole trailer park could hear.
A rainbow of stars begin to detonate behind my closed eyes as I writhe beneath him. Back arching off the mattress before my limbs go limp and I lay there in a state of bonelessness.
“Don’t pass out on me now princess. I’m so close. Little pussy is squeezin’ me. So. Fucking. Tight.” His pumps become erratic as he chases down his own high. “Don’t you want me to fill you up? Have me leaking out of you as we spend the rest of our night with our friends?”
I just nod along. Whispering out. “Please. Full.” Not able to formulate more than two words in my current state.
Apparently, that was all the validation he needed to hear to stop holding back and release his seed into my waiting womb. Painting my walls white with rope after rope of his spend. 
It felt like it went on forever with how much he was pouring into me. Until his dick stopped twitching and he collapsed onto my chest. Catching his breath and covering my face in sweet kisses as we both came back down to earth.
We stayed locked together, my well-loved pussy warming his cock, as we both let our fingertips roam along the others skin. Allowing ourselves time to just revel in the moment of the new direction our relationship looks to be heading.
"I’ve had feelings for you for a long time now, ya know. Just never thought that you’d ever actually love a loser like me back. So, Songbird, our resident Siren, will you do me the honor of officially becoming mine now?” He asks into my neck. 
I can’t help but grin like the cat that got the cream. “You're truly stuck with me now, Batboy. A Tarrasque couldn’t rip me from your arms."
He chuckles. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He places a soft kiss to my lips.
Just as the kiss deepens and we begin the journey towards round two, there’s a knock on the door, followed by Steve’s muffled voice. "You guys done scarring us for life yet? Dustin won’t let us eat until you guys get back out here."
We both can’t hold in our laughter. "Tell Dusty buns we'll be right out but we're not staying long. I've got time to make up for. So you assholes are going to have to call it a night earlier than usual."
“TMI man! A simple ‘Be right out’ would have been enough, Eds.” Steve scoffs as he walks back to down the hall.
“Come on, sugar. Let’s get dressed before Dustin comes looking for us next.”
We quickly throw our clothes back on. Not wanting to keep our friends waiting much longer. As we reach the door to his room Eddie spins me around and pins me to it. Gazing deeply into my eyes he speaks. “I love you Songbird.”
“I love you too Batboy.”
Another sweet kiss is exchanged. “Now let’s go be a gross couple so we can weird out our friends. I think we’ve earned it.”
This night turned out so much better than I ever expected. Sometimes it really is best just to let the chaos reign.
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Rifftrax Sentence Starters
“______, didn’t I dispatch you to hell earlier?”
“ ______, shut up forever.” 
"Alright. That does it. I officially have no idea what we're looking at, why we're here, or even who I am anymore."
“And I pray that I never have to emote any more than I just did. I'm exhausted.”
“And if you're ready, _____, may I offer you a wide-awake nightmare?
“Aw man, I thought we could trust the slimy loser.”
“Being a creepy evil creep is a reward in and of itself.”
“Bland? I mean, honey? Can I make you some bland milk? I mean, warm bland? I mean, warm milk?”
“Careful, they might miss at you.”
“Die! Die in a fire! Live again and then die!”
“Did you guys just see that or has my brain fully melted?”
“Do you think you can do me the teensiest favor and just kill me now?”
“Feels like an NPR audio essay is about to break out.”
“Forgive me, Father. I killed like eight guys today.”
“Fuck you. Pay me."
“Having knowledge about things is not really my specialty.”
“He died as he lived: looking dumb as Hell.”
“He has all the fighting skills of a sock monkey."
“Hell is other people and stuff.”
“I’m condescending for no reason, got it?” 
“I've tried nothing—And it's not working!"
“I can’t answer your question because that would acknowledge you exist.”
“I can’t live with myself knowing there’s something out there I haven’t murdered.”
“I don’t want to oversell it, but it will fill you with sadness.” 
"I find words difficult because I can't punch them."
“I have a two part question. One, will I ever feel joy again? Two, what did I do to deserve this?”
“I hope you like really tough burnt meat and shitty scotch.”
"I love it when a plan sort of slowly congeals together."
“I thrive on your ignorance.” 
“I tripped and fell up five flights of stairs and landed here.”
“Is your torture basement even up to code?”
“It’s not what you said; it’s that you exist.”
“It irritates me too that I can defy logic, time, and physics."
"It is pleasant to be happy because it increases our amount of gladness."
“Let's carpe diem and mumble and mope like we've never mumbled and moped before!”
“Mind if I dial up the gay?”
"Never have I cared so little about so few for so long."
“Nothing calms a kid more than a poster of a deranged clown.”
“My philosophy is to see how many Pop-Tarts I can eat in two minutes.” 
“No, don’t, ____, please! Seriously! I will kill all your enemies! Please!”
"No good story ever starts with ‘so there I was, pouring gasoline all over the dead girl’s body.’”
"Oh good. Something else for the Gallery of Things That Should Not Be."
“Oh, thoughtless sociopath, you’re my best friend.”
“Okay, so I’ll take that ominous cryptic answer as a firm yes.”
“Our hero— again, fighting like a sociopathic four year-old.”
"Please don't ruin this moment by surviving!"
“Rush in blindly! A plan can only hinder us!"
"Screaming? Laughter? At this point, what's the difference?"
“So where do you think you’re gonna dump my body?” 
"So…You give up here often?" 
“Society as we know it would disintegrate if people knew the truth about whatnot.”
“Thank you, most boring sounding person in the world.”
“That’s a very friendly murder threat.”
“That sounded a lot more menacing and less gay in my head.” 
“This is my bullshit lecture!” 
“Wait a minute, I thought you said ‘pass the time,’ not ‘destroy all hope in the universe.’” 
"We are reconciled now through the cleansing power of violence."
“Well, that was neither fun nor interesting, but at least it gave us no new information.” 
“Well, time to pretend I know stuff.”
"Well, whoopty-shit."
"Welp... Forgone conclusion ain't gonna forgone conclude itself."
“Who can resist an asshole?”
“Women, right? Always like, ‘This seems fatally stupid!’ Blah, blah, blah.’”
“Yeah, I do feel my own mind drifting through thoughts of Socrates—in that I want to drink hemlock and die.”
"You're a lying liar who lies! You lie!"
“You're not allergic to severe acid burns, are you?”
“You taste like libertarianism and cigars.”
“Your evil is reassuring.” 
