#he was slowly remembering everything bits and pieces of what happened to put him there
thedevilsfamiliar · 4 months
Fic: this is a Apollo/Percy fic, it has no happy ending and there’s MANY tags saying it’s gonna fuck you up
Me: yeah yeah how bad can it be
Me, 4 days later: I. What. WHAT? I can’t. I can’t.
Me, 6 days later: oh my god I— the author is nuts. The author is crazy. I should’ve read the tags.
Me, 10 days later: -angry and crying- the fic was so good I hate it
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libraryofgage · 11 months
I realized Steve is absolutely that kid whose parents put him through piano lessons solely so they could have another way to show off at parties and shit. And then that thought morphed into a little Steddie plot bunny and here we are lol:
Steve doesn't know it's the last time he'll sit at the grand piano, the last time he'll press down its keys and let music fill the empty room before bleeding out into the empty house.
He doesn't know that when his parents next come home, his mother will notice how horribly out of tune the instrument is. He doesn't know that it will be sent off somewhere for repair (his parents won't tell him where, no matter how he asks, and he'll never quite understand why) and lost to him. He doesn't know his parents won't bother buying another one; it was only ever there to impress party guests when Steve sat down and played some Bach. Without those parties, company or otherwise, there's no point in getting another one: both the piano and Steve will have outlived their usefulness.
He doesn't know that he'll be storing away his sheet music, carefully placed into folders and in a waterproof box for safekeeping. He doesn't know that he'll soon become too consumed by high school and dating and monsters to idly write down notes on a staff. He doesn't know that when he's swinging a nail-ridden bat in the future (to destroy monsters, sure, but destruction is destruction, right?) he'll ache with the pain of missing the act of creation as a means of stress relief.
He doesn't know any of that, so Steve sits down at the grand piano with a soft smile, gently trailing his fingers over the keys before lining them up in the Middle C-position. He runs through a few warm-ups, letting muscle memory take him away, so he doesn't have to think. Without another thought, he seamlessly transitions into idly playing, bits and pieces of everything he remembers and songs he's heard blending together.
Mozart's Air morphs into Beethoven's Fur Elise into Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. It doesn't all sound good together, but that's not the point when Steve plays by himself. All that matters is letting his brain shut off for a bit, letting the notes and echoes mingle together to create something new and joyful.
After two hours on the piano, his wrists are aching; he always forgets to hold them in the proper position when he plays alone. But it's a good ache, one that reminds him of the music still dancing around in his brain.
Steve takes a deep breath and slowly releases it, feeling the last of his tension dissipate. He lets his hands linger on the piano for a little longer before standing and leaving the room, tragically unaware of his imminent and unavoidable loss.
Steve is sprawled across an old couch in Gareth's garage, reading Eddie's well-loved copy of Lord of the Rings. He'd promised to at least give it a go, and he had to admit he was looking forward to finally understanding some of the references Hellfire Club and the kids make. His progress is slow, but he's almost halfway through after two weeks of work. Reading while Corroded Coffin practices helps; the background noise of their music is perfect, letting him ignore all other sounds and focus.
Of course, that's provided they actually play continuously instead of starting the same song over and over only for Eddie to stop them halfway through. When it happens for the sixth time, Eddie growls in frustration, tugging harshly at a lock of hair. "It still sounds wrong!" he cries, dropping into a crouch while cradling his guitar close.
"Stopping us halfway through isn't helping," Gareth points out, idly twirling a drumstick as he watches Eddie's lament.
"Do you know what's wrong yet?" Asher asks.
Steve can longer focus on Lord of the Rings. Instead, he places the book on his chest and looks at the band to watch how this plays out. Eddie scowls and looks up at Asher. "Unfortunately, Ashy Baby, no."
Jeff, meanwhile, has locked eyes with Steve. And because Jeff knows the perfect way to get Eddie off their asses is to get him on Steve's instead, he says, "Why don't you ask Harrington what he thinks?"
Eddie whips around to look at Steve, eyes wide and hopeful. He doesn't even bother standing from his crouch, instead waddling his way over to Steve and testing his ability to hold back laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of the sight. "Stevie, baby, sweetheart, lover boy, please tell me that wonderful brain of yours has an idea so your favorite boyfriend can finish this rocking song."
"You're my only boyfriend."
"Which automatically makes me your favorite," Eddie points out, grinning as he leans closer. With Steve still laying down, Eddie's the perfect height in his crouch to kiss him. He lingers for a few seconds before pulling away, and Steve knows his own smile matches the dopiness of Eddie's.
"Have you considered adding a piano?" Steve asks.
"None of us know how to play," Asher says, and Steve would look at him if Eddie's face and hair and shoulders and everything weren't filling his entire line of sight.
Without thinking, Steve hums and says, "I do."
"Do what?" Eddie asks.
"Know how to play piano."
There's a silence that follows his sentence, one that makes Steve's stomach lurch as he wonders if he's maybe fucked up the shaky peace and friendship he's finally managed to build with the other members of Corroded Coffin. He doesn't know how his words might have done it, but he's scrambling to somehow take them back when Eddie slaps a hand over his mouth, the bands of his rings pressing against Steve's lips.
"Gareth, you still got that keyboard?" he asks, keeping his eyes locked on Steve. There's a light dancing in them like he's just discovered magic is real, like Steve has amazed him beyond imagination.
With a grunt, Gareth gets up from his drums and steps into his house. The rest of them stay in silence while waiting, Eddie refusing to remove his hand no matter how much Steve licks his palm. When he finally gives up and just glares at Eddie, his boyfriend grins brightly back.
"It's a little dusty, but it'll work fine," Gareth says when he comes back, and Eddie finally moves his hand and body, allowing Steve to see Gareth setting up a keyboard a few feet away from his drums.
"Okay, sweetheart," Eddie says, taking the book from Steve and carefully setting it aside before pulling him off the couch, "you've heard the song enough. Play what's missing."
Steve hesitates before walking over to the keyboard. Eddie sticks to him like a shadow, sliding his arms around Steve from behind once he's standing in front of the white and black keys. An odd nervousness churns in Steve, tugging at his spine and making his palms clammy, but he knows it would be much worse without Eddie there. If he had to play in front of the band without feeling like anyone was on his side, he'd probably just throw up instead.
"It, uh, it's been a while," he says quietly, easily falling into the muscle memory of tracing the keys and finding Middle C and dancing his fingers through warm-ups despite his words.
Eddie squeezes him tighter as Jeff asks, "Since you've played? Why?"
Memories of his grand piano rise in Steve unbidden, overwhelming him in a rush of longing for the instrument itself and the relaxation of playing. "My parents paid for lessons and had me play at company parties. They, uh, sent it off to be tuned, but it got damaged, and they didn't get another one."
"That sucks, Stevie," Eddie murmurs, soft and reassuring and Steve suddenly feels far more confident.
He looks up at Jeff. "Can you start playing again?" he asks, flashing a grateful smile when Jeff nods and starts strumming the song's opening notes.
Steve listens closely, breathing in the tune he's heard so many times and letting it take hold. He doesn't allow himself to actually think, letting Jeff's guitar and Eddie's arms and hair and scent drown out everything else. Before he knows it, he's playing a hesitant tune that grows with confidence as he follows the song laid out before him. He's always a measure behind, chasing the guitar's echoing notes as they fade.
He and Jeff make it through the whole song without Eddie telling them to stop. When the final notes of guitar and piano echo together, the latter still chasing the former even at the end, Steve is shaking with excitement and anxiety and grief and joy.
He lets out a slow breath, feeling tension he didn't even realize had lingered for so long finally draining from his shoulders and dissipating. Steve can also feel Eddie's face pressed against his neck, a smile searing into his skin as Eddie squeezes him even tighter.
"I love you so fucking much, Stevie, that's exactly what was missing," Eddie says, his words the only warning he gives before pulling Steve away from the keyboard and off his feet and spinning him around. His surprised yelp quickly morphs into laughter that still lingers even after Eddie has set him down again.
Gareth and Jeff and Asher have already started discussing how the other parts of the song might change with the addition of a keyboard, but Steve is too busy turning in Eddie's arms and kissing his smile away to pay them any mind. He can worry about inevitably being roped into the band's practices later, after he and Eddie are breathless and flushed and smiling bright.
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clockwayswrites · 8 months
City Pigeons Bleed Green Part 4
WC 1123 Masterpost CW allusions to past torture, dehumanization, anxiety
“Looks worse in person, doesn’t he?”
Dick was jolted out of his thoughts as Jason spoke. He gave little nod, but didn’t look away from the kid asleep on the bed. Seeing the photos were bad enough, but Jason was right, he looked worse in person. It was distressingly clear all that he’d gone through between the fainter marks that the flash of the camera had washed out and the way the kid’s bone’s were clearly outlined under paper thin skin.
“It’s wild seeing someone who looks so much like B looking so fragile,” Jason continued in a low rumble. “Like, none of us think the old man can do everything anymore, we’re all beyond that childish notion, but doesn’t mean that B still doesn’t seem larger than life. To see a kid with his features look like that…”
“It’s going to be okay, little wing,” Dick assured hi. “We’ll look out for him now.”
Jason snorted. “Always the optimist.”
“Nope,” Dick said, shaking his head. “I’m just pretty sure that anyone who comes for him, you and little Red will put in the ground.”
Dick could see Jason start out of the corner of his eye at that, but didn’t pay it any mind. Instead, Dick finally entered the room instead of just lingering in the doorway like a creep.
“What’s the plan, baby bird?”
Tim stopped twirling the screwdriver in his fingers (a nervous habit) and glanced Dick’s way. “I want to fit a piece of insulating rubber between the collar and his skin. I should be able to get it off without zapping him, but they didn’t… I’m pretty sure they didn’t intend it to ever come off, or at least not cleanly.”
“So rubber as a back up, makes sense. What’s the catch?”
“Well, like Duke said, we don’t know what will happen when we remove it,” Tim answered, “and I’m pretty sure he won’t stay asleep for it. He stirred some when I was checking it over earlier. I want the collar off him but…”
“Pretty sure that’s more important than rest,” Jason said. “He’s got as long as he needs to rest after. Besides, gives us a chance to get some fluids and food in him.”
“Okay, you wake him up then,” Tim said, tone edging into snippy. The baby bird really was stressed by this.
“Now hold on,” Jason started back.
Dick just rolled his eyes and squatted by the edge of the bed. Gently, he rested a hand on the kid’s shoulder. He rubbed a slow circle with his thumb. “Hey there. Can you wake up for a little bit? We want to get you more comfortable.”
The kid gave a sleepy snuffle and turned his head, nuzzling his cheek against Dick’s hand for a moment. Dick could feel when the kid actually woke up by how rigid he went.
“It’s okay, you’re safe, remember? You ran into Red Hood and Red Robin. They brought you to a safe house. I’m Nightwing, but they’re both still here.
“Hey Kid,” Jason said, his voice distinct behind the modulation.
Green eyes fluttered open and darted quickly around the room. The Kid was too young to have to catalog all the exits and makeshift weapons, but that’s exactly what he was doing. Dick slowly removed his hand and rested it, palm up, on his knee. The kid seemed to chase the touch for a moment before he went the other way and pushed himself to sit up back into the corner where the bed med the wall.
“Sorry,” he croaked out.
Dick nudged the sealed water bottle on the side table a little closer to him. The kid took a moment to look from it to Dick and the others in the room before he reached out very slowly to take it. Dick was sure the kid thought they were going to take it away by how quickly he snatched it back once his fingers were on it, but none of them commented on it. None of the commented on the way he checked the seal either before he broke it and chugged half the bottle.
“Maybe go slow with the rest of that bottle, but keep drinking it. We’d like you to eat too. If you’re not comfortable eating something we—”
Jay cleared his throat and Nightwing rolled his eyes behind his white out lenses. “That Red Hood cooks, we have MREs and bars that are sealed.”
“We can also cover your stitches so that you can take a shower,” Jason said, “but only after you eat. Don’t need you falling over in the shower.”
“And before you eat,” Tim chimed in, “we want to get that collar off.”
The water bottle crinkled loudly in the kid’s hands. He started, dropping it on the mattress then scrambled to pick it up.
“Shit, sorry, I’m…”
“It’s just water, Kid,” Jason said. “It will clean up fine.”
“Can you take a deep breath for me?” Dick asked, voice soft. He tapped out a rhythm on the bed frame with his blue stripped fingers.
The kid took a shuddering breath and then another. Jason left the room as the kid breathed, coming back with another bottle of water and an orange juice to set on the side table.
“There you go,” Dick soothed. “I’m going to talk about it, is that okay?”
The kid gave a jerky nod.
“Do you want the collar off?”
The kid nodded again. “Yes.”
“Is it going to harm you if we take it off? One of us Bats is a meta too. He said there could be a backlash of power.”
“I can control it,” he whispered. The words were barely audible over the nearly bottle that he was twisting in his hands. “But the collar… if you… it, um, shocks.”
“We know,” Tim said. “But I know how to take it off. We’ll put rubber between your skin and it too, so even if I tries you won’t feel it.”
The kid’s eyes seemed to flash brighter as he looked up at Tim. “You can? I tried to but I didn’t have… I couldn’t find the tools. All I could do is kill the tracker. It zapped me out for a day. I was so sure that… right, yeah, please, I want it off. You all… you’d do that?”
“Of course,” Dick said.
The green shifted to him. “But you don’t even know what I can do.”
“We know you’re a kid with a collar around your neck that hurts you. That’s enough for us,” Jason said.
The kid looked between all of them before he slumped forward. Dick gently plucked the water bottle from his limp fingers.
“Please,” the kid said. “Please.”
--- AN: Y'all, darlings, I am... so tired I didn't have it in me to read this over before posting so I'm sure there are double words and wrong words. Be kind to my soul. It was a very busy day with a lot of important things and fatigue is kicking my ass. But before anyone worse, I wanted to write this and I'm happier having gotten some writing done!
Still, I hope you like this part! We got Dick POV this time! Stay delightful, my darlings.
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alltheirdamn · 3 months
alltheirdamn masterlist
Welcome to the ever-growing list of works I'm creating!
Please remember everything is 18+ MDNI !!! Everything will contain SMUT so be advised and read all warnings!!
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Mando x f!reader **on hiatus**
Chapter 1 Summary: when you discover a bounty has been put on your head, your future and freedom are on the line. Chapter 2 Summary: Mando finds himself back on Tatooine... unable to let you go. Chapter 3 Summary: You're getting comfortable around Mando. He... doesn't know what to feel. Chapter 4 Summary: It was bound to happen eventually, right? Chapter 5 Summary: Are you strong enough? Chapter 6 Summary: Trust goes both ways. Chapter 7 Summary: Sometimes, the past comes back to haunt us. Chapter 8 Summary: The truth fucking hurts. Chapter 9 Summary: Running isn't always as easy as it sounds. Chapter 10 Summary: Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum Chapter 11 Summary: Din lets you have a little bit of control before saying goodbye. Chapter 12 Summary: Revenge tastes so fucking sweet.
