#he was made for an au that is purely to do things in the chatroom rp
disruptivevoib · 10 months
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My obscenely self indulgent gecko!Heart guy.
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mysticthot · 6 years
RFA Soulmate AU
spoilers for v and ray’s routes
Yoosung- Whatever you draw on your skin, your soulmate can see
He learned about soulmates when he was a little kid
Loved the idea that there was a person made perfectly for him
Didn’t try to really contact you until he got into his teen years
He was nervous to try and draw something, he didn’t know what to say, but he didn’t want you to think he was lame if he just said hi or something
You and him had shared drawings before, but just little things like a homework page or a doodle of a flower
He didn’t know why you had never tried to talk to him before, but he couldn’t really say anything cause he hadn’t tried either
Maybe you were shy like him
His first word from you comes when he’s least expecting it
He’s in high school, hella focused on a test, then he feels a weird sensation on his arm
He looks down, and he’s unfamiliar, yet somehow comforting handwriting 
“Hello...? I’m MC <3
Boi is shook
Then he is immediately called out by the teacher who thinks he’s cheating and writing answers on his arm
That whole ordeal takes over his focus, so he isn’t able to respond to you until after class
“Hi, I’m Yoosung!”
After that, you guys are constantly talking
You tell each other about your day, and the places you live, or even draw little things to make the other laugh or blush
He’s so excited to graduate and go to college, but you’re a year behind him, so you wont be able to join him at University right away
He promises that he’s fine waiting one more year, he doesn’t want you to have to move on your final year of high school
Then Rika dies
And he’s a mess
You see him change through his writing
He writes less, and it’s almost always about Rika when he does
You want to go visit him, but he insists he’s ok
You were the only one who seemed to understand him, he didn’t know if he would have been able to make it without you
When he gets into gaming and starts slacking off a lot, he’s worried you’ll think he’s a loser and you wont want to be with him anymore
“Yoosung, you’re literally my soulmate I don’t care what you do as long as you’re happy!”
Definitely cries
When you graduate, he is so excited
All the RFA members know all about you cause you’re all he talks about the months leading up to your move
He waits at the airport for your plane practically vibrating with nerves and excitement
“OMG Zen what if she thinks I’m too short, or not manly enough, or she doesn’t like my hair, or-”
“Yoosung, I’m in the middle of a rehearsal, stop calling me!”
You spend the whole plane ride drawing intricate designs all over your arm so you will be able to find him in a crowd easier
Your plane lands, and you walk out, trying to find someone that meets his description
You see him before he sees you
He’s standing there, holding flowers, looking so nervous
You have the biggest smile on your face as you run over to him and his eyes finally meet yours and-
Oh no, he’s crying
He break down in tears running into your arms, sweeping you off your feet
“Oh MC I’m so happy to see you I’ve waited my whole life for this moment you are everything I ever hoped you would be!” 
“I love you Yoosung.”
“I love you too.”
You give him his first kiss and its perfect
He’s never been so happy
Until he logs onto the group chat and finds Saeyoung had hacked the CCTV and showed everyone how he immediately cried when he saw you
Not so happy anymore
Zen- Have each others first word tattooed (has to be spoken directly to them)
Zen had always found his soulmate tattoo rather funny
On his wrist, his soulmates first word were delicately written in a beautiful cursive
People always admired it, until they looked closer and saw what it actually said
“Oh fuck- Shit oh no I fucked it up!”
As a child, parents and teachers did not appreciate when he showed the vulgar words around to the other kids
It was like a badge of honor when he was younger
Kids thought he was cool purely based on the curse words on his wrist
As he got older, it lost its novelty and became just like any normal tattoo for him
Though, it was still funny to see people’s faces when they first saw it
He was sure he would meet his soulmate when he was in the biker gang
The girls he hung around with then were tough and cursed frequently, but it never happened
He had gone out with a few girls, but it never felt right, and he knew it was cause they weren’t the one for him
When he got his act together and started doing musicals, he thought maybe you would be a coworker, cursing after messing up a line, but he had still yet to find you
The hopeless romantic binch he is, he is constantly complains about his lack of soulmate to the RFA
But none of them found theirs either, so they can all kinda relate
He is always thinking of you, so of course you would show up in his life the only time he wasn't
It was during the opening night of a production he was in
He was the lead, of course, and this was one of the rare moments you weren’t the main thing on his mind
You were sat in the crowd, near the stage with a few friends
You had a friend in the play, and she had gotten you good tickets, so you brought flowers and stuff to show your support
The lights dimmed, and the most gorgeous man you had ever seen in your life walked out onto the stage
You swear he must have been a statue or something
The play began, and he delivered his lines perfectly
You were supposed to be there supporting your friend, but you’re pretty sure your eyes hadn’t left him all night
It was near the end of the production, when he turned to the crowd with a flourish, his eyes suddenly meeting yours as he spoke his next line:
“Could this be love?”
His eyes stayed glued to yours for a second to long, before he unfroze, and continued his monologue
You were shook, looking down at your tattoo with wide eyes
His words were on your wrist, and as you read over them, it was like his voice spoke to you all over again
You couldn’t wait for the play to be over
You sat through the rest of it trying to figure out the perfect first line to say to him
His was so romantic and beautiful, you didn't want to screw this up!
As soon as the curtain fell, you hopped up, shouting to your friends that you were going to the bathroom, before running off towards back stage
You really didn’t know where you were going, but you followed down some halls following the faint sound of the cast members voices when you turned a corner and ran full speed into someone
Stumbling backwards, you looked up and saw the guy from the play, your soulmate
Your mind went blank, you scrambled for something to say before
“Oh fuck- Shit oh no I fucked it up!”
You gasped, realizing what had just come out of your mouth, before looking down at his arm and seeing those exact words tattooed on him
Wide eyed and mouth open, you stared at him
He looked right back with a smile that made you wanna pass out
“I am so sorry. You had that tattooed all your life?”
“Don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t want anything else.”
He took your hands in his, and you could see nothing but love and happiness in his eyes
“I’m so fucking happy to finally meet you.”
Jaehee- You have a mark where your soulmate will touch you the first time
Most people had their marks on their hands
The hand print of their soulmate forever on their palm, signifying they would one day shake their hand, those were the most common
Some people had their marks in more random places, maybe they would run into them in a crowd, or be passing by one day in the street
Jaehee, how ever, had two hand prints forever marked on her back
There were two possibilities, either she would be pushed by her soulmate or hugged
While she hopped it was the latter, either of the meetings seemed rather forward, especially for a conservative girl like her
Who would be hugging (or, hopefully not, pushing) her at their for their very first meeting?
While thoughts of her soulmate one day showing up in her life occupied her mind for most of her younger years, she didn’t really have much time to think about romance these days
Her work and home life was plagued by corporate heirs, cats, and the RFA, leaving very little room for much else
There were nights when she would be changing, or just getting out of the shower, and she would catch sight of the marks in the mirror
It would fill her with a sadness and a loneliness that not even Zens videos could cure
She was only an assistant, she felt she had no one in her life that truly understood her
That is, until you came along
She was suspicious when you had first entered the chatroom, but over time she learned more about you
You understood her like no one else ever had before
You cared for her well being and stood up for her when she was being over worked
For the first time, she felt she was actually cared for 
She could not wait to meet you at the party 
The day of the party, she woke up to a tingle in her back that didn’t go away 
As party grew nearer, the tingles only got worse, and Jaehee began to get more and more nervous
Time seemed to slow down as a you walked through the crowd towards her
She had never seen your face, yet she knew you must have been the MC from the chat room
A smiled took over your features as you opened your arms and swept her up in to a tight hug 
She could feel as your fingers fell right into place of her marks, and her hands came to rest over yours
Her eyes were wide, and misty behind her glasses, before she let out a breath, and completely wrapped herself into you
For the first time in her life, she felt complete
“Thank you.” she cried into your shoulder.
Jumin- Red strings connecting soulmates(obvi lol)
Jumin grew up in a loveless house
His fathers soulmate had died before he ever met them, so Jumin grew up watching him try and fill that void with other women
That didn’t exactly give him a lot of hope for his future
With no one to compare it to, or even ask, Jumin was pretty clueless about the red string on his finger
All he knew was somewhere his soulmate was on the other end
As he got older any small amount of interest he may have had in his soulmate disappeared
The people in his life didn’t really care for soulmates, that was more of a commoner thing
People married for convenience or to help their image, rarely for love
There were women throwing themselves at him daily, but he was known for being untouchable (does jumin han is gay?)
People thought he was waiting for his soulmate, but he truly just didn't care
He met you for the first time at a Gala event in (your country)
It had taken him a while to notice, as he went out of his way to ignore the string, but he looked up and saw the end of his string for the first time in his life
It was connected to you, a waitress that was catering the event, standing across the room
His heart seemed to jump for a moment, and he turned around, not really knowing what to do
It hadn’t seemed like you’d noticed him yet, you were working hard to balance a tray of champagne as you wove through the crowd
He watched you walk around for a few minutes, you politely smiled at guests and passed drinks
He was internally arguing with whether or not to go talk to you, when you were stopped by a hand on your shoulder 
His mood immediately dropped as he saw the hand belonged to none other than his father, who was clearly flirting with you
He never could resist a pretty face, no matter who it was
Jumin turned and left, calling Driver Kim to take him back to his hotel
With every step away from the building, he felt a tug in his chest like something was wrong, but he pressed on
Soulmates were nothing but a useless fantasy, something people use to comfort themselves into believing they weren’t alone in this world
The last thing he needed in his life was another disappointing woman
He didn’t think much about his soulmate for two years
Then you showed up in the chatroom, and you treated him like no one else had
You laughed at his jokes and asked about Elizabeth the 3rd
You didn’t ask or expect anything from him, you said you liked to talk to him, and he realized he liked to talk to you too
When the hacker was becoming a threat, he refused to let you stay alone and unguarded, and insisted for your safety and his sanity, that you come to the penthouse
He hadn’t thought of his soulmate in years, but now he wanted to hope it was you, that he was getting a second chance to meet you
His string often lead out the front door of his penthouse, but now, as he sat their waiting for you, he hoped for the first time that when those doors opened, he would see the other end and get back the chance he missed
As you stepped out of the car you couldn’t hold back your smile, your string was headed right into that building
You knocked on the door, and his voice immediately called for you to come in
Your string was going right into his penthouse
Heart pounding, your opened the door, and on the other side stood Jumin
His heart soared when he saw you, and it nearly stopped when he saw the end of his string connecting him to you
He had never smiled so hard, tears were collecting in his eyes
He couldn’t believe it was really you
The red string faded away as your hand came to grip his, and he felt all of his strings become untangled
He cant believe he wasted years being without this feeling, without you, all because of his own fears
“MC, I love you. I promise I will for the rest of my days, I will cherish you always.”
“I love you too Jumin.”
He had missed out on you once, he wasn’t gonna let you get away again
“wow jumin u know i used to work for a catering company that did all kinds of fancy gigs, i cant believe i never met u there!”
“uh... about that....”
