#he will probably die but hey hot tall green guy
daosromania · 1 year
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🩵💙ZephyrBlue is life, ZephyrBlue is love 💙🩵
I randomly remembered the existence of this meme and wanted to do it with them lol, nothing more, enjoy it ^^
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
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I posted 2,406 times in 2022
That's 2,113 more posts than 2021!
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#leia rambles - 638 posts
#rowaelin - 349 posts
#my writing - 266 posts
#aelin galathynius - 171 posts
#rowan whitethorn - 160 posts
#ask game - 109 posts
#fly the black flag - 87 posts
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Longest Tag: 99 characters
#i cannot watch any show/movie/anything with live musicians and not analyze said musicians technique
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fly The Black Flag Masterlist
A Rowaelin pirate AU
Also known as Horny Pirates™
General warnings: language, depictions of violence, blood, guns, piracy and other immoral things, probable smut
NSFW marked with **
MOODBOARD by the amazing @elentiyawhitethorn
PLAYLIST by my dear @rowanaelinn
TEASER 1: The Plan
ONE: The Stowaways
TWO: Where The Hell Is Lorcan?
THREE: Oh, That’s Just Fenrys Falling!
FOUR: And You’re Going To Lead Us There
FIVE: Take It All
SEVEN: Rolfe Calls For A Meeting
Chapter 8 Teaser
EIGHT: You’re Late, Galathynius!
NINE: Aggravating
TEN: What the FUCK, Ashryver?
ELEVEN: A Visit From The Royal Navy
TWELVE: So She Cloned Herself?
THIRTEEN: The Perranth Truce**
FOURTEEN: Within Sight Of Fenharrow**
FIFTEEN: The Traitor’s Tale
SIXTEEN: A Queen In Her Castle
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123 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
I had an idea for a Rowaelin prompt: Aelin gathers the courage to give her number to a very handsome stranger -who then messages her telling he's gay, but it was super cool that Aelin had the guts to give her number. He also has a super hot brother, who just happens to be single and he could give the brother's number to Aelin.
She then messages the brother, they start chatting and do end up on a date - and he does not disappoint, for the pine green eyes, silver hair and a body to die for are even better than what she could've hoped for
hi anon!! I love this so much hehehehe
word count: 1,946
warnings: none 
Enda’s Single Brother
Maybe it was the liquid courage. 
Maybe it was that she hadn’t gotten laid in seven months. 
Or maybe it was just sheer Aelin Galathynius Confidence™ that made her strut across the crowded pub and approach the tall, handsome guy leaning against the bar, purposely tripping a little to bump into him. 
“God, I’m so sorry,” she apologized, righting herself against the bar top. 
“It’s not a problem,” the guy replied, grinning at her. Yeah, he was cute. “My name’s Endymion, but everyone calls me Enda.” 
“Nice to meet you, Enda.” She shook his hand warmly. “I’m Aelin.” 
She chatted casually with Enda for a few minutes, breaking off when Elide waved at her from the table. “Shoot, my friend’s waving frantically at me, I should go see what she wants.” 
“Nice meeting you, Aelin,” Enda grinned. 
“You too.” Aelin loosed a short huff. Then she scribbled her number down on a napkin and slid the flimsy paper over to him. “I don’t want to seem pushy, but here’s my number, I’d love to keep talking.” She left before her face could erupt into flames. 
“You did it!” Elide whisper-screeched when she got back to the table, blushing a little. 
“Yeah,” Aelin agreed. “Yeah, I did.” 
“You go, girl!” Lys slapped her a high five. “Look at you, all grown up and getting hot guys to notice you.” 
“Bitch,” Aelin laughed. But she was proud of herself. 
Enda texted her after she got home, the message pinging on her phone. She glanced at the screen. 
>Hey, it’s Enda! 
<Hey Enda! This is Aelin
>Oh good, it worked :) 
<Glad it did 
>I have to admit something...
<Yeah? Go ahead!
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132 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
A Rowaelin prompt if I may; Rowan and Aelin are engaged, but every time someone asks them to tell how the proposal went/how they ended up engaged, they make up new stories - each one more random and dirty than the one before. No matter who asks, whether family, friends or random old ladies at the grocery store.
Thank you SO MUCH for the prompt!! <3
word count: 912
warnings: language, naughty naughty jokes, mentions of sex, lots of innuendo
Aelin could hardly open the garage door, she was laughing so hard. Rowan wasn't any better, he was bent halfway over, clutching his stomach, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes as he tried and failed to catch his breath.
"Shit, Aelin," he wheezed, fumbling for the door to hold it open for her, "In public?!"
"And here I thought you were the one who was into that," she smirked, cackling even harder. She managed to place the bags of groceries both she and Rowan were carrying onto the counter before another wave of laughter crashed over her, leaving her to sink to the floor, wheezing helplessly. "I can't believe I said that."
"I can," Rowan grinned, handing her a tissue.
At the grocery store, they'd been going through the checkout line when the cashier, a very sweet lady about Rowan's mom's age, had noticed Aelin's engagement ring and offered her congratulations. And then she'd asked them for the story, of course, like so many of their friends and relatives and even random people on the street had done in the two months since Rowan had popped the question.
Wicked sparks gleamed in Aelin's eyes.
"Well," she began, leaning in like she was sharing a secret, "I think it was the fourth orgasm that did it."
The poor cashier's eyes had nearly fallen out of her face as she goggled.
Innocently, Aelin continued. "Y'see, he'd never gone more than three rounds back to back, something I'm certainly not complaining about, no ma'am, but something about that resort must have given him extra stamina or something, because the man is insatiable." She winked broadly. "Insatiable, I tell you. In the pool, in the shower, all over the suite--hell, the poor staff's probably still finding scuff marks on the walls from the bedframe banging into it. Three times my fine fiancé had filled me up, and just as I thought he was going to drop down next to me and fall asleep, he and his best friend suddenly became re-energized, and I found myself in a position I'd never tried before. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, no indeed." Her grin was positively evil. "So after that round, in the throes of bliss and all of that, he rolled over onto his side and just panted, 'Marry me, baby.' I thought for sure it was the orgasms talking, but he was serious." She blew Rowan a kiss, admiring her ring.
The cashier's jaw hung open. She took a big deep breath and shook herself back into business mode. "I...I'm sure the two of you will be very happy together," she managed as she rang up the total.
Aelin and Rowan had barely made it out the doors before they exploded with laughter, great pealing guffaws that lasted the whole drive back to their house. She wasn't quite sure how she'd managed to see well enough to drive given the film of laughter-tears that clouded her eyes, but they'd made it.
"I think that was the best one yet," Rowan remarked as he helped her stand.
She snorted. "Better than the one we told Lorcan?"
He coughed, the memory of that account rising. "Shit, maybe not."
Elide and Lorcan had been some of the first people to find out about their engagement. They'd been over at Rowan and Aelin's house, and the loudest shriek Rowan had ever heard in his life emitted from Elide when she caught sight of Aelin's new ring. Of course, she and Lorcan had demanded the proposal story right away. Aelin shot Rowan a wicked wink, her intent to spin something absolutely wild showing in the gesture.
Then she'd launched into a gushy retelling of the place where Rowan had proposed--the Galathynius family's cabin in the Oakwald Forest--complete with a hell of a lot of embellishment, mostly involving celebration sex.
Rowan couldn't help himself when Lorcan raised an eyebrow and inquired how well he thought it had gone.
"Judging by the way she squirted all over my face, I'd say it went very well indeed," he'd hummed, smirking like the cat who ate the canary.
Or the fiancée, as it were.
Lorcan's face went a rather gratifying shade of uncomfortable. "Fuck, Whitethorn," he grumbled, crimson staining his cheeks. "Why the fuck d'you have to be so crude?"
"Pot, kettle," Rowan snorted, snickering at his oldest friend.
Ah yes, the start of their wild proposal stories.
Aedion and Lys had been told that Rowan proposed on a ziplining date, one of the wilder adventures he and Aelin had taken together, an adventure that had almost given him several heart attacks when Aelin decided to go down the route that included leaping off a tree into a steep plunge as part of the course. Aelin's parents had heard that their future son-in-law proposed on the way home from the club. While singing a boisterous, off-key rendition of "Let's Get It On" and stumbling over his own two feet. Rowan's parents had heard that he proposed in an airplane bathroom--what the two of them were doing together in an airplane bathroom, they had not wanted to know.
They invented proposal stories on the fly, whenever someone new asked. The one Aelin had told at the grocery store was definitely the dirtiest, though.
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135 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Chef’s Special
word count: 3,347
warnings: NSFW, language, minors proceed with caution. 
ENJOY! had way too much fun writing this haha
Aelin was running on pure instinct and adrenaline as she leaned into Rowan’s kiss, the hungry way he devoured her lips sending waves of heat pulsing through her body, setting her core throbbing. She could feel her thong starting to soak through just from the rush of this fiery kiss, from the way Rowan’s big, rough chef’s hands kneaded her breasts, working the flesh through her shirt and the flimsy little bra she was wearing. 
A hoarse, garbled moan escaped her as Rowan tangled his fingers into her hair, tilting her head back against the door so he could slide his lips down the column of her throat, having enough foresight not to leave any marks. Though a part of her really fucking wanted him to leave marks. 
Gods, she had it so bad. 
“Rowan!” she gasped as his tattooed hand--fuck, she hadn’t noticed how extensive that tattoo of his was--slipped brazenly into her leggings, cupping her center through her panties. 
He smirked darkly against her neck, two fingers stroking lazily up her core, his breath shaking as he discovered just how wet she was. “All for me, baby?” he murmured into her ear, the low roughness of his voice only making her wetter. And damn the man, he noticed, his smirk growing. “Use your words,” he commanded, his fingers brushing oh so close to her clit but never actually touching where she wanted him the most. 
“Yes,” she whispered, her hips involuntarily bucking into his touch. “Gods, fuck, yes, Chef.” She didn’t fucking know why she called him Chef, but as she felt his arousal pressing against her, she sure as hell wasn’t complaining. 
“Keep calling me that, baby,” Rowan all but growled, crashing his lips back against hers. “And you’ll have to keep quiet.” 
She hardly had the time to process what he’d just implied when he shoved her soaked thong aside and plunged one thick finger into her, his thumb finally brushing against her clit, drawing a pattern of circles into the throbbing bud. She moaned into his rough kiss as he pumped his finger, withdrawing it only to replace it with two, crooking them just right. “Fuck, Chef!” she groaned, trembling with the effort of keeping still under the perfect, perfect sensation of this man, whom she barely knew, touching her just the way she craved. 
He kissed her throat, teeth nipping at her skin just softly enough not to leave marks. “You like that, baby?” 
“Yes,” she moaned, her vocabulary very quickly regressing to “yes,” “Chef,” various expletives, and “Rowan.” 
Rowan’s fingers moved faster when she breathed his name, his rough pace and the lovely, absolutely filthy things he whispered against her neck sending her hurtling into sudden climax, her walls clenching around his fingers. 
He swore he almost came in his pants right there as she softly moaned his name, muffling her cries like the good girl he knew she was. Fuck, what he wouldn’t give to take her home and hear all of her noises unhindered. 
“Good girl,” he murmured into her ear, relishing in the way her whole body shuddered at the praise. He withdrew his fingers, groaning at the way her arousal coated his hand, lifted his fingers to his mouth, and licked them clean. His eyes, already blown out with desire, went nearly black as he tasted her, sucking his own fingers clean. Knitting his free hand back into her hair, he kissed her fiercely, making her taste herself on his tongue. 
Aelin started to slide down the door to return the favor, but he stopped her, his hands surprisingly gentle as he placed her back on her feet, shaking his head. “I want to,” she breathed. “Please, Rowan. Chef.” 
“Not now,” he murmured. “If I’m not inside you in the next thirty seconds, I think I’m actually going to die.” 
She couldn’t contain her grin at that. 
He, of course, noticed. “Sass, baby?” His lips brushed the corner of her jaw and she shivered as she felt him sliding his pants down enough for his hard cock to spring out and press against her, his breath fanning hot on her skin. “I’ll have to fuck that out of you, won’t I?” 
A whimpering moan was her only answer as fresh arousal rushed through her, definitely ruining her panties. He just chuckled, the dark sound rumbling around the bathroom. Then he looked into her eyes, confirming that she was ready, lined himself up, and slid into her. And in. And in. She was shuddering, walls fluttering around him, as he bottomed out, giving her a moment to adjust before rolling his hips into hers. She met his motions, her hands gripping his shoulders with a surprising amount of strength as he thrust into her, their moans and gasps mingling. 
“Close,” she whimpered. “Please, chef. Please.” 
“Since you asked so nicely,” he purred, one hand sliding between them to play with her clit, just what she needed to tumble headlong into another orgasm, her tight heat clenching around him and sending him spilling into her. “Good girl,” he panted as their bodies stilled, pulling out and tucking himself back into his pants before getting some wet towels to clean her up. 
“You did so well for me,” he praised, tossing the dirty towels in the trash. 
“This...” Aelin trailed off, flushing a little as she righted her clothes. “This won’t affect the class in any way?” 
“Besides me not being able to keep my eyes off you, baby?” He shook his head, sincerity on his face. “No. I promise it won’t.” 
“Thank you,” she said softly. “Really, Rowan. Thank you.” 
He kissed her cheek, the gesture shockingly tender. “See you...um, around?” He scratched the back of his neck a little awkwardly. 
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138 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Aelin's horrible at cooking so when Aedion makes a bet that she can't learn how to cook in a month. So she starts going to cooking classes and the chef is Rowan
let me tell you, Rowan with a chef's knife took my mind in a whole new direction *facepalm* why am I like this?? thank you for the prompt!!! <3   
word count: 1,738
warnings: language, suggestive content
enjoy 😏😏
Chaos In The Kitchen
“Fucking hell, Ae!” Aedion cried, waving his hands in front of his face in a futile effort to dissipate the cloud of smoke filling the kitchen. “Are you trying to burn down the fucking house?” 
“No!” Aelin shrieked, stabbing at the smoke detector until it stopped beeping and running to open the kitchen window. “I’m trying to make fucking breakfast!” 
Aedion raised one blonde brow at the blackened remains of bacon in the frying pan atop the stove. “You forget about the bacon or something?” 
“Shut the fuck up,” she groaned, swatting him with a dish towel. “I did not forget, I was watching it closely while I mixed up the pancake batter.” 
“And you turned away for one second and the bacon was smoking?” 
“Asshole,” she grumbled. “No. I watched it, and then the piece of shit started sending up smoke.” 
Her cousin doubled over, wheezing with laughter. “Only you, Ae,” he managed to gasp between guffaws. “Only you.” 
“Asshole,” she repeated, laughing a little, wryly, herself. “I’m trying my best, Aeds. It doesn’t look like it, but I am.” 
“You’re chaos in the kitchen, Ae,” Aedion grinned, slinging his arm around her shoulders. “I would pay to see the day where you manage to cook something without setting off the smoke detector.” 
“Would you?” Sly challenge sparked in her eyes. 
“Oh, for damn sure.” Aedion met her challenging gaze, wicked glee in his eyes. “In fact, let’s make a bet on it.” 
Internally, Aelin groaned. The last bet she’d taken with her cousin had ended in her hair being dyed bright green for a month, and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to accept another of his lopsided wagers. “And just what kind of sure-win bullshit are you thinking of, Aeds?” 
“I bet that you could take cooking classes for a month and still not know how to cook,” he smirked. “You win, I’ll pay for the lessons and shut up about you in the kitchen. I win, you have to go out with my friend.” His smirk grew. “So, do we have a bet?” 
She raised her brows. “Define ‘knowing how to cook,’ oh wiseass cousin of mine.” 
“You don’t set off the smoke detector and the food is edible.” 
“And the friend?” 
He clicked his tongue. “Mmm-mmm, Ae. Blind date.” 
Aelin tilted her head, considering. Aedion paying for her to take cooking lessons...and shutting the hell up about her ineptitude in the kitchen...or a blind date with a friend of his? How could she possibly lose? “Fine. We have a bet.” She clasped his hand and shook, sealing it. “Same rules as always, Aeds?” 
“Yep.” He winked. “No sabotage and no finding out about the other person’s consequences.” 
“Right.” Aelin smirked at her smug cousin. “It’s a bet.” 
Three hundred fucking dollars, Aelin grumbled to herself as she locked up her car and headed across the parking lot, and they couldn’t be bothered to give us basic cooking stuff? She checked her bag once more to make doubly sure she had all the things they’d told her to bring when she registered for these classes. A couple of wooden spoons, a whisk, a couple of spatulas, a set of measuring cups, and her own apron. Bloody cheap, it was. At least she was hopeful that she’s get her money’s worth, because she’d spent a ridiculously long time looking up all the available cooking classes in Orynth and reading the reviews to be sure she’d actually learn something. 
No way in hell was Aedion winning this damn bet. 
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153 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Creatures of the Forest
I haven’t written anything on here in months, and to be honest I should be working on my novel rather than this. But, I’m a whore for EraserMic and can’t resist the temptation. Plus, I have a weakness for Monster AU’s, so I’m going to have fun with this.
Also heads up, I did not proofread, and story details might be a little muddy. I am tired and horny, and I will now go to bed.
Word Count: 5,242 (Kill me.)
Pairing(s): Jinn!Shouta x Female Reader x Siren!Hizashi
Warnings: 18+, dub-con, fingering, double-penetration, anal sex, vaginal sex, creampie, and probably more filth.
Premise: You just wanted to have some time yourself, and considering how cheap the cabin was you couldn’t pass up the chance at a countryside getaway. And they couldn’t pass up a chance of you.
The cabin is not what you expected, but nonetheless you just felt glad at the chance to get away from the city for awhile. Your job has been stressing you out for months, and your family is no better. You booked out this one bedroom wood cabin from the 1970s for the next two weeks, a vacation away from technology and far, far away from the thoughts that kept you from yourself.
When you first arrived you checked out the whole cabin only to find cobwebs and dust covering nearly every surface, and the appliances were horrifically outdated. So, you decided to spend your time cleaning it up a little so you didn’t feel like a spider was going to crawl into your mouth in the middle of the night. Good thing, too, because you managed to find a fiddleback in its nest just under the bed. Now, you might hate spiders, but you’re by no means a killer.
“Work with me here, otherwise one of us is gonna get hurt.” You carefully manage to put a plastic cup over the agitated spider, and using a piece of paper you’re able to carefully take it outside. You don’t want to leave it near the cabin, and you don’t want to leave it out in the open field - what if a bird got to it? You have no choice but to trek out past the lovely field of wildflowers to the dark forest that lay just beyond it.
The trees tower over you as the sun begins to set in the distance. You’re not that far away from the cabin, but hearing the branches rustle against each other as the wind blows a warm summer breeze across your skin sends goosebumps over your body. It would be best to quickly release the spider and get out of there.
You go over to the nearest tree at the very edge of the forest and take the cup away from the paper. There the spider sits, rearing back as a threat, but its dramatics do nothing to you.
“You’re not so scary out in the open, are you?”
“He could probably say the same to you.”
You drop the paper and cup, whipping your head around to find the source of the melodic voice that had spoken to you, but no one is there.
“Over here, little bird.”
Your gaze falls back towards the forest, and just a few feet in front of you is a man with long, golden blonde hair that cascades down to his waist. He’s tall, probably six feet if you had to guess, and he’s wearing a tank top and jean shorts that show off his toned body almost too well. Then there’s his eyes, a green so bright that it contrasts the darkness of the forest.
“What are you doing here?” This land is supposed to be private, or at least that’s what the listing said.
“Sorry! I forget my manners sometimes. I’m one of the owners, you’re Y/N right?” Oh, one of the owners! You remember now, the listing mentioned that the owners of the property lived elsewhere on the land and might come by to check in on things.
“Yeah. You know, the cabin could have used a cleaning. When’s the last time you had anyone else here?”
“Somethin’ like five or so years. You like it though?”
“It’s... Cozy.” The sun seems to be disappearing much faster now. “Minus the spider.”
“Unfortunately we can’t do much about nature, little bird.” You want to ask him not to call you that, but you don’t want to be rude. The cabin is pretty cheap and you’d hate to cut this trip short because of a nickname. “But, if ya want my husband can come spray the cabin for pests tomorrow. I could bring by some food, too.”
“Oh, no thanks. I think it was just the one anyways.” The point of this whole trip is for you to get some alone time, and inviting this admittedly alluring man and his husband over would go against that.
“If you’re sure...” He trails off, glancing towards the spider that is now climbing quickly up the side of the tree. “If you do change your mind though, let us know! We don’t like pests around here, either.” You chuckle a little at that, but by now you’re already starting to back away from the forest to head back towards the cabin.
“I’ll keep that in mind, sir!” You call back, now intent on getting across this field as quickly as possible. But, his next words feel like they’re a whisper in your ear, making you jerk your head back towards the forest. My name is Hizashi, little bird.
After unpacking that night you found yourself exhausted from the long travel to the cabin. After checking that all of the windows and doors were locked securely, you went to bed thinking about the blonde in the woods and the plans that you had for the next day. Your eyes closed with those thoughts mingling together as you fell into a seemingly deep sleep, unaware of the eyes that watched you from just outside of the bedroom window.
“She’s even better than I imagined...”
“You shouldn’t have gone to her today, it’s too soon.”
“If we wait too long then we’ll lose our chance! Let’s take her now, she wants to be far away, so we’ll take her far away.”
“We need time, and permission.”
“Well, I know how to get one of those things.”
As the sun peeks through the bedroom window you attempt, and fail to stifle a groan. It might have been a good idea to bring curtains with you, but you suppose that it’s part of the woodsy experience. You sit up and stretch your arms high above your head, unaware of the creature slithering across the floor until you put your feet down and hear a hiss. Immediately you pull your feet back onto the bed with a high-pitched scream. The rattlesnake coils itself up and sets its eyes directly on you, only a few feet away from the bed.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” You mutter to yourself as you reach for your cellphone on the side table. Unfortunately for you, the snake leaps forward and takes a snap towards your arm, eliciting another screech from you and making you back yourself against the far corner of the bed. “Go to the woods, you thought, it’ll be a great experience!” You mock yourself, now looking for anything nearby that you could use as a weapon. You could toss the blanket over it and try to make a run for it, but what you miss or what if it still managed to get you?
“Y/N!” You hear Hizashi just outside the cabin.
“We heard a scream, is everything alright!?” Another voice joins him, likely his husband.
“N-No! There’s a snake in here!” You glance towards the window to see it cracked open. Didn’t you lock it last night? “I can’t get past it!” You hear some banging at the front door, but shouldn’t they have a key? Or maybe they didn’t want to just walk in? “The window to the room is open! Hurry!” How close is the nearest hospital if you get bit? How long would it take you to die?
When you see two figures come around to the bedroom window you feel like you could weep in relief, but they hesitate.
“Is it okay for us to come in? How close is the snake?” The dark-haired man asks, and in your panic you don’t even question the absurdity of the first question.
“I-It’s close to me, you can come in. Be careful though.” You’re much quieter now, thinking that maybe your yelling only made the creature on your floor angrier. Hizashi’s husband only then pushes the window further open, sticking one leg inside to stabilize himself before coming all the way in. The snake is too focused on you to notice the new intruder.
“Y/N, my name is Shouta, and I need you to follow my instructions. Can you do that for me?” His voice is low and smooth, it calms you instantly.
“Good girl. Pick up the blanket from your bed very slowly, try not to make any sudden movements - he’s more scared of you than you are of him.” You highly doubt that, but nonetheless you lean down very slowly while Shouta sneaks around the back of the snake to grab the blanket. “Very good girl.” Your face flushes at the almost sensual compliment. “Now, throw it onto the snake. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.” His reassurance calls you to action, tossing the thin blanket onto the snake. It hisses and wildly whips around under the blanket until Shouta manages to scoop up the blanket like a bag and tie it off. Just like that, your ordeal is over.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay now Y/N, Shou’s got the big bad snake.” Hizashi is suddenly by your side in an instant. When did he come through the window? His hand is on yours as he gently guides your shaky body off of the bed.
“I don’t even know how that thing got in, I-I locked every door and window last night! I double checked everything, I cleaned yesterday, I just don’t...” Why was the window open? Did she maybe get up last night and open it? It did get pretty hot last night... Quite suddenly, you’re extremely aware of how bare you feel in your cute light blue cotton shorts and black sports bra. You hadn’t even thought of it during your state of panic.
“I’m going to take this guy outside and let him go. Hizashi brought a dish over for you to try, if you want the company.” The two of them don’t seem to mind your half-dressed state, but you do.
“Sure, um, do you mind stepping out for a few minutes though.” You release Hizashi’s hand and grab the sheet from the bed to cover yourself. They understand pretty quickly, but both men didn’t mind it. If anything they want to see more of your soft, beautiful skin.
“Sorry ‘bout that beautiful! We’ll give ya some space!” With that, both men are leaving your presence and you feel like you can breathe a sigh of relief. What just happened? It feels like it all happened at once, but you can’t say that you aren’t relieved by their excellent timing. You decide to slip on some normal jean shorts and a faded AC/DC tee-shirt you got a few years back.
When you step out of the bedroom you can see Hizashi already bustling around the kitchen, humming in a way that made you feel warm little fuzzies on the inside. Shouta is sitting at the dining room table with his dark eyes shut. You take a moment to silently admire Hizashi’s husband. He’s more filled out than the lithe blonde, and while his black wavy hair is long, it’s only a few inches past his shoulders. And then she notices the deep scar just under his right eye.
“See something you like?” Your face once again turns red when you realize his eyes have opened and he’s looking directly at you.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare-”
“It’s alright. It’s the scar, right?” When he says this, Hizashi stops his cooking momentarily to look back at you and his husband.
“Oh, no! I don’t mind scars, scars can be sexy!” Why did you have to say that? An amused smirk slides across Shouta’s lips when you say this. Hizashi, meanwhile, lets out a chuckle that makes the air around you feel too light.
“Well of course scars are sexy! Why don’t you tell little bird how you got that scar?” As he says this you come to sit at the table. You may as well indulge them, they did come to your rescue after all.
“It’s not that interesting.” Shouta waves it off, but he can tell that you’re interested. “Unless you want to hear about it?”
“It’s not like I have anything else to do.” You shrug, and with that you get to spend the rest of your morning with the two men.
Apparently, Shouta had a run in with a man trespassing on the land and got a knife pulled on him. He said it wasn’t that interesting, but the way he told it captivated your interest. The guy was probably a hunter, or a thief, but they never found out. The local deputy came to get the guy after the confrontation, and that was that. They continued to talk with you long after breakfast had finished and you all had eaten, asking you about your interests, your passions, the reason why you came out here. You don’t know why, but when they ask you these questions you answer without a second thought. You think that it’s because no one has ever bothered to listen to you for this long, and the couple makes you feel as if you belong here, like you’re a person who deserves to be cherished. Originally you came here to be alone, but when you’re with them you feel something that you never felt back home. You just can’t quite describe it. Hours pass, and it’s well past noon when the two men decide to take their leave.
“If you see anymore snakes-”
“-Or if you just want our company-”
“-just give us a call on the landline.” Shouta finishes for the two of them as they walk out the front door.
“Sure thing, thanks again. I don’t know what I would have done if you two hadn’t come over.”
“Probably woulda sat there, desperately waiting for your prince charming to come save you. Good thing you already have two of us.” Hizashi’s joke manages to get a little giggle out of you.
“You’re cheesy.” Shouta grumbles, though you could see a small smile on his face as well. “Come on, let’s leave Y/N alone.” You watch the two of them walk not down the dirt road that you drove on to get here, but back through the forest that encircles the cabin.