“Your violent, misogynistic criminal vibe lets me know I can trust you.” 
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lnights · 1 year
@10yearsofblindchannel happy Joel Day!
Joel day 1,011 words, hinted JoelxOlli, baby channel
Graduation felt like it was looming upon him. He knew that was probably a bit dramatic, but it was really all he could think. 
His parents kept telling him he had to figure out his life, that he couldn't keep dreaming of being a rockstar forever, especially since his band had folded.
His father told him to be grateful he got as much as he had; there was a lot of bands that never got to release an album like they did, that never got to play the shows he was able to play with the others and he should be happy he at least got to live his dream for a little bit while he was still in school and still being supported by them.
His mother would tell him the same, that he was able to have his band and he should be happy with what he had and leave it at that
But it's not what he wanted, he wanted to rule the world with music.
Dorky looking Joonas Porko had been the last person he had thought would feel the same, but the two of them had ended up using the same rehearsal room at school because the others were full, and discussion had quickly started about how both of their bands had decided to dissolve, leaving them drifting right before graduation.
It only took a couple weeks of playing guitar and writing music before they started talking about forming a band together.
"We really have some great songs here." Joonas told him, "you remember Olli from Abhorrent Ritual? He would be happy to play bass for us. And our friend Tommi is a great drummer."
"I don't know," Joel replied, "I'm really not great singing-"
"You are though!" Joonas insisted, "I've heard you sing enough."
"Not on my own!" Joel argued, "I only did backing vocals before… and besides I don't think I could be a frontman by myself."
Joonas nodded a little, "we'll figure it out, but I think we should get Olli and Tommi involved."
Joel smiled a little, the idea of having another band appealing to him enough to override his nerves, "give them a call."
"They are literally babies," Joel muttered.
"They're only a couple years younger than me and they happen to be two of my best friends," Joonas rolled his eyes, "you heard them play, they picked up the songs right away, you know we can do this."
Joel sighed but Joonas was right, their new drummer and bassist may be young but he couldn't deny they had talent.
"Ok," Joel addressed the other two, "I was not able to get back into the same rehearsal space I used to use with Scarm, so we'll go with Joonas' garage for now. We can meet up there this weekend and have our first practice, assuming you two still want to do this?"
For a moment he really wondered if they would back out, he knew he didn't have the greatest reputation in school, he was often thought of as difficult to work with and moody, maybe they wouldn't want to work with him even with Joonas vouching for him. Maybe he was just too much and he'd never have a band again and-
"Sounds good." Tommi said, Olli nodding along.
Relief flooded through him and he gave them the address, packing his guitar while they talked about a house party they were going to on Friday night, trying to not listen too closely. It wasn't like he was ever invited to those things.
"Joel, you have to stop pacing." Niko told him.
Joel froze in his path, looking over at his co-vocalist.
"How can you not be nervous?" He asked, "we're in Germany, we're about to go on stage at fucking Wacken!"
"I know," Niko said, "but we've got this."
Joel sighed and flopped into a chair instead, looking around him.
When Porko had called him a year ago and convinced him to pick up some rapper he and Olli had met at a party the night before and bring him to band practice, he hadn't realized he was picking up the missing piece they needed to get their band off the ground.
Niko kept him balanced, stayed calm when he panicked, jumped for joy with him when they got their first song on the radio, even came up with their band name. He was exactly what they had needed.
It still surprised him sometimes, that he had ended up with a group that didn't just ditch him when he got to be too much; they argued and occasionally told each other off, but there would always be apologies later over a beer and everything would be forgotten.
Joel looked around their tent, Tommi was drumming to a tune only he could hear, something Joel had long figured out was a nervous habit and was best to not disturb him. Joonas was sitting with Olli and talking quietly, he seemed cheerful but their bassist looked pale.
He didn't know why but he always hated seeing Olli upset; of course he hated seeing all his bandmates upset, but especially Olli…
He was too sweet, sometimes a little bit of an airhead but at others serious and calmer than all of them put together.
He could keep it together for him.
"You're right," he said loudly to Niko, "we've got this, we're going to go out there and dominate that stage."
Joonas and Olli looked up at him, both giving him a smile.
"He's right," Joonas patted Olli on the shoulder, "we've got this!"
"Fuck yeah we do", Tommi said from the corner, tone deadpan as normal.
"Thanks Joel," Olli smiled that soft smile he only seemed to show Joel he got up to grab his bass.
Joel smiled as his four bandmates started to show more enthusiasm, helping him to forget his own worries. Of course they had this, he had the best band in the world.
With the cutest bassist in the world.
With that blush-inducing thought, Joel got up to lead them to the stage.
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slut4matty · 5 months
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Old habits die screaming
Matty Healy and Taylor Swift have been rumored to have something going on for over a decade, when they finally both publicly announce their relationship, the shitstorm is huge. They break it off again shortly after. The only problem is: Taylor is still very much in love with Matty. What she doesn't know is that he feels the same.
"Sorry, I can't sleep", I texted my best friend Abigail. I had to let him go, for fuck's sake. I just can't stop thinking about him.
"Taylor, babe, it's 2 am and I have to be up early tomorrow. I can call you for 10 minutes, but I'm begging you, please let me sleep right after." Of course, she answered, she always does.
"No, it's alright, go back to sleep." I'm a grown woman, I can handle this.
"Abigail, I said, go back to sleep." "Taylor we've been best friend since forever, I'm always here for you, even at 2 am on a random Tuesday. Now tell me, what's going on? You're thinking about him again, aren't you?" Yes, of course I am, I just can't stop thinking about him. "Yeah. I just feel like I'm going crazy right now. We've been on and off for ages, but this time it feels different. I don't think he's coming back, Abigail." I can't imagine a life without him anymore. I've loved him for 10 fucking years, and I'm ready to love him for at least 10 more years. "Babe, don't you think it's time to move on? He has hurt you and your reputation a million times already, and it fucking hurts seeing you this miserable." My reputation. Why is everyone, including myself, so obsessed with this? "I know okay? I know. It's not that easy, though. I feel like, it's my fault he ghosted me. Don't try to blame him now, please, I would've done the same in his situation. Did you read the horrible things they said about him online? I can't imagine how this must feel like." It really is my fault, though, isn't it? But what could I have done differently? Should I have called them out on their behavior? I probably should have. "I understand that this is as hard for you as it must be for him right now, but what can you do? Please don't text him, Taylor! You're only hurting yourself if you do.", Abigail's voice sounds desperate. She knows how hard it is to convince me of something. "I won't. Please go back to sleep now. I'm sorry I woke you up in the first place.," I said in a defeated voice. "No worries, I couldn't sleep anyway", I know she's lying, "I hope I was able to help you a little. Good night, Tay, I love you so much." "I love you more, good night.," I said and hung up.