Seven- Soulmates can feel each others feelings
It was like a constant hum in the back of your mind...well, if that hum came with a particular feeling
Your soulmates feelings weren’t exactly the same as your own, but they were felt as though they were
As a child, you didn’t quite understand why you were sad all the time...cause you weren't sad, you just felt sad
Your parents knew your soulmate must not have the best life, but they couldn’t exactly explain that to a 7 year old
As you grew up and learned more about soulmates, you began to understand
When they felt sad, you did
When they felt scared, you did
When they felt hopeless, you did too
So you made it your goal to be as happy as you could, as some way to possibly comfort your soulmate
You always tried to see the bright side of things and be positive
You didn’t want to add any extra sadness to whatever your soulmate was already feeling
And your soulmate was grateful for that...or at least you felt like he was
As time passed, you soulmates feelings changed
He was still sad, but it was a different kind
Like he was sad, but he was ok with being sad
It was both more and less intense for you to feel
When you joined the RFA, you immediately felt a pull to the mysterious 707
His personality seemed to familiar to you, it was like you had already known him
Meanwhile, Saeyoung was feeling the same thing
You had a bright feeling to you that made him feel like he was in a warm comfortable place
This feeling was something he often retreated into during his childhood
He would feel that happiness in the back of his mind and relish it like it was his own, and it made him feel good
He had a feeling you might be his soulmate, and that’s why he was so hesitant to go to the apartment
On one hand, as soon as you were beginning to be in danger, every part of him screamed for him to go to you
On the other, he knew if he went and you were his soulmate, he wouldn’t be able to keep himself from you
He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something happened to you because of him
Despite this, he ended up going over, and as soon as his eyes met yours, he knew
And you knew too
It was like meeting someone you knew a long time ago, they were familiar, yet you weren’t sure who they were exactly
You hugged him immediately, and he was so stiff in your arms
He wanted nothing but to melt into that warmth, for the first time in his life, that happiness that kept him going was right in front of him
But he held back, and he was so cold to you
He set up his things in the corner and tried to block out how confused and hurt you felt
You didn’t know why he was acting like this, but you felt his sadness, his loneliness
So you did what you had always done, and you loved him for who he was, and you enveloped him in a warmth so deep he couldn’t hold himself back
“I don’t understand MC, why don’t you get that I’m not good for you?! I’ve done nothing but bring you sadness your whole life, I’m putting you in danger just by being here! Why can’t you let me be?”
“I love you Seven. I’ll love you when you’re sad, and when you’re happy, and everything in between. I’m always going to be here for you whether you want me or not!”
He cried into your shoulder, holding you close
He’d never felt that kind of security before
You were doing you’re best for him, so he resolved to do his best for you
V- You see color for the first time when you make eye contact with your soulmate
Being a photographer who couldn’t see colors was not an easy job
V would take pictures, then put a grey filter over what was already grey for him so it looked the same to everyone, soulmate or not
He wanted to badly to fall in love, to feel complete and be loved in return
He had almost found that in Rika
The feelings were there, they were both sure they were in love, but both of them continued to see in black and white
It wasn’t an uncommon thing for people who weren’t soulmates to date
People often did until they were ready to settle down, and some unlucky few never found their soulmates, so they made what love they could
V tried to be happy with this kind of love, he tried to love her in a way that would make them both feel like they could see the colors
But Rika was unhappy, and didn’t believe he really loved her, after all, if he did he would be able to tell her what color her eyes were
When she faked her death and ran off, he felt he deserved what she did to his eyes, he couldn’t love her enough to see colors, so he didn’t deserve to see at all
He was content keeping these secrets and protecting Rika
Then you showed up, claiming to be sent by her
It didn’t take long for him to find you, being tricked by Rika and Ray to believe everything was just a game
He saw you in the gardens one night with Ray, and for a split second, he thought he saw the color of your hair, but he blinked and it was gone
He knew he needed to rescue you before you got hurt, the last thing he wanted was and innocent person getting dragged into this because of him
When he tried to rescue you the first time, he was thrown off when you turned around and your eyes were a magnificent (e/c) 
Then suddenly everything had color, and you were staring at him and he was staring at you and Ray was yelling that there was an intruder and guards were coming
He had to leave before he was captured, but as he escaped, all he could think about was the color of your eyes
This was not part of the plan, but it made everything a thousand times more complicated
Neither of you mentioned it in the chatrooms, but he promised he would be back to save you, and you knew you could trust him
When Rika brought you out to the gardens, she explained how V had tried to force a love that wasn’t there
You wanted to shout at her, he was never meant to be hers!
But you held yourself back, she was using you as bait and suddenly V was captured and being dragged away
When Seven saved him, all you could do was stare at him as he lay in you lap
He was mumbling your name and asking if you were safe, drugged out of his mind, but still worrying for you
When he began to regain his senses as the drug wore off, he felt terrible
He had endangered you, he had not only hurt Rika, but he had almost hurt you because of it
He realized what he had done was wrong, he didn’t know how to love
But when he was with you, everything that had been difficult with Rika, was so easy
Loving you was like second nature to him, he knew you were truly meant for him
You taught him how to love, and his world was metaphorically and literally brighter
He could paint and take pictures and see all the beauty in the world, because you loved him effortlessly
Saeran- Soulmates can meet each other in their dreams
Saeran did not know what soulmates were for a very long time
His mother didn’t teach tell them about any of those things, and he never got to leave the house, so he didn’t know until one day when Saeyoung  explained it to him
It was the middle of the night, they were together under a blanket looking at a book Saeyoung had brought home
“I learned something new today. There was a book in the church about soulmates. Apparently we all have them and if we go to sleep and think about them, we get to meet them in our dreams!”
Saeran was so excited to try it, that it took him hours to finally fall asleep
But when he did, he was suddenly in a field
There were wild flowers in the long grass, and a warm sunny feeling Saeran had never experienced before
Then there was a voice
“Finally! I’ve been waiting for you for so long!”
He turned around and there was a little girl with a wide smile running towards him through the grass
She stopped in front of him, she looked about his age
He was nervous, Saeyoung hadn’t told him what to say, and he had never talked to a girl besides him mother before
“I’m MC, I’m your soulmate!”
You hugged him, and it felt so nice, no one except his brother had ever done that 
You were so nice to him, he never wanted to wake up
His dreams became his way to get away from reality
When Saeyoung would leave to go on errands and his mom was drunk, he would go to sleep and meet you
Even if you weren’t there, the field with the flowers was so nice and warm, it became his favorite place
You taught him the names of the flowers there, and told him about things you learned in school
You became the best thing in his life
Until his mom found out
She woke him from one of these naps once, screaming at him for falling for the lie that was soulmates
She told him you weren't real, you were just a made up lie meant to trick and hurt him
He didn’t want to believe her, but her but he was rarely allowed to sleep now, and Saeyoung had suddenly disappeared
After the loss of his brother and being taken in by Rika, things were better 
Rika took him to paradise and gave him a purpose
He knew she would never lie to him like his brother had, so he listened when she told him to never try to dream of you
She said soulmates weren’t real, and the girl in his dreams was just trying to trick him like his brother
You were sad when your soulmate had stopped coming to the field
You didn’t understand why, he had been perfectly fine one day, then gone forever the next
You spent a majority of your childhood and teen years thinking you had somehow messed up, but you learned to live with it and accept that maybe you would one day meet him, but not now
When you got a message asking you to test a game, you felt compelled to trust the person, so against your better judgement, you willingly went
Meeting Ray gave you such a feeling of nostalgia, the way he acted, the way he talked about flowers and ice cream
It all felt so familiar
You went back to the field every night, on the off chance that he would be there, but it was empty time after time
Ray was confused
He liked you so much, you made him really happy so deep down in his heart
But Rika had said soulmates weren’t real, the girl in his dreams was just part of his imagination
He hadn’t had a desire to go to the field since he was a kid, but now that you had shown up, every time he slept, he felt a pull trying to take him there
Ray was confused and curious as to what this meant
But Searan was angry
When he took over, he didn’t like how you made him feel
That idiot Ray was always blushing over you, and his thought blended into Searans sometimes
He wanted to be mad at you
You reminded him of a lie, something his brother had tricked him into believing
But towards the final day, he was no longer able to fight off the pull, and he fell asleep and found himself in the field
It was just like it was all those years ago, the same warmness and flowers and long grass
The only difference was you, all grown up, sitting in the sunlight
You still waited for him after all those years
After everything he put you through, you still came every night hoping to see...him?
He didn’t understand
He had been horrible to you but you still wanted to see him
He woke up the next day and he was no longer those two personalities, but one that was finally ready to love you the way you loved him all that time
“MC...you opened my eyes.. you’re the only one who has stayed with me all this time.”
“I love you Saeran, I’ll always stay with you.”
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wildcardwriting · 5 years
How Social Media Infected the Glory Pro Circle #2
(or Conversations Most of the Glory Pro Community Would Like to Forget Existed)
[King’s Avatar /全职高手 - 蝴蝶蓝 | Quánzhí Gāoshǒu - Húdié Lán ]
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 Read on AO3
Summary: Or Ye Xiu is forced to deal with his fans. No one saw what was coming next.Because the alliance wants more exposure (i.e. fame) for the pro gamers, all pros are mandated to respond to questions from the fans.Naturally, this leads to some…strange conversations and some stranger answers. Likely will lead into AU TKA UniversePart Story, and TKA fun. Will include some social media.
Chapter #2: When Excellent Era Reads
The next day was filled with even more chaos. Slumped over the computer, Ye Xiu was awakened to the sound of loud chatter. Even though the training room had been renovated it was still located by the manager's office so even though the walls he could still make out bits of conversation.
As well as his name.
Rubbing his eyes, Ye Xiu stretched in his chair, and reach for a packet of dry food that was sitting at the next computer station over. It wasn't the same as breakfast, but it would do for now. For once it looks like he's up before it was time for training, so he might as well finish what he was doing.
Moving the mouse he woke the computer from sleep and clicked back into the Reddit email. He was expecting to see a little under two hundred questions, but instead of only having a few questions, the inbox count was over five thousand and growing by the second. Already just in the time, he was looking at the email count, the number rose by another hundred.
Resisting the urge to give up Ye Xiu set a timer. He agreed to do this, so he was going to do this to the best of his abilities... at least until training started.
Glory Forums → Fourth Server → General -> Ye Qiu AMA?!?!
                              1st Floor— Forest of Rain
              Hey all, did you hear about Ye Qiu's thread?
                               2nd Floor— Snow Dancer
          I haven't just heard, have you read it? (Also: Sofa!) [1]
                               3rd Floor— Light of Life
                 Only some of it, but it's gold. Pure gold.
                               4th Floor— Endless Refrain
                          I know. He's just so cool!
                             5th Floor— Frost Burn
    I heard he's going to be posting weekly. Are you going to submit anything?
                           6th Floor—Barren Defeat
       Obviously. I've already submitted multiple questions. You should take this chance too.
                           7th Floor— Kicker Win
               Any chance to speak to the Great God is a precious treasure.
                             8th Floor— No No Novak
Excellent Era Chatroom
[User; Ye Qiu has been removed from the chat temporary.]
[Users; Qi Breaker, Absent Sun, Merciless Magic, Bleak Sky, and Woven Shadows are logged in.]
Qi Breaker: Before we start, let's go over the issues. Did anyone else read the questions on YQ's thread? Woven Shadows: Nope was at dodging practice. Merciless Magic:   No time. I was being punished... too much training...              Absent Sun: No. Why? Bleak Sky: I did. Some of the questions were misleading. Why? Did something else come up?                       Qi Breaker: YQ came and asked me what AllYe and HanYe meant. Bleak Sky: What did you say?     Merciless Magic: Did you tell him? Absent Sun:+1 Woven Shadows: Tell him what. I'm confused. What do those words even mean? Absent Sun: what Merciless Magic:what Bleak Sky:what Merciless Magic: You don't know?! I can't believe Nurse is out of the loop. Quick, Xia Ming explain it to him. Bleak Sky: Fine. Be right back. Merciless Magic: So you gonna tell us what you told YQ? Qi Breaker: Not until Xia Ming returns. Bleak Sky: Back. Please carry on. Qi Breaker: Well, it went like this...
When Wu Xuefeng walked into the Excellent Era practice room, a little after eight, he had expected several things. He expected to see food at Qin Tianran's desk, or extra pillows at Yin Xiong's desk, or perhaps Ye Qiu sleeping on the room couch again but what he did not expect was to see Ye Qiu typing furiously at a computer.