Once the couple is gone, it’s like you snap back to reality. This morning was crazy, and you got lucky, but you swore that you locked that window shut last night. Deciding that perhaps it was better to enjoy the rest of your day than continue to obsess over the snake incident, you take a sketch book and go out back to draw the pretty flowers in the field.
The night feels even hotter than the day, making it near impossible for you to cover up in any way. Long ago you stripped yourself bare, sprawling yourself on top of the covers with a sheen of sweat covering your body. If you didn’t feel the cool air struggling to reach you from the vents, then you would almost think the AC is broken. Currently, you’re half asleep in an almost dreamlike state. That’s when you hear a soft whisper.
“What is your wish?”
You turn on your side, letting out unintelligible mumbles. A more soothing, honeyed voice joins the first.
“What do you desire, little bird?”
That voice sends tingles all through your body, setting every nerve on fire. It compels you to answer.
“I want...” You mumbles, eyes half open and glazed over as you give your answer. “I want... Release...” You want to feel all of your stresses disappear as if they never existed.
“I’ll give you release, kitten.”
The voice no longer sounds far away, which snaps you out of that sleepy haze and once again makes you aware of your surroundings.Your eyes adjust to the darkness to find yourself no longer in the cabin, but surrounded by looming vertical objects... Trees?
“Shhh, don’t panic, we’re here.” There’s that voice again, the one that makes orgasmic waves pulse through your eardrums. It soothes any worries that you currently have as two hands come up to your shoulders and gently lay you onto the soft ground.
They prepared this place just for you. The cabin had been a front from the very beginning, a way to lure you away from bustling city life so they could give you what you wanted - release. You didn’t know it, but you had met Shouta months before this at a little bakery just down the street from your work. You had been complaining on the phone about your new boss and how stressed you were because of your obligations, and you wished that someone would take you away from your own life. Unknowingly, you had called upon the closest Jinn in the area, and he had already taken notice of you.
“Be gentle with her, it could be her first time.”
“It’s definitely not. But don’t worry, I took care of the ex months ago.”
You can vaguely hear the conversation of the two men looming over you, but you do not react. On the inside you feel fear, vulnerability, and confusion. You can’t quite make out the figures above you, but you recognize the voices; your hosts, Shouta and Hizashi. You just can’t comprehend why they are doing this. Earlier today they were fine, sure they were getting a little too close and asking too many questions, but you wouldn’t say they invaded your space... Or did they?
“Took care of?”
“Nothing like that, he wished for a job in France, so I got him the job in France... But, he might not like that job very much.” You can hear the smirk in his voice even if you can’t see it. “It was necessary.”
“Agreed.” The hands that had pushed you back onto the pillowy moss are now moving down your sides, just barely brushing over the sides of your breasts. You barely register the sigh of pleasure that leaves your lips at the tantalizing contact.
“What? Isn’t this what we wanted?”
“We need permission.”
“We have permission! You heard the wish!”
“It was vague. I want details.” Suddenly, you can feel another set of hands gently massaging your bare feet, then moving up your smooth legs to part them at the thighs. The exposure makes you whimper, though there’s little you can do beyond that. “Release your influence, Hizashi.”
“But if we do that-”
“Release her. I want to hear her.” With what sounds like a huff of frustration from the blonde, that hazy feeling that had come over you suddenly dissipates. Your vision becomes more clear along with the two entities above you.
Hizashi has moves your arms so they’re now pinned above your head, preventing you from covering your bare breasts from their view. Shouta still has your legs spread on either side of you, but he doesn’t move any further. You meet his eyes, eyes that had been onyx earlier in the day but now glow an eerie shade of red.
“Months ago you wished to be taken away from your life. Do you remember that, Y/N?” You can’t focus on Shouta’s voice, all you can focus on is your current situation. Tings sting the edges of your eyes, and your throat starts to close up.
“She’s not going to respond like this, Shou.”
“She will, be patient. Y/N, I need you to look at me.” His voice is stern. Even though you want to look away, you once again meet his gaze. “What do you wish for now?”
“Let m-me go!” That’s your first thought, but then you feel one of Shouta’s hands creeping further up your thigh, his fingers just barely brushing over your outer lips.
“Do you mean that?” You nod your head frantically, and unbeknownst to you Shouta’s partner is giving him an incredulous look. “So, you want to go back to that stressful life in the city? You want your asshole boss to walk all over you, making you feel like you’re the scum of the earth? You want your parents to treat you like you mean nothing?” He emphasizes the final word with a hiss, and this seems to get to you. Your sniffling briefly ceases, though you’re still tugging against the tight hold of both of the men as if you could escape.
“What are you?”
“A Jinn, kitten. Do you know what a Jinn is?” You nod you head - you’re aware of the mythology behind beings like him, but how does he exist? They’re fictional! “Months ago I heard your desperate plea, and ever since then I’ve been eager to give you want you want... For a price.” His thumb brushes over your clit briefly, making your body stiffen.
“F-For sex?”
“For partnership. To be with me, to be with Hizashi, to be with both of us. It does get lonely out here.”
“And I can’t leave.” Hizashi pipes in with a sad smile. “I’m a Siren tied permanently to this forest. Remember the story about the man with a knife? He was going to hurt this place, so we had no choice. Once this place is gone, so am I.” His thumbs rub soothing circles into your skin.
“You don’t need me though, I don’t need your wishes or whatever! I want to...” You wish that you could say that you want to go home, but do you? Despite your current circumstances, you found yourself considering this deal.
“If you’re here, then Hizashi won’t be alone. I can go out for supplies without worrying about him.”
“And if you’re here, you won’t have to deal with those pesky worries you had before little bird. You get to have fun, be free, be loved by us.” But why you? Why did they want to take you?
“Because you’re special, Y/N. Because out of everyone in that city, you were the one who wanted to escape the most, who cared but wasn’t cared for. You deserve us.” Shouta drives his point home here, but he hopes that it will be enough. After all, he would prefer your consent, but it’s not entirely needed here.
“Okay.” You whisper. After all, what’s really waiting for you back home? Misery and paperwork, that’s what.
“Okay what?”
“You need to be more specific, Y/N.” You take a deep, shuddering breath before you speak again.
“I-I want release, I don’t want to go home anymore.”
“And in exchange?” Shouta pushes, his eyes glowing as he stares into yours.
“In e-exchange, I’ll stay here. I’ll be your... Partner.”
That seems to be all that they need from you, because in the next moment the two men above you are no longer clothed. You squeak and shut your eyes - it’s not the first time you’ve seen a naked man, but usually they don’t just pop out in front of you like that!
“You’re little noises are so cute.” Hizashi uses one of his knees to keep your wrists pinned above your head so his hands could get to work. While your eyes are still closed you feel his soft fingers run across your neck and past your collarbone, headed straight for your breasts. But just before they can get there, a pair of lips smash to yours. Shouta’s tongue flicks out at your bottom lip, beckoning you to allow him inside. Just at that moment, Hizashi’s fingers find your pert nipples, giving each of them a tiny pinch. This causes you to moan, and Shouta takes the chance to slide his tongue into your mouth to get a taste.
You can feel Shouta’s thick erection against your cunt, twitching in anticipation. It has been awhile since you’ve had another man, and you have to admit that the thought of being railed by these very good looking men wasn’t so bad. You start to becoming lightheaded from the kiss and constant ministrations of your sensitive nipples when Shouta finally pulls away from the kiss to let you breathe.
“Good girl.” He brings his thumb up to wipe away some of the saliva from around your lips. “We’ll put this to more use later. For now, I want to see you cum.” In what feels like two seconds Shouta is suddenly between your thighs, throwing your legs over his shoulders so he could get a good view of your waiting, wet pussy. He blows cool air over your sensitive little nub, making it quiver and throb in anticipation. Meanwhile, Hizashi finally leans down to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the little bug while his fingers continue to tug and pinch the other. Your head sits in the blonde’s lap, his cock mere inches away from your face.
“Do you want to suck me, little bird?” As he says this in that low, melodic voice of his, Shouta flicks his tongue over your clit, making your writhe under them.
“Careful, she almost came.”
“Is my voice too much for you?” You can only pant in response, letting out a soft moan when Shouta flicks his tongue over your little nub again.
“Answer him, or we’ll make this last.”
“Y-Yes... It’s... I makes me feel good.” His voice makes you feel like you could orgasm in seconds.
“And do you want to suck daddy’s cock?” The way he words it makes you whine, but you nonetheless give him an answer.
“Yes what?”
“Yes... Daddy.” The instant that you finish that sentence, Shouta’s mouth latches onto your clit, sucking on it so harshly that you can feel your head spin. Hizashi repositions himself so he’s kneeling right over your face, running his fingers through your hair as he guides your lips to his tip. You take his tip into your mouth and suck it softly, eliciting a groan from the man that gets sent straight to your groin.
“Fuck, just her lips are almost enough... Come on honey, you can take me deeper.” And you do, you try to relax your throat so you can take Hizashi’s cock deeper into your mouth, swirling your tongue around his base, all while Hizashi has his hands continually playing with your nipples, never letting up.
Shouta continues his work between your legs, nipping softly at your clit while bringing a finger to your entrance. He gently pushes it inside of you, giving it a few thrusts before adding a second. You adjust tremendously well. He can already feel your wet cavern clenching tightly around his fingers as he curls his digits upwards. To this you give him a sweet little cry, which only results in Shouta setting a relentless pace. He pounds those fingers into you, hitting your sensitive spot with such precision that you can hardly focus on the cock in your mouth all while sucking and swirling his expert tongue over your swollen clit until you finally clench tightly around his fingers and cry out with your first orgasm of the evening.
Hizashi slows down the thrusts into your mouth as Shouta pulls away from between your legs, slowly pulling himself out as well. For a moment you’re confused, wondering why they could pull away when they haven’t found relief yet, only to be suddenly pulled forward so you’re hovering right over Shouta’s thick length. Hizashi comes up behind you, pressing soft kisses and nipples to the soft spot on your neck - he’s going to leave plenty of marks here later.
“Do you think you can take both of us?” Shouta asks, momentarily confused you until you realize what he means.
“I’ve never done it, um, there before.”
“We can make it easy, if you let us. It’ll only feel good.” Hizashi assures you, rubbing comforting circles into your thighs.
“We want to make you feel good.” Shouta adds, both hesitating until they see you nod your head once again.
“Okay.” You still feel nervous, but you want to feel good, and so far it feels really good.
Shouta helps your ease yourself onto his dick, pressing gently into your waiting pussy while giving your already oversensitive clit little flicks from his thumb. Once he has settled deep within you, you feel Hizashi spread your ass cheeks and press a finger into you. Your face burns from slight embarrassment, but admittedly as he begins to move the saliva covered digit in and out of you, you find yourself enjoying it. You try to move whilst on top of Shouta, but he grabs your hips to keep you still.
“Wait.” He commands, smirking at your impatient whine. That whine then turns into a gasp as you feel a second finger being pressed into your rear hole, nibbling on your bottom lip as an uncomfortable burning sensation takes place of the previous pleasure.
“Relax for me, little bird.” Hizashi whispers, and like his words work magic you instantly relax and that burning sensation goes away. He pumps those a few times while your juices continue to drench Shouta’s cock, then they’re gone, replaced instead by Hizashi’s pulsating member. “Stay relaxed, and take a few breaths.” Hizashi murmurs, placing a few soft kisses to your neck as he pushes himself into you.
At first you feel that uncomfortable burning sensation once again, but then that changes to a fullness that gives you pleasure. You huff in lust as Hizashi pushes the full of his length into you, both men temporarily remaining still while you adjust. Your back is pressed flush against Hizashi’s chest, so you can feel his heartbeat rhythmically hammering against you while they both wait.
“Please what?” Shouta once again brushes his thumb over your swollen clit, making you whimper.
“Please, make me yours.”
As if you said the magic words, both men suddenly begin to move within you. Shouta keeps your hips stilled while rolling his own to thrust up into you, meanwhile Hizashi wraps one arm around your waist to grope your breast. You feel his teeth graze against your shoulder with enough pressure to bruise, but you don’t care, you’re in a euphoric state right now.
Shouta keeps your clit busy with his thumb while the both of them pick up their paces, the sound of sweaty skin slapping together resonating throughout the dense forest. You can feel your next orgasm already building as the two of them continue at their brutal pace, the feeling of your holes clenching around them driving them absolutely wild with lust - they’re not going to last much longer, either.
“Fuck - we love you, kitten.”
“Yesss, we love you so much little bird.” Hizashi grunts into your ear, and while you can’t say it yet, you’re sure that it won’t take but a few months before you’re saying the same words back.
All it takes is one well timed thrust against your g-spot and another flick to your clit before you’re clamping down on both men and letting out a long, strangled moan with your second orgasm. Shouta follows quickly behind you along with Hizashi, both men pressing deep within you before they spill their seeds. They stay inside of you even afterwards, letting you back in your afterglow as they both praise you, pressing kisses over your skin and telling you how great you did for them.
It’s too late for you to turn back now. You’ve made the deal, and you sealed it the second that you said yes.
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Warren Worthington III x Reader
Fandom: Marvel/X-Men
Summary: Warren has been through hell and then some, but will meeting his soulmate turn that around?
Note: That’s right, it’s ya girl, back on my BS. I watched Apocalypse again and BIG SURPRISE, I’m in love with Warren and Kurt all over again. Still hyperfixating on Pietro also, so…expect more fics for him as well. Anyway, I’m a ho for soulmate aus and I haven’t written one for birb boi in literal years, so here ya go.
Reader is: Gender Neutral
Warnings: swears, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 2.8k
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Warren knew one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt: he didn’t deserve a soulmate. He didn’t. There was no question in his mind. Anyone who was destined to end up with his winged, alcoholic ass had been fucked over by the universe. No one deserved to be stuck with him for the rest of their lives. And yet, these thoughts didn’t seem to erase the words written on his forearm:
Hey, um, you’re Warren, right? The Professor wanted me to talk to you.
Professor. He scoffed. He was never going to college. If his parents had gotten their way, their son “cured” of his wings, he would have ended up at Harvard or Yale or somewhere similar. But it was far too late for that. Sitting in a cage in the back room of an illegal underground mutant fighting club in Berlin…it was far too late for that. He’d probably die before he met his soulmate anyway, rendering the prophecy on his wrist—and theirs, for that matter—useless. A waste of space.
That was all he was anyway.
He spiraled. His dependence on vodka got worse. The fights got harder. He wasn’t making it out unscathed anymore, winding up with burns and scrapes and cuts, depending on what kind of mutant he was up against. One night, one of his cuts had gotten dangerously close to the writing on his wrist. He stared at it for a long time, tears burning his eyeballs until they escaped and dripped down his cheeks, angry and hot.
He hated it, but even after everything, he still had hope. He still had hope that things would get better; that he could be better, even if it seemed impossible.
And then it got…worse.
Apocalypse had come, turned his wings to metal, tuned into his anger, his rage at the world, turned him into a monster, complete with knives for feathers and winding tattoos framing his face. He wished he could blame it on mind control or something, but Apocalypse hadn’t brainwashed him, only used his anger against him. Turned him into a weapon.
And then everything went black.
When he woke up after the battle, he was in an unfamiliar room, large and white and sterile; it smelled like hand sanitizer. He heard the steady beeping of a heart monitor and when he sat up, he noticed how sore he was. His whole body hurt. His head spun. But he was alive. And when he looked down at his tattoo, the words were still there. Wherever his soulmate was, they were fine. His stupidity in joining Apocalypse hadn’t caused anything to happen to them.
For the first time in what felt like years, he breathed.
“You’re awake.” A voice said as a tall man with brown hair entered his room. “I’ll let the Professor know.”
“Where…” his deep voice rasped and the man pointed to a glass of water sitting on the table adjacent to the cot he was situated in. He picked it up and took a few long, greedy sips, not realizing just how thirsty he was until the cool drink hit his tongue. “Where am I? What is this place?”
“This is the infirmary at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.” The man told him, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “You’re safe here.”
Warren nodded hesitantly, but didn’t say anything else. Safe. The word was almost a myth to him at this point. But at least he felt like he could rest for a little while.
It had been a few weeks since Apocalypse and his horsemen had almost ended the world. Erik had decided to stick around, and two of the younger horsemen, Storm and “the Angel of Death,” respectively, had been absorbed into the school’s student body. You didn’t know the Angel’s name. No one really talked to him, not even Ororo, Storm, who had been quickly adopted by your friend group.
Supposedly, Peter had tried to talk to the Angel guy, but he didn’t say anything to him. Ororo theorized he probably felt guilty about the whole thing. She did. But you all knew she didn’t know what Apocalypse was really trying to do. He probably hadn’t either, but that didn’t seem to keep the grim expression off of his face.
It was on a nice, sunny day that Xavier called you into his office, and you went down without complaint, knocking on the door a few times before he called you inside. You sat in the chair across from his desk.
“Hi, Professor. What’s going on?” You asked.
“Ah, yes. Just the empath and healer I wanted to see.” He smiled brightly. “(Y/N), if you don’t mind it too terribly, I have a small job for you.”
“Of course! What do you need?”
“I’m sure you’ve seen our newest pupil, Warren, around.”
You thought for a moment. “The, uh, guy with the wings? The big metal ones?”
“Precisely.” He nodded. “Warren…he’s been having quite a hard time adjusting.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“He came to me yesterday discussing…well, quite simply, he was wondering if any of our mutants here would be capable of…reverting him to his previous state. His wings, before Apocalypse, were made of feathers. They’ve been serving as quite a reminder to him and it’s been weighing pretty heavily on him, both literally and emotionally.”
“Yeah, I’ve, uh, caught his vibes from across campus.” You nodded. “It’s like there’s always a rain cloud hanging over his head.”
“Yes,” Xavier agreed. “It doesn’t have to be right away, but at your nearest convenience, if you see him around, would you talk to him? Tell him I sent you?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see what I can do.” You promised him.
As an empath and a healer, your first priority was helping others. And even if he was known to be a bit intimidating, you wanted to help him if you could.
So, you walked out of Xavier’s office, attended your final class of the day, and when it was over, you wandered out into the courtyard where, because of the nice weather, students were everywhere. And luckily for you, just as you suspected he might be, Warren was sitting under a tree, still sporting his leather jacket despite the warm weather.
You shielded your eyes from the sun and walked over towards him, your heart racing as you built up the courage to talk to him. So, you took a breath and said, “Hey, um, you’re Warren, right? The Professor wanted me to talk to you.”
He stared up at you for a long moment, his green eyes wide in shock. He took a breath, blinked a few times, glanced down at his wrist, and then back up at you. You could have sworn you saw tears beginning to form along his waterline, and you didn’t realize why until he said, “You’re my…No…Oh my God…I’m…I’m so sorry.”
You froze, your knees going weak. You glanced down at your bare forearm and read over the words he’d just said, exactly the way he’d just said them.
You’re my…No…Oh my God…I’m…I’m so sorry.
“Why are you sorry?” You whispered, lowering yourself onto the grass beside him, not trusting your legs to support your weight for much longer. Now you were the one with tears in your eyes. “Don’t be sorry.”
“You deserve so much more than me.” He insisted, his eyes locked on his boots, unwilling and unable to meet your gaze. “I can’t drag you into…this. Me.”
His emotions were heavy, a bleak blue and gray haze and you felt it radiate off of him in waves. His pain, his everything. And you felt it, deep within his chest. He thought you wouldn’t want him anyway.
“Warren…” You shook your head. “Why…Why would you think I don’t want you?”
He was shocked into silence for a few seconds, thinking over his words carefully, his jaw tense and hands shaking. “You’re a telepath?”
“Empath.” You corrected quietly. “And…a healer. Which is why Xavier sent me.”
“Oh. Right.” He swallowed thickly, nodding. “Did he…tell you why?”
“He did.” You smiled softly. “And I’m willing to try if you are.”
Finally, his eyes met yours and he could tell that you meant more than just the healing when you said it. The weak little voice in the back of his head was screaming for him to push you away like he pushed away everyone else, but looking into your eyes, a genuine and warm smile on your face, he just…couldn’t lose you.
He couldn’t lose anyone else.
Today was the day. Warren was sitting on a stool in the infirmary. Hank had run his vitals and the two of them were in the room waiting for you to come down after your class was over.
“(Y/N) is the one who saved you, you know.” Hank told Warren while he jotted down some notes.
“What?” Warren asked, snapping out of whatever daydream he had been caught up in. “What do you mean?”
“(Y/N) found you in the rubble. We didn’t think you would make it, but…they healed you. They insisted we bring you back here. Give you a chance.”
Warren was quiet for a long time, thinking about what that meant. Part of him wondered if (Y/N) had known back then that he was their soulmate, but he decided that would have been impossible with just their tattoos alone. Especially without context. They hadn’t known and yet, they’d still wanted the best for him.
“Didn’t know that.” Warren said, his voice soft and deep. He stared at the words on his wrist for a little longer, a hint of warmth swirling around in his stomach. Was this happiness? Was that what happiness felt like? He barely remembered anymore. But he knew there must have been a reason that when you walked through the door, his heart started beating a little bit faster.
“Sorry I’m so late. Professor Leaf kept us a little later than she was supposed to. Are you ready?” You asked taking off your backpack and setting it against the wall. As soon as you looked up at Warren, you felt the way his heart rate was increased and you didn’t miss the warmth swirled with the anxiousness. The anxiousness, you had expected. Even you didn’t know if you could pull off what you were going to attempt to do, but the warmth…it was a pleasant surprise.
“Don’t worry about it.” He told you, shaking his head. Was he…was he smiling? It was a small smile, sure, but you didn’t think you had ever seen him smile before. It looked good on him. “I’m ready when you are.”
“Alright.” You nodded, walking over towards him. Underneath where he was situated on a stool, Hank had laid out some pads from the training room, you assumed, to catch his metal feathers if they fell out rather than transforming back to his normal…feather feathers. None of you really knew how this would unfold. “Again, I’m not sure this will work. I don’t want to get your hopes up in case it doesn’t.”
“I’m not expecting it to.” Warren assured you, but it wasn’t in a rude way. “If it does, I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Cross my heart.” What he didn’t say was: You could never disappoint me. Not even if you tried.
“Okay.” You nodded, taking a few steps closer until you were standing right in front of him. He looked up at you and for the first time, you didn’t feel any negative emotions from him. Only anticipation and that lingering warmth. “Here goes nothing.”
You focused on the warmth in your own chest, the tingling yellow healing power that constantly swirled around your heart, and you forced it into your palms. You reached forward for his hands and he took the hint, his larger hands wrapping around yours.
Immediately, he gasped at the sensation, warm tingles running up his arms, down his spine. It stopped in the center of his back, right where his wings intersected with his body. At first, he didn’t feel anything. And then, he felt everything. The pleasant warmth flooded his metal wings, and one by one, the knife-like feathers fell out, each one landing with a thud against the mat situated underneath him.
Hank’s pencil jotted against his notebook as he took notes. He knew you were powerful, but he’d had no idea you were capable of something like this.
Neither had you.
Once the metal wings were gone, Warren felt a new sensation: another pair of wings, this one soft and familiar, slowly emerging from him. Part of him expected the process to be painful, like the one Apocalypse had forced upon him was, but it wasn’t. Warren chuckled to himself. Of course you would never hurt him. Not even unintentionally.
After a few minutes, the feathery wings had fully emerged, stretched out to his full former wingspan and he stared up at you in awe. You stopped your flow of power to him, but he held onto your hands, squeezing them to keep them in his grasp.
He looked back at his new wings, flexed them and moved them. They felt familiar, like they had always belonged to him.
“Thank you.” He said, giving your hands another squeeze, the warmth in his chest brighter and bolder than it had been before. “Thank you so much.”
“Of course.” You told him, squeezing his hands right back in a way that caused his heart to lurch. “I’m glad I could help.”
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but do you mind if I keep some of these for research?” Hank asked.
“Keep all of them, if you want. I don’t want them.” Warren told him, standing up from his stool, his hands still in yours. “So, um…do you want to go grab dinner or something?”
“Sure.” You nodded, smiling up at him. “See you later, Hank.”
“Bye, guys, have a nice night.” Hank said as you and Warren walked out of his lab. He couldn’t help but notice the way one of your hands remained in one of his as the two of you left.
Later that night, after dinner and after you and Warren had split for the evening, you were walking back to your room from Jean and Jubilee’s and you found Warren, lingering in his doorway, his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. His eyes widened when he spotted you and he held up a finger, indicating you should wait for him, so you did while he went into his bathroom and rinsed out his mouth, returning a few moments later.
“Hey.” He said, the word casual as it fell from his pink lips.
“Hey yourself.” You chuckled, feeling ridiculously underdressed in your pajamas. But then again, he was wearing his pajamas, too, a large black Metallica shirt and a pair of plaid pants.
“How…how are you? Feeling?” He stumbled over his words, chuckling as he rubbed the back of his neck. You felt a wave of nervousness rush through him. “Hank said sometimes you get tired after, uh, bigger healing jobs?”
“I’m fine.” You nodded. “For whatever reason, I never get tired when I’m healing you.” You chuckled, your cheeks heating up the slightest bit. “Well…I think I know why…”
“Heh, yeah.” He nodded, mulling over his next words very carefully. “Did you, um…I don’t know how to ask this. Did you mean what you said about…trying? About us trying…this. Trying us.”
“Of course I did.” You nodded and took a few steps closer to him. “You’re my soulmate.” You reached for his hand and he gave it to you, letting you play with his fingers. You felt the way his heart fluttered when you did. “Of course I want to try.”
“I’m broken.” He told you. “I’ve never done this before. I’m…I’m a lot, and I know that.”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m a healer, huh?” You tilted your head. “And if we’re being honest, I’ve never done this before either. So how about we teach each other? Learn together?”
He smiled softly, nodding. “Yeah. Yeah, let’s do that.”
You let go of his hand and instead took the last few steps between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his torso. He froze for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. It had been…a long time since anyone had hugged him. But after a few moments, his arms got the hint and wrapped around you, pulling you to his chest. He rested his head atop yours and exhaled a long, long breath. And for the first time since you’d met him, you felt a wave of peace wash over him, encasing him entirely as his wings gently cocooned you in their warmth.
You felt his lips brush against your temple, pressing a soft kiss there. You looked up at him and his eyes met yours before fluttering shut as he leaned in to press his lips to yours.
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moistmailman · 3 years
SCP AU part 2
*Jaune is pushed into a room with a bag over his face before the door shuts on him*
Jaune, slightly muffled: H-HEY! I SAID LET ME GO DAMNIT! *cautiously reaches for bag and touches it before ripping it off*
Jaune, immediately turning to the door and banging on it: I SWEAR TO GOD YOU GUYS BETTER LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! WHAT KINDA FUCKED SOCIAL EXPERIMENT IS THIS?! *continue banging*
Pyrrha: I can hear you.
*Jaune squeaks loudly before getting in a karate stance while turning to see a tall redhead girl around his age with vivid green eyes sitting on a bed*
Jaune, internally: What the fuck?! How long has she been here?!
Pyrrha, awkwardly waving: Hello.
Jaune, awkwardly waving back: Uh..hi.
*an awkward silence fall on the two, with the blonde slightly blushing and the redhead staring at him with interest*
Jaune, internally: Holy shit, she’s pretty. My god, she absolutely stunning. She has got to be the prettiest girl I’ve seen in my li— Wait Wait, Jauney-Boy, you're getting side tracked. What the fuck is going on in here, and why did those guys put me in a room with a very hot girl with really long and smooth legs— GAH, HORMONES THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT MATTERS TO ATTEND TO!