What now? As much as I love Abigail, this conversation didn't help much.
Writing. I should start writing again. It's my job, of course, but it's also the only healthy coping mechanism I could think of right now. I'm wide wake anyway, so what else could I do right now. I have started writing a song called "I can fix him (No really I can)" I want to do something the 1975 inspired because that's what this is all about of course. Matty Healy. Lead singer of the famous British band "the 1975" but also my decade long situationship. We met years ago, and I was obsessed with their music. He dedicated their song "Fallingforyou" to me once, so I'll dedicate a song to him now. No, fuck this, I'll write a whole album.
"They shake their heads saying, "God help her", when I tell them he's my man."
I hate all of this. Him leaving me because some assholes couldn't keep their mouths shut about my love life. He didn't do anything! At least he actually cared about me and wanted to fight for us, unlike some other ex-boyfriends of mine... Yes, he has made mistakes, but so have I. Nobody is perfect. I don't understand why everyone thinks I am? Matty left because he thought it would be the best for me. He couldn't have been more wrong. I hadn't had a good sleep in weeks and when I finally drift off into sleep he's all I dream about. He's quite literally haunting me right now. I wonder if he feels the same about me. Was any of this real to him, or was he disappointed when he finally had me after all these years of yearning? I know I promised Abigail I wouldn't text him again, but he deserves to know the truth.
"Hey Matty, are you up?", I sighed as I hit send. He's probably asleep anyway.
"Who's this? And how did you get my number?" Shit, I forgot that I got a new number, since the other one was leaked last week.
"Sorry, it's Taylor. I've got a new number. I didn't want to disturb you." I already know this was a bad idea, but it's too late now anyway.
"Hey, you didn't. I was still up. Has anything happened? I'll call my management."
"No, don't worry I just wanted to tell you, that I'm sorry for everything that's happened lately. I should've stood up for you, when my "fans" started attacking you like this."
"Don't worry, Taylor, it's fine." God, he sounds so distant. I don't even recognize him like this.
"No, Matty it's not, and you don't deserve any of this. I don't know why I texted you in the first place, but I just wanted to let you know, that it was real to me." I'm so stupid oh my god. He probably doesn't even care about me anymore. Otherwise, he couldn't have just ghosted me out of the blue, could he?
"Of course it was real to me too! I loved you, I loved you so very much, but this is all too much right now. I'm not good for you or your reputation. You're an amazing woman, and I'm not going to stand between you or your success." I can't do this anymore. He loved me. Past tense. It's really over. He's not coming back. Never. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. What was I even thinking? Of course, it's over, the whole world knows. Why did I think, this was a good idea?
"Thank you, Matty. I love you very much as well. I'm sorry things didn't work out the way we both wished they would. Sleep well and have a good night.", I sent with tears forming in my eyes, and shut my phone off for good. I drifted off into a deep, uncomfortable sleep, filled with nightmares.
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slutforsfender · 1 year
𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭, 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
November 11th. I had completely blocked out the date until Phoebe, bless her soul, sent me a message checking on me. I never knew quite what to do on this date. Is it okay to be mad? Is it okay to cry? Is it okay to miss him? Is it okay that twelve years later the only thing that would heal today is him?
I laid in my double bed, scanning my bedroom as if it had answers. It didn't. Instead my brain decided that drifting down memory lane was the answer. I replayed memories of him and everything over until eventually I sunk into a flashback. No surprise there.
I sat down in my new favourite lesson as he asked if I was okay, also taking his seat. We couldn't stop talking like usual but something felt different. It felt off. The look in his eye that I had memorised wasn't there. It left a pit in my stomach. 
We were mid conversation as one of our mutual friends turned around, smirk on his face. 
"Are you two breaking up?" He asked. 
"No." Sam answered so quickly. 
"Well your friends have been saying things about us breaking up so are you sure?" I questioned Sam.
"Yes. I am not breaking up with you"
I gave him a questioning look. 
"I'm not I promise"
"Are you sure?" I asked, slightly joking but also trying to soothe the freaking out in my stomach. 
"I'll talk to you after lesson" Sam said, making direct eye contact with me. 
That look still wasn't there. 
"Sam if you are breaking up with me, tell me now" I say, feeling my heart slowly break. 
"Yes" He said, his face red. 
Suddenly my body crashed. The final crack in my heart made it's mark. 
"It's not you. I think you are great. I just don't know whether we work together. I don't see us having a future." Sam explains himself as I just nod. 
He lied all along.
My world was gone. I kept the tears in, focused on the table. In one moment, my whole world, heart and life was crashed. 
 As I replayed the moment, I felt the familiar tingling in my body. My heart started pounding. My breathing soon followed. My body felt alive but it was horrible. Tears pricked my eyes. Then before I knew it, I was in a full blown heart attack. 
My hands started shaking, my phone now impossible to be able to get to calm down. My vision went blurry causing them to full shut as I put my head on my knees. I was stuck with my own devices to calm me down. 
In for 4. 
Hold for 7. 
Out for 8. 
I repeated over and over, letting out shaky breaths after shaking breaths. It wasn't working. I was getting worse, now a pain in my chest.
Count from 1 to 5. 
After a few sobs and shaking breaths, I felt the come down wave over me. I was back to reality. My mind and body felt drained as I threw a t-shirt over my body. Treading downstairs for sugar, knowing it's best after a panic attack like that.
I sat on our kitchen counter, eating one of those little chocolate cadbury bars. 
"Russell, we've got a gremlin in here" My granny joked as she walked into the kitchen. 
"Never let that joke go, do you Gran?" I roll my eyes. 
"Call me Gran again missus and I will hit ya" She threatened, raising the back of her hand for affect. 
I just smiled in reply, too weak at the minute. My granny took the hint that I wasn't okay and decided that playing our playlist through the Alexa would cheer me up. 
"You need to start to wear your glasses child" She commented as I scrunched my eyes. 
"Aye, I know. Don't worry" I start to say before my breath is cut short as the familiar intro played.
Dancing In The Dark.
"Alexa skip" I shouted in the room, not even having to think twice. 
