#he wasnt even supposed 2 b here
starscelly · 1 year
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six-hundred horse, how you gon' catch the boss?
(tim nwachukwu)
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narwhalandchill · 1 month
(certain genshin ships w ajax brief negativity lmao like this is gonna b real controversial im sorry. not an attack at anyone just my opinion here be gentle)
obviously disclaimer that if u like the pairings in question im not like canceling or attacking you personally or saying ur wrong for liking it or for not considering the more uhh iffy angle im abt to bring up in terms of how i personally always felt abt these ships, i have mutuals who rb stuff for these sometimes and its just a tag i have blocked its life it happens, im more so just overall commenting on the existence of the pairings to begin w, its not worth the drama its my opinionnn please keep that in mind but yeah
anyway ugh now w like capitano model preload stuff and some of the model comparisons being made (hes slightly bigger than the usual tall male apparently n childes model was used for the comparison) and the shippy comments being made abt it im gonna be honest chief. i do not. like. a single ajax x harbinger pairing like im sorry just how exactly is the age gap (and seniority. and experience. and power imbalance) not processing with ppl when it comes to these at all ??? 😭😭 hes the youngest appointed harbinger canonically and w perueres story we now know that was like. Literally 16 at most for him. and even if that wasnt the case and before it was confirmed. hes still been around the harbingers since he was a teenager bc of being pulcinellas protege idc if its like this convoluted argument of well he wouldnt really interact w them on an interpersonal relationship level before hes a bit older its just still so weird to me i just dont understand how any of these pairings became a thing 💀 like you think not being around him that frequently would stop the usual shipping suspects ppl favor with childe from seeing him as a literal kid either way???
arles literally the one exception here since theyre actually around the same age but those 2 have the ship chemistry of two noble gases JSKSKSLDOSOSKFL (= literally no reaction) . arle is a whole dyke that much is obvious.
like obviously its not like much can be done since pairings like scara are way too popular to be somehow halted on their tracks and the cap stuff will prolly have a resurgence as well now that hes getting a more tangible characterization in natlan but ughhhh. it also sucks bc i think ajax 100% has a crush on cap and its such a peak concept (the guy Absolutely played a part in childes bisexual awakening) but the idea of it being reciprocated on any level whatsoever just feels nasty to me im sorry 😭 my cap would Never its literally on the level of pairing him w skirk to me
also scara always felt strange to me solely based on the fact that he genuinely dislikes ajax lmao like. it feels ooc on principle afshsjsksidk but whens that ever stopped anyone i suppose. it lowkey feels like ppl just wanted a m/m harbinger pairing at any cost 💀 and i suppose scara being an immortal puppet wasnt like known early on so i suppose the ship becoming a thing in like 1.1 is fair enough? but still my current feelings wrt ajax age gap w the harbingers do stand
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
were back to our (ir)regularly scheduled bullshit!
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[ID: Splash page with the issue title and creative credits. Megatron is bound up in cables, some plugged into him, effecting repairs. He speaks: Remind me to thank you when i get down from here, Shockwave. Meanwhile, resumption of my command must begin now. Shockwave: You don't seem to understand. These autobots you see lying dead on the ground are there because I put them there. The Decepticons you see barely clinging to life are in that operating mode because of you. Until I intervened, Autobot victory over us was assured.* The evidence says your leadership was faulty, Megatron. Logic says I must assume command of the Decepticons. Editor's Note: *as seen in issue 8 END]
back to the USmarvel, The New Order, issue no. 5! (22-23 UK reckoning) from feb 1985!
Script: Bob Budiansky Art: Alan Kupperberg Letters: Rick Parker Colour: Nel Yomtov Editor: Jim Owsley EiC: James Shooter Digital Re-master by Digikore Studios Limited. Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon. Editorial notes and assistance by Mark. W. Bellomo
now... welcome back digital re-master. just in time for me to rip you a new on... bare with my folks...
so this issue opens with new king bitch in town, shockwave, conducting research into humans via television. so uh.., they put honeymooners in my transformers comic?
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[ID: Both images of a Full page B&W illustration, two men stand behind a table, one asking "Whatsa matter Ralphie-boy?" Ralph, staring wide eyed, dead ahead, grips a chair saying "Homina-Homina-Homina!" A woman looks in through a window, with a scowl. 1. The illustration uses blocked inks, and half-tones for the characters, but the background and objects have mid and dark halftones added in an almost painterly fashion. 2. The art now with most of the tones and shading removed, everything left either black, midtone, or stark white. END]
surely. one of these images is higher definition. but which one looks BETTER? now its possible this is actually about which master copies they were working from. perhaps a rights issues? (the uk printing replaces this page with a different image) but i note here ALSO. they removed the artist, Kupperberg's, signature form the bottom left corner. a hateful affair all told.
though, this doesnt just piss me off to see an artist works edited, and made to SUCK! (tho boy does it...) my friends... comrades, fellow bloggers. lend me your eyes. DO they see this the way mine do? cause ill eat my fucking hat if that's not DUOSHADE paper. the infamous medium of many a B&W indie. not familiar? check out my previous blogging on the friendly neighbourhood martial reptiles. but i digress.
if this. this INSULT to my very being wasnt enough. they also recoloured shockwave from a perhaps accidentally stunning shade of magenta to a cool lavender... which i personally just found quite boring. well. most of the time
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[ID: 1. UK printing, Shockwave seated on throne like seat, coloured very warm toned purple. He listen to a sports broadcast and says "These humans are even more primitive than I thought." 2. Digital remaster, Shockwave's profile visible, coloured red, as he watches a news reporter. END]
the very first image of this post has another, red shockwave, btw. I suppose, they could be printing or colouring errors, but they could also be lighting/compositional choices by Yomtov (its not uncommon for his foreground characters to be done in monotone, particularly, purple) either way they corrected for it. and to me, this instance just comes of that whatever work flow being used, doesnt even flag the second figure AS shockwave, so a redwave remains...
i stress. i never blame any individual who does this work. its to them, just a job, and why should it not be? my ire is with IDW, and why they enact these "restorations" anyway, and why the fuck people ought to pay new money for old art that has been given so little respect...
anyway reading the print version meant a lot of tabbing between the us and uk printings. which is why i noticed this
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[ID: The crediting for the colourist, Nel Yomtov. In the US printing the say "Colors" and in the UK "Colour", the S removed, and a U added. END]
im just amused by the effort taken... surely the kids dont care that much? and yes apparently they do this every time.
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[ID: Shockwave watching the news, off panel dialogue Reporter: Ms. Beller, you have been called a computer genius even though you're only a few years out of high school. What is your role in this? Beller: It's true I designed the secondary and tertiary oil recovery systems Reveal of Beller, a very young looking woman in a jacket and a hard hat. She continues: --the semi-automated defense system, the refinery's non-polluting digitized micro-scrubbers. But I consider it all just a part of my job. END]
shockwave learns the alarming news that a new female character is being introduced!
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[ID: 2 page spread, the bodies of almost every single introduced Autobot are hanging from the ceiling, damaged and "bloodied". Shockwave scrolls under them, saying "Indeed" END]
also. check this shit out
anyway WHATS going on between shockwave and megs?
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[ID: Shockwave pointing to the still bound Megatron: You will explain now how you permitted our position to deteriorate so drastically, Megatron. Megatron, mostly off panel: As… Commander… it is your right to demand anything of me. It is my privilege to oblige. END]
OH. its like that huh?
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[ID: Shockwave offpanel "--Should logic so dictate." A close on Megatron, he thinks "Talk, Shockwave..." A close on his repairing hand twitching "...talk while you still can!" END]
well maybe not for long...
anyway... turns out the WAS a reason we saw ratchet helping those EMT's
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[ID: Ratchet driving into the hospital parking lot. Buster calls out "Ratchet!!" who responds "Greetings, Buster Witwicky how nice to see your carbon-based face again!" Buster asks "Ratchet, where've you been?" END]
I hope your all ready to become extremely endeared by ratchet, or else just put up with it. cause...
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[ID: Buster and Ratchet, still in alt mode, continue to speak, while EMTs are searching for the source of this mysterious voice. Buster: If they attacked the Autobots they should all be broken-down junk-heaps by now! Ratchet: Wonderful! I knew your father was a human we could trust EMT 1: I'll look behind the grill, Mel! EMT 2: I'll check under the seat cushion, Gus! Four people react in shock as Ratchet shouts: Do you organic creatures mind? I don't go poking around your mouths to see how you talk, do I? END
my beloved....