After their first championship, Ye Qiu hadn't needed to put in the same amount of work as he had before, and now with sponsors and a guild to back them up Ye Qiu's responsibilities had been shortened to only focusing on the team.  So to find him still at a computer early in the morning instead of in his room, especially this early in the morning was completely out of character for the rather mature teenager.
Making his way over to his captain's side, Wu Xuefeng took a look at what his captain was looking at. He blinked at the words he was reading. While one half of the screen contained the Reddit email the second was something completely different. A plain word document, containing incredibly sexual and in some cases, vulgar words were listed. Every question was tied to a username or usernames and there was even a tally next to them. Taking off his glasses and cleaning them to ensure he was seeing what he thought he was, still did not make the words vanish.
The list was still there, and it was growing.
Feeling his age, Wu Xuefeng decided to just ask.
"Ye Qiu, what is this?" He asked as he motioned to some of the words on the word document.
Ye Xiu frowned at him. "I don't know. Some of the Reddit questions were odd, so I compiled a list so I could ask just in case."
Wu Xuefeng steeled himself hoping Ye Qiu's next words weren't what he thought they were.
"What does AllYe and the rest of these mean?"
Excellent Era Chatroom
Bleak Sky: And how did you reply? Qi Breaker: I just told him I'd tell him later. Merciless Magic: I don't blame you. Absent Sun: Wait, why not tell him? Merciless Magic: Remember who our captain is. Absent Sun: Oh right. Bleak Sky: Telling him would be boring anyway. But what are you going to do about the rest of the questions? Surely there are some that are worse. Qi Breaker: I told him that I would monitor the questions. Merciless Magic: Nice Qi Breaker: Don't be too happy, I told captain everyone would be chipping in. Absent Sun: Why do you hate us? Merciless Magic: +1 Bleak Sky:+2 Woven Shadows:+3 Qi Breaker: Either way, its time for practice. We'll talk later.
[Users; Qi Breaker, Absent Sun, Merciless Magic, Bleak Sky, and Woven Shadows have logged out.]
       Breaking News: Ye Qiu's Shunning First Appearance on Social Media!
In a stunning first appearance, the mysterious and elusive Battle God himself made his first appearance to the fans in nearly three years.
In a Reddit thread climbing up charts (and currently number three as of this printing), Ye Qiu, or as he's known as on Reddit, OneLeafofTwo answered a large number of questions sent by fans. Everything from his favorite foods, to regrets, was answered in a Reddit MMA that is still taking questions.
Suffice to say fans are shocked, and overwhelmingly pleased to have this link to their battle God, which as all fans knew is notorious for never showing up at fan events.
Excellent Era themselves has teased some more appearances of the Battle God, but how and what shape will they take has yet to be announced.
But we at glory Pro are excited about the future.
This is Nang Shi signing off.
Ye Xiu watched as his team scanned through his questions and sorted them into different groups. Instead of Ye Xiu dealing with all of them in a disjointed fashion, his team was splitting them up. Wu Xuefeng was sorting through his thread and setting it up into sections, while Xia Ming was adding accents and personalization to the site. Qin Tianran was adding sub-threads and other links onto the website while Xue Mingkai and Yin Xiong were checking the questions for quality.
All of Excellent Era was working through the questions so fast Ye Xiu was impressed. He didn’t think his team would even really bother with the social media accounts the alliance had set up for them but they had really taken to it. Watching them now, helping him made him feel proud and a little suspicious.
Neither Wu Xuefeng and Xia Ming were able to look him directly in the eyes, and Xue Mingkai and Yin Xiong were blushing.
Ye Xiu frowned.
He hoped they hadn't broken anything important.
                                               AMA: Ye Qiu Edition
Congratulations all! Due to the extreme popularity and demand for this thread, this thread will be separated into several sub-threads. Click on the links below to navigate to any of the topics, or submit a question!
*Note: As a reminder, all submitters must abide by the rules. Any inappropriate questions will be removed, and the users will be punished. Personal questions may or may not be answered depending on the topic, please keep this in mind. In addition, questions pertaining to face reveals will be deleted.
Recent Questions [click to see all questions and answers]
MusingthruDreams:  Did you see yourself playing video games professionally when you were younger? And if not what was your dream profession before gaming kicked in?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): Gaming professionally was only an option for certain games when I was younger, and I wasn't even sure it was the right choice for me at the time but I end up giving it a try. My dream profession before I became a pro was anything that didn't deal with business.
SlippingLight: Do you wish you'd gone with a different gamertag? / How did you come up with the name for One Autumn Leaf?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): While I did come with the general name for One Autumn Leaf, I let the sister of my friend type in the name but she ended up using the wrong character for 'zhi' and instead of Herald of Autumn it became One Autumn Leaf. I just went with it in the end.
YellowFellow:  What was the worst thing you ever did in Glory?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): I completely destroyed my friend's arena record but it was mostly by accident. He refused to stop challenging me until he won and he lost often.
UrbanKnight:  Who is the weakest player in Excellent Era?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu):Boss Tao.
RevengeFry: You've hold a number of titles in Glory, such as Master Tactician, Battle God and Glory Textbook. Which one do you like the most and why?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): Glory Textbook. Glory is about more than fighting. Glory is a whole world of characters, and classes and meeting people. There are twenty four official classes but every person plays those classes differently and that what makes Glory.
SanonShe: How did you meet the rest of Excellent Era?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu):Most of Excellent Era was part of the guild before the team went pro, but I only met Wu Xuefeng a few months before Glory Pro was annonuced.
WaterBottleQ: What is your motto for teamwork?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): A team can only work when all members trust each other. If an enemy needs to be defeated I can only do so with Excellent Era. Glory is not a single player game.
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mazojo · 6 years
RFA High School First Kiss AU Headcanons
Soo I did a thing so yea lol
He would be a gamer and often would be playing games in his laptop in class instead of actually working.
MC and him would meet because the teacher assigned both of them to work on a school project.
Yoosung gets all nervous when he sees MC is his partner because since she became a transfer student last month he always thought she was cute.
MC and Yoosung get to know each other while meeting to work.
Although often Yoosung would complain about how boring the topic was (geography wasn't one of his strongest subjects), in contrast to when he worked with other partners, he never played games in front of MC to slack off as he preferred staring at her concentrated face when she read.
She would never go for a gamer and a loser
He is bummed™ when they present the project, she will probably never talk to me again.
His friends from the gaming club always tease him that MC would never date someone like him.
Until one day she came into the gaming club asking if there was room for one more member.
Shooked Yoosung, like the heart eyed emoji. sHE LikES GaMEs??!
MC and him grow close quickly and go everywhere together.
But she would never fall for a guy like me...
One day MC and Yoosung are playing a LOLOL tournament at his house, both comfortably sitting next to each other
MC was killed but Yoosung was still on and boi was he going to win, I mean the new skin was cool but MC was at his side so there was no loosing.
He wins, his heart thumping from the excitement and MC cheering
In the spur of the moment he grabs MC’s face and kisses her fiercely.
Oh god this is what heaven is like
Wait what am I doing
He quickly pulls away cheeks tinted every shade of red, suddenly the floor seemed very interesting
MC has this goofy look on her face
I knew it, she is going to totally hate me and now we won’t play anymore and-
Wait did she said finally?
Yoosung finally looks up from what seemed an eternity and MC has an adorable flushed look
“I’ve been waiting for this moment, you look adorable when you blush”
Yoosung has left the chatroom
 Zen is obviously one of the popular kidZ who is in the drama club and participates in sports all the time.
When MC transferred he walked up to her and introduced himself with his usual flirty demeanor, MC gaining quite some dirty looks from his fan club.
He would stare at her all the time in class and when they had gym he would often show off in hopes of catching MC’s stare.
Zen was surprised when MC walked into auditions for the play that they were preparing for, Romeo and Juliet cliche but effective aye
Just when he thought she was walking up to the director, she turned to head into the VFX room
Huh? She isn't going to audition? but with that face of hers and mine on stage the seats would fill up.
Zen obviously gets Romeo’s role and this other popular girl called Echo girl gets Juliet’s role.
Zen passes all the time he is not on stage in the VFX room with MC and the other backstage kids.
God her laugh is so beautiful and imagine those lips as my Juliet.
Echo girl fumes every time he heads to that room, that girl will pay.
Its the day before the show and MC agreed to help Zen out with some line reading and they were meeting outside the school yard.
Echo girl overheard their plan and just when everyone was leaving rehearsal she locks MC up in the VFX room alone, her phone battery dead. 
Its 4pm and Zen is waiting for MC outside school and he’s getting a little worried.
She’s probably fixing some things for tomorrow’s show, Ill go check on her.
As he approaches the VFX room he hears door banging and he frowns.
“Zen I am trapped in here, someone locked me up. help!” He instantly recognized the sweet voice and his heart drops.
She is scared of enclosed spaces.
Who dares play a prank like this on her.
He thinks about barreling down the door but spots the keys lying on the floor nearby and opens it.
MC throws herself over Zen, his heartbeat accelerating as tears stroll down her eyes.
When she lets go he grabs her by the hip in a passionate kiss, the world spinning and they separate when they need to grasp some air, nothing like the kisses he had at rehearsal or the ones he often imagine having with her.
God let her be my Juliet.
Jaehee is student council queen and one of the top students.
She quickly befriends MC as she is asked to show her around school when she is transferred.
MC is more carefree than Jaehee and they balance each other out perfectly, Jaehee specially loves their sleepovers where they get to watch musicals together and sing out loud like the dorks they are.
Everyone low-key thinks they are a couple but Jaehee always denies it, they are best friends and she is totally straight right?
One day at lunch a guy walks over to their cafeteria spot, Jaehee’s eyebrow shooting up slightly.
The guy nervously faces MC, completely ignoring Jaehee and lifts up a flower at her
A single flower? Please, at least show up with a whole bouquet.
“MC, you are pretty, I am too, do you wanna hang out?”
Jaehee rolled her eyes and something was simmering inside her... was she jealous? no that cant be it, or can it?
As MC stayed quiet and she was clearly not needed in that moment Jaehee stood up and exited the cafeteria to compose her thoughts
She didn't realize she was gritting her teeth until she was outside, finally able to catch her breathe.
Compose yourself Jaehee, you can’t like her, she is your best friend and clearly doesn't sees you as nothing else, you would ne-
Her spinning thoughts are interrupted by a hand placed on her shoulder, making her turn around making her almost trip.
“MC? Wh-what are you doing here?”
“Well someone here rudely left our lunch date and I was wondering if she was okay”
Jaehee keeps staring at her lips as she speaks, suddenly realizing how often she did that
She doesn't like you like that
“I... How did things go up with that boy huh? one flower... seems like a catch” She failed tried to keep the bitterness out of her tone and MC wrinkled her face slightly.
“Umm nah he's not my type and besides, I have my eyes on someone else” 
Jaehee catches MC’s eyes as they are looking deeply at her, trying to figure her out.
Of course she likes someone, what else did I expect?
Time seemed to slow down as MC places her hand on Jaehee’s cheek as if asking for permission
Wait what?
They kissed and the world seems to slow down, all the hidden feelings and longing stares wrapped up in that perfect moment.
 I guess I am not as straight as I thought huh
Saeyoung was the leader of the computer science club and knew almost everyone at school, so of course he noticed when MC transferred.
He was his usual jokester self and found MC’s replies refreshing, finally someone who doesn't roll their eyes or just sighs at my awesome jokes. 
Saeyoung missed classes quite a lot but he was always a straight A student. The times he did come to class, he made sure to sit with MC.
If I am going to be stuck at this prison for the minimum attendance hours, at least be with someone with an actual sense of humor
Plus her laugh is adorable.
Although he missed classes often, he always came to lunch and sat with MC
One day he didn't appear in his usual sit at the lunch table and MC worried.
MC didn't know crap about computers but she was determined to finding the red haired boy so she headed over to the computers room at lunch time the next day when he still hasn't showed up.