Gran brushed it off, going to make a tea as I played the video in my head that I watched last night of Sam singing it. 
That one lyric cutting a line in my heart.
'You can't start a fire, sitting around crying over a broken heart'
I ran upstairs, grabbing my phone off my bedside. I clicked on the his account again, rereading that message. 
I typed and I typed just like I had done since I first saw it. A part of me hoped, the words would just appear in front of me. A part of me hoped I could call him right and pretend nothing ever happened. That he would soothe me, just like he used to.
Instead I decided spending my day by my guitar with a record playing and cigarettes in my hand was the better option. Except I had no inspiration so wasting the day away watching crap TV and pretending that right now did not exist was the option I was going with. 
I decided a late night walk would be nice since I have hardly left the house since being back home. Of course, I asked Phoebe if she wanted to join. 
Arabella: hey! feeling like exploring the places we wasted our teens, wanna join? love ya dickhead x
Phoebe: I can't tonight belle, another night? love ya too x 
I brushed it off before that panic sinked into my stomach and sent a quick reply before chucking on some clothes and shoes. I grabbed my headphones and cigarettes before going on my way.
As soon as I started walking, memories played over and I felt like that girl again. There was that feeling again that I'm not the same girl, no matter how much my accent or appearance hasn't changed.
Memories with my mum. Memories with Levi. Memories with my grandparents. Memories with Phoebe. Memories with him.
This place is like a chapter of a book. That chapter you read but don't think about even though a part of your subconscious does because it hits a little different.
The shops and pubs that essence that I missed. That Newcastle essence that will never be achieved in London. The people are so different. Here everyone knows everyone. There you are a stranger to everyone. 
I wandered down my favourite street of the whole place, even if it is his album cover now. I stopped and took it all in. The drunk and sometimes high memories. The laughter. The love. 
I want to let him go and all that pain I carry from my teens but then I look down places like this and I don't. I want to do the opposite, I want to love him all over again. 
I walked further down and noticed a figure in the darkness but ignored it, probably just someone having a late night smoke. I was correct, but not so much on the stranger aspect. 
It was him and we made that eye contact. The one I cherished and now avoid. 
"Want one?" He asked so casually, pointing the cigarette pack at my direction.
hey guys! bit of a random update but things are coming. one more week of gcses then i promise updates after updates. so excited to start off this plot x
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alj4890 · 1 year
Just You and Me
(Prince Ellis Rhys x Emily Beaumont) in a Choices The Royal Romance *While We're Young AU* drabble
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: a kiss given between ocean waves.
Rating G for the fluffiest of fluff.
A/N It's been a really, really long time since I last wrote for these two. Ellis is the younger son of Liam and Riley while Emily is Maxwell's youngest child. In this AU, they have been best friends. Though the series hasn't caught up to this point 😬 here's a glimpse of what their relationship will eventually become 😉
@krsnlove @hopelessromantic1352 @lodberg @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @sirbeepsalot
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On a private beach, Cordonia...
"Is it just us today?" Emily asked.
"Just you and me." Ellis fluffed out a blanket they could lay on.
He dug around in a bag for their needed items for an afternoon at the beach.
Emily eyed the expanse of empty sand.
"I would have thought some of the others would want to come along."
She dropped to her knees behind him, reached for some sunblock, and began to rub it into his back.
Ellis's eyes drooped closed at the feeling of her massaging his sore muscles. After weeks of polo matches followed by numerous council meetings, the young prince needed a day like this.
He couldn't think of a more perfect person to spend time with at the beach than Lady Emily Beaumont.
Which might be why Ellis intentionally forgot to invite their older siblings and friends...
"There we go." Emily crawled around until she was in front of him. "Now get my back for me, please."
Ellis did as asked. His hands lingered along her smooth skin, drawing lazy circles in the process. His lips curved as he drew their initials within a heart in the white cream.
"That tickles!" Emily squirmed under his hands.
He quickly smoothed the sunblock before she could question what he was doing back there.
The two finished up covering their bodies with another layer of protection then flopped back on the blanket.
"Why does it feel so good out here?" She muttered with a yawn.
"Because we've been cooped up inside the palace for so long." He reminded her.
"I guess we have."
She turned on her side to look at him. Emily's eyes traced along his profile. They next moved down to his chest rising and falling slowly with deep breaths.
Without opening his eyes, he grinned to himself.
"I know what you're doing and it isn't going to work." He mumbled.
"Me?" She replied in an overly dramatic, innocent fashion. "Why, whatever could you mean?"
"You're thinking about how to get me into the water." He cracked open his eyes to see her dimples deepening. "I demand, as a prince of Cordonia, to be allowed at least one lazy nap in the sun before jumping in."
Emily sighed and returned back to her former position. She stretched her arms over her head while also lifting each leg in various positions. She held the poses for the count of twenty before doing another. After years of ballet, she couldn't relax properly without going through the simple exercises.
Ellis watched her do each one. His attention drifted along her lithe body being pulled taught then released.
With a final stretch, she closed her eyes with a contented sigh.
She let out a startled yelp that turned into a laugh when Ellis rolled over on top of her.
"Excuse me, your highness," she teased, "but you're blocking the sun."
"Am I?" He rubbed his nose against hers. "Are you certain?"
"I'm pretty sure you are." She wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Then as a gentleman, I should move, shouldn't I?"
"You've always been a gentleman."
"I try." He winked at her.
"No, you don't. You succeed. It's a part of your nature." Her hands rubbed up and down his back. "That's why all the ladies love you. You're so considerate."
"Is that the reason?" He pressed a tender kiss to her cheek.
"Mmhmm." Her eyes closed as he moved to kiss her other cheek. "There are other reasons too."
"I don't really care about what those other ladies love." He murmured against her lips.
"Oh." She pressed his body close to her as their mouths moved over each other's.
She loved how easily they moved into this new relationship. After years of only seeing each other in a "friends only" light, once the blinders were removed over how perfect they would be as a couple, neither hesitated to take that next step.
Emily had been with enough jerks over the years to know how incredibly special it was to be loved by someone like Ellis. He was her hopeless romantic. Everything he did for her was in the hopes that he was making her happy. Since she loved to see him smile, she nearly tripped over herself to do the same for him.
Her sister, Nicky, teased her about them being like Pride and Prejudice's Mr. Bingley and Jane Bennett. She loved to apply the quote about the fictional couple, that Mr. Bennet said, to Emily and Ellis.