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[ID: Ratchet on the road, stopped at a red light, as Buster rides inside. Ratchet: Listen, friend traffic signal, we're in a hurry, so if you could please turn green… Buster: It doesn't hear you, Ratchet, it's only a machine. Ratchet: I'm a machine, and I hear you, Buster! Buster: Yes, but you're different, you're-- Inside view as the light turns green. Ratchet: Ahh, he changed! Thank you, friend traffic signal. May the rest of the day find you in proper working order. You see, Buster, you have to learn how to talk to people. Buster: I… I'll try to keep that in mind, Ratchet. END]
this is so charming can we get corey burton and uh. well rest in peace don messick.., so just corey burton twice will do, to record his.
oh and anyone interest in timeline of when tf lore gets introduced (me... thats... mainly just me)
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[ID: Shockwave points to Megatron: As always, you underestimate Optimus Prime, Megatron. No, he will not be cut up into wires and microchips. His value is far greater to us if we keep him functional, for it is logical to assume that an Autobot of his stature contains within him--The Creation Matrix! Megatron thinking: By the divine weld! The Creation Matrix is the computer program that allows its possessor to construct new transformer life! Its power is the stuff of legends! Shockwave continues: It is said once every ten millenia a new Autobot leader is chosen and encoded with The Matrix. END]
MATRIX MENTION? everyone have their lore bibles out? someone WRITE THAT DOWN.
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[ID: Buster stumbling through the Ark in shock, "N-no… it can't be true! There must be some explanation! There must be! Wait a second… I didn't see Optimus in there…there's still optimus… there has to be--" He walks into a room with Optimus Prime's severed head, plugged into grand machinery. Buster yells "--Optimus!" Prime, weakly: Buster Witwicky… You must help me… you are… the Autobots… last hope…" End card-- Next: Oil Rig Assault! END]
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sothischickshe · 9 months
Up for a discussion question? If we’d gotten a full season three as intended, what would you have expected/liked to see from Beth and Rio?
Hey sweetie, I'm always up for a discussion question danke 🙇🏼‍♀️🥰❤️
I stand by what I said once re what i'd've liked to see from s3, particularly: the full s3 😭😭, whatever their vision for that was, so I could judge it on its own merits!! It remains a very romantic concept to me, bc while I certainly have my issues with other plots in s3 (terrible therapist, donor family, here's a hitman let's give him all our money woo, dean's salesman shenanigans & boring affair with gale etc) the angsty messy sexy brio scenes were soooo delicious 🥺🖤 and then while I understand s4 had a lot to reset from/deal with, s4 (b)rio frequently doesn't make all that much sense to me 🤷🏼‍♀️
but also! i finally started posting a fic which is kinda about that? (rio pov, post s3, eventually very long etc). so im gonna say a lil more (thus warning: minor fic spoilers) behind the cut...
....but this thing keeps moving where i put the readmore?!
how do u make a website this bad. um anyhow
pay-off to the boring dean/gale stuff!! helllooooo beth and dean both sleeping with their bosses?! hilarity goldmine no?!
MORE RHEA. like you can't just introduce a character beth's having a quasi-romance with & rio's presumably had an actual one with, who's seen them both at their softest and uncovered worstnesses, and is surely best placed to comment on say their similarities and then do nothing with it???
beth and rio yelling at each other. surely this was coming??
not ending on that next time empty the clip line (which i don't like) / wrapping up the hitman plot
given the (sudden!) arrival of nick in s4 and depressing rio backstory, i'd've loved some suggestion that rio was like consciously paralleling nick & beth's betrayals of him & considering them as similar and/or that his mentoring of beth had something to do with even the vaguest of plans to extricate himself from nick (plus Revenge) etc
like. acknowledgment and processing of trauma???
weird angsty sex
more brio bar scenes, more brio drinking, more brio laughing (at each other)
if not the furniture return, then at least it being more a topic of conversation...like how wasnt it? beth pitching ideas for earning the return (at least of her kids' stuff??) or rio holding it over her head or at least him going on abt how much he's enjoying her lamps or something!
death divorce. the show held this over our head for far too long. i also like this being decoupled from the brio stuff as much as plausible. beth needs to divorce dean not bc she's interested in rio but bc dean is the worst.
plenty of boland bubbles, that spot lasted abt 0.4 seconds after we sat through all that dean nonsense... we should have at least got rio testing out an empty hot tub cos he doesnt know theyre supposed to have water in or something.
inordinate amounts of brio bickering
ending of hitman/plot consciously paralleling s1 and 2 finales, even if it wasn't literally beth + rio + some man + a gun (ideally with some rationale as to how rio finds said hitman, whether or not that was a reveal of his magical powers)
Incentive Convo Callbacks (also rio vs sushi like a million more times, pls)
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What were those theories about atsv you mentioned in the post with my ask? It's the Daily Yappathon™ so feel free to talk as much as you want :3 I'm all ears or eyes since I'll be reading this and not listening
so, miguel is wrong. just, dead wrong.
first of all, hes a fucking psychopath. he was stalking the other miguels family and when he died, he could replace him perfectly and no one noticed. and hes delusional, like bro, its not your life or your daughter, and just because you got attached to them doesnt give you the right to act like a psycho. if you want a family, download tinder or smth
second, i get that he was a little bit nice to miles in the beginning (even though he threw a trash can at him), but here he is.
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who gave you the right to act like that? chasing a teenager on all fours and choke slamming him into a fucking train and repeatedly calling him a mistake just because he refused to be part of your fucked up fake sustem?
because the canon is basically murder. letting people die "because they have to" is murder. and seriously, before the spider society existed, who took care of the canon? when miguel made the spider society, he also made the rules and he also made the canon. hes fighting a villain that he created.
also, miles is not an anomaly. if he was, his universe would have collapsed when the spider bit him. because thats what the supposed canon says, anomaly = universe falling apart. and yet, 1610B is very very stable. you know which universe did collapse?
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miguel is projecting his problems onto everyone else. miles isnt the original anomaly, miguel is. and he knows that, but hes too emotionally immature to understand what 2+2 is.
miguel blames miles for everything, when nothing is actually his fault. miles didnt start the collider or kill peter or create the spot or anything. if you look into it, you understand that even though it seems that its his fault, it isnt. was miguel too bored to look into it? maybe.
& hes a drug addict. rapture is the most addictive drug the universe and hes addicted to it. whats 1+1 again?
from what i understood, it was jess' idea to save gwen in the beginning of the movie (also we stan mother jess 🙏), miguel was very hesitant to save gwen, which means he was full on going to leave her there. and he neglected her. and he sent her back. to her father. who pulled a gun on her. bro, you cant only take care of the people that comply to your system. its giving government
i get that he has trauma, but like, so does everyone else. peter b has trauma, miles has trauma, gwen has trauma, hobie has trauma, everyone in the society has trauma but you dont see them abusing minors. miguel is the only using trauma as an excuse to be a horrible person.
also, i have strong reasons to believe that jeff dying wasnt miles' canon event. i mean, it was, but not 1610 miles'. when the go home machine read miles' dna, it sent him to E-42, because thats where the spider that bit him was from (which was ohnn's fault, btw. its not your spider bro put it back). and thats what probably happened when miguel was seeing miles' "canon events". jeff dying was miles 42's canon event, and it happened. like, the one is fatherless and the other is uncleless. why does one have to be both uncleless and fatherless? bffr.
basically, miguel to me is this: "oh, look at me, im miguel ohara, im the leader of the spider society and that makes me 200% better than you, nothing is my fault ever, everything is your fault, im a literal fucking psychopath, id rather beat a teenager up than admit that im wrong, my ego is the size of the atlantic ocean and im a furry who doesnt know non-violent communication. grr 👹"
and im not a hypocrite, if miles had done something wrong, i would be able to realise that. like, "miles is a great character but thats where he made a mistake". but he didnt do anything wrong. he didnt know that the canon existed, he only wanted to save his dad.
and i know that if the roles were reversed, if miguel was the one who couldnt save someone he loved, he would do the exact same thing. and so would everyone else in the society, who took miguels side. like, didnt your moms teach you "dont treat people the way you dont want to be treated"??
and it pisses me off so much when people defend miguel, first of all youre defending an abuser and second you dont have any good arguments.
1. "miles shouldnt have ran" thats victim blaming. and seriously, youre telling me that if you saw this
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chasing you, you wouldnt have ran? bffr.