Saeyoung was concentrated typing away in a computer, the screen was filled with complicated symbols and letters, MC just stared at it confused.
“Brought you some snacks” MC says in hopes to catch his attention, placing some honey Buddha chips and Dr Pepper at his side, his favorites.
Startled, he quickly turned around and changed the computer screen. 
Huh? Why is she here? I cant afford a distraction right now, how much did she-
“I am worried about you Saeyoung, I have tried to let it slide but why do you skip classes so much? and now lunch? Come on, we’ve been friends for a while and you can trust me, I-”
“MC go away, I am doing something and you are distracting” He couldn't let her know the shady businesses of his past, she was too pure for that
he should have known better than to let her in.
“You bet your ass I am not going away, I want to help you out, can’t you see that?” She plopped herself on the seat behind him.
“No” she cant be a part of this messed up world, he had to push her out of it “dont you see MC? You were just a distraction, I would never be friends with someone like you” He turned around on his seat to face the monitor, he couldn't bare seeing her face
It would be nice having someone to talk to.
MC rolled her eyes “Come to someone else with that crap Saeyoung, I care about you and we can solve this together”
Saeyoung started typing and ignoring MC. Please go away, I dont want to hut you.
A few minutes pass by and there is only silence. Saeyoung lays back on the chair covering his face with his hands. Good. She walked away. I nee-
In that moment his chair spins around and he is left facing MC. She grabs his face and kisses him with urgency and passion. He returns the kiss with longing, losing himself in the moment, please save me
As they pull away Saeyoung realizes he lost the battle. He needs her and maybe, just maybe, she needed him as well.
Mr trust-fund kid is quite popular for his money and looks in high school
However he rejects all the girls and finds it a waste of time to hear their squeaking voices all the time asking about his dad’s company
As he didn't pay attention to the other students, he didn't noticed MC when she transferred, until one day she came up to him at lunch.
“Hi, I am MC and I heard you were quite good at math so I was wondering if you could help me out with something”.
Jumin and everyone else were surprised to see someone approach him. 
He liked eating lunch by himself on a table in the corner of the cafeteria reading his book.
She just wants your money, I've heard this one before.
“Look I don't actually have access to my dad’s bank account so if you want donations to your charity case or problem speak with the bank directly” He was quite used to others approaching him for money, it was no different.
MC frowns and throws an exasperated sigh “What money? I dont want your lunch money. My math teacher just told me someone named Jumin Han was good at finances and I was wondering if you could help me calculate some things, that’s all.” 
MC was oblivious to Jumin’s financial and social situation as she was new and wasn't taking no for an answer
Jumin actually looks up from his book and sees her for the first time. So she doest know about C&R?... I am good at finances so maybe ill see what she needs briefly.
Jumin nods to the door and both of them head out leaving everyone shocked.
MC explained she was planning on doing a fundraiser for a cat rescuing charity her parents owned and needed some help with the costs of holding the event.
Cats? I do love cats and finances, Ill help her out. 
She treats me like I am normal, like we could be normal friends.
They work together for the event, not once talking about Jumin’s company or dad for a change of pace. 
She is quite.... unique. 
The day of the event Jumin attends to help MC out, they are even giving away some cats in order to bring awareness to the foundation.
“Jumin look at this one! isn't she a cutie? I think she would totally match your handsome royal aesthetic wouldn't she?” she points to a white kitten laying in a princess like pose.
“Handsome...?” Jumin raises his eyebrow slightly and realizing she said that out loud MC blushes furiously and looks away. 
Huh, I think I liked that. 
“I-I mean yo-you ca-” Jumin blocks out what she is saying as he just stares at her lips and the sudden desire to lean in and examine them. Feel them.
As MC scratches her neck sheepishly he grabs the back of her head and pulls her in to a longing kiss that seemed to last forever. 
How long have I been holding that?
She is the one, the girl I need in my life.
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sage-nebula · 7 years
I have a question: There's been a bunch of talk about wanting a possible Vanderwood route. How would you feel about this being made possible or if it SHOULD be possible? [Some are not wanting a Vanderwood route after how they treated Saeran's Route and instead just want a Vanderwood DLC kind of thing, which I agree] I know you brushed up on this at the end of the previous ask, but I just wanted to hear your opinion.
I think that there’s a lot of potential for a Vanderwood Route to be good, if they slot it into Original Story. If it’s in Another Story, I want nothing to do with it, particularly since Cheritz fucked up Saeyoung and Vanderwood’s relationship in Another Story by trying to replicate their Original Story dynamic (+changing when and why they met) even though they should have had a different dynamic during the time Another Story took place. (Like, Vanderwood does say that Saeyoung relaxed and started joking around / letting himself go after he received the picture book (which he received as a twentieth birthday present, and which would therefore be right around the time Another Story takes place), but that didn’t affect his work. Vanderwood says during Saeyoung’s Route that Saeyoung never had trouble focusing on and finishing his work before. The distraction that Saeyoung experiences during his route is abnormal for him, enough that it gives Vanderwood pause multiple times. Additionally, Another Story tried claiming that Vanderwood was sent to manage Saeyoung because Saeyoung was being irresponsible. This is a flat out contradiction to what we’re told about their relationship in Original Story, because though Vanderwood does say that, despite being a new agent himself, he was told to manage Saeyoung, he also says that when they first met, Saeyoung “had OCD” and “worked like a robot,” getting only three hours of sleep each night and still balancing his university work and agency work flawlessly. “He wasn’t a hard guy to manage.” So the idea that Vanderwood was sent to Saeyoung’s place in Another Story purely because Saeyoung was blowing off work is pure nonsense. They met because the agency wanted Saeyoung to have a minder / guardian because he was so young. I can’t believe Cheritz forgot / fucked up backstory they wrote so badly, smdh.)
The primary thing about a Vanderwood Route is that it’s going to be difficult given that Vanderwood does not have a tie to the RFA (and therefore to Mint Eye). He knows of the RFA thanks to Saeyoung, and he actually knows more than you would think he would. He knows that it’s a charity organization, and he knows that Rika committed suicide. Given that Vanderwood met Saeyoung four years prior to Original Story (at least, I’m pretty sure they met when Saeyoung was eighteen, but I need to replay the route / Secret Endings and double check; I know that he was still in university at the time, and it was a good deal of time before he received the picture book with Saeran’s photos), we can assume that they were close enough for Saeyoung to confide in Vanderwood when Rika “died.” After all, Saeyoung felt very close to Rika, and considered her an actual angel who had helped save himself and Saeran. There’s absolutely no question that he was torn up after she died, and given that he and Vanderwood are close (Vanderwood’s own words), it makes sense that Saeyoung confided in Vanderwood after Rika’s sudden and apparent death.
Regardless, even though Saeyoung has confided in Vanderwood about these things, Vanderwood still doesn’t have a tie to the RFA himself. We could get him into the chatroom as a stand-in for Saeyoung, in the sense that he could make an agreement with Saeyoung to enter the chat from time to time in order to keep an eye on things while Saeyoung gets his agency work done. Perhaps Vanderwood even takes over tracking Saeran (whom they know as “the hacker”) so that Saeyoung can focus on his agency work wholesale. This could be done by either having Saeyoung create an account for Vanderwood, or, because creating an account for him would require V’s permission, having Vanderwood just use Saeyoung’s account. Of course, the biggest downside of this is that we would see significantly less Saeyoung, but we could also have that alleviated at least somewhat by visual novel segments, which would no doubt have quite a bit of Saeyoung in them.
With that said, that still doesn’t solve the essential problem, which is that Vanderwood’s story would have to deviate from the main story quite a bit. The reason why Jumin and Saeyoung are the Deep Story boys is because they have stronger ties to the primary story than Zen, Yoosung, and especially Jaehee. Yoosung inches closer because he was Rika’s cousin, but he was kept in the dark about everything and so he couldn’t really reveal the main story on his own. Jumin and Saeyoung, on the other hand, get closer due to Jumin’s best friendship with V, and Saeyoung being right in the thick of all of V’s and Rika’s issues (not to mention being Saeran’s twin brother, et cetera). It would make sense, if someone else was going to be added to Original Story, to have them added to Deep Story. In fact, this is where I thought V was going to be added in when his route was announced, before they said they were putting him in an AU. (And honestly, I still think that would have worked out far better, but whatever.) But I don’t think that Vanderwood has enough ties to the main story to justify putting him in Deep Story. At the same time, though, that would make Casual Story pretty crowded, and I also think that presents a problem of … it’s pretty obvious that Cheritz didn’t want to reveal who exactly Vanderwood was until Saeyoung’s Route. This is why Saeyoung mysteriously didn’t have his agency work bothering him in Jumin’s Route, and why he asked Yoosung to come with him to Magenta instead of Vanderwood. Like, you could say it’s because Vanderwood wouldn’t agree, but Vanderwood obviously cares about Saeyoung, obviously goes to help him when asked, and if the agency work was finished (and it had to be, because there was no meniton of Saeyoung blowing off the agency work / escaping Vanderwood in Jumin’s Route), then Vanderwood wouldn’t complain. Vanderwood is far more reliable and capable than Yoosung (no offense meant, but it’s true; Vanderwood is a trained intelligence agent whereas Yoosung is a college student), and Saeyoung has obviously confided in him before. It makes no sense that he would take Yoosung along instead of Vanderwood. But he did, and the only explanation is because Cheritz wanted to keep Vanderwood’s true identity a secret until Saeyoung’s Route. Adding him to Casual Story would ruin that, but he just can’t tie into RFA business as well as the others can …
… unless, I guess, he gets invested because he falls for MC, and wants to protect her from Saeran, and so on and so forth. Thinking about it that way, it could work, although it would still be a bit odd to have him in Deep Story (where V should have been instead istfg).
In any case, a Vanderwood Route would give us far more insight into the agency, which I feel at this point is honestly necessary since no one in this fandom seems to take them seriously (and as a consequence, they—like Saeran—seem to believe that Saeyoung has led an easy and harmless left, which he far and away has not). It would also no doubt give us flashbacks to teenage!Saeyoung, and how he and Vanderwood got on when they first met, which at this point we only know thanks to Vanderwood’s account of things in the Secret Endings (which was great, but actual CGs and flashbacks? Take my hourglasses). I’d be excited for both of those things, so if we got them in a Vanderwood Route, I’d be here for it.
… So long as it’s part of Original Story, anyway. If it’s more Another Story garbage, I want nothing to do with it.
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ellygoesnyooom · 7 years
Chapter 1: Discovery
This is the first official chapter to my new AU, Eleven Days! The RFA finally make an appearance, so yay! If you didn’t read the prologue yet, you can check it out here! The link will also be at the bottom of the post. The original idea came from @cupidberry1571, and you can find the original request in the prologue. This is out later than I usually post, I’m sorry! I had some other things to tend to before I sat down and wrote this. I’ve talked enough, so I’ll let you guys get to reading!
Pairing: 707 x MC
Words: 1682
His head felt foggy as he shoved away from his desk and rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses. They burned, as he had been staring at the computer for over a day. Or had it been longer? Or had it been shorter? He had no clue. All he knew was that his back was incredibly sore and popped loudly as he straightened it, his stomach was growling loudly, and he needed to use the bathroom.
With a groan, Seven stood, knees weak from not having stood in hours. He stumbled out of the dark office, eyes squinted against the light he left on in his messy kitchen. “Where is Vanderwood when I need him?” He sighed, shaking his head before reaching into the slightly open cabinet, hand patting along the shelf, finding nothing. He sighed dejectedly before shutting the cabinet and going to his sink, where he sifted through a seemingly endless pile of dishes to find a glass.