Pyrrha: *giggles while slightly blushing*
Jaune, terrified:......w-was I t-talking out loud?
Pyrrha: Hmm? Oh no. *smiles teasingly* Why? What were you thinking about?
Jaune, voice cracking: N-nothing. Nothing at— *clears throat* H-hey, I’m Jaune.
Pyrrha, smiling: Pyrrha, charmed.
Jaune, internally: Wow, even her name is pretty.
Pyrrha: *snickers cutely*
*Jaune looks around to see what she’s snickering at to see nothing*
Jaune, shrugging it off: So uhm....they tricked you with the social experiment, huh?
*Pyrrha thinks for a moment, before a coy smile gets plastered on her lips*
Pyrrha: Yeah, you can say something like that.
Jaune: Damn. Who the hell are these people, and you have any idea what they even want from us?
Pyrrha, shaking her head: Your guess is as good as mine.
Jaune, sighing: Great. Isn’t today just wonderful. Should’ve known that offer was too good to be true. *slide his back against the wall until he’s sitting* Teach me not to read documents people tell me to sign.
Cinder, sighing: Wow, great plan, Roman. We are learning things about her so fast.
Roman: This takes patience, Cinder.
Cinder, frustrated: The boy haven’t even said anything to her for the past 5 minutes! He’s just sitting his ass on the floor. The boy is socially handicapped!
Roman: That’s not my fault! You're the one who pick him!
Cinder: Well you were the one to make this stupid plan in the first place! How will the boy even ask her about her powers in the first place if he doesn't even know that he needs to ask?!
Roman: Geez, I don't know! How did I know about you being an only child?
Cinder: Be—
Roman: Because I asked you as a curious person who wants to know about my friend! Now believe it or but if I got under the assumption that you started reading my mind, you bet your ass I would ask you about it, especially if I was trapped in a small room with you!
Cinder: But why would SCP-312 answer the question if she knows what we're trying to—
Roman, urgently: Hush! Something's happening!
Jaune: *has been moving uncomfortably on the floor for the past 5 minutes*
Pyrrha, scooting in her bed: Hey, you wanna sit next to me? The floor looks pretty uncomfortable.
Jaune: Really? You're alright with that?
Pyrrha, smiling warmly: Of course. The bed's large enough. *Pat beside her* Here.
Jaune, slightly blushing: O-oh, Uh, sure then. Thanks.
*Jaune walks over to the bed before sitting down, his cheeks crimsoning*
Pyrrha: There, is that better?
Jaune: Y-yeah. T-thanks.
Pyrrha: Youre welcome:
*Once again the room fall to silence as the boy looks everywhere but at the very attractive girl he's shoulder to shoulder with*
Jaune, internally: God, what's wrong with me?! I just got kidnnapped yet I'm more worried about this super hot girl sitting next to me! I can barely form coherent sentences around her! Damn, my hands are all sweaty too! She's so close! I can feel her body warmth! Just calm down, Jauney. Calm down already. Take a deep breath, and try to strike up a conversation with her. This silence is deafening.
Jaune, taking a deep breath: So, what—
Pyrrha: *Facing Jaune with a warm smile*
Jaune, voice wavering: —y-y-your.......*turns away in embarrassment*
Jaune, internally: For god sake! I can’t get used to that smile! It’s like beautiful personified. God damnit. I need to keep a conversation going, at least until those guys come back! Okay think! What did mom tell me about talking to girls?
A memory starts playing inside Jaune’s head with his mother’s voice: Remember Sweetie, women love wedding rings, but they love babies more.
Jaune, internally:.....is...is that it?! Really?! That’s literally the only advice my mother has ever given more for girls. How the hell is baby propaganda supposed to help me in this situation?! What kinda— okay, calm down. I have another parent. What did dad tell me?
Another memory starts playing in Jaune’s head, this time with his father’s voice: Son, I have absolutely no idea how I managed to make your mother fall for me. I am not the man you should be asking. You’ll probably have a better shot asking the stars that question.
Jaune, internally:.........I’m going to die alone, aren’t I? My parents managed to make the opposite sex so completely alien to me, despite me having 7 sisters! What he actual fuck?! This is an absolute disaster! This can’t get any worst!
*Jaune then remembers one crucial detail of the predicament he’s in*
*Suddenly Jaune’s nerves instantly drop and a calm aura surrounds him, almost like it just completely disappeared and got replace with an warm and inviting energy*
Jaune, confused: Huh?
*The weight on Jaune’s hand then became evident, as he looked down and found Pyrrha’s hand gently lying on his, almost reassuringly*
Jaune, slightly blushing:.........
Pyrrha, in soothing tone: So, tell me about yourself.
Jaune, no longer feeling nervous for a reason he doesn’t know why:...........well, I just graduated from college.
Cinder, frantically: WRITE THAT DOEN, WRITE THAT DOWN!
Roman, equally as frantic: I AM! I AM!
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windhamsrotunda · 3 years
Roman Reigns - You Look Even Better Than The Photos (FULL PART)
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Pairing(s): Roman Reigns x Female Reader!
Category: SMUT / NSFW
Summary / Theme: Roman is frustrated tonight, but the head of the table will get his frustration changed quick when he sees his girlfriend in the middle of the night.
Warnings: Explicit Language, Smut! | Angst! | Aggressive Dom! | 17+ READERS ONLY!
Word Count: 4,000k+
Tagging: @ringer04 @lghockey @saccreigns @ziasaph @ava-valerie @bayley-no-friends @blueberrycane21 @hungmanhorsecarriage @demonqueen29 @papireigns-05 @kingswitchblade @writtingrose @junglecassidy @riveliciousx @squirrel666 @enigmaticandunstable @flesheatinglette @kaileyjade and any others who wants to be tagged!
As he stepped into the luxurious shower of his bathroom, Roman cleansed himself with body wash. Scrubbing down those dead skin cells layered on his skin, the scent of strawberry and peppermint spewed the room. White fog sprays the whole bathroom, the temperature of the shower scolding hot. Roman’s fingertips stroked against his scalp, digging in deep roughly as the water from the pearly white shower head screamed down on him. A few minutes later spent in taking the shower head off the holder to wash himself down, Roman turned the knob to the shower off and grabbed a towel off the towel rack.
Stepping out of the shower, he wrapped his body like a grave digger wrapping a deceased human in soiled dirt. Shaking off the excess water from his hair, then he blow dried his masculine, black Samoan long hair. Setting the black blow dryer down, Roman stared at his reflection in the fogged-up mirror, unrecognizable to see. He sprinted a hand through his hair quickly and got the remaining tangles out of his hair. Fingertips delicate like layers of daffodils overlapped over fields of fresh green grass. Eyebrows furrowed downward, he got dressed to head out to the real world.
Running out the door with keys in one hand grasped and phone in the other, the tribal chief headed towards his richened black Lamborghini car and got in. Turning the key to the ignition, he backed out of the driveway and put on GPS to go to his girlfriend’s house. Scuffing his face while driving, Roman glanced at his phone receiving a message from his girlfriend:  
Reader’s Name {R/N}: ‘’You coming to my party?’’  
Roman: ‘’Perhaps I will’’.  
Focusing on driving after the little text he received, he thought about her. He did not know she was having a party at 9:30pm at night; Although he got backhanded by her text, he thought it was just going to be him and her alone. No, he was pissed. She should’ve told him she was going to invite friends over. Arriving at her house at about 9:45pm, Roman kept his cool. Not making a ferocious scene, his girlfriend opened the door to where the house was filled with busy activity like bees in a beehive. ‘’Hey babe,’’ she greeted with her drink in her hand, going in for a grasped hug. The head of the table clamped his arm around her, fingers dug into her back. ‘’You okay?’’ she winced a tiny bit at his fingers digging into her back.
‘’Keep our business on the low-low,’’ Roman whispered, taking her hand into his.
‘’What...?’’ His girlfriend said slowly, walking into the crowd of different people she invited over. Approximately 30 people in the house, the music overpowered their conversation.
‘’Let’s go into another room,’’ He suggested to his girlfriend.  
‘’I want to hang out with my friends, though----’’ He cut her off abruptly.
‘’No, you’re staying with me whether you like it or not!’’ Roman boomed, his lips pressed together.
‘’I’m leaving.’’ She pushed her way through the tribal chief, he was left with a sour attitude. Crossing his arms pressed against his chest, Roman Reigns was not the man to mess around with tonight. He walked away from where he was standing on his own two feet and went around to find his cynical girlfriend.
‘’R/N!’’ He hollered through the buzzing music, his pupils large and filled with anger and hate. He now couldn’t find his girlfriend; his plans were ruined! A tall adult jock had bumped into Roman, spilling his drink onto his darkened clothing.  
‘’Oops,’’ He sarcastically said, as he went on his way. He scowled, Roman gritted his teeth to attempt from violently throwing the jock to the ground viciously. He moved on to keep searching for his girlfriend R/N in the crowd of people at her huge house.
‘’Have you seen her?’’ Roman’s eyebrows furrowed; his face heated up with angriness. He was about to explode if she didn’t come announced.
‘’No man, what I am assuming is she probably went outside,’’ One of R/N’s friends told him, pointing with one finger towards the slider door.  
‘’Thanks,’’ He scoffed, storming off to the white slider door, forcefully sliding it open and slamming it shut behind him. ‘’R/N!’’ his lungs shacked in his vocal cords; his eyes were an orange fire. Steam blowing off on the top of his head.  
‘’What do you want?’’ She turned her body frame to face Roman, there, she was sitting on a wooden log with her legs crossed next to a blazing campfire.  
‘’It’s you that I want to speak to!’’ He grunted, forcefully coming at her. ‘’They don’t call me the tribal chief for nothing,’’ Roman stated, as if he were giving a promo. R/N cocked her head up from her iPhone, setting it down.  
‘’Listen, sweetheart. I am sorry----’’ He cut her off with a firm ‘’You better be sorry,’’ look. Aggressiveness and dominance in his whole complexion, his shoulders laid back, his mean pissed off look meant something to her. In order to calm the Samoan man down, she had to actively spend time with him, and him only.
She was shaken by his aggressive tone, ‘’P-Please, if there is anything I can do to make this better.’’ She stuttered, her facial expression a sudden change from content into complete horror.
Roman pulled something out of his pocket, a familiar-looking object that was once his girlfriend’s.
‘’Remember this?’’ He asked, sly smirk curled upon his lips. R/N looked down at the bulky necklace hesitantly, she mouthed the words:
‘’Yes, yes I do.’’
‘’SPEAK TO ME!’’ Boomed Roman, his eyes poured into the soul of his girl which caught the attention from the other people inside. ‘’No, don’t look at them, look at me.’’ A small whimper came from her, she felt deep down inside she was being taken control over. She stood there motionlessly, arms stiffly by her sides. Not wanting to make eye contact at the head of the table, she cried quietly so he couldn’t hear her. ‘'Come on,’’ He urged, tugging away at her motionless arm stuck by her side. R/N was in mixed emotions as of yet, she didn’t know how to express herself towards her boyfriend. She had the courage to finally say this:
‘’R-Roman... I don’t feel comfortable, it’s just that—I need to go.’’  
He mimicked: ‘’I don’t feel comfortable. Why? Is it because I showed up unannounced and you decide to leave me after we didn’t spend time together in over 2 months? Is that what it is?’’ Before leaving, Roman realized his actions. How he affected her, she was left in tears. He needed to fix this or make this up to her. Being a heel was never an answer to solve for your problems. Especially his. The blazing campfire still lively, the heat pressed against Roman’s face from being so close to it, he had to sit down, think about what he did. Running a hand through his long, black hair, he had his arms clamped behind his back. Wanting the stormy rain that was about to arrive to take him alive. A huge lightning bolt struck across the gloomy sky; Roman wasn’t intimidated by this weather. All he wanted was R/N.
Back in the house, the party had seemed to die out. Besides, it was 11pm at night and it was storming. Everybody who attended her party had to scurry home to avoid from being caught by this hellions storm.
’Hey, you seem inconsolable. What happened?’’ R/N’s best friend asked in concern, stroking her shoulder.  
‘’My boyfriend,’’ Her shallow breath vocalized as she fought back her choked up bottled tears.  
‘’Oh, sweetie. Come here.’’ Her best friend pulled her into an embrace, telling her it would be okay and perhaps he will get over his hot-headedness. Roman, however, was still outside.
‘’Where is my boyfriend?’’ She asked out of nowhere, sensing he might be still outside, in which he was.
‘’He’s outside,’’ Her best friend explained, looking at the outside of the slider door. It was hard to see Roman outside, there was no glow in the orange, red fire. But her best friend knew for a fact he was outside. She scurried on her feet to open the slider door half open, she proclaimed:
‘’Roman! Come back inside!’’ He turned his head like a deer in the headlights, nodding in response. He got up from the log he was sitting upon and came back inside.
‘’I am so sorry...’’ R/N’s tears began to form in the creases of her e/c eyes, Roman’s hair was drenched from sitting in the pouring hard rain, almost shocked by a lightning bolt. He gave all his attention on her, but not her best friend. He wanted to be acknowledged. Walking up to her, he grazed his thumb across her jawline as her best friend watched.  
‘’Leave,’’ he muttered, eyes on her best friend. She backed away and left the house. It was now him and her. Roman took notes mentally of his girlfriend, how her posture was, and how heavy she was breathing. Skipping breaths, she took a step closer to her boyfriend Roman. The terrifying, once called baby face, she first met when he was considered a ‘’good guy’’.  He tilted his head back, looking up at the ceiling, then eyes back on r/n.  
‘’Roman....’’ She breathed; her eye contact was on point so she made sure he didn’t do anything hell-riding. She could feel his presence, how desiring he was not to say ‘’no’’ to.  
He grabbed a chair from the empty person kitchen, and straddled the chair.  
‘’Sit,’’ he firmly said, eyes furrowed this time. As she made her way to Roman, he lifted her body weight up and sat her on his lap. Legs stretched over at the end of the chair; r/n was surprised by a deepened kiss from her boyfriend Roman. He kissed her deeply, there they sat, in the chair the two of them comfortably. She straightened out her narrow spine to adjust in his lap, his fingertips touching her bare back. Her fixed gaze focused on the tribal chief; he could feel her heart beat rapidly pound in her chest. R/N was tensed up, he gave a question: ‘’Why are you so tense?’’
She blankly stared into his pupils, snapping a finger in front of her face, she unfocused on him and shook her head.  
‘’I said, why are you so tense?’’ This time with more aggressive tone, he chuckled lightly at the reaction she gave him. ‘’Now that you’re acknowledging me, I say I am your tribal chief.’’ He brushed up against her, he rubbed the nape of her neck, earning a slight whimper from his girlfriend r/n.  
‘’I-I am nervous,’’ she states, being completely honest with the head of the table rubbing the part of her neck where he touched her there. He laughed at her response; he crinkled his nose up.  
‘’You’re telling me, I’m making you nervous?’’ He cooed, his hand wrapped around her hair now. ‘’What if the blinds are open...?’’ r/n panicked, wondering if her best friend will come back and find her straddled on Roman’s lap.
‘’I’ll make damn sure they’re not.’' He growled, getting impatient with her. ‘’After all, you’re in the hands at the head of the table now.’’ She nodded slowly, finally acknowledging what he was telling her. It’s like she was deeply under his spell. Roman shifted his body weight facing the front of the chair, with r/n still on his lap. He got up quickly, scaring her for a second like he was about to drop her on the hardwood floors. '’Chill out,’’ he growled deeply, rolling his eyes. Tension grew between r/n and Roman as she hugged his leg. ‘’Off,’’ he demanded.
‘’Yes, tribal chief.’’ She stammered, crawling on her hands and knees now away from her boyfriend. The 6’3 Samoan man followed her to where she was going, perhaps to the upstairs basement. He smirked, watching her crawl up the stairs in awe as her bottom swayed in front of him. He grew with desire, wanting her. His veins throbbed in his neck, his bare chest from where he removed his shirt off bellowed up and down. Roman’s shoulders slugged back, basically enjoying himself. His girlfriend finally got up off the floor from army-crawling, walking normally towards the upstairs basement where she stored her necklaces and jewelry and other things in there. He followed right behind her, then closing the door to the basement and flipping on the light without any effort.
‘’God why you have to do this to me, baby girl?’’ Roman fingers tapped on his leg impatiently, waiting for some slight approval. She was getting rid of her shyness, then she placed her phone on her big wooden dresser stored in the basement where there was nothing on it. She gave the ‘’one second’’ finger gesture to him, and put on: ‘’The Hills – The Weeknd Slowed and Reverbed’’
Your man on the road, he doin' promo
You said, "Keep our business on the low-low"
I'm just tryna get you out the friend zone
'Cause you look even better than the photos.
This was r/n and Roman’s song to dance to, he blinked slowly while she swayed back and forth in front of him. The song slowed speed wasn’t any ordinary slowed verbed song to dance to, but it was meant to be in a romanticization way. He growled, she turned the volume up to drain his groans and growls of frustration. He took it out on her by slamming her on the dresser, she winced in pain as he grabbed her neck softly.  
‘’You’re going to be a good girl for the tribal chief, got it?’’ He firmly states, she nods in response, enjoying a little bit of pain produced in her body. She choked softly, crying out the words:
He lifted her up and set her down on the dresser top, he kissed her deeply enough to sweep her off her feet. Her garden was in heat, her face flushed bright red wanting the head of the table to take over her. Feeling extremely confident, she laid her shoulders down on the head of the surface of the dresser, body shifted upwards.
I only call you when it's half past five
The only time that I'll be by your side
She arches her head up, he kisses her neck gently, biting down earning a yelp from her. A bead of sweat pooled down the side of the face of Roman, his fingernails dug into both of r/n’s sides until she yelped more. Wincing at the pain again, he smacks her across the face.
‘’Who is your head of the table?’’ He asks her, smacking her again this time on the rim of her bottom before she could answer.
‘’Y-You.’’ She choked; teary eyes filled like a waterfall lasting for a lifetime.  
His lips curled into a smirk, her legs stretched and wrapped around his torso, r/n’s hair fell upon his tattooed chest, strands of hair touching delicately at the peak of his nips. The song continued to play through the speaker of her phone, he made fiery love to her on a cold wooden dresser, he was rough and quick; Roman’s body weight sprawled on top of her, wildly thrusting in her treasured garden as she cried out. Her acrylic nails dug deep into his flesh of his back, giving one last thrust his collapsible lungs screamed out: ‘’R/N!’’, spilling and pulling out of her.  
‘’Da-Damn.’’ He wheezes, a look of concern appears on the face of his girlfriend.
‘’You--- You okay?’’
‘’Now that I’ve got you to admire me, yes.’’ He chuckled darkly, breath all weakened out.
Attempting to stay in character, Roman’s chuckle switched over into a devious smirk. ‘’I’m not done with you, yet.’’
A look of surprise read all over the face of r/n, thinking mentally: ‘’Fucker.’’
She kissed him passionately, then pulling away to catch her breath. He twirled her hair with one finger,
‘’Pretty baby girl.’’ He spoke. She blushed in response, the dominant, Samoan man had her on her knees. He pushed her head towards his manhood, "I can see you're soaked for me? Huh?" He cooed once more, "You can release that anger out all on the chief anytime, baby girl."
R/n whined in response, like he was teasing her. Before diving her mouth onto his manhood, Roman reached down her garden, rewarding her by rubbing her folds softly.
"Mhhh!" He growled, yanking her head deeper by making her choke on him. "Good, that's it. Adknowledge me as your chief." She bobbed, her jaw getting sore from fucking him. "Ah-ah yeah...." Roman mouthed his girlfriend harder, releasing and pulling out again. His face looking like this:
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"God." His breath all weary, the tribal chief spent hourless sex with his girlfriend r/n, rough and dominant until his body collapsed onto her.
"Yes! Yes!" R/n exclaimed, the four walls echoing throughout the basement while she's getting pounded. Flesh hitting against flesh heard through the upstairs basement, Roman growled in her ear,
"You like when you're claimed by the chief!? HMM!?" He exclaimed back, slapping her rear end dominantly. Crying in response, she nodded.
"I-I love you----" Before finishing off her sentence, she passed out heavily in his arms. He strokes her hair with one hand, arm draped over the naked torso of his girlfriend r/n.
"That's how it's supposed to be," he whispered into his sleeping girlfriend's ear, leaving a hickey on her pale neck before getting changed and exiting her house. He left her a little note saying:
"Hope you had a fun time tonight. Love, Roman"
R/n woke up the next day, finding the note by her stomach. She picked it up, smiling softly to herself. "I'm the luckiest woman to be considered his girlfriend."
Roman was at home, he texted r/n:
Roman: Hey baby girl, I am sorry I gotten all dominant on you last night; it was to teach you a lesson and claim you're mine. You know, there will be consequences once you piss the head of the table off.
A buzz came from her phone, she read and text back.
R/n: No, it's okay honey. I love your dominant side; It's sexy as fuck on you anyway.
Roman: That's my girl.
A/N - Thank you for reading! Hoped you guys enjoyed!
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Evak Fics - Pining
I’m posting half of this list first because I started it a long time ago and it’s taking me a while to go through all the fics. So I will update with more later. 
*** Mutual Pining *** Pining - I might put mutual pining under pining if we don't see much of the other person pining. *** Bonus - The pining is not between Evak 
For the anon from this ask.
I will try my best to separate out the mutual pining fics but I think it will be tricky if it's not tagged as that. So bear with me and let me know of any mistakes or fics I missed out on.
. First Posting : 11 July 2021. Under 15k fics.  .
******* Mutual Pining *******
Even the Illustrator by eavk (SERIES, 3 fics) - An AU where Even’s an illustrator who draws what kids describe to him for YouTube, and Isak is the smitten father of a six year old with a wild imagination.
Postcards by HedwigsTalons (1k words) - Isak's wall is covered in postcards. Isak is supportive of Even's career and he cherishes every postcard but the long distance relationship hurts.
Feelings Come and Go, But Not With You by ultimatelawrence (1.9k words) - It was meant to just be a holiday romance. A fling. Nothing like love. But now it was six months later and Even was still pining over the angel he had met in Paris.
let's pretend into forever by Bellakitse (2.3k words) - “Let me get this straight,” Even starts. “You lied to your boss about having a boyfriend, told her it was me, and now you need me to go with you to your science nerd dinner?”
i will love you until the very, very end (and you were my best friend) by traumatic (2.4k words) - Isak and Even share something in the cool waters of a spring fed pool that no one, not even their fiancées, could ever understand.
Breathe Me by photographer_of_thoughts (4.5k words) - A high school reunion brings Isak and Even together after ten years, and neither of them can forget what happened when they were both seventeen.
Everything comes back to you by MermaidsandMermen (4.8k words) - Light pining. A dribble oneshot for Halloween, full of fluff and Even and Isak and a tiny pinch of angst. Because we need some Halloween fluff. That's all.
Fuck Tha Police by MacksDramaticShenanigans (5.2k words) - “This,” Eskild said, spinning the photograph around so everyone could see it, “is a picture of the latest piece of vandalism from our favorite little street punk.” he finished with a heavy sigh. They are both cops.
i tried to be strong but i lost it (i knew it was wrong, i’m beyond it) (6.3k words) - Even has a thing for his intern, Isak has a thing for his boss, they're both a bit clueless and their friends just want them to get their shit together.
all I see is you by littlemovie (Lejla) (7.4k words) - “Aren’t you gonna ask me why I’m a bad person?” Isak somehow whined and demanded at the same time. Jonas blew out a breath in amusement, which made the dark curls on his forehead move with his breath. “I’m guessing it has something to do with that guy, Even, from the coffeeshop?”
Addicted by endlessandinfinite (8k words) - They’re both completely, overwhelmingly, and incredibly...addicted. Best friends to lovers.
Calleth You, Cometh I by Kollakolan (8.4k words) - “Isak!” Mikaels pipes up. “Didn´t you two have a thing?” he turns to Even. A thing, Even thinks to himself. Yes, Isak and him definitely had a thing. They actually had a low-key thing going for years, but it never really turned into something more. The timing was never right.
In Vino Veritas by Sabeley (9.9k words) - After seven years apart, Isak wakes up to find Even in his bed and a wedding ring on his finger.
Let Me by GayaIsANerd (10.6k words) - Summer brings a lot of things. The smell of sunscreen. The sound of children playing in the shallow part of the lake. The taste of cold beer. The sweet tang of weed. But most importantly, summer brings Isak.
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by BluebeardsWife (10.8k words) - Fake dating AU, you know the drill. Even hires Isak to pretend to be his boyfriend at his ex's wedding. This Means Nothing to Me by cuteandtwisted (10.8k words) - Isak and Even are friends and roommates who don't believe in love anymore (after they both get dumped by other people) until they do. Aka the Friends/Roommates-To-Lovers Don't you let me go by solarpower21 (12.2k words) - In this universe, Isak and Even are roomates and nothing more. Except that there is something more between them and they both know that but are too stubborn to admit it. Too bad it takes a very unfortunate event for them to face the truth. Burn Down The Disco by TheGirlNoOneKnows5 (12.2k words) - A 'Black Mirror: Hang The DJ' AU in which Isak and Even decide to rebel against a futuristic dating system that pairs users up with various people in order to find their perfect match.
La Petite Mort by EvenbechNeiheim (13.4k words) - Even Bech Næsheim is one of those cool and very hot media students at Uni who might just got the task to make a film project. Eskild is the best wingman and things like accidently falling in love with an asshole media student happen. Based on the FIRST KISS YouTube video that gave the internet an entire meltdown. 
when your heart is bleeding, i'm coming to get you by orphan_account (13.5k words) - Isak doesn't exactly expect his hookup from last week to be the love advice columnist at the school newspaper he's working at. He also doesn't expect to fall even harder for him than he already has, which is a shame, really, since Even's crushing on someone else. 
Heal My Heart for Christmas by iwritetropesnottragedies (recklesslee) (13.5k words) - It’s been ten years since Isak left his small town for the big city of Oslo with his father. He hardly even thought of his time there anymore. Until he received a letter from his mother asking him to come home for Christmas for the first time since he had left. 
Love in the Time of COVID: Battlestar Edition by sweetasmaple (14k words) - Isak and Even find each other again during the COVID-19 lockdown, one Battlestar Galactica episode at a time. 
******* Pining *******
never seemed so alive by retts (1k words) - Nothing special, just four letters strung together to spell out E V E N but they made Isak's heart race and his face blush and his hands tremble.
Hopeless by waitineedaname (1k words) - Light pining. There was no way in hell Isak would be able to talk to Even. He was tall and cool and handsome, and Isak was pretty sure talking to him would make him spontaneously combust.
i could probably just curl up in you. by milominderbinder (1.3k words) - Isak is away at a cabin with the guys when he gets a text from Even. 'hey, babe, did you take my favourite hoodie?' He is, of course, outraged that Even would accuse him of such treachery. The fact that Isak is wearing the hoodie at that very moment has nothing to do with it.
stuck on you (what did i do?) by itjustkindahappened (1.8k words) - It’s not that Even doesn’t try to be friendly with him—Isak just makes it so hard. Whenever Even approaches, Isak either makes up a fumbling excuse to leave, or just becomes really stiff and refuses to acknowledge Even’s existence.
now and forever (i will be your man) by thekardemomme (2.2k words) -Warning for pain. 3 times isak kisses even +1
i be up in the gym just working on my fitness by orphan_account (2.3k words) - Even knows that he's quite literally going to die when he finds his crush sweating on an elliptical, reading a book with his glasses slipping down his nose.