2. "he has trauma, thats why hes aggressive" i already explained that before, but trauma isnt an excuse to be a horrible person.
yeah, there are a lot of shit arguments ive seen over time but i dont remember all of them.
also, hes not even hot. not that him being hot would excuse his actions, but then id partly understand when people liked him. but NOW? girl, he has 0 good angles and he looks like he hasnt showered in 3 months. you only like him because hes tall and has muscles and speaks spanish. have some self-respect
i wanted to say another thing but ive talked too much already lmao
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very late night hazbin hotel toughs bc my sibling forced me to watch it with them
it wasnt that bad though we me and my sibling both agree that it had most of the characters personalities toned down from the pilot (specially charlie alastor and vagie) and that it had a lot of helluva bossisms (like you can notice the writing from the show and the pilot be real different with the show feeling more helluva boss-ish me thinks idk it was bound to happen ig) and i think overall the show would b more interesting to me at least if it focused more on like the main character, like charlie really doesn't get much of the spotlight except in like 2 episodes, and i think she is a very fun character she reminds me kinda of rapunzel from the tangled show, and i think her optimism and the contrast with hells overall cynicism makes for very fun character dynamics, and i think that could have been done a bit more, and also her dynamic with alastor is pretty fun since he is the only one who seems to go along with her even if is pretend, which makes for a very fun dynamc that they barely touch on, and then charlie and vagie i just wish they had more scenes toghether since a) they are supposed to be the main characters, b)they are girlfriends c) the plot point of vagie being an angel would have hit harder if they had established better their relationship and how they both relied on each other, i really wish they had done more with vagie's ''trying to protect charlie bc she means so much to her'' and not just the one song i think, that would have been nice also their dynamic is just like very fun i think they are cute together like charlie being all bubbly and nice and vagie being more spiky i just think they were cute and they had compelling drama that wasnt really very well touched upon.
and thats it for my characters i liked the most the others are not my characters i like the most so i dont have much to say about it, oh well i guess one thing, lucyfer is voiced by varian from the tangled series and each time he was singing i could only hear varian, also sarah stiles was also here that was pretty cool.
other toughs, the pacing was very weird and rushed but i guess thats not really their fault i think, the rest is just like character design wise, i dont like most of them except charlie, alastor's desing is just like my least favorite, i didnt like that with heaven there wasnt much of a contrast character design wise. all the songs where pretty good though, the only one i dont like is the adam guy one the rest are pretty good.
aaaand thats bout it, it wasnt that bad, it was mid but it had a lot of potential which makes me slightly mad but i dont think i will think this much about this show ever again
and when the next season comes i will no longer b sick and bedridden so my sibling will not be able to make me hate watch with em
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beelzaarts · 10 months
Babies...Are Hard (Pt.2)
the boat ride to hotland started off okay, it was until they reached the hot scorching heat that everything decided to stop working.
sans squirmed uncomfortably in papyrus' lap, he whined softly, he wanted to move, anywhere that wasnt in the boat. papyrus paused "no sans. stay right here okay?" he gently patted his little skull, but the lil babybones wasnt gonna have it- he gave a pout as he thrashed about, he wiggled his lil leggies in an angry manner, trying to kick an invisible force- he waved his arms about as he felt big fat warm tears roll down his face; papyrus watched- oh no. the dreaded tantrum.
he tried bouncing sans gently in his lap, that seemed to make it worse- the little skeletons cries got louder, river person shifted, covering their ears? as they stopped before alphys lab. papyrus glanced up as he rushed inside "sans please! we're out of the boat! its okay!" he rocked him, cradling in his arms, but the toddlers screaming didnt cease- infact- it got louder- "oh. sans PLEASE!!! Stop this infernal crying!!!" he gave a nervous look toward his babybones brother as he tried looking around for alphys "please! sans!" the toddler didnt stop, he kept gnawing at his scarf, pulling at his coat. "SANS! BE QUIET PLEASE!!!! YOU ARE MAKING IT VERY HARD FOR ME TO THINK PROPERLY!!!!" the elder monster paused, covering his mouth, he held sans tightly to his chest "im sorry. im sorry....im so sorry....please forgive me....im sorry i yelled..." atleast.... it got sans to be quiet, as if sans could even understand his elder brothers pleas, he laid his little head into his chest.
papyrus sighed softly "i...didn't mean...to yell..at you.."  he rubbed his spine "....i didnt expect you to lash out....are you hot? is that why you were throwing such a hissy fit?" he slowly undid his coat and took his hat off "is that better?" the bab fidgeted as he babbled helplessly, if not just a little sad.
the sound of a door opening alerted papyrus, he glanced up as he watched alphys and mettaton- "alphys!" he waved softly as he got up. sans adjusted into his elder brothers arms. mettaton awed as he out stretched his arms to hold the baby bones "what a cutiepie! so soft and squishy~" he poked and prodded sans' cheeks as he held him "p-please be careful mettaton! hes very fragile!-" papyrus gave caution "no worries dear~ im very careful~ al darling~ i'll be right back~" he waved them off as he disappeared. 
alphys watched as he left them behind before turning her focus back to papyrus "w-what can i do for y-you p-papyrus?" she adjusted er glasses as she waddled over to her computer "i need some more supplies, evidently, I have run out!"he gave a weak chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head "for a baby sans sure does eat alot. and that baby shampoo goes really fast-" alphys gave him a look "tha....that shampoo was supposed to last a month...."
papyrus stared "....." alphys covered her snout as she gave a little giggle "im k-kidding! im kidding, i have more! but PLEASE try to make it last l-longer" she handed him a big bottle. "undyne s-said she h-had more of those teething rings you said sa-sans liked so much" the tall skeleton nodded "hes chewed right through the last ones- i dont know how, his baby teeth shouldnt be that sharp-" he thought for a moment- "well....theres...also another thing- i-i will need to- take a diagnosis-" papyrus gave a confused glace to her "why?" alphys swayed her tail softly "well...y-you see...some of sans' behavior...isnt...really...normal in common childrens behaviour- " she adjusted her glasses momentarily as she pulled something up onto her computer "i've b-been meaning to ask you- about s-sans-"
Mettaton watched curiously, watching sans bramble around the room, flying trains, building blocks all scewered around, the limited babbling. he was amused by the tiny creature. "why are you so fascinating?" he hummed softly.
the door opened as alphys waved "cmon sansy lets get you home-" papyrus gently lifted into his arms "cmon, i need to get you more of those teething rings-" he held him close has he put his coat back on, and his hat. "thank you alphys...so much"
papyrus gently knocked, undyne grinned as she opened her door "hey pap! ready for- oh- ya got the kid-" "yes, alphys said you had more of those teething rings?" papyrus slowly stepped inside "yeah, said ya needed em chilled, theirs a bit of c-grade fish oil in their, will help with the pain" she gently placed one in sans' mouth; who took very quickly o the ring, shaking his head around like a rabid chihuahua. "babys are so weird" undyne shook her head "ye. indeed...but thanks again undyne, ill come in early for training tomorrow" undyne nodded as she waved, watching him leave.
papyrus sighed as he finished laying sans down for a nap, very very carefully closing his door, he decided he'd make his lunch- a grilled cheese with spaghetti and tomato sauce-.
papyrus twirled at his fork, he wondered what sans would be like when he got older.... would he be smart? kind? couragous? like him? he wonders if he's raising him right.....he loved him so dearly- but sometimes- not all the time- infact very rarely did sans do anything that would make papyrus make him wanna pull his hair out, if he had any. but he was still a toddler. he could wait to teach him how to be neat and put his toys away.
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butchviking · 1 year
I'm confused with the last ask. At first you say passing transmen wouldn't be welcomed by most women in female spaces mention passing butches. Should both use men's spaces?
i'll be honest dude i was just saying shit. like i said it's ultimately just because i don't fucking trust conservative lawmakers lol. a lot of what i was saying in the first part was just throwing thoughts at the wall 2 see what sticks, and they do all come from somewhere but they're not all thought through 2 a conclusion. here i'll give them a LITTLE more thought but i'll try not 2 get carried away im like so tired rn
i think w transmen its complicated. like as females they obviously are entitled to female-only resources. turning a transman away from a female-only rape or abuse crisis centre would b evil like they are female and they do experience misogyny and that service is for them. but at the same time, if a passing transman went into a womens bathroom or locker room or whatever then naturally women could b intimidated by that. they don't know he's a transman, he's just some dude to them. and also if we were to insist that everyone use the facilities that go w their assigned sex at all times, then surely that opens the door for any random dude to say he's a transman and go into the womens room the same way opening everything up to self-id opens the door for any random dude to say he's a transwoman and go into the womens room. as far as the bathroom/locker room thing, 3rd unisex option or converting everything to unisex single-stall, blah blah i've said it plenty before. as far as other services go, i think a lot of it would have 2 be on a case-by-case basis with compassion & realism & probably with consulting other service users. i don't think a blanket rule is the best solution.