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Joel Miller x teacher!f!reader **ongoing**
Series Summary: You've nursed a broken heart for two years. ‘Love’ felt like a foreign term, but maybe it wasn’t so far out of reach.
Chap. 1: Your Name Summary: When you catch the eye of your students' dad at a school dance, he starts showing up everywhere. Chap. 2: See me Summary: To be loved is to be seen. You're slowly learning that Joel sees you a lot more than you realize. Chap. 3: Violent Delights Summary: Every ounce of your resolve fades away as Joel finds his way past your walls. Chap. 4: Lost In Moonlight Summary: You couldn't deny Joel any longer. You needed him. Chap. 5: Nevermore Summary: It's hard to understand why everything feels so right. Chap. 6 Buried Truths Summary: When the past can only be contained for so long, Joel is there to pick up the pieces. Chap. 7 The Past Summary: Memories of the past suspended in time. Chap. 8 Stages Summary: The truth is the hardest pill to swallow. Chap. 9 Act 1, Scene 1 Summary: Time passes, but the memories remain. Chap. 10 Home Summy: How bittersweet it is to come home.
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Mechanic!joel x f!reader
Part 1 Summary: You're on a cross-country road trip when your tires blow, and you're forced to get them fixed at a small-town mechanic shop. When your card declines, you only have one other option to get your car back. Part 2 Summary: After a summer away, you decide to pay a visit to your favorite mechanic. Part 3 Summary: Swear? On my life. Oil Change Drabble Summary: Joel decides to teach you a lesson in changing oil. The Bet Summary: Joel makes you a bet on a night out. The Honeymooners Summary: A destination honeymoon is exactly what you and Joel need after tying the knot.
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A series of one-shots inspired by Ethel Cain songs
Crush Jackson!joel x f!reader Summary: After sharing a late-night smoke with a stranger, you let him take you home to his place... American Teenager Neighbor!joel x f!reader *coming soon* Gibson Girl Joel x sex worker!f!reader *coming soon* Western Nights Biker!joel x f!reader *coming soon* Lilies Dom!joel x sub!f!reader Summary: Joel gives you everything, but you’re beginning to crave more.
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Corrupt Dark!Preacher!joel x f!reader **DUBCON** Summary: You indulge in the voice of the Devil for one fateful night. *please read tags/warnings*
Couch Chronicles Frankie Morales x f!reader x Benny Miller Summary: When you accidentally tell your boyfriend, Frankie, that you think his best friend is cute... he makes a plan.
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eiightysixbaby · 11 months
imagine eddie taking you to a drive-in movie, decking out his van to make it the perfect cuddle spot. he’d lay out tons of blankets and pillows in the back, maybe even string little lights on the ceiling to make it more cozy. he sneaks in all of your favorite snacks, lets you feed him m&ms as you sit cross legged across from each other as the previews play. darkness creeps further into the night sky as the movie finally begins, eddie stretching out his legs with his back leaned up against a pile of pillows. he pulls the cliché move where he raises an arm in a fake stretch just to put the arm around you, and he squeezes you close to him when you giggle. you lean your head on his shoulder, inhaling the scent of his shampoo and deodorant, feeling his fingers fidgeting with the hem of your shirt as he watches the movie on the screen. but, naturally, the two of you don’t last long actually watching the movie, because you keep stealing glances at each other that aren’t so subtle. then it’s eddie’s lips on yours as his hands gently tangle in your hair, kissing you gently but with so much passion. his tongue lazily slips past your parted lips while your hands roam his body, making him shiver. it’s half-lidded warm brown eyes silently pleading with you to let him have more. and before you know it he’s rocking slowly into you, your bodies covered with a blanket, trying your very best to stay quiet as eddie teases you. “feels good, huh?” he whispers, nose tickling your ear. he knows he’s driving you crazy, making you dumb, and so he pushes it further. “pay attention to the movie, baby, tell me what’s happening,” his voice is low, you can hear his smirk as he talks. you’re trying so hard to focus on the screen and explain everything that’s happening to him, but you keep stumbling over your words or stopping your sentences altogether. you get him back the next time you go to the drive-in, blowing him in the back of the van and making him watch the screen, giving him a taste of his own medicine as he crumbles beneath you. only bits and pieces of movies are remembered by either of you at the end of the summer, both of you far more interested in each other.
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mypoisonedvine · 5 months
you know your last zemo piece RUINED me I think about it at least once a day 😭 what about zemo/reader + 41? 👀 if you feel like it of course! I would read even your grocery list probably
okay well then eggs, milk, greek yogurt--
just kidding c: (not kidding that i need to buy greek yogurt tho. i ran out the other day)
41: "don't do that. don't act like you don't feel this too."
warnings: smut (18+ only, ever so slightly dubcon because of all of the denial?), fingering and overstimulation, glove kink, angst, enemies to lovers, descriptions of injuries and violence, reader is very generally implied to be an avenger?
100 random prompts - send me a number and a character!
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"What are you doing here?" you asked sharply, pretending to be focused on your book even though your heart had been beating too fast to let you read another word as soon as he stepped into your room.
"I just wanted to speak with you," he said. You knit your brows together, because obviously you just want to talk, what the hell else would we be doing in here alone? but you didn't say anything. "About what happened today--"
"It doesn't mean anything," you insisted, rather dramatically flipping the page of your book. "You're an asset to the mission, my job is to keep the mission on track. That's it."
He didn't react, really. "I... never said it meant anything," he explained, "I simply wanted to thank you."
You cursed yourself internally, staring blankly forward at your book, trying so hard to ignore his dark form in your peripheral. Did he have to keep staring at you like that?
"So, thank you," he said.
"That's not necessary," you insisted, "I would've done it for anyone."
"You'd take a bullet for anyone?" he pressed.
You closed your book in frustration, finally looking back at him; you wished you hadn't. You couldn't even begin to react to everything you saw on his face, the way he was looking back at you... you stopped yourself before you even thought about trying to describe what emotion that could be. It took you a moment to even remember what you were going to say: "I didn't take a bullet," you corrected him, standing up off the bed, "I had Kevlar on. I just blocked it."
"Yes, Kevlar-- not magic," he clarified. "It must have still injured you."
You shrugged. "I'll live."
"May I see?" he asked softly, stepping forward until he was uncomfortably close to you, and you nodded slightly. You couldn't look at him as his gloved hand slowly pulled up the bottom of your tank top, until the massive bruise on your stomach was revealed. "Christ..." he whispered under his breath.
You shoved the fabric back down and wiped under your nose, trying to act normal and stern again.
"I didn't know you were wearing a vest," he explained. "The feeling that went through me when I thought you were really hit-- that you might..."
He trailed off, but you nodded, knowing what he meant.
"I haven't felt that feeling in a long time," he continued soberly, his gaze a little darker. "I never wanted to feel that again."
"Well, I guess I'm sorry if I... distressed you," you mumbled.
"Surely you know I'm not here asking for an apology," he scoffed.
"Then what do you want from me?!" you snapped.
"Don't ask me a question you don't want me to answer," he warned, and your heart jumped.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you mumbled, crossing your arms tightly and looking away.
He didn't answer, just stepped closer to you-- you wanted to step back, but the bed was in your way. Damn these insanely tiny rooms...
You looked back at him, trying to keep a straight face, hoping he couldn't hear your racing pulse somehow.
"Ask me again what I want from you," he ordered darkly, "if you really want to know."
You stammered a bit but eventually choked it out, almost a whisper: "What do you want from me?"
"I want you to promise you'll never do that again."
You weren't sure what you were expecting, but it wasn't that. "What?"
"Never put yourself in harm's way like that again," he demanded, "I can't take it-- if you were really hurt, or even killed--"
"It's my job," you reminded him. "If my orders put me in harm's way, that's where I go. And my orders come from Bucky, not you."
"James doesn't care about you," he interjected sharply, and your eyes went wide. "And you don't care about James-- not in that way, at least."
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," you blurted out, not sure what else you were supposed to say to that.
"Don't do that," he pleaded lowly, shaking his head. "Don't pretend that you don't feel this, too."
You tried to step away but he grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you back into him-- closer than ever; his other hand came up to hold your face, a gloved thumb tracing over your cheek as you looked back at him.
"I can't watch you get hurt again," he breathed, "least of all for me. Just let me protect you."
"I don't need your protection," you assured, "I can fend for myself."
"But do you want to?"
When your mouth opened with a little gasp of denial, he took the opportunity to kiss you-- hard and passionate, pulling your body close to his.
You put your hands on his chest like you were going to push him away, but you found yourself melting into it instead, and your fingers weakly clutched at the fur lapel of his coat.
"Fuck," you mumbled against his lips, kissing him back with more intensity than either of you expected. Weeks of tension finally broke as you clawed at each other, falling onto the bed and struggling with a mess of bulky clothes.
His kiss moved to your neck, his teeth digging into your skin until you whined. "Would it be wrong of me," he wondered, "to be responsible for another mark on you?"
"Shut up," you hissed, 'cause how the fuck could he be all poetic and shit right now? You could barely even think straight-- clearly you weren't thinking straight, because you were in bed under Zemo of all people. "I can't fucking stand you sometimes."
"I know," he mumbled against your skin, his hands moving down your waist until he could start opening your belt.
"But I wanted you so fucking bad..."
"I know."
He slipped his hand into your pants, cupping your sex for just a moment, before roughly shoving two fingers inside you-- with his fucking leather glove still on. You moaned low and loud, tossing your head back as he stretched you on those fingers, the intrusion thick and sudden and making you insanely desperate.
Your back arched as he thrusted those fingers inside you, your legs spreading naturally as your body craved more. He pulled away from your neck to stare down at your face, mesmerized by the way you responded to him.
"O-oh my god," you gasped, "fuck--"
"Right there?" he assumed as he curled his fingers against your spot, making you shudder and hold tight onto his arm.
"Yes, yes!" you whimpered.
"Quiet, draga," he cooed, "James is only one room away--"
"Fuck, j-just fuck me," you begged, "I need you-- just fuck me, please."
"No," he denied flatly, though it clearly pained him to say it. "One of us has to stay in control."
You whined in frustration, amazed at how much he could say in so few words. I'm in control right now. I wouldn't be able to control myself if I was inside you. I wouldn't hold back, and everyone would hear us. You couldn't pick which underlying meaning was the one that made you that much more wet all of a sudden.
He purred through a smile as he rubbed harder against the spot inside you, moving his covered thumb to press to your clit as well. "I can feel how badly you need this-- it must have been so long since anyone pleasured you, hm? And you must have known I could take care of you."
Your legs were shaking already, your hand reaching up to hold onto his shoulder, then weaving into his hair. You tried to pull him down for a kiss, but when his face came close to yours, he stopped and stared right into your eyes-- and his other hand grabbed yours and pinned it down roughly beside your head. You bit your lip, hating how much you loved the helplessness you felt right then.
"I just need you to come for me now," he explained with a growl. "I need to watch you give into it."
"I-I'm close," you nodded, and he smiled again.
"I know," he said, making you feel a little stupid for even saying it. "Show me. I want to see what it looks like when you let go."
With your one free hand holding tightly onto the sheets, your hips started to rock up into his touch-- or maybe trying to get away from it, the feeling was so intense. Either way he had no trouble keeping you where he wanted you, shoving his fingers deep until your eyes rolled back. You knew you were saying his name, you heard it echoing around the walls, but you refused to believe that it was really you begging for him like that. You would've given him anything he wanted right then, just to get through that feeling and let ecstasy wash over you: thankfully, all he wanted was exactly that.
It was actually quiet at first, you were holding your breath without really meaning to; only when you just barely started to come down from the high did you make a sound again, a moan going out along with a big exhale of everything you'd been holding in.
Except the feeling didn't stop, because he didn't. Actually, he started going even harder.
Your eyes shot open and your body rocked. "F-fuck, fuck!" you yelped, both your hands tightening into fists before the unrestrained one grabbed at his wrist to try to slow him down-- which obviously didn't work.
He was biting his lip and flaring his nostrils from the force of it, staring down at you with fire in his eyes as he kept going.
"Oh my god," you sobbed, "I-I can't-- fuck, I-- oh!"
You wouldn't really call it a scream... he would, but you wouldn't. You might have said it was more like a high-pitched moan or maybe just a loud whine, but really, to anyone else who heard it (which may not have just been Zemo) it was definitely a scream. A scream of overwhelming, painfully-perfect pleasure. And only when your whole body was a shaking, useless mess did he stop moving his fingers inside you and gently pull them out.
You were so exhausted, going limp against the mattress and fighting to blink your eyes open, that you didn't even really notice him bringing his soaked glove to his mouth and getting a taste of you, humming contentedly.
It was only when he let go of your wrist and stopped hovering over you, sitting on the bed with a sigh, that you really noticed him again and (mostly) came back to reality.
His hair was messed up, and his face was flushed-- and you'd tugged his shirt to the side and exposed more of his chest. Only now did he look even a quarter as affected by this as you were. "There will be a time and place for more, draga," he promised you with a sigh, "soon."
"When?" you asked, and he smiled a bit deviously at you before wrapping his hand around the back of your neck and kissing you again-- sweeter, slower, but with a hint of dominance as he gently bit on your bottom lip.
"Whenever my patience runs out," he answered with a grin.
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lixxiebrownies · 8 months
Birthday sex with skz (18+ mdni)
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Tw: foodplay,smut,oral,shower fucking
Type: requested by 💪🏻anon
Genera: headcanons
Line up:hyung line
-oh lord I love him
-Sweet boy definitely took a day of his work just for your special day.
-He would pamper and spoil you all day I mean all day,but what to come tonight is the best gift he could ever give you
-it was so subtle too,it slowly started with cuddles on the couch,then soft touches around your body
-after a little bit touching became a make out session,he started with the pants…then the shirt..all that was left was your undergarments
-you both found yourself on the couch heat taking over both of you the small knot forming in your stomach from the way he ate you out.
-it was all to good the feeling hitting you as the little white streaks of cum dripping down chan’s face his tongue lapping up your cum making sure not to waste a single drop
-to lazy to notice Chan had already slid into you “feel so good angel..gonna make m-me cum so..quick”he said sloppily starting to thrust into you faster and faster
-“so good f’r me b-baby gonna c-cum!”then it happened the knot in his stomach broke releasing the thick load of cum from his cock he fixed his composure a little
-“I’m not done yet hun,g-gotta make this a birthday to remember.”
-You guys know about chef minho right? Well you get him on your special day
- he woke you up with breakfast in bed and the kitties all cuddle up to you when you eat
-later he took you to a bunch of cafés especially kitty cafés!