"I have not a doubt of your doing very well together. Your tempers are by no means unlike. You are each of you so complying, that nothing will ever be resolved on; so easy, that every servant will cheat you; and so generous, that you will always exceed your income."
Emily could see it happening. They both were easy going, always up for whatever anyone else was for, and did all they could for those they loved. For the most part, each possessed the same sunny dispositions along with the tender hearts their fathers were notorious for. It was no wonder they'd always been close since they were so like minded.
This new intimacy though was nothing short of delicious. Her toes curled the moment he deepened the kiss. Each brush of his tongue made the warmth from his touch rival that of the sun.
She loved having him all to herself. She especially loved it now that they were a couple. Everything her prince did brought her nothing short of joy.
Ellis propped himself up on his elbows once the kiss ended and gazed down upon a face he sometimes thought he knew better than his own. He'd always loved her. Being near her lifted his spirits unlike anyone else he knew. She knew him better than his family and their friends. But being in love with her was a whole new experience, one he found had been missing from his life.
She smiled at him, her own eyes tracing the features of his handsome face.
"Weren't you about to take a nap?" She teased.
"And waste time alone with you?" He shook his head before pushing off of her.
She giggled when he lifted her off the blanket and carried her over his shoulder towards the ocean.
"Ellis! Don't--"
He dropped her into the water.
Emily shot up, still laughing as she brushed her hair out of her eyes.
"Now you've done it!" Her attempt to sound sinister was ruined with her delighted smile.
Ellis caught her in his arms when she launched herself at him. He laughed over her failed attempts to knock him under the water.
"Give up, Em." He locked her arms behind her back. "You've never been able to beat me at sparring."
"Maybe because I'm more of a lover than a fighter." She reminded him.
"I always loved that about you." Ellis told her.
"Really?" She relaxed against him as they bobbed along the waves. "You don't wish I was a little tougher?"
"Why would I wish for something like that?" He asked.
"I don't know. I mean you are a prince."
"So, princes should have protection just like princesses do. Right?"
"That's what the guards are for, sweetheart."
"I know that." She rolled her eyes at the obvious. "But, I've heard the stories about your parents. Aunt Riley was always ready to fight to protect your father. Shouldn't I be able to do that for you?"
Ellis cuddled her close. "Emily, you already give me what I need. All I want, all I ever wanted, was someone I could love with my entire heart and the ability to rest in knowing that she loved me with hers."
"No worries there." She pressed a tender kiss to his lips. "You've had my heart from the start, Ellis." Her eyes held his. "And you always will."
Ellis clutched her to him as her words sparked desire through him. Just as he began to get lost in her next kiss, a wave knocked them under the water.
They both struggled to stand up, sputtering and laughing at their partially drowned states.
"I think that's a sign from nature that we should go do that nap you were talking about." Emily took his hand and tugged him back to shore.
"I don't suppose you'd be willing to nap within my arms?" He asked.
"Just try and stop me." She snuggled within his embrace once they were back on the blanket. "We Beaumont's are known for latching on with the grip of a squid."
Emily pressed another kiss to his cheek.
"There's no escape once I have my arms around you." She teased.
Ellis returned her kiss, relaxing once more in the sunlight.
"Trust me, Em. I have no desire to ever escape you."
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Something about us - A Taiora one-shot
Just here quickly to drop this after being on a big hiatus (sorry...), because it's @jamesthedigidestined's birthday today! And he became a very special friend to me this last year, during good and bad times, so this is my present and a thank you to him <;3
James, we've talked about so many things. Such different things. All things Taiora, but also other animes, Avatar the Last Airbender, personal stuff and so on. I tried to compile some of those things into a one-shot, obviously Taiora, because that was what initially brought you to me. And there's something about us ;)
All the love! Big hugs ^^
Taiora one-shot | Genre: Angsty domestic fluff? | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV) x Taichi Yagami | Wordcount: 1.778
Something about us
Sora, 7:12pm Taichi…?
Taichi, 7:14pm Yes?
Sora, 7:14pm Are you available?
Taichi, 7:17pm As in single? Nope. I’m dating you, remember?
Sora, 7:18pm No, you ass. As in could you maybe come over to my place? Like, now?
Taichi 7:18pm Already on my way!
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
She read his message over and over again, unsure whether he was serious or not. It hadn’t always been like that, he wasn’t always the fastest to feel or know she wasn’t feeling well. But as they all grew up, Taichi did too. And when it came to Sora, he didn’t need a reason to come over any longer, Taichi had a sixth sense.
One thing that had never changed was that, in the end, he was always there for her. Sora had always appreciated that a lot. They had each other’s backs, were basically ride or die for the other. And so it was only a matter of time before they moved from football buddies, to friends, to best friends, even back to just friends, to unexpected crushes, to eventually boy- and girlfriend.
Sora’s lips curled up at the thought of that word and the association she had with it. Because even though people had said it was only a matter of time for the two of them to finally realize, at first, she herself hadn’t seen it coming at all.
When the realization of love struck, it came like a storm. Thunder and lightning made the sky lit up in a sudden manner. A whirlwind raged over her lands, leaving a track of confusion behind. Then rain poured down and slowly washed away doubts and concerns. And as the storm of emotions lied down, a cool breeze made stormy clouds drift apart, showing Sora the sun she had always been with, but had never seen like that one part that completed her clear blue skies.
They called it “love at first sight, but a bit late”. 
Sora glanced at the clock. 7:46pm.
She hadn’t expected him here already, though she would lie to herself if she said she wasn’t disappointed.
With winter here and Christmas around the corner, Sora felt rather uneasy. Her mother had said it was annual winter moodswings. Which was very plausible, but she had never wanted to admit this was a thing she suffered from. There hadn’t been much time or room for Sora to be vulnerable towards others as she needed to be the strong and bigger one. Everyone counted on her. She was the one who had to take care.
But with Taichi being her rock in every way, she knew she had to exhale those old habits and let herself be taken care for. 
“Let me take care of you, okay?”
Taichi’s words were engraved in her memories. Loud and clear.
Pulled out of her thoughts abruptly, Sora heard the doorbell ring through her little apartment. She hurried herself to the door, making it look like there was no time to lose.
“I’m sorry I’m so late,” Taichi said, his breath creating small clouds in the cold air right outside Sora’s front door. He then stepped inside, closing the door behind him and starting to take off his jacket and shoes.