Once he dug out a coffee cup, washed it, and filled it with a cup of coffee, he settled himself on his couch. The cushions smelled of spilt soda and his favorite chips, but he didn’t seem to mind nor care as he pulled his phone out and opened the chat room he created. He scrolled through the previous conversations with the other members of the RFA, laughing to himself at Yoosung’s whining about classes and Zen’s constant talk about his upcoming musical. Jaehee, as usual, was supportive, and complimented his hard work in rehearsal. He also found humor and Jumin and Zen’s bickering.
About halfway through the chats, someone brought up a forest that had been a subject of debate for a while in the media. It had been a sort of rumor that has spread around the city. There were stories of people going in, and disappearing for eleven days, not a word heard from them until the end, when they appear again, unharmed and seeming to have no memory of the days they were gone. Many people had gone in, wanting to see what happened. Most came back unharmed, with no evidence to back up the myth.
Today, Yoosung and Zen were debating it’s existence, and the current open chatroom was Yoosung chatting with him about it again.
*707 has entered the chatroom*
707: hi hi
Zen: Seven! Have you heard of the forest?
Yoosung: Yeah! There was another disappearance and reappearance!
707: ya? Who hasn’t?
707: yoosung, zen, wana go on an adventure there?
Zen: no way! I can’t risk disappearing before the opening of my musical!
707: oh, right! That’s tomorrow! Then
707: yoosung! Let’s go on a grand adventure to the mysterious forest!
Yoosung: no! What if this is a trick?
707: and why would I, God 707, trick you?
707: my intentions are as pure as a lamb!
Zen: *… emoji*
Yoosung: *annoyed emoji*
707: yoosung! I’ll give you HBC if you come!
Yoosung: no way!
707:  how about three whole bags?
Yoosung: …fine
Zen: Yoosung! Don’t give in to him! What if he’s lying!
707: I’ll swing by to pick you up in one of my babies in a few!
*707 has left the chatroom*
Seven chuckled and turned off his phone, a grin on his face. Vanderwood was going to kill him for doing this, but what did he have to lose? His brain was melting from all of the coding he’s done for hours straight. Plus he was ahead of schedule on this project; it wasn’t due until the end of the next week at 23:59. He had plenty of time, he could spare a few hours to go search this ‘magic forest’.
He pushed off of the couch and grabbed his signature hoodie, slipping it over his shirt. He had been wearing it for the past two days, but he usually kept his office cold, so he didn’t sweat much, and it shouldn’t have smelled. For good measure though, he sprayed a little cologne in the air and stepped through it before grabbing his phone and keys and leaving the bunker.
“Are we almost there, Seven?” Yoosung whined, head pressed against the headrest of the seat and turned to Seven, whose eyes were locked on the road ahead of them. “Soon~!”
They had been driving for nearly two hours, and poor Yoosung was going crazy with boredom. They had listened to music, talked about LOLOL, talked about the RFA, talked about Yoosung’s not so successful love life. Yoosung had even finished one of the bags of Honey Buddha Chips he was given, which Seven hadn’t expected. Finally they lapsed into silence, Yoosung’s amethyst eyes staring out the window at the passing scenery while Seven’s focused on the road.
The sun was setting when they finally reached the so-called magic forest. The tops of the trees glowed orange and red from the setting sun behind them. Long shadows extended out towards where they parked the car off the side of the road, successfully shielding their eyes from the sun’s bright light as they climbed out and stretched their backs and legs.
“Did you bring a flashlight?” Yoosung asked, eyes darting around nervously. “Nope. Did you?” A wicked grin stretched across his lips as he teased Yoosung, whose eyes had widened and face had blanched. “I’m kidding, don’t worry! Agent 707 is always prepared!” Seven’s eyes locked with Yoosung’s as he raised his arm dramatically, keys in hand. With a press of a button, the car’s trunk popped open, and he quickly retrieved a small black flashlight and three huge containers of glow sticks.
“When do you ever need those?”
“Oh, those are for me, not for missions. They are so cool! Plus we can use them to go home when it gets dark.” Seven cracked one of the sticks a few times, shaking until it glowed a vibrant yellow. He repeated the process and connected the two, wrapping it around his neck. Yoosung rolled his eyes, grabbing a few of his own before turning on his heel and heading towards the shadowed woods ahead. “Let’s get this over with, Seven. Why did I even agree to this?” He muttered the last part, shaking his head while cracking the glow sticks.
“Wait for me!” The trunk was slammed, doors locked, and keys pocketed before he took off after Yoosung, who had stopped at the edge and was staring in, back to Seven. “What, are you scared?”
“H-huh? No! Never!” Yoosung’s voice wavered, contradicting his words as he took an uneasy step forwards. “Nono, hold on, let the real men go ahead!”
“I am a real man!” Cheeks aflame with indignation, Yoosung stomped ahead into the woods, eyes darting around. “Man, he’s too easy.” With one last glance back at his baby, Seven strided into the woods, excitement coursing through his body.
It felt like a mission to Seven. He didn’t have his computers or any of the other things he brought with on missions, but that didn’t matter. His mission this time was to investigate the mystery of the disappearing and reappearing people.
“Hey Yoosung, what if we actually disappeared like the other people who have?” Yoosung gave an exasperated sigh, sweeping his flashlight around until it landed on Seven, who was investigating a little creek that was trickling through the woods. It created a lovely little trickling noise that served as background noise in the otherwise quiet and dark forest.
“I don’t know, Seven! You’ve asked me that three times now?”
“Okay, but what if?”
“Go back to looking around! It’s getting late!” The light left Seven’s eyes, and he had to blink a few times to adjust his eyes to the darkness. They continued further into the woods, Yoosung holding the flashlight and sweeping it around their surroundings. Nearby, an owl hooted softly, causing goosebumps to raise on Seven’s arms and causing Yoosung to jump nearly a foot in the air. “Just an owl, it’s fine!”
They continued in for a while, the whole time Seven feeling an unusual sensation in his chest, tugging him closer to the heart of the forest. “Do you feel that?” Yoosung scoffed, ignoring Seven. “Can we head back soon? It’s getting cold.”
“No, Yoosung, do you feel that?” The flashlight fell on his face, sending Yoosung’s figure into shadow and putting the spotlight on Seven. “Feel what, Seven? The cold? The fear? There’s nothing out here, now let’s go home!”
“Yoosung, I want to go further.” He let out a groan of annoyance. “Of course  you do! Why did I even come out here with you?” The light shifted off of Seven and onto the forest floor as Yoosung pulled his phone out to check the time. “It’s nearly 11! Let’s go back!” Seven wished he didn’t feel this… tug in his chest, but he did. He needed to go further, but not then.
Hesitantly, he turned the way they came. “Let’s go, Yoosung. You should get going home, you have class tomorrow morning.”
“Oh, thank god you realized that!” He practically ran the way they came from, leaving Seven to hesitantly turn away from the center of the forest and follow the glow of their glowsticks back through the woods, into his car, and back the two hours to drop of Yoosung and go back to his bunker.
When he shut the car off in his garage, he sat there for a while, staring at the wall in front of the car. The tug felt so… wonderful, almost blissful. It turned his whole chest warm, like he was drinking hot chocolate on a chilly day. It made him want to go back and find the source of that blissful sensation again.
He glanced at his phone settled in the console. The time read 2:38am, but he wasn’t tired, despite having not slept for nearly three days. He put the key back into the ignition, twisted it, and pulled out of the garage, heading back to the forest.
He was going to find that sensation again, and this time, he would continue and find the source.
Prologue  /  Chapter 2
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scummy-writes · 7 years
Thoughts on the V Route! (Spoilers)
Full on disclaimer: This is purely my opinion on the route, and in no way am I trying to force my opinions onto anyone, or am I expecting people to agree fully. We all have different opinions and that's okay! Please don't harass me over any opinion stated in this, as I'm just sharing this for people who are interested and my intention is that and that only. Thanks! 💕
So, starting off, I cannot say I didn’t have a fun time with this route. I mean throughout the whole game, I was so excited for every chat, even if it dealt with characters I didn’t enjoy at all (Which was mainly just Rika, to be honest.)
I’m not going to lie though, while I like V, there were some things I was kind of disappointed in, but since V isn’t one of my super favorites, I don’t think it’s appropriate to say that the route is terrible because of some of the things I didn’t personally like.
But...I wanna open this up with more than just complaints!
I do wanna talk about what I enjoyed!
So seeing all of the characters before the canon main story was very fun! It was neat seeing how different they were two-ish years back. Jumin seemed to remain the same out of all of them (Still confused about the world outside of what he’s experienced, still a lovable dork in my opinion, still pretty level-headed and trying his best to joke).
Jaehee, through the whole route, seemed a lot more blunt than usual, and after I was secured on V’s route (aka getting to day 5 with no problem), I was very happy that I could throw a lot of hearts to her without an issue, haha! I missed being able to be sweet to her, and the cute (and tired) selfie we got was great!
Yoosung was very….Salty. Very much so, and there were times where, at first, it was a little annoying. Right off the bat he starts trying to convince you V is shady, and I can’t really blame him due to it being set just six months after Rika’s ‘death’, and how he was there with the interview with V and the police- That would make me a little suspicious as well….But, like usual, he kinda...blew up about it at first, but I got used to it, especially later on once he learns about what Rika had been doing and starts freaking out (along with all of the other members). I really Can’t blame him for that orz poor sweetie ;;; I think that would be such a huge shock knowing a close family member did such things. I’m glad he was able to get help, but also as the route went on, I felt so bad that he apparently never got therapy when he first learned about Rika’s ‘death’. :( And it was also sad when Jaehee seemed to recommend it from possible personal experience. I mean I’m glad she was able to get help, but hhhhh my babies ;;;; The fact that he apparently turned to drinking a lot when Rika ‘died’, and later on in the route, h u r t s orz
And contrary to popular belief, while Zen isn’t my favorite, I did have a fun time with him in this route except for when he was an asshole in situations that it wasn’t necessary. V getting hurt and needing a doctor is an example, and I thought it was uncalled for when Zen chose that time, of all times, to nag at Jumin for wanting to bring in his personal doctor. Another time is calling Yoosung a ten year old when Yoosung started to text MC during a big mental breakdown moment of his- Finding out this stuff with Rika. But...Besides that? He was pretty fucking funny. The whole thing about his computer was great, and I really did appreciate him helping Yoosung out, and showing more what their friendship is like. My only other issue was that, at first, there weren’t many options with him that I could choose that weren’t either A- Relentless flirting, or B- being a complete ass to him. Later on this got better though! I really like it when he’s not trying to flirt with you a lot.
Seven……..Was fucking great LOL. Lately I’ve been liking him more as a character! At first I was just kinda ‘meh’ with him, or had days where I just didn’t want to think about how he was kinda rude on his own route, but just seeing him in the chatroom was always great. At first he seemed a little...Hesitant? But later on it was just great seeing him interacting with everyone. The car-ride with Jaehee was great, and according to a friend, I apparently missed a very prime opportunity to call and hear him impersonate Jaehee LOL. I felt extremely bad for him later on, but...I’ll get to that later >>. Regardless,  I enjoyed his goofiness and interactions! I especially loved when him and Vanderwood were able to interact. I honestly didn’t think Vanderwood would be in this, but it was great seeing him! (And realizing he wants to go by ‘Stark’ instead LMFAO). When Vanderwood took Seven’s phone and chatted with you- I can say I think that was one of my favorite chatrooms in the game. I laughed so much and just had a fun time talking to him!
For V...