-but after dinner dessert come right? there was a special treat;)
-he had told you to go to the bedroom while he gets everything ready and you did
-“sweetheart come here I got everything ready” he said,you walked down stairs and saw a naked Minho with cake all over his body (sorry if this is weird this is all I could think of for some reason)
-“happy birthday sweetie” he says while gesturing you to come over to him “are you surprised?”
-You didn’t say anything in shock of what’s happening in front of you,you had swiped a piece of cake off of his naked body and licked it off your finger
-“is it good? I made it myself” he asked and you nodded “why don’t you have the rest?” He said
-you had another idea and you looked down and saw his long thick cock but it had more cake then the other parts of his body
-“you want that sweetie you can have it” you nodded eagerly and got down on your knees and started to lick the pieces of cake if of his girth
-he was groaning in pleasure grabbing your head and pushing himself further down your throat
-soon there was patches of sweet cum on your face and small puddles of it on the floor
-“you wanna take this to the bedroom kitten”
-(I’ll let you guys imagine the rest of this I can’t think)
-My strong bebe
-he woke you up with kisses and cuddles and he made you breakfast like minho>3
-the whole day was pretty chill but you guys did go to the gym but it was mostly hun working out and showing off in front of you
-at the gym he did pushups and let you sit on his back tho🥹
- after the gym he also took you to a fancy restaurant for lunch
-after you guys got home you guys both decided you would take a shower together
-“you comfortable baby?” You nodded in response
-while he was washing your hair your butt brushed up against his yk yk😏
-he accidentally moaned in response and then he quickly covered his mouth
-you turned around to look at him and you were met with a blushing binnie and a throbbing thick cock
-he look at you and said “wanna get your birthday p-present early baby..?”
-Before you even could answer he started to kiss your neck and rub his thick girth on your stomach “so pretty” he says sloppily still kissing you all over
-he slowly makes his way kissing down your body before he starts to suck on your clit and he put two of his fingers in your little hole
-“gotta stretch y-you out baby..” he murmurs you almost couldn’t hear him
-after you came on his digits a few times he eagerly shoved his thick cock up your hole
-the thrusts were euphoric with every thrust he somehow got deeper every time
-“are gonna cum again b-baby..?” He said making his thrust faster you could barley respond back to him but then the knot in your stomach broke
-his release soon came after his cum dripping down your legs onto the shower floor and by this point the shower wasn’t that warm anymore so he picked you up and cleaned you up
-he placed you on the bed and got you dressed in fluffy pajamas then put some on himself
-“g’night baby”
-artistic jinnie Jin is here!
-this artistic boy woke you up with a bunch of presents surrounding your bed
-“I got you a bunch of presents love! And there’s a bunch more too!” He sounded very excited
-he helped you get out of bed and he brought you to the bathroom and did all of his skincare routine on you>:)
-after that he had you go sit back in the bed and he bought McDonald’s for you🥹
-and he somehow picked up almost all of the presents and put them on the bed for you
-after all the presents and eating the McDonald’s he brought you to his art room
-“I’m going to draw you love! But I need you to do a couple of things first though..do think you can?” You nodded in Response curious to see his requirements
-“okay! I need you to take off your clothes and sit in the middle of the floor in this pose”(hopefully the link works)
-a little bit later after he started he couldn’t stop touching his bulge and it was starting to get unbearable but he wanted to draw you so bad…
-he couldn’t handle it anymore and got up and picked you up and went to your shared bedroom and threw you on the bed
-“I’ll draw you another time m’kay?” He said while trying to get his pants off as soon as possible
-as soon as he got his pants and boxers off he quickly positioned himself at your entrance and started to thrust himself in you
-with every thrust you could hear the headboard getting slammed against the wall at the intense speed he was going
-soon all you could here was his moans and groans mixed with little whimpers every few minutes
-“s-so good! Gonna cum all o-over you!” And he did just that his pure white cum spilling out of your pussy
-“so g-good..ready for another r-round love..?”
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 months
Stray Kids Reaction || Your Have Another Band Tattoo
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PAIRING: Skz x GN!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - March 2024
Chan was working on his laptop when you nervously walked into the living room and paced in front of him, pacing so much it was starting to make him a little dizzy from seeing you.
"What's going on? You only pace when there's something wrong?" He chuckled a little, shutting his laptop and putting his work to the side for a bit. You froze in place and stared at him, nervously playing with the sleeves of your shirt as you tried to think of how you were supposed to start this.
"I have something to show you," You swallowed the lump in your throat. You had a tattoo to show him, one that was going to get increasingly harder to hide from him as your relationship progressed. 
"So show me," He chuckled a little and you slowly rolled up the sleeve of your hoodie,
"I got this a long time ago," You told him before he watched you closely, revealing the tattoo of a guitar as well as some lyrics to a song he knew was your absolute favourite.
"Whoa! When did you get that?!" He runs his hands over the tattoo, admiring it as a giant smile beamed on his face.
"When I turned old enough for my first tattoo, I just remember really wanting it but I just...I-I didn't want you to see it and think I was hiding it." You admit before Chan chuckles once again.
"It's unexpected but you're so freaking cute," He gushes before kissing your cheek softly.
"You think so?!" You'd been so worried that he would be upset about it you never thought about him actually liking it,
"Yeah! This tattoo is a piece of your musical journey," He smirks, still running his fingers over your tattoo as you begin to tell him the story of when you first got it.
As Minho got ready for dance practice with you he stared at you, watching as you beamed at the guys talking about something you seemed excited about but there was something that Minho could see wasn't right about you. There was a huge plaster on your bicep,
"What happened, baby?" He cooed, walking up to you and rubbing your lower back a little. Instantly he felt the mood shift as you stared at him, your eyes watering a little.
"You have to promise not to freak out." You'd done everything to hide this tattoo ever since you'd gotten together with Minho but as the summer days grew closer it was becoming clearer that you didn't have much of a choice anymore.
"Why would I freak out?" He chuckles nervously until you slowly pull off the plaster,  his mouth falling open a little as he sees the logo of another kpop band that wasn't his. 
"I-I'm sorry, I got it before we met, they were my favourite band back then." Tears welled up in your eyes and Minho stared at you, 
"Why would I freak out?" He chuckled softly, he was hurt, sure but he wasn't going to get upset with you for getting a tattoo of a band you loved.
"I thought you'd be...mad?" He stares at you before kissing your forehead softly, 
"I could never be mad at you." He told you with a soft smile, kissing your cheek softly as you felt your body heating up.
"Even if they got a tattoo of my name across their ass?" Felix teased earning a glare from the older member and a giggle from you as you hugged Minho tightly.
Changbin had been nervous ever since he'd seen you in the shower that morning, it had been an accident when he walked in on you but now he was more worried about the tattoo he'd spotted.
"Hey, what's going on in that pretty head?" You giggled walking over to Changbin and gently touching his arm. Changbin hesitated, nervously biting his bottom lip as he stared at you.
"I saw your tattoo," He admits. He remembered the small logo that was on your collarbone, your heart dropped a little. You'd been covering it up with a heavy foundation whenever you were intimate with Changbin and you completely forgot about it in the shower.
"I got it a while ago before we were together..." You admit to him, staring at him as you tried to read him for any signs that he was pissed off at you or not.
"They were my favourite band, I loved their music and it really spoke to me." You whispered as you stared at him. Changbin was a mess of emotions, he was jealous more than anything that someone else was on your body other than him.
"It's cute," He whispered, smiling at you as you felt a weight lift off your shoulders.
"You're not mad?"
"At you? Never...But are you planning on getting more?" He arched a brow at you making you laugh a little and kiss his cheek softly.
"Maybe, you wanna draw one for me?"You teased, kissing him softly as he pulled you close to him.
It had been an accident when Hyunjin saw it, he hadn't even meant to see you today but he'd walked into a shop you just happened to be inside of.
"Are you sure you don't want to get it covered? I mean, you could replace the tattoo with something for his band," Your best friend said as you stared down at your hands, you'd confided in her about the tattoo you had on your thigh from another band.
"I don't want to, their music is a part of me but I don't want Hyunjin to hate me for it." He stilled as he stared at the back of your head, your friend freezing as she saw him standing there.
"I could never hate you," Hyunjin whispered as he sat down beside you, your friend quickly went into the changing rooms and gave you both some time alone.
"I'm upset that you felt that you had to hide something from me but I'd never hate you for getting a tattoo of something you like." He reassured you, rubbing your back softly as you sniffled a little, turning and hiding your head in his neck.
"I love you, okay? A tattoo of some other band is never going to change that," He promised before kissing the top of your head softly.
Trying on outfits for your friend's upcoming wedding was supposed to be fun but Jisung had ended up walking away from you when you'd shown him the last outfit so you'd quickly rushed to get dressed and chased after him.
"What's going on?" You panted when you finally caught up to him,
"I saw it,"
"It?" You frowned, your heart racing from the running you had just been doing but Jisung sighed at you, shaking his head.
"Your tattoo," As soon as he said it your heart raced for a different reason and you felt your mouth run dry.
"When did you get it?" He was hurt and with good reason, it wasn't easy when he found out his partner had another man tattooed on their body and he was starting to overthink it.
"A few years ago, before we got together. He was my bias and I just- I was drunk and decided I needed him on my body," You were anxious about the tattoo, it was always something you'd regretted.
"Oh...S-So it's not recent?" He looked at you, the shine gone from his eyes was enough to make your heart sink as you stared at him and whimpered.
"No, baby, no it was from years ago..."You reached out to touch his hand and he sighed a little.
"I'm sorry I freaked out," He mumbled before you bought him into a tight hug,
"Don't worry about it." You whispered, pulling him toward the food court so you could grab something to eat before you continued shopping.
When Felix had spotted your tattoo over a week ago he instantly began to overthink it all, he didn't want to but the idea of you having someone else's lyrics on your body hurt more than he thought it was going to.
"Have you talked to them about it? Maybe it was a mistake?" Jisung offered some advice but Felix shook his head, his head in his hands as he groaned a little.
"Why didn't they just tell me about it? What if it's because they really like the singer?"
"Lix-" Jisung tried to warn him that you were in the room but Felix shook his head, continuing to list off all the things he'd been overthinking for the last week.
"Is that why you've been avoiding me?" You breathed out, dropping down onto the sofa and rubbing his back softly. You'd been trying to get him to talk to you for days but he'd been skillfully avoiding you until tonight.
"A-Avoiding? No." He stutters a little before you kiss his cheek softly.
"The tattoo is from years ago, it was my first ever tattoo," You explained before kissing his cheek softly yet again and earning a blush from him.
"I shouldn't have been freaked out but-"
"I get it, I'd freak out a little too," You reassured him, kissing him softly as he relaxed a little.
"Hey, I have something to show you," You told Seungmin as you walked into his place, your smile unable to contain as you practically jumped up and down on the spot.
"Okay...." He chuckled watching you closely, you relaxed a little and slowly rolled the leg of your pants up to reveal your thigh.
"Whoa!" His jaw dropped as he saw his Skzoo tattooed on your leg, he gently ran his fingers over the tattoo and you smirked at him.
"It's fresh! You like it?" You wiggled your brows at him and he nodded at you, before looking at another tattoo on your thigh.
"Is that one from your favourite band?" You looked at where his eyes were going and giggled, nodding your head at him.
"When did you get that? I've never seen it!" He chuckled, completely surprised but amazed by you.
"A few years ago, you like that one?" You smile, sitting beside him as he nods, asking you if you have anymore he didn't know about.
You'd fallen asleep on the sofa while you and Jeongin were watching a film and he'd seen the tattoo by accident, his eyes staring down at the logo in amazement. It was etched upon your skin and it looked pretty.
"Is the movie over?" You groaned, rolling toward Jeongin who hummed softly.
"Is that a tattoo of your old favourite band?" He arched a brow and you smirked at him.
"Old favourite?"
"Well obviously we're your favourite now," He smirked at you before you smirked, kissing him softly and nodding.
"It might seem strange, but back then...that band really spoke to me, they were so different from anything else...I just-"
"Baby, you don't have to explain yourself to me. Your love for them is yours and I just love seeing your tattoo," He chuckled holding you tightly in his arms.
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @myyouthdonut @extrhotjne @ca11me3mily @elissasimp @xakx @sleepb @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @kpopmenace143 @minhosify @loveforred @b1nn1e-1s-cut3 
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baby-yongbok · 8 months
A Feeling
Boyfriend!Bang Chan × Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst with a pinch of sugar at the end
Summary: There's a feeling in your chest that you can't seem to shake.
Warnings: Mentions of betrayal, Themes of cheating, Drinking, Broken Glass, Name calling. (I think this is it, let me know if I missed anything)
A/N: Happy Birthday Dear Chrisssss, Happy Birthday to you! + I've been having some issues with writing due to my health so I hope that this piece is good lol I got approval from my best friend and I trust her so here you go! This is one of the many posts that I'll be making for Our Leaders birthday so be on the look out!
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The sting of bourbon flooded your throat as you threw back yet another shot. What was supposed to be a date night with Chris turned into you ordering a meal for one and him staying late at the company to fix a sudden studio mistake.
It wasn't the fact that your date night got canceled that bothered you, it was something else. It was a feeling that lingered in your chest. A feeling that something was wrong. You couldn't quite put your finger on it and the more you wondered the closer you got to finishing half a bottle of bourbon by yourself.  At this point you might as well wait for Chris to get home. It's about three in the morning now so he should be home any -
"Baby?" Your boyfriend's voice startled you out of your deep thoughts. "What are you still doing up?" 
"I kinda got… stuck. And then I got the bourbon out and ended up a little drunk.. so put the two together and you get this." Motioning towards yourself hunched over in the barstool you sigh.  "I couldn't shake this feeling..." 
"Are you sober enough to talk about it?" Stalking towards you slowly, Chris takes the empty seat next to yours.  
"Maybe it's best if I'm not sober for this? Maybe it'll make it easier to ask you and depending on the answer I wouldn't mind having it be harder to remember."
Confusion consumes his features as he leans forward, crossing both of his arms on the kitchen island "What could possibly be bothering you this much, babygirl?"
"I feel like.. there's something you have to tell me. I feel like today, something happened and you need to tell me but you aren't sure about it." Chris perks up a bit as you explain yourself to him. "If my feelings are correct then I need you to tell me what it is right now. Cause I can't sleep with this in my chest."
Running his hand over his face he covers his mouth for a second as he takes in all that you've said.
"Chris?" He looks up at you, directly into your eyes. "What is it?"
With a heavy sigh Chris squeezes his eyes shut as he prepares to speak. "Your friend… you know how you asked me to get Michelle a job at the company?" You shake your head as you follow his story. " Well ever since she started working there she's been.. suspiciously enthusiastic to see me. I thought that maybe she was just grateful that I got her the job and decided not to read too much into it"
Sighing, Chris runs both of his hands over his face and then looks down at the marble of the island. "Today, she went with us to assist with the Hilfiger shoot, she was just there to help make sure that it all went smoothly. Everything seemed perfectly normal until we were in the vans on our way home. I sat in the back and she made it her mission to sit next to me even though she was supposed to be in the other van. She was quiet for a bit, just listening to me Han and Felix talk until she suddenly tapped me and started talking about fate. She said that she's been waiting for an opportunity to get closer to me and this job has given her that." 
