#he won’t let me rest
kuroosdarling · 1 year
gojos arms this. gojos thighs that. it’s time we discussed gojos slutty lil waist
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yonglixx · 1 year
I see u
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it was queued 😂😂 idk why this made me laugh
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n1blakelover · 4 months
if callum does not gently caress her chin and pull her closer while staring at her lovingly and glance down to her lips before kissing her in the most sickingly loving and adoring way ever i will lose my god forsaken mind
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Well, it’s been a week and I've had time to cool down and put together my thoughts on Season of the Seraph and its ending. So here goes.
The season finale plot did not require Rasputin to die. "The eliksni are trying to get control of the warsats" is literally a strike. If the warsats needed to be taken off the table as a get-out-of-jail-free card we could have blown the network and kept Rasputin himself. There was an active decision to kill him. Having thought about it, I think I understand why this decision was made - but I still think it's a terrible decision, and I'll explain why.
Before we start, I don't want to sound like I'm going after Destiny's narrative team either personally or professionally. I'm not calling them terrible writers, much less terrible people. I don't know them! They might even be terrible people, for all I know. While I refer to a single monolithic "narrative team," I know in reality there are multiple groups working on different stories. I’m not a professional writer, and they are. And I genuinely believe all of them are talented people who work hard and care about Destiny. But that doesn't mean I don't have some criticisms.
After considering it I think there are three possible reasons to kill Rasputin:
1). The narrative team believed this was a good emotional conclusion that brought closure to his character arc in Destiny. In this case I just think they're flat-out wrong. I'd say "I respect it" but I kind of don't because I think it's so terribly wrong. I don't know what other people think Rasputin's character arc involved, but I won't get closure till Rasputin faces the Witness again and finally ends the war he's been trapped in for centuries. But I get why they would do it, if they believed this. And that final mission was really good. I had a hard time noticing at the time, but it was very well-done, and the cutscene proper was well-shot, -scripted, and -acted (though I'm still angry about the Traveler upstaging Rasputin's death). They put a huge amount of effort into it and into the story work all season long.
But his death being well-done doesn’t change whether I think it was a good narrative choice. Even saying “Rasputin’s arc should conclude here,” the way it was set up had him sacrificing himself to basically cancel himself out. Unless they’re saving up a plot twist, Rasputin ultimately contributed nothing to the fight. He didn’t do any damage to the Fleet or Witness, or anything to stymie Xivu Arath. He died thinking he’d never helped humanity at all and it was safer if he didn’t exist. I don’t know about you, but I find that extremely unsatisfying.
2). Someone doesn't like Rasputin/doesn't know what to do with him. This is two reasons, but they overlap. The Operation: Sancus mission dialogue pissed me off because it gave me the impression that whoever was writing it really didn't like Rasputin and was taking the chance to morally excoriate him. A more subtle version recurs in the final mission where Rasputin is essentially sacrificing himself to null out his own existence - saying "as long as I exist I'm a threat to humanity" - as if he can't ever help or contribute more than endanger people, which is just flat-out wrong. "Humanity doesn't need a Warmind" you're part of humanity, Red. He’s a person; he doesn’t need to justify living. If someone just decided Rasputin Was Bad Actually I’d be very angry indeed. But I don't think it's that personal. Destiny has lots of writers and multiple narrative teams will touch the same work. One person's distaste probably wouldn't steer an entire season.
Related, however, is the reason that maybe no one knows what to do with Rasputin. To be honest I sympathize with this one. Would it shock anyone to hear I've thought about how I would script a Rasputin-focused season? It's surprisingly hard to build a plot around him. A game needs to be interactive and Rasputin's kind of all or nothing - either he can handle the whole problem himself or he can't do anything at all. Red also mostly plays defense. He doesn't have a goal he's working towards other than "kill the Witness/save humanity." You need to come up with a plausible goal that we can believably help him achieve, and that's nontrivial. But, well, that's why I'm not a professional games writer and these people are. "Not sure what do" is not IMO sufficient justification for assassinating one of Destiny's oldest characters/factions.
3). The Destiny narrative team is trying to "declutter" the setting and foreground story by sidelining characters who take a lot of lore to understand. I think this is the real reason, and it's worth talking more about.