While I highly enjoyed each chat, a lot of phone calls, and some of the scenarios we were presented with, I have to say overall that this route sorta lowered my opinion of V ;;; There were many moments I enjoyed, don’t get me wrong! I loved finally getting to talk to him on the phone, how kind he was with the player, and just seeing how V really acts. In the main route, we never got to see him much...So every chatroom with him and Jumin were great, and I loved being able to learn more about his past (and good god I love his mom a lot? I wasn’t expecting that ajfbsdbhf). I Also loved the chat with V and Zen, talking about when Zen got into that motorcycle accident? It was nice hearing that Zen didn’t really seem super bothered (??) about the fact that V was...stalking him. It was weird, but I suppose it’s because it led to Zen still being alive to this day ajkbfsh
There were a lot of moments in the game that I loved, and so I was really hyped for what his route was going to bring! I was hoping my worries were going to be answered, but it started going downhill quickly for me when he straight up lied to Seven about Saeran being the hacker. Like, I was all “Okay, well… Maybe it’s because adding even more stress into a stressful situation isn’t ideal right now…?” But...It just rubbed me the wrong way, and as the plot progressed and Saeran killed himself- It’s never shown with V telling Seven about who the hacker really was?? He got away with never giving Saeran a chance to be saved from that horrible situation, which could have been solved if he just told Seven. Hell ;;; I wouldn’t even have minded if V told Seven, and the outcome was still the same. It would mean he was at least trying to help Saeran.
Because of that, and because of how much I love Saeran, that...Really made me not like V as much anymore. I could handle him wanting to hide things from the RFA members- He’s a victim of abuse, he wouldn’t want to hurt them especially when it came into terms of how horrible Rika had turned out to be. But he had several chances to tell Seven about Saeran, even if it was just “The hacker is Saeran-” Because Seven would have damned well tried to rush into Mint Eye a lot sooner than Saeran had a chance to kill himself. I...Can’t really think of any ways to forgive him for that. That’s a huge mistake to make, and where it led just makes it harder to say I like V after this.
I think I still prefer a V that is outside of this route, and based off of stories and fics I read before this route ;;;
Since we’re on the topic of Saeran, I cannot express enough how much I love him waaaah ;;; The whole Ray/Saeran bit gets me confused. I can’t tell if ‘Ray’ is how he really acts (which doesn’t make a lot of sense), if he has BPD (Which I guess is plausible but I don’t know anything about the disorder to be okay with saying he has that), or if the possible multiple personality is a side effect of the elixir? I honestly cannot tell. I know that probably makes me look insanely stupid, but BPD is something I’ve never looked into, and the few times I’ve seen it portrayed in various media, there’s always been a huge fuss over how its portrayed wrongly (like a lot of other mental health issues are).
Besides that, I loved every interaction with Saeran/Ray ;;;; I loved the calls, the messages, and it was always so difficult trying to purposely be mean to him. Orz Saeran is a heavy bias for me, so I loved all the content we got with him in this route. Him liking plants, researching flower meanings, the small details about everything he went through as a child (besides it being vague), the fuckcing emojis… I l ov ed. When day 10 happened, I died so much inside. I’m almost tempted to try writing a few fics (that are not….smut) dealing with Saeran and those moments. My fucking heart hurts too much ;;;;
I could gush about him for a while, so I’m going to take a hard lean to move onto trying to talk about my thoughts with the plot now, and then try to wrap this up! I’ve been trying to write this out for the past few days and failing miserably due to work.
I fully went into this game expecting this to be an AU (I mean...it is, right?), that a lot of the new details we learn about the characters are still canon, but it’s an AU because this wasn’t how they originally wanted the game to play out. (Does this make sense?) So, Zen having an old computer and being a doof when it comes to technology, Yoosung never getting therapy and drinking to deal with his feelings of Rika’s death, Jumin…………….being the same showing more interest in the supernatural, Jaehee being fully trusted as being the head of an intelligence unit- etc etc, all of that can be taken as canon!….Right?
(T_T I’ve never tried explaining it, but I’m sure you guys understand what I mean by that!)
Anyway, keeping that in mind and how this is nearly two years before we meet the gang in a more mature-er state (cough Yoosung cough), it was fun finding out more details about the characters that I didn’t expect, or having personal/friend HC’s confirmed!
Besides learning about the characters, we did get to learn more about Mint Eye, which I was thankful for. It was nice seeing how it worked, that they DID have a cleansing process (but apparently only needed to use it twice within the first six months?), what sort of ranking Saeran had, and how Rika was regarded. It seemed pretty big at six months, and I think Rika herself says that it’s been since months since they’ve moved into the building, so it does sort of raise questions again, such as was she getting people into her cult for a while before her ‘death’, the funds she got for it (I’m guessing possibly V’s money? Her parents, adopted or not, didn’t seem to care much about her at all), and so on. Also, since it seemed like there were so many members after the first few months, it’s scary thinking about how big it got after two years. 
And god, did we learn so much about Rika. On one hand, it’s nice seeing more of her backstory, her (delusional) reasoning for making a cult and brainwashing a child and many other adults. I really wanted answers, even if it was through some unpleasantness with Rika herself, and I got some of mine answered. I was thankful we could say no to her, as a lot of her actions and some of her excuses for her behavior reminded me of two very horrible people in my life, and it tremendously hurt seeing how much she had Saeran wrapped around her finger. I’ve heard some rumors about what the bad ends are (please don’t tell me!) and if they are true, it means there’s a chance a few sad hcs I had aren’t too far from the reality of the game. Which...Doesn’t make me a happy camper orz But regardless, their relationship worried me a lot, even if we knew he was really ready to do anything for her. Just seeing it just- shudder.
I also actually enjoyed the game showing that mindless devotion towards a partner doesn’t really solve...Everything. I don’t see that often! It was nice, especially since it was showing how they both messed up in the relationship (very much one messed up a shitton more than the other, with stabbing and dropping treatment, b ut it was nice seeing it nonetheless). 
With the plot, even if it could be seen as cheesy or generic, the only time I really felt it was strange was in V’s endings. The Normal ending was didn’t wrap up a lot of things, which you would expect from just a small ending (it was cute, though!!), but the Good ending didn’t really answer my more pressing questions that I had, and the one thing I was annoyingly upset about didn’t get resolved at all, so that kind of bummed me out. I think if you’re a huge fan of V, though, the ending would be good for you! Just the way the wrapped up the route was weird, but since the afterend isn’t out, there’s still a chance of some of my questions being answered in that department!
I’m trying to think of some things that really struck a negative cord in me, but besides what I’ve said, I’ve still really enjoyed this route. I’m upset about Saeran, of course, since he was a bigger fave than V for me, but... It’s not unusual for cults to have members commit suicide. I was moreso expecting a mass suicide, instead of Saeran having to blow up the building and just letting himself die in there rather than escaping like the plan seemed to have been, but...Saeran didn’t have anyone. He didn’t have us, Rika had left and was obsessing more obviously over V, and Mint Eye was in shambles and he was told to blow it up to get rid of the evidence surrounding it. I just really wish V told Seven. c h r i s t.
Regardless, I did enjoy this route. I can’t wait to worm my way through the bad ends, replay it for things I possibly missed before, and to hopefully crank out a few fics for it! Haha, I already have one in my drafts! I wish I could think of some more things to say, but off the top of my head these are just my general thoughts on the route!
Please keep in mind:  This is purely my opinion on the route, and in no way am I trying to force my opinions onto anyone, or am I expecting people to agree fully. We all have different opinions and that's okay! Please don't harass me over any opinion stated in this, as I'm just sharing this for people who are interested and my intention is that and that only. Thanks! 💕
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droewyn · 7 years
Give Me a Reason (6/10)
<Part 1>    <Part 2>    <Part 3>    <Part 4>    <Part 5>
October, 2014
“My love for you could move mountains and the hearts of ISU judges,” Phichit murmured.  His tone was saccharine, his accent thick and atrocious to the point of being borderline offensive.
“Ah, but I have loved you since the moment that I saw you, when I was but a child,” he replied passionately.  The ridiculous accent was gone, his tone higher and breathy, but the words were no less coated in syrup.  “I’m a man now.”
“I will prove my adoration by shouting it from the rooftops!”  He clasped his hands together over his heart.
“I’ll make you super-cute bentos every day with rice balls in the shape of figure skates and poodles!”  He pressed the back of one hand against his forehead and cast his eyes dramatically skyward.
“What are you doing, mon petit?”  That was all the warning Phichit was afforded before two hundred pounds of weaponized flirtation draped itself over his shoulders.
Phichit craned his head back to meet Christophe Giacometti’s amused, upside-down features.  “I’m spectating the pairs short program, in a spirit of solidarity and good sportsmanship?” he offered guilelessly.  Christophe quirked an eyebrow at him, and he grinned back.  “And I may also be shipping our respective besties for my own personal amusement.”
Christophe shifted his gaze down to where Phichit had been looking a moment ago.  “Ah,” he said after a moment.  The French representatives on the ice were skating a solid but unremarkable program to something from Carmen.  Yuuri Katsuki was ostensibly watching from a seat in the front row, but was far more engrossed in his phone than in synchronized double axels or footwork.  Half curled up in his chair, comfortable as only someone who was intimately familiar with stadium seating could manage, Yuuri’s posture was all college student with no classically trained dancer to be found.  And two rows directly behind the oblivious Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov sat like a king observing his kingdom.  Which, to be fair, he pretty much was.  His spine was straight, his head tilted just enough to display a thoughtful, television-ready smile.  And although his own phone was resting in his lap, out of sight to the casual observer or rogue audience-cam, his fingers were flying over the virtual keyboard.  “They do rather look as though they’re conversing, don’t they?”
They really did.  Yuuri would type, and a text balloon would appear on Victor’s screen shortly after.  A mischievous expression ghosted across the champion’s face, and suddenly Yuuri was cramming a fist in his mouth to stifle giggles.  It was endearing.  It was perfect.
It was a total coincidence, of course.
“Sadly for your no doubt extensive imaginary wedding plans, I know all too well the identity of Victor’s current amour.”
Phichit shrugged.  “And I know Yuuri’s.  That’s not going to stop me from having fun with the situation.  Besides, you can’t tell me those two wouldn’t look stunning in black and white.”
“Perhaps.”  Christophe’s tone turned teasing.  “But what of you, mon petit?  This is your second year of seniors, and we’ve barely spoken.  Are you as bashful as our darling pain au cannelle, or must I take offense?”
“I’m not shy.”  Anyone who so much as glanced at Phichit’s Insta feed would be well aware of that.  “But I was underage until recently, and my coach had me on a tight leash.  I hate to be the one who has to break this to you, but you, sir, have a bit of a reputation.”
A velvet chuckle tickled his ear.  “Nothing good, I hope?”
Now it was Phichit’s turn to laugh quietly.  “I’m sure that Miss Manners wouldn’t approve, but I hear you’re easy, fun, and honest.  You respect a hard ‘no’ and listen carefully for soft ones.  Your list of rumored partners is as long as a certain living legend’s, but backed by more evidence, and yet you don’t seem to have left a string of broken hearts in your wake.  In short, Monsieur Giacometti,” he softened his voice until it matched Christophe’s purr, “you seem like a gentleman who I would very much like to get to know.”
Christophe looked surprised and pleased.  “You should work in intelligence, mon petit.”
Without missing a beat, Phichit shot back, “And who’s to say that I don’t?”
Christophe was grinning in open delight now.  “Now we simply must get better acquainted,” he said.
“Yuuri and I haven’t decided on dinner yet.”  He hoped that Yuuri wouldn’t be too upset that Phichit was making plans without consulting him, but one additional person shouldn’t be too stressful after the short program skate.  And Yuuri did like Chris.
“Alas,” and Christophe really did seem disappointed, “I have reservations with Victor tonight.  I’d love to invite you along, but our seating is for two and I’m told that the waiting list is really rather extensive.”
“Plus we’d be scraping bits of Japan’s Ace off the ceiling after he spontaneously combusted.”  Phichit knew that Christophe had offered to introduce Yuuri to Victor in the past.  Such attempts had gone over poorly.
“That, too.”  He shook his head.  “It really is a pity you can’t join us.  In Victor’s words, the chef de cuisine is a ‘mad genius’.  I’m quite looking forward to tasting his art.”