You know where I stay by nofeartina (2.4k words) - Warning for pain. Isak is so beautiful first thing in the morning. When he still has creases in his face from the pillow, when his face is red and puffy from sleep, his hair all messed up and curly. Even prefers this Isak. This is his Isak, this is only for him.
won't you be my livewire by itjustkindahappened (3.2k words) - "i've been tryin to grab your attention in class for over half an hour by poking you and throwing things onto your desk and you're refusing to acknowledge me and gdi all i wanted to do was tell you that you look cute and now it's gone too far and i can't go back"
Cookies and Cream by GayaIsANerd (3.5k words) - Isak has a crush on the barista. He's too scared to do anything about it, but luckily there's a blizzard coming up.
i can feel the weather in my bones by EvenbechNeiheim (3.7k words) - Isak and Even are childhood friends. There’s a boyfriend sweater and Isak is just desperate to wear it.
On the silver screen by Lokkanel (4k words) - Isak was really not in the mood for this. He had a long week at work, and all he wanted was to relax with his friend, drink a few beers, maybe even smoke some weed and just chill. But no. When Jonas called him to say that he won tickets to the coolest indie film festival in Oslo, Isak knew he could forget his plans for a quiet and simple weekend.
I want to love you (in my own language) by fauu_stine (4k words) - “Okay. Maybe I’m not happy,” he admits in a resigned whisper. “Do you need a shrink discussion or a best friend discussion?” "I think- I think it’s more of a friend with benefits kind of talk."
Don't be an ass by Julieseven (4.1k words) - Even really tried to forget about him. It started out as a harmless little crush, really. He saw him at the karaoke bar SYNG one night, singing "I don't want to miss a thing" at the top of his lungs, clearly drunk out of his mind, but looking like an angel with his messy dark blond locks and crooked smile.
Little Black Book by Laika (4.3k words) - Isak Valtersen is studying his third year at the University of Oslo and having the time of his life. Enter Evy Bech Næsheim, straight out of Nissen, in his stockings, mini skirts and bubblegum scented lip gloss.
cracks in our foundation by towonderland72 (4.8k words) - “You know, like a thousand years ago, men used to wear makeup?” Even asks, as Isak gapes at himself.
Safest With You (Green Curtains) by eavk (5.3k words) - Isak keeps staying up too late studying at the library, but luckily there's an escort service that gives students a buddy to walk with to keep safe at night.
the one with the prom video by thekardemomme (5.5k words) - Even has been in love with Isak since they were younger, but he never intended for Isak to find out this way.
Senses by Lokkanel (5.5k words) - Sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste… Or Even falling in love with Isak, one sense at a time.
you're the one i wanna grey with (5.6k words) - They've only been dating a month, so Isak shouldn't be pathetic enough to miss Even this much when he's only gone for a weekend.
Orion's Nebula by thekardemomme (5.6k words) - Light pining I think. Even Bech Næsheim was enrolled in an astronomy class for one reason and one reason only: the cute ass boy he saw standing in the registration line.
with the taste of a poison paradise by chasingflower (6k words) - It’s routine by now. Isak hangs out with his friends during the day and at night he kisses the Dream-Even that lives on the other side of the door in his living room, and basks in the warm fuzzy feelings he gets as a result of the attention. Coraline Au.
How to Get Your Man - A Plan By Even Bech Naesheim by Evakkk (6.1k words) - When Magnus drops a big secret in front of Even... Even comes up with a brilliant plan to get Isak to reveal his true feelings. All it takes is one little lie, and one crazy family reunion.
To Burn With Desire by photographer_of_thoughts (6.1k words) - AU in which Isak and Even are neighbours and Isak's father has a secret job that unintentionally helps Isak realize he's in love with his best friend.
Watermelon Sugar by MermaidsandMermen (6.6k words) - A little tribute to fruit and touching. To sex, and friendships and finding what you were looking for all along. And of course inspired by Harry Styles latest video offering, just because.
The Fake Boyfriend App by Crazyheart (7.2k words) - AU where Isak is desperately pining for his flatmate Even, and downloads a fake boyfriend app to get over him. When he discovers that the Fake boyfriend is a human, and not a bot, he is sceptical.
That look you give that guy by Lokkanel (7.4k words) - Isak and Even love each other in secret. It is almost thrilling at first, but when hiding and lying to their friends begin to take a toll on Even, Isak decides to end it all. He thinks he has taken the right decision, until Even eventually moves on with someone else.
my longing drives me crazy for you (7.7k words) - Isak's mum worries, Isak makes bad life decisions and Even loves Isak. It's a fake dating au.
I'm Always Here by nofeartina (9.3k words) - “Did you know that Even is working this summer? At that pool at the Plaza?” Jonas says. Isak actually sits up in excitement at this. “Fuck yeah!” Oh, a pool. Actual water they could go swimming in and cool down. And also, Even.
a garden for your love by eggsntoast (9.3k words) - He’s learning to breathe with them, even if he ends up with a floor full of violets by the end of it all. They remind Isak of him, and that’s all that matters. That’s what makes it worse. or: a Hanahaki au ft. Isak heavily pining after Even. Lots of angst.
I wrote an angry letter to the void, and the void responded (9.5k words) - Monday comes, and the book is still there. Isak looks around, content to find the floor practically empty, before giving the book the finger. Fuck that book. - a book finds it's way to Isak's sacred study spot. this proves to be a major distraction.
a constant state of closeness by chevythunder (9.7k words) - “What is it about this dude, anyway?” Elias asks. “You’ve barely even talked to him, right?” “I don’t know,” Even says. “I just got this feeling, you know? Just- I want to make sure he’s okay and safe and… stuff.” - It starts with a hug.
Is This Our Time? by Evakkk (9.9k words) - This is a world where everyone is born with an indistinguishable soulmate mark... it only changes into something recognizable, once you have physical contact with your soulmate, and it's always something meaningful to the relationship. Both partners will bear the same mark. Isak is about to turn 18... and he's the only one in his friend group who still hasn't found their soulmate. But what happens when he goes out one night, gets drunk... and wakes up with his soulmate mark?
Is This What You Wanted? by cuteandtwisted (9.9k words) - Isak is filthy rich and Even is a hardworking male model who just got signed to his father's agency. Even gets an awful offer from Isak: one night with him in exchange for money, and begins to despise him. Little does he know that everything he thinks he knows about Isak is wrong.
Just like in the movies by Lokkanel (10.5k words) - As he began taking in his surroundings, Isak realized he was in one of those small theaters that programmed independent and artsy movies, even old black and white films. He was ready to turn around and walk away when he heard a deep voice say, “Halla.”
my tiny heartbeat in his ear by riyku (11k words) - Now, about a week after the longest day of the year, the empty house across the street has stopped being empty. most beautiful things by scarletbluebird (12.7k words) - This fic is a whole ass journey. Warning for pain. This isn’t a fairytale, Isak tells himself. Even is standing at the bend in the road. He looks like a metaphor for immortal life: the youth a god would kill for. Ambrosia eyes, the universe trapped in the curve of his mouth. He looks like every warning from his mother about strangers you run into after dark. 
One week by Lokkanel (12.8k words) - This thing going on between Isak and Even, whatever they called it - fuckbuddies, friends with benefits - was simple, fun, nothing more. They were friends, they were both free to do whatever they wanted with other people. They’d just meet and have sex whenever they felt like it. Simple. Until what was bound to happen eventually did and Even fell for Isak. 
Plum by Jamz24 (13.2k words) - Femme!teacher!Even asks masculine! plumber!Isak to fix a broken shower on a scorching hot summer day...And if you think it sounds like the start of a porn film you're absolutely right! There's LOADS of smut but ... with LOTS of feelings 
Never be the same by nofeartina (14.2k words) - It starts with a bet - one of those really stupid ones: can they last an entire month without any kind of sex?It’s been 22 days – and Even is dying. 
Somewhere I’ve never been by MinilocIsland (14.6k words) - The first time Even meets Jonas' best friend, nothing goes according to plan. 
If I Should Fall Behind by MinilocIsland (14.7k words) - The plan for tonight had been crystal clear. Stay close to his best friend, and steal her away if needed. Hold her hand through the ordeal of meeting Noora again for the first time in years. Then Even shows up – and suddenly, nothing goes the way it was supposed to. 
All I Ever Wanted by MinilocIsland (14.8k words) - Isak is such a good friend. Probably the best there is. How else could he explain that he's agreed to join Magnus to this place deep in the woods for six full days of silence, meditation, and utter boredom? One thing, he knows. There's nothing exciting for him there. Right? Or: the silent retreat AU. 
******* Bonus *******
Season 3: Jonas by Laika_the_husband (WIP, SBB 2021 fic) - There is a scene in the end of the script for season 1, where Jonas and Isak kiss each other on a dare. This story is a retelling of season 3 in a universe, where that kiss happened and completely changed the way Jonas sees Isak. Written in Jonas' POV, the story examines sexuality, love, friendship and coming to terms with never getting the boy you shouldn't have fallen for in the first place.
What the fuck is wrong with me? by notanugget (11.6k words) - The five times isak felt guilty for being in love and the one time he didn’t 
thanks for the weed, thanks for everything by evak1isak (13.1k words) - Jokael. Jonas' dealer has moved to Denmark, and Even recommends his friend's weed. What Jonas didn't expect, though, was to develop a crush on a boy, on Mikael. 
******* WIP *******
Baby, why do you have to shine so bright? by Lilacpotter - Even knew he was radiant, and he was used to people always wanting to be around him, enchanted by his captivating words and glowing smiles, as if he was the tantalising sun. But then one day, he comes across someone who shines much brighter than the sun itself in Even’s eyes.
Lonely Hearts Club by EndingsNotTheStory - The Hearts Club. A show run by Isak and his 3 friends. He's kind of had enough with hearing about people's relationship issues and giving advice. Until the guy from his theatre class and Isak's totally not crush Even calls, dealing with relationship issues. pining
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My name is 01001010 01001011 (Alien!Jungkook! x Human!Reader)
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Summary: “So you’re a human?” The alien that looked and acted like a human asked. The only difference between him and you was that he had two upside down triangles starting from his jaw going down under his shirt. Also, he was huge. “I’m talking 8 foot tall” huge.
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Warning: Daddy kink, Dirty talk, size kink, cunt slapping, Jungkook being rlly big, fingering, nipple sucking (?), Dom/sub themes, and Jungkook being a curious alien.
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Word Count: 6.3k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
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COVID-19 vs Human kind. Human kind was pretty much fucked. In front of your eyes, the world population went from a staggering 8 billion people to an exponentially low 1 million. Within two years. It was in October 2020, when scientist realized that instead of working on a vaccine, they needed to discover a place where those free from this deadly disease could live. Safely and peacefully.
Then, the people of Jubal, stepped in, and it was pure chaos. You still remember the day, 14thof December 2020. Everywhere; social media platforms, billboards, NASA’s speech, everything revolved around the message they sent us. They wanted to help us. Surprisingly, we knew nothing about them, but they knew everything about us. From our appearance to our food, cultures, languages, and what not. It low key creeped you out, not going to lie.
Nonetheless, we began building the transport link through their help and finally, one year later (pretty much the brink of our extinction), we were on our way to a new life.
Honestly, you had imagined them to look like- or well, to not look like how they looked. You’d expected Pokémons, or weird looking octopus, or even insects. But they looked just like you, expect they were way bigger in size.
After half a month or so, you had started to get used to the atmosphere. Almost similar to Earth, there were two sides to this planet, a much hotter plane, where the temperature never went below 104 Fahrenheit. You remember going there when you first arrived here, and oh god, you hated it. The temperature was too high for you; they didn’t know what ice cream was (how can they not know! You thought they knew everything, yet they’re unaware about one of the most popular desserts on Earth), you absolutely hated sweating and no amount of air conditioning could stop it, and the beach just looked out of place. The sand wasn’t the usual pale brown shade, instead it was just the color of the ocean itself – it adapted to the shade of the flowing water into a green-blue hue. Weird. Also, there was one sun in the morning, and three in the evening, gradually coming as the hours passed by.  
You had also noticed that all of them ate food at the same temperature. Nothing was cold like ice, or hot like a fresh pizza. The concept was new to them, and when you asked for the water to be cold at the first restaurant you went to – the waiter just looked lost. The poor soul, he was told to make the humans feel at home, so when he realized he couldn’t do what you asked to, you just felt really bad. Still, it was funny that a seven-foot tall man was scared of you being uncomfortable. It was cute, honestly.
Also, almost similar to Earth, the two places had different types of Jubals living there. The sunny side had more tan skinned people, with bright, blond hair and bright eyes. Whereas, the cold plane Jubals had fairer skin, darker hair and doe eyes. The one similarity being – they were huge as fuck. The average height was around seven foot for men, and around six foot for females. So, standing at a 5 foot 2 inches (almost three inches I swear!), you felt tiny (and intimidated sometimes, but you weren’t going to admit that.
After finalizing that you definitely didn’t want to live in the hotter part of the planet, you moved to Corellia, it was cold there but not in the way you expected it to be. In the morning, it was perfectly fine, the cold breeze was nothing short of comfortable, but as the evening came, it started to get cold to the point where you couldn’t bear to go outside after 6 PM. Sometimes, you think you might have underestimated the cold here at night, because the two beautiful moons brought such intense cold that you wouldn’t dare go out at night. They gifted you a cozy one bed apartment with a really good heating system, which you appreciated. Also, you had never been so glad that you brought the microwave from Earth, without it, you didn’t know what you would do.
Ever since you moved, you had pretty much been lonely, because of the lack of contact with humans. Most of them preferred to live in the hotter state, wanting to get tanned - and to fuck the surfer Jubal hotties. You still remember parting with your sister and her ranting about this Jubal she met who was so “dreamy” and “good at surfing”.
As usual, you were just trying to get used to the food here, thankfully, they had a smaller section of “human,” food that mostly consisted of cup noodles, vegetables, chicken and chocolates. Getting groceries was intimidating at first (honestly, it kind of still is), because everyone and everything was so large, and everyone just kept staring at you. You still haven’t interacted with a Jubal on your own, it’s not like you were scared – you were – but also you didn’t really know how to go up to one. Until now, the only two Jubals you’ve met were the grocery store cashier and the landlord. Sigh.
You were so happy when you saw the new addition of real, organic milk in the grocery aisle! Thank god you got a break from that horrid almond milk. It was just water pretending to be milk honestly, and whenever you poured it in your cereal, it felt like drowning them in water, yuck. But, as much as you could try, you just would not reach the goddamn shelf. Why did these Jubals have to be so tall! Why couldn’t they just make this aisle according to human size!
You heard someone shuffle behind, but paid no heed until you heard laughter burst and immediately looked back to see one of them laughing so hard, his body shook.
“You- you’re so tiny!” He barely managed to get that sentence out of him, since he couldn’t stop his outburst.  
Of course, you were offended.
“I’m actually not! You all are way too big!” You didn’t really know how to respond, because this was just so sudden.
“Hm, I don’t think so, you’re smaller than average earthlings. But it’s okay, because it’s adorable,” so, you were really surprised when you felt him behind you, reach up to the milk shelf and grab a container of it. Of course, being the dumb idiot you were, you suddenly turned around and had to face him again. You hadn’t noticed his physical features before, but now that you did. Holy shit.
He was tall (I know, it’s obvious by now), and had such, clear, fair skin. Two upside down triangles were on each side of his jaw and went down, disappearing under his coat. He looked at you with such doe, curious eyes, almost as if he was entertained by your mere presence.
“Here you go,” he handed you the container of milk – while still being really close (not that you minded it). Despite the irritatingly bright fluorescent store lighting, his hair shined, and looked so soft.
And after that, he just followed you around the store, and you honestly didn’t really know what to do.
“You know, I’ve been trying to find a human since a month now, but I’ve heard most of them moved to the Southern part. You should’ve done that too, because Corellia is too cold for you. You’re a little slow,”
And you’re a little piece of shit.
“But now I found you. You’re really adorable, the books didn’t tell me that. Ever since humankind moved here, I’ve been really studying Earth. Did you guys really had pink leaved trees? And forests? It must be so cool for so many trees to be in one place. I also really want to meet a lion,”
“You can’t just meet a lion,” you chuckled, he was weird, but somehow, it wasn’t awkward around him. He radiated this warm energy that you hadn’t seen in the Jubal people around you, and it was comforting, made you want to stay by his side – even if it meant answering his dumb questions.
“I can, you can’t. It would eat you, because you’re bite sized for it,” he continued to comment on your petite stature, and the worst part is that you couldn’t even defend yourself, especially when he kept towering over you.
“Hey! Stop making fun of me,” you tried to push him but the basket was too heavy for you, so you ended up just… awkwardly not being able to do it. Suddenly his – huge – hand swoops in and carries the heavy grocery basket as if it was nothing.
“You should’ve told me it was too heavy for you,” he sounded almost as if he was scolding you, and coo-ing at you at the same time. His eyebrows bunched up in frustration as he mumbled something along the lines of ‘how can I protect you if you won’t tell me what you need,’ but you couldn’t really make out what he said.
You were just pulled out of your thoughts when you heard him put something in your basket. Something that the Jubals ate, not humans.
Should I ask him to leave? No, that’s way too rude. Then, should I ask him why he’s following me?
“This is delicious, you should try it,” He spoke while continuing to look around the store, and put random items in your basket. There was a variation of their fruits (this one had a gradient of yellow and orange, with huge spikes coming out from the top), cans with God-knows-what inside (the one he put in your basket had cherry colored pentagons on it, and a juice bottle that contained neon green juice. You were not looking forward to drinking that.
“I don’t even know how to make all of this. What if I can’t eat it?” You were scared of most of these food items, you got sick easily, and didn’t know how to cope if you fell sick here. Without the medicines, you’d probably die.
“I’ll cook it for you if you want to,” He looked at you and smiled, “I know humans are fragile, so don’t worry, I made sure to get the ones which would be safe for you,” he said, while petting your hair, and smiling. You instantly fell in love with it, it wasn’t like the way he laughed at you earlier, but somehow, it was far more beautiful. His eyes crunched up into half-moons, cheeks being bunched up, he almost looked like the small bunny you had as a pet when you were younger. So. Cute.
“But I don’t even know your name, why would you do this for me?” You really were curious, why was a Jubal so interested in humans? So far, most of them have just maintained a distance from you.
“Because I want to keep you,” he looked at you, and the duality of his presence made you shiver. The small bunny smile morphed into a more serious face, his already dark brown eyes, turned into a slightly darker shade, giving you the chills.
“You can’t keep me,” you didn’t know how to fight this argument, you almost wanted to laugh and act as if you thought it was a joke, but you weren’t an idiot – and nor was he.
“I know, I can’t find the Earth word for it, I want to be with you, is what I mean,” he mumbled as he tried to find something in the cereal aisle.
The grocery trip was actually not as weird as you’d expect it to be. While you both didn’t know anything about each other, not even names (not that Jubals had actual names, they just talked through their minds?)
And as soon as you reached the cashier, before you could even take out your money, he nod, and paid the bill.
“Hey! I can pay for myself, you don’t have to do this!”  
Honestly, you didn’t really know what to say after he said, “I’m paying, now be a good baby and stand still,” where did he even learn to speak like that?
It was starting to get cold now, and after you exited the heated mall, it was visible that you shivered every time the cold brushed up against your figure. You should’ve worn the third sweater, sigh.
“So you’re really a human?” He said, as he carried your groceries and followed you, on your way to the apartment.
“Yeah, I’m Y/N,”
“How can you be a Y/N? You just said you were a human,” He asked, really confused. Were you pranking him? He learnt in (one of his many books about humans) that humans liked to prank each other for entertainment. He found the idea amusing, but right now he couldn’t decide whether you were pranking or joking.
He didn’t understand the difference between pranking and joking, either.
“I-  What? No, I mean I am a human, but my name is Y/N,” you were definitely amused at his seriousness, yet you couldn’t help but be intimidated by his tall figure. Also, you felt bad that he was holding all the groceries, so you decided to grab one of the bags from him.
“Y/N!” He stopped dead in his tracks after your fingers brushed against his, “I just remembered you can’t bear the cold after 6pm, so you have to wear many clothes to protect yourself. You’re already so cold,” he felt your hand, and his was so warm and felt right, intertwined in your hand. His hand was so huge, that it enveloped yours easily, and you could really notice the size difference now. 
He quickly transferred all the grocery bags into his left hand, and continued to give you his coat, and held your hand again, and it felt… nice. The fact that he smelled so good, helped too, you couldn’t exactly put your finger on it, but it was really comforting. 
You were quite used to the stares you got on the streets from other Jubals, and always thought that they would go away, but it’s been two weeks, yet they still continue to look at you up and down, so you finally asked him. You still didn’t know his name, and didn’t know whether you should ask him or not, was it insulting?
“Why does everyone keep staring at me?”
“Because you’re so cute,”
What. It was almost like you forgot how to breathe. How could he say that all of a sudden, out of the blue? Also, you actually could not breathe, because while he had long legs that lasted for days, you had much smaller legs and it was starting to get hard to keep up.
“Hey! Could you walk-” you took in a breath, wow, your stamina was really, uh, shitty, “could you walk a little slow?”
He looked back at you, and tilted his head almost as to ask ‘why?’, but understood quickly. Then, he flashed one of his cute smiles, again, the smile that did things to your heart that you hadn’t felt before.
“Do you want me to carry you?” He also had read previously that humans can get really tired, and sometimes not even have the strength to move on. Especially females, they were more fragile, and he could physically see that too, because you were just so small. The average height was supposed to be 5’4 or even 5’6 for human females around your age, but you seemed smaller than that. But you also didn’t seem to be a child because those under the age 18 were always with their parents right? He had almost started to doubt those textbooks he bought on humans.
“No, I can walk myself,” You tried to defend yourself, and started to mentally curse as to why you asked him to slow down.
You finally reached your apartment door. Honestly, you had thought that he would stop following you after you reached the apartment building… but he just continued to bring the groceries in.
Should you invite him in? Did you even clean your living space? You probably had your underwear lying all over the place, since now you lived alone and had no fear of someone else coming in your private space.
“Can I come in?”
Well, you didn’t want to say no to him, he’s been really nice so far, and you had to admit, picking up groceries was really hard to do, and you weren’t exactly physically active enough to carry all those bags that he easily carried in one hand.
He then walked himself to the door after putting the groceries in the kitchen. What really surprised you was how he looked back at you, not how he looked before. Before, he looked with warmth, and now. Now, he almost towered at you, reminding how much power he really has over you. He looked at your lips, and then back at your eyes and tilted his head.
“W-well, it was really nice to meet you,” you said trying to break the tension and to distract yourself from the obviously gorgeous man.
“I hope to see your cute face again soon,” he smiled one of his bunny smiles again, and kissed you on the cheek before disappearing under the stairs.
You curled yourself up in your blanket, and tried to sleep, but that Jubal kept intruding your thoughts. 
Would you get to see him again?
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The next time you saw the cute Jubal from the grocery store was next week Saturday. On Earth, entertainment was in the form of movies, arcades and concerts. Similarly, here too, people had a theatre – instead of a movie on a projector, it was shown in 3D form, almost like a live performance, expect there were holographic figures.
You looked around, and by now you had taken into account that Jubal people weren’t afraid to show off their skin – even though it was crazy cold here, their bigger bodies could compensate by giving them more body heat. Unfortunately, your smaller stature couldn’t provide you with the same amount of heat and you always had to bundle up in three or even four layers to keep yourself from freezing or catching a cold.
You were watching a really heated up scene, and it was getting kind of… uncomfortable. While others were simply watching casually, as if it was nothing out of the ordinary, you kept shuffling in your seat – so it was a pleasant surprise when you felt someone cover your eyes from behind you.
“Wha-” instinctively, you looked behind, and it was the same boy (or man?), from the grocery store.
“Hey,” again, you waved at him, almost as a form of habit, and he looked at you as if you did something quite weird. Without any questions, he tried to imitate you, but he was really stiff so you couldn’t help but let you a laugh.
“I know I didn’t introduce myself much better last time, but we don’t really have names. Still, I decided to get one for myself, because once I get a human, she should be able to call me something,”
Did he… did he mean that you were his human?
“Well, what did you settle for?”
“My name is 01001010 01001011. I thought it was really similar to the ones that humans have. Do you like it?” He asked with a proud grin, as his face lit up.
You tried to keep your laughter in, you really did but you when it did come out, you felt like wanting to die. His face crumpled up almost as if he was ashamed of his name as he increased the distance between the two of you.
Nice one, Y/N, you made the only person who cared enough for you sad.
“Hey, look, it’s a nice name, it’s just not very human-like,” you explained to him.
“It’s the binary code for a human name,”
Because of the constant conversation you both were immersed in, the Jubals beside you were starting to get annoyed – and while they didn’t say anything, probably because they didn’t want you to feel bad (you still did, for trying to ruin their experience for this live-movie thing), you decided to head out with him.
As you both walked in one of the main parks situated in the middle of Corellia state, he settled on a spot in the corner of the massive area.
“Would you like to give me a name?” he looked at your face with such intensity, that you couldn’t help but feel insecure and want to cover your face.
“Well, what did those binary numbers represent?” you really did want to help his get a name, after all, he was your first friend here.
“I want to be called JK, but my friends told me it was a ridiculous human name, because no one was named JK before. So I settled for its binary number. They approved of that,” his eyes shone of much when he talked about it, his long lashes were uprightly curved and you couldn’t help but swoon.
You fiddled with your sweater as you gave him suggestions, but none seemed to suit him.
“Jake? No,” you were starting to get frustrated at this, “Hm, maybe Jacob?” you shook your head again, unsatisfied.
He just simply continued to laugh at you being so serious, occasionally playing with hair and pressing a finger to your soft cheeks. When he commented on you being soft, you couldn’t help but blush (and when he compared you to one their red fruits, you couldn’t help but blush harder (you denied it, obviously)).
“Jungkook!” you remember reading that word in one of the books you had in high school literature.
“Jungkook? Do you like it, baby?” He played with your cheeks with happiness, he was happy that you were no longer frustrated or angry. Finally satisfied and happy. Of course, you blushed at the word of endearment, but didn’t tell him to not say it.
Oh. Well, after that, he just continued to ask you about humans, and more specifically about you. You were amused by most of his questions,
“What is sarcasm?”
“Why do you like pizza so much, when it’s detrimental for your health? You shouldn’t eat it, I’ll make good food for you,”
“How do you make stereotypes?”
“Why do people get cosmetic surgery?”
And each one of them seemed normal for a Jubal to ask until,
“Why do humans like cuddling?”  
At this point, you were quite tired, but still thought it would rude to ask him out, because he seemed really curious, every question coming right after you answer the last one.
“I guess, we just like to be touchy and close,” you said and you tried to suppress a yawn, but it just slipped.
“What was that? Was that a sigh? Or a yawn? Are you tired? That was so cute, do it again,”
“Just a little tired,” you said as you rested you head on his shoulder without realizing to do so. It was also getting really cold; the second moon had started to show up.
You both got up, and the walk back home was really pleasant. He kept cracking jokes and dancing on the pavement. You tried to imitate his dance, but your flow wasn’t as steady as his. How could someone dance so good like this, yet not be able to wave correctly? Your fingers intertwined again, and you leaned more into his body this time. You could barely reach his mid chest, that’s how tall he was. But somehow, you didn’t mind it because you both fit so perfectly – as if two parts of one puzzle.