& when using passing butches as an example i was thinking about instances where women in public bathrooms have confronted butch women thinking they're men encroaching on a female space. and thinking, what's the solution supposed 2 be for them to prove themselves female there? show ID? only like i said, ID no longer always correlates with birth sex bc ppl can change legal sex now, so knowing that kind of makes it so that ID could never be a legal means of proving sex if any conflict arose from that. i think realistically thats probably not likely 2 happen much bc usually once someone says "im literally a woman" and the other person takes a proper look theyre more like "oh my god yeah my mistake" but i HAVE seen video of women getting kicked out of public womens rooms by security staff who mistook them for dudes and were actively still insisting they were dudes even when being told that they're wrong. i wasnt suggesting butch women use the mens room instead, i was just pointing out that i think things could get complicated nd to enshrine certain things in law as based on birth sex, while having no legal way that birth sex is actually even documented because legal sex =/= actual sex anymore, seems like smthn that could get messy. for the record this is why i think they should not let people change legal sex, but then theres a whole host of other issues (which im sure cons would not take into account were they 2 pass a law on this either) that would have 2 be considered bc i do see how walking around with an ID that documents your sex as completely incongruous w ur appearance can put a target on someone in a lot of situations.
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arillusionist · 11 months
shadow and bone s2e1 reaction - i said i would watch this episode on sunday but i lied. haha
they should've put 6 crows in the sky are they dumb
kaz gave them papers?? when?? he probably did it offscreen i swear i didnt forget the last episode that quickly
ok oh my god by the way. they better have fixed malina in this season too because i'm halfway through siege and storm and i literally want to kill mal hes so fucking annoying and literally SO toxic. i miss the soc relationships they were all so well written
fuck this after i finish the s&b triology im rereading soc
ooh nice map
YAYY WE'RE IN KETTERDAM i hope they have more episodes here this season. aka more than 2
i have a feeling this is where they meet wylan... or nina maybe
"are you saying we have no home" ?? what about the slat
thats how you pronounce inej's last name?? my whole life is a lie wtf
"she does that" aw he sounds so proud
stop this is like that one scene from soc except if he faints inej's voice wont be there to ground him when he wakes up ☹️
omg thats nikolai/sturmhond right
take your damn shoes off
ok they better tell him where shes going because while theyre on the verge of going to prison shes just making out with her boyfriend
i love alina but am i supposed to feel bad for her?? bc i dont
yayy he told him but good thing inej isnt here
Kaz side eye 2.0
theyre revealing the jesper grisha thing already...? interesting
omg novyi zem looks exactly like how i imagined it "these fugitives are wanted for crimes against our country" this isnt your country dawg
i can already tell theyre toyla and tamar
is this ketterdam again is that inej
so they kill heleen ofscreen. and inej has literally no reaction to it.
I am so confused rn didnt kaz buy inej's indenture??
"im not leaving you. not now" ☹️☹️☹️☹️
tf is he waffling about
talking about pekka btw
if theyre doing the whole pekka plot now what did they leave for the spinoff?? ik its probably not happening but they thought it was gonna happen and they wrote the scripts but what even are in those scripts
then again i think they only wrote the scripts for the first book
but what were they planning on putting in it for the second book if they got it 💀
so he already had wylan employed (??) or whatever interesting
"funny guns and angry hat" speaking of hats can kaz please stop wearing one it looks so fucking ugly
aww nina talking to inej in suli
all the crows in one episode this is crazy
and they've been onscreen for 9 whole minutes?? even crazier
i spoke too soon 💀💀
is this a cult
i need to stop doing that everytime a character i like shows up
but seriously i just need zoya now and i'll be so happy
is he a fucking cannibal
WESPER MEETING!!!! i wasnt excepting it this episode but yay
ALL THE CROWS IN ONE PLACEE except matthias but ik thats not happening this season
"in truth hes the love of my life" kaz im sure you know so much about that
"he does this" "does he" lmfaooo
omg its the iconic scene i've seen in way too many edits
Inej in the middle i knew she was the main main character 😍😍
ughhhh i thought the episode would end with the crows but ofc not
ok now it ended
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karkat pov liveblog: part 10 (i am ditching the act thing for now because i dont want to keep track of that and it has reached the point of being a stupid thing to attempt)
whoops its been a while since i last posted here. graduated highschool, lazed around home to celebrate summer beginning, yknow how it is. when i last posted, karkat had just finished trolling john for the second time, at the point in time when john had just had a poorly timed vriska-induced nap that caused the creation of bec noir. i think i fumbled the cause-and-effect and chronology a bit in that post, but whateverrr the minute details are unimportant. im more interested in seeing what karkat is gonna toss my way next!
looks like jade is his next target of torment.
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oh, i saw someone point this out recently i think, but the parallel to calliope and jane's conversation here is pretty obvious
UU: good morning, lovely. ^u^ GG: Why, hellooooooo. UU: so i gUess today is finally the day yoU make everything better. GG: :B! [...] UU: is there nothing i can do to ease yoUr mind?
but back to jade and karkat! based on karkats messages and the timestamp, its the afternoon (13:04) of april 13th (in jade's timezone, at least, not that any of this matters much).
this conversation consists mostly of
karkat trying to contact the other most obviously responsible member of bec noir's creation
jade getting very mad at this guy! she blocked him already!! leave her alone!
jade blocking karkat again after just a few messages back and forth
from karkats pov this is quite funny.
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like this is the entirety of this conversation. jade is already tired of him from conversations karkat hasnt had yet, and karkat is not getting off to a great foot!
i wonder if the way blocking works is that ... karkat wasnt blocked bc from his perspective he hadnt been blocked yet?? does that even work? what kinda paradox is this man ok. thats enough lingering on a 2 minute long conversation.
karkat receives a message from john out of nowhere. understandably, he is confused to receive such a caring check-in, given how their last conversation went.
CG: SHUT UP. HOW DARE YOU CONTACT ME WHILE I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF MY BACKWARDS MARCH OF HATE THROUGH YOUR TEDIOUS TIMELINE. EB: oh god, this is not right! EB: you aren't supposed to hate me anymore, you're supposed to be kinda my friend, sorta! EB: when is this? CG: WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHEN IS THIS CG: OK, LET ME JUST CHECK THE UNIVERSAL CLOCK WHICH KEEPS CONSISTENT TIME FOR ALL FRAMES OF REFERENCE AND ALL PLANES OF REALITY. CG: IT'S HALF PAST YOU'RE A MORON. EB: ok, duh! i know that. EB: i mean, how many times have you talked to me before? CG: WE JUST GOT DONE WITH OUR SECOND CONVERSATION. HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THIS? EB: AUGH! EB: this isn't good, i need to talk to future you! CG: WHY EB: because it sounds like you're in trouble. EB: i think maybe you are running from jack? CG: OF COURSE WE'RE RUNNING FROM JACK, I JUST GOT DONE FUCKING TELLING YOU THAT.
everyone here is equally frustrated with the inconsistent timelines! karkat took a quick break to yell at jade that was interrupted by her blocking him and followed up by karkat getting these messages from a john looking for a future version of karkat. from karkats pov, these strike me as a bit ominous! obviously theyve already hidden from jack, but john makes it sound like he catches up and finds them. if i were karkat id be getting pretty worried abt what the future holds--not that theres much help in trying to avoid it!
karkat starts attempting to make a point...but then makes the idiots boner of jumping back to troll a john...lets see...over 1500 pages in the past!
seriously though karkat, what were you trying to achieve with that jump? im starting to think you might just be a bit of a dumbass on top of the shenanigans. maybe take another nap? you could really use the sleep!
EB: hey, i have an idea. EB: why don't you get back to me in a few minutes? EB: i mean like a few minutes of my time, not yours. EB: all of these little pink monkeys are getting way out of line and i have to tend to them. EB: if you message me in a couple minutes, we can continue conversing in a sane, linear fashion for a change! CG: UM, OK?
such a reasonable and logical idea!!! how about you try it?
karkat...you strange little boy... how you enchant me.