He pauses as he takes a second to read your body language. You couldn't hide how tense you are even if you wanted to. Your first instinct was to explode before he could even finish his story. You wanted to call him a liar for saying that Michelle, your best friend since preschool, would say such a thing to him but sadly you knew he wasn't lying. After being with him for three years you've learned how to tell when he’s hiding something from you. 
"I told her that I didn't understand. I told her that she knows I'm with you and I'm happy in this relationship. I told her that I only got her the job because you asked me to. She proceeded to talk about how much she... how much she liked me and then she told me that watching me during the shoot turned her on... then she, she uh.. she kissed me." 
You urgently sat up in your seat as you imagined just what he said. There's no way that Michelle would do that to you… right?  "And I pushed her away immediately, as soon as I processed the feeling I panicked and Han saw it all."
Quietly, you start to piece together everything that Chris just put out in the open. There’s no way that Michelle would never betray you like that. The two of you are partners in crime, you love each other, you respect each other.  
"Michelle -" You pause, your buzzing thoughts making it more difficult to complete your sentence..  "She wouldn’t -" 
You attempt to process the information over and over, the fuzziness that the bourbon’s caused making it a bit hard to piece it all together clearly but you know that it's true. It’s obvious that Chris isn't lying. He scratches the back of his neck when he's lying and on top of that, he has no reason to tell a lie about Michelle.
 "That fucking skank" Your glass shatters on the kitchen floor as a storm of anger closes in on your senses. You stumble to your feet and go straight for your cell on the kitchen counter.  
"Y/n" Chris swiftly stalks after you, grabbing your waist from behind. 
"Fucking let go of me." You fight his hold but all it does is make him hold onto you tighter. 
"You're drunk, if you're going to call her, do it tomorrow." You continue to fight him, the rage you felt was only enhanced by the bourbon and you knew that, yet you couldn't find it in you to calm the storm in your chest
"How could she do this shit?" 
"Baby, please calm down." He drags you down to the kitchen floor and pulls you into his lap. To you, it felt like you were still fighting but you were still now, being cradled by Chris as you sobbed into his chest. The transition was unbeknownst to you, it was so sudden.  
"How could she do that to me? She knows…" Chris shushes you as he strokes your hair. His thumb softly rubbing soothing circles into the exposed skin of your thigh. 
"She knows you're mine." 
"I'm sorry, I was never going to keep this from you. I just didn't know.. I didn't know how to tell you. I was going to give it till the morning." 
"Did you like it.."
"What?" Looking down at you with furrowed brows Chris’ grip on you loosens just for it to tighten again.  "No, no I didn't. I pushed her away. I immediately felt… dirty and scared.. scared that she'd cost me your trust, scared that you'd freak out so badly that you'd hate me for even saying anything. I hated every second of it and I hate every second of this feeling that it left me with. I love you, Y/n. I've never wanted anything with anyone else and that includes Michelle."
Silence envelopes the two of you as he holds you and you him.  The situation at hand was looming slowly around the two of you. You're almost positive that Chris will call Han in the morning to confirm everything that he told you. And you'll call Michelle and ask her why the fuck she thought this was okay.  
"We should get you some water then into bed, it’s late" Slowly you nod your head to agree with him but before you can stand Chris scoops you up in his arms bridal style and stands. " I don't want you hurting yourself on the glass." 
You look down at the shattered shot glass on the kitchen floor then back up at Chris. He’s watching you with soft eyes, a weak smile pulling at his lips. A surge of desire washes over you and you can't help what happens next. Grabbing his face with both of your hands you kiss him hard and passionate. He kisses you back with the same hunger allowing your energies to mix in a delicious and raw display of passion. As his lips tangle with yours he takes a couple steps back, away from the mess on the kitchen floor. You can hear the crack beneath his shoe as he steps on a piece of stray glass. 
You comb your fingers through his hair, grabbing some of it and pull slightly at the roots. A moan slips from his lips and it drives you over the edge.  
"Please." You both are panting as you pull away and plead for him. " Please, I need you."
"You're drunk." He looks down at you with sad yet lust flooded eyes.  You can tell it's killing him to deny you of your desire. "Trust me, I want to but you're wasted and not even two minutes ago you were angry and crying...Right now you only want me to prove that she can’t, ask me again tomorrow and I won't hesitate" 
"Okay." The Silence comes back to hug you both as he carries you into your shared bedroom and sits you onto the bed.  
"I'm gonna get you some water and clean up that glass. You should shower and change into something for bed." He kisses you on your cheek and you watch him as he walks away. His black t-shirt and joggers fit him beautifully and you couldn't help but resent him for it just a bit. You don’t move, your thoughts are running too wild for you to think about doing anything else besides calling Michelle and yelling every profanity that you can think of at her. You almost don’t notice Chris come back into the room with a bottle of water in hand and confusion written on his features.
“Are you going to shower?” You look up at him with your glazed eyes, searching his features for the right answer but it’s no use. 
“I don’t know.” You whisper and Chris takes a step towards you, Standing in front of you and gently guiding your head to rest on his stomach. You sigh at the contact, taking in his gentle touch.
“Maybe we’ll just call it a night? Shower in the morning.” You nod your head lazily as a tear runs down your cheek and soaks into the cotton of his shirt.
“You’re mine, right?” He pulls back from you a bit to see your face. He cups your cheeks in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. 
“All yours, only yours.” His eyes stay on yours, a soft and loving gaze that you know holds nothing but the truth. You shake your head slightly, grinning a bit. 
“You promise?” He returns your grin before leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“I promise.”
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faithshouseofchaos · 4 months
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I’ll always take care of you— Logan Sargent x reader
Tagged— @ashy-kit @alwayzbeenale @astraeaworld @67-angelofthelordme-67 @a-casual-romantic @amatswimming @bblouifford @badassturtle13 @bbtoni @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @faithsotherhouseofchaos @loganshouseofworship @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @hrts4scarr @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @lollypop90907 @ladymarvel27 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lightdragonrayne @moss-on-tmblr @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @scotlynaurora @toasttt11 @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivreadsfics
Short and fluffy
“Logie bear” you screamed excitedly and loopy still underneath the effects of the anesthesia. “See I told you he was the prettiest boy in all the world” you said to your nurse. “Oh hi baby” Logan whispered “hi logie bear” you slurred. “So I take it she’s gonna be out of it for a few hours?” Logan asked the doctor. “Yes she’ll be out of it for a few hours but she will be fine with plenty of bed rest” the doctor explains. “Alright thanks doc”
“Hmm?” Your mind is still very blurry. “Logan?”
Logan looks up “yeah I’m here baby” Logan whispers in a voice so soft and loving.
“Wh…where are we?” You question slowly your mind still foggy from the drugs they gave you.
“We are in the hospital love where you had your shoulder surgery. You remember that right? You remember your shoulder surgery don’t you?” Logan says holding your hand
“Y-yea” you mutter rubbing your eyes as you begin to come out of from loopy state.
“Do you remember anything else?” Logan asks as he stares at you lovingly.
As the drug slowly begins to wear off you remember bits and pieces of the surgery. “I think so…” you answer unsure of where your head currently is. “Hey babe you’re safe and sound. I’m here. I’m gonna take care of you” Logan says as he strokes your face lovingly.
A small smile spreads across your lips as you feel the warmth flowing within your chest as you see the loving man beside you. The gentle nature and the calming way he takes care of you. “Are you going to stay?” You ask slowly starting to gain more clarity.
“Yes baby” Logan whispers caressing your cheek “I’m not going anywhere” the soft sound of his voice comforts you and puts you at ease.
Logan interlocks his fingers with yours as he holds your hand gently. Your heart flutters with every glance and touch. He continues to stroke your cheek as if calming a child to put them at ease but a sense of longing comes over you as all you can think about is being in Logan’s arms.
“You are the prettiest boy in all the land” you said giggling now.
Logan laughs quietly looking down at you with his beautiful eyes. “You’re the prettiest girl in all the land” he says brushing his fingers through your hair softly and tenderly.
The moment is so tender and loving that you can almost taste the sweetness of love in the air. With him holding your hand you feel content and happy like nothing outside of your bubble, no matter how small or big it seems, matters. With him all you can think about is him, all you can feel is him and all you want is him.
“I love you” Logan whispers softly as he pulls you forward and presses his forehead against yours. You feel an overwhelming sense of affection as your heart begins to race with excitement and love. Everything else around you seems to melt into the background as your eyes meet and you are locked in a brief but intense moment of passion and intimacy.
“I love you too” you whisper back unable to utter more words, your eyes still locked on Logan’s. The feeling of love and adoration you have for him is so strong and intense that nothing could break it. It’s like an unbreakable bond between two souls that no matter what happens, no one can separate you two.
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petriwriting · 1 month
All Over Again - College!Peter Parker X Reader
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Summary: College!Peter Parker, Female reader (She her pronouns). After No Way Home, Peter is in college. He's tried to move on from his past, but cannot let go of one person. So he has to get her to fall in love with him, all over again.
A/N branching out with more of my comfort characters from different fandoms. Warning for google translated Tagalog (filipino) Also this accidentally became mega fluff. oops.
"Are you okay?"
Peter asked with concern. He is battered and beaten, tired, but relieved and a bit sad. Y/N Embraced him, tightly. "yes, we're fine. i'm so glad you're okay," Peter looked at his friends his eyes were so saddened seeing them.
"You're going to forget who I am," he says, Y/N, Ned and MJ all look at him in confusion. "what?" says Ned, "What are you talking about?" MJ says, full of concern.
"Peter, Please," Y/N says, stepping forward, looking at him. He holds her face in his hands gently. "It's okay," Peter Coos. "I'm going to come find you, and I'll explain everything." Y/N's face begins to swell with tears, "I'll make you remember me." He says assuredly.
"Like none of this ever happened." Peter glances over to Ned and MJ. "Okay?" Peter asks, waiting for reassurance.
"What if that doesn't work?" Y/N asks, desperately looking at him. "What if that doesn't work and we- I can't remember you?" Y/N pleas. "Please Peter I can't lose you,"
"I know," Peter says "There's nothing else we can do." He begins to wipe the tears from her cheeks with his thumb. "Y/n, please" Peter says, it's breaking his heart at just the thought of not being able to see her every day. "Trust me." He says, Y/N nods, and their lips meet in a passionate embrace, a moment of desperate love. "I Love you," Peter whispers. "I love you," she manages to whimper back.
"Promise?" Ned says after their embrace.
"I Promise." Peter says.
They shake hands and embrace, and MJ gives Peter a tight hug.
Peter takes another look at Y/N, feeling as if he's losing the best part of himself. The three watch him leave, each crying and grieving the soon to be loss.
~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~
Y/N reported to work promptly and on time, as usual. The small Coffee shop was practically empty, aside from one customer who was busy on his laptop - probably swiftly typing business proposals. he had his airpods in his ears, and had been slowly sipping a black coffee.
Y/N wondered what it was like to have a job, to be important to someone. For some reason, they woke up last week feeling somewhat empty, a sudden and strange longing and depression. It was as if she was missing a piece of herself.
Despite the existential feelings, Y/N still wiped counters and brewed coffee for everyone. A rush of relief hit her when the bell at the door rang, alerting her of a someone's presence. It was Peter Parker, A name that did not yet mean anything to her. She thought he was cute, and he smiled softly and waved. "Hi, Welcome inn." She said, putting on her best fake nice customer service voice. "Hi." Peter said. He was taken aback by her beauty, even at work in some stuffy uniform. "I've missed you." He wanted to say, but didn't for the sake of not wanting to come across as a total creep. Y/N waited promptly to write down his order. "What would you like?" she prompted. Peter just stood there, it was slightly awkward. "We have your standard coffee shop staples, lattes, espresso, flat white, mocha," Y/N listed off the different kinds of drinks, and Peter let her. It was like music hearing her voice again. "We also have one that's new, it's called the Spider-Man latte. It's basically like a regular latte, But we put white chocolate and spider sprinkles on the whipped cream. Very popular right now." Y/N continued to explain.
"That sounds great." Peter said, "Alright, One Spider-Man Latte coming right up." she said, grabbing a coffee cup to prepare the beverage for him. "Is dairy ok?" She asked.
"what?" Peter said awkwardly. "Dairy, like milk. some people like almond milk, or like soy milk. for some reason people really like nut milk." Y/N said, with a slight amusement. It was almost a flirty quip.
"Well regular cow milk is fine. . ." Peter trailed off, "Unless you have spider-milk." Peter was immediately embarrassed. God that was so awkward.. He thought. Peter wasn't much of a flirt, but the Y/N he knew would have laughed.
Y/N paused for a moment and then smiled softly. "Well we dont carry that, but if you figure out how to milk a spider, please come back and let us know i'm sure it would be a total hit."
Peter smiled softly watching her decorate the top of the cup with whip cream and sprinkles.
"That'll be... $6.75."
Peter handed her cash, and she gave back the correct amount of change. Peter put it right into the tip jar, knowing she would probably use the money for her lunch later. "Thanks, Hey- You look really familiar. Have I seen you here before?" She asked, out of curiosity.
"Well I think we have class together, actually." Peter admitted.
"Oh, which one?"
"Physics." He says prompty, knowing that she sat in the back of the class everyday...
"Oh really?" Y/N shrugged. "I'm not really doing so great in that class to be honest. I got a C on the midterm, some of the questions were a little unclear." She said with a slight laugh.
"oh, i'm actually doing well, I could tutor you sometimes if you want?"
Peter offered, Y/N was unsure of how to proceed, but when she looked into his eyes, it was as if she'd seen him before. she just could not remember...
"That's really nice actually, I'd appreciate that." She said, taking a pen out of her apron and writing her number on a piece of receipt paper. "Here, you can text me. I get off at 6."
"And what was your name again?" she asked.
"Peter Parker."
"right, Peter parker." She repeated his name back to him. "i'm -"
"Y/N," Peter said immediately.
"How did you... Oh." Peter had gestured towards the name tag she was wearing.
Y/N nodded, wondering why there was suddenly butterflies in her stomach over a boy she couldn't even remember was in one of her classes. "Well, enjoy your coffee, Peter."
"you too!"
He said, which caused them both to chuckle.
A Few Weeks Later.
The two had texted as if they were old friends, as if they'd always known each other. sending memes and cute messages throughout the day.
It was late in the evening, Y/N was lonely, so naturally she sent a text to her classmate and new friend.
She opened the contact for Peter Parker and drafted a text message. Heyy she brushed her thumb over the text before ultimately deciding to just press send.
A few minutes later, a reply popped up.
What are you up to?