A lot of us lore-nerds have long complained about Destiny not foregrounding its setting and story, and Bungie has responded by trying to do so. I think we didn't consider what that would actually look like. Imagine Destiny's story like a long movie. Now imagine people are constantly coming and going from the audience, and everyone who comes in has to nudge their neighbor and go, "hey, what's happening?" Destiny is always (hopefully) acquiring new players, and existing ones are dropping out and coming back. Even most established players either don't read the lore or don't track/remember it. We the lore-keepers are very much the anomaly. If we want story to be a focus, that story also has to be more accessible to new players, lapsed players, people who don't bother reading loretabs, etc., because otherwise it harms their experience and there's a lot more of them than there are of us.
I think this is why we've seen a lot of seasons that introduce whole new concepts - the eliksni Sacred Splicers, for instance - rather than following on existing storylines. Introducing a mostly-new concept puts new and old players on a similar footing. Haunted is another type of compromise between the goal of furthering the story and the goal of making it accessible. Calus and Leviathan are back, but so warped that old players have as much to learn as new ones, and the Sever missions dive deep into character pasts but pretty explicitly describe the emotional arcs they're illustrating, so you don't have to be familiar with that character to get what they're going through. To those who already know Zavala, Crow, etc., it seems laughably obvious and strained. But to those who just got here, this is their first time learning not just about Safiyah but also about Zavala. I think this is also why there have been multiple casual retcons of minor stuff - there isn't time to explain the history, and they've decided it's not worth confusing people.
Rasputin is old. He's been a significant part of Destiny since literally the pre-Alpha test. The complexity and history that are part of why we love the Warmind also make him hell to explain to new people. It takes a decent amount of lore to get invested in his character and since Beyond Light none of that lore is featured in-game. Pre-Season of the Seraph, anyone who began with Beyond Light literally never met him. They never visited Hellas Basin, which is one big environmental story about Rasputin, and The Will of Thousands strike, which demonstrates Red's power and contains many possible dialogues that emphasize him trusting you/acting as an ally, left the playlist ages ago. Since then a new player's only gameplay interaction with him has been Fallen SABER, in which Red yells incoherent Russian and tries to flatten you with a warsat. Is it a surprise relatively new players might not be up on his character arc?
Season of the Seraph, with its narrative of rebuilding Rasputin from the ground up, would be a perfect time to introduce new players to Red's long history, and they...kind of...did that. They worked in Felwinter although then for some reason felt the need to retcon in the whole "Clovis wanted to destroy the Traveler" plan. If you were a new player who didn't know anything about Destiny lore, and you just played Season of the Seraph, you'd get an entire canned arc for Rasputin that hits the early high notes: built to be a weapon, rebelled against his constraints, humanities nerd, big smite, loves Ana and Elsie, makes mistakes but genuinely cares and wants to help.
But that's where Seraph stops. In existing lore (I almost typed "in reality") Rasputin worked out the whole "not a weapon" thing well back during the Golden Age. For a lot of us Warmind fans the most interesting parts of his story happened after that - the entire Collapse, confrontation with Darkness, years of hiding, etc., not to mention all his character development during Warmind and Worthy. He's gone through a lot, and Seraph misses all of it (except Felwinter) in favor of rehashing the same arc for a third time. It's like when moviemakers keep rebooting a superhero origin story. It may be a good story, but eventually we'd like to move on to the other parts we enjoy: this sleeping giant, hard scifi AI, grouchy old bastard, lost lore of the Golden Age, champion of humanity, learning from defeat, learning to trust again, the morality and trauma of warfare - what it means to lose a war - a being never meant to become what he was transforming still further, still unfolding his own potential.
So understanding why they might have done this doesn't excuse what I still see as a terrible narrative choice. I think dropping Rasputin is a major waste of potential, and he's far from the only tricky character to explain. Osiris, or at least the Cult of Osiris, is similarly old. His story is complex and weird and requires knowledge from Curse and earlier, yet he's still playing a major role. Other current characters like Elsie, Saladin, and Crow also need a decent amount of knowledge about previous game events to get why they are the way they are. Saladin's origin story isn't even in this game. It's not Rasputin's fault the game went three years without so much as mentioning him outside of written lore. What was wrong with the great Xivu-Rasputin “war god” parallels most of the season worked to set up, about the intent of violence? Are we never going to explore those? Are we just throwing out all the dialogues planning a role for Red in the upcoming war? Why did we have a dramatic confrontation about trusting Rasputin to operate independently if he were going to be gone in a month anyway? Just in Seraph alone the number of interesting plot threads abruptly trashed by this death argues against it.