CG: JOHN EGBERT, YOU HAVE ASSASSINATED MY PATIENCE. CG: ADIOS LOSER. EB: wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EB: get back to me in a couple minutes, ok? CG: SD;LKFJSD;LKFJSDLFKJ; CG: FINE.
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cmon, karkat, i believe in you! you can do it! keep this up!
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you are doing so well bestie.
EB: what happens in our game that's different from yours that makes things go so badly? CG: JACK NOIR. EB: who is jack noir? CG: AN AGENT OF DERSE. CG: WHO FLIPPED OUT AND ROSE TO POWER. CG: HE KILLED YOUR BLACK QUEEN AND KING AND NOW HE'S IN CHARGE. EB: so you didn't have him in your game? CG: NO, WE DID. CG: BUT HE WAS HARMLESS. CG: ACTUALLY, HE WAS AN ALLY, SORT OF.
he stabbed you, karkat. multiple times. but sure, "harmless" is fine.
CG: THE WORST IS YET TO COME. CG: FOR YOU. EB: oh no! EB: what is the worst thing? CG: ALREADY TOLD YOU. EB: dammit!
(psst. john. your sisters god dog is gonna give him some nasty powerups.)
and back we go again. nevermind about being in a reasonable order i guess!
for a lot of this, his trolling order isnt even "oh i fucked up and embarrassed myself time to jump back again and start fresh!" its literally just him being a sleep-deprived dumbass jumping to random points he comes across and thinking every single time that for some reason it wont be a fucking nightmare to attempt a conversation with john!
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EB: well, we're friends by then, aren't we? EB: or sort of like, uh, reverse anti-mutual friends. CG: WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN MEAN. EB: look, you're going to have to face it at some point... EB: that you're learning the meaning of this human emotion called friendship. CG: IS FRIENDSHIP REALLY AN EMOTION? EB: yes, absolutely.
friendship isnt an emotion, fucknuts!
"ask me anything" (asks question) "no not that" teenage boys. am i right.
EB: where are you now? CG: IN THE MEDIUM. CG: A SEPARATE SESSION FROM YOURS. EB: no no, i know that! EB: you already told me. CG: I DID? EB: yes, in your future. CG: DAMMIT.
see karkat? how does it feel?
we dont get to see a lot of the trolls' session (compared to the kids', hardly any) and only catch a few glimpses of ... crabdadsprite? karkat sure makes it sound like hes speaking from experience. what sort of secrets did he have to pry from his crabdad? i would love to see his frustration there lmao.
i will give him this, though: hes actually been pretty helpful in this conversation! he gave john a ton of new information and all.
CG: I'M OUT OF HERE. EB: ok, but wait... EB: can you give a message to GC for me? EB: tell her nice try. CG: WHAT CG: WHY WOULD I GIVE HER A MESSAGE FOR YOU CG: DO IT YOURSELF, I'M NOT A RELAY SERVICE. EB: oh, well i thought you'd be cool with it since you asked me to give her a message for you last time. EB: but whatever.
"last time" being in karkat's future, i suppose.
and on to the next conversation, where important discussions on con air are taking place:
EB: no, it's about these criminals on a runaway plane, and they've got to be stopped by nick cage and john cusack together as a team. CG: OH. CG: OK, THAT ACTUALLY SOUNDS PRETTY GOOD I GUESS. EB: it is sweet, so sweet, you would probably like it. CG: I'VE HEARD OF JOHN CUSACK I THINK. CG: WASN'T HE IN SERENDIPITY? CG: THAT WAS PRETTY GREAT FOR A HUMAN FLICK.
isnt it lovely, this disease called friendship?
... and thus the blossoming friendship collapses like a house of cards.
EB: well, i've got one of your godly players helping me now, so we can't be in such bad shape. CG: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. EB: GC gave me a map. EB: and showed me a shortcut. CG: WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING. CG: THIS ISN'T WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT DOING AT ALL. CG: HOLD ON LET ME ASK HER ABOUT THIS... EB: ok.
now what could this human egbert be up to?
not totally relevant but pitch johnkatrezi is really funny. can you imagine.
EB: i don't know why you guys are doing this to yourselves. EB: all this time jackassery, it's giving me a headache.
now that is exactly what i have been saying!
now karkat...didnt you JUST say you would NEVER resort to relaying a message through john? i think you might need a good nights sleep! that month of no sleep really explains just about everything he does throughout this backwards convoluted trolling quest.
the idea of a candlelight hate date is so fucking funny. i think one of those candles just might get used as a weapon.
EB: oh, did you talk to jade yet? CG: JADE, WHAT WHY WOULD I WANT TO TALK TO HER? EB: ummm, that's what you said you wanted to do last time you talked to me, i dunno. CG: OH DAMMIT. CG: ARE YOU SURE?
oh shit, is the timeline extension busted? i think we already saw that conversation, is it not supposed to happen yet? if i figure out the proper chronology, ill come back and edit this or something! whatever.
EB: but next time you talk to me, you might want to tell me to calm down first so i don't just block you.
lets see how that goes...
CG: HEY JOHN. CG: CALM THE HELL DOWN. EB: aaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!! EB: how did you find me????? CG: FIND YOU? CG: WHAT DO YOU MEAN. EB: i changed my chum handle to ditch you guys.
so i guess this is one of the first conversations (or THE first?) they have from johns point of view, since john changed his chumhandle when terezi was trolling him a while before the events of the story!
EB: ok, this time i'll believe you that you aren't human. EB: because the skepticism center of my brain is starting to wear kind of thin i guess. EB: but you're still a major asshole and i don't actually want to talk to you, so bye. CG: WAIT. CG: BUT I'M NOT HERE TO TROLL YOU THIS TIME. CG: WE'RE FRIENDS OK? EB: hahahahahaha! EB: oh man, look at this outburst of little human words i'm saying! EB: from my human mouth!
yknow its pretty funny how the dynamic has turned on its head. now karkat is insisting they are friends while john responds more angrily!
CG: IT'S REALLY WEIRD. CG: THIS HUMAN EMOTION YOU CALL FRIENDSHIP. EB: friendship isn't an emotion fucknuts.
karkat- lets be friends and beat this game together john- ermmmmm no!
EB: i'm still not really sold on this friendship thing yet. EB: but i've got to go now and get on with my petty little quests. EB: so talk to you in the future i guess. EB: jerkface.
shouldnt have sent him all that hatemail karkat! look where it got you now!
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cyarsk52-20 · 8 months
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It’s Black people fault racists being racist? Shut the hell up.
It’s Black people fault this piss ass state has a Democratic party run by a Republican oil heiress who likely PURPOSELY handicapped this race?
Go shoe shine somewhere the fuck else
Black people dont even have the NUMBERS to do that in Louisiana. Yall dumb as FUCK.
Whole state party run by bitches who were at work when the Challenger exploded but want the KIDS to give a fuck about any of this
NO SMOKE for any other race. Black folks gotta fix it all? Suck my imaginary dick!
Shawn Wilson didnt even start campaigning around the state til THIS FUCKING SUMMER. The Democrats did not even TRY.
You slew foot ass unseasoned chicken flavored bitches really couldnt wait til MONDAY after the election to blame Black folks. Have they even finished the TALLY?! LIKEEEEEEEEE
It’s always BLACK PEOPLE fault for you piss poor ass bitches not wanting to do your jobs.
Kiss my ass!
Its Black people holding this PISS ASS STATE TOGETHER
and that piss ass state doesn’t deserve nann black body a resident or tourist
It’s Black people fault the LA Democratic Party spending time funding Dem vs. Dem races instead of recruiting new talent so we dont all have to vote DOWN BALLOT for Republicans? Go choke on a bag of weiners
So if you are on this app blaming BLACK PEOPLE IN LOUISIANA, a 3rd of this population and many of whom are ineligible to vote and are gerrymandered out of being able TO vote, you a shoeshining ass bitch and I wish the worst for you
This piss ass state is what it is CAUSE THE LA DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS A CLOWN CAR
How is this even ACCEPTABLE? To just outright LIE and claim Black people are the reason Jeff Landry is now governor? You dont think we dont know he HATES US? But guess what? So do LOUISIANA Dems.
We supposed to look at Katrina Jackson or Troy Carter like KINFOLK? PLEASE
LMAO at blaming low voter turnout on voting day being the same weekend as 2 HBCU homecomings (as if that wasnt by design by those fucking racists) AND NOT DEMOCRATS BEING FUCKING TRASH
Also bitching about low voter turnout? BABY GIRL /BOY OR BETTER YET BIIITCH FUCK OFF.