Phichit went still.  No.  Yes?  That phrasing.  The coincidence in timing.  The refusal of a certain chatroom dweller to let slip so much as a picture of his dog when talking – evasively – about his personal life.  The frequent travel, so much of it coinciding with skating events.  The so-interactive-seeming dual text messaging that was still going on not fifty feet below where he and Chris were standing.  “Oh?” he kept his tone playful, interested.  “What’s it called?  I’m always up for new experiences, and Chicago’s not too far for an off-season road trip.”
Chris pursed his lips, apparently detecting something different in Phichit’s manner, but not sure what to make of the change.  “Alinea, I believe.”
Holy fuck.
It wasn’t certain.  Hell, it wasn’t probable.  That this was a complicated series of misunderstandings and coincidences orchestrated by a universe that was deliberately, maliciously, out to break Thailand’s Sweetheart Phichit Chulanont’s brain made a whole lot more sense than… what?  Yuuri Katsuki somehow spending every waking non-skating moment unknowingly flirting with his own personal lord and savior, the god of ice skating himself, Victor Fucking Nikiforov?  Who he’d met in a random IRC channel for mental health support?  And wait, did that mean that Victor Nikiforov was suffering from depression?  How?  Since when?
On autopilot while his entire worldview was rebooting, Phichit thanked Christophe pleasantly for the information and wished him and Victor an enjoyable evening.  They swapped numbers, and he followed Chris' Instagram.  He floated the idea of getting together Monday morning for brunch.  He even engaged in a bit of good-natured trash talking for the upcoming men’s short program.  And all the while, the same two thoughts were circling endlessly in his head.
How can I tell him?
How can I not tell him?
If Phichit informed Yuuri that his best non-amazing-hamster-dad friend KingElsa was actually Victor Nikiforov – after doing an actual metric fuckton of sleuthing beforehand, because he’d be damned if he would even hint at such a thing without being at least a hundred and twenty percent sure – Yuuri would…
Assuming that Yuuri even believed him in the first place?  He’d run.  He’d swear Phichit to secrecy, delete his chat client, and vanish completely from the internet without another word or thought.  Which, Victor (!!!) aside, would be terrible for him.  The #TCF regulars had stopped being merely an anonymous support group for Yuuri years ago, and not only would it be impossible for him to replace them, he wouldn’t even try.  He’d be throwing away part of the backbone of his emotional stability.
Or would he?  Yuuri had come so far in the four years since he and Phichit had met.  He was so much stronger.  Maybe he’d be able to get past the shock when he realized that the pun-loving goofball that he livetweeted terrible American television with was so much more and less than the legend on his posters.  Maybe it could be the beginning of something magical.  Maybe—
“Hey, Yuu-chan!  Smiiiiile!” Holding his phone up as though taking a picture, Phichit watched Yuuri straighten in his seat and turn to face him.  He saw the instant when his best friend took note of the man just two rows behind him, turned instantly scarlet, and practically teleported under his seat in his effort to hide himself from Victor’s sight.
Maybe someday, but not today.  Oh, Yuuri.
“That was cruel, mon petit.”  Christophe was equal parts amused and chiding.
“Our love is strong and pure and he’ll forgive me with the application of enough chocolate,” Phichit chirped, unrepentant.
Because what I’m about to do is going to be so much crueler.
But I honestly can’t think of another way to be kind.
<Part 7>
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johnny-j-suh · 7 years
Falling for you ( Ong Seongwoo scenario )
Hi everyone!
So this is my first Wanna One imagine starring * drum rolls * ONG SEONGWOO. I came up with a Soulmate!AU because i’m a cliché and also a sucker for those.
Prompt : In which you’re born with half a tattoo on your body and the tattoo only becomes a whole when you meet your soulmate.
Genre : SoulmateAU!
Warning : None.
Word count : 2,781
It kind of sucks but i hope you’ll enjoy it anyways! Also I apologize in advance for any mistakes, english isn’t my first language but please feel free to point it out so i can improve.
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You plopped down onto the mattress without bothering taking off your jacket. You just came home from your parents restaurant where you helped around all day since one of the employee broke their arm and couldn’t work anymore. The room was only lightened by a lamp on your bedside table projecting shaking shadows on the walls. The rain pouring outside soothed your tired body as you suppressed a yawn, streching your heavy and sore limbs. You rolled onto your stomach, absently scratching the mark on your left shoulder. Your tattoo looked like some sort of compass, ornated by a black and white circle in the middle of the tattoo, reminding you of the yin and yang sign minus the dots in the drawing, it was encircled by three circles and adorned with precise lines running up half your shoulder, leaving the other half  irretrievably bare and empty. 
You lazily propped yourself on your elbows and opened your laptop, automatically logging on the forum you spent most of your time on. 
* Kotonoha_n0_niwa has entered the chatroom *  [11:27pm]
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : Ong are you there ? I had the most exhausting day ever and i need to relax. [11:27pm]
* ItsOngNotHong has entered the chatroom * [11:29pm]
ItsOngNotHong : What is it that i hear? Do you, perhaps, need me ? [11:29pm]
You chuckled at the boy’s dramatic antic, sitting properly on your messy bed. The noise of the city drifting through the open window, somehow made you feel less alone, and as your tattoo itched again you imagined what life would be like with a soulmate. Today was the kind of long day and exhausted that makes you question every single thing you’ve ever done in your life, if you’ve ever taken any good decisions at all. At only 19 years old, you were already making a statement of your short life and, as you stared blankly at the computer screen, lightening your tired face with its sharp light, you caught yourself wondering if you really wanted to meet your significant other.
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : I don’t even know why i come up to you first when i need to laugh. [11:30pm]
ItsOngNotHong : Because i’m really, amazingly, extremely, overwhelmingly funny ? Also you don’t have friends. [11:30pm]
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : Okay first of all you’re really, amazingly, extremely, overwhelmingly stupid and second of all i do have friends, ask Daniel we texted all day. [11:31pm]
You met Daniel through Ong who introduced you to one another as Daniel also spent time on the forum, less than Seongwoo though, who, despite being a college student, seemed to have a lot of time to waste.
ItsOngNotHong : You text him more than me... :( [11:31pm]
ItsOngNotHong : Stop stealing my best friend. [11:32pm]
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : Hahaha are you sure he’s not your soulmate ? [11:33pm]
You sit back, tapping your fingers against your knee. You’ve only been talking to Ong for about a year but to you it felt like more than that. You’ve always found him quite entertaining and careless, something you could only admire as the introvert you were. Chatting through forums helped you show a side of you you were too shy to share with the real world. It made you feel less lonely. Ong made you feel less lonely. Although you denied it for quite a long time, this boy was the sole reason why you were reluctant about meeting your other half. More than that, you were afraid he would find his before you. You were scared he would leave you. Ong made you feel supported and listened, and his kindness towards you never failed to make your heart flutter.
ItsOngNotHong : Do you want me to send you memes of me and Jisung ? We went to a horror house and the pictures taken inside are GOLD, Jisung screams like a girl. [11:34pm]
Of course Ong, as the confident boy he was, had already sent tons of pictures of himself and his friends, you even knew all of their names by now, and calling him handsome wouldn’t do justice to the beauty that is this man. He just had the kind of overflowing charisma that drows you like a butterly to the light. And you wouldn’t mind burning your wings. You often caught yourself wishing for Seongwoo to be your soulmate, seeing how you two matched so well, before pushing the thought to the back of your mind whispering to yourself how stupid you were. You didn’t even know where his tattoo was situated, let alone what it looked like. You never really talked about soulmates anyway, sometimes joking over Daniel being his potential soulmate but it’s always as far as it would get.
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : Stop playing, i bet you were even more scared than he was. [11:34pm]
ItsOngNotHong : I’m a manly man Y/N, i don’t get scared. [11:35pm]
You could easily imagine Ong swelling his chest with pride, a silly smile playing on his bright features.
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : Don’t you scream when you see bugs tho?? Anyway sleep is calling, talk to you tomorrow :) ? [11:36pm]
ItsOngNotHong : IT HAPPENED ONE TIME! And to be fair that mosquito was really huge... Goodnight Y/N, sweet dreams. [11:37pm]
* Kotonoha_n0_niwa has left the chatroom * [11:38pm]
Seongwoo sat back in his chair, staring at the red dot next to your username. Somewhere in the appartement, he could hear the soft melody of Sewoon’s guitar, one of his roomates, playing. He sighed, putting his hands behind his head, exhaling slowly. His eyes trailed over your words one more time, imagining how your fingers would look like, dancing on the keyboard, a small smile on your lips as you read the words, his words, he wrote for you. 
Ong Seongwoo was whipped. And he very much knew it.
'’ You know, you should think about confessing to her, i’m tired of seeing you look at your computer like a kicked puppy whenever she leaves the chatroom. ‘’ 
Guanlin snickered at Daniel’s comment, not bothering to look up from the television where a pretty tough mario kart game was displaying, both boys engulfed in the game, racing like their lives were on the line.
‘‘ Yah Guanlin-ah, don’t you have a soulmate to take care of instead of hanging out in our dorm and disrespecting your hyung ? ‘‘
Guanlin sticked out his tongue, out of pure concentration, slightly bending to the right to master as best as possible an arduous turn.
‘‘ Can’t. Seonho is at a family meeting and won’t be home until Friday. ‘‘
‘‘ Are you really not going to confess though ? ‘‘ Asked Jisung curiously, plopping on the couch between Guanlin and Daniel. Ong sighed for what seemed like the thousand time in five minutes, absently tracing the rain drops on the window with his long fingers.
‘‘ How could i ? I don’t even know if she lives in Korea nor if i’m her soulmate. Hell she could already have met hers ! I would look like a complete idiot... ‘‘
Jisung patted his shoulder, looking pitifully at his friend.
You tightened your jacket around your shivering form, one hand burried deep in your pocket while the other was busy checking the message you just gotten from Ong. Spring was coming around but the strong wind bitting your sensitive skin made you feel like it was still the middle of January. You regretted leaving your scarf at home.
* ItsOngNotHong has entered the chatroom * [10:14am]
ItsOngNotHong : Hey Y/N, are you sleeping ? [10:14am]
* Kotonoha_n0_niwa has entered the chatroom * [10:15am]
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : Hi, no i’m not! But aren’t you supposed to be in class right now ? [10:15am]
ItsOngNotHong : I’m pretending to take notes on my computer, Minhyun has been threatening to rat me out to the teacher since i started playing Super Mario 20mins ago. [10:16am]
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : Yah Ong Seongwoo, don’t you wanna graduate ?! [10:16am]
ItsOngNotHong : Of course i do! I’m just counting on my natural talent ;)[10:16am]
ItsOngNotHong : Hey what about you ? Aren’t you in class at this hour ? [10:17am]
You pushed open the door’s restaurant, greeting your mother with a hug as soon as you got in. At only 8 in the morning the restaurant was pretty much deserted. A soft song was playing in the background, perfectly matching with the cosy atmosphere of comfy homemade food restaurant on a rainy day.
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : I only have class this afternoon, so i’m gonna help my parents with the restaurant until school starts. [10:18am]
ItsOngNotHong : Such a nice and helpful girl, that’s the Y/N i know! [10:19am]
You rolled your eyes, suppressing a giggle, while making your way to the locker room to get your apron and your name tag.
Kotonoha_n0_niwa : lol, my shift’s starting soon, talk to you later loser. [10:20am]
* Kotonoha_n0_niwa has left the chatroom * [10:20am]
ItsOngNotHong : So cruel... :( [10:21am]
‘‘ Ah really, that was the most boring class ever ‘‘ Jisung started complaining as soon as the class ended, earning himself a death glare from the teacher. ‘‘ Also i’m so hungry, my stomach kept growling during the lesson. ‘‘ 
‘‘ Daehwi and Samuel texted me asking if we wanted to eat at that ramen place downtown, next to the mall. ‘’ 
Daniel texted them back confirmation after the trio agreed on going there. Ong drove his two friends at the place, since he was the only one with a driver licence, Jisung claiming that he kept riding his bike to ‘‘ protect the environment, thank you very much ‘‘ when really he had just given up after failing for the 5th time.