Rasputin's longevity is precisely part of why he should stick around. In the first mission of Destiny 1 you wake up in his shadow. He has a history with us. There's just no one quite like him in Destiny. He's not just a character but an entire faction. He explores a part of story space that no one else does. He resonates with us as people rather than players. I assume Neomuna will pick up the Golden Age banner, but it’s a thriving city; Rasputin represented the ruins, the dangers of a dead age, the shadow of apocalypse. He's also maybe the most Guardian-like character and one of the best to weave a parallel/cautionary tale - were we, too, only made to be weapons? But if Rasputin didn't stay a weapon, can we too transcend that intention? And of all the factions in our solar system, the two with the most personal scores to settle with the Witness are the eliksni and Rasputin, and Misraaks'/Eramis' story has focused much more on the Traveler's flight than the Fleet's attack. Of everyone in Destiny Rasputin has the most desperately personal motive for revenge on the monochrome bastard. Now he's not even going to be there to watch it crash and burn.
I understand that foregrounding story also comes with the requirement that it be accessible to those who don't do their lore homework. I appreciate the monumental amount of work that's gone into doing that and the experimental nature of it. But I think the balance has skewed too far towards accessibility. Stuff like the end of Season of Plunder that has zero narrative motivation or continuity and doesn't even get a pretend justification drives me absolutely batty. You can only break internal rules so many times before players stop buying whatever narrative stakes you're trying to set up. Making the story easier to follow doesn't mean characters have to be cartoonishly-exaggerated caricatures like Clovis was in Seraph - just absolutely cartoonishly evil - or reduced to one or two character motives explicitly laid out for the player (though, credit where credit is due, Clovis was hilarious.) It doesn't mean the dialogue has to be as subtle as a Thundercrash. It doesn't mean you get a blank check to retcon or invent whatever's needed to create the intended character arc. If anything that discourages looking further into lore - why bother to learn it when next season will change it all again? I think Y5 represents a lot of experimentation by the Destiny narrative team, and I really respect that. But I also hope they learn what didn’t work from it, and sacrificing Rasputin in an ultimately pointless and unnecessary finale is a major misstep.
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kyngsnake · 3 months
you know the tough thing about fostering a litter of 9 from birth, knowing you plan to keep one, is how hard it is to actually pick one
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harping on this
1 blaine: how come youre in the wizard eyes realm? is-- it’s you, right? can you hear me? ...can i.. help you?
spader, backing away: ah-- blaine: oh- shh, shhh, i won’t-- i won’t.
2 blaine: oh, yeah, i lost my shoe, huh?
blaine: are you not talking because you’re overwhelmed, or because being in the wizard eyes dimension prevents it? spader: (holds up one finger) blaine: the first one? spader: (nods)
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dutybcrne · 2 months
Kaeya most definitely made at least one joke about how bc Addie and Elzer helped keep him alive during Luc’s Adventurous 4yrs Adventures Abroad, he was gonna make himself their problem.
Addie will never forget to bring up he has yet to make good on his threat every time he visits.
#hc; kaeya#Kae: You saved my life. now you’re never gonna get rid of me. I might just stick around & make yall miserable lol#Addie: fucken BET#//Every time he rolls around to the Winery on business after that she’s just Where is the misery you promised Master Kaeya :)#//‘Thought you said we’d never be rid of you :)’ ‘Addie I—‘ ‘You wouldt DARE lie to me would u Master Kaeya? :)’#//Elzer is more low key abt it#//But in a silly way that sounds awful out of context#//Like ‘Y’know; we could always use a little more misery around here. why don’t you stick around longer :)’#//Everybody and Luc stares blankly in disbelief and or confusion; meanwhile Addie’s lurking nearby while Kae’s sweatin bullets#//Just ‘why won’t they let that GO: aaaaAAAAA-‘#//Luc learning abt the bit might make Kae tormenting him at the tavern go down easier#//Like ‘Ah; he’s here to deliver the misery he promised :)’#//Only to regret everything and his life choices(/j) the INSTANT Kae opens his mouth#//Each time he sees him dropping by to clown; he rests a little easier knowing Kae is sticking around; however it goes down#//Has a heckin STRESS every time he decides to Cats Tail instead#hc; diluc#//Sigh; that goes there now hdbdb#//do I need to tag for the dark humor. and if so how#//Anywho back on subject; Kae would crack jokes abt this to exceedingly close ppl like Jean or Varka; too#//He got a MASSIVE lecture from each of them the first and only times he cracked that sort of joke#//Abt how important he in fact rlly IS to them; and misery is the LAST thing he’d EVER give them#//Which hurt him more than them insulting or denouncing him bc NOW he feels guilty & anxious#//Like he feels he inevitably WILL bring them misery; no matter how hard he strives otherwise#//And boy oh BOY would he try to avoid it for them in particular; just as he would Addie and Elzer#//Luc; he’s just being a LIL bit spiteful; LIL bit attention seeking#//Getting attention/keeping him in his life the best way he knows how without worrying Luc will see it as a sign to try & bridge the gap
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troubleshade · 1 year
You have been given my Leo design, he says
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In a timeline where Leo is more acquainted with the Sakura Family and became a regular visitor, he needs to bear with the throughly check up from Aster... and his constant ranting.