“Here, let me help—”
“Na-a, missy,” Taichi quickly interrupted, “I can do that myself. You, however, can take this and bring it to the couch or bed. I’ll be there before you know it.” He said, pressing a plastic tote back into her hand and pushing her towards the living area. With one hand he gestured her to move and not stand still, a sweet smile on his face.
As been told, Sora took a seat on the couch and setting the bag to her left side. It didn’t take long for Taichi to follow, plopping into the seat on Sora’s right and in a swift motion, pulling her onto his lap and into a warm embrace with Sora’s legs on either side of his. She wrapped her own arms tightly around his neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent that she grew to love so much.
“Thank you,” Sora mumbled against his warmth radiating skin.
“For what?”
Sora loosened her grip on him, taking back a head an pulling away from him slightly so she could look at him straight.
“For being here with me.”
Taichi smiled, cupping her face with his hands and pulling it back close to his, but leaving just enough space between himself and her for him to speak. “Anytime.” He said before eventually closing the gap and pressing his lips against hers.
She could feel him kiss kindly, with care and no rush. He took his time for her and she absolutely loved him for it.
“Now tell me, what do you need, or want to do?”
Sora shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know…”
“Oh!” Taichi exclaimed with excitement, reaching over to his left where the plastic tote bag was laying. “Haven’t you wondered what was in there?”
“I guessed it had something to do with food?” Sora questioned, trying to tease back.
“Haha. But no, it’s the reason why I was so late.”
Out of the bag came a headband with tiger ears on it. Sora looked at him confused.
“You were late because of hair accessories?”
“Basically, yes. I don’t know, I walked past a store on my way here and they were displayed in the window. I thought they were cute and they reminded me of you, ” Taichi smirked while placing the hairband in Sora’s hair.
“Not the first time you’re buying me hair accessories. I guess that’s a very special Yagami Taichi love language?”
“Perhaps. I also bought a bunny one for myself. The puppy one was too adorable to leave behind, so I’m bringing that one to Koushiro tomorrow as an early Christmas gift. You though…”
With his hands he roamed down from Sora’s hair over her side to her waist. He pulled her closer and Sora could feel him getting excited.
“You’re my feisty tiger~”
His lips quickly found hers, covering them in kisses and Sora could only follow kissing back. A little make out session wouldn’t harm anyone, Sora thought to herself, but tonight was not a night like that.
She gently placed her hands on Taichi’s chest amidst the kissing, pushing him back slightly.
“Not now.”
“Sorry, my bad.”
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it though,” Sora quickly followed up. “I’m just… not in that kinda mood…”
Taichi showed her a reassuring grin. “I understand, Sor, it’s okay if you’re not in that mood. We can also just cuddle and talk. Like, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
Sora shrugged, pouting.
“You know you can talk to me, right?”
“Mmhm,” she hummed, giving him a half smile as she rolled off of his lap and back into her seat next to him on the couch. She curled herself up against him, words unnecessary, and she turned on the television. There was a football game on which seemed like the perfect thing to watch for now.
Half an hour went by without sharing words. Taichi had brought them something to drink and snack from the kitchen a while ago, but Sora had not yet touched anything. She wasn’t in the mood, she was just feeling low, numbly staring to players playing with a ball over a field back and forth.
“Football or tennis.”
What? Suddenly, Sora turned her head into Taichi’s direction. She looked at him with confusion.
“You have to choose. This or that. Football or tennis?”
“Ehm… Football, I guess?”
Taichi smiled. “Obviously, I would choose football as well!” He happily exclaimed. In his hand he held his phone, the screen lighting up and his eyes scanned the text on it. “Here, I have some more for you.”
Sora smiled fondly, knowing this was his way to cheer her up for the night. Her back straightened and she decided to play along with his little game.
But with every choice she had to make, Sora started to feel a bit more low again. Taichi rambled on, excitedly explaining all of his choices in depth. It was what made him Taichi. Impulsive yet thought through. So innocent and playful yet serious but funny. The thing was, however, that most of his choices -if not all- didn’t line up with hers.
He was being honest, choosing what he thought was the better thing among the options. Sora wondered whether Taichi heard what she chose and if he took her choices into account. A feeling of disappointment overwhelmed her, doubts about them being together flooded her thoughts.
“We’re so not compatible…” Sora sighed, her eyes directed to the ground as she spoke quietly.
“What do you mean?” Taichi asked back, his voice sounding worried.”
“It’s just… You picking all the opposites makes me wonder whether our connection is strong enough…”
There was a short silence. Wanting to fill it up, she wanted to sigh once more, but was interrupted by Taichi’s warm hand holding her chin up and pulling it towards him. His own face closing distance between their faces as well.
“I like us being not alike in everything,” he smiled sweetly. “That way you complete me. And that makes me happy!”
Sora’s eyes grew wide, a bit watery from tears stinging. “Y-you do..?”
Taichi nodded, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close and hugging her tightly one more time. “Now stop worrying, okay?”
She smiled a wide and thankful smile and she was sure he could feel it starting to get its sparkle back.  
“It might not be the right time, I might not be the right one, but there’s something about us I want to say, ‘cause there’s something between us anyw—”
Teasingly, Sora pushed him away and playfully smacked his arm, smirking at his antics and lyrical quoting all the same.  
“Hey! Stop you woman, you’re hurting me..!”
“Then stop quoting Daft Punk lyrics, you baka!”
He laughed, his warmth radiating through her skin like sunshine after rainfall. And she felt thankful, re-understanding why they had always worked so well. Her eyes locked with his, trapped into their intense but sweet staring at each other.
“I love you so much,” he mouthed, knowing he didn’t need to use any sound, his eyes completely focused on her and nothing else.
Taichi saw her, whether it were their similarities or complete differences. Sora’s lips curled up into a relieved smile and shook her head no, thinking about one more difference left. Something about them.   
“I love you more~”
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caxycreations · 1 year
You can all have a little WIP, as a treat
Super happy, so I'm gonna give y'all a snippet of the newest draft of Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den.
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter One, Paragraphs 1-3
The crowd before me cheered, bodies jumping, moving, writhing in time with the beat of the music pouring into the room. As the bass thumped, feet stomped, and the thrum of the dance floor could be felt all around. At the center of the crowd, with people on all sides of him, dancing with wild abandon and not a care in the world, there amid the excitement stood David Seltz. He was my best friend in the world, the man I’d grown up with and spent the better part of my life with so far. Entirely platonic, of course. We were friends, and even with our jokes and the games of chicken we would play, it never went further than that.