As you reached the door of your apartment door again, you felt Deja-vu. He looked at your face, studying it carefully and looking back at your eyes, however instead of just looking at your lips this time, he leaned closer and looked back at you – almost as if asking for permission to kiss you. You nodded, and wow.
As his lips drew closer to yours, you could feel him cupping your face with both hands, one of them gradually descending to the back of your head as it found its place in your hair. They were incredibly soft, and almost overpowered you, because you didn’t expect this. As he slid his tongue and slowed himself, you found yourself wanting more, leaning towards him.
Before realizing that you needed to breathe, you started to choke, as he pulled himself back, and chuckled before saying, “Baby girl, take it slow, I’m all yours.”
“Want more,” is all you can say before leaning towards him, wanting to kiss him again. But unlucky for you, he just moved back before laughing again, and this time you pouted and slightly punched his chest.
“Now, you’re just being a brat, baby, you’ll get what I’ll give you, understand?” You could feel his breath fanning your face, and his eyes were no longer twinkling like they did, but instead were full of lust and an animalistic hunger.
‘’Jungkook, please,” you had never really been serious with boys in your high school, and so, this was the first time you had actually felt something down there. It was almost like someone – or Jungkook – lit a fire in your core, and you couldn’t help but just want more.
Fumbling hands opened the door to the apartment and you both tumbled in, messily but both of you didn’t care as you headed to your bedroom. On the way, he messily kissed your neck that made your knees buckle in a way that even walking was difficult.
He tossed you gently on your bed, that was way too big for the apartment, and ran his fingers through your hair, to you neck, and to your chest. He attacked your neck again, and started to form a pattern with his tongue as he pressed harder on some areas and trailed lighter on others.
You couldn’t help but let a whine escape your mouth when he left your neck unattended to take off your sweaters and cardigans till you were only in your undergarments and a see-through white dress.
“Fuck, baby girl, you’re so beautiful,” he said as he attacked your lips again, this time being harsher with his movements, as his tongue slipped in your mouth, doing wonders to his body.
“J-Jungkook, please,” you felt so much, so sudden, and even in this cold, the heat was too much for you – the heat inside you wanted to escape, but you didn’t know how to ask him.
“Yes, baby? Tell me what you want,” his amused voice made it obvious as to what you wanted, but still he continued to tease you, torment you, put you on the edge, “Tell daddy what you want,”
You took in a gasp as he unbuckled your bra strap from behind, free-ing your breasts, and the very next second, tore your fragile dress.
“Hm, tell me baby girl,” he asked you once again, as he took in one of you nipples in his mouth, his tongue encircling your bud, as one of his hands pinched the other one.
“Jungkook I-” you gasped as you felt a slap on your clit, it wasn’t that harsh because he was being careful, and you were still in your panties – but it just turned you on more.
“Baby, you have to call me Daddy, do you understand?” he said as his free wrist kept putting pressure on the top of you panties, making you want to rip them off, so you could finally feel him where you wanted to.
“Yes,” you said, and whined after he took off his mouth from your nipple to look at you, and after a second you understood what you had to say, “Yes Daddy, I understand,”
“Such a good girl for me, so pretty,” he said as he kissed your cheek, and you just couldn’t stop blushing. He was so harsh, yet so gentle at the same time – and it made your head spin.
“Now, be a good baby, and tell Daddy what you want him to do to you,” he said as he neared your ear, “does baby want daddy to wreck her pussy?”
You couldn’t help but shiver before speaking, “I want Daddy to make me feel good,”
His fingers slowly trailed your body, making you moan and buckle your body up towards him. You looked at him, his ears tinged red, and his eyes were darker than before, he almost looked like a fallen angel. He chuckled, looking at you seem so helpless, so fragile.
You were so soft, so ethereal, like an angel from the sky and he was there to taint you, to make you his.
He teased you by playing with the band of your underwear, he put two fingers in your mouth and you instantly slicked them with your saliva, making obscene noises that blended in with your moans. Then he trailed those two fingers right above your covered clit, and you couldn’t help but buckle up again, wanting those two fingers inside of you.
“Be patient, princess,” and it felt like an eternity as he circled his tongue in your belly button and it so, so, so slowly trailed down and down, and he finally took off your panties with his teeth.
“So wet, baby, you’re making a mess,” he commented as he rubbed you with one finger, and using the other one to encircle your hole. He pushed it a little inside, easily as your slick helped him, before looking back at you to see if you were comfortable, and when he got the green light, he continued to push it entirely in, “Such a good baby for me, think you can handle Daddy’s cock?”
You nodded in exasperation, his finger was long and hit all the right spots, but you needed more. He added another finger, while rubbing your clit with more pressure and making circle patterns with his tongue below your belly button. You were so near, so so near, you just needed that one push off the edge.
“Well, you’re going to have to work for Daddy’s cock, baby, think you can take this monster?” He took out his finger with a pop, as soon as he felt you clench down on his finger.
“Daddy, f-fuck me, please,” you moaned, missing his touch. He looked just as a mess as you were, panting and taking off his shirt. You continued to admire his body, he didn’t look buff like gym rats, but instead he had a lean, slightly muscular body.
He continued to tease you by biting his lip and taking off his boxers extremely slowly. You whimpered when his cock was free against his stomach, and it was bigger than any you’ve been before while watching porn. It was even bigger than the dildo your friend bought as a joke for your birthday present, and you had started to doubt if he would fit inside of you.
“Suck Daddy if you want to cum, princess,” he groaned as he pumped himself a couple of times before you put your mouth on his head.
Not having any experience before, you didn’t really know how to start, but you gave little kitten licks at his head, and then took it in your heated mouth. He didn’t taste how you had imagined, instead it was more like a salted caramel toffee you had, it was delicious and you wanted more. You continued to take more, and more of him and suddenly gagged because you couldn’t take anymore – only to realize you had only taken half his dick in your mouth.
“Can’t handle more? I guess you’re too small for Daddy’s big cock, huh?”
The thought of his not fucking you was almost terrifying at this point and you continued to let your throat loose and tale more of him, until you felt his cock twitch, which made you moan. Tears spilled out as he fucked your throat, fast and hard. 
“Such a good, pretty baby for daddy, taking my cock so good, princess,” he groaned before pushing in it a couple of times and taking it out.
“Such a naughty baby, making Daddy almost cum,” he kissed you again, tasting his own cum, before dipping down again, “you need to be punished, huh?”
“Daddy, please t-touch me,” you whined, grabbing his hand and putting it in between your thighs, and surprisingly he slapped your inner thigh.
“Being such a bratty baby now, I guess I do need to punish you, you don’t deserve Daddy’s fingers,” he said trailing again lightly all over body, but stopping as soon as he neared where you needed him the most, “touch yourself,”
You were dumbfounded, but when you saw his serious look, you shyly dipped your finger into your heat, and circled them around, but even after two fingers, it just wasn’t enough. You wanted more, you needed more.
“Daddy, please, I c-can’t, I need you,” you cried out while rubbing yourself between your legs, filled with your slick.
“Such a needy princess, always demanded Daddy,” he tsked before adding two fingers inside you, and as you gasped, “but Daddy adores you, so he’ll help his pretty little baby,”
You moaned, not holding back, as he pumped those fingers, and let his tongue work magic on your clit. He continuously pumped his fingers back and forth, while torturing your bud and the heat inside of you kept growing and before you realized it, “Jungkook, I’m going to cum!”
“Cum on my fingers, baby, go on,” his movements became more faster and you trembled under gaze, and unconsciously arched your back before letting yourself loose. It felt like heaven.
Even after this, you had been surprised to see that he didn’t stop and the stimulation was too much for you, as you tried to get away from him, but he held you in place, his wrist holding your pelvic in place.
Despite your whimpering and moans, he took his mouth to your perked up nipple again, and scissored his fingers, to prepare you for his cock. Then, he looked at you, cupped you face and kissed you again, this time more soft, as if you were a china doll, going to break at any given moment.
After letting his dick sit on your bud, he slowly let the head of his cock find your entrance and pushed it slightly. You let out a cry, he was too big for you, but he shushed you and pressed against your lips again before letting it enter little by little. You quickly grab his upper arm and clench it, the pain and pleasure were starting to combine again and you nodded, letting him know that it was okay to continue.
The raw emotion in his eyes was enough to let you go on, and when you were finally full, you looked down only to find you could only take half of him, he was just too big for you.
“Baby, fuck, you’re too tiny, can’t even take all of me,” he groaned before moving slowly, and then finally setting a pace that was safe, but unsatisfactory for you.
“J-Jungkook, f-fas-ter please,” you whined as he started becoming harsher, and his finger started abusing your bud again, and you couldn’t help but realize you were close again. This time, it felt more intense, more powerful.
He was so big, that you could feel him everywhere, it almost felt like he was ripping you apart, but the pleasure was almost overwhelming and the way his cock filled you up made you insatiable – you just wanted more, and more. You could feel your walls being pushed everything he buckled inside you, but he just did it so right.
“Baby, you’re so cute, gonna cum for Daddy?” he kissed your nipple and trailed up to your lips before diving a tongue into your moaning mouth. You nodded, and felt your second release come near.
“J-Jungkook, you feel so good,” you moaned as your walls clenched around his cock, and finally you gushed out, and trembled as you rode your orgasm. Simultaneously, he too, slammed his hips a couple times before cumming deep into you. As he took himself out, cum poured out of you, and he chuckled before taking it and spreading it over your face. Globs of cum covered your red cheeks and entered your mouth.
“You look so pretty with my cum on you face, keep it there until tomorrow morning,” he kissed your nose and coo-ed when you squirmed in embarrassment.
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You could feel tugging and pulling when you felt someone wake you up and instinctively, you said, “Just five more minutes.”
“But you said that the last time,” Jungkook looked at you, his breathe fanning your face.
Too close, too close, too close. You looked at other way and tried to close your eyes.
“You’re so cute, like a small puppy,” he coo-ed at you, making your stomach feel things you’ve never felt before.
“I- I’m not like a puppy!” You tried to fight back in your sleep, but couldn’t help the blush forming on your cheeks and ears.
You could feel the dried up cum on your face, and wanted to wash it off, but feeling too sore to move.
“Can’t move, princess? Was Daddy’s cock too much for you, last night?” he coo-ed at you, mumbling about how cute you were, and how he wanted to baby you and make you his.
“I’m too sore, Kookie,” you whined into the pillow and were taken by surprise when he lifted you and carried you to the tub.
“It’s okay, I’ll take care of my little human baby girl,” he said as he laid you in the lukewarm water and washed your body softly.
You were starting to feel more at home, even more than when you were at Earth.
A/N: That’s a wrap! Hope you like it. Go to master link for more!
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hotchscvm · 3 years
chapter one: a midsummer’s nightmare [dirty secrets]
Chapter summary: Her father’s death brings in two hunters into her life.
Series warnings: underage reader, consensual underage sex, explicit sexual content, underage drinking, language, violence, gore, angst, major character death, major age difference, size kink, unprotected sex
Chapter warnings: minor character death, implied attraction, language, decapitation, implied underage drinking
Word count: 4.8k
dirty secrets masterlist
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"Don't you look ... depressed." you mumbled, taking a seat next to the spaced out, lacrosse co-captain. You poked your finger into his dimple, smiling when he broke out of his daze. The sand shifted under you, the dampness pulling at the ripped denim. "Why're you staring at the ocean like you lost the love of your life?"
Emmett chuckled, taking the cheap beer from your hand, swallowing it all before grinning at you. Your best friend from middle school that had to be dragged out of his sweats draped an arm around you. "I was trying to look mysterious. This bonfire is a bore, by the way."
"I know, last year seemed more fun, didn't it?" you agreed, laying your head on his shoulder, the muscles making it slightly uncomfortable. "How's the hand?"
"It's fine, don't worry. You said you had something to tell me, remember? What is it? Are you secretly in love with your bodyguard? The buffy one that keeps glaring at me?" Emmett joked, groaning when he felt your elbow hitting his ribs. "Ow!"
"These FBI agents came to the house today and asked a bunch of questions about my dad's old partner. They never said anything about what the guy did so I was wondering if you heard anything on the news? The guy's name is Andrew Daniels. I looked him up but nothing came up." you informed. "My dad was acting edgy."
Emmett raised an eyebrow, flinching when the water crept to his feet. "I haven't heard anything. What did the Feds ask you?"
"If I remembered anything about him basically. They were really hot, by the way. Especially the tall one, and his partner had the most beautiful green eyes--"
"Okay, okay, okay. I get it, they were hot." he interrupted, waving a hand to stop you from finishing the sentence. "Other from being interrogated by the Feds, did anything else happen?"
"Nah, I just watched my skin burn for the rest of the day, what about you?"
"Declan came home today, and we worked out. He kept asking about you, wondering if you were dating anyone. He's so fucking annoying. Did you really have to date my brother?" asked Emmett, playing with the solo cup before throwing it into the ocean.
The party behind you had started to die down after the first few hours, turning into a chill hangout around the large bonfire, while others wandered out into the dark ocean. The light from the tacky fairy lights and the burning fire was enough for everyone to see the major part of the beach without difficulties.
"My bad." you shrugged, noticing a movement from the corner of your eye. Glancing to your left, you saw two familiar faces, an eyebrow lifting. Green eyes in the dark met yours, and you quickly look away, mumbling under your breath. "Well, fuck me."
Emmett stiffened, looking in the direction you had, confused and wary. "What? What's going on?"
"Those are the agents I told you about," you said, biting your lip to hold back the smile. You had no reason to smile, especially if they were here but they made an impression, and the tuxes certainly helped.
"Dude, one of them is coming over. Stop smiling like you're the joker. I know you like them but chill." Emmett elbowed your ribs lightly, enough to knock the maniac smile off your face.
The sound of the ocean was loud enough to drown your whispers as Banner walked over. The suit had been replaced with a plaid flannel paired with a heavy, drab coat, and a pair of jeans that looked uncomfortable. With the confidence, he carried, he seemed, even more, intimidating out of his suit.
"Ms. Pierce?" Agent Banner checked, watching as you stood from your seat, his lips quirking into a smile.
Emmett stood with you, not missing the barely visible twinkle in your eyes. Fixing your denim shorts, you returned the smile. "Agent Banner. You don't have to call me Ms. Pierce. I mean, I told you my name for a reason."
He chuckled, goosebumps rising on your arm as he murmured your name. "Alright, well then, I'm Sam."
"Okay, Sam. Oh, um, this is my friend, Emmett." you motioned to the blond beside you, a smug smirk etched on his face despite his attempts to bite it back.
"I was going to get more ... water. Be right back." Emmett injected before Sam could say anything. He left immediately, practically running back to the bonfire where many teens had circled around.
Sam stuffed his hands in his jacket's pockets, looking at the ground as Emmett left you alone with the man you wanted to climb like a tree. Your nails dug into your palm as you clench a fist, trying to contain what Emmett called your 'inner slut.' "What exactly are you doing here, Agent?"
"Sam." he corrected, a stray hair falling over his eyes. Sam brushed it back, his eyes never leaving yours. "I wouldn't want to worry you anymore than we've probably have. We're handling the situation, but you should avoid Finn Burke."
Dread washed through you, as did confusion. "Finn Burke? Whatever your thinking, you're wrong. I've known Finn my whole life and he's not the kind of person who'd do anything illegal. He's so vanilla and lowkey boring."
The brunette in front of you raised a brow, a little surprised by the honesty. "I wouldn't be too sure. Promise me you'll keep your distance from him. At least, until we've handled the situation."
"And what does that mean?" you asked, crossing your arms, patiently waiting for the gorgeous Fed to answer.
He opened his mouth, only to close it a second later. Sam shook his head, taking a step back. "Don't think too much about it."
Before you could question him, someone called your name. Looking behind Sam, you saw your friends, Katherine and Crystal wiggling their eyebrows, Katherine winked at you while Crystal bravely humped the air. A laugh escaped your lips, causing Sam to turn around. They immediately stopped, quickly turning around, their shoulders shaking from laughter. Unfortunately, Sam had seen enough to blush profusely.
You giggled, covering your grin with your hand. You changed the subject quickly, "You look like a narc. Like, one of those cops from 21 Jump Street who shops at Lumberjacks 'R' Us. I'd say you're the Channing Tatum, but you're taller than him."
Sam chuckled, rocking back and forth on his heels. "I'd expect you to say that considering how short you are. Hey! Not in a bad way, it's cute how tiny you are."
"I don't think that counts, everyone shorter than six feet belongs in the short category for you." you replied, struggling to keep from blushing at his previous statement. "I mean, you're a giant."
This warranted a laugh from Sam. Peeking behind you, he spotted Dean waving him over, an annoyed expression imprinted onto his face. Ignoring his own brother, he turned his attention back to you. "Says the short cheerleader. You know, I could bust you right now, I can smell the alcohol from here."
"Ooh, kinky." you joked, causing Sam to cough violently. You threw your head back in laughter while the agent's choking eased. Looking back at his partner, Agent Stark who had mastered the bitch face, glaring at the giant in front of you. You pointed your thumb towards Stark. "I think your partner wants to talk to you."
Sam coughed once more, clearing his throat as he looked over at his annoyed partner. "I should see what he wants. Try to stay out of trouble."
"I'll call you when I turn eighteen, Sam." you murmured, brushing up against his arm as you passed him. You felt him tense beside you for a second, and you smirked, walking away. Looking back, you saw Sam glaring at his feet. "Don't die!"
You were already out of ear shot before Sam could muster up a reply.
"Dude, we're on a case." Dean lectured, shaking his head at his flustered brother. Sam raised an eyebrow, too distracted by what the young—beautiful—girl had implied. Dean rolled his eyes, motioning for his brother to follow him. "Wait until we're done til you hit that."
Sam's eyes widened, glaring at his brother. "She's seventeen, Dean."
"Wow, she doesn't look seventeen. Whatever." dismissed Dean, slightly irritated by the amount of sand entering his shoes. "I talked to the stoned douchebag, and from what I can tell, we were right. Andrew Daniels is a vampire, turned that Finn kid, and in the process of growing a large nest."
"Did you find out where the nest is?" Sam asked, more worried than usual for the victim. He still couldn't place what was so different and intriguing about the girl.
Dean shook his head, and Sam couldn't help the exasperated sigh that left his lips. The green-eyed man clapped his brother's shoulder. "Relax, we'll find it. For now, we keep an eye on Finn and take him out when he's alone. You told your girlfriend to stay away from her ex-boyfriend, right? Or did you forget while you were ogling her?"
The younger brother ignored Dean's jab, nodding. "Yeah, but we should look out for her. She isn't entirely convinced he's dangerous. Not that I blame her, he looks like he'll cave if someone threatened his dog."
"Okay. I'm guessing you want to stalk her while I behead Edward Cullen?" Dean blocked a slap from his brother, smirking at the response he had gotten. Sam's bitch face was enough for him to draw a conclusion. "I'll take that as a yes."
Sam glanced around the beach, dread washing over him when he couldn't find her. "Call me when you're done."
Under his breath, Dean mumbled, "How much can someone hate their kid enough to name them Finn?"
Excusing yourself, you slid out under Emmett's embrace, wiggling your empty cup at him. Too focused on getting to the cooler without tripping, you hadn't noticed Finn Burke following you until you inadvertently tripped over your feet, a pair of strong arms catching you. To your surprise—and disappointment—it wasn't the shaggy-haired FBI agent you had been thinking about all night.
Still, you couldn't help the grin that appeared on your lips, happy to see your friend. "Hey, you made it! Aren't you a little bit late?"
Finn smiled softly, helping you to steady your legs, keeping an arm around you as you both headed to the cooler. "I got here an hour ago but Tom wanted me to help out with a prank. Are you sure you should be drinking anymore?"
"I'm getting water since my dad is so adamant I stay safe tonight. I haven't drunk much but my legs are jelly," you replied, leaning on the toned soccer player. His piercing gray eyes drifted to yours, narrowing as he studied you. "Seriously, I'm not drunk, just clumsy."
"Let's get you some water," muttered Finn, sitting you down on one of the portable lawn chairs someone had brought. You relaxed in your seat, giving him your empty solo cup. After a few seconds, he handed it back, the solo cup now filled with water. "Drink this."
You gulped the water down, thirsty from talking all night. "Thanks. How's— hey, are you okay?"
He slowly nodded, his gaze fixed on your throat as he licked his lips. "Yeah, just a little tired. Finals really took it out of me, and I've been sleeping for the past few days. I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What's up?"
"Do you wanna go to my car? It's just so crowded here and it's important," said Finn, looking around. You mirrored his actions, confused, seeing everyone around the bonfire, several meters away while the rest were swimming in the ocean. "I'm not looking to hookup, I promise. Just some peace and quiet."
Against your better judgment, you ignored Sam's warning and nodded, taking his hand as you stood up. "Okay, sure. Let's go."
The walk to his car was silent, the air warm and salty enough to make you tired, even after the day of laying around and doing nothing. You yawned, covering your lips with one hand while Finn held the other. Despite your gut telling you to return back to the bonfire, you gave Finn the benefit of the doubt. After all, you'd know him since you were in diapers. He couldn't hurt
You breathe in a sigh of relief as you saw the blue jeep under the warm light, allowing you to see a lot more than in the brief darkness. Leaning against the jeep, you faced him. "So, what did you wanna talk about?"
"How did it feel when you broke up with me in front of my friends?" he asked, taking a step closer. There was a glimmer in his eyes that made your spine shiver.
"What?" you mentally slapped yourself for letting your voice shake. He took another step closer, a predatory look washing over his face. Instinctively, you went to take a step back, realizing you were stuck between Finn and the jeep. If the unspoken threat hadn't been looming over your head, then the inability to speak about the breakup would've been more than uncomfortable.
Finn's smirk grew, one that you've never seen before. Out of all the things you would've described your friend, dangerous wouldn't've been one of them; it wouldn't have come close. "Did you feel satisfied when they pitied me? Happy when they witnessed you list every single flaw I have?"
"Finn, you know I didn't realize they were there. I thought you were alone. I would never do that to you." you reasoned, placing a hand over your heart. Your heartbeat was painfully loud, beating in your ears. "You're my friend."
He scoffed, eyes darkening as they focused on your neck, head tilting as he brushed away your hair for a better view at your pulse. "Friend? You'd throw me under the bus to save your ass. Even you'd kill your daddy for your survival. You're a selfish, pathetic bitch."
Anger bubbled up inside you, pushing the fear deep inside you. You opened your mouth to speak only to close it when a hand wrapped around your throat, shoving you up against the jeep, your head hitting the metal with a force that left your ears ringing in pain. Your vision blurred, body limped, and lungs screaming for air. In an attempt, you clawed at his arm but the gesture only seemed to make him laugh.
"Please." you gasped out, the corners of your vision slowly turning black. Finn lets out an inhuman growl, throwing his head back, several teeth growing in when he opened his mouth.
The soccer player leaned in quickly, and you prepared for the sharp pain but nothing came. For a moment, you were confused, wondering if the lack of air was the result of the blackness, only to realize you had shut your eyes. The hand on your throat lessened, a panicked voice in the back of your mind, and something wet splattered on your chest. A worried voice called your name, a pair of warm arms caught you as you slumped down.
You slowly opened your eyes, disoriented and puzzled to see Sam in front of you, his arms wrapped around your waist as he held you up. With wide eyes, you looked around, waiting for Finn to ambush the both of you, only to meet Agent Stark's angry eyes. But he wasn't glaring at you. Sam called out your name once again, bringing your attention back to him. "Sam?"
He sighed in relief, checking out your neck where you would later find out was bruised. "Are you okay? Didn't I tell you to stay away from that douchebag? Fuck, I'm sorry."
You were overwhelmed by the rollercoaster of emotions Sam displayed, surprised by his tight grip on your waist. Glimpsing at Agent Stark--who had bit his lip to keep from laughing at his brother's worriedness--you saw the blood-covered blade he held. You followed the trail of blood, eyes popping out of their sockets when you saw Finn laying on the parking lot; without his head. "Oh. Looks like he lost his head."
Stark burst out laughing, unable to contain his surprise at your ease about the bloody situation. Sam glared at his brother, letting you go as you processed what had happened. "Hey, listen to me. Dean and me have to go. We think there's more monsters like Finn after your dad."
The mention of your father broke you out of your state, a hand quickly grabbing Sam's. With panicked eyes, you looked at him. "No, no. I'm coming with."
"It's not safe." Dean responded, cleaning the blood off his blade, grimacing when a few droplets made contact with his skin. Sam nodded in agreement. "There's going to be a whole nest of vampires, and we can't protect you and save you dad."
You opened your mouth to protest, goosebumps rising as you heard the word. Vampires. Subconsciously, you looked at your former friend's decapitated head, the sharp fangs intact, beaming under the street lamp. "Is that what he was? A vampire?"
"Yes," Sam replied, waiting for you to scream, run away, slap them for killing your lifelong friend, or anything other than quietly processing the information like they just told you something other than the existence of supernatural beings. "We're hunters, we save people from things that go bump in the night."
"The vampire that turned your friend is Andrew Daniels, the man who threatened your dad. We have to go, there might be a whole nest of vampires at your house--" Dean stopped, halting when he saw his brother's glare. He got the message: worrying the girl, even more, would not help them in any way.
You pushed yourself away from Sam's arms, grimacing when you stepped in the pool of Finn's blood. "If my dad's in danger then I'm coming with."
"No way," said Sam, shaking his head immediately. "It's dangerous, and you could get hurt more than you already have. Let us handle this, and we'll come back to get you when the coast is clear."
The logical part of you agreed with him; you had no knowledge of how to kill vampires, or anything supernatural for that part, and being there meant being in the way of these men doing their jobs. The reckless, anxious part of you wanted to be there, wanted to be the one to save your dad even when you didn't know how, and wanted to make sure he would alright. You let the latter made up your decision. With a glower, you crossed your arms. "I'm going with you. Whether you want me to or not."
"Sweetheart," Dean sighed, knowing one more word from you and Sam would give in. For that matter, Dean would've too.
"Look, he's the only family I have left. If I lose him ... " you trailed off, incapable of finishing. It didn't matter how busy your father had been the past few years or the lack of attention you've gotten. He was family and that meant everything to you. Meeting Sam's eyes, you silently begged him. "Please. I'll be out of the way, you won't have to protect me or anything. Just ... please."
Dean wasn't surprised when Sam caved, his younger brother nodding at your request. The younger Winchester reluctantly agreed and Dean gave up, following his little brother's lead. "Alright, let's go."
You walked behind Dean, following his lead to the black Chevy Impala while Sam silently walked beside you, the height difference making it slightly difficult to read your expression. Dean noticed the once over you gave his baby, beaming at Sam who rolled his eyes. You got in the back, admiring the leather and built of the vintage car, while Sam and Dean sat in the front.
The drive was silent and tense. You didn't miss the way Dean kept glancing in the rear-view mirror or the not-so-subtle over the shoulder glances from Sam. It took a few minutes but a recently buried thought crawled its way to the center of your attention.
"You guys aren't really FBI are you?" you blurted, mentally slapping yourself for not coming to that conclusion much sooner.
"Nope," Dean answered, making the p pop. "But after a lifetime of pretending to be one, it really does make being in monkey suits bearable."
"So, what are you guys? Low budget Ghostbusters?" you questioned, getting a simple scoff-like chuckle from Dean while Sam bit back a smile at the creative jab. "Seriously. You just decapitated my ex-boyfriend who turns out to be a vampire. And I'm wondering if I'm insane for trusting two men who posed as FBI agents and dress like virgin lumberjacks."