You fuckers didnt run on WOMEN despite THESE headlines circulating the block all year, if I had a penis you can choke on it
Black Democrats outlawed abortion in Louisiana. That bill was signed into law by a DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR.
YOU fquckasses NEED TO BURN IN HELL blaming Black residents of this ridiculous state for the disarray of the Party and the harm we experience. Heck I’ll take you down there myself if I could
Also ALOT OF PEOPLE are ineligible to vote due to their immigration status and criminal records. 1 in 3 Americans has a criminal record and Louisiana incarcerates the most people per capita IN. THE. WORLD. I dont wanna hear this goddamn bullshit narrative around us.
ALL you nigclears and nig hew bitches (along with actual hews and clears ) need to turn that mirror onto yourselves.
Fucking Carter out here shoeshining for Steve Scalise of all people and you want Black folks to swoop in and save the day for you ungrateful bitches.
YALL gave Jeff Landry this race. Leave Black Louisianians ALONE
And let me tell you something else! If Jeff Landry
1. Stealing taxpayer money
2. Using the LA police as hired guns for his donors
3. Running an interstate coalition of AGs to hunt women for abortions & supporting the DEATH penalty for them
wasnt ENOUGH? Nothing was gonna be.
And the ONLY reason y’all blaming Black people is b/c y’all are deluded enough into thinking we ALL experience harm the same. Black people suffer no matter WHO is in office. Bel Edwards signed the first Blue Lives Matter bill into law in the NATION & HID CORRUPT COPS FROM THE LAW
Honestly Yall mothers are BITCH MADE! And y’all daddy’s mommas some ugly HOES! And so are you
And that’s what the problem is. So on DAY 1 post-election in one of the WORST DEFEATS this state’s Democratic party has ever seen, maybe sit with THAT instead of uniting under a “Blame Black folks” narrative
The state with the WORST maternal mortality rate in the nation has DEMOCRATS ban abortion.
WORST education in the country and they banning Black history and books
HIGHEST incarceration rate & a Democrat shielded murderous cops from the FBI.
Like this state doesn’t deserve them!
let the state drown in the mess they made. Drown!
Sorry for the rant but I had to LET THEIR ASSES KNOW!! They always wanna blame the utter failures on black folks. Nah! The turnout sucked because your policies sucked and you didn’t want to do the work.
This is the same rhetoric that will be floating around next year in Florida if the Democratic and progressives orgs do not get it together. They have so much work to do to rebuild infrastructure & re-engage voters and I have yet to see it.
don’t you dare blame black folks because you’re incompetent af!
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b0mblover · 9 months
a gods confusion
by: J
(help this is just about lopt plates and jirou being grossed out by it)
6 in the morning, not much was on the docket, the only reason jirou was up at this time anyways was because he had online classes, well just one, who decided to host a class about sewing at 6 am anyways? more importantly why would jirou join. winter classes were always hardest, it was too cold to get out of bed and everyone takes the evening classes more than in the summer, but just one class at 6 am wasnt the end of the world. it spanned for an hour, giving a ten minute break in the middle, some people worked on what they were taught, or used the bathroom or got something to eat. jirou prefered to use the bathroom and continue whatever he was working on, to not lose focus. 6:35, he came out of the bathroom, he noticed that lopt was chewing on something that had a… less than pleasant sound. Not wanting to miss class for the 5th time already, he mentally made a note to ask lopt. thankfully, the last 20 minutes went mostly smooth, since it was only the beginning of the semester, it was just mostly about how to get your ideas onto paper and whatnot. Jirou, as much as he wishes he wouldve, didnt pay much attention, his grades were mostly fine, granted a few c’s and d’s in math but over all a’s and b’s so he didnt hwve to worru about grades that much, jusy missing classes. He walked out of his room to see lopt watching some news station called “fox news”. he was aware that was an american “news” station, how the hell did they get that in japan? “hey” “oh youre done with your class already? what do you want me to tuck you back into bed?” lopt replied, with a vague british accent, lopt isnt british. “i, wha, no, i meant to ask you something” he said, vaguely confused. “which would be..?” “what the hell were you eating earlier, it sounded disgusting” “huh? what do you mean, oh those white disc thingys?” he sounded as if he were actually confused as to what jirou said. “Uh, i guess? i thought we didnt have much food.. and i know mostly what we keep.” “oh, do you not know the name either?” “i mean no? i guess not??” jirou had literally no fucking idea as to what lopt was talking about “here hold on ill show you” “um alright?” lopt walked over to the kitchen cabinets before skimming over tiny labels at the bottom, they were in braille, how was he even reading them by looking? 
(note, braille because 1. noriko has shit eyesite and its funny to imagine that she basically is blind 2. i have a parasite in my brain that makes me include some part of my life)
he landed on one, the third from the oven. opened it, grabbed whatever the hell he was speaking of and walked back to jirou. “see this!” “lopt.. please dont tell me you were eating that” “huh i was why?” lopt spoke at a rather quick pace, which is just wonderful for someone with auditory processing disorder. (sarcasm) “i, lopt, those are plates, why the hell” “oh, plates huh? they taste bland honestly, maybe they need to be heated up?” he thought to himself aloud “i uh no? lopt youre not supposed to eat those? how do you not know that..” “what do ya mean? ive heard the word but ive never seen one, must be some new day thing” he muttered the last part to himself. “lopt, what i know you know what a plate is, yknow.. a dish? bowl? salver? platter??” “Oh a salver! oh thats what this is wait what why does it look so weird?” “i what? lopt thats how plates have always looked?” “nah what no, salvers dont look like this at all!” “i, i mean maybe not? i why am i still awake, im gonna go sleep goodnight” jirou groaned and walked to his room alone. Lopt, still questioning if he really ate a “salver” decided to look for his phone, of course he had no idea where he put it, for being a god, he was awfully forgetful. 
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aveunalliv · 1 year
you guys so much has happened since ive last been on here
i graduated high school in 2019 and went to college three states away. my freshman year the boy who all of my posts were ab came back into my life for a short time and promised me everything i’ve ever wanted. my mom even gave me letters that he had been writing that she had intercepted and kept from me for years. just like the notebook, can you believe it?
and during our reconnection i realized that he wasn’t what was meant for me anymore and i was at peace with that finally. shortly after he met his future wife. they got married last year and im friends with her on facebook. a part of me mourns for the future that 16 year old me was hoping for with him, but i feel so happy knowing that we’re both where we need to be.
second semester of freshman year i met my second serious boyfriend. covid happened and i moved back home for a bit, and we fell in deep love. it was magical until it wasn’t. looking back it was the most toxic relationship but it helped me grow more than anything else ive been through. when they say that you meet the worst person you’ll ever know when you’re 19, they mean it.
december of 2020, i dropped out of my dream college. it was incredibly hard and i don’t know if ill ever really recover, but the sun still rises every morning regardless.
toxic boy and i broke up march of 2021. the first time i could feel my heart physically breaking in my entire life. between this and being a college dropout, i was at the lowest point in my life ever. no one knows how broken i really was.
met my best friends in february of 2022, and life really changed. i was 21, worked all the time, and went out constantly. made some character developing bad choices and made some really incredible memories.
summer comes around and i got the opportunity to move to the college town near where i grew up with live with one of my best friends from high school. i decided to go for it, applied back to college, and one of my best friends who i made a few months prior moved with me. we went out way too much and i broke up with my very casual boyfriend who i had met that summer. and for the first time since i was a teenager, i finished my semester with a 4.0. i cried genuine happy tears when I checked my final grades knowing that i wasnt allowing myself to give up on my future.
so fast forward to now, i just finished another semester living in the town i said i would never live in, going to a school i said i would never go to, and embracing the fuck out of my plan b. ive officially cut off toxic boy (yes, the one from two years ago) for the final time and ive never felt better. im living by myself for a month while i try to find a new roommate since mine graduated and moved. it’s scary but im finally getting to build a space that i truly love for the first time ever in my life with all of my own stuff. the best friend i moved here with started dating a boy that she met at the place that we work at together.
im sad that i didn’t get to graduate at the college i started at and the time i was “supposed to” but im trying to find the best bits of my life that i get to experience and that i wouldve never gotten if i didn’t make the exact same choices that i have made up until this point.
i don’t know if anyone will even read this, but i hope you had fun getting a glimpse into my life for the past 4 1/2 years.