My name is Ryder Trayson, I’m a Grey Greatwolf. I live in Tylvin, the capitol city of Ferus, where I work as a freelance musician. I’m pretty tall, standing a little over seven feet. My fur is a greyish blue color, and my eyes are amber orange. Most of the time I work as a DJ for various clubs around the city, but tonight I was working for free. It was worth it, given I was playing for one man’s most important day of the year. It was the twenty-third day of Fina, year four thousand and nineteen. David’s twenty-first birthday. He had asked me to play for him tonight, even offering to pay me, but I couldn’t do that to him.
I was honored he wanted me to perform for his birthday and the idea of making him pay me for it left a bad feeling in my stomach. The music swelled, and the crowd lost themselves in its ebb and flow as the melody played. I had a buffet of stimulation before me. Sights, sounds, smells, textures. But my eyes kept drifting back to the hybrid dancing in the center of the crowd. David. He was a caxy, a hybrid between fox and cat species. He was half snow fox and half Maltese, a blend that worked well together if he and his sister’s physique and fur patterns were anything to go by. They were all monochrome shades. Greys, whites, blacks. The only splash of real color they had on them was their hair and their eyes.
End of Preview
Oh! And just so y'all can see the difference? I'll throw in Chapter 1, Paragraphs 1-3 below!
A Cat in the Wolf's Den
Chapter 1, Paragraphs 1-3
The bar was crowded tonight. I didn't usually do work for places like this, my music was more fitting for the clubs and dance halls around town. But tonight was a special circumstance. My best friend, David, was having his 21st birthday party here and had asked if i'd DJ for him, even paying off the bar owners to let me bring my own gear here. This place was special to him. It was where he found his first real love, before they had left him and moved off to god knows where. I couldn't really fault David for wanting his birthday party here, and who am I to turn down a request as simple as this for a friend?
My name's Ryder. Ryder Trayson. I'm 22 years old, and I've been a DJ ever since I was 14. I've known David since I was 3, and we've never been any less than best friends. There's not a lot to say about me. I like music, I work out now and then, not that I need to. Being a Great Grey Wolf has its perks, including a healthy dose of muscles that most would kill for. Of course, it also comes with a massive appetite. I can eat just about as much as the hungriest hog and still want more. But hey, you're not here to listen to me go on about myself forever. Let's get back to the story, yeah? One more thing about me is that I don't care much for talking about me.
The music blared throughout the building, and I could see some of the patrons getting irritated and complaining to workers. Probably regulars that weren't used to people having fun. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and, after setting up the next couple songs to play on their own, I checked it. David had texted me saying he wanted me to play Digging Alone, a pretty upbeat song that I had promised to play before the night was up. I cancelled the other two songs in the queue and, as the current song finished, I gave my best wolfish grin, turned off the music, and grabbed my mic. "Alright everyone, we got a request from the big man himself! So you can thank him for the next beat!" I let out a howl of excitement as I turned on the song, and heard a chorus of cheers from the crowd below as the music began.
End of Preview
My writing has changed so, so much, and I'm honestly so much happier with the new version. The old one is outdated and painful to read cause like, WOW there's so much stuff that's just a result of the inexperience.
Thank you all for reading this far, ha
@heavensfallenfaction @stesierra
Tagged folks I thought might be interested to read it
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ancientfl0wers · 2 years
idk i just randomly miss my ex best friend. it used to be much worse and I'd be in a rut for days trying to figure out what went wrong. I don't think of him too much nowadays but when I do, the pain is still there. I think about how stupid it all was and how things should be different. I think "he should be here" or "we should still be friends" because nothing even happened. he just drifted from me. i think about how we've been through so much together, how I used to go over his house, how I haven't been there in nearly 3 years and I still remember what it looked like. the albums he showed me, our hyperfixations, our weird interest and how he was one of the few people I was comfortable with. I think when Taylor Swift said "I made you my temple, my mural, my sky, now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life" sums it up so perfectly. We were a constant in each other's lives until we weren't. Until he didn't want to really talk to me anymore. He'll text once in a while to ask how I'm doing but our conversations never go beyond that. I fear it'll never be how it used to be.
(sorry for this stupid long rant that no one will read but I just miss that bastard sometimes and it hurts that I can't really talk to him)
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tireddovahkiin · 2 months
🕯 and 🎧?
Thank you so much for the ask Adri🤍 Hope you and your f/o's are having a wonderful day/night!
🕯: what would you two consider a super special date?
Let's see...
Hanasis: Date in nature. Somewhere far, far away from humans, from pollution, from loudness of the cities, far from everyone. Just the two of them, together. Exploring some abandoned places, reclaimed by nature, forest, or a wide hill. Hours filled with talking, affection, compliments, cuddles, and warmth.
Sephizilia: As long as they're together, and away from the public, it's ideal for them. Late night drives? Movie dates? Stargazing? Even just reading books and gossiping and infodumping about stupidest of things? Every moment is special for them, because just one alone is enough for the other for their world to be complete. It's not about what or where they go and do, it's about the moments Tsizilia and Sephiroth share. Because their lives were filled with nothing but sorrow, hatred, and war, anything they do now, is like experiencing the missed opportunities and wonders of a 'normal' life. And nothing shall make them fall apart again. Together against the world, forever and ever.
🎧: what song/songs do you associate with your f/o? Is there a specific verse/verses that make you relate to them?
Oh, man😭 this one is very difficult, because I don't really listen to music with 'lyrics' anymore💀 But if I really had to choose, I would say:
"Hole-dwelling" by Kikuo - for Sephiroth. The lyrics, in my opinion, perfectly depict how Sephiroth probably felt as he floated half-dead-half-alive in the Lifestream, after getting yeeted by Cloud, for over five years. And I also like to think, since the one that sings always says 'we/our/us', it's like Sephiroth and Jenova, as a part of him and his blood/cells. I just know she 'communicated' and manipulated her "son" in some way, and turning him into a villain we know of, I don't believe it was just 'going crazy' moment. It was ALL at once. Jenovas manipulation, identity crisis, (Tsizilias encouragement👀), and other stuff.