The elder Winchester lets out a guffaw and Sam allowed a little laugh to fill the Impala. Sam answered your question, "We're hunters. Or Men of Letters, if you want the old term."
"Right, I'm gonna pretend like I know what that is." you mumbled, meeting Dean's eyes in the rear view mirror. "Can you go faster? No offense, but my dead grandma drives faster than you."
Dean huffed, noticeably pushing the gas pedal harder. "I'll let you get away with that since you're in shock and can't control yourself."
"I'm not in shock, I'm just running away from my problems until I inevitably have to face them." you sassed. During different circumstances, you would've been scared, and frustrated but the existence of all things supernatural hadn't sunk into your brain just yet, and you had been hoping you were dreaming.
The elder Winchester's lips twitched upward, despite the situation. With the speed Dean was going, due to the peer pressure from the teen in the backseat, the three of your arrived at the huge mansion. All the lights were on and the unfamiliar cars on the driveway worried you. As soon as your foot hit the walkway, you had the urge to run, only to be stopped by Sam.
Silently, he handed you a blade, the light from the bright lantern nearby bounced off the silver. Dean had made his way to the front door, scanning the place only to kill a vampire when he reached the first step. He gestured for Sam to follow him, wiping the blood on a bush. Sam turned his attention back to you.
"Stay here. We'll be back with your dad. Don't hesitate to kill them because they will have the intention of killing you." Sam commanded, his eyes flickering to the dead, unnoticed security guard with his throat slit. He looked away before you could follow his gaze. "Stay in the car, please? We'll save your dad, but I—we need to know you'll be safe."
You nodded, tightening your grip on the handle of the blade. "I promise."
The younger brother threw you one last look before following Dean, his own machete in hand. The two brothers silently broke in, weapons in hand as they entered the large mansion. You kept your back against the Impala, looking around for any sign of the supernatural. With the amount of time you've been given to process the existence of the supernatural, the information hadn't completely sunk in. Not even when you pondered Finn's death.
It didn't take long for you to notice Edgar's limp body strewn across a bush, your father's lead security detail: dead and bloody. You gagged, covering your lips with your free hand. The sight of Edgar's corpse made you act against Sam's wishes, yet again. Walking to the door, you gripped your weapon, taking a deep breath prior to following the hunter's lead.
As soon as you stepped inside, you spotted a path of blood, leading towards the kitchen. You immediately regretted your plan when you saw an array of decapitated vampires. Loud grunts lead you to the kitchen, your sandals nearly slipping on the trail of blood.
Sam spotted you as soon as you emerged from the arch, blood splattered across his face, his blade dripping. The scene was horrid; Sam and Dean faced a large group of vampires, your father bruised and injured, the only thing holding him up was the fanged vampire behind him. Their eyes followed Sam's, heads whipping, smug smirks on their face when they realized who they were looking at.
Three things happened in the next second; first, the group of vampires pounced on you. Second, the two hunters expertly beheaded the said vampires. And third, a very familiar face sank his ingrown fangs into your father's exposed neck. One vampire had sped to you, yet despite the silent gasp your father let out, you instinctively ran your blade against his neck, the force beheading the monster.
All your heads snapped to your father, the two vampires that stood behind the one feeding from your dad baring their fangs. Sam grabbed your waist, pulling you behind him. You struggled against his grasp, wanting nothing but to slice the vampire into pieces, craved to watch them bleed, craved to have their heads. But all you could do was watch as the vampire quickly fed from your father, his eyes glazing over. It all happened quickly, but you knew.
Both brothers advanced towards the vampires, only to be shoved against the wall as the familiar vampire met your eyes. Then you realized, the vampire was Andrew Daniels. A strangled cry rose from your throat as he smirked, pulling his lips away from your fathers throat, only to snap the CEO’s neck, discarding the limp body.
The cry was enough of a distraction to the vampires that Sam and Dean has the ability to kill them, leaving the Andrew standing. He smirked, undeterred by his dead friends. “I’ll see you soon, sweet pea.”
And with that, he was gone.
You slumped on the floor, tears brimming your eyes as you sat next to the corpse of your father. The Winchesters watched you, guilty they hadn’t kept their promise. Deep down, you knew it was your fault. Of course, not directly, but if you hadn’t triggered Andrew’s actions, then your father wouldn’t be dead. It was silent for a few minutes, and just like before, you didn’t have the mental or emotional capacity to react.
Dean helped you up, wiping your bloody hands with his jacket. He sent his brother a look, knowing what this meant. Sam nodded, understanding. You were there responsibly now.
“I don’t understand.” you said in a monotone voice. The shock still hasn’t worn off, and you were afraid it was all going to come crashing down on you.
Sam shot Dean a look, and the elder brother froze. He shrugged and Sam sighed. “Andrew Daniels has your scent. And by the looks of it, there’s still more to his nest. He won’t stop until you’re dead.” Sam paused, trying to detect anything other than the blank expression on you. “It’s better if you come with us.”
You shook your head, looking around the living room. The white carpet had been stained by blood, although the bodies had been disposed, and burned. The only corpse in the house was your father’s. The one you forbade them from burning. “No. No, no, no. I can’t. I have to stay here. I have to plan a funeral. Oh, my God, I have to plan a funeral. I have—I—“
“Shh.” Dean comforted, resting his hand on top of yours, squeezing lightly. He knew it was only a matter of time before the numbness wore off. “Hey, look at me. It’ll be okay. We’ll take care of you. No one will hurt you.”
You yanked your hand away from his, standing as you glared at the blood stained carpet. “I can’t! I can’t just abandon my home. I’m not going to abandon my dead father, and run off with some hunters who posed as Feds. I’m going to stay here, and I’m going to plan a funeral.”
Sam softly called your name. “I’m sorry. I know I made you a promise to save him, and I’m sorry I couldn’t. But you have to let us protect you. You don’t know us, and we barely know you. But this is what we do, and right now, you have a whole nest of vampires with your scent. Who knows when they’ll come back. I won’t have you stay here. It’s not safe.”
“And I’m safe with you?” you spat out, venom lacing your voice. Sam and Dean recoiled, flinching at your harsh tone.
They nodded, and Dean stood up. “We’ll protect you with our lives.”
And stupidly, you believed them.
next >
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@sammykb1994 @fofisstilinski @writingforthelonelysoul
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Chop It Like It’s Hot
A Worst Cooks in America O’Knutzy AU
The Sweater Weather Discord group helped me come up with this idea like two months ago, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. All credit goes to @lumosinlove for her amazing characters!
Chop It Like It’s Hot Masterlist
Chapter 1: Don’t Go Bacon My Heart
The Day Before the Competition
Interviewer (off camera): Finn O’Hara and Logan Tremblay for their introductions.
Logan: * taps on microphone* Is this mic working?
Finn: How do you still not know how to work a mic? You deal with them all time.
Logan: I signed up to compete in a cooking show, not to deal with your chirps.
Finn: You love ‘em. *winks*
Interviewer: So basically all we want from you guys is a brief introduction for the viewers. I’ll ask some questions, but most of this should be you guys just talking. We can edit things out later, so don’t worry about anything like that. Why don’t you guys start with your names and careers and we’ll go from there.
Finn: Yo, I’m Finn O’Hara, and I’m a terrible cook. *finger guns* Although I guess that’s a given, seeing that I’m on this show.
Logan: *mumbles in French, head in hands*
Finn: This asshole – shit, no – fuck! Sorry, I probably shouldn’t be cussing. This is a family-friendly show.
Logan: Dear God, please stop talking. I’m Logan Tremblay, the unfortunate boyfriend.
*Finn pouts*
Interviewer: And you guys play hockey?
Logan: Yeah, we play in the NHL. Gryffindor Lions.
Finn: That’s how we met, actually. Through hockey. We played together at Harvard, then got drafted to the Lions about a year apart. We’ve known each other for eight years and have been together for three of them. Can’t seem to get rid of this one.
Interviewer: And you’re not worried about being rivals on this show?
Finn: Rivals is a strong word… I mean yes we’ll be competing against each other instead of being teammates, but we know going in that it’s not personal. Just a little healthy competition.
Interviewer: So what made the two of you sign up for this show?
Logan: We didn’t. Our teammate Dumo and his wife Celeste did. They thought it would be funny. *pause* They’re probably right.
Interviewer: Out of the two of you, who is the worst cook?
*Finn and Logan point to each other*
Logan: You can’t be serious.
Finn: You once cooked pasta so much that it turned into literal paste!
Logan: You tried to cook pizza rolls in a toaster.
Finn: That’s what it said in the instructions!
Logan: It said toaster oven, you - *more French*
Finn: English, Tremz. How many times do I have to tell you that? I guess we’ll find out once and for all who the better cook is by the end of the next eight weeks, right? *mouths “it’s me” to the camera*
Logan: Whatever, Fish.
Interviewer: I think we’ve got all we need guys, thanks. Start time for tomorrow is 10:00 am, but plan on being here forty-five minutes to an hour early to get ready. We’ll see you then.
Competition Day
“Are you nervous? I’m nervous.” Finn stated, running a hand through his hair and looking around at the studio they’d be in and out of for the foreseeable future. There were cooking stations everywhere and he could already see tools and machines that he had no clue how to use. There were twelve other contestants that he didn’t know and the crew scattered everywhere, running back and forth trying to get everything ready. “God, how am I sweaty already? Is this normal?”
Logan rolled his eyes but still reached over to grab Finn’s hand, squeezing it lightly. “Relax. It’s not so bad.” Finn smiled down at him, glad that they were at least here together. How in the hell did he get so lucky?
“Besides, you’ll be sent home soon enough. So don’t stress too much.”
Finn laughed. “Wow, I hate you so much right now.” He betrayed his words with a quick kiss. “You’re going down.”
Those green eyes flashed at the challenge, but right as he opened his mouth to respond-
“Good morning, recruits!”
All heads turned towards the voice. Three figures stood towards the front of the room: one they both recognized as the producer, who was flanked by who Finn assumed to be the chefs, seeing that they were wearing chef’s outfits. Chef’s uniforms? Did their uniforms have a technical name? Finn made a mental note to google that later.
Anyways, one was a short woman with dark ringlets tied back in a ponytail and an undiscernible expression on her face. The other was tall, blond, and had legs for days Jesus Christ-
“Welcome to your first day of boot camp! This is chef Dorcas Meadowes and chef Leo Knut; they’ll be your team leaders. We’re going to start with some footage of you all walking into the kitchen, so if you all would wait out there until you’re allowed to come back in. Cameras will be rolling, so be ready! After that, our chefs will explain the first challenge and then you’ll start cooking.” He clapped his hands together. “Alright, let’s get this show started!”
“Why did they make us come in here just to send us back out?” Logan grumbled, following the other shuffling contestants out into the hall.
“Probably easier to give directions to the main studio instead of saying ‘hey, just wait out in the hall.’”
Logan hummed noncommittally. “I guess.” He wasn’t overly excited to be here; most of this (besides the initial push by Dumo and Celeste) was Finn’s idea. And god knows he could never say no to Finn. One look at that pout and brown puppy-dog eyes and he was done for. Logan didn’t like cooking, but he did like Finn. And they’d probably remember this for years to come. It didn’t matter what he was doing, as long as he was with Finn and making memories with him he’d do just about anything.
“Wonder what the first challenge is.” Finn mused, his eyes locked on the doors.
Logan laughed. “Always so impatient.”
“I’m a New Yorker,” Finn grinned, leaning into his accent. “It’s in my blood.”
The doors opened and contestants began filing back into the kitchen. Finn made sure to wave enthusiastically at the chefs with a wide smile. Logan noticed the tall one (god, he’d already forgotten the guy’s name) give a little wave in return as the other chef commanded the attention of everyone else in the room.
“Good morning, recruits, and welcome to boot camp! I’m chef Dorcas Meadowes, and this is chef Leo Knut. He’s the rookie of our crew, but don’t worry – he’s still qualified to teach all of you. Even though that’s not saying much.”
There was a smattering of laughter and chef Leo smiled, revealing dimples Logan could see from where he stood. “Hey, y’all. I’m very excited to see what makes all of you qualified to be put on this show. Who knows? Maybe you’ll give me more gray hair.” Dorcas laughed and ran her fingers through the tuft of gray hair at his temple.
“When did you get this? I don’t remember seeing it when we were in culinary school. Is it from Iron Chef?”
“Nah, this is from having Gordon Ramsay come to my restaurant.”
“Truly a terrifying man.” She shuddered. “Anyways, you guys be nice to this giant ball of sunshine. Even if he’s new, he’s still able to eliminate you from this competition.”
“In order to pick our teams, we need to see what kind of skills you have.” Leo winced. “Or don’t have. So today, we want you to make your favorite dish. Easy enough, right?”
“Oh god,” Finn murmured into Logan’s ear. “What’s my favorite dish? Do I even have one?”
“You all have an hour to complete this task.” Dorcas said, glancing down at her watch. “And your time starts… now!”
“Fuck.” Finn stated emphatically, dashing off to the pantry.
Fuck was right. God, what was Logan going to make? He was wracking his brain for something while he grabbed two aprons from the back. He tossed one to Finn and took the station beside him before hurrying to the pantry. Chicken was always a safe bet, right? Celeste made a barbeque chicken recipe that was to die for. That couldn’t be too hard. It was just chicken and barbeque sauce. And maybe green beans on the side? He could get those canned ones and they’d taste fine if he rinsed them. This was fine.
He guessed on the temperature for the oven. 350 seemed good. Then he dumped two chicken breasts into a pan, poured the barbeque sauce over them, and put them into the oven.
“What are you making?” Logan startled at the soft voice, turning to see chef Leo at his station.
Blue eyes.
Logan blinked, Leo’s question forgotten. “Quoi?”
“You speak French?”
Why was his brain refusing to work all of a sudden? Get it together, Tremblay. “Uh, yeah.”
“What are you making?” Leo asked for the second time, but now it was in French. Weirdly worded French.
“Barbeque chicken.” Logan responded in French, then switched back to English. “What in the world was that?”
Leo flashed him a grin. “New Orleans, born and raised. We speak French there, too. Now tell me how you’re making that chicken.”
“Uh.” He had never said the word ‘uh’ so much in one sitting. Merde. “I put it in a pan, spread barbeque sauce over it, and I’m cooking it at 350.”
“How do you know when it’s done?”
Was this a trick question? It felt like a trick question. “Uh.” Fuck. “It has to get to a specific internal temperature, right?”
The chef nodded. “And what’s that?”
Something in Leo’s expression flickered, but Logan couldn’t figure out what it meant. “Well, good luck. Logan, right?”
“See you at the judging table.” He said with a dimpled smile before moving to Finn’s station, which was already a mess. “Oh my. How are you doing over here?”
Finn laughed a bit hysterically. “Not good. Not good at all.”
“Ok. What’s going on?”
“Well I’m trying to make carbo’hara, and –“
“Really, Fish?” Logan called from his station. “That’s what you’re making?”
“What’s carbo’hara?” Leo asked as he watched Finn put bacon in a pan.
“Oh,” Finn waved a hand carelessly. “It’s just carbonara, but a pun on my name, O’Hara. Get it?”
Leo laughed, crossing long arms over his chest. “That’s terrible.”
“Yeah, but it makes me happy. My parents used to make it every night before my brother or I had hockey games.”
“Oh, that’s right. You guys are hockey players.”
“Go Lions!” Finn cheered, taking a spoonful of butter and throwing it into the pan with the bacon.
“Are you putting butter on bacon?” Leo asked with a raised eyebrow.
Finn responded with full confidence, “I didn’t want it to stick to the pan.”
“Ok. Got it. I… I look forward to seeing what you make.” Finn watched as Leo bit his lip and tried his hardest not to laugh.
Finn felt his cheeks flush and blamed it on the steam from the pasta.
The last thirty minutes of the task were absolute chaos, but both boys got it done. Finn’s looked messy, which accurately summed up his cooking style. Logan was pretty proud of how his looked; he just hoped it tasted good. He gave Finn a smile and a fist bump. “Ready to be judged?”
Finn laughed, looking down at his plate. He grimaced. “Not really.”
“We’re all bad cooks. Chances are someone else’s dish is worse than yours.”
“That… actually helped. Thanks.”
 Finn was chosen to be judged before Logan. He brought up his plate with a sheepish smile and placed it on the table in front of the chefs. Dorcas raised an eyebrow while Leo prodded the pasta with his fork.
“It’s carbo’hara.” Finn stated with pride.
“Well, Finn…” Dorcas met his eyes. “This looks like a mess, but let’s see how it tastes.”
Finn cringed as they both took a bite of his food. Dorcas frowned as she chewed and Leo tilted his head, a confused expression on his face.
“I don’t know how you did it, but this solidifies in my mouth like glue.”
“Oh god, please don’t eat any more.”
“You definitely put a lot of effort in and you have a lot of potential,” Leo said with a small smile. “I think you were just a little too ambitious for this first round and it got away from you.”
“That’s fair. Thanks for the input.” Finn grabbed his plate and made his way back to his station. He wasn’t too upset by those reviews – he already knew he was a bad cook. But he had potential, so at least he had that going for him.
Logan grinned at him back at his station. “I can’t believe you served the judges glue pasta.”
“At least I’m not serving them canned green beans.”
“They taste just fine, thank you very much.”
“Lo, they’re professionals. You’re not getting away with something lazy like that.”
He definitely got in trouble for using the canned green beans. Dorcas looked down at them like they were worms. Leo gave him the ‘I’m not mad, I’m disappointed’ look, which was even worse, please don’t look at me like that.
“Canned food is a no-go, huh?”
“And this chicken isn’t cooked all the way.” Leo said, showing him the pink meat. “You said earlier that you’d cook it until it reached 145 degrees, but chicken needs to reach 165 at a minimum.”
“I’m sure it tasted fine, though.” Dorcas added. “You can’t really go wrong with pre-made barbeque sauce and chicken.”
Ouch. Logan grabbed his plate. “Right. Thanks.”
Finn was predictably cackling at his station. “Tremz, they couldn’t even eat yours. Celeste is going to be so disappointed in you.”
“Shut up.”
As soon as they were back into their hotel room, Finn kicked his shoes off and faceplanted into the couch. “I can’t believe that took so long.”
“Yeah,” Logan sat down and grabbed his take-out. “Who knew cooking all day would make us so hungry?”
Finn made grabby hands at the other food container. Logan laughed and handed it to him. “I haven’t been this hungry since playoffs, fuck.”
They ate in silence and were finished in record-setting time. Finn collected their trash and stood up to throw it away. “So blue team, huh? I’m kind of surprised they put us on the same team.”
“Me too. But Leo seems like a good teacher, so I’m glad we’re on his team.”
“Yeah, he seems so young, too.” Which sounded ridiculous to say; Leo couldn’t be that much younger than them. “If he’s already winning competitions and starring in cooking shows at that age, he must be pretty good.”
“Winner of Iron Chef America, Chopped, Guy’s Grocery Games…” Logan read off his phone with a low whistle. “He graduated culinary school early and opened his own restaurant a year later.”
“There’s a video of one of his competitions on here.”
“Play it!” Finn said excitedly, flopping back down on the couch and peering over his boyfriend’s shoulder. Logan gave him a strange look. “What? Maybe we’ll learn something useful.”
“I think this is going to be way too complicated for us, but ok.”
So they sat on the couch watching cooking competitions for hours, learning skills and techniques that went way over their heads. Logan wordlessly switched to Leo’s cooking show Cajun Cooking, watching episode after episode of the blue-eyed chef teaching traditional New Orleans recipes.
Little did they know that halfway across the city in his own apartment, Leo Knut was watching Youtube highlights of the Gryffindor Lions, keeping a sharp eye out for number seventeen and number ten.
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futurebicon · 3 years
Marine Biologist AU that no one asked for but I wrote because I miss my second home. Probably two parts.
Very brief mention of a family members death
"Hi welcome to-" Leo stopped his normal speech when he was met with the two most gorgeous men he had ever laid eyes on. "Welcome to the Fort Fisher aquarium. I'm your tour guide Leo and this is Regulus." He somehow managed to snap out of his shock even though the greeting was all muscle memory.
“Two guides. Must be special." The red haired one laughed a laugh that made doves fly. "I'm Finn." He shook their hands.
"That and both of us wanted a break from sticky children trying to swim with the sharks and gators." Reg smiled.
"Sharks? Like ocean sharks? And ocean alligators?" The shorter one asked in shock and a lot more than a sprinkle of fear.
'Fuck he's adorable' Leo swore internally. "Alligators are typically fresh water reptiles but if you are asking if they are real sharks and alligators, than no. They're they’re hyperealalistic mechanical sculptures." He kept a straight face.
"Cute and funny." Finn flashed him a smile after another angelic laugh.
Leo had to remind himself to not die right then and there.
“Don't worry, Logan" Finn told the other one. "I'll protect you from the scary teeth, baby."
Now Leo was sad.
“Oh yeah, right after you stop ogling over our hot tour guide."
Now Leo was slightly less sad and confused.
“Actually." Regulus pulled out his phone. "Our manager just texted and said he needs someone in the gift shop. Have fun." He left with a pat on Leos back.
Leo glared as he walked away, they didn't get texts from anyone for any assignment. Hence the walkie talkies on their belt loops.
“So, follow me and we can start the tour." +++
“This is our 235,000 gallon tank." Leo stood over top of the two story tall tank. In here we have our eagle rays, round stingrays, whiptail stingrays, hammerhead sharks, sandbar sharks, sand tiger sharks, hammerhead sharks. We also have two moray eels and an abundance of fish including shanks and groupers. And a personal favorite, Sheldon the green sea turtle.” Leo stood on the rusted grate with ease as if he didn’t care about the hammerhead only a few feet away from his toes.
“Um, this is great and all but can we not stand on the edge without a railing?” Logan stayed as far away as he could an the 2 feet wide walkway.
“You’re completely safe don’t worry.” Leo flashed a reassuring smile.
“Okay yeah but-”
“Stop being a baby, Lo.” Finn poked his side.
“I’m sorry I’m scared of falling into a 23 foot deep death cylinder filled with sharks.” Logan defended himself.
“Alright we can go officially start the tour.” Leo laughed. “But we do have to walk across the tank.”
“We what?” Logan asked.
“It’s okay. Just don’t look down.” He decided to risk a wink.
“Listen to the hot guide, babe.” Finn kissed Logan’s cheek. “I’ll hold your hand.”
“I love you, Harzy. But I do not trust you enough to not try and scare me.”
“I promi- no I don’t. Fine.” Finn whined when his plans were spoiled.
“Alright, let’s go.” Leo laughed.
They got across the walkway with only a few exaggerated wobbles to scare Logan. And a very grumpy Logan when Leo told him there was another way around the tank.
“So here we have our bald eagle Maverick.” Leo walked up to the opened enclosure. “He’s five years old and has been here since he was two. He was found on the side of the road nearly starved after being hit by a car. If you look at his left wing you can see it juts out a little. That is due to the bones fusing together incorrectly and it makes him unable to ever fly again.” He recited the well known script.
“Poor baby” Finn stuck his bottom lip out.
Leo blinked away the urge to kiss the sad look off his face.
“If we walk up here you can see the aquariums prized possession.” Leo smiled. “Luna the albino Alligator.”
“Oh my god.” Finn hurried over to the glass.
“She looks like you, lover. Pale as fuck.” Logan teased.
“Luna is one of just 100 recorded albino alligators world wide.”
“World wide?” Logan asked in shock.
“Yeah. It’s an extremely rare genetic mutation and due to the inability to hide from predators they’re numbers are next to zero. Very soon they’ll be no more albino gators.”
“What happened to that alligators toes?” Logan pointed at the dark green alligator.
“That’s Gantur. He still hasn’t learn that Luna’s the leader.”
“She bit them off?” Logan’s eyes went wide.
“Don’t underestimate her. Ready to continue?”
“This is my favorite exhibit.” Leo’s face lit up as they walked up to the touch pool.
“Touch anything as long as you use two fingers and don’t pick anything up.”
“Are those stingrays?” Finn pointed towards the end of the touch pool.
“Yeah. They’re still babies and their stingers have been trimmed. Their barbs are like thumbnails and can be clipped monthly without any harm.”
“What are those?”
Leo’s face lit up impossibly more.
“These are horseshoe crabs.” He held onto one of the dark greenish brown banjo shaped creature.
“They are also called living fossils due to the fact that they haven’t evolved at all since the dinosaurs, around 450 million years. It’s mostly due to the fact that they didn’t need anything added or taken away for survival. They were made perfectly. Now their tails.” He pointed to the long stick like end as it moved around with the help of what looked like scaley gills. “Most people look at it and think it will hurt. But it won’t hurt at all. They are extremely, extremely clumsy and use the long tail to flip themselves back over.”
“Sounds like you.” Finn kissed Logan.
“Rude.” Logan scoffed.
“Horseshoe crabs aren’t actually crabs at all. They’re actually more closely related to scorpions and spiders. Watch.” Leo smirked and flipped it over.
There were five pairs of claws moving around as the gills moved up and down like abs, causing the tail to move with it.
“Here-” Leo grabbed Logan’s hand, he tried hard to ignore the way his skin burned. “Touch it.”
“Oh no I’m okay to just look.”
“Come on, just touch it.” Leo begged. “Please just touch it.” He pouted.
“Oh my fuck you’re adorable.” Logan voiced Leo’s exact same thoughts from before.
“Here” he blushed and bit his lib to contain the smile. “Touch it.” He guided Logan’s hand down to the center of the legs, desperately trying to not think about how close they were. Logan’s t-shirt touching his blue polo shirt with his name stitched in the side. The way he could feel Logan’s breathing against his side, the way his leg was pressed between Logans le- stop it.
“Eww that feels weird” Logan’s laughed raised goosebumps on his arm.
“You’re touch his mouth.”
“Ew ew ew ew” Logan pulled his hand away quickly as Finn cackled.
“You asshole” Logan laughed as he pushed Leo lightly.
“Sorry, but it’s funny.” Leo laughed.
“You are now my second favorite person on earth.” Finn put a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “Oh my god I’m crying.” He wiped his eyes.
“Wouldn’t mind if he stayed our favorite.” Logan smiled.
Leo blushed and moved onto the regular view of the huge tank.
“So how’d you get a job here?” Logan asked Leo as they walked around.
“I’ve lived on the island my whole life and started volunteering here when I was 13.” He explained. “I’m going to UNCW for marine biology. Are you two just here for vacation? Even though it’s April.”
“No. We’re actually moving down here. My grandparents owned the arcade on the boardwalk and left it to me once they passed.” Finn told him.
“Oh. I’m sorry about their passing.”
“It’s okay. Didn’t really know them at all.”
“Well I’ll hopefully see you around.”
“Maybe you don’t have to hope.”
Leo tilted his head in confusion.
“We were just wondering if you would want to show us around the island.” Logan told him. “We’ve only been here for a few days and this is the first place we’ve been to. Not even the beach.”
“Oh that’s nearly a sin.” Leo teased. “I’d love to show you guys around. I get off in an hour.”
“Perfect.” Finn said happily. “Do you want to drive over to our house and then switch cars or do you need to change?”
“That’ll work. There’s a locker room and since there’s next to no one here considering the time of year Evan will probably let me leave early.” Leo couldn’t hide his smile as they walked into the brightly lit gift shop.
Logan let out a loud gasp and ran over to the 6 foot long jellyfish stuffie. “I want it.”
“It’s tentacles are going to strangle you, love.” Finn shook his head.
“Kinky” Logan wiggled his eyebrows.
Finn scoffed as three other people in the quiet store laughed.