This version of Leo belongs to @turtlebutters
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pallases · 9 months
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ugghouly · 1 year
Ok so ever since the finale I’ve been seeing some takes that say that the titan revealing the glyphs to Luz and hiding them from belos undermines the whole no chosen one thing and???? I don’t get how people are coming to that conclusion. They literally fucking say it too. Luz just happened to be there. The Titan tried to hide their magic from Belos because Belos wanted to hurt people. Beloz wanted to control and kill people. Luz followed owlbert into the isles by complete happenstance, the only reason the Titan actively helped her find the glyphs is because she wasn’t a fucking facist and she was already looking of them. And after she found them she kept looking for them. A lot of people’s success in life is because of other people’s help; parents financial support, that one life changing teacher who really believes in you, the friends who cheered you on. Luz didn’t not carve out her own destiny because she had help. And the help was only even sent her way because she was fucking being herself. The Titan had extra faith in her because she was loving and caring to king. If Luz did nothing of her own merit she would have never even found the first glyph because she found it studying eda’s light spell trying to protect king.
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retrogradedreaming · 11 months
Started jjk s2 for fun and I’ve reached the shibuya arc and I am no longer having a good time
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pepprs · 2 years
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#to translate this post: someone liked this post i made (on the upper left) on AUGUST 28 having a moment of self awareness that i was running#away from my whole life and not moving or learni ng to drive or anything. it is now march 8. it has been almost 7 months. and i have made#basically zero progress. and there is nothing stopping me but me. i could read the drivers manual and whatever whenever i want. but i am not#doing anything. and i don’t know how to get myself to start.#purrs#i know it’s a cop out excuse but i truly do think it’s covid. i think being in lockdown for a year and a half made me just let go of any#sense of progress. made me scared to take steps forward. and i mean i did bc i lived on campus for a while after that but it’s like.. EVERY#part of my life is stagnant rn it seems. and it’s not just me it’s my siblings too. we’re all getting older but none of us is trying to move#out or gain our independence in any way and my brother isn’t even looking for jobs even though he needs one. we’re all just getting older#but we’ve lost (or maybe had knocked out of us by covid and our mom being so strict) any sense of moving ipward and spreading our wings.#forgotten we have wings at all. and ive done important things like going on a house tour or traveling with my besties (<3). but i have only#made it to page 8 of the drivers manual and i truly do not want to read the rest of it. i have only been on one house tour and im longing to#move out but how much am i really because i can’t bring myself to schedule another tour and start searching for a new home in earnest.#i just come home every day UTTERLY exhausted and spend all my free time trying to process or rest. and im not making room for myself to use#my wings. and it’s truly terrible. why are we all okay with living like this. my younger self would be HORRIFIED if she saw how much i had a#atrophied since graduating and moving back home. my brighton self would be HORRIFIED. i told myself i wouldn’t and then it’s exactly what i#did. and ik im being harsh and ive spread my wings in some important ways during this time but… these are so obvious. such low hanging#fruit in some ways. bc any 16 year old can take this test and pass it so why can’t i at 24? why won’t i let myself? dont i want a nice cozy#home i make my own where i can eat what i want and sleep when i want and have control over sounds? then why am i not running for it?#delete later#i am wasting my youth i am wasting my youth i am wasting my youth 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 my one precious life 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃#also LMFAOOOOO the next tag on that aug 28 post was that i need to get a new campus id card… guess who hasn’t done that either ♥️
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ziracona · 1 year
I’m going to ruin Veronica’s life to save her in the long term, but I know how bad it will be, and how miserable she will be for a while, so I’m taking her to the Tops to show her the shows at Ace’s and a good time.