It was about twelve when they arrived at the restaurant. The rain had stopped pouring and the sun was peering behind a curtain of gray clouds. From what Ong could see from the bay windows, the restaurant wasn’t too crowded, way less than the mall where people kept flooding in and out the building like a river stream.
Ong took off his hood, flattening his messy brown hair with his hand. He looked at his reflection in the glass, his chocolate brown eyes meeting the back of a girl setting a plate in front of a customer. At the sight, his tattoo started itching, sending chills down his left arm. Seongwoo paid it no mind, absently scratching the compass through his thick layers of clothes. 
The three boys entered, immediately spotting Daehwi and Samuel, both waving at them with a grin plastered on their faces. Samuel and Daehwi were both a year younger than them, but that didn’t stop them from hanging from time to time, when they weren’t busy with finals or any other college activities. The two soulmates greeted them happily, their shooting star marks both visible on the back of their hands.
Seongwoo gazed at their matching tattoo, wondering what Y/N’s mark looked like.
The day went by smoothly, as you took care of your customers, mostly regulars and a handful of college students as Seoul’s public university wasn’t far. Soon, noon kicked off and your stomach woke up, growling like a hound. Taking it as a cue to take your break, you went to the back, a cup of instant noodles in your hand.
‘‘ Ah... Eating cupped noodles in a ramen restaurant, if that isn’t a shame. ‘‘
You wolfed down your excuse of a healthy meal, feeling the warmth of the chicken broth warming up your insides. You jumped on your feet as your heard the door bell ring, signaling the arrival of new customers. You walked to a table at the back of the restaurant, occupied by four boys, a seat remained vacant but you knew was occupied for the jacket laying on the back of the sofa.
‘‘ Hi guys, what can i get for you ? ‘‘ You slightly bowed at them, a pen in one hand, ready to write down their orders.
A boy with blond hair, who looked a few years younger than you, stated all the orders, his hand remaining locked with the boy next to him who was softly smiling at what looked like his soulmate, as their tattoos indicated.
‘‘ I’ll get that done for you as soon as possible ! ‘‘ You smiled gently at the couple, bowing once again at the group of friends before turning around, still scribbling the drinks they previously ordered.
As your turned tail, you didn’t notice a boy going full speed on you, his eyes focused on his overfilled glass of water while you didn’t glance one bit from your notebook.
You felt your body jerked away as a cold wave of water came crashing on your sweatshirt and face, splashing your notebook at the same time. You let out a scream before you stumbled on your feet and ended up on your butt, soaking wet.
‘‘ What the he- ‘‘ You glared at the person who got you in this miserable state and froze mid-sentence, mouth wide open, water dripping from your hair. The guy finally looked down at you, stopping his movements right on track, his left hand halway outstretched to help you get up on your feet.
You quickly rose up, taking in the features of your internet friend, still in shock. If the guy was charismatic on picture, he was drop dead gorgeous in rea life. His brown hair was messy, his bright chocolate brown eyes widened in shock, mouth agape, his perfect white teeth visible.
‘‘ O-ong ? Is that you ? ‘‘ You suttered, unaware of the questionning looks of the four boys in the back.
Seongwoo’s face broke into a huge grin before he engulfed you in a hug, whispering how jinjja, daebak it was to finally meet you. He apologized a few times asking if you were okay as you wiggled away from his arms, embarassed and worried you might get him wet too. You felt your shoulder and whole body heat up at the contact, but ignored the tingling in your arm as you proceed to wipe the water from your notebook.
‘‘ I can’t believe we’re finally meeting and the first thing you do is spill water all over me. ‘‘ You laughed, voice still trembling from the shock.
‘‘ Wait you’re Y/N ? THE Y/N from the forum ? ‘‘ Asked Jisung, whom you recognized from meme pictures Ong sent you a while ago.
‘‘ Ong won’t shut up about you ! ‘‘ Added one of the blond haired guy, mockingly smiling at a frozen Seongwoo behind you.
You awkwardly laughed at the boy’s sentence, feeling the heat rise up to your cheeks.
‘‘ Guys stop bothering her. ‘‘ Seongwoo whined. He handed you a napkin, apologizing once again for running into you and spilling his water on your clothes and notebook. You stripped off your sweatshirt using the napkins to absorb the little water that went on your tank top. You heard a hand clasped against a mouth as Samuel let out a loud ‘‘ Oh!! my!! god!! ‘‘ earning few disapproval glances from customers.
You lifted up your gaze curiously, your eyes catching a glimpse of your mark now brightly shinning, sending waves of heat in your shoulder.
‘‘ You’ve got to be kidding me... ‘‘ Whispered/yelled Daehwi as Daniel  signaled to everyone to look at Ong’s mark that was shinning as well under his gray shirt.
You felt your heart stopped and quickened as you took a proper look at Ong’s tattoo that had the form of a compass, with a black and white circle in the middle, lines and circles graciously running up his muscular shoulder. Your heart was pounding so hard in your chest that you could’ve sworn the whole restaurant could hear it.
Soon enough the shinning ceased, leaving two full and identical marks on your respective shoulders.
‘‘ D-do you mean that... ? ‘‘
Ong Seongwoo was your soulmate. Your internet friend, to whom you developped genuine feelings for, was your soulmate. The guy who just spilled water all over you was your soulmate. Jisung got you out of your trance as he got up on his seat and yelled that one of his best friend had just found their soulmate.
The restaurant exploded with applause, cheering for the two of you as you looked down, furiously blushing at the sudden attention. You felt a hand wrapped around yours, squeezing it lightlty, you looked up, meeting with a lovely pair of deep chocolate eyes.
‘‘ So now, I guess you could say you fell for me, right ? ‘‘
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ggukiefrappe · 7 years
Limerence · 3
Member: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Mystic Messenger!au; fluff; slight angst; swearing; slight drug use
The state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one’s feelings but not primarily for a sexual relationship.
I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I thought it was just a game, guess not.
A/N: sorry this one’s really short... i guess it’s kinda like a filler for the next chapters
Sitting on top of the bed, I started scrolling through Instagram. I wanted to open Youtube but my poor data can’t handle it. As I was cackling over a stupidly funny video, the door to the room opened.
“I’m back,” there stood Christian with a tray of food and a laptop. He went over to the desk placed next to the gigantic window overviewing the garden, “Here’s your lunch. Come eat it faster before it gets cold, I made it myself.” He smiled, approaching me as he speaks.
He sat next to me on my bed holding my hand as his thumb caresses the back of my hand. “What did you cook?” I asked, putting my phone down on the nightstand beside the bed.
“I made pappardelle pasta with beef and pork bolognese sauce. I didn’t know what you liked, so I just went with something that easy to make.” he described as he leads me to the table.
“Doesn’t sound easy to make…” I sat down, ready to eat the food prepared for me. I took a bite of the pasta and instantly, my eyes went wide. The taste was indescribable. The beef and the pork tasted so exquisite that it was as if they were fighting for dominance but in the end, being equally as tasteful.
“This tastes so damn good, I could eat this all day.” I ate as Christian looked at me with happy, gleeful eyes.
“I’m glad you liked it.” he watched me eat, pure happiness radiating from his body.
After a couple minutes, I finished eating.
“Thank you so much for the meal, Christian. Man, if I could, I'd marry you. Who wouldn’t want a husband that can cook am I right?” I beamed, looking over to see his astonished face as I mentioned the word ‘marry you’.
“I won’t mind marrying you… if that meant you wouldn’t leave me. You won’t leave me right?” He questioned, yet again.
“Is there a reason for me to leave you right now? I mean I am supposed to be testing that game out anyway right?” I smiled, “I can use the laptop right? I forgot to bring mine from home.” I shyly looked away from him.
“Of course you can! I already set the wifi on it too so you can just use it. I actually have to go now, I still have work to do.” he sadly smiled at me as he pulled me in for another embrace. “But I'll be back either tonight or tomorrow to check up on you.” He’s been really touchy ever since I came and honestly, I didn’t really mind. It kind of feels homey, in a way and I kind of liked it.
“Okay…” I said as I snuggle into him.
Soon after, he left. Leaving me alone, in a gigantic room. I took the laptop and went over to the bed, turning it on and opening the school website where the assignments are posted on. Since I really had nothing to do anyway, I finally did the report and submitted it and it felt so great to finally submit something 3 days before it was due rather than 30 seconds before it was due.
Considering I had nothing to do, I opened Netflix and started to find another show to binge watch. Although I watched a lot of the shows already, there were still many that I honestly didn’t really bother watching. One of them being ‘Glamour Girl’ since so many of my classmates and friends talked about it, they probably already spoiled what happened to me already, making it unnecessary for me to binge watch but, since there’s nothing to do, guess it won’t hurt.
Midway the first episode, I got a notification on my phone.
*A new Chatroom has opened*
*Jeon Jungkook has entered the chatroom*
*Min Yoongi has entered the chatroom*
Oh, people are joining the chatroom… might as well right? I opened the app, entering the chatroom as well.
*Y/N has entered the chatroom*
Suga [11:40]: so you lost against a silver?
Suga [11:40]: what were you again? Master?
Suga [11:40]: nice kook, nice.
Jeon Jungkook [11:40]: I DIDN’T MEAN TO LOSE….
Jeon Jungkook [11:40]: something came up and so i went AFK a bit and they killed me.
God, Overwatch again. Is that a ‘thing now’? Everyone’s playing it.
Jeon Jungkook [11:41]: OH, UNIVERSITY BUDDY~
Jeon Jungkook [11:41]: HI!!!!
Cute. I don’t know which one he was in the picture but, he’s cute. His personality at least.
Me [11:41]: hellohello~
Me [11:41]: what is this your talking abt?
Me [11:41]: Overwatch?
Suga [11:41]: Oh, you know it?
Me [11:42]: kinda? A bunch of my friends play it. My brother plays it too.
Me [11:42]: he’s too obsessed with it :\
Jeon Jungkook [11:42]: OMG…
Jeon Jungkook [11:42]: what rank??
Me [11:42]: idk… i didnt ask him, wasn’t that interested in it.
Hold on… if this is supposed to be a game, don’t they change the name of the games? Or like a new game or something? But well, Christian did say he tried to make it as realistic as he can so I guess he didn’t change it… right?
Jeon Jungkook [11:43]: bummer…
Jeon Jungkook [11:43]: how’s that report going?
Me [11:43]: never have I submitted something 3 days early
Suga [11:43]: how do you usually submit it?
Me [11:43]: 30 seconds before its due…
Jeon Jungkook [11:43]: HAHAHA SAME.
Jeon Jungkook [11:43]: we have so many things in common ^^
Suga [11:43]: you guys…
Suga [11:43]: OH speaking of overwatch
Suga [11:44]: I have a friend who’s one of the top players in overwatch
Suga [11:44]: I just met him actually
Jeon Jungkook [11:44]: wHAT?!
Suga [11:44]: yeah, i figured kookie here would want to talk to him
Suga [11:44]: so i thought ‘why not invite him to the party?’
Suga [11:44]: what do you think Y/N?
Oh, we’re starting already? Oh, okay… i guess….
Me [11:44]: sure! Just ask him to email me, i guess
Jeon Jungkook [11:45]: YAY!
Jeon Jungkook [11:45]: Suga, you know so many people…
Suga [11:45]: well, if you’re in this industry, you’ll get to know a lot of people.
Me [11:45]: well I guess that’s true…
As I was chatting in the chatroom, a message came through.
Christian [11:46]: i have a surprise for you~ i hope you’ll look forward to it ^^
Smiling, I quickly texted back,
Me [11:46]: I’ll look forward to anything you surprise me with~ ^^
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