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allhailbrokeloose · 2 years
so uh.. ive watched a couple of series recently (actually not that recently but whatevs) which im most likely not gonna be obsessed with, but still i feel the urge to post my very important opinion somewhere. ⚠️its mostly not complimentary, so if you are a fan, dont read⚠️ ⚠️barely readable bc typing is fun, but editing is an actual job⚠️ ⚠️i violate italics⚠️ ⚠️not spoiler free ofc bc what do you think this is⚠️ ⚠️i bring up kp for no reason an unhealthy amount⚠️ and even skam one time. yeah i kno, im surprised too
the shows are big dragon, wednesday, and lita
there are three good things abt big dragon: 1) ost (heeey jeeeffff) 2) that one boob grab (you know the one) 3) isbanky (very cute and sings well). the rest imo is not good at all, but ig its ok for a bl (bc i have to say ive seen worse). ig im gonna need to read some fics bc i need 1) it to actually be hot and kinky 2) someone to explain me why would yai ever choose mangkorn aside from yin yang, red strings of fate, turtles and all the other animals. it also seems to me that lead actors have more chemistry outside of the series than in it, at least from what ive seen of them in the wild. afair there was sorta cliffhanger promising s02.. am i gonna watch it? you'll be surprised, but yes, isbanky is very much up my alley, im willing to suffer a little bit for a cute boy lol. but they seriously need to cut on the time freezing thing 🙄
wednesday.. oh where do i start.. my most prevailing thought was but.. but thats not.. thats not what being an outcast feels like.. i mean come on they gave her an unconditional punchbag of a best friend who is putting up with all her quirks no questions asked and willing to die for her, two (??!!! (and actually even more if you squint)) love interests, a high fashion dress (im like.. 🤦🏼‍♀️ i cant) and everyone else just generally look at her with admiration like she hanged the moon completely out of nowhere. i mean what is this? a mary sue fanfic? anyways i have to say that i really liked the first ep and i was very excited abt this series, but the more i watched the less i liked it.. the cast.. well i like original wednesday better and when i say original i mean 1991 movie (but not 1993 lol) and i mean christina ricci ofc.. catherine zeta jones is cool, but once again original morticia was better. i have no issues with gomez casting, but the best gomez was in the 60s b&w series. thing is rocking, zero complaints here. fester is almost there even tho its impossible to top christopher lloyd. and where is itt? did they gatekeep him for future seasons? the plot.. uh the plot is meh.. i only wanna say that i hate it when protagonists ancestor looks exactly like them bc its totally plausible and it just highlights how ruthless and pointless life really is lol. oh yeah oslo i had to pause and scream a long and loud NOOOOO during the kiss scene. its like idk so uncalled for do you guys have nothing sacred at all lol. otherwise i liked the music ofc Except dua lipa, i mean dgmw i listened to future nostalgia on repeat as much as the next girl, but its just not the song for this series im sorry.. they could have found a more suitable song with the same exact message.. anyways am i gonna watch next seasons? yes, but only out of respect for tim burton and the original franchise. i mean it wasnt terrible, it just wasnt what i wanted..
omg you guys the second cp in lita is like soooo gooood, so much better than the first one lol (i wonder if they do cp rivalry like we do in kp). which came as a surprise to me bc i started watching this series for the vegaspete bastard love child and unfortunately i was sorta disappointed.. dgmw hes very attractive and has unique facial features, but he cant pull off the ao3 alpha he was supposed to act out even next to one brain celled oblivious partner (no offence lol). idk maybe hes too young. or im just too old. ig its the latter bc i watched all four of them like they are an omega camp on roaming, ig im just not the target audience of this show 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. anyways imo the first cp was boring and i really didnt expect anything out of the series, but then second cp plot started and i literally lit up. they really do have chemistry inside and outside of the show, the acting is somewhat better, the only but for me is that the plot was unnecessarily too dark, especially after the mawkishness of the first half. i have to mention that i paralleled them with norhelm at some point which is so hilarious to me. in short i stan this cp but just in case they do individual stanning like we do in kp (meaning hating eo guts) then my bias is peat <333 one thing really squicked me - the author (was it a novel?) obv has a kink for infantilization and helplessness and sadly they put it in both plots and not as a prediscussed kink (which is ok), but as real life situations. its a huge yikes and a big no-no for me, but to each their own ig, im not gonna undust my moral compass for a bl. what else.. oh they should really stop with reusing footage bc im still seeing this fucking truck driving in my nightmares. and i didnt like the opening ost so much i had to skip it every time. well ig not everyone can afford an ost by slot machine or jeff satur 😏😏😏. oh yeah and the whole weather referencing was cute uwu
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garne--tt · 3 years
x japan iceberg explained;
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before i start, i probably didnt explain something right and if u want to correct me or add something, feel free and even dm me about it! + i will add trigger warnings for possible triggering content in this post
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formed in 1982 - x was formed in 1982 after toshis and yoshikis previous band disbanded
X --> X JAPAN - they changed their name from X to X JAPAN in 1992 in order to distinguish themselves from the american punk rock band X 
Saw IV - a horror movie from 2007, x japan did a theme song I.V. for the movie, it was their first song released since 1998
new album - an new x japan album that was supposed to be released lots of times over the 10+years but still (to this day) wasnt released
coachella 2018 - x japan performed at coachella 2018, many fans are saying how the sound was bad (usually blaming it on the sound production team?? or whatever its called) and apparently sugizo and yoshiki were seen arguing with the sound production team
we are x - a 2016 documentary about x japan (or rather yoshiki, because apparently it was mainly focusing on him)
psychidelic violence crime of visual shock - a slogan, mainly seen on the blue blood album cover, the term visual kei was derived from the slogan yoshiki, toshi, hide, pata, taiji - the most known lineup, from 1987 to 1992
2. tw// suicide mention
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violet uk - one of unfinished yoshikis projects, started in 2002, didnt even debut but was supposed to in 2012
V2 - unit of yoshiki and tetsuya komuro, was active in 1992, they released one single and did one concert
ra:in - patas band, active since 2002, members are - pata, michiaki, die (also former member of spread beaver), ryu
noise/dynamite - toshis and yoshikis first band, formed in 1977 as dynamite, then they changed the name to noise, noise disbanded in 1982
s.k.i.n. - superband (group) of yoshiki, gackt, miyavi and sugizo, their only activity was in 2007 and it was live, they announced more activities but they were stopped
xfreaks - an international xjapan fan forum created in 2006
dope headz - band that had heath and pata as members, active from 2000 to 2003
hide with spread beaver - hides live band, other members were kiyoshi, k.a.z, hiroshi watanabe, satoshi miyawaki, d.i.e, i.n.a
zilch - supergroup formed by hide in 1996, other members were ray mcveigh,paul raven, joey castillo and i.n.a
lynx - one of heaths band, active from 2004-?, the vocalist for this band was issay from der zibet
yokosuka saver tiger - hides former band, he was member from 1981 to 1986 sugizo - luna sea guitarist, he joined x japan in 2008
hides death - hide committed suicide in 1998 (he hanged himself) update: this is what authorities said and what is official
3. tw// suicide
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taijis death - in 2011 taiji was flying from japan to saipan, on the flight he got into fight with his manager (or flight attendant?), he was arrested after they landed in saipan and then he hanged himself with bedsheet in his cell
x japan translations - an site that had xjapan translations (like toshis book etc...), the site was active and up until 2018
taijis departure from X - taiji left X in 1992, but we dont know the exact reason why he left
toshi was in cult - toshi was member of cult known as home of heart from the late 90s (1998?)