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akkivee · 2 years
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idk how the stage can get kuukou so wrong
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while also getting him so right holy shit
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lilgynt · 2 years
common thick hair dub started pulling chunks of hair out can’t even tell where
#personal#it was at the front of my head too like damn bitch. my hairline.#my mom said she’s sending dad to a home bc we obviously can’t do it#and i was like oh for sure if that’s best but don’t do that bc of me pulling hair#i’ve been self harming since ten cmon this is pretty normal#she was like 🤨 okay#i drafted this and then not kidding my dad#okay so first hair pull came bc my dad requested the rest room at like 11:40#which like fair you gotta piss you gotta piss#walk him down with the walker but he got turned around and disoriented in the bathroom#god im so awful he’s not eating to stop using the bathroom to stop bothering us then i’m crying at 3 am walking him there#anyway so he’s like where am i and im like the bathroom and he’s like i don’t need to use the bathroom my bad#walk him back - he’s like take me to the bathroom#and we’re like?? do you need to go?#and he’s like no i just want to know the path for myself#and he won’t let my mom get five steps away she’s severly sleep deprived and tells him no#you’re going to bed i’m going to bed grahams goign to bed and they’re fighting#dads like i’m gonna leave to find someone outside to help me#moms grabbing my arm and walking away and dads right there and then i’m screaming at them#cause i understand both my dads so anxious and scared and my mom is so exhausted#anyway yelling works everyone stops fighting blah blah mom goes to bed dad does too#five minutes later hear my dad in the living room clattering around and walk in to him holding the tv up and it’s FALLING#so i run over pick it up and my fucking god#we were talking earlier how he thought the tv was a door bc of the light#and he was trying to? get out? go to the rest room? i don’t know#either way walk him to the bathroom and back#cry go to bed cover my ears when i hear him clap for help again at 3 am then get up and help him#mom scared the shit out of me i was setting up the water for my dad and crying and my mom just APPEARED in the shadows#i feel so bad she saw that bc i closed her door and left mine open so she could sleep!!!!!!#she’s sleeping on the couch with him rn i should wake her up and let her go to bed but i dont want to i dont want to i dont how she does it
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turnsorrow · 2 years
remakes my tags bc i hate the style they are currently. ☠️ tag drop pardon me. ALSO TY FOR THE NICE POST COMMENTS Y’ALL PLS KEJNRHMKJNM UR SWEET.
#✦ — alisaie. ╱ but i know i won’t die‚ i’ll live through your sacrifice. ◞#✦ — alphinaud. ╱ the answer’s in the stars‚ that everything i am is because of you. ◞#✦ — leveilleur twins. ╱ if you were drowning out at sea‚ i’d give my lungs so you could breathe. ◞#✦ — ic. ╱ you must take the next step‚ and all the rest after that. ◞#✦ — a realm reborn. ╱ your kindness keeps a lonely company. ◞#✦ — heavensward. ╱ do you walk in the shadows of men. ◞#✦ — stormblood. ╱ from an empty sea‚ a flash of light. ◞#✦ — shadowbringers. ╱ hold your colours against the light. ◞#✦ — endwalker. ╱ dark days will never have the final say. ◞#✦ — newfound adventure. ╱ put your hand in my hand. ◞#✦ — dear amaurot. ╱ salve me fons pietatis. ◞#✦ — warrior of light. ╱ if i only could‚ i’d make a deal with god‚ and get her to swap our places. ◞#✦ — scions of the seventh dawn. ╱ i’m counting on you to be my wings and my eyes. ◞#✦ — louisoix. ╱ and now i tell a single truth‚ there’s you in everything i do. ◞#✦ — ameliance. ╱ i will give them shelter as you have done for me. ◞#✦ — fourchenault. ╱ never in my wildest dreams would i come running home to you. ◞#✦ — ascians. ╱ hold to the time that you know‚ you don't have to give up to let go. ◞#✦ — urianger. ╱ hurt and grieve but don’t suffer alone. ◞#✦ — g’raha. ╱ were you ever lost‚ was he ever found? ◞#✦ — musings. ╱ heal with the past moving in‚ but letting a new day begin. ◞
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