“Oh hi again Regulus.” Logan smiled at the black haired man who was sitting on the countertop beside the register tossing a brightly colored foam ball with turtles on it between his hands.
“Hey” He smiled back.
“What’d they need help with down here?” Finn looked around the empty room cluelessly.
“He didn’t help me?” The girl beside him raised an eyebrow. “Hi, Rue by the way.” She waved before going back to glaring at Regulus. “Did Evan tell you to help me?”
“No.” Reg smirked. “Just wanted to leave Leo alone with his crushes.”
“Reg” Leo pushed him.
“It’s mutual.” Finn said and Logan nodded.
“Okay. I’m gonna go ask Evan if I can get off early so I can show you a tour of the island and then get changed and I’ll be back down.” Leo changed the subject quickly.
“They’ll show you a tour of their bedroom and then get you off early.” Rue said quietly but not quiet enough. Leo shoved her hard as Logan, Finn, and Reg cackled.
“So are we ready?” Leo walked back down in shorts and a UNCW t-shirt.
A cropped UNCW t-shirt.
“Uh- yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah.” Finn stuttered failing to make it look like he wasn’t staring at Leo’s tan abs.
Finn on the other hand had no shame. His eyes raked his entire body as his mouth went dry.
“Alright. I’ll follow you guys?”
“Huh? Oh yeah.” Logan nodded.
“Get it Knut.” Reg cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted as they left the gift shop and headed outside to the 100 degree weather.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, episode 17-20 thoughts! finishing up season two! the finale is the THIRD 2-PARTER OF SEASON 2. that's so many! I wonder how many season 3 will have?
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-UERGH WHY DOES VLAD HAVE AN AI WITH MADDIE'S FACE ON IT. SOOO CREEPY. AND MORE 'CREATIONS' waiiiit. vlad is Dr. Frankenstein! (despite his ghost design obviously referencing vampires) HE HAS 'CREATIONS' HE MAKES THEN WONT TAKE REAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR!!! this bitch.
-danny was late and his friends immediately start going off about how hes inconsiderate, and has been treating them like sidekicks??? he just overslept, my god. chill. even if he has, be nicer about talking about it with him?? he really can't help that he sometimes has to chase the ghosts, or has a secret identity to protect...
-'what kind of ghost haunts a miniature golf course' umm. me as a ghost. next question
-imagine going home and theres a tiny child on your bed claiming to be your cousin. with as many cousins I have, I would probably believe her. but the 'ran away from home' BIT....SHES 12?? SHES SO TINY. I hate that they have her belly out in her ghost form, but I like how her colors are asymmetrical. something about her design...maybe the proportions?? are weird to me...anyway danny was good to feed her, but he shouldve taken her to his parents FIRST. or, tbh, probably jazz. (JAZZ DIDNT EVEN GET TO MEET HER!!! NOOO. I mean she said she'll be BACK BUT STILL)
-ANYWAY. shes voiced by AnnaSophia Robb, the girl who was in because of winn dixie, played as violet from charlie and the chocolate factory, and was the girl from bridge to terrabithia. (the movie that made me cry hysterically when I was 12 and I never watched it again because it Broke Me!) thats super cool.
-vlad sucks: the episode, basically. what's new!! I love how he's like, I'm Not A Villain. *immediately cuts to him torturing danny to make him transform, to get mid-transformation DNA, to perfect a Clone.* *immediately shows that he doesnt give a shit about his new daughter Dani and just wants a ''more perfect clone'' and will put her in danger to get that. will let her DIE to get that*
-Dani is danny's clone and is a girl? transgenderism....one of them has to be trans. or they both are.
-the next ep opens with skulker chasing a ghost down. ...does skulker count as a ghost hunter in the way valerie and danny do? I mean, sure, he hunts the good guys too, but he. he hunts ghosts...also, we haven't seen his Real Form since his debut episode! tiny...
-the guys in white are back! ngl, I assumed they were a gag for that one episode. you're telling me they might actually be a threat? ok.
-valerie in her lil nasty burger uniform looks so cute!! glad shes not in that mascot uniform this time. I guess she stopped hiding that she's working there now?
-gregor having white hair, dressed in black and white...and green eyes...sam has a Type, I guess.
-danny being unnecessarily hostile about gregor. danny!!! hes been nice so far. he looks a little...tall to be 14, but. danny doesnt know anything about him! (he does Suspect, but...you cant just spy on people and be rude to them from a hunch.) also, gregor kissed her, and when she freaked out, he was like 'oh no!! sorry, we can take it slow! I understand!' which was NICE. I hate jealousy plots still tho.
-altho. umm. tucker, being concerned about danny spying on them??? SAM AND YOU WERE SPYING ON DANNY AND VALERIE A FEW EPISODES AGO!!!!! im not saying its RIGHT, but dont be a hypocrite!!! AND THEN SAM BEING MAD ABOUT IT, TOO.
-DANNY IS A 7 ON THE SCALE OF ECTOPLASMIC POWER!!! out of 10? so I want to know where the other ghosts rank...I mean it's a list from the guys in white, so, it may not even be accurate, like, they havent seen ALL of his powers, have they?
-Lancer being like 'im not cooperating with the FEDS' until they said they could access his tax records. they already did that joke with jack, but like, its still funny. kings of tax evasion.
-tucker's aggressive third-wheeling. but gregor being super into it. gregor/tucker is the real ship here. then gregor kissing danny on both cheeks after hugging him. bi poly king gregor. (he does turn out to be a liar with a phoney accent. unsurprising, BUT THE CONCEPT OF HIM BEING GENUINE AND THEM ALL DATING IS FUN)
-sam saying tucker is part of the package because theyre friends was super sweet <3 but also 'part of the package'...polyships are obviously the solution to these dumb jealousy/love triangle plots.
-danny crashed a whole plane. the collateral damage...
-is he....
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-you know....
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.... (ITS NOT GAY IF YOU'RE DOING IT TO PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT, AND LIE TO A GIRL. RIGHT? he was getting a little too into pretending to enjoy tucker's company, and the above...c'mon, guy.)
-lmao, freakshow is in actual prison. I didn't expect a follow up, or for him to show back up! in the finale of this season, too!
-THE SICK TATTOO GHOST IS NAMED LYDIA!!! more Lore On her. freakshow seemed genuinely concerned about her. also, is she mute? I don't think she talked the first time we saw her, either. and we didn't know freakshow 'envied' ghosts, either, the first time, we just knew he was controlling them. interesting!
-...they literally stole the infinity gauntlet from marvel and called it the reality gauntlet. is that legal. what the fuck. even with the gems in the lil slots, having different powers...they had freakshow in jail, but didnt check his pockets??! hes just still in his lil outfit??? what kind of ...oh, its in amity park. yeah, all of the adults are idiots, okay, sure.
-'freakshow!' 'in the anemic flesh!' dude take some iron pills then. also, sure, the red eyes could be contacts for his aesthetic, but the whites of his eyes are yellow! does he have jaundice?! he severely needs more...like, every kind of vitamin. (this is what im worried about as freakshow attacks danny with giant robots)
-again, goth circus is a sick theme, and I love his goth train.
-oh FUCK every single person saw danny transform. on a stage. including his parents via TV. oh god. the guys in white and immediately like 'youre coming in for experiments!' SCARY. at least the crowd is willing to help him to escape...perks of now being a local celeb! even the kids at school are accepting :) this is what, the third time his family has found out? its always been an alt timeline tho. and danny fully intending to just rewrite things again instead of...I dunno, trying to roll with it this time? hes really worried his family won't accept him, huh...
-'maybe our son IS THE GHOST BOY, but its not as if our family's ghostly activities have EVER PUT YOUR FAMILIES IN DANGER' maddie. mmmmmmmmmmmm. okay.
-danny 100% prepared to run away from home because of this :( oh :( and saying his parents are 'looking for him, or a scalpel to dissect him with' ouch...
-side note (another one about voice actors...) freakshow's voice actor, Jon Cryer, was lex luthor in pretty much every DC tv show, which is why I recognized his voice, because my dad loves those shows so I've seen a good bit of them without seeking them out...)
-the old man saying 'hey, i still had minutes left!' and danny saying 'you gotta watch those roaming charges!' about danny destroying the people in the diner's phones so no one could report seeing him...would kids today understand these things. can you even BUY minutes anymore...I remember my first phone being a flip phone, and the fact I always had minutes when my sister ran out super fast, because I didnt have friends calling or texting me like she did...:/
-the fentons being genuinely like 'why didnt danny trust us and tell us this, we love him :(' and JAZZ LAYING INTO THEM WITH THE 'DISSECTION/MOLECULE BY MOLECULE' LINES. LITERALLLLY. they need to apologize
-technically, lydias stronger than you! -jazz lesbianism moments! when did you even learn her name!!! but also get freakshows ass. lydia is also cooler looking. looove her design sm still.
-jazz psychoanalyzing freakshow... (also, her also having ghost envy? au where jazz is a ghost!! id like to see it)
-im glad the kids still got to go to their respective vacation things, even if they cant really stick around and enjoy them much...
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-furry: confirmed. (also tucker calling her hot. tucker is a furry confirmed)
-danny being mad someone at the comic con is selling comics of him without permission, lmfao. give him his royalties!
-freakshow > thanos because hes a drama clown and does use his gauntlet to be FLASHY AND DRAMATIC.
-jazz's 'USE PYSCOLOGY' to danny about freakshow LMAOO. AND THEN IT WORKING. but, oh, freakshow's ghost form sucks. I like him as a clown better tbh. good thing danny took away his ghost powers!
-his parents hugging him and saying theyre proud :"( and saying 'of course you lied to us, we never gave you a reason not to!' and saying they were in the wrong basically for always talking about hurting ghosts aaaa :""(
-then he WIPED THEIR MEMORIES AGAIN!!! FUCK. I can understand him wiping the goverments/student bodies' memories, but why his parents?? they were being accepting!! ARGHHH. season 3 couldve been them all trying to adjust to them knowing!
-I know, on a meta level the showrunners probably wanted to just reset things to the status quo of him having a secret identity. But. We've been doing that for (2) seasons, I'd love if season 3 could be like, his parents adjusting to this and trying way harder to learn more and accept it (and the shenanigans that could come from that) and for fun, if he didn't wipe the students memories, it could be him being popular for a while, then everyone slowly realizing, oh, he's still Danny. Like. he might have ghost powers but hes Just The Same Guy instead of putting him on a pedestal (and seeing them all try and help him hide it from the giw/people who don't know!!)
-fuck they didn't even explain WHY he wiped everyone except sam, tucker and jazz's memories. he just Did It right when his parents were saying they loved/accepted him!! and sam and tucker didnt question it at all!!! HELLO??? very annoyed about this turn of events.
-anyway. onto season 3! I know its shorter than the first two seasons, and is the last season... I might just do it in 2 bursts if I can... :3c depends on the episodes' content and how much I want to say about each!
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kitty-cat-is-back · 4 years
New Neighbor
Pairing: Sero Hanta x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: Hello everyone! This is just a oneshot that I came up with today, so it has no relation to my chapter fic (but I am working on chapter 3 still)! But I have to give credit to @reinawritesbnha for being my inspo. She made me a Sero fucker and opened me up to the wonderful world of toys. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this and let me know if I should make a taglist for my future writings!
Warnings: 18+ SMUT!! Do not interact if you are under 18, please and thank you!, PWP, ABO (kink), mentions of sex toys, plot twist?
Just one more box.
Just one more and you would be fully moved into your new apartment. You had managed to get a few friends and family members to help you with large furniture, but you pretty much moved all of the small stuff by yourself. It had been a long, taxing day, but soon enough you would be relaxing in your new home. That is... after you unpack everything.
But there was a slight problem.
This last box was big and it was heavy. So there you were, standing at the entrance to your apartment complex, desperately trying to open the door while also not dropping this stupid box. You probably looked pitiful to anyone passing by.
Suddenly, the box was taken from your arms, a literal weight being lifted from you, as you heard a kind voice, “Hey, let me help you there!”
Now free to move faster than before, you whirled your head up to see who this stranger was, finding a tall, lean man with a wide smile now carrying that stupid box like it weighed nothing. You felt your cheeks heat up, but you weren’t quite sure if it was from all of the manual labor you did today or the sight before you. Your brain stuttered for a bit before finally processing what was happening, “I uh… I can carry that! I-It was just the door that I was having issues with…”
The man merely kept his sweet, genuine smile, “Well, I know that! I saw you carry it all the way up to the door, but you’ve been moving stuff all day, right? Allow me to help the lady with her box. After all, I’m sure your arms could use a break.”
Your arms were pretty sore. Plus, you did like looking at the way the man’s arms flexed and strained while carrying your box. You attempted to casually fix your messy hair as you pretended to ponder his offer, “Well… I suppose you can help me. I hope this isn’t too much of a bother though…” you said as you opened the door for him.
The man chuckled as he made his way into the apartment complex, “It’s not a bother at all! It’s especially no trouble to help out a girl as cute as you,” he stated casually, making his way to the elevator and pressing the button with his knee.
The upfront flirting made you actually choke on air. You tried to cover it up by making it seem like you were clearing your throat, thankfully he seemed a bit too preoccupied with the elevator to see the absolute embarrassment that was plastered on your face. Were all guys this upfront or was he just an exception? You let out a nervous giggle, “W-Well, I appreciate it!” you said, too nervous to attempt to flirt back.
Once the elevator opened up, you both stepped inside and you pressed the button for the fourth floor. The man’s brows quirked up with interest, “Fourth floor? That’s where I live too! What’s your apartment number??”
“Damn, what a coincidence! I live in 407! We’re neighbors! I guess we’ll be seeing each other around a lot! Listen, if you need anything, heavy lifting, or not, just let me know! I’m always ready to lend a hand!”
You hummed and nodded, though you were a bit more concerned with how you would handle living next to a man with such a chiseled jawline. You both stepped out of the elevator and walked to your apartment. After unlocking the door, you stepped inside, “Here’s home. Though, I’m sure it looks very similar to your place. You can just set the box down anywhere by the way!”
The man walked in after you, distracted by his surroundings, “Hey… I think you got one of the renovated- Oh shit!” he yelled out, tripping over one of the many boxes strewn about the room and dropping the box he was currently moving, the contents spilling out onto the floor.
Your eyes bulged out of your head as you quickly went to check on the man, “Oh God! Are you ok? That was quite the fall! You didn’t hurt yourself anywhere, did you??” you asked, scanning his body for injuries.
The man was quick to shake his head, “No no, I’m fine! But your stuff… Shit, I’m so sorry! Here, let me clean this up… Fuck…” he cursed, reprimanding himself for not watching where he was going.
You gave a small sigh of relief when he noted he was fine, before bending down to help him clean up the stuff that fell out of the box, “It’s really ok! There was nothing that important in there, so you really don’t have to worry about it!”
Your words fell on deaf ears as the man was currently examining one of the items that had fallen out of the box. It was a green, silicone dildo with a shape he hadn’t quite seen before. It had a weird tip and near the base of the shaft was an almost ball shape knot. He picked it up and started sizing it, almost checking to see how it compared to himself.
You had finally looked up from your cleaning to see your neighbor playing with one of your dildos. A look of horror stretched across your face as you quickly scrambled to come up with some sort of excuse, “T-That’s not- You see, that was a gift, I’ve never even used-”
The man laughed, still examining the toy, “You don’t have to be embarrassed! I’ve seen a dildo and a dick before, though I haven’t seen one that looks like this before… What’s this ball at the bottom?” he asked, genuinely curious.
Somehow your face went hot while your blood ran cold. Was it too late to get out of your lease and move far, far away?? You swallowed thickly as you prepared for the shame, “Um… I-It’s a knot. It’s like a… It’s an alpha/omega thing,” you answered, not really sure why you were exposing your kinks to this stranger.
“...Isn’t that like a furry thing?”
The man laughed and gently set the toy back in the box, “I’m just teasing! I’ve heard of that before… Doesn’t it have to do with wolves or something like that?”
“It’s based on animalistic tendencies, but it’s more than that!” you rebutted, finding yourself wanting to crawl into a hole and die in more and more as the conversation continued.
The man hummed, “I see… Well, I won’t question it any further,” he said as he stood up and brushed off his pants.
You let out a small huff and stood up, finding that you couldn’t quite meet his eyes anymore, “W-Well anyways! Thanks for your help! I really appreciate it! You can leave now! I’ll let you know if I need any help!” you hurriedly said, trying to escort the man out the door.
The man seemed more amused than anything as he went along with your pushing, “I can see when I’m not wanted,” he stated sarcastically. Just before he was pushed out the door, he stopped in the threshold, slamming his hand on the doorframe, “Just… One more thing.”
Couldn’t this man see you were busy dying of embarrassment? You shifted uncomfortably, “Yes? What is it?”
All of a sudden, the man closed the open door behind him and trapped you between the door and him. He forcefully placed one hand against the door right next to your head and then used the other to gently grab your chin and make you look at him. He tilted your chin up and examined your shocked features, drinking in the innocent expression, “Tell me… Do you have an Alpha… Omega?”
Your jaw dropped as you stared into the dark pools of his eyes, “W-What…?”
The man smirked, “Did you not hear me, little one? I said… Do you have an Alpha, Omega?”
Oh fuck. You let out a shaky breath as you quickly shook your head back and forth, already feeling a heat building up in your core.
“I see… Well, how brave of you. A sweet, little omega living all alone with no big, strong alpha to take care of you. Though, there’s a big, strong alpha right here… Ready to take care of an omega like yourself,” he purred. He dropped the hand holding your chin and leaned in closer, enough so that his nose was in the crook of your neck. He took a deep whiff before letting out an almost sigh of relief, “Your scent… It’s almost too intoxicating for me… Could it be that you’re in heat?”
You let out a gasp, “W-Wait… How do you know about that?” you asked, unsure if you wanted to know the answer.
The man ignored your query and simply started placing small, feather-like kisses on your neck, earning little sounds from you. He slowly moved his free hand up and down your side, feeling every curve and dip. He moved his kisses up your neck, to your jawline, and ended at the corner of your lips, “Do you want me Omega?”
Your mouth opened, but nothing but small whimpers came out. This is either a joke or one hell of a way to introduce someone to the neighborhood. You swallowed before opening your mouth again, this time coming up with some words, “I… I don’t even know your name…”
“It’s Hanta. Hanta Sero. But that’s irrelevant since the only thing you should be calling me is Alpha,” he said, settling both of his hands now at your hips and looking deeply into your eyes, “So Omega?”
Fuck it. You quickly nodded your head and wrapped your arms around his neck, “Yes Alpha… Yes, I want you. I need you…” you whined, trying to tug at his neck to bring his lips to yours, but he wasn’t budging.
Hanta chuckled darkly, “What do you need Omega?”
“I… I need your knot Alpha...”
Hanta groaned in delight before quickly closing the distance between you and smashing his lips on yours. His hands moved from your hips to the back of your thighs before hoisting you up like you were nothing.
You let out a noise of protest as you pulled away, “H-Hanta! I’m heavy!” you called out, smacking his shoulder as a sign to put you down.
This only made him dig his nails into the fat of your thighs, “One, I think we both know that I can do some heavy lifting. Two, you weigh nothing to me. And three, you’re getting punished the next time you don’t call me Alpha, got it?” he lectured.
You let out a small whimper of defeat and nodded, “Y-Yes Alpha…” you murmured before resuming the kiss.
Hanta growled with approval as he took you both into the bedroom, only pulling away to check to make sure he knew where he was going. He’d beat himself up for weeks if he dropped you like he did that box earlier. He caught sight of the disassembled bed frame and the bare mattress on the floor. It would have to suffice for this time. He slowly lowered himself down on his knees on the mattress before gently laying you down on the bed, all while keeping you entertained with his lips. He pulled away and examined you underneath him. Your sweet parted lips that let out breathy pants, your half-lidded eyes that were fully lust blown, and just your everything was intoxicating to him.
You let out a small whine and pawed at his chest to get his attention, “Alpha…?”
Hanta smiled and gently brushed your cheek with the back of his hand, “Such a pretty omega… I can’t wait to see what faces you’ll make for your alpha…” he muttered before giving you another kiss, this one slow and languid. His slightly chapped lips moved against yours expertly, almost distracting enough for you not to notice the stray hand crawling up your shirt. Almost. You couldn’t help but shudder at the way his hands caressed your skin, handling you as if you were delicate porcelain.
You moaned into his lips as you moved your own hands up to thread through his dark hair. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say this was a dream. Before you could question the reality of your situation for too long, you felt the man above you pull away, urging you to sit up slightly so he could discard your shirt, shortly followed by your sports bra.
Once again, Hanta had to look at the enchanting creature beneath him. Everything about you was perfect to him. He trailed his hands up and down your bare sides before gently grazing over your breasts, immediately infatuated with your perky nipples. He licked his lips before bending down and kissing your neck one more, but this time with a lot more intent and purpose behind it. He licked and sucked wherever he could, placing mark after mark on your neck and collarbone.
You were still keeping quiet for the most part, only letting out soft moans and whimpers, “A-Alpha… I’ve been sweating all day from moving…” you softly protested, though you weren’t exactly telling him to stop anything.
Hanta groaned and only just barely pulled enough to get out the words, “Even better,” before latching himself back on to your skin, taking even more time to lap up every inch of you. He made his way down to your breasts and gave one of your nipples a testing lick, earning a much louder gasp from you than before. He gave a smug smirk, “Oh Omega… You taste so sweet…” he whispered before taking in one of your nipples in his mouth and sucking on it, making sure to give the other one some much-needed attention by tweaking and pinching it.
You let out your first deep moan, “Alpha… Oh God…” You arched your back to push yourself further into his ministrations. You wanted more of his touch. Anything that he would give you.
After finally feeling satisfied with his work on your breasts, he knew exactly where he wanted to go next. He moved further down, placing a few quick kisses down your stomach, moving past the true prize, and giving your inner thighs some pecks as well. He glanced at your face again, your need evident. Finding himself starting to get impatient, he grabbed at your short athletic shorts and underwear and slowly pulled them down your legs, revealing your glistening heat to him. He watched the silvery strings of your need stretch from your pussy to your panties as he separated you from your clothes. He tossed them off somewhere in the room and stared down at his treasure with desire, “Oh Omega… All this for me? I didn’t know you needed me so badly…” he teased as he moved your thighs to his shoulders.
You looked down at the man in between your legs, gulping at the sight. It almost scared you how calm his expression was, but the look in his eyes reminded you of all one thing. A predator hunting its prey. Your chest heaved in anxious anticipation, “A-Alpha, please… I need you so bad…”
That was all it took for Hanta to bury himself in between your legs and lick a long stripe through your slit. He was practically preening when he heard your wanton moan and felt the tight grip on his hair. He took this as an encouragement to go harder. He decided to give your clit extra attention, sucking and nipping at the sensitive bud.
Your thighs clenched tightly around Hanta’s head, subconsciously moving your hips down on his face. If you were in a better state of mind, you might’ve worried about suffocating the poor man. His tongue felt like heaven on your sensitive area, almost making you wish you could keep him down there forever. You felt the coil in the pit of your stomach tighten from his work, “Oh god yes… Yes, right there Hant- AH!” you let out a yelp when you felt an especially sharp bite down there. You realized your mistake and quickly corrected yourself, “I-I mean A-Alpha…” you moaned, earning you an encouraging hum. The vibrations alone almost sent you over the edge.
Hanta quickly entered a finger into your dripping hole, still working his mouth on your clit. He curled and twisted his finger inside of you, making sure to hit that sweet spongy spot. He added another finger, and then another. He worked you with three of his fingers, spreading and stretching your tight pussy.
You could feel yourself getting close. Like really close. He was doing so much that your body and mind were honestly overwhelmed. You kept grinding your hips down to meet his mouth, “Yes Alpha… More… More… There… I…” you tilted your head back, feeling ready to snap before suddenly there was nothing. Your head snapped back up towards Hanta as you let out a frustrated whine, ready to protest and pout.
Hanta chuckled and brought himself back up to your face, giving you a deep kiss as he let you taste yourself. He pulled away ever so slightly, “None of that Omega… If you want to come, you have to come on your Alpha’s cock, got it?” he commanded before pulling back completely to stand up and discard his clothes. As he pulled down his pants and underwear, the cock that was previously imprisoned sprung out, bobbing up and down slightly. His cock was long and slightly curved, weeping pre-cum in anticipation. He crawled back over top of you and pressed a firm kiss on your lips as he lined up with your heat.
You choked at the feeling of the stretch as he pushed in, though it slid in easier than you expected. He sank into you all the way, staying a moment for you to adjust. His chest rose and fell quickly, noticing a lack of control on his face since this started. He let out an intense huff before pulling out and then harshly thrusting back in. He set up a rough pace as he continued to thrust his dick along your velvety walls. His hips rutted up against yours as he peered down at you, “Is this what you wanted Omega? You wanted my knot? Tell me how bad you want it…”
You had long forgotten your efforts to keep quiet. You were moaning, yelling, and cried out for Hanta. You dug your nails into his back as you held on for dear life, “Yes! Hanta! Alpha! I want your knot! I want your knot so so so much! I want you to fill up with your pups!”
Hanta’s eyes burned with desire, “Pups, huh? You want me to fill up that pretty pussy of yours with my cum?” he asked, giving you an extra sharp thrust as you cried out in agreement. He chuckled darkly, “If that’s what my Omega wants… But you gotta cum for you Alpha first… I know my pretty Omega can do it…” he purred, angling his hard and fast thrusts upwards to apply even more pressure on your g-spot.
You felt it again. You were close. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you let yourself get fucked by your new neighbor, “Yes Hanta… Alpha… Yes, I’m so close… I’m… I’m-”
Your eyes shot open as you woke up in your room, which was fully unpacked and put together. You searched for your phone and quickly shut off the annoying alarm. Your chest heaved as you tried to regain your composure. You sat up and looked around, noting the early morning light spilling through the window and the lack of a certain person in the room. You sighed and threw your head back into the headboard, letting out a frustrated groan. Ever since you moved in a month ago and met your neighbor, Hanta, you’ve been having wet dreams about him almost every night. You honestly felt disgusted with yourself for having such intense desires for a man you’ve only shared a couple of sentences with. You shook your head and sighed. You really need to get out of the house more. Deciding that the night’s events had left you feeling disgusting, you got up and hopped in the shower, getting ready for the workday…
You stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor. As the door was about to shut, a large hand stopped it, making you jump. The elevator doors opened back up, revealing the man you see in your dreams every night dressed in a criminally low cut workout shirt and some athletic shorts.
The man stepped into the elevator with his usual right smile, “Gooood morning! Getting ready to head off to work?” he asked as he pressed the close door button.
You kept your gaze down and simply nodded, “Uh-huh. And you? Getting ready for a run?”
Hanta laughed lightly, “Yea… It’s a good way to start out the day! It also helps that I work from home, so I can basically start work whenever. I’m not on the man's time!” He joked, letting out another laugh.
You laughed with him but didn’t say anything further. You just wanted to get out of the elevator as soon as possible. As the doors opened up to the first floor, you were the first one to move, “Well I guess I’ll see you late-”
You were interrupted when an arm stopped you from leaving the elevator, trapping you between the wall of the elevator and… Hanta. Hanta smiled as he peered at you, using his other hand to gently grab your chin and make you look at him, “I just wanted to say that…” he paused and leaned in next to your ear, “The walls in these apartments are pretty thin… Omega…” he said, pulling away with a satisfied smirk before running off and out the door of the apartment complex, leaving you in the elevator to deal with that.
After finally processing what had actually happened, you bolted out of the door, “WAIT! HANTA, COME BACK!”