Just at home rn
That sounds fun
Not so much..
Sorry :(
The bubble with the three dots appeared for a moment, then disappeared. Y/N was a bit disappointed in this. Then, the phone was ringing. Facetime call from Peter Parker, she answered almost immediately of course.
"Hi." She said excited to see him.
"Hey." Peter said quietly.
"How was class today?" Y/N asked, watching and waiting for Peters reaction on her phone's screen.
"It was alright, but you weren't there.." Peter looked down sadly. "You didn't miss much though, cause' we were just recapping the exam questions." Y/N frowned. "Yeah, I wasn't feeling all that great this morning, I just could not get out of bed..." Y/N trailed off. "I'm not sure why."
Peter looked hurt by this, because deep down he was. He couldn't bear the thought of his decision hurting her. He hated thinking about it at all.
"Well I know of something that I think could make you feel better.." Peter began. "Oh yeah?" She perked up. the butterflies in her stomach were back. "Yes, but it would be kind of a surprise. Can I Come over?" He asked. Y/N nodded. "I think that would be nice. I could use some company." She says. "I'll text you my address now." Y/N says.
"You're not like a serial killer or anything though right?"
Peter chuckled, he had already collected himself ready to go. "No of course not!" Y/N smiled. "okay well then i'll be waiting on this surprise, It better be worth it!" Y/N joked. "I'll see you in a bit."
The call ended, and Y/N went to go freshen up, butterflies in her stomach. she had no idea where they came from.
Less than 15 minutes later, Peter had arrived with flowers, Y/N's favorite candy, and a pizza for them to share. They ended up talking for hours, and falling asleep to a movie on netflix, Y/N leaning right onto Peters shoulder. This was the first night Y/N felt herself somewhat starting to fall for him.
After going on a few dates and talking even more, Y/N was officially falling for Peter Parker. He visited her work to bring her lunch almost every day, and they were texting each other constantly.
Today, they had a date planned. Y/N was ecstatic, she had spent hours getting ready, and fantasizing about the romantic evening. It was their first nice date at an italian restaurant. She was even dressed in her nicest outfit.
Y/N finished getting ready for the evening, stopping by the mirror to put on a pair of earrings. The plan was so romantic it was as if it was straight out of a movie. An early dinner at a nice restaurant, an evening stroll through the park to go to a museum. She sent Peter a Quick text I can't wait to see you tonight. she checked to see the word "Read" which was followed by the current time.
Upon entering the street where the restaurant was, Y/N was greeted and sat at the table Peter had reserved for them. was she early? when she had checked the time, she wasn't all that early. but Peter was late. she waited, imagining that he missed his train, or got lost, or forgot about some homework. Although that was so out of character for him.
The time ticked by, after about an hour, she had watched people come and go from the busy restaurant, deciding to just leave. It was dark out by now, and the walk home felt dangerous.
She pulled out her phone to call Peter, see if he was running late as a last resort. anything. Maybe it was just too good to be true.
It rang for a while before going to voicemail. at the beep Y/N left a voicemail.
"Hey pete." Her voice was defeated. "I just wanted to see if you were okay and what was going on, Since you stood me up. I just," she sighed heavily. "I really really like you, and i thought you liked me but i guess i'm just head over heels for someone that doesn't care like I do. I'm sorry. But i'm going home for the night. Just text me later, ok?"
She was beyond disappointed. Y/N walked home alone, made it back and cried. She undressed, putting on a pair of shorts, some fuzzy socks and without realizing it, one of Peter's T-shirts he had left at her flat. It had been three hours or so since Peter had left her at that restaurant, alone. In total defeat, she curled up into bed, ready to lull of into sleep to avoid this awful feeling.
Knock.. Knock.. Knock...
It wasn't at the door, but at her window. Y/N jolted up, terrified someone was trying to break in. or worse. She waited quietly, listening, before her phone started buzzing. It was Peter. She answered quickly, scared she was about to get robbed she just wanted to have someone on the line in case. "Hey, It's Peter im outside." he sounded so quiet, his voice was hoarse and he sounded exhausted. Y/N opened the window in confusion.
"He climbing the goddamn fire escape..." She thought. Opening the window, Peter spilled in. His face was brusied, his cheek had a small scratch with blood dried to his face. He looked awful. "Oh my god." Y/N exclaimed, helping him to her bed. He was beaten up pretty bad, and limped slightly. "Peter what happened??" Y/N demanded. "I uh, I got mugged." Peter lied, he was never a particularly good liar to those he loved, but Y/N was filled with worry. "Pete," She grabbed his face gently wiping the blood off his cheek. "I'm so sorry," She sighed. "I feel like an idiot.."
"why?" Peter asked. "I thought you stood me up I was angry and upset, I feel awful knowing you were getting mugged!" Y/N exclaimed. Peter sighed. It didn't feel right.
"I wasn't mugged. I'm sorry Y/N." He said softly. "I have to be honest." Peter stood, and walked over to face the balcony, taking off his shoes. Y/N saw he was wearing red socks although the apartment was dark. "I have to tell you something." Y/N sat on the edge of her bed, in confusion and shock.
She watched as peter took his sweatshirt and jeans off, revealing his suit to her in the moonlight. y/n gasped softly.
"it's you." she said.
Peter nodded.
"And that's not even the craziest part..." He half smiled, going back to sit on the edge of the bed with her once again. "You're going to think i'm absolutely insane." He whispered. Y/n Shook her head, beginning to think she was dreaming.
"I'm Spider-man." Peter said softly. "And I Love you."
Y/N wanted to burst into tears, but sat frozen in shock.
"I always have, since the first time I saw you. You were in my class in elementary school, your hair was braided and you always said hi to me..." He said, smiling at the memory. although y/n had no memory of him whatsoever. "We were in Love, but I had to make a decision that potentially saved the world.." he said, grabbing y/n's hands in his own. "I had Doctor Strange cast a spell, so that everyone would forget who I was. I can prove it. That necklace you're wearing," Y/N looked down to see the necklace around her neck, she had no idea why she felt like she should wear it everyday and no memory of ever buying it.. "I got it for you in high school. and look," Peter pulled up a picture of Y/N and himself on his phone, it was his lockscreen. The two were sharing french fries on the top of a building in new york.
"Peter," Y/N said gently. "I told you I would find you one day, and explain everything. I didn't want you to think I was some creep or some asshole that would stand you up at the restaurant like that,"
"And I know that living a double life is extremely difficult, and people get hurt. I know that being spider-man puts you in danger, So for a while i kept quiet." He explained.
"I just want you to know the truth. you deserve that."
"Peter," Y/n breathed quietly. "I Love you." She said, Peter couldn't wait any longer and kissed her, deeply and softly. Y/N was beginning to feel the emptiness become whole again.
Years later.
College Graduation.
Everyone was excited, MJ even wore a dazzling gown, and Ned wore his best suit, Y/N was dressed nicely, and Peter was wearing a nice suit. It felt like the ending of a movie where everyone is happy and the hopeful song starts playing. It was a new chapter in life for everyone. Peter had become a huge part of Y/N's life, even rebuilding his relationship with MJ and Ned as well. It felt oddly nostalgic for him.
"Halika, oras na para sa larawan!" Ned's Lola exclaimed.
Y/N looked at Ned, so did everyone else. "She said lets get a picture."
The group chuckled and gathered for a picture. Ned was in the center, by peter, who had his arm around Y/N leaning over to kiss her cheek. MJ had her arm around Ned, smiling widely. As they all posed the camera clicked, and Lola was very pleased. "you all look beautiful!" Lola said, smiling teary eyed. "Am so proud of you." She gave Ned a big hug. She hugged MJ, Peter and Y/N.
"I'm proud of us too!" Ned exclaimed.
_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _
After graduation, Peter had planned a romantic date night, Giving Y/N absolutely no details. She walked with Peter up to the rooftop of their shared apartment.
There ware rose petals, candles, and a table and chair set up with a nice bottle of champagne and two glasses set up. Y/N's favorite flowers were in a vase in the center of the small table, The view of the city's skyline was in the distance as they walked. Peter pulled out the chair for her and the two sat.
"Pete this is beautiful..." Y/N smiled gratefully.
"Y/N," Peter began, he was nervous, Y/N could tell, but she kept quiet. She always made peter feel fluttery, He was so madly in love with her.
"Now that we've graduated, and we've got the rest of our lives ahead of us..."
"I know that I want to spend it with you." He says, reaching for something, and getting down on one knee to propose a tiny antique ring. "This was my Aunt May's ring, It was my mothers' too. I want to give this to you and ask," Peter gulped. "Will you marry me?" He asked.
Y/N was elated. She was so in love with him, everything felt so perfect. "Yes!" She exclaimed. Peter slipped the ring onto her finger and she admired it for a moment before embracing Peter. Peter picked her up, twirling her around before kissing her.
The moment was so sweet, they proceeded to pop the bottle of champagne and sip the golden bubbly liquid from their glasses. "I can't wait to spend forever with you." Y/N said, admiring her new ring. "you have no idea how long i've waited to ask you." Peter admitted. "I've carried that ring around for years."
"i'm so glad you found me again."
"You have no idea." Peter said quietly.
Enjoying the moment, there was a breeze in the air, and birds flying by every now and then. It was as if the city yielded for them in that moment.
"So does this mean i'll be Mrs. Spider-man?" she said light heatedly. "Well yes, but maybe don't tell everyone- would kinda defeat the purpose of a secret identity." Peter said with a chuckle. Y/N smiled and laughed. "Y/N Parker." He said. "I like that." Y/N said, and then repeated him to hear herself say the words. "Y/N Parker."
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charlesswife · 1 year
Una Noche En Mónaco iii
Mateo con Una T - part ii
unem masterlist
pairing: charles leclerc x latina! reader
summary: after a one night stand between you and charles, he continues on with his formula one career. until two months later, you come back claiming to be pregnant with his child.
warning: charles is an asshole, likeeeeeee proceed with caution. angstttt (i tried my best lmao)
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This is the last piece of flashback you guys need to know, everything else you will find out as the story continues 🤭🤭
May 2018
“Charles Leclerc is a fucking asshole and I never wanna see him again,” I said as I got into the car. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears. 
“Why? What happened?” Steph asked, “Are you okay? What did he do? Do we kill him?” 
I looked at her and told her what happened. 
He told me to talk in the living room to talk. He was pretty chill. 
“So…” I started, “Um… I’m just gonna be straightforward with you,” I see him nod, I took a deep breath and said, “I’m pregnant.” 
He started at me for a second and said, “Really? Congrats! I didn’t know you were with someone already! You could’ve just told me this on the phone,” he laughed, “You didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that. Good for you!” 
“No, Charles. I’m pregnant… with your child.” His smile slowly faded away. 
“Nope, I don’t think so.” 
“What? What do you mean ‘you don’t think so’?” I asked him. 
He got up from his sofa and started pacing around the room, “Question. Do you know who I am?” 
“Charles… Leclerc?” 
“And do you know what I do?” 
“You… race?” 
He stopped pacing and said, “Yup. Not mine.” 
“But it is!” I told him. 
“No,” He said again, this time more aggressive, “And do you know how I know this? Because why else would you come here to tell me this four days before the race? Either someone put you up for this, to mess me up or you are a con artist. So which one is it?” 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” I shamed my head. 
“I don’t? Please, you are not the first one that has tried this trick on me. I don’t even remember your name!” he yelled, “And even if it’s true, what do you want me to do? You want me to love you? To marry you? I would never marry someone like you! How even old are you?” 
“I’m eighteen…” I murmured. 
“HA!” he laughed, “You probably got knocked up by some random dude and now you wanna blame it on me! The famous Formula One driver! What do you want from me? Is it money? Is that what you want?” He really knows how to hurt people with words. 
My eyes started to burn, “I don’t need money from you,” I told him. Tears started to roll down my cheek, “I just want you to be there… for us.” My voice broke. 
“Oh please, don’t do this, with your crocodile tears” He rubbed his face with his hands, “Besides, you don’t even look pregnant at all!”
I lifted my hoodie, showing my baby bump, and his eyes widen a bit. “We had sex on March, you would be at least two months along” 
“Eleven weeks,” I corrected him. 
“Eleven weeks, right? You look bigger than eleven weeks. You probably got pregnant before me and you’re trying to baby-trap me!” He yelled. But he was right, I’ve seen pictures online of women being eleven weeks pregnant, and I am bigger than them. 
“No, that’s not true at all! Charles, you were my first time!”
“Wow,” he said in a sarcastic way, “Lucky me. Do you think I’m going to believe any of this? Do you think I’m that stupid?” 
“So this asshole basically called you a baby-trapper, manipulator, gold digger, whore?” Steph was mad, and she had every right to be. 
I stayed quiet for a second, technically he did, but he didn't use those exact words. 
“Steph, let’s just go home” 
April 2023
“Mateo come here so I can put sunscreen on you!” My kid dropped his little toy and came to me, “We’re going to go to the bookstore and then get some ice cream. Does that sound good, Mati?” 
“Yummy!” he yelled. 
After I was done applying sunscreen he started to jump around the apartment yelling “Ice cream! Ice cream.” 
“Okay Mateo Alexander, let’s go” 
The car rides with Mateo are always fun. He points at all the cars he sees or sings whatever is on the radio — he doesn’t know the songs but he likes to pretend he does. 
Once we got to the bookstore, I got him out of the child seat and walked into the store with him in my arms. I approached the register and greeted Steph. 
“Pascale is here,” she said. “She finally came with her two sons, I didn’t see their faces though.” 
I rolled my eyes, “I’m going to check the store, keep an eye on Mateo, and don’t give him candy,” I warned her, she put her hands up in defense, “We’re getting ice cream later and you know how he gets if he has too much sugar in his system.” 
Mateo yelled, “Ice cream!” 
I laughed a bit as I was leaving. As I walked around the store, I helped a few customers here and there. 
I was organizing a shelf when I heard my name. “Y/n?” My heart dropped to the floor. I turned around but I saw no one. Am I hallucinating or did I hear the voice of Charles Leclerc in my store, calling my name? “Oh sorry, I thought you were someone I know.” The voice came from the other side of the bookshelf. 
I speed walked to another section of the store as I was texting Steph “Code Red, you know who is here. Get Mateo.” As I hit send, my body collided with someone else’s. The person grabbed me by the arms so I wouldn’t fall back. 
“Wow!” The male voice said. “What’s the rush? Are you okay?” The first thing that I noticed was his blue eyes and then his thin lips. 
“I’m so sorry,” I apologized. “I would’ve seen where I was going,” 
“It’s all good,” he said. “More than good.” He let go of me. 
We stayed quiet for a quick second, “I’m sorry to be so straightforward but you are very beautiful, like breathtaking beautiful.”
“I’m Arthur, by the way,” he extended his hand towards me. I took it. 
“Y/n,” I introduced myself. 