"Inside a cramped, narrow hole The two of us show each other our dreams We can't be in that world; Neither can we be in this world"
"The sun, the moon, the sky, and God-all Bringing forth: this life of hole-dwelling We can't escape. We can't escape We can't escape, so we won't escape We won't escape, so close your eyes. 2, 1, 0 Let's fall, let's fall, let's fall and fall Into the vortex of this life of hole-dwelling Let's fall, let's fall, let's fall and fall together Like the best of friends, wherever it may take us You and me, forever and always"
As for Hanami... I've WAITED for this one.
"Earth Song" by Michael Jackson. (MAN. That song holds the record of making me cry the MOST times while listening to it). The lyrics are... Brutal. Because, just like Hanami, they do not hide the truth, that we ARE indeed ruining our planet. And beside all the promises we made along the way, it was always broken and forgotten. Earth is crying, Hanami can CLEARLY hear it, but humans are deaf. We're torturing it, and they have to endure as forests, hills, seas, everything, goes to nothingness, by our destructive hand.
"What about sunrise? What about rain? What about all the things That you said we were to gain?"
"Did you ever stop to notice This crying Earth, these weeping shores?"
"I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars Now I don't know where we are Although I know we've drifted far"
"Hey, what about yesterday? (What about us?) What about the seas? (What about us?) The heavens are falling down (What about us?) I can't even breathe (What about us?)"
"What about nature's worth? (Ooh) It's our planet's womb (What about us?)"
"What about crying whales? (What about us?) We're ravaging the seas (What about us?) What about forest trails? (Ooh) Burnt despite our pleas (What about us?)"
Link to the ask game!
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steouwu · 1 year
tw: mentions of grief, loss, and some other negative feelings.
🌷 : today's song – interlude // aly remulla , emn’98ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
07 / 03 / 23
today, i woke up early. (around 6 am) the first thing i usually do fix my side of bed (i share a room bed with my mom) then after that, i go and prepare calamansi water :DD me and mom drink calamansi water every morning before breakfast. it has a lot of health benefits according to her in which i forgot, but since it has the potential to make you lose weight and i noticed that it improved my digestive system, i continued on drinking it.
ever since lola past away (just this year, may 29.) we've tried getting into healthier habits. my family were never all that sweet or that caring. especially my uncles and aunties to each other but i noticed that ever since uncle's wife came and helped arrange the funeral, her caring nature has rubbed on us. i love it : ) hehe. we now focus on taking care of grandpa. he even started eating an apple everyday for his health. we've learned a lot i guess. honestly though, i found myself getting back to my original unhealthy habits recently (but i swear, I am doing my best to counter it) and have gotten a bit more comfortable and happier even since she passed away. though i'm still blaming myself for her death due to some circumstances i am too lazy to elaborate. because of that, i avoid on wearing my headphones even though i comforts me and clears my mind. it's not a punishment for myself (maybe a bit) but mostly, it's just ’cause mom told me that if i noticed grandma was gone inside my room (i used to have a room of my own before. when the funeral was over, grandpa transferred into my room) earlier and maybe heard her fainting or struggling (in the bathroom. that's where she passed away.) if i wasn't wearing headphones, maybe she could've been saved. she had always told me to stop wearing it because i drift away from my reality. i am always in my head. she inflicted in me such a heavy feeling and i wish she considered that i was grieving too before saying that. it still hunts me and i feel as guilty as ever when i wear my headphones now. i've worn it about 3 times since she died (i used to wear it whenever i use my laptop) but i keep relapsing and going back to feeling guilty and blaming myself. one of my friends said i shouldn't be blaming me for things that are out of my control but i don't know, maybe it was in my control. maybe the reason as to why she visits my aunts and uncles in their dreams but do not visit me is because she could have been saved if it wasn't for me. damn.
anyways, lmao. sorry for the drama, after i drank calamansi water, i went outside for a walk and to buy breakfast. i had sinangag and egg with ma ling! :DD it was really good and i only had it because i just got my allowance this week. it's quite expensive, to eat it everyday. after breakfast, i watched a series in netflix for some time before preparing to go to school. my school ended already but since i am a part of the publication, i had to go for a meeting and a surprise training. it was fun, though my head was floating in space as i write it. there are so many things holding me back from actually achieving my real potential in writing that time. sometimes though, the shackles break and words just flow into me. I don't know when my head started to feel blank yet too filled at the same time. i think i have some time of ailment or maybe i just need to let myself go more.
after the training, a friend of mine came to school too to pay for her tuition in order to see her grades. the deliberation of grades for the second semester is today. i hugged her before going home. i chose to walk home to save money (because unfortunately, we aren't rich and we live in a third world country with a bunch of corrupt politicans who steal the Filipinos’ taxes aside from making them pay from a debt they didn't fucking cause. fuck you, Marcoses.) and on the way home, i bought siomai! yum.
i ate siomai and the dish my uncle cooked as lunch. then, i proceeded to sit in my desk (which is at my grandpa's room) and occupy myself. i tried to draw but i really do not have motivation and ended up fucking my anatomy practice. i settled to scrolling on tiktok and feeding myself dopamine until my timer ran out. i feel like a zombie most of the time because of social media, honestly. but tumblr's different. i rarely ever scroll on tumblr. i just use it as an open diary.
while in my desk, i thought a cat ate my chickens. i have pet chickens named jojo and benben. turns out, no one ate anything. a stray cat stumbled upon our house and followed my auntie (who first saw it) and gave it food. the stray cat isn't yet fully grown up and seems to be somebody else's pet because it's squeaky clean. it's also not agressive, and playful aside from that. my family members are speculating that it's grandma that came back for us because it just won't leave our house no matter what. i named the cat Saucy as a tribute to my other chicken, Suzie who passed away because a cat ate them :((
it's 6:41 pm right now so i cannot consider my day done yet. i wanted to read today but after frying my brain due to scrolling too much on social media, i lost my motivation and settled to feeling so low, empty, and aimless. i feel aimless most of the time. my potential is wasted, i do not know how to socialize, i feel so uncomfortable with myself. sigh. but i hope it'll get better. right now though, i am so tired.
i am so proud of my grades, though. or maybe not. i get it all the time. but i still want to gain people's admiration and my mom's praises. my average is 97 this semester and my overall average this grade according to my computation is 96. is that great enough for people to be blown away? i don't know. getting high grades is expected of me all the time. it's the only thing i'm literally good at and school is the only thing that makes me feel alive.
i don't know why this entry of mine turned very melodramatic but i definitely feel better after writing it all out like this. thanks internet for apps like these. it's the only thing you did great.ㅤ
right now, i'm hungry. so i guess i'll eat.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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ended, 6:55 pm
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