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hispipsqueak · 3 years
Christmas Miracles
AN: aaaahhhh I just want Christmas with Sero okay?
Sero x F!Reader
TW: None, pure holiday fluff. Bakugo swears, but what else is new?
"All I'm saying is it's kind of like soba."
"How the heck is spaghetti with syrup like soba?"
Your friend group was sprawled in the common area, watching Elf. Well, trying to watch Elf. Denki was currently in a "debate" with Bakugo about how maybe the Buddy "was on to something with those recipes' '. You were squeezed between Sero and Kirishima, while Mina was sprawled in a bean bag on the floor. Bakugo was laying across the other couch and Denki laid on the floor on the mess of blankets and pillows you had all dragged from your rooms.
"The only way to find out is to try it!" Denki said, looking at Bakugo.
"Why the hell are you looking at me like that?" Bakugo grumbled, putting his hands behind his head.
"You are the best cook here-" Denki began before getting smacked in the face with a pillow.
"You're an idiot and I'm not making you that. That's disgusting." Bakugo yelled.
Sero laughed next to you and you could feel your skin heat up. You harbored a tiny, okay HUGE,  crush on the tape hero, and lately it seemed like anything he did had you swooning. But in an attempt to keep your friendship safe, you had no plans on telling him your feelings.
He had his arm slung casually on the back of the couch and playfully tugged at your hair. You stilled and strained to focus on what Denki was saying.
"...that's gonna be my Christmas Miracle" Denki said dreamily. 
"What do you mean? You can't just create a Christmas miracle." Mina said, laughing.
"I know. But I'm manifesting. GUYS WE SHOULD MANIFEST CHRISTMAS MIRACLES!" Denki replied excitedly. "My miracle will be that Bakugo makes me Elf spaghetti."
"I think maybe your miracle should be that Bakugo doesn't blow you up." Kirishima laughed. 
"My miracle is Denki actually gives us Christmas gifts this year instead of a coupon book for '1 Free Phone Charge'", Mina said rolling her eyes. "What about you, Y/N?"
"Can my miracle be that we actually finish this movie?", you said, shrugging. "Sorry Denki, but manifesting a Christmas miracle sounds so cheesy."
Sero smiled at you, "Sounds like someone is a bit of a Grinch."
You rolled your eyes. "Not a Grinch, just a realist."
The group eventually turned their attention back to the movie and aside from being hyper aware of Sero's fingers twirling through your strands, you felt pretty relaxed. The romance in the movie did tug at your heartstrings though. Even though you thought the idea of Christmas miracles was a little too Hallmark, you couldn't help but think of a certain dark-haired hero to sip hot chocolate with while you watched the snow fall. And maybe sharing a few kis-
"I THINK I FIGURED OUT Y/N'S MIRACLE!!" Denki's loud voice pulled you from your thoughts. "You want Elf!"
"His name's Buddy, dumbass!" Bakugo yelled.
"You are so right. I do want a tall elf to whisk me away." You responded rolling your eyes. "How did you ever uncover my secret?" You dramatically fell over onto Sero's lap. 
Mina wiggled her eyebrows, "So it's settled. Your Christmas miracle is TRUE LOVE!"
You laughed, trying to prevent the blush that was creeping up your neck. "If it will get you guys off my back, then sure."
Days passed, you became preoccupied with getting ready for the holidays, and Denki's "Christmas Miracles" were soon forgotten. Between decorating the dorms, baking sweets, and shopping for gifts, you were constantly busy. Of course this didn't stop you from daydreaming about Sero during any of the free time you had. 
It didn't help that he was always there. He offered to help decorate since "this tape ought to be good for something!". He convinced Bakugo to bake you gingerbread (though not without Bakugo grumbling the entire time), and he even offered to go shopping with you to help pick out stuff for the rest of the class.
"I think too much pink is probably a bad thing." You said while you two browsed through different jackets, "I mean Mina is pink, so maybe something in a different color would be better."
Sero shook his head smiling, "See this is why we had to come TOGETHER. You're a genius." He winked at you and you could feel your heart race. You quickly busied yourself in the next rack, in hopes he wouldn't notice that you were about to melt into a puddle.
You felt a hand grab yours and you looked up. He pointed at something behind you. "Let's go!". You turned and saw a hot chocolate vendor. Before you could react, Sero was dragging you over to the elderly man running the stand.
"Two of your fanciest, most festive hot chocolates, please! And don't you dare pull out your wallet, Y/N."
The older man smiled at you two. "The holidays are a magical time to be young and in love."
Your face flushed, "Oh, I, uh, we -"
"Are you flustered, mi amor?" Sero chuckled and wrapped his arm around you. The older man winked and handed you both your steaming drinks. 
"You take good care of each other." 
Sero led you to a table nearby where you could finish your drinks. You were still in shock of the situation and in an effort to do something, anything, you gulped your chocolate, immediately burning the roof of your mouth.
You shrieked, causing more of your drink to go down your throat, and so now you were a sputtering, blushing, burnt mess. Sero looked over at you and raised an eyebrow. 
"You know, they call it hot chocolate for a reason right, Y/N?", he teased. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag. "If you promise not to die on this date, I'll give you this."
Wait, WHAT? DATE? Like...a DATE, date?? Your eyes widened and he chuckled. "That's not a reassuring look."
He unfolded the bag and handed you a candy cane. 
"The old man gave them to me. He said sharing a candy cane is like giving someone half of your heart." 
You took the candy from him and your fingertips brushed. You could feel the electricity in the air.
Wait no, you actually felt electricity in the air. You turned around and saw Denki, Mina, and Kirishima dragging a very angry Bakugo and heading towards you. 
"There you guys are. I've been texting you like nonstop. BAKUGO AGREED!" Denki shouted cheerfully. Kirishima slid into the chair next to you and Mina sat next to Sero, looking between you two, the cups of half-finished hot chocolate, and the candy cane in your hand. You could see the gears turning in her head and then...
Sero looked at you apologetically and gathered your bags. Mina pulled on your arm and let the guys go ahead of you, while she whispered in your ear.
"So...you and Sero finally hook up?" she asked slyly.
"Nothing happened! He doesn't like me like that!"
"Oh so your face is just flushed because?"
"THE WIND, MINA!", you shouted exasperated.
 She shook her head at you and ruffled your hair. " Oh my dear sweet Y/N. Your Christmas Miracle will find you yet. I mean if Denki's came true, anything can happen."
Christmas Eve came sooner than expected and soon it was time to exchange gifts. Bakugo got you a sweater, because he couldn't "be seen with an idiot who looked homeless all the time", Mina got you a set of matching friendship bracelets, Kirishima got you a book of quotes by famous pro heroes, and Denki got you a wireless phone charger "in case I'm not there!".
"Denki, you actually got us gifts this year?" You asked incredulously. He grinned. "Hey, Bakugo made my Christmas miracle come true so I had to make Mina's."
"And technically, Bakugo didn't blow us up, so I'll take that as my Christmas miracle." Kirishima laughed.
"The day's not over, shitty hair!"
"Where's Sero?" you looked around. "I still have to give him his gift."
The rest of your friends looked at each other, and bolted for the door.
"Wait, what the hell?" You looked at the spaces where your friends were. "Are you guys abandoning me? On Christmas?!"
"Hey Y/N."
You turned around. There stood Sero, holding a present and wearing a green hat with sewed on elf ears. Your mouth fell open. 
"I know it's not the elf from the movie, but I thought maybe it would be okay?" He blushed and you about died.
You grinned and walked up to him.
"You're much better."
He smiled at you and pulled you closer to him. "Uh, also there's one more thing mi amor." he looked up. Your eyes followed and saw a sprig of mistletoe haphazardly taped to the door frame.
Well, guess there are such things as Christmas miracles.
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Makayla Part Three
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Sam Winchester x Reader
Words: 2149
Part One; Part Two
Summary: Tensions are high in the bunker as you make a plan of attack against the vampires. Sam tries to make up for lost time. Everyone bonds with the newest Winchester. 
Notes: Okay, writing Sam trying to figure out how to be a dad is sooooo fun. Also, Uncle Dean is possibly my favorite thing ever. I hope you guys enjoy part three to this series! I’m having a blast!
Special shout out to my amazing beta reader Sarah, @suckmysupernatural​ . I love her so much and honestly, she’s helped me so much in getting these imagines out for you and she has some absolutely killer writing of her own!
Want more Supernatural? Find it HERE
“Mom!” You woke up to the sound of your daughter screaming. “Mommy!” Makayla was kicking at the blankets, her little fists swinging at some invisible monster. Another nightmare. You grabbed her and pulled her into your arms. 
“It’s okay, baby. Wake up. I’ve got you.” You rocked her back and forth until her eyes opened, fat tears spilling onto her cheeks. “You’re alright, Kayla.”
“It was the monsters again. The shadow man.” 
“He isn’t here, baby.” You ran your fingers through her hair. “He can’t hurt you.” Your door flew open and Dean and Sam rushed in, Mary peaked out behind them. 
“What is it? Did it hurt you?” Sam rushed to the bed while Dean checked every corner, both holding their pistols. Mary even had a machete at the ready. 
“It’s okay, guys. She just had a bad dream.” You explained, groggily getting out of bed with Kayla still trembling in your arms. “Do you guys have any milk? That usually helps her calm down.” Sam thought for a moment, but Dean responded quickly. 
“Chocolate or white?” Sam turned and gave him a strange look. “What? That stuff is the nectar of the gods, Sammy.” Sam shook his head. 
“I can’t believe you're older than me.” 
“C-can I have chocolate milk, daddy?” Kayla sniffed.
“See, the kid gets it.” Dean scoffed. Mary smacked his arm. Sam was still processing being called dad. 
“Come on, I’ll take you to the kitchen.” Sam held out his arms to take her and you hesitated. Then you remembered that you had been doing this for four years and he had missed all of it. You tried to give him a peace making smile, but he ignored you. Makayla buried her face in his shoulder, trying to hide her tears like a tough girl. Sam sat her down and went over to the fridge, finding the chocolate milk hidden behind a case of beers. 
“I woke everybody up.” Makayla cried, covering her face with her small hands. Sam poured the milk and hurried back over to her. 
“Hey, no, it’s okay.” He soothed, gently pulling her hands away. “Here, have some of this.” He held up the glass of milk to her lips and she drank slowly, her tears eventually stopping. “Better?” She nodded slightly. Sam pulled up a chair beside her, setting the now half empty cup on the table. 
“I bet you never get scared.” Makayla looked at him, her big blue-green eyes filled with awe. Her eyes looked like his. Sam smiled. 
“I get scared all the time.” 
“Really?” She gasped. 
“Oh yeah. In fact, I have nightmares too.” Her mouth fell open and Sam continued, his tone sweet and caring. “I used to be really scared of my nightmares, but you know what I did?” She leaned forward excitedly. “I told myself that I can face anything as long as I remember that I’m not alone. So the next time that you get scared by the…”
“The shadow man.” She shivered. 
“Okay, the next time you get shared by the shadow man, you just remember that you’ve got me and your mom and your Uncle Dean and Grandma Mary. You’ve even got an angel on your side.” Her eyes widened.
“An angel?” Sam couldn’t help but laugh at her excitement. 
“That’s right, sweetie, Uncle Cas is like your guardian uncle.” Cas could barely guard himself most of the time, but she didn’t need to know that. “You can always fight your fears when you remember that you are never alone.” She hugged his arm, her cheek pressed against his shoulder. 
“My mom is right.” She beamed. “You are a hero.” And just like that, Sam Winchester’s heart melted and not just for the little girl clinging to him. Yup… he was in trouble.
Sam stayed up most of the night getting Makayla back to sleep so he slept in a little longer than the rest of the bunker. Mary got up first and made the coffee, followed by you and then a very disgruntled looking Dean. You were curled up in one of the chairs, looking over your journal. There had to be some way to connect all of your research to find the vampires’ nest. 
“It looks like that girl has got Sam wrapped around her finger already.” Mary smirked, looking at you as she sipped her coffee. She wasn’t your biggest fan, of course, but heart breaker or not, you still gave Sam what she had always hoped for him- a family of his own. Dean made a sound, but he was still only half awake. 
“So I’ve pinpointed the area of the nest, but not the specific location.” You slid your journal across the table to him. “During slower hunting seasons, they’ve stayed near home in Springfield, Colorado. As far as I know, there’s fifteen, maybe seventeen.” 
“Perfect,” Dean grumbled. You were about to add something when your eyes went wide.
“Dean!” You shrieked, pointing to the doorway. He turned around in confusion. 
“Oh god,” He jumped out of his chair and rushed to Makayla, who had somehow found his pistol and was now pointing it at his mother. “Hey kiddo, I’m going to need you to give that back to me.” He laughed nervously, holding out his hand. 
“How did she get that?” Mary exclaimed. 
“Hell if I know.” Dean kept smiling, hoping that Makayla would calmly hand over his very lethal weapon. 
“That’s a bad word, Uncle Dean.” Kayla scolded, shaking the pistol at him. Dean’s eyes widened frantically. 
“Makayla Mary Y/L/N, give him that gun. You know that it’s not a toy.” Your mom voice instinctively kicked in and Makayla pouted her lip, giving you her classic puppy dog gaze. You could tell that Dean’s resolve was failing to her cuteness, but you were holding strong. You put your hands on your hips. “Now.” She handed Dean his pistol and he quickly tucked it into his waistband. Mary was looking at you, blush spreading on her cheeks. 
“What did you say her name was?” She gasped. You hadn’t even realized that you said her full name. 
“It’s um, Makayla, after my best friend. And Mary… after you.” Even if Sam didn’t know when she was born, you still wanted his family to be a part of her. For the first time since you’d met, Mary looked at you without glaring. She looked really touched. 
“Piggyback ride!” Makayla squealed before suddenly jumping onto Dean’s back. 
“Son of a-” He started until you gave him a stern look. He glared back at you, but underneath his annoyance, he had a tone of affection in his voice when he spoke to his niece. “Alright kid, but only for a few laps.” You looked on with an amused smile. Dean even made a few horse noises, making Makayla giggle. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. It was Naomi, probably just calling to check in and make sure you were alright.
“Miss me already? How sweet.” You snarked. Your smirk dropped when it wasn’t her voice on the other line. 
“We’ve been looking for you for a long time.” The man drawled. Your heart dropped. You knew that voice. That night flashed through your head. That fake southern sweetness singing your name as they hunted you, your best friend’s blood still dripping from their lips. Montgomery. 
“Where’s Naomi?” You snapped, your changed tone catching Mary’s attention. 
“She was delicious.” He laughed. You tried to focus on your anger to cover up the pain that shot through your chest. 
“I’m going to end you, you bastard.” You said through gritted teeth. He just laughed. 
“We know all about the little team you’ve assembled. It’s touching really. To think I’ve inspired a family reunion.” The vamp mocked you and you could feel the hot tears blurring your vision. “Make no mistake, Y/N. They’ll all die. Starting with that handsome tall one, the one that knocked you up all those years ago. But don’t worry, I have bigger plans for you.” His voice changed to a terrifying growl. “I’m going to turn you, Y/N. Turn you into the thing you’ve hated for so long. And that brat will be your first kill.” 
Montgomery hung up and you looked at the phone with a shaking hand. Don’t let him get to you. Don’t let him get to you. You threw the phone against the wall, watching it shatter on the floor. You didn’t even see Sam standing there. You were lucky you missed his head. Dean put a frightened Makayla down. 
“Hey Kayla, why don’t you go with Grandma Mary for a little while?” Dean gave her a little push towards his mother and Mary took her to the other room. His flashed back to you. “The hell was that?”
“They killed Naomi.” You said, resisting the urge to wreck anything you could get your hands on, especially since Dean was the closest. “They killed her because she helped me.” Naomi was a good friend. Whenever you needed someone to watch over Makayla, it was Naomi’s place that you took her to. No questions as long as you came back in one piece. 
“I’m sorry.” Sam sighed. His kind tone nearly made you break. You needed someone to yell, to blame you for letting this happen. 
“We’ve got to take this sons of bitches out.” Dean was itching to kill and he knew you were too. 
“We need a plan first, Dean. We can’t just go in swinging machetes.” Sam scoffed. “We don’t even know where they are.” 
“We can always draw them out.” You suggested. “They want me, they can come and get me.” 
“What? No.” Sam exclaimed. “That’s not even remotely an option.”
“Sam, it might be the only way to get to them.” You refuted. “They’ve been hunting me for too long. If Montgomery wants to dance, then I say ‘let’s dance’.”
“Did you suddenly forget that this isn’t just about you?” His jaw clenched and he crossed the kitchen to you. 
“I’m doing this for Makayla.” 
“No, you’re doing this for you!” Your faces were too close together and the look in his eyes made you take a step back. “You’ve gotten that sweet girl messed up in your fight for revenge when she should have grown up playing with teddy bears and Barbies.” That was the last straw. This wasn’t just about you. 
“I am not John, Sam.” You spat. How dare he stand there and call you a bad mother? Sam just glared. 
“Really, cause it seems to me you’re just like him. Makayla is growing up just like I did. A parent obsessed with vengeance, no regard for how screwed up they’re making their kid!” He barely finished his sentence before you slapped him.
 Nobody said a word. Sam jerked his head back towards you and Dean was ready to step in before this got ugly. The moment was interrupted, however, by the quiet sound of crying. Your heart dropped and a wave of guilt washed over both you and Sam. Makayla looked up at her parents. 
“We’re supposed to be a family.” She bawled. “Why do you have to fight?” Before either of you could say anything, she took off down the hall. 
“Makayla!” Sam yelled, feeling absolutely awful. 
“Kayla, honey come back!” The three of you went after her, but it was a big bunker and she was a pretty small child. “Makayla!”
“Damn that kid is fast.” Dean muttered. You stopped. 
“Okay, Dean, you go check the dungeon, I’ll go check the bedrooms, and Sam you can look in the garage.” You suggested. Sam nodded, your fight put aside, but not forgotten. His cheek still stung a little. 
“Makayla!” He called out, hearing you and Dean depart for your designated areas. He opened the door to the garage and was surprised to find the door open. “Makayla, come on out.” A cold breeze blew in and he noticed a little huddled form just outside the garage door. He took off his flannel and slowly peeked outside. “Sweetheart, what are you doing out here?” He draped his shirt around her. It might as well have been a blanket. 
“I-I don’t like yelling. The shadow man always yells.” She cried. Sam sighed. He had made his daughter cry because he couldn’t just face his real feelings for you. 
“I’m so sorry sweetie, you’re mom and I were having a disagreement. We won’t yell anymore.” 
“Why did Mommy hit you?” 
“She didn’t mean to.” He gave her a convincing smile. Makayla peeked over his shoulder. 
“Who’s that?” Sam’s brows furrowed together. 
“Wh-” His head was slammed into the ground before he could even turn around. 
“Leave my daddy alone!” Makayla cried and a person in all black picked her up. 
“No…” Sam said hazily, his consciousness slowly fading. “Makayla…”
Continue to Part Four
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado
Supernatural: @desimarie12; @deandreamernp; @vicmc624​; @halesandy​ @livshaes​;  @d-whinchestergirl87​;  @mrspeacem1nusone​
Sam Winchester: @theamuz;  @adeliness​
Makayla Series: @rhiannon-the-troublemaker​; @hoboal87​
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aj-the-cat · 3 years
~ Chapter 2 ~ Masterlist
Word Count: 1683
Scorpion's Roost
Solidarity, Texas
(Dedicated to all 100+ followers. Enjoy!)
Undertaker left the saloon that afternoon utterly confused. What whas that cowboy doing? He didn't understand humans, ever since he turned immortal he forgot all about being one. All memories left him except one particular one. Why it stayed, he had no idea. It tormented him.
Eventually his walking led to him being inside the comfort of his funeral parlor. His gathered up thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind as he took off his hat and overcoat. A large black cat met him at the door. It was pudgy, and the look on its face resembled one an irritated human could pull. Its face was also very pudgy, and a shrill meow left its mouth to gain the attention of the tall man.
"I just got home, Paul. Settle down please. It's been a long day." Another shrill meow. "Who cares if I've been drinking?! I'm immortal, it's not gonna hurt me. Now leave me be, I want to be alone." A scoff-like noise came from the cat, then he left, his pudgy paws padding on the floorboard. "Ever since he put himself in a cat, he's been more annoying than ever, I swear." Undertaker told himself.
Sighing, Undertaker pulled off his shoes and threw them somewhere. He'll find them in the morning. His socks, belt, vest and shirt flew off somewhere as well, leaving him in just his slacks. His pale skin glowed in the moonlight from a window, as well as the mysterious patterns on his arms. Intricate demonic designs littered his arms like sleeves, stopping at his shoulders. They appeared the night he turned immortal.
Undertaker staggered a little, the whiskey in his body finally taking effect. His head buzzed. He took slow and steady steps to his bedroom, careful not to bump into any precious coffins he made. Blueprints littered the countertops everywhere, with all sorts of designs for coffins.
His staggering journey took him to his wanted destination and he flopped facedown on his bed, inhaling the scent of his own cologne and a hint of cat. 'Paul must've slept here', He thought.
Deciding not to get up, his mind wandered back to the small cowboy at the bar. He didn't understand humans and their frivolous ways. Always rubbing themselves against each other for pleasure just to end up sad and lonely afterword. Letting out a yawn, he turned himself over to stare at the ceiling, eventually falling asleep from the large amount of whiskey in his body.
Light snores escaped Undertaker's body. He seemed peaceful, until his occasional twitches turned into thrashes. Fire was all he could see. Orange flames swallowing up a house. Screams. All he could do was watch in horror as the house he grew up in was swallowed by bright flames. "Mother! Father! Kane!" His mouth moved on its own. The screams died down, until all you could hear was the crackling of the fire. Undertaker fell to his knees, helpless. He just watched his parents and brother die in a fire caused by his foolish hand.
A scream left the lips on the undead man and he flew up from his bed. Sweat and tears dripped down his body and cheeks as his breathing staggered. Undertaker gripped his head in his hands and slowed his breathing to a normal rate. He hated falling asleep. This nightmare plagued him.
After calming himself for a few minutes, Undertaker slowly got out of his bed and found his scattered clothes one by one. He placed them in a basket and went back to his bedroom. Paul, the cat, sat on his bed. "I don't need to hear anything from you." Undertaker growled out. The cat just shook his head and jumped off the bed, heading to another part of the parlor. Sighing, Undertaker grabbed clothes from his dresser and a towel and headed to the pond behind the parlor.
He stripped his pants and undergarments and padded into the cool water. The cold temperature didn't bother him. There was a bucket with cleaning supplies at the other side of the pond, but Undertaker didn't bother to grab it for right now. He wanted to relax.
After sitting in the water for a while, Undertaker decided it was time to wash himself so he moved towards the bucket. He quickly dunked his head underwater to get it wet and grabbed the shampoo, but stopped when he heard voices. 'What the fuck? This is my private pond!', he thought.
The voices grew louder and Undertaker panicked and dipped his head underwater until only his eyes and top of his head could be seen. Who needs to breathe anyways?
The cowboy and his partner appeared from the bushes surrounding the pond, followed by two other guys. They were both big and burly, but the darker haired one was just a bit shoter than the bigger blonde.
"Voila. Found it a couple weeks ago while me n' Scott were running from a sheriff. Been our secret pond since." The bigger of the four said. 'Except this is my pond and I made it myself, dick head.', Undertaker narrowed his eyes. The small cowboy scanned the pond and smiled. "Last one in is a rattlesnakes lover!" He shouted and started stripping.
Undertakers eyed widened. 'No, no no no no!' He watched in horror as the four strangers stripped to their undergarments and jumped into his pond. 'And I thought I would have a good day...' He thought. The cowboy started splashing everybody, getting lots of water on the bank and dirtying up the clean water with dirt and debris.
'That fuckin does it.' Undertaker's eyes became black. The rest of his head emerged from the water, and he focused in on the cowboy from yesterday. 'Want to intrude on my life? Fine.' His horns started to sprout, but the cowboy noticed him.
"Hey! Its the man from the bar yesterday! What are you doing in this pond?" The three other men looked to where the cowboy had pointed out. Undertaker quickly averted his eyes back to green and the horn nubs desappeared. He said nothing.
"Shawn, who's that?" The cowboy's original companion asked. The two other men stayed silent. The cowboy- Shawn -chuckled. "Just some hot guy from the bar yesterday. Surprise seeing you here! How'd you find the pond?" Shawn asked. Undertaker narrowed his eyes. "I live in the building right in front of this pond. I own it." He spat.
Shawn's eyes widened, then narrowed in confusion. "But Kev-"
"GET OUT!" Undertaker yelled. His eyes turned back to black and he stood up fully, exposing his muscular torso and marked arms. Shawn blushed.
A growl started in the throat of Undertaker, and the four outlaws panicked and scrambled over one another to try to get out and away from the demonic man in the pond. They grabbed their stuff and jumped the fence, the taller of the four accidentally knocking over Shawn's original companion in the process.
Undertaker sighed in annoyance, and his eyes slowly turned back to normal. His bath was ruined, the pond probably contaminated, and he just exposed himself to the cowboy from the bar. He mentally slapped himself and finished his washing.
Grabbing his new clothes and towel, he quickly dried himself and put on black slacks, grey dress shirt and black dress vest. He would ditch the tie and overcoat today, he planned to spend the day inside his parlor working on coffins.
He walked up the path to his parlor, making sure Paul's food bowl was filled, as well as the flower garden not trampled or littered with bugs. The daisy's were nice and fragrent, the roses with beautiful colors, snapdragons at attention, and the peonies-
"What the hell happened to my peonies?!" Undertaker exclaimed. Dirt and flowers were scattered. Boot prints led a trail to the other side of the parlor. "Somebody dug up my peonies..."
Paul stalked up and sat his pudgy body beside Undertaker. His shrill meow didn't faze Undertaker, he was too busy mourning the loss of his flowers and plotting ways to kill the flower murderer.
Undertaker kneeled down and palmed at the dug up soil, finding tiny roots from flowers and scattered petals. "I'm gonna kill whoever did this." He growled. Paul meowed and licked one his paws. Undertaker still didn't bat an eye.
Sighing, he stood back up and walked through the back door of his parlor, Paul hot on his heels. Or however fast a fat cat can keep up with a 6'10 zombie.
Inside, Undertaker threw his dirty clothes and towel in a nearby room and walked to the front doors of his parlor. 'I really don't want to open today but I guess I have to.' He thought as he opened the doors, letting mid-morning light flood his front room.
He looked around, and noticed pink on the ground. He looked, and a bad bouqet of pink peonies messily thrown together sat on the ground. The roots were still intact. Grunting, Undertaker bent down and picked up the bouqet. A messy note was attached.
'Sorry for playing in your pond. I hope these make up a good apology. - Shawn'
"I'm gonna fucking kill him." Undertaker growled. He resisted the urge to hold the flowers close, as he was in broad daylight, but he did when he turned to go back in his parlor. "Of all people, why did HE get invloved in two days worth of my life?!" He thought aloud.
Paul padded up to Undertaker and gave another shrill meow. This time, Undertaker noticed him and rolled his eyes. "No, I don't even know him. He just came up to me in the bar yesterday and tried to fraternize with me." Undertaker replied. Paul meowed harshly. "Shut up! Not like you can do anything, you're just a cat." Paul huffed, and swiped at the mans ankles.
Undertaker pulled his leg up just in time and shooed off his pesky human-like cat. Paul ran off, leaving Undertaker with his peonies and murderous thoughts.
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