“Y/n,” he repeated. “Do you work here, Y/n? So I know if I should come back again,” he laughed. 
“I own this store,” I told him. “I’m usually here on the weekends,” As I said that, my phone beeped
Steph - I can’t find Mateo. 
“Umm… It was nice to meet you Arthur but I have some stuff to take care of,” I said as I walked away. 
“Wait! Can I get your number?” He yelled a bit. 
“Come back next week and we should see!” I waved goodbye. What’s wrong with me? I need to find Mateo and get out of here before He sees him. 
Charles POV
“It’s so nice to spend the day with my two boys, you guys are always so busy” 
“Yeah, too bad Enzo couldn’t be here,” Arthur said. 
“It’s fine, he’ll come next time,” Maman said. 
Maman decided to take Arthur and me to her new favorite bookstore because “we needed to go there” I opened the door for her. 
“What a gentleman, thank you, Charles,” She said. 
“Yeah, thank you Charles” Arthur mimicked her. 
The bookstore had a whole different vibe from the inside, it was like stepping into a new world. We were greeted by a Taylor Swift song that surprisingly I recognized. I Knew You Were Trouble. 
“You guys go walk around, I’m going to the café,” Maman said, as Arthur and I were walking away, she spoke again. “soy Charles, don’t go too far. You have to meet this girl, she’s so sweet and she has this kid who is a literal angel. He reminds me of you actually. A lot.” With that, she walked away. I looked at Arthur, who only shrugged. 
As I walked around the shelves I saw a very familiar figure. 
Is that…? “Y/n?” The lady turned around. It was someone else. Something in my heart wanted to be Y/n. “Oh sorry,” I apologized. “I thought you were someone I know” 
The lady left and soon after a small kid walked by, he was looking from side to side. 
“Are you lost?” I asked him. He stopped walking and turned around. I held my breath for a second. 
“No,” he said. “My mommy works here.” He turned around and was about to leave, but I didn’t want him to leave. 
“What’s your name?” I asked him. 
“I’m Mateo with one T,” he put one finger up. “What’s- umm” he took a long pause for a second. “You?”
I laughed a bit. “I’m Charles.” 
A big beep sounded and then the music at the store stopped. 
“Mati come to the front please.” 
“That’s me,” the kid said and then he left running. He stopped for a second and came back walking. “Goodbye.” He gave me a tiny wave and left walking again. 
I felt my phone vibrate and when I took it out I saw a new message from Arthur 
King Arthur: I think I just met the love of my life 🥴❤️
Me: 🤣🤣 in what? five minutes? 
King Arthur: Sometimes you look at someone and you just know, brother. 
Me: I know you are crazy 🤣🤣 
👀👀👀🫣 I APOLOGIZE FOR MY LATE POST AHHHHH but how good was this?! I wanna hear your thought and theories!! What do you guys think is going to happen next? 👀👀
I’ll edit it properly later on after work, but here’s the chapter!!
I can only tag 50 people :( so the taglist for Una Noche En Monaco is closed 😭 I’m sorry 😭😭
@mac-daddy-210 @infinite-wanders @rbrsavage @itsyogurlkel @bbygrlllllll  @nerdreader @imnotcryingyouare1 @killerangel88 @obx-mylove-things-blog @triorion @daniellarogers @insssanemind @bosinclairsgf @rb-danny @shyshva @booksobsess @ogfangirl @ravenqueen27 @masonspulisic @yunnie-f1 @simxican @ushygushybaby @graceverstappen11 @maximoff-xmen @severenswife @ferraribabe @pjofics @harrysdimple05 @mloyer @teti-menchon0604 @imagineadream @reidsworld @scentedskydreamer @christianpulisic10 @formulas-bitch @topguncultleader @hc-dutch @moonclaine @miureiz @tall-tanned-tattoo @madisontaxarn @bisexualbith @diasnohibng187 @im-just-here-toread @tyskills @rafaaoli @heavengirls111 @lighttsoutlewis @leclerc13 @c4ssi4-luv @livsans @ynbutbetter @marigoldgasly @vita-di-moda @sbrn0905 @yesshewrites1 @amsofftrack @fandomxs1 @ludmisorella @japanesekel @leclercsbae @padfootsiriusorionblackthethird @celestialams @dreamcarsound @bhiees @empathypostsf1
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withwritersblock · 2 months
Half as Good as You
~Half as Good as You by Tom Odell feat. Alice Merton~
Author's Note: Cole is so pretty. as always italics are flashbacks Summary: Cole and Y/N rekindle their relationship Warnings: none? Word Count: 2,094 Cole Caufield x fm!reader
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It had been four months since they went their separate ways. He swore she was the one. She was everything that he’s ever wanted. She was funny, kind, beautiful, and the life of the party. 
They remained friends, maybe that was the first problem. It was nearly impossible to try to get over the relationship when their friendship was so perfect. He moved out of the apartment but they still saw each other a few times during the week. 
Maybe she was the one, maybe she is his soulmate. But he couldn’t give her anything she wanted. At least right now. He wanted to treat her right and he wasn’t in the right place mentally to do that. She respected it, reluctantly wanting to help him but she wanted to respect his decision. 
It was late, he was supposed to be up for morning skate by six and it was one in the morning. He was staring at their old photos together. He kept a collection on his phone with a simple green heart attached to it. Green was her favorite color. He hasn’t touched his green suit since they broke up. He fears it’s bad luck now. 
He scrolled to the top of the photo collection. A photo he secretly took the first time they ever went out together.
He took her to an aquarium for their first date. He didn’t know why that idea came into his head but he was so glad he thought of it. He wasn’t even paying attention to the fish or the sharks. He was so infatuated with the way she was watching everything with utmost attention.
They were standing over the starfish area. It was open, allowing people to put their hands into the water. He watched as she curled her hands over the glass, leaning forward trying to get a better look of each starfish inside. Her eyes widened as she bit her bottom lip excitedly. 
Cole’s lips curled upward softly as he scanned her frame. He slowly pulled his phone from his pocket, sliding to open the camera. He glanced towards her, making sure she didn't catch him. 
She brushes a few pieces of hair away from her face, her overjoyed features becoming more in view. He quickly snapped a photo before he put his phone back into his pocket. He took a cautious step towards her, hesitantly resting his hand on the center of her back. Leaning closer to her, she tilted her head up, meeting his gaze.
She smiled widely as her eyes squinted slightly as she looked into his light blues eyes.  He scanned her features as he felt his heart tighten as he continued to meet her gaze. His eyes slowly scanned down towards her lips. He lifted his gaze to meet her eye once more.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked quietly but bluntly. His eyes widened as he shook his head slightly, “That was really forward I’m-”
She lifted her hand and rested it onto his chest and nodded. He smiled nervously before he leaned towards her urgently. Kissing her passionately as if it was the last thing he’s ever going to do. 
He clenched his jaw at the memory, wishing he could kiss her lips one more time. But he knows that he can’t ask her. He continued to scroll through the images, remembering each moment and each photo vividly. 
Each date photo, photos of them cuddling on the couch, photos of any time she looked gorgeous and she didn’t believe it. A folder of photos to remind her that she’s stunning and that’s how he sees her.
His new apartment felt cold. It was too modern for what they wanted when they apartment hunted together. It was white and practically empty. He had furniture to fill up the empty space but no decorations. 
He preferred to simply exist in that space without her instead of living. Any time they would hang out, it was usually in public to avoid any mistakes from happening. But he knows from the time they’ve FaceTimed the apartment still looks the same as it did when they decorated it together. 
He’s not a quiet guy. Any person that’s known him for longer than five minutes could make that assessment. But he has never spent so much time in silence before. 
Every meal of the day would be spent in silence as he would just stare towards his phone, watching some video to occupy his time. He started FaceTiming her whenever he would eat, trying to remember the times before.
It was late as she was scrolling throug her Snapchat memories. She was rewatching the videos she took of Cole the entire time they were together. The videos were mainly him goofing off and trying to make her laugh. The background of the videos were always filled with her laughter. 
The other videos were simple ones that would get him chirped in the locker room. He was a cuddler. He loved cuddling more than anything in the world. Half her memories were filled with his entire body completely submerging her own.
She hovered over a particular video she’s avoided. It was the last week before he broke up with her.
His body was laying on top of hers. His head rested on her chest as he ran his hands up and down her side. He was rambling on about how his shoulder was acting up and how he needed the All-Star break to rest up. How grateful he was to have her in his life. 
Before she started the video he was silent for a while, thinking. She now knows what he was thinking about. Her heart breaks a little every time she thinks back to that moment. From that moment on he never acted the same. Became distant and found it impossible to communicate. Something they thrived in.
She ran her hand across her lips.
“I’m not sure, I’m ready for a relationship,” she muttered as they walked slowly down the hallway towards her apartment, the apartment she once shared with Cole. The man nodded as he continued walking at her pace. 
“I mean, this was really lovely and I’m so glad I decided to go with you,” she paused as she showed him her apartment door and stopped short. He towered over her, something she wasn’t used to. He was several inches taller than her. He furrowed his eyebrows harshly as he scanned her features. “I just think it’s too early to start dating again,” she let out while tilting her head to the side.
He nodded as he took a small step towards her. She glanced down towards his shoes, taking note of the purple color. A frown formed on her lips before she met his gaze. 
Suddenly he took a hold of her face and began kissing her. She froze for a few seconds before she started kissing him back. In more of a polite gesture than anything. She pulled away, smiled towards him before she spun around and unlocked her apartment door.
Turning around she met his gaze, “Thank you for tonight,” she mumbled before she snuck inside without giving him an option of stepping inside. She shut the door behind her and turned the lock quickly. 
Leaning her body against the door, she shut her eyes harshly. Her cheeks heated up as she felt her stomach drop. It felt like she cheated. The whole night felt wrong, everything should’ve been with Cole. It should’ve been with him. She hasn’t felt another man’s lips on hers in years, it felt wrong.
She pressed her lips together, trying to remember what it was like to kiss Cole instead of the other man, who’s now blocked on several different platforms. She checked the time on her watch, taking note that Cole would probably be asleep but she wanted to hear his voice. 
She pulled up his contact, staring at his contact photo for a few seconds. It was a selfie he took on her phone of him sticking his tongue out to the side while fighting off a smirk. She chuckled to herself at the memory she brought the phone to her ear, hearing it ring.
She only waited three rings before he answered. “Hey,” he muttered quietly, as if he hadn't spoken in several hours. She smiled as she shut her eyes, his voice felt like a warm blanket covering her frame.
“I kissed someone,” she let out, furrowing her eyebrows. Cole went quiet as he contemplated on how to reply. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you,” she let out again as she stared towards the ceiling. She watched as the ceiling fan slowly spun. “That’s a lie, I do know,” she said, her voice breaking as she spoke. 
She got teary eyed as she blinked rapidly.
“Hey, it’s okay, you don’t owe me an explanation. It’s not like we’re together anymore,” he let out, nonchalantly but the heartache he felt said otherwise.
“It’s not okay, it’s not,” she mumbled, “It was a kiss that I didn’t even want but it felt like I was cheating on you,” she muttered as she ran her hand across her chin. 
“But you’re not,” he said, quietly. It pained him to say it but it was true. 
It was quiet for a few seconds as they listened to each other breathe. She wiped a tear that slipped out of her eye. 
“I don’t want to be with anyone else, Cole,” she let out, trying not to sound like she was crying but he could tell. He could always tell when she was in pain. “I don’t think I can find someone half as good as you,” she mumbled. 
He tilted his head back, clenching his jaw harshly because he believed the same thing. There was not a single person that could match who he wanted in a relationship. “You will find someone better,” he muttered as he felt his eyes tear up. He cleared his throat, “You’ll find someone who will be able to give you all the time in the world. You-you know I can’t do that, Baby,” 
“Is this really what you want? Us just being friends?” she asked.
Of course it wasn’t what he wanted. “I want you, of course, but-”
“There’s no but,” she interrupted. “Stop telling me what’s good for me,” she mumbled, “Do you think I would’ve been with you all this time, if I didn’t think I could handle it? Or if you could handle it?” she questioned. 
“I feel like I’m hurting you,” he mumbled, “With me being gone all the time,” he let out, he was shuffling on his end of the phone. She wasn’t sure what was happening. 
“You’re not at all, Cole. You’re living your dream, that's all I could ever want.” she mumbled. He hung up the phone after she said that. She pulled the phone away from her ear, frustratingly staring at the phone. She dropped her phone beside her as she wiped her hands across her cheeks. The tears no longer drenching her skin. 
After another fifteen minutes, she started drifting off to sleep to try and forget the conversation she just had. She laid with her eyes shut, wishing to sleep when she heard loud bangs against her front door. 
She sat up quickly before she climbed out of the bed. She jogged out of her bedroom towards the front door. She skipped over the different plants and shoes scattered throughout the living room before she managed to reach the front door.
She peeked her eye through the peep hole to see Cole standing outside of her door. She quickly unlocked the door and pulled it open. He lifted his gaze from the floor and met her gaze. 
He scanned her features urgently, his gaze landing on her lips multiple times. He took a step towards her and took a hold of her head as he kissed her urgently. She stood frozen for only a second before she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
She stumbled backwards guiding him into the apartment. “What does this mean?” she asked as she pulled away, breathless. Her lips still hovering against his. 
“I don’t know,” he let out, as he kissed her again as he took a hold of her thighs and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist. “Just don’t go kissing other guys anymore,” he mumbled. A dry chuckle left her throat as he guided her towards the bedroom down the hall.
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sea-owl · 1 month
Oh no sorry not the isekai AU. The AU where due to circumstances each of the Bridgerton’s lost their loves. An example I think Daphne lost Simon because she was too late to the dual and Anthony shot him in the shoulder. Simon left the country after that. All the Bridgerton’s lost their partners in similar ways (Anthony married Edwina and Kate left to go back to India, Penelope vanished after Colin found out she was Lady Whistledown etc.). Then somehow the siblings traveled back in time to Daphne’s entrance to society. I was thinking what if instead of keeping a cool head about everything and thinking about how they are going to approach their true loves slowly instead the siblings just snap.
I'm so sorry anon but I really don't know which au this is. It sounds like a good au, but if I wrote it out I can't find it. I have the vaguest guess but im unsure if it was one of mine or someone else's, but I have the vaguest memory of an ask that included a part that said Simon gifting Daphne a piece of jewelry that was actually an heirloom passed down to all Duchesses of Hastings before he left England but she was getting married to the prince instead. Again I don't know if that one was mine or someone else's, I feel like it might be @thekatebridgerton but I'm not 100% sure.
But we can start a new one!
So let's start with the bad endings.