1997 - the year x japan disbanded
yoshiki and queen elizabeth incident - in 2019 during royal windsor cup yoshikis scarf accidentally landed on queen elizabeth
yoshiki knows everyone - (not everyone ofc) but he met a lot of celebrities, politicians (barrack obama, johnny depp, prince phillip, bts etc,,)
art of life - a 29 minute song released released in 1993, it was was recorded only in english, the theme of the song are yoshikis suicidal tendencies, art of life was meant to be released in the jealousy album (1991)
yoshikis father - yoshikis father committed suicide when yoshiki was 10 years old
taijis cut off joint on finger - taiji when he was kid, showed his hand into a factory machine (his family owned factory) and cut off his first joint on his finger
yoshikis health problems - yoshiki has tons of health problem since he was child (asthma, he was always sick and spent most of the time in hospitals etc,,) and suffers from many of health problems even now
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toshis healing music - toshis music he made during the home of heart era
kaori moritani & masaya - kaori moritani is toshis ex wife, they met in around 1993 when they played in rock opera hamlet, they got married in 1997 and divorced in 2010, she introduced him to masaya (and got him, or rather manipulated him, into home of heart) 
masaya -  real name tōru kurabuchi - musician and leader of home of heart
-more about home of heart and the whole situation here: https://bloodydesertrose.tumblr.com/post/96662764536/support-toshi-dont-buy-or-listen-to-any-of-his-songs
debut in usa - x japan was supposed to debut in usa in the 90s (and even changed their name because of it, x-->xjapan)
extasy record - label formed by yoshiki in 1986, the first release under extasy records was x orgasm ep, the label had bands like xjapan, luna sea, glay, zi:kill tokyo yankees and more
yoshiki paid for taijis new teeth - after hides funeral yoshiki noticed that taijis some teeth were missing or chipped, so he handed him around 2 million yen (around 18 497 usd) to get his teeth fixed
l.o.x. - punk rock supergroup, yoshiki was drummer in this band, they also used to be named masami & l.o.x (masami was their vocalist), masami collapsed and fell into coma in 1989 and died in 1992 due to pneumonia in coma, l.o.x released one album with different vocalist (one of them which was toshi and yoshiki went by the alias shiratori rei here on the album) in 1990, l.o.x. released one song in 2002 in memory of masami
standing sex promotional shot & single cover - the promotional shot & single cover basically shows yoshiki nude (with his intimate parts covered of course + this wasnt the only time yoshiki has done something like this) 
rose & blood -indies of x- - an unofficial album with demos and unreleased x songs
unreleased & old songs - there are a lot unreleased songs + unreleased old songs or just old songs that dont get played anymore
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rosenfeld - crows in black - blue blood has similar guitar riff (i dont know how to say it) to this song (crows in black / b was firstly recorded on demo in 1986)
former members - x japan has big amount of former members - 11 former members (excluding taiji and hide from this)
terry - a former member of x, he was one of the original members (being a member from 1982 to 1985), terry died in 2002 in car accident
yoshiki got sued by hides brother - yoshiki got sued by headwax (hides company which hides brother owns) for using hides photos, apparently they had a contract but it expired and yoshiki still used hides photos even though the contract expired
x japan condoms - they were released in 1993 with the intent to help increase awareness and prevent the spread of AIDS. the reason why they probably did this is that toshis fan died at the age of 19 due to AIDS (toshi even dedicated a song to him - passion of love and became a active member and sponsor of association of struggle against AIDS)
heath cow story - when heath joined xjapan they celebrated it by drinking and then driving 2 hours to cow farm, then they drove to aquarium but it was already closed
heath leaving x japan - in 2009 there was a rumor that heath would leave x japan, apparently this was caused due to heaths contract problems (?) dementia - taijis former band, he was member from 1984 to 1985 and went under the name ray
pata was roadie for x - before joining x in 1987, he was roadie for x (or the member hally) around the time in 1986 (1985?)
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pink spider was a suicide note - this one is a rumor/theory that is circulating around, fans analysed the lyrics and came to conclusion that its suicide note
x stayed at different hotels than other bands - when x was on tour with other bands they were staying at different hotels than other bands, because one time (on tour with other bands and in hotel) hide got into drunk fight with juichi morishige (lead vocalist of ziggy) and sprayed the entire hotel lounge with fire extinguisher
taiji was homeless - taiji was homeless for around 2 years (1996-1998), due to financial issues + he got divorced at this time
heaths myspace account - there was heath myspace account, but it wasnt him, it was someone pretending to be him
weekend pv theory - (i dont know if i should have put this here to be honest) a theory that x members chose what their death would be in weekend pv (yoshiki - suicide, hide - suicide in drunken rage??, taiji - murder, pata - alcohol poisoning, toshi doesnt die in the pv)
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hide vocaloid - hides unreleased song co gal got finished via vocaloid (using his voice samples from various songs of his)
yoshiki lead singer - before toshi was chosen to be the lead vocalist for x, yoshiki was the vocalist (there is also a recording of stab me in the back with mostly yoshiki on vocals!)
hide and marilyn manson meet up story - im gonna just attach a screenshot of the story
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taiji was murdered - taiji committed suicide in 2011 in his cell on saipan, but there are some things that point to the possibility that he was murdered (his manager insisted on cremating his body and got cremated without autopsy, money got transfered on his account, information missing from the internet?? etc,,) 
juns tape - demo tape recorded in 1986 by at the time X guitarist jun, tape contains instrumental recordings of unreleased songs right now, only way, tune up and one unnamed song.
ill kill you single cover - cover of 1985 X single ill kill you, it contains photos of victims of the vietnam war
feel me tonight - demo tape from 1985/1986, it contains songs feel me tonight and stab me in the back (all of them are under one minute here) sung by their at the time guitarist hally (apparently there aslo should be yoshiki version of it, but i dont know how much we can trust metal archives)
8. tw// eating disorder mention
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yoshiki hired someone to kill taiji - this one is a rumor!!!, yoshiki was supposed to get/hire yakuza to kill taiji hide had an eating disorder - this one is unconfirmed!!! hide  suffered from bulimia (yoshiki walked on him purging - and this story was also apparently told by yoshiki???)
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
ok i will make my post about legends of tomorrow 5.09 “zari not zari” now. i liked this episode :) introduces charlie’s scary sister and reveals that the other lady is also her sister! the main storyline is a lot more of plot stuff than character stuff which is less interesting to me but it’s engaging enough to watch so that’s fine. of course i adored the zari b-plot as well. zari meets zari! and the ending of this episode....oh boy what a gut punch. 
first off i thought it was soooo funny how they referenced supernatural and the legends went to where supernatural was filming. absurdly funny to me that sara is a spn fan and wants to fuck dean. it makes me wonder what tv or movie character ava wants to fuck, my guess would be carol from the movie carol but idk. also funny that neither charlie nor constantine are spn fans. i guess because their lives are already supernatural enough. the spn music cues in the score made me laugh. thanks blake neely and daniel james chan. when sara saw the dead spn production people and was like “if theyre dead then whos filming season 15???” it inevitably made me think of covid. though im sure that wasnt the intention at the time. 
charlie’s character has always felt like it was about queerness in textual and metaphorical ways and that is especially present here. even her choice to change her name to charlie and her sisters’ insistence on calling her clotho feels very trans. and charlie’s fear that she is just like her family, and sara’s reassurance that she is a legend because she chose to be one. and this idea of found family. very queer themes. i did find them a little on the cliche side but honestly i didnt really mind. its a good theme and its especially nice to see with a character who is textually bisexual. when sara is trying to strand the bone knife sister in the temporal zone and the bone knife sister is trying to drag sara along with her and charlie shows up and saves sara and cuts her sisters hand off....oh that was wonderful. and the look on sara’s face afterward is great as well. yay for found family and choosing your own destiny :) 
finally the zari reveal! love that it’s video games that does it LOL. i think it’s so fun how the scene where zari 2 meets zari 1 really shows the difference in how tala ashe plays both characters. truly girls who say hiii vs girls who say bruh. it’s so nice to see how zari 1 is so overjoyed and relieved to hear that her brother and parents are alive and they have a good life. and i like that zari 2 is made a bit insecure by discovering this past version of her, and worries that she’s somehow lesser. i just really like the identity discovery stuff with zari and i think the show is executing it well. 
what a bold and heartbreaking choice to have behrad killed while zari is on her totem trip. i thought the scene where we see zari crying and mourning was so moving. and i loved that she marched up to constantine and said this is YOUR fault and YOU have to help me fix this. it wasnt really said yet in this episode but i suspect that zari is going to be blaming herself for behrad’s death bc she would think about how she could have protected him if she had just not gone on her totem journey. and that might lead to her rejecting the idea of self-exploration altogether. right now she’s lashing out at constantine but i bet she’s gonna lash out at herself next. another thing i found interesting was how atropos (thats her name right?) was saying to behrad about how hes not supposed to be there and he had evaded fate and she was correcting the mistake. i guess thats about zari changing the timeline huh. will be interesting to see how that shakes out. 
oh i totally forgot about the mick & ava storyline lol. it was fine i guess. really funny that mick would take family relationship advice from ava who is a clone and did not have a family. not his smartest moment. but i like how ava is so supportive of him and just wants to help. i love that she volunteered to help him, the two of them are so different but she feels a kinship toward him. maybe because, just like her, he is a lot more complex than he first lets on. and also since ava never had a family of course she would want to help mick make amends with his. mick’s daughter seems fun and i will be interested in seeing how the relationship between the two of them progresses. when he was with her for halloween and she dressed up as captain cold.......ohhhhhhhh
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