Saphne: For this one I'm thinking the duel happened just a bit earlier. Anthony and Benedict knew that Daphne would go to Colin to get any information so they purposely gave him the wrong time for the duel. This led to Daphne arriving after Simon losing the duel and getting shot in the shoulder. Daphne tried to chase after him but her brothers dragged her home instead. Per their agreement Simon left the country after that. Daphne did end up getting married to the prince but she was never truly happy in that marriage, she was content at best with a few moment of happiness with her children here and there. She never did fall in love with the prince, and moving so far from her family did make things harder at times but like most things in her life Daphne learned to adapt to the cards that were handed to her.
Kathony: Anthony and Kate could never let themselves stop putting duty first. Anthony could also never get over his fear of dying young. In the end Anthony had married Edwina and Kate had left back to India. During their marriage Edwina and Anthony were cordial at best but when Edwina heard of her sister leaving a part of her blamed herself and another part blamed Anthony. They both did their duty and had one son, but after that they both came to an agreement where they would find pleasure and possibly happiness outside the marriage. So long as they were discreet. Edwina had met her true love in one scholarly Mr. Bagwell who she would later remarry once she was widowed. Anthony threw himself even further into the role as the viscount, though there were times he would look while ridding to see if a familiar rider would appear out of the mist just like she did all those years ago. Kate on her side did return to India and cut contact from her family. She bounced around from governess job to governess job, keeping herself busy so she does not dwell on thoughts of the past, and people she loves but would prefer not to remember for her own emotional sake.
Benophie: The news of Sophie's arrest had been brought to Benedict's attention later that day. Had he been a little bit faster, or had the news got to him just a little bit sooner, he would have been there when Posy took the blame for the item Sophie was said to have stolen. Araminta, who was losing control over both Sophie and Posy did not like that and both ended up getting sent to Australia where they stayed after their sentence was done. While they could have gone back to England if they raised the money for it neither wanted to risk facing Araminta again. They ended up changing their names when starting over. Benedict always kept a close eye on any news of former convicts returning to England. Praying any of them will lead him back to Sophie.
Polin: Things were getting heated on both sides of Penelope's life. The hunt for Lady Whistledown continued, becoming even more intense. More guards were haunting the print shop where she used to go, and she has heard more than one whisper of spies keeping eyes out in ballrooms. Meanwhile as Penelope someone had found out about her Irish Catholic heritage from Portia's side. Prudence and Philippa were spared due to them being married already and Felicity was still young enough they could hide her away until it blew over but Penelope and Portia took the hardest blow. Despite the fact that Portia converted years ago for her survival and Penelope was never raised catholic. To be honest she should not have been that surprised when Colin finally caught her in that church, dressed as a maid. They argued, screamed at one another, which turned into a very intense kiss. After Colin said he needed to think. Penelope had thought he hated her now and surely he would turn her in? Colin legit just needed a moment to think, he was given a lot of information in one day, and he was already protective over Penelope when news other family broke out, now it was just intensified. He was going to propose marriage the next day. What Colin did not know that the column Penelope was going to send out would be her last one. She later disappeared into the night, and he spent years looking all over the world for her, chasing down any lead, not knowing that she had hidden herself away in America.
Philoise: After her conversation with Anthony, Eloise lets her fear of commitment win and decides to return to London without marrying. Phillip takes the rejection gracefully, quoting that he did invite her to see if they suit. They did not, and he was not going to push her. Eloise's heart broke, though, when the twins asked why she was leaving tears in their eyes. In London, life continued on, Eloise found things to occupy her time, movements that she wanted to help move forward, and while she enjoyed pushing for change, she still felt her life was rafher lonely. She was never truly happy in London, never was, and often found herself itching to run just like when she was younger. Then, one day, many years later, during a society event, she would rather not be at a Sir Crane was announced. Eloise was taken aback because her Sir Crane wouldn't be caught dead in London. And it wasn't her Sir Crane, rather it the son of her Sir Crane. Oliver didn't say much to Eloise but did stop by to call on her the next day. He gave her a bouquet of medow cranesbill. "A final gift from my father," Oliver told her.
Franchael: After the death of John, both Francesca and Michael had mental breakdowns. All Michael could think to do was run while Francesca dug her heels in at Kilmartin estate and kept it running. When they reunited years later, both refused to talk about John and what happened to their friendship, despite the fact that's what they needed to do. Being reunited, Francesca became aware of this sexual tension that has been simmering between her and Michael. Still upset that her husband and unborn child were taken from her, she found herself wanting to walk down a wicked path. Well widows are more ignored by society so why doesn't she have some fun? She falls into bed with Michael. They still don't talk. Not only is Francesca discovering her physical intrest in Michael but some feelings she rather ignore are emerging too. They still don't talk. Francesca discovers that Michael has malaria and has attacks from it every so often. They still won't talk. One of these attacks ends up taking Michael's life and Francesca ends up right back where she was all those years ago. The man she loves is dead and she's pregnant. Only this time Francesca has to hide away, but her baby makes it. Thanks to Janet and Helen they organize papers so the boy is considered legitimate and the new earl of Kilmartin. Francesca loves her son sometimes she wishes his father were there so she could tell him she loved him too.
All the siblings have regrets in their lives by the time they pass on. None of them ever really found that love match Violet used to describe what she had with Edmund. Oh, they had their great loves, despite how fleeting they were. Some did marry, some chose to remain unwed. But none of them expected to wake up on their past selves bodies. After poking around they discovered the year is 1813, Daphne is in her on third year in the marriage mart and the Duke of Hastings has just passed, leaving his title to his only son.
Several thoughts hit at once.
Simon was due to return to England soon. Kate would follow a year later. Sophie was currently trapped with Araminta. Penelope was debuting this year. Phillip was currently at Cambridge. Michael was in the army.
Their loves were so close. They lost them once but never again.
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dlysthings · 2 months
Little crush pt.6
-> Previous part <- ->Next part<-
A/N: Im so sorry for how much time it took me to write this part, but these past 2 weeks i was sick and ha a lot of sterss at school so i apologise. This is not proofread and english is not my native language so i apologise for any mistakes.
At the woods Daryl was finally at piece, the only place that could give him this scarce pleasure. The sound of the running water around him never filed at calming him down. The creek on which’s side he was sitting on was his little sanctuary, hidden deep into the forest around your town. The sounds were slowly starting to put his mind at ease. He needed that, craved it. After the pain he felt at lunch he needed to take his mind of that, forget a bit about it so he can face it later. It wasn’t the best strategy but it worked for him. If pushing it down until it all became too much to handle and lashed out on the nearest person to him. The only thing he worried about was this person to not be you. Even after hurting him you didn’t deserve his harsh words. He would never hurt you, ever.
But even his own little heaven on earth couldn’t make him stop thinking of today. Why did you not come? At the end it was your idea, so maybe you actually liked spending time with him. Or at least that was what he thought. Maybe one of your friend heard about it and reminded you of the trash he actually was and then you decided to just don’t show up. It should be this. You didn’t want your friends to see you sitting with the “weirdo redneck” the whole school knew him as. And he couldn’t blame you, how could he? At the end of the day he needed to remember who he was.
Still this didn’t stop him from feeling hurt and let down by you. The excitement he felt when he bought the piece of cheesecake, hoping it will bring a smile to your face, was almost overwhelming. His heart was beating like a jackhammer inside his chest. While he waited for you to come and sit, he was thinking how to ask you out. Of course he couldn’t be smooth like the popular guys and straight up ask you. He was thinking that maybe going into the woods and showing you his favorite spots with the reason that was for your upcoming biology quiz. At your house you seemed interested at the subject so he thought this was perfect. And maybe if he was brave enough he could ask you out on a real date. Buy you dinner and walk you to your house. Maybe you would have given him another kiss on the cheek.
Yet that was only om his head. As soon as he saw you with your back to him, sitting with your friends, he knew he shouldn’t have lie to himself. Both of you were from different worlds and he needed to understand that. From now on he would keep his distance from you. Sitting away from you, not staring like he always does. Only this will keep him from being hurt again.
The next day his plan was on the verge to fail every time you came within his eye side. In every class the two of you had together you were trying to sit in the closest possible seat, the whole time he could feel your eyes practically glued to his head, but he wouldn’t budge. After every class he would get out the fastest way possible. Even though he didn’t even want to look at you he was secretly hoping, deep down, that you will make him stop and explain that you didn’t dump him yesterday, that it was only a mistake. Something like you forgot or a friend of yours needed you for something really important. But he knew he shouldn’t hope. It was useless.
On the other hand, you were desperate to get Daryl’s attention, trying everything you could think of. The first two times you tried to catch up to him and explain why you didn’t end up with him yesterday, he walked so fast that it was impossible to even think of that. You knew he was ignoring you and you deserved it. But the truth was that you did wanted to sit with him, to be in his company again and to get lost into his beautiful blue eyes.
What happened yesterday was that you completely forgot. Until the moment you saw him leave the cafeteria you were so worried about the fact that you just received another bad grade in Science, a subject that you never seemed to understand, and the whole time were thinking of how to change it. It was so stupid and you knew that you had hurt him. The reason was so foolish and the whole rest of yesterday you were thinking how to explain it so it wouldn’t sound like something made up. At the end you decided to be honest with him. You would tell him the truth about what happened and then pray that he won’t call you a liar and never speak to you again. 
You finally were able to sneak up on him after school. Fort the rest of the school day you were laying low, walking in different hallways to not seem like you were trying to catch him. So he relaxed, thought that you gave up on him and everything is how it always was. Not that he was happy, no. Every time he looked around and didn’t spot you within eye sight he felt a little pang in his heart, making him drop his shoulders. He didn’t even bother trying to listen to any of the teachers. He couldn’t make it a day without seeing you. How pathetic. He didn’t even notice your figure standing next to the door he was about to go through.
“Hey, Daryl, do you have a second?” Your words made him jump, turning towards you, looking like he saw a ghost and he couldn’t take his eyes of you. You were looking amazing as always, but a worried expression was adoring your face. Why would you be worried? Immediately he was the one concerned now. Did something happen to you? It didn’t look like you were crying so that was a good sign. The wrinkle between your eyebrows deepened and he remembered that you had asked him a question. “What do ya want?” The moment he said it he regretted the gruff way he spoke and the way your face turned from worried to sad didn’t help either. Good job ya idiot, now ya made’er sadder. “I’m sorry for yesterday” You said with your eyes looking at the floor, not being able to look into his eyes and see the disappointment and pain in them. “I got a D in Science and was really distracted and at the end forgot. I’m so, so sorry. Let me make it up to you. Do you want to go out sometimes?” At your confession Daryl was dumbfounded. He hoped that you really forgot and had a problem, but he never seriously considered it. He was sure you were too embarrassed to sit with him, let alone ask him to hang out with you. And how could he decline that, maybe he was even able to help you out with your troubles. He was always good at science so maybe he could study again with you.
“Ye-yea, I want’a hang out with ya. I can also help ya with science.” At that he seemed too eager so he tried to play it down with a casually “only if ya want’ta” and leaning on the near wall, looking at the smile appearing on your face like it didn’t make butterflies flutter inside his stomach. In a matter of seconds your face turned from sad and worried to a blinding smile. The knowledge that he was the one to brighten up your mood made him feel prouder than he has ever been. “Really?” The joyful look atop your face was enough to make Daryl weak in the knees. No one has ever looked at him with such a sincere hope as you. The attention you were giving him made his cheek burn in a bright red color and he ducked his head so you wouldn’t see it. There was a warmth inside him, going to every part of his body. Such a unique feeling, but oddly a nice one as well. “So... um..do ya want me ta help ya?” He said. “Of course. Do you want me to come to your house?” You offered, thinking he will prefer to be at his place.
Daryl’s eyes widened at your seemingly innocent suggestion. His heart was beating a thousand miles an hour in his ribcage. Last time he came to your place so it was only fair if this time he was the host. And he was too shy to ask to come to your house again. But there was no way in hell he was letting you see the dump he called “home”. You were looking at him with an anticipating gaze. He couldn’t let you down, disappoint you. Just as he was about to ask to come again at your house an idea formed into his head. There was a place he could always go, calm and safe. A place where he felt at piece and wanted to share with you. The woods he always went to calm down was a perfect place. The side of the creek cutting through the forest was an ideal spot to take you and he wouldn’t need to explain his home situation.
“Actually I was thinkin’ of a spot I know. It’s quiet and nice.” He offered and was now anxiously waiting for your reaction. “Of course. Where is it?” you asked. “I can’t really explain it. I can pick ya up from yur house and will show ya. Okay?” Just after saying it he realized how this sounded. He was offering to take you to a place you didn’t know and you probably didn’t trust him. Nice job, ia dumbass. Now she’s gonna think yur some kind of creep. Realy smart. He braced himself for your rejection of his idea. But instead you were on board with it. Even seemed like you weren’t worried at all. The two of you agreed he will pick you up at 10 am this Saturday and later he will drop you off.
After both of you agreed on the details you said goodbye and went on your way, smiling to yourself that Daryl didn’t resent you about yesterday. And the help he offered felt like a blessing. If you were lucky tomorrow, there was a chance to maybe finally make a move towards him.
Daryl was still leaning on the wall you left him at and he couldn’t believe his luck, but there was an unsettling feeling inside him. Just yesterday he swore to keep his distance from you. What if you accepted his offer only for his help? It didn’t sound unbelievable, but you didn’t seem like the person to do so. The joy in your eyes seemed genuine and so did your face. But that didn’t stop him from being afraid he was going to be hurt again. Maybe he should tell you that something came up and he couldn’t, just stick to his previous plan, but he didn’t have it in himself to disappoint you. The only thing he could do was hope for the best. Perhaps he will find the courage to finally do something about his crush on you.
The time until Saturday couldn’t come faster. That was the thought replaying in Daryl’s head while trying to fall asleep. It was Thursday around 12 pm and he was laying in his room, staring at the clock on his nightstand. The house was quiet save for the sound of his dad’s snoring. When Daryl came home he was greeted with the sight of his father passed out in his armchair, a bottle of beer on the ground next to it. This view was the best Daryl could hope for. The other instance was his dad coming home late into the night and taking whatever anger he felt out on Daryl. After he felt he inflicted enough abuse, his father would go into his bedroom and pass out, loudly starting to snore.
Daryl would almost always stay in his room, in a corner feeling like the weakest person on earth, the most he would do was craw in his bed, looking at the ceiling. On the outside he looked calm, just laying but inside his head he was screaming to himself to finally do something. To get up and move out like Merle, to run from his father. And just when he felt he had enough courage his dad would come with new insults to add on the long list. It almost felt like he was able to sniff out when Daryl felt even an ounce of self-esteem and bravery. Then he would come with blows and kicks, curses spilling from his mouth, making Daryl remember who he really is. And where he belonged.
A creaking sound made Daryl snap out of his thoughts. Wistfully he knew all to well this sound, the very one of his dad’s room’s door. It always creaked, almost like an alarm for him to hide. And that was what he did. Going to his window and carefully lifting it up, so he won’t make himself known to his wasted father. As soon as he could craw out of it he maneuvered his body and landed on the outside of the trailer. Just on time to hear the door to his room open and heavy steps come inside. He styled his movements and strained his ears to hear his father’s reaction. In his head he was praying Will wouldn’t glance out of the window, because if he did Daryl was screwed. Maybe there really’s a god. Daryl thought as the only thing heard from his room was a slurred curse and then the sound of his bedroom door being closed. His whole body relaxed and he slumped onto the side of the trailer. That was a close call and he knew how lucky he was. The down side was there was no way to go in soon so he needed a place to stay. The thought of going to your house flashed across his head but then he realized how it will look. Him appearing outside your front door at midnight at a school night. And naturally there would be too many questions.
He couldn’t do that so he settled on going for a walk around town. It was late so the streets were mostly empty save for a few cars and some groups of teenagers. He stopped at the convenience store and went inside. The only person onside was a middle aged woman, dressed in the store uniform. She only glanced at him and then returned to the magazine she was reading. One of the things Daryl liked about coming there at night was that no one cared who were you. The employees would just look up at you and then return to their tasks. Going to the fridges he grabbed a can of Cola and headed towards the register. Placing the can on the counter he reached for a pack of gum and also placed it on the counter. The woman scanned the items and snatched the bills Daryl had handed her. Placing the money in the register she didn’t say anything to him as he walked out.
Now outside he opened his coke and took a sip of it. He needed to wait a bit more before going back to hi place, just in case his dad still hasn’t fell asleep yet. Looking around and seeing the local park he thought he might as well go there. The park was well lit and a few benches were scattered around for people to sit on. While walking around his mind wandered off towards you. What were you doing now? Probably sleeping but did you also think about your upcoming date. Where you as impatient as him or you were just patiently waiting? Maybe he never even crossed your mind and he wouldn’t be surprised. After all you just saw it as a favor. But for him it was so much more. You were trusting him that he knew what he was doing, even putting hope onto his knowledge.
Without noticing he was already at the end of the park and enough time had passed for him to go home. With sorrowful steps he made his way to his trailer. He always dreaded coming there, but he didn’t have any choice. From the front door he could hear his father’s snoring so at least he didn’t need to worry about that. Going into his room he flopped onto his bed and hugged his pillow. But oh how much he wanted you to be the one there with him. To run your fingers through his hair and place a kiss on top his head. With this dream in mind he fell asleep. It wasn’t surprising when his dream was exactly the thing he wanted the most – you.
Saturday at 10 am the sound of the doorbell ringing made you run to open the door. You still didn’t have all the things you needed ready but didn’t want your mom opening the door and embarrassing you again, like the last time. Outside your front door stood Daryl with a little smile upon his face. “Hi, Daryl! Do you want to come in? I just need a minute.” You asked and opened the door more for him. “Yea, sure.” Answered Daryl and came inside. While walking beside you your hands accidentally brushed and goosebumps appeared along his skin. Every time your skin touched his he went all red in the face and this time it was no different. While ducking his head so you don��t see the crimson red painting his cheeks you made sure your mom is not around. Thank god she wasn’t, though it only seemed this way.
From the countertop in the kitchen your mom had a perfect view of the front door but you couldn’t see her. And she didn’t miss the way your eyes happened to brighten a bit at the sight of Daryl on your front step. And the way his face would color red almost immediately also wasn’t lost on her. Even though to here both of your feelings were obvious id didn’t seem like the two of you knew. But wasn’t it like this always?
Your house wasn’t that unfamiliar to Daryl now so he was able to relax a bit. The living room looked exactly like the last time he was here. Glancing at you he saw that you were already looking at him. Both of you blushed and looked away with little smiles on your faces. “So… I need only a few things from my room and I will be back. Would you mind waiting for a bit?” You questioned and waited for him to respond. “No, I will be good. I’ll wait here.” He said and looked around again. “Okay then. Make yourself comfortable.” You said and went upstairs, leaving Daryl alone. Going upstairs you grabbed a few books for science and the few snacks you prepared for today. Checking yourself in the mirror for the last time you went down happy with the way you looked.
In the living room you stooped dead in your tracks at the view before your eyes. Your mother was sat next to Daryl on the couch. She was smiling and it looked like she had just asked Daryl a question if you could guess from her expecting gaze. Daryl on the other hand looked like he wants to be anywhere but here. And your thoughts would be right, because Daryl regretted ever saying he wanted to come inside. He should have waited outside. Your mom came into the room just as you disappeared up the stairs, almost like she was waiting for you to leave. She greeted him and immediately started asking questions about him. He was so overwhelmed with that dose of attention that the most he could answer was a simple “yes” or “no”. Your mom didn’t seem to notice how uncomfortable he was so she carried on with her questions about how he was at school and other nonsense. Unfortunately, she didn’t skip the questions about his family but at that moment you came to his rescue.
“I’m ready. Are we going?” You urged looking at Daryl with raised eyebrows and a little smirk upon your mouth. “Yea, let’s go. Nice meetin’ you, ma’am.” Daryl said and got up. Your mom only offered a smile and said a goodbye as well. Finally, outside you questioned where you were going. Instead of answering you Daryl only glanced at you nervously and muttered a “You will see.”. Now that he was finally getting close to the woods he got more and more anxious. How would you react to him leading you into the woods? What if you found the little surprise he made for you ridiculous? But he didn’t let these thoughts win over the joy of being around you. The time you were walking there was mostly silence but it didn’t seem awkward or uncomfortable. It was the exact opposite, a comfortable one and he didn’t feel the need to say something.
After about a 10 minute walk you were at the edge of the forest. He looked at you, expecting to see you looking around and confused but instead you were looking at him curiously. There was not a single sign of worry or confuse. “There is a little creek about 5 minutes from here. Thought you would like it.” He spoke first and waited for your reaction. “Lead the way then.” You said and waited for him to continue walking. Daryl’s nerves calmed down after your calm response. To be honest he didn’t think someone would be that calm around him, let alone you. After all you didn’t really know anything about him. And after a bit of thinking Daryl realized that he didn’t really know anything about you either other than the basic stuff like family and friends. Today was an opportunity to get to know you and he should use it.
The forest both of you were in was beautiful, full of sounds and light. The birds chirping and the rustling of the leaves was like music to your ears. The last time you were in a forest was maybe 2 years ago when you and your family went on a camping trip to a nearby national park. Thinking of it reminded you of how nice it was. You never thought that you could miss the forest but here you were. And looking at Daryl you noticed how relax he looked, no tension visible in his muscles. That was maybe the only time you have ever seen him so at peace. He looked at you with the corner of his eye and you turned your gaze away, not realizing that you were staring but you couldn’t help it. You were seeing new side of Daryl unfold in front of your eyes.
Daryl could already hear the sound of the water running ahead of him. His body wasn’t as tense as it was at your house, the forest having its calming effect on him. Now his mind was worked up if the thing he went earlier to set up was going to be too much. He wanted to make something special for you and hopped you wouldn’t find it stupid. Walking on a bit of narrow path covered in dry leaves somewhere you heard a Woodpecker pecking. Looking around the trees trying to find it you didn’t saw a tree root poking through the forest floor. Tripping on it you were too stunned to reach out your arms to stop your fall. Preparing yourself for the pain bout to come you braced yourself and closed your eyes but no pain came. Opening your eyes, you saw Daryl holding you to his chest, his face having an almost terrified expression on it. Your faces were so close that you could feel his breath mixing with yours. Looking at his lips you wondered what would be the feeling of them pressed against your own. Looking back at Daryl’s eyes you saw a new emotion in them but you couldn’t understand what it was.
Daryl caught you out of pure instinct, not thinking how close your bodies would be. But when you opened your eyes and looked into his eyes with this look of gratefulness his heart started pounding like a jackhammer inside his ribcage. And when you looked at his lips he sneaked a glance at yours. How full the seemed to be and the urge to feel them against his own was almost irresistible. Almost. But what if you didn’t want this and pushed him away from you. Called him a creep and ran away. He couldn’t risk it so he settled with looking at his feet and letting you go, the absence of your body and its warmth against it painfully obvious to him.
“Ya ok?” he asked this time looking at your face, scanning it for any sign of pain. You only shook your head, still a little bit shaken up from being so close to him. “I’m good, don’t worry. Are we close?” Turning to the direction the two of you were walking in you stepped over the root and turned to Daryl. “Uhm…yea. Jus’ a bit more.” With that you started walking again, this time looking where you were going. After just a minute of walking you saw the light reflecting from the surface of the water. In front of you was a creek surrounded by tall trees, the branches of the trees making a colorful shade over it. And then you saw the rest. At the sight of the blanket and the food scattered on it you halted immediately. There were different kinds of food and 2 sodas atop it.
“Hope ya like it. I’ve never really did somethin’ like tha’.” His nervous words made you turn to him, seeing his cheeks painted bright red. He was shuffling from foot to foot and looking down. “Oh, Daryl, you did all this? For me?” One look into his eyes told him that you did in fact like it. “Of cours’ fer ya.” He said with a bashful smile and sat on the blanket, making a gesture with his hand for you to do the same. Plopping down next to him you continued looking around, enjoying the sight before your eyes. Daryl was doing the same thing, his gaze pinned on you. He was finally starting to believe that this was actually happening, you with him at the only place he knew how to relax. You probably weren’t feeling the same way as him but for now he would allow himself to daydream you do.
Turning back to him you pulled out a notebook and stared at him expectantly. He seemed like he forgot what the two of you were meeting up to do. Snapping out of his daydreams he pulled out his book and started to actually work. But every now and then you would take small breaks and would snack on the things he prepared and chat for everyday stuff. Daryl never thought talking with someone can be this easy, not awkward or pointless small talk. And you would ask so many questions, trying to learn the things that he liked. Asking what was his favorite ice cream - chocolate or about his favorite color – green. And he would always return the question absorbing the information like a sponge tossed into water. The knowledge wasn’t something really deep but it was the things that made you who you were.
By the late afternoon you finally understood Science. Turns out Daryl can be an amazing teacher, patiently explaining everything that you didn’t understand. And he now knew enough stuff about you that he felt like he has always known you. When the sun looked like was about to set you picked up your things and Daryl cleaned up, getting the blanked in one hand. Starting to walk back to your house the whole way you were talking and laughing. If someone saw you they would think that both of you were longtime friends, just going for a walk. Gradually in no time you here in front of your front door and you were turning to say goodbye to Daryl. But he was already looking at you, a seemingly sad expression onto his face. He didn’t want this to end, talking and learning new things about you.
“I had an amazing time with you. If you want to maybe, we should do it again.” The enthusiastic tone of your voice making him feel like someone lit a fire inside him, the warmth spreading to very crevice of his body. “I would love ta.” The smile on top his face was genuine and before he knew what was happening you were leaning in and placing a kiss on his cheek. His body was completely straightened up and the look on his face being like to someone just stricken up by thunder.
“Bye, Daryl. I will see you Monday.” Turning around and going inside your house you left Daryl on your porch wondering if he will ever get used to these.
Masterlist: @marvelcasey05 @zomb133g1rl @ryoujoking @starkeysslvt @appearancesaredeceiving4lice @that-german-girrl @tobemylover-x
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bnhaemporium · 1 year
Hello! I loved your pro-heros imagine where the reader was hurt. I was wondering if you'd do the pros again reacting to the reader having amnesia? The doctors aren't sure if it's permanent or not. Maybe the pros try to court them all over again just in case they don't remember them? Thank you! ♡
Hello! Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy!
Characters: All Might, Endeavour, Edgeshot, Aizawa, Hawks
✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    
All Might
Toshinori stares. He knows it’s probably unnerving but he can’t help it, remembering how you looked at him when you first met and unable to maintain his composure fully.
When he snaps out of it, he introduces himself as though he’s never met you before. He puts on the same voice he uses when speaking to the press – the false tone that’s meant to make him sound less human than ever.
He takes a very, very long time before he lets anybody explain he once was in your life. There’s a strange shame he carries with him surrounding your relationship. Despite everything he once promised to you, despite swearing to keep you safe, he feels like he failed.
Even though he’s tempted to try over again and win your heart, he’s not going to. It’s too unbalanced for him to remember everything while you knew nothing. Too hurtful to not be able to feel your care and love.

Is it a fate worse than death? When Aizawa looks into your unrecognizing expression, he contemplates for a brief second if hearing about your death would have hurt him less.
None of these thoughts show on his face as he reintroduces himself to you and leaves out any reference to your relationship. He speaks as though you are merely somebody rescued in his line of work but try as he might, he can’t bring himself to abandon you alone when you’re like this.
He speaks quietly to you, like you’re an animal poised to bolt. It’s so intensely obvious what your relationship once was, though he may not say it. Even with no memories, his care can be seen.
He won’t try to win your heart for a second time. He says it’s because he doesn’t have the energy to but honestly, he doesn’t want to intrude on your life when you already have so much to try and remember.

Keigo doesn’t believe it for a few short, devastating moments when he smiles at you cockily. He waits for your façade to break and listens for a laugh of some unexplained joke. But it never comes and when he slowly realises the truth, he feels entirely lost.
You can’t see his emotions clearly but there’s a shake in his words as he adjusts himself for a reintroduction. His arrogance in telling you about your relationship doesn’t hide how weak his tone sounds.
He’s going to tell you bits and pieces in hopes of bringing back your memories but when it doesn’t work, he’ll shrug as though it’s no big deal. You won’t be allowed to know the truth because he’s barely admitted that to himself.
At first, he promises himself that he’ll leave you to recover in your own time but he won’t hold to that. He’s determined to show you why you fell for him and he’s going to remind you about every part of your relationship he adores.

There are many things in this world that make Enji angry or frustrated but in a situation like this, all of those feel trivial. He doesn’t even recognise the sinking emotion he experiences when you don’t greet him as you always do.
At first, he gets loud and sharp as he almost demands that you remember who he is. His words are harsh and coloured with a grief you can no longer recognise immediately. He eventually has to leave to calm himself down as the anger rolls through him.
It takes him days before he returns and gives you a proper account for what happened, still behaving far too formal. He provides you with whatever he can to prove his point. He knows his stance makes it seem unbelievable.
He’s certain he can win you over a second time and he goes about romancing you as he did the first time. It worked initially. He really takes advantage of what he knows to make you understand his affection.

Shinya maintains a very calm façade when everything is explained to him and he sits at the foot of your hospital bed, watching your expression with a well-hidden uncertainty.
He goes through your relationship and your life with you to see what parts you remember and what has changed. He doesn’t allow his emotions to get to him until he’s alone later that day. That’s when he gives into grief.
It’s hard not to mourn you as though you had died. Everything he’s built with you has been ripped away but he’s not going to let it be the end. Not when he still has you with him.
He works with you to help get your memories back and to make new ones along the way. He’s learned what you like throughout your relationship and he’s going to make your recovery period as peaceful and enjoyable as he can, secretly ensuring he can keep your heart whenever